Programs & Examples On #Staleobjectstate

Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)

This exception is probably caused by optimistic locking (or by a bug in your code). You're probably using it without knowing. And your pseudo-code (which should be replaced by real code to be able to diagnose the problem) is wrong. Hibernate saves all the modifications done to attached entities automatically. You shouldn't ever call update, merge or saveOrUpdate on an attached entity. Just do

Email email = session.get(emailId);

No need to call update. Hibernate will flush the changes automatically before committing the transaction.

How do I search a Perl array for a matching string?

I guess

@foo = ("aAa", "bbb");
@bar = grep(/^aaa/i, @foo);
print join ",",@bar;

would do the trick.

Animate a custom Dialog

For right to left (entry animation) and left to right (exit animation):


<style name="CustomDialog" parent="@android:style/Theme.Dialog">
    <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@style/CustomDialogAnimation</item>

<style name="CustomDialogAnimation">
    <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@anim/translate_left_side</item>
    <item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@anim/translate_right_side</item>

Create two files in res/anim/:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<translate xmlns:android=""
    android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="100%"
    android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<translate xmlns:android=""

In you Fragment/Activity:

Dialog dialog = new Dialog(getActivity(),;

DataTable: How to get item value with row name and column name? (VB)

'Create a class to hold the pair...

        Public Class ColumnValue
            Public ColumnName As String
            Public ColumnValue As New Object
        End Class

    'Build the pair...

        For Each row In [YourDataTable].Rows

              For Each item As DataColumn In row.Table.Columns
                Dim rowValue As New ColumnValue
                rowValue.ColumnName = item.Caption
                rowValue.ColumnValue = row.item(item.Ordinal)
                rowValue = Nothing

        ' Now you can grab the value by the column name...

        Dim results = (From p In RowValues Where p.ColumnName = "MyColumn" Select  p.ColumnValue).FirstOrDefault    


Javascript array value is undefined ... how do I test for that

You are checking it the array index contains a string "undefined", you should either use the typeof operator:

typeof predQuery[preId] == 'undefined'

Or use the undefined global property:

predQuery[preId] === undefined

The first way is safer, because the undefined global property is writable, and it can be changed to any other value.

Display Records From MySQL Database using JTable in Java

If you need to work a lot with database in your code and you know the structure of your table, I suggest you do it as follow:

First of all you can define a class which will help you to make objects capable of keeping your table rows data. For example in my project I created a class named to keep data of a single document from my database and I made an array list of these objects to keep data of my table which is gain by a query.

package financialdocuments;

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.HashMap;

 * @author Administrator
public class Document {

 private int document_number; 
 private boolean document_type;
 private boolean document_status; 
 private StringBuilder document_date;
 private StringBuilder document_statement;
 private int document_code_number;
 private int document_employee_number;
 private int document_client_number;
 private String document_employee_name;
 private String document_client_name;
 private long document_amount;
 private long document_payment_amount;

 HashMap<Integer,Activity> document_activity_hashmap;

public Document(int dn,boolean dt,boolean ds,String dd,String dst,int dcon,int den,int dcln,long da,String dena,String dcna){

    document_date = new StringBuilder(dd);
    document_date.setCharAt(4, '.');
    document_date.setCharAt(7, '.');
    document_statement = new StringBuilder(dst);
    document_number = dn; 
    document_type = dt;
    document_status = ds;
    document_code_number = dcon;
    document_employee_number = den;
    document_client_number = dcln;
    document_amount = da;
    document_employee_name = dena;
    document_client_name = dcna;

    document_payment_amount = 0;

    document_activity_hashmap = new HashMap<>();


public Document(int dn,boolean dt,boolean ds, long dpa){

    document_number = dn; 
    document_type = dt;
    document_status = ds;

    document_payment_amount = dpa;

    document_activity_hashmap = new HashMap<>();


// Print document information 
public void printDocumentInformation (){
    System.out.println("Document Number:" + document_number); 
    System.out.println("Document Date:" + document_date); 
    System.out.println("Document Type:" + document_type); 
    System.out.println("Document Status:" + document_status); 
    System.out.println("Document Statement:" + document_statement); 
    System.out.println("Document Code Number:" + document_code_number); 
    System.out.println("Document Client Number:" + document_client_number); 
    System.out.println("Document Employee Number:" + document_employee_number); 
    System.out.println("Document Amount:" + document_amount); 
    System.out.println("Document Payment Amount:" + document_payment_amount); 
    System.out.println("Document Employee Name:" + document_employee_name); 
    System.out.println("Document Client Name:" + document_client_name); 


Second of all, you can define a class to handle your database needs. For example I defined a class named which handles my connections to the database and my needed queries. And I instantiated an objected of it in my main class.

package financialdocuments;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * @author Administrator
public class DataBase {

 * Defining parameters and strings that are going to be used
//Connection connect;

// Tables which their datas are extracted at the beginning 
HashMap<Integer,String> code_table;
HashMap<Integer,String> activity_table;
HashMap<Integer,String> client_table;
HashMap<Integer,String> employee_table;

// Resultset Returned by queries 
private ResultSet result;

// Strings needed to set connection
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/financial_documents?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8";
String dbName = "financial_documents";
String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
String userName = "root"; 
String password = "";

public DataBase(){

    code_table = new HashMap<>();
    activity_table = new HashMap<>();
    client_table = new HashMap<>();
    employee_table = new HashMap<>();


 * Set variables and objects for this class.
private void Initialize(){

    System.out.println("Loading driver..."); 
    try {
        System.out.println("Driver loaded!"); 
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find the driver in the classpath!", e); 

    System.out.println("Connecting database...");

try (Connection connect = DriverManager.getConnection(url,userName,password)) {
            System.out.println("Database connected!");
            //Get tables' information 
           // System.out.println("HshMap Print:");
           // printCodeTableQueryArray();

           // System.out.println("HshMap Print:");
           // printActivityTableQueryArray(); 

           // System.out.println("HshMap Print:");
           // printClientTableQueryArray();

           // System.out.println("HshMap Print:");
           // printEmployeeTableQueryArray();

    }catch (SQLException e) { 
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot connect the database!", e);


 * Write Queries 
 * @param s
 * @return 
public boolean insertQuery(String s){

    boolean ret = false;
    System.out.println("Loading driver..."); 
    try {
        System.out.println("Driver loaded!"); 
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find the driver in the classpath!", e); 

    System.out.println("Connecting database...");

try (Connection connect = DriverManager.getConnection(url,userName,password)) {
            System.out.println("Database connected!");
            //Set tables' information 
            try {
                Statement st = connect.createStatement();
                int val = st.executeUpdate(s);
                    System.out.print("Successfully inserted value");
                    ret = true;
                    System.out.print("Unsuccessful insertion");
                    ret = false;
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(DataBase.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    }catch (SQLException e) { 
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot connect the database!", e);
    return ret;

 * Query needed to get code table's data
 * @param c
 * @return 
private void selectCodeTableQueryArray(Connection c) {
    try {
        Statement st = c.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM  code;");
        while ( {
                int id = res.getInt("code_number");
                String msg = res.getString("code_statement");
                code_table.put(id, msg);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(DataBase.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

private void printCodeTableQueryArray() {
    for (HashMap.Entry<Integer ,String> entry : code_table.entrySet()){
        System.out.println("Key : " + entry.getKey() + " Value : " + entry.getValue());

 * Query needed to get activity table's data
 * @param c
 * @return 
private void selectActivityTableQueryArray(Connection c) {
    try {
        Statement st = c.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM  activity;");
        while ( {
                int id = res.getInt("activity_number");
                String msg = res.getString("activity_statement");
                activity_table.put(id, msg);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(DataBase.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

private void printActivityTableQueryArray() {
    for (HashMap.Entry<Integer ,String> entry : activity_table.entrySet()){
        System.out.println("Key : " + entry.getKey() + " Value : " + entry.getValue());

 * Query needed to get client table's data
 * @param c
 * @return 
private void selectClientTableQueryArray(Connection c) {
    try {
        Statement st = c.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM  client;");
        while ( {
                int id = res.getInt("client_number");
                String msg = res.getString("client_full_name");
                client_table.put(id, msg);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(DataBase.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

private void printClientTableQueryArray() {
    for (HashMap.Entry<Integer ,String> entry : client_table.entrySet()){
        System.out.println("Key : " + entry.getKey() + " Value : " + entry.getValue());

 * Query needed to get activity table's data
 * @param c
 * @return 
private void selectEmployeeTableQueryArray(Connection c) {
    try {
        Statement st = c.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM  employee;");
        while ( {
                int id = res.getInt("employee_number");
                String msg = res.getString("employee_full_name");
                employee_table.put(id, msg);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(DataBase.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

private void printEmployeeTableQueryArray() {
    for (HashMap.Entry<Integer ,String> entry : employee_table.entrySet()){
        System.out.println("Key : " + entry.getKey() + " Value : " + entry.getValue());

I hope this could be a little help.

<SELECT multiple> - how to allow only one item selected?

Late to answer but might help someone else, here is how to do it without removing the 'multiple' attribute.

    //Here you can change the value of the maximum allowed options
    max_selected_options: 1

How can I drop all the tables in a PostgreSQL database?

This is a really interesting question, and you'll get it done in Multiple ways:

1. By dropping and recreating the current schema

Here, In general, we have a public schema by default. So, I'm using it as an instance.

GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;

If you are using PostgreSQL 9.3 or greater, you may also need to restore the default grants.


This will clean an entire Schema and re-create it as a new one.


You'll lose other entities too like Functions, Views, Materialized views, etc.

2. By using fetching all table names from pg_tables table.

PostgreSQL stores all the tables on its record table named pg_table.

  'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "' || tablename || '" CASCADE;' 
  pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public';

As you can see, By the use of subquery, We can remove the entire tables from the schema.


When the other data entities are Important and you just want to delete only tables from the schema, this approach will really helpful to you.

3. Terminal

  • Login using postgres user on your shell
$ sudo -u postgres psql
  • Connect your database
$ \c mydatabase

Paste these commands:

GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;

Note: This bunch of commands are similar to the first point, so the Pros and cons will remain the same.

How can I start InternetExplorerDriver using Selenium WebDriver

Below Code snippet will surely work:

    InternetExplorerOptions ops = new InternetExplorerOptions();
    // ops.ignoreZoomSettings(); -- Not necessarily in case 100% zoom.
    ops.introduceFlakinessByIgnoringSecurityDomains(); -- Necessary to skip protected 
     mode setup

    WebDriver dr = new InternetExplorerDriver(ops);

Why is AJAX returning HTTP status code 0?

In an attempt to win the prize for most dumbest reason for the problem described.

Forgetting to call

xmlhttp.send(); //yes, you need this pivotal line!

Yes, I was still getting status returns of zero from the 'open' call.

jQuery: If this HREF contains

$("a").each(function() {
    if (this.href.indexOf('?') != -1) {
        alert("Contains questionmark");

Viewing contents of a .jar file

You could try JarNavigator to view and search contents of a jar file.

How to get the indexpath.row when an element is activated?

In Swift 4 , just use this:

func buttonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
        let buttonPostion = sender.convert(sender.bounds.origin, to: tableView)

        if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRow(at: buttonPostion) {
            let rowIndex =  indexPath.row

How to send post request to the below post method using postman rest client

1.Open postman app 2.Enter the URL in the URL bar in postman app along with the name of the design.Use slash(/) after URL to give the design name. 3.Select POST from the dropdown list from URL textbox. 4.Select raw from buttons available below the URL textbox. 5.Select JSON from the dropdown. 6.In the text area enter your data to be updated and enter send. 7.Select GET from dropdown list from URL textbox and enter send to see the updated result.

Update multiple values in a single statement

Have you tried with a sub-query for every field:

    TotalX = (SELECT SUM(X) from DetailTbl where DetailTbl.MasterID = MasterTbl.ID),
    TotalY = (SELECT SUM(Y) from DetailTbl where DetailTbl.MasterID = MasterTbl.ID),
    TotalZ = (SELECT SUM(Z) from DetailTbl where DetailTbl.MasterID = MasterTbl.ID)

Camera access through browser

Update 11/2020: The Google Developer link is (currently) dead. The original article with a LOT more explanations can still be found at

This question is already a few years old but in that time some additional possibilities have evolved, like accessing the camera directly, displaying a preview and capturing snapshots (e.g. for QR code scanning).

This Google Developers article provides an in-depth explaination of all (?) the ways how to get image/camera data into a web application, from "work everywhere" (even in desktop browsers) to "work only on modern, up-to-date mobile devices with camera". Along with many useful tips.

Explained methods:

  • Ask for a URL: Easiest but least satisfying.

