Programs & Examples On #Uicontrol

UIControl is the base class for control objects such as buttons and sliders. You cannot use the UIControl class directly to instantiate controls. It instead defines the common interface and behavioral structure for all its subclasses. The main role of UIControl is to define an interface and base implementation for preparing action messages and initially dispatching them to their targets when certain events occur. Available in iOS 2.0 and later in UIKit.

Adding a UISegmentedControl to UITableView

   self.tableView.tableHeaderView = segmentedControl; 

If you want it to obey your width and height properly though enclose your segmentedControl in a UIView first as the tableView likes to mangle your view a bit to fit the width.

enter image description here enter image description here

How to fix Error: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key tableView.'

Any chance that you changed the name of your table view from "tableView" to "myTableView" at some point?

How to set the title text color of UIButton?

Swift UI solution

Button(action: {}) {
        }.foregroundColor(Color(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0))

Swift 3, Swift 4, Swift 5

to improve comments. This should work:

button.setTitleColor(.red, for: .normal)

How to create custom view programmatically in swift having controls text field, button etc

let viewDemo = UIView()
viewDemo.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50)

How to change UIButton image in Swift

Swift 5

yourButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "BUTTON_FILENAME.png"), for: .normal)

Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 3876877096_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default

Run the app using the simulator

iOS Simulator-> Hardware-> Keyboard -> iOS uses same layout as OS X

This will fix the issue if anyone out there is running their app on their device

Attach parameter to button.addTarget action in Swift

If you have a loop of buttons like me you can try something like this

var buttonTags:[Int:String]? // can be [Int:Any]
let myArray = [0:"a",1:"b"]
for (index,value) in myArray {

     let button = // Create a button

     buttonTags?[index] = myArray[index]
     button.tag = index
     button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonAction(_:)), for: .touchDown)

@objc func buttonAction(_ sender:UIButton) {

    let myString = buttonTags[sender.tag]


Create a button programmatically and set a background image

SWIFT 3 Version of Alex Reynolds' Answer

let image = UIImage(named: "name") as UIImage?
let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.custom) as UIButton
button.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100)
button.setImage(image, for: .normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: Selector("btnTouched:"), for:.touchUpInside)

iOS change navigation bar title font and color

ADD this single line code in your App Delegate - Did Finish Lauch. It will change Font, color of navigation bar throughout the application.

UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white, NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont(name: "YOUR FONT NAME", size: 25.0)!]

iOS 7 UIBarButton back button arrow color

I had to use both:

[[UIBarButtonItem appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UINavigationBar class], nil] 
               dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[UIColor whiteColor], UITextAttributeTextColor,nil] 

[[self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews lastObject] setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

And works for me, thank you for everyone!

UITableView with fixed section headers

You can also set the tableview's bounces property to NO. This will keep the section headers non-floating/static, but then you also lose the bounce property of the tableview.

How to adjust an UIButton's imageSize?

If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, you need to play with the buttons image edge inset. Something like:

myLikesButton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 30, left: 30, bottom: 30, right: 30)

Creating a UIImage from a UIColor to use as a background image for UIButton

I suppose that 255 in 227./255 is perceived as an integer and divide is always return 0

UIButton: set image for selected-highlighted state

Correct me if I am wrong. By doing

   [button setSelected:YES];

you are clearly changing the state of the buttons as selected. So naturally by the code you have provided the image will that for the selected state in your case checked.png

How to round the corners of a button

Swift 4 Update

I also tried many options still i wasn't able to get my UIButton round cornered. I added the corner radius code inside the viewDidLayoutSubviews() Solved My issue.

func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
        anyButton.layer.cornerRadius = anyButton.frame.height / 2

Also we can adjust the cornerRadius as follows

func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
        anyButton.layer.cornerRadius = 10 //Any suitable number as you prefer can be applied 

How to add a touch event to a UIView?

In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10

Use UITapGestureRecognizer for to add touch event

//Add tap gesture to your view
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleGesture))

// GestureRecognizer
@objc func handleGesture(gesture: UITapGestureRecognizer) -> Void {
//Write your code here

If you want to use SharedClass

//This is my shared class
import UIKit

class SharedClass: NSObject {

    static let sharedInstance = SharedClass()

    //Tap gesture function
    func addTapGesture(view: UIView, target: Any, action: Selector) {
        let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: target, action: action)

I have 3 views in my ViewController called view1, view2 and view3.

override func viewDidLoad() {
    //Add gestures to your views
    SharedClass.sharedInstance.addTapGesture(view: view1, target: self, action: #selector(handleGesture))
    SharedClass.sharedInstance.addTapGesture(view: view2, target: self, action: #selector(handleGesture))
    SharedClass.sharedInstance.addTapGesture(view: view3, target: self, action: #selector(handleGesture2))


// GestureRecognizer
@objc func handleGesture(gesture: UITapGestureRecognizer) -> Void {
    print("printed 1&2...")
// GestureRecognizer
@objc func handleGesture2(gesture: UITapGestureRecognizer) -> Void {

iOS: UIButton resize according to text length

To be honest I think that it's really shame that there is no simple checkbox in storyboard to say that you want to resize buttons to accommodate the text. Well... whatever.

Here is the simplest solution using storyboard.

  1. Place UIView and put constraints for it. Example: enter image description here
  2. Place UILabel inside UIView. Set constraints to attach it to edges of UIView.

  3. Place your UIButton inside UIView. Set the same constraints to attach it to the edges of UIView.

  4. Set 0 for UILabel's number of lines. enter image description here

  5. Set up the outlets.

    @IBOutlet var button: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet var textOnTheButton: UILabel!
  1. Get some long, long, long title.

    let someTitle = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
  1. On viewDidLoad set the title both for UILabel and UIButton.

