Programs & Examples On #Dynamic typing

Dynamic Typing is a property of a programming language where type checks are performed mostly at run time.

How to identify numpy types in python?

To get the type, use the builtin type function. With the in operator, you can test if the type is a numpy type by checking if it contains the string numpy;

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: a = np.array([1, 2, 3])

In [3]: type(a)
Out[3]: <type 'numpy.ndarray'>

In [4]: 'numpy' in str(type(a))
Out[4]: True

(This example was run in IPython, by the way. Very handy for interactive use and quick tests.)

What is the difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages?

Simply put it this way: in a statically typed language variables' types are static, meaning once you set a variable to a type, you cannot change it. That is because typing is associated with the variable rather than the value it refers to.

For example in Java:

String str = "Hello";  //variable str statically typed as string
str = 5;               //would throw an error since str is supposed to be a string only

Where on the other hand: in a dynamically typed language variables' types are dynamic, meaning after you set a variable to a type, you CAN change it. That is because typing is associated with the value it assumes rather than the variable itself.

For example in Python:

str = "Hello" # variable str is linked to a string value
str = 5       # now it is linked to an integer value; perfectly OK

So, it is best to think of variables in dynamically typed languages as just generic pointers to typed values.

To sum up, type describes (or should have described) the variables in the language rather than the language itself. It could have been better used as a language with statically typed variables versus a language with dynamically typed variables IMHO.

Statically typed languages are generally compiled languages, thus, the compilers check the types (make perfect sense right? as types are not allowed to be changed later on at run time).

Dynamically typed languages are generally interpreted, thus type checking (if any) happens at run time when they are used. This of course brings some performance cost, and is one of the reasons dynamic languages (e.g., python, ruby, php) do not scale as good as the typed ones (java, c#, etc.). From another perspective, statically typed languages have more of a start-up cost: makes you usually write more code, harder code. But that pays later off.

The good thing is both sides are borrowing features from the other side. Typed languages are incorporating more dynamic features, e.g., generics and dynamic libraries in c#, and dynamic languages are including more type checking, e.g., type annotations in python, or HACK variant of PHP, which are usually not core to the language and usable on demand.

When it comes to technology selection, neither side has an intrinsic superiority over the other. It is just a matter of preference whether you want more control to begin with or flexibility. just pick the right tool for the job, and make sure to check what is available in terms of the opposite before considering a switch.

Regex match text between tags



Bootstrap table without stripe / borders

This one worked for me.

<td style="border-top: none;">;

The key is you need to add border-top to the <td>

Is there a better way to iterate over two lists, getting one element from each list for each iteration?

Iterating through elements of two lists simultaneously is known as zipping, and python provides a built in function for it, which is documented here.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = [4, 5, 6]
>>> zipped = zip(x, y)
>>> zipped
[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
>>> x2, y2 = zip(*zipped)
>>> x == list(x2) and y == list(y2)

[Example is taken from pydocs]

In your case, it will be simply:

for (lat, lon) in zip(latitudes, longitudes):
    ... process lat and lon

How do I truncate a .NET string?

For the sake of (over)complexity I'll add my overloaded version which replaces the last 3 characters with an ellipsis in respect with the maxLength parameter.

public static string Truncate(this string value, int maxLength, bool replaceTruncatedCharWithEllipsis = false)
    if (replaceTruncatedCharWithEllipsis && maxLength <= 3)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxLength",
            "maxLength should be greater than three when replacing with an ellipsis.");

    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) 
        return String.Empty;

    if (replaceTruncatedCharWithEllipsis &&
        value.Length > maxLength)
        return value.Substring(0, maxLength - 3) + "...";

    return value.Substring(0, Math.Min(value.Length, maxLength)); 

DateTime format to SQL format using C#

only you put "T"+DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()+ '2015-02-23'

How to get the integer value of day of week

Another way to get Monday with integer value 1 and Sunday with integer value 7

int day = ((int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek + 6) % 7 + 1;

How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift

Swift 3 & 4

Set the supportedInterfaceOrientations property of specific UIViewControllers like this:

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    var orientations = UIInterfaceOrientationMask.portrait //or what orientation you want
    override var supportedInterfaceOrientations : UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
    get { return self.orientations }
    set { self.orientations = newValue }

    override func viewDidLoad() {



This solution only works when your viewController is not embedded in UINavigationController, because the orientation inherits from parent viewController.
For this case, you can create a subclass of UINavigationViewController and set these properties on it.

How to connect to local instance of SQL Server 2008 Express

I know this question is old, but in case it helps anyone make sure the SQL Server Browser is running in the Services MSC. I installed SQL Server Express 2008 R2 and the SQL Server Browser Service was set to Disabled.

  1. Start->Run->Services.msc
  2. Find "SQL Server Browser"->Right Click->Properties
  3. Set Startup Type to Automatic->Click Apply
  4. Retry your connection.

How to take a first character from the string

Try this:

Dim s = "RAJAN"
Dim firstChar = s(0)

You can even do this:

Dim firstChar = "RAJAN"(0)

Bootstrap 3 - 100% height of custom div inside column

The original question is about Bootstrap 3 and that supports IE8 and 9 so Flexbox would be the best option but it's not part of my answer due the lack of support, see and toggle the IE box. Pretty bad, eh?

2 ways:

1. Display-table: You can muck around with turning the row into a display:table and the col- into display:table-cell. It works buuuut the limitations of tables are there, among those limitations are the push and pull and offsets won't work. Plus, I don't know where you're using this -- at what breakpoint. You should make the image full width and wrap it inside another container to put the padding on there. Also, you need to figure out the design on mobile, this is for 768px and up. When I use this, I redeclare the sizes and sometimes I stick importants on them because tables take on the width of the content inside them so having the widths declared again helps this. You will need to play around. I also use a script but you have to change the less files to use it or it won't work responsively.


  .row.table-row > [class*="col-"].custom {
    background-color: lightgrey;
    text-align: center;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
  img.img-fluid {width:100%;}

  .row.table-row {display:table;width:100%;margin:0 auto;}

  .row.table-row > [class*="col-"] {

  .row.table-row > .col-sm-11 {
    width: 91.66666666666666%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-10 {
    width: 83.33333333333334%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-9 {
    width: 75%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-8 {
    width: 66.66666666666666%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-7 {
    width: 58.333333333333336%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-6 {
    width: 50%;
  .col-sm-5 {
    width: 41.66666666666667%;
  .col-sm-4 {
    width: 33.33333333333333%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-3 {
    width: 25%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-2 {
    width: 16.666666666666664%;
  .row.table-row > .col-sm-1 {
    width: 8.333333333333332%;



<div class="container">
    <div class="row table-row">
        <div class="col-sm-4 custom">
                100% height to make equal to ->
        <div class="col-sm-8 image-col">
            <img src="" class="img-fluid">

2. Absolute bg div


DEMO with content above and below:

.content {
        text-align: center;
        padding: 10px;
        background: #ccc;


@media (min-width:768px) { 
    .my-row {
        position: relative;
        height: 100%;
        border: 1px solid red;
        overflow: hidden;
    .img-fluid {
        width: 100%
    } > [class*="col-"] {
        position: relative
    .background {
        position: absolute;
        padding-top: 200%;
        left: 0;
        top: 0;
        width: 100%;
        background: #ccc;
    .content {
        position: relative;
        z-index: 1;
        width: 100%;
        text-align: center;
        padding: 10px;



<div class="container">
    <div class="row my-row">
        <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="content">
          This is inside a relative positioned z-index: 1 div

         <div class="background"><!--empty bg-div--></div>
        <div class="col-sm-6 image-col">
            <img src="" class="img-fluid">

Better naming in Tuple classes than "Item1", "Item2"

(double, int) t1 = (4.5, 3);
Console.WriteLine($"Tuple with elements {t1.Item1} and {t1.Item2}.");
// Output:
// Tuple with elements 4.5 and 3.

(double Sum, int Count) t2 = (4.5, 3);
Console.WriteLine($"Sum of {t2.Count} elements is {t2.Sum}.");
// Output:
// Sum of 3 elements is 4.5.
From Docs

Convert a SQL Server datetime to a shorter date format

Have a look at CONVERT. The 3rd parameter is the date time style you want to convert to.


SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 103) -- dd/MM/yyyy format

How do I float a div to the center?

If for some reason you have position absolute on the div, do this:

<div class="something"></div>

.something {

Difference between "@id/" and "@+id/" in Android

The plus sign (+) before the resource type is needed only when you're defining a resource ID for the first time. When you compile the app, the SDK tools use the ID name to create a new resource ID in your project's file that refers to the EditText element. With the resource ID declared once this way, other references to the ID do not need the plus sign. Using the plus sign is necessary only when specifying a new resource ID and not needed for concrete resources such as strings or layouts. See the sidebox for more information about resource objects.


Is there a C++ decompiler?

Depending on how large and how well-written the original code was, it might be worth starting again in your favourite language (which might still be C++) and learning from any mistakes made in the last version. Didn't someone once say about writing one to throw away?

n.b. Clearly if this is a huge product, then it may not be worth the time.

Learning Ruby on Rails

A lot of good opinions here. I'll add what's not here. My experience:

  • Rails on Windows is easy to get going with RailsInstaller, especially if you're using SQLite.
  • If you want to use Ruby gems which need C extensions (e.g. RMagick), installation is difficult and unpredictable.
  • PostgreSQL is a pain to install on Windows, and a pain to hook up to Rails.
  • git doesn't work quite right on Windows.
  • IDEs are bulky (Aptana). Notepad++ is good enough.
  • Rails on Ubuntu is easy, and gems requiring C libraries just work.
  • If your computer is powerful enough, use VirtualBox or VMWare Player, and use an Ubuntu Virtual Machine.

Setup Resources

  • This page shows, start to finish how to set up Ruby/Rails/PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 11.10.
  • If you don't like RVM (I don't), use rbenv. RVM and rbenv are tools for managing multiple versions of Ruby, including JRuby, Rubinius, etc.

Live Deployment for Development/Testing

  • Live deployment lets your friends try out your app. It also makes it easier to interact with web services which need to make callbacks to your Rails server (such as PayPal IPN or Twilio).
  • is my favourite place to deploy.
  • is a good utility to point a publicly visible URL to your local Rails server. (I have only used it for Windows-based Rails servers).


  • Try out tutorials on the web.
  • Use to ask questions.
  • Use "raise Exception, params.to_s " in your Controllers to stop the app print out all the parameters which are driving your controllers. This gave me the greatest insight on how data is schlepped back and forth in a Rails app.
  • Use the Rails console ("rails console") to inspect data, and try out code snippets before you embed them in your models or controllers.

How do I exit from the text window in Git?

Since you are learning Git, know that this has little to do with git but with the text editor configured for use. In vim, you can press i to start entering text and save by pressing esc and :wq and enter, this will commit with the message you typed. In your current state, to just come out without committing, you can do :q instead of the :wq as mentioned above.

Alternatively, you can just do git commit -m '<message>' instead of having git open the editor to type the message.

Note that you can also change the editor and use something you are comfortable with ( like notepad) - How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows?

Python append() vs. + operator on lists, why do these give different results?

The concatenation operator + is a binary infix operator which, when applied to lists, returns a new list containing all the elements of each of its two operands. The list.append() method is a mutator on list which appends its single object argument (in your specific example the list c) to the subject list. In your example this results in c appending a reference to itself (hence the infinite recursion).

An alternative to '+' concatenation

The list.extend() method is also a mutator method which concatenates its sequence argument with the subject list. Specifically, it appends each of the elements of sequence in iteration order.

An aside

Being an operator, + returns the result of the expression as a new value. Being a non-chaining mutator method, list.extend() modifies the subject list in-place and returns nothing.


I've added this due to the potential confusion which the Abel's answer above may cause by mixing the discussion of lists, sequences and arrays. Arrays were added to Python after sequences and lists, as a more efficient way of storing arrays of integral data types. Do not confuse arrays with lists. They are not the same.

From the array docs:

Arrays are sequence types and behave very much like lists, except that the type of objects stored in them is constrained. The type is specified at object creation time by using a type code, which is a single character.

set dropdown value by text using jquery

This is a method that works based on the text of the option, not the index. Just tested.

var theText = "GOOGLE";
$("#HowYouKnow option:contains(" + theText + ")").attr('selected', 'selected');

Or, if there are similar values (thanks shanabus):

$("#HowYouKnow option").each(function() {
  if($(this).text() == theText) {
    $(this).attr('selected', 'selected');            

How to increase font size in NeatBeans IDE?