  • File input (covered by most other posts here): The data can then be attached to a or manipulated with JavaScript by listening for an onchange event on the input element and then reading the files property of the event target.

<input type="file" accept="image/*" id="file-input">
  const fileInput = document.getElementById('file-input');

  fileInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => doSomethingWithFiles(;

The files property is a FileList object.

  • Drag and drop (useful for desktop browsers):
<div id="target">You can drag an image file here</div>
  const target = document.getElementById('target');

  target.addEventListener('drop', (e) => {


  target.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => {

    e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';

You can get a FileList object from the dataTransfer.files property of the drop event.

  • Paste from clipboard
<textarea id="target">Paste an image here</textarea>
  const target = document.getElementById('target');

  target.addEventListener('paste', (e) => {

e.clipboardData.files is a FileList object again.

  • Access the camera interactively (necessary if application needs to give instant feedback on what it "sees", like QR codes): Detect camera support with const supported = 'mediaDevices' in navigator; and prompt the user for consent. Then show a realtime preview and copy snapshots to a canvas.
<video id="player" controls autoplay></video>
<button id="capture">Capture</button>
<canvas id="canvas" width=320 height=240></canvas>
  const player = document.getElementById('player');
  const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
  const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
  const captureButton = document.getElementById('capture');

  const constraints = {
    video: true,

  captureButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // Draw the video frame to the canvas.
    context.drawImage(player, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

  // Attach the video stream to the video element and autoplay.
    .then((stream) => {
      player.srcObject = stream;

Don't forget to stop the video stream with

player.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());

Update 11/2020: The Google Developer link is (currently) dead. The original article with a LOT more explanations can still be found at

Positive Number to Negative Number in JavaScript?

To get a negative version of a number in JavaScript you can always use the ~ bitwise operator.

For example, if you have a = 1000 and you need to convert it to a negative, you could do the following:

a = ~a + 1;

Which would result in a being -1000.

Drawing a simple line graph in Java

Hovercraft Full Of Eels' answer is very good, but i had to change it a bit in order to get it working on my program:

int y1 = (int) ((this.height - 2 * BORDER_GAP) - (values.get(i) * yScale - BORDER_GAP));

instead of

int y1 = (int) (scores.get(i) * yScale + BORDER_GAP);

because if i used his way the graphic would be upside down

(you'd see it if you used hardcoded values (e.g 1,3,5,7,9) instead of random values)

jQuery - passing value from one input to another

Assuming you can put ID's on the inputs:

$('#name').change(function() {

JSFiddle Example

Otherwise you'll have to select using the names:

$('input[name="name"]').change(function() {

Can you find all classes in a package using reflection?

If you're in Spring-land you can use PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver;

  PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
  Resource[] resources = resolver.getResources("classpath*:some/package/name/*.class");


Python check if website exists

You can use HEAD request instead of GET. It will only download the header, but not the content. Then you can check the response status from the headers.

For python 2.7.x, you can use httplib:

import httplib
c = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
c.request("HEAD", '')
if c.getresponse().status == 200:
   print('web site exists')

or urllib2:

import urllib2
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
except urllib2.URLError, e:

or for 2.7 and 3.x, you can install requests

import requests
request = requests.get('')
if request.status_code == 200:
    print('Web site exists')
    print('Web site does not exist') 

How to get a index value from foreach loop in jstl

I face Similar problem now I understand we have some more option : varStatus="loop", Here will be loop will variable which will hold the index of lop.

It can use for use to read for Zeor base index or 1 one base index.

${loop.count}` it will give 1 starting base index.

${loop.index} it will give 0 base index as normal Index of array start from 0.

For Example :

<c:forEach var="currentImage" items="${cityBannerImages}" varStatus="loop">
   <source srcset="${currentImage}" media="(min-width: 1000px)"></source>
   <source srcset="${cityMobileImages[loop.count]}" media="(min-width:600px)"></source>
   <img srcset="${cityMobileImages[loop.count]}" alt=""></img>

For more Info please refer this link

Insert some string into given string at given index in Python

Answer for Insert characters of string in other string al located positions

str1 = "ibuprofen"
str2 = "MEDICAL"
Value = 2
result=[str1[i:i+Value] for i in range(0, len(str1), Value)]
count = 0

for letter in result:
    if count < len(result)-1:
        final_string = letter + str2[count]
    elif ((len(result)-1)==count):
        list2.append(letter + str2[count:len(str2)])
    count += 1


String.Format like functionality in T-SQL?

take a look at xp_sprintf. example below.

DECLARE @ret_string varchar (255)
EXEC xp_sprintf @ret_string OUTPUT, 
    'INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s, %s)', 'table1', '1', '2'
PRINT @ret_string

Result looks like this:

INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, 2)

Just found an issue with the max size (255 char limit) of the string with this so there is an alternative function you can use:

create function dbo.fnSprintf (@s varchar(MAX), 
                @params varchar(MAX), @separator char(1) = ',')
returns varchar(MAX)
declare @p varchar(MAX)
declare @paramlen int

set @params = @params + @separator
set @paramlen = len(@params)
while not @params = ''
    set @p = left(@params+@separator, charindex(@separator, @params)-1)
    set @s = STUFF(@s, charindex('%s', @s), 2, @p)
    set @params = substring(@params, len(@p)+2, @paramlen)
return @s

To get the same result as above you call the function as follows:

print dbo.fnSprintf('INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s, %s)', 'table1,1,2', default)

How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?

If got your question right you want to do something like

update table
set identity_column_name = some value

Let me tell you, it is not an easy process and it is not advisable to use it, as there may be some foreign key associated on it.

But here are steps to do it, Please take a back-up of table

Step 1- Select design view of the table

enter image description here

Step 2- Turn off the identity column

enter image description here

Now you can use the update query.

Now redo the step 1 and step 2 and Turn on the identity column


DateTime "null" value

Given the nature of a date/time data type it cannot contain a null value, i.e. it needs to contain a value, it cannot be blank or contain nothing. If you mark a date/time variable as nullable then only can you assign a null value to it. So what you are looking to do is one of two things (there might be more but I can only think of two):

  • Assign a minimum date/time value to your variable if you don't have a value for it. You can assign a maximum date/time value as well - whichever way suits you. Just make sure that you are consistent site-wide when checking your date/time values. Decide on using min or max and stick with it.

  • Mark your date/time variable as nullable. This way you can set your date/time variable to null if you don't have a variable to it.

Let me demonstrate my first point using an example. The DateTime variable type cannot be set to null, it needs a value, in this case I am going to set it to the DateTime's minimum value if there is no value.

My scenario is that I have a BlogPost class. It has many different fields/properties but I chose only to use two for this example. DatePublished is when the post was published to the website and has to contain a date/time value. DateModified is when a post is modified, so it doesn't have to contain a value, but can contain a value.

public class BlogPost : Entity
     public DateTime DateModified { get; set; }

     public DateTime DatePublished { get; set; }

Using ADO.NET to get the data from the database (assign DateTime.MinValue is there is no value):

BlogPost blogPost = new BlogPost();
blogPost.DateModified = sqlDataReader.IsDBNull(0) ? DateTime.MinValue : sqlDataReader.GetFieldValue<DateTime>(0);
blogPost.DatePublished = sqlDataReader.GetFieldValue<DateTime>(1);

You can accomplish my second point by marking the DateModified field as nullable. Now you can set it to null if there is no value for it:

public DateTime? DateModified { get; set; }

Using ADO.NET to get the data from the database, it will look a bit different to the way it was done above (assigning null instead of DateTime.MinValue):

BlogPost blogPost = new BlogPost();
blogPost.DateModified = sqlDataReader.IsDBNull(0) ? (DateTime?)null : sqlDataReader.GetFieldValue<DateTime>(0);
blogPost.DatePublished = sqlDataReader.GetFieldValue<DateTime>(1);

I hope this helps to clear up any confusion. Given that my response is about 8 years later you are probably an expert C# programmer by now :)

Run ssh and immediately execute command

ssh -t 'command; bash -l'

will execute the command and then start up a login shell when it completes. For example:

ssh -t [email protected] 'cd /some/path; bash -l'

How to remove RVM (Ruby Version Manager) from my system

Note that if you installed RVM via apt-get, you have to run some further steps than rvm implode or apt-get remove ruby-rvm to get it to really uninstall.

See "Installing RVM on Ubuntu".

Downgrade npm to an older version

Even I run npm install -g npm@4, it is not ok for me.

Finally, I download and install the old node.js version.

It is npm version 4.

You can choose any version here

how do I insert a column at a specific column index in pandas?

Here is a very simple answer to this(only one line).

You can do that after you added the 'n' column into your df as follows.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'l':['a','b','c','d'], 'v':[1,2,1,2]})
df['n'] = 0

    l   v   n
0   a   1   0
1   b   2   0
2   c   1   0
3   d   2   0

# here you can add the below code and it should work.
df = df[list('nlv')]

    n   l   v
0   0   a   1
1   0   b   2
2   0   c   1
3   0   d   2

However, if you have words in your columns names instead of letters. It should include two brackets around your column names. 

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Upper':['a','b','c','d'], 'Lower':[1,2,1,2]})
df['Net'] = 0
df['Mid'] = 2
df['Zsore'] = 2


    Upper   Lower   Net Mid Zsore
0   a       1       0   2   2
1   b       2       0   2   2
2   c       1       0   2   2
3   d       2       0   2   2

# here you can add below line and it should work 
df = df[list(('Mid','Upper', 'Lower', 'Net','Zsore'))]

   Mid  Upper   Lower   Net Zsore
0   2   a       1       0   2
1   2   b       2       0   2
2   2   c       1       0   2
3   2   d       2       0   2

How to read file binary in C#?

Use simple FileStream.Read then print it with Convert.ToString(b, 2)

'tuple' object does not support item assignment

PIL pixels are tuples, and tuples are immutable. You need to construct a new tuple. So, instead of the for loop, do:

pixels = [(pixel[0] + 20, pixel[1], pixel[2]) for pixel in pixels]

Also, if the pixel is already too red, adding 20 will overflow the value. You probably want something like min(pixel[0] + 20, 255) or int(255 * (pixel[0] / 255.) ** 0.9) instead of pixel[0] + 20.

And, to be able to handle images in lots of different formats, do image = image.convert("RGB") after opening the image. The convert method will ensure that the pixels are always (r, g, b) tuples.

grep output to show only matching file

You can use the Unix-style -l switch – typically terse and cryptic – or the equivalent --files-with-matches – longer and more readable.

The output of grep --help is not easy to read, but it's there:

-l, --files-with-matches  print only names of FILEs containing matches

How can I expand and collapse a <div> using javascript?

Take a look at toggle() jQuery function :

Also, innerHTML jQuery Function is .html().

Convert array to JSON

because my array was like below: and I used .push function to create it dynamically

my_array = ["234", "23423"];

The only way I converted my array into json is

json = Object.assign({}, my_array);

Include jQuery in the JavaScript Console

One of the shortest ways would be just copy pasting the code below to the console.

var jquery = document.createElement('script'); 
jquery.src = "";

Access PHP variable in JavaScript

I'm not sure how necessary this is, and it adds a call to getElementById, but if you're really keen on getting inline JavaScript out of your code, you can pass it as an HTML attribute, namely:

<span class="metadata" id="metadata-size-of-widget" title="<?php echo json_encode($size_of_widget) ?>"></span>

And then in your JavaScript:

var size_of_widget = document.getElementById("metadata-size-of-widget").title;

How do I disable the security certificate check in Python requests

Use requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() and verify=False on requests methods.

import requests
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

# Suppress only the single warning from urllib3 needed.

# Set `verify=False` on ``.'', data={'bar':'baz'}, verify=False)

Not able to launch IE browser using Selenium2 (Webdriver) with Java

The following snippet of WebDriver Java code should work to launch IE. The code will ignore the setup of Protected mode settings for all zone in the IE browser.

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
capabilities.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true);
File file = new File("D:\\Ripon Al Wasim\\IEDriverServer.exe");
System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath());
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(capabilities);

Download IEDriverServer and extract it into your desired location and set the absolute path (In my above example it was "D:\Ripon Al Wasim\IEDriverServer.exe")

How do I convert a TimeSpan to a formatted string?

I know this is a late answer but this works for me:

TimeSpan dateDifference = new TimeSpan(0,0,0, (int)endTime.Subtract(beginTime).TotalSeconds); 

dateDifference should now exclude the parts smaller than a second. Works in .net 2.0 too.

PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA?

