Programs & Examples On #Data access layer

Data access layer is a layer of a computer program which provides simplified access to data stored in persistent storage of some kind, such as an entity-relational database.

What is the difference between DAO and Repository patterns?

A DAO allows for a simpler way to get data from storage, hiding the ugly queries.

Repository deals with data too and hides queries and all that but, a repository deals with business/domain objects.

A repository will use a DAO to get the data from the storage and uses that data to restore a business object.

For example, A DAO can contain some methods like that -

 public abstract class MangoDAO{
   abstract List<Mango>> getAllMangoes();
   abstract Mango getMangoByID(long mangoID);

And a Repository can contain some method like that -

   public abstract class MangoRepository{
       MangoDao mangoDao = new MangDao;

       Mango getExportQualityMango(){

       for(Mango mango:mangoDao.getAllMangoes()){
        /*Here some business logics are being applied.*/
           mango.setDetails("It is an export quality mango");
            return mango;

This tutorial helped me to get the main concept easily.

Separation of business logic and data access in django

Most comprehensive article on the different options with pros and cons:

  1. Idea #1: Fat Models
  2. Idea #2: Putting Business Logic in Views/Forms
  3. Idea #3: Services
  4. Idea #4: QuerySets/Managers
  5. Conclusion


Getting data from selected datagridview row and which event?

First take a label. set its visibility to false, then on the DataGridView_CellClick event write this

private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    label.Text=dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Your Coloumn name"].Value.ToString();
    // then perform your select statement according to that label.
//try it it might work for you

Can I prevent text in a div block from overflowing?

You can just set the min-width in the css, for example:

.someClass{min-width: 980px;}

It will not break, nevertheless you will still have the scroll-bar to deal with.

Pandas: Return Hour from Datetime Column Directly

Here is a simple solution:

import pandas as pd
# convert the timestamp column to datetime
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'])

# extract hour from the timestamp column to create an time_hour column
df['time_hour'] = df['timestamp'].dt.hour

GoogleMaps API KEY for testing

There seems no way to have google maps api key free without credit card. To test the functionality of google map you can use it while leaving the api key field "EMPTY". It will show a message saying "For Development Purpose Only". And that way you can test google map functionality without putting billing information for google map api key.

<script src="" async defer></script>

Create zip file and ignore directory structure

Alternatively, you could create a temporary symbolic link to your file:

ln -s /data/to/zip/data.txt data.txt
zip /dir/to/file/newZip !$
rm !$

This works also for a directory.

Add a pipe separator after items in an unordered list unless that item is the last on a line

This is possible with flex-box

The keys to this technique:

  • A container element set to overflow: hidden.
  • Set justify-content: space-between on the ul (which is a flex-box) to force its flex-items to stretch to the left and right edges.
  • Set margin-left: -1px on the ul to cause its left edge to overflow the container.
  • Set border-left: 1px on the li flex-items.

The container acts as a mask hiding the borders of any flex-items touching its left edge.

.flex-list {
    position: relative;
    margin: 1em;
    overflow: hidden;
.flex-list ul {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-between;
    margin-left: -1px;
.flex-list li {
    flex-grow: 1;
    flex-basis: auto;
    margin: .25em 0;
    padding: 0 1em;
    text-align: center;
    border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
    background-color: #fff;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="flex-list">

Creating a mock HttpServletRequest out of a url string?

Simplest ways to mock an HttpServletRequest:

  1. Create an anonymous subclass:

    HttpServletRequest mock = new HttpServletRequest ()
        private final Map<String, String[]> params = /* whatever */
        public Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap()
            return params;
        public String getParameter(String name)
            String[] matches = params.get(name);
            if (matches == null || matches.length == 0) return null;
            return matches[0];
        // TODO *many* methods to implement here
  2. Use jMock, Mockito, or some other general-purpose mocking framework:

    HttpServletRequest mock = context.mock(HttpServletRequest.class); // jMock
    HttpServletRequest mock2 = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class); // Mockito
  3. Use HttpUnit's ServletUnit and don't mock the request at all.

Disable color change of anchor tag when visited

For those who are dynamically applying classes (i.e. active): Simply add a "div" tag inside the "a" tag with an href attribute:

<a href='your-link'>
    <span>your link name</span>

Carry Flag, Auxiliary Flag and Overflow Flag in Assembly

Carry Flag is a flag set when:

a) two unsigned numbers were added and the result is larger than "capacity" of register where it is saved. Ex: we wanna add two 8 bit numbers and save result in 8 bit register. In your example: 255 + 9 = 264 which is more that 8 bit register can store. So the value "8" will be saved there (264 & 255 = 8) and CF flag will be set.

b) two unsigned numbers were subtracted and we subtracted the bigger one from the smaller one. Ex: 1-2 will give you 255 in result and CF flag will be set.

Auxiliary Flag is used as CF but when working with BCD. So AF will be set when we have overflow or underflow on in BCD calculations. For example: considering 8 bit ALU unit, Auxiliary flag is set when there is carry from 3rd bit to 4th bit i.e. carry from lower nibble to higher nibble. (Wiki link)

Overflow Flag is used as CF but when we work on signed numbers. Ex we wanna add two 8 bit signed numbers: 127 + 2. the result is 129 but it is too much for 8bit signed number, so OF will be set. Similar when the result is too small like -128 - 1 = -129 which is out of scope for 8 bit signed numbers.

You can read more about flags on wikipedia

Bootstrap 3: Scroll bars

You need to use overflow option like below:

    max-height: 300px;
    overflow-y: scroll; 

Change the height according to amount of items you need to show

Refused to execute script, strict MIME type checking is enabled?

My problem was that I have been putting the CSS files in the scripts definition area just above the end of the Try to check the files spots within your pages


Basically REST is (wiki):

  1. Client–server architecture
  2. Statelessness
  3. Cacheability
  4. Layered system
  5. Code on demand (optional)
  6. Uniform interface

REST is not protocol, it is principles. Different uris and methods - somebody so called best practices.

Is optimisation level -O3 dangerous in g++?

In the early days of gcc (2.8 etc.) and in the times of egcs, and redhat 2.96 -O3 was quite buggy sometimes. But this is over a decade ago, and -O3 is not much different than other levels of optimizations (in buggyness).

It does however tend to reveal cases where people rely on undefined behavior, due to relying more strictly on the rules, and especially corner cases, of the language(s).

As a personal note, I am running production software in the financial sector for many years now with -O3 and have not yet encountered a bug that would not have been there if I would have used -O2.

By popular demand, here an addition:

-O3 and especially additional flags like -funroll-loops (not enabled by -O3) can sometimes lead to more machine code being generated. Under certain circumstances (e.g. on a cpu with exceptionally small L1 instruction cache) this can cause a slowdown due to all the code of e.g. some inner loop now not fitting anymore into L1I. Generally gcc tries quite hard to not to generate so much code, but since it usually optimizes the generic case, this can happen. Options especially prone to this (like loop unrolling) are normally not included in -O3 and are marked accordingly in the manpage. As such it is generally a good idea to use -O3 for generating fast code, and only fall back to -O2 or -Os (which tries to optimize for code size) when appropriate (e.g. when a profiler indicates L1I misses).

If you want to take optimization into the extreme, you can tweak in gcc via --param the costs associated with certain optimizations. Additionally note that gcc now has the ability to put attributes at functions that control optimization settings just for these functions, so when you find you have a problem with -O3 in one function (or want to try out special flags for just that function), you don't need to compile the whole file or even whole project with O2.

otoh it seems that care must be taken when using -Ofast, which states:

-Ofast enables all -O3 optimizations. It also enables optimizations that are not valid for all standard compliant programs.

which makes me conclude that -O3 is intended to be fully standards compliant.

Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss in Python

>>> a = datetime.timedelta(seconds=65)
datetime.timedelta(0, 65)
>>> str(a)

In javascript, how do you search an array for a substring match

The simplest vanilla javascript code to achieve this is

var windowArray = ["item", "thing", "id-3-text", "class", "3-id-text"];
var textToFind = "id-";

//if you only want to match id- as prefix 
var matches = windowArray.filter(function(windowValue){
  if(windowValue) {
      return (windowValue.substring(0, textToFind.length) === textToFind);
}); //["id-3-text"]

//if you want to match id- string exists at any position
var matches = windowArray.filter(function(windowValue){
  if(windowValue) {
      return windowValue.indexOf(textToFind) >= 0;
}); //["id-3-text", "3-id-text"]

Apache gives me 403 Access Forbidden when DocumentRoot points to two different drives

You did not need

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Require all granted

the only thing what you need is...

Require all granted

...inside the directory section.

See Apache 2.4 upgrading side:

My Routes are Returning a 404, How can I Fix Them?

Have you tried adding this to your routes file instead Route::get('user', "user@index")?

The piece of text before the @, user in this case, will direct the page to the user controller and the piece of text after the @, index, will direct the script to the user function public function get_index().

I see you're using $restful, in which case you could set your Route to Route::any('user', 'user@index'). This will handle both POST and GET, instead of writing them both out separately.

javascript: optional first argument in function

You have to decide as which parameter you want to treat a single argument. You cannot treat it as both, content and options.

I see two possibilities:

  1. Either change the order of your arguments, i.e. function(options, content)
  2. Check whether options is defined:

    function(content, options) {
        if(typeof options === "undefined") {
            options = content;
            content = null;

    But then you have to document properly, what happens if you only pass one argument to the function, as this is not immediately clear by looking at the signature.

$(window).scrollTop() vs. $(document).scrollTop()

I've just had some of the similar problems with scrollTop described here.

In the end I got around this on Firefox and IE by using the selector $('*').scrollTop(0);

Not perfect if you have elements you don't want to effect but it gets around the Document, Body, HTML and Window disparity. If it helps...

How to show the text on a ImageButton?

Best way:


How to use vertical align in bootstrap

You mean you want 1b and 1b to be side by side?

 <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-12 child1">
      <div class="col-6 child1a">Child content 1a</div>
      <div class="col-6 child1b">Child content 1b</div>

Can I position an element fixed relative to parent?

2016 Update

It's now possible in modern browsers to position an element fixed relative to its container. An element that has a transform property acts as the viewport for any of its fixed position child elements.

Or as the CSS Transforms Module puts it:

For elements whose layout is governed by the CSS box model, any value other than none for the transform property also causes the element to establish a containing block for all descendants. Its padding box will be used to layout for all of its absolute-position descendants, fixed-position descendants, and descendant fixed background attachments.

.context {_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  height: 250px;_x000D_
  margin: 100px;_x000D_
  transform: translateZ(0);_x000D_
.viewport {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
  overflow: scroll;_x000D_
.centered {_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  bottom: 15px;_x000D_
  transform: translateX(-50%);_x000D_
<div class="context">_x000D_
  <div class="viewport">_x000D_
    <div class="canvas">_x000D_
      <button class="centered">OK</button>_x000D_

Convert output of MySQL query to utf8


When using the MySQL client library, then you should prevent a conversion back to your connection's default charset. (see mysql_set_character_set()[1])

In this case, use an additional cast to binary:

SELECT column1, CAST(CONVERT(column2 USING utf8) AS binary)
FROM my_table
WHERE my_condition;

Otherwise, the SELECT statement converts to utf-8, but your client library converts it back to a (potentially different) default connection charset.

How to add a list item to an existing unordered list?

This is the shortest way you can do that

list.push($('<li>', {text: blocks[i] }));

Where blocks in an array. and you need to loop through the array.

Evaluate expression given as a string

You can use the parse() function to convert the characters into an expression. You need to specify that the input is text, because parse expects a file by default:


Send HTTP GET request with header

You do it exactly as you showed with this line:

get.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-zip");

So your header is fine and the problem is some other input to the web service. You'll want to debug that on the server side.

Java. Implicit super constructor Employee() is undefined. Must explicitly invoke another constructor

An explicit call to a parent class constructor is required any time the parent class lacks a no-argument constructor. You can either add a no-argument constructor to the parent class or explicitly call the parent class constructor in your child class.

JPQL IN clause: Java-Arrays (or Lists, Sets...)?

I had a problem with this kind of sql, I was giving empty list in IN clause(always check the list if it is not empty). Maybe my practice will help somebody.

