Programs & Examples On #Virtual destructor

A virtual destructor ensures a C++ object will correctly call the destructor of the most-derived class when a polymorphic object is deleted through a pointer to its base class.

When to use virtual destructors?

Virtual keyword for destructor is necessary when you want different destructors should follow proper order while objects is being deleted through base class pointer. for example:

Base *myObj = new Derived();
// Some code which is using myObj object
//Now delete the object
delete myObj ; 

If your base class destructor is virtual then objects will be destructed in a order(firstly derived object then base ). If your base class destructor is NOT virtual then only base class object will get deleted(because pointer is of base class "Base *myObj"). So there will be memory leak for derived object.

Is there a way to break a list into columns?

This answer doesn't necessarily scale but only requires minor adjustments as the list grows. Semantically it might seem a little counter-intuitive since it is two lists, but aside from that it'll look the way you want in any browser ever made.

ul {_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
ul > li {_x000D_
  width: 6em;_x000D_
<!-- Column 1 -->_x000D_
  <li>Item 1</li>_x000D_
  <li>Item 2</li>_x000D_
  <li>Item 3</li>_x000D_
<!-- Column 2 -->_x000D_
  <li>Item 4</li>_x000D_
  <li>Item 5</li>_x000D_
  <li>Item 6</li>_x000D_

Show a div with Fancybox

I use approach with appending "singleton" link for element you want to show in fancybox. This is code, what I use with some minor edits:

function showElementInPopUp(elementId) {
    var fancyboxAnchorElementId = "fancyboxTriggerFor_" + elementId;
    if ($("#"+fancyboxAnchorElementId).length == 0) {
        $("body").append("<a id='" + fancyboxAnchorElementId + "' href='#" + elementId+ "' style='display:none;'></a>");

    $("#" + fancyboxAnchorElementId).click();

Additional explanation: If you show fancybox with "content" option, it will duplicate DOM, which is inside elements. Sometimes this is not OK. In my case I needed to have the same elements, because they were used in form.

Add jars to a Spark Job - spark-submit

Another approach in spark 2.1.0 is to use --conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true during spark-submit which changes the priority of dependency load, and thus the behavior of the spark-job, by giving priority to the jars the user is adding to the class-path with the --jars option.

Most efficient way to find mode in numpy array

Expanding on this method, applied to finding the mode of the data where you may need the index of the actual array to see how far away the value is from the center of the distribution.

(_, idx, counts) = np.unique(a, return_index=True, return_counts=True)
index = idx[np.argmax(counts)]
mode = a[index]

Remember to discard the mode when len(np.argmax(counts)) > 1, also to validate if it is actually representative of the central distribution of your data you may check whether it falls inside your standard deviation interval.

Form inline inside a form horizontal in twitter bootstrap?

This uses twitter bootstrap 3.x with one css class to get labels to sit on top of the inputs. Here's a fiddle link, make sure to expand results panel wide enough to see effect.


  <div class="row myform">
     <div class="col-md-12">
        <form name="myform" role="form" novalidate>
           <div class="form-group">
              <label class="control-label" for="fullName">Address Line</label>
              <input required type="text" name="addr" id="addr" class="form-control" placeholder="Address"/>

           <div class="form-inline">
              <div class="form-group">
                 <input required type="text" name="state" id="state" class="form-control" placeholder="State"/>

              <div class="form-group">
                 <input required type="text" name="zip" id="zip" class="form-control" placeholder="Zip"/>

           <div class="form-group">
              <label class="control-label" for="country">Country</label>
              <input required type="text" name="country" id="country" class="form-control" placeholder="country"/>


.myform input.form-control {
   display: block;  /* allows labels to sit on input when inline */
   margin-bottom: 15px; /* gives padding to bottom of inline inputs */

SQL Server Script to create a new user

Based on your question, I think that you may be a bit confused about the difference between a User and a Login. A Login is an account on the SQL Server as a whole - someone who is able to log in to the server and who has a password. A User is a Login with access to a specific database.

Creating a Login is easy and must (obviously) be done before creating a User account for the login in a specific database:


Here is how you create a User with db_owner privileges using the Login you just declared:

Use YourDatabase;

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'NewAdminName')
    CREATE USER [NewAdminName] FOR LOGIN [NewAdminName]
    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'NewAdminName'

Now, Logins are a bit more fluid than I make it seem above. For example, a Login account is automatically created (in most SQL Server installations) for the Windows Administrator account when the database is installed. In most situations, I just use that when I am administering a database (it has all privileges).

However, if you are going to be accessing the SQL Server from an application, then you will want to set the server up for "Mixed Mode" (both Windows and SQL logins) and create a Login as shown above. You'll then "GRANT" priviliges to that SQL Login based on what is needed for your app. See here for more information.

UPDATE: Aaron points out the use of the sp_addsrvrolemember to assign a prepared role to your login account. This is a good idea - faster and easier than manually granting privileges. If you google it you'll see plenty of links. However, you must still understand the distinction between a login and a user.

Find the max of two or more columns with pandas

@DSM's answer is perfectly fine in almost any normal scenario. But if you're the type of programmer who wants to go a little deeper than the surface level, you might be interested to know that it is a little faster to call numpy functions on the underlying .to_numpy() (or .values for <0.24) array instead of directly calling the (cythonized) functions defined on the DataFrame/Series objects.

For example, you can use ndarray.max() along the first axis.

# Data borrowed from @DSM's post.
df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1,2,3], "B": [-2, 8, 1]})
   A  B
0  1 -2
1  2  8
2  3  1

df['C'] = df[['A', 'B']].values.max(1)
# Or, assuming "A" and "B" are the only columns, 
# df['C'] = df.values.max(1) 

   A  B  C
0  1 -2  1
1  2  8  8
2  3  1  3 

If your data has NaNs, you will need numpy.nanmax:

df['C'] = np.nanmax(df.values, axis=1)

   A  B  C
0  1 -2  1
1  2  8  8
2  3  1  3 

You can also use numpy.maximum.reduce. numpy.maximum is a ufunc (Universal Function), and every ufunc has a reduce:

df['C'] = np.maximum.reduce(df['A', 'B']].values, axis=1)
# df['C'] = np.maximum.reduce(df[['A', 'B']], axis=1)
# df['C'] = np.maximum.reduce(df, axis=1)

   A  B  C
0  1 -2  1
1  2  8  8
2  3  1  3

enter image description here

np.maximum.reduce and np.max appear to be more or less the same (for most normal sized DataFrames)—and happen to be a shade faster than DataFrame.max. I imagine this difference roughly remains constant, and is due to internal overhead (indexing alignment, handling NaNs, etc).

The graph was generated using perfplot. Benchmarking code, for reference:

import pandas as pd
import perfplot

df_ = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 1000))
    setup=lambda n: pd.concat([df_] * n, ignore_index=True),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=df.max(axis=1)),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=df.values.max(1)),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=np.nanmax(df.values, axis=1)),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=np.maximum.reduce(df.values, axis=1)),
    labels=['df.max', 'np.max', 'np.maximum.reduce', 'np.nanmax'],
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(0, 15)],
    xlabel='N (* len(df))',

Why does viewWillAppear not get called when an app comes back from the background?

The method viewWillAppear should be taken in the context of what is going on in your own application, and not in the context of your application being placed in the foreground when you switch back to it from another app.

In other words, if someone looks at another application or takes a phone call, then switches back to your app which was earlier on backgrounded, your UIViewController which was already visible when you left your app 'doesn't care' so to speak -- as far as it is concerned, it's never disappeared and it's still visible -- and so viewWillAppear isn't called.

I recommend against calling the viewWillAppear yourself -- it has a specific meaning which you shouldn't subvert! A refactoring you can do to achieve the same effect might be as follows:

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];
    [self doMyLayoutStuff:self];

- (void)doMyLayoutStuff:(id)sender {
    // stuff

Then also you trigger doMyLayoutStuff from the appropriate notification:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(doMyLayoutStuff:) name:UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarFrameNotification object:self];

There's no out of the box way to tell which is the 'current' UIViewController by the way. But you can find ways around that, e.g. there are delegate methods of UINavigationController for finding out when a UIViewController is presented therein. You could use such a thing to track the latest UIViewController which has been presented.


If you layout out UIs with the appropriate autoresizing masks on the various bits, sometimes you don't even need to deal with the 'manual' laying out of your UI - it just gets dealt with...

Bootstrap 3: Offset isn't working?

Which version of bootstrap are you using? The early versions of Bootstrap 3 (3.0, 3.0.1) didn't work with this functionality.

col-md-offset-0 should be working as seen in this bootstrap example found here (

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-sm-5 col-md-6">.col-sm-5 .col-md-6</div>
   <div class="col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">.col-sm-5 .col-sm-offset-2 .col-md-6 .col-md-offset-0</div>

How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js?

solution in my case

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

const isWindows = /^win/.test(process.platform); 

spawn(isWindows ? 'twitter-proxy.cmd' : 'twitter-proxy');
spawn(isWindows ? 'http-server.cmd' : 'http-server');

in angularjs how to access the element that triggered the event?

if you wanna ng-model value, if you can write like this in the triggered event: $scope.searchText

Spring boot: Unable to start embedded Tomcat servlet container

You need to Tomcat Dependency and also extend your Application Class from extends SpringBootServletInitializer

public class App extend SpringBootServletInitializer
    public static void main( String[] args )
    {, "hello");

How to remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console

Note: Adding a new answer as the publish/unpublish option is moved to different location.

As mentioned in other answers you cannot delete the app. With updated Google Play Console (Beta), the Unpublish option is moved to different location:

Setup -> Advanced Settings -> App Availability

Enable Published / Unpublished accordingly!

enter image description here

CSS to select/style first word

I have to disagree with Dale... The strong element is actually the wrong element to use, implying something about the meaning, use, or emphasis of the content while you are simply intending to provide style to the element.

Ideally you would be able to accomplish this with a pseudo-class and your stylesheet, but as that is not possible you should make your markup semantically correct and use <span class="first-word">.

Real time data graphing on a line chart with html5

The easiest way may be to use - the microservice I created exactly for this. It depends on how you get the data, but general usage pattern is including an SVG image into your html like

<object data="" type="image/svg+xml"/>

and feeding your data in a GET request to your hash (or using a (new Image(1,1)).src=... JavaScript method from same or any other page) like this:,2,3

setting it up locally is also straightforward

bootstrap multiselect get selected values

In your Html page please add

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Test the multiselect with ajax</title>

    <!-- Bootstrap -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <!-- Bootstrap multiselect -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
    <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
    <div class="container">

      <form method="post" id="myForm">

        <!-- Build your select: -->
        <select name="categories[]" id="example-getting-started" multiple="multiple" class="col-md-12">
          <option value="A">Cheese</option>
          <option value="B">Tomatoes</option>
          <option value="C">Mozzarella</option>
          <option value="D">Mushrooms</option>
          <option value="E">Pepperoni</option>
          <option value="F">Onions</option>
          <option value="G">10</option>
          <option value="H">11</option>
          <option value="I">12</option>
        <button type="button" class="btnSubmit"> Send </button>


      <div id="result">result</div>

    <!-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Bootstrap multiselect -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Bootstrap multiselect -->
    <script src="ajax.js"></script>

    <!-- Initialize the plugin: -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {




In your ajax.js page please add

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(".btnSubmit").on('click',(function(event) {
    var formData = new FormData($('#myForm')[0]);
      url: "action.php",
      type: "POST",
      data: formData,
      contentType: false,
      cache: false,
      success: function(data)

        // To clear the selected options
        var select = $("#example-getting-started");
        if (data.d) {
          $(data.d).each(function(key,value) {
        $('#example-getting-started').multiselect({includeSelectAllOption: true});

      error: function()
        console.log("failed to send the data");

In your action.php page add

  echo "<b>You selected :</b>";


    echo $_POST['categories'][$i]."<br>";


Difference between <input type='button' /> and <input type='submit' />

W3C make it clear, on the specification about Button element

Button may be seen as a generic class for all kind of Buttons with no default behavior.


Ascii/Hex convert in bash

echo append a carriage return at the end.


echo -e

to remove the extra 0x0A

Also, hexdump does not work byte-per-byte as default. This is why it shows you bytes in a weird endianess and why it shows you an extra 0x00.

How can I create 2 separate log files with one log4j config file?

Try the following configuration:

log4j.rootLogger=TRACE, stdout

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.appender.debugLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.appender.reportsLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%24F:%t:%L] - %m%n

log4j.category.debugLogger=TRACE, debugLog

log4j.category.reportsLogger=DEBUG, reportsLog

Then configure the loggers in the Java code accordingly:

static final Logger debugLog = Logger.getLogger("debugLogger");
static final Logger resultLog = Logger.getLogger("reportsLogger");

Do you want output to go to stdout? If not, change the first line of to:


and get rid of the stdout lines.

What does "#include <iostream>" do?

That is a C++ standard library header file for input output streams. It includes functionality to read and write from streams. You only need to include it if you wish to use streams.

How to scroll HTML page to given anchor?

    jQuery('html, body').animate({_x000D_
        scrollTop: jQuery( jQuery(this).attr('href') ).offset().top_x000D_
    }, 1000);_x000D_
    return false;_x000D_

How to read Data from Excel sheet in selenium webdriver

i have used following method to use input data from excel sheet: Need to import following as well

import jxl.Workbook;


Workbook wBook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("E:\\Testdata\\ShellData.xls"));
//get sheet
jxl.Sheet Sheet = wBook.getSheet(0); 
//Now in application i have given my Username and Password input in following way
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='UserName']")).sendKeys(Sheet.getCell(0, i).getContents());
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='Password']")).sendKeys(Sheet.getCell(1, i).getContents());

it will Work

Find Locked Table in SQL Server

You can use sp_lock (and sp_lock2), but in SQL Server 2005 onwards this is being deprecated in favour of querying sys.dm_tran_locks:

    object_name(p.object_id) as TableName, 
    resource_type, resource_description
    sys.dm_tran_locks l
    join sys.partitions p on l.resource_associated_entity_id = p.hobt_id

How to create timer events using C++ 11?