In the Google docs, they've identified a pagespeed filter that will load the script asynchronously:

ModPagespeedEnableFilters make_google_analytics_async

You can find the documentation here:

One thing to highlight is that the filter is considered high risk. From the docs:

The make_google_analytics_async filter is experimental and has not had extensive real-world testing. One case where a rewrite would cause errors is if the filter misses calls to Google Analytics methods that return values. If such methods are found, the rewrite is skipped. However, the disqualifying methods will be missed if they come before the load, are in attributes such as "onclick", or if they are in external resources. Those cases are expected to be rare.

JQuery confirm dialog

Try this one

  .html('<div><h6>Yes or No?</h6></div>')
      modal: true, title: 'message', zIndex: 10000, autoOpen: true,
      width: 'auto', resizable: false,
      buttons: {
          Yes: function () {
          No: function () {
      close: function (event, ui) {


C++ Vector of pointers

I am not sure what the last line means. Does it mean, I read the file, create multiple Movie objects. Then make a vector of pointers where each element (pointer) points to one of those Movie objects?

I would guess this is what is intended. The intent is probably that you read the data for one movie, allocate an object with new, fill the object in with the data, and then push the address of the data onto the vector (probably not the best design, but most likely what's intended anyway).

Count the items from a IEnumerable<T> without iterating?

It may not yield the best performance, but you can use LINQ to count the elements in an IEnumerable:

public int GetEnumerableCount(IEnumerable Enumerable)
    return (from object Item in Enumerable
            select Item).Count();

Using the star sign in grep

The asterisk is just a repetition operator, but you need to tell it what you repeat. /*abc*/ matches a string containing ab and zero or more c's (because the second * is on the c; the first is meaningless because there's nothing for it to repeat). If you want to match anything, you need to say .* -- the dot means any character (within certain guidelines). If you want to just match abc, you could just say grep 'abc' myFile. For your more complex match, you need to use .* -- grep 'abc.*def' myFile will match a string that contains abc followed by def with something optionally in between.

Update based on a comment:

* in a regular expression is not exactly the same as * in the console. In the console, * is part of a glob construct, and just acts as a wildcard (for instance ls *.log will list all files that end in .log). However, in regular expressions, * is a modifier, meaning that it only applies to the character or group preceding it. If you want * in regular expressions to act as a wildcard, you need to use .* as previously mentioned -- the dot is a wildcard character, and the star, when modifying the dot, means find one or more dot; ie. find one or more of any character.

Scrollview can host only one direct child

Wrap all the children inside of another LinearLayout with wrap_content for both the width and the height as well as the vertical orientation.

Why an inline "background-image" style doesn't work in Chrome 10 and Internet Explorer 8?

it is working in my google chrome browser version 11.0.696.60

I created a simple page with no other items just basic tags and no separate CSS file and got an image

this is what i setup:

<div id="placeholder" style="width: 60px; height: 60px; border: 1px solid black; background-image: url('')"></div>

I put an id just in case there was a hidden id tag and it works

Getting activity from context in android

  1. No
  2. You can't

There are two different contexts in Android. One for your application (Let's call it the BIG one) and one for each view (let's call it the activity context).

A linearLayout is a view, so you have to call the activity context. To call it from an activity, simply call "this". So easy isn't it?

When you use


You call the BIG context, the one that describes your application and cannot manage your view.

A big problem with Android is that a context cannot call your activity. That's a big deal to avoid this when someone begins with the Android development. You have to find a better way to code your class (or replace "Context context" by "Activity activity" and cast it to "Context" when needed).


Just to update my answer. The easiest way to get your Activity context is to define a static instance in your Activity. For example

public class DummyActivity extends Activity
    public static DummyActivity instance = null;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        // Do some operations here

    public void onResume()
        instance = this;

    public void onPause()
        instance = null;

And then, in your Task, Dialog, View, you could use that kind of code to get your Activity context:

if (DummyActivity.instance != null)
    // Do your operations with DummyActivity.instance

Hibernate Criteria Restrictions AND / OR combination

For the new Criteria since version Hibernate 5.2:

CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = getSession().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<SomeClass> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(SomeClass.class);

Root<SomeClass> root = criteriaQuery.from(SomeClass.class);

Path<Object> expressionA = root.get("A");
Path<Object> expressionB = root.get("B");

Predicate predicateAEqualX = criteriaBuilder.equal(expressionA, "X");
Predicate predicateBInXY ="X",Y);
Predicate predicateLeft = criteriaBuilder.and(predicateAEqualX, predicateBInXY);

Predicate predicateAEqualY = criteriaBuilder.equal(expressionA, Y);
Predicate predicateBEqualZ = criteriaBuilder.equal(expressionB, "Z");
Predicate predicateRight = criteriaBuilder.and(predicateAEqualY, predicateBEqualZ);

Predicate predicateResult = criteriaBuilder.or(predicateLeft, predicateRight);


List<SomeClass> list = getSession()

How to use Apple's new San Francisco font on a webpage

None of the current answers including the accepted one will use Apple's San Francisco font on systems that don't have it installed as the system font. Since the question isn't "how do I use the OS X system font on a webpage" the correct solution is to use web fonts:

@font-face {
  font-family: "San Francisco";
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url("");


How to show a GUI message box from a bash script in linux?

I believe Zenity will do what you want. It's specifically designed for displaying GTK dialogs from the command line, and it's available as an Ubuntu package.

Using multiprocessing.Process with a maximum number of simultaneous processes

more generally, this could also look like this:

import multiprocessing
def chunks(l, n):
    for i in range(0, len(l), n):
        yield l[i:i + n]

numberOfThreads = 4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    jobs = []
    for i, param in enumerate(params):
        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=f, args=(i,param))
    for i in chunks(jobs,numberOfThreads):
        for j in i:
        for j in i:

Of course, that way is quite cruel (since it waits for every process in a junk until it continues with the next chunk). Still it works well for approx equal run times of the function calls.

ADB not recognising Nexus 4 under Windows 7

In case none of the answers work perhaps the following clarifications will help. I followed the top answer and tried to load the program with ADB from the command line to reduce the possible complications and this did not work.

Once enabling PTP mode the ADB devices command would find my Nexus 4, but I could not push to it. I had to use Eclipse and in order for the dialog to display to accept the RSA key described below.

Note: When you connect a device running Android 4.2.2 or higher to your computer, the system shows a dialog asking whether to accept an RSA key.

select2 onchange event only works once

My select2 element was not firing the onchange event as the drop down list offered only one value, making it impossible to change the value.

The value not having changed, no event was fired and the handler could not execute.

I then added another handler to clear the value, with the select2-open handler being executed before the onchange handler.

The source code now looks like:

el.on("select2-open", function(e) {
el.on('change', function() {

The first handler clears the value, allowing the second handler to fire up even if selecting the same value.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". in a Maven Project

I ran into this in IntelliJ and fixed it by adding the following to my pom:

<!-- logging dependencies -->
                <!-- Defined below -->


How to use paths in tsconfig.json?

Checkout the compiler operation using this

I have added baseUrl in the file for a project like below :

"baseUrl": "src"

It is working fine. So add your base directory for your project.

Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected end of file in my PHP code

If your using parse_ini_file($file) or a routine is rading an .ini file, check if you data is quoted in the ini file. Unquoted data will cause this error. Ex; data1=test will cause the error, data1="test" will not.

What is the difference between a "function" and a "procedure"?

I object with something I keep seeing over and over in most of these answers, that what makes a function a function is that it returns a value.

A function is not just any old method that returns a value. Not so: In order for a method to be a real function it must return the same value always given a specific input. An example of a method that is not a function is the random method in most languages, because although it does return a value the value is not always the same.

A function therefore is more akin to a map (e.g. where x -> x' for a one dimensional function). This is a very important distinction between regular methods and functions because when dealing with real functions the timing and the order in which they are evaluated should never matter where as this is not always the case with non functions.

Here's another example of a method that is not a function but will otherwise still return a value.

// The following is pseudo code:
g(x) = {
  if (morning()) {
     g = 2 * x;
  else {
   g = x;
  return g;

I further object to the notion that procedures do not return values. A procedure is just a specific way of talking about a function or method. So that means if the underlying method that your procedure defines or implements returns a value then, guess what that procedure returns a value. Take for example the following snippet from the SICP:

// We can immediately translate this definition into a recursive procedure 
// for computing Fibonacci numbers:

(define (fib n)
  (cond ((= n 0) 0)
        ((= n 1) 1)
        (else (+ (fib (- n 1))
                 (fib (- n 2))))))

Have you heard of recursive procedures much lately? They are talking about a recursive function (a real function) and it's returning a value and they are using the word "procedure". So what's the difference, then?

Well another way of thinking of a function (besides the meaning mentioned above) is as an abstract representation of an ideal like the numeral 1. A procedure is that actual implementation of that thing. I personally think they are interchangeable.

(Note, if you read that chapter from the link I provide you may find that a harder concept to grasp is not the difference between a function and a procedure, but a process and a procedure. Did you know that a recursive procedure can have an iterative process?)

An analog for procedures are recipes. For example; suppose you have a machine called make-pies this machine takes in ingredients of (fruit, milk, flower, eggs, sugar, heat) and this machine returns a pie.

A representation of this machine might look like

make-pies (fruit, milk, flower, eggs, sugar, heat) = {
   return (heat (add fruit (mix eggs flower milk)))

Of course that's not the only way to make a pie.

In this case we can see that:

A       function     is to a     machine
as a    procedure    is to a     recipe
as      attributes   are to      ingredients
as      output       is to       product

That analogy is OK but it breaks down when you take into account that when you are dealing with a computer program everything is an abstraction. So unlike in the case of a recipe to a machine we are comparing two things that are themselves abstractions; two things that might as well be the same thing. And I hold that they are (for all intent and purposes) the same thing.

Local Storage vs Cookies

Well, local storage speed greatly depends on the browser the client is using, as well as the operating system. Chrome or Safari on a mac could be much faster than Firefox on a PC, especially with newer APIs. As always though, testing is your friend (I could not find any benchmarks).

I really don't see a huge difference in cookie vs local storage. Also, you should be more worried about compatibility issues: not all browsers have even begun to support the new HTML5 APIs, so cookies would be your best bet for speed and compatibility.

Official reasons for "Software caused connection abort: socket write error"

I was facing the same problem with wireMock while mocking the rest API calls. Earlier I was defining the server like this:

WireMockServer wireMockServer = null;

But it should be defined like as shown below:

public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(8089);

Python error when trying to access list by index - "List indices must be integers, not str"

players is a list which needs to be indexed by integers. You seem to be using it like a dictionary. Maybe you could use unpacking -- Something like:

name, score = player

(if the player list is always a constant length).

There's not much more advice we can give you without knowing what query is and how it works.

It's worth pointing out that the entire code you posted doesn't make a whole lot of sense. There's an IndentationError on the second line. Also, your function is looping over some iterable, but unconditionally returning during the first iteration which isn't usually what you actually want to do.

How to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in any binary tree?

Crude way:

  • At every node
    • X = find if either of the n1, n2 exist on the left side of the Node
    • Y = find if either of the n1, n2 exist on the right side of the Node
      • if the node itself is n1 || n2, we can call it either found on left or right for the purposes of generalization.
    • If both X and Y is true, then the Node is the CA

The problem with the method above is that we will be doing the "find" multiple times, i.e. there is a possibility of each node getting traversed multiple times. We can overcome this problem if we can record the information so as to not process it again (think dynamic programming).

So rather than doing find every node, we keep a record of as to whats already been found.

Better Way:

  • We check to see if for a given node if left_set (meaning either n1 | n2 has been found in the left subtree) or right_set in a depth first fashion. (NOTE: We are giving the root itself the property of being left_set if it is either n1 | n2)
  • If both left_set and right_set then the node is a LCA.


struct Node *
findCA(struct Node *root, struct Node *n1, struct Node *n2, int *set) {
   int left_set, right_set;
   left_set = right_set = 0;
   struct Node *leftCA, *rightCA;
   leftCA = rightCA = NULL;

   if (root == NULL) {
      return NULL;
   if (root == n1 || root == n2) {
      left_set = 1;
      if (n1 == n2) {
         right_set = 1;

   if(!left_set) {
      leftCA = findCA(root->left, n1, n2, &left_set);
      if (leftCA) {
         return leftCA;
   if (!right_set) {
      rightCA= findCA(root->right, n1, n2, &right_set);
      if(rightCA) {
         return rightCA;

   if (left_set && right_set) {
      return root;
   } else {
      *set = (left_set || right_set);
      return NULL;

Get skin path in Magento?

To use it in phtml apply :

echo $this->getSkinUrl('your_image_folder_under_skin/image_name.png');

To use skin path in cms page :

<img style="width: 715px; height: 266px;" src="{{skin url=images/banner1.jpg}}" alt="title" />

This part====> {{skin url=images/banner1.jpg}}

I hope this will help you.