How to check if an element is off-screen

  • Get the distance from the top of the given element
  • Add the height of the same given element. This will tell you the total number from the top of the screen to the end of the given element.
  • Then all you have to do is subtract that from total document height

    jQuery(function () {
        var documentHeight = jQuery(document).height();
        var element = jQuery('#you-element');
        var distanceFromBottom = documentHeight - (element.position().top + element.outerHeight(true));

Getting Class type from String

It should be:

Class.forName(String classname)

How to grep a string in a directory and all its subdirectories?

grep -r -e string directory

-r is for recursive; -e is optional but its argument specifies the regex to search for. Interestingly, POSIX grep is not required to support -r (or -R), but I'm practically certain that System V grep did, so in practice they (almost) all do. Some versions of grep support -R as well as (or conceivably instead of) -r; AFAICT, it means the same thing.

How do I test if a recordSet is empty? isNull?

RecordCount is what you want to use.

If Not temp_rst1.RecordCount > 0 ...

Is right click a Javascript event?

That is the easiest way to fire it, and it works on all browsers except application webviews like ( CefSharp Chromium etc ... ). I hope my code will help you and good luck!

const contentToRightClick=document.querySelector("div#contentToRightClick");_x000D_
//const contentToRightClick=window; //If you want to add it into the whole document_x000D_
  return false; //Remove it if you want to keep the default contextmenu _x000D_
  background-color: #eee;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.2);_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
<div id="contentToRightClick">Right click on the box !</div>

JVM heap parameters

To summarize the information found after the link: The JVM allocates the amount specified by -Xms but the OS usually does not allocate real pages until they are needed. So the JVM allocates virtual memory as specified by Xms but only allocates physical memory as is needed.

You can see this by using Process Explorer by Sysinternals instead of task manager on windows.

So there is a real difference between using -Xms64M and -Xms512M. But I think the most important difference is the one you already pointed out: the garbage collector will run more often if you really need the 512MB but only started with 64MB.

How to implement history.back() in angular.js

In AngularJS2 I found a new way, maybe is just the same thing but in this new version :

import {Router, RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Location} from 'angular2/router'; 


constructor(private _router: Router, private _location: Location) {}

onSubmit() {

After my function, I can see that my application is going to the previous page usgin location from angular2/router.

How to count certain elements in array?

[this answer is a bit dated: read the edits]

Say hello to your friends: map and filter and reduce and forEach and every etc.

(I only occasionally write for-loops in javascript, because of block-level scoping is missing, so you have to use a function as the body of the loop anyway if you need to capture or clone your iteration index or value. For-loops are more efficient generally, but sometimes you need a closure.)

The most readable way:

[....].filter(x => x==2).length

(We could have written .filter(function(x){return x==2}).length instead)

The following is more space-efficient (O(1) rather than O(N)), but I'm not sure how much of a benefit/penalty you might pay in terms of time (not more than a constant factor since you visit each element exactly once):

[....].reduce((total,x) => (x==2 ? total+1 : total), 0)

(If you need to optimize this particular piece of code, a for loop might be faster on some browsers... you can test things on

You can then be elegant and turn it into a prototype function:

[1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 8, 9, 2].count(2)

Like this:

Object.defineProperties(Array.prototype, {
    count: {
        value: function(value) {
            return this.filter(x => x==value).length;

You can also stick the regular old for-loop technique (see other answers) inside the above property definition (again, that would likely be much faster).

2017 edit:

Whoops, this answer has gotten more popular than the correct answer. Actually, just use the accepted answer. While this answer may be cute, the js compilers probably don't (or can't due to spec) optimize such cases. So you should really write a simple for loop:

Object.defineProperties(Array.prototype, {
    count: {
        value: function(query) {
               Counts number of occurrences of query in array, an integer >= 0 
               Uses the javascript == notion of equality.
            var count = 0;
            for(let i=0; i<this.length; i++)
                if (this[i]==query)
            return count;

You could define a version .countStrictEq(...) which used the === notion of equality. The notion of equality may be important to what you're doing! (for example [1,10,3,'10'].count(10)==2, because numbers like '4'==4 in javascript... hence calling it .countEq or .countNonstrict stresses it uses the == operator.)

Also consider using your own multiset data structure (e.g. like python's 'collections.Counter') to avoid having to do the counting in the first place.

class Multiset extends Map {
    constructor(...args) {
    add(elem) {
        if (!this.has(elem))
            this.set(elem, 1);
            this.set(elem, this.get(elem)+1);
    remove(elem) {
        var count = this.has(elem) ? this.get(elem) : 0;
        if (count>1) {
            this.set(elem, count-1);
        } else if (count==1) {
        } else if (count==0)
            throw `tried to remove element ${elem} of type ${typeof elem} from Multiset, but does not exist in Multiset (count is 0 and cannot go negative)`;
            // alternatively do nothing {}


> counts = new Multiset([['a',1],['b',3]])
Map(2) {"a" => 1, "b" => 3}

> counts.add('c')
> counts
Map(3) {"a" => 1, "b" => 3, "c" => 1}

> counts.remove('a')
> counts
Map(2) {"b" => 3, "c" => 1}

> counts.remove('a')
Uncaught tried to remove element a of type string from Multiset, but does not exist in Multiset (count is 0 and cannot go negative)

sidenote: Though, if you still wanted the functional-programming way (or a throwaway one-liner without overriding Array.prototype), you could write it more tersely nowadays as [...].filter(x => x==2).length. If you care about performance, note that while this is asymptotically the same performance as the for-loop (O(N) time), it may require O(N) extra memory (instead of O(1) memory) because it will almost certainly generate an intermediate array and then count the elements of that intermediate array.

Rails: Default sort order for a rails model?


This works for Rails 4+:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  default_scope { order(created_at: :desc) }

For Rails 2.3, 3, you need this instead:

default_scope order('created_at DESC')

For Rails 2.x:

default_scope :order => 'created_at DESC'

Where created_at is the field you want the default sorting to be done on.

Note: ASC is the code to use for Ascending and DESC is for descending (desc, NOT dsc !).


Once you're used to that you can also use scope:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :confirmed, :conditions => { :confirmed => true }
  scope :published, :conditions => { :published => true }

For Rails 2 you need named_scope.

:published scope gives you Book.published instead of Book.find(:published => true).

Since Rails 3 you can 'chain' those methods together by concatenating them with periods between them, so with the above scopes you can now use Book.published.confirmed.

With this method, the query is not actually executed until actual results are needed (lazy evaluation), so 7 scopes could be chained together but only resulting in 1 actual database query, to avoid performance problems from executing 7 separate queries.

You can use a passed in parameter such as a date or a user_id (something that will change at run-time and so will need that 'lazy evaluation', with a lambda, like this:

scope :recent_books, lambda 
  { |since_when| where("created_at >= ?", since_when) }
  # Note the `where` is making use of AREL syntax added in Rails 3.

Finally you can disable default scope with:

Book.with_exclusive_scope { find(:all) } 

or even better:


which will disable any filter (conditions) or sort (order by).

Note that the first version works in Rails2+ whereas the second (unscoped) is only for Rails3+

So ... if you're thinking, hmm, so these are just like methods then..., yup, that's exactly what these scopes are!
They are like having def self.method_name ...code... end but as always with ruby they are nice little syntactical shortcuts (or 'sugar') to make things easier for you!

In fact they are Class level methods as they operate on the 1 set of 'all' records.

Their format is changing however, with rails 4 there are deprecation warning when using #scope without passing a callable object. For example scope :red, where(color: 'red') should be changed to scope :red, -> { where(color: 'red') }.

As a side note, when used incorrectly, default_scope can be misused/abused.
This is mainly about when it gets used for actions like where's limiting (filtering) the default selection (a bad idea for a default) rather than just being used for ordering results.
For where selections, just use the regular named scopes. and add that scope on in the query, e.g. Book.all.published where published is a named scope.

In conclusion, scopes are really great and help you to push things up into the model for a 'fat model thin controller' DRYer approach.

Clip/Crop background-image with CSS

You can put the graphic in a pseudo-element with its own dimensional context:

#graphic {
  position: relative;
  width: 200px;
  height: 100px;
#graphic::before {
  position: absolute;
  content: '';
  z-index: -1;
  width: 200px;
  height: 50px;
  background-image: url(image.jpg);

#graphic {_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 100px;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
#graphic::before {_x000D_
    content: '';_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 50px;_x000D_
    z-index: -1;_x000D_
    background-image: url(; /* Image is 500px by 500px, but only 200px by 50px is showing. */_x000D_
<div id="graphic">lorem ipsum</div>

Browser support is good, but if you need to support IE8, use a single colon :before. IE has no support for either syntax in versions prior to that.

When is del useful in Python?

When is del useful in python?

You can use it to remove a single element of an array instead of the slice syntax x[i:i+1]=[]. This may be useful if for example you are in os.walk and wish to delete an element in the directory. I would not consider a keyword useful for this though, since one could just make a [].remove(index) method (the .remove method is actually search-and-remove-first-instance-of-value).

Repair all tables in one go

The following command worked for me using the command prompt (As an Administrator) in Windows:

mysqlcheck -u root -p -A --auto-repair

Run mysqlcheck with the root user, prompt for a password, check all databases, and auto-repair any corrupted tables.

Javascript regular expression password validation having special characters

function validatePassword() {
    var p = document.getElementById('newPassword').value,
        errors = [];
    if (p.length < 8) {
        errors.push("Your password must be at least 8 characters"); 
    if ([a-z]/i) < 0) {
        errors.push("Your password must contain at least one letter.");
    if ([0-9]/) < 0) {
        errors.push("Your password must contain at least one digit."); 
    if (errors.length > 0) {
        return false;
    return true;

There is a certain issue in below answer as it is not checking whole string due to absence of [ ] while checking the characters and numerals, this is correct version

Placeholder Mixin SCSS/CSS

This is for shorthand syntax


use it like

    color: red

What does '&' do in a C++ declaration?

Here, & is not used as an operator. As part of function or variable declarations, & denotes a reference. The C++ FAQ Lite has a pretty nifty chapter on references.

Variable's memory size in Python

Regarding the internal structure of a Python long, check sys.int_info (or sys.long_info for Python 2.7).

>>> import sys
>>> sys.int_info
sys.int_info(bits_per_digit=30, sizeof_digit=4)

Python either stores 30 bits into 4 bytes (most 64-bit systems) or 15 bits into 2 bytes (most 32-bit systems). Comparing the actual memory usage with calculated values, I get

>>> import math, sys
>>> a=0
>>> sys.getsizeof(a)
>>> a=2**100
>>> sys.getsizeof(a)
>>> a=2**1000
>>> sys.getsizeof(a)
>>> 24+4*math.ceil(100/30)
>>> 24+4*math.ceil(1000/30)

There are 24 bytes of overhead for 0 since no bits are stored. The memory requirements for larger values matches the calculated values.

If your numbers are so large that you are concerned about the 6.25% unused bits, you should probably look at the gmpy2 library. The internal representation uses all available bits and computations are significantly faster for large values (say, greater than 100 digits).

How to check if a string is a number?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char isNumber(char *text)
    int j;
    j = strlen(text);
        if(text[j] > 47 && text[j] < 58)

        return 0;
    return 1;
int main(){
    char tmp[16];
    scanf("%s", tmp);

        return printf("is a number\n");

    return printf("is not a number\n");

You can also check its stringfied value, which could also work with non Ascii

char isNumber(char *text)
    int j;
    j = strlen(text);
        if(text[j] >= '0' && text[j] <= '9')

        return 0;
    return 1;

How can I call a function using a function pointer?

//Declare the pointer and asign it to the function
bool (*pFunc)() = A;
//Call the function A
//Call function B
pFunc = B;
//Call function C
pFunc = C;

Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy is not valid; is your activity running?

This can occur when you are showing the dialog for a context that no longer exists. A common case - if the 'show dialog' operation is after an asynchronous operation, and during that operation the original activity (that is to be the parent of your dialog) is destroyed. For a good description, see this blog post and comments:

From the stack trace above, it appears that the facebook library spins off the auth operation asynchronously, and you have a Handler - Callback mechanism (onComplete called on a listener) that could easily create this scenario.

When I've seen this reported in my app, its pretty rare and matches the experience in the blog post. Something went wrong for the activity/it was destroyed during the work of the the AsyncTask. I don't know how your modification could result in this every time, but perhaps you are referencing an Activity as the context for the dialog that is always destroyed by the time your code executes?

