Programs & Examples On #Vga

Anything related to Video Graphics Array (VGA) video card and related standards. Usually used to tag questions about VGA compatible hardware (VGA connectors, cables, monitors, etc.) or VGA specifications (VGA resolutions, VGA video modes, etc.)

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

What I found to fix the issue regardless of kernel version, was taking the WGET options and having apt install them.

sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Driver Version: 390.138 on Ubuntu server 18.04.4

Iterate through dictionary values?

Create the opposite dictionary:

PIX1 = {}
for key in PIX0.keys():
    PIX1[PIX0.get(key)] = key

Then run the same code on this dictionary instead (using PIX1 instead of PIX0).

BTW, I'm not sure about Python 3, but in Python 2 you need to use raw_input instead of input.

Finding common rows (intersection) in two Pandas dataframes

In SQL, this problem could be solved by several methods:

select * from df1 where exists (select * from df2 where df2.user_id = df1.user_id)
union all
select * from df2 where exists (select * from df1 where df1.user_id = df2.user_id)

or join and then unpivot (possible in SQL server)

from df1
    inner join df2 on df2.user_i = df1.user_id
    outer apply (
        select df1.rating union all
        select df2.rating
    ) as c

Second one could be written in pandas with something like:

>>> df1 = pd.DataFrame({"user_id":[1,2,3], "rating":[10, 15, 20]})
>>> df2 = pd.DataFrame({"user_id":[3,4,5], "rating":[30, 35, 40]})
>>> df4 = df[['user_id', 'rating_1']].rename(columns={'rating_1':'rating'})
>>> df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='user_id', suffixes=['_1', '_2'])
>>> df3 = df[['user_id', 'rating_1']].rename(columns={'rating_1':'rating'})
>>> df4 = df[['user_id', 'rating_2']].rename(columns={'rating_2':'rating'})
>>> pd.concat([df3, df4], axis=0)
   user_id  rating
0        3      20
0        3      30

JavaFX Panel inside Panel auto resizing

Also see here

private void mnuUserLevel_onClick(ActionEvent event) {
    FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("DBedit.fxml"));
    loader.setController(new DBeditEntityUserlevel());

    try {
           Node n = (Node)loader.load();
           AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(n, 0.0);
           AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(n, 0.0);
           AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(n, 0.0);
           AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(n, 0.0);
    } catch (IOException e){

The scenario is to load a child fxml into parent AnchorPane. To make the child to stretch in accords to its parent use AnChorPane.setxxxAnchor command.

R - Markdown avoiding package loading messages

My best solution on R Markdown was to create a code chunk only to load libraries and exclude everything in the chunk.

{r results='asis', echo=FALSE, include=FALSE,}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE)
#formating tables

#data wrangling

#text processing

Text size and different android screen sizes

You can also use weightSum and layout_weight property to adjust your different screen.

For that, you have to make android:layout_width = 0dp, and android:layout_width = (whatever you want);

Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK

If the error "Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK" appears, you must change the version of minSdkVersion in AndroidManifest to the one specified in the android emulator: see Settings -> About phone -> Android version.

How to determine the screen width in terms of dp or dip at runtime in Android?

DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();


int width_px = Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;

int height_px =Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;

int pixeldpi = Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;

int width_dp = (width_px/pixeldpi)*160;
int height_dp = (height_px/pixeldpi)*160;

Switch android x86 screen resolution

Based on my experience, it's enough to use the following additional boot options:

UVESA_MODE=320x480 DPI=160

No need to add vga definition. Watch out for DPI value! As bigger one makes your icons bigger.

To add the previous boot options, go to debug mode (during grub menu selection)

mount -o remount,rw /mnt
vi /mnt/grub/menu.lst

Now edit on this line:

kernel /android-2.3-RC1/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=eeepc acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode SRC=/android-2.3-RC1 SDCARD=/data/sdcard.img UVESA_MODE=320x480 DPI=160


Python base64 data decode

Note Slipstream's response, that base64.b64encode and base64.b64decode need bytes-like object, not string.

>>> import base64
>>> a = '{"name": "John", "age": 42}'
>>> base64.b64encode(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 58, in b64encode
    encoded = binascii.b2a_base64(s, newline=False)
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Returning JSON object from an ASP.NET page

With ASP.NET Web Pages you can do this on a single page as a basic GET example (the simplest possible thing that can work.

var json = Json.Encode(new {
    orientation = Cache["orientation"],
    alerted = Cache["alerted"] as bool?,
    since = Cache["since"] as DateTime?

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in MySQL?

The result is truncated to the maximum length that is given by the group_concat_max_len system variable, which has a default value of 1024 characters, so we first do:

SET group_concat_max_len=100000000;

and then, for example:

SELECT pub_id,GROUP_CONCAT(cate_id SEPARATOR ' ') FROM book_mast GROUP BY pub_id

What does "connection reset by peer" mean?

It's fatal. The remote server has sent you a RST packet, which indicates an immediate dropping of the connection, rather than the usual handshake. This bypasses the normal half-closed state transition. I like this description:

"Connection reset by peer" is the TCP/IP equivalent of slamming the phone back on the hook. It's more polite than merely not replying, leaving one hanging. But it's not the FIN-ACK expected of the truly polite TCP/IP converseur.

Rotating and spacing axis labels in ggplot2

To make the text on the tick labels fully visible and read in the same direction as the y-axis label, change the last line to

q + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))

Map vs Object in JavaScript

The key difference is that Objects only support string and Symbol keys where as Maps support more or less any key type.

If I do obj[123] = true and then Object.keys(obj) then I will get ["123"] rather than [123]. A Map would preserve the type of the key and return [123] which is great. Maps also allow you to use Objects as keys. Traditionally to do this you would have to give objects some kind of unique identifier to hash them (I don't think I've ever seen anything like getObjectId in JS as part of the standard). Maps also guarantee preservation of order so are all round better for preservation and can sometimes save you needing to do a few sorts.

Between maps and objects in practice there are several pros and cons. Objects gain both advantages and disadvantages being very tightly integrated into the core of JavaScript which sets them apart from significantly Map beyond the difference in key support.

An immediate advantage is that you have syntactical support for Objects making it easy to access elements. You also have direct support for it with JSON. When used as a hash it's annoying to get an object without any properties at all. By default if you want to use Objects as a hash table they will be polluted and you will often have to call hasOwnProperty on them when accessing properties. You can see here how by default Objects are polluted and how to create hopefully unpolluted objects for use as hashes:

    toString() { [native code] }
    toString() { [native code] }
JSON.parse('{}', (k,v) => (typeof v === 'object' && Object.setPrototypeOf(v, null) ,v)).toString

Pollution on objects is not only something that makes code more annoying, slower, etc but can also have potential consequences for security.

Objects are not pure hash tables but are trying to do more. You have headaches like hasOwnProperty, not being able to get the length easily (Object.keys(obj).length) and so on. Objects are not meant to purely be used as hash maps but as dynamic extensible Objects as well and so when you use them as pure hash tables problems arise.

Comparison/List of various common operations:

       var o = {};
       var o = Object.create(null);
       o.key = 1;
       o.key += 10;
       for(let k in o) o[k]++;
       var sum = 0;
       for(let v of Object.values(m)) sum += v;
       if('key' in o);
       var m = new Map();
       m.set('key', 1);
       m.set('key', m.get('key') + 10);
       m.foreach((k, v) => m.set(k, m.get(k) + 1));
       for(let k of m.keys()) m.set(k, m.get(k) + 1);
       var sum = 0;
       for(let v of m.values()) sum += v;

There are a few other options, approaches, methodologies, etc with varying ups and downs (performance, terse, portable, extendable, etc). Objects are a bit strange being core to the language so you have a lot of static methods for working with them.

Besides the advantage of Maps preserving key types as well as being able to support things like objects as keys they are isolated from the side effects that objects much have. A Map is a pure hash, there's no confusion about trying to be an object at the same time. Maps can also be easily extended with proxy functions. Object's currently have a Proxy class however performance and memory usage is grim, in fact creating your own proxy that looks like Map for Objects currently performs better than Proxy.

A substantial disadvantage for Maps is that they are not supported with JSON directly. Parsing is possible but has several hangups:

JSON.parse(str, (k,v) => {
    if(typeof v !== 'object') return v;
    let m = new Map();
    for(k in v) m.set(k, v[k]);
    return m;

The above will introduce a serious performance hit and will also not support any string keys. JSON encoding is even more difficult and problematic (this is one of many approaches):

// An alternative to this it to use a replacer in JSON.stringify.
Map.prototype.toJSON = function() {
    return JSON.stringify({
        keys: Array.from(this.keys()),
        values: Array.from(this.values())

This is not so bad if you're purely using Maps but will have problems when you are mixing types or using non-scalar values as keys (not that JSON is perfect with that kind of issue as it is, IE circular object reference). I haven't tested it but chances are that it will severely hurt performance compared to stringify.

Other scripting languages often don't have such problems as they have explicit non-scalar types for Map, Object and Array. Web development is often a pain with non-scalar types where you have to deal with things like PHP merges Array/Map with Object using A/M for properties and JS merges Map/Object with Array extending M/O. Merging complex types is the devil's bane of high level scripting languages.

So far these are largely issues around implementation but performance for basic operations is important as well. Performance is also complex because it depends on engine and usage. Take my tests with a grain of salt as I cannot rule out any mistake (I have to rush this). You should also run your own tests to confirm as mine examine only very specific simple scenarios to give a rough indication only. According to tests in Chrome for very large objects/maps the performance for objects is worse because of delete which is apparently somehow proportionate to the number of keys rather than O(1):

Object Set Took: 146
Object Update Took: 7
Object Get Took: 4
Object Delete Took: 8239
Map Set Took: 80
Map Update Took: 51
Map Get Took: 40
Map Delete Took: 2

Chrome clearly has a strong advantage with getting and updating but the delete performance is horrific. Maps use a tiny amount more memory in this case (overhead) but with only one Object/Map being tested with millions of keys the impact of overhead for maps is not expressed well. With memory management objects also do seem to free earlier if I am reading the profile correctly which might be one benefit in favor of objects.

In Firefox for this particular benchmark it is a different story:

Object Set Took: 435
Object Update Took: 126
Object Get Took: 50
Object Delete Took: 2
Map Set Took: 63
Map Update Took: 59
Map Get Took: 33
Map Delete Took: 1

I should immediately point out that in this particular benchmark deleting from objects in Firefox is not causing any problems, however in other benchmarks it has caused problems especially when there are many keys just as in Chrome. Maps are clearly superior in Firefox for large collections.

However this is not the end of the story, what about many small objects or maps? I have done a quick benchmark of this but not an exhaustive one (setting/getting) of which performs best with a small number of keys in the above operations. This test is more about memory and initialization.

Map Create: 69    // new Map
Object Create: 34 // {}

Again these figures vary but basically Object has a good lead. In some cases the lead for Objects over maps is extreme (~10 times better) but on average it was around 2-3 times better. It seems extreme performance spikes can work both ways. I only tested this in Chrome and creation to profile memory usage and overhead. I was quite surprised to see that in Chrome it appears that Maps with one key use around 30 times more memory than Objects with one key.

For testing many small objects with all the above operations (4 keys):

Chrome Object Took: 61
Chrome Map Took: 67
Firefox Object Took: 54
Firefox Map Took: 139

In terms of memory allocation these behaved the same in terms of freeing/GC but Map used 5 times more memory. This test used 4 keys where as in the last test I only set one key so this would explain the reduction in memory overhead. I ran this test a few times and Map/Object are more or less neck and neck overall for Chrome in terms of overall speed. In Firefox for small Objects there is a definite performance advantage over maps overall.

This of course doesn't include the individual options which could vary wildly. I would not advice micro-optimizing with these figures. What you can get out of this is that as a rule of thumb, consider Maps more strongly for very large key value stores and objects for small key value stores.

Beyond that the best strategy with these two it to implement it and just make it work first. When profiling it is important to keep in mind that sometimes things that you wouldn't think would be slow when looking at them can be incredibly slow because of engine quirks as seen with the object key deletion case.

twitter bootstrap typeahead ajax example

All of the responses refer to BootStrap 2 typeahead, which is no longer present in BootStrap 3.

For anyone else directed here looking for an AJAX example using the new post-Bootstrap Twitter typeahead.js, here's a working example. The syntax is a little different:

  hint: true,
  highlight: true,
  minLength: 1
  limit: 12,
  async: true,
  source: function (query, processSync, processAsync) {
    processSync(['This suggestion appears immediately', 'This one too']);
    return $.ajax({
      url: "/ajax/myfilter.php", 
      type: 'GET',
      data: {query: query},
      dataType: 'json',
      success: function (json) {
        // in this example, json is simply an array of strings
        return processAsync(json);

This example uses both synchronous (the call to processSync) and asynchronous suggestion, so you'd see some options appear immediately, then others are added. You can just use one or the other.

There are lots of bindable events and some very powerful options, including working with objects rather than strings, in which case you'd use your own custom display function to render your items as text.

How to do case insensitive string comparison?

This is an improved version of this answer.

String.equal = function (s1, s2, ignoreCase, useLocale) {
    if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
        return false;

    if (!ignoreCase) {
        if (s1.length !== s2.length)
            return false;

        return s1 === s2;

    if (useLocale) {
        if (useLocale.length)
            return s1.toLocaleLowerCase(useLocale) === s2.toLocaleLowerCase(useLocale)
            return s1.toLocaleLowerCase() === s2.toLocaleLowerCase()
    else {
        if (s1.length !== s2.length)
            return false;

        return s1.toLowerCase() === s2.toLowerCase();

Usages & tests:

String.equal = function (s1, s2, ignoreCase, useLocale) {_x000D_
    if (s1 == null || s2 == null)_x000D_
        return false;_x000D_
    if (!ignoreCase) {_x000D_
        if (s1.length !== s2.length)_x000D_
            return false;_x000D_
        return s1 === s2;_x000D_
    if (useLocale) {_x000D_
        if (useLocale.length)_x000D_
            return s1.toLocaleLowerCase(useLocale) === s2.toLocaleLowerCase(useLocale)_x000D_
            return s1.toLocaleLowerCase() === s2.toLocaleLowerCase()_x000D_
    else {_x000D_
        if (s1.length !== s2.length)_x000D_
            return false;_x000D_
        return s1.toLowerCase() === s2.toLowerCase();_x000D_
// If you don't mind extending the prototype._x000D_
String.prototype.equal = function(string2, ignoreCase, useLocale) {_x000D_
  return String.equal(this.valueOf(), string2, ignoreCase, useLocale);_x000D_
// ------------------ TESTS ----------------------_x000D_
console.log('Case sensitive 1');_x000D_
var result = "Abc123".equal("Abc123");_x000D_
console.assert(result === true);_x000D_
console.log('Case sensitive 2');_x000D_
result = "aBC123".equal("Abc123");_x000D_
console.assert(result === false);_x000D_
console.log('Ignore case');_x000D_
result = "AbC123".equal("aBc123", true);_x000D_
console.assert(result === true);_x000D_
console.log('Ignore case + Current locale');_x000D_
result = "AbC123".equal("aBc123", true);_x000D_
console.assert(result === true);_x000D_
console.log('Turkish test 1 (ignore case, en-US)');_x000D_
result = "IiiI".equal("iiII", true, "en-US");_x000D_
console.assert(result === false);_x000D_
console.log('Turkish test 2 (ignore case, tr-TR)');_x000D_
result = "IiiI".equal("iiII", true, "tr-TR");_x000D_
console.assert(result === true);_x000D_
console.log('Turkish test 3 (case sensitive, tr-TR)');_x000D_
result = "IiiI".equal("iiII", false, "tr-TR");_x000D_
console.assert(result === false);_x000D_
result = "AAA".equal(null);_x000D_
console.assert(result === false);_x000D_
result = String.equal(null, "BBB");_x000D_
console.assert(result === false);_x000D_
result = String.equal(null, null);_x000D_
console.assert(result === false);

How to call a VbScript from a Batch File without opening an additional command prompt

If you want to fix vbs associations type

regsvr32 vbscript.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 wshext.dll
regsvr32 wshom.ocx
regsvr32 wshcon.dll
regsvr32 scrrun.dll

Also if you can't use vbs due to management then convert your script to a program which is designed to be easy, is easy, and takes 5 minutes.