MYSQL query between two timestamps


FROM eventList 


FROM eventList WHERE  `date` 
BETWEEN '2013-03-26 00:00:01' AND '2013-03-26 23:59:59'

Cross-Origin Request Blocked

You need other headers, not only access-control-allow-origin. If your request have the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header, you must copy it into the response headers, If doesn't, you must check the "Origin" header and copy it into the response. If your request doesn't have Access-Control-Allow-Origin not Origin headers, you must return "*".

You can read the complete explanation here:

and this is the function I'm using to write cross domain headers:

func writeCrossDomainHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    // Cross domain headers
    if acrh, ok := req.Header["Access-Control-Request-Headers"]; ok {
        w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", acrh[0])
    w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "True")
    if acao, ok := req.Header["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]; ok {
        w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", acao[0])
    } else {
        if _, oko := req.Header["Origin"]; oko {
            w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.Header["Origin"][0])
        } else {
            w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
    w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE")
    w.Header().Set("Connection", "Close")


Set a persistent environment variable from cmd.exe

:: Sets environment variables for both the current `cmd` window 
::   and/or other applications going forward.
:: I call this file keyz.cmd to be able to just type `keyz` at the prompt 
::   after changes because the word `keys` is already taken in Windows.

@echo off

:: set for the current window
set APCA_API_KEY_ID=key_id
set APCA_API_SECRET_KEY=secret_key

:: setx also for other windows and processes going forward

:: Displaying what was just set.
set apca

:: Or for copy/paste manually ...
:: setx APCA_API_KEY_ID     'key_id'
:: setx APCA_API_SECRET_KEY 'secret_key'
:: setx APCA_API_BASE_URL   ''

how to use math.pi in java

You're missing the multiplication operator. Also, you want to do 4/3 in floating point, not integer math.

volume = (4.0 / 3) * Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 3);
           ^^      ^

REST HTTP status codes for failed validation or invalid duplicate

I recommend status code 422, "Unprocessable Entity".

11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

Ordering by specific field value first

do this:

SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY column `name`+0 ASC

Appending the +0 will mean that:

0, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4

becomes :

0, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11

Drawing in Java using Canvas

Why would the first way not work. Canvas object is created and the size is set and the grahpics are set. I always find this strange. Also if a class extends JComponent you can override the


and then shouldn't you be able to create and instance of the class inside of another class and then just call NewlycreateinstanceOfAnyClass.repaint();

I have tried this approach for some game programming I have been working and it doesn't seem to work the way I think that it should be.

Doug Hauf

CSS how to make scrollable list

As per your question vertical listing have a scrollbar effect.


nav ul{height:200px; width:18%;}_x000D_
nav ul{overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll;}
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
        <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
        <title>JS Bin</title>_x000D_
        <header>header area</header>_x000D_
                <li>Link 1</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 2</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 3</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 4</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 5</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 6</li> _x000D_
                <li>Link 7</li> _x000D_
                <li>Link 8</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 9</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 10</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 11</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 13</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 13</li>_x000D_
        <footer>footer area</footer>_x000D_

How do I tokenize a string in C++?

Seems odd to me that with all us speed conscious nerds here on SO no one has presented a version that uses a compile time generated look up table for the delimiter (example implementation further down). Using a look up table and iterators should beat std::regex in efficiency, if you don't need to beat regex, just use it, its standard as of C++11 and super flexible.

Some have suggested regex already but for the noobs here is a packaged example that should do exactly what the OP expects:

std::vector<std::string> split(std::string::const_iterator it, std::string::const_iterator end, std::regex e = std::regex{"\\w+"}){
    std::smatch m{};
    std::vector<std::string> ret{};
    while (std::regex_search (it,end,m,e)) {
        std::advance(it, m.position() + m.length()); //next start position = match position + match length
    return ret;
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &s, std::regex e = std::regex{"\\w+"}){  //comfort version calls flexible version
    return split(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), std::move(e));
int main ()
    std::string str {"Some people, excluding those present, have been compile time constants - since puberty."};
    auto v = split(str);
    for(const auto&s:v){
        std::cout << s << std::endl;
    std::cout << "crazy version:" << std::endl;
    v = split(str, std::regex{"[^e]+"});  //using e as delim shows flexibility
    for(const auto&s:v){
        std::cout << s << std::endl;
    return 0;

If we need to be faster and accept the constraint that all chars must be 8 bits we can make a look up table at compile time using metaprogramming:

template<bool...> struct BoolSequence{};        //just here to hold bools
template<char...> struct CharSequence{};        //just here to hold chars
template<typename T, char C> struct Contains;   //generic
template<char First, char... Cs, char Match>    //not first specialization
struct Contains<CharSequence<First, Cs...>,Match> :
    Contains<CharSequence<Cs...>, Match>{};     //strip first and increase index
template<char First, char... Cs>                //is first specialization
struct Contains<CharSequence<First, Cs...>,First>: std::true_type {}; 
template<char Match>                            //not found specialization
struct Contains<CharSequence<>,Match>: std::false_type{};

template<int I, typename T, typename U> 
struct MakeSequence;                            //generic
template<int I, bool... Bs, typename U> 
struct MakeSequence<I,BoolSequence<Bs...>, U>:  //not last
    MakeSequence<I-1, BoolSequence<Contains<U,I-1>::value,Bs...>, U>{};
template<bool... Bs, typename U> 
struct MakeSequence<0,BoolSequence<Bs...>,U>{   //last  
    using Type = BoolSequence<Bs...>;
template<typename T> struct BoolASCIITable;
template<bool... Bs> struct BoolASCIITable<BoolSequence<Bs...>>{
    /* could be made constexpr but not yet supported by MSVC */
    static bool isDelim(const char c){
        static const bool table[256] = {Bs...};
        return table[static_cast<int>(c)];
using Delims = CharSequence<'.',',',' ',':','\n'>;  //list your custom delimiters here
using Table = BoolASCIITable<typename MakeSequence<256,BoolSequence<>,Delims>::Type>;

With that in place making a getNextToken function is easy:

template<typename T_It>
std::pair<T_It,T_It> getNextToken(T_It begin,T_It end){
    begin = std::find_if(begin,end,std::not1(Table{})); //find first non delim or end
    auto second = std::find_if(begin,end,Table{});      //find first delim or end
    return std::make_pair(begin,second);

Using it is also easy:

int main() {
    std::string s{"Some people, excluding those present, have been compile time constants - since puberty."};
    auto it = std::begin(s);
    auto end = std::end(s);
    while(it != std::end(s)){
        auto token = getNextToken(it,end);
        std::cout << std::string(token.first,token.second) << std::endl;
        it = token.second;
    return 0;

Here is a live example:

Convert JSON string to array of JSON objects in Javascript

As Luca indicated, add extra [] to your string and use the code below:

var myObject = eval('(' + myJSONtext + ')');

to test it you can use the snippet below.

var s =" [{'id':1,'name':'Test1'},{'id':2,'name':'Test2'}]";
var myObject = eval('(' + s + ')');
for (i in myObject)

hope it helps..

.htaccess - how to force "www." in a generic way?

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]+\.[^.]+$
RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [NE,L,R=301]

This redirects to excluding subdomains.

How can I disable the Maven Javadoc plugin from the command line?

For newbie Powershell users it is important to know that '.' is a syntactic element of Powershell, so the switch has to be enclosed in double quotes:

mvn clean install "-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"

Execute bash script from URL

This way is good and conventional:

qx>source <(curl -Ls Lord Jesus Loves YOU
Remote script test...
Param size: 4

arch>cat just4Test
echo Remote script test...
echo Param size: $#

Send data from javascript to a mysql database

The other posters are correct you cannot connect to MySQL directly from javascript. This is because JavaScript is at client side & mysql is server side.

So your best bet is to use ajax to call a handler as quoted above if you can let us know what language your project is in we can better help you ie php/java/.net

If you project is using php then the example from Merlyn is a good place to start, I would personally use jquery.ajax() to cut down you code and have a better chance of less cross browser issues.

How to make a machine trust a self-signed Java application

Just Go To *Startmenu >>Java >>Configure Java >> Security >> Edit site list >> copy and paste your Link with problem >> OK Problem fixed :)*

How to delete directory content in Java?

You can't delete an File array. As all of the other answers suggest, you must delete each individual file before deleting the folder...

final File[] files = outputFolder.listFiles();
for (File f: files) f.delete();

Converting milliseconds to a date (jQuery/JavaScript)


function convertDate(data) {
    var getdate = parseInt(data.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
    var ConvDate= new Date(getdate);
    return ConvDate.getDate() + "/" + ConvDate.getMonth() + "/" + ConvDate.getFullYear();

How to keep the local file or the remote file during merge using Git and the command line?

git checkout {branch-name} -- {file-name}

This will use the file from the branch of choice.

I like this because posh-git autocomplete works great with this. It also removes any ambiguity as to which branch is remote and which is local. And --theirs didn't work for me anyways.

How to maintain aspect ratio using HTML IMG tag

With css:

.img {

Paging with LINQ for objects

Don't know if this will help anyone, but I found it useful for my purposes:

private static IEnumerable<T> PagedIterator<T>(IEnumerable<T> objectList, int PageSize)
    var page = 0;
    var recordCount = objectList.Count();
    var pageCount = (int)((recordCount + PageSize)/PageSize);

    if (recordCount < 1)
        yield break;

    while (page < pageCount)
        var pageData = objectList.Skip(PageSize*page).Take(PageSize).ToList();

        foreach (var rd in pageData)
            yield return rd;

To use this you would have some linq query, and pass the result along with the page size into a foreach loop:

var results = from a in dbContext.Authors
              where a.PublishDate > someDate
              orderby a.Publisher
              select a;

foreach(var author in PagedIterator(results, 100))
    // Do Stuff

So this will iterate over each author fetching 100 authors at a time.

How to quickly check if folder is empty (.NET)?

There is a new feature in Directory and DirectoryInfo in .NET 4 that allows them to return an IEnumerable instead of an array, and start returning results before reading all the directory contents.

public bool IsDirectoryEmpty(string path)
    IEnumerable<string> items = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path);
    using (IEnumerator<string> en = items.GetEnumerator())
        return !en.MoveNext();

EDIT: seeing that answer again, I realize this code can be made much simpler...

public bool IsDirectoryEmpty(string path)
    return !Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path).Any();

How to split string and push in array using jquery

You don't need jQuery for that, you can do it with normal javascript:

var str = "a,b,c,d";
var res = str.split(","); // this returns an array

no matching function for call to ' '

You are passing pointers (Complex*) when your function takes references (const Complex&). A reference and a pointer are entirely different things. When a function expects a reference argument, you need to pass it the object directly. The reference only means that the object is not copied.

To get an object to pass to your function, you would need to dereference your pointers:

Complex::distanta(*firstComplexNumber, *secondComplexNumber);

Or get your function to take pointer arguments.

However, I wouldn't really suggest either of the above solutions. Since you don't need dynamic allocation here (and you are leaking memory because you don't delete what you have newed), you're better off not using pointers in the first place:

Complex firstComplexNumber(81, 93);
Complex secondComplexNumber(31, 19);
Complex::distanta(firstComplexNumber, secondComplexNumber);

Java - checking if parseInt throws exception

You can use the try..catch statement in java, to capture an exception that may arise from Integer.parseInt().


try {
  int i = Integer.parseint(stringToParse);
  //parseInt succeded
} catch(Exception e)
   //parseInt failed

Django request.GET

In python, None, 0, ""(empty string), False are all accepted None.


if request.GET['q']: // true if q contains anything but not ""
else : //// since this returns "" ant this is equals to None

wp-admin shows blank page, how to fix it?

In my case, I was able to see the backend, but in my front I was getting a blank page...

Nothing about debugging and disabling themes/plugins was useful...
After some research, I've realized that my index.php (located at the root directory, not the theme's one) was empty!
The only content was a message saying Silence is golden.

Using a backup I had, I could get back my original index.php and get the site working again.

Disabling Controls in Bootstrap


<select id="xxx" name="xxx" class="input-medium" disabled>

Check orientation on Android phone

Another way of solving this problem is by not relying on the correct return value from the display but relying on the Android resources resolving.

Create the file layouts.xml in the folders res/values-land and res/values-port with the following content:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <bool name="is_landscape">true</bool>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <bool name="is_landscape">false</bool>

In your source code you can now access the current orientation as follows:


How to take MySQL database backup using MySQL Workbench?