This is the code I have so far:

I am using VC++ 2012 (no variadic templates)

#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>

template<class T>
class TimerThread
  typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock clock_t;

  struct TimerInfo
    clock_t::time_point m_TimePoint;
    T m_User;

    template <class TArg1>
    TimerInfo(clock_t::time_point tp, TArg1 && arg1)
      : m_TimePoint(tp)
      , m_User(std::forward<TArg1>(arg1))

    template <class TArg1, class TArg2>
    TimerInfo(clock_t::time_point tp, TArg1 && arg1, TArg2 && arg2)
      : m_TimePoint(tp)
      , m_User(std::forward<TArg1>(arg1), std::forward<TArg2>(arg2))

  std::unique_ptr<std::thread> m_Thread;
  std::vector<TimerInfo>       m_Timers;
  std::mutex                   m_Mutex;
  std::condition_variable      m_Condition;
  bool                         m_Sort;
  bool                         m_Stop;

  void TimerLoop()
    for (;;)
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex>  lock(m_Mutex);

      while (!m_Stop && m_Timers.empty())

      if (m_Stop)

      if (m_Sort)
        //Sort could be done at insert
        //but probabily this thread has time to do
                  [](const TimerInfo & ti1, const TimerInfo & ti2)
          return ti1.m_TimePoint > ti2.m_TimePoint;
        m_Sort = false;

      auto now = clock_t::now();
      auto expire = m_Timers.back().m_TimePoint;

      if (expire > now) //can I take a nap?
        auto napTime = expire - now;
        m_Condition.wait_for(lock, napTime);

        //check again
        auto expire = m_Timers.back().m_TimePoint;
        auto now = clock_t::now();

        if (expire <= now)

  template<class T, class TArg1>
  friend void CreateTimer(TimerThread<T>& timerThread, int ms, TArg1 && arg1);

  template<class T, class TArg1, class TArg2>
  friend void CreateTimer(TimerThread<T>& timerThread, int ms, TArg1 && arg1, TArg2 && arg2);

  TimerThread() : m_Stop(false), m_Sort(false)
    m_Thread.reset(new std::thread(std::bind(&TimerThread::TimerLoop, this)));

    m_Stop = true;

template<class T, class TArg1>
void CreateTimer(TimerThread<T>& timerThread, int ms, TArg1 && arg1)
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(timerThread.m_Mutex);
    timerThread.m_Timers.emplace_back(TimerThread<T>::TimerInfo(TimerThread<T>::clock_t::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(ms),
    timerThread.m_Sort = true;
  // wake up

template<class T, class TArg1, class TArg2>
void CreateTimer(TimerThread<T>& timerThread, int ms, TArg1 && arg1, TArg2 && arg2)
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(timerThread.m_Mutex);
    timerThread.m_Timers.emplace_back(TimerThread<T>::TimerInfo(TimerThread<T>::clock_t::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(ms),
    timerThread.m_Sort = true;
  // wake up

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void TimerCall(int i)
  std::cout << i << std::endl;

int main()
  std::cout << "start" << std::endl;
  TimerThread<int> timers;

  CreateTimer(timers, 2000, 1);
  CreateTimer(timers, 5000, 2);
  CreateTimer(timers, 100, 3);

  std::cout << "end" << std::endl;

Play/pause HTML 5 video using JQuery

This is how I managed to make it work:

jQuery( document ).ready(function($) {
    $('.myHTMLvideo').click(function() {
        this.paused ? : this.pause();

All my HTML5 tags have the class 'myHTMLvideo'

Parse Json string in C#

I'm using in my project and it works great. In you case, you can do this to parse your json:

EDIT: I changed the code so it supports reading your json file (array)

Code to parse:

void Main()
    var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"d:\test.json");

    var objects = JArray.Parse(json); // parse as array  
    foreach(JObject root in objects)
        foreach(KeyValuePair<String, JToken> app in root)
            var appName = app.Key;
            var description = (String)app.Value["Description"];
            var value = (String)app.Value["Value"];



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

consectetur adipisicing elit

sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Ut enim ad minim veniam

quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

BTW, you can use LinqPad to test your code, easier than creating a solution or project in Visual Studio I think.

SelectedValue vs SelectedItem.Value of DropDownList

One important distinction between the two (which is visible in the Reflected code) is that SelectedValue will return an empty string if a nothing is selected, whereas SelectedItem.Value will throw a NullReference exception.

HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java

URLEncoding can encode HTTP URLs just fine, as you've unfortunately discovered. The string you passed in, " book.pdf", was correctly and completely encoded into a URL-encoded form. You could pass that entire long string of gobbledigook that you got back as a parameter in a URL, and it could be decoded back into exactly the string you passed in.

It sounds like you want to do something a little different than passing the entire URL as a parameter. From what I gather, you're trying to create a search URL that looks like "". The only thing that you need to encode is the "whateverTheUserPassesIn" bit, so perhaps all you need to do is something like this:

String url = "" + 

That should produce something rather more valid for you.

css transform, jagged edges in chrome

I've been having an issue with a CSS3 gradient with -45deg. The background slanted, was badly jagged similar to but worse than the original post. So I started playing with both the background-size. This would stretch out the jaggedness, but it was still there. Then in addition I read that other people are having issues too at 45deg increments so I adjusted from -45deg to -45.0001deg and my problem was solved.

In my CSS below, background-size was initially 30px and the deg for the background gradient was exactly -45deg, and all keyframes were 30px 0.

    @-webkit-keyframes progressStripeLTR {
        to {
            background-position: 60px 0;

    @-moz-keyframes progressStripeLTR {
        to {
            background-position: 60px 0;

    @-ms-keyframes progressStripeLTR {
        to {
            background-position: 60px 0;

    @-o-keyframes progressStripeLTR {
        to {
            background-position: 60px 0;

    @keyframes progressStripeLTR {
        to {
            background-position: 60px 0;

    @-webkit-keyframes progressStripeRTL {
        to {
            background-position: -60px 0;

    @-moz-keyframes progressStripeRTL {
        to {
            background-position: -60px 0;

    @-ms-keyframes progressStripeRTL {
        to {
            background-position: -60px 0;

    @-o-keyframes progressStripeRTL {
        to {
            background-position: -60px 0;

    @keyframes progressStripeRTL {
        to {
            background-position: -60px 0;

    .pro-bar-candy {
        width: 100%;
        height: 15px;

        -webkit-border-radius:  3px;
        -moz-border-radius:     3px;
        border-radius:          3px;

        background: rgb(187, 187, 187);
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 25%,
                        transparent 25%,
                        transparent 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 75%,
                        transparent 75%,
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 25%,
                        transparent 25%,
                        transparent 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 75%,
                        transparent 75%,
        background: -o-linear-gradient(
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 25%,
                        transparent 25%,
                        transparent 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 75%,
                        transparent 75%,
        background: -ms-linear-gradient(
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 25%,
                        transparent 25%,
                        transparent 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 75%,
                        transparent 75%,
        background: linear-gradient(
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 25%,
                        transparent 25%,
                        transparent 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 50%,
                        rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00) 75%,
                        transparent 75%,
        background: -webkit-gradient(
                        right bottom,
                        right top,
                            rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00)
                            rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.00)
                            rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.00)
                            rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00)
                            rgba(187, 187, 187, 1.00)
                            rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.00)
                            rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.00)

        background-repeat: repeat-x;
        -webkit-background-size:    60px 60px;
        -moz-background-size:       60px 60px;
        -o-background-size:         60px 60px;
        background-size:            60px 60px;

    .pro-bar-candy.candy-ltr {
        -webkit-animation:  progressStripeLTR .6s linear infinite;
        -moz-animation:     progressStripeLTR .6s linear infinite;
        -ms-animation:      progressStripeLTR .6s linear infinite;
        -o-animation:       progressStripeLTR .6s linear infinite;
        animation:          progressStripeLTR .6s linear infinite;

    .pro-bar-candy.candy-rtl {
        -webkit-animation:  progressStripeRTL .6s linear infinite;
        -moz-animation:     progressStripeRTL .6s linear infinite;
        -ms-animation:      progressStripeRTL .6s linear infinite;
        -o-animation:       progressStripeRTL .6s linear infinite;
        animation:          progressStripeRTL .6s linear infinite;

Bash Script : what does #!/bin/bash mean?

In bash script, what does #!/bin/bash at the 1st line mean ?

In Linux system, we have shell which interprets our UNIX commands. Now there are a number of shell in Unix system. Among them, there is a shell called bash which is very very common Linux and it has a long history. This is a by default shell in Linux.

When you write a script (collection of unix commands and so on) you have a option to specify which shell it can be used. Generally you can specify which shell it wold be by using Shebang(Yes that's what it's name).

So if you #!/bin/bash in the top of your scripts then you are telling your system to use bash as a default shell.

Now coming to your second question :Is there a difference between #!/bin/bash and #!/bin/sh ?

The answer is Yes. When you tell #!/bin/bash then you are telling your environment/ os to use bash as a command interpreter. This is hard coded thing.

Every system has its own shell which the system will use to execute its own system scripts. This system shell can be vary from OS to OS(most of the time it will be bash. Ubuntu recently using dash as default system shell). When you specify #!/bin/sh then system will use it's internal system shell to interpreting your shell scripts.

Visit this link for further information where I have explained this topic.

Hope this will eliminate your confusions...good luck.

Using @property versus getters and setters

Here is an excerpts from "Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python" (Amazing book. I highly recommend it).

Things to Remember

? Define new class interfaces using simple public attributes and avoid defining setter and getter methods.

? Use @property to define special behavior when attributes are accessed on your objects, if necessary.

? Follow the rule of least surprise and avoid odd side effects in your @property methods.

? Ensure that @property methods are fast; for slow or complex work—especially involving I/O or causing side effects—use normal methods instead.

One advanced but common use of @property is transitioning what was once a simple numerical attribute into an on-the-fly calculation. This is extremely helpful because it lets you migrate all existing usage of a class to have new behaviors without requiring any of the call sites to be rewritten (which is especially important if there’s calling code that you don’t control). @property also provides an important stopgap for improving interfaces over time.

I especially like @property because it lets you make incremental progress toward a better data model over time.
@property is a tool to help you address problems you’ll come across in real-world code. Don’t overuse it. When you find yourself repeatedly extending @property methods, it’s probably time to refactor your class instead of further paving over your code’s poor design.

? Use @property to give existing instance attributes new functionality.

? Make incremental progress toward better data models by using @property.

? Consider refactoring a class and all call sites when you find yourself using @property too heavily.

A Java collection of value pairs? (tuples?)


Easy you are looking for this:

java.util.List<java.util.Map.Entry<String,Integer>> pairList= new java.util.ArrayList<>();

How can you fill it?

java.util.Map.Entry<String,Integer> pair1=new java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("Not Unique key1",1);
java.util.Map.Entry<String,Integer> pair2=new java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("Not Unique key2",2);

This simplifies to:

Entry<String,Integer> pair1=new SimpleEntry<>("Not Unique key1",1);
Entry<String,Integer> pair2=new SimpleEntry<>("Not Unique key2",2);

And, with the help of a createEntry method, can further reduce the verbosity to:

pairList.add(createEntry("Not Unique key1", 1));
pairList.add(createEntry("Not Unique key2", 2));

Since ArrayList isn't final, it can be subclassed to expose an of method (and the aforementioned createEntry method), resulting in the syntactically terse:

TupleList<java.util.Map.Entry<String,Integer>> pair = new TupleList<>();
pair.of("Not Unique key1", 1);
pair.of("Not Unique key2", 2);

Parallel.ForEach vs Task.Factory.StartNew

Parallel.ForEach will optimize(may not even start new threads) and block until the loop is finished, and Task.Factory will explicitly create a new task instance for each item, and return before they are finished (asynchronous tasks). Parallel.Foreach is much more efficient.

Password encryption/decryption code in .NET

This question will answer how to encrypt/decrypt: Encrypt and decrypt a string in C#?

You didn't specify a database, but you will want to base-64 encode it, using Convert.toBase64String. For an example you can use:

You'll then either save it in a varchar or a blob, depending on how long your encrypted message is, but for a password varchar should work.

The examples above will also cover decryption after decoding the base64.


In actuality you may not need to use base64 encoding, but I found it helpful, in case I wanted to print it, or send it over the web. If the message is long enough it's best to compress it first, then encrypt, as it is harder to use brute-force when the message was already in a binary form, so it would be hard to tell when you successfully broke the encryption.

How to check ASP.NET Version loaded on a system?

open a new command prompt and run the following command: dotnet --info

How to get current html page title with javascript


returns all the title

but if you just want the page title then use


UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd1 in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

open with encoding UTF 16 because of lat and long.

with open(csv_name_here, 'r', encoding="utf-16") as f:

How do you get the magnitude of a vector in Numpy?

