Programs & Examples On #Adsl

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) is a type of digital subscriber line (DSL) technology, a data communications technology that enables faster data transmission over copper telephone lines than a conventional voiceband modem can provide.

New warnings in iOS 9: "all bitcode will be dropped"

To fix the issues with the canOpenURL failing. This is because of the new App Transport Security feature in iOS9

Read this post to fix that issue


You can appendChild to document.body but not if the document hasn't been loaded. So you should put everything in:

    //your code

This works or you can make appendChild to be dependent on something else like another event for eg.

As a matter of fact you can try changing the innerHTML of the document.body it works...!

Drawing an SVG file on a HTML5 canvas

You can easily draw simple svgs onto a canvas by:

  1. Assigning the source of the svg to an image in base64 format
  2. Drawing the image onto a canvas

Note: The only drawback of the method is that it cannot draw images embedded in the svg. (see demo)


(Note that the embedded image is only visible in the svg)

var svg = document.querySelector('svg');_x000D_
var img = document.querySelector('img');_x000D_
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');_x000D_
// get svg data_x000D_
var xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);_x000D_
// make it base64_x000D_
var svg64 = btoa(xml);_x000D_
var b64Start = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,';_x000D_
// prepend a "header"_x000D_
var image64 = b64Start + svg64;_x000D_
// set it as the source of the img element_x000D_
img.src = image64;_x000D_
// draw the image onto the canvas_x000D_
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);
svg, img, canvas {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
<svg height="40">_x000D_
  <rect width="40" height="40" style="fill:rgb(255,0,255);" />_x000D_
  <image xlink:href="" height="20px" width="20px" x="10" y="10"></image>_x000D_

Parsing a YAML file in Python, and accessing the data?

Since PyYAML's yaml.load() function parses YAML documents to native Python data structures, you can just access items by key or index. Using the example from the question you linked:

import yaml
with open('tree.yaml', 'r') as f:
    doc = yaml.load(f)

To access branch1 text you would use:

txt = doc["treeroot"]["branch1"]
print txt
"branch1 text"

because, in your YAML document, the value of the branch1 key is under the treeroot key.

Stream file using ASP.NET MVC FileContentResult in a browser with a name?

The absolute easiest way to stream a file into browser using ASP.NET MVC is this:

public ActionResult DownloadFile() {
    return File(@"c:\path\to\somefile.pdf", "application/pdf", "Your Filename.pdf");

This is easier than the method suggested by @azarc3 since you don't even need to read the bytes.

Credit goes to:

** Edit **

Apparently my 'answer' is the same as the OP's question. But I am not facing the problem he is having. Probably this was an issue with older version of ASP.NET MVC?

How to force garbage collector to run?

It is not recommended to call gc explicitly, but if you call


It will call GC explicitly throughout your code, don't forget to call GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); after GC.Collect().

What is an AssertionError? In which case should I throw it from my own code?

The meaning of an AssertionError is that something happened that the developer thought was impossible to happen.

So if an AssertionError is ever thrown, it is a clear sign of a programming error.

Jersey stopped working with InjectionManagerFactory not found

Here is the new dependency (August 2017)

    <!-- -->

Uninstall / remove a Homebrew package including all its dependencies

Save the following script as brew-purge

#:Usage: brew purge formula
#:Removes the package and all dependancies.
if [ -z "$PKG" ];then
   brew purge --help
   exit 1
brew rm $PKG
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
while brew rm $(join <(brew leaves) <(brew deps $PKG)) 2>/dev/null
  do :
echo Package $PKG and its dependancies have been removed.
exit 0

Now install it with the following command

sudo install brew-purge /usr/local/bin

Now run it

brew purge package

Example using gpg

$ brew purge gpg
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/gnupg/2.2.13... (134 files, 11.0MB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/adns/1.5.1... (14 files, 597.5KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/gnutls/3.6.6... (1,200 files, 8.9MB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libgcrypt/1.8.4... (21 files, 2.6MB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libksba/1.3.5... (14 files, 344.2KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libusb/1.0.22... (29 files, 508KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/npth/1.6... (11 files, 71.7KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/pinentry/1.1.0_1... (12 files, 263.9KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libassuan/2.5.3... (16 files, 444.2KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libtasn1/4.13... (59 files, 436KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libunistring/0.9.10... (54 files, 4.4MB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/nettle/3.4.1... (85 files, 2MB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/p11-kit/0.23.15... (63 files, 2.9MB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/gmp/6.1.2_2... (18 files, 3.1MB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.2.1... (16 files, 296.8KB)
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/libgpg-error/1.35... (27 files, 854.8KB)
Package gpg and its dependancies have been removed.

Change MySQL default character set to UTF-8 in my.cnf?

If you're having trouble confirming the client's character-set support using MySQL Workbench, then keep the following note in mind:

Important All connections opened by MySQL Workbench automatically set the client character set to utf8. Manually changing the client character set, such as using SET NAMES ..., may cause MySQL Workbench to not correctly display the characters. For additional information about client character sets, see Connection Character Sets and Collations.

Thus I was unable to override MySQL Workbench's character sets with my.cnf changes. e.g. 'set names utf8mb4'

Writing a pandas DataFrame to CSV file

To delimit by a tab you can use the sep argument of to_csv:

df.to_csv(file_name, sep='\t')

To use a specific encoding (e.g. 'utf-8') use the encoding argument:

df.to_csv(file_name, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')

Uploading an Excel sheet and importing the data into SQL Server database

Not sure why the file path is not working, I have some similar code that works fine. But if with two "\" it works, you can always do path = path.Replace(@"\", @"\\");

How to make google spreadsheet refresh itself every 1 minute?

GOOGLEFINANCE can have a 20 minutes delay, so refreshing every minute would not really help.

Instead of GOOGLEFINANCE you can use different source. I'm using this RealTime stock prices(I tried a couple but this is the easiest by-far to implement. They have API that retuen JSON { Name: CurrentPrice }

Here's a little script you can use in Google Sheets(Tools->Script Editor)

function GetStocksPrice() {      
   var url = ' 
   var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);

   // convert json string to json object
   var jsonSignal = JSON.parse(response);    

  // define an array of all the object keys
  var headerRow = Object.keys(jsonSignal);
  // define an array of all the object values
  var values ={ return jsonSignal[key]});   
  var data = values[0];

  // get sheet by ID -  
  // you can get the sheet unqiue ID from the your current sheet url
  var jsonSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("Your Sheet UniqueID");  
  //var name = jsonSheet.getName();

  var sheet = jsonSheet.getSheetByName('Sheet1'); 

  // the column to put the data in -> Y
  var letter = "F";

  // start from line 
  var index = 4;
  data.forEach(function( row, index2 ) { 

     var keys = Object.keys(row);
     var value2 = row[keys[1]];            

     // set value loction
     var cellXY = letter +  index;      
     index = index + 1;    

Now you need to add a trigger that will execute every minute.

  1. Go to Project Triggers -> click on the Watch icon next to the Save icon
  2. Add Trigger
  3. In -> Choose which function to run -> GetStocksPrice
  4. In -> Select event source -> Time-driven
  5. In -> Select type of time based trigger -> Minutes timer
  6. In -> Select minute interval -> Every minute

And your set :)

Regular expression to match numbers with or without commas and decimals in text

Some days ago, I worked on the problem of removing trailing zeros from the string of a number.

In the continuity of that problem, I find this one interesting because it widens the problem to numbers comprising commas.

I have taken the regex's pattern I had writen in that previous problem I worked on and I improved it in order that it can treat the numbers with commas as an answer for this problem.

I've been carried away with my enthusiasm and my liking of regexes. I don't know if the result fits exactly to the need expressed by Michael Prescott. I would be interested to know the points that are in excess or in lack in my regex, and to correct it to make it more suitable for you.

Now, after a long session of work on this regex, I have a sort of weight in the brain, so I'm not fresh enough to give a lot of explanation. If points are obscure, and if anybody may come to be interested enough, please, ask me.

The regex is built in order that it can detect the numbers expressed in scientific notation 2E10 or even 5,22,454.12E-00.0478 , removing unnecessary zeros in the two parts of such numbers too. If an exponent is equal to zero , the number is modified so that there is no more exponent.

I put some verification in the pattern so that some particular cases will not match, for exemple '12..57' won't match. But in ',111' the string '111' matches because the preceding comma is considered a comma not being in a number but a comma of sentence.

I think that the managing of commas should be improved, because it seems to me that there are only 2 digits between commas in Indian numbering. It won't be dificult to correct, I presume

Here after is a code demonstrating how my regex works. There are two functions, according if one wants the numbers '.1245' to be transformed in '0.1245' or not. I wouldn't be surprised if errors or unwanted matchings or unmatchings will remain for certain cases of number strings; then I'd like to know these cases to understand and correct the deficiency.

I apologize for this code written in Python, but regexes are trans-langage and I think everybody will be capable of undertsanding the reex's pattern

import re

regx = re.compile('(?<![\d.])(?!\.\.)(?<![\d.][eE][+-])(?<![\d.][eE])(?<!\d[.,])'
                  '' #---------------------------------
                  '' #---------------------------------
                  '' #---------------------------------

def dzs_numbs(x,regx = regx): # ds = detect and zeros-shave
    if not regx.findall(x):
        yield ('No match,', 'No catched string,', 'No groups.')
    for mat in regx.finditer(x):
        yield (, ''.join(mat.groups('')), mat.groups(''))

def dzs_numbs2(x,regx = regx): # ds = detect and zeros-shave
    if not regx.findall(x):
        yield ('No match,', 'No catched string,', 'No groups.')
    for mat in regx.finditer(x):
        yield (,
               ''.join(('0' if n.startswith('.') else '')+n for n in mat.groups('')),

NS = ['  23456000and23456000. or23456000.000  00023456000 s000023456000.  000023456000.000 ',
      'arf 10000 sea10000.+10000.000  00010000-00010000. kant00010000.000 ',
      '  24:  24,  24.   24.000  24.000,   00024r 00024. blue 00024.000  ',
      '  8zoom8.  8.000  0008  0008. and0008.000  ',
      '  0   00000M0. = 000.  0.0  0.000    000.0   000.000   .000000   .0   ',
      '  .0000023456    .0000023456000   '
      '  .0005872    .0005872000   .00503   .00503000   ',
      '  .068    .0680000   .8   .8000  .123456123456    .123456123456000    ',
      '  .657   .657000   .45    .4500000   .7    .70000  0.0000023230000   000.0000023230000   ',
      '  0.0081000    0000.0081000  0.059000   0000.059000     ',
      '  0.78987400000 snow  00000.78987400000  0.4400000   00000.4400000   ',
      '  -0.5000  -0000.5000   0.90   000.90   0.7   000.7   ',
      '  2.6    00002.6   00002.60000  4.71   0004.71    0004.7100   ',
      '  23.49   00023.49   00023.490000  103.45   0000103.45   0000103.45000    ',
      '  10003.45067   000010003.45067   000010003.4506700 ',
      '  +15000.0012   +000015000.0012   +000015000.0012000    ',
      '  78000.89   000078000.89   000078000.89000    ',
      '  .0457e10   .0457000e10   00000.0457000e10  ',
      '   258e8   2580000e4   0000000002580000e4   ',
      '  0.782e10   0000.782e10   0000.7820000e10  ',
      '  1.23E2   0001.23E2  0001.2300000E2   ',
      '  432e-102  0000432e-102   004320000e-106   ',
      '  1.46e10and0001.46e10  0001.4600000e10   ',
      '  1.077e-300  0001.077e-300  0001.077000e-300   ',
      '  1.069e10   0001.069e10   0001.069000e10   ',
      '  105040.03e10  000105040.03e10  105040.0300e10    ',
      '  +286E000024.487900  -78.4500e.14500   .0140E789.  ',
      '  081,12.40E07,95.0120     0045,78,123.03500e-0.00  ',
      '  0096,78,473.0380e-0.    0008,78,373.066000E0.    0004512300.E0000  ',
      '  ..18000  25..00 36...77   2..8  ',
      '  3.8..9    .12500.     12.51.400  ',
      '  00099,111.8713000   -0012,45,83,987.26+0.000,099,88,44.or00,00,00.00must',
      '  00099,44,and   0000,099,88,',
      '00,000,00.587000  77,98,23,45.,  this,that ',
      '  ,111  145.20  +9,9,9  0012800  .,,.  1  100,000 ',
      '1,1,1.111  000,001.111   -999.  0.  111.110000  9.909,888']

for ch in NS:
    print 'string: '+repr(ch)
    for strmatch, modified, the_groups in dzs_numbs2(ch):
        print strmatch.rjust(20),'',modified,'',the_groups


string: '  23456000and23456000. or23456000.000  00023456000 s000023456000.  000023456000.000 '
            23456000  23456000  ('', '23456000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
           23456000.  23456000  ('', '23456000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
        23456000.000  23456000  ('', '23456000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
         00023456000  23456000  ('', '23456000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
       000023456000.  23456000  ('', '23456000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
    000023456000.000  23456000  ('', '23456000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: 'arf 10000 sea10000.+10000.000  00010000-00010000. kant00010000.000 '
               10000  10000  ('', '10000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
              10000.  10000  ('', '10000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
           10000.000  10000  ('', '10000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
            00010000  10000  ('', '10000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
           00010000.  10000  ('', '10000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
        00010000.000  10000  ('', '10000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  24:  24,  24.   24.000  24.000,   00024r 00024. blue 00024.000  '
                  24  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                 24,  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                 24.  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
              24.000  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
              24.000  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
               00024  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
              00024.  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
           00024.000  24  ('', '24', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  8zoom8.  8.000  0008  0008. and0008.000  '
                   8  8  ('', '8', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                  8.  8  ('', '8', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
               8.000  8  ('', '8', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                0008  8  ('', '8', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
               0008.  8  ('', '8', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
            0008.000  8  ('', '8', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  0   00000M0. = 000.  0.0  0.000    000.0   000.000   .000000   .0   '
                   0  0  ('', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
               00000  0  ('', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                  0.  0  ('', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                000.  0  ('', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                 0.0  0  ('', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '')
               0.000  0  ('', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '')
               000.0  0  ('', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '')
             000.000  0  ('', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '')
             .000000  0  ('', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                  .0  0  ('', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  .0000023456    .0000023456000     .0005872    .0005872000   .00503   .00503000   '
         .0000023456  0.0000023456  ('', '', '', '.0000023456', '', '', '', '', '')
      .0000023456000  0.0000023456  ('', '', '', '.0000023456', '', '', '', '', '')
            .0005872  0.0005872  ('', '', '', '.0005872', '', '', '', '', '')
         .0005872000  0.0005872  ('', '', '', '.0005872', '', '', '', '', '')
              .00503  0.00503  ('', '', '', '.00503', '', '', '', '', '')
           .00503000  0.00503  ('', '', '', '.00503', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  .068    .0680000   .8   .8000  .123456123456    .123456123456000    '
                .068  0.068  ('', '', '', '.068', '', '', '', '', '')
            .0680000  0.068  ('', '', '', '.068', '', '', '', '', '')
                  .8  0.8  ('', '', '', '.8', '', '', '', '', '')
               .8000  0.8  ('', '', '', '.8', '', '', '', '', '')
       .123456123456  0.123456123456  ('', '', '', '.123456123456', '', '', '', '', '')
    .123456123456000  0.123456123456  ('', '', '', '.123456123456', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  .657   .657000   .45    .4500000   .7    .70000  0.0000023230000   000.0000023230000   '
                .657  0.657  ('', '', '', '.657', '', '', '', '', '')
             .657000  0.657  ('', '', '', '.657', '', '', '', '', '')
                 .45  0.45  ('', '', '', '.45', '', '', '', '', '')
            .4500000  0.45  ('', '', '', '.45', '', '', '', '', '')
                  .7  0.7  ('', '', '', '.7', '', '', '', '', '')
              .70000  0.7  ('', '', '', '.7', '', '', '', '', '')
     0.0000023230000  0.000002323  ('', '', '', '.000002323', '', '', '', '', '')
   000.0000023230000  0.000002323  ('', '', '', '.000002323', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  0.0081000    0000.0081000  0.059000   0000.059000     '
           0.0081000  0.0081  ('', '', '', '.0081', '', '', '', '', '')
        0000.0081000  0.0081  ('', '', '', '.0081', '', '', '', '', '')
            0.059000  0.059  ('', '', '', '.059', '', '', '', '', '')
         0000.059000  0.059  ('', '', '', '.059', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  0.78987400000 snow  00000.78987400000  0.4400000   00000.4400000   '
       0.78987400000  0.789874  ('', '', '', '.789874', '', '', '', '', '')
   00000.78987400000  0.789874  ('', '', '', '.789874', '', '', '', '', '')
           0.4400000  0.44  ('', '', '', '.44', '', '', '', '', '')
       00000.4400000  0.44  ('', '', '', '.44', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  -0.5000  -0000.5000   0.90   000.90   0.7   000.7   '
             -0.5000  -0.5  ('-', '', '', '.5', '', '', '', '', '')
          -0000.5000  -0.5  ('-', '', '', '.5', '', '', '', '', '')
                0.90  0.9  ('', '', '', '.9', '', '', '', '', '')
              000.90  0.9  ('', '', '', '.9', '', '', '', '', '')
                 0.7  0.7  ('', '', '', '.7', '', '', '', '', '')
               000.7  0.7  ('', '', '', '.7', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  2.6    00002.6   00002.60000  4.71   0004.71    0004.7100   '
                 2.6  2.6  ('', '', '', '', '2.6', '', '', '', '')
             00002.6  2.6  ('', '', '', '', '2.6', '', '', '', '')
         00002.60000  2.6  ('', '', '', '', '2.6', '', '', '', '')
                4.71  4.71  ('', '', '', '', '4.71', '', '', '', '')
             0004.71  4.71  ('', '', '', '', '4.71', '', '', '', '')
           0004.7100  4.71  ('', '', '', '', '4.71', '', '', '', '')