Also, while I'm not sure if this is the best way to tell if your activity is running, see this answer for one method of doing so:

Check whether activity is active

Execute bash script from URL


curl -s -L URL_TO_SCRIPT_HERE | bash

For example:

curl -s -L http://bitly/10hA8iC | bash

Delete all items from a c++ std::vector

vector.clear() should work for you. In case you want to shrink the capacity of the vector along with clear then


ASP.NET Web API application gives 404 when deployed at IIS 7

For me I received a 404 error on my websites NOT using IIS Express (using Local IIS) while running an application that WAS using IIS Express. If I would close the browser that was used to run IIS Express, then the 404 would go away. For me I had my IIS Express project calling into Local IIS services, so I converted the IIS Express project to use Local IIS and then everything worked. It seems that you can't run both a non-IIS Express and Local IIS website at the same time for some reason.

MS Access - execute a saved query by name in VBA

You should investigate why VBA can't find queryname.

I have a saved query named qryAddLoginfoRow. It inserts a row with the current time into my loginfo table. That query runs successfully when called by name by CurrentDb.Execute.

CurrentDb.Execute "qryAddLoginfoRow"

My guess is that either queryname is a variable holding the name of a query which doesn't exist in the current database's QueryDefs collection, or queryname is the literal name of an existing query but you didn't enclose it in quotes.

Edit: You need to find a way to accept that queryname does not exist in the current db's QueryDefs collection. Add these 2 lines to your VBA code just before the CurrentDb.Execute line.

Debug.Print "queryname = '" & queryname & "'"
Debug.Print CurrentDb.QueryDefs(queryname).Name

The second of those 2 lines will trigger run-time error 3265, "Item not found in this collection." Then go to the Immediate window to verify the name of the query you're asking CurrentDb to Execute.

Why my $.ajax showing "preflight is invalid redirect error"?

I had the same error, though the problem was that I had a typo in the url

url: ''

The API had a redirect to another domain for all URL's that is wrong (404 errors).

So fixing the typo to the correct URL fixed it for me.

What is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division?

The double slash, //, is floor division:

>>> 7//3

How to remove the last element added into the List?

The direct answer to this question is:

if(rows.Any()) //prevent IndexOutOfRangeException for empty list
    rows.RemoveAt(rows.Count - 1);

However... in the specific case of this question, it makes more sense not to add the row in the first place:

Row row = new Row();

if (!row.cell[0].Equals("Something"))

TBH, I'd go a step further by testing "Something" against user."", and not even instantiating a Row unless the condition is satisfied, but seeing as user."" won't compile, I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Get Maven artifact version at runtime

If you happen to use Spring Boot you can make use of the BuildProperties class.

Take the following snippet from our OpenAPI configuration class as an example:

@RequiredArgsConstructor // <- lombok
public class OpenApi {

    private final BuildProperties buildProperties; // <- you can also autowire it

    public OpenAPI yourBeautifulAPI() {
        return new OpenAPI().info(new Info()
            .description("The description")
            .license(new License().name("Your company")));

Increase number of axis ticks

You can supply a function argument to scale, and ggplot will use that function to calculate the tick locations.

dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100))
number_ticks <- function(n) {function(limits) pretty(limits, n)}

ggplot(dat, aes(x,y)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=number_ticks(10)) +

.htaccess deny from all

A little alternative to @gasp´s answer is to simply put the actual domain name you are running it from. Docs:

In the following example, there is no authentication and all hosts in the domain are allowed access; all other hosts are denied access.

Apache 2.2 configuration:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

Apache 2.4 configuration:

Require host

Twitter Bootstrap vs jQuery UI?

Having used both, Twitter's Bootstrap is a superior technology set. Here are some differences,

  • Widgets: jQuery UI wins here. The date widget it provides is immensely useful, and Twitter Bootstrap provides nothing of the sort.
  • Scaffolding: Bootstrap wins here. Twitter's grid both fluid and fixed are top notch. jQuery UI doesn't even provide this direction leaving page layout up to the end user.
  • Out of the box professionalism: Bootstrap using CSS3 is leagues ahead, jQuery UI looks dated by comparison.
  • Icons: I'll go tie on this one. Bootstrap has nicer icons imho than jQuery UI, but I don't like the terms one bit, Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free, but an arrangement between Bootstrap and the Glyphicons creators have made this possible at no cost to you as developers. As a thank you, we ask you to include an optional link back to Glyphicons whenever practical.
  • Images & Thumbnails: goes to Bootstrap, jQuery UI doesn't even help here.

Other notes,

  • It's important to understand how these two technologies compete in the spheres too. There is a lot of overlap, but if you want simple scaffolding and fixed/fluid creation Bootstrap isn't another technology, it's the best technology. If you want any single widget, jQuery UI probably isn't even in the top three. Today, jQuery UI is mainly just a toy for consistency and proof of concept for a client-side widget creation using a unified framework.

How to customize listview using baseadapter

I suggest using a custom Adapter, first create a Xml-file, for example layout/customlistview.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
        android:paddingRight="4dp" />
        android:maxLines="1" />
        android:layout_toLeftOf="@id/image" android:layout_below="@id/title"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> 

Assuming you have a custom class like this

public class CustomClass {

    private long id;
    private String title, subtitle, picture;

    public CustomClass () {

    public CustomClass (long id, String title, String subtitle, String picture) { = id;
        this.title= title;
        this.subtitle= subtitle;
        this.picture= picture;
    //add getters and setters

And a uses the xml-layout

public class CustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {

private Context context;
private int resource;
private LayoutInflater inflater;

public CustomAdapter (Context context, List<CustomClass> values) { // or String[][] or whatever

    super(context, R.layout.customlistviewitem, values);

    this.context = context;
    this.resource = R.layout.customlistview;
    this.inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

    convertView = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(resource, null);

    CustomClass item = (CustomClass) getItem(position);

    TextView textviewTitle = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
    TextView textviewSubtitle = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
    ImageView imageview = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;

    //fill the textviews and imageview with the values
    textviewTitle = item.getTtile();
    textviewSubtitle = item.getSubtitle();

    if (item.getAfbeelding() != null) {
        int imageResource = context.getResources().getIdentifier("drawable/" + item.getImage(), null, context.getPackageName());
        Drawable image = context.getResources().getDrawable(imageResource);

    return convertView;

Did you manage to do it? Feel free to ask if you want more info on something :)

EDIT: Changed the adapter to suit a List instead of just a List

Android get image from gallery into ImageView

//try this to pick image from gallery..
    public void gotogallery(View view) { 
// onclick for gallery button
// choose image from gallery
          public void chooseImage() {
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select Picture"), PICK_IMAGE_REQUEST); //activity result method call

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestcode,int resultcode,Intent data ) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestcode, resultcode, data);

        if (requestcode == PICK_IMAGE_REQUEST && resultcode == RESULT_OK && data != null && data.getData() != null) {

            Uri uri = data.getData();

            try {
           Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(getContentResolver(), uri);


            } catch (IOException e) {


How to keep the local file or the remote file during merge using Git and the command line?

This approach seems more straightforward, avoiding the need to individually select each file:

# keep remote files
git merge --strategy-option theirs
# keep local files
git merge --strategy-option ours


# keep remote files
git pull -Xtheirs
# keep local files
git pull -Xours

Copied directly from: Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

Create GUI using Eclipse (Java)


this will allow you to create gui with html-like syntax

how to call a function from another function in Jquery

wrap you shared code into another function:

  function myFun () {
      //do something

    //Load City by State
    $(document).on('change', '#billing_state_id', function() {
       myFun ();
    $(document).on('click', '#click_me', function() {
       //do something

How to POST the data from a modal form of Bootstrap?

I was facing same issue not able to post form without ajax. but found solution , hope it can help and someones time.

<form name="paymentitrform" id="paymentitrform" class="payment"
          <input name="email" value="" placeholder="email" />
          <input type="hidden" name="planamount" id="planamount" value="0">
                                <input type="submit" onclick="form_submit() " value="Continue Payment" class="action"


You can submit post form, from bootstrap modal using below javascript/jquery code : call the below function onclick of input submit button

    function form_submit() {

Tainted canvases may not be exported

Check out CORS enabled image from MDN. Basically you must have a server hosting images with the appropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
        <FilesMatch "\.(cur|gif|ico|jpe?g|png|svgz?|webp)$">
            SetEnvIf Origin ":" IS_CORS
            Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" env=IS_CORS

You will be able to save those images to DOM Storage as if they were served from your domain otherwise you will run into security issue.

var img = new Image,
    canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
    src = ""; // insert image url here

img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";

img.onload = function() {
    canvas.width = img.width;
    canvas.height = img.height;
    ctx.drawImage( img, 0, 0 );
    localStorage.setItem( "savedImageData", canvas.toDataURL("image/png") );
img.src = src;
// make sure the load event fires for cached images too
if ( img.complete || img.complete === undefined ) {
    img.src = "";
    img.src = src;

Remove and Replace Printed items

Just use CR to go to beginning of the line.

import time
for x in range (0,5):  
    b = "Loading" + "." * x
    print (b, end="\r")

How to search for string in an array

more simple Function whichs works on Apple OS too:

Function isInArray(ByVal stringToBeFound As String, ByVal arr As Variant) As Boolean
Dim element
For Each element In arr
    If element = stringToBeFound Then
        isInArray = True
        Exit Function
    End If
Next element
End Function

Eclipse 3.5 Unable to install plugins

Have you read this post?

Maybe it explains, why it was kinda difficult the last days.

Parsing a comma-delimited std::string

Yet another, rather different, approach: use a special locale that treats commas as white space:

#include <locale>
#include <vector>

struct csv_reader: std::ctype<char> {
    csv_reader(): std::ctype<char>(get_table()) {}
    static std::ctype_base::mask const* get_table() {
        static std::vector<std::ctype_base::mask> rc(table_size, std::ctype_base::mask());

        rc[','] = std::ctype_base::space;
        rc['\n'] = std::ctype_base::space;
        rc[' '] = std::ctype_base::space;
        return &rc[0];

To use this, you imbue() a stream with a locale that includes this facet. Once you've done that, you can read numbers as if the commas weren't there at all. Just for example, we'll read comma-delimited numbers from input, and write then out one-per line on standard output:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cin.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), new csv_reader()));
              std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, "\n"));
    return 0;

how to create inline style with :before and :after

You can't. With inline styles you are targeting the element directly. You can't use other selectors there.

What you can do however is define different classes in your stylesheet that define different colours and then add the class to the element.

How to create Python egg file

For #4, the closest thing to starting java with a jar file for your app is a new feature in Python 2.6, executable zip files and directories.


Where is a zip containing a file which is executed as the script file to be executed. Your package dependencies can also be included in the file:

You can also execute an egg, but the incantation is not as nice:

# Bourn Shell and derivatives (Linux/OSX/Unix)
PYTHONPATH=myapp.egg python -m myapp
rem Windows 
set PYTHONPATH=myapp.egg
python -m myapp

This puts the myapp.egg on the Python path and uses the -m argument to run a module. Your myapp.egg will likely look something like:


And python will run (you should check that __file__=='__main__' in your app for command line use).

Egg files are just zip files so you might be able to add to your egg with a zip tool and make it executable in python 2.6 and run it like python myapp.egg instead of the above incantation where the PYTHONPATH environment variable is set.

More information on executable zip files including how to make them directly executable with a shebang can be found on Michael Foord's blog post on the subject.

bash: mkvirtualenv: command not found

In order to successfully install the virtualenvwrapper on Ubuntu 18.04.3 you need to do the following:

  1. Install virtualenv

    sudo apt install virtualenv
  2. Install virtualenvwrapper

    sudo pip install virtualenv
    sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
  3. Add the following to the end of the .bashrc file

    export WORKON_HOME=~/virtualenvs
    export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python
    source ~/.local/bin/
  4. Execute the .bashrc file

    source ~/.bashrc
  5. Create your virtualenv

    mkvirtualenv your_virtualenv

What is the iOS 6 user agent string?

Some more:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10B329 Safari/8536.25

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10B350 Safari/8536.25

What is logits, softmax and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?

One more thing that I would definitely like to highlight as logit is just a raw output, generally the output of last layer. This can be a negative value as well. If we use it as it's for "cross entropy" evaluation as mentioned below:

-tf.reduce_sum(y_true * tf.log(logits))

then it wont work. As log of -ve is not defined. So using o softmax activation, will overcome this problem.