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        textOnTheButton.text = someTitle
        button.setTitle(someTitle, for: .normal)
        button.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
  1. Run it to make sure that button is resized and can be pressed.

enter image description here

Passing parameters to addTarget:action:forControlEvents

I made a solution based in part by the information above. I just set the titlelabel.text to the string I want to pass, and set the titlelabel.hidden = YES

Like this :

UIButton *imageclick = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom] retain];
imageclick.frame = photoframe;
imageclick.titleLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@", ti.mediaImage, ti.mediaExtension];
imageclick.titleLabel.hidden = YES;

This way, there is no need for a inheritance or category and there is no memory leak

Passing parameters on button action:@selector

I found solution. The call:

-(void) someMethod{
    UIButton * but;
    but.tag = 1;//some id button that you choice 
    [but addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonPressed:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; 

And here the method called:

-(void) buttonPressed : (id) sender{
    UIButton *clicked = (UIButton *) sender;
    NSLog(@"%d",clicked.tag);//Here you know which button has pressed

Add button to navigationbar programmatically

If you are not looking for a BarButtonItem but simple button on navigationBar then below code works:

UIButton *aButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[aButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"NavBar.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[aButton addTarget:self
aButton.frame = CGRectMake(260.0, 10.0, 30.0, 30.0);
[self.navigationController.navigationBar addSubview:aButton];

How to set the title of UIButton as left alignment?

You can also use interface builder if you don't want to make the adjustments in code. Here I left align the text and also indent it some:

UIButton in IB

Don't forget you can also align an image in the button too.:

enter image description here

How can I change UIButton title color?

You created the UIButton is added the ViewController, The following instance method to change UIFont, tintColor and TextColor of the UIButton


 buttonName.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"LuzSans-Book" size:15];
 buttonName.tintColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
 [buttonName setTitleColor:[UIColor purpleColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal];


buttonName.titleLabel.font = UIFont(name: "LuzSans-Book", size: 15)
buttonName.tintColor = UIColor.purpleColor()
buttonName.setTitleColor(UIColor.purpleColor(), forState: .Normal)


buttonName.titleLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "LuzSans-Book", size: 15)
buttonName.tintColor = UIColor.purple
buttonName.setTitleColor(UIColor.purple, for: .normal)

"unrecognized selector sent to instance" error in Objective-C

Another possible solution: Add '-ObjC' to your linker arguments.

Full explanation is here: Objective-C categories in static library

I think the gist is: if the category is defined in a library you are statically linking with, the linker isn't smart enough to link in category methods. The flag above makes the linker link in all objective C classes and categories, not just ones it thinks it needs to based on analyzing your source. (Please feel free to tune or correct that answer. I'm knew to linked languages, so I'm just parroting here).

UIButton: how to center an image and a text using imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets?

I made a method for @TodCunningham's answer

 -(void) AlignTextAndImageOfButton:(UIButton *)button
   CGFloat spacing = 2; // the amount of spacing to appear between image and title
   button.imageView.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];
   button.titleLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
   button.titleLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
   // get the size of the elements here for readability
   CGSize imageSize = button.imageView.frame.size;
   CGSize titleSize = button.titleLabel.frame.size;

  // lower the text and push it left to center it
  button.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, - imageSize.width, - (imageSize.height   + spacing), 0.0);

  // the text width might have changed (in case it was shortened before due to 
  // lack of space and isn't anymore now), so we get the frame size again
   titleSize = button.titleLabel.frame.size;

  // raise the image and push it right to center it
  button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(- (titleSize.height + spacing), 0.0, 0.0, -     titleSize.width);

scale Image in an UIButton to AspectFit?

I had the same problem. Just set the ContentMode of the ImageView that is inside the UIButton.

[[self.itemImageButton imageView] setContentMode: UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit];
[self.itemImageButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:stretchImage] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

Hope this helps.

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView

you can use the tag pattern:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
     NSString *identifier = @"identifier";
     UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier];
     if (cell == nil) {
         cell = [[UITableView alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:identifier];
         [cell autorelelase];

         UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 5, 40, 20)];
         [button addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonPressedAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
         [button setTag:[indexPath row]]; //use the row as the current tag
         [cell.contentView addSubview:button];

         [button release];

     UIButton *button = (UIButton *)[cell viewWithTag:[indexPath row]]; //use [indexPath row]
     [button setTitle:@"Edit" forState:UIControlStateNormal];

     return cell;

- (void)buttonPressedAction:(id)sender
    UIButton *button = (UIButton *)sender;
    //button.tag has the row number (you can convert it to indexPath)

Setting an image for a UIButton in code


UIImage *btnImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"];
[btnTwo setImage:btnImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];

Swift 5.1

let btnImage = UIImage(named: "image")
btnTwo.setImage(btnImage , for: .normal)

is it possible to update UIButton title/text programmatically?

for swift :

button.setTitle("Swift", forState: UIControlState.Normal)                   

TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

strikes  = [number_map[int(x)] for x in input_str.split()]

Use square brackets to explore dictionaries.

Export table from database to csv file

I wrote a small tool that does just that. Code is available on github.

To dump the results of one (or more) SQL queries to one (or more) CSV files:

java -jar sql_dumper.jar /path/sql/files/ /path/out/ user pass jdbcString


Passing variables in remote ssh command

The list of accepted environment variables on SSHD by default includes LC_*. Thus:

LC_MY_BUILDN="1.2.3" ssh -o "SendEnv LC_MY_BUILDN" ssh-host 'echo $LC_MY_BUILDN'

What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW?