In Workbench 6.3 it is supereasy:

  1. On the "HOME"-view select one of the MySQL Connections: (localhost)
  2. In the "Localhost" view click on "Server"--> "Data export"
  3. In the "Data Export" view select the table(s) and whether you want to export only their structure, or structure and data,...
  4. Click "Start Export"

How to pass params with history.push/Link/Redirect in react-router v4?

you can use,

this.props.history.push("/template", { ...response }) or this.props.history.push("/template", { response: response })

then you can access the parsed data from /template component by following code,

const state = this.props.location.state

Read more about React Session History Management

Entity Framework The underlying provider failed on Open

For me when that usually starts happening, I have to remote desktop into the service and at the minimum restart IIS. It usually starts popping up right after I deploy code. On a few rare occasions I have had to restart the SQL services and IIS. I wrote a batch script to take a param (1 or 2) and have it setup to either do a restart of IIS ( i.e. 1), or go full nuclear (i.e. 2).

Certificate is trusted by PC but not by Android

With Comodo PositiveSSL we have received 4 files.

  • AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
  • COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt
  • COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt
  • our_domain.crt

When we followed the instructions on comodo site - we would get an error that our certificate was missing an intermediate certificate file.

Basically the syntax is

cat our_domain.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt  AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > domain-ssl_bundle.crt

Plot mean and standard deviation

plt.errorbar can be used to plot x, y, error data (as opposed to the usual plt.plot)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
y = np.power(x, 2) # Effectively y = x**2
e = np.array([1.5, 2.6, 3.7, 4.6, 5.5])

plt.errorbar(x, y, e, linestyle='None', marker='^')

plt.errorbar accepts the same arguments as plt.plot with additional yerr and xerr which default to None (i.e. if you leave them blank it will act as plt.plot).

Example plot

Ignore Duplicates and Create New List of Unique Values in Excel

I have a list of color names in range A2:A8, in column B I want to extract a distinct list of color names.

Follow the below given steps:

  • Select the Cell B2; write the formula to retrieve the unique values from a list.
  • =IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2,A2)=1,A2,””)
  • Press Enter on your keyboard.
  • The function will return the name of the first color.
  • To return the value for the rest of cells, copy the same formula down. To copy formula in range B3:B8, copy the formula in cell B2 by pressing the key CTRL+C on your keyboard and paste in the range B3:B8 by pressing the key CTRL+V.
  • Here you can see the output where we have the unique list of color names.

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

I had this problem today and it didn't have anything to do with any of the other answers. Here's what I did and how I fixed it:

A repository of mine recently moved, but I had a local copy. I branched off of my local "master" branch and made some changes--and then I remembered that the repository had moved. I used git remote set-url origin https://<my_new_repository_url> to set the new URL but when I pushed it would just say "Everything up to date" instead of pushing my new branch to master.

I ended up solving it by rebasing onto origin/master and then pushing with explicit branch names, like this:

$ git rebase <my_branch> origin/master
$ git push origin <my_branch>

I hope this helps anyone who had my same problem!

"E: Unable to locate package python-pip" on Ubuntu 18.04

Try following command sequence on Ubuntu terminal:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip

How do you compare structs for equality in C?

memcmp does not compare structure, memcmp compares the binary, and there is always garbage in the struct, therefore it always comes out False in comparison.

Compare element by element its safe and doesn't fail.

JS. How to replace html element with another element/text, represented in string?

Because you are talking about your replacement being anything, and also replacing in the middle of an element's children, it becomes more tricky than just inserting a singular element, or directly removing and appending:

function replaceTargetWith( targetID, html ){
  /// find our target
  var i, tmp, elm, last, target = document.getElementById(targetID);
  /// create a temporary div or tr (to support tds)
  tmp = document.createElement(html.indexOf('<td')!=-1?'tr':'div'));
  /// fill that div with our html, this generates our children
  tmp.innerHTML = html;
  /// step through the temporary div's children and insertBefore our target
  i = tmp.childNodes.length;
  /// the insertBefore method was more complicated than I first thought so I 
  /// have improved it. Have to be careful when dealing with child lists as  
  /// they are counted as live lists and so will update as and when you make
  /// changes. This is why it is best to work backwards when moving children 
  /// around, and why I'm assigning the elements I'm working with to `elm` 
  /// and `last`
  last = target;
    target.parentNode.insertBefore((elm = tmp.childNodes[i]), last);
    last = elm;
  /// remove the target.

example usage:

replaceTargetWith( 'idTABLE', 'I <b>can</b> be <div>anything</div>' );


By using the .innerHTML of our temporary div this will generate the TextNodes and Elements we need to insert without any hard work. But rather than insert the temporary div itself -- this would give us mark up that we don't want -- we can just scan and insert it's children.

...either that or look to using jQuery and it's replaceWith method.

jQuery('#idTABLE').replaceWith('<blink>Why this tag??</blink>');

update 2012/11/15

As a response to EL 2002's comment above:

It not always possible. For example, when createElement('div') and set its innerHTML as <td>123</td>, this div becomes <div>123</div> (js throws away inappropriate td tag)

The above problem obviously negates my solution as well - I have updated my code above accordingly (at least for the td issue). However for certain HTML this will occur no matter what you do. All user agents interpret HTML via their own parsing rules, but nearly all of them will attempt to auto-correct bad HTML. The only way to achieve exactly what you are talking about (in some of your examples) is to take the HTML out of the DOM entirely, and manipulate it as a string. This will be the only way to achieve a markup string with the following (jQuery will not get around this issue either):

<table><tr>123 text<td>END</td></tr></table>

If you then take this string an inject it into the DOM, depending on the browser you will get the following:

123 text<table><tr><td>END</td></tr></table>


The only question that remains is why you would want to achieve broken HTML in the first place? :)

How to get html to print return value of javascript function?

It depends what you're going for. I believe the closest thing JS has to print is:

document.write( produceMessage() );

However, it may be more prudent to place the value inside a span or a div of your choosing like:

document.getElementById("mySpanId").innerHTML = produceMessage();

Calling other function in the same controller?

Yes. Problem is in wrong notation. Use:


Instead. Or


for static methods. Also read this for getting idea of OOP -

How to verify a method is called two times with mockito verify()

Using the appropriate VerificationMode:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeast;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;

verify(mockObject, atLeast(2)).someMethod("was called at least twice");
verify(mockObject, times(3)).someMethod("was called exactly three times");

not-null property references a null or transient value

I was getting the same error but solved it finally,actually i was not setting the Object Entity which is already saved to the other entity and hence the Object value it was getting for foreeign key was null.

How can I read a text file in Android?

First you store your text file in to raw folder.

private void loadWords() throws IOException {
    Log.d(TAG, "Loading words...");
    final Resources resources = mHelperContext.getResources();
    InputStream inputStream = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.definitions);
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));

    try {
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            String[] strings = TextUtils.split(line, "-");
            if (strings.length < 2)
            long id = addWord(strings[0].trim(), strings[1].trim());
            if (id < 0) {
                Log.e(TAG, "unable to add word: " + strings[0].trim());
    } finally {
    Log.d(TAG, "DONE loading words.");

How to get text from each cell of an HTML table?

Thanks for the earlier reply.

I figured out the solutions using selenium 2.0 classes.

import java.util.List;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class WebTableExample 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

        WebElement table_element = driver.findElement("testTable"));
        List<WebElement> tr_collection=table_element.findElements(By.xpath("id('testTable')/tbody/tr"));

        System.out.println("NUMBER OF ROWS IN THIS TABLE = "+tr_collection.size());
        int row_num,col_num;
        for(WebElement trElement : tr_collection)
            List<WebElement> td_collection=trElement.findElements(By.xpath("td"));
            System.out.println("NUMBER OF COLUMNS="+td_collection.size());
            for(WebElement tdElement : td_collection)
                System.out.println("row # "+row_num+", col # "+col_num+ "text="+tdElement.getText());

What are the parameters for the number Pipe - Angular 2

From the DOCS

Formats a number as text. Group sizing and separator and other locale-specific configurations are based on the active locale.


number_expression | number[:digitInfo[:locale]]

where expression is a number:

digitInfo is a string which has a following format:

  • minIntegerDigits is the minimum number of integer digits to use.Defaults to 1
  • minFractionDigits is the minimum number of digits
  • after fraction. Defaults to 0. maxFractionDigits is the maximum number of digits after fraction. Defaults to 3.
  • locale is a string defining the locale to use (uses the current LOCALE_ID by default)


Can I concatenate multiple MySQL rows into one field?

Try this:

DECLARE @Hobbies NVARCHAR(200) = ' '

SELECT @Hobbies = @Hobbies + hobbies + ',' FROM peoples_hobbies WHERE person_id = 5;


set @sql='';
set @result='';
set @separator=' union \r\n';
@sql:=concat('select ''',INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME  ,''' as col_name,',
' FROM ',
) as sql_piece, if(@result:=if(@result='',@sql,concat(@result,@separator,@sql)),'','') as dummy
select @result;

Access Controller method from another controller in Laravel 5

Late reply, but I have been looking for this for sometime. This is now possible in a very simple way.

Without parameters

return redirect()->action('HomeController@index');

With Parameters

return redirect()->action('UserController@profile', ['id' => 1]);


Back in 5.0 it required the entire path, now it's much simpler.

Does Java have an exponential operator?

There is the Math.pow(double a, double b) method. Note that it returns a double, you will have to cast it to an int like (int)Math.pow(double a, double b).

How to execute an Oracle stored procedure via a database link

for me, this worked

exec utl_mail.send@myotherdb(
  sender => '[email protected]',recipients => '[email protected], 
  cc => null, subject => 'my subject', message => 'my message'

Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?

Put this in your init function:

  xhrFields: {
    withCredentials: true

It will work.

Trust Store vs Key Store - creating with keytool

In simplest terms :

Keystore is used to store your credential (server or client) while truststore is used to store others credential (Certificates from CA).

Keystore is needed when you are setting up server side on SSL, it is used to store server's identity certificate, which server will present to a client on the connection while trust store setup on client side must contain to make the connection work. If you browser to connect to any website over SSL it verifies certificate presented by server against its truststore.

How do I create and access the global variables in Groovy?

def iamnotglobal=100 // This will not be accessible inside the function

iamglobal=200 // this is global and will be even available inside the 

def func()
{ "My value is 200. Here you see " + iamglobal
    // "if you uncomment me you will get error. Since iamnotglobal cant be printed here " + iamnotglobal
def func2()
{ "My value was changed inside func to 400 . Here it is = " + iamglobal

here iamglobal variable is a global variable used by func and then again available to func2

if you declare variable with def it will be local, if you don't use def its global

How to add System.Windows.Interactivity to project?

Although this issue is quite old, i think this is relevant news / the most recent answer: Microsoft open-sourced XAML Behaviours and posted a blog post how to update to this version:

To save you a click, this is the main steps to migrate:

  1. Remove reference to “Microsoft.Expression.Interactions” and “System.Windows.Interactivity”
  2. Install the Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf NuGet package.
  3. XAML files – replace the xmlns namespaces and with
  4. C# files – replace the usings in c# files “Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity” and “Microsoft.Xaml.Interactions” with “Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors”

How can you find out which process is listening on a TCP or UDP port on Windows?

To get a list of all the owning process IDs associated with each connection:

netstat -ao |find /i "listening"

If want to kill any process have the ID and use this command, so that port becomes free

Taskkill /F /IM PID of a process

Capture iOS Simulator video for App Preview

Using new release of Xcode 12.5 you can simply record simulator screen using ? + R. For details you can visit here.

JsonParseException : Illegal unquoted character ((CTRL-CHAR, code 10)

This error occurs when you are sending JSON data to server. Maybe in your string you are trying to add new line character by using /n.

If you add / before /n, it should work, you need to escape new line character.

"Hello there //n start coding"

The result should be as following

Hello there
start coding

Unsetting array values in a foreach loop

$image is in your case the value of the item and not the key. Use the following syntax to get the key too:

foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
    /* … */

Now you can delete the item with unset($images[$key]).

Spring Boot Java Config Set Session Timeout

server.session.timeout in the file is now deprecated. The correct setting is:


Also note that Tomcat will not allow you to set the timeout any less than 60 seconds. For details about that minimum setting see

What does \0 stand for?

The null character '\0' (also null terminator), abbreviated NUL, is a control character with the value zero. Its the same in C and objective C

The character has much more significance in C and it serves as a reserved character used to signify the end of a string,often called a null-terminated string

The length of a C string (an array containing the characters and terminated with a '\0' character) is found by searching for the (first) NUL byte.