When i modify the font size in Tools-> Options->Fonts & Colors->Syntaxto 14, the Editor font change fine, but Netbeans doesn´t take any change in fontsize IDE (icons, menus, ...) until i Add the --fontsize XX option in the file ...\NetBeans x.x\etc\netbeans.conf at the end of line netbeans_default_options AND set to true the already added option -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware, But i had to increase the font size Editor to 24. Thats works for me.

Bash Script : what does #!/bin/bash mean?

When the first characters in a script are #!, that is called the shebang. If your file starts with #!/path/to/something the standard is to run something and pass the rest of the file to that program as an input.

With that said, the difference between #!/bin/bash, #!/bin/sh, or even #!/bin/zsh is whether the bash, sh, or zsh programs are used to interpret the rest of the file. bash and sh are just different programs, traditionally. On some Linux systems they are two copies of the same program. On other Linux systems, sh is a link to dash, and on traditional Unix systems (Solaris, Irix, etc) bash is usually a completely different program from sh.

Of course, the rest of the line doesn't have to end in sh. It could just as well be #!/usr/bin/python, #!/usr/bin/perl, or even #!/usr/local/bin/my_own_scripting_language.

How to put a UserControl into Visual Studio toolBox

There are a couple of ways.

  1. In your original Project, choose File|Export template
    Then select ItemTemplate and follow the wizard.

  2. Move your UserControl to a separate ClassLibrary (and fix namespaces etc).
    Add a ref to the classlibrary from Projects that need it. Don't bother with the GAC or anything, just the DLL file.

I would not advice putting a UserControl in the normal ToolBox, but it can be done. See the answer from @Arseny

Vuex - Computed property "name" was assigned to but it has no setter

If you're going to v-model a computed, it needs a setter. Whatever you want it to do with the updated value (probably write it to the $store, considering that's what your getter pulls it from) you do in the setter.

If writing it back to the store happens via form submission, you don't want to v-model, you just want to set :value.

If you want to have an intermediate state, where it's saved somewhere but doesn't overwrite the source in the $store until form submission, you'll need to create such a data item.

Determine .NET Framework version for dll

Just simply

var tar = (TargetFrameworkAttribute)Assembly

Is there a way to view two blocks of code from the same file simultaneously in Sublime Text?

In the nav go View => Layout => Columns:2 (alt+shift+2) and open your file again in the other pane (i.e. click the other pane and use ctrl+p

It appears you can also reopen the file using the command File -> New View into File which will open the current file in a new tab

Rails update_attributes without save?

For mass assignment of values to an ActiveRecord model without saving, use either the assign_attributes or attributes= methods. These methods are available in Rails 3 and newer. However, there are minor differences and version-related gotchas to be aware of.

Both methods follow this usage:

@user.assign_attributes{ model: "Sierra", year: "2012", looks: "Sexy" }

@user.attributes = { model: "Sierra", year: "2012", looks: "Sexy" }

Note that neither method will perform validations or execute callbacks; callbacks and validation will happen when save is called.

Rails 3

attributes= differs slightly from assign_attributes in Rails 3. attributes= will check that the argument passed to it is a Hash, and returns immediately if it is not; assign_attributes has no such Hash check. See the ActiveRecord Attribute Assignment API documentation for attributes=.

The following invalid code will silently fail by simply returning without setting the attributes:

@user.attributes = [ { model: "Sierra" }, { year: "2012" }, { looks: "Sexy" } ]

attributes= will silently behave as though the assignments were made successfully, when really, they were not.

This invalid code will raise an exception when assign_attributes tries to stringify the hash keys of the enclosing array:

@user.assign_attributes([ { model: "Sierra" }, { year: "2012" }, { looks: "Sexy" } ])

assign_attributes will raise a NoMethodError exception for stringify_keys, indicating that the first argument is not a Hash. The exception itself is not very informative about the actual cause, but the fact that an exception does occur is very important.

The only difference between these cases is the method used for mass assignment: attributes= silently succeeds, and assign_attributes raises an exception to inform that an error has occurred.

These examples may seem contrived, and they are to a degree, but this type of error can easily occur when converting data from an API, or even just using a series of data transformation and forgetting to Hash[] the results of the final .map. Maintain some code 50 lines above and 3 functions removed from your attribute assignment, and you've got a recipe for failure.

The lesson with Rails 3 is this: always use assign_attributes instead of attributes=.

Rails 4

In Rails 4, attributes= is simply an alias to assign_attributes. See the ActiveRecord Attribute Assignment API documentation for attributes=.

With Rails 4, either method may be used interchangeably. Failure to pass a Hash as the first argument will result in a very helpful exception: ArgumentError: When assigning attributes, you must pass a hash as an argument.


If you're pre-flighting assignments in preparation to a save, you might be interested in validating before save, as well. You can use the valid? and invalid? methods for this. Both return boolean values. valid? returns true if the unsaved model passes all validations or false if it does not. invalid? is simply the inverse of valid?

valid? can be used like this:

@user.assign_attributes{ model: "Sierra", year: "2012", looks: "Sexy" }.valid?

This will give you the ability to handle any validations issues in advance of calling save.

Create an array of integers property in Objective-C

I found all the previous answers too much complicated. I had the need to store an array of some ints as a property, and found the ObjC requirement of using a NSArray an unneeded complication of my software.

So I used this:

typedef struct my10ints {
    int arr[10];
} my10ints;

@interface myClasss : NSObject

@property my10ints doubleDigits;


This compiles cleanly using Xcode 6.2.

My intention was to use it like this:

myClass obj;
obj.doubleDigits.arr[0] = 4;

HOWEVER, this does not work. This is what it produces:

int i = 4;
myClass obj;
obj.doubleDigits.arr[0] = i;
i = obj.doubleDigits.arr[0];
// i is now 0 !!!

The only way to use this correctly is:

int i = 4;
myClass obj;
my10ints ints;
ints = obj.doubleDigits;
ints.arr[0] = i;
obj.doubleDigits = ints;
i = obj.doubleDigits.arr[0];
// i is now 4

and so, defeats completely my point (avoiding the complication of using a NSArray).

Python: convert string from UTF-8 to Latin-1

Instead of .encode('utf-8'), use .encode('latin-1').

Add Variables to Tuple

" once the info is added to the DB, should I delete the tuple? i mean i dont need the tuple anymore."


Generally, there's no reason to delete anything. There are some special cases for deleting, but they're very, very rare.

Simply define a narrow scope (i.e., a function definition or a method function in a class) and the objects will be garbage collected at the end of the scope.

Don't worry about deleting anything.

[Note. I worked with a guy who -- in addition to trying to delete objects -- was always writing "reset" methods to clear them out. Like he was going to save them and reuse them. Also a silly conceit. Just ignore the objects you're no longer using. If you define your functions in small-enough blocks of code, you have nothing more to think about.]

json.dump throwing "TypeError: {...} is not JSON serializable" on seemingly valid object?

Because it's not actually a dictionary; it's another mapping type that looks like a dictionary. Use type() to verify. Pass it to dict() to get a real dictionary from it.

How can we draw a vertical line in the webpage?

<hr> is not from struts. It is just an HTML tag.

So, take a look here: This link will give you a couple of tips.

Android setOnClickListener method - How does it work?

It works like this. View.OnClickListenere is defined -

public interface OnClickListener {
    void onClick(View v);

As far as we know you cannot instantiate an object OnClickListener, as it doesn't have a method implemented. So there are two ways you can go by - you can implement this interface which will override onClick method like this:

public class MyListener implements View.OnClickListener {
    public void onClick (View v) {
         // your code here;

But it's tedious to do it each time as you want to set a click listener. So in order to avoid this you can provide the implementation for the method on spot, just like in an example you gave.

setOnClickListener takes View.OnClickListener as its parameter.

How do I show/hide a UIBarButtonItem?

You can use text attributes to hide a bar button:

barButton.enabled = false
barButton.setTitleTextAttributes([NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.clearColor()], forState: .Normal)

Also see my solution with UIBarButtonItem extension for the similar question: Make a UIBarButtonItem disapear using swift IOS

How to force Selenium WebDriver to click on element which is not currently visible?

Selenium determines an element is visible or not by the following criteria (use a DOM inspector to determine what css applies to your element, make sure you look at computed style):

  • visibility != hidden
  • display != none (is also checked against every parent element)
  • opacity != 0 (this is not checked for clicking an element)
  • height and width are both > 0
  • for an input, the attribute type != hidden

Your element is matching one of those criteria. If you do not have the ability to change the styling of the element, here is how you can forcefully do it with javascript (going to assume WebDriver since you said Selenium2 API):

((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].checked = true;", inputElement);

But that won't fire a javascript event, if you depend on the change event for that input you'll have to fire it too (many ways to do that, easiest to use whatever javascript library is loaded on that page).

The source for the visibility check -

The WebDriver spec that defines this -

element not interactable exception in selenium web automation

I had the same problem and then figured out the cause. I was trying to type in a span tag instead of an input tag. My XPath was written with a span tag, which was a wrong thing to do. I reviewed the Html for the element and found the problem. All I then did was to find the input tag which happens to be a child element. You can only type in an input field if your XPath is created with an input tagname

JavaScript ternary operator example with functions

The ternary style is generally used to save space. Semantically, they are identical. I prefer to go with the full if/then/else syntax because I don't like to sacrifice readability - I'm old-school and I prefer my braces.

The full if/then/else format is used for pretty much everything. It's especially popular if you get into larger blocks of code in each branch, you have a muti-branched if/else tree, or multiple else/ifs in a long string.

The ternary operator is common when you're assigning a value to a variable based on a simple condition or you are making multiple decisions with very brief outcomes. The example you cite actually doesn't make sense, because the expression will evaluate to one of the two values without any extra logic.

Good ideas:

this > that ? alert(this) : alert(that);  //nice and short, little loss of meaning

if(expression)  //longer blocks but organized and can be grasped by humans
    //35 lines of code here
else if (something_else)
    //40 more lines here
else if (another_one)  /etc, etc

Less good:

this > that ? testFucntion() ? thirdFunction() ? imlost() : whathappuh() : lostinsyntax() : thisisprobablybrokennow() ? //I'm lost in my own (awful) example by now.
//Not complete... or for average humans to read.

if(this != that)  //Ternary would be done by now
    x = this;
    x = this + 2;

A really basic rule of thumb - can you understand the whole thing as well or better on one line? Ternary is OK. Otherwise expand it.

How to spyOn a value property (rather than a method) with Jasmine

Suppose there is a method like this that needs testing The src property of the tiny image needs checking

function reportABCEvent(cat, type, val) {
                var i1 = new Image(1, 1);
                var link = getABC('creosote');
                    link += "&category=" + String(cat);
                    link += "&event_type=" + String(type);
                    link += "&event_value=" + String(val);
                    i1.src = link;

The spyOn() below causes the "new Image" to be fed the fake code from the test the spyOn code returns an object that only has a src property

As the variable "hook" is scoped to be visible in the fake code in the SpyOn and also later after the "reportABCEvent" is called

describe("", function() {
    it("ABC events create an image request", function() {
    var hook={};
    spyOn(window, 'Image').andCallFake( function(x,y) {
          hook={ src: {} }
          return hook;
      reportABCEvent('testa', 'testb', 'testc');

This is for jasmine 1.3 but might work on 2.0 if the "andCallFake" is altered to the 2.0 name

Can't find how to use HttpContent

For JSON Post:

var stringContent = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("", stringContent);


var stringContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>("field1", "value1"),
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>("field2", "value2"),
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("", stringContent);

How to get an IFrame to be responsive in iOS Safari?

in fact for me just worked in ios disabling the scroll

<iframe src="//" scrolling="no"></iframe>

and treating the OS via script.

Replace negative values in an numpy array

Here's a way to do it in Python without NumPy. Create a function that returns what you want and use a list comprehension, or the map function.

>>> a = [1, 2, 3, -4, 5]

>>> def zero_if_negative(x):
...   if x < 0:
...     return 0
...   return x

>>> [zero_if_negative(x) for x in a]
[1, 2, 3, 0, 5]

>>> map(zero_if_negative, a)
[1, 2, 3, 0, 5]

jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Window] is not a function

You can consider to replace default WordPress jQuery script with Google Library by adding something like the following into theme functions.php file:

function modify_jquery() {
    if (!is_admin()) {
        wp_register_script('jquery', '', false, '1.10.2');
add_action('init', 'modify_jquery');

Code taken from here:

JFrame.dispose() vs System.exit()


public void dispose()

Releases all of the native screen resources used by this Window, its subcomponents, and all of its owned children. That is, the resources for these Components will be destroyed, any memory they consume will be returned to the OS, and they will be marked as undisplayable. The Window and its subcomponents can be made displayable again by rebuilding the native resources with a subsequent call to pack or show. The states of the recreated Window and its subcomponents will be identical to the states of these objects at the point where the Window was disposed (not accounting for additional modifications between those actions).