This is my understanding, please correct me if Im wrong.

Java file path in Linux

The Official Documentation is clear about Path.

Linux Syntax: /home/joe/foo

Windows Syntax: C:\home\joe\foo

Note: joe is your username for these examples.

How to transform array to comma separated words string?

$arr = array ( 0 => "lorem", 1 => "ipsum", 2 => "dolor");

$str = implode (", ", $arr);

How to get row number from selected rows in Oracle

The below query helps to get the row number in oracle,


How can I remove time from date with Moment.js?

Sorry to jump in so late, but if you want to remove the time portion of a moment() rather than formatting it, then the code is:



insert/delete/update trigger in SQL server

Not possible, per MSDN:

You can have the same code execute for multiple trigger types, but the syntax does not allow for multiple code blocks in one trigger:

Trigger on an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to a table or view (DML Trigger)

CREATE TRIGGER [ schema_name . ]trigger_name 
ON { table | view } 
[ WITH <dml_trigger_option> [ ,...n ] ]
{ [ INSERT ] [ , ] [ UPDATE ] [ , ] [ DELETE ] } 
AS { sql_statement  [ ; ] [ ,...n ] | EXTERNAL NAME <method specifier [ ; ] > }

How to get host name with port from a http or https request

You can use HttpServletRequest.getScheme() to retrieve either "http" or "https".

Using it along with HttpServletRequest.getServerName() should be enough to rebuild the portion of the URL you need.

You don't need to explicitly put the port in the URL if you're using the standard ones (80 for http and 443 for https).

Edit: If your servlet container is behind a reverse proxy or load balancer that terminates the SSL, it's a bit trickier because the requests are forwarded to the servlet container as plain http. You have a few options:

1) Use HttpServletRequest.getHeader("x-forwarded-proto") instead; this only works if your load balancer sets the header correctly (Apache should afaik).

2) Configure a RemoteIpValve in JBoss/Tomcat that will make getScheme() work as expected. Again, this will only work if the load balancer sets the correct headers.

3) If the above don't work, you could configure two different connectors in Tomcat/JBoss, one for http and one for https, as described in this article.

How to determine total number of open/active connections in ms sql server 2005

If your PHP app is holding open many SQL Server connections, then, as you may know, you have a problem with your app's database code. It should be releasing/disposing those connections after use and using connection pooling. Have a look here for a decent article on the topic...

How to open a new file in vim in a new window

from inside vim, use one of the following

open a new window below the current one:

:new filename.ext

open a new window beside the current one:

:vert new filename.ext

Cordova app not displaying correctly on iPhone X (Simulator)

Fix for iPhone X/XS screen rotation issue

On iPhone X/XS, a screen rotation will cause the header bar height to use an incorrect value, because the calculation of safe-area-inset-* was not reflecting the new values in time for UI refresh. This bug exists in UIWebView even in the latest iOS 12. A workaround is inserting a 1px top margin and then quickly reversing it, which will trigger safe-area-inset-* to be re-calculated immediately. A somewhat ugly fix but it works if you have to stay with UIWebView for one reason or another.

window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() {_x000D_
    var originalMarginTop =;_x000D_ = "1px";_x000D_
    setTimeout(function () {_x000D_ = originalMarginTop;_x000D_
    }, 100);_x000D_
}, false);

The purpose of the code is to cause the to change slightly and then reverse it. It doesn't necessarily have to be "1px". You can pick a value that doesn't cause your UI to flicker but achieves its purpose.

How get total sum from input box values using Javascript?

  //iterate through each textboxes and add keyup_x000D_
  //handler to trigger sum event_x000D_
  $(".txt").each(function() {_x000D_
 function calculateSum() {_x000D_
  var sum = 0;_x000D_
  //iterate through each textboxes and add the values_x000D_
  $(".txt").each(function() {_x000D_
   //add only if the value is number_x000D_
   if(!isNaN(this.value) && this.value.length!=0) {_x000D_
    sum += parseFloat(this.value);_x000D_
  //.toFixed() method will roundoff the final sum to 2 decimal places_x000D_
body {_x000D_
    font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
   #summation {_x000D_
    font-size: 18px;_x000D_
    font-weight: bold;_x000D_
   .txt {_x000D_
    background-color: #FEFFB0;_x000D_
    font-weight: bold;_x000D_
    text-align: right;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<table width="300px" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse;background-color:#E8DCFF">_x000D_
  <td width="40px">1</td>_x000D_
  <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>_x000D_
  <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>_x000D_
  <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>_x000D_
  <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>_x000D_
  <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>_x000D_
  <td><input class="txt" type="text" name="txt"/></td>_x000D_
 <tr id="summation">_x000D_
  <td align="right">Sum :</td>_x000D_
  <td align="center"><span id="sum">0</span></td>_x000D_

Windows equivalent to UNIX pwd

You can simply put "." the dot sign. I've had a cmd application that was requiring the path and I was already in the needed directory and I used the dot symbol.

Hope it helps.

Can I have an onclick effect in CSS?

Answer as of 2020:

The best way (actually the only way*) to simulate an actual click event using only CSS (rather than just hovering on an element or making an element active, where you don't have mouseUp) is to use the checkbox hack. It works by attaching a label to an <input type="checkbox"> element via the label's for="" attribute.

This feature has broad browser support (the :checked pseudo-class is IE9+).

Apply the same value to an <input>'s ID attribute and an accompanying <label>'s for="" attribute, and you can tell the browser to re-style the label on click with the :checked pseudo-class, thanks to the fact that clicking a label will check and uncheck the "associated" <input type="checkbox">.

* You can simulate a "selected" event via the :active or :focus pseudo-class in IE7+ (e.g. for a button that's normally 50px wide, you can change its width while active: #btnControl:active { width: 75px; }), but those are not true "click" events. They are "live" the entire time the element is selected (such as by Tabbing with your keyboard), which is a little different from a true click event, which fires an action on - typically - mouseUp.

Basic demo of the checkbox hack (the basic code structure for what you're asking):

label {
    display: block;
    background: lightgrey;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

#demo:checked + label {
    background: blue;
    color: white;
<input type="checkbox" id="demo"/>
<label for="demo">I'm a square. Click me.</label>

Here I've positioned the label right after the input in my markup. This is so that I can use the adjacent sibling selector (the + key) to select only the label that immediately follows my #demo checkbox. Since the :checked pseudo-class applies to the checkbox, #demo:checked + label will only apply when the checkbox is checked.

Demo for re-sizing an image on click, which is what you're asking:

#btnControl {
    display: none;

#btnControl:checked + label > img {
    width: 70px;
    height: 74px;
<input type="checkbox" id="btnControl"/>
<label class="btn" for="btnControl"><img src="" id="btnLeft" /></label>

With that being said, there is some bad news. Because a label can only be associated with one form control at a time, that means you can't just drop a button inside the <label></label> tags and call it a day. However, we can use some CSS to make the label look and behave fairly close to how an HTML button looks and behaves.

Demo for imitating a button click effect, above and beyond what you're asking:

#btnControl {
    display: none;

.btn {
    width: 60px;
    height: 20px;
    background: silver;
    border-radius: 5px;
    padding: 1px 3px;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f4f5f5, #dfdddd);
    font-family: arial;
    font-size: 12px;

.btn:hover {
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #c3e3fa, #a5defb);

.btn:active {
    margin-left: 1px 1px 0;
    box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #000;
    outline: 1px solid black;
    -moz-outline-radius: 5px;
    background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #f4f5f5, #dfdddd);

#btnControl:checked + label {
    width: 70px;
    height: 74px;
    line-height: 74px;
<input type="checkbox" id="btnControl"/>
<label class="btn" for="btnControl">Click me!</label>

Most of the CSS in this demo is just for styling the label element. If you don't actually need a button, and any old element will suffice, then you can remove almost all of the styles in this demo, similar to my second demo above.

You'll also notice I have one prefixed property in there, -moz-outline-radius. A while back, Mozilla added this awesome non-spec property to Firefox, but the folks at WebKit decided they aren't going to add it, unfortunately. So consider that line of CSS just a progressive enhancement for people who use Firefox.

How to access a DOM element in React? What is the equilvalent of document.getElementById() in React

You can replace




  <Progressbar completed={25} ref="Progress1" id="Progress1"/>

Copy values from one column to another in the same table

Short answer for the code in question is:

UPDATE `table` SET test=number

Here table is the table name and it's surrounded by grave accent (aka back-ticks `) as this is MySQL convention to escape keywords (and TABLE is a keyword in that case).

BEWARE, that this is pretty dangerous query which will wipe everything in column test in every row of your table replacing it by the number (regardless of it's value)

It is more common to use WHERE clause to limit your query to only specific set of rows:

UPDATE `products` SET `in_stock` = true WHERE `supplier_id` = 10

Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL?

I like a Unix timestamp, because you can convert to numbers and just worry about the number. Plus you add/subtract and get durations, etc. Then convert the result to Date in whatever format. This code finds out how much time in minutes passed between a timestamp from a document, and the current time.

$date  = $item['pubdate']; (etc ...)
$unix_now = time();
$result = strtotime($date, $unix_now);
$unix_diff_min = (($unix_now  - $result) / 60);
$min = round($unix_diff_min);

How can I add a background thread to flask?

Your additional threads must be initiated from the same app that is called by the WSGI server.

The example below creates a background thread that executes every 5 seconds and manipulates data structures that are also available to Flask routed functions.

import threading
import atexit
from flask import Flask

POOL_TIME = 5 #Seconds

# variables that are accessible from anywhere
commonDataStruct = {}
# lock to control access to variable
dataLock = threading.Lock()
# thread handler
yourThread = threading.Thread()

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)

    def interrupt():
        global yourThread

    def doStuff():
        global commonDataStruct
        global yourThread
        with dataLock:
        # Do your stuff with commonDataStruct Here

        # Set the next thread to happen
        yourThread = threading.Timer(POOL_TIME, doStuff, ())

    def doStuffStart():
        # Do initialisation stuff here
        global yourThread
        # Create your thread
        yourThread = threading.Timer(POOL_TIME, doStuff, ())

    # Initiate
    # When you kill Flask (SIGTERM), clear the trigger for the next thread
    return app

app = create_app()          

Call it from Gunicorn with something like this:

gunicorn -b --log-config log.conf myfile:app

How can I run multiple curl requests processed sequentially?

It would most likely process them sequentially (why not just test it). But you can also do this:

  1. make a file called

  2. put it in a file like thus:

  3. save the file and make it executable with chmod:

    chmod +x
  4. run your file:




As a side note, you can chain requests with &&, like this:

   curl && curl && curl`

And execute in parallel using &:

   curl & curl & curl

Background color of text in SVG

For those wondering how to apply padding to a text element when it has a background like in the Robert's answer, do the following:

      <filter x="-0.1" y="-0.1" width="1.2" height="1.2" id="solid">
        <feFlood flood-color="#171717"/>
        <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" operator="xor" />
    <text filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="50" font-size="50">Hello</text>

In the example above, filter's x and y positions can be used as transform: translate(-10%, -10%) would, and width and height values can be read as 120% and 120%. So we made background 20% bigger, and offsetted it -10%, so background is now 10% bigger on each side of the text.

Loading resources using getClass().getResource()

You can request a path in this format:


Even the bytes for creating the classes in memory are found this way:

my.Class -> /my/Class.class

and getResource will give you a URL which can be used to retrieve an InputStream.

But... I'd recommend using directly getClass().getResourceAsStream(...) with the same argument, because it returns directly the InputStream and don't have to worry about creating a (probably complex) URL object that has to know how to create the InputStream.

In short: try using getResourceAsStream and some constructor of ImageIcon that uses an InputStream as an argument.


Be careful if your app has many classloaders. If you have a simple standalone application (no servers or complex things) you shouldn't worry. I don't think it's the case provided ImageIcon was capable of finding it.

Edit: classpath

getResource is—as mattb says—for loading resources from the classpath (from your .jar or classpath directory). If you are bundling an app it's nice to have altogether, so you could include the icon file inside the jar of your app and obtain it this way.

jQuery scrollTop not working in Chrome but working in Firefox

Try using $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");

This works for me in chrome.

Python argparse command line flags without arguments

As you have it, the argument w is expecting a value after -w on the command line. If you are just looking to flip a switch by setting a variable True or False, have a look here (specifically store_true and store_false)

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-w', action='store_true')

where action='store_true' implies default=False.