Fastest way I found is via inner1d. Here's how it compares to other numpy methods:

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d

V = np.random.random_sample((10**6,3,)) # 1 million vectors
A = np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', V, V))
B = np.linalg.norm(V,axis=1)   
C = np.sqrt((V ** 2).sum(-1))
D = np.sqrt((V*V).sum(axis=1))
E = np.sqrt(inner1d(V,V))

print [np.allclose(E,x) for x in [A,B,C,D]] # [True, True, True, True]

import cProfile"np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', V, V))") # 3 function calls in 0.013 seconds'np.linalg.norm(V,axis=1)')              # 9 function calls in 0.029 seconds'np.sqrt((V ** 2).sum(-1))')             # 5 function calls in 0.028 seconds'np.sqrt((V*V).sum(axis=1))')            # 5 function calls in 0.027 seconds'np.sqrt(inner1d(V,V))')                 # 2 function calls in 0.009 seconds

inner1d is ~3x faster than linalg.norm and a hair faster than einsum

How do I set a program to launch at startup

It`s a so easy solution:

To Add

Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);
key.SetValue("Your Application Name", Application.ExecutablePath);

To Remove

Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);
key.DeleteValue("Your Application Name", false);

Change the maximum upload file size

Three things you need to check.

upload_max_filesize, memory_limit and post_max_size in the php.ini configuration file exactly.

All of these three settings limit the maximum size of data that can be submitted and handled by PHP.

Typically post_max_size and memory_limit need to be larger than upload_max_filesize.

So three variables total you need to check to be absolutely sure.

Update Query with INNER JOIN between tables in 2 different databases on 1 server

Worked perfectly for me.

UPDATE TABLE_A a INNER JOIN TABLE_B b ON a.col1 = b.col2 SET a.col_which_you_want_update = b.col_from_which_you_update;

How to get the response of XMLHttpRequest?

You can get it by XMLHttpRequest.responseText in XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange when XMLHttpRequest.readyState equals to XMLHttpRequest.DONE.

Here's an example (not compatible with IE6/7).

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
}'GET', '', true);

For better crossbrowser compatibility, not only with IE6/7, but also to cover some browser-specific memory leaks or bugs, and also for less verbosity with firing ajaxical requests, you could use jQuery.

$.get('', function(responseText) {

Note that you've to take the Same origin policy for JavaScript into account when not running at localhost. You may want to consider to create a proxy script at your domain.

Test if number is odd or even

Another option is a simple bit checking.

n & 1

for example:

if ( $num & 1 ) {
} else {

When to use throws in a Java method declaration?

If you are catching an exception type, you do not need to throw it, unless you are going to rethrow it. In the example you post, the developer should have done one or another, not both.

Typically, if you are not going to do anything with the exception, you should not catch it.

The most dangerous thing you can do is catch an exception and not do anything with it.

A good discussion of when it is appropriate to throw exceptions is here

When to throw an exception?

Android: failed to convert @drawable/picture into a drawable

It can be even more trivial than what the other posters suggested: if you have multiple projects make sure you did not create the xml layout file in the wrong project.

After creation, the file will open automatically so this might go unnoticed and you assume it is in the correct project. Obviously any references to drawables or other resources will be invalid.

And yes, I am that stupid. I'll close any unused projects from now on :)

Can't create project on Netbeans 8.2

EDIT: The solution is to install JDK 8, as JDK 9 and beyond are currently not supported.

If however, you already have installed JDK 8, then kindly follow the steps outlined below.

The reason is that there is a conflict with the base JDK that NetBeans starts with. You have to set it to a lower version.

  1. Go to the folder "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\etc", or wherever NetBeans is installed.
  2. Open the netbeans.conf file.
  3. Locate netbeans_jdkhome and replace the JDK path there with "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152", or wherever your JDK is installed. Be sure to use the right path, or you will run into problems. Here, JDK 1.8.0_152 is installed.
  4. Save the file, and restart NetBeans. It worked for me, should do for you too.

How to convert data.frame column from Factor to numeric

From ?factor:

To transform a factor f to approximately its original numeric values, as.numeric(levels(f))[f] is recommended and slightly more efficient than as.numeric(as.character(f)).

How to jquery alert confirm box "yes" & "no"

See following snippet :

$(document).on("click", "a.deleteText", function() {_x000D_
    if (confirm('Are you sure ?')) {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
    <span class="text">some text</span>_x000D_
    <a href="#" class="deleteText"><span class="delete-icon"> x Delete </span></a>_x000D_

How to Maximize a firefox browser window using Selenium WebDriver with node.js

If you are using Selenium WebdriverJS than the below code should work:

var window = new webdriver.WebDriver.Window(driver);

Selecting Folder Destination in Java?

Oracles Java Tutorial for File Choosers:

Note getSelectedFile() returns the selected folder, despite the name. getCurrentDirectory() returns the directory of the selected folder.

import javax.swing.*;

public class Example
    public static void main(String[] args)
        JFileChooser f = new JFileChooser();


Working around MySQL error "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"

The idea of retrying the query in case of Deadlock exception is good, but it can be terribly slow, since mysql query will keep waiting for locks to be released. And incase of deadlock mysql is trying to find if there is any deadlock, and even after finding out that there is a deadlock, it waits a while before kicking out a thread in order to get out from deadlock situation.

What I did when I faced this situation is to implement locking in your own code, since it is the locking mechanism of mysql is failing due to a bug. So I implemented my own row level locking in my java code:

private HashMap<String, Object> rowIdToRowLockMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
private final Object hashmapLock = new Object();
public void handleShortCode(Integer rowId)
    Object lock = null;
      lock = rowIdToRowLockMap.get(rowId);
      if (lock == null)
          rowIdToRowLockMap.put(rowId, lock = new Object());
    synchronized (lock)
        // Execute your queries on row by row id

How can I calculate the number of years between two dates?

Bro, moment.js is awesome for this: The diff method is what you want:

The below function return array of years from the year to the current year.

const getYears = (from = 2017) => {_x000D_
  const diff = moment(new Date()).diff(new Date(`01/01/${from}`), 'years') ;_x000D_
  return [...Array(diff >= 0 ? diff + 1 : 0).keys()].map((num) => {_x000D_
    return from + num;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

How to hash some string with sha256 in Java?

In Java 8

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String password = scanner.nextLine();

MessageDigest digest = null;
try {
    digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
byte[] hash = digest.digest(password.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String encoded = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(hash);        

Get GPS location from the web browser

To give a bit more specific answer. HTML5 allows you to get the geo coordinates, and it does a pretty decent job. Overall the browser support for geolocation is pretty good, all major browsers except ie7 and ie8 (and opera mini). IE9 does the job but is the worst performer. Checkout

Also you need the approval of your user to access their location, so make sure you check for this and give some decent instructions in case it's turned off. Especially for Iphone turning permissions on for Safari is a bit cumbersome.

How to add an element to the beginning of an OrderedDict?

I would suggest adding a prepend() method to this pure Python ActiveState recipe or deriving a subclass from it. The code to do so could be a fairly efficient given that the underlying data structure for ordering is a linked-list.


To prove this approach is feasible, below is code that does what's suggested. As a bonus, I also made a few additional minor changes to get to work in both Python 2.7.15 and 3.7.1.

A prepend() method has been added to the class in the recipe and has been implemented in terms of another method that's been added named move_to_end(), which was added to OrderedDict in Python 3.2.

prepend() can also be implemented directly, almost exactly as shown at the beginning of @Ashwini Chaudhary's answer—and doing so would likely result in it being slightly faster, but that's been left as an exercise for the motivated reader...

# Ordered Dictionary for Py2.4 from

# Backport of OrderedDict() class that runs on Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and pypy.
# Passes Python2.7's test suite and incorporates all the latest updates.

    from thread import get_ident as _get_ident
except ImportError:  # Python 3
#    from dummy_thread import get_ident as _get_ident
    from _thread import get_ident as _get_ident  # Changed - martineau

    from _abcoll import KeysView, ValuesView, ItemsView
except ImportError:

class MyOrderedDict(dict):
    'Dictionary that remembers insertion order'
    # An inherited dict maps keys to values.
    # The inherited dict provides __getitem__, __len__, __contains__, and get.
    # The remaining methods are order-aware.
    # Big-O running times for all methods are the same as for regular dictionaries.

    # The internal self.__map dictionary maps keys to links in a doubly linked list.
    # The circular doubly linked list starts and ends with a sentinel element.
    # The sentinel element never gets deleted (this simplifies the algorithm).
    # Each link is stored as a list of length three:  [PREV, NEXT, KEY].

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        '''Initialize an ordered dictionary.  Signature is the same as for
        regular dictionaries, but keyword arguments are not recommended
        because their insertion order is arbitrary.

        if len(args) > 1:
            raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got %d' % len(args))
        except AttributeError:
            self.__root = root = []  # sentinel node
            root[:] = [root, root, None]
            self.__map = {}
        self.__update(*args, **kwds)

    def prepend(self, key, value):  # Added to recipe.
        self.update({key: value})
        self.move_to_end(key, last=False)

    #### Derived from cpython 3.2 source code.
    def move_to_end(self, key, last=True):  # Added to recipe.
        '''Move an existing element to the end (or beginning if last==False).

        Raises KeyError if the element does not exist.
        When last=True, acts like a fast version of self[key]=self.pop(key).
        PREV, NEXT, KEY = 0, 1, 2

        link = self.__map[key]
        link_prev = link[PREV]
        link_next = link[NEXT]
        link_prev[NEXT] = link_next
        link_next[PREV] = link_prev
        root = self.__root

        if last:
            last = root[PREV]
            link[PREV] = last
            link[NEXT] = root
            last[NEXT] = root[PREV] = link
            first = root[NEXT]
            link[PREV] = root
            link[NEXT] = first
            root[NEXT] = first[PREV] = link

    def __setitem__(self, key, value, dict_setitem=dict.__setitem__):
        'od.__setitem__(i, y) <==> od[i]=y'
        # Setting a new item creates a new link which goes at the end of the linked
        # list, and the inherited dictionary is updated with the new key/value pair.
        if key not in self:
            root = self.__root
            last = root[0]
            last[1] = root[0] = self.__map[key] = [last, root, key]
        dict_setitem(self, key, value)

    def __delitem__(self, key, dict_delitem=dict.__delitem__):
        'od.__delitem__(y) <==> del od[y]'
        # Deleting an existing item uses self.__map to find the link which is
        # then removed by updating the links in the predecessor and successor nodes.
        dict_delitem(self, key)
        link_prev, link_next, key = self.__map.pop(key)
        link_prev[1] = link_next
        link_next[0] = link_prev

    def __iter__(self):
        'od.__iter__() <==> iter(od)'
        root = self.__root
        curr = root[1]
        while curr is not root:
            yield curr[2]
            curr = curr[1]

    def __reversed__(self):
        'od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)'
        root = self.__root
        curr = root[0]
        while curr is not root:
            yield curr[2]
            curr = curr[0]

    def clear(self):
        'od.clear() -> None.  Remove all items from od.'
            for node in self.__map.itervalues():
                del node[:]
            root = self.__root
            root[:] = [root, root, None]
        except AttributeError:

    def popitem(self, last=True):
        '''od.popitem() -> (k, v), return and remove a (key, value) pair.
        Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false.

        if not self:
            raise KeyError('dictionary is empty')
        root = self.__root
        if last:
            link = root[0]
            link_prev = link[0]
            link_prev[1] = root
            root[0] = link_prev
            link = root[1]
            link_next = link[1]
            root[1] = link_next
            link_next[0] = root
        key = link[2]
        del self.__map[key]
        value = dict.pop(self, key)
        return key, value

    # -- the following methods do not depend on the internal structure --

    def keys(self):
        'od.keys() -> list of keys in od'
        return list(self)

    def values(self):
        'od.values() -> list of values in od'
        return [self[key] for key in self]

    def items(self):
        'od.items() -> list of (key, value) pairs in od'
        return [(key, self[key]) for key in self]

    def iterkeys(self):
        'od.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys in od'
        return iter(self)

    def itervalues(self):
        'od.itervalues -> an iterator over the values in od'
        for k in self:
            yield self[k]

    def iteritems(self):
        'od.iteritems -> an iterator over the (key, value) items in od'
        for k in self:
            yield (k, self[k])

    def update(*args, **kwds):
        '''od.update(E, **F) -> None.  Update od from dict/iterable E and F.