How to add an Android Studio project to GitHub

  1. Sign up and create a GitHub account in
  2. Download git from and install it in your system.
  3. Open the project in android studio and go to File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Git.
  4. Click on test button to test "path to Git executables". If successful message is shown everything is ok, else navigate to git.exe from where you installed git and test again.
  5. Go to File -> Settings -> Version Control -> GitHub. Enter your email and password used to create GitHub account and click on OK button.
  6. Then go to VCS -> Import into Version Control -> Share Project on GitHub. Enter Repository name, Description and click Share button.
  7. In the next window check all files inorder to add files for initial commit and click OK.
  8. Now the project will be uploaded to the GitHub repository and when uploading is finished we will get a message in android studio showing "Successfully shared project on GitHub". Click on the link provided in that message to go to GitHub repository.

Abort Ajax requests using jQuery

Most of the jQuery Ajax methods return an XMLHttpRequest (or the equivalent) object, so you can just use abort().

See the documentation:

  • abort Method (MSDN). Cancels the current HTTP request.
  • abort() (MDN). If the request has been sent already, this method will abort the request.
var xhr = $.ajax({
    type: "POST",
    url: "some.php",
    data: "name=John&location=Boston",
    success: function(msg){
       alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

//kill the request

UPDATE: As of jQuery 1.5 the returned object is a wrapper for the native XMLHttpRequest object called jqXHR. This object appears to expose all of the native properties and methods so the above example still works. See The jqXHR Object (jQuery API documentation).

UPDATE 2: As of jQuery 3, the ajax method now returns a promise with extra methods (like abort), so the above code still works, though the object being returned is not an xhr any more. See the 3.0 blog here.

UPDATE 3: xhr.abort() still works on jQuery 3.x. Don't assume the update 2 is correct. More info on jQuery Github repository.

How would you make a comma-separated string from a list of strings?

Don't you just want:


Obviously it gets more complicated if you need to quote/escape commas etc in the values. In that case I would suggest looking at the csv module in the standard library:

python: How do I know what type of exception occurred?

Your question is: "How can I see exactly what happened in the someFunction() that caused the exception to happen?"

It seems to me that you are not asking about how to handle unforeseen exceptions in production code (as many answers assumed), but how to find out what is causing a particular exception during development.

The easiest way is to use a debugger that can stop where the uncaught exception occurs, preferably not exiting, so that you can inspect the variables. For example, PyDev in the Eclipse open source IDE can do that. To enable that in Eclipse, open the Debug perspective, select Manage Python Exception Breakpoints in the Run menu, and check Suspend on uncaught exceptions.

How to pass parameters or arguments into a gradle task

You should consider passing the -P argument in invoking Gradle.

From Gradle Documentation :

--project-prop Sets a project property of the root project, for example -Pmyprop=myvalue. See Section 14.2, “Gradle properties and system properties”.

Considering this build.gradle

task printProp << {
    println customProp

Invoking Gradle -PcustomProp=myProp will give this output :

$ gradle -PcustomProp=myProp printProp


Total time: 3.722 secs

This is the way I found to pass parameters.

Find the similarity metric between two strings


BLEU, or the Bilingual Evaluation Understudy, is a score for comparing a candidate translation of text to one or more reference translations.

A perfect match results in a score of 1.0, whereas a perfect mismatch results in a score of 0.0.

Although developed for translation, it can be used to evaluate text generated for a suite of natural language processing tasks.


import nltk
from nltk.translate import bleu
from nltk.translate.bleu_score import SmoothingFunction
smoothie = SmoothingFunction().method4


print('BLEUscore:',bleu([C1], C2, smoothing_function=smoothie))

Examples: By updating C1 and C2.

C1='Test' C2='Test'

BLEUscore: 1.0

C1='Test' C2='Best'

BLEUscore: 0.2326589746035907

C1='Test' C2='Text'

BLEUscore: 0.2866227639866161

You can also compare sentence similarity:

C1='It is tough.' C2='It is rough.'

BLEUscore: 0.7348889200874658

C1='It is tough.' C2='It is tough.'

BLEUscore: 1.0

Background color of text in SVG

You can combine filter with the text.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <meta charset=utf-8 />_x000D_
    <title>SVG colored patterns via mask</title>_x000D_
    <svg viewBox="0 0 300 300" xmlns="">_x000D_
        <filter x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1" id="bg-text">_x000D_
          <feFlood flood-color="white"/>_x000D_
          <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" operator="xor" />_x000D_
   <!-- something has already existed -->_x000D_
    <rect fill="red" x="150" y="20" width="100" height="50" />_x000D_
    <circle cx="50"  cy="50" r="50" fill="blue"/>_x000D_
      <!-- Text render here -->_x000D_
      <text filter="url(#bg-text)" fill="black" x="20" y="50" font-size="30">text with color</text>_x000D_
      <text fill="black" x="20" y="50" font-size="30">text with color</text>_x000D_

Good ways to manage a changelog using git?

DISCLAIMER: I'm the author of gitchangelog of which I'll be speaking in the following.

TL;DR: You might want to check gitchangelog's own changelog or the ascii output that generated the previous.

If you want to generate a changelog from your git history, you'll probably have to consider:

  • the output format. (Pure custom ASCII, Debian changelog type, Markdow, ReST...)
  • some commit filtering (you probably don't want to see all the typo's or cosmetic changes getting in your changelog)
  • some commit text wrangling before being included in the changelog. (Ensuring normalization of messages as having a first letter uppercase or a final dot, but it could be removing some special markup in the summary also)
  • is your git history compatible ?. Merging, tagging, is not always so easily supported by most of the tools. It depends on how you manage your history.

Optionaly you might want some categorization (new things, changes, bugfixes)...

With all this in mind, I created and use gitchangelog. It's meant to leverage a git commit message convention to achieve all of the previous goals.

Having a commit message convention is mandatory to create a nice changelog (with or without using gitchangelog).

commit message convention

The following are suggestions to what might be useful to think about adding in your commit messages.

You might want to separate roughly your commits into big sections:

  • by intent (for example: new, fix, change ...)
  • by object (for example: doc, packaging, code ...)
  • by audience (for example: dev, tester, users ...)

Additionally, you could want to tag some commits:

  • as "minor" commits that shouldn't get outputed to your changelog (cosmetic changes, small typo in comments...)
  • as "refactor" if you don't really have any significative feature changes. Thus this should not also be part of the changelog displayed to final user for instance, but might be of some interest if you have a developer changelog.
  • you could tag also with "api" to mark API changes or new API stuff...
  • ...etc...

Try to write your commit message by targeting users (functionality) as often as you can.


This is standard git log --oneline to show how these information could be stored::

* 5a39f73 fix: encoding issues with non-ascii chars.
* a60d77a new: pkg: added ``.travis.yml`` for automated tests. 
* 57129ba new: much greater performance on big repository by issuing only one shell command for all the commits. (fixes #7)
* 6b4b267 chg: dev: refactored out the formatting characters from GIT.
* 197b069 new: dev: reverse ``natural`` order to get reverse chronological order by default. !refactor 
* 6b891bc new: add utf-8 encoding declaration !minor 

So if you've noticed, the format I chose is:

{new|chg|fix}: [{dev|pkg}:] COMMIT_MESSAGE [!{minor|refactor} ... ]

To see an actual output result, you could look at the end of the PyPI page of gitchangelog

To see a full documentation of my commit message convention you can see the reference file gitchangelog.rc.reference

How to generate exquisite changelog from this

Then, it's quite easy to make a complete changelog. You could make your own script quite quickly, or use gitchangelog.

gitchangelog will generate a full changelog (with sectioning support as New, Fix...), and is reasonably configurable to your own committing conventions. It supports any type of output thanks to templating through Mustache, Mako templating, and has a default legacy engine written in raw python ; all current 3 engines have examples of how to use them and can output changelog's as the one displayed on the PyPI page of gitchangelog.

I'm sure you know that there are plenty of other git log to changelog tools out there also.

Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

How to read file from res/raw by name

You can read files in raw/res using getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.myfilename).

BUT there is an IDE limitation that the file name you use can only contain lower case alphanumeric characters and dot. So file names like XYZ.txt or my_data.bin will not be listed in R.

Docker official registry (Docker Hub) URL

For those wanting to explicitly declare they are pulling from dockerhub when using fabric8 maven plugin, add a new property: <docker.pull.registry></docker.pull.registry>

I arrived on this page trying to solve problem of pulling from my AWS ECR registry when building Docker images using fabric8.

Can comments be used in JSON?

You can use JSON with comments in it, if you load it as a text file, and then remove comments.

For example, you can use decomment library for that. Below is a complete example.

Input JSON (file input.js):

* multi-line comments
    "value": 123 // one-line comment

Test Application:

var decomment = require('decomment');
var fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('input.js', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        var text = decomment(data); // removing comments
        var json = JSON.parse(text); // parsing JSON


{ value: 123 }

See also: gulp-decomment, grunt-decomment

How to switch a user per task or set of tasks?

With Ansible 1.9 or later

Ansible uses the become, become_user, and become_method directives to achieve privilege escalation. You can apply them to an entire play or playbook, set them in an included playbook, or set them for a particular task.

- name: checkout repo
  git: repo= version=master dest={{ dst }}
  become: yes
  become_user: some_user

You can use become_with to specify how the privilege escalation is achieved, the default being sudo.

The directive is in effect for the scope of the block in which it is used (examples).

See Hosts and Users for some additional examples and Become (Privilege Escalation) for more detailed documentation.

In addition to the task-scoped become and become_user directives, Ansible 1.9 added some new variables and command line options to set these values for the duration of a play in the absence of explicit directives:

As of Ansible, the older sudo/sudo_user syntax described below still works, but the deprecation notice states, "This feature will be removed in a future release."

Previous syntax, deprecated as of Ansible 1.9 and scheduled for removal:

- name: checkout repo
  git: repo= version=master dest={{ dst }}
  sudo: yes
  sudo_user: some_user

Delete keychain items when an app is uninstalled

This seems to be the default behavior on iOS 10.3 based on behavior people have been witnessing in beta #2. Haven't found any official documentation about this yet so please comment if you have.

How to remove jar file from local maven repository which was added with install:install-file?

At least on the current maven version you need to add the switch -DreResolve=false if you intend to remove the dependencies from your local repo without re-downloading them.

mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DreResolve=false

removes the dependencies without downloading them again.

Why is SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Intellisense not working?

Here is the official word on this from MS.

Their solution is the same as above, install the SQL Server 2008 R2 updates with the version 10.50.1777.0.

How to test if a list contains another list?

If all items are unique, you can use sets.

>>> items = set([-1, 0, 1, 2])
>>> set([1, 2]).issubset(items)
>>> set([1, 3]).issubset(items)

Regex to validate JSON

Yes, a complete regex validation is possible.

Most modern regex implementations allow for recursive regexpressions, which can verify a complete JSON serialized structure. The specification makes it quite straightforward.

$pcre_regex = '
     (?<number>   -? (?= [1-9]|0(?!\d) ) \d+ (\.\d+)? ([eE] [+-]? \d+)? )    
     (?<boolean>   true | false | null )
     (?<string>    " ([^"\\\\]* | \\\\ ["\\\\bfnrt\/] | \\\\ u [0-9a-f]{4} )* " )
     (?<array>     \[  (?:  (?&json)  (?: , (?&json)  )*  )?  \s* \] )
     (?<pair>      \s* (?&string) \s* : (?&json)  )
     (?<object>    \{  (?:  (?&pair)  (?: , (?&pair)  )*  )?  \s* \} )
     (?<json>   \s* (?: (?&number) | (?&boolean) | (?&string) | (?&array) | (?&object) ) \s* )
  \A (?&json) \Z

It works quite well in PHP with the PCRE functions . Should work unmodified in Perl; and can certainly be adapted for other languages. Also it succeeds with the JSON test cases.

Simpler RFC4627 verification

A simpler approach is the minimal consistency check as specified in RFC4627, section 6. It's however just intended as security test and basic non-validity precaution:

  var my_JSON_object = !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test(
         text.replace(/"(\\.|[^"\\])*"/g, ''))) &&
     eval('(' + text + ')');

how to get login option for phpmyadmin in xampp

Ya, it's working fine, but it can enter into localhost without entering password.

You can do it in another way by following these steps:

  1. In the browser, type: localhost/xampp/

  2. On the left side bar menu, click Security.

  3. Now you can see the subject table, and below the subject table you can see this link:
    http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php. Click this link.

  4. Now you can set the password as you want.

  5. Go to the xampp folder where you installed xampp. Open the xampp folder.

  6. Find and open the phpMyAdmin folder.

  7. Find and open the file with Notepad.

  8. Find the code below:

    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = true;
  9. Replace it with the code below:

    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
  10. Save the file and run the localhost/phpmyadmin with the browser.

How to edit HTML input value colour?

Add a style = color:black !important; in your input type.