Note: When the last displayable window within the Java virtual machine (VM) is disposed of, the VM may terminate. See AWT Threading Issues for more information.


public static void exit(int status)

Terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine. The argument serves as a status code; by convention, a nonzero status code indicates abnormal termination. This method calls the exit method in class Runtime. This method never returns normally.

The call System.exit(n) is effectively equivalent to the call:


How to access site through IP address when website is on a shared host?

serverIPaddress/~cpanelusername will only work for cPanel. It will not work for Parallel's Panel.

As long as you have the website created on the shared, VPS or Dedicated, you should be able to always use the following in your host file, which is what your browser will use.

In Tkinter is there any way to make a widget not visible?

I know this is a couple of years late, but this is the 3rd Google response now for "Tkinter hide Label" as of 10/27/13... So if anyone like myself a few weeks ago is building a simple GUI and just wants some text to appear without swapping it out for another widget via "lower" or "lift" methods, I'd like to offer a workaround I use (Python2.7,Windows):

from Tkinter import *

class Top(Toplevel):
    def __init__(self, parent, title = "How to Cheat and Hide Text"):
        if title:
        self.parent = parent
        self.result = None
        dialog = Frame(self)
        self.initial_focus = self.dialog(dialog)

    def dialog(self,parent):

        self.parent = parent

        self.L1 = Label(parent,text = "Hello, World!",state = DISABLED, disabledforeground = parent.cget('bg'))

        self.B1 = Button(parent, text = "Are You Alive???", command = self.hello)

    def hello(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ds = Top(root)

The idea here is that you can set the color of the DISABLED text to the background ('bg') of the parent using ".cget('bg')" rendering it "invisible". The button callback resets the Label to the default foreground color and the text is once again visible.

Downsides here are that you still have to allocate the space for the text even though you can't read it, and at least on my computer, the text doesn't perfectly blend to the background. Maybe with some tweaking the color thing could be better and for compact GUIs, blank space allocation shouldn't be too much of a hassle for a short blurb.

See Default window colour Tkinter and hex colour codes for the info about how I found out about the color stuff.

Use stored procedure to insert some data into a table

if you want to populate a table in SQL SERVER you can use while statement as follows:

declare @llenandoTabla INT = 0;
while @llenandoTabla < 10000
insert into employeestable // Name of my table
(ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, GENDER, SALARY) // Parameters of my table
(555, 'isaias', 'perez', 'male', '12220') //values
set @llenandoTabla = @llenandoTabla + 1;

Hope it helps.

How to export the Html Tables data into PDF using Jspdf

I Used Datatable JS plugin for my purpose of exporting an html table data into various formats. With my experience it was very quick, easy to use and configure with minimal coding.

Below is a sample jquery call using datatable plugin, #example is your table id

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').DataTable( {
        dom: 'Bfrtip',
        buttons: [
    } );
} );

Please find the complete example in below datatable reference link :

This is how it looks after configuration( from reference site) : enter image description here

You need to have following library references in your html ( some can be found in the above reference link)


React component initialize state from props

you could use key value to reset state when need, pass props to state it's not a good practice , because you have uncontrolled and controlled component in one place. Data should be in one place handled read this

gnuplot - adjust size of key/legend

To adjust the length of the samples:

set key samplen X

(default is 4)

To adjust the vertical spacing of the samples:

set key spacing X

(default is 1.25)

and (for completeness), to adjust the fontsize:

set key font "<face>,<size>"

(default depends on the terminal)

And of course, all these can be combined into one line:

set key samplen 2 spacing .5 font ",8"

Note that you can also change the position of the key using set key at <position> or any one of the pre-defined positions (which I'll just defer to help key at this point)

How to get the current location latitude and longitude in android

try this, hope it will help you to get the current location, every time the location changes.

public class MyClass implements LocationListener {
    double currentLatitude, currentLongitude;

    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        currentLatitude = location.getLatitude();
        currentLongitude = location.getLongitude();

XPath: How to select elements based on their value?

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and .="Data"]

The reason why I add this answer is that I want to explain the relationship of . and text() .

The first thing is when using [], there are only two types of data:

  1. [number] to select a node from node-set
  2. [bool] to filter a node-set from node-set

In this case, the value is evaluated to boolean by function boolean(), and there is a rule:

Filters are always evaluated with respect to a context.

When you need to compare text() or . with a string "Data", it first uses string() function to transform those to string type, than gets a boolean result.

There are two important rule about string():

  1. The string() function converts a node-set to a string by returning the string value of the first node in the node-set, which in some instances may yield unexpected results.

    text() is relative path that return a node-set contains all the text node of current node(context node), like ["Data"]. When it is evaluated by string(["Data"]), it will return the first node of node-set, so you get "Data" only when there is only one text node in the node-set.

  2. If you want the string() function to concatenate all child text, you must then pass a single node instead of a node-set.

    For example, we get a node-set ['a', 'b'], you can pass there parent node to string(parent), this will return 'ab', and of cause string(.) in you case will return an concatenated string "Data".

Both way will get same result only when there is a text node.

Select multiple columns from a table, but group by one

You can try this:

Select ProductID,ProductName,Sum(OrderQuantity) 
 from OrderDetails Group By ProductID, ProductName

You're only required to Group By columns that doesn't come with an aggregate function in the Select clause. So you can just use Group By ProductID and ProductName in this case.

Selecting a row of pandas series/dataframe by integer index

You can think DataFrame as a dict of Series. df[key] try to select the column index by key and returns a Series object.

However slicing inside of [] slices the rows, because it's a very common operation.

You can read the document for detail:

How does bitshifting work in Java?

Firstly, you can not shift a byte in java, you can only shift an int or a long. So the byte will undergo promotion first, e.g.

00101011 -> 00000000000000000000000000101011


11010100 -> 11111111111111111111111111010100

Now, x >> N means (if you view it as a string of binary digits):

  • The rightmost N bits are discarded
  • The leftmost bit is replicated as many times as necessary to pad the result to the original size (32 or 64 bits), e.g.

00000000000000000000000000101011 >> 2 -> 00000000000000000000000000001010

11111111111111111111111111010100 >> 2 -> 11111111111111111111111111110101

Overflow Scroll css is not working in the div

For Angular2 + Material2 + Sidenav, you'll need to do the following:

 ngAfterViewInit() {
   this.element.nativeElement.getElementsByClassName('md-sidenav-content')[0].style.overflow = 'hidden'; 

ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I had the same problem, I just deleted all log files in mysql/data files like:

mysql-relay-bin - 2020@002d...

Just these files and it worked.
I hope this helps.

anchor jumping by using javascript

Not enough rep for a comment.

The getElementById() based method in the selected answer won't work if the anchor has name but not id set (which is not recommended, but does happen in the wild).

Something to bare in mind if you don't have control of the document markup (e.g. webextension).

The location based method in the selected answer can also be simplified with location.replace:

function jump(hash) { location.replace("#" + hash) }

REST response code for invalid data

It is amusing to return 418 I'm a teapot to requests that are obviously crafted or malicious and "can't happen", such as failing CSRF check or missing request properties.

2.3.2 418 I'm a teapot

Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.

To keep it reasonably serious, I restrict usage of funny error codes to RESTful endpoints that are not directly exposed to the user.

Excluding files/directories from Gulp task

Gulp uses micromatch under the hood for matching globs, so if you want to exclude any of the .min.js files, you can achieve the same by using an extended globbing feature like this:


Basically what it says is: grab everything at any level inside of js that doesn't end with *.min.js

Getting the number of filled cells in a column (VBA)

If you want to find the last populated cell in a particular column, the best method is:

Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

This code uses the very last cell in the entire column (65536 for Excel 2003, 1048576 in later versions), and then find the first populated cell above it. This has the ability to ignore "breaks" in your data and find the true last row.

Passing headers with axios POST request

Here is a full example of an request with custom headers

var postData = {_x000D_
  email: "[email protected]",_x000D_
  password: "password"_x000D_
let axiosConfig = {_x000D_
  headers: {_x000D_
      'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',_x000D_
      "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",_x000D_
_x000D_'http://<host>:<port>/<path>', postData, axiosConfig)_x000D_
.then((res) => {_x000D_
  console.log("RESPONSE RECEIVED: ", res);_x000D_
.catch((err) => {_x000D_
  console.log("AXIOS ERROR: ", err);_x000D_

How to handle authentication popup with Selenium WebDriver using Java

This should work for Firefox by using AutoAuth plugin:

FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new ProfilesIni().getProfile("default");
File ffPluginAutoAuth = new File("D:\\autoauth-2.1-fx+fn.xpi");
driver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxProfile);

Mod of negative number is melting my brain

Please note that C# and C++'s % operator is actually NOT a modulo, it's remainder. The formula for modulo that you want, in your case, is:

float nfmod(float a,float b)
    return a - b * floor(a / b);

You have to recode this in C# (or C++) but this is the way you get modulo and not a remainder.

How is CountDownLatch used in Java Multithreading?

Best real time Example for countDownLatch explained in this link CountDownLatchExample

How to read numbers separated by space using scanf

It should be as simple as using a list of receiving variables:

scanf("%i %i %i", &var1, &var2, &var3);

Can I redirect the stdout in python into some sort of string buffer?

There is contextlib.redirect_stdout() function in Python 3.4:

import io
from contextlib import redirect_stdout

with io.StringIO() as buf, redirect_stdout(buf):
    output = buf.getvalue()

Here's code example that shows how to implement it on older Python versions.

How to get current date time in milliseconds in android

The problem is that System. currentTimeMillis(); returns the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, but new Date() gives the current local time. Adding the ZONE_OFFSET and DST_OFFSET from the Calendar class gives you the time in UTC.

Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();

// offset to add since we're not UTC

long offset = rightNow.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) +

long sinceMidnight = (rightNow.getTimeInMillis() + offset) %
    (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

System.out.println(sinceMidnight + " milliseconds since midnight");

R numbers from 1 to 100

Your mistake is looking for range, which gives you the range of a vector, for example:

range(c(10, -5, 100))


 -5 100

Instead, look at the : operator to give sequences (with a step size of one):


or you can use the seq function to have a bit more control. For example,

##Step size of 2
seq(1, 100, by=2)


##length.out: desired length of the sequence
seq(1, 100, length.out=5)

Best way to access a control on another form in Windows Forms?

Step 1:

string regno, exm, brd, cleg, strm, mrks, inyear;

protected void GridView1_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
    string url;
    regno = GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[1].Text;
    exm = GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[2].Text;
    brd = GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[3].Text;
    cleg = GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[4].Text;
    strm = GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[5].Text;
    mrks = GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[6].Text;
    inyear = GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[7].Text;

    url = "academicinfo.aspx?regno=" + regno + ", " + exm + ", " + brd + ", " +
          cleg + ", " + strm + ", " + mrks + ", " + inyear;

Step 2:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        string prm_string = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["regno"]);

        if (prm_string != null)
            string[] words = prm_string.Split(',');
            txt_regno.Text = words[0];
            txt_board.Text = words[2];
            txt_college.Text = words[3];

How to add default signature in Outlook

The existing answers had a few problems for me:

  1. I needed to insert text (e.g. 'Good Day John Doe') with html formatting where you would normally type your message.
  2. At least on my machine, Outlook adds 2 blank lines above the signature where you should start typing. These should obviously be removed (replaced with custom HTML).