string: '  23.49   00023.49   00023.490000  103.45   0000103.45   0000103.45000    '
               23.49  23.49  ('', '', '', '', '23.49', '', '', '', '')
            00023.49  23.49  ('', '', '', '', '23.49', '', '', '', '')
        00023.490000  23.49  ('', '', '', '', '23.49', '', '', '', '')
              103.45  103.45  ('', '', '', '', '103.45', '', '', '', '')
          0000103.45  103.45  ('', '', '', '', '103.45', '', '', '', '')
       0000103.45000  103.45  ('', '', '', '', '103.45', '', '', '', '')

string: '  10003.45067   000010003.45067   000010003.4506700 '
         10003.45067  10003.45067  ('', '', '', '', '10003.45067', '', '', '', '')
     000010003.45067  10003.45067  ('', '', '', '', '10003.45067', '', '', '', '')
   000010003.4506700  10003.45067  ('', '', '', '', '10003.45067', '', '', '', '')

string: '  +15000.0012   +000015000.0012   +000015000.0012000    '
         +15000.0012  +15000.0012  ('+', '', '', '', '15000.0012', '', '', '', '')
     +000015000.0012  +15000.0012  ('+', '', '', '', '15000.0012', '', '', '', '')
  +000015000.0012000  +15000.0012  ('+', '', '', '', '15000.0012', '', '', '', '')

string: '  78000.89   000078000.89   000078000.89000    '
            78000.89  78000.89  ('', '', '', '', '78000.89', '', '', '', '')
        000078000.89  78000.89  ('', '', '', '', '78000.89', '', '', '', '')
     000078000.89000  78000.89  ('', '', '', '', '78000.89', '', '', '', '')

string: '  .0457e10   .0457000e10   00000.0457000e10  '
            .0457e10  0.0457e10  ('', '', '', '.0457', '', 'e', '10', '', '')
         .0457000e10  0.0457e10  ('', '', '', '.0457', '', 'e', '10', '', '')
    00000.0457000e10  0.0457e10  ('', '', '', '.0457', '', 'e', '10', '', '')

string: '   258e8   2580000e4   0000000002580000e4   '
               258e8  258e8  ('', '258', '', '', '', 'e', '8', '', '')
           2580000e4  2580000e4  ('', '2580000', '', '', '', 'e', '4', '', '')
  0000000002580000e4  2580000e4  ('', '2580000', '', '', '', 'e', '4', '', '')

string: '  0.782e10   0000.782e10   0000.7820000e10  '
            0.782e10  0.782e10  ('', '', '', '.782', '', 'e', '10', '', '')
         0000.782e10  0.782e10  ('', '', '', '.782', '', 'e', '10', '', '')
     0000.7820000e10  0.782e10  ('', '', '', '.782', '', 'e', '10', '', '')

string: '  1.23E2   0001.23E2  0001.2300000E2   '
              1.23E2  1.23E2  ('', '', '', '', '1.23', 'E', '2', '', '')
           0001.23E2  1.23E2  ('', '', '', '', '1.23', 'E', '2', '', '')
      0001.2300000E2  1.23E2  ('', '', '', '', '1.23', 'E', '2', '', '')

string: '  432e-102  0000432e-102   004320000e-106   '
            432e-102  432e-102  ('', '432', '', '', '', 'e-', '102', '', '')
        0000432e-102  432e-102  ('', '432', '', '', '', 'e-', '102', '', '')
      004320000e-106  4320000e-106  ('', '4320000', '', '', '', 'e-', '106', '', '')

string: '  1.46e10and0001.46e10  0001.4600000e10   '
             1.46e10  1.46e10  ('', '', '', '', '1.46', 'e', '10', '', '')
          0001.46e10  1.46e10  ('', '', '', '', '1.46', 'e', '10', '', '')
     0001.4600000e10  1.46e10  ('', '', '', '', '1.46', 'e', '10', '', '')

string: '  1.077e-300  0001.077e-300  0001.077000e-300   '
          1.077e-300  1.077e-300  ('', '', '', '', '1.077', 'e-', '300', '', '')
       0001.077e-300  1.077e-300  ('', '', '', '', '1.077', 'e-', '300', '', '')
    0001.077000e-300  1.077e-300  ('', '', '', '', '1.077', 'e-', '300', '', '')

string: '  1.069e10   0001.069e10   0001.069000e10   '
            1.069e10  1.069e10  ('', '', '', '', '1.069', 'e', '10', '', '')
         0001.069e10  1.069e10  ('', '', '', '', '1.069', 'e', '10', '', '')
      0001.069000e10  1.069e10  ('', '', '', '', '1.069', 'e', '10', '', '')

string: '  105040.03e10  000105040.03e10  105040.0300e10    '
        105040.03e10  105040.03e10  ('', '', '', '', '105040.03', 'e', '10', '', '')
     000105040.03e10  105040.03e10  ('', '', '', '', '105040.03', 'e', '10', '', '')
      105040.0300e10  105040.03e10  ('', '', '', '', '105040.03', 'e', '10', '', '')

string: '  +286E000024.487900  -78.4500e.14500   .0140E789.  '
  +286E000024.487900  +286E24.4879  ('+', '286', '', '', '', 'E', '', '', '24.4879')
     -78.4500e.14500  -78.45e0.145  ('-', '', '', '', '78.45', 'e', '', '.145', '')
          .0140E789.  0.014E789  ('', '', '', '.014', '', 'E', '789', '', '')

string: '  081,12.40E07,95.0120     0045,78,123.03500e-0.00  '
081,12.40E07,95.0120  81,12.4E7,95.012  ('', '', '', '', '81,12.4', 'E', '', '', '7,95.012')
   0045,78,123.03500  45,78,123.035  ('', '', '', '', '45,78,123.035', '', '', '', '')

string: '  0096,78,473.0380e-0.    0008,78,373.066000E0.    0004512300.E0000  '
    0096,78,473.0380  96,78,473.038  ('', '', '', '', '96,78,473.038', '', '', '', '')
  0008,78,373.066000  8,78,373.066  ('', '', '', '', '8,78,373.066', '', '', '', '')
         0004512300.  4512300  ('', '4512300', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  ..18000  25..00 36...77   2..8  '
           No match,  No catched string,  No groups.

string: '  3.8..9    .12500.     12.51.400  '
           No match,  No catched string,  No groups.

string: '  00099,111.8713000   -0012,45,83,987.26+0.000,099,88,44.or00,00,00.00must'
   00099,111.8713000  99,111.8713  ('', '', '', '', '99,111.8713', '', '', '', '')
  -0012,45,83,987.26  -12,45,83,987.26  ('-', '', '', '', '12,45,83,987.26', '', '', '', '')
         00,00,00.00  0  ('', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  00099,44,and   0000,099,88,'
           00099,44,  99,44  ('', '99,44', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
     0000,099,88,44.  99,88,44  ('', '99,88,44', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '00,000,00.587000  77,98,23,45.,  this,that '
    00,000,00.587000  0.587  ('', '', '', '.587', '', '', '', '', '')
        77,98,23,45.  77,98,23,45  ('', '77,98,23,45', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '  ,111  145.20  +9,9,9  0012800  .,,.  1  100,000 '
                ,111  111  ('', '111', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
              145.20  145.2  ('', '', '', '', '145.2', '', '', '', '')
              +9,9,9  +9,9,9  ('+', '9,9,9', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
             0012800  12800  ('', '12800', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                   1  1  ('', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
             100,000  100,000  ('', '100,000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')

string: '1,1,1.111  000,001.111   -999.  0.  111.110000  9.909,888'
           1,1,1.111  1,1,1.111  ('', '', '', '', '1,1,1.111', '', '', '', '')
         000,001.111  1.111  ('', '', '', '', '1.111', '', '', '', '')
               -999.  -999  ('-', '999', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
                  0.  0  ('', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
          111.110000  111.11  ('', '', '', '', '111.11', '', '', '', '')

Calling class staticmethod within the class body?

staticmethod objects apparently have a __func__ attribute storing the original raw function (makes sense that they had to). So this will work:

class Klass(object):

    @staticmethod  # use as decorator
    def stat_func():
        return 42

    _ANS = stat_func.__func__()  # call the staticmethod

    def method(self):
        ret = Klass.stat_func()
        return ret

As an aside, though I suspected that a staticmethod object had some sort of attribute storing the original function, I had no idea of the specifics. In the spirit of teaching someone to fish rather than giving them a fish, this is what I did to investigate and find that out (a C&P from my Python session):

>>> class Foo(object):
...     @staticmethod
...     def foo():
...         return 3
...     global z
...     z = foo

>>> z
<staticmethod object at 0x0000000002E40558>
<function foo at 0x0000000002E3CBA8>
>>> dir(z)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__func__', '__get__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__']
>>> z.__func__
<function foo at 0x0000000002E3CBA8>

Similar sorts of digging in an interactive session (dir is very helpful) can often solve these sorts of question very quickly.

undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()'

Most of these linker errors occur because of missing libraries.

I added the libstdc++.6.dylib in my Project->Targets->Build Phases-> Link Binary With Libraries.

That solved it for me on Xcode 6.3.2 for iOS 8.3


Method to get all files within folder and subfolders that will return a list

Simply use this:

public static List<String> GetAllFiles(String directory)
    return Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

And if you want every file, even extensionless ones:

public static List<String> GetAllFiles(String directory)
    return Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();

Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts

data = [150,300]; // data from ajax or any other way chart.series[0].setData(data, true);

The setData will call redraw method.


How to download excel (.xls) file from API in postman?

You can Just save the response(pdf,doc etc..) by option on the right side of the response in postman check this image postman save response

For more Details check this

How to create a folder with name as current date in batch (.bat) files foxidrive's answer helped me get the folder with the date and time I wanted. I would like to share this method here since it worked great for me and I think it could help other people too, regardless of their locale.

rem The four lines below will give you reliable YY DD MM YYYY HH Min Sec MS variables in XP Pro and higher.

for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%" & set "MS=%dt:~15,3%"

 set "dirname=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD% %HH%-%Min%-%Sec%"

 :: remove echo here if you like
 echo "dirName"="%dirName%"

Split a large pandas dataframe

Use np.array_split:

Split an array into multiple sub-arrays.

Please refer to the ``split`` documentation.  The only difference
between these functions is that ``array_split`` allows
`indices_or_sections` to be an integer that does *not* equally
divide the axis.

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A' : ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar',
   ...:                           'foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo'],
   ...:                    'B' : ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three',
   ...:                           'two', 'two', 'one', 'three'],
   ...:                    'C' : randn(8), 'D' : randn(8)})

In [3]: print df
     A      B         C         D
0  foo    one -0.174067 -0.608579
1  bar    one -0.860386 -1.210518
2  foo    two  0.614102  1.689837
3  bar  three -0.284792 -1.071160
4  foo    two  0.843610  0.803712
5  bar    two -1.514722  0.870861
6  foo    one  0.131529 -0.968151
7  foo  three -1.002946 -0.257468

In [4]: import numpy as np
In [5]: np.array_split(df, 3)
[     A    B         C         D
0  foo  one -0.174067 -0.608579
1  bar  one -0.860386 -1.210518
2  foo  two  0.614102  1.689837,
      A      B         C         D
3  bar  three -0.284792 -1.071160
4  foo    two  0.843610  0.803712
5  bar    two -1.514722  0.870861,
      A      B         C         D
6  foo    one  0.131529 -0.968151
7  foo  three -1.002946 -0.257468]

How do I add BundleConfig.cs to my project?

BundleConfig is nothing more than bundle configuration moved to separate file. It used to be part of app startup code (filters, bundles, routes used to be configured in one class)

To add this file, first you need to add the Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization nuget package to your web project:

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization

Then under the App_Start folder create a new cs file called BundleConfig.cs. Here is what I have in my mine (ASP.NET MVC 5, but it should work with MVC 4):

using System.Web;
using System.Web.Optimization;

namespace CodeRepository.Web
    public class BundleConfig
        // For more information on bundling, visit
        public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(

            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval").Include(

            // Use the development version of Modernizr to develop with and learn from. Then, when you're
            // ready for production, use the build tool at to pick only the tests you need.
            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/modernizr").Include(

            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include(

            bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

Then modify your Global.asax and add a call to RegisterBundles() in Application_Start():

using System.Web.Optimization;

protected void Application_Start()

A closely related question: How to add reference to System.Web.Optimization for MVC-3-converted-to-4 app

Append to the end of a file in C

Open with append:

pFile2 = fopen("myfile2.txt", "a");

then just write to pFile2, no need to fseek().

How to convert string values from a dictionary, into int/float datatypes?

For python 3,

    for d in list:
        d.update((k, float(v)) for k, v in d.items())

Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

I now this this is not an image made by me, but this image can help a lot... enter image description here

So, here is an little app that I created so you can play with the values

function parseColor(input) {
  input = input.trim();
  if (input.length > 128) {
    input = input.slice(0, 128);
  if (input.charAt(0) === "#") {
    input = input.slice(1);
  input = input.replace(/[^0-9A-Fa-f]/g, "0");
  while (input.length === 0 || input.length % 3 > 0) {
    input += "0";
  var r = input.slice(0, input.length / 3);
  var g = input.slice(input.length / 3, input.length * 2 / 3);
  var b = input.slice(input.length * 2 / 3);
  if (r.length > 8) {
    r = r.slice(-8);
    g = g.slice(-8);
    b = b.slice(-8);
  while (r.length > 2 && r.charAt(0) === "0" && g.charAt(0) === "0" && b.charAt(0) === "0") {
    r = r.slice(1);
    g = g.slice(1);
    b = b.slice(1);
  if (r.length > 2) {
    r = r.slice(0, 2);
    g = g.slice(0, 2);
    b = b.slice(0, 2);
  return "#" + r.padStart(2, "0") + g.padStart(2, "0") + b.padStart(2, "0");

$(function() {
  $("#input").on("change", function() {
    var input = $(this).val();
    var color = parseColor(input);
    var $cells = $("#result tbody td");
    $cells.eq(0).attr("bgcolor", input);
    $cells.eq(1).attr("bgcolor", color);

    var color1 = $cells.eq(0).css("background-color");
    var color2 = $cells.eq(1).css("background-color");
    $cells.eq(2).empty().append("background-color: " + input, "<br>", "getComputedStyle: " + color1);
    $cells.eq(3).empty().append("background-color: " + color, "<br>", "getComputedStyle: " + color2);
* { font: monospace; }
input { width: 100hv; }
table { table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; }
input {border: 1px solid black;border-radius: 5px;outline:none;padding: 10px; }
<script src=""></script>

<p><input id="input" placeholder="Enter color e.g. demofothedayischur000! or ffffssssrrrddswww!"></p><details>
<summary>Color examples (drag-and-drop)</summary>
Try this colors:<br>
Or.... Want a big example?
Here it goes:<br>
Batato Muatre! dtexbtfe dodx42 f 1dzxwq lorem ip os dh4huryx nyxze eimqdmuezo fsdyelow" 000meandthis !!!!! entrcolor yellowofthe! !!!me!!!you!!!aregre!:;H !"#$%&/()= /()=??»» thsdem
<table id="result">
      <th>Left Color</th>
      <th>Right Color</th>

Difference between "git add -A" and "git add ."

Things changed with Git 2.0 (2014-05-28):

  • -A is now the default
  • The old behavior is now available with --ignore-removal.
  • git add -u and git add -A in a subdirectory without paths on the command line operate on the entire tree.

So for Git 2 the answer is:

  • git add . and git add -A . add new/modified/deleted files in the current directory
  • git add --ignore-removal . adds new/modified files in the current directory
  • git add -u . adds modified/deleted files in the current directory
  • Without the dot, add all files in the project regardless of the current directory.

C++ Object Instantiation

On the contrary, you should always prefer stack allocations, to the extent that as a rule of thumb, you should never have new/delete in your user code.

As you say, when the variable is declared on the stack, its destructor is automatically called when it goes out of scope, which is your main tool for tracking resource lifetime and avoiding leaks.

So in general, every time you need to allocate a resource, whether it's memory (by calling new), file handles, sockets or anything else, wrap it in a class where the constructor acquires the resource, and the destructor releases it. Then you can create an object of that type on the stack, and you're guaranteed that your resource gets freed when it goes out of scope. That way you don't have to track your new/delete pairs everywhere to ensure you avoid memory leaks.