Cygwin is designed to provide a more-or-less complete POSIX environment for Windows, including an extensive set of tools designed to provide a full-fledged Linux-like platform. In comparison, MinGW and MSYS provide a lightweight, minimalist POSIX-like layer, with only the more essential tools like gcc and bash available. Because of MinGW's more minimalist approach, it does not provide the degree of POSIX API coverage Cygwin offers, and therefore cannot build certain programs which can otherwise be compiled on Cygwin.

In terms of the code generated by the two, the Cygwin toolchain relies on dynamic linking to a large runtime library, cygwin1.dll, while the MinGW toolchain compiles code to binaries that link dynamically to the Windows native C library msvcrt.dll as well as statically to parts of glibc. Cygwin executables are therefore more compact but require a separate redistributable DLL, while MinGW binaries can be shipped standalone but tend to be larger.

The fact that Cygwin-based programs require a separate DLL to run also leads to licensing restrictions. The Cygwin runtime library is licensed under GPLv3 with a linking exception for applications with OSI-compliant licenses, so developers wishing to build a closed-source application around Cygwin must acquire a commercial license from Red Hat. On the other hand, MinGW code can be used in both open-source and closed-source applications, as the headers and libraries are permissively licensed.

Change route params without reloading in Angular 2

You could use location.go(url) which will basically change your url, without change in route of application.

NOTE this could cause other effect like redirect to child route from the current route.

Related question which describes location.go will not intimate to Router to happen changes.

Rounding a double value to x number of decimal places in swift


  1. Using String(format:):

    • Typecast Double to String with %.3f format specifier and then back to Double

      Double(String(format: "%.3f", 10.123546789))!
    • Or extend Double to handle N-Decimal places:

      extension Double {
          func rounded(toDecimalPlaces n: Int) -> Double {
              return Double(String(format: "%.\(n)f", self))!
  2. By calculation

    • multiply with 10^3, round it and then divide by 10^3...

      (1000 * 10.123546789).rounded()/1000
    • Or extend Double to handle N-Decimal places:

      extension Double {    
          func rounded(toDecimalPlaces n: Int) -> Double {
              let multiplier = pow(10, Double(n))
              return (multiplier * self).rounded()/multiplier

How can I print out C++ map values?

for(map<string, pair<string,string> >::const_iterator it = myMap.begin();
    it != myMap.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->first << " " << it->second.first << " " << it->second.second << "\n";

In C++11, you don't need to spell out map<string, pair<string,string> >::const_iterator. You can use auto

for(auto it = myMap.cbegin(); it != myMap.cend(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->first << " " << it->second.first << " " << it->second.second << "\n";

Note the use of cbegin() and cend() functions.

Easier still, you can use the range-based for loop:

for(auto elem : myMap)
   std::cout << elem.first << " " << elem.second.first << " " << elem.second.second << "\n";

Retrieving JSON Object Literal from HttpServletRequest

Converting the retreived data from the request object to json object is as below using google-gson

Gson gson = new Gson();
ABCClass c1 = gson.fromJson(data, ABCClass.class);

//ABC class is a class whose strcuture matches to the data variable retrieved

How to include header files in GCC search path?

Using environment variable is sometimes more convenient when you do not control the build scripts / process.

For C includes use C_INCLUDE_PATH.

For C++ includes use CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH.

See this link for other gcc environment variables.

Example usage in MacOS / Linux

# `pip install` will automatically run `gcc` using parameters
# specified in the `asyncpg` package (that I do not control)

C_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/scott/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/include/python3.7m pip install asyncpg

Example usage in Windows

set C_INCLUDE_PATH="C:\Users\Scott\.pyenv\versions\3.7.9\include\python3.7m"

pip install asyncpg

# clear the environment variable so it doesn't affect other builds

how to display employee names starting with a and then b in sql

What cfengineers said, except it sounds like you will want to sort it as well.

select columns
  from table
 where (
         column like 'a%' 
      or column like 'b%' )
order by column

Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to check out some tutorials on SQL, it's pretty interesting.

Creating and playing a sound in swift

this is working with Swift 4 :

if let soundURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "note3", withExtension: "wav") {
                var mySound: SystemSoundID = 0
                AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundURL as CFURL, &mySound)
                // Play

Extract names of objects from list

You can just use:

> names(LIST)
[1] "A" "B"

Obviously the names of the first element is just

> names(LIST)[1]
[1] "A"

Is there any ASCII character for <br>?

<br> is an HTML element. There isn't any ASCII code for it.

But, for line break sometimes &#013; is used as the text code.

Or &lt;br&gt;

You can check the text code here.

Convert Java Date to UTC String

If XStream is a dependency, try:

new com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.DateConverter().toString(date)

How to declare a constant map in Golang?

You can create constants in many different ways:

const myString = "hello"
const pi = 3.14 // untyped constant
const life int = 42 // typed constant (can use only with ints)

You can also create a enum constant:

const ( 
   First = 1
   Second = 2
   Third = 4

You can not create constants of maps, arrays and it is written in effective go:

Constants in Go are just that—constant. They are created at compile time, even when defined as locals in functions, and can only be numbers, characters (runes), strings or booleans. Because of the compile-time restriction, the expressions that define them must be constant expressions, evaluatable by the compiler. For instance, 1<<3 is a constant expression, while math.Sin(math.Pi/4) is not because the function call to math.Sin needs to happen at run time.

How do I select elements of an array given condition?

IMO OP does not actually want np.bitwise_and() (aka &) but actually wants np.logical_and() because they are comparing logical values such as True and False - see this SO post on logical vs. bitwise to see the difference.

>>> x = array([5, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5])
>>> y = array(['f','o','o','b','a','r'])
>>> output = y[np.logical_and(x > 1, x < 5)] # desired output is ['o','o','a']
>>> output
array(['o', 'o', 'a'],

And equivalent way to do this is with np.all() by setting the axis argument appropriately.