The code below does the job. Please note the following:

  1. The 'From' parameter allows you to choose the account (since there could be different default signatures for different email accounts)
  2. The 'Recipients' parameter expects an array of emails, and it will 'Resolve' the added email (i.e. find it in contacts, as if you had typed it in the 'To' box)
  3. Late binding is used, so no references are required
'Opens an outlook email with the provided email body and default signature
'  from: Email address of Account to send from.  Wildcards are supported e.g. *
'  recipients: Array of recipients.  Recipient can be a Contact name or email address
'  subject: Email subject
'  htmlBody: Html formatted body to insert before signature (just body markup, should not contain html, head or body tags)
Public Sub CreateMail(from As String, recipients, subject As String, htmlBody As String)
    Dim oApp, oAcc As Object
    Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
    With oApp.CreateItem(0) 'olMailItem = 0
        'Ensure we are sending with the correct account (to insert the correct signature)
        'oAcc is of type Outlook.Account, which has other properties that could be filtered with if required
        'SmtpAddress is usually equal to the raw email address
        .SendUsingAccount = Nothing
        For Each oAcc In oApp.Session.Accounts
            If CStr(oAcc.SmtpAddress) = from Or CStr(oAcc.SmtpAddress) Like from Then
                Set .SendUsingAccount = oAcc
            End If
        Next oAcc
        If .SendUsingAccount Is Nothing Then Err.Raise -1, , "Unknown email account " & from
        For Each addr In recipients
            With .recipients.Add(addr)
                'This will resolve the recipient as if you had typed the name/email and pressed Tab/Enter
            End With
        Next addr
        .subject = subject
        .Display 'HTMLBody is only populated after this line
        'Remove blank lines at the top of the body
        .htmlBody = Replace(.htmlBody, "<o:p>&nbsp;</o:p>", "")
        'Insert the html at the start of the 'body' tag
        Dim bodyTagEnd As Long: bodyTagEnd = InStr(InStr(1, .htmlBody, "<body"), .htmlBody, ">")
        .htmlBody = Left(.htmlBody, bodyTagEnd) & htmlBody & Right(.htmlBody, Len(.htmlBody) - bodyTagEnd)
    End With
    Set oApp = Nothing
End Sub

Use as follows:

CreateMail from:="*", _
    recipients:= Array("[email protected]", "Jane Doe", "[email protected]"), _
    subject:= "Test Email", _
    htmlBody:= "<p>Good Day All</p><p>Hello <b>World!</b></p>"


Sample Outlook Email

CSS Input field text color of inputted text


input, select, textarea{
    color: #000;


input, select, textarea{
    color: #f00;

or color: #ff0000;

how to run vibrate continuously in iphone?

Read the Apple Human Interaction Guidelines for iPhone. I believe this is not approved behavior in an app.

Dealing with timestamps in R

You want the (standard) POSIXt type from base R that can be had in 'compact form' as a POSIXct (which is essentially a double representing fractional seconds since the epoch) or as long form in POSIXlt (which contains sub-elements). The cool thing is that arithmetic etc are defined on this -- see help(DateTimeClasses)

Quick example:

R> now <- Sys.time()
R> now
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> as.numeric(now)
[1] 1.262e+09
R> now + 10  # adds 10 seconds
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:21 CST"
R> as.POSIXlt(now)
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> str(as.POSIXlt(now))
 POSIXlt[1:9], format: "2009-12-25 18:39:11"
R> unclass(as.POSIXlt(now))
[1] 11.79

[1] 39

[1] 18

[1] 25

[1] 11

[1] 109

[1] 5

[1] 358

[1] 0

[1] "America/Chicago" "CST"             "CDT"            

As for reading them in, see help(strptime)

As for difference, easy too:

R> Jan1 <- strptime("2009-01-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
R> difftime(now, Jan1, unit="week")
Time difference of 51.25 weeks

Lastly, the zoo package is an extremely versatile and well-documented container for matrix with associated date/time indices.

How to convert SSH keypairs generated using PuTTYgen (Windows) into key-pairs used by ssh-agent and Keychain (Linux)

If all you have is a public key from a user in PuTTY-style format, you can convert it to standard openssh format like so:

ssh-keygen -i -f >


Copy of article

I keep forgetting this so I'm gonna write it here. Non-geeks, just keep walking.

The most common way to make a key on Windows is using Putty/Puttygen. Puttygen provides a neat utility to convert a linux private key to Putty format. However, what isn't addressed is that when you save the public key using puttygen it won't work on a linux server. Windows puts some data in different areas and adds line breaks.

The Solution: When you get to the public key screen in creating your key pair in puttygen, copy the public key and paste it into a text file with the extension .pub. You will save you sysadmin hours of frustration reading posts like this.

HOWEVER, sysadmins, you invariably get the wonky key file that throws no error message in the auth log except, no key found, trying password; even though everyone else's keys are working fine, and you've sent this key back to the user 15 times.

ssh-keygen -i -f >

Should convert an existing puttygen public key to OpenSSH format.

Homebrew: Could not symlink, /usr/local/bin is not writable

Rather than running any particular command, I would recommend running brew doctor and taking all warnings seriously. There may be other problems you get stuck at which may not be captured in this question.

Also, as brew gets updated with time, particular commands may or may not remain valid. brew doctor, however, will ensure that you get up to date troubleshooting.

PHP new line break in emails

If you output to html or an html e-mail you will need to use <br> or <br /> instead of \n.

If it's just a text e-mail: Are you perhaps using ' instead of "? Although then your values would not be inserted either...

How to place the cursor (auto focus) in text box when a page gets loaded without javascript support?

Sometimes all you have to do to make sure the cursor is inside the text box is: click on the text box and when a menu is displayed, click on "Format text box" then click on the "text box" tab and finally modify all four margins (left, right, upper and bottom) by arrowing down until "0" appear on each margin.

Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android

To declare different layouts and bitmaps you'd like to use for the different screens, you must place these alternative resources in separate directories/folders.

This means that if you generate a 200x200 image for xhdpi devices, you should generate the same resource in 150x150 for hdpi, 100x100 for mdpi, and 75x75 for ldpi devices.

Then, place the files in the appropriate drawable resource directory:


Any time you reference @drawable/awesomeimage, the system selects the appropriate bitmap based on the screen's density.

Docker and securing passwords

run-time only solution

docker-compose also provides a non-swarm mode solution (since v1.11: Secrets using bind mounts).

The secrets are mounted as files below /run/secrets/ by docker-compose. This solves the problem at run-time (running the container), but not at build-time (building the image), because /run/secrets/ is not mounted at build-time. Furthermore this behavior depends on running the container with docker-compose.



FROM alpine
RUN cat /run/secrets/password
CMD sleep inifinity


version: '3.1'
    build: .
      - password

    file: password.txt

To build, execute:

docker-compose up -d

Further reading:

Listen to changes within a DIV and act accordingly

If possible you can change the div to an textarea and use .change().

Another solution could be use a hidden textarea and update the textarea same time as you update the div. Then use .change() on the hidden textarea.

You can also use to make the text area act more like a div.


<textarea class="hidden" rows="4" cols="50">


$("#hiddentextarea").change(function() {

alert('Textarea changed');


Update: It seems like textarea has to be defocused after updated, for more info: How do I set up a listener in jQuery/javascript to monitor a if a value in the textbox has changed?

How to convert JSONObjects to JSONArray?

Your response should be something like this to be qualified as Json Array.

    {"2562862600": {"id":"2562862600", "pos":1}},  
    {"2562862620": {"id":"2562862620", "pos":1}},  
    {"2562862604": {"id":"2562862604", "pos":1}},  
    {"2573433638": {"id":"2573433638", "pos":1}}

You can parse your response as follows

String resp = ...//String output from your source
JSONObject ob = new JSONObject(resp);  
JSONArray arr = ob.getJSONArray("songs");

for(int i=0; i<arr.length(); i++){   
  JSONObject o = arr.getJSONObject(i);  

List(of String) or Array or ArrayList

For those who are stuck maintaining old .net, here is one that works in .net framework 2.x:

Dim lstOfStrings As New List(of String)( new String(){"v1","v2","v3"} )

How do I make a JAR from a .java file?

Simply with command line:

jar -cf myJar.jar MyApp.class

Sure IDEs avoid using command line terminal

Coloring Buttons in Android with Material Design and AppCompat

In my case, instead of using Button, I use androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton and it worked for me.

How to write/update data into cells of existing XLSX workbook using xlsxwriter in python

Quote from xlsxwriter module documentation:

This module cannot be used to modify or write to an existing Excel XLSX file.

If you want to modify existing xlsx workbook, consider using openpyxl module.

See also:

HTML5 Video autoplay on iPhone

iOs 10+ allow video autoplay inline. but you have to turn off "Low power mode" on your iPhone.

Right query to get the current number of connections in a PostgreSQL DB

They definitely may give different results. The better one is

select count(*) from pg_stat_activity;

It's because it includes connections to WAL sender processes which are treated as regular connections and count towards max_connections.

See max_wal_senders

How to discard local commits in Git?

I had to do a :

git checkout -b master

as git said that it doesn't exists, because it's been wipe with the

git -D master

How do I access call log for android?

Use Below code:

private void getCallDeatils() {
    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    Cursor managedCursor = getActivity().managedQuery(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
    int number = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.NUMBER);
    int type = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.TYPE);
    int date = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.DATE);

    int duration = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.DURATION);
    stringBuffer.append("Call Deatils");
    while (managedCursor.moveToNext()) {
        String phNumber = managedCursor.getString(number);
        String callType = managedCursor.getString(type);
        String callDate = managedCursor.getString(date);
        Date callDayTime = new Date(Long.valueOf(callDate));
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
        String reportDate = df.format(callDayTime);
        String callDuration = managedCursor.getString(duration);
        String dir = null;
        int dircode = Integer.parseInt(callType);
        switch (dircode) {
            case CallLog.Calls.OUTGOING_TYPE:
                dir = "OUTGOING";

            case CallLog.Calls.INCOMING_TYPE:
                dir = "INCOMING";


            case CallLog.Calls.MISSED_TYPE:
                dir = "MISSED";

        stringBuffer.append("\nPhone Number:--- " + phNumber + " \nCall Type:--- " + dir + " \nCall Date:--- " +callDate + " \nCall duration in sec :--- " + callDuration);

        logs.add(new LogClass(phNumber,dir,reportDate,callDuration));


How do I POST XML data to a webservice with Postman?

Send XML requests with the raw data type, then set the Content-Type to text/xml.

  1. After creating a request, use the dropdown to change the request type to POST.

    Set request type to POST

  2. Open the Body tab and check the data type for raw.

    Setting data type to raw

  3. Open the Content-Type selection box that appears to the right and select either XML (application/xml) or XML (text/xml)

    Selecting content-type text/xml

  4. Enter your raw XML data into the input field below

    Example of XML request in Postman

  5. Click Send to submit your XML Request to the specified server.

    Clicking the Send button

What is difference between CrudRepository and JpaRepository interfaces in Spring Data JPA?

JpaRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository which in turn extends CrudRepository.

Their main functions are:

Because of the inheritance mentioned above, JpaRepository will have all the functions of CrudRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository. So if you don't need the repository to have the functions provided by JpaRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository , use CrudRepository.

How to initialize a vector of vectors on a struct?

Like this:

#include <vector>

// ...

std::vector<std::vector<int>> A(dimension, std::vector<int>(dimension));

(Pre-C++11 you need to leave whitespace between the angled brackets.)

Where does one get the "sys/socket.h" header/source file?

I would like just to add that if you want to use windows socket library you have to :

  • at the beginning : call WSAStartup()

  • at the end : call WSACleanup()


Java integer list

If you want to rewrite a line on console, print a control character \r (carriage return).

List<Integer> myCoords = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Iterator<Integer> myListIterator = myCoords.iterator(); 
while (myListIterator.hasNext()) {
    Integer coord =;     

Get first word of string

I 'm using this :

function getFirstWord(str) {
        let spaceIndex = str.indexOf(' ');
        return spaceIndex === -1 ? str : str.substr(0, spaceIndex);

Condition within JOIN or WHERE

WHERE will filter after the JOIN has occurred.

Filter on the JOIN to prevent rows from being added during the JOIN process.

A Space between Inline-Block List Items

Actually, this is not specific to display:inline-block, but also applies to display:inline. Thus, in addition to David Horák's solution, this also works:

ul {
    font-size: 0;
ul li {
    font-size: 14px;
    display: inline;

Run git pull over all subdirectories

ls | xargs -I{} git -C {} pull

To do it in parallel:

ls | xargs -P10 -I{} git -C {} pull

How to get the name of the current Windows user in JavaScript

Working for me on IE:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var WinNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");

...but ActiveX controls needs to be on in security settings.

How to send a correct authorization header for basic authentication

no need to use user and password as part of the URL

you can try this

byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encodeBase64("user:passwd".getBytes());

String USER_PASS = new String(encodedBytes);

HttpUriRequest request = RequestBuilder.get(url).addHeader("Authorization", USER_PASS).build();

Can I add a UNIQUE constraint to a PostgreSQL table, after it's already created?