The most common name for this idiom is RAII

Also look into smart pointer classes which are used to wrap the resulting pointers on the rare cases when you do have to allocate something with new outside a dedicated RAII object. You instead pass the pointer to a smart pointer, which then tracks its lifetime, for example by reference counting, and calls the destructor when the last reference goes out of scope. The standard library has std::unique_ptr for simple scope-based management, and std::shared_ptr which does reference counting to implement shared ownership.

Many tutorials demonstrate object instantiation using a snippet such as ...

So what you've discovered is that most tutorials suck. ;) Most tutorials teach you lousy C++ practices, including calling new/delete to create variables when it's not necessary, and giving you a hard time tracking lifetime of your allocations.

GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging)

After searching for a long time finally I am able to figure out what I exactly needed, Connecting to the GCM using PHP as a server side scripting language, The following tutorial will give us a clear idea of how to setup everything we need to get started with GCM

Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), PHP and MySQL

How to examine processes in OS X's Terminal?

Using top and ps is okay, but I find that using htop is far better & clearer than the standard tools Mac OS X uses. My fave use is to hit the T key while it is running to view processes in tree view (see screenshot). Shows you what processes are co-dependent on other processes.

htop on OSX

You can install it from Homebrew using:

brew install htop

And if you have Xcode and related tools such as git installed on your system and you want to install the latest development code from the official source repository—just follow these steps.

First clone the source code from the htop GitHub repository:

git clone [email protected]:hishamhm/htop.git

Now go into the repository directory:

cd htop



Run this configure command:


Once the configure process completes, run make:


Finally install it by running sudo make install:

sudo make install

How can I get sin, cos, and tan to use degrees instead of radians?

Create your own conversion function that applies the needed math, and invoke those instead.

C++ compile error: has initializer but incomplete type

` Please include either of these:


using std::istringstream; 

Build error: You must add a reference to System.Runtime

I had this problem in a solution with a Web API project and several library projects. One of the library projects was borking on build, with errors that said the Unity attributes weren't "valid" attributes, and then one error said I needed to reference System.Runtime.

After much searching, reinstalling the 4.5.2 Developer Pack, and nothing working, I figured maybe it was just a version mismatch. So I looked at the properties of every project, and one of the very base libraries was targeting 4.5 while every other one was targeting 4.5.2. I changed that one to also target 4.5.2 and the errors went away.

What is the proper way to comment functions in Python?

I would go for a documentation practice that integrates with a documentation tool such as Sphinx.

The first step is to use a docstring:

def add(self):
 """ Method which adds stuff

How do I get the path of the assembly the code is in?

In all these years, nobody has actually mentioned this one. A trick I learned from the awesome ApprovalTests project. The trick is that you use the debugging information in the assembly to find the original directory.

This will not work in RELEASE mode, nor with optimizations enabled, nor on a machine different from the one it was compiled on.

But this will get you paths that are relative to the location of the source code file you call it from

public static class PathUtilities
    public static string GetAdjacentFile(string relativePath)
        return GetDirectoryForCaller(1) + relativePath;
    public static string GetDirectoryForCaller()
        return GetDirectoryForCaller(1);

    public static string GetDirectoryForCaller(int callerStackDepth)
        var stackFrame = new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(callerStackDepth + 1);
        return GetDirectoryForStackFrame(stackFrame);

    public static string GetDirectoryForStackFrame(StackFrame stackFrame)
        return new FileInfo(stackFrame.GetFileName()).Directory.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

Getting first and last day of the current month

An alternative way is to use DateTime.DaysInMonth to get the number of days in the current month as suggested by @Jade

Since we know the first day of the month will always 1 we can use it as default for the first day with the current Month & year as current.year,current.Month,1.

var now = DateTime.Now; // get the current DateTime 

//Get the number of days in the current month
int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth (now.Year, now.Month); 
//First day of the month is always 1
var firstDay = new DateTime(now.Year,now.Month,1); 
//Last day will be similar to the number of days calculated above
var lastDay = new DateTime(now.Year,now.Month,daysInMonth);

rdpStartDate.SelectedDate = firstDay;
rdpEndDate.SelectedDate = lastDay; 

In PHP, how do you change the key of an array element?

Easy stuff:

this function will accept the target $hash and $replacements is also a hash containing newkey=>oldkey associations.

This function will preserve original order, but could be problematic for very large (like above 10k records) arrays regarding performance & memory.

function keyRename(array $hash, array $replacements) {
    foreach($hash as $k=>$v)
    return $new;    

this alternative function would do the same, with far better performance & memory usage, at the cost of loosing original order (which should not be a problem since it is hashtable!)

function keyRename(array $hash, array $replacements) {

    foreach($hash as $k=>$v)

    return $hash;       

How to append multiple items in one line in Python


First off, append is a function, so you can't write append[i+1:i+4] because you're trying to get a slice of a thing that isn't a sequence. (You can't get an element of it, either: append[i+1] is wrong for the same reason.) When you call a function, the argument goes in parentheses, i.e. the round ones: ().

Second, what you're trying to do is "take a sequence, and put every element in it at the end of this other sequence, in the original order". That's spelled extend. append is "take this thing, and put it at the end of the list, as a single item, even if it's also a list". (Recall that a list is a kind of sequence.)

But then, you need to be aware that i+1:i+4 is a special construct that appears only inside square brackets (to get a slice from a sequence) and braces (to create a dict object). You cannot pass it to a function. So you can't extend with that. You need to make a sequence of those values, and the natural way to do this is with the range function.

Eliminate space before \begin{itemize}

\topsep=0pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
\partopsep=0pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
\parsep=0pt plus 1pt

how to configure lombok in eclipse luna

After two weeks of searching and trying, the following instructions works in

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.

Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a) Build id: 20180405-1200

  1. Copy Lombok.jar to installation directory my case (/opt/eclipse-spring/)
  2. Modify eclipse.ini openFile --launcher.appendVmargs

as follows:



In build.gradle dependencies, add lombok.jar from file as follows

compileOnly files('/opt/eclipse-spring/lombok.jar')

And yippee, I have a great day coding with lombok.

How to programmatically move, copy and delete files and directories on SD?

set the correct permissions in the manifest

     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

below is a function that will programmatically move your file

private void moveFile(String inputPath, String inputFile, String outputPath) {

    InputStream in = null;
    OutputStream out = null;
    try {

        //create output directory if it doesn't exist
        File dir = new File (outputPath); 
        if (!dir.exists())

        in = new FileInputStream(inputPath + inputFile);        
        out = new FileOutputStream(outputPath + inputFile);

        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int read;
        while ((read = != -1) {
            out.write(buffer, 0, read);
        in = null;

            // write the output file
        out = null;

        // delete the original file
        new File(inputPath + inputFile).delete();  


         catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe1) {
        Log.e("tag", fnfe1.getMessage());
          catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("tag", e.getMessage());


To Delete the file use

private void deleteFile(String inputPath, String inputFile) {
    try {
        // delete the original file
        new File(inputPath + inputFile).delete();  
    catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("tag", e.getMessage());

To copy

private void copyFile(String inputPath, String inputFile, String outputPath) {

    InputStream in = null;
    OutputStream out = null;
    try {

        //create output directory if it doesn't exist
        File dir = new File (outputPath); 
        if (!dir.exists())

        in = new FileInputStream(inputPath + inputFile);        
        out = new FileOutputStream(outputPath + inputFile);

        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int read;
        while ((read = != -1) {
            out.write(buffer, 0, read);
        in = null;

            // write the output file (You have now copied the file)
        out = null;        

    }  catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe1) {
        Log.e("tag", fnfe1.getMessage());
            catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("tag", e.getMessage());


How to read from stdin line by line in Node

// Work on POSIX and Windows
var fs = require("fs");
var stdinBuffer = fs.readFileSync(0); // STDIN_FILENO = 0

Gradients in Internet Explorer 9

The code I use for all browser gradients:

background: #0A284B;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#0A284B), to(#135887));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#0A284B, #135887);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0A284B, #135887);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(#0A284B, #135887);
background: -o-linear-gradient(#0A284B, #135887);
background: linear-gradient(#0A284B, #135887);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#0A284B', endColorstr='#135887');
zoom: 1;

You will need to specify a height or zoom: 1 to apply hasLayout to the element for this to work in IE.


Here is a LESS Mixin (CSS) version for all you LESS users out there:

.gradient(@start, @end) {
    background: mix(@start, @end, 50%);
    filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr="@start~", EndColorStr="@end~")";
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(@start), to(@end));
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(@start, @end);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, @start, @end);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(@start, @end);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(@start, @end);
    background: linear-gradient(@start, @end);
    zoom: 1;

How to link to part of the same document in Markdown?

Experimenting, I found a solution using <div…/> but an obvious solution is to place your own anchor point in the page wherever you like, thus:

<a name="abcde">

before and


after the line you want to "link" to. Then a markdown link like:

[link text](#abcde)

anywhere in the document takes you there.

The <div…/> solution inserts a "dummy" division just to add the id property, and this is potentially disruptive to the page structure, but the <a name="abcde"/> solution ought to be quite innocuous.

(PS: It might be OK to put the anchor in the line you wish to link to, as follows:

## <a name="head1">Heading One</a>

but this depends on how Markdown treats this. I note, for example, the Stack Overflow answer formatter is happy with this!)

printf() formatting for hex

The # part gives you a 0x in the output string. The 0 and the x count against your "8" characters listed in the 08 part. You need to ask for 10 characters if you want it to be the same.

int i = 7;

printf("%#010x\n", i);  // gives 0x00000007
printf("0x%08x\n", i);  // gives 0x00000007
printf("%#08x\n", i);   // gives 0x000007

Also changing the case of x, affects the casing of the outputted characters.

printf("%04x", 4779); // gives 12ab
printf("%04X", 4779); // gives 12AB

Difference between Return and Break statements

If you want to exit from a simple if else statement but still stays within a particular context (not by returning to the calling context), you can just set the block condition to false:

//do stuff
   if(something happens)
        condition = false;

This will guarantee that there is no further execution, the way I think you want it..You can only use break in a loop or switch case

How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

Use the Text-finder plugin.

Instead of exiting with status 1 (which would fail the build), do:

if ($build_error) print("TESTS FAILED!");

Than in the post-build actions enable the Text Finder, set the regular expression to match the message you printed (TESTS FAILED!) and check the "Unstable if found" checkbox under that entry.

What are Aggregates and PODs and how/why are they special?

How to read:

This article is rather long. If you want to know about both aggregates and PODs (Plain Old Data) take time and read it. If you are interested just in aggregates, read only the first part. If you are interested only in PODs then you must first read the definition, implications, and examples of aggregates and then you may jump to PODs but I would still recommend reading the first part in its entirety. The notion of aggregates is essential for defining PODs. If you find any errors (even minor, including grammar, stylistics, formatting, syntax, etc.) please leave a comment, I'll edit.

This answer applies to C++03. For other C++ standards see:

What are aggregates and why they are special

Formal definition from the C++ standard (C++03 8.5.1 §1):

An aggregate is an array or a class (clause 9) with no user-declared constructors (12.1), no private or protected non-static data members (clause 11), no base classes (clause 10), and no virtual functions (10.3).

So, OK, let's parse this definition. First of all, any array is an aggregate. A class can also be an aggregate if… wait! nothing is said about structs or unions, can't they be aggregates? Yes, they can. In C++, the term class refers to all classes, structs, and unions. So, a class (or struct, or union) is an aggregate if and only if it satisfies the criteria from the above definitions. What do these criteria imply?

  • This does not mean an aggregate class cannot have constructors, in fact it can have a default constructor and/or a copy constructor as long as they are implicitly declared by the compiler, and not explicitly by the user

  • No private or protected non-static data members. You can have as many private and protected member functions (but not constructors) as well as as many private or protected static data members and member functions as you like and not violate the rules for aggregate classes

  • An aggregate class can have a user-declared/user-defined copy-assignment operator and/or destructor

  • An array is an aggregate even if it is an array of non-aggregate class type.

Now let's look at some examples:

class NotAggregate1
  virtual void f() {} //remember? no virtual functions

class NotAggregate2
  int x; //x is private by default and non-static 

class NotAggregate3
  NotAggregate3(int) {} //oops, user-defined constructor

class Aggregate1
  NotAggregate1 member1;   //ok, public member
  Aggregate1& operator=(Aggregate1 const & rhs) {/* */} //ok, copy-assignment  
  void f() {} // ok, just a private function

You get the idea. Now let's see how aggregates are special. They, unlike non-aggregate classes, can be initialized with curly braces {}. This initialization syntax is commonly known for arrays, and we just learnt that these are aggregates. So, let's start with them.

Type array_name[n] = {a1, a2, …, am};

if(m == n)
the ith element of the array is initialized with ai
else if(m < n)
the first m elements of the array are initialized with a1, a2, …, am and the other n - m elements are, if possible, value-initialized (see below for the explanation of the term)
else if(m > n)
the compiler will issue an error
else (this is the case when n isn't specified at all like int a[] = {1, 2, 3};)
the size of the array (n) is assumed to be equal to m, so int a[] = {1, 2, 3}; is equivalent to int a[3] = {1, 2, 3};

When an object of scalar type (bool, int, char, double, pointers, etc.) is value-initialized it means it is initialized with 0 for that type (false for bool, 0.0 for double, etc.). When an object of class type with a user-declared default constructor is value-initialized its default constructor is called. If the default constructor is implicitly defined then all nonstatic members are recursively value-initialized. This definition is imprecise and a bit incorrect but it should give you the basic idea. A reference cannot be value-initialized. Value-initialization for a non-aggregate class can fail if, for example, the class has no appropriate default constructor.

Examples of array initialization:

class A
  A(int) {} //no default constructor
class B
  B() {} //default constructor available
int main()
  A a1[3] = {A(2), A(1), A(14)}; //OK n == m
  A a2[3] = {A(2)}; //ERROR A has no default constructor. Unable to value-initialize a2[1] and a2[2]
  B b1[3] = {B()}; //OK b1[1] and b1[2] are value initialized, in this case with the default-ctor
  int Array1[1000] = {0}; //All elements are initialized with 0;
  int Array2[1000] = {1}; //Attention: only the first element is 1, the rest are 0;
  bool Array3[1000] = {}; //the braces can be empty too. All elements initialized with false
  int Array4[1000]; //no initializer. This is different from an empty {} initializer in that
  //the elements in this case are not value-initialized, but have indeterminate values 
  //(unless, of course, Array4 is a global array)
  int array[2] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; //ERROR, too many initializers

Now let's see how aggregate classes can be initialized with braces. Pretty much the same way. Instead of the array elements we will initialize the non-static data members in the order of their appearance in the class definition (they are all public by definition). If there are fewer initializers than members, the rest are value-initialized. If it is impossible to value-initialize one of the members which were not explicitly initialized, we get a compile-time error. If there are more initializers than necessary, we get a compile-time error as well.

struct X
  int i1;
  int i2;
struct Y
  char c;
  X x;
  int i[2];
  float f; 
  static double d;
  void g(){}      

Y y = {'a', {10, 20}, {20, 30}};

In the above example y.c is initialized with 'a', y.x.i1 with 10, y.x.i2 with 20, y.i[0] with 20, y.i[1] with 30 and y.f is value-initialized, that is, initialized with 0.0. The protected static member d is not initialized at all, because it is static.

Aggregate unions are different in that you may initialize only their first member with braces. I think that if you are advanced enough in C++ to even consider using unions (their use may be very dangerous and must be thought of carefully), you could look up the rules for unions in the standard yourself :).

Now that we know what's special about aggregates, let's try to understand the restrictions on classes; that is, why they are there. We should understand that memberwise initialization with braces implies that the class is nothing more than the sum of its members. If a user-defined constructor is present, it means that the user needs to do some extra work to initialize the members therefore brace initialization would be incorrect. If virtual functions are present, it means that the objects of this class have (on most implementations) a pointer to the so-called vtable of the class, which is set in the constructor, so brace-initialization would be insufficient. You could figure out the rest of the restrictions in a similar manner as an exercise :).

So enough about the aggregates. Now we can define a stricter set of types, to wit, PODs

What are PODs and why they are special

Formal definition from the C++ standard (C++03 9 §4):

A POD-struct is an aggregate class that has no non-static data members of type non-POD-struct, non-POD-union (or array of such types) or reference, and has no user-defined copy assignment operator and no user-defined destructor. Similarly, a POD-union is an aggregate union that has no non-static data members of type non-POD-struct, non-POD-union (or array of such types) or reference, and has no user-defined copy assignment operator and no user-defined destructor. A POD class is a class that is either a POD-struct or a POD-union.

Wow, this one's tougher to parse, isn't it? :) Let's leave unions out (on the same grounds as above) and rephrase in a bit clearer way:

An aggregate class is called a POD if it has no user-defined copy-assignment operator and destructor and none of its nonstatic members is a non-POD class, array of non-POD, or a reference.

What does this definition imply? (Did I mention POD stands for Plain Old Data?)