Big difference is functions and subs are both called using brackets rather than just functions.

So the compilers are installed on all computers with .NET installed.

See this article here on how to make a .NET exe. Note the sample is for a scripting host. You can't use this, you have to put your vbs code in as .NET code.

How can I convert a VBScript to an executable (EXE) file?

How can I quantify difference between two images?

I had the same problem and wrote a simple python module which compares two same-size images using pillow's ImageChops to create a black/white diff image and sums up the histogram values.

You can get either this score directly, or a percentage value compared to a full black vs. white diff.

It also contains a simple is_equal function, with the possibility to supply a fuzzy-threshold under (and including) the image passes as equal.

The approach is not very elaborate, but maybe is of use for other out there struggling with the same issue.

jQuery keypress() event not firing?

e.which doesn't work in IE try e.keyCode, also you probably want to use keydown() instead of keypress() if you are targeting IE.

See for more information.

SQL Server: Multiple table joins with a WHERE clause

try this

INSERT @Application ( Id, NAME )
VALUES  ( 1,'Word' ), ( 2,'Excel' ), ( 3,'PowerPoint' )
DECLARE @software TABLE(Id INT PRIMARY KEY, ApplicationId INT, Version INT)
INSERT @software ( Id, ApplicationId, Version )
VALUES  ( 1,1, 2003 ), ( 2,1,2007 ), ( 3,2, 2003 ), ( 4,2,2007 ),( 5,3, 2003 ), ( 6,3,2007 )

INSERT @Computer ( Id, NAME )
VALUES  ( 1,'Name1' ), ( 2,'Name2' )

DECLARE @Software_Computer  TABLE(Id INT PRIMARY KEY, SoftwareId int, ComputerId int)
INSERT @Software_Computer ( Id, SoftwareId, ComputerId )
VALUES  ( 1,1, 1 ), ( 2,4,1 ), ( 3,2, 2 ), ( 4,5,2 )

SELECT Computer.Name ComputerName, Application.Name ApplicationName, MAX(Software2.Version) Version
FROM @Application Application 
JOIN @Software Software
    ON Application.ID = Software.ApplicationID
CROSS JOIN @Computer Computer
LEFT JOIN @Software_Computer Software_Computer
    ON Software_Computer.ComputerId = Computer.Id AND Software_Computer.SoftwareId = Software.Id
LEFT JOIN @Software Software2
    ON Software2.ID = Software_Computer.SoftwareID
WHERE Computer.ID = 1 
GROUP BY Computer.Name, Application.Name

Where to get this Java.exe file for a SQL Developer installation

Please provide full path >

In mines case it was E:\app\ankitmittal01\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk\bin\java.exe

From :

How to remove list elements in a for loop in Python?

How about creating a new list and adding elements you want to that new list. You cannot remove elements while iterating through a list

LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined ERROR IN VC++

Main was missing in the entry point configuration. enter image description here

'profile name is not valid' error when executing the sp_send_dbmail command

I got the same problem also. Here's what I did:

If you're already done granting the user/group the rights to use the profile name.

  1. Go to the configuration Wizard of Database Mail
  2. Tick Manage profile security
  3. On public profiles tab, check your profile name
  4. On private profiles tab, select NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE for user name and check your profile name
  5. Do #4 this time for NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user name
  6. Click Next until Finish.

conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

I think the best way to work with dates between C# and SQL is, of course, use parametrized queries, and always work with DateTime objects on C# and the ToString() formating options it provides.

You better execute set datetime <format> (here you have the set dateformat explanation on MSDN) before working with dates on SQL Server so you don't get in trouble, like for example set datetime ymd. You only need to do it once per connection because it mantains the format while open, so a good practice would be to do it just after openning the connection to the database.
Then, you can always work with 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff' formats.

To pass the DateTime object to your parametrized query you can use DateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff').

For parsing weird formatted dates on C# you can use DateTime.ParseExact() method, where you have the option to specify exactly what the input format is: DateTime.ParseExact(<some date string>, 'dd/MM-yyyy',CultureInfo.InvariantCulture). Here you have the DateTime.ParseExact() explanation on MSDN)

No Title Bar Android Theme

To Hide the Action Bar add the below code in Values/Styles

<style name="CustomActivityThemeNoActionBar" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>

Then in your AndroidManifest.xml file add the below code in the required activity


PHP + MySQL transactions examples

As this is the first result on google for "php mysql transaction", I thought I'd add an answer that explicitly demonstrates how to do this with mysqli (as the original author wanted examples). Here's a simplified example of transactions with PHP/mysqli:

// let's pretend that a user wants to create a new "group". we will do so
// while at the same time creating a "membership" for the group which
// consists solely of the user themselves (at first). accordingly, the group
// and membership records should be created together, or not at all.
// this sounds like a job for: TRANSACTIONS! (*cue music*)

$group_name = "The Thursday Thumpers";
$member_name = "EleventyOne";
$conn = new mysqli($db_host,$db_user,$db_passwd,$db_name); // error-check this

// note: this is meant for InnoDB tables. won't work with MyISAM tables.

try {

    $conn->autocommit(FALSE); // i.e., start transaction

    // assume that the TABLE groups has an auto_increment id field
    $query = "INSERT INTO groups (name) ";
    $query .= "VALUES ('$group_name')";
    $result = $conn->query($query);
    if ( !$result ) {
        throw new Exception($conn->error);

    $group_id = $conn->insert_id; // last auto_inc id from *this* connection

    $query = "INSERT INTO group_membership (group_id,name) ";
    $query .= "VALUES ('$group_id','$member_name')";
    $result = $conn->query($query);
    if ( !$result ) {
        throw new Exception($conn->error);

    // our SQL queries have been successful. commit them
    // and go back to non-transaction mode.

    $conn->autocommit(TRUE); // i.e., end transaction
catch ( Exception $e ) {

    // before rolling back the transaction, you'd want
    // to make sure that the exception was db-related
    $conn->autocommit(TRUE); // i.e., end transaction   

Also, keep in mind that PHP 5.5 has a new method mysqli::begin_transaction. However, this has not been documented yet by the PHP team, and I'm still stuck in PHP 5.3, so I can't comment on it.

Determine project root from a running node.js application

There is an INIT_CWD property on process.env. This is what I'm currently working with in my project.

const {INIT_CWD} = process.env; // process.env.INIT_CWD 
const paths = require(`${INIT_CWD}/config/paths`);

Good Luck...

"Could not find or load main class" Error while running java program using cmd prompt

One reason for this error might be

Could not find or load main class <class name>

Maybe you use your class name as different name and save the class name with another name you can save a java source file name by another name than class name. For example:

class A{
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        System.out.println("Hello world");

you can save as but,

To Compile : javac

This will auto generate A.class file at same location.

Now To Run        : java A

How to compare pointers?

For a bit of facts here is the relevant text from the specifications

Equality operator (==,!=)

Pointers to objects of the same type can be compared for equality with the 'intuitive' expected results:

From § 5.10 of the C++11 standard:

Pointers of the same type (after pointer conversions) can be compared for equality. Two pointers of the same type compare equal if and only if they are both null, both point to the same function, or both represent the same address (3.9.2).

(leaving out details on comparison of pointers to member and or the null pointer constants - they continue down the same line of 'Do What I Mean':)

  • [...] If both operands are null, they compare equal. Otherwise if only one is null, they compare unequal.[...]

The most 'conspicuous' caveat has to do with virtuals, and it does seem to be the logical thing to expect too:

  • [...] if either is a pointer to a virtual member function, the result is unspecified. Otherwise they compare equal if and only if they would refer to the same member of the same most derived object (1.8) or the same subobject if they were dereferenced with a hypothetical object of the associated class type. [...]

Relational operators (<,>,<=,>=)

From § 5.9 of the C++11 standard:

Pointers to objects or functions of the same type (after pointer conversions) can be compared, with a result defined as follows:

  1. If two pointers p and q of the same type point to the same object or function, or both point one past the end of the same array, or are both null, then p<=q and p>=q both yield true and p<q and p>q both yield false.
  2. If two pointers p and q of the same type point to different objects that are not members of the same object or elements of the same array or to different functions, or if only one of them is null, the results of p<q, p>q, p<=q, and p>=q are unspecified.
  3. If two pointers point to non-static data members of the same object, or to subobjects or array elements of such members, recursively, the pointer to the later declared member compares greater provided the two members have the same access control (Clause 11) and provided their class is not a union.
  4. If two pointers point to non-static data members of the same object with different access control (Clause 11) the result is unspecified.
  5. If two pointers point to non-static data members of the same union object, they compare equal (after conversion to void*, if necessary). If two pointers point to elements of the same array or one beyond the end of the array, the pointer to the object with the higher subscript compares higher.
  6. Other pointer comparisons are unspecified.

So, if you had:

int arr[3];
int *a = arr;
int *b = a + 1;
assert(a != b); // OK! well defined

Also OK:

struct X { int x,y; } s;
int *a = &s.x;
int *b = &s.y;
assert(b > a); // OK! well defined

But it depends on the something in your question:

int g; 
int main()
     int h;
     int i;

     int *a = &g;
     int *b = &h; // can't compare a <=> b
     int *c = &i; // can't compare b <=> c, or a <=> c etc.
     // but a==b, b!=c, a!=c etc. are supported just fine

Bonus: what else is there in the standard library?

§ 20.8.5/8: "For templates greater, less, greater_equal, and less_equal, the specializations for any pointer type yield a total order, even if the built-in operators <, >, <=, >= do not."

So, you can globally order any odd void* as long as you use std::less<> and friends, not bare operator<.

Generate unique random numbers between 1 and 100

Modern JS Solution using Set (and average case O(n))

const nums = new Set();_x000D_
while(nums.size !== 8) {_x000D_
  nums.add(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1);_x000D_

Running windows shell commands with python

Refactoring of @srini-beerge's answer which gets the output and the return code

import subprocess
def run_win_cmd(cmd):
    result = []
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
    for line in process.stdout:
    errcode = process.returncode
    for line in result:
    if errcode is not None:
        raise Exception('cmd %s failed, see above for details', cmd)

Playing mp3 song on python

I had this problem and did not find any solution which I liked, so I created a python wrapper for mpg321: mpyg321.

You would need to have mpg321 installed on your computer, and then do pip install mpyg321.

The usage is pretty simple:

from mpyg321.mpyg321 import MPyg321Player
from time import sleep

player = MPyg321Player()       # instanciate the player
player.play_song("sample.mp3") # play a song
player.pause()                 # pause playing
player.resume()                # resume playing
player.stop()                  # stop playing
player.quit()                  # quit the player

You can also define callbacks for several events (music paused by user, end of song...).

Webfont Smoothing and Antialiasing in Firefox and Opera

I found the solution with this link :

Step by step method :

  • send your font to a WebFontGenerator and get the zip
  • find the TTF font on the Zip file
  • then, on linux, do this command (or install by apt-get install ttfautohint):
    ttfautohint --strong-stem-width=g neosansstd-black.ttf neosansstd-black.changed.ttf
  • then, one more, send the new TTF file (neosansstd-black.changed.ttf) on the WebFontGenerator
  • you get a perfect Zip with all your webfonts !

I hope this will help.

Remove Project from Android Studio

  1. Go to your Android project directory



  2. Delete which one you need to delete

  3. Restart Android Studio

How to create a regex for accepting only alphanumeric characters?

Try below Alphanumeric regex


^ - Start of string

[a-zA-Z0-9]* - multiple characters to include

$ - End of string

See more:

MySQL, Concatenate two columns

You can use the CONCAT function like this:



To get that result you can try this:

SET @rn := 0;

SELECT CONCAT(`SUBJECT`,'-',`YEAR`,'-',LPAD(@rn := @rn+1,3,'0'))
FROM `table`

Overriding fields or properties in subclasses

I'd go with option 3, but have an abstract setMyInt method that subclasses are forced to implement. This way you won't have the problem of a derived class forgetting to set it in the constructor.

abstract class Base 
 protected int myInt;
 protected abstract void setMyInt();

class Derived : Base 
 override protected void setMyInt()
   myInt = 3;

By the way, with option one, if you don't specify set; in your abstract base class property, the derived class won't have to implement it.

abstract class Father
    abstract public int MyInt { get; }

class Son : Father
    public override int MyInt
        get { return 1; }

How to handle command-line arguments in PowerShell

You are reinventing the wheel. Normal PowerShell scripts have parameters starting with -, like script.ps1 -server http://devserver

Then you handle them in param section in the beginning of the file.

You can also assign default values to your params, read them from console if not available or stop script execution:

 param (
    [string]$server = "http://defaultserver",
    [string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" )

Inside the script you can simply

write-output $server

since all parameters become variables available in script scope.

In this example, the $server gets a default value if the script is called without it, script stops if you omit the -username parameter and asks for terminal input if -password is omitted.

Update: You might also want to pass a "flag" (a boolean true/false parameter) to a PowerShell script. For instance, your script may accept a "force" where the script runs in a more careful mode when force is not used.

The keyword for that is [switch] parameter type:

 param (
    [string]$server = "http://defaultserver",
    [string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" ),
    [switch]$force = $false

Inside the script then you would work with it like this:

if ($force) {
  //deletes a file or does something "bad"

Now, when calling the script you'd set the switch/flag parameter like this:

.\yourscript.ps1 -server "http://otherserver" -force

If you explicitly want to state that the flag is not set, there is a special syntax for that

.\yourscript.ps1 -server "http://otherserver" -force:$false

Links to relevant Microsoft documentation (for PowerShell 5.0; tho versions 3.0 and 4.0 are also available at the links):

Call child component method from parent class - Angular

Consider the following example,

    import import { AfterViewInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { CountdownTimerComponent }  from './countdown-timer.component';
        selector: 'app-countdown-parent-vc',
        templateUrl: 'app-countdown-parent-vc.html',
        styleUrl: [app-countdown-parent-vc.css]
    export class CreateCategoryComponent implements OnInit {
         @ViewChild(CountdownTimerComponent, {static: false})
         private timerComponent: CountdownTimerComponent;
         ngAfterViewInit() {


Read more about @ViewChild here.