        If E is a dict instance, does:           for k in E: od[k] = E[k]
        If E has a .keys() method, does:         for k in E.keys(): od[k] = E[k]
        Or if E is an iterable of items, does:   for k, v in E: od[k] = v
        In either case, this is followed by:     for k, v in F.items(): od[k] = v

        if len(args) > 2:
            raise TypeError('update() takes at most 2 positional '
                            'arguments (%d given)' % (len(args),))
        elif not args:
            raise TypeError('update() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)')
        self = args[0]
        # Make progressively weaker assumptions about "other"
        other = ()
        if len(args) == 2:
            other = args[1]
        if isinstance(other, dict):
            for key in other:
                self[key] = other[key]
        elif hasattr(other, 'keys'):
            for key in other.keys():
                self[key] = other[key]
            for key, value in other:
                self[key] = value
        for key, value in kwds.items():
            self[key] = value

    __update = update  # let subclasses override update without breaking __init__

    __marker = object()

    def pop(self, key, default=__marker):
        '''od.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.
        If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

        if key in self:
            result = self[key]
            del self[key]
            return result
        if default is self.__marker:
            raise KeyError(key)
        return default

    def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
        'od.setdefault(k[,d]) -> od.get(k,d), also set od[k]=d if k not in od'
        if key in self:
            return self[key]
        self[key] = default
        return default

    def __repr__(self, _repr_running={}):
        'od.__repr__() <==> repr(od)'
        call_key = id(self), _get_ident()
        if call_key in _repr_running:
            return '...'
        _repr_running[call_key] = 1
            if not self:
                return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,)
            return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.items())
            del _repr_running[call_key]

    def __reduce__(self):
        'Return state information for pickling'
        items = [[k, self[k]] for k in self]
        inst_dict = vars(self).copy()
        for k in vars(MyOrderedDict()):
            inst_dict.pop(k, None)
        if inst_dict:
            return (self.__class__, (items,), inst_dict)
        return self.__class__, (items,)

    def copy(self):
        'od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od'
        return self.__class__(self)

    def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None):
        '''OD.fromkeys(S[, v]) -> New ordered dictionary with keys from S
        and values equal to v (which defaults to None).

        d = cls()
        for key in iterable:
            d[key] = value
        return d

    def __eq__(self, other):
        '''od.__eq__(y) <==> od==y.  Comparison to another OD is order-sensitive
        while comparison to a regular mapping is order-insensitive.

        if isinstance(other, MyOrderedDict):
            return len(self)==len(other) and self.items() == other.items()
        return dict.__eq__(self, other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    # -- the following methods are only used in Python 2.7 --

    def viewkeys(self):
        "od.viewkeys() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's keys"
        return KeysView(self)

    def viewvalues(self):
        "od.viewvalues() -> an object providing a view on od's values"
        return ValuesView(self)

    def viewitems(self):
        "od.viewitems() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's items"
        return ItemsView(self)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    d1 = MyOrderedDict([('a', '1'), ('b', '2')])
    print(d1)  # -> MyOrderedDict([('a', '1'), ('b', '2'), ('c', '3')])

    d2 = MyOrderedDict([('a', '1'), ('b', '2')])
    d2.prepend('c', 100)
    print(d2)  # -> MyOrderedDict([('c', 100), ('a', '1'), ('b', '2')])

Get value (String) of ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); in Java

The right way to iterate on a list inside list is:

//iterate on the general list
for(int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++) {
    ArrayList<String> currentList = collection.get(i);
    //now iterate on the current list
    for (int j = 0; j < currentList.size(); j++) {
        String s = currentList.get(1);

pip install failing with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied on directory

If you need permissions, you cannot use 'pip' with 'sudo'. You can do a trick, so that you can use 'sudo' and install package. Just place 'sudo python -m ...' in front of your pip command.

sudo python -m pip install --user -r package_name

Getting a list of files in a directory with a glob

Swift 5 for cocoa

        // Getting the Contents of a Directory in a Single Batch Operation

        let bundleRoot = Bundle.main.bundlePath
        let url = URL(string: bundleRoot)
        let properties: [URLResourceKey] = [ URLResourceKey.localizedNameKey, URLResourceKey.creationDateKey, URLResourceKey.localizedTypeDescriptionKey]
        if let src = url{
            do {
                let paths = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: src, includingPropertiesForKeys: properties, options: [])

                for p in paths {
                     if p.hasSuffix(".data"){
                           print("File Path is: \(p)")

            } catch  {  }

How to calculate time elapsed in bash script?

With GNU units:

$ units
2411 units, 71 prefixes, 33 nonlinear units
You have: (10hr+36min+10s)-(10hr+33min+56s)
You want: s
    * 134
    / 0.0074626866
You have: (10hr+36min+10s)-(10hr+33min+56s)
You want: min
    * 2.2333333
    / 0.44776119

In Angular, how to add Validator to FormControl after control is created?

I think the selected answer is not correct, as the original question is "how to add a new validator after create the formControl".

As far as I know, that's not possible. The only thing you can do, is create the array of validators dynamicaly.

But what we miss is to have a function addValidator() to not override the validators already added to the formControl. If anybody has an answer for that requirement, would be nice to be posted here.

Linux: command to open URL in default browser

on ubuntu you can try gnome-open.

$ gnome-open

What is the bit size of long on 64-bit Windows?

Microsoft has also defined UINT_PTR and INT_PTR for integers that are the same size as a pointer.

Here is a list of Microsoft specific types - it's part of their driver reference, but I believe it's valid for general programming as well.

Appending an element to the end of a list in Scala

List(1,2,3) :+ 4

Results in List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)

Note that this operation has a complexity of O(n). If you need this operation frequently, or for long lists, consider using another data type (e.g. a ListBuffer).

How to align form at the center of the page in html/css

  1. Wrap the element inside a div container as a row like your form here or something like that.
  2. Set css attribute:
    • width: 30%; (or anything you want)
    • margin: auto; Please take a look on following picture for more detail.enter image description here

Vue.js : How to set a unique ID for each component instance?

npm i -S lodash.uniqueid

Then in your code...

  const uniqueId = require('lodash.uniqueid')

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        id: ''
    mounted () { = uniqueId()

This way you're not loading the entire lodash library, or even saving the entire library to node_modules.

How to set Highcharts chart maximum yAxis value

Alternatively one can use the setExtremes method also,

yAxis.setExtremes(0, 100);

Or if only one value is needed to be set, just leave other as null

yAxis.setExtremes(null, 100);

Forking / Multi-Threaded Processes | Bash

I don't like using wait because it gets blocked until the process exits, which is not ideal when there are multiple process to wait on as I can't get a status update until the current process is done. I prefer to use a combination of kill -0 and sleep to this.

Given an array of pids to wait on, I use the below waitPids() function to get a continuous feedback on what pids are still pending to finish.

declare -a pids
waitPids() {
    while [ ${#pids[@]} -ne 0 ]; do
        echo "Waiting for pids: ${pids[@]}"
        local range=$(eval echo {0..$((${#pids[@]}-1))})
        local i
        for i in $range; do
            if ! kill -0 ${pids[$i]} 2> /dev/null; then
                echo "Done -- ${pids[$i]}"
                unset pids[$i]
        pids=("${pids[@]}") # Expunge nulls created by unset.
        sleep 1
    echo "Done!"

When I start a process in the background, I add its pid immediately to the pids array by using this below utility function:

addPid() {
    local desc=$1
    local pid=$2
    echo "$desc -- $pid"
    pids=(${pids[@]} $pid)

Here is a sample that shows how to use:

for i in {2..5}; do
    sleep $i &
    addPid "Sleep for $i" $!

And here is how the feedback looks:

Sleep for 2 -- 36271
Sleep for 3 -- 36272
Sleep for 4 -- 36273
Sleep for 5 -- 36274
Waiting for pids: 36271 36272 36273 36274
Waiting for pids: 36271 36272 36273 36274
Waiting for pids: 36271 36272 36273 36274
Done -- 36271
Waiting for pids: 36272 36273 36274
Done -- 36272
Waiting for pids: 36273 36274
Done -- 36273
Waiting for pids: 36274
Done -- 36274

for-in statement

The for-in statement is really there to enumerate over object properties, which is how it is implemented in TypeScript. There are some issues with using it on arrays.

I can't speak on behalf of the TypeScript team, but I believe this is the reason for the implementation in the language.

How to remove items from a list while iterating?

One possible solution, useful if you want not only remove some things, but also do something with all elements in a single loop:

alist = ['good', 'bad', 'good', 'bad', 'good']
i = 0
for x in alist[:]:
    if x == 'bad':
        i -= 1
    # do something cool with x or just print x
    i += 1

Using ConfigurationManager to load config from an arbitrary location

For ASP.NET use WebConfigurationManager:

var config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~/Sites/" + requestDomain + "/");

Get max and min value from array in JavaScript

Instead of .each, another (perhaps more concise) approach to getting all those prices might be:

var prices = $(products).children("li").map(function() {
    return $(this).prop("data-price");

additionally you may want to consider filtering the array to get rid of empty or non-numeric array values in case they should exist:

prices = prices.filter(function(n){ return(!isNaN(parseFloat(n))) });

then use Sergey's solution above:

var max = Math.max.apply(Math,prices);
var min = Math.min.apply(Math,prices);

Override default Spring-Boot settings in Junit Test

Otherwise we may change the default property configurator name, setting the property and then having class-path resource src/test/ our native instance of org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication will be auto-configured from this separated, ignoring application properties;

Benefit: auto-configuration of tests;

Drawback: exposing "" property at C.I. layer

ref: # Config file name

Sequel Pro Alternative for Windows

Toad for MySQL by Quest is free for non-commercial use. I really like the interface and it's quite powerful if you have several databases to work with (for example development, test and production servers).

From the website:

Toad® for MySQL is a freeware development tool that enables you to rapidly create and execute queries, automate database object management, and develop SQL code more efficiently. It provides utilities to compare, extract, and search for objects; manage projects; import/export data; and administer the database. Toad for MySQL dramatically increases productivity and provides access to an active user community.

Table fixed header and scrollable body

Don't need the wrap it in a div...


tr {
width: 100%;
display: inline-table;
table-layout: fixed;

 height:300px;              // <-- Select the height of the table
 display: -moz-groupbox;    // Firefox Bad Effect
  overflow-y: scroll;      
  height: 200px;            //  <-- Select the height of the body
  width: 100%;
  position: absolute;

Bootply :

Error occurred during initialization of boot layer FindException: Module not found

I just encountered the same issue after adding the bin folder to .gitignore, not sure if that caused the issue.

I solved it by going to Project/Properties/Build Path and I removed the scr folder and added it again.

Resize image proportionally with CSS?

I believe this is the easiest way to do it, also possible using through the inline style attribute within the <img> tag.

  transform: scale(0.7); /* Equal to scaleX(0.7) scaleY(0.7) */

<img src="flower.png" class="scaled">


<img src="flower.png" style="transform: scale(0.7);">

How to properly upgrade node using nvm

Bash alias for updating current active version:

alias nodeupdate='nvm install $(nvm current | sed -rn "s/v([[:digit:]]+).*/\1/p") --reinstall-packages-from=$(nvm current)'

The part sed -rn "s/v([[:digit:]]+).*/\1/p" transforms output from nvm current so that only a major version of node is returned, i.e.: v13.5.0 -> 13.

Parse strings to double with comma and point

Make two static cultures, one for comma and one for point.

    var commaCulture = new CultureInfo("en")
        NumberFormat =
            NumberDecimalSeparator = ","

    var pointCulture = new CultureInfo("en")
        NumberFormat =
            NumberDecimalSeparator = "."

Then use each one respectively, depending on the input (using a function):

    public double ConvertToDouble(string input)
        input = input.Trim();

        if (input == "0") {
            return 0;

        if (input.Contains(",") && input.Split(',').Length == 2)
            return Convert.ToDouble(input, commaCulture);

        if (input.Contains(".") && input.Split('.').Length == 2)
            return Convert.ToDouble(input, pointCulture);

        throw new Exception("Invalid input!");

Then loop through your arrays

    var strings = new List<string> {"0,12", "0.122", "1,23", "00,0", "0.00", "12.5000", "0.002", "0,001"};
    var doubles = new List<double>();

    foreach (var value in strings) {

This should work even though the host environment and culture changes.

Cannot change column used in a foreign key constraint

You can turn off foreign key checks:




Please make sure to NOT use this on production and have a backup.


@Lauren?iu Dascalu's answer explains how / why you get a ClassCastException.

Your exception message looks rather suspicious to me, but it might help you to know that "[Lcom.rsa.authagent.authapi.realmstat.AUTHw" means that the actual type of the object that you were trying to cast was com.rsa.authagent.authapi.realmstat.AUTHw[]; i.e. it was an array object.

Normally, the next steps to solving a problem like this are:

  • examining the stacktrace to figure out which line of which class threw the exception,
  • examining the corresponding source code, to see what the expected type, and
  • tracing back to see where the object with the "wrong" type came from.

Best approach to converting Boolean object to string in java

I don't think there would be any significant performance difference between them, but I would prefer the 1st way.

If you have a Boolean reference, Boolean.toString(boolean) will throw NullPointerException if your reference is null. As the reference is unboxed to boolean before being passed to the method.

While, String.valueOf() method as the source code shows, does the explicit null check:

public static String valueOf(Object obj) {
    return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();

Just test this code:

Boolean b = null;

System.out.println(String.valueOf(b));    // Prints null
System.out.println(Boolean.toString(b));  // Throws NPE

For primitive boolean, there is no difference.

Accessing UI (Main) Thread safely in WPF

Use [Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority, Delegate)] to change the UI from another thread or from background.

Step 1. Use the following namespaces

using System.Windows;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Threading;

Step 2. Put the following line where you need to update UI

Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ThreadStart(delegate
    //Update UI here


public object Invoke(
  DispatcherPriority priority,
  Delegate method



Type: System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority

The priority, relative to the other pending operations in the Dispatcher event queue, the specified method is invoked.


Type: System.Delegate

A delegate to a method that takes no arguments, which is pushed onto the Dispatcher event queue.

Return Value

Type: System.Object

The return value from the delegate being invoked or null if the delegate has no return value.

Version Information

Available since .NET Framework 3.0

how to set select element as readonly ('disabled' doesnt pass select value on server)

without disabling the selected value on submitting..

$('#selectID option:not(:selected)').prop('disabled', true);

If you use Jquery version lesser than 1.7
$('#selectID option:not(:selected)').attr('disabled', true);

It works for me..

How do I add a bullet symbol in TextView?

This worked for me:

<string name="text_with_bullet">Text with a \u2022</string>

Checking if a folder exists (and creating folders) in Qt, C++

When you use QDir.mkpath() it returns true if the path already exists, in the other hand QDir.mkdir() returns false if the path already exists. So depending on your program you have to choose which fits better.

You can see more on Qt Documentation

Android Whatsapp/Chat Examples

Check out yowsup

Yowsup is a python library that allows you to do all the previous in your own app. Yowsup allows you to login and use the Whatsapp service and provides you with all capabilities of an official Whatsapp client, allowing you to create a full-fledged custom Whatsapp client.