How to show "if" condition on a sequence diagram?

Very simple , using Alt fragment

Lets take an example of sequence diagram for an ATM machine.Let's say here you want

IF card inserted is valid then prompt "Enter Pin"....ELSE prompt "Invalid Pin"

Then here is the sequence diagram for the same

ATM machine sequence diagram

Hope this helps!

Javascript checkbox onChange

I know this seems like noob answer but I'm putting it here so that it can help others in the future.

Suppose you are building a table with a foreach loop. And at the same time adding checkboxes at the end.

<!-- Begin Loop-->
   <div class="form-check">
    <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="active" value="<?=$id?>" <?=$status?'checked':''?>> 
<!-- mark as 'checked' if checkbox was selected on a previous save -->
<!-- End of Loop -->

You place a button below the table with a hidden input:

<form method="post" action="/goalobj-review" id="goalobj">

 <!-- we retrieve saved checkboxes & concatenate them into a string separated by commas.i.e. $saved_data = "1,2,3"; -->

 <input type="hidden" name="result" id="selected" value="<?= $saved_data ?>>
 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info" form="goalobj">Submit Changes</button>

You can write your script like so:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName('form-check-input');
    var i;
    var tid = setInterval(function () {
        if (document.readyState !== "complete") {

    function checkBoxValue(event) {
        var selected = document.querySelector("input[id=selected]");
        var result = 0;
        if(this.checked) {

            if(selected.value.length > 0) {
                result = selected.value + "," + this.value;
                document.querySelector("input[id=selected]").value = result;
            } else {
                result = this.value;
                document.querySelector("input[id=selected]").value = result;
        if(! this.checked) { 

// trigger if unchecked. if checkbox is marked as 'checked' from a previous saved is deselected, this will also remove its corresponding value from our hidden input.

            var compact = selected.value.split(","); // split string into array
            var index = compact.indexOf(this.value); // return index of our selected checkbox
            compact.splice(index,1); // removes 1 item at specified index
            var newValue = compact.join(",") // returns a new string
            document.querySelector("input[id=selected]").value = newValue;


The ids of your checkboxes will be submitted as a string "1,2" within the result variable. You can then break it up at the controller level however you want.

Configuring Git over SSH to login once

ssh-keygen -t rsa

When asked for a passphrase ,leave it blank i.e, just press enter. as simple as that!!

Display the current date and time using HTML and Javascript with scrollable effects in hta application

    var today = new Date;
    document.getElementById('date').innerHTML= today.toDateString();

How to run a command in the background and get no output?

If they are in the same directory as your script that contains:

./ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
./ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

The & at the end is what makes your script run in the background.

The > /dev/null 2>&1 part is not necessary - it redirects the stdout and stderr streams so you don't have to see them on the terminal, which you may want to do for noisy scripts with lots of output.

C# Regex for Guid

Most basic regex is following:


or you could paste it here.

Hope this saves you some time.

Get index of element as child relative to parent

Take a look at this example.

$("#wizard li").click(function () {
    alert($(this).index()); // alert index of li relative to ul parent

Getting the class of the element that fired an event using JQuery

If you are using jQuery 1.7:




How do I mount a host directory as a volume in docker compose

we have to create your own docker volume mapped with the host directory before we mention in the docker-compose.yml as external

1.Create volume named share

docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=none \
--opt device=/home/mukundhan/share \
--opt o=bind share

2.Use it in your docker-compose

version: "3"

    external: true

    container_name: "workstation"
    image: "ubuntu"
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - share:/share:consistent
      - ./source:/source:consistent
    working_dir: /source
    ipc: host
    privileged: true
    shm_size: '2gb'
    container_name: "db"
    image: "ubuntu"
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - share:/share:consistent
    working_dir: /source
    ipc: host

This way we can share the same directory with many services running in different containers

Passing arguments to JavaScript function from code-behind

Response.Write("<scrip" + "t>test(" + x + "," + y + ");</script>");

breaking up the script keyword because VStudio / compiler doesn't like it

Difference between application/x-javascript and text/javascript content types

According to RFC 4329 the correct MIME type for JavaScript should be application/javascript. Howerver, older IE versions choke on this since they expect text/javascript.

How can I prevent the backspace key from navigating back?

This code works on all browsers and swallows the backspace key when not on a form element, or if the form element is disabled|readOnly. It is also efficient, which is important when it is executing on every key typed in.

     * this swallows backspace keys on any non-input element.
     * stops backspace -> back
    var rx = /INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA/i;

    $(document).bind("keydown keypress", function(e){
        if( e.which == 8 ){ // 8 == backspace
            if(!rx.test( || || ){

jQuery preventDefault() not triggered

Try this one:

   $("div.subtab_left li.notebook a").click(function(e) {
    return false;   

How can I use an array of function pointers?

The above answers may help you but you may also want to know how to use array of function pointers.

void fun1()


void fun2()


void fun3()


void (*func_ptr[3])() = {fun1, fun2, fun3};

    int option;

    printf("\nEnter function number you want");
    printf("\nYou should not enter other than 0 , 1, 2"); /* because we have only 3 functions */


    return 0;

You can only assign the addresses of functions with the same return type and same argument types and no of arguments to a single function pointer array.

You can also pass arguments like below if all the above functions are having the same number of arguments of same type.


Note: here in the array the numbering of the function pointers will be starting from 0 same as in general arrays. So in above example fun1 can be called if option=0, fun2 can be called if option=1 and fun3 can be called if option=2.

Changing one character in a string

new = text[:1] + 'Z' + text[2:]

How to navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio Code?

Mac OS (MacBook Pro):

Back: CTRL(control) + - (Hyphen)

Back Forward: CTRL + Shift + - (Hyphen)

ASP.NET Forms Authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired

I was getting this same error, in our case it was caused by a load balancer. We hade to make sure that the persistance was set to Source IP. Otherwise the login form was opened by one server, and processed by the other, which would fail to set the authentication cookie correctly. Maybe this helps someone else

What is correct media query for IPad Pro?

I can't guarantee that this will work for every new iPad Pro which will be released but this works pretty well as of 2019:

@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-height: 1366px)
    and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) and (hover: none) {
    /* ... */

How to view the assembly behind the code using Visual C++?

There are several approaches:

  1. You can normally see assembly code while debugging C++ in visual studio (and eclipse too). For this in Visual Studio put a breakpoint on code in question and when debugger hits it rigth click and find "Go To Assembly" ( or press CTRL+ALT+D )

  2. Second approach is to generate assembly listings while compiling. For this go to project settings -> C/C++ -> Output Files -> ASM List Location and fill in file name. Also select "Assembly Output" to "Assembly With Source Code".

  3. Compile the program and use any third-party debugger. You can use OllyDbg or WinDbg for this. Also you can use IDA (interactive disassembler). But this is hardcore way of doing it.

Passing additional variables from command line to make

it seems

command args overwrite environment variable


    echo $(MESSAGE1) $(MESSAGE2)

Run example

echo YES OK

Running npm command within Visual Studio Code

One reason might be if you install the node after starting the vs code,as vs code terminal integrated or external takes the path value which was at the time of starting the vs code and gives you error:

'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

A simple restart of vs code will solve the issue.

npm - "Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable."

I installed python2.7 to solve this issue. I wish can help you.

Getting user input

Use the following simple way to interactively get user data by a prompt as Arguments on what you want.

Version : Python 3.X

name = input('Enter Your Name: ')
print('Hello ', name)

How to use the PRINT statement to track execution as stored procedure is running?

Can I just ask about the long term need for this facility - is it for debuging purposes?

If so, then you may want to consider using a proper debugger, such as the one found in Visual Studio, as this allows you to step through the procedure in a more controlled way, and avoids having to constantly add/remove PRINT statement from the procedure.

Just my opinion, but I prefer the debugger approach - for code and databases.

How do I subtract minutes from a date in javascript?

Extend Date class with this function

// Add (or substract if value is negative) the value, expresed in timeUnit
// to the date and return the new date.
Date.dateAdd = function(currentDate, value, timeUnit) {

    timeUnit = timeUnit.toLowerCase();
    var multiplyBy = { w:604800000,
                     s:1000 };
    var updatedDate = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + multiplyBy[timeUnit] * value);

    return updatedDate;

So you can add or substract a number of minutes, seconds, hours, days... to any date.

add_10_minutes_to_current_date = Date.dateAdd( Date(), 10, "m");
subs_1_hour_to_a_date = Date.dateAdd( date_value, -1, "h");

How to use Ajax.ActionLink?

Ajax.ActionLink only sends an ajax request to the server. What happens ahead really depends upon type of data returned and what your client side script does with it. You may send a partial view for ajax call or json, xml etc. Ajax.ActionLink however have different callbacks and parameters that allow you to write js code on different events. You can do something before request is sent or onComplete. similarly you have an onSuccess callback. This is where you put your JS code for manipulating result returned by server. You may simply put it back in UpdateTargetID or you can do fancy stuff with this result using jQuery or some other JS library.

Extract text from a string

The following regex extract anything between the parenthesis:

PS> $prog = [regex]::match($s,'\(([^\)]+)\)').Groups[1].Value
PS> $prog

Explanation (created with RegexBuddy)

Match the character '(' literally «\(»
Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «([^\)]+)»
   Match any character that is NOT a ) character «[^\)]+»
      Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «+»
Match the character ')' literally «\)»

Check these links:

Use of Java's Collections.singletonList()?

The javadoc says this:

"Returns an immutable list containing only the specified object. The returned list is serializable."

You ask:

Why would I want to have a separate method to do that?

Primarily as a convenience ... to save you having to write a sequence of statements to:

  • create an empty list object
  • add an element to it, and
  • wrap it with an immutable wrapper.

It may also be a bit faster and/or save a bit of memory, but it is unlikely that these small savings will be significant. (An application that creates vast numbers of singleton lists is unusual to say the least.)

How does immutability play a role here?

It is part of the specification of the method; see above.

Are there any special useful use-cases for this method, rather than just being a convenience method?

Clearly, there are use-cases where it is convenient to use the singletonList method. But I don't know how you would (objectively) distinguish between an ordinary use-case and a "specially useful" one ...

Get GMT Time in Java

I wonder why no one does this:

Calendar time = Calendar.getInstance();
time.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -time.getTimeZone().getOffset(time.getTimeInMillis()));
Date date = time.getTime();

Update: Since Java 8,9,10 and more, there should be better alternatives supported by Java. Thanks for your comment @humanity

JetBrains / IntelliJ keyboard shortcut to collapse all methods

go to menu option Code > Folding to access all code folding related options and their shortcuts.

Magento: get a static block as html in a phtml file

If you want to load a cmsblock into your template/blockfile/model etc. You can do this as followed. This will render any variables places in the cmsblock

$block  = Mage::getModel('cms/block')

$var = array('variable' => 'value', 'other_variable' => 'other value');
/* This will be {{var variable}} and {{var other_variable}} in your CMS block */

$filterModel = Mage::getModel('cms/template_filter');

echo $filterModel->filter($block->getContent());

Laravel: PDOException: could not find driver

I faced the same problem while using sqlite 3:

  1. Make sure the changes made on .env.example and the same on the .env file.
  2. Then run $ sudo apt-get install php-sqlite3 on terminal.
  3. Finally $ php artisan migrate.

How can I pretty-print JSON in a shell script?

With JavaScript/Node.js: take a look at the vkBeautify.js plugin, which provides pretty printing for both JSON and XML text.

It's written in plain JavaScript, less than 1.5 KB (minified) and very fast.

makefiles - compile all c files at once

LIBS  = -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32
CFLAGS = -Wall

# Should be equivalent to your list of C files, if you don't build selectively
SRC=$(wildcard *.c)

test: $(SRC)
    gcc -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)

Android: how to parse URL String with spaces to URI object?

To handle spaces, @, and other unsafe characters in arbitrary locations in the url path, Use Uri.Builder in combination with a local instance of URL as I have described here:

private Uri.Builder builder;
public Uri getUriFromUrl(String thisUrl) {
    URL url = new URL(thisUrl);
    builder =  new Uri.Builder()

Disable copy constructor

Make SymbolIndexer( const SymbolIndexer& ) private. If you're assigning to a reference, you're not copying.

Creating a JSON dynamically with each input value using jquery

Like this:

function createJSON() {
    jsonObj = [];
    $("input[class=email]").each(function() {

        var id = $(this).attr("title");
        var email = $(this).val();

        item = {}
        item ["title"] = id;
        item ["email"] = email;




You are looking for an array of objects. So, you create a blank array. Create an object for each input by using 'title' and 'email' as keys. Then you add each of the objects to the array.