Conversely, you could haveaction='store_false', which implies default=True.

How to generate a random alpha-numeric string

Using an Apache Commons library, it can be done in one line:

import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;

Documentation duplicate entry during packageAllDebugClassesForMultiDex

I have faced this issue as i have manually copied the jar in libs as well as mentioned the dependency in gradle file. You also check in your project structure, whether the same jar file is copied in any other folder like libs or in project folder.

How to store directory files listing into an array?

Running any shell command inside $(...) will help to store the output in a variable. So using that we can convert the files to array with IFS.

IFS=' ' read -r -a array <<< $(ls /path/to/dir)

SQL subquery with COUNT help

FROM eventsTable e
           select columnName,count(columnName) as colCount
           from eventsTable e2 
          group by columnName
           ) as cnt on cnt.columnName = e.columnName
WHERE e.columnName='Business'

-- Added space

How to use JavaScript with Selenium WebDriver Java

I had a similar situation and solved it like this:

WebElement webElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath(""));

How to screenshot website in JavaScript client-side / how Google did it? (no need to access HDD)

"Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take screenshots" answers your problem.

You can use JavaScript/Canvas to do the job but it is still experimental.

Iterating through a Collection, avoiding ConcurrentModificationException when removing objects in a loop

People are asserting one can't remove from a Collection being iterated by a foreach loop. I just wanted to point out that is technically incorrect and describe exactly (I know the OP's question is so advanced as to obviate knowing this) the code behind that assumption:

for (TouchableObj obj : untouchedSet) {  // <--- This is where ConcurrentModificationException strikes
    if (obj.isTouched()) {
        break;  // this is key to avoiding returning to the foreach

It isn't that you can't remove from the iterated Colletion rather that you can't then continue iteration once you do. Hence the break in the code above.

Apologies if this answer is a somewhat specialist use-case and more suited to the original thread I arrived here from, that one is marked as a duplicate (despite this thread appearing more nuanced) of this and locked.

Make Bootstrap Popover Appear/Disappear on Hover instead of Click

The functionality, you described, can be easily achieved using the Bootstrap tooltip.

<button id="example1" data-toggle="tooltip">Tooltip on left</button>

Then call tooltip() function for the element.


Naming threads and thread-pools of ExecutorService

private class TaskThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory

    public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
        Thread t = new Thread(r, "TASK_EXECUTION_THREAD");

        return t;


Pass the ThreadFactory to an executorservice and you are good to go

How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

The preferred method is to use the react router IndexRoutes component

You use it like this (taken from the react router docs linked above):

<Route path="/" component={App}>
    <IndexRedirect to="/welcome" />
    <Route path="welcome" component={Welcome} />
    <Route path="about" component={About} />

How to convert JSON data into a Python object

The answers given here does not return the correct object type, hence I created these methods below. They also fail if you try to add more fields to the class that does not exist in the given JSON:

def dict_to_class(class_name: Any, dictionary: dict) -> Any:
    instance = class_name()
    for key in dictionary.keys():
        setattr(instance, key, dictionary[key])
    return instance

def json_to_class(class_name: Any, json_string: str) -> Any:
    dict_object = json.loads(json_string)
    return dict_to_class(class_name, dict_object)

passing argument to DialogFragment

as a general way of working with Fragments, as JafarKhQ noted, you should not pass the params in the constructor but with a Bundle.

the built-in method for that in the Fragment class is setArguments(Bundle) and getArguments().

basically, what you do is set up a bundle with all your Parcelable items and send them on.
in turn, your Fragment will get those items in it's onCreate and do it's magic to them.

the way shown in the DialogFragment link was one way of doing this in a multi appearing fragment with one specific type of data and works fine most of the time, but you can also do this manually.

Preventing multiple clicks on button

This should work for you:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.applicationButton').click(function (e) {
        var btn = $(this),
            isPageValid = Page_ClientValidate(); // cache state of page validation
        if (!isPageValid) {
            // page isn't valid, block form submission
        // disable the button only if the page is valid.
        // when the postback returns, the button will be re-enabled by default
        btn.prop('disabled', isPageValid);
        return isPageValid;

Please note that you should also take steps server-side to prevent double-posts as not every visitor to your site will be polite enough to visit it with a browser (let alone a JavaScript-enabled browser).

Angular 5 ngHide ngShow [hidden] not working

If you add [hidden]="true" to div, the actual thing that happens is adding a class [hidden] to this element conditionally with display: none

Please check the style of the element in the browser to ensure no other style affect the display property of an element like this:

enter image description here

If you found display of [hidden] class is overridden, you need to add this css code to your style:

[hidden] {
    display: none !important;

I am getting "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" error even though it is defined in my classpath

you can include maven dependency like below in your pom.xml file

<!-- --> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>gson</artifactId> <version>2.8.6</version> </dependency>

The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first (Android)

In my case it happens when i want add view by parent to other view

View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.single, null);
LinearLayout lyt = root.findViewById(;
lytAll.addView(lyt);  // ->  crash

you must add parent view like this

View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.single, null);
LinearLayout lyt = root.findViewById(;

Load local JSON file into variable

For the given json format as in file ~/my-app/src/db/abc.json:


inorder to import to .js file like ~/my-app/src/app.js:

 const json = require("./db/abc.json");

 class Arena extends React.Component{

 export default Arena;


Ankit Aditi Avani

How to read embedded resource text file

After reading all the solutions posted here. This is how I solved it:

// How to embedded a "Text file" inside of a C# project
//   and read it as a resource from c# code:
// (1) Add Text File to Project.  example: 'myfile.txt'
// (2) Change Text File Properties:
//      Build-action: EmbeddedResource
//      Logical-name: myfile.txt      
//          (note only 1 dot permitted in filename)
// (3) from c# get the string for the entire embedded file as follows:
//     string myfile = GetEmbeddedResourceFile("myfile.txt");

public static string GetEmbeddedResourceFile(string filename) {
    var a = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    using (var s = a.GetManifestResourceStream(filename))
    using (var r = new System.IO.StreamReader(s))
        string result = r.ReadToEnd();
        return result;
    return "";      

How to check syslog in Bash on Linux?

How about less /var/log/syslog?

Redirect after Login on WordPress

If you have php 5.3+, you can use an anonymous function like so:

add_filter( 'login_redirect', function() { return site_url('news'); } );

How to display a Yes/No dialog box on Android?

Thanks. I use the API Level 2 (Android 1.1) and instead of BUTTON_POSITIVE and BUTTON_NEGATIVE i have to use BUTTON1 and BUTTON2.

Subquery returned more than 1 value.This is not permitted when the subquery follows =,!=,<,<=,>,>= or when the subquery is used as an expression

The problem is that these two queries are each returning more than one row:

select isbn from dbo.lending where (act between @fdate and @tdate) and (stat ='close')
select isbn from dbo.lending where lended_date between @fdate and @tdate

You have two choices, depending on your desired outcome. You can either replace the above queries with something that's guaranteed to return a single row (for example, by using SELECT TOP 1), OR you can switch your = to IN and return multiple rows, like this:

select * from dbo.books where isbn IN (select isbn from dbo.lending where (act between @fdate and @tdate) and (stat ='close'))

How to decode encrypted wordpress admin password?

just edit wp_user table with your phpmyadmin, and choose MD5 on Function field then input your new password, save it (go button). enter image description here

How to delete/remove nodes on Firebase

Firebase.remove() like probably most Firebase methods is asynchronous, thus you have to listen to events to know when something happened:

parent = ref.parent()
parent.on('child_removed', function (snapshot) {
    // removed!

According to Firebase docs it should work even if you lose network connection. If you want to know when the change has been actually synchronized with Firebase servers, you can pass a callback function to Firebase.remove method:

ref.remove(function (error) {
    if (!error) {
        // removed!

How does one convert a grayscale image to RGB in OpenCV (Python)?

I am promoting my comment to an answer:

The easy way is:

You could draw in the original 'frame' itself instead of using gray image.

The hard way (method you were trying to implement):

backtorgb = cv2.cvtColor(gray,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) is the correct syntax.

Getting the number of filled cells in a column (VBA)

To find the last filled column use the following :

lastColumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

How to rename a component in Angular CLI?

In WebStorm, you can right click ? Refactor ? Rename on the name of the component in the TypeScript file and it will change the name everywhere.

How to solve static declaration follows non-static declaration in GCC C code?

While gcc 3.2.3 was more forgiving of the issue, gcc 4.1.2 is highlighting a potentially serious issue for the linking of your program later. Rather then trying to suppress the error you should make the forward declaration match the function declaration.

If you intended for the function to be globally available (as per the forward declaration) then don't subsequently declare it as static. Likewise if it's indented to be locally scoped then make the forward declaration static to match.

PHP compare time

Simple way to compare time is :

$time = date('H:i:s',strtotime("11 PM"));
if($time < date('H:i:s')){
     // your code

Java: Array with loop

int count = 100;
int total = 0;
int[] numbers = new int[count];
for (int i=0; count>i; i++) {
    numbers[i] = i+1;
    total += i+1;
// done

PowerShell says "execution of scripts is disabled on this system."

Most of the existing answers explain the How, but very few explain the Why. And before you go around executing code from strangers on the Internet, especially code that disables security measures, you should understand exactly what you're doing. So here's a little more detail on this problem.

From the TechNet About Execution Policies Page:

Windows PowerShell execution policies let you determine the conditions under which Windows PowerShell loads configuration files and runs scripts.

The benefits of which, as enumerated by PowerShell Basics - Execution Policy and Code Signing, are:

  • Control of Execution - Control the level of trust for executing scripts.
  • Command Highjack - Prevent injection of commands in my path.
  • Identity - Is the script created and signed by a developer I trust and/or a signed with a certificate from a Certificate Authority I trust.
  • Integrity - Scripts cannot be modified by malware or malicious user.

To check your current execution policy, you can run Get-ExecutionPolicy. But you're probably here because you want to change it.

To do so you'll run the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet.

You'll have two major decisions to make when updating the execution policy.

Execution Policy Type:

  • Restricted† - No Script either local, remote or downloaded can be executed on the system.
  • AllSigned - All script that are ran require to be digitally signed.
  • RemoteSigned - All remote scripts (UNC) or downloaded need to be signed.
  • Unrestricted - No signature for any type of script is required.

Scope of new Change

  • LocalMachine† - The execution policy affects all users of the computer.
  • CurrentUser - The execution policy affects only the current user.
  • Process - The execution policy affects only the current Windows PowerShell process.

† = Default

For example: if you wanted to change the policy to RemoteSigned for just the CurrentUser, you'd run the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Note: In order to change the Execution policy, you must be running PowerShell As Adminstrator. If you are in regular mode and try to change the execution policy, you'll get the following error:

Access to the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell' is denied. To change the execution policy for the default (LocalMachine) scope, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option.

If you want to tighten up the internal restrictions on your own scripts that have not been downloaded from the Internet (or at least don't contain the UNC metadata), you can force the policy to only run signed sripts. To sign your own scripts, you can follow the instructions on Scott Hanselman's article on Signing PowerShell Scripts.

Note: Most people are likely to get this error whenever they open Powershell because the first thing PS tries to do when it launches is execute your user profile script that sets up your environment however you like it.

The file is typically located in:

%UserProfile%\My Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1

You can find the exact location by running the powershell variable


If there's nothing that you care about in the profile, and don't want to fuss with your security settings, you can just delete it and powershell won't find anything that it cannot execute.

Getting current directory in VBScript


scriptdir = replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.ScriptName,"")

creating list of objects in Javascript

So, I'm used to use

var nameOfList = new List("objectName", "objectName", "objectName")

This is how it works for me but might be different for you, I recommend to watch some Unity Tutorials on the Scripting API.

pip or pip3 to install packages for Python 3?

By illustration:

pip --version
  pip 19.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)

pip3 --version
  pip 19.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)

python --version
  Python 3.7.3

which python

ls -l '/usr/bin/python'
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Mar 26 14:43 /usr/bin/python -> python3

which python3

ls -l /usr/bin/python3
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Mar 26 14:43 /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.7

ls -l /usr/bin/python3.7
  -rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 14120 Mar 26 14:43 /usr/bin/python3.7

Thus, my in my default system python (Python 3.7.3), pip is pip3.