A solid example of Yowsup's usage is Wazapp. Wazapp is full featured Whatsapp client that is being used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Yowsup is born out of the Wazapp project. Before becoming a separate project, it was only the engine powering Wazapp. Now that it matured enough, it was separated into a separate project, allowing anyone to build their own Whatsapp client on top of it. Having such a popular client as Wazapp, built on Yowsup, helped bring the project into a much advanced, stable and mature level, and ensures its continuous development and maintaince.

Yowsup also comes with a cross platform command-line frontend called yowsup-cli. yowsup-cli allows you to jump into connecting and using Whatsapp service directly from command line.

Display last git commit comment

git show

is the fastest to type, but shows you the diff as well.

git log -1

is fast and simple.

git log -1 --pretty=%B

if you need just the commit message and nothing else.

How do I resolve "HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error" on IIS7.0

so easy find the file "applicationHost.config" in Windows -> System32 ->inetsrv -> config 1. backup "applicationHost.config" to another filename 2. open file "applicationHost.config" clear data and save 3. open browser and call url internal website , finished.

Paging with Oracle

Ask Tom on pagination and very, very useful analytic functions.

This is excerpt from that page:

select * from (
    select /*+ first_rows(25) */
     row_number() over
    (order by object_id) rn
    from all_objects
where rn between :n and :m
order by rn;

How do I set browser width and height in Selenium WebDriver?

It's easy. Here is the full code.

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
driver.get("Your URL")
driver.set_window_size(480, 320)

Make sure chrome driver is in your system path.

Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter

One way to get around this is to use implicit casting:

bool DoesEntityExist<T>(T entity, Guid guid, ITransaction transaction) where T : IGloballyIdentifiable;

calling it like so:

DoesEntityExist(entity, entityGuid, transaction);

Going a step further, you can turn it into an extension method (it will need to be declared in a static class):

static bool DoesEntityExist<T>(this T entity, Guid guid, ITransaction transaction) where T : IGloballyIdentifiable;

calling as so:

entity.DoesEntityExist(entityGuid, transaction);

Pinging an IP address using PHP and echoing the result

this works fine for me..

$output=shell_exec('ping -n 1 '.$host);

echo "<pre>$output</pre>"; //for viewing the ping result, if not need it just remove it

if (strpos($output, 'out') !== false) {
    echo "Dead";
    elseif(strpos($output, 'expired') !== false)
    echo "Network Error";
    elseif(strpos($output, 'data') !== false)
    echo "Alive";
    echo "Unknown Error";

How to get row count using ResultSet in Java?

Others have already answered how to solve your problem, so I won't repeat what has already been said, but I will says this: you should probably figure out a way to solve your problems without knowing the result set count prior to reading through the results.

There are very few circumstances where the row count is actually needed prior to reading the result set, especially in a language like Java. The only case I think of where a row count would be necessary is when the row count is the only data you need(in which case a count query would be superior). Otherwise, you are better off using a wrapper object to represent your table data, and storing these objects in a dynamic container such as an ArrayList. Then, once the result set has been iterated over, you can get the array list count. For every solution that requires knowing the row count before reading the result set, you can probably think of a solution that does so without knowing the row count before reading without much effort. By thinking of solutions that bypass the need to know the row count before processing, you save the ResultSet the trouble of scrolling to the end of the result set, then back to the beginning (which can be a VERY expensive operation for large result sets).

Now of course I'm not saying there are never situations where you may need the row count before reading a result set. I'm just saying that in most circumstances, when people think they need the result set count prior to reading it, they probably don't, and it's worth taking 5 minutes to think about whether there is another way.

Just wanted to offer my 2 cents on the topic.

Defining TypeScript callback type

If you want a generic function you can use the following. Although it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.

class CallbackTest {
  myCallback: Function;

Read a plain text file with php


foreach($line as $newline){
    echo '<h3 style="color:#453288">'.$newline.'</h3><br>';


Pyinstaller setting icons don't change

Here is how you can add an icon while creating an exe file from a Python file

  • open command prompt at the place where Python file exist

  • type:

    pyinstaller --onefile -i"path of icon"  path of python file


pyinstaller --onefile -i"C:\icon\Robot.ico" C:\Users\

This is the easiest way to add an icon.

What is an unsigned char?

Some googling found this, where people had a discussion about this.

An unsigned char is basically a single byte. So, you would use this if you need one byte of data (for example, maybe you want to use it to set flags on and off to be passed to a function, as is often done in the Windows API).

Spring JPA selecting specific columns

You can apply the below code in your repository interface class.

entityname means your database table name like projects. And List means Project is Entity class in your Projects.

@Query(value="select p from #{#entityName} p where and p.projectName=:projectName")

List<Project> findAll(@Param("projectId") int projectId, @Param("projectName") String projectName);

Renew Provisioning Profile

In addition to the other solutions I needed to edit the code signing on the main project and the Target file to get the app building to the device again after an expired provisioning profile.

::Delete the old expired profiles

::Add the new profile with the Organizer

::Clean All Targets

::Get Info -> Code Signing on both the main project and the Target

::Build and Run

How to split a string in Java

Here are two ways two achieve it.

WAY 1: As you have to split two numbers by a special character you can use regex

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class TrialClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+");
        Matcher m = p.matcher("004-034556");


WAY 2: Using the string split method

public class TrialClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String temp = "004-034556";
        String [] arrString = temp.split("-");
        for(String splitString:arrString)

Real escape string and PDO

PDO offers an alternative designed to replace mysql_escape_string() with the PDO::quote() method.

Here is an excerpt from the PHP website:

    $conn = new PDO('sqlite:/home/lynn/music.sql3');

    /* Simple string */
    $string = 'Nice';
    print "Unquoted string: $string\n";
    print "Quoted string: " . $conn->quote($string) . "\n";

The above code will output:

Unquoted string: Nice
Quoted string: 'Nice'

SQL Server: Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric

In case of float values with characters 'e' '+' it errors out if we try to convert in decimal. ('2.81104e+006'). It still pass ISNUMERIC test.

SELECT ISNUMERIC('2.81104e+006') 

returns 1.

SELECT convert(decimal(15,2), '2.81104e+006') 


error: Error converting data type varchar to numeric.


SELECT try_convert(decimal(15,2), '2.81104e+006') 

returns NULL.

SELECT convert(float, '2.81104e+006') 

returns the correct value 2811040.

vuejs update parent data from child component

Child Component

Use this.$emit('event_name') to send an event to the parent component.

enter image description here

Parent Component

In order to listen to that event in the parent component, we do v-on:event_name and a method (ex. handleChange) that we want to execute on that event occurs

enter image description here

Done :)

Trim spaces from end of a NSString

Here you go...

- (NSString *)removeEndSpaceFrom:(NSString *)strtoremove{
    NSUInteger location = 0;
    unichar charBuffer[[strtoremove length]];
    [strtoremove getCharacters:charBuffer];
    int i = 0;
    for(i = [strtoremove length]; i >0; i--) {
        NSCharacterSet* charSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet];
        if(![charSet characterIsMember:charBuffer[i - 1]]) {
    return [strtoremove substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(location, i  - location)];

So now just call it. Supposing you have a string that has spaces on the front and spaces on the end and you just want to remove the spaces on the end, you can call it like this:

NSString *oneTwoThree = @"  TestString   ";
NSString *resultString;
resultString = [self removeEndSpaceFrom:oneTwoThree];

resultString will then have no spaces at the end.

Delete entire row if cell contains the string X

  1. Delete rows 1 and 2 so that your headings are on row 1

    Columns("E:E").Select Selection.AutoFilter ActiveSheet.Range("$E$1:$E$75000").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="none" Range("E2:E75000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select Selection.EntireRow.Delete ActiveSheet.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False ActiveSheet.Range("$E$1:$E$75000").AutoFilter Field:=1 Columns("E:E").Select Selection.AutoFilter Range("E2").Select Range("A1").Select

Regex to match only letters

Depending on your meaning of "character":

[A-Za-z] - all letters (uppercase and lowercase)

[^0-9] - all non-digit characters

Apply vs transform on a group object

As I felt similarly confused with .transform operation vs. .apply I found a few answers shedding some light on the issue. This answer for example was very helpful.

My takeout so far is that .transform will work (or deal) with Series (columns) in isolation from each other. What this means is that in your last two calls:

df.groupby('A').transform(lambda x: (x['C'] - x['D']))
df.groupby('A').transform(lambda x: (x['C'] - x['D']).mean())

You asked .transform to take values from two columns and 'it' actually does not 'see' both of them at the same time (so to speak). transform will look at the dataframe columns one by one and return back a series (or group of series) 'made' of scalars which are repeated len(input_column) times.

So this scalar, that should be used by .transform to make the Series is a result of some reduction function applied on an input Series (and only on ONE series/column at a time).

Consider this example (on your dataframe):

zscore = lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std() # Note that it does not reference anything outside of 'x' and for transform 'x' is one column.

will yield:

       C      D
0  0.989  0.128
1 -0.478  0.489
2  0.889 -0.589
3 -0.671 -1.150
4  0.034 -0.285
5  1.149  0.662
6 -1.404 -0.907
7 -0.509  1.653

Which is exactly the same as if you would use it on only on one column at a time:



0    0.989
1   -0.478
2    0.889
3   -0.671
4    0.034
5    1.149
6   -1.404
7   -0.509

Note that .apply in the last example (df.groupby('A')['C'].apply(zscore)) would work in exactly the same way, but it would fail if you tried using it on a dataframe:


gives error:

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (6,) (2,)

So where else is .transform useful? The simplest case is trying to assign results of reduction function back to original dataframe.

df['sum_C'] = df.groupby('A')['C'].transform(sum)
df.sort('A') # to clearly see the scalar ('sum') applies to the whole column of the group


     A      B      C      D  sum_C
1  bar    one  1.998  0.593  3.973
3  bar  three  1.287 -0.639  3.973
5  bar    two  0.687 -1.027  3.973
4  foo    two  0.205  1.274  4.373
2  foo    two  0.128  0.924  4.373
6  foo    one  2.113 -0.516  4.373
7  foo  three  0.657 -1.179  4.373
0  foo    one  1.270  0.201  4.373

Trying the same with .apply would give NaNs in sum_C. Because .apply would return a reduced Series, which it does not know how to broadcast back:



bar    3.973
foo    4.373

There are also cases when .transform is used to filter the data:

df[df.groupby(['B'])['D'].transform(sum) < -1]

     A      B      C      D
3  bar  three  1.287 -0.639
7  foo  three  0.657 -1.179

I hope this adds a bit more clarity.

spacing between form fields

A simple &nbsp; between input fields would do the job easily...

What does the term "Tuple" Mean in Relational Databases?

Most of the answers here are on the right track. However, a row is not a tuple. Tuples* are unordered sets of known values with names. Thus, the following tuples are the same thing (I'm using an imaginary tuple syntax since a relational tuple is largely a theoretical construct):

(x=1, y=2, z=3)
(z=3, y=2, x=1)
(y=2, z=3, x=1)

...assuming of course that x, y, and z are all integers. Also note that there is no such thing as a "duplicate" tuple. Thus, not only are the above equal, they're the same thing. Lastly, tuples can only contain known values (thus, no nulls).

A row** is an ordered set of known or unknown values with names (although they may be omitted). Therefore, the following comparisons return false in SQL:

(1, 2, 3) = (3, 2, 1)
(3, 1, 2) = (2, 1, 3)

Note that there are ways to "fake it" though. For example, consider this INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO point VALUES (1, 2, 3)

Assuming that x is first, y is second, and z is third, this query may be rewritten like this:

INSERT INTO point (x, y, z) VALUES (1, 2, 3)

Or this:

INSERT INTO point (y, z, x) VALUES (2, 3, 1)

...but all we're really doing is changing the ordering rather than removing it.

And also note that there may be unknown values as well. Thus, you may have rows with unknown values:

(1, 2, NULL) = (1, 2, NULL)

...but note that this comparison will always yield UNKNOWN. After all, how can you know whether two unknown values are equal?

And lastly, rows may be duplicated. In other words, (1, 2) and (1, 2) may compare to be equal, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're the same thing.

If this is a subject that interests you, I'd highly recommend reading SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code by CJ Date.

* Note that I'm talking about tuples as they exist in the relational model, which is a bit different from mathematics in general.

**And just in case you're wondering, just about everything in SQL is a row or table. Therefore, (1, 2) is a row, while VALUES (1, 2) is a table (with one row).

UPDATE: I've expanded a little bit on this answer in a blog post here.

Endless loop in C/C++

Well, there is a lot of taste in this one. I think people from a C background are more likely to prefer for(;;), which reads as "forever". If its for work, do what the locals do, if its for yourself, do the one that you can most easily read.

But in my experience, do { } while (1); is almost never used.

ng-repeat: access key and value for each object in array of objects

Here is another way, without the need for nesting the repeaters.

From the Angularjs docs:

It is possible to get ngRepeat to iterate over the properties of an object using the following syntax:

<div ng-repeat="(key, value) in steps"> {{key}} : {{value}} </div>

Error System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater when installs setup

Install Nuget for Oracle.ManagedDataAccess

Make sure you are using header for Oracle:

using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

This Worked for me.

PostgreSQL: insert from another table

Just supply literal values in the SELECT:

INSERT INTO TABLE1 (id, col_1, col_2, col_3)
SELECT id, 'data1', 'data2', 'data3'
WHERE col_a = 'something';

A select list can contain any value expression:

But the expressions in the select list do not have to reference any columns in the table expression of the FROM clause; they can be constant arithmetic expressions, for instance.