  • All POD classes are aggregates, or, to put it the other way around, if a class is not an aggregate then it is sure not a POD
  • Classes, just like structs, can be PODs even though the standard term is POD-struct for both cases
  • Just like in the case of aggregates, it doesn't matter what static members the class has


struct POD
  int x;
  char y;
  void f() {} //no harm if there's a function
  static std::vector<char> v; //static members do not matter

struct AggregateButNotPOD1
  int x;
  ~AggregateButNotPOD1() {} //user-defined destructor

struct AggregateButNotPOD2
  AggregateButNotPOD1 arrOfNonPod[3]; //array of non-POD class

POD-classes, POD-unions, scalar types, and arrays of such types are collectively called POD-types.
PODs are special in many ways. I'll provide just some examples.

  • POD-classes are the closest to C structs. Unlike them, PODs can have member functions and arbitrary static members, but neither of these two change the memory layout of the object. So if you want to write a more or less portable dynamic library that can be used from C and even .NET, you should try to make all your exported functions take and return only parameters of POD-types.

  • The lifetime of objects of non-POD class type begins when the constructor has finished and ends when the destructor has finished. For POD classes, the lifetime begins when storage for the object is occupied and finishes when that storage is released or reused.

  • For objects of POD types it is guaranteed by the standard that when you memcpy the contents of your object into an array of char or unsigned char, and then memcpy the contents back into your object, the object will hold its original value. Do note that there is no such guarantee for objects of non-POD types. Also, you can safely copy POD objects with memcpy. The following example assumes T is a POD-type:

    #define N sizeof(T)
    char buf[N];
    T obj; // obj initialized to its original value
    memcpy(buf, &obj, N); // between these two calls to memcpy,
    // obj might be modified
    memcpy(&obj, buf, N); // at this point, each subobject of obj of scalar type
    // holds its original value
  • goto statement. As you may know, it is illegal (the compiler should issue an error) to make a jump via goto from a point where some variable was not yet in scope to a point where it is already in scope. This restriction applies only if the variable is of non-POD type. In the following example f() is ill-formed whereas g() is well-formed. Note that Microsoft's compiler is too liberal with this rule—it just issues a warning in both cases.

    int f()
      struct NonPOD {NonPOD() {}};
      goto label;
      NonPOD x;
      return 0;
    int g()
      struct POD {int i; char c;};
      goto label;
      POD x;
      return 0;
  • It is guaranteed that there will be no padding in the beginning of a POD object. In other words, if a POD-class A's first member is of type T, you can safely reinterpret_cast from A* to T* and get the pointer to the first member and vice versa.

The list goes on and on…


It is important to understand what exactly a POD is because many language features, as you see, behave differently for them.

Concatenate strings from several rows using Pandas groupby

You can groupby the 'name' and 'month' columns, then call transform which will return data aligned to the original df and apply a lambda where we join the text entries:

In [119]:

df['text'] = df[['name','text','month']].groupby(['name','month'])['text'].transform(lambda x: ','.join(x))
    name         text  month
0  name1       hej,du     11
2  name1        aj,oj     12
4  name2     fin,katt     11
6  name2  mycket,lite     12

I sub the original df by passing a list of the columns of interest df[['name','text','month']] here and then call drop_duplicates

EDIT actually I can just call apply and then reset_index:

In [124]:

df.groupby(['name','month'])['text'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x)).reset_index()

    name  month         text
0  name1     11       hej,du
1  name1     12        aj,oj
2  name2     11     fin,katt
3  name2     12  mycket,lite


the lambda is unnecessary here:


    name  month         text
0  name1     11           du
1  name1     12        aj,oj
2  name2     11     fin,katt
3  name2     12  mycket,lite

Can't find android device using "adb devices" command

I had this problem today where the phone was charging when connected, but wasn't seen by the Mac. It turned out the micro USB cable that I was using was for charging only and didn't do data. Once I changed the USB cable it started working fine.

How to best display in Terminal a MySQL SELECT returning too many fields?

Using the Windows Command Prompt you can increase the buffer size of the window as much you want to see the number of columns. This depends on the no of columns in the table.

How to prevent column break within an element?

I made an update of the actual answer.

This seems to be working on firefox and chrome:

columns: 5em;
-webkit-columns: 5em; /* Safari and Chrome */
-moz-columns: 5em; /* Firefox */
.x li{
    break-inside: avoid-column;
    -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid;  /* Safari and Chrome */

Note: The float property seems to be the one making the block behaviour.

Javascript: getFullyear() is not a function

You are overwriting the start date object with the value of a DOM Element with an id of Startdate.

This should work:

var start = new Date(document.getElementById('Stardate').value);

var y = start.getFullYear();

Syntax for async arrow function

Immediately Invoked Async Arrow Function:

(async () => {
    console.log(await asyncFunction());

Immediately Invoked Async Function Expression:

(async function () {
    console.log(await asyncFunction());

How to close a Java Swing application from the code

Take a look at the Oracle Documentation.

Starting from JDK 1.4 an Application terminates if:

  • There are no displayable AWT or Swing components.
  • There are no native events in the native event queue.
  • There are no AWT events in java EventQueues.


The document states that some packages create displayable components without releasing them.A program which calls Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() won't terminate. is among others given as an example.

Also other Processes can keep AWT alive when they, for what ever reason, are sending events into the native event queue.

Also I noticed that on some Systems it takes a coupple of seconds before the Application actually terminates.

How to select an element with 2 classes

You can chain class selectors without a space between them:

.a.b {
     color: #666;

Note that, if it matters to you, IE6 treats .a.b as .b, so in that browser both div.a.b and div.b will have gray text. See this answer for a comparison between proper browsers and IE6.

How to create a zip archive with PowerShell?

Loading the [System.IO.IOException] class and using its methods is an important step in order to suppress unwanted errors, due the fact that it's a class not native to PowerShell, so expect various contexts of errors without it.

I error-controlled my script to the T, but got a lot of extra red 'file exists' output while using [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile] class

function zipFiles(
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true]
    [string] $sourceFolder,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true]
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false]

Add-Type -Assembly System.IO
Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem

$compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal

$directoryTest = (Test-Path $dailyBackupDestFolder)
$fileTest = (Test-Path $zipFileName)

if ( $directoryTest -eq $false) 
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $dailyBackupDestFolder 

     if ( $fileTest -eq $true)
           if ($overwrite -eq $true ){Remove-Item $zipFileName}


    catch [System.IO.IOException] 
       Write-Output ($dateTime + ' | ' + $_.Exception.Message ) | Out-File $logFile -append -force 

What I am doing here is catching these IO Errors, such as accessing files that exist already, catching that error and directing it to a logfile that I am maintaining with a larger program.

How to set cookie value with AJAX request?

Basically, ajax request as well as synchronous request sends your document cookies automatically. So, you need to set your cookie to document, not to request. However, your request is cross-domain, and things became more complicated. Basing on this answer, additionally to set document cookie, you should allow its sending to cross-domain environment:

type: "GET",    
url: "",
cache: false,
// NO setCookies option available, set cookie to document
//setCookies: "lkfh89asdhjahska7al446dfg5kgfbfgdhfdbfgcvbcbc dfskljvdfhpl",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'json',
xhrFields: {
    withCredentials: true
success: function (data) {

Collections.emptyList() returns a List<Object>?

You want to use:


If you look at the source for what emptyList does you see that it actually just does a

return (List<T>)EMPTY_LIST;

Create PostgreSQL ROLE (user) if it doesn't exist

Simplify in a similar fashion to what you had in mind:

      SELECT FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles  -- SELECT list can be empty for this
      WHERE  rolname = 'my_user') THEN

      CREATE ROLE my_user LOGIN PASSWORD 'my_password';
   END IF;

(Building on @a_horse_with_no_name's answer and improved with @Gregory's comment.)

Unlike, for instance, with CREATE TABLE there is no IF NOT EXISTS clause for CREATE ROLE (up to at least pg 12). And you cannot execute dynamic DDL statements in plain SQL.

Your request to "avoid PL/pgSQL" is impossible except by using another PL. The DO statement uses plpgsql as default procedural language. The syntax allows to omit the explicit declaration:

DO [ LANGUAGE lang_name ] code
The name of the procedural language the code is written in. If omitted, the default is plpgsql.

Pass a reference to DOM object with ng-click

The angular way is shown in the angular docs :)

Here is the example they use:

    Check me to make text readonly: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checked"><br/>
    <input type="text" ng-readonly="checked" value="I'm Angular"/>

Basically the angular way is to create a model object that will hold whether or not the input should be readonly and then set that model object accordingly. The beauty of angular is that most of the time you don't need to do any dom manipulation. You just have angular render the view they way your model is set (let angular do the dom manipulation for you and keep your code clean).

So basically in your case you would want to do something like below or check out this working example.

<button ng-click="isInput1ReadOnly = !isInput1ReadOnly">Click Me</button>
<input type="text" ng-readonly="isInput1ReadOnly" value="Angular Rules!"/>

Android ImageView's onClickListener does not work

Add android:onClick="clickEvent" to your image view.

<ImageView android:id="@+id/favorite_icon" 
    android:layout_gravity="top|right" android:paddingTop="63sp"
    android:onClick="clickEvent"  />

In your activity you can create a method with the same name (clickEvent(View v)), and that's it! You can see the log and the toast text too.

public void clickEvent(View v)
    Log.i(SystemSettings.APP_TAG + " : " + HomeActivity.class.getName(), "Entered onClick method");
            "The favorite list would appear on clicking this icon",

Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table?

I use

select /*+ parallel(a) */  count(1) from table_name a;

Statically rotate font-awesome icons

New Font-Awesome v5 has Power Transforms

You can rotate any icon by adding attribute data-fa-transform to icon

<i class="fas fa-magic" data-fa-transform="rotate-45"></i>

Here is a fiddle

For more information, check this out : Font-Awesome5 Power Tranforms

beyond top level package error in relative import

This is very tricky in Python.

I'll first comment on why you're having that problem and then I will mention two possible solutions.

  • What's going on?

You must take this paragraph from the Python documentation into consideration:

Note that relative imports are based on the name of the current module. Since the name of the main module is always "main", modules intended for use as the main module of a Python application must always use absolute imports.

And also the following from PEP 328:

Relative imports use a module's name attribute to determine that module's position in the package hierarchy. If the module's name does not contain any package information (e.g. it is set to 'main') then relative imports are resolved as if the module were a top level module, regardless of where the module is actually located on the file system.

Relative imports work from the filename (__name__ attribute), which can take two values:

  1. It's the filename, preceded by the folder strucutre, separated by dots. For eg: package.test_A.test Here Python knows the parent directories: before test comes test_A and then package. So you can use the dot notation for relative import.
#  package.test_A/
from ..A import foo

You can then have like a root file in the root directory which calls

from package.test_A import test
  1. When you run the module ( directly, it becomes the entry point to the program , so __name__ == __main__. The filename has no indication of the directory structure, so Python doesn't know how to go up in the directory. For Python, becomes the top-level script, there is nothing above it. That's why you cannot use relative import.

  • Possible Solutions

A) One way to solve this is to have a root file (in the root directory) which calls the modules/packages, like this:

enter image description here

  • imports (entry point, __name__ == __main__).
  • (relative) imports
  • says the module has been imported.

The output is: has been imported
Module's name is:  package.test_A.test

B) If you want to execute the code as a module and not as a top-level script, you can try this from the command line:

python -m package.test_A.test

Any suggestions are welcomed.

You should also check: Relative imports for the billionth time , specially BrenBarn's answer.

How to select and change value of table cell with jQuery?

You can use CSS selectors.

Depending on how you get that td, you can either give it an id:

<td id='cell'>c</td>

and then use:


Or traverse to the third cell of the first row of table_header, etc.

How to store an output of shell script to a variable in Unix?

You should probably re-write the script to return a value rather than output it. Instead of:

a=$( ) # Now a is a string, either "success" or "Failed"
case "$a" in
   success) echo script succeeded;;
   Failed) echo script failed;;

you would be able to do:

if > /dev/null; then
    echo script succeeded
    echo script failed

It is much simpler for other programs to work with you script if they do not have to parse the output. This is a simple change to make. Just exit 0 instead of printing success, and exit 1 instead of printing Failed. Of course, you can also print those values as well as exiting with a reasonable return value, so that wrapper scripts have flexibility in how they work with the script.

How can I convert String[] to ArrayList<String>

You can loop all of the array and add into ArrayList:

ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(filesOrig.length);
for(String file: filesOrig) {

Or use Arrays.asList(T... a) to do as the comment posted.

Where can I find System.Web.Helpers, System.Web.WebPages, and System.Web.Razor?

On VS2017 I installed the NuGet package: Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages

That did the trick.

Adding a guideline to the editor in Visual Studio

This will also work in Visual Studio 2010 (Beta 2), as long as you install Paul Harrington's extension to enable the guidelines from the VSGallery or from the extension manager inside VS2010. Since this is version 10.0, you should use the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Text Editor

Also, Paul wrote an extension that adds entries to the editor's context menu for adding/removing the entries without needing to edit the registry directly. You can find it here:

Set an environment variable in git bash

If you want to set environment variables permanently in Git-Bash, you have two options:

  1. Set a regular Windows environment variable. Git-bash gets all existing Windows environment variables at startupp.

  2. Set up env variables in .bash_profile file.

.bash_profile is by default located in a user home folder, like C:\users\userName\git-home\.bash_profile. You can change the path to the bash home folder by setting HOME Windows environment variable.

.bash_profile file uses the regular Bash syntax and commands

# Export a variable in .bash_profile
export DIR=c:\dir
# Nix path style works too
export DIR=/c/dir

# And don't forget to add quotes if a variable contains whitespaces
export ANOTHER_DIR="c:\some dir"

Read more information about Bash configurations files.

Does Hibernate create tables in the database automatically

your setting should be defining that the database is created (options are validate, create, update or create-drop)

Implementing autocomplete

PrimeNG has a native AutoComplete component with advanced features like templating and multiple selection.

How do you delete an ActiveRecord object?

If you are using Rails 5 and above, the following solution will work.

#delete based on id
user_id = 50
User.find(id: user_id).delete_all

#delete based on condition
threshold_age = 20
User.where(age: threshold_age).delete_all

How to add to an NSDictionary

You want to ask is "what is the difference between a mutable and a non-mutable array or dictionary." Many times there different terms are used to describe things that you already know about. In this case, you can replace the term "mutable" with "dynamic." So, a mutuable dictionary or array is one that is "dynamic" and can change at runtime, whereas a non-mutable dictionary or array is one that is "static" and defined in your code and does not change at runtime (in other words, you will not be adding, deleting or possibly sorting the elements.)

As to how it is done, you are asking us to repeat the documentation here. All you need to do is to search in sample code and the Xcode documentation to see exactly how it is done. But the mutable thing threw me too when I was first learning, so I'll give you that one!

How do you set the document title in React?

I haven't tested this too thoroughly, but this seems to work. Written in TypeScript.

interface Props {
    children: string|number|Array<string|number>,

export default class DocumentTitle extends React.Component<Props> {

    private oldTitle: string = document.title;

    componentWillUnmount(): void {
        document.title = this.oldTitle;

    render() {
        document.title = Array.isArray(this.props.children) ? this.props.children.join('') : this.props.children;
        return null;


export default class App extends React.Component<Props, State> {

    render() {
        return <>
            <DocumentTitle>{this.state.files.length} Gallery</DocumentTitle>
                Lorem ipsum

Not sure why others are keen on putting their entire app inside their <Title> component, that seems weird to me.

By updating the document.title inside render() it'll refresh/stay up to date if you want a dynamic title. It should revert the title when unmounted too. Portals are cute, but seem unnecessary; we don't really need to manipulate any DOM nodes here.

get specific row from spark dataframe

There is a scala way (if you have a enough memory on working machine):

val arr ="column").rdd.collect

If dataframe schema is unknown, and you know actual type of "column" field (for example double), than you can get arr as following:

val arr =$"column".cast("Double")).as[Double].rdd.collect

Are the decimal places in a CSS width respected?

If it's a percentage width, then yes, it is respected. As Martin pointed out, things break down when you get to fractional pixels, but if your percentage values yield integer pixel value (e.g. 50.5% of 200px in the example) you'll get sensible, expected behaviour.

Edit: I've updated the example to show what happens to fractional pixels (in Chrome the values are truncated, so 50, 50.5 and 50.6 all show the same width).

How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <array>

std::string exec(const char* cmd) {
    std::array<char, 128> buffer;
    std::string result;
    std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd, "r"), pclose);
    if (!pipe) {
        throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!");
    while (fgets(, buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr) {
        result +=;
    return result;

Pre-C++11 version:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

std::string exec(const char* cmd) {
    char buffer[128];
    std::string result = "";
    FILE* pipe = popen(cmd, "r");
    if (!pipe) throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!");
    try {
        while (fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, pipe) != NULL) {
            result += buffer;
    } catch (...) {
    return result;

Replace popen and pclose with _popen and _pclose for Windows.

How can I save a base64-encoded image to disk?

Easy way to convert base64 image into file and save as some random id or name.