>>> output = y[np.all([x > 1, x < 5], axis=0)] # desired output is ['o','o','a']
>>> output
array(['o', 'o', 'a'],

by the numbers:

>>> %timeit (a < b) & (b < c)
The slowest run took 32.97 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 1.15 µs per loop

>>> %timeit np.logical_and(a < b, b < c)
The slowest run took 32.59 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.17 µs per loop

>>> %timeit np.all([a < b, b < c], 0)
The slowest run took 67.47 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.06 µs per loop

so using np.all() is slower, but & and logical_and are about the same.

Convert a date format in PHP

For this specific conversion we can also use a format string.

$new = vsprintf('%3$s-%2$s-%1$s', explode('-', $old));

Obviously this won't work for many other date format conversions, but since we're just rearranging substrings in this case, this is another possible way to do it.

Structs in Javascript

I think creating a class to simulate C-like structs, like you've been doing, is the best way.

It's a great way to group related data and simplifies passing parameters to functions. I'd also argue that a JavaScript class is more like a C++ struct than a C++ class, considering the added effort needed to simulate real object oriented features.

I've found that trying to make JavaScript more like another language gets complicated fast, but I fully support using JavaScript classes as functionless structs.

alter the size of column in table containing data

Case 1 : Yes, this works fine.

Case 2 : This will fail with the error ORA-01441 : cannot decrease column length because some value is too big.

Share and enjoy.

How to discard local commits in Git?

I had to do a :

git checkout -b master

as git said that it doesn't exists, because it's been wipe with the

git -D master

What are the correct version numbers for C#?

  • C# 1.0 with Visual Studio.NET

  • C# 2.0 with Visual Studio 2005

  • C# 3.0 with Visual Studio 2008

  • C# 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010

  • C# 5.0 with Visual Studio 2012

  • C# 6.0 with Visual Studio 2015

  • C# 7.0 with Visual Studio 2017

  • C# 8.0 with Visual Studio 2019

EF Code First "Invalid column name 'Discriminator'" but no inheritance

Another scenario where this occurs is when you have a base class and one or more subclasses, where at least one of the subclasses introduce extra properties:

class Folder {
  public string Id { get; set; }

  public string Name { get; set; }

// Adds no props, but comes from a different view in the db to Folder:
class SomeKindOfFolder: Folder {

// Adds some props, but comes from a different view in the db to Folder:
class AnotherKindOfFolder: Folder {
  public string FolderAttributes { get; set; }

If these are mapped in the DbContext like below, the "'Invalid column name 'Discriminator'" error occurs when any type based on Folder base type is accessed:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

I found that to fix the issue, we extract the props of Folder to a base class (which is not mapped in OnModelCreating()) like so - OnModelCreating should be unchanged:

class FolderBase {
  public string Id { get; set; }

  public string Name { get; set; }

class Folder: FolderBase {

class SomeKindOfFolder: FolderBase {

class AnotherKindOfFolder: FolderBase {
  public string FolderAttributes { get; set; }

This eliminates the issue, but I don't know why!

Split string into strings by length?

Here is a one-liner that doesn't need to know the length of the string beforehand:

from functools import partial
from StringIO import StringIO

[l for l in iter(partial(StringIO(data).read, 4), '')]

If you have a file or socket, then you don't need the StringIO wrapper:

[l for l in iter(partial(, 4), '')]

When is the init() function run?

Yes assuming you have this:

var WhatIsThe = AnswerToLife()

func AnswerToLife() int {
    return 42

func init() {
    WhatIsThe = 0

func main() {
    if WhatIsThe == 0 {
        fmt.Println("It's all a lie.")

AnswerToLife() is guaranteed to run before init() is called, and init() is guaranteed to run before main() is called.

Keep in mind that init() is always called, regardless if there's main or not, so if you import a package that has an init function, it will be executed.

Additionally, you can have multiple init() functions per package; they will be executed in the order they show up in the file (after all variables are initialized of course). If they span multiple files, they will be executed in lexical file name order (as pointed out by @benc):

It seems that init() functions are executed in lexical file name order. The Go spec says "build systems are encouraged to present multiple files belonging to the same package in lexical file name order to a compiler". It seems that go build works this way.

A lot of the internal Go packages use init() to initialize tables and such, for example

Select objects based on value of variable in object using jq

To obtain a stream of just the names:

$ jq '.[] | select(.location=="Stockholm") | .name' json



To obtain a stream of corresponding (key name, "name" attribute) pairs, consider:

$ jq -c 'to_entries[]
        | select (.value.location == "Stockholm")
        | [.key,]' json



Return JSON response from Flask view

if its a dict, flask can return it directly (Version 1.0.2)

def summary():
    d = make_summary()
    return d, 200

How can I clear the content of a file?

Try using something like


Creates or overwrites a file in the specified path.

Remove element of a regular array

Not exactly the way to go about this, but if the situation is trivial and you value your time, you can try this for nullable types.

Foos[index] = null

and later check for null entries in your logic..

MySQL my.cnf performance tuning recommendations

Try starting with the Percona wizard and comparing their recommendations against your current settings one by one. Don't worry there aren't as many applicable settings as you might think.

Update circa 2020: Sorry, this tool reached it's end of life:

Everyone points to key_buffer_size first which you have addressed. With 96GB memory I'd be wary of any tiny default value (likely to be only 96M!).

Python function as a function argument?

def x(a):
    return a

def y(a):
    return a


How to purge tomcat's cache when deploying a new .war file? Is there a config setting?

I had the same issue twice, but in the second time I realized it wasn't a problem on Tomcat at all.. Try to delete the cache of your browser, refresh the page and see if the new version of the page on your server is being shown up. It worked with me.