And a string literal is certainly a value expression.

Call Javascript onchange event by programmatically changing textbox value

The "onchange" is only fired when the attribute is programmatically changed or when the user makes a change and then focuses away from the field.

Have you looked at using YUI's calendar object? I've coded up a solution that puts the yui calendar inside a yui panel and hides the panel until an associated image is clicked. I'm able to see changes from either.

Easiest way to convert int to string in C++

sprintf() is pretty good for format conversion. You can then assign the resulting C string to the C++ string as you did in 1.

Laravel 5 How to switch from Production mode

Laravel 5 gets its enviroment related variables from the .env file located in the root of your project. You just need to set APP_ENV to whatever you want, for example:


This is used to identify the current enviroment. If you want to display errors, you'll need to enable debug mode in the same file:


The role of the .env file is to allow you to have different settings depending on which machine you are running your application. So on your production server, the .env file settings would be different from your local development enviroment.

How to upgrade pip3?

If you try to run

sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip3 

you will get the following error:

WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3, however version 21.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

but if you upgrade using the suggested command:

pip install --upgrade pip

then, the legacy pip will be upgraded, so what I did is the following:

which pip3

and I located my pip3 installation (just in case the following command wouldn't upgrade the legacy pip. Then i changed to that directory and upgraded pip3 using the following commands: (your directory could be different)

cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin
sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip

after this:

pip --version

will still show the legacy version, while

pip3 --version

will show pip 21.0.1

How to undo a git pull?

Find the <SHA#> for the commit you want to go. You can find it in github or by typing git log or git reflog show at the command line and then do git reset --hard <SHA#>

Load dimension value from res/values/dimension.xml from source code

You can write integer in xml file also..
have you seen [this] ? use as .


How to connect wireless network adapter to VMWare workstation?

Since there is only one WiFi hardware on the computer its not possible to connect one WiFi hardware to multiple WiFi networks, if you want to that I think you have to map WiFi hardware to guest OS and how host you'll have to use some other hardware (may be Ethernet) but I'm sure that it will work in that way as no VM software allow us to allocate Hardware to Guest except for USB, you can also get USB WiFI and allocate that to VM only.

Direct method from SQL command text to DataSet

public DataSet GetDataSet(string ConnectionString, string SQL)
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
    SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = SQL;
    da.SelectCommand = cmd;
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();


    return ds;

Return values from the row above to the current row

You can also use =OFFSET([@column];-1;0) if you are in a named table.

Pass Parameter to Gulp Task

Here is my sample how I use it. For the css/less task. Can be applied for all.

var cssTask = function (options) {
  var minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css'),
    less = require('gulp-less'),
    src = cssDependencies;

  src.push(codePath + '**/*.less');

  var run = function () {
    var start =;

    console.log('Start building CSS/LESS bundle');

      .pipe(gulpif(options.devBuild, plumber({
        errorHandler: onError
      .pipe(gulpif(options.minify, minifyCSS()))
      .pipe(gulp.dest(buildPath + 'css'))
      .pipe(gulpif(options.devBuild, browserSync.reload({stream:true})))
      .pipe(notify(function () {
        console.log('END CSS/LESS built in ' + ( - start) + 'ms');


  if ( {, run);

gulp.task('dev', function () {
  var options = {
    devBuild: true,
    minify: false,
    watch: false

  cssTask (options);

How do I set the icon for my application in visual studio 2008?

I don't know if in VS 2008 is any different, but none of the above worked for me. Double-clicking My Project in Solution Explorer brings up the window seen below. Select Application on the left, then browse for your icon using the combobox. After you build, it should show up on your exe file.

enter image description here

ORACLE and TRIGGERS (inserted, updated, deleted)

I've changed my code like this and it works:

  REFERENCING OLD AS old_buffer NEW AS new_buffer 
  FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new_buffer.field1 = 'HBP00' OR old_buffer.field1 = 'HBP00') 

      Operation       NUMBER;
      CustomerCode    CHAR(10 BYTE);

  Operation := 3;
  CustomerCode := :old_buffer.field1;

  Operation := 1;
  CustomerCode := :new_buffer.field1;

  Operation := 2;
  CustomerCode := :new_buffer.field1;
END IF;    




Java program to connect to Sql Server and running the sample query From Eclipse

download Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server which supports:

    SQL Server versions: 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, and 2012.
    JDK version: 5.0 and 6.0.

Run the downloaded program sqljdbc__.exe. It will extract the files into a specified directory (default is Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server). You will find two jar files sqljdbc.jar (for JDBC 3.0) and sqljdbc4.jar (for JDBC 4.0), plus some .dll files and HTML help files.

Place the sqljdbc4.jar file under your application’s classpath if you are using JDK 4.0 or sqljdbc4.1.jar file if you are using JDK 6.0 or later.

What is the difference between declarative and imperative paradigm in programming?

I just wonder why no one has mentioned Attribute classes as a declarative programming tool in C#. The popular answer of this page has just talked about LINQ as a declarative programming tool.

According to Wikipedia

Common declarative languages include those of database query languages (e.g., SQL, XQuery), regular expressions, logic programming, functional programming, and configuration management systems.

So LINQ, as a functional syntax, is definitely a declarative method, but Attribute classes in C#, as a configuration tool, are declarative too. Here is a good starting point to read more about it: Quick Overview of C# Attribute Programming

C# JSON Serialization of Dictionary into {key:value, ...} instead of {key:key, value:value, ...}

Unfortunately, this is not currently possible in the latest version of DataContractJsonSerializer. See:

The current suggested workaround is to use the JavaScriptSerializer as Mark suggested above.

Good luck!

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?

I know this is too late to answer. But you may try these options:

Option 1: (Using curl)

$ch = curl_init();

// set URL and other appropriate options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

// grab URL and pass it to the browser
$ip = curl_exec($ch);

// close cURL resource, and free up system resources

return $ip;

Option 2: (Works good on mac)

return trim(shell_exec("dig +short"));

Option 3: (Just used a trick)

return str_replace('Current IP CheckCurrent IP Address: ', '', strip_tags(file_get_contents('')));

Might be a reference:

Bootstrap Datepicker - Months and Years Only

You should have to add only minViewMode: "months" in your datepicker function.

Calculating difference between two timestamps in Oracle in milliseconds

Better to use procedure like that:

start_time_in TIMESTAMP
, end_time_in TIMESTAMP
l_days NUMBER;
l_hours NUMBER;
l_minutes NUMBER;
l_seconds NUMBER;
l_milliseconds NUMBER;
SELECT extract(DAY FROM end_time_in-start_time_in)
, extract(HOUR FROM end_time_in-start_time_in)
, extract(MINUTE FROM end_time_in-start_time_in)
, extract(SECOND FROM end_time_in-start_time_in)
INTO l_days, l_hours, l_minutes, l_seconds
FROM dual;

l_milliseconds := l_seconds*1000 + l_minutes*60*1000 + l_hours*60*60*1000 + l_days*24*60*60*1000;
RETURN l_milliseconds;


You can check it by calling:

SELECT timestamp_diff (TO_TIMESTAMP('12.04.2017 12:00:00.00', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF'), 
                      TO_TIMESTAMP('12.04.2017 12:00:01.111', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF')) 
            as milliseconds

Make a nav bar stick

add to your .nav css block the

position: fixed

and it will work

How do I get the domain originating the request in express.js?

In Express 4.x you can use req.hostname, which returns the domain name, without port. i.e.:

// Host: ""
// => ""


How to detect a remote side socket close?

You can also check for socket output stream error while writing to client socket.

    throw new Exception("Error transmitting data.");

.attr('checked','checked') does not work

Why not try IS?

$('selector').is(':checked') /* result true or false */

Look a FAQ: jQuery .is() enjoin us ;-)

how to put image in a bundle and pass it to another activity

So you can do it like this, but the limitation with the Parcelables is that the payload between activities has to be less than 1MB total. It's usually better to save the Bitmap to a file and pass the URI to the image to the next activity.

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     setContentView(R.layout.my_layout);     Bitmap bitmap = getIntent().getParcelableExtra("image");     ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;     imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);  } 

Convert list to dictionary using linq and not worrying about duplicates

You can create an extension method similar to ToDictionary() with the difference being that it allows duplicates. Something like:

    public static Dictionary<TKey, TElement> SafeToDictionary<TSource, TKey, TElement>(
        this IEnumerable<TSource> source, 
        Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, 
        Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, 
        IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer = null)
        var dictionary = new Dictionary<TKey, TElement>(comparer);

        if (source == null)
            return dictionary;

        foreach (TSource element in source)
            dictionary[keySelector(element)] = elementSelector(element);

        return dictionary; 

In this case, if there are duplicates, then the last value wins.

Content is not allowed in Prolog SAXParserException

to simply remove it, paste your xml file into notepad, you'll see the extra character before the first tag. Remove it & paste back into your file - bof

Difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java Persistence API?

From the Javadoc:

The EAGER strategy is a requirement on the persistence provider runtime that data must be eagerly fetched. The LAZY strategy is a hint to the persistence provider runtime that data should be fetched lazily when it is first accessed.

E.g., eager is more proactive than lazy. Lazy only happens on first use (if the provider takes the hint), whereas with eager things (may) get pre-fetched.

How do I fix the indentation of selected lines in Visual Studio

Selecting all the text you wish to format and pressing CtrlK, CtrlF shortcut applies the indenting and space formatting.

As specified in the Formatting pane (of the language being used) in the Text Editor section of the Options dialog.

See VS Shortcuts for more.

Can I nest a <button> element inside an <a> using HTML5?

These days even if the spec doesn't allow it, it "seems" to still work to embed the button within a <a href...><button ...></a> tag, FWIW...

How to Auto-start an Android Application?

I always get in here, for this topic. I'll put my code in here so i (or other) can use it next time. (Phew hate to search into my repository code).

Add the permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />

Add receiver and service:

<receiver android:enabled="true" android:name=".BootUpReceiver"
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<service android:name="Launcher" />

Create class Launcher:

public class Launcher extends Service {
    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {

        new AsyncTask<Service, Void, Service>() {

            protected Service doInBackground(Service... params) {
                Service service = params[0];
                PackageManager pm = service.getPackageManager();
                try {
                    Intent target = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage("");
                    if (target != null) {
                        synchronized (this) {
                    } else {
                        throw new ActivityNotFoundException();
                } catch (ActivityNotFoundException | InterruptedException ignored) {
                return service;

            protected void onPostExecute(Service service) {


        return START_STICKY;

Create class BootUpReceiver to do action after android reboot.

For example launch MainActivity:

public class BootUpReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Intent target = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);  

Disabling Warnings generated via _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE

you can disable security check. go to

Project -> Properties -> Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Security Check

and select Disable Security Check (/GS-) duplicate entry during packageAllDebugClassesForMultiDex

Try this:

android {
configurations {
        all*.exclude  module: 'PhotoView'  //???????

Ruby combining an array into one string

Here's my solution:

@arr = ['<p>Hello World</p>', '<p>This is a test</p>']
=> <p>Hello World</p><p>This is a test</p>

Datatable date sorting dd/mm/yyyy issue

Use the data-order attribute on the <td> tag like so (Ruby Example):

    <td data order='<>'><></td>

Your decorator function here would be:

    def date"%d/%m/%Y")

Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF

In my opinion you should delete this AVD and create new one for API-7. It will work fine if not please let me know I'll send you some more solution.


Terminal Multiplexer for Microsoft Windows - Installers for GNU Screen or tmux

Look. This is way old, but on the off chance that someone from Google finds this, absolutely the best solution to this - (and it is AWESOME) - is to use ConEmu (or a package that includes and is built on top of ConEmu called cmder) and then either use plink or putty itself to connect to a specific machine, or, even better, set up a development environment as a local VM using Vagrant.

This is the only way I can ever see myself developing from a Windows box again.

I am confident enough to say that every other answer - while not necessarily bad answers - offer garbage solutions compared to this.

Update: As Of 1/8/2020 not all other solutions are garbage - Windows Terminal is getting there and WSL exists.

Error: [ng:areq] from angular controller

I've got that error when the controller name was not the same (case sensitivity!):

.controller('mainCOntroller', ...  // notice CO

and in view

<div class="container" ng-controller="mainController">  <!-- notice Co -->

Iif equivalent in C#

booleanExpression ? trueValue : falseValue;


string itemText = count > 1 ? "items" : "item";

How to check how many letters are in a string in java?

To answer your questions in a easy way:

    a) String.length();
    b) String.charAt(/* String index */);

Where is a log file with logs from a container?

Here is the location for

Windows 10 + WSL 2 (Ubuntu 20.04), Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61

Lets say

DOCKER_ARTIFACTS == \\wsl$\docker-desktop-data\version-pack-data\community\docker

Location of container logs can be found in


Here is an example

enter image description here

Automatically create requirements.txt

I created this bash command.

for l in $(pip freeze); do p=$(echo "$l" | cut -d'=' -f1); f=$(find . -type f -exec grep "$p" {} \; | grep 'import'); [[ ! -z "$f" ]] && echo "$l" ; done;

Get filename from input [type='file'] using jQuery

Getting the file name is fairly easy. As matsko points out, you cannot get the full file path on the user's computer for security reasons.

var file = $('#image_file')[0].files[0]
if (file){

read string from .resx file in C#

Followed by @JeffH answer, I recommend to use typeof() than string assembly name.

    var rm = new ResourceManager(typeof(YourAssembly.Properties.Resources));
    string message = rm.GetString("NameOfKey", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ja-JP"));

Opening a .ipynb.txt File

What you have on your hands is an IPython Notebook file. (Now renamed to Jupyter Notebook

you can open it using the command ipython notebook filename.ipynb from the directory it is downloaded on to.