// to create some random id or name for your image name
const imgname = new Date().getTime().toString();

// to declare some path to store your converted image
const path = yourpath.png    

// image takes from body which you uploaded
const imgdata = req.body.image;    

// to convert base64 format into random filename
const base64Data = imgdata.replace(/^data:([A-Za-z-+/]+);base64,/, '');
fs.writeFile(path, base64Data, 'base64', (err) => {

// assigning converted image into your database
req.body.coverImage = imgname

Presto SQL - Converting a date string to date format

I figured it out. The below works in converting it to a 24 hr date format.

select date_parse('7/22/2016 6:05:04 PM','%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p')

See date_parse documentation in Presto.

Does it matter what extension is used for SQLite database files?

In distributable software, I dont want my customers mucking about in the database by themselves. The program reads and writes it all by itself. The only reason for a user to touch the DB file is to take a backup copy. Therefore I have named it whatever_records.db

The simple .db extension tells the user that it is a binary data file and that's all they have to know. Calling it .sqlite invites the interested user to open it up and mess something up!

Totally depends on your usage scenario I suppose.

pythonic way to do something N times without an index variable?

A slightly faster approach than looping on xrange(N) is:

import itertools

for _ in itertools.repeat(None, N):

How to insert double and float values to sqlite?

actually I think your code is just fine.. you can save those values as strings (TEXT) just like you did.. (if you want to)

and you probably get the error for the System.currentTimeMillis() that might be too big for INTEGER

Can Windows Containers be hosted on linux?

Unlike Virtualization, containerization uses the same host os. So the container built on linux can not be run on windows and vice versa.

In windows, you have to take help of virtuallization (using Hyper-v) to have same os as your containers's os and then you should be able to run the same.

Docker for windows is similar app which is built on Hyper-v and helps in running linux docker container on windows. But as far as I know, there is nothing as such which helps run windows containers on linux.

Is recursion ever faster than looping?

Most of the answers here are wrong. The right answer is it depends. For example, here are two C functions which walks through a tree. First the recursive one:

void mm_scan_black(mm_rc *m, ptr p) {
        if (GET_COL(p_child) != COL_BLACK) {
            mm_scan_black(m, p_child);

And here is the same function implemented using iteration:

void mm_scan_black(mm_rc *m, ptr p) {
    stack *st = m->black_stack;
    st_push(st, p);
    while (st->used != 0) {
        p = st_pop(st);
        P_FOR_EACH_CHILD(p, {
            if (GET_COL(p_child) != COL_BLACK) {
                SET_COL(p_child, COL_BLACK);
                st_push(st, p_child);

It's not important to understand the details of the code. Just that p are nodes and that P_FOR_EACH_CHILD does the walking. In the iterative version we need an explicit stack st onto which nodes are pushed and then popped and manipulated.

The recursive function runs much faster than the iterative one. The reason is because in the latter, for each item, a CALL to the function st_push is needed and then another to st_pop.

In the former, you only have the recursive CALL for each node.

Plus, accessing variables on the callstack is incredibly fast. It means you are reading from memory which is likely to always be in the innermost cache. An explicit stack, on the other hand, has to be backed by malloc:ed memory from the heap which is much slower to access.

With careful optimization, such as inlining st_push and st_pop, I can reach roughly parity with the recursive approach. But at least on my computer, the cost of accessing heap memory is bigger than the cost of the recursive call.

But this discussion is mostly moot because recursive tree walking is incorrect. If you have a large enough tree, you will run out of callstack space which is why an iterative algorithm must be used.

ActionBarActivity: cannot be resolved to a type

I got the same problem, but things got complicated when I added few other libraries like appcompat.v7, recyclerView, CardView.

Removing appcompat.v4 from lib did not work for me.

I had to create project from start and first step I did is to remove appcompat.v4 from libs folder, and this worked.

I had just started the project so creating a new project wasn't a big issue for me!!!

slideToggle JQuery right to left

Please try this code

$(this).animate({'width': 'toggle'});

How can I programmatically check whether a keyboard is present in iOS app?

I think you need to use the notifications that are provided about the keyboard:


Keyboard Notifications

When the system shows or hides the keyboard, it posts several keyboard notifications. These notifications contain information about the keyboard, including its size, which you can use for calculations that involve moving views. Registering for these notifications is the only way to get some types of information about the keyboard. The system delivers the following notifications for keyboard-related events:

* UIKeyboardWillShowNotification
* UIKeyboardDidShowNotification
* UIKeyboardWillHideNotification
* UIKeyboardDidHideNotification

For more information about these notifications, see their descriptions in UIWindow Class Reference. For information about how to show and hide the keyboard, see Text and Web.

Why is there no xrange function in Python3?

Some performance measurements, using timeit instead of trying to do it manually with time.

First, Apple 2.7.2 64-bit:

In [37]: %timeit collections.deque((x for x in xrange(10000000) if x%4 == 0), maxlen=0)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.05 s per loop

Now, 3.3.0 64-bit:

In [83]: %timeit collections.deque((x for x in range(10000000) if x%4 == 0), maxlen=0)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.32 s per loop

In [84]: %timeit collections.deque((x for x in xrange(10000000) if x%4 == 0), maxlen=0)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.31 s per loop

In [85]: %timeit collections.deque((x for x in iter(range(10000000)) if x%4 == 0), maxlen=0) 
1 loops, best of 3: 1.33 s per loop

Apparently, 3.x range really is a bit slower than 2.x xrange. And the OP's xrange function has nothing to do with it. (Not surprising, as a one-time call to the __iter__ slot isn't likely to be visible among 10000000 calls to whatever happens in the loop, but someone brought it up as a possibility.)

But it's only 30% slower. How did the OP get 2x as slow? Well, if I repeat the same tests with 32-bit Python, I get 1.58 vs. 3.12. So my guess is that this is yet another of those cases where 3.x has been optimized for 64-bit performance in ways that hurt 32-bit.

But does it really matter? Check this out, with 3.3.0 64-bit again:

In [86]: %timeit [x for x in range(10000000) if x%4 == 0]
1 loops, best of 3: 3.65 s per loop

So, building the list takes more than twice as long than the entire iteration.

And as for "consumes much more resources than Python 2.6+", from my tests, it looks like a 3.x range is exactly the same size as a 2.x xrange—and, even if it were 10x as big, building the unnecessary list is still about 10000000x more of a problem than anything the range iteration could possibly do.

And what about an explicit for loop instead of the C loop inside deque?

In [87]: def consume(x):
   ....:     for i in x:
   ....:         pass
In [88]: %timeit consume(x for x in range(10000000) if x%4 == 0)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.85 s per loop

So, almost as much time wasted in the for statement as in the actual work of iterating the range.

If you're worried about optimizing the iteration of a range object, you're probably looking in the wrong place.

Meanwhile, you keep asking why xrange was removed, no matter how many times people tell you the same thing, but I'll repeat it again: It was not removed: it was renamed to range, and the 2.x range is what was removed.

Here's some proof that the 3.3 range object is a direct descendant of the 2.x xrange object (and not of the 2.x range function): the source to 3.3 range and 2.7 xrange. You can even see the change history (linked to, I believe, the change that replaced the last instance of the string "xrange" anywhere in the file).

So, why is it slower?

Well, for one, they've added a lot of new features. For another, they've done all kinds of changes all over the place (especially inside iteration) that have minor side effects. And there'd been a lot of work to dramatically optimize various important cases, even if it sometimes slightly pessimizes less important cases. Add this all up, and I'm not surprised that iterating a range as fast as possible is now a bit slower. It's one of those less-important cases that nobody would ever care enough to focus on. No one is likely to ever have a real-life use case where this performance difference is the hotspot in their code.

How to allow http content within an iframe on a https site

All you need to do is just use Google as a Proxy server.[YourHttpLink].

<iframe src="[Your http link]"></frame>

It worked for me.


Changing color of Twitter bootstrap Nav-Pills

If you don't want to include any extra CSS you can just use the button color classes into the nav-link element, it will format the pill just the same as a regular button.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<ul class="nav nav-pills p-3">_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
        <a class="nav-link active" href="#">Normal</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
        <a class="nav-link active btn-primary" href="#">Primary</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
        <a class="nav-link active btn-secondary" href="#">Secondary</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
        <a class="nav-link active btn-success" href="#">Success</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
        <a class="nav-link active btn-warning" href="#">Warning</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
        <a class="nav-link active btn-danger" href="#">Danger</a>_x000D_

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.Set

Not saying your mapping is correct or wrong but I think hibernate wants a instance of the set where you declare the field.

@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@Column(name = "ROLE_ID")
private Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>();

SQL 'like' vs '=' performance

It's a measureable difference.

Run the following:

Create Table #TempTester (id int, col1 varchar(20), value varchar(20))

INSERT INTO #TempTester (id, col1, value)
(1, 'this is #1', 'abcdefghij')

INSERT INTO #TempTester (id, col1, value)
(2, 'this is #2', 'foob'),
(3, 'this is #3', 'abdefghic'),
(4, 'this is #4', 'other'),
(5, 'this is #5', 'zyx'),
(6, 'this is #6', 'zyx'),
(7, 'this is #7', 'zyx'),
(8, 'this is #8', 'klm'),
(9, 'this is #9', 'klm'),
(10, 'this is #10', 'zyx')
GO 10000


CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ixTesting ON #TempTester(value)




SELECT * FROM #TempTester WHERE value LIKE 'abc%'

SELECT * FROM #TempTester WHERE value = 'abcdefghij'

The resulting execution plan shows you that the cost of the first operation, the LIKE comparison, is about 10 times more expensive than the = comparison.

If you can use an = comparison, please do so.

String replacement in batch file

This works fine

@echo off    
set word=table    
set str=jump over the chair    
set rpl=%str:chair=%%word%    
echo %rpl%

Android: show/hide status bar/power bar

with this method, using SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY the full screen come back with one tap without any implementation. Just copy past this method below and call it where you want in your activity. More details here

private void hideSystemUI() {
                    // Set the content to appear under the system bars so that the
                    // content doesn't resize when the system bars hide and show.
                    | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE
                    | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN
                    // Hide the nav bar and status bar
                    | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY
                    | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION
                    | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN);

How to kill a while loop with a keystroke?

For Python 3.7, I copied and changed the very nice answer by user297171 so it works in all scenarios in Python 3.7 that I tested.

import threading as th

keep_going = True
def key_capture_thread():
    global keep_going
    keep_going = False

def do_stuff():
    th.Thread(target=key_capture_thread, args=(), name='key_capture_thread', daemon=True).start()
    while keep_going:
        print('still going...')


JCheckbox - ActionListener and ItemListener?

For reference, here's an sscce that illustrates the difference. Console:



import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

/** @see */
public class Listeners {

    private void display() {
        JFrame f = new JFrame("Listeners");
        JCheckBox b = new JCheckBox("JCheckBox");
        b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                System.out.println(e.getID() == ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED
                    ? "ACTION_PERFORMED" : e.getID());
        b.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {

            public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
                System.out.println(e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED
                    ? "SELECTED" : "DESELECTED");
        JPanel p = new JPanel();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                new Listeners().display();

What is Ad Hoc Query?

Ad-hoc Query -

  • this type of query is designed for a "particular purpose,“ which is in contrast to a predefined query, which has the same output value on every execution.
  • An ad hoc query command executed in each time, but the result is different, depending on the value of the variable.
  • It cannot be predetermined and usually comes under dynamic programming SQL query.
  • An ad hoc query is short lived and is created at runtime.

How to shift a block of code left/right by one space in VSCode?


While these methods work, newer versions of VS Code uses the Ctrl+] shortcut to indent a block of code once, and Ctrl+[ to remove indentation.

This method detects the indentation in a file and indents accordingly.You can change the size of indentation by clicking on the Select Indentation setting in the bottom right of VS Code (looks something like "Spaces: 2"), selecting "Indent using Spaces" from the drop-down menu and then selecting by how many spaces you would like to indent.

Reasons for a 409/Conflict HTTP error when uploading a file to sharepoint using a .NET WebRequest?

I found 2 things worth mentioning while uploading files using webdav and http web request. First, for the provider I was using, I had to append the filename at the end of the provider url. Ihad to append the port number in the url. And I also set the Request method to PUT instead of POST.


string webdavUrl = "https://localhost:443/downloads/test.pdf";
request.Method = "PUT";

How long is the SHA256 hash?

I prefer to use BINARY(32) since it's the optimized way!

You can place in that 32 hex digits from (00 to FF).

Therefore BINARY(32)!

String Resource new line /n not possible?

This is an old question, but I found that when you create a string like this:

<string name="newline_test">My
New line test</string>

The output in your app will be like this (no newline)

My New line test

When you put the string in quotation marks

<string name="newline_test">"My
New line test"</string>

the newline will appear:

New line test

SAP Crystal Reports runtime for .Net 4.0 (64-bit)

SAP is notoriously bad at making these downloads available... or in an easily accessible location so hopefully this link still works by the time you read this answer.

< original link no longer active > Updated Link 2/6/13: - "Updated 10/31/2017" - "Updated 10/31/2017"

Get list of certificates from the certificate store in C#

Yes -- the X509Store.Certificates property returns a snapshot of the X.509 certificate store.

What is a unix command for deleting the first N characters of a line?

Use cut. Eg. to strip the first 4 characters of each line (i.e. start on the 5th char):

tail -f logfile | grep org.springframework | cut -c 5-

Twitter bootstrap collapse: change display of toggle button

Easier with inline coding

<button type="button" ng-click="showmore = (showmore !=null && showmore) ? false : true;" class="btn float-right" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#moreoptions">
            <span class="glyphicon" ng-class="showmore ? 'glyphicon-collapse-up': 'glyphicon-collapse-down'"></span>
            {{ showmore !=null && showmore ? "Hide More Options" : "Show More Options" }}

<div id="moreoptions" class="collapse">Your Panel</div>

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?

I came up with this function that does not simply return the IP address but an array with IP information.

// Example usage:
$info = ip_info();
if ( $info->proxy ) {
    echo 'Your IP is ' . $info->ip;
} else {
    echo 'Your IP is ' . $info->ip . ' and your proxy is ' . $info->proxy_ip;

Here's the function:

 * Retrieves the best guess of the client's actual IP address.
 * Takes into account numerous HTTP proxy headers due to variations
 * in how different ISPs handle IP addresses in headers between hops.
 * @since 1.1.3
 * @return object {
 *         IP Address details
 *         string $ip The users IP address (might be spoofed, if $proxy is true)
 *         bool $proxy True, if a proxy was detected
 *         string $proxy_id The proxy-server IP address
 * }
function ip_info() {
    $result = (object) array(
        'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
        'proxy' => false,
        'proxy_ip' => '',

     * This code tries to bypass a proxy and get the actual IP address of
     * the visitor behind the proxy.
     * Warning: These values might be spoofed!
    $ip_fields = array(
    foreach ( $ip_fields as $key ) {
        if ( array_key_exists( $key, $_SERVER ) === true ) {
            foreach ( explode( ',', $_SERVER[$key] ) as $ip ) {
                $ip = trim( $ip );

                if ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE ) !== false ) {
                    $forwarded = $ip;
                    break 2;

    // If we found a different IP address then REMOTE_ADDR then it's a proxy!
    if ( $forwarded != $result->ip ) {
        $result->proxy = true;
        $result->proxy_ip = $result->ip;
        $result->ip = $forwarded;

    return $result;

MySQL - Meaning of "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE KEY" and "KEY" when used together while creating a table

Just to add to the other answers, the documentation gives this explanation:

  • KEY is normally a synonym for INDEX. The key attribute PRIMARY KEY can also be specified as just KEY when given in a column definition. This was implemented for compatibility with other database systems.

  • A UNIQUE index creates a constraint such that all values in the index must be distinct. An error occurs if you try to add a new row with a key value that matches an existing row. For all engines, a UNIQUE index permits multiple NULL values for columns that can contain NULL.

  • A PRIMARY KEY is a unique index where all key columns must be defined as NOT NULL. If they are not explicitly declared as NOT NULL, MySQL declares them so implicitly (and silently). A table can have only one PRIMARY KEY. The name of a PRIMARY KEY is always PRIMARY, which thus cannot be used as the name for any other kind of index.

Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible

To get it to work with FullScreen:

Use the ionic keyboard plugin. This allows you to listen for when the keyboard appears and disappears.

OnDeviceReady add these event listeners:

// Allow Screen to Move Up when Keyboard is Present
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardshow', onKeyboardShow);
// Reset Screen after Keyboard hides
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', onKeyboardHide);

The Logic:

function onKeyboardShow(e) {
    // Get Focused Element
    var thisElement = $(':focus');
    // Get input size
    var i = thisElement.height();
    // Get Window Height
    var h = $(window).height()
    // Get Keyboard Height
    var kH = e.keyboardHeight
    // Get Focused Element Top Offset
    var eH = thisElement.offset().top;
    // Top of Input should still be visible (30 = Fixed Header)
    var vS = h - kH;
    i = i > vS ? (vS - 30) : i;
    // Get Difference
    var diff = (vS - eH - i);
    if (diff < 0) {
        var parent = $('.myOuter-xs.myOuter-md');
        // Add Padding
        var marginTop = parseInt(parent.css('marginTop')) + diff - 25;
        parent.css('marginTop', marginTop + 'px');

function onKeyboardHide(e) {
  // Remove All Style Attributes from Parent Div

Basically if they difference is minus then that is the amount of pixels that the keyboard is covering of your input. So if you adjust your parent div by this that should counteract it.