Color different parts of a RichTextBox string

private void Log(string s , Color? c = null)
            richTextBox.SelectionStart = richTextBox.TextLength;
            richTextBox.SelectionLength = 0;
            richTextBox.SelectionColor = c ?? Color.Black;
            richTextBox.AppendText((richTextBox.Lines.Count() == 0 ? "" : Environment.NewLine) + DateTime.Now + "\t" + s);
            richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;


System.Security.SecurityException when writing to Event Log

I try almost everything in here to solve this problem... I share here the answer that help me:

Another way to resolve the issue :

  • in IIS console, go to application pool managing your site, and note the identity running it (usually Network Service)
  • make sure this identity can read KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog (rigth-click, authorisations)
  • now change the identity of this application pool to Local System, apply, and switch back to Network Service

Credentials will be reloaded and EventLog reacheable

in , thanks Michael Freidgeim

How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery

You can easily tell which mouse button was pressed by checking the which property of the event object on mouse events:

  1 = Left   mouse button
  2 = Centre mouse button
  3 = Right  mouse button

$([selector]).mousedown(function(e) {
    if (e.which === 3) {
        /* Right mouse button was clicked! */

How can you change Network settings (IP Address, DNS, WINS, Host Name) with code in C#

A far more clear solution is to use the command netsh to change the IP (or setting it back to DHCP)

netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static

Where "Local Area Connection" is the name of the network adapter. You could find it in the windows Network Connections, sometimes it is simply named "Ethernet".

Here are two methods to set the IP and also to set the IP back to DHCP "Obtain an IP address automatically"

public bool SetIP(string networkInterfaceName, string ipAddress, string subnetMask, string gateway = null)
    var networkInterface = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(nw => nw.Name == networkInterfaceName);
    var ipProperties = networkInterface.GetIPProperties();
    var ipInfo = ipProperties.UnicastAddresses.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
    var currentIPaddress = ipInfo.Address.ToString();
    var currentSubnetMask = ipInfo.IPv4Mask.ToString();
    var isDHCPenabled = ipProperties.GetIPv4Properties().IsDhcpEnabled;

    if (!isDHCPenabled && currentIPaddress == ipAddress && currentSubnetMask == subnetMask)
        return true;    // no change necessary

    var process = new Process
        StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("netsh", $"interface ip set address \"{networkInterfaceName}\" static {ipAddress} {subnetMask}" + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gateway) ? "" : $"{gateway} 1")) { Verb = "runas" }
    var successful = process.ExitCode == 0;
    return successful;

public bool SetDHCP(string networkInterfaceName)
    var networkInterface = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(nw => nw.Name == networkInterfaceName);
    var ipProperties = networkInterface.GetIPProperties();
    var isDHCPenabled = ipProperties.GetIPv4Properties().IsDhcpEnabled;

    if (isDHCPenabled)
        return true;    // no change necessary

    var process = new Process
        StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("netsh", $"interface ip set address \"{networkInterfaceName}\" dhcp") { Verb = "runas" }
    var successful = process.ExitCode == 0;
    return successful;

Jquery: how to sleep or delay?

How about .delay() ?


SyntaxError: Unexpected token function - Async Await Nodejs

Async functions are not supported by Node versions older than version 7.6.

You'll need to transpile your code (e.g. using Babel) to a version of JS that Node understands if you are using an older version.

That said, the current (2018) LTS version of Node.js is 8.x, so if you are using an earlier version you should very strongly consider upgrading.

Android: How do bluetooth UUIDs work?

The UUID is used for uniquely identifying information. It identifies a particular service provided by a Bluetooth device. The standard defines a basic BASE_UUID: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB.

Devices such as healthcare sensors can provide a service, substituting the first eight digits with a predefined code. For example, a device that offers an RFCOMM connection uses the short code: 0x0003

So, an Android phone can connect to a device and then use the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) to find out what services it provides (UUID).

In many cases, you don't need to use these fixed UUIDs. In the case your are creating a chat application, for example, one Android phone interacts with another Android phone that uses the same application and hence the same UUID.

So, you can set an arbitrary UUID for your application using, for example, one of the many random UUID generators on the web (for example).

Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter

One way to get around this is to use implicit casting:

bool DoesEntityExist<T>(T entity, Guid guid, ITransaction transaction) where T : IGloballyIdentifiable;

calling it like so:

DoesEntityExist(entity, entityGuid, transaction);

Going a step further, you can turn it into an extension method (it will need to be declared in a static class):

static bool DoesEntityExist<T>(this T entity, Guid guid, ITransaction transaction) where T : IGloballyIdentifiable;

calling as so:

entity.DoesEntityExist(entityGuid, transaction);

Matplotlib: "Unknown projection '3d'" error

First off, I think mplot3D worked a bit differently in matplotlib version 0.99 than it does in the current version of matplotlib.

Which version are you using? (Try running: python -c 'import matplotlib; print matplotlib."__version__")

I'm guessing you're running version 0.99, in which case you'll need to either use a slightly different syntax or update to a more recent version of matplotlib.

If you're running version 0.99, try doing this instead of using using the projection keyword argument:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D #<-- Note the capitalization! 
fig = plt.figure()

ax = Axes3D(fig) #<-- Note the difference from your original code...

X, Y, Z = axes3d.get_test_data(0.05)
cset = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, 16, extend3d=True)
ax.clabel(cset, fontsize=9, inline=1)

This should work in matplotlib 1.0.x, as well, not just 0.99.

jQuery .find() on data from .ajax() call is returning "[object Object]" instead of div

try if( $(response).filter('#result').length ) // do something

rand() between 0 and 1

My guess is that RAND_MAX is equal to INT_MAX and so you're overflowing it to a negative.

Just do this:

r = ((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX)) + 1;

Or even better, use C++11's random number generators.

How to go back to previous page if back button is pressed in WebView?

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    // Check if the key event was the Back button and if there's history
    if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) && myWebView.canGoBack()) {
        return true;
    // If it wasn't the Back key or there's no web page history, bubble up to the default
    // system behavior (probably exit the activity)
    return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

How do you check "if not null" with Eloquent?

We can use



Model::whereRaw('sent_at is not null');

What exactly does Perl's "bless" do?

bless associates a reference with a package.

It doesn't matter what the reference is to, it can be to a hash (most common case), to an array (not so common), to a scalar (usually this indicates an inside-out object), to a regular expression, subroutine or TYPEGLOB (see the book Object Oriented Perl: A Comprehensive Guide to Concepts and Programming Techniques by Damian Conway for useful examples) or even a reference to a file or directory handle (least common case).

The effect bless-ing has is that it allows you to apply special syntax to the blessed reference.

For example, if a blessed reference is stored in $obj (associated by bless with package "Class"), then $obj->foo(@args) will call a subroutine foo and pass as first argument the reference $obj followed by the rest of the arguments (@args). The subroutine should be defined in package "Class". If there is no subroutine foo in package "Class", a list of other packages (taken form the array @ISA in the package "Class") will be searched and the first subroutine foo found will be called.

How to find what code is run by a button or element in Chrome using Developer Tools

This solution needs the jQuery's data method.

  1. Open Chrome's console (although any browser with jQuery loaded will work)
  2. Run $._data($(".example").get(0), "events")
  3. Drill down the output to find the desired event handler.
  4. Right-click on "handler" and select "Show function definition"
  5. The code will be shown in the Sources tab

$._data() is just accessing jQuery's data method. A more readable alternative could be jQuery._data().

Interesting point by this SO answer:

As of jQuery 1.8, the event data is no longer available from the "public API" for data. Read this jQuery blog post. You should now use this instead:

jQuery._data( elem, "events" ); elem should be an HTML Element, not a jQuery object, or selector.

Please note, that this is an internal, 'private' structure, and shouldn't be modified. Use this for debugging purposes only.

In older versions of jQuery, you might have to use the old method which is:

jQuery( elem ).data( "events" );

A version agnostic jQuery would be: (jQuery._data ||, 'events');

Transfer data from one database to another database

if both databases are on same server and you want to transfer entire table (make copy of it) then use simple select into statement ...

select * into anotherDatabase..copyOfTable from oneDatabase..tableName

You can then write cursor top of sysobjects and copy entire set of tables that way.

If you want more complex data extraction & transformation, then use SSIS and build appropriate ETL in it.

How to validate white spaces/empty spaces? [Angular 2]

An alternative would be using the Angular pattern validator and matching on any non-whitespace character.

const nonWhitespaceRegExp: RegExp = new RegExp("\\S");

this.formGroup ={
  name: [null, [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(nonWhiteSpaceRegExp)]]

Return array from function

At a minimum, change this:

function BlockID() {
    var IDs = new Array();
        images['s'] = "Images/Block_01.png";
        images['g'] = "Images/Block_02.png";
        images['C'] = "Images/Block_03.png";
        images['d'] = "Images/Block_04.png";
    return IDs;

To this:

function BlockID() {
    var IDs = new Object();
        IDs['s'] = "Images/Block_01.png";
        IDs['g'] = "Images/Block_02.png";
        IDs['C'] = "Images/Block_03.png";
        IDs['d'] = "Images/Block_04.png";
    return IDs;

There are a couple fixes to point out. First, images is not defined in your original function, so assigning property values to it will throw an error. We correct that by changing images to IDs. Second, you want to return an Object, not an Array. An object can be assigned property values akin to an associative array or hash -- an array cannot. So we change the declaration of var IDs = new Array(); to var IDs = new Object();.

After those changes your code will run fine, but it can be simplified further. You can use shorthand notation (i.e., object literal property value shorthand) to create the object and return it immediately:

function BlockID() {
    return {

How create table only using <div> tag and Css

Use the correct doc type; it will solve the problem. Add the below line to the top of your HTML file:


How to escape a JSON string containing newline characters using JavaScript?

Take your JSON and .stringify() it. Then use the .replace() method and replace all occurrences of \n with \\n.


As far as I know of, there are no well-known JS libraries for escaping all special characters in a string. But, you could chain the .replace() method and replace all of the special characters like this:

var myJSONString = JSON.stringify(myJSON);
var myEscapedJSONString = myJSONString.replace(/\\n/g, "\\n")
                                      .replace(/\\'/g, "\\'")
                                      .replace(/\\"/g, '\\"')
                                      .replace(/\\&/g, "\\&")
                                      .replace(/\\r/g, "\\r")
                                      .replace(/\\t/g, "\\t")
                                      .replace(/\\b/g, "\\b")
                                      .replace(/\\f/g, "\\f");
// myEscapedJSONString is now ready to be POST'ed to the server. 

But that's pretty nasty, isn't it? Enter the beauty of functions, in that they allow you to break code into pieces and keep the main flow of your script clean, and free of 8 chained .replace() calls. So let's put that functionality into a function called, escapeSpecialChars(). Let's go ahead and attach it to the prototype chain of the String object, so we can call escapeSpecialChars() directly on String objects.

Like so:

String.prototype.escapeSpecialChars = function() {
    return this.replace(/\\n/g, "\\n")
               .replace(/\\'/g, "\\'")
               .replace(/\\"/g, '\\"')
               .replace(/\\&/g, "\\&")
               .replace(/\\r/g, "\\r")
               .replace(/\\t/g, "\\t")
               .replace(/\\b/g, "\\b")
               .replace(/\\f/g, "\\f");

Once we have defined that function, the main body of our code is as simple as this:

var myJSONString = JSON.stringify(myJSON);
var myEscapedJSONString = myJSONString.escapeSpecialChars();
// myEscapedJSONString is now ready to be POST'ed to the server

GCC: array type has incomplete element type

The compiler needs to know the size of the second dimension in your two dimensional array. For example:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][5], int nodes);

C++ printing boolean, what is displayed?

The standard streams have a boolalpha flag that determines what gets displayed -- when it's false, they'll display as 0 and 1. When it's true, they'll display as false and true.

There's also an std::boolalpha manipulator to set the flag, so this:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;   
    return 0;

...produces output like:


For what it's worth, the actual word produced when boolalpha is set to true is localized--that is, <locale> has a num_put category that handles numeric conversions, so if you imbue a stream with the right locale, it can/will print out true and false as they're represented in that locale. For example,

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <locale>

int main() {

    std::cout << false << "\n";
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << false << "\n";
    return 0;

...and at least in theory (assuming your compiler/standard library accept "fr" as an identifier for "French") it might print out faux instead of false. I should add, however, that real support for this is uneven at best--even the Dinkumware/Microsoft library (usually quite good in this respect) prints false for every language I've checked.

The names that get used are defined in a numpunct facet though, so if you really want them to print out correctly for particular language, you can create a numpunct facet to do that. For example, one that (I believe) is at least reasonably accurate for French would look like this:

#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <locale>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>

class my_fr : public std::numpunct< char > {
    char do_decimal_point() const { return ','; }
    char do_thousands_sep() const { return '.'; }
    std::string do_grouping() const { return "\3"; }
    std::string do_truename() const { return "vrai";  }
    std::string do_falsename() const { return "faux"; }

int main() {
    std::cout.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), new my_fr));

    std::cout << false << "\n";
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << false << "\n";
    return 0;

And the result is (as you'd probably expect):


How to grep (search) committed code in the Git history

So are you trying to grep through older versions of the code looking to see where something last exists?

If I were doing this, I would probably use git bisect. Using bisect, you can specify a known good version, a known bad version, and a simple script that does a check to see if the version is good or bad (in this case a grep to see if the code you are looking for is present). Running this will find when the code was removed.

What does the term "canonical form" or "canonical representation" in Java mean?

canonical representation means view the character in different style for example if I write a letter A means another person may write the letter A in different style:)


Difference between __getattr__ vs __getattribute__

I find that no one mentions this difference:

__getattribute__ has a default implementation, but __getattr__ does not.

class A:
a = A()
a.__getattr__ # error
a.__getattribute__ # return a method-wrapper

This has a clear meaning: since __getattribute__ has a default implementation, while __getattr__ not, clearly python encourages users to implement __getattr__.

Why would one mark local variables and method parameters as "final" in Java?

I let Eclipse do it for me when they are being used in an anonymous class, which is increasing due to my use of Google Collection API.

How to find the remainder of a division in C?

Use the modulus operator %, it returns the remainder.

int a = 5;
int b = 3;

if (a % b != 0) {
   printf("The remainder is: %i", a%b);

converting list to json format - quick and easy way

If you are using WebApi, HttpResponseMessage is a more elegant way to do it

public HttpResponseMessage Get()
    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ListOfMyObject);

How to trim a file extension from a String in JavaScript?