How to concatenate and minify multiple CSS and JavaScript files with Grunt.js (0.3.x)

You don't need to add the concat package, you can do this via cssmin like this:

cssmin : {
      options: {
            keepSpecialComments: 0
      minify : {
            expand : true,
            cwd : '/library/css',
            src : ['*.css', '!*.min.css'],
            dest : '/library/css',
            ext : '.min.css'
      combine : {
        files: {
            '/library/css/app.combined.min.css': ['/library/css/main.min.css', '/library/css/font-awesome.min.css']

And for js, use uglify like this:

uglify: {
      my_target: {
        files: {
            '/library/js/app.combined.min.js' : ['/app.js', '/controllers/*.js']

Angular 5 Reactive Forms - Radio Button Group

I tried your code, you didn't assign/bind a value to your formControlName.

In HTML file:

<form [formGroup]="form">
     <input type="radio" value="Male" formControlName="gender">
     <input type="radio" value="Female" formControlName="gender">

In the TS file:

  form: FormGroup;
  constructor(fb: FormBuilder) { = 'Angular2'
    this.form ={
      gender: ['', Validators.required]

Make sure you use Reactive form properly: [formGroup]="form" and you don't need the name attribute.

In my sample. words male and female in span tags are the values display along the radio button and Male and Female values are bind to formControlName

See the screenshot: enter image description here

To make it shorter:

<form [formGroup]="form">
  <input type="radio" value='Male' formControlName="gender" >Male
  <input type="radio" value='Female' formControlName="gender">Female

enter image description here

Hope it helps:)

Send email with PHP from html form on submit with the same script

You need a SMPT Server in order for

... mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);

to work.

You could try light weight SMTP servers like xmailer

ES6 export all values from object

Exporting each variable from your variables file. Then importing them with * as in your other file and exporting the as a constant from that file will give you a dynamic object with the named exports from the first file being attributes on the object exported from the second.


export const var1 = 'first';
export const var2 = 'second':
export const varN = 'nth';


import * as vars from './Variables';

export const Variables = vars;


import { Variables } from './Other';

Variables.var2 === 'second'


We put together Web Services on Windows Server and were trying to connect with PHP on Apache. We got the same error. The issue ended up being different versions of the Soap client on the different servers. Matching the SOAP versions in the options on both servers solved the issue in our case.

Error: Could not find or load main class

If the class is in a package

package thepackagename;

public class TheClassName {
  public static final void main(String[] cmd_lineParams)  {
     System.out.println("Hello World!");

Then calling:

java -classpath . TheClassName

results in Error: Could not find or load main class TheClassName. This is because it must be called with its fully-qualified name:

java -classpath . thepackagename.TheClassName

And this thepackagename directory must exist in the classpath. In this example, ., meaning the current directory, is the entirety of classpath. Therefore this particular example must be called from the directory in which thepackagename exists.

To be clear, the name of this class is not TheClassName, It's thepackagename.TheClassName. Attempting to execute TheClassName does not work, because no class having that name exists. Not on the current classpath anyway.

Finally, note that the compiled (.class) version is executed, not the source code (.java) version. Hence “CLASSPATH.”

C++ performance vs. Java/C#

My understanding is that C/C++ produces native code to run on a particular machine architecture. Conversely, languages like Java and C# run on top of a virtual machine which abstracts away the native architecture. Logically it would seem impossible for Java or C# to match the speed of C++ because of this intermediate step, however I've been told that the latest compilers ("hot spot") can attain this speed or even exceed it.

That is illogical. The use of an intermediate representation does not inherently degrade performance. For example, llvm-gcc compiles C and C++ via LLVM IR (which is a virtual infinite-register machine) to native code and it achieves excellent performance (often beating GCC).

Perhaps this is more of a compiler question than a language question, but can anyone explain in plain English how it is possible for one of these virtual machine languages to perform better than a native language?

Here are some examples:

  • Virtual machines with JIT compilation facilitate run-time code generation (e.g. System.Reflection.Emit on .NET) so you can compile generated code on-the-fly in languages like C# and F# but must resort to writing a comparatively-slow interpreter in C or C++. For example, to implement regular expressions.

  • Parts of the virtual machine (e.g. the write barrier and allocator) are often written in hand-coded assembler because C and C++ do not generate fast enough code. If a program stresses these parts of a system then it could conceivably outperform anything that can be written in C or C++.

  • Dynamic linking of native code requires conformance to an ABI that can impede performance and obviates whole-program optimization whereas linking is typically deferred on VMs and can benefit from whole-program optimizations (like .NET's reified generics).

I'd also like to address some issues with paercebal's highly-upvoted answer above (because someone keeps deleting my comments on his answer) that presents a counter-productively polarized view:

The code processing will be done at compilation time...

Hence template metaprogramming only works if the program is available at compile time which is often not the case, e.g. it is impossible to write a competitively performant regular expression library in vanilla C++ because it is incapable of run-time code generation (an important aspect of metaprogramming).

...playing with types is done at compile time...the equivalent in Java or C# is painful at best to write, and will always be slower and resolved at runtime even when the types are known at compile time.

In C#, that is only true of reference types and is not true for value types.

No matter the JIT optimization, nothing will go has fast as direct pointer access to memory...if you have contiguous data in memory, accessing it through C++ pointers (i.e. C pointers... Let's give Caesar its due) will goes times faster than in Java/C#.

People have observed Java beating C++ on the SOR test from the SciMark2 benchmark precisely because pointers impede aliasing-related optimizations.

Also worth noting that .NET does type specialization of generics across dynamically-linked libraries after linking whereas C++ cannot because templates must be resolved before linking. And obviously the big advantage generics have over templates is comprehensible error messages.

oracle varchar to number

Since the column is of type VARCHAR, you should convert the input parameter to a string rather than converting the column value to a number:

select * from exception where exception_value = to_char(105);

Correct MIME Type for favicon.ico?