Adding timeouts to the logic say 300ms should also optimise performance (as this will allow keyboard time to appear.

JavaScript Extending Class

ES6 gives you now the opportunity to use class & extends keywords :

Then , your code will be :

You have a base class:

class Monster{
    = 100;
       growl() {


That You want to extend and create another class with:

class Monkey extends Monster {
            super(); //don't forget "super"
            this.bananaCount = 5;

        eatBanana() {
 ; //Accessing variable from parent class monster
           this.growl(); //Accessing function from parent class monster


How to add multiple files to Git at the same time

If you want to add multiple files in a given folder you can split them using {,}. This is awesome for not repeating long paths, e.g.

git add long/path/{file1,file2,...,filen}

Beware not to put spaces between the ,.

Concatenation of strings in Lua

If you are asking whether there's shorthand version of operator .. - no there isn't. You cannot write a ..= b. You'll have to type it in full: filename = filename .. ".tmp"

SimpleDateFormat returns 24-hour date: how to get 12-hour date?

Referring to SimpleDataFormat JavaDoc:

Letter | Date or Time Component | Presentation | Examples
   H   |  Hour in day (0-23)    |    Number    |    0
   h   |  Hour in am/pm (1-12)  |    Number    |    12

Can't find @Nullable inside javax.annotation.*

If you are using Gradle, you could include the dependency like this:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile group: '', name: 'jsr305', version: '3.0.0'

How to sort rows of HTML table that are called from MySQL

The easiest way to do this would be to put a link on your column headers, pointing to the same page. In the query string, put a variable so that you know what they clicked on, and then use ORDER BY in your SQL query to perform the ordering.

The HTML would look like this:

<th><a href="mypage.php?sort=type">Type:</a></th>
<th><a href="mypage.php?sort=desc">Description:</a></th>
<th><a href="mypage.php?sort=recorded">Recorded Date:</a></th>
<th><a href="mypage.php?sort=added">Added Date:</a></th>

And in the php code, do something like this:


$sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable";

if ($_GET['sort'] == 'type')
    $sql .= " ORDER BY type";
elseif ($_GET['sort'] == 'desc')
    $sql .= " ORDER BY Description";
elseif ($_GET['sort'] == 'recorded')
    $sql .= " ORDER BY DateRecorded";
elseif($_GET['sort'] == 'added')
    $sql .= " ORDER BY DateAdded";


Notice that you shouldn't take the $_GET value directly and append it to your query. As some user could got to MyPage.php?sort=; DELETE FROM MyTable;

Git push rejected "non-fast-forward"

  1. move the code to a new branch - git branch -b tmp_branchyouwantmergedin
  2. change to the branch you want to merge to - git checkout mycoolbranch
  3. reset the branch you want to merge to - git branch reset --hard HEAD
  4. merge the tmp branch into the desired branch - git branch merge tmp_branchyouwantmergedin
  5. push to origin

How do I get Flask to run on port 80?

1- Stop other applications that are using port 80. 2- run application with port 80 :

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=80)

Changing datagridview cell color dynamically

This works for me

dataGridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[columnIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;

How to iterate object keys using *ngFor

You have to create custom pipe.

import { Injectable, Pipe } from '@angular/core';
   name: 'keyobject'
export class Keyobject {

transform(value, args:string[]):any {
    let keys = [];
    for (let key in value) {
        keys.push({key: key, value: value[key]});
    return keys;

And then use it in your *ngFor

*ngFor="let item of data | keyobject"

Deep copy in ES6 using the spread syntax

Instead use this for deep copy

var newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject))

var oldObject = {_x000D_
  name: 'A',_x000D_
  address: {_x000D_
    street: 'Station Road',_x000D_
    city: 'Pune'_x000D_
var newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject));_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'Delhi';_x000D_

If...Then...Else with multiple statements after Then

Multiple statements are to be separated by a new line:

If SkyIsBlue Then
ElseIf SkyIsRed Then
ElseIf SkyIsYellow Then
  If Sunset Then
  ElseIf Sunrise or IsMorning Then
  End If
End If

JPA and Hibernate - Criteria vs. JPQL or HQL

Criteria query for dynamically we can construct query based on our inputs..In case of Hql query is the static query once we construct we can't change the structure of the query.

How do you access a website running on localhost from iPhone browser

If you are working on a php project you can change the base href:

<base href="<?php echo str_replace("localhost","192.x.x.x",HTTPS_SERVER);?>">

  • localhost or depending on your settings
  • 192.x.x.x : your local ip address
  • HTTPS_SERVER: the previous base href

Doing that is essential to load images, css and js files on your phone.

Why fragments, and when to use fragments instead of activities?

#1 & #2 what are the purposes of using a fragment & what are the advantages and disadvantages of using fragments compared to using activities/views/layouts?

Fragments are Android's solution to creating reusable user interfaces. You can achieve some of the same things using activities and layouts (for example by using includes). However; fragments are wired in to the Android API, from HoneyComb, and up. Let me elaborate;

  • The ActionBar. If you want tabs up there to navigate your app, you quickly see that ActionBar.TabListener interface gives you a FragmentTransaction as an input argument to the onTabSelected method. You could probably ignore this, and do something else and clever, but you'd be working against the API, not with it.

  • The FragmentManager handles «back» for you in a very clever way. Back does not mean back to the last activity, like for regular activities. It means back to the previous fragment state.

  • You can use the cool ViewPager with a FragmentPagerAdapter to create swipe interfaces. The FragmentPagerAdapter code is much cleaner than a regular adapter, and it controls instantiations of the individual fragments.

  • Your life will be a lot easier if you use Fragments when you try to create applications for both phones and tablets. Since the fragments are so tied in with the Honeycomb+ APIs, you will want to use them on phones as well to reuse code. That's where the compatibility library comes in handy.

  • You even could and should use fragments for apps meant for phones only. If you have portability in mind. I use ActionBarSherlock and the compatibility libraries to create "ICS looking" apps, that look the same all the way back to version 1.6. You get the latest features like the ActionBar, with tabs, overflow, split action bar, viewpager etc.

Bonus 2

The best way to communicate between fragments are intents. When you press something in a Fragment you would typically call StartActivity() with data on it. The intent is passed on to all fragments of the activity you launch.

PHP exec() vs system() vs passthru()

It really all comes down to how you want to handle output that the command might return and whether you want your PHP script to wait for the callee program to finish or not.

  • exec executes a command and passes output to the caller (or returns it in an optional variable).

  • passthru is similar to the exec() function in that it executes a command . This function should be used in place of exec() or system() when the output from the Unix command is binary data which needs to be passed directly back to the browser.

  • system executes an external program and displays the output, but only the last line.

If you need to execute a command and have all the data from the command passed directly back without any interference, use the passthru() function.

Python loop counter in a for loop

Use enumerate() like so:

def draw_menu(options, selected_index):
    for counter, option in enumerate(options):
        if counter == selected_index:
            print " [*] %s" % option
            print " [ ] %s" % option    

options = ['Option 0', 'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']
draw_menu(options, 2)

Note: You can optionally put parenthesis around counter, option, like (counter, option), if you want, but they're extraneous and not normally included.

App installation failed due to application-identifier entitlement

I had the same error until I restored the watch to factory defaults as per

"Apparently if you have and existing WatchOS 1 app and try to update it to WatchOS 2 the bundle identifier changes and causes this error. If you update your watch you will need to do reset it if you had installed WatchOS1 app before updating that app to WatchOS2."

size of NumPy array

This is called the "shape" in NumPy, and can be requested via the .shape attribute:

>>> a = zeros((2, 5))
>>> a.shape
(2, 5)

If you prefer a function, you could also use numpy.shape(a).

Resize svg when window is resized in d3.js

In force layouts simply setting the 'height' and 'width' attributes will not work to re-center/move the plot into the svg container. However, there's a very simple answer that works for Force Layouts found here. In summary:

Use same (any) eventing you like.

window.on('resize', resize);

Then assuming you have svg & force variables:

var svg = /* D3 Code */;
var force = /* D3 Code */;    

function resize(e){
    // get width/height with container selector (body also works)
    // or use other method of calculating desired values
    var width = $('#myselector').width(); 
    var height = $('#myselector').height(); 

    // set attrs and 'resume' force 
    svg.attr('width', width);
    svg.attr('height', height);
    force.size([width, height]).resume();

In this way, you don't re-render the graph entirely, we set the attributes and d3 re-calculates things as necessary. This at least works when you use a point of gravity. I'm not sure if that's a prerequisite for this solution. Can anyone confirm or deny ?

Cheers, g

how does work?

Maybe a bit late, but the answer to all of this mess is that call() is used in JS for inheritance. If we compare this to Python or PHP, for example, call is used respectively as super().init() or parent::_construct().

This is an example of its usage that clarifies all:

function Teacher(first, last, age, gender, interests, subject) {, first, last, age, gender, interests);

  this.subject = subject;


document.all vs. document.getElementById

document.querySelectorAll (and its document.querySelector() variant that returns the first found element) is much, much more powerful. You can easily:

  • get an entire collection with document.querySelectorAll("*"), effectively emulating non-standard document.all property;
  • use document.querySelector("#your-id"), effectively emulating document.getElementById() function;
  • use document.querySelectorAll(".your-class"), effectively emulating document.getElementsByClassName() function;
  • use document.querySelectorAll("form") instead of document.forms, and document.querySelectorAll("a") instead of document.links;
  • and perform any much more complex DOM querying (using any available CSS selector) that just cannot be covered with other document builtins.

Unified querying API is the way to go. Even if document.all would be in the standard, it's just inconvenient.

What is the equivalent of Java's System.out.println() in Javascript?


Chrome, Safari, and IE 8+ come with built-in consoles (as part of a larger set of development tools). If you're using Firefox,

HashSet vs. List performance

Just thought I'd chime in with some benchmarks for different scenarios to illustrate the previous answers:

  1. A few (12 - 20) small strings (length between 5 and 10 characters)
  2. Many (~10K) small strings
  3. A few long strings (length between 200 and 1000 characters)
  4. Many (~5K) long strings
  5. A few integers
  6. Many (~10K) integers

And for each scenario, looking up values which appear:

  1. In the beginning of the list ("start", index 0)
  2. Near the beginning of the list ("early", index 1)
  3. In the middle of the list ("middle", index count/2)
  4. Near the end of the list ("late", index count-2)
  5. At the end of the list ("end", index count-1)

Before each scenario I generated randomly sized lists of random strings, and then fed each list to a hashset. Each scenario ran 10,000 times, essentially:

(test pseudocode)

for X times
    exists = list.Contains(lookup);

for X times
    exists = hashset.Contains(lookup);

Sample Output

Tested on Windows 7, 12GB Ram, 64 bit, Xeon 2.8GHz

---------- Testing few small strings ------------
Sample items: (16 total)
vgnwaloqf diwfpxbv tdcdc grfch icsjwk

1: hashset: late -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018398 sec]
2: hashset: middle -- 104.19 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019169 sec]
3: hashset: end -- 108.21 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019908 sec]
4: list: early -- 144.62 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0026607 sec]
5: hashset: start -- 174.32 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0032071 sec]
6: list: middle -- 187.72 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0034536 sec]
7: list: late -- 192.66 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0035446 sec]
8: list: end -- 215.42 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0039633 sec]
9: hashset: early -- 217.95 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0040098 sec]
10: list: start -- 576.55 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0106073 sec]

---------- Testing many small strings ------------
Sample items: (10346 total)
dmnowa yshtrxorj vthjk okrxegip vwpoltck

1: hashset: end -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017443 sec]
2: hashset: late -- 102.91 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017951 sec]
3: hashset: middle -- 106.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018529 sec]
4: list: early -- 107.49 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018749 sec]
5: list: start -- 126.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0022018 sec]
6: hashset: early -- 134.11 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0023393 sec]
7: hashset: start -- 372.09 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0064903 sec]
8: list: middle -- 48,593.79 % -- [Elapsed: 0.8476214 sec]
9: list: end -- 99,020.73 % -- [Elapsed: 1.7272186 sec]
10: list: late -- 99,089.36 % -- [Elapsed: 1.7284155 sec]

---------- Testing few long strings ------------
Sample items: (19 total)

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018266 sec]
2: list: start -- 115.76 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021144 sec]
3: list: middle -- 143.44 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0026201 sec]
4: list: late -- 190.05 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0034715 sec]
5: list: end -- 193.78 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0035395 sec]
6: hashset: early -- 215.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0039271 sec]
7: hashset: end -- 248.47 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0045386 sec]
8: hashset: start -- 298.04 % -- [Elapsed: 0.005444 sec]
9: hashset: middle -- 325.63 % -- [Elapsed: 0.005948 sec]
10: hashset: late -- 431.62 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0078839 sec]

---------- Testing many long strings ------------
Sample items: (5000 total)

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016211 sec]
2: list: start -- 132.73 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021517 sec]
3: hashset: start -- 231.26 % -- [Elapsed: 0.003749 sec]
4: hashset: end -- 368.74 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0059776 sec]
5: hashset: middle -- 385.50 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0062493 sec]
6: hashset: late -- 406.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0065854 sec]
7: hashset: early -- 421.34 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0068304 sec]
8: list: middle -- 18,619.12 % -- [Elapsed: 0.3018345 sec]
9: list: end -- 40,942.82 % -- [Elapsed: 0.663724 sec]
10: list: late -- 41,188.19 % -- [Elapsed: 0.6677017 sec]

---------- Testing few ints ------------
Sample items: (16 total)
7266092 60668895 159021363 216428460 28007724

1: hashset: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016211 sec]
2: hashset: end -- 100.45 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016284 sec]
3: list: early -- 101.83 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016507 sec]
4: hashset: late -- 108.95 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017662 sec]
5: hashset: middle -- 112.29 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018204 sec]
6: hashset: start -- 120.33 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019506 sec]
7: list: late -- 134.45 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021795 sec]
8: list: start -- 136.43 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0022117 sec]
9: list: end -- 169.77 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0027522 sec]
10: list: middle -- 237.94 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0038573 sec]

---------- Testing many ints ------------
Sample items: (10357 total)
370826556 569127161 101235820 792075135 270823009

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015132 sec]
2: hashset: end -- 101.79 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015403 sec]
3: hashset: early -- 102.08 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015446 sec]
4: hashset: middle -- 103.21 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015618 sec]
5: hashset: late -- 104.26 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015776 sec]
6: list: start -- 126.78 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019184 sec]
7: hashset: start -- 130.91 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019809 sec]
8: list: middle -- 16,497.89 % -- [Elapsed: 0.2496461 sec]
9: list: end -- 32,715.52 % -- [Elapsed: 0.4950512 sec]
10: list: late -- 33,698.87 % -- [Elapsed: 0.5099313 sec]

iPhone 5 CSS media query

afaik no iPhone uses a pixel-ratio of 1.5

iPhone 3G / 3GS: (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 1) iPhone 4G / 4GS / 5G: (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)

How can I import a large (14 GB) MySQL dump file into a new MySQL database?

I've searched around, and only this solution helped me:

mysql -u root -p

set global net_buffer_length=1000000; --Set network buffer length to a large byte number

set global max_allowed_packet=1000000000; --Set maximum allowed packet size to a large byte number

SET foreign_key_checks = 0; --Disable foreign key checking to avoid delays,errors and unwanted behaviour

source file.sql --Import your sql dump file

SET foreign_key_checks = 1; --Remember to enable foreign key checks when procedure is complete!

The answer is found here.

Get MIME type from filename extension

Most of the solutions are working but why take so efforts while we also can get mime type very easily. In System.Web assembly, there is method for getting the mime type from file name. eg:

string mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(filename);

How remove border around image in css?

I usually use this on the top of css file.

img {
   border: none;

Loop through all the resources in a .resx file

Blogged about it on my blog :) Short version is, to find the full names of the resources(unless you already know them):

var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

foreach (var resourceName in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())

To use all of them for something:

foreach (var resourceName in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())
    using(var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
        // Do something with stream

To use resources in other assemblies than the executing one, you'd just get a different assembly object by using some of the other static methods of the Assembly class. Hope it helps :)

Setting a Sheet and cell as variable

Yes. For that ensure that you declare the worksheet

For example

Previous Code

Sub Sample()
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = Sheets("Sheet3")

    Debug.Print ws.Cells(23, 4).Value
End Sub

New Code

Sub Sample()
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = Sheets("Sheet4")

    Debug.Print ws.Cells(23, 4).Value
End Sub

Multiple cases in switch statement

Just to add to the conversation, using .NET 4.6.2 I was also able to do the following. I tested the code and it did work for me.

