[markdown] How to link to part of the same document in Markdown?

Some additional things to keep in mind if ya ever get fancy with symbols within headings that ya want to navigate to...

# What this is about


#### Table of Contents

- [About](#what-this-is-about)

- [⚡ Sunopsis](#9889-tldr)

- [:gear: Grinders](#it-grinds-my-gears)

- [Attribution]


## ⚡ TLDR

Words for those short on time or attention.


## It Grinds my :gear:s

Here _`:gear:`_ is not something like ⚙ or ⛭


## ⛤ Attribution

Probably to much time at a keyboard

[Attribution]: #9956-attribution

... things like #, ;, &, and : within heading strings are generally are ignored/striped instead of escaped, and one can also use citation style links to make quick use easier.


GitHub supports the :word: syntax in commits, readme files, etc. see gist(from rxaviers) if using'em is of interest there.

And for just about everywhere else decimal or hexadecimal can be used for modern browsers; the cheat-sheet from w3schools is purdy handy, especially if using CSS ::before or ::after pseudo-elements with symbols is more your style.

Bonus Points?

Just in case someone was wondering how images and other links within a heading is parsed into an id...

- [Imaged](#alt-textbadge__examplehttpsexamplecom-to-somewhere)

## [![Alt Text][badge__example]](https://example.com) To Somewhere

  "Eeak a mouse!"


MarkDown rendering differs from place to place, so things like...

## methodName([options]) => <code>Promise</code>

... on GitHub will have an element with id such as...


... where as vanilla sanitation would result in an id of...


... meaning that writing or compiling MarkDown files from templates either requires targeting one way of slugifeing, or adding configurations and scripted logic for the various clever ways that places like to clean the heading's text.