I have noticed that when using type="image/", the favicon fails to appear when the browser is not connected to the internet. But type="image/x-icon" works whether the browser can connect to the internet, or not. When developing, at times I am not connected to the internet.

Check if Nullable Guid is empty in c#

Note that HasValue will return true for an empty Guid.

bool validGuid = SomeProperty.HasValue && SomeProperty != Guid.Empty;

Set opacity of background image without affecting child elements

You can put the image in the div:after or div:before and set the opacity on that "virtual div"

div:after {
  background: url(;
  opacity: 0.25;

found here

From io.Reader to string in Go

Answers so far haven't addressed the "entire stream" part of the question. I think the good way to do this is ioutil.ReadAll. With your io.ReaderCloser named rc, I would write,

Go >= v1.16

if b, err := io.ReadAll(rc); err == nil {
    return string(b)
} ...

Go <= v1.15

if b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc); err == nil {
    return string(b)
} ...

Can you force a React component to rerender without calling setState?

For completeness, you can also achieve this in functional components:

const [, updateState] = useState();
const forceUpdate = useCallback(() => updateState({}), []);
// ...

Or, as a reusable hook:

const useForceUpdate = () => {
  const [, updateState] = useState();
  return useCallback(() => updateState({}), []);
// const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();


Please note that using a force-update mechanism is still bad practice as it goes against the react mentality, so it should still be avoided if possible.

How to update a plot in matplotlib?

This worked for me. Repeatedly calls a function updating the graph every time.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as anim

def plot_cont(fun, xmax):
    y = []
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

    def update(i):
        yi = fun()
        x = range(len(y))
        ax.plot(x, y)
        print i, ': ', yi

    a = anim.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=xmax, repeat=False)

"fun" is a function that returns an integer. FuncAnimation will repeatedly call "update", it will do that "xmax" times.

Python: instance has no attribute

Your class doesn't have a __init__(), so by the time it's instantiated, the attribute atoms is not present. You'd have to do C.setdata('something') so C.atoms becomes available.

>>> C = Residues()
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#84>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: Residues instance has no attribute 'atoms'

>>> C.setdata('something')
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')   # now it works

Unlike in languages like Java, where you know at compile time what attributes/member variables an object will have, in Python you can dynamically add attributes at runtime. This also implies instances of the same class can have different attributes.

To ensure you'll always have (unless you mess with it down the line, then it's your own fault) an atoms list you could add a constructor:

def __init__(self):
    self.atoms = []

How can I determine if a variable is 'undefined' or 'null'?

Let's look at this,


    let apple; // Only declare the variable as apple
    alert(apple); // undefined

    In the above, the variable is only declared as apple. In this case, if we call method alert it will display undefined.


       let apple = null; /* Declare the variable as apple and initialized but the value is null */
       alert(apple); // null

In the second one it displays null, because variable of apple value is null.

So you can check whether a value is undefined or null.

if(apple !== undefined || apple !== null) {
    // Can use variable without any error

Referencing a string in a string array resource with xml

Another way of doing it is defining a resources array in strings.xml like below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE resources [
    <!ENTITY supportDefaultSelection "Choose your issue">
    <!ENTITY issueOption1 "Support">
    <!ENTITY issueOption2 "Feedback">
    <!ENTITY issueOption3 "Help">

and then defining a string array using the above resources

<string-array name="support_issues_array">

You could refer the same string into other xmls too keeping DRY intact. The advantage I see is, with a single value change it would effect all the references in the code.

what is the difference between $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and $_GET['q']?

Given this example url:

$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will give you:


Whereas $_GET['q'] will give you:


In other words, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will hold the full request path including the querystring. And $_GET['q'] will give you the value of parameter q in the querystring.

How to get VM arguments from inside of Java application?

If you want the entire command line of your java process, you can use: (uses a combination of JNA + /proc to cover most unix implementations)

Angular HttpPromise: difference between `success`/`error` methods and `then`'s arguments

Official Notice: success and error have been deprecated, please use the standard then method instead.

Deprecation Notice: The $http legacy promise methods success and error have been deprecated. Use the standard then method instead. If $httpProvider.useLegacyPromiseExtensions is set to false then these methods will throw $http/legacy error.


screenshot: view the screenshot

ReactJS - Call One Component Method From Another Component

Well, actually, React is not suitable for calling child methods from the parent. Some frameworks, like Cycle.js, allow easily access data both from parent and child, and react to it.

Also, there is a good chance you don't really need it. Consider calling it into existing component, it is much more independent solution. But sometimes you still need it, and then you have few choices:

  • Pass method down, if it is a child (the easiest one, and it is one of the passed properties)
  • add events library; in React ecosystem Flux approach is the most known, with Redux library. You separate all events into separated state and actions, and dispatch them from components
  • if you need to use function from the child in a parent component, you can wrap in a third component, and clone parent with augmented props.

UPD: if you need to share some functionality which doesn't involve any state (like static functions in OOP), then there is no need to contain it inside components. Just declare it separately and invoke when need:

let counter = 0;
function handleInstantiate() {

constructor(props) {

How to "select distinct" across multiple data frame columns in pandas?

You can use the drop_duplicates method to get the unique rows in a DataFrame:

In [29]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,1,2], 'b':[3,4,3,5]})

In [30]: df
   a  b
0  1  3
1  2  4
2  1  3
3  2  5

In [32]: df.drop_duplicates()
   a  b
0  1  3
1  2  4
3  2  5

You can also provide the subset keyword argument if you only want to use certain columns to determine uniqueness. See the docstring.