Simple one:

var n = str.lastIndexOf(".");
return n > -1 ? str.substr(0, n) : str;

Determine whether a Access checkbox is checked or not

Checkboxes are a control type designed for one purpose: to ensure valid entry of Boolean values.

In Access, there are two types:

  1. 2-state -- can be checked or unchecked, but not Null. Values are True (checked) or False (unchecked). In Access and VBA, the value of True is -1 and the value of False is 0. For portability with environments that use 1 for True, you can always test for False or Not False, since False is the value 0 for all environments I know of.

  2. 3-state -- like the 2-state, but can be Null. Clicking it cycles through True/False/Null. This is for binding to an integer field that allows Nulls. It is of no use with a Boolean field, since it can never be Null.

Minor quibble with the answers:

There is almost never a need to use the .Value property of an Access control, as it's the default property. These two are equivalent:


The only gotcha here is that it's important to be careful that you don't create implicit references when testing the value of a checkbox. Instead of this:

  If Me!MyCheckBox Then

...write one of these options:

  If (Me!MyCheckBox) Then  ' forces evaluation of the control

  If Me!MyCheckBox = True Then

  If (Me!MyCheckBox = True) Then

  If (Me!MyCheckBox = Not False) Then

Likewise, when writing subroutines or functions that get values from a Boolean control, always declare your Boolean parameters as ByVal unless you actually want to manipulate the control. In that case, your parameter's data type should be an Access control and not a Boolean value. Anything else runs the risk of implicit references.

Last of all, if you set the value of a checkbox in code, you can actually set it to any number, not just 0 and -1, but any number other than 0 is treated as True (because it's Not False). While you might use that kind of thing in an HTML form, it's not proper UI design for an Access app, as there's no way for the user to be able to see what value is actually be stored in the control, which defeats the purpose of choosing it for editing your data.

How can I update npm on Windows?

You can use Chocolatey which is a package manager for windows (like apt-get for Debian Linux).

Install fresh (you might need to uninstall previously installed versions)

> choco install nodejs

Update to the latest version

> choco update nodejs

and for npm

> choco update npm

Real time face detection OpenCV, Python

Your line:

img = cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) 

will draw a rectangle in the image, but the return value will be None, so img changes to None and cannot be drawn.



WordPress: get author info from post id

  $field = 'display_name';

Valid values for the $field parameter include:

  • admin_color
  • aim
  • comment_shortcuts
  • description
  • display_name
  • first_name
  • ID
  • jabber
  • last_name
  • nickname
  • plugins_last_view
  • plugins_per_page
  • rich_editing
  • syntax_highlighting
  • user_activation_key
  • user_description
  • user_email
  • user_firstname
  • user_lastname
  • user_level
  • user_login
  • user_nicename
  • user_pass
  • user_registered
  • user_status
  • user_url
  • yim

What is a daemon thread in Java?

Daemon threads are threads that run in the background as long as other non-daemon threads of the process are still running. Thus, when all of the non-daemon threads complete, the daemon threads are terminated. An example for the non-daemon thread is the thread running the Main. A thread is made daemon by calling the setDaemon() method before the thread is started

For More Reference : Daemon thread in Java

How to check the input is an integer or not in Java?

If you are getting the user input with Scanner, you can do:

if(yourScanner.hasNextInt()) {
    yourNumber = yourScanner.nextInt();

If you are not, you'll have to convert it to int and catch a NumberFormatException:

    yourNumber = Integer.parseInt(yourInput);
}catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
    //handle exception here

RegEx to exclude a specific string constant

This isn't easy, unless your regexp engine has special support for it. The easiest way would be to use a negative-match option, for example:

$var !~ /^foo$/
    or die "too much foo";

If not, you have to do something evil:

$var =~ /^(($)|([^f].*)|(f[^o].*)|(fo[^o].*)|(foo.+))$/
    or die "too much foo";

That one basically says "if it starts with non-f, the rest can be anything; if it starts with f, non-o, the rest can be anything; otherwise, if it starts fo, the next character had better not be another o".

whitespaces in the path of windows filepath

(WINDOWS - AWS solution)
Solved for windows by putting tripple quotes around files and paths.
1) Prevents excludes that quietly were getting ignored.
2) Files/folders with spaces in them, will no longer kick errors.

    aws_command = 'aws s3 sync """D:/""" """s3://mybucket/my folder/"  --exclude """*RECYCLE.BIN/*""" --exclude """*.cab""" --exclude """System Volume Information/*""" '

    r ="powershell.exe {aws_command}", shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True)

regex error - nothing to repeat

It seems to be a python bug (that works perfectly in vim). The source of the problem is the (\s*...)+ bit. Basically , you can't do (\s*)+ which make sense , because you are trying to repeat something which can be null.

>>> re.compile(r"(\s*)+")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/", line 180, in compile
    return _compile(pattern, flags)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/", line 233, in _compile
    raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

However (\s*\1) should not be null, but we know it only because we know what's in \1. Apparently python doesn't ... that's weird.

How can I convert tabs to spaces in every file of a directory?

Download and run the following script to recursively convert hard tabs to soft tabs in plain text files.

Execute the script from inside the folder which contains the plain text files.


find . -type f -and -not -path './.git/*' -exec grep -Iq . {} \; -and -print | while read -r file; do {
    echo "Converting... "$file"";
    data=$(expand --initial -t 4 "$file");
    rm "$file";
    echo "$data" > "$file";
}; done;

VBScript - How to make program wait until process has finished?

You need to tell the run to wait until the process is finished. Something like:

const DontWaitUntilFinished = false, ShowWindow = 1, DontShowWindow = 0, WaitUntilFinished = true
set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = "cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe <path>\myScript.vbs " & args
oShell.Run command, DontShowWindow, WaitUntilFinished

In the script itself, start Excel like so. While debugging start visible:

File = "c:\test\myfile.xls" """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE"" " & File, 1, true

'namespace' but is used like a 'type'

I suspect you've got the same problem at least twice.


namespace TimeTest
    class TimeTest

... you're declaring a type with the same name as the namespace it's in. Don't do that.

Now you apparently have the same problem with Time2. I suspect if you add:

using Time2;

to your list of using directives, your code will compile. But please, please, please fix the bigger problem: the problematic choice of names. (Follow the link above to find out more details of why it's a bad idea.)

(Additionally, unless you're really interested in writing time-based types, I'd advise you not to do so... and I say that as someone who does do exactly that. Use the built-in capabilities, or a third party library such as, um, mine. Working with dates and times correctly is surprisingly hairy. :)

"import datetime" v.s. "from datetime import datetime"

from datetime import datetime,timedelta
print("Todays Date:",today)
print("Yesterday date:",yesterday)
print("Tommorrow Date:",tommorrow)

How to add a reference programmatically

Here is how to get the Guid's programmatically! You can then use these guids/filepaths with an above answer to add the reference!


Sub ListReferencePaths()
'Lists path and GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for each referenced library.
'Select a reference in Tools > References, then run this code to get GUID etc.
    Dim rw As Long, ref
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
        rw = 1
        .Range("A" & rw & ":D" & rw) = Array("Reference","Version","GUID","Path")
        For Each ref In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
            rw = rw + 1
            .Range("A" & rw & ":D" & rw) = Array(ref.Description, _
                   "v." & ref.Major & "." & ref.Minor, ref.GUID, ref.FullPath)
        Next ref
    End With
End Sub

Here is the same code but printing to the terminal if you don't want to dedicate a worksheet to the output.

Sub ListReferencePaths() 
 'Macro purpose:  To determine full path and Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
 'to each referenced library.  Select the reference in the Tools\References
 'window, then run this code to get the information on the reference's library

On Error Resume Next 
Dim i As Long 

Debug.Print "Reference name" & " | " & "Full path to reference" & " | " & "Reference GUID" 

For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Count 
  With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References(i) 
    Debug.Print .Name & " | " & .FullPath  & " | " & .GUID 
  End With 
Next i 
On Error GoTo 0 
End Sub 

In Java, should I escape a single quotation mark (') in String (double quoted)?

It's best practice only to escape the quotes when you need to - if you can get away without escaping it, then do!

The only times you should need to escape are when trying to put " inside a string, or ' in a character:

String quotes = "He said \"Hello, World!\"";
char quote = '\'';

How to generate service reference with only physical wsdl file

This may be the easiest method

  • Right click on the project and select "Add Service Reference..."
  • In the Address: box, enter the physical path (C:\test\project....) of the downloaded/Modified wsdl.
  • Hit Go

PL/SQL block problem: No data found error

This data not found causes because of some datatype we are using .

like select empid into v_test

above empid and v_test has to be number type , then only the data will be stored .

So keep track of the data type , when getting this error , may be this will help

Python: Removing list element while iterating over list

You can still use filter, moving to an outside function the element modification (iterating just once)

def do_the_magic(x):
    return check(x)

# you can get a different filtered list

# or have it modified in place (as suggested by Steven Rumbalski, see comment)
yourList[:] = itertools.ifilter(do_the_magic, yourList)

"Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo." when using GCC

Open up Xcode, and accept the new user agreement. This was happening because a new version of Xcode was downloaded and the new agreement was not accepted.

Python Pandas User Warning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned

jezrael's answer is good, but did not answer a question I had: Will getting the "sort" flag wrong mess up my data in any way? The answer is apparently "no", you are fine either way.

from pandas import DataFrame, concat

a = DataFrame([{'a':1,      'c':2,'d':3      }])
b = DataFrame([{'a':4,'b':5,      'd':6,'e':7}])

>>> concat([a,b],sort=False)
   a    c  d    b    e
0  1  2.0  3  NaN  NaN
0  4  NaN  6  5.0  7.0

>>> concat([a,b],sort=True)
   a    b    c  d    e
0  1  NaN  2.0  3  NaN
0  4  5.0  NaN  6  7.0

System.drawing namespace not found under console application

You need to add a reference to System.Drawing.dll.

As mentioned in the comments below this can be done as follows: In your Solution Explorer (Where all the files are shown with your project), right click the "References" folder and find System.Drawing on the .NET Tab.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Using grep and sed to find and replace a string

I have taken Vlad's idea and changed it a little bit. Instead of

grep -rl oldstr path | xargs sed -i 's/oldstr/newstr/g' /dev/null

Which yields

sed: couldn't edit /dev/null: not a regular file

I'm doing in 3 different connections to the remote server

touch deleteme
grep -rl oldstr path | xargs sed -i 's/oldstr/newstr/g' ./deleteme
rm deleteme

Although this is less elegant and requires 2 more connections to the server (maybe there's a way to do it all in one line) it does the job efficiently as well

If hasClass then addClass to parent

The dot is not part of the class name. It's only used in CSS/jQuery selector notation. Try this instead:

if ($('#navigation a').hasClass('active')) {

If $(this) refers to that anchor, you have to change it to $('#navigation a') as well because the if condition does not have jQuery callback scope.

Python PDF library

Reportlab. There is an open source version, and a paid version which adds the Report Markup Language (an alternative method of defining your document).

Difference of keywords 'typename' and 'class' in templates?

  1. No difference
  2. Template type parameter Container is itself a template with two type parameters.

How do I create a crontab through a script

Here's a one-liner that doesn't use/require the new job to be in a file:

(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "*/5 * * * * /path/to/job -with args") | crontab -

The 2>/dev/null is important so that you don't get the no crontab for username message that some *nixes produce if there are currently no crontab entries.

How do I make a https post in Node Js without any third party module?

For example, like this:

const querystring = require('querystring');
const https = require('https');

var postData = querystring.stringify({
    'msg' : 'Hello World!'

var options = {
  hostname: '',
  port: 443,
  path: '/post.php',
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
       'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
       'Content-Length': postData.length

var req = https.request(options, (res) => {
  console.log('statusCode:', res.statusCode);
  console.log('headers:', res.headers);

  res.on('data', (d) => {

req.on('error', (e) => {


How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing?

Although the suggested setListViewHeightBasedOnChildren() methods work in most of the cases, in some cases, specially with a lot of items, I noticed that the last elements are not displayed. So I decided to mimic a simple version of the ListView behavior in order to reuse any Adapter code, here it's the ListView alternative:

import android.content.Context;
import android.database.DataSetObserver;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.ListAdapter;

public class StretchedListView extends LinearLayout {

private final DataSetObserver dataSetObserver;
private ListAdapter adapter;
private OnItemClickListener onItemClickListener;

public StretchedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    this.dataSetObserver = new DataSetObserver() {
        public void onChanged() {

        public void onInvalidated() {

public void setAdapter(ListAdapter adapter) {

    this.adapter = adapter;
    if (this.adapter != null) {

protected void ensureDataSetObserverIsUnregistered() {
    if (this.adapter != null) {

public Object getItemAtPosition(int position) {
    return adapter != null ? adapter.getItem(position) : null;

public void setSelection(int i) {

public void setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener onItemClickListener) {
    this.onItemClickListener = onItemClickListener;

public ListAdapter getAdapter() {
    return adapter;

public int getCount() {
    return adapter != null ? adapter.getCount() : 0;

private void syncDataFromAdapter() {
    if (adapter != null) {
        int count = adapter.getCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            View view = adapter.getView(i, null, this);
            boolean enabled = adapter.isEnabled(i);
            if (enabled) {
                final int position = i;
                final long id = adapter.getItemId(position);
                view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

                    public void onClick(View v) {
                        if (onItemClickListener != null) {
                            onItemClickListener.onItemClick(null, v, position, id);


Calculate text width with JavaScript

The code-snips below, "calculate" the width of the span-tag, appends "..." to it if its too long and reduces the text-length, until it fits in its parent (or until it has tried more than a thousand times)


div.places {
  width : 100px;
div.places span {


<div class="places">
  <span>This is my house</span>
<div class="places">
  <span>And my house are your house</span>
<div class="places">
  <span>This placename is most certainly too wide to fit</span>

JavaScript (with jQuery)

// loops elements classed "places" and checks if their child "span" is too long to fit
$(".places").each(function (index, item) {
    var obj = $(item).find("span");
    if (obj.length) {
        var placename = $(obj).text();
        if ($(obj).width() > $(item).width() && placename.trim().length > 0) {
            var limit = 0;
            do {
                                    placename = placename.substring(0, placename.length - 1);
                                    $(obj).text(placename + "...");
            } while ($(obj).width() > $(item).width() && limit < 1000)

Squash the first two commits in Git?

This will squash second commit into the first one:

A-B-C-... -> AB-C-...

git filter-branch --commit-filter '
    if [ "$GIT_COMMIT" = <sha1ofA> ];
        skip_commit "$@";
        git commit-tree "$@";

Commit message for AB will be taken from B (although I'd prefer from A).

Has the same effect as Uwe Kleine-König's answer, but works for non-initial A as well.

How to import data from one sheet to another

Saw this thread while looking for something else and I know it is super old, but I wanted to add my 2 cents.

NEVER USE VLOOKUP. It's one of the worst performing formulas in excel. Use index match instead. It even works without sorting data, unless you have a -1 or 1 in the end of the match formula (explained more below)

Here is a link with the appropriate formulas.