What are the aspect ratios for all Android phone and tablet devices?

the best way to calculate the equation is simplified. That is, find the maximum divisor between two numbers and divide:


1920:1080 maximum common divisor 120 = 16:9
1024:768  maximum common divisor 256 = 4:3
1280:768  maximum common divisor 256 = 5:3

may happen also some approaches

Loop through list with both content and index

Like everyone else:

for i, val in enumerate(data):
    print i, val

but also

for i, val in enumerate(data, 1):
    print i, val

In other words, you can specify as starting value for the index/count generated by enumerate() which comes in handy if you don't want your index to start with the default value of zero.

I was printing out lines in a file the other day and specified the starting value as 1 for enumerate(), which made more sense than 0 when displaying information about a specific line to the user.

Is it necessary to write HEAD, BODY and HTML tags?

It's valid to omit them in HTML4:

7.3 The HTML element
start tag: optional, End tag: optional

7.4.1 The HEAD element
start tag: optional, End tag: optional

In HTML5, there are no "required" or "optional" elements exactly, as HTML5 syntax is more loosely defined. For example, title:

The title element is a required child in most situations, but when a higher-level protocol provides title information, e.g. in the Subject line of an e-mail when HTML is used as an e-mail authoring format, the title element can be omitted.

It's not valid to omit them in true XHTML5, though that is almost never used (versus XHTML-acting-like-HTML5).

However, from a practical standpoint you often want browsers to run in "standards mode," for predictability in rendering HTML and CSS. Providing a DOCTYPE and a more structured HTML tree will guarantee more predictable cross-browser results.


If you'r using python 3.0+ then configure your project as below


STATIC_DIR = BASE_DIR / 'static'
MEDIA_DIR = BASE_DIR / 'media'
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

Main Urls

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

]+ static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

Linq UNION query to select two elements


Ok I found why the int.ToString() in LINQtoEF fails, please read this post: Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities

This works on my side :

        List<string> materialTypes = (from u in result.Users
                                      select u.LastName)
                       .Union(from u in result.Users
                               select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double) u.UserId)).ToList();

On yours it should be like this:

    IList<String> materialTypes = ((from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select tom.Name)
                                       .Union(from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)tom.ID))).ToList();

Thanks, i've learnt something today :)

Determine project root from a running node.js application

Old question, I know, however no question mention to use progress.argv. The argv array includes a full pathname and filename (with or without .js extension) that was used as parameter to be executed by node. Because this also can contain flags, you must filter this.

This is not an example you can directly use (because of using my own framework) but I think it gives you some idea how to do it. I also use a cache method to avoid that calling this function stress the system too much, especially when no extension is specified (and a file exist check is required), for example:

node myfile


node myfile.js

That's the reason I cache it, see also code below.

function getRootFilePath()
        if( !isDefined( oData.SU_ROOT_FILE_PATH ) )
            var sExt = false;

            each( process.argv, function( i, v )
                 // Skip invalid and provided command line options
                if( !!v && isValidString( v ) && v[0] !== '-' )
                    sExt = getFileExt( v );

                    if( ( sExt === 'js' ) || ( sExt === '' && fileExists( v+'.js' )) )

                        var a = uniformPath( v ).split("/"); 

                         // Chop off last string, filename

                         // Cache it so we don't have to do it again.

                         // Found, skip loop
                        return true;
            }, true ); // <-- true is: each in reverse order

        return oData.SU_ROOT_FILE_PATH || '';

SQL/mysql - Select distinct/UNIQUE but return all columns?

select min(, table.column1
from table 
group by table.column1

Clearing an input text field in Angular2

Template driven method

#receiverInput="ngModel" (blur)="receiverInput.control.setValue('')"

Html: Difference between cell spacing and cell padding

cellspacing and cell padding

Cell padding

is used for formatting purpose which is used to specify the space needed between the edges of the cells and also in the cell contents. The general format of specifying cell padding is as follows:

< table width="100" border="2" cellpadding="5">

The above adds 5 pixels of padding inside each cell .

Cell Spacing:

Cell spacing is one also used f formatting but there is a major difference between cell padding and cell spacing. It is as follows: Cell padding is used to set extra space which is used to separate cell walls from their contents. But in contrast cell spacing is used to set space between cells.

How to remove trailing whitespaces with sed?

For those who look for efficiency (many files to process, or huge files), using the + repetition operator instead of * makes the command more than twice faster.

With GNU sed:

sed -Ei 's/[ \t]+$//' "$1"
sed -i 's/[ \t]\+$//' "$1"   # The same without extended regex

I also quickly benchmarked something else: using [ \t] instead of [[:space:]] also significantly speeds up the process (GNU sed v4.4):

sed -Ei 's/[ \t]+$//' "$1"

real    0m0,335s
user    0m0,133s
sys 0m0,193s

sed -Ei 's/[[:space:]]+$//' "$1"

real    0m0,838s
user    0m0,630s
sys 0m0,207s

sed -Ei 's/[ \t]*$//' "$1"

real    0m0,882s
user    0m0,657s
sys 0m0,227s

sed -Ei 's/[[:space:]]*$//' "$1"

real    0m1,711s
user    0m1,423s
sys 0m0,283s

Should operator<< be implemented as a friend or as a member function?

friend operator = equal rights as class

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Object& object) {
    os << object._atribute1 << " " << object._atribute2 << " " << atribute._atribute3 << std::endl;
    return os;

Best way to require all files from a directory in ruby?

And what about: require_relative *Dir['relative path']?

Cordova : Requirements check failed for JDK 1.8 or greater

I was running into the same problem yesterday with my new laptop (all new installation), with the only execption that for me Cordova said:

Requirements check failed for JDK 8 ('1.8.*')! Detected version: null

That Detected version: null was the actual problem for me!

When looking into the check_reqs.js (as mentioned in a post above) you will notice that this is where the magic happens: It contains a function "check_java" that, at some point, uses "execa" to retrieve the installed version of Java:

return execa('javac', ['-version'], { all: true })
    .then(({ all: output }) => {
        // Java <= 8 writes version info to stderr, Java >= 9 to stdout
        const match = /javac\s+([\d.]+)/i.exec(output);
        return match && match[1];

The problem for me was that, for whatever reason, I had an outdated version of "execa" which does not contain the "all" property that was used for the output. Hence, the retrieved version of Java was always undefined. By adding "execa": "^4.0.2" to my dependencies in the package.json and running "npm i" again I was able to fix this problem.

Just wanted to share this insight.

How to use index in select statement?

If you want to test the index to see if it works, here is the syntax:

FROM Table WITH(INDEX(Index_Name))

The WITH statement will force the index to be used.

convert xml to java object using jaxb (unmarshal)


On the Tests class we will add an @XmlRootElement annotation. Doing this will let your JAXB implementation know that when a document starts with this element that it should instantiate this class. JAXB is configuration by exception, this means you only need to add annotations where your mapping differs from the default. Since the testData property differs from the default mapping we will use the @XmlElement annotation. You may find the following tutorial helpful:

package forum11221136;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

public class Tests {

    TestData testData;

    public TestData getTestData() {
        return testData;

    public void setTestData(TestData testData) {
        this.testData = testData;



On this class I used the @XmlType annotation to specify the order in which the elements should be ordered in. I added a testData property that appeared to be missing. I also used an @XmlElement annotation for the same reason as in the Tests class.

package forum11221136;

import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

@XmlType(propOrder={"title", "book", "count", "testData"})
public class TestData {
    String title;
    String book;
    String count;
    List<TestData> testData;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;
    public String getBook() {
        return book;
    public void setBook(String book) { = book;
    public String getCount() {
        return count;
    public void setCount(String count) {
        this.count = count;
    public List<TestData> getTestData() {
        return testData;
    public void setTestData(List<TestData> testData) {
        this.testData = testData;


Below is an example of how to use the JAXB APIs to read (unmarshal) the XML and populate your domain model and then write (marshal) the result back to XML.

package forum11221136;

import javax.xml.bind.*;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Tests.class);

        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
        File xml = new File("src/forum11221136/input.xml");
        Tests tests = (Tests) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xml);

        Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller();
        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
        marshaller.marshal(tests, System.out);


How to call one shell script from another shell script?

Just add in a line whatever you would have typed in a terminal to execute the script!

./ &

if the script to be executed is not in same directory, just use the complete path of the script.
e.g.:`/home/user/script-directory/./ &

Simple Android RecyclerView example

Minimal Recycler view ready to use Kotlin template for:

  • Vertical layout
  • A single TextView on each row
  • Responds to click events (Single and LongPress)

I know this is an old thread and so are answers here. Adding this answer for future reference:

Add a recycle view in your layout


Create a layout to display list items (list_item.xml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />



Now create a minimal Adapter to hold data, code here is self explanatory

 class WifiAdapter(private val wifiList: ArrayList<ScanResult>) : RecyclerView.Adapter<WifiAdapter.ViewHolder>() {

     // holder class to hold reference
    inner class ViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
        //get view reference
        var ssid: TextView = view.findViewById( as TextView

     override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
         // create view holder to hold reference
         return ViewHolder( LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.list_item, parent, false))

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
        //set values
        holder.ssid.text =  wifiList[position].SSID

    override fun getItemCount(): Int {
        return wifiList.size
      // update your data
     fun updateData(scanResult: ArrayList<ScanResult>) {


Add this class to handle Single click and long click events on List Items

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;

public class RecyclerTouchListener implements RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener {

    public interface ClickListener {
        void onClick(View view, int position);

        void onLongClick(View view, RecyclerView recyclerView, int position);

    private GestureDetector gestureDetector;
    private ClickListener clickListener;

    public RecyclerTouchListener(Context context, final RecyclerView recyclerView, final ClickListener clickListener) {
        this.clickListener = clickListener;
        gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
            public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
                return true;

            public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
                View child = recyclerView.findChildViewUnder(e.getX(), e.getY());
                if (child != null && clickListener != null) {
                    clickListener.onLongClick(child,recyclerView,  recyclerView.getChildPosition(child));

    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) {
        View child = rv.findChildViewUnder(e.getX(), e.getY());
        if (child != null && clickListener != null && gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(e)) {
            clickListener.onClick(child, rv.getChildPosition(child));
        return false;

    public void onTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) {


    public void onRequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept) {


Lastly Set your adapter to Recycler View and add Touch Listener to start intercepting touch event for single or double tap on list items

    wifiAdapter = WifiAdapter(ArrayList())

    wifiList.apply {
        // vertical layout
        layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(applicationContext)
        // set adapter
        adapter = wifiAdapter

        // Touch handling
        wifiList.addOnItemTouchListener(RecyclerTouchListener(applicationContext, wifiList, object : RecyclerTouchListener.ClickListener {
            override fun onClick(view: View?, position: Int) {
                Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "RV OnCLickj " + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

            override fun onLongClick(view: View, recyclerView: RecyclerView, position: Int) {
                Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "RV OnLongCLickj " + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Bonus ; Update Data

wifiAdapter.updateData(mScanResults as ArrayList<ScanResult>)


enter image description here

how to access parent window object using jquery?

If you are in a po-up and you want to access the opening window, use window.opener. The easiest would be if you could load JQuery in the parent window as well:

window.opener.$("#serverMsg").html // this uses JQuery in the parent window

or you could use plain old document.getElementById to get the element, and then extend it using the jquery in your child window. The following should work (I haven't tested it, though):

element = window.opener.document.getElementById("serverMsg");
element = $(element);

If you are in an iframe or frameset and want to access the parent frame, use window.parent instead of window.opener.

According to the Same Origin Policy, all this works effortlessly only if both the child and the parent window are in the same domain.

Render partial from different folder (not shared)

Create a Custom View Engine and have a method that returns a ViewEngineResult In this example you just overwrite the _options.ViewLocationFormats and add your folder directory :

public ViewEngineResult FindView(ActionContext context, string viewName, bool isMainPage)
            var controllerName = context.GetNormalizedRouteValue(CONTROLLER_KEY);
            var areaName = context.GetNormalizedRouteValue(AREA_KEY);

            var checkedLocations = new List<string>();
            foreach (var location in _options.ViewLocationFormats)
                var view = string.Format(location, viewName, controllerName);
                if (File.Exists(view))
                    return ViewEngineResult.Found("Default", new View(view, _ViewRendering));

            return ViewEngineResult.NotFound(viewName, checkedLocations);


How to fix Warning Illegal string offset in PHP

Magic word is: isset

Validate the entry:

if(isset($manta_option['iso_format_recent_works']) && $manta_option['iso_format_recent_works'] == 1){
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_thumbnail';
} else {
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_iso_thumbnail';

How to refresh token with Google API client?