If you are on a newer machine, open the file as jupyter notebook filename.ipynb.

do not forget to remove the .txt extension.

the file has a series of python code/statements and markdown text that you can run/inspect/save/share. read more about ipython notebook from the website.

if you do not have IPython installed, you can do

pip install ipython

or check out installation instructions at the ipython website

Why doesn't logcat show anything in my Android?

The simplest solution worked for me: Shutdown and restart my phone and Eclipse alike.

Declaring functions in JSP?

You need to enclose that in <%! %> as follows:


public String getQuarter(int i){
String quarter;
        case 1: quarter = "Winter";

        case 2: quarter = "Spring";

        case 3: quarter = "Summer I";

        case 4: quarter = "Summer II";

        case 5: quarter = "Fall";

        default: quarter = "ERROR";

return quarter;


You can then invoke the function within scriptlets or expressions:



<%= getQuarter(17) %>

The POM for project is missing, no dependency information available

The scope <scope>provided</scope> gives you an opportunity to tell that the jar would be available at runtime, so do not bundle it. It does not mean that you do not need it at compile time, hence maven would try to download that.

Now I think, the below maven artifact do not exist at all. I tries searching google, but not able to find. Hence you are getting this issue.

Change groupId to <groupId>net.sourceforge.ant4x</groupId> to get the latest jar.


Another solution for this problem is:

  1. Run your own maven repo.
  2. download the jar
  3. Install the jar into the repository.
  4. Add a code in your pom.xml something like:

Where http://localhost/repo is your local repo URL:

    <-- Other repository config ... -->

Shortcut to open file in Vim

  • you can use (set wildmenu)
  • you can use tab to autocomplete filenames
  • you can also use matching, for example :e p*.dat or something like that (like in old' dos)
  • you could also :browse confirm e (for a graphical window)

  • but you should also probably specify what vim version you're using, and how that thing in emacs works. Maybe we could find you an exact vim alternative.

How to convert an integer to a string in any base?

A recursive solution for those interested. Of course, this will not work with negative binary values. You would need to implement Two's Complement.

def generateBase36Alphabet():
    return ''.join([str(i) for i in range(10)]+[chr(i+65) for i in range(26)])

def generateAlphabet(base):
    return generateBase36Alphabet()[:base]

def intToStr(n, base, alphabet):
    def toStr(n, base, alphabet):
        return alphabet[n] if n < base else toStr(n//base,base,alphabet) + alphabet[n%base]
    return ('-' if n < 0 else '') + toStr(abs(n), base, alphabet)

print('{} -> {}'.format(-31, intToStr(-31, 16, generateAlphabet(16)))) # -31 -> -1F

how to run or install a *.jar file in windows?

To run usually click and it should run, that is if you have java installed. If not get java from here Sorry thought it was more general open a command prompt and type java -jar jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar

JDBC ResultSet: I need a getDateTime, but there is only getDate and getTimeStamp

The answer by Leos Literak is correct but now outdated, using one of the troublesome old date-time classes, java.sql.Timestamp.


it is really a DATETIME in the DB

Nope, it is not. No such data type as DATETIME in Oracle database.

I was looking for a getDateTime method.

Use java.time classes in JDBC 4.2 and later rather than troublesome legacy classes seen in your Question. In particular, rather than java.sql.TIMESTAMP, use Instant class for a moment such as the SQL-standard type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

Contrived code snippet:

        myResultSetMetaData.getColumnType( … )
) {
    Instant instant = myResultSet.getObject( … , Instant.class ) ;

Oddly enough, the JDBC 4.2 specification does not require support for the two most commonly used java.time classes, Instant and ZonedDateTime. So if your JDBC does not support the code seen above, use OffsetDateTime instead.

OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = myResultSet.getObject( … , OffsetDateTime.class ) ;


I would like to get the DATETIME column from an Oracle DB Table with JDBC.

According to this doc, there is no column data type DATETIME in the Oracle database. That terminology seems to be Oracle’s word to refer to all their date-time types as a group.

I do not see the point of your code that detects the type and branches on which data-type. Generally, I think you should be crafting your code explicitly in the context of your particular table and particular business problem. Perhaps this would be useful in some kind of generic framework. If you insist, read on to learn about various types, and to learn about the extremely useful new java.time classes built into Java 8 and later that supplant the classes used in your Question.

Smart objects, not dumb strings

valueToInsert = aDate.toString();

You appear to trying to exchange date-time values with your database as text, as String objects. Don’t.

To exchange date-time values with your database, use date-time objects. Now in Java 8 and later, that means java.time objects, as discussed below.

Various type systems

You may be confusing three sets of date-time related data types:

  • Standard SQL types
  • Proprietary types
  • JDBC types

SQL standard types

The SQL standard defines five types:

  • DATE


  • DATE
    Date only, no time, no time zone.


    Time only, no date. Silently ignores any time zone specified as part of input.
    Time only, no date. Applies time zone and Daylight Saving Time rules if sufficient data is included with input. Of questionable usefulness given the other data types, as discussed in Postgres doc.

Date And Time-Of-Day

    Date and time, but ignores time zone. Any time zone information passed to the database is ignores with no adjustment to UTC. So this does not represent a specific moment on the timeline, but rather a range of possible moments over about 26-27 hours. Use this if the time zone or offset are (a) unknown or (b) irrelevant such as "All our factories around the world close at noon for lunch". If you have any doubts, not likely the right type.
    Date and time with respect for time zone. Note that this name is something of a misnomer depending on the implementation. Some systems may store the given time zone info. In other systems such as Postgres the time zone information is not stored, instead the time zone information passed to the database is used to adjust the date-time to UTC.


Many database offer their own date-time related types. The proprietary types vary widely. Some are old, legacy types that should be avoided. Some are believed by the vendor to offer certain benefits; you decide whether to stick with the standard types only or not. Beware: Some proprietary types have a name conflicting with a standard type; I’m looking at you Oracle DATE.


The Java platform's handles the internal details of date-time differently than does the SQL standard or specific databases. The job of a JDBC driver is to mediate between these differences, to act as a bridge, translating the types and their actual implemented data values as needed. The java.sql.* package is that bridge.

JDBC legacy classes

Prior to Java 8, the JDBC spec defined 3 types for date-time work. The first two are hacks as before Version 8, Java lacked any classes to represent a date-only or time-only value.

  • java.sql.Date
    Simulates a date-only, pretends to have no time, no time zone. Can be confusing as this class is a wrapper around java.util.Date which tracks both date and time. Internally, the time portion is set to zero (midnight UTC).
  • java.sql.Time
    Time only, pretends to have no date, and no time zone. Can also be confusing as this class too is a thin wrapper around java.util.Date which tracks both date and time. Internally, the date is set to zero (January 1, 1970).
  • java.sql.TimeStamp
    Date and time, but no time zone. This too is a thin wrapper around java.util.Date.

So that answers your question regarding no "getDateTime" method in the ResultSet interface. That interface offers getter methods for the three bridging data types defined in JDBC:

Note that the first lack any concept of time zone or offset-from-UTC. The last one, java.sql.Timestamp is always in UTC despite what its toString method tells you.

JDBC modern classes

You should avoid those poorly-designed JDBC classes listed above. They are supplanted by the java.time types.

  • Instead of java.sql.Date, use LocalDate. Suits SQL-standard DATE type.
  • Instead of java.sql.Time, use LocalTime. Suits SQL-standard TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE type.
  • Instead of java.sql.Timestamp, use Instant. Suits SQL-standard TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type.

As of JDBC 4.2 and later, you can directly exchange java.time objects with your database. Use setObject/getObject methods.


myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , instant ) ;


Instant instant = myResultSet.getObject( … , Instant.class ) ;

The Instant class represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds (up to nine (9) digits of a decimal fraction).

Adjusting time zone

If you want to see the moment of an Instant as viewed through the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone) rather than as UTC, adjust by applying a ZoneId to get a ZonedDateTime object.

ZoneId zAuckland = ZoneId.of( "Pacific/Auckland" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdtAuckland = instant.atZone( zAuckland ) ;

The resulting ZonedDateTime object is the same moment, the same simultaneous point on the timeline. A new day dawns earlier to the east, so the date and time-of-day will differ. For example, a few minutes after midnight in New Zealand is still “yesterday” in UTC.

You can apply yet another time zone to either the Instant or ZonedDateTime to see the same simultaneous moment through yet another wall-clock time used by people in some other region.

ZoneId zMontréal = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdtMontréal = zdtAuckland.withZoneSameInstant( zMontréal ) ;  // Or, for the same effect: instant.atZone( zMontréal ) 

So now we have three objects (instant, zdtAuckland, zMontréal) all representing the same moment, same point on the timeline.

Detecting type

To get back to the code in Question about detecting the data-type of the databases: (a) not my field of expertise, (b) I would avoid this as mentioned up top, and (c) if you insist on this, beware that as of Java 8 and later, the java.sql.Types class is outmoded. That class is now replaced by a proper Java Enum of JDBCType that implements the new interface SQLType. See this Answer to a related Question.

This change is listed in JDBC Maintenance Release 4.2, sections 3 & 4. To quote:

Addition of the java.sql.JDBCType Enum

An Enum used to identify generic SQL Types, called JDBC Types. The intent is to use JDBCType in place of the constants defined in

The enum has the same values as the old class, but now provides type-safety.

A note about syntax: In modern Java, you can use a switch on an Enum object. So no need to use cascading if-then statements as seen in your Question. The one catch is that the enum object’s name must be used unqualified when switching for some obscure technical reason, so you must do your switch on TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE rather than the qualified JDBCType.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE. Use a static import statement.

So, all that is to say that I guess (I’ve not tried yet) you can do something like the following code example.

final int columnType = myResultSetMetaData.getColumnType( … ) ;
final JDBCType jdbcType = JDBCType.valueOf( columnType ) ;

switch( jdbcType ) {  

    case DATE :  // FYI: Qualified type name `JDBCType.DATE` not allowed in a switch, because of an obscure technical issue. Use a `static import` statement.
        break ;

        break ;

    default :
        break ;


enter image description here

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

UPDATE: The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes. This section left intact as history.


Prior to Java 8 (java.time.* package), the date-time classes bundled with java (java.util.Date & Calendar, java.text.SimpleDateFormat) are notoriously troublesome, confusing, and flawed.

A better practice is to take what your JDBC driver gives you and from that create Joda-Time objects, or in Java 8, java.time.* package. Eventually, you should see new JDBC drivers that automatically use the new java.time.* classes. Until then some methods have been added to classes such as java.sql.Timestamp to interject with java.time such as toInstant and fromInstant.


As for the latter part of the question, rendering a String… A formatter object should be used to generate a string value.

The old-fashioned way is with java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Not recommended.

Joda-Time provide various built-in formatters, and you may also define your own. But for writing logs or reports as you mentioned, the best choice may be ISO 8601 format. That format happens to be the default used by Joda-Time and java.time.

Example Code

//java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(i);
// Or, fake it 
// long m =;
// java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp( m );

//DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( timestamp.getTime(), DateTimeZone.UTC );
DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( DateTimeZone.UTC ); // Defaults to now, this moment.

// Convert as needed for presentation to user in local time zone.
DateTimeZone timeZone = DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Paris");
DateTime dateTimeZoned = dateTimeUtc.toDateTime( timeZone );

Dump to console…

System.out.println( "dateTimeUtc: " + dateTimeUtc );
System.out.println( "dateTimeZoned: " + dateTimeZoned );

When run…

dateTimeUtc: 2014-01-16T22:48:46.840Z
dateTimeZoned: 2014-01-16T23:48:46.840+01:00

Using generic std::function objects with member functions in one class

Unfortunately, C++ does not allow you to directly get a callable object referring to an object and one of its member functions. &Foo::doSomething gives you a "pointer to member function" which refers to the member function but not the associated object.

There are two ways around this, one is to use std::bind to bind the "pointer to member function" to the this pointer. The other is to use a lambda that captures the this pointer and calls the member function.

std::function<void(void)> f = std::bind(&Foo::doSomething, this);
std::function<void(void)> g = [this](){doSomething();};

I would prefer the latter.

With g++ at least binding a member function to this will result in an object three-pointers in size, assigning this to an std::function will result in dynamic memory allocation.

On the other hand, a lambda that captures this is only one pointer in size, assigning it to an std::function will not result in dynamic memory allocation with g++.

While I have not verified this with other compilers, I suspect similar results will be found there.

Efficiency of Java "Double Brace Initialization"?

Loading many classes can add some milliseconds to the start. If the startup isn't so critical and you are look at the efficiency of classes after startup there is no difference.


import java.util.*;

 * @author plawrey
public class DoubleBracketMain {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        final List<String> list1 = new ArrayList<String>() {
        List<String> list2 = new ArrayList<String>(list1);
        Set<String> set1 = new LinkedHashSet<String>() {
        Set<String> set2 = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        Map<Integer, String> map1 = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>() {
                put(1, "one");
                put(2, "two");
                put(3, "three");
        Map<Integer, String> map2 = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            long dbTimes = timeComparison(list1, list1)
                    + timeComparison(set1, set1)
                    + timeComparison(map1.keySet(), map1.keySet())
                    + timeComparison(map1.values(), map1.values());
            long times = timeComparison(list2, list2)
                    + timeComparison(set2, set2)
                    + timeComparison(map2.keySet(), map2.keySet())
                    + timeComparison(map2.values(), map2.values());
            if (i > 0)
                System.out.printf("double braced collections took %,d ns and plain collections took %,d ns%n", dbTimes, times);

    public static long timeComparison(Collection a, Collection b) {
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        int runs = 10000000;
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
            compareCollections(a, b);
        long rate = (System.nanoTime() - start) / runs;
        return rate;

    public static void compareCollections(Collection a, Collection b) {
        if (!a.equals(b) && a.hashCode() != b.hashCode() && !a.toString().equals(b.toString()))
            throw new AssertionError();


double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 34 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns
double braced collections took 36 ns and plain collections took 36 ns

Iteration ng-repeat only X times in AngularJs

You can use slice method in javascript array object

<div ng-repeat="item in items.slice(0, 4)">{{item}}</div>

Short n sweet

How to force the input date format to dd/mm/yyyy?