If you had a table that already had a existing constraints based on lets say: name and lastname and you wanted to add one more unique constraint, you had to drop the entire constrain by:

ALTER TABLE your_table DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name;

Make sure tha the new constraint you wanted to add is unique/ not null ( if its Microsoft Sql, it can contain only one null value) across all data on that table, and then you could re-create it.

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (column1, column2, ... column_n);

How to set the part of the text view is clickable

more generic answer in kotlin

   fun setClickableText(view: TextView, firstSpan: String, secondSpan: String) {
    val context = view.context
    val builder = SpannableStringBuilder()
    val unClickableSpan = SpannableString(firstSpan)
    val span = SpannableString(" "+secondSpan)

    val clickableSpan: ClickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
        override fun onClick(textView: View) {
            val intent = Intent(context,

        override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) {
            ds.isUnderlineText = true
            ds.setTypeface(Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.ITALIC));
    builder.setSpan(clickableSpan, firstSpan.length, firstSpan.length+secondSpan.length+1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)



Send form data with jquery ajax json

The accepted answer here indeed makes a json from a form, but the json contents is really a string with url-encoded contents.

To make a more realistic json POST, use some solution from Serialize form data to JSON to make formToJson function and add contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' to the jQuery ajax call parameters.

    url: 'test.php',
    type: "POST",
    dataType: 'json',
    data: formToJson($("form")),
    contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',

How do I store the select column in a variable?

select @EmpID = ID from dbo.Employee


set @EmpID =(select id from dbo.Employee)

Note that the select query might return more than one value or rows. so you can write a select query that must return one row.

If you would like to add more columns to one variable(MS SQL), there is an option to use table defined variable

DECLARE @sampleTable TABLE(column1 type1)
INSERT INTO @sampleTable
SELECT columnsNumberEqualInsampleTable FROM .. WHERE ..

As table type variable do not exist in Oracle and others, you would have to define it:

DECLARE TYPE type_name IS TABLE OF (column_type | variable%TYPE | table.column%TYPE [NOT NULL] INDEX BY BINARY INTEGER;

-- Then to declare a TABLE variable of this type: variable_name type_name;

-- Assigning values to a TABLE variable: variable_name(n).field_name := 'some text';

-- Where 'n' is the index value

'printf' with leading zeros in C

Your format specifier is incorrect. From the printf() man page on my machine:

0 A zero '0' character indicating that zero-padding should be used rather than blank-padding. A '-' overrides a '0' if both are used;

Field Width: An optional digit string specifying a field width; if the output string has fewer characters than the field width it will be blank-padded on the left (or right, if the left-adjustment indicator has been given) to make up the field width (note that a leading zero is a flag, but an embedded zero is part of a field width);

Precision: An optional period, '.', followed by an optional digit string giving a precision which specifies the number of digits to appear after the decimal point, for e and f formats, or the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string; if the digit string is missing, the precision is treated as zero;

For your case, your format would be %09.3f:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("%09.3f\n", 4917.24);
  return 0;


$ make testapp
cc     testapp.c   -o testapp
$ ./testapp 

Note that this answer is conditional on your embedded system having a printf() implementation that is standard-compliant for these details - many embedded environments do not have such an implementation.

Why does Java's hashCode() in String use 31 as a multiplier?

According to Joshua Bloch's Effective Java (a book that can't be recommended enough, and which I bought thanks to continual mentions on stackoverflow):

The value 31 was chosen because it is an odd prime. If it were even and the multiplication overflowed, information would be lost, as multiplication by 2 is equivalent to shifting. The advantage of using a prime is less clear, but it is traditional. A nice property of 31 is that the multiplication can be replaced by a shift and a subtraction for better performance: 31 * i == (i << 5) - i. Modern VMs do this sort of optimization automatically.

(from Chapter 3, Item 9: Always override hashcode when you override equals, page 48)

Convert Dictionary to JSON in Swift

My answer for your question is below

let dict = ["0": "ArrayObjectOne", "1": "ArrayObjecttwo", "2": "ArrayObjectThree"]

var error : NSError?

let jsonData = try! NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(dict, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted)

let jsonString = NSString(data: jsonData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)! as String


Answer is

  "0" : "ArrayObjectOne",
  "1" : "ArrayObjecttwo",
  "2" : "ArrayObjectThree"

Spring Maven clean error - The requested profile "pom.xml" could not be activated because it does not exist

Goto Properties -> maven Remove the pom.xml from the activate profiles and follow the below steps.

Steps :

  1. Delete the .m2 repository
  2. Restart the Eclipse IDE
  3. Refresh and Rebuild it

Difference between MongoDB and Mongoose

Mongo is NoSQL Database.

If you don't want to use any ORM for your data models then you can also use native driver mongo.js:

Mongoose is one of the orm's who give us functionality to access the mongo data with easily understandable queries.

Mongoose plays as a role of abstraction over your database model.

Is there a developers api for

The closest I have been able to find is called 3taps. 3taps was sued by Craigslist with the result that "access to public data on a public website can be selectively censored by blacklisting certain viewers (i.e. competitors)", and thus states that "3taps will therefore access the very same data exclusively from public sources that retain open and equal access rights to public data".

Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Edit the build path in this order, this worked for me.

Make sure the /gen is before /src

enter image description here

Load resources from relative path using local html in uiwebview

Swift answer 2.

The UIWebView Class Reference advises against using webView.loadRequest(request):

Don’t use this method to load local HTML files; instead, use loadHTMLString:baseURL:.

In this solution, the html is read into a string. The html's url is used to work out the path, and passes that as a base url.

let url = bundle.URLForResource("index", withExtension: "html", subdirectory: "htmlFileFolder")
let html = try String(contentsOfURL: url)
let base = url.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent
webView.loadHTMLString(html, baseURL: base)

Good Hash Function for Strings

This function provided by Nick is good but if you use new String(byte[] bytes) to make the transformation to String, it failed. You can use this function to do that.

private static final char[] hex = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };

public static String byteArray2Hex(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(bytes.length * 2);
    for(final byte b : bytes) {
        sb.append(hex[(b & 0xF0) >> 4]);
        sb.append(hex[b & 0x0F]);
    return sb.toString();

public static String getStringFromSHA256(String stringToEncrypt) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
    return byteArray2Hex(messageDigest.digest());

May be this can help somebody

How to mark a method as obsolete or deprecated?

Add an annotation to the method using the keyword Obsolete. Message argument is optional but a good idea to communicate why the item is now obsolete and/or what to use instead.

[System.Obsolete("use myMethodB instead")]
void myMethodA()

HTML Entity Decode

jQuery provides a way to encode and decode html entities.

If you use a "<div/>" tag, it will strip out all the html.

function htmlDecode(value) {
    return $("<div/>").html(value).text();

function htmlEncode(value) {
    return $('<div/>').text(value).html();

If you use a "<textarea/>" tag, it will preserve the html tags.

function htmlDecode(value) {
    return $("<textarea/>").html(value).text();

function htmlEncode(value) {
    return $('<textarea/>').text(value).html();

How do you use variables in a simple PostgreSQL script?

DO $$
   a integer := 10;  
   b integer := 20;  
   c integer;  
   c := a + b;
    RAISE NOTICE'Value of c: %', c;
END $$;

How to convert an Instant to a date format?

If you want to convert an Instant to a Date:

Date myDate = Date.from(instant);

And then you can use SimpleDateFormat for the formatting part of your question:

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss");
String formattedDate = formatter.format(myDate);

How to delete only the content of file in python

How to delete only the content of file in python

There is several ways of set the logical size of a file to 0, depending how you access that file:

To empty an open file:

def deleteContent(pfile):

To empty a open file whose file descriptor is known:

def deleteContent(fd):
    os.ftruncate(fd, 0)
    os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)

To empty a closed file (whose name is known)

def deleteContent(fName):
    with open(fName, "w"):

I have a temporary file with some content [...] I need to reuse that file

That being said, in the general case it is probably not efficient nor desirable to reuse a temporary file. Unless you have very specific needs, you should think about using tempfile.TemporaryFile and a context manager to almost transparently create/use/delete your temporary files:

import tempfile

with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as temp:
     # do whatever you want with `temp`

# <- `tempfile` guarantees the file being both closed *and* deleted
#     on exit of the context manager

How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

if exists (SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[MyTable]') )

How to replace a string in a SQL Server Table Column

You also can replace large text for email template at run time, here is an simple example for that.

SET @xml = CAST((SELECT [column] AS 'td','',        
        ,[StartDate] AS 'td'
         FROM [table] 
select REPLACE((EmailTemplate), '[@xml]', @xml) as Newtemplate 
FROM [dbo].[template] where id = 1

import error: 'No module named' *does* exist

I got this when I didn't type things right. I had


instead of

Python: json.loads returns items prefixing with 'u'

Try this:


Remove quotes from a character vector in R

I'm just guessing, is this in the ball park of what you're trying to achieve?

> a <- "a"
> a
[1] "a" # quote yes
> as.factor(a)
[1] a #quote no

How to convert comma-delimited string to list in Python?

>>> some_string='A,B,C,D,E'
>>> new_tuple= tuple(some_string.split(','))
>>> new_tuple
('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E')

Content is not allowed in Prolog SAXParserException

This error can come if there is validation error either in your wsdl or xsd file. For instance I too got the same issue while running wsdl2java to convert my wsdl file to generate the client. In one of my xsd it was defined as below

<xs:import schemaLocation="" namespace="http://MultiChoice.PaymentService/DataContracts" />

Where the schemaLocation was empty. By providing the proper data in schemaLocation resolved my problem.

<xs:import schemaLocation="multichoice.paymentservice.DataContracts.xsd" namespace="http://MultiChoice.PaymentService/DataContracts" />

Bootstrap collapse animation not smooth

Mine got smoother not by wrapping each child but wrapping whole markup with a helper div. Like this:

<div class="accordeonBigWrapper">
    <div class="panel-group accordion partnersAccordeonWrapper" id="partnersAccordeon" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="false">
         accordeon markup inside...

How to get Url Hash (#) from server side

We had a situation where we needed to persist the URL hash across ASP.Net post backs. As the browser does not send the hash to the server by default, the only way to do it is to use some Javascript:

  1. When the form submits, grab the hash (window.location.hash) and store it in a server-side hidden input field Put this in a DIV with an id of "urlhash" so we can find it easily later.

  2. On the server you can use this value if you need to do something with it. You can even change it if you need to.

  3. On page load on the client, check the value of this this hidden field. You will want to find it by the DIV it is contained in as the auto-generated ID won't be known. Yes, you could do some trickery here with .ClientID but we found it simpler to just use the wrapper DIV as it allows all this Javascript to live in an external file and be used in a generic fashion.

  4. If the hidden input field has a valid value, set that as the URL hash (window.location.hash again) and/or perform other actions.

We used jQuery to simplify the selecting of the field, etc ... all in all it ends up being a few jQuery calls, one to save the value, and another to restore it.

Before submit:

$("form").submit(function() {
  $("input", "#urlhash").val(window.location.hash);

On page load:

var hashVal = $("input", "#urlhash").val();
if (IsHashValid(hashVal)) {
  window.location.hash = hashVal;

IsHashValid() can check for "undefined" or other things you don't want to handle.

Also, make sure you use $(document).ready() appropriately, of course.

How to run two jQuery animations simultaneously?

While it's true that consecutive calls to animate will give the appearance they are running at the same time, the underlying truth is they're distinct animations running very close to parallel.

To insure the animations are indeed running at the same time use:

$(function() {
    $('#first').animate({..., queue: 'my-animation'});
    $('#second').animate({..., queue: 'my-animation'}).dequeue('my-animation');

Further animations can be added to the 'my-animation' queue and all can be initiated provided the last animation dequeue's them.

Cheers, Anthony

Easy way to pull latest of all git submodules

Remark: not too easy way, but workable and it has its own unique pros.

If one want to clone only HEAD revision of a repository and only HEADs of all the its submodules (i.e. to checkout "trunk"), then one can use following Lua script. Sometimes simple command git submodule update --init --recursive --remote --no-fetch --depth=1 can result in an unrecoverable git error. In this case one need to clean up subdirectory of .git/modules directory and clone submodule manually using git clone --separate-git-dir command. The only complexity is to find out URL, path of .git directory of submodule and path of submodule in superproject tree.

Remark: the script is only tested against repository. Its peculiarities: all the submodules hosted on the same host and .gitmodules contains only relative URLs.