Google has made some changes since this question was originally posted.

Here is my currently working example.

    public function update_token($token){

    try {

        $client = new Google_Client();
        $client->setAuthConfig(APPPATH . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'google' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'client_secrets.json');  

        if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
            $refresh_token = $client->getRefreshToken();
                $token = $client->getAccessToken();
                $token['refresh_token'] = json_decode($refresh_token);
                $token = json_encode($token);

        return $token;

    } catch (Exception $e) { 
        $error = json_decode($e->getMessage());
            log_message('error', $error->error->message);


sql server invalid object name - but tables are listed in SSMS tables list

I was working on Azure SQL server .For storing the data i used table values param like

   x int;

I discovered the error in writing on the queries

    WHERE [@INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3].[ConsentDefinitionId] = 3

while quering the colomns ,its okay to wrap it with brabces like [@INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3].[ConsentDefinitionId] but when refering just the table valued param ,there shoul be no params.So it should be used as @INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3

So the code now must be changed to

    WHERE [@INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3].[ConsentDefinitionId] =3.

Plot data in descending order as appears in data frame

You want reorder(). Here is an example with dummy data

df <- data.frame(Category = sample(LETTERS), Count = rpois(26, 6))


p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = Category, y = Count)) +
         geom_bar(stat = "identity")

p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = reorder(Category, -Count), y = Count)) +
         geom_bar(stat = "identity")

grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(p1, p2))


enter image description here

Use reorder(Category, Count) to have Category ordered from low-high.

How to convert JSONObjects to JSONArray?

To deserialize the response need to use HashMap:

String resp = ...//String output from your source

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();

class TheResponse{
 HashMap<String,Song> songs;

class Song{
  String id;
  String pos;

How can I get the current date and time in the terminal and set a custom command in the terminal for it?

You can use date to get time and date of a day:

[pengyu@GLaDOS ~]$date
Tue Aug 27 15:01:27 CST 2013

Also hwclock would do:

[pengyu@GLaDOS ~]$hwclock
Tue 27 Aug 2013 03:01:29 PM CST  -0.516080 seconds

For customized output, you can either redirect the output of date to something like awk, or write your own program to do that.

Remember to put your own executable scripts/binary into your PATH (e.g. /usr/bin) to make it invokable anywhere.

Turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server

If you want to do this by code, you can add the behavior like this:

    new ServiceDebugBehavior { IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true });

How to use shell commands in Makefile

Also, in addition to torek's answer: one thing that stands out is that you're using a lazily-evaluated macro assignment.

If you're on GNU Make, use the := assignment instead of =. This assignment causes the right hand side to be expanded immediately, and stored in the left hand variable.

FILES := $(shell ...)  # expand now; FILES is now the result of $(shell ...)

FILES = $(shell ...)   # expand later: FILES holds the syntax $(shell ...)

If you use the = assignment, it means that every single occurrence of $(FILES) will be expanding the $(shell ...) syntax and thus invoking the shell command. This will make your make job run slower, or even have some surprising consequences.

How to set radio button selected value using jquery

You can try this also

function SetRadiobuttonValue(selectedValue)
  $(':radio[value="' + selectedValue + '"]').attr('checked', 'checked');

Is there an opposite of include? for Ruby Arrays?

Try something like this:

@players.include?( ? false : true

Fastest way to remove non-numeric characters from a VARCHAR in SQL Server

Working with varchars is fundamentally slow and inefficient compared to working with numerics, for obvious reasons. The functions you link to in the original post will indeed be quite slow, as they loop through each character in the string to determine whether or not it's a number. Do that for thousands of records and the process is bound to be slow. This is the perfect job for Regular Expressions, but they're not natively supported in SQL Server. You can add support using a CLR function, but it's hard to say how slow this will be without trying it I would definitely expect it to be significantly faster than looping through each character of each phone number, however!

Once you get the phone numbers formatted in your database so that they're only numbers, you could switch to a numeric type in SQL which would yield lightning-fast comparisons against other numeric types. You might find that, depending on how fast your new data is coming in, doing the trimming and conversion to numeric on the database side is plenty fast enough once what you're comparing to is properly formatted, but if possible, you would be better off writing an import utility in a .NET language that would take care of these formatting issues before hitting the database.

Either way though, you're going to have a big problem regarding optional formatting. Even if your numbers are guaranteed to be only North American in origin, some people will put the 1 in front of a fully area-code qualified phone number and others will not, which will cause the potential for multiple entries of the same phone number. Furthermore, depending on what your data represents, some people will be using their home phone number which might have several people living there, so a unique constraint on it would only allow one database member per household. Some would use their work number and have the same problem, and some would or wouldn't include the extension which would cause artificial uniqueness potential again.

All of that may or may not impact you, depending on your particular data and usages, but it's important to keep in mind!

How to check if a file exists from a url

You don't need CURL for that... Too much overhead for just wanting to check if a file exists or not...

Use PHP's get_header.


Then check if $result[0] contains 200 OK (which means the file is there)

A function to check if a URL works could be this:

function UR_exists($url){
   return stripos($headers[0],"200 OK")?true:false;

/* You can test a URL like this (sample) */
   echo "This page exists";
   echo "This page does not exist";

There has been an error processing your request, Error log record number

I encountered a problem like this and it turns out that I accidentally changed the permission of the var/cache folder. Just delete the cache folder so magento could automatically create the folder with the right permissions.

rm -rf root/var/cache

How to print time in format: 2009-08-10 18:17:54.811


    int time_len = 0, n;
    struct tm *tm_info;
    struct timeval tv;

    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    tm_info = localtime(&tv.tv_sec);
    time_len+=strftime(log_buff, sizeof log_buff, "%y%m%d %H:%M:%S", tm_info);
    time_len+=snprintf(log_buff+time_len,sizeof log_buff-time_len,".%03ld ",tv.tv_usec/1000);

Return string without trailing slash

function someFunction(site) {
  if (site.indexOf('/') > 0)
    return site.substring(0, site.indexOf('/'));
  return site;

Python list directory, subdirectory, and files

Here is a one-liner:

import os

[val for sublist in [[os.path.join(i[0], j) for j in i[2]] for i in os.walk('./')] for val in sublist]
# Meta comment to ease selecting text

The outer most val for sublist in ... loop flattens the list to be one dimensional. The j loop collects a list of every file basename and joins it to the current path. Finally, the i loop iterates over all directories and sub directories.

This example uses the hard-coded path ./ in the os.walk(...) call, you can supplement any path string you like.

Note: os.path.expanduser and/or os.path.expandvars can be used for paths strings like ~/

Extending this example:

Its easy to add in file basename tests and directoryname tests.

For Example, testing for *.jpg files:

... for j in i[2] if j.endswith('.jpg')] ...

Additionally, excluding the .git directory:

... for i in os.walk('./') if '.git' not in i[0].split('/')]

jQuery .css("margin-top", value) not updating in IE 8 (Standards mode)

Try marginTop in place of margin-top, eg:

$("#ActionBox").css("marginTop", foo);

ConnectionTimeout versus SocketTimeout

A connection timeout is the maximum amount of time that the program is willing to wait to setup a connection to another process. You aren't getting or posting any application data at this point, just establishing the connection, itself.

A socket timeout is the timeout when waiting for individual packets. It's a common misconception that a socket timeout is the timeout to receive the full response. So if you have a socket timeout of 1 second, and a response comprised of 3 IP packets, where each response packet takes 0.9 seconds to arrive, for a total response time of 2.7 seconds, then there will be no timeout.

number of values in a list greater than a certain number

I'll add a map and filter version because why not.

sum(map(lambda x:x>5, j))
sum(1 for _ in filter(lambda x:x>5, j))

Returning the product of a list

I've tested various solutions with perfplot (a small project of mine) and found that

is by far the fastest solution (if the list isn't very short).

enter image description here

Code to reproduce the plot:

import perfplot
import numpy

import math
from operator import mul
from functools import reduce

from itertools import accumulate

def reduce_lambda(lst):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, lst)

def reduce_mul(lst):
    return reduce(mul, lst)

def forloop(lst):
    r = 1
    for x in lst:
        r *= x
    return r

def numpy_prod(lst):

def math_prod(lst):

def itertools_accumulate(lst):
    for value in accumulate(lst, mul):
    return value
    kernels=[reduce_lambda, reduce_mul, forloop, numpy_prod, itertools_accumulate, math_prod],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(15)],

How do I give ASP.NET permission to write to a folder in Windows 7?

My immediate solution (since I couldn't find the ASP.NET worker process) was to give write (that is, Modify) permission to IIS_IUSRS. This worked. I seem to recall that in WinXP I had to specifically given the ASP.NET worker process write permission to accomplish this. Maybe my memory is faulty, but anyway...

@DraganRadivojevic wrote that he thought this was dangerous from a security viewpoint. I do not disagree, but since this was my workstation and not a network server, it seemed relatively safe. In any case, his answer is better and is what I finally settled on after chasing down a fail-path due to not specifying the correct domain for the AppPool user.

Jenkins CI Pipeline Scripts not permitted to use method groovy.lang.GroovyObject

To get around sandboxing of SCM stored Groovy scripts, I recommend to run the script as Groovy Command (instead of Groovy Script file):

import hudson.FilePath
final GROOVY_SCRIPT = "workspace/relative/path/to/the/checked/out/groovy/script.groovy"

evaluate(new FilePath(build.workspace, GROOVY_SCRIPT).read().text)

in such case, the groovy script is transferred from the workspace to the Jenkins Master where it can be executed as a system Groovy Script. The sandboxing is suppressed as long as the Use Groovy Sandbox is not checked.

How to hide command output in Bash

You can redirect the output to /dev/null. For more info regarding /dev/null read this link.

You can hide the output of a comand in the following ways :

echo -n "Installing nano ......"; yum install nano > /dev/null; echo " done."; 

Redirect the standard output to /dev/null, but not the standard error. This will show the errors occurring during the installation, for example if yum cannot find a package.

echo -n "Installing nano ......"; yum install nano &> /dev/null; echo " done.";

While this code will not show anything in the terminal since both standard error and standard output are redirected and thus nullified to /dev/null.

selecting unique values from a column



so MySQL removes duplicates

BTW: using explicit column names in SELECT uses less resources in PHP when you're getting a large result from MySQL

Deploying Java webapp to Tomcat 8 running in Docker container

There's a oneliner for this one.

You can simply run,

docker run -v /1.0-SNAPSHOT/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/myapp.war -it -p 8080:8080 tomcat

This will copy the war file to webapps directory and get your app running in no time.

Omitting one Setter/Getter in Lombok

You can pass an access level to the @Getter and @Setter annotations. This is useful to make getters or setters protected or private. It can also be used to override the default.

With @Data, you have public access to the accessors by default. You can now use the special access level NONE to completely omit the accessor, like this:

private int mySecret;

Is it necessary to assign a string to a variable before comparing it to another?

You can also use the NSString class methods which will also create an autoreleased instance and have more options like string formatting:

NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithString:@"abc"];
NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"abc %d efg", 42];

Getting the name of a variable as a string

In Python, the def and class keywords will bind a specific name to the object they define (function or class). Similarly, modules are given a name by virtue of being called something specific in the filesystem. In all three cases, there's an obvious way to assign a "canonical" name to the object in question.

However, for other kinds of objects, such a canonical name may simply not exist. For example, consider the elements of a list. The elements in the list are not individually named, and it is entirely possible that the only way to refer to them in a program is by using list indices on the containing list. If such a list of objects was passed into your function, you could not possibly assign meaningful identifiers to the values.

Python doesn't save the name on the left hand side of an assignment into the assigned object because:

  1. It would require figuring out which name was "canonical" among multiple conflicting objects,
  2. It would make no sense for objects which are never assigned to an explicit variable name,
  3. It would be extremely inefficient,
  4. Literally no other language in existence does that.

So, for example, functions defined using lambda will always have the "name" <lambda>, rather than a specific function name.

The best approach would be simply to ask the caller to pass in an (optional) list of names. If typing the '...','...' is too cumbersome, you could accept e.g. a single string containing a comma-separated list of names (like namedtuple does).