The Sheet 2 formula would be this: =IF(A2="","",INDEX(Sheet1!B:B,MATCH($A2,Sheet1!$A:$A,0)))

  • IF(A2="","", means if A2 is blank, return a blank value
  • INDEX(Sheet1!B:B, is saying INDEX B:B where B:B is the data you want to return. IE the name column.
  • Match(A2, is saying to Match A2 which is the ID you want to return the Name for.
  • Sheet1!A:A, is saying you want to match A2 to the ID column in the previous sheet
  • ,0)) is specifying you want an exact value. 0 means return an exact match to A2, -1 means return smallest value greater than or equal to A2, 1 means return the largest value that is less than or equal to A2. Keep in mind -1 and 1 have to be sorted.

More information on the Index/Match formula

Other fun facts: $ means absolute in a formula. So if you specify $B$1 when filling a formula down or over keeps that same value. If you over $B1, the B remains the same across the formula, but if you fill down, the 1 increases with the row count. Likewise, if you used B$1, filling to the right will increment the B, but keep the reference of row 1.

I also included the use of indirect in the second section. What indirect does is allow you to use the text of another cell in a formula. Since I created a named range sheet1!A:A = ID, sheet1!B:B = Name, and sheet1!C:C=Price, I can use the column name to have the exact same formula, but it uses the column heading to change the search criteria.

Good luck! Hope this helps.

No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException with Spring MVC?

Spring cannot instantiate your TestController because its only constructor requires a parameter. You can add a no-arg constructor or you add @Autowired annotation to the constructor:

public TestController(KeeperClient testClient) {
    TestController.testClient = testClient;

In this case, you are explicitly telling Spring to search the application context for a KeeperClient bean and inject it when instantiating the TestControlller.

How to specify line breaks in a multi-line flexbox layout?

@Oriol has an excellent answer, sadly as of October 2017, neither display:contents, neither page-break-after is widely supported, better said it's about Firefox which supports this but not the other players, I have come up with the following "hack" which I consider better than hard coding in a break after every 3rd element, because that will make it very difficult to make the page mobile friendly.

As said it's a hack and the drawback is that you need to add quite a lot of extra elements for nothing, but it does the trick and works cross browser even on the dated IE11.

The "hack" is to simply add an additional element after each div, which is set to display:none and then used the css nth-child to decide which one of this should be actually made visible forcing a line brake like this:

.container {
  background: tomato;
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  justify-content: space-between;
.item {
  width: 100px;
  background: gold;
  height: 100px;
  border: 1px solid black;
  font-size: 30px;
  line-height: 100px;
  text-align: center;
  margin: 10px
.item:nth-child(3n-1) {
  background: silver;
.breaker {
  display: none;
.breaker:nth-child(3n) {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 0;
<div class="container">
  <div class="item">1</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">2</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">3</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">4</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">5</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">6</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">7</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">8</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">9</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>
  <div class="item">10</div>
  <p class="breaker"></p>

Function for C++ struct

Structs can have functions just like classes. The only difference is that they are public by default:

struct A {
    void f() {}

Additionally, structs can also have constructors and destructors.

struct A {
    A() : x(5) {}
    ~A() {}

    private: int x;

How to select min and max values of a column in a datatable?

Performance wise, this should be comparable. Use Select statement and Sort to get a list and then pick the first or last (depending on your sort order).

var col = dt.Select("AccountLevel", "AccountLevel ASC");

var min = col.First();
var max = col.Last();

Unix tail equivalent command in Windows Powershell

It is possible to download all of the UNIX commands compiled for Windows from this GitHub repository:

How to change the port number for Asp.Net core app?

It's working to me.

I use core 2.2 (this way supported in core 2.1 and upper version).

add Kestrel section in appsettings.json file. like this:

  "Kestrel": {
    "EndPoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": "http://localhost:4300"
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*"

and in Startup.cs:

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration, IHostingEnvironment env)
      var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
         .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)

      Configuration = builder.Build();

String field value length in mongoDB

I had a similar kind of scenario, but in my case string is not a 1st level attribute. It is inside an object. In here I couldn't find a suitable answer for it. So I thought to share my solution with you all(Hope this will help anyone with a similar kind of problem).

Parent Collection 

"name":"Random Name",

Ex: If we need to get only collections that having child's name's length is higher than 10 characters.

 db.getCollection('Parent').find({$where: function() { 
for (var field in { 
    if ( > 10) 
        return true;


How to retrieve the first word of the output of a command in bash?

If you are sure there are no leading spaces, you can use bash parameter substitution:

$ string="word1  word2"
$ echo ${string/%\ */}

Watch out for escaping the single space. See here for more examples of substitution patterns. If you have bash > 3.0, you could also use regular expression matching to cope with leading spaces - see here:

$ string="  word1   word2"
$ [[ ${string} =~ \ *([^\ ]*) ]]
$ echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}

Unsigned values in C

When you initialize unsigned int a to -1; it means that you are storing the 2's complement of -1 into the memory of a.
Which is nothing but 0xffffffff or 4294967295.

Hence when you print it using %x or %u format specifier you get that output.

By specifying signedness of a variable to decide on the minimum and maximum limit of value that can be stored.

Like with unsigned int: the range is from 0 to 4,294,967,295 and int: the range is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

For more info on signedness refer this

IE8 support for CSS Media Query

Taken from the css3mediaqueries.js project page.

Note: Doesn't work on @import'ed stylesheets (which you shouldn't use anyway for performance reasons). Also won't listen to the media attribute of the <link> and <style> elements.

What is the best way to compare floats for almost-equality in Python?

Use Python's decimal module, which provides the Decimal class.

From the comments:

It is worth noting that if you're doing math-heavy work and you don't absolutely need the precision from decimal, this can really bog things down. Floats are way, way faster to deal with, but imprecise. Decimals are extremely precise but slow.

What is the best way to create and populate a numbers table?

here are some code examples taken from the web and from answers to this question.

For Each Method, I have modified the original code so each use the same table and column: NumbersTest and Number, with 10,000 rows or as close to that as possible. Also, I have provided links to the place of origin.

METHOD 1 here is a very slow looping method from here
avg 13.01 seconds
ran 3 times removed highest, here are times in seconds: 12.42, 13.60

DROP TABLE NumbersTest
DECLARE @RunDate datetime
CREATE TABLE NumbersTest(Number INT IDENTITY(1,1)) 
    INSERT dbo.NumbersTest DEFAULT VALUES 
-- Add a primary key/clustered index to the numbers table
PRINT CONVERT(varchar(20),datediff(ms,@RunDate,GETDATE())/1000.0)+' seconds'

METHOD 2 here is a much faster looping one from here
avg 1.1658 seconds
ran 11 times removed highest, here are times in seconds: 1.117, 1.140, 1.203, 1.170, 1.173, 1.156, 1.203, 1.153, 1.173, 1.170

DROP TABLE NumbersTest
DECLARE @RunDate datetime
SELECT @i = 1;
WHILE @i <= 10000
    INSERT INTO dbo.NumbersTest(Number) VALUES (@i);
    SELECT @i = @i + 1;
PRINT CONVERT(varchar(20),datediff(ms,@RunDate,GETDATE())/1000.0)+' seconds'

METHOD 3 Here is a single INSERT based on code from here
avg 488.6 milliseconds
ran 11 times removed highest, here are times in milliseconds: 686, 673, 623, 686,343,343,376,360,343,453

DROP TABLE NumbersTest
DECLARE @RunDate datetime
CREATE TABLE NumbersTest (Number  int  not null)  
;WITH Nums(Number) AS
(SELECT 1 AS Number
 SELECT Number+1 FROM Nums where Number<10000
insert into NumbersTest(Number)
    select Number from Nums option(maxrecursion 10000)
PRINT CONVERT(varchar(20),datediff(ms,@RunDate,GETDATE()))+' milliseconds'

METHOD 4 here is a "semi-looping" method from here avg 348.3 milliseconds (it was hard to get good timing because of the "GO" in the middle of the code, any suggestions would be appreciated)
ran 11 times removed highest, here are times in milliseconds: 356, 360, 283, 346, 360, 376, 326, 373, 330, 373

DROP TABLE NumbersTest
CREATE TABLE #RunDate (RunDate datetime)
CREATE TABLE NumbersTest (Number int NOT NULL);
INSERT NumbersTest values (1);
GO --required
INSERT NumbersTest SELECT Number + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NumbersTest) FROM NumbersTest
GO 14 --will create 16384 total rows
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(20),datediff(ms,RunDate,GETDATE()))+' milliseconds' FROM #RunDate

METHOD 5 here is a single INSERT from Philip Kelley's answer
avg 92.7 milliseconds
ran 11 times removed highest, here are times in milliseconds: 80, 96, 96, 93, 110, 110, 80, 76, 93, 93

DROP TABLE NumbersTest
DECLARE @RunDate datetime
CREATE TABLE NumbersTest (Number  int  not null)  
  Pass0 as (select 1 as C union all select 1), --2 rows
  Pass1 as (select 1 as C from Pass0 as A, Pass0 as B),--4 rows
  Pass2 as (select 1 as C from Pass1 as A, Pass1 as B),--16 rows
  Pass3 as (select 1 as C from Pass2 as A, Pass2 as B),--256 rows
  Pass4 as (select 1 as C from Pass3 as A, Pass3 as B),--65536 rows
  --I removed Pass5, since I'm only populating the Numbers table to 10,000
  Tally as (select row_number() over(order by C) as Number from Pass4)
INSERT NumbersTest
    SELECT Number
        FROM Tally
        WHERE Number <= 10000
PRINT CONVERT(varchar(20),datediff(ms,@RunDate,GETDATE()))+' milliseconds'

METHOD 6 here is a single INSERT from Mladen Prajdic answer
avg 82.3 milliseconds
ran 11 times removed highest, here are times in milliseconds: 80, 80, 93, 76, 93, 63, 93, 76, 93, 76

DROP TABLE NumbersTest
DECLARE @RunDate datetime
CREATE TABLE NumbersTest (Number  int  not null)  
INSERT INTO NumbersTest(Number)
SELECT TOP 10000 row_number() over(order by t1.number) as N
FROM master..spt_values t1 
    CROSS JOIN master..spt_values t2
PRINT CONVERT(varchar(20),datediff(ms,@RunDate,GETDATE()))+' milliseconds'

METHOD 7 here is a single INSERT based on the code from here
avg 56.3 milliseconds
ran 11 times removed highest, here are times in milliseconds: 63, 50, 63, 46, 60, 63, 63, 46, 63, 46

DROP TABLE NumbersTest
DECLARE @RunDate datetime
SELECT TOP 10000 IDENTITY(int,1,1) AS Number
    INTO NumbersTest
    FROM sys.objects s1       --use sys.columns if you don't get enough rows returned to generate all the numbers you need
    CROSS JOIN sys.objects s2 --use sys.columns if you don't get enough rows returned to generate all the numbers you need
PRINT CONVERT(varchar(20),datediff(ms,@RunDate,GETDATE()))+' milliseconds'

After looking at all these methods, I really like Method 7, which was the fastest and the code is fairly simple too.

Get current location of user in Android without using GPS or internet

No, you cannot currently get location without using GPS or internet.

Location techniques based on WiFi, Cellular, or Bluetooth work with the help of a large database that is constantly being updated. A device scans for transmitter IDs and then sends these in a query through the internet to a service such as Google, Apple, or Skyhook. That service responds with a location based on previous wireless surveys from known locations. Without internet access, you have to have a local copy of such a database and keep this up to date. For global usage, this is very impractical.

Theoretically, a mobile provider could provide local data service only but no access to the internet, and then answer location queries from mobile devices. Mobile providers don't do this; no one wants to pay for this kind of restricted data access. If you have data service through your mobile provider, then you have internet access.

In short, using LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER or to get location requires use of the internet.

Using the last known position requires you to have had GPS or internet access very recently. If you just had internet, presumably you can adjust your position or settings to get internet again. If your device has not had GPS or internet access, the last known position feature will not help you.

Without GPS or internet, you could:

  1. Take pictures of the night sky and use the current time to estimate your location based on a star chart. This would probably require additional equipment to ensure that the angles for your pictures are correctly measured.
  2. Use an accelerometer to track location starting from a known position. The accumulation of error in this kind of approach makes it impractical for most situations.

How can strip whitespaces in PHP's variable?

If you want to remove all whitespaces everywhere from $tags why not just:

str_replace(' ', '', $tags);

If you want to remove new lines and such that would require a bit more...

How to concatenate string variables in Bash

If you want to append something like an underscore, use escape (\)


This does not work:


This works fine:


Can I do a max(count(*)) in SQL?

SELECT * from 
FROM actor
JOIN casting ON = casting.actorid
JOIN movie ON casting.movieid =
WHERE name = 'John Travolta'
order by TCOUNT desc
) res
where rownum < 2

ping: Temporary failure in name resolution

I've faced the exactly same problem but I've fixed it with another approache.

Using Ubuntu 18.04, first disable systemd-resolved service.

sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service

Stop the service

sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved.service

Then, remove the link to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf in /etc/resolv.conf

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf

Add a manually created resolv.conf in /etc/

sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf

Add your prefered DNS server there


I've tested this with success.

How to check if a variable is NULL, then set it with a MySQL stored procedure?

@last_run_time is a 9.4. User-Defined Variables and last_run_time datetime one Local Variable DECLARE Syntax, are different variables.

Try: SELECT last_run_time;




    DECLARE current_procedure_name CHAR(60) DEFAULT 'accounts_general';
    DECLARE current_run_time DATETIME DEFAULT NOW();

    -- Define the last run time
    SET last_run_time := (SELECT MAX(runtime) FROM dynamo.runtimes WHERE procedure_name = current_procedure_name);

    -- if there is no last run time found then use yesterday as starting point
    IF(last_run_time IS NULL) THEN
        SET last_run_time := DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY);
    END IF;

    SELECT last_run_time;

    -- Insert variables in table2
    INSERT INTO table2 (col0, col1, col2) VALUES (current_procedure_name, last_run_time, current_run_time);


How to force Chrome browser to reload .css file while debugging in Visual Studio?

Easiest way on Safari 11.0 macOS SIERRA 10.12.6: Reload Page From Origin, you can use help to find out where in the menu it is located, or you can use the shortcut option(alt) + command + R.

Mongoose.js: Find user by username LIKE value

if I want to query all record at some condition,I can use this:

if (userId == 'admin')
  userId = {'$regex': '.*.*'};
User.where('status', 1).where('creator', userId);

Convert char to int in C and C++

Depends on what you want to do:

to read the value as an ascii code, you can write

char a = 'a';
int ia = (int)a; 
/* note that the int cast is not necessary -- int ia = a would suffice */

to convert the character '0' -> 0, '1' -> 1, etc, you can write

char a = '4';
int ia = a - '0';
/* check here if ia is bounded by 0 and 9 */

a - '0' is equivalent to ((int)a) - ((int)'0'), which means the ascii values of the characters are subtracted from each other. Since 0 comes directly before 1 in the ascii table (and so on until 9), the difference between the two gives the number that the character a represents.