-- mkdir boost ; cd boost ; lua ../git-submodules-clone-HEAD.lua .
local module_url = arg[1] or ''
local module = arg[2] or module_url:match('.+/([_%d%a]+)%.git')
local branch = arg[3] or 'master'
function execute(command)
    print('# ' .. command)
    return os.execute(command)
-- execute('rm -rf ' .. module)
if not execute('git clone --single-branch --branch master --depth=1 ' .. module_url .. ' ' .. module) then
    io.stderr:write('can\'t clone repository from ' .. module_url .. ' to ' .. module .. '\n')
    return 1
-- cd $module ; git submodule update --init --recursive --remote --no-fetch --depth=1
execute('mkdir -p ' .. module .. '/.git/modules')
assert(io.input(module .. '/.gitmodules'))
local lines = {}
for line in io.lines() do
    table.insert(lines, line)
local submodule
local path
local submodule_url
for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
    local submodule_ = line:match('^%[submodule %"([_%d%a]-)%"%]$')
    if submodule_ then
        submodule = submodule_
        path = nil
        submodule_url = nil
        local path_ = line:match('^%s*path = (.+)$')
        if path_ then
            path = path_
            submodule_url = line:match('^%s*url = (.+)$')
        if submodule and path and submodule_url then
            -- execute('rm -rf ' .. path)
            local git_dir = module .. '/.git/modules/' .. path:match('^.-/(.+)$')
            -- execute('rm -rf ' .. git_dir)
            execute('mkdir -p $(dirname "' .. git_dir .. '")')
            if not execute('git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=' .. branch .. ' --separate-git-dir ' .. git_dir .. ' ' .. module_url .. '/' .. submodule_url .. ' ' .. module .. '/' .. path) then
                io.stderr:write('can\'t clone submodule ' .. submodule .. '\n')
                return 1
            path = nil
            submodule_url = nil

Get Date Object In UTC format in Java

You can subtract the time zone difference from now.

final Calendar calendar  = Calendar.getInstance();
final int      utcOffset = calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
final long     tempDate  = new Date().getTime();

return new Date(tempDate - utcOffset);

MySQL: how to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds


If you want an unsigned difference, add an ABS() around the expression.

Alternatively, you can use TIMEDIFF(ts1, ts2) and then convert the time result to seconds with TIME_TO_SEC().

How do you add an action to a button programmatically in xcode

For Swift 3

Create a function for button action first and then add the function to your button target

func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!) {
    print("Button tapped")

button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonAction),for: .touchUpInside)

NSRange from Swift Range?

For cases like the one you described, I found this to work. It's relatively short and sweet:

 let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "follow the yellow brick road") //can essentially come from a textField.text as well (will need to unwrap though)
 let text = "follow the yellow brick road"
 let str = NSString(string: text) 
 let theRange = str.rangeOfString("yellow")
 attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: UIColor.yellowColor(), range: theRange)

How to unload a package without restarting R

You can also use the unloadNamespace command, as in:


The function detaches the namespace prior to unloading it.

How can I use LEFT & RIGHT Functions in SQL to get last 3 characters?

SELECT  RIGHT(RTRIM(column), 3),
        LEFT(column, LEN(column) - 3)
FROM    table

Use RIGHT w/ RTRIM (to avoid complications with a fixed-length column), and LEFT coupled with LEN (to only grab what you need, exempt of the last 3 characters).

if there's ever a situation where the length is <= 3, then you're probably going to have to use a CASE statement so the LEFT call doesn't get greedy.

Type converting slices of interfaces

Try interface{} instead. To cast back as slice, try

func foo(bar interface{}) {
    s := bar.([]string)
    // ...

How can I get the name of an html page in Javascript?

var path = window.location.pathname;
var page = path.split("/").pop();
console.log( page );

How can I find the number of days between two Date objects in Ruby?

Well, take care of what you mean by "between" too...

days_apart = (to - from).to_i     # from + days_apart = to
total_days = (to - from).to_i + 1 # number of "selected" days
in_between_days = (to - from).to_i - 1 # how many days are in between from and to, i.e. excluding those two days

Generate UML Class Diagram from Java Project

I´d say MoDisco is by far the most powerful one (though probably not the easiest one to work with).

MoDisco is a generic reverse engineering framework (so that you can customize your reverse engineering project, with MoDisco you can even reverse engineer the behaviour of the java methods, not only the structure and signatures) but also includes some predefined features like the generation of class diagrams out of Java code that you need.

MySQL: How to reset or change the MySQL root password?

I am sharing the step by step final solution to reset a MySQL password in Linux Ubuntu.

Reference taken from blog (

Step 1: Stop MySQL Service.

sudo stop mysql

Step 2: Kill all running mysqld.

sudo killall -9 mysqld

Step 3: Starting mysqld in Safe mode.

sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &

Step 4: Start mysql client

mysql -u root

Step 5: After successful login, please execute this command to change any password.


Step 6: You can update mysql root password .

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpwd') WHERE User='root';

Note: On MySQL 5.7, column Password is called authentication_string.

Step 7: Please execute this command.


Java enum with multiple value types

First, the enum methods shouldn't be in all caps. They are methods just like other methods, with the same naming convention.

Second, what you are doing is not the best possible way to set up your enum. Instead of using an array of values for the values, you should use separate variables for each value. You can then implement the constructor like you would any other class.

Here's how you should do it with all the suggestions above:

public enum States {
    MASSACHUSETTS("Massachusetts",  "MA",   true),
    MICHIGAN     ("Michigan",       "MI",   false),
    ...; // all 50 of those

    private final String full;
    private final String abbr;
    private final boolean originalColony;

    private States(String full, String abbr, boolean originalColony) {
        this.full = full;
        this.abbr = abbr;
        this.originalColony = originalColony;

    public String getFullName() {
        return full;

    public String getAbbreviatedName() {
        return abbr;

    public boolean isOriginalColony(){
        return originalColony;

YouTube embedded video: set different thumbnail

No. Most YouTube videos only have one pre-generated "poster" thumbnail (480x360). They usually have several other lower resolution thumbnails (120x90). So even if there were an embedding parameter to use an alternate poster image (which there isn't), it's result wouldn't be acceptable.

You can theoretically use the Player API to seek the video to whatever location you want, but this would be a major hack for a minor result.

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

Super rare - but still: On Windows, it might be that packed-refs has a branch with one letter case (i.e dev/mybranch), while refs folder has another case (i.e Dev/mybranch) when core.ignorecase is set to true.

The solution is to manually delete the relevant row from packed-refs. Didn't find a cleaner solution.

Calculating distance between two geographic locations

Look into distanceTo

Returns the approximate distance in meters between this location and the given location. Distance is defined using the WGS84 ellipsoid.

or distanceBetween

Computes the approximate distance in meters between two locations, and optionally the initial and final bearings of the shortest path between them. Distance and bearing are defined using the WGS84 ellipsoid.

You can create a Location object from a latitude and longitude:

Location locationA = new Location("point A");


Location locationB = new Location("point B");


float distance = locationA.distanceTo(locationB);


private double meterDistanceBetweenPoints(float lat_a, float lng_a, float lat_b, float lng_b) {
    float pk = (float) (180.f/Math.PI);

    float a1 = lat_a / pk;
    float a2 = lng_a / pk;
    float b1 = lat_b / pk;
    float b2 = lng_b / pk;

    double t1 = Math.cos(a1) * Math.cos(a2) * Math.cos(b1) * Math.cos(b2);
    double t2 = Math.cos(a1) * Math.sin(a2) * Math.cos(b1) * Math.sin(b2);
    double t3 = Math.sin(a1) * Math.sin(b1);
    double tt = Math.acos(t1 + t2 + t3);
    return 6366000 * tt;

Update Item to Revision vs Revert to Revision

@BaltoStar update to revision syntax:

svn update -r30

Where 30 is revision number. Hope this help!

How to setup FTP on xampp

XAMPP comes preloaded with the FileZilla FTP server. Here is how to setup the service, and create an account.

  1. Enable the FileZilla FTP Service through the XAMPP Control Panel to make it startup automatically (check the checkbox next to filezilla to install the service). Then manually start the service.

  2. Create an ftp account through the FileZilla Server Interface (its the essentially the filezilla control panel). There is a link to it Start Menu in XAMPP folder. Then go to Users->Add User->Stuff->Done.

  3. Try connecting to the server (localhost, port 21).

How do I compare strings in Java?

In Java, when the == operator is used to compare 2 objects, it checks to see if the objects refer to the same place in memory. In other words, it checks to see if the 2 object names are basically references to the same memory location.

The Java String class actually overrides the default equals() implementation in the Object class – and it overrides the method so that it checks only the values of the strings, not their locations in memory. This means that if you call the equals() method to compare 2 String objects, then as long as the actual sequence of characters is equal, both objects are considered equal.

The == operator checks if the two strings are exactly the same object.

The .equals() method check if the two strings have the same value.

How to check if AlarmManager already has an alarm set?

Note this quote from the docs for the set method of the Alarm Manager:

If there is already an alarm for this Intent scheduled (with the equality of two intents being defined by Intent.filterEquals), then it will be removed and replaced by this one.

If you know you want the alarm set, then you don't need to bother checking whether it already exists or not. Just create it every time your app boots. You will replace any past alarms with the same Intent.

You need a different approach if you are trying to calculate how much time is remaining on a previously created alarm, or if you really need to know whether such alarm even exists. To answer those questions, consider saving shared pref data at the time you create the alarm. You could store the clock timestamp at the moment the alarm was set, the time that you expect the alarm to go off, and the repeat period (if you setup a repeating alarm).

Is it possible to output a SELECT statement from a PL/SQL block?

It depends on what you need the result for.

If you are sure that there's going to be only 1 row, use implicit cursor:

   SELECT foo,bar FROM foobar INTO v_foo, v_bar;
   -- Print the foo and bar values
   dbms_output.put_line('foo=' || v_foo || ', bar=' || v_bar);
     -- No rows selected, insert your exception handler here
     -- More than 1 row seleced, insert your exception handler here

If you want to select more than 1 row, you can use either an explicit cursor:

   CURSOR cur_foobar IS
     SELECT foo, bar FROM foobar;

   -- Open the cursor and loop through the records
   OPEN cur_foobar;
      FETCH cur_foobar INTO v_foo, v_bar;
      EXIT WHEN cur_foobar%NOTFOUND;
      -- Print the foo and bar values
      dbms_output.put_line('foo=' || v_foo || ', bar=' || v_bar);
   CLOSE cur_foobar;

or use another type of cursor:

   -- Open the cursor and loop through the records
   FOR v_rec IN (SELECT foo, bar FROM foobar) LOOP       
   -- Print the foo and bar values
   dbms_output.put_line('foo=' || || ', bar=' ||;

Get and set position with jQuery .offset()

It's doable but you have to know that using offset() sets the position of the element relative to the document:

$('.layer1').offset( $('.layer2').offset() );

Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

What kind of database user is it? Run select * from sys.database_principals in the database and check columns type and type_desc for that name. If it is a Windows or SQL user, go with @gbn's answer, but if it's something else (which is my untested guess based on your error message) then you have a different problem.


So it is a SQL-authenticated login. Back when we'd use sp_change_users_login to fix such logins. SQL 2008 has it as "don't use, will be deprecated", which means that the ALTER USER command should be sufficient... but it might be worth a try in this case. Used properly (it's been a while), I believe this updates the SID of the User to match that of the login.

Sort Dictionary by keys

For Swift 4 the following has worked for me:

let dicNumArray = ["q":[1,2,3,4,5],"a":[2,3,4,5,5],"s":[123,123,132,43,4],"t":[00,88,66,542,321]]

let sortedDic = dicNumArray.sorted { (aDic, bDic) -> Bool in
    return aDic.key < bDic.key

SQL statement to select all rows from previous day

Another way to tell it "Yesterday"...

Select * from TABLE
where Day(DateField) = (Day(GetDate())-1)
and Month(DateField) = (Month(GetDate()))
and Year(DateField) = (Year(getdate()))

This conceivably won't work well on January 1, as well as the first day of every month. But on the fly it's effective.

Aligning a float:left div to center?

Just wrap floated elements in a <div> and give it this CSS:

.wrapper {

display: table;
margin: auto;


Why are there two ways to unstage a file in Git?

Quite simply:

  • git rm --cached <file> makes git stop tracking the file completely (leaving it in the filesystem, unlike plain git rm*)
  • git reset HEAD <file> unstages any modifications made to the file since the last commit (but doesn't revert them in the filesystem, contrary to what the command name might suggest**). The file remains under revision control.

If the file wasn't in revision control before (i.e. you're unstaging a file that you had just git added for the first time), then the two commands have the same effect, hence the appearance of these being "two ways of doing something".