Including one C source file in another?

is it ok? yes, it will compile

is it recommended? no - .c files compile to .obj files, which are linked together after compilation (by the linker) into the executable (or library), so there is no need to include one .c file in another. What you probably want to do instead is to make a .h file that lists the functions/variables available in the other .c file, and include the .h file

How to access a dictionary element in a Django template?

django_template_filter filter name get_value_from_dict

{{ your_dict|get_value_from_dict:your_key }}

keyword not supported data source

This problem can occur when you reference your web.config (or app.config) connection strings by index...

var con = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[0].ConnectionString;

The zero based connection string is not always the one in your config file as it inherits others by default from further up the stack.

The recommended approaches are to access your connection by name...

var con = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString;

or to clear the connnectionStrings element in your config file first...

    <add name="MyConnection" connectionString="...

Declaration of Methods should be Compatible with Parent Methods in PHP

if you wanna keep OOP form without turning any error off, you can also:

class A
    public function foo() {
class B extends A
    /*instead of : 
    public function foo($a, $b, $c) {*/
    public function foo() {
        list($a, $b, $c) = func_get_args();
        // ...


How to hide UINavigationBar 1px bottom line

Slightly Swift Solution 
func setGlobalAppearanceCharacteristics () {
    let navigationBarAppearace = UINavigationBar.appearance()
    navigationBarAppearace.tintColor = UIColor.white
    navigationBarAppearace.barTintColor =
    navigationBarAppearace.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: UIBarMetrics.default)
    navigationBarAppearace.shadowImage = UIImage()


JsonMappingException: No suitable constructor found for type [simple type, class ]: can not instantiate from JSON object

Failing custom jackson Serializers/Deserializers could also be the problem. Though it's not your case, it's worth mentioning.

I faced the same exception and that was the case.

org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/CollegeWebsite]]

You have a version conflict, please verify whether compiled version and JVM of Tomcat version are same. you can do it by examining tomcat startup .bat , looking for JAVA_HOME

Dockerfile if else condition with external arguments

I had a similar issue for setting proxy server on a container.

The solution I'm using is an entrypoint script, and another script for environment variables configuration. Using RUN, you assure the configuration script runs on build, and ENTRYPOINT when you run the container.

--build-arg is used on command line to set proxy user and password.

As I need the same environment variables on container startup, I used a file to "persist" it from build to run.

The entrypoint script looks like:

# Load the script of environment variables
. /root/
# Run the main container command
exec "$@"


function start_config {
read u p < /root/proxy_credentials

export HTTP_PROXY=http://$u:[email protected]:8080
export HTTPS_PROXY=https://$u:[email protected]:8080

/bin/cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/apt.conf 
Acquire::http::proxy "http://$u:[email protected]:8080";
Acquire::https::proxy "https://$u:[email protected]:8080";

if [ -s "/root/proxy_credentials" ]

And in the Dockerfile, configure:

# Base Image
FROM ubuntu:18.04

ARG user
ARG pass

USER root

# -z the length of STRING is zero
# [] are an alias for test command
# if $user is not empty, write credentials file
RUN if [ ! -z "$user" ]; then echo "${user} ${pass}">/root/proxy_credentials ; fi

#copy bash scripts
COPY /root

RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", ". /root/"]

# Install dependencies and tools
#RUN apt-get update -y && \
#    apt-get install -yqq --no-install-recommends \
#    vim iputils-ping

CMD ["sh", "-c", "bash"]

Build without proxy settings

docker build -t img01 -f Dockerfile . 

Build with proxy settings

docker build -t img01 --build-arg user=<USER> --build-arg pass=<PASS> -f Dockerfile . 

Take a look here.

Options for initializing a string array

You have several options:

string[] items = { "Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4" };

string[] items = new string[]
  "Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4"

string[] items = new string[10];
items[0] = "Item1";
items[1] = "Item2"; // ...

How to find available directory objects on Oracle 11g system?

The ALL_DIRECTORIES data dictionary view will have information about all the directories that you have access to. That includes the operating system path

SELECT owner, directory_name, directory_path
  FROM all_directories

Difference between @Before, @BeforeClass, @BeforeEach and @BeforeAll

@Before(JUnit4) -> @BeforeEach(JUnit5) - method is called before every test

@After(JUnit4) -> @AfterEach(JUnit5) - method is called after every test

@BeforeClass(JUnit4) -> @BeforeAll(JUnit5) - static method is called before executing all tests in this class. It can be a large task as starting server, read file, making db connection...

@AfterClass(JUnit4) -> @AfterAll(JUnit5) - static method is called after executing all tests in this class.

Returning data from Axios API

The axios library creates a Promise() object. Promise is a built-in object in JavaScript ES6. When this object is instantiated using the new keyword, it takes a function as an argument. This single function in turn takes two arguments, each of which are also functions — resolve and reject.

Promises execute the client side code and, due to cool Javascript asynchronous flow, could eventually resolve one or two things, that resolution (generally considered to be a semantically equivalent to a Promise's success), or that rejection (widely considered to be an erroneous resolution). For instance, we can hold a reference to some Promise object which comprises a function that will eventually return a response object (that would be contained in the Promise object). So one way we could use such a promise is wait for the promise to resolve to some kind of response.

You might raise we don't want to be waiting seconds or so for our API to return a call! We want our UI to be able to do things while waiting for the API response. Failing that we would have a very slow user interface. So how do we handle this problem?

Well a Promise is asynchronous. In a standard implementation of engines responsible for executing Javascript code (such as Node, or the common browser) it will resolve in another process while we don't know in advance what the result of the promise will be. A usual strategy is to then send our functions (i.e. a React setState function for a class) to the promise, resolved depending on some kind of condition (dependent on our choice of library). This will result in our local Javascript objects being updated based on promise resolution. So instead of getters and setters (in traditional OOP) you can think of functions that you might send to your asynchronous methods.