How can you integrate a custom file browser/uploader with CKEditor?

This is the approach I've used. It's quite straightforward, and works just fine.

In the CK editor root directory there is a file named config.js

I added this (you don't need the querystring stuff, this is just for our file manager). I also included some skinning and changing of the default buttons shown:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) { = 'v2';
    config.startupFocus = false;
    config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = '/admin/content/filemanager.aspx?path=Userfiles/File&editor=FCK';
    config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = '/admin/content/filemanager.aspx?type=Image&path=Userfiles/Image&editor=FCK';
    config.toolbar_Full =
        ['Source', '-', 'Preview', '-'],
        ['Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', '-', 'Print', 'SpellChecker'], //, 'Scayt' 
        ['Undo', 'Redo', '-', 'Find', 'Replace', '-', 'SelectAll', 'RemoveFormat'],
        ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', '-', 'Subscript', 'Superscript'],
        ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Outdent', 'Indent', 'Blockquote'],
        ['JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'],
        ['Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor'],
        ['Image', 'Flash', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar'],
        ['Styles', 'Format', 'Templates'],
        ['Maximize', 'ShowBlocks']


Then, our file manager calls this:


Single controller with multiple GET methods in ASP.NET Web API

In VS 2019, this works with ease:

[Route("api/[controller]/[action]")] //above the controller class

And in the code:

public Ilist<Sample1> GetSample1()
    return getSample1();
public Ilist<Sample2> GetSample2()
    return getSample2();
public Ilist<Sample3> GetSample3()
    return getSample3();
public Ilist<Sample4> GetSample4()
    return getSample4();

You can have multiple gets like above mentioned.

Where do I find some good examples for DDD?

Code Camp Server, Jeffrey Palermo's sample code for the book ASP.NET MVC in Action. While the book is focused on the presentation layer, the application is modeled using DDD.

Padding between ActionBar's home icon and title

<string name="app_name">"    "Brick Industry</string>

Just add " " for your app name It will add space between icon and title

How to start Spyder IDE on Windows

Open a command prompt. Enter the command spyder. Does anything appear? If an exception is preventing it from opening, you would be able to see the reason here. If the command is not found, update your environment variables to point to the Python3.6/Scripts folder, and run spyder again (in a new cmd prompt).

Installing Pandas on Mac OSX


pip3 install pandas 

from terminal. Maybe your original pip install pandas is referencing anaconda distribution

Are multi-line strings allowed in JSON?

JSON doesn't allow breaking lines for readability.

Your best bet is to use an IDE that will line-wrap for you.

Display an array in a readable/hierarchical format

This tries to improve print_r() output formatting in console applications:

function pretty_printr($array) {

  $string = print_r($array, TRUE);

  foreach (preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $string) as $line) {

    $trimmed_line = trim($line);

    // Skip useless lines.
    if (!$trimmed_line || $trimmed_line === '(' || $trimmed_line === ')' || $trimmed_line === 'Array') {

    // Improve lines ending with empty values.
    if (substr_compare($trimmed_line, '=>', -2) === 0) {
      $line .=  "''";

    print $line . PHP_EOL;


[activity_score] => 0
[allow_organisation_contact] => 1
[cover_media] => Array
        [image] => Array
                [url] => ''
        [video] => Array
                [url] => ''
                [oembed_html] => ''
        [thumb] => Array
                [url] => ''
[created_at] => 2019-06-25T09:50:22+02:00
[description] => example description
[state] => published
[fundraiser_type] => anniversary
[end_date] => 2019-09-25
[event] => Array
[goal] => Array
        [cents] => 40000
        [currency] => EUR
[id] => 37798
[your_reference] => ''

python requests file upload

If upload_file is meant to be the file, use:

files = {'upload_file': open('file.txt','rb')}
values = {'DB': 'photcat', 'OUT': 'csv', 'SHORT': 'short'}

r =, files=files, data=values)

and requests will send a multi-part form POST body with the upload_file field set to the contents of the file.txt file.

The filename will be included in the mime header for the specific field:

>>> import requests
>>> open('file.txt', 'wb')  # create an empty demo file
<_io.BufferedWriter name='file.txt'>
>>> files = {'upload_file': open('file.txt', 'rb')}
>>> print(requests.Request('POST', '', files=files).prepare().body.decode('ascii'))
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload_file"; filename="file.txt"


Note the filename="file.txt" parameter.

You can use a tuple for the files mapping value, with between 2 and 4 elements, if you need more control. The first element is the filename, followed by the contents, and an optional content-type header value and an optional mapping of additional headers:

files = {'upload_file': ('foobar.txt', open('file.txt','rb'), 'text/x-spam')}

This sets an alternative filename and content type, leaving out the optional headers.

If you are meaning the whole POST body to be taken from a file (with no other fields specified), then don't use the files parameter, just post the file directly as data. You then may want to set a Content-Type header too, as none will be set otherwise. See Python requests - POST data from a file.

How does HTTP file upload work?

Let's take a look at what happens when you select a file and submit your form (I've truncated the headers for brevity):

POST /upload?upload_progress_id=12344 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
Content-Length: 1325
Origin: http://localhost:3000
... other headers ...
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryePkpFF7tjBAqx29L

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="MAX_FILE_SIZE"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadedfile"; filename="hello.o"
Content-Type: application/x-object

... contents of file goes here ...

NOTE: each boundary string must be prefixed with an extra --, just like in the end of the last boundary string. The example above already includes this, but it can be easy to miss. See comment by @Andreas below.

Instead of URL encoding the form parameters, the form parameters (including the file data) are sent as sections in a multipart document in the body of the request.

In the example above, you can see the input MAX_FILE_SIZE with the value set in the form, as well as a section containing the file data. The file name is part of the Content-Disposition header.

The full details are here.

What does void mean in C, C++, and C#?

Three usage cases for void:

  1. Function signatures. void foo(int bar) does not return a value. int bar(void) does not take any parameters but this is usually expressed with empty argument list: int bar(). Usage of the void keyword here corresponds to its meaning in English.

  2. Generic top-type pointer void * that points to unspecified data and cannot be dereferenced. Here the meaning of void is different from other meanings of void: universal type vs. no type.

  3. In casts such as (void) new Foo(this) to signify that the return value is deliberately thrown away. Here the keyword usage also matches its meaning in English.

Cases 1 and 2 were already covered by @Gerald but case 3 has not been addressed yet.

Generate war file from tomcat webapp folder

You can create .war file back from your existing folder.

Using this command

cd /to/your/folder/location
jar -cvf my_web_app.war *

Can't start hostednetwork

Let alone enabling the network adapter under Device Manager may not help. The following helped me resolved the issue.

I tried Disabling and Enabling the Wifi Adapter (i.e. the actual Wifi device adapter not the virtual adapters) in Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network Connections altogether worked for me. The same can be done from the Device Manager too. This surely resets the adapter settings and for the Wifi Adapter and the Virtual Miniport adapters.

However, please make sure that the mode is set to allow as in the below example before you run the start command.

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=ssidOfUrChoice key=keyOfUrChoice

and after that run the command netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

Also once the usage is over with the Miniport adapter connection, it is a good practice to stop it using the following command.

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Hope it helps.

How to reset radiobuttons in jQuery so that none is checked

I know this is old and that this is a little off topic, but supposing you wanted to uncheck only specific radio buttons in a collection:

      if($(this).val() !== "1"){_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input id="radio1" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="1">1</input>_x000D_
<input id="radio2" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="2">2</input>_x000D_
<input id="radio3" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="3">3</input>_x000D_
<input id="radio4" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="4">4</input>_x000D_
<input type="button" id="go" value="go">

And if you are dealing with a radiobutton list, you can use the :checked selector to get just the one you want.

<script src=""></script>
<input id="radio1" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="1">1</input>
<input id="radio2" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="2">2</input>
<input id="radio3" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="3">3</input>
<input id="radio4" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="4">4</input>
<input type="button" id="go" value="go">

How do you use the "WITH" clause in MySQL?

Mysql Developers Team announced that version 8.0 will have Common Table Expressions in MySQL (CTEs). So it will be possible to write queries like this:

  SELECT 1+n FROM my_cte WHERE n<10
SELECT * FROM my_cte;
| n    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|    4 |
|    5 |
|    6 |
|    7 |
|    8 |
|    9 |
|   10 |
10 rows in set (0,00 sec)

How to combine two vectors into a data frame

df = data.frame(cond=c(rep("x",3),rep("y",3)),rating=c(x,y))

How can I configure Logback to log different levels for a logger to different destinations?

<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="60 seconds">
 <appender name="A1" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
    <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

    <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

      <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ} %c{1} [%p] %m%n</pattern>

 <appender name="ACCESS" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
    <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

    <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

      <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ} %c{1} [%p] %m%n</pattern>

  <appender name="METRICS" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
    <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">

    <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">

      <pattern>%d %-8r %m%n</pattern>

  <root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="A1"/>

  <logger name="" additivity="false">
    <level value="INFO" />
    <appender-ref ref="ACCESS" />

  <logger name="backtype.storm.metric.LoggingMetricsConsumer" additivity="false" >
    <level value="INFO"/>
    <appender-ref ref="METRICS"/>


So here is the logback file in which I am not printing backtype.storm.metric.LoggingMetricsConsumer info level if i say additivity = "true" then for for all classes in backtype.* this rule will be applied

Downloading an entire S3 bucket?

If you use Visual Studio, download "AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio".

After installed, go to Visual Studio - AWS Explorer - S3 - Your bucket - Double click

In the window you will be able to select all files. Right click and download files.

Try-catch block in Jenkins pipeline script

You're using the declarative style of specifying your pipeline, so you must not use try/catch blocks (which are for Scripted Pipelines), but the post section. See:

How to view the contents of an Android APK file?

You can also see the contents of an APK file within the Android device itself, which helps a lot in debugging.

All files including the manifest of an app can be viewed and also shared using email, cloud etc., no rooting required. App is available from:

Disclaimer: I am the author of this app.

javascript getting my textbox to display a variable

function myfunction() {_x000D_
  var first = document.getElementById("textbox1").value;_x000D_
  var second = document.getElementById("textbox2").value;_x000D_
  var answer = parseFloat(first) + parseFloat(second);_x000D_
  var textbox3 = document.getElementById('textbox3');_x000D_
  textbox3.value = answer;_x000D_
<input type="text" name="textbox1" id="textbox1" /> + <input type="text" name="textbox2" id="textbox2" />_x000D_
<input type="submit" name="button" id="button1" onclick="myfunction()" value="=" />_x000D_
<br/> Your answer is:--_x000D_
<input type="text" name="textbox3" id="textbox3" readonly="true" />

Delete all rows in a table based on another table

Since the OP does not ask for a specific DB, better use a standard compliant statement. Only MERGE is in SQL standard for deleting (or updating) rows while joining something on target table.

merge table1 t1
    using (
        select t2.ID
            from table2 t2
    ) as d
    on t1.ID = d.ID
    when matched then delete;

MERGE has a stricter semantic, protecting from some error cases which may go unnoticed with DELETE ... FROM. It enforces 'uniqueness' of match : if many rows in the source (the statement inside using) match the same row in the target, the merge must be canceled and an error must be raised by the SQL engine.

Angular-cli from css to scss

As of ng6 this can be accomplished with the following code added to angular.json at the root level:

Manually change in .angular.json:

"schematics": {
  "@schematics/angular:component": {
    "styleext": "scss"

Overlay a background-image with an rgba background-color

/* Working method */_x000D_
.tinted-image {_x000D_
  background: _x000D_
    /* top, transparent red, faked with gradient */ _x000D_
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45), _x000D_
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.45)_x000D_
    /* bottom, image */_x000D_
    height: 1280px;_x000D_
    width: 960px;_x000D_
    background-size: cover;_x000D_
.tinted-image p {_x000D_
    color: #fff;_x000D_
    padding: 100px;_x000D_
<div class="tinted-image">_x000D_
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam distinctio, temporibus tempora a eveniet quas  qui veritatis sunt perferendis harum!</p>_x000D_


JTable won't show column headers

As said in previous answers the 'normal' way is to add it to a JScrollPane, but sometimes you don't want it to scroll (don't ask me when:)). Then you can add the TableHeader yourself. Like this:

JPanel tablePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JTable table = new JTable();
tablePanel.add(table, BorderLayout.CENTER);
tablePanel.add(table.getTableHeader(), BorderLayout.NORTH);

How to use foreach with a hash reference?

In Perl 5.14 (it works in now in Perl 5.13), we'll be able to just use keys on the hash reference

use v5.13.7;

foreach my $key (keys $ad_grp_ref) {

Use index in pandas to plot data

Try this,

monthly_mean.plot(y='A', use_index=True)

Java swing application, close one window and open another when button is clicked

        final File open = new File("PicDic.exe");
        if (open.exists() == true) {
            if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
                javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException ex) {

                javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {

            } else {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this.getFrame(), "Desktop is not support to open editor\n You should try manualy");
        } else {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this.getFrame(), "PicDic.exe is not found");

//you can start another apps by using it and can slit your whole project in many apps. it will work lot

Using TortoiseSVN how do I merge changes from the trunk to a branch and vice versa?

Take a look at It's command-line, can't be invoked by TortoiseSVN, but it's more powerful. From the FAQ:

Traditional subversion will let you merge changes, but it doesn't "remember" what you've already merged. It also doesn't provide a convenient way to exclude a change set from being merged. automates some of the work, and simplifies it. Svnmerge also creates a commit message with the log messages from all of the things it merged.

How to install bcmath module?

yum install php72-php-bcmath.x86_64
cp /etc/opt/remi/php72/php.d/20-bcmath.ini /etc/php.d/
cp /opt/remi/php72/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/ /usr/lib64/php/modules/
systemctl restart httpd

Not sure why I had to go so deep considering the yum install gave me bcmath in phpinfo()

Codeigniter : calling a method of one controller from other

I agree that the way to do is to redirect to the new controller in usual cases.

I came across a use case where I needed to display the same page to 2 different kind of users (backend user previewing the page of a frontend user) so in my opinion what I needed was genuinely to call the frontend controller from the backend controller.

I solved the problem by making the frontend method static and wrapping it in another method. Hope it helps!

// Frontend
function profile()
   //Access check

   //Get profile id
   $id = get_user_id();

   return self::_profile($id);

static function _profile($id)
   $CI = &get_instance();
   //Prepare page
   //Load view

// Backend
function preview_profile($id)
   $this->load->file('controllers/frontend.php', false);


MVVM Passing EventArgs As Command Parameter

What I do is to use InvokeCommandAction to bind the control loaded event to a command in the view model, give the control a x:Name in Xaml and pass as CommandParameter, then in said loaded command hook view model handlers up to the events where I need to get the event args.

WordPress is giving me 404 page not found for all pages except the homepage

IF all this dont work, your .htaccess is correct, and permalinks trick didnt work, you may have not enabled your apache2 rewite mod.