* Keep in mind the caveat @DrewT mentions in his answer, regarding git rm --cached of a file that was previously committed to the repository. In the context of this question, of a file just added and not committed yet, there's nothing to worry about.

** I was scared for an embarrassingly long time to use the git reset command because of its name -- and still today I often look up the syntax to make sure I don't screw up. (update: I finally took the time to summarize the usage of git reset in a tldr page, so now I have a better mental model of how it works, and a quick reference for when I forget some detail.)

what's data-reactid attribute in html?

That's the HTML data attribute. See this for more detail:

Basically it's just a container of your custom data while still making the HTML valid. It's data- plus some unique identifier.

Error when trying vagrant up

Check the following entry in your Vagrantfile

Every Vagrant development environment requires a box.
You can search for boxes at = "base"

This is the default file setting which is created with vagrant init command. But what you need to do is do initialise vagrant environment with an OS box. For instance $vagrant init centos/7. And the Vagrantfile will look something like this:

Every Vagrant development environment requires a box.
You can search for boxes at = "centos/7"

This will resolve the error of not found base when doing a vagrant up.

Sometimes adding a WCF Service Reference generates an empty reference.cs

I have found this to occur commonly whenever I add a reference, remove it, and then re-add a service with the same name. The type conflicts appear to be caused by the old files remaining somewhere that Visual Studio can still see. All I need to do to fix it, is a clean before adding the new reference.

  1. Remove the service reference having issues.
  2. Click on the project name in the Solution Explorer to highlight the project.
  3. Right-click on the project reference.
  4. Near the top of the context list, click the Clean item.
  5. Add your service reference as you normally would.

Hope this helps.

HttpClient does not exist in .net 4.0: what can I do?

Referring to the answers above, I am only adding this to help clarify things. It is possible to use HttpClient from .Net 4.0, and you have to install the package from here

However, the text is very confusion and contradicts itself.

This package is not supported in Visual Studio 2010, and is only required for projects targeting .NET Framework 4.5, Windows 8, or Windows Phone 8.1 when consuming a library that uses this package.

But underneath it states that these are the supported platforms.

Supported Platforms:

  • .NET Framework 4

  • Windows 8

  • Windows Phone 8.1

  • Windows Phone Silverlight 7.5

  • Silverlight 4

  • Portable Class Libraries

Ignore what it ways about targeting .Net 4.5. This is wrong. The package is all about using HttpClient in .Net 4.0. However, you may need to use VS2012 or higher. Not sure if it works in VS2010, but that may be worth testing.

python: sys is not defined

You're trying to import all of those modules at once. Even if one of them fails, the rest will not import. For example:

    import datetime
    import foo
    import sys
except ImportError:

Let's say foo doesn't exist. Then only datetime will be imported.

What you can do is import the sys module at the beginning of the file, before the try/except statement:

import sys
    import numpy as np
    import pyfits as pf
    import scipy.ndimage as nd
    import pylab as pl
    import os
    import heapq
    from scipy.optimize import leastsq

except ImportError:
    print "Error: missing one of the libraries (numpy, pyfits, scipy, matplotlib)"

Showing loading animation in center of page while making a call to Action method in ASP .NET MVC

Another solution that it is similar to those already exposed here is this one. Just before the closing body tag place this html:

<div id="resultLoading" style="display: none; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: 10000; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; margin: auto;">
    <div style="width: 340px; height: 200px; text-align: center; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; margin: auto; z-index: 10; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
        <div class="uil-default-css">
            <img src="/images/loading-animation1.gif" style="max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" />
        <div class="loader-text" style="display: block; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 300;">&nbsp;</div>
    <div style="background: rgb(0, 0, 0); opacity: 0.6; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></div>

Finally, replace .loader-text element's content on the fly on every navigation event and turn on the #resultloading div, note that it is initially hidden.

var showLoader = function (text) {

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    jQuery(window).on("beforeunload ", function () {
        showLoader('Loading, please wait...');

This can be applied to any html based project with jQuery where you don't know which pages of your administration area will take too long to finish loading.

The gif image is 176x176px but you can use any transparent gif animation, please take into account that the image size is not important as it will be maxed to 150x150px.

Also, the function showLoader can be called on an element's click to perform an action that will further redirect the page, that is why it is provided ad an individual function. i hope this can also help anyone.

How to use the CSV MIME-type?

You could try to force the browser to open a "Save As..." dialog by doing something like:

header('Content-type: text/csv');
header('Content-disposition: attachment;filename=MyVerySpecial.csv');
echo "cell 1, cell 2";

Which should work across most major browsers.

Select query with date condition

Be careful, you're unwittingly asking "where the date is greater than one divided by nine, divided by two thousand and eight".

Put # signs around the date, like this #1/09/2008#

How does "FOR" work in cmd batch file?

Mark's idea was good, but maybe forgot some path have spaces in them. Replacing ';' with '" "' instead would cut all paths into quoted strings.

set _path="%PATH:;=" "%"
for %%p in (%_path%) do if not "%%~p"=="" echo %%~p

So here, you have your paths displayed.

FOR command in cmd has a tedious learning curve, notably because how variables react within ()'s statements... you can assign any variables, but you can't read then back within the ()'s, unless you use the "setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION" statement, and therefore also use the variables with !!'s instead of %%'s (!_var!)

I currently exclusively script with cmd, for work, had to learn all this :)

How do I increase the contrast of an image in Python OpenCV

Best explanation for X = aY + b (in fact it f(x) = ax + b)) is provided at

A Simpler one by just adjusting lightness/luma/brightness for contrast as is below:

import cv2

img = cv2.imread('test.jpg')
cv2.imshow('test', img)
imghsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

imghsv[:,:,2] = [[max(pixel - 25, 0) if pixel < 190 else min(pixel + 25, 255) for pixel in row] for row in imghsv[:,:,2]]
cv2.imshow('contrast', cv2.cvtColor(imghsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR))

How to read an excel file in C# without using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel libraries

You can try OleDB to read data from excel file. Please try as follow..

DataSet ds_Data = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection oleCon = new OleDbConnection();

string strExcelFile = @"C:\Test.xlsx";
oleCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + strExcelFile + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=NO;TypeGuessRows=0;ImportMixedTypes=Text\"";;

 string SpreadSheetName = "";

OleDbDataAdapter Adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(sConnectionString);

string strQuery;

int workSheetNumber = 0;

DataTable ExcelSheets = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });

SpreadSheetName = ExcelSheets.Rows[workSheetNumber]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

strQuery = "select * from [" + SpreadSheetName + "] ";
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(strQuery, conn);
Adapter.SelectCommand = cmd;
DataSet dsExcel = new DataSet();

What is Turing Complete?

Can a relational database input latitudes and longitudes of places and roads, and compute the shortest path between them - no. This is one problem that shows SQL is not Turing complete.

But C++ can do it, and can do any problem. Thus it is.

How to get disk capacity and free space of remote computer

PowerShell Fun

Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -Computername <ServerName> -Credential $(get-credential) | Select DeviceID,VolumeName,FreeSpace,Size | where {$_.DeviceID -eq "C:"}

How to find the size of integer array

int len=sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);

Should work.

How to format a UTC date as a `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` string using NodeJS?

Check the code below and the link to MDN

// var ts_hms = new Date(UTC);
// ts_hms.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

// exact format
console.log(new Date().toISOString().replace('T', ' ').substring(0, 19))

// other formats
console.log(new Date().toUTCString())
console.log(new Date().toLocaleString('en-US'))
console.log(new Date().toString())

How to upload a project to Github

I did as follows;

  1. git init
  2. git add .
  3. git commit -m "Your_message"
  4. git remote add origin @your_git_repository
  5. git push -u origin master

Of course you have to install git

Best way to "negate" an instanceof

Usually you don't want just an if but an else clause as well.

if(!(str instanceof String)) { /* do Something */ } 
else { /* do something else */ }

can be written as

if(str instanceof String) { /* do Something else */ } 
else { /* do something */ }

Or you can write the code so you don't need to know if its a String or not. e.g.

if(!(str instanceof String)) { str = str.toString(); } 

can be written as

str = str.toString();

Passing on command line arguments to runnable JAR

When you run your application this way, the java excecutable read the MANIFEST inside your jar and find the main class you defined. In this class you have a static method called main. In this method you may use the command line arguments.

UIButton Image + Text IOS

Use this code:

UIButton *sampleButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[sampleButton setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 10, 200, 52)];
[sampleButton setTitle:@"Button Title" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[sampleButton setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:20]];
[sampleButton setBackgroundImage:[[UIImage imageNamed:@"redButton.png"] 
stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:10.0 topCapHeight:0.0] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[sampleButton addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonPressed)
[self.view addSubview:sampleButton]

curl Failed to connect to localhost port 80

In my case, the file ~/.curlrc had a wrong proxy configured.

Node: log in a file instead of the console

I just build a pack to do this, hope you like it ;)

How can I make IntelliJ IDEA update my dependencies from Maven?

in IntelliJ 2020 in the pom.xml view one should be able to apply pom changes by following key combination: CTRG + SHIFT + O.

And as correctly commented before - IntelliJ additionally shows a balloon widget to import changes.

How to append one DataTable to another DataTable

use loop

  for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++)
           dt2.Rows.Add(dt1.Rows[i][0], dt1.Rows[i][1], ...);//you have to insert all Columns...

XPath: difference between dot and text()

There is a difference between . and text(), but this difference might not surface because of your input document.

If your input document looked like (the simplest document one can imagine given your XPath expressions)

Example 1

  <a>Ask Question</a>

Then //a[text()="Ask Question"] and //a[.="Ask Question"] indeed return exactly the same result. But consider a different input document that looks like

Example 2

  <a>Ask Question<other/>

where the a element also has a child element other that follows immediately after "Ask Question". Given this second input document, //a[text()="Ask Question"] still returns the a element, while //a[.="Ask Question"] does not return anything!

This is because the meaning of the two predicates (everything between [ and ]) is different. [text()="Ask Question"] actually means: return true if any of the text nodes of an element contains exactly the text "Ask Question". On the other hand, [.="Ask Question"] means: return true if the string value of an element is identical to "Ask Question".

In the XPath model, text inside XML elements can be partitioned into a number of text nodes if other elements interfere with the text, as in Example 2 above. There, the other element is between "Ask Question" and a newline character that also counts as text content.

To make an even clearer example, consider as an input document:

Example 3

<a>Ask Question<other/>more text</a>

Here, the a element actually contains two text nodes, "Ask Question" and "more text", since both are direct children of a. You can test this by running //a/text() on this document, which will return (individual results separated by ----):

Ask Question
more text

So, in such a scenario, text() returns a set of individual nodes, while . in a predicate evaluates to the string concatenation of all text nodes. Again, you can test this claim with the path expression //a[.='Ask Questionmore text'] which will successfully return the a element.

Finally, keep in mind that some XPath functions can only take one single string as an input. As LarsH has pointed out in the comments, if such an XPath function (e.g. contains()) is given a sequence of nodes, it will only process the first node and silently ignore the rest.

How to give spacing between buttons using bootstrap

You can use built-in spacing from Bootstrap so no need for additional CSS there. This is for Bootstrap 4.

C#: Limit the length of a string?

Use Remove()...

string foo = "1234567890";
int trimLength = 5;

if (foo.Length > trimLength) foo = foo.Remove(trimLength);

// foo is now "12345"

Running a cron job at 2:30 AM everyday

As an addition to the all above mentioned great answers, check the - a useful online resource for checking your crontab syntax.

What you get is human readable representation of what you have specified.

See the examples below:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/juli/logging/LogFactory

I had the same problem, What helped me was:

  1. Right click on the project.
  2. Click 'Properties'
  3. Go to 'Java Build Path'
  4. And then: 'Libraries'
  5. In there, Click: Add External Jars
  6. Add: ''Path/To/Tomcat/Bin/tomcat-juli.jar

Done .

HTML table with 100% width, with vertical scroll inside tbody

I got it finally right with pure CSS by following these instructions:

The first step is to set the <tbody> to display: block so an overflow and height can be applied. From there the rows in the <thead> need to be set to position: relative and display: block so that they’ll sit on top of the now scrollable <tbody>.

tbody, thead { display: block; overflow-y: auto; }

Because the <thead> is relatively positioned each table cell needs an explicit width

td:nth-child(1), th:nth-child(1) { width: 100px; }
td:nth-child(2), th:nth-child(2) { width: 100px; }
td:nth-child(3), th:nth-child(3) { width: 100px; }

But unfortunately that is not enough. When a scrollbar is present browsers allocate space for it, therefore, the <tbody> ends up having less space available than the <thead>. Notice the slight misalignment this creates...