You can also do multiple "OR" statements, like below:

            switch (value)
                case string a when a.Contains("text1"):
                    // Do Something
                case string b when b.Contains("text3") || b.Contains("text4") || b.Contains("text5"):
                    // Do Something else
                    // Or do this by default

You can also check if it matches a value in an array:

            string[] statuses = { "text3", "text4", "text5"};

            switch (value)
                case string a when a.Contains("text1"):
                    // Do Something
                case string b when statuses.Contains(value):                        
                    // Do Something else
                    // Or do this by default

Change span text?

document.getElementById("serverTime").innerHTML = ...;

PHP function to build query string from array

Implode will combine an array into a string for you, but to make an SQL query out a kay/value pair you'll have to write your own function.

jQuery - Dynamically Create Button and Attach Event Handler

You can either use onclick inside the button to ensure the event is preserved, or else attach the button click handler by finding the button after it is inserted. The test.html() call will not serialize the event.

Python safe method to get value of nested dictionary

Recursive method (?? ??????????)

Example dict:

foo = [{'feature_name': 'Sample Creator > Contract Details > Elements of the page',
  'scenarios': [{'scenario_name': 'SC, CD, Elements of the page',
                 'scenario_status': 'failed',
                 'scenario_tags': None,
                 'steps': [{'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 7.78166389465332,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.985326051712036,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 2.9063704013824463,
                            'name': 'Enter value: '
                                    'X-2008-CON-007,X-2011-CON-016 in '
                                    'textarea: project_text_area sleep: 1',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 4.4447715282440186,
                            'name': 'I press on GET DATA',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.1209557056427002,
                            'name': 'Verify the top table on Contract Details',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.8173601627349854,
                            'name': 'I export contract_details table by offset '
                                    'x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.032956600189209,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.04593634605407715,
                            'name': "Verify 'Number of Substances' column "
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.10199904441833496,
                            'name': 'Substance Sample Details bottom table '
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.0009999275207519531,
                            'name': 'Verify the Substance Sample Details '
                                    'bottom table',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.8558616638183594,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0329277515411377,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_2 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.2879970073699951,
                            'name': 'Click on AG-13369',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.800830364227295,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0169551372528076,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_3 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.7484464645385742,
                            'name': 'Select all cells, table: 2',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.812828779220581,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0029594898223877,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_2 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.6729373931884766,
                            'name': 'Set window size x:800, y:600',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 30.145705699920654,
                            'name': 'All scrollers are placed on top 6 and far '
                                    'left 8',
                            'status': 'failed'}]}]},
  {'feature_name': 'Sample Creator > Substance Sample History > Elements of the '
  'scenarios': [{'scenario_name': 'SC, SSH, Elements of the page',
                 'scenario_status': 'passed',
                 'scenario_tags': None,
                 'steps': [{'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 7.305850505828857,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.500955104827881,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.0419492721557617,
                            'name': 'Enter value: NOA401800 SYN-NOA '
                                    'A,S4A482070C SYN-ISN-OLD '
                                    'O,S04A482167T,S04A482190Y,CSAA796564,CSCD106701 '
                                    'in textarea: id_text_area sleep: 1',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 49.567158460617065,
                            'name': 'I press on GET DATA',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.13904356956481934,
                            'name': 'Open substance_sample_history',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.1039845943450928,
                            'name': 'Columns displayed',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.881945848464966,
                            'name': 'I export export_parent_table table by '
                                    'offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0334820747375488,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__ssh_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.0319981575012207,
                            'name': "Title is 'Additional Details for Marked "
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.08897256851196289,
                            'name': 'Columns displayed (the same as in top '
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 25.192569971084595,
                            'name': 'Verify the content of the bottom table',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 4.308935880661011,
                            'name': 'I export '
                                    'additional_details_for_marked_rows table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0089836120605469,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__ssh_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'}]}]}]


def get_keys(_dict: dict, prefix: list):
    prefix += list(_dict.keys())
    return prefix

def _loop_elements(elems:list, prefix=None, limit=None):
    prefix = prefix or []
    limit = limit or 9
        if len(elems) != 0 and isinstance(elems, list):
            for _ in elems:
                if isinstance(_, dict):
                    get_keys(_, prefix)
                    for item in _.values():
                        _loop_elements(item, prefix, limit)
        return prefix[:limit]
    except TypeError:

>>>goo = _loop_elements(foo,limit=9)
['feature_name', 'scenarios', 'scenario_name', 'scenario_status', 'scenario_tags', 'steps', 'duration', 'name', 'status']

Simple PowerShell LastWriteTime compare

I can't fault any of the answers here for the OP accepted one of them as resolving their problem. However, I found them flawed in one respect. When you output the result of the assignment to the variable, it contains numerous blank lines, not just the sought after answer. Example:

PS C:\brh> [datetime](Get-ItemProperty -Path .\deploy.ps1 -Name LastWriteTime).LastWriteTime

Friday, December 12, 2014 2:33:09 PM

PS C:\brh> 

I'm a fan of two things in code, succinctness and correctness. brianary has the right of it for succinctness with a tip of the hat to Roger Lipscombe but both miss correctness due to the extra lines in the result. Here's what I think the OP was looking for since it's what got me over the finish line.

PS C:\brh> (ls .\deploy.ps1).LastWriteTime.DateTime
Friday, December 12, 2014 2:33:09 PM

PS C:\brh> 

Note the lack of extra lines, only the one that PowerShell uses to separate prompts. Now this can be assigned to a variable for comparison or, as in my case, stored in a file for reading and comparison in a later session.

Undefined Symbols error when integrating Apptentive iOS SDK via Cocoapods

We have found that adding the Apptentive cocoa pod to an existing Xcode project may potentially not include some of our required frameworks.

Check your linker flags:

Target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags 

You should see -lApptentiveConnect listed as a linker flag:

... -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect ... 

You should also see our required Frameworks listed:

  • Accelerate
  • CoreData
  • CoreText
  • CoreGraphics
  • CoreTelephony
  • Foundation
  • QuartzCore
  • StoreKit
  • SystemConfiguration
  • UIKit

    -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect -framework Accelerate -framework CoreData -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreText -framework Foundation -framework QuartzCore -framework SystemConfiguration -framework UIKit -framework CoreTelephony -framework StoreKit  

Unable to set data attribute using jQuery Data() API

As mentioned, the .data() method won't actually set the value of the data- attribute, nor will it read updated values if the data- attribute changes.

My solution was to extend jQuery with a .realData() method that actually corresponds to the current value of the attribute:

// Alternative to .data() that updates data- attributes, and reads their current value.
  $.fn.realData = function(name,value) {
      if (value === undefined) {
        return $(this).attr('data-'+name);
      } else {

NOTE: Sure you could just use .attr(), but from my experience, most developers (aka me) make the mistake of viewing .attr() and .data() as interchangeable, and often substitute one for the other without thinking. It might work most of the time, but it's a great way to introduce bugs, especially when dealing with any sort of dynamic data binding. So by using .realData(), I can be more explicit about the intended behavior.

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

I recently (Jul 2014) had a similar issue and found on OS X (10.9.4) that there was a "DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA" certificate had expired (although I had another unexpired one as well).

  1. Open Keychain Access
  2. search Certificates for "DigiCert"
  3. View menu > Show Expired Certificates

I found two certificates named "DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA", one expiring Nov 2031 and the expired one at July 2014 (a few of days previously). Deleting the expired certificate resolved the issue for me.

Hope this helps.

Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server

No, you will have to use OR to combine your LIKE statements:

   column LIKE 'Text%' OR 
   column LIKE 'Link%' OR 
   column LIKE 'Hello%' OR
   column LIKE '%World%'

Have you looked at Full-Text Search?

Twitter bootstrap scrollable table

.span3 {  
    height: 100px !important;
    overflow: scroll;

You'll want to wrap it in it's own div or give that span3 an id of it's own so you don't affect your whole layout.

Here's a fiddle:

Configuration System Failed to Initialize

In My case, I have two configsections in the app.config file. After deleting the one hiding in the code lines, the app works fine.

So for someone has the same issue, check if you have duplicate configsections first.

BigDecimal equals() versus compareTo()

The answer is in the JavaDoc of the equals() method:

Unlike compareTo, this method considers two BigDecimal objects equal only if they are equal in value and scale (thus 2.0 is not equal to 2.00 when compared by this method).

In other words: equals() checks if the BigDecimal objects are exactly the same in every aspect. compareTo() "only" compares their numeric value.

As to why equals() behaves this way, this has been answered in this SO question.

How to modify a specified commit?

For me it was for removing some credentials from a repo. I tried rebasing and ran into a ton of seemingly unrelated conflicts along the way when trying to rebase --continue. Don't bother attempting to rebase yourself, use the tool called BFG (brew install bfg) on mac.

How to properly set the 100% DIV height to match document/window height?

this is how i answered that

<script type="text/javascript">
    function resizebg(){
        $('#background').css("height", $(document).height());
    //initial call




so basically on every resizing event i will overwrite the height of the div in this case an image that i use as overlay for the background and have it with opacity not so colorful also i can tint it in my case with the background color.

but thats another story

Importing variables from another file?


import first

The result will be 5.

SQL Server r2 installation error .. update Visual Studio 2008 to SP1

I used the Visual Studio 2008 Uninstall tool and it worked fine for me.

You can use this tool to uninstall Visual Studio 2008 official release and Visual Studio 2008 Release candidate (Only English version).

Found here, on the MSDN Forum: MSDN forum topic.

I found this answer here

Be sure you run the tool with admin-rights.

Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml?

I'm not sure this solution is under the spec but I think I can share for others.

dependency tree


Contains entity classes only. No META-INF/persistence.xml.


Depends on my-entities. Contains EJBs only.


Depends on my-services. Contains resource classes and META-INF/persistence.xml.


  • How can we specify <jar-file/> element in my-resources as the version-postfixed artifact name of a transient dependency?
  • How can we sync the <jar-file/> element's value and the actual transient dependency's one?


direct (redundant?) dependency and resource filtering

I put a property and a dependency in my-resources/pom.xml.

    <!-- this is actually a transitive dependency -->
    <scope>compile</scope> <!-- other values won't work -->

Now get the persistence.xml ready for being filtered

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence ...>
  <persistence-unit name="myPU" transaction-type="JTA">

Maven Enforcer Plugin

With the dependencyConvergence rule, we can assure that the my-entities' version is same in both direct and transitive.


Does height and width not apply to span?

As per comment from @Paul, If display: block is specified, span stops to be an inline element and an element after it appears on next line.

I came here to find solution to my span height problem and I got a solution of my own

Adding overflow:hidden; and keeing it inline will solve the problem just tested in IE8 Quirks mode

jQuery position DIV fixed at top on scroll

instead of doing it like that, why not just make the flyout position:fixed, top:0; left:0; once your window has scrolled pass a certain height:


      if ($(this).scrollTop() > 135) {
      } else {


.fixed {position:fixed; top:0; left:0;}


C++ sorting and keeping track of indexes

I wrote generic version of index sort.

template <class RAIter, class Compare>
void argsort(RAIter iterBegin, RAIter iterEnd, Compare comp, 
    std::vector<size_t>& indexes) {

    std::vector< std::pair<size_t,RAIter> > pv ;
    pv.reserve(iterEnd - iterBegin) ;

    RAIter iter ;
    size_t k ;
    for (iter = iterBegin, k = 0 ; iter != iterEnd ; iter++, k++) {
        pv.push_back( std::pair<int,RAIter>(k,iter) ) ;

    std::sort(pv.begin(), pv.end(), 
        [&comp](const std::pair<size_t,RAIter>& a, const std::pair<size_t,RAIter>& b) -> bool 
        { return comp(*a.second, *b.second) ; }) ;

    indexes.resize(pv.size()) ;
    std::transform(pv.begin(), pv.end(), indexes.begin(), 
        [](const std::pair<size_t,RAIter>& a) -> size_t { return a.first ; }) ;

Usage is the same as that of std::sort except for an index container to receive sorted indexes. testing:

int a[] = { 3, 1, 0, 4 } ;
std::vector<size_t> indexes ;
argsort(a, a + sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]), std::less<int>(), indexes) ;
for (size_t i : indexes) printf("%d\n", int(i)) ;

you should get 2 1 0 3. for the compilers without c++0x support, replace the lamba expression as a class template:

template <class RAIter, class Compare> 
class PairComp {
  Compare comp ;
  PairComp(Compare comp_) : comp(comp_) {}
  bool operator() (const std::pair<size_t,RAIter>& a, 
    const std::pair<size_t,RAIter>& b) const { return comp(*a.second, *b.second) ; }        
} ;

and rewrite std::sort as

std::sort(pv.begin(), pv.end(), PairComp(comp)()) ;

Sort hash by key, return hash in Ruby

I've always used sort_by. You need to wrap the #sort_by output with Hash[] to make it output a hash, otherwise it outputs an array of arrays. Alternatively, to accomplish this you can run the #to_h method on the array of tuples to convert them to a k=>v structure (hash).

hsh ={"a" => 1000, "b" => 10, "c" => 200000}
Hash[hsh.sort_by{|k,v| v}] #or hsh.sort_by{|k,v| v}.to_h

There is a similar question in "How to sort a Ruby Hash by number value?".

How to get a tab character?

Posting another alternative to be more complete. When I tried the "pre" based answers, they added extra vertical line breaks as well.

Each tab can be converted to a sequence non-breaking spaces which require no wrapping.


This is not recommended for repeated/extensive use within a page. A div margin/padding approach would appear much cleaner.

Changing directory in Google colab (breaking out of the python interpreter)

As others have pointed out, the cd command needs to start with a percentage sign:

%cd SwitchFrequencyAnalysis

Difference between % and !

Google Colab seems to inherit these syntaxes from Jupyter (which inherits them from IPython). Jake VanderPlas explains this IPython behaviour here. You can see the excerpt below.

If you play with IPython's shell commands for a while, you might notice that you cannot use !cd to navigate the filesystem:

In [11]: !pwd 

In [12]: !cd ..

In [13]: !pwd 

The reason is that shell commands in the notebook are executed in a temporary subshell. If you'd like to change the working directory in a more enduring way, you can use the %cd magic command:

In [14]: %cd ..

Another way to look at this: you need % because changing directory is relevant to the environment of the current notebook but not to the entire server runtime.

In general, use ! if the command is one that's okay to run in a separate shell. Use % if the command needs to be run on the specific notebook.

Is it possible to embed animated GIFs in PDFs?

It's not really possible. You could, but if you're going to it would be useless without appropriate plugins. You'd be better using some other form. PDF's are used to have a consolidated output to printers and the screen, so animations won't work without other resources, and then it's not really a PDF.

How can I determine the direction of a jQuery scroll event?

Use this to find the scroll direction. This is only to find the direction of the Vertical Scroll. Supports all cross browsers.

    var scrollableElement = document.getElementById('scrollableElement');

    scrollableElement.addEventListener('wheel', findScrollDirectionOtherBrowsers);

    function findScrollDirectionOtherBrowsers(event){
        var delta;

        if (event.wheelDelta){
            delta = event.wheelDelta;
            delta = -1 * event.deltaY;

        if (delta < 0){
        }else if (delta > 0){



Moment get current date

Just call moment as a function without any arguments:


For timezone information with moment, look at the moment-timezone package:

Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory exception

I got the same trouble than you. Finally I checked the version of apache possessing the class. I found that the version 1.0.4 has the class.

Try to use the version 1.0.4 instead of 1.1.X or 1.2.X

My dependencies :


My Java Code

J4pClient j4pClient = new J4pClient("http://localhost:8080/jolokia");
J4pReadRequest req = new J4pReadRequest("java.lang:type=Memory","HeapMemoryUsage");
J4pReadResponse resp = j4pClient.execute(req);

My Result :


Double check also that your maven dependencies are well imported.

Angular - Set headers for every request

You can create your own http client with some authorization header:

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {HttpClient, HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class HttpClientWithAuthorization {

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

createAuthorizationHeader(bearerToken: string): HttpHeaders {
  const headerDict = {
    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + bearerToken,
  return new HttpHeaders(headerDict);

get<T>(url, bearerToken) {
  return this.http.get<T>(url, {
    headers: this.createAuthorizationHeader(bearerToken)

post<T>(url, bearerToken, data) {
  return<T>(url, data, {
    headers: this.createAuthorizationHeader(bearerToken)

And then inject it instead of HttpClient in your service class:

  providedIn: 'root'
export class SomeService {

  constructor(readonly httpClientWithAuthorization: HttpClientWithAuthorization) {}

  getSomething(): Observable<Object> {
    return this.httpClientWithAuthorization.get<Object>(url,'someBearer');

  postSomething(data) {
    return<Object>(url,'someBearer', data);

Align two divs horizontally side by side center to the page using bootstrap css

I recommend css grid over bootstrap if what you really want, is to have more structured data, e.g. a side by side table with multiple rows, because you don't have to add class name for every child:

// css-grid:
.grid-container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto; // 20vw 40vw for me because I have dt and dd
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: left;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

.grid-container > div {
  padding: 20px;

<div class="grid-container">


How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

Define extension: String+Extension.ts

interface String {
  toBoolean(): boolean

String.prototype.toBoolean = function (): boolean {
  switch (this) {
    case 'true':
    case '1':
    case 'on':
    case 'yes':
      return true
      return false

And import in any file where you want to use it '@/path/to/String+Extension'

How to change the Spyder editor background to dark?