I ran this and my issue was solved:

 sudo a2enmod rewrite 

How to check a Long for null in java

You can check Long object for null value with longValue == null , you can use longValue == 0L for long (primitive), because default value of long is 0L, but it's result will be true if longValue is zero too

Calculate row means on subset of columns

(Another solution using pivot_longer & pivot_wider from latest Tidyr update)

You should try using pivot_longer to get your data from wide to long form Read latest tidyR update on pivot_longer & pivot_wider (


Output here

  ID     mean
  <fct> <dbl>
1 A      3.67
2 B      4.33
3 C      3.33
4 D      4.67
5 E      4.33

How to reposition Chrome Developer Tools

Place your pointer on the dock button and long click it (some seconds) or right & left mouse click depending on the browser version.

enter image description here enter image description here

How to Parse a JSON Object In Android

In your JSON format, it do not have starting JSON object

Like :

    "info" :       <!-- this is starting JSON object -->

Above Json starts with info as JSON object. So while executing :

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(result);    // create JSON obj from string
JSONObject json2 = json.getJSONObject("info");    // this will return correct

Now, we can access result field :

JSONObject jsonResult = json2.getJSONObject("results");
test = json2.getString("name"); // returns "Marina Rasche Werft GmbH & Co. KG"

I think this was missing and so the problem was solved while we use JSONTokener like answer of yours.

Your answer is very fine. Just i think i add this information so i answered

Thank you

Restrict SQL Server Login access to only one database

For anyone else out there wondering how to do this, I have the following solution for SQL Server 2008 R2 and later:

USE master

This will address exactly the requirement outlined above..

Android Studio Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper

I'm using Pop OS 20.04 and I have Java versions 8, 11 and 14 installed on my notebook.

This error was happening to me when version 14 was standard.

When I switched to using version 11 as the default, the error no longer occurred.

sudo update-alternatives --config java

How to check if an int is a null

An int is not null, it may be 0 if not initialized.

If you want an integer to be able to be null, you need to use Integer instead of int.

Integer id;
String name;

public Integer getId() { return id; }

Besides the statement if(person.equals(null)) can't be true, because if person is null, then a NullPointerException will be thrown. So the correct expression is if (person == null)

What throws an IOException in Java?

Assume you were:

  1. Reading a network file and got disconnected.
  2. Reading a local file that was no longer available.
  3. Using some stream to read data and some other process closed the stream.
  4. Trying to read/write a file, but don't have permission.
  5. Trying to write to a file, but disk space was no longer available.

There are many more examples, but these are the most common, in my experience.

.NET - How do I retrieve specific items out of a Dataset?

int var1 = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString());
int var2 = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4].ToString());

How can I add an element after another element?





Difference between two dates in MySQL

If you are working with DATE columns (or can cast them as date columns), try DATEDIFF() and then multiply by 24 hours, 60 min, 60 secs (since DATEDIFF returns diff in days). From MySQL:

for example:

mysql> SELECT DATEDIFF('2007-12-31 23:59:59','2007-12-30 00:00:00') * 24*60*60

Append key/value pair to hash with << in Ruby

There is merge!.

h = {}
h.merge!(key: "bar")
# => {:key=>"bar"}

Using PHP Replace SPACES in URLS with %20

    public static function normalizeUrl(string $url) {
        $parts = parse_url($url);
        return $parts['scheme'] .
            '://' .
            $parts['host'] .
            implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', explode('/', $parts['path'])));


currently unable to handle this request HTTP ERROR 500

Your site is serving a 500 Internal Server Error. This can be caused by a number of things, such as:

  • File Permissions
  • Fatal Code Errors
  • Web Server Issues


As you have highlighted it is a permission issue. You need to ensure that your files are executable by the web server user

Please see below article for some guidance on proper file permissions.

Labels for radio buttons in rails form

If you want the object_name prefixed to any ID you should call form helpers on the form object:

- form_for(@message) do |f|
  = f.label :email

This also makes sure any submitted data is stored in memory should there be any validation errors etc.

If you can't call the form helper method on the form object, for example if you're using a tag helper (radio_button_tag etc.) you can interpolate the name using:

= radio_button_tag "#{f.object_name}[email]",

In this case you'd need to specify the value manually to preserve any submissions.

How can I tell jackson to ignore a property for which I don't have control over the source code?

Mix-in annotations work pretty well here as already mentioned. Another possibility beyond per-property @JsonIgnore is to use @JsonIgnoreType if you have a type that should never be included (i.e. if all instances of GeometryCollection properties should be ignored). You can then either add it directly (if you control the type), or using mix-in, like:

@JsonIgnoreType abstract class MixIn { }
// and then register mix-in, either via SerializationConfig, or by using SimpleModule

This can be more convenient if you have lots of classes that all have a single 'IgnoredType getContext()' accessor or so (which is the case for many frameworks)

Check if application is on its first run

There's no reliable way to detect first run, as the shared preferences way is not always safe, the user can delete the shared preferences data from the settings! a better way is to use the answers here Is there a unique Android device ID? to get the device's unique ID and store it somewhere in your server, so whenever the user launches the app you request the server and check if it's there in your database or it is new.

Print a list of all installed node.js modules

If you are only interested in the packages installed globally without the full TREE then:

npm -g ls --depth=0

or locally (omit -g) :

npm ls --depth=0

Changing PowerShell's default output encoding to UTF-8

Note: The following applies to Windows PowerShell.
See the next section for the cross-platform PowerShell Core (v6+) edition.

  • On PSv5.1 or higher, where > and >> are effectively aliases of Out-File, you can set the default encoding for > / >> / Out-File via the $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
  • On PSv5.0 or below, you cannot change the encoding for > / >>, but, on PSv3 or higher, the above technique does work for explicit calls to Out-File.
    (The $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable was introduced in PSv3.0).

  • On PSv3.0 or higher, if you want to set the default encoding for all cmdlets that support
    an -Encoding parameter
    (which in PSv5.1+ includes > and >>), use:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'

If you place this command in your $PROFILE, cmdlets such as Out-File and Set-Content will use UTF-8 encoding by default, but note that this makes it a session-global setting that will affect all commands / scripts that do not explicitly specify an encoding via their -Encoding parameter.

Similarly, be sure to include such commands in your scripts or modules that you want to behave the same way, so that they indeed behave the same even when run by another user or a different machine; however, to avoid a session-global change, use the following form to create a local copy of $PSDefaultParameterValues:

  • $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*:Encoding' = 'utf8' }

Caveat: PowerShell, as of v5.1, invariably creates UTF-8 files _with a (pseudo) BOM_, which is customary only in the Windows world - Unix-based utilities do not recognize this BOM (see bottom); see this post for workarounds that create BOM-less UTF-8 files.

For a summary of the wildly inconsistent default character encoding behavior across many of the Windows PowerShell standard cmdlets, see the bottom section.

The automatic $OutputEncoding variable is unrelated, and only applies to how PowerShell communicates with external programs (what encoding PowerShell uses when sending strings to them) - it has nothing to do with the encoding that the output redirection operators and PowerShell cmdlets use to save to files.

Optional reading: The cross-platform perspective: PowerShell Core:

PowerShell is now cross-platform, via its PowerShell Core edition, whose encoding - sensibly - defaults to BOM-less UTF-8, in line with Unix-like platforms.

  • This means that source-code files without a BOM are assumed to be UTF-8, and using > / Out-File / Set-Content defaults to BOM-less UTF-8; explicit use of the utf8 -Encoding argument too creates BOM-less UTF-8, but you can opt to create files with the pseudo-BOM with the utf8bom value.

  • If you create PowerShell scripts with an editor on a Unix-like platform and nowadays even on Windows with cross-platform editors such as Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text, the resulting *.ps1 file will typically not have a UTF-8 pseudo-BOM:

    • This works fine on PowerShell Core.
    • It may break on Windows PowerShell, if the file contains non-ASCII characters; if you do need to use non-ASCII characters in your scripts, save them as UTF-8 with BOM.
      Without the BOM, Windows PowerShell (mis)interprets your script as being encoded in the legacy "ANSI" codepage (determined by the system locale for pre-Unicode applications; e.g., Windows-1252 on US-English systems).
  • Conversely, files that do have the UTF-8 pseudo-BOM can be problematic on Unix-like platforms, as they cause Unix utilities such as cat, sed, and awk - and even some editors such as gedit - to pass the pseudo-BOM through, i.e., to treat it as data.

    • This may not always be a problem, but definitely can be, such as when you try to read a file into a string in bash with, say, text=$(cat file) or text=$(<file) - the resulting variable will contain the pseudo-BOM as the first 3 bytes.

Inconsistent default encoding behavior in Windows PowerShell:

Regrettably, the default character encoding used in Windows PowerShell is wildly inconsistent; the cross-platform PowerShell Core edition, as discussed in the previous section, has commendably put and end to this.


  • The following doesn't aspire to cover all standard cmdlets.

  • Googling cmdlet names to find their help topics now shows you the PowerShell Core version of the topics by default; use the version drop-down list above the list of topics on the left to switch to a Windows PowerShell version.

  • As of this writing, the documentation frequently incorrectly claims that ASCII is the default encoding in Windows PowerShell - see this GitHub docs issue.

Cmdlets that write:

Out-File and > / >> create "Unicode" - UTF-16LE - files by default - in which every ASCII-range character (too) is represented by 2 bytes - which notably differs from Set-Content / Add-Content (see next point); New-ModuleManifest and Export-CliXml also create UTF-16LE files.

Set-Content (and Add-Content if the file doesn't yet exist / is empty) uses ANSI encoding (the encoding specified by the active system locale's ANSI legacy code page, which PowerShell calls Default).

Export-Csv indeed creates ASCII files, as documented, but see the notes re -Append below.

Export-PSSession creates UTF-8 files with BOM by default.

New-Item -Type File -Value currently creates BOM-less(!) UTF-8.

The Send-MailMessage help topic also claims that ASCII encoding is the default - I have not personally verified that claim.

Start-Transcript invariably creates UTF-8 files with BOM, but see the notes re -Append below.

Re commands that append to an existing file:

>> / Out-File -Append make no attempt to match the encoding of a file's existing content. That is, they blindly apply their default encoding, unless instructed otherwise with -Encoding, which is not an option with >> (except indirectly in PSv5.1+, via $PSDefaultParameterValues, as shown above). In short: you must know the encoding of an existing file's content and append using that same encoding.

Add-Content is the laudable exception: in the absence of an explicit -Encoding argument, it detects the existing encoding and automatically applies it to the new content.Thanks, js2010. Note that in Windows PowerShell this means that it is ANSI encoding that is applied if the existing content has no BOM, whereas it is UTF-8 in PowerShell Core.

This inconsistency between Out-File -Append / >> and Add-Content, which also affects PowerShell Core, is discussed in this GitHub issue.

Export-Csv -Append partially matches the existing encoding: it blindly appends UTF-8 if the existing file's encoding is any of ASCII/UTF-8/ANSI, but correctly matches UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE.
To put it differently: in the absence of a BOM, Export-Csv -Append assumes UTF-8 is, whereas Add-Content assumes ANSI.

Start-Transcript -Append partially matches the existing encoding: It correctly matches encodings with BOM, but defaults to potentially lossy ASCII encoding in the absence of one.

Cmdlets that read (that is, the encoding used in the absence of a BOM):

Get-Content and Import-PowerShellDataFile default to ANSI (Default), which is consistent with Set-Content.
ANSI is also what the PowerShell engine itself defaults to when it reads source code from files.

By contrast, Import-Csv, Import-CliXml and Select-String assume UTF-8 in the absence of a BOM.

How to Use Multiple Columns in Partition By And Ensure No Duplicate Row is Returned

Try this, It worked for me

                ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [Code],[Name],[CategoryCode] ORDER BY ID DESC) rownumber
            FROM MasterTable
          ) a
        WHERE rownumber = 1 

showDialog deprecated. What's the alternative?

This code worked for me. Easy fix but probably not a preferred way.

public void onClick (View v) {
    createdDialog(0).show(); // Instead of showDialog(0);

protected Dialog createdDialog(int id) {
    // Your code

How can I find the number of elements in an array?

Super easy.

Just divide the number of allocated bytes by the number of bytes of the array's data type using sizeof().

For example, given an integer array called myArray

int numArrElements = sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(int);

Now, if the data type of your array isn't constant and could possibly change, make the divisor in the equation use the size of the first value as the size of the data type

For example:

int numArrElements = sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(myArray[0]);

How can I determine if a date is between two dates in Java?

You might want to take a look at Joda Time which is a really good API for dealing with date/time. Even though if you don't really need it for the solution to your current question it is bound to save you pain in the future.

File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0

to transfer to byte[] (e.g. for saving to DB):

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
    byte[] array = ms.GetBuffer();

To transfer the input stream directly into the database, without storing it in the memory you can use this class taken from here and a bit changed:

public class VarbinaryStream : Stream {
private SqlConnection _Connection;

private string _TableName;
private string _BinaryColumn;
private string _KeyColumn;
private int _KeyValue;

private long _Offset;

private SqlDataReader _SQLReader;
private long _SQLReadPosition;

private bool _AllowedToRead = false;

public VarbinaryStream(
    string ConnectionString,
    string TableName,
    string BinaryColumn,
    string KeyColumn,
    int KeyValue,
    bool AllowRead = false)
  // create own connection with the connection string.
  _Connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

  _TableName = TableName;
  _BinaryColumn = BinaryColumn;
  _KeyColumn = KeyColumn;
  _KeyValue = KeyValue;

  // only query the database for a result if we are going to be reading, otherwise skip.
  _AllowedToRead = AllowRead;
  if (_AllowedToRead == true)
      if (_Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                      @"SELECT TOP 1 [" + _BinaryColumn + @"]
                            FROM [dbo].[" + _TableName + @"]
                            WHERE [" + _KeyColumn + "] = @id",

      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", _KeyValue));

      _SQLReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(
          CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess |
          CommandBehavior.SingleResult |
          CommandBehavior.SingleRow |

    catch (Exception e)
      // log errors here

// this method will be called as part of the Stream ímplementation when we try to write to our VarbinaryStream class.
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
    if (_Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

    if (_Offset == 0)
      // for the first write we just send the bytes to the Column
      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                                  @"UPDATE [dbo].[" + _TableName + @"]
                                            SET [" + _BinaryColumn + @"] = @firstchunk 
                                        WHERE [" + _KeyColumn + "] = @id",

      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@firstchunk", buffer));
      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", _KeyValue));


      _Offset = count;
      // for all updates after the first one we use the TSQL command .WRITE() to append the data in the database
      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                              @"UPDATE [dbo].[" + _TableName + @"]
                                        SET [" + _BinaryColumn + @"].WRITE(@chunk, NULL, @length)
                                    WHERE [" + _KeyColumn + "] = @id",

      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@chunk", buffer));
      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@length", count));
      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", _KeyValue));


      _Offset += count;
  catch (Exception e)
    // log errors here

// this method will be called as part of the Stream ímplementation when we try to read from our VarbinaryStream class.
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
    long bytesRead = _SQLReader.GetBytes(0, _SQLReadPosition, buffer, offset, count);
    _SQLReadPosition += bytesRead;
    return (int)bytesRead;
  catch (Exception e)
    // log errors here
  return -1;
public override bool CanRead
  get { return _AllowedToRead; }

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
  if (_Connection != null)
    if (_Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
      try { _Connection.Close();           }
      catch { }

#region unimplemented methods
public override bool CanSeek
  get { return false; }

public override bool CanWrite
  get { return true; }

public override void Flush()
  throw new NotImplementedException();

public override long Length
  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

public override long Position
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
  throw new NotImplementedException();

public override void SetLength(long value)
  throw new NotImplementedException();
#endregion unimplemented methods  }

and the usage:

  using (var filestream = new VarbinaryStream(

Get data from php array - AJAX - jQuery

you cannot access array (php array) from js try

$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
echo json_encode($array);

and js

$(document).ready( function() {
    $('#prev').click(function() {
            type: 'POST',
            url: 'ajax.php',
            data: 'id=testdata',
            dataType: 'json',
            cache: false,
            success: function(result) {

How do I sort a vector of pairs based on the second element of the pair?