The only workaround I could come up with was to set a min-width on all columns except the last one.

td:nth-child(1), th:nth-child(1) { min-width: 100px; }
td:nth-child(2), th:nth-child(2) { min-width: 100px; }
td:nth-child(3), th:nth-child(3) { width: 100px; }

Whole codepen example below:


.fixed_headers {
  width: 750px;
  table-layout: fixed;
  border-collapse: collapse;
.fixed_headers th {
  text-decoration: underline;
.fixed_headers th,
.fixed_headers td {
  padding: 5px;
  text-align: left;
.fixed_headers td:nth-child(1),
.fixed_headers th:nth-child(1) {
  min-width: 200px;
.fixed_headers td:nth-child(2),
.fixed_headers th:nth-child(2) {
  min-width: 200px;
.fixed_headers td:nth-child(3),
.fixed_headers th:nth-child(3) {
  width: 350px;
.fixed_headers thead {
  background-color: #333333;
  color: #fdfdfd;
.fixed_headers thead tr {
  display: block;
  position: relative;
.fixed_headers tbody {
  display: block;
  overflow: auto;
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;
.fixed_headers tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: #dddddd;
.old_ie_wrapper {
  height: 300px;
  width: 750px;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  overflow-y: auto;
.old_ie_wrapper tbody {
  height: auto;


<!-- IE < 10 does not like giving a tbody a height.  The workaround here applies the scrolling to a wrapped <div>. -->
<!--[if lte IE 9]>
<div class="old_ie_wrapper">

<table class="fixed_headers">
      <td>These are red.</td>
      <td>These are green.</td>
      <td>Purple / Green</td>
      <td>These are purple and green.</td>
      <td>These are orange.</td>
      <td>These are yellow.</td>
      <td>These are green.</td>
      <td>These are Purple</td>
      <td>These are red.</td>
      <td>These are red.</td>
      <td>These are red.</td>
      <td>These are orange inside.</td>
      <td>These are green inside.</td>
      <td>These are green.</td>
      <td>These are red.</td>
      <td>These are blue.</td>
      <td>These are orange.</td>
      <td>Passion Fruit</td>
      <td>These are green.</td>

<!--[if lte IE 9]>

EDIT: Alternative solution for table width 100% (above actually is for fixed width and didn't answer the question):


      <td>These are red.</td>
      <td>These are green.</td>
      <td>Purple / Green</td>
      <td>These are purple and green.</td>
      <td>These are orange.</td>
      <td>These are yellow.</td>
      <td>These are green.</td>


table {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: left;
  min-width: 610px;
tr {
  height: 30px;
  padding-top: 10px
tbody { 
  height: 150px; 
  overflow-y: auto;
  overflow-x: hidden;
th,td,tr,thead,tbody { display: block; }
td,th { float: left; }
th:nth-child(1) {
  width: 20%;
th:nth-child(2) {
  width: 20%;
  float: left;
th:nth-child(3) {
  width: 59%;
  float: left;
/* some colors */
thead {
  background-color: #333333;
  color: #fdfdfd;
table tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: #dddddd;


typescript - cloning object

How about good old jQuery?! Here is deep clone:

var clone = $.extend(true, {}, sourceObject);

What is the difference between "px", "dip", "dp" and "sp"?

SDP - a scalable size unit - basically it is not a unit, but dimension resources for different screen size.

Try the sdp library from Intuit. It's very handy to solve unit problems, and you can quickly support multiple screens.


android:paddingBottom="@dimen/_15sdp" for positive and android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/_minus10sdp" for negative sdp sdp

It has equivalent value in dp for each size in values-sw<N>dp folders (sw = smallestWidth).


Use it carefully! In most cases you still need to design a different layout for tablets.


          android:orientation="horizontal" >

                    android:textStyle="bold" />

                    android:textSize="@dimen/_70sdp" />

You can use db for text size, but I prefer ssp for text size.

For more details, check the library GitHub page.

How to use "svn export" command to get a single file from the repository?

Guessing from your directory name, you are trying to access the repository on the local filesystem. You still need to use URL syntax to access it:

svn export file:///e:/repositories/process/test.txt c:\test.txt

How to convert a private key to an RSA private key?

This may be of some help (do not literally write out the backslashes '\' in the commands, they are meant to indicate that "everything has to be on one line"):

Which Command to Apply When

It seems that all the commands (in grey) take any type of key file (in green) as "in" argument. Which is nice.

Here are the commands again for easier copy-pasting:

openssl rsa                                                -in $FF -out $TF
openssl rsa -aes256                                        -in $FF -out $TF
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt                              -in $FF -out $TF
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -v2 aes-256-cbc -v2prf hmacWithSHA256 -in $FF -out $TF


openssl rsa -check -in $FF
openssl rsa -text  -in $FF

Basic calculator in Java

public class SwitchExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        System.out.println("1. Addition");
        System.out.println("2. Multiplication");
        System.out.println("3. Substraction");
        System.out.println("4. Division");
        System.out.println("0. Exit");

        System.out.println("Enter Your Choice :::::::  ");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        String str = br.readLine();

        int usrChoice = Integer.parseInt(str);

        switch (usrChoice) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:

            case 0:
                System.out.println("Thank you.....");

                System.out.println("Invalid Value");


public static void doAddition() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("******* Enter in Addition Process ********");

    String strNo1, strNo2;

    System.out.println("Enter Number 1 For Addition : ");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo1 = br.readLine();

    System.out.println("Enter Number 2 For Addition : ");
    BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo2 = br1.readLine();

    int no1 = Integer.parseInt(strNo1);
    int no2 = Integer.parseInt(strNo2);

    int result = no1 + no2;

    System.out.println("Addition of " + no1 + " and " + no2 + " is ::::::: " + result);

public static void doSubstraction() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("******* Enter in Substraction Process ********");

    String strNo1, strNo2;

    System.out.println("Enter Number 1 For Substraction : ");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo1 = br.readLine();

    System.out.println("Enter Number 2 For Substraction : ");
    BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo2 = br1.readLine();

    int no1 = Integer.parseInt(strNo1);
    int no2 = Integer.parseInt(strNo2);

    int result = no1 - no2;

    System.out.println("Substraction of " + no1 + " and " + no2 + " is ::::::: " + result);

public static void doMultiplication() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("******* Enter in Multiplication Process ********");

    String strNo1, strNo2;

    System.out.println("Enter Number 1 For Multiplication : ");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo1 = br.readLine();

    System.out.println("Enter Number 2 For Multiplication : ");
    BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo2 = br1.readLine();

    int no1 = Integer.parseInt(strNo1);
    int no2 = Integer.parseInt(strNo2);

    int result = no1 * no2;

    System.out.println("Multiplication of " + no1 + " and " + no2 + " is ::::::: " + result);

public static void doDivision() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("******* Enter in Dividion Process ********");

    String strNo1, strNo2;

    System.out.println("Enter Number 1 For Dividion : ");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo1 = br.readLine();

    System.out.println("Enter Number 2 For Dividion : ");
    BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    strNo2 = br1.readLine();

    int no1 = Integer.parseInt(strNo1);
    int no2 = Integer.parseInt(strNo2);

    float result = no1 / no2;

    System.out.println("Division of " + no1 + " and " + no2 + " is ::::::: " + result);


Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

MySQL InnoDB not releasing disk space after deleting data rows from table

Just had the same problem myself.

What happens is, that even if you drop the database, innodb will still not release disk space. I had to export, stop mysql, remove the files manually, start mysql, create database and users, and then import. Thank god I only had 200MB worth of rows, but it spared 250GB of innodb file.

Fail by design.

How to delete or add column in SQLITE?

This answer to a different question is oriented toward modifying a column, but I believe a portion of the answer could also yield a useful approach if you have lots of columns and don't want to retype most of them by hand for your INSERT statement:

You could dump your database as described in the link above, then grab the "create table" statement and an "insert" template from that dump, then follow the instructions in the SQLite FAQ entry "How do I add or delete columns from an existing table in SQLite." (FAQ is linked elsewhere on this page.)

Reading numbers from a text file into an array in C

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    fscanf(myFile, "%d", &numberArray[i]);

This is attempting to read the whole string, "5623125698541159" into &numArray[0]. You need spaces between the numbers:

5 6 2 3 ...

Static vs class functions/variables in Swift classes?

I tried mipadi's answer and comments on playground. And thought of sharing it. Here you go. I think mipadi's answer should be mark as accepted.

class A{
    class func classFunction(){
    static func staticFunction(){
    class func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){

class B: A {
    override class func classFunction(){


    //Compile Error. Class method overrides a 'final' class method
    override static func staticFunction(){


    //Lets avoid the function called 'classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass' being overriden by subclasses

    /* First way of doing it
    override static func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){

    // Second way of doing the same
    override final class func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){

    //To use static or final class is choice of style.
    //As mipadi suggests I would use. static at super class. and final class to cut off further overrides by a subclass

class C: B{
    //Compile Error. Class method overrides a 'final' class method
    override static func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){


JavaScript by reference vs. by value

My understanding is that this is actually very simple:

  • Javascript is always pass by value, but when a variable refers to an object (including arrays), the "value" is a reference to the object.
  • Changing the value of a variable never changes the underlying primitive or object, it just points the variable to a new primitive or object.
  • However, changing a property of an object referenced by a variable does change the underlying object.

So, to work through some of your examples:

function f(a,b,c) {
    // Argument a is re-assigned to a new value.
    // The object or primitive referenced by the original a is unchanged.
    a = 3;
    // Calling b.push changes its properties - it adds
    // a new property b[b.length] with the value "foo".
    // So the object referenced by b has been changed.
    // The "first" property of argument c has been changed.
    // So the object referenced by c has been changed (unless c is a primitive)
    c.first = false;

var x = 4;
var y = ["eeny", "miny", "mo"];
var z = {first: true};
console.log(x, y, z.first); // 4, ["eeny", "miny", "mo", "foo"], false

Example 2:

var a = ["1", "2", {foo:"bar"}];
var b = a[1]; // b is now "2";
var c = a[2]; // c now references {foo:"bar"}
a[1] = "4";   // a is now ["1", "4", {foo:"bar"}]; b still has the value
              // it had at the time of assignment
a[2] = "5";   // a is now ["1", "4", "5"]; c still has the value
              // it had at the time of assignment, i.e. a reference to
              // the object {foo:"bar"}
console.log(b,; // "2" "bar"

The OutputPath property is not set for this project

The WiX project I was using was hard-set in the configuration manager for x64 across the board. When making the Custom Action project for the solution, it defaulted everything to x86 within the .csproj file. So I unloaded the project, edited it by changing all x86 to x64, saved, reloaded, and was good to go after that.

I don't understand why I had to do this. The configuration manager was set to build as x64, but just wouldn't get set in the csproj file :(

Amazon S3 and Cloudfront cache, how to clear cache or synchronize their cache

Use Invalidations to clear the cache, you can put the path to the files you want to clear, or simply use wild cards to clear everything.

This can also be done using the API!

The AWS PHP SDK now has the methods but if you want to use something lighter check out this library:

user3305600's solution doesn't work as setting it to zero is the equivalent of Using the Origin Cache Headers.

Change the "From:" address in Unix "mail"

In my version of mail ( Debian linux 4.0 ) the following options work for controlling the source / reply addresses

  • the -a switch, for additional headers to apply, supplying a From: header on the command line that will be appended to the outgoing mail header
  • the $REPLYTO environment variable specifies a Reply-To: header

so the following sequence

export [email protected]
mail -aFrom:[email protected] -s 'Testing'

The result, in my mail clients, is a mail from [email protected], which any replies to will default to [email protected]

NB: Mac OS users: you don't have -a , but you do have $REPLYTO

NB(2): CentOS users, many commenters have added that you need to use -r not -a

NB(3): This answer is at least ten years old(1), please bear that in mind when you're coming in from Google.

.c vs .cc vs. .cpp vs .hpp vs .h vs .cxx

Those extensions aren't really new, they are old. :-)

When C++ was new, some people wanted to have a .c++ extension for the source files, but that didn't work on most file systems. So they tried something close to that, like .cxx, or .cpp instead.

Others thought about the language name, and "incrementing" .c to get .cc or even .C in some cases. Didn't catch on that much.

Some believed that if the source is .cpp, the headers ought to be .hpp to match. Moderately successful.