NSAttributedString add text alignment

In swift 4:

    let paraStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle.init()
    paraStyle.alignment = .left

    let str = "Test Message"
    let attribute = [NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 12)]

    let attrMessage = NSMutableAttributedString(string: str, attributes: attribute)

    attrMessage.addAttribute(kCTParagraphStyleAttributeName as NSAttributedStringKey, value: paraStyle, range: NSMakeRange(0, str.count))

Why powershell does not run Angular commands?

I solved my problem by running below command

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Attach Authorization header for all axios requests

Similarly, we have a function to set or delete the token from calls like this:

import axios from 'axios';

export default function setAuthToken(token) {
  axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = '';
  delete axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];

  if (token) {
    axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = `${token}`;

We always clean the existing token at initialization, then establish the received one.

In-place edits with sed on OS X

sed -i -- "s/https/http/g" file.txt

reading from app.config file


string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];

For more details check: Reading Keys from App.Config

Passing 'this' to an onclick event

The code that you have would work, but is executed from the global context, which means that this refers to the global object.

<script type="text/javascript">
var foo = function(param) {
    param.innerHTML = "Not a button";
<button onclick="foo(this)" id="bar">Button</button>

You can also use the non-inline alternative, which attached to and executed from the specific element context which allows you to access the element from this.

<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('bar').onclick = function() {
    this.innerHTML = "Not a button";
<button id="bar">Button</button>

Adding a rule in iptables in debian to open a new port

About your command line:

root@debian:/# sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 --jump ACCEPT
root@debian:/# iptables-save
  • You are already authenticated as root so sudo is redundant there.

  • You are missing the -j or --jump just before the ACCEPT parameter (just tought that was a typo and you are inserting it correctly).

About yout question:

If you are inserting the iptables rule correctly as you pointed it in the question, maybe the issue is related to the hypervisor (virtual machine provider) you are using.

If you provide the hypervisor name (VirtualBox, VMWare?) I can further guide you on this but here are some suggestions you can try first:

check your vmachine network settings and:

  • if it is set to NAT, then you won't be able to connect from your base machine to the vmachine.

  • if it is set to Hosted, you have to configure first its network settings, it is usually to provide them an IP in the range, since is the default the hypervisors use for this.

  • if it is set to Bridge, same as Hosted but you can configure it whenever IP range makes sense for you configuration.

Hope this helps.

Error in Eclipse: "The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved"

In Eclipse, go to Build Path, click "Add Library", select JRE System Library, click "Next", select option "Workspace default JRE(i)", and click "Finish".

This worked for me.

How to calculate time elapsed in bash script?

date can give you the difference and format it for you (OS X options shown)

date -ujf%s $(($(date -jf%T "10:36:10" +%s) - $(date -jf%T "10:33:56" +%s))) +%T
# 00:02:14

date -ujf%s $(($(date -jf%T "10:36:10" +%s) - $(date -jf%T "10:33:56" +%s))) \
    +'%-Hh %-Mm %-Ss'
# 0h 2m 14s

Some string processing can remove those empty values

date -ujf%s $(($(date -jf%T "10:36:10" +%s) - $(date -jf%T "10:33:56" +%s))) \
    +'%-Hh %-Mm %-Ss' | sed "s/[[:<:]]0[hms] *//g"
# 2m 14s

This won't work if you place the earlier time first. If you need to handle that, change $(($(date ...) - $(date ...))) to $(echo $(date ...) - $(date ...) | bc | tr -d -)

how to git commit a whole folder?

I ran into the same problem. Placing a forward slash after the folder name worked for me.

ex: git add foldername/

Find unused code

ReSharper does a great job of finding unused code.

In the VS IDE, you can right click on the definition and choose 'Find All References', although this only works at the solution level.

How do I subscribe to all topics of a MQTT broker

Concrete example is very active (at the time of this posting). This is a nice smoke test for a MQTT subscriber linux device:

mosquitto_sub -h -t "#" -v

The "#" is a wildcard for topics and returns all messages (topics): the server had a lot of traffic, so it returned a 'firehose' of messages.

If your MQTT device publishes a topic of irisys/V4D-19230005/ to the test MQTT broker , then you could filter the messages:

mosquitto_sub -h -t "irisys/V4D-19230005/#" -v


  • -h the hostname (default MQTT port = 1883)
  • -t precedes the topic

How to get the start time of a long-running Linux process?

The ps command (at least the procps version used by many Linux distributions) has a number of format fields that relate to the process start time, including lstart which always gives the full date and time the process started:

# ps -p 1 -wo pid,lstart,cmd
  PID                  STARTED CMD
    1 Mon Dec 23 00:31:43 2013 /sbin/init

# ps -p 1 -p $$ -wo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,tty,stat,lstart,cmd
USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TT       STAT                  STARTED CMD
root         1  0.0  0.1   2800  1152 ?        Ss   Mon Dec 23 00:31:44 2013 /sbin/init
root      5151  0.3  0.1   4732  1980 pts/2    S    Sat Mar  8 16:50:47 2014 bash

For a discussion of how the information is published in the /proc filesystem, see

(In my experience under Linux, the time stamp on the /proc/ directories seem to be related to a moment when the virtual directory was recently accessed rather than the start time of the processes:

# date; ls -ld /proc/1 /proc/$$ 
Sat Mar  8 17:14:21 EST 2014
dr-xr-xr-x 7 root root 0 2014-03-08 16:50 /proc/1
dr-xr-xr-x 7 root root 0 2014-03-08 16:51 /proc/5151

Note that in this case I ran a "ps -p 1" command at about 16:50, then spawned a new bash shell, then ran the "ps -p 1 -p $$" command within that shell shortly afterward....)

Is it possible to import a whole directory in sass using @import?

The accepted answer by Dennis Best states that "Otherwise, load order is and should be irrelevant... if we are doing things properly." This is simply incorrect. If you are doing things properly, you make use of the css order to help you reduce specificity and keeping you css simple and clean.

What I do to organize imports is adding an _all.scss file in a directory, where I import all the relevant files in it, in the correct order. This way, my main import file will be simple and clean, like this:

// Import all scss in the project

// Utilities, mixins and placeholders
@import 'utils/_all';

// Styles
@import 'components/_all';
@import 'modules/_all';
@import 'templates/_all';

You could do this for sub-directories as well, if you need, but I don't think the structure of your css files should be too deep.

Though I use this approach, I still think a glob import should exist in sass, for situations where order does not matter, like a directory of mixins or even animations.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

I also had an issue with multiline strings in this scenario. @Iman's backtick(`) solution worked great in the modern browsers but caused an invalid character error in Internet Explorer. I had to use the following:

'@item.MultiLineString.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")'

Then I had to put the carriage returns back again in the js function. Had to use RegEx to handle multiple carriage returns.

// This will work for the following:
// "hello\nworld"
// "hello<br>world"
// "hello<br />world"
$("#MyTextArea").val(multiLineString.replace(/\n|<br\s*\/?>/gi, "\r"));

How to sort an STL vector?

this is my approach to solve this generally. It extends the answer from Steve Jessop by removing the requirement to set template arguments explicitly and adding the option to also use functoins and pointers to methods (getters)

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;

template <typename T, typename U>
struct CompareByGetter {
    U (T::*getter)() const;
    CompareByGetter(U (T::*getter)() const) : getter(getter) {};
    bool operator()(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) {
        (lhs.*getter)() < (rhs.*getter)();

template <typename T, typename U>
CompareByGetter<T,U> by(U (T::*getter)() const) {
    return CompareByGetter<T,U>(getter);

//// sort_by
template <typename T, typename U>
struct CompareByMember {
    U T::*field;
    CompareByMember(U T::*f) : field(f) {}
    bool operator()(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) {
        return lhs.*field < rhs.*field;

template <typename T, typename U>
CompareByMember<T,U> by(U T::*f) {
    return CompareByMember<T,U>(f);

template <typename T, typename U>
struct CompareByFunction {
    function<U(T)> f;
    CompareByFunction(function<U(T)> f) : f(f) {}
    bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const {
        return f(a) < f(b);

template <typename T, typename U>
CompareByFunction<T,U> by(function<U(T)> f) {
    CompareByFunction<T,U> cmp{f};
    return cmp;

struct mystruct {
    double x,y,z;
    string name;
    double length() const {
        return sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );

ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const mystruct& ms) {
    return os << "{ " << ms.x << ", " << ms.y << ", " << ms.z << ", " << << " len: " << ms.length() << "}";

template <class T>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, std::vector<T> v) {
    os << "[";
    for (auto it = begin(v); it != end(v); ++it) {
        if ( it != begin(v) ) {
            os << " ";
        os << *it;
    os << "]";
    return os;

void sorting() {
    vector<mystruct> vec1 = { {1,1,0,"a"}, {0,1,2,"b"}, {-1,-5,0,"c"}, {0,0,0,"d"} };

    function<string(const mystruct&)> f = [](const mystruct& v){return;};

    cout << "unsorted  " << vec1 << endl;
    sort(begin(vec1), end(vec1), by(&mystruct::x) );
    cout << "sort_by x " << vec1 << endl;
    sort(begin(vec1), end(vec1), by(&mystruct::length));
    cout << "sort_by len " << vec1 << endl;
    sort(begin(vec1), end(vec1), by(f) );
    cout << "sort_by name " << vec1 << endl;

Array Size (Length) in C#

it goes like this: 1D:

 type[] name=new type[size]  //or =new type[]{.....elements...}


 type[][]name=new type[size][] //second brackets are emtpy

then as you use this array :

 name[i]=new type[size_of_sec.Dim]

or You can declare something like a matrix

type[ , ] name=new type [size1,size2]

How to build and fill pandas dataframe from for loop?

The simplest answer is what Paul H said:

d = []
for p in game.players.passing():
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating':  p.passer_rating()


But if you really want to "build and fill a dataframe from a loop", (which, btw, I wouldn't recommend), here's how you'd do it.

d = pd.DataFrame()

for p in game.players.passing():
    temp = pd.DataFrame(
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating': p.passer_rating()

    d = pd.concat([d, temp])

How can I know if a process is running?

Despite of supported API from .Net frameworks regarding checking existing process by process ID, those functions are very slow. It costs a huge amount of CPU cycles to run Process.GetProcesses() or Process.GetProcessById/Name().

A much quicker method to check a running process by ID is to use native API OpenProcess(). If return handle is 0, the process doesn't exist. If handle is different than 0, the process is running. There's no guarantee this method would work 100% at all time due to permission.

How to make an empty div take space

Try adding &nbsp; to the empty items.

I don't understand why you're not using a <table> here, though? They will do this kind of stuff automatically.

Calculating number of full months between two dates in SQL

-- Count how many months must be added to @StartDate to exceed @DueDate  
MONTHS_SINCE(n, [Month_hence], [IsFull], [RemainingDays] ) AS (  
    1 as n,  
    DATEADD(Day, -1, DATEADD(Month, 1, @StartDate)) AS Month_hence  
    ,CASE WHEN (DATEADD(Day, -1, DATEADD(Month, 1, @StartDate)) <= @LastDueDate)   
        THEN 1   
        ELSE 0   
    END  AS [IsFull]  
    ,DATEDIFF(day, @StartDate,  @LastDueDate) as [RemainingDays]  
    --DateAdd(Month, 1, Month_hence) as Month_hence -- No, causes propagation of short month discounted days  
    DATEADD(Day, -1, DATEADD(Month, n+1, @StartDate)) as Month_hence  
    ,CASE WHEN (DATEADD(Day, -1, DATEADD(Month, n+1, @StartDate)) <= @LastDueDate)   
        THEN 1   
        ELSE 0    
    END  AS [IsFull]  
    ,DATEDIFF(day, DATEADD(Day, -1, DATEADD(Month, n, @StartDate)),  @LastDueDate)  
    WHERE Month_hence<( @LastDueDate --WHERE Period= 1  
MONTH_TALLY (full_months_over_all_terms, months_over_all_terms, days_in_incomplete_month ) AS (  
    COALESCE((SELECT MAX(n) FROM MONTHS_SINCE WHERE isFull = 1),1) as full_months_over_all_terms,  
    (SELECT MAX(n) FROM MONTHS_SINCE ) as months_over_all_terms,  
    COALESCE((SELECT [RemainingDays] FROM MONTHS_SINCE WHERE isFull = 0),0) as days_in_incomplete_month