You can use boost like this:

std::sort(a.begin(), a.end(), 
          boost::bind(&std::pair<int, int>::second, _1) <
          boost::bind(&std::pair<int, int>::second, _2));

I don't know a standard way to do this equally short and concise, but you can grab boost::bind it's all consisting of headers.

Checking letter case (Upper/Lower) within a string in Java

To determine if a String contains an upper case and a lower case char, you can use the following:

boolean hasUppercase = !password.equals(password.toLowerCase());
boolean hasLowercase = !password.equals(password.toUpperCase());

This allows you to check:

if(!hasUppercase)System.out.println("Must have an uppercase Character");
if(!hasLowercase)System.out.println("Must have a lowercase Character");

Essentially, this works by checking if the String is equal to its entirely lowercase, or uppercase equivalent. If this is not true, then there must be at least one character that is uppercase or lowercase.

As for your other conditions, these can be satisfied in a similar way:

boolean isAtLeast8   = password.length() >= 8;//Checks for at least 8 characters
boolean hasSpecial   = !password.matches("[A-Za-z0-9 ]*");//Checks at least one char is not alpha numeric
boolean noConditions = !(password.contains("AND") || password.contains("NOT"));//Check that it doesn't contain AND or NOT

With suitable error messages as above.

What is an alternative to execfile in Python 3?

As suggested on the python-dev mailinglist recently, the runpy module might be a viable alternative. Quoting from that message:

import runpy
file_globals = runpy.run_path("")

There are subtle differences to execfile:

  • run_path always creates a new namespace. It executes the code as a module, so there is no difference between globals and locals (which is why there is only a init_globals argument). The globals are returned.

    execfile executed in the current namespace or the given namespace. The semantics of locals and globals, if given, were similar to locals and globals inside a class definition.

  • run_path can not only execute files, but also eggs and directories (refer to its documentation for details).

Excel VBA date formats

Format converts the values to strings. IsDate still returns true because it can parse that string and get a valid date.

If you don't want to change the cells to string, don't use Format. (IOW, don't convert them to strings in the first place.) Use the Cell.NumberFormat, and set it to the date format you want displayed.

ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy"   ' Outputs 10/28/13
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" ' Outputs 28/10/2013

Check if an apt-get package is installed and then install it if it's not on Linux

To check if packagename was installed, type:

dpkg -s <packagename>

You can also use dpkg-query that has a neater output for your purpose, and accepts wild cards, too.

dpkg-query -l <packagename>

To find what package owns the command, try:

dpkg -S `which <command>`

For further details, see article Find out if package is installed in Linux and dpkg cheat sheet.

Get last 3 characters of string

Many ways this can be achieved.

Simple approach should be taking Substring of an input string.

var result = input.Substring(input.Length - 3);

Another approach using Regular Expression to extract last 3 characters.

var result = Regex.Match(input,@"(.{3})\s*$");

Working Demo

Git: can't undo local changes (error: path ... is unmerged)

This worked perfectly for me:

$ git reset -- foo/bar.txt
$ git checkout foo/bar.txt

Laravel Escaping All HTML in Blade Template

Change your syntax from {{ }} to {!! !!}.

As The Alpha said in a comment above (not an answer so I thought I'd post), in Laravel 5, the {{ }} (previously non-escaped output syntax) has changed to {!! !!}. Replace {{ }} with {!! !!} and it should work.

How to put an image next to each other

You don't need the div's.


<div class="nav3" style="height:705px;">
    <a href="" class="icons"><img src="images/facebook.png"></a>
    <a href="" class="icons"><img src="images/twitter.png"></a>


.nav3 {
    background-color: #E9E8C7;
    height: auto;
    width: 150px;
    float: left;
    padding-left: 20px;
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #333333;
    padding-top: 20px;
    padding-right: 20px;

    width: 64px; 
    height: 64px; 

 a.icons:hover {
     background: #C93;

See this fiddle

Windows 7 environment variable not working in path

If the PATH value would be too long after your user's PATH variable has been concatenated onto the environment PATH variable, Windows will silently fail to concatenate the user PATH variable.

This can easily happen after new software is installed and adds something to PATH, thereby breaking existing installed software. Windows fail!

The best fix is to edit one of the PATH variables in the Control Panel and remove entries you don't need. Then open a new CMD window and see if all entries are shown in "echo %PATH%".

Getting list of parameter names inside python function

import inspect

def func(a,b,c=5):

inspect.getargspec(func)  # inspect.signature(func) in Python 3

(['a', 'b', 'c'], None, None, (5,))

Read line with Scanner

Try to use r.hasNext() instead of r.hasNextLine():

while(r.hasNext()) {
        scan =;

Killing a process using Java

AFAIU java.lang.Process is the process created by java itself (like Runtime.exec('firefox'))

You can use system-dependant commands like

 Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
  if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") > -1) 
     rt.exec("taskkill " +....);
     rt.exec("kill -9 " +....);

How to show all rows by default in JQuery DataTable


    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

The option you should use is iDisplayLength:

  'iDisplayLength': 100

   "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, "All"] ]

It will Load by default all entries.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

If you want to load by default 25 not all do this.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]

Generating random numbers in C

Also, linear congruential PRNGs tend to produce more randomness on the higher bits that on the lower bits, so to cap the result don't use modulo, but instead use something like:

j = 1 + (int) (10.0 * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)));

(This one is from "Numerical Recipes in C", ch.7)

How can I iterate JSONObject to get individual items

You can try this it will recursively find all key values in a json object and constructs as a map . You can simply get which key you want from the Map .

public static Map<String,String> parse(JSONObject json , Map<String,String> out) throws JSONException{
    Iterator<String> keys = json.keys();
        String key =;
        String val = null;
             JSONObject value = json.getJSONObject(key);
        }catch(Exception e){
            val = json.getString(key);

        if(val != null){
    return out;

 public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException {

    String json = "{'ipinfo': {'ip_address': '','ip_type': 'Mapped','Location': {'continent': 'north america','latitude': 30.1,'longitude': -81.714,'CountryData': {'country': 'united states','country_code': 'us'},'region': 'southeast','StateData': {'state': 'florida','state_code': 'fl'},'CityData': {'city': 'fleming island','postal_code': '32003','time_zone': -5}}}}";

    JSONObject object = new JSONObject(json);

    JSONObject info = object.getJSONObject("ipinfo");

    Map<String,String> out = new HashMap<String, String>();


    String latitude = out.get("latitude");
    String longitude = out.get("longitude");
    String city = out.get("city");
    String state = out.get("state");
    String country = out.get("country");
    String postal = out.get("postal_code");

    System.out.println("Latitude : " + latitude + " LongiTude : " + longitude + " City : "+city + " State : "+ state + " Country : "+country+" postal "+postal);

    System.out.println("ALL VALUE " + out);



    Latitude : 30.1 LongiTude : -81.714 City : fleming island State : florida Country : united states postal 32003
ALL VALUE {region=southeast, ip_type=Mapped, state_code=fl, state=florida, country_code=us, city=fleming island, country=united states, time_zone=-5, ip_address=, postal_code=32003, continent=north america, longitude=-81.714, latitude=30.1}

Maven 3 warnings about build.plugins.plugin.version

It's great answer in here. And I want to add 'Why Add a element in Maven3'.
In Maven 3.x Compatibility Notes

Plugin Metaversion Resolution
Internally, Maven 2.x used the special version markers RELEASE and LATEST to support automatic plugin version resolution. These metaversions were also recognized in the element for a declaration. For the sake of reproducible builds, Maven 3.x no longer supports usage of these metaversions in the POM. As a result, users will need to replace occurrences of these metaversions with a concrete version.

And I also find in maven-compiler-plugin - usage

Note: Maven 3.0 will issue warnings if you do not specify the version of a plugin.

Ripple effect on Android Lollipop CardView

Add these two like of code work like a charm for any view like Button, Linear Layout, or CardView Just put these two lines and see the magic...


Is there a way to make a PowerShell script work by double clicking a .ps1 file?

You can use the Windows 'SendTo' functionality to make running PS1 scripts easier. Using this method you can right click on a PS1 script and execute. This is doesn't exactly answer the OP question but it is close. Hopefully, this is useful to others. BTW.. this is helpful for a variety of other tasks.

  • Locate / Search for Powershell.exe
  • Right click on Powershell.exe and choose Open File Location
  • Right click on Powershell.exe and choose Create Shortcut. Temporarily save some place like your desktop
  • You might want to open as Admin by default. Select Shortcut > Properties > Advanced > Open As Admin
  • Open the Sendto folder. Start > Run > Shell:Sendto
  • Move the Powershell.exe shortcut to the Sendto folder
  • You should now be able to right click on a PS1 script.
  • Right Click on a PS1 file, Select the SendTo context option > Select the Powershell shortcut
  • Your PS1 script should execute.

Using psql to connect to PostgreSQL in SSL mode

Well, you cloud provide all the information with following command in CLI, if connection requires in SSL mode:

psql "sslmode=verify-ca sslrootcert=server-ca.pem sslcert=client-cert.pem sslkey=client-key.pem hostaddr=your_host port=5432 user=your_user dbname=your_db" 

Lightweight workflow engine for Java

I agree with the guys that already posted responses here, or part of their responses anyway :P, but as here in the company where I am currently working we had a similar challenge I took the liberty of adding my opinion, based on our experience.

We needed to migrate an application that was using the jBPM workflow engine in a production related applications and as there were quite a few challenges in maintaining the application we decided to see if there are better options on the market. We came to the list already mentioned:

  • Activiti (planned to try it through a prototype)
  • Bonita (planned to try it through a prototype)
  • jBPM (disqualified due to past experience)

We decided not to use jBPM anymore as our initial experience with it was not the best, besides this the backwards compatibility was broken with every new version that was released.

Finally the solution that we used, was to develop a lightweight workflow engine, based on annotations having activities and processes as abstractions. It was more or less a state machine that did it's job.

Another point that is worth mentioning when discussing about workflow engine is the fact they are dependent on the backing DB - it was the case with the two workflow engines I have experience with (SAG webMethods and jPBM) - and from my experience that was a little bit of an overhead especially during migrations between versions.

So, I would say that using an workflow engine is entitled only for applications that would really benefit from it and where most of the workflow of the applications is spinning around the workflow itself otherwise there are better tools for the job:

Regarding state machines, I came across this response that contains a rather complete collection of state machine java frameworks.

Hope this helps.

Make an image follow mouse pointer

by using jquery to register .mousemove to document to change the image .css left and top to event.pageX and event.pageY.

example as below

$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    left: e.pageX,
    top: e.pageY
#follow {
  position: absolute;
  text-align: center;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="follow"><img src="" /><br>Kitteh</br>

updated to follow slowly

for the orientation , you need to get the current css left and css top and compare with event.pageX and event.pageY , then set the image orientation with

-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); 
-moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); 

for the speed , you can set the jquery .animation duration to certain amount.

How to declare Global Variables in Excel VBA to be visible across the Workbook

Your question is: are these not modules capable of declaring variables at global scope?

Answer: YES, they are "capable"

The only point is that references to global variables in ThisWorkbook or a Sheet module have to be fully qualified (i.e., referred to as ThisWorkbook.Global1, e.g.) References to global variables in a standard module have to be fully qualified only in case of ambiguity (e.g., if there is more than one standard module defining a variable with name Global1, and you mean to use it in a third module).

For instance, place in Sheet1 code

Public glob_sh1 As String

Sub test_sh1()
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

place in ThisWorkbook code

Public glob_this As String

Sub test_this()
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

and in a Standard Module code

Public glob_mod As String

Sub test_mod()
    glob_mod = "glob_mod"
    ThisWorkbook.glob_this = "glob_this"
    Sheet1.glob_sh1 = "glob_sh1"
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

All three subs work fine.

PS1: This answer is based essentially on info from here. It is much worth reading (from the great Chip Pearson).

PS2: Your line Debug.Print ("Hello") will give you the compile error Invalid outside procedure.

PS3: You could (partly) check your code with Debug -> Compile VBAProject in the VB editor. All compile errors will pop.

PS4: Check also Put Excel-VBA code in module or sheet?.

PS5: You might be not able to declare a global variable in, say, Sheet1, and use it in code from other workbook (reading; I did not test this point, so this issue is yet to be confirmed as such). But you do not mean to do that in your example, anyway.

PS6: There are several cases that lead to ambiguity in case of not fully qualifying global variables. You may tinker a little to find them. They are compile errors.

ReferenceError: fetch is not defined

You have to use the isomorphic-fetch module to your Node project because of Node does not contain Fetch API yet. for fixing this problem run below command:

npm install --save isomorphic-fetch es6-promise

After installation use below code in your project:

import "isomorphic-fetch"

Hope this answer helps you.

.do extension in web pages?

.do comes from the Struts framework. See this question: Why do Java webapps use .do extension? Where did it come from? Also you can change what your urls look like using mod_rewrite (on Apache).

adb command not found

if youd dont have adb in folder android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/ you should install platform tools first. Run android-sdk-macosx/tools/android and Install platform tools from Android SDK manager.

Call Stored Procedure within Create Trigger in SQL Server

The following should do the trick - Only SqlServer

Alter TRIGGER Catagory_Master_Date_update ON Catagory_Master AFTER delete,Update


Declare @id int
DECLARE @cDate as DateTime
    set @cDate =(select Getdate())

select @id=deleted.Catagory_id from deleted
print @cDate

execute dbo.psp_Update_Category @id


Alter PROCEDURE dbo.psp_Update_Category
@id int

DECLARE @cDate as DateTime
    set @cDate =(select Getdate())
    --Update Catagory_Master Set Modify_date=''+@cDate+'' Where Catagory_ID=@id   --@UserID
    Insert into Catagory_Master (Catagory_id,Catagory_Name) values(12,'Testing11')