[java] Alternative to a goto statement in Java

While some commenters and downvoters argue that this isn't goto, the generated bytecode from the below Java statements really suggests that these statements really do express goto semantics.

Specifically, the do {...} while(true); loop in the second example is optimised by Java compilers in order not to evaluate the loop condition.

Jumping forward

label: {
  // do stuff
  if (check) break label;
  // do more stuff

In bytecode:

2  iload_1 [check]
3  ifeq 6          // Jumping forward
6  ..

Jumping backward

label: do {
  // do stuff
  if (check) continue label;
  // do more stuff
  break label;
} while(true);

In bytecode:

 2  iload_1 [check]
 3  ifeq 9
 6  goto 2          // Jumping backward
 9  ..