[android] How to Parse a JSON Object In Android

I am having some problems pulling values from a JSON object. Here is my code

try {
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(result);
    JSONObject json2 = json.getJSONObject("results");
    test = json2.getString("name");     
} catch (JSONException e) {

test is declared as a String. When the code runs it is showing null. If I hover over json2 in debug mode I can see all the values and names within the object.

I also tried

test = json2.length();

This returned test = 0. Even when I hover over the json2 object I can read the values within the object.

Here is an example of a JSON string I will use.

        "phone":"05137-930 68",
        "fieldNameTranslations": ["Telefon"],
        "name":"Marina Rasche Werft GmbH & Co. KG",

This question is related to android json

The answer is

In your JSON format, it do not have starting JSON object

Like :

    "info" :       <!-- this is starting JSON object -->

Above Json starts with info as JSON object. So while executing :

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(result);    // create JSON obj from string
JSONObject json2 = json.getJSONObject("info");    // this will return correct

Now, we can access result field :

JSONObject jsonResult = json2.getJSONObject("results");
test = json2.getString("name"); // returns "Marina Rasche Werft GmbH & Co. KG"

I think this was missing and so the problem was solved while we use JSONTokener like answer of yours.

Your answer is very fine. Just i think i add this information so i answered

Thank you

Take a look at http://developer.android.com/reference/org/json/JSONTokener.html

This might fix your issue.

JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(yourJsonString);

for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
     JSONObject obj1 = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
     JSONArray results = patient.getJSONArray("results");
     String indexForPhone =  patientProfile.getJSONObject(0).getString("indexForPhone"));

Change to JSONArray, then convert to JSONObject.