If you need a string, then do

jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);

Sample Output


How to create and add users to a group in Jenkins for authentication?

I installed the Role plugin under Jenkins-3.5, but it does not show the "Manage Roles" option under "Manage Jenkins", and when one follows the security install page from the wiki, all users are locked out instantly. I had to manually shutdown Jenkins on the server, restore the correct configuration settings (/me is happy to do proper backups) and restart Jenkins.

I didn't have high hopes, as that plugin was last updated in 2011

Data truncated for column?

By issuing this statement:


... you omitted the length parameter. Your query was therefore equivalent to:

ALTER TABLE calls MODIFY incoming_Cid CHAR(1);

You must specify the field size for sizes larger than 1:

ALTER TABLE calls MODIFY incoming_Cid CHAR(34);

How does the compilation/linking process work?

The skinny is that a CPU loads data from memory addresses, stores data to memory addresses, and execute instructions sequentially out of memory addresses, with some conditional jumps in the sequence of instructions processed. Each of these three categories of instructions involves computing an address to a memory cell to be used in the machine instruction. Because machine instructions are of a variable length depending on the particular instruction involved, and because we string a variable length of them together as we build our machine code, there is a two step process involved in calculating and building any addresses.

First we laying out the allocation of memory as best we can before we can know what exactly goes in each cell. We figure out the bytes, or words, or whatever that form the instructions and literals and any data. We just start allocating memory and building the values that will create the program as we go, and note down anyplace we need to go back and fix an address. In that place we put a dummy to just pad the location so we can continue to calculate memory size. For example our first machine code might take one cell. The next machine code might take 3 cells, involving one machine code cell and two address cells. Now our address pointer is 4. We know what goes in the machine cell, which is the op code, but we have to wait to calculate what goes in the address cells till we know where that data will be located, i.e. what will be the machine address of that data.

If there were just one source file a compiler could theoretically produce fully executable machine code without a linker. In a two pass process it could calculate all of the actual addresses to all of the data cells referenced by any machine load or store instructions. And it could calculate all of the absolute addresses referenced by any absolute jump instructions. This is how simpler compilers, like the one in Forth work, with no linker.

A linker is something that allows blocks of code to be compiled separately. This can speed up the overall process of building code, and allows some flexibility with how the blocks are later used, in other words they can be relocated in memory, for example adding 1000 to every address to scoot the block up by 1000 address cells.

So what the compiler outputs is rough machine code that is not yet fully built, but is laid out so we know the size of everything, in other words so we can start to calculate where all of the absolute addresses will be located. the compiler also outputs a list of symbols which are name/address pairs. The symbols relate a memory offset in the machine code in the module with a name. The offset being the absolute distance to the memory location of the symbol in the module.

That's where we get to the linker. The linker first slaps all of these blocks of machine code together end to end and notes down where each one starts. Then it calculates the addresses to be fixed by adding together the relative offset within a module and the absolute position of the module in the bigger layout.

Obviously I've oversimplified this so you can try to grasp it, and I have deliberately not used the jargon of object files, symbol tables, etc. which to me is part of the confusion.

How to get the path of running java program

Try this code:

final File f = new File(MyClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath());

replace 'MyClass' with your class containing the main method.

Alternatively you can also use


Above mentioned System property provides

Path used to find directories and JAR archives containing class files. Elements of the class path are separated by a platform-specific character specified in the path.separator property.

Binding ConverterParameter

The ConverterParameter property can not be bound because it is not a dependency property.

Since Binding is not derived from DependencyObject none of its properties can be dependency properties. As a consequence, a Binding can never be the target object of another Binding.

There is however an alternative solution. You could use a MultiBinding with a multi-value converter instead of a normal Binding:

<Style TargetType="FrameworkElement">
    <Setter Property="Visibility">
            <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource AccessLevelToVisibilityConverter}">
                <Binding Path="Tag" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,
                <Binding Path="Tag" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Mode=Self}"/>

The multi-value converter gets an array of source values as input:

public class AccessLevelToVisibilityConverter : IMultiValueConverter
    public object Convert(
        object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return values.All(v => (v is bool && (bool)v))
            ? Visibility.Visible
            : Visibility.Hidden;

    public object[] ConvertBack(
        object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotSupportedException();

Copy struct to struct in C

memcpy expects the first two arguments to be void*.

Try: memcpy( (void*)&RTCclk, (void*)&RTCclkBuffert, sizeof(RTCclk) );

P.S. although not necessary, convention dictates the brackets for the sizeof operator. You can get away with a lot in C that leaves code impossible to maintain, so following convention is the mark of a good (employable) C programmer.

How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?

It's better to use SecureRandom rather than just Random.

public static int generateRandomInteger(int min, int max) {
    SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
    rand.setSeed(new Date().getTime());
    int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
    return randomNum;

How can I remove a pytz timezone from a datetime object?

To remove a timezone (tzinfo) from a datetime object:

# dt_tz is a datetime.datetime object
dt = dt_tz.replace(tzinfo=None)

If you are using a library like arrow, then you can remove timezone by simply converting an arrow object to to a datetime object, then doing the same thing as the example above.

# <Arrow [2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00]>
arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, -25200))
tmpDatetime = arrowObj.datetime

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444)
tmpDatetime = tmpDatetime.replace(tzinfo=None)

Why would you do this? One example is that mysql does not support timezones with its DATETIME type. So using ORM's like sqlalchemy will simply remove the timezone when you give it a datetime.datetime object to insert into the database. The solution is to convert your datetime.datetime object to UTC (so everything in your database is UTC since it can't specify timezone) then either insert it into the database (where the timezone is removed anyway) or remove it yourself. Also note that you cannot compare datetime.datetime objects where one is timezone aware and another is timezone naive.

# MySQL example! where MySQL doesn't support timezones with its DATETIME type!

arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

arrowDt ="utc").datetime

# inserts datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzutc())

# returns datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444)
dbDatetimeNoTz = getFromMysqlDatabase()

# cannot compare timzeone aware and timezone naive
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt # False, or TypeError on python versions before 3.3

# compare datetimes that are both aware or both naive work however
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt.replace(tzinfo=None) # True

How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?

What Asaph said is right. However, not every YouTube video contains all nine thumbnails. Also, the thumbnails' image sizes depends on the video (the numbers below are based on one). There are some thumbnails guaranteed to exist:

Width | Height | URL
120   | 90     |<VIDEO ID>/1.jpg
120   | 90     |<VIDEO ID>/2.jpg
120   | 90     |<VIDEO ID>/3.jpg
120   | 90     |<VIDEO ID>/default.jpg
320   | 180    |<VIDEO ID>/mq1.jpg
320   | 180    |<VIDEO ID>/mq2.jpg
320   | 180    |<VIDEO ID>/mq3.jpg
320   | 180    |<VIDEO ID>/mqdefault.jpg
480   | 360    |<VIDEO ID>/0.jpg
480   | 360    |<VIDEO ID>/hq1.jpg
480   | 360    |<VIDEO ID>/hq2.jpg
480   | 360    |<VIDEO ID>/hq3.jpg
480   | 360    |<VIDEO ID>/hqdefault.jpg

Additionally, the some other thumbnails may or may not exist. Their presence is probably based on whether the video is high-quality.

Width | Height | URL
640   | 480    |<VIDEO ID>/sd1.jpg
640   | 480    |<VIDEO ID>/sd2.jpg
640   | 480    |<VIDEO ID>/sd3.jpg
640   | 480    |<VIDEO ID>/sddefault.jpg
1280  | 720    |<VIDEO ID>/hq720.jpg
1920  | 1080   |<VIDEO ID>/maxresdefault.jpg

You can find JavaScript and PHP scripts to retrieve thumbnails and other YouTube information in:

You can also use the YouTube Video Information Generator tool to get all the information about a YouTube video by submitting a URL or video id.

#1025 - Error on rename of './database/#sql-2e0f_1254ba7' to './database/table' (errno: 150)

To bypass this in PHPMyAdmin or with MySQL, first remove the foreign key constraint before renaming the attribute.

(For PHPMyAdmin users: To remove FK constrains in PHPMyAdmin, select the attribute then click "relation view" next to "print view" in the toolbar below the table structure)

Create a data.frame with m columns and 2 rows

Does m really need to be a data.frame() or will a matrix() suffice?

m <- matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2)

You can wrap a data.frame() around that if you need to:

m <- data.frame(m)

or all in one line: m <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))

In C, how should I read a text file and print all strings

There are plenty of good answers here about reading it in chunks, I'm just gonna show you a little trick that reads all the content at once to a buffer and prints it.

I'm not saying it's better. It's not, and as Ricardo sometimes it can be bad, but I find it's a nice solution for the simple cases.

I sprinkled it with comments because there's a lot going on.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char* ReadFile(char *filename)
   char *buffer = NULL;
   int string_size, read_size;
   FILE *handler = fopen(filename, "r");

   if (handler)
       // Seek the last byte of the file
       fseek(handler, 0, SEEK_END);
       // Offset from the first to the last byte, or in other words, filesize
       string_size = ftell(handler);
       // go back to the start of the file

       // Allocate a string that can hold it all
       buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (string_size + 1) );

       // Read it all in one operation
       read_size = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), string_size, handler);

       // fread doesn't set it so put a \0 in the last position
       // and buffer is now officially a string
       buffer[string_size] = '\0';

       if (string_size != read_size)
           // Something went wrong, throw away the memory and set
           // the buffer to NULL
           buffer = NULL;

       // Always remember to close the file.

    return buffer;

int main()
    char *string = ReadFile("yourfile.txt");
    if (string)

    return 0;

Let me know if it's useful or you could learn something from it :)

PDO get the last ID inserted

You can get the id of the last transaction by running lastInsertId() method on the connection object($conn).

Like this $lid = $conn->lastInsertId();

Please check out the docs

Cannot set some HTTP headers when using System.Net.WebRequest

If you need the short and technical answer go right to the last section of the answer.

If you want to know better, read it all, and i hope you'll enjoy...

I countered this problem too today, and what i discovered today is that:

  1. the above answers are true, as:

    1.1 it's telling you that the header you are trying to add already exist and you should then modify its value using the appropriate property (the indexer, for instance), instead of trying to add it again.

    1.2 Anytime you're changing the headers of an HttpWebRequest, you need to use the appropriate properties on the object itself, if they exist.

Thanks FOR and Jvenema for the leading guidelines...

  1. But, What i found out, and that was the missing piece in the puzzle is that:

    2.1 The WebHeaderCollection class is generally accessed through WebRequest.Headers or WebResponse.Headers. Some common headers are considered restricted and are either exposed directly by the API (such as Content-Type) or protected by the system and cannot be changed.

The restricted headers are:

  • Accept
  • Connection
  • Content-Length
  • Content-Type
  • Date
  • Expect
  • Host
  • If-Modified-Since
  • Range
  • Referer
  • Transfer-Encoding
  • User-Agent
  • Proxy-Connection

So, next time you are facing this exception and don't know how to solve this, remember that there are some restricted headers, and the solution is to modify their values using the appropriate property explicitly from the WebRequest/HttpWebRequest class.

Edit: (useful, from comments, comment by user Kaido)

Solution is to check if the header exists already or is restricted (WebHeaderCollection.IsRestricted(key)) before calling add

Fetching data from MySQL database using PHP, Displaying it in a form for editing

please try these

<form action="Delegate_update.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name= "Name" value= "<?php echo $row['Name']; ?> "size=10>
<input type="text" name= "User_name" value= "<?php echo $row['User_name']; ?> "size=10>
<input type="text" name= "User_password" value= "<?php echo $row['User_password']; ?>" size=17>
<input type="submit" name= "submit" value="Update">

How do I force a DIV block to extend to the bottom of a page even if it has no content?

I think the issue would be fixed just making the html fill 100% also, might be body fills the 100% of the html but html doesn't fill 100% of the screen.

Try with:

html, body {
      height: 100%;

Angular ng-if not true

use this

ng-if="area == false"


ng-if="area == true"

this may help someone

CSS – why doesn’t percentage height work?

Without content, the height has no value to calculate the percentage of. The width, however, will take the percentage from the DOM, if no parent is specified. (Using your example) Placing the second div inside the first div, would have rendered a result...example below...

<div id="working">
  <div id="not-working"></div>

The second div would be 30% of the first div's height.

How to add a changed file to an older (not last) commit in Git

with git 1.7, there's a really easy way using git rebase:

stage your files:

git add $files

create a new commit and re-use commit message of your "broken" commit

git commit -c master~4

prepend fixup! in the subject line (or squash! if you want to edit commit (message)):

fixup! Factored out some common XPath Operations

use git rebase -i --autosquash to fixup your commit