No such thing. the input type=date will pick up whatever your system default is and show that in the GUI but will always store the value in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd). Beside be aware that not all browsers support this so it's not a good idea to depend on this input type yet.

If this is a corporate issue, force all the computer to use local regional format (dd-mm-yyyy) and your UI will show it in this format (see wufoo link before after changing your regional settings, you need to reopen the browser).

Your best bet is still to use JavaScript based component that will allow you to customize this to whatever you wish.

Setting equal heights for div's with jQuery

You need imagesLoaded if the container have images inside. This works for responsive too.

$(document).ready(function () { 

function equalHeight(columnClass){

            var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, $(this).find(columnClass).map(function ()
                return $(this).innerHeight();


How to implement a read only property

I agree that the second way is preferable. The only real reason for that preference is the general preference that .NET classes not have public fields. However, if that field is readonly, I can't see how there would be any real objections other than a lack of consistency with other properties. The real difference between a readonly field and get-only property is that the readonly field provides a guarantee that its value will not change over the life of the object and a get-only property does not.

Environment variable to control

Use below command on UNIX terminal :

java -XshowSettings

This will display all java properties and system settings. In this look for value.

Object of custom type as dictionary key

An alternative in Python 2.6 or above is to use collections.namedtuple() -- it saves you writing any special methods:

from collections import namedtuple
MyThingBase = namedtuple("MyThingBase", ["name", "location"])
class MyThing(MyThingBase):
    def __new__(cls, name, location, length):
        obj = MyThingBase.__new__(cls, name, location)
        obj.length = length
        return obj

a = MyThing("a", "here", 10)
b = MyThing("a", "here", 20)
c = MyThing("c", "there", 10)
a == b
# True
hash(a) == hash(b)
# True
a == c
# False

How to set radio button selected value using jquery

If the selection changes, make sure to clear the other checks first. al la...

$('input[name="' + + '"]').attr('checked', false);_x000D_
$('input[name="' + + '"][value="' + thing[value.prop] + '"]').attr('checked',  true);_x000D_

Showing Difference between two datetime values in hours

var startTime = new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0); // 6:00 AM
var endTime = new TimeSpan(5, 30, 0); // 5:30 AM 
var hours24 = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);
var difference = endTime.Subtract(startTime); // (-00:30:00)
difference = (difference.Duration() != difference) ? hours24.Subtract(difference.Duration()) : difference; // (23:30:00)

can also add difference between the dates if we compare two different dates

new TimeSpan(24 * days, 0, 0)

Output of git branch in tree like fashion

The answer below uses git log:

I mentioned a similar approach in 2009 with "Unable to show a Git tree in terminal":

git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit

But the full one I have been using is in "How to display the tag name and branch name using git log --graph" (2011):

git config --global alias.lgb "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%n' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --branches"

git lgb

Original answer (2010)

git show-branch --list comes close of what you are looking for (with the topo order)


By default, the branches and their commits are shown in reverse chronological order.
This option makes them appear in topological order (i.e., descendant commits are shown before their parents).

But the tool git wtf can help too. Example:

$ git wtf
Local branch: master
[ ] NOT in sync with remote (needs push)
    - Add before-search hook, for shortcuts for custom search queries. [4430d1b] (edwardzyang@...; 7 days ago)
Remote branch: origin/master ([email protected]:sup/mainline.git)
[x] in sync with local

Feature branches:
{ } origin/release-0.8.1 is NOT merged in (1 commit ahead)
    - bump to 0.8.1 [dab43fb] (wmorgan-sup@...; 2 days ago)
[ ] labels-before-subj is NOT merged in (1 commit ahead)
    - put labels before subject in thread index view [790b64d] (marka@...; 4 weeks ago)
{x} origin/enclosed-message-display-tweaks merged in
(x) experiment merged in (only locally)

NOTE: working directory contains modified files

git-wtf shows you:

  • How your branch relates to the remote repo, if it's a tracking branch.
  • How your branch relates to non-feature ("version") branches, if it's a feature branch.
  • How your branch relates to the feature branches, if it's a version branch

How to remove a class from elements in pure JavaScript?

elements is an array of DOM objects. You should do something like this

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

ie: enumerate the elements collection, and for each element inside the collection call the remove method

Get Enum from Description attribute

Should be pretty straightforward, its just the reverse of your previous method;

public static int GetEnumFromDescription(string description, Type enumType)
    foreach (var field in enumType.GetFields())
        DescriptionAttribute attribute
            = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(DescriptionAttribute))as DescriptionAttribute;
        if(attribute == null)
        if(attribute.Description == description)
            return (int) field.GetValue(null);
    return 0;


Console.WriteLine((Animal)GetEnumFromDescription("Giant Panda",typeof(Animal)));

How to have css3 animation to loop forever

Whilst Elad's solution will work, you can also do it inline:

   -moz-animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;
-webkit-animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;
     -o-animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;
        animation: fadeinphoto 7s 20s infinite;

Replacing NULL with 0 in a SQL server query

sum(case when c.runstatus = 'Succeeded' then 1 else 0 end) as Succeeded, 
sum(case when c.runstatus = 'Failed' then 1 else 0 end) as Failed, 
sum(case when c.runstatus = 'Cancelled' then 1 else 0 end) as Cancelled, 

the issue here is that without the else statement, you are bound to receive a Null when the run status isn't the stated status in the column description. Adding anything to Null will result in Null, and that is the issue with this query.

Good Luck!

When is JavaScript synchronous?

"I have been under the impression for that JavaScript was always asynchronous"

You can use JavaScript in a synchronous way, or an asynchronous way. In fact JavaScript has really good asynchronous support. For example I might have code that requires a database request. I can then run other code, not dependent on that request, while I wait for that request to complete. This asynchronous coding is supported with promises, async/await, etc. But if you don't need a nice way to handle long waits then just use JS synchronously.

What do we mean by 'asynchronous'. Well it does not mean multi-threaded, but rather describes a non-dependent relationship. Check out this image from this popular answer:

         A-Start ------------------------------------------ A-End   
           | B-Start -----------------------------------------|--- B-End   
           |    |      C-Start ------------------- C-End      |      |   
           |    |       |                           |         |      |
           V    V       V                           V         V      V      
1 thread->|<-A-|<--B---|<-C-|-A-|-C-|--A--|-B-|--C-->|---A---->|--B-->| 

We see that a single threaded application can have async behavior. The work in function A is not dependent on function B completing, and so while function A began before function B, function A is able to complete at a later time and on the same thread.

So, just because JavaScript executes one command at a time, on a single thread, it does not then follow that JavaScript can only be used as a synchronous language.

"Is there a good reference anywhere about when it will be synchronous and when it will be asynchronous"

I'm wondering if this is the heart of your question. I take it that you mean how do you know if some code you are calling is async or sync. That is, will the rest of your code run off and do something while you wait for some result? Your first check should be the documentation for whichever library you are using. Node methods, for example, have clear names like readFileSync. If the documentation is no good there is a lot of help here on SO. EG:

How to know if a function is async?

How to edit CSS style of a div using C# in .NET

If all you want to do is conditionally show or hide a <div>, then you could declare it as an <asp:panel > (renders to html as a div tag) and set it's .Visible property.

How to extract request http headers from a request using NodeJS connect

var host = req.headers['host']; 

The headers are stored in a JavaScript object, with the header strings as object keys.

Likewise, the user-agent header could be obtained with

var userAgent = req.headers['user-agent']; 

Concatenating variables in Bash

Try doing this, there's no special character to concatenate in bash :



If you don't put brackets, you will ask to concatenate $arg112 + $argendoffile (I guess that's not what you asked) like in the following example :


The brackets are delimiters for the variables when needed. When not needed, you can use it or not.

another solution

(less portable : require bash > 3.1)

$ arg1=foo
$ arg2=bar
$ mystring="$arg1"
$ mystring+="12"
$ mystring+="$arg2"
$ mystring+="endoffile"
$ echo "$mystring"


What is the difference between Set and List?

1.List allows duplicate values and set does'nt allow duplicates

2.List maintains the order in which you inserted elements in to the list Set does'nt maintain order. 3.List is an ordered sequence of elements whereas Set is a distinct list of elements which is unordered.

How do you rotate a two dimensional array?

This solution doesn't care square or rectangle dimension, you can rotate 4x5 or 5x4 or even 4x4, it doesn't care the size as well. Note that this implementation creates a new array every time you call rotate90 method, it doesn't mutate the original array at all.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[][] a = new int[][] { 
                    { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 
                    { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 
                    { 9, 0, 1, 2 }, 
                    { 3, 4, 5, 6 }, 
                    { 7, 8, 9, 0 } 
    int[][] rotate180 = rotate90(rotate90(a));

static int[][] rotate90(int[][] a) {
    int[][] ret = new int[a[0].length][a.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) {
            ret[j][a.length - i - 1] = a[i][j];
    return ret;

static void print(int[][] array) {
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
            System.out.print(" ");

No Network Security Config specified, using platform default - Android Log

I have a same problem, with volley, but this is my solution:

  1. In Android Manifiest, in tag application add:

  2. create in folder xml this file network_security_config.xml and write this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />
  3. inside tag application add this tag:

    <uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>

Sequelize, convert entity to plain object

If I get you right, you want to add the sensors collection to the node. If you have a mapping between both models you can either use the include functionality explained here or the values getter defined on every instance. You can find the docs for that here.

The latter can be used like this:

  where: {
    nodeid: node.nodeid
}).success(function (sensors) {
  var nodedata = node.values;

  nodedata.sensors ={ return sensor.values });
  // or
  nodedata.sensors ={ return sensor.toJSON() });


There is chance that nodedata.sensors = sensors could work as well.

Center the content inside a column in Bootstrap 4

<div class="container">_x000D_
    <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="col d-flex justify-content-center">_x000D_

Enable 'flex' for the column as we want & use justify-content-center

How to set a DateTime variable in SQL Server 2008?

The CONVERT function helps.Check this:

declare @erro_event_timestamp as Timestamp;
set @erro_event_timestamp = CONVERT(Timestamp,  '2020-07-06 05:19:44.380',  121);

The magic number 121 I found here:

What does "&" at the end of a linux command mean?

When not told otherwise commands take over the foreground. You only have one "foreground" process running in a single shell session. The & symbol instructs commands to run in a background process and immediately returns to the command line for additional commands.

sh &

A background process will not stay alive after the shell session is closed. SIGHUP terminates all running processes. By default anyway. If your command is long-running or runs indefinitely (ie: microservice) you need to pr-pend it with nohup so it remains running after you disconnect from the session:

nohup sh &

EDIT: There does appear to be a gray area regarding the closing of background processes when & is used. Just be aware that the shell may close your process depending on your OS and local configurations (particularly on CENTOS/RHEL):

Returning string from C function

Your pointer is pointing to local variable of the function. So as soon as you return from the function, memory gets deallocated. You have to assign memory on heap in order to use it in other functions.

Instead char *rtnPtr = word;

do this char *rtnPtr = malloc(length);

So that it is available in the main function. After it is used free the memory.

Undoing a git rebase

Actually, rebase saves your starting point to ORIG_HEAD so this is usually as simple as:

git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD

However, the reset, rebase and merge all save your original HEAD pointer into ORIG_HEAD so, if you've done any of those commands since the rebase you're trying to undo then you'll have to use the reflog.

Difference between natural join and inner join

A natural join is just a shortcut to avoid typing, with a presumption that the join is simple and matches fields of the same name.

    -- implicitly uses `room_number` to join

Is the same as...

    ON table1.room_number = table2.room_number

What you can't do with the shortcut format, however, is more complex joins...

    ON (table1.room_number = table2.room_number)
    OR (table1.room_number IS NULL AND table2.room_number IS NULL)

Split and join C# string

Well, here is my "answer". It uses the fact that String.Split can be told hold many items it should split to (which I found lacking in the other answers):

string theString = "Some Very Large String Here";
var array = theString.Split(new [] { ' ' }, 2); // return at most 2 parts
// note: be sure to check it's not an empty array
string firstElem = array[0];
// note: be sure to check length first
string restOfArray = array[1];

This is very similar to the Substring method, just by a different means.

Why do people write #!/usr/bin/env python on the first line of a Python script?

It just specifies what interpreter you want to use. To understand this, create a file through terminal by doing touch, then type into that file the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print "test"

and do chmod +x to make your script executable. After this when you do ./ you should get an error saying:

  File "./", line 2
    print "test"
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

because python3 doesn't supprt the print operator.

Now go ahead and change the first line of your code to:

#!/usr/bin/env python2

and it'll work, printing test to stdout, because python2 supports the print operator. So, now you've learned how to switch between script interpreters.

css h1 - only as wide as the text

You could use a <span> instead of an <h1>.