For Spyder 3: In case you don't find Preferences under Tools > Preferences, thats probably because Preferences is pinned onto your tool bar by default Preferences in Tool Bar

How to get only filenames within a directory using c#?

There are so many ways :)

1st Way:

string[] folders = Directory.GetDirectories(path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(folders);

2nd Way:

string[] folders = new DirectoryInfo(yourPath).GetDirectories().Select(d => d.Name).ToArray();

3rd Way:

string[] folders = 
    new DirectoryInfo(yourPath).GetDirectories().Select(delegate(DirectoryInfo di)
        return di.Name;

Storing Data in MySQL as JSON

This is an old question, but I am still able to see this at the top of the search result of Google, so I guess it would be meaningful to add a new answer 4 years after the question is asked.

First of all, there is better support in storing JSON in RDBMS. You may consider switching to PostgreSQL (although MySQL has supported JSON since v5.7.7). PostgreSQL uses very similar SQL commands as MySQL except they support more functions. One of the functions they added is that they provide JSON data type and you are now able to query the JSON stored. (Some reference on this) If you are not making up the query directly in your program, for example, using PDO in php or eloquent in Laravel, all you need to do is just to install PostgreSQL on your server and change database connection settings. You don't even need to change your code.

Most of the time, as the other answers suggested, storing data as JSON directly in RDBMS is not a good idea. There are some exception though. One situation I can think of is a field with variable number of linked entry.

For example, for storing tag of a blog post, normally you will need to have a table for blog post, a table of tag and a matching table. So, when the user wants to edit a post and you need to display which tag is related to that post, you will need to query 3 tables. This will damage the performance a lot if your matching table / tag table is long.

By storing the tags as JSON in the blog post table, the same action only requires a single table search. The user will then be able to see the blog post to be edit quicker, but this will damage the performance if you want to make a report on what post is linked to a tag, or maybe search by tag.

You may also try to de-normalize the database. By duplicating the data and storing the data in both ways, you can receive benefit of both method. You will just need a little bit more time to store your data and more storage space (which is cheap comparing to the cost of more computing power)

CSS: Truncate table cells, but fit as much as possible

Simply add the following rules to your td:

overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
// These ones do the trick
width: 100%;
max-width: 0;


table {_x000D_
  width: 100%_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
.td-truncate {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  text-overflow: ellipsis;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  max-width: 0;_x000D_
<table border="1">_x000D_
    <td class="td-truncate">long contenttttttt ttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttt ttt tttt ttttt ttttttt tttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttt</td>_x000D_
    <td>other content</td>_x000D_

PS: If you want to set a custom width to another td use property min-width.

javascript /jQuery - For Loop

.each() should work for you. or or you could use .map.

var newArray = $(array).map(function(i) {
    return $('#event' + i, response).html();

Edit: I removed the adding of the prepended 0 since it is suggested to not use that.

If you must have it use

var newArray = $(array).map(function(i) {
    var number = '' + i;
    if (number.length == 1) {
        number = '0' + number;
    return $('#event' + number, response).html();

startActivityForResult() from a Fragment and finishing child Activity, doesn't call onActivityResult() in Fragment

Kevin's answer works but It makes it hard to play with the data using that solution.

Best solution is don't start startActivityForResult() on activity level.

in your case don't call getActivity().startActivityForResult(i, 1);

Instead, just use startActivityForResult() and it will work perfectly fine! :)

Checking images for similarity with OpenCV

This is a huge topic, with answers from 3 lines of code to entire research magazines.

I will outline the most common such techniques and their results.

Comparing histograms

One of the simplest & fastest methods. Proposed decades ago as a means to find picture simmilarities. The idea is that a forest will have a lot of green, and a human face a lot of pink, or whatever. So, if you compare two pictures with forests, you'll get some simmilarity between histograms, because you have a lot of green in both.

Downside: it is too simplistic. A banana and a beach will look the same, as both are yellow.

OpenCV method: compareHist()

Template matching

A good example here matchTemplate finding good match. It convolves the search image with the one being search into. It is usually used to find smaller image parts in a bigger one.

Downsides: It only returns good results with identical images, same size & orientation.

OpenCV method: matchTemplate()

Feature matching

Considered one of the most efficient ways to do image search. A number of features are extracted from an image, in a way that guarantees the same features will be recognized again even when rotated, scaled or skewed. The features extracted this way can be matched against other image feature sets. Another image that has a high proportion of the features matching the first one is considered to be depicting the same scene.

Finding the homography between the two sets of points will allow you to also find the relative difference in shooting angle between the original pictures or the amount of overlapping.

There are a number of OpenCV tutorials/samples on this, and a nice video here. A whole OpenCV module (features2d) is dedicated to it.

Downsides: It may be slow. It is not perfect.

Over on the OpenCV Q&A site I am talking about the difference between feature descriptors, which are great when comparing whole images and texture descriptors, which are used to identify objects like human faces or cars in an image.

How do you generate dynamic (parameterized) unit tests in Python?

I'd been having trouble with a very particular style of parameterized tests. All our Selenium tests can run locally, but they also should be able to be run remotely against several platforms on SauceLabs. Basically, I wanted to take a large amount of already-written test cases and parameterize them with the fewest changes to code possible. Furthermore, I needed to be able to pass the parameters into the setUp method, something which I haven't seen any solutions for elsewhere.

Here's what I've come up with:

import inspect
import types

test_platforms = [
    {'browserName': "internet explorer", 'platform': "Windows 7", 'version': "10.0"},
    {'browserName': "internet explorer", 'platform': "Windows 7", 'version': "11.0"},
    {'browserName': "firefox", 'platform': "Linux", 'version': "43.0"},

def sauce_labs():
    def wrapper(cls):
        return test_on_platforms(cls)
    return wrapper

def test_on_platforms(base_class):
    for name, function in inspect.getmembers(base_class, inspect.isfunction):
        if name.startswith('test_'):
            for platform in test_platforms:
                new_name = '_'.join(list([name, ''.join(platform['browserName'].title().split()), platform['version']]))
                new_function = types.FunctionType(function.__code__, function.__globals__, new_name,
                                                  function.__defaults__, function.__closure__)
                setattr(new_function, 'platform', platform)
                setattr(base_class, new_name, new_function)
            delattr(base_class, name)

    return base_class

With this, all I had to do was add a simple decorator @sauce_labs() to each regular old TestCase, and now when running them, they're wrapped up and rewritten, so that all the test methods are parameterized and renamed. LoginTests.test_login(self) runs as LoginTests.test_login_internet_explorer_10.0(self), LoginTests.test_login_internet_explorer_11.0(self), and LoginTests.test_login_firefox_43.0(self), and each one has the parameter self.platform to decide what browser/platform to run against, even in LoginTests.setUp, which is crucial for my task since that's where the connection to SauceLabs is initialized.

Anyway, I hope this might be of help to someone looking to do a similar "global" parameterization of their tests!

What's the best way to get the current URL in Spring MVC?

Well there are two methods to access this data easier, but the interface doesn't offer the possibility to get the whole URL with one call. You have to build it manually:

public static String makeUrl(HttpServletRequest request)
    return request.getRequestURL().toString() + "?" + request.getQueryString();

I don't know about a way to do this with any Spring MVC facilities.

If you want to access the current Request without passing it everywhere you will have to add a listener in the web.xml:


And then use this to get the request bound to the current Thread:

((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest()

UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

In UTF-32 all of characters are coded with 32 bits. The advantage is that you can easily calculate the length of the string. The disadvantage is that for each ASCII characters you waste an extra three bytes.

In UTF-8 characters have variable length, ASCII characters are coded in one byte (eight bits), most western special characters are coded either in two bytes or three bytes (for example € is three bytes), and more exotic characters can take up to four bytes. Clear disadvantage is, that a priori you cannot calculate string's length. But it's takes lot less bytes to code Latin (English) alphabet text, compared to UTF-32.

UTF-16 is also variable length. Characters are coded either in two bytes or four bytes. I really don't see the point. It has disadvantage of being variable length, but hasn't got the advantage of saving as much space as UTF-8.

Of those three, clearly UTF-8 is the most widely spread.

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

You can't. I would suggest that you put the array elements into a List, at least then you can remove items. An array can be extended, for example using ReDim but you cannot remove array elements once they have been created. You would have to rebuild the array from scratch to do that.

If you can avoid it, don't use arrays here, use a List.

Compiling Java 7 code via Maven

Please check you pom.xml for the below tags


it should point the required jdk version

Function overloading in Python: Missing

As unwind noted, keyword arguments with default values can go a long way.

I'll also state that in my opinion, it goes against the spirit of Python to worry a lot about what types are passed into methods. In Python, I think it's more accepted to use duck typing -- asking what an object can do, rather than what it is.

Thus, if your method may accept a string or a tuple, you might do something like this:

def print_names(names):
    """Takes a space-delimited string or an iterable"""
        for name in names.split(): # string case
            print name
    except AttributeError:
        for name in names:
            print name

Then you could do either of these:

print_names("Ryan Billy")
print_names(("Ryan", "Billy"))

Although an API like that sometimes indicates a design problem.

How to read a file in other directory in python

As error message said your application has no permissions to read from the directory. It can be the case when you created the directory as one user and run script as another user.

C# constructors overloading

Maybe your class isn't quite complete. Personally, I use a private init() function with all of my overloaded constructors.

class Point2D {

  double X, Y;

  public Point2D(double x, double y) {
    init(x, y);

  public Point2D(Point2D point) {
    if (point == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("point");
    init(point.X, point.Y);

  void init(double x, double y) {
    // ... Contracts ...
    X = x;
    Y = y;

How can I make my match non greedy in vim?

Instead of .* use .\{-}.


Also, see :help non-greedy

Make Frequency Histogram for Factor Variables

The reason you are getting the unexpected result is that hist(...) calculates the distribution from a numeric vector. In your code, table(animalFactor) behaves like a numeric vector with three elements: 1, 3, 7. So hist(...) plots the number of 1's (1), the number of 3's (1), and the number of 7's (1). @Roland's solution is the simplest.

Here's a way to do this using ggplot:

ggp <- ggplot(data.frame(animals),aes(x=animals))
# counts
ggp + geom_histogram(fill="lightgreen")
# proportion
ggp + geom_histogram(fill="lightblue",aes(y=..count../sum(..count..)))

You would get precisely the same result using animalFactor instead of animals in the code above.

PHP combine two associative arrays into one array

I use a wrapper around array_merge to deal with SeanWM's comment about null arrays; I also sometimes want to get rid of duplicates. I'm also generally wanting to merge one array into another, as opposed to creating a new array. This ends up as:

 * Merge two arrays - but if one is blank or not an array, return the other.
 * @param $a array First array, into which the second array will be merged
 * @param $b array Second array, with the data to be merged
 * @param $unique boolean If true, remove duplicate values before returning
function arrayMerge(&$a, $b, $unique = false) {
    if (empty($b)) {
        return;  // No changes to be made to $a
    if (empty($a)) {
        $a = $b;
    $a = array_merge($a, $b);
    if ($unique) {
        $a = array_unique($a);

What is it exactly a BLOB in a DBMS context

I think of it as a large array of binary data. The usability of BLOB follows immediately from the limited bandwidth of the DB interface, it is not determined by the DB storage mechanisms. No matter how you store the large piece of data, the only way to store and retrieve is the narrow database interface. The database is a bottleneck of the system. Why to use it as a file server, which can easily be distributed? Normally you do not want to download the BLOB. You just want the DB to store your BLOB urls. Deposite the BLOBs on a separate file server. Then, you reliefe the precious DB connection and provide unlimited bandwidth for large objects. This creates some issue of coherence though.

What is the difference between the HashMap and Map objects in Java?

In your second example the "map" reference is of type Map, which is an interface implemented by HashMap (and other types of Map). This interface is a contract saying that the object maps keys to values and supports various operations (e.g. put, get). It says nothing about the implementation of the Map (in this case a HashMap).

The second approach is generally preferred as you typically wouldn't want to expose the specific map implementation to methods using the Map or via an API definition.

@Value annotation type casting to Integer from String

In my case, the problem was that my POST request was sent to the same url as GET (with get parameters using "?..=..") and that parameters had the same name as form parameters. Probably Spring is merging them into an array and parsing was throwing error.

Is it possible to insert HTML content in XML document?

so long as your html content doesn't need to contain a CDATA element, you can contain the HTML in a CDATA element, otherwise you'll have to escape the XML entities.

<element><![CDATA[<p>your html here</p>]]></element>


<element>&lt;p&gt;your html here&lt;/p&gt;</element>

update columns values with column of another table based on condition

This will surely work:

UPDATE table1
SET table1.price=(SELECT table2.price
  FROM table2
  WHERE AND table2.item=table1.item);

biggest integer that can be stored in a double

You need to look at the size of the mantissa. An IEEE 754 64 bit floating point number (which has 52 bits, plus 1 implied) can exactly represent integers with an absolute value of less than or equal to 2^53.

URLEncoder not able to translate space character

This behaves as expected. The URLEncoder implements the HTML Specifications for how to encode URLs in HTML forms.

From the javadocs:

This class contains static methods for converting a String to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format.

and from the HTML Specification:


Forms submitted with this content type must be encoded as follows:

  1. Control names and values are escaped. Space characters are replaced by `+'

You will have to replace it, e.g.:

System.out.println("Hello World", "UTF-8").replace("+", "%20"));

Run certain code every n seconds

Here's a version that doesn't create a new thread every n seconds:

from threading import Event, Thread

def call_repeatedly(interval, func, *args):
    stopped = Event()
    def loop():
        while not stopped.wait(interval): # the first call is in `interval` secs
    return stopped.set

The event is used to stop the repetitions:

cancel_future_calls = call_repeatedly(5, print, "Hello, World")
# do something else here...
cancel_future_calls() # stop future calls

See Improve current implementation of a setInterval python

Ajax Upload image

Image upload using ajax and check image format and upload max size   

<form class='form-horizontal' method="POST"  id='document_form' enctype="multipart/form-data">
                                    <div class='optionBox1'>
                                        <div class='row inviteInputWrap1 block1'>
                                            <div class='col-3'>
                                                <label class='col-form-label'>Name</label>
                                                <input type='text' class='form-control form-control-sm' name='name[]' id='name' Value=''>
                                            <div class='col-3'>
                                                <label class='col-form-label'>File</label>
                                                <input type='file' class='form-control form-control-sm' name='file[]' id='file' Value=''>
                                            <div class='col-3'>
                                                <span class='deleteInviteWrap1 remove1 d-none'>
                                                    <i class='fas fa-trash'></i>
                                        <div class='row'>
                                             <div class='col-8 pl-3 pb-4 mt-4'>
                                                <span class='btn btn-info add1 pr-3'>+ Add More</span>
                                                 <button class='btn btn-primary'>Submit</button> 
       submitHandler: function (form) 
                    url : "action1.php",
                    type : "POST",
                    data : new FormData(form),
                    mimeType: "multipart/form-data",
                    contentType: false,
                    cache: false,
                    processData: false,
                    success: function(data)
                        if(data.status =='success')
                                 swal("Document has been successfully uploaded!", {
                                    icon: "success",
                                swal('Oh noes!', "Error in document upload. Please contact to administrator", "error");
                        swal ( "Ops!" ,  "error in document upload." ,  "error" );
        rules: {
            "name[]": {
              required: true
          "file[]": {
              required: true,
              extension: "jpg,jpeg,png,pdf,doc",
              filesize :2000000 
        messages: {
            "name[]": {
            required: "Please enter name"
          "file[]": {
            required: "Please enter file",
            extension :'Please upload only jpg,jpeg,png,pdf,doc'
        errorElement: 'span',
        errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
        highlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
        unhighlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
      $.validator.addMethod('filesize', function(value, element, param) {
         return this.optional(element) || (element.files[0].size <= param)
        }, 'File size must be less than 2 MB');

Accessing elements of Python dictionary by index

You can use mydict['Apple'].keys()[0] in order to get the first key in the Apple dictionary, but there's no guarantee that it will be American. The order of keys in a dictionary can change depending on the contents of the dictionary and the order the keys were added.

Android MediaPlayer Stop and Play

I may have not got your answer correct, but you can try this:

public void MusicController(View view) throws IOException{
    switch (view.getId()){
        case mplayer.start();break;
        case mplayer.pause(); break;
            if(mplayer.isPlaying()) {

    }// where mplayer is defined in  onCreate method}

as there is just one thread handling all, so stop() makes it die so we have to again prepare it If your intent is to start it again when your press start button(it throws IO Exception) Or for better understanding of MediaPlayer you can refer to Android Media Player

Node.js + Nginx - What now?

You could also use node.js to generate static files into a directory served by nginx. Of course, some dynamic parts of your site could be served by node, and some by nginx (static).

Having some of them served by nginx increases your performance..