I'll use Fetch in this example so you can try to understand what's going on in the promise and see if you can replicate my ideas within your axios code. Fetch is basically similar to axios without the innate JSON conversion, and has a different flow for resolving promises (which you should refer to the axios documentation to learn).


const base_endpoint = BaseEndpoint + "cache/";
// Default function is going to take a selection, date, and a callback to execute.
// We're going to call the base endpoint and selection string passed to the original function.
// This will make our endpoint.
export default (selection, date, callback) => {  
  fetch(base_endpoint + selection + "/" + date) 
     // If the response is not within a 500 (according to Fetch docs) our promise object
     // will _eventually_ resolve to a response. 
    .then(res => {
      // Lets check the status of the response to make sure it's good.
      if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 600) {
        throw new Error("Bad response");
      // Let's also check the headers to make sure that the server "reckons" its serving 
      //up json
      if (!res.headers.get("content-type").includes("application/json")) {
        throw new TypeError("Response not JSON");
      return res.json();
    // Fulfilling these conditions lets return the data. But how do we get it out of the promise? 
    .then(data => {
      // Using the function we passed to our original function silly! Since we've error 
      // handled above, we're ready to pass the response data as a callback.
    // Fetch's promise will throw an error by default if the webserver returns a 500 
    // response (as notified by the response code in the HTTP header). 
    .catch(err => console.error(err));

Now we've written our GetCache method, lets see what it looks like to update a React component's state as an example...

Some React Component.jsx

// Make sure you import GetCache from GetCache.js!

resolveData() {
    const { mySelection, date } = this.state; // We could also use props or pass to the function to acquire our selection and date.
    const setData = data => {
        data: data,
        loading: false 
        // We could set loading to true and display a wee spinner 
        // while waiting for our response data, 
        // or rely on the local state of data being null.
  GetCache("mySelelection", date, setData);

Ultimately, you don't "return" data as such, I mean you can but it's more idiomatic to change your way of thinking... Now we are sending data to asynchronous methods.

Happy Coding!

PDOException “could not find driver”

I had the same problem during running tests with separate php.ini. I had to add these lines to my own php.ini file:

extension =
extension =
extension =

Notice: Exactly in this order

What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?

The URI RFC (of which URLs are a subset) doesn't define a maximum length, however, it does recommend that the hostname part of the URI (if applicable) not exceed 255 characters in length:

URI producers should use names that conform to the DNS syntax, even when use of DNS is not immediately apparent, and should limit these names to no more than 255 characters in length.

As noted in other posts though, some browsers have a practical limitation on the length of a URL.

How to get text of an element in Selenium WebDriver, without including child element text?

Unfortunately, Selenium was only built to work with Elements, not Text nodes.

If you try to use a function like get_element_by_xpath to target the text nodes, Selenium will throw an InvalidSelectorException.

One workaround is to grab the relevant HTML with Selenium and then use an HTML parsing library like BeautifulSoup that can handle text nodes more elegantly.

import bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

inner_html = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('#a')[0].get_attribute("innerHTML")
inner_soup = BeautifulSoup(inner_html, 'html.parser')

outer_html = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('#a')[0].get_attribute("outerHTML")
outer_soup = BeautifulSoup(outer_html, 'html.parser')

From there, there are several ways to search for the Text content. You'll have to experiment to see what works best for your use case.

Here's a simple one-liner that may be sufficient:


If that doesn't work, then you can loop through the element's child nodes with .contents() and check their object type.

BeautifulSoup has four types of elements, and the one that you'll be interested in is the NavigableString type, which is produced by Text nodes. By contrast, Elements will have a type of Tag.

contents = inner_soup.contents

for bs4_object in contents:

    if (type(bs4_object) == bs4.Tag):
        print("This object is an Element.")

    elif (type(bs4_object) == bs4.NavigableString):
        print("This object is a Text node.")

Note that BeautifulSoup doesn't support Xpath expressions. If you need those, then you can use some of the workarounds in this thread.

Linking static libraries to other static libraries

Static libraries do not link with other static libraries. The only way to do this is to use your librarian/archiver tool (for example ar on Linux) to create a single new static library by concatenating the multiple libraries.

Edit: In response to your update, the only way I know to select only the symbols that are required is to manually create the library from the subset of the .o files that contain them. This is difficult, time consuming and error prone. I'm not aware of any tools to help do this (not to say they don't exist), but it would make quite an interesting project to produce one.

NoClassDefFoundError on Maven dependency

You have to make classpath in pom file for your dependency. Therefore you have to copy all the dependencies into one place.

Check my blog.

            <mainClass>$fullqualified path to your main Class</mainClass>

How to open a web page automatically in full screen mode

It's better to try to simulate a webbrowser by yourself.You don't have to stick with Chrome or IE or else thing.

If you're using Python,you can try package pyQt4 which helps you to simulate a webbrowser. By doing this,there will not be any security reasons and you can set the webbrowser to show in full screen mode automatically.

How to make the tab character 4 spaces instead of 8 spaces in nano?

If you use nano with a language like python (as in your example) it's also a good idea to convert tabs to spaces.

Edit your ~/.nanorc file (or create it) and add:

set tabsize 4
set tabstospaces

If you already got a file with tabs and want to convert them to spaces i recommend the expandcommand (shell):

expand -4 >

Remove HTML Tags from an NSString on the iPhone

Here's the swift version :

func stripHTMLFromString(string: String) -> String {
  var copy = string
  while let range = copy.rangeOfString("<[^>]+>", options: .RegularExpressionSearch) {
    copy = copy.stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(range, withString: "")
  copy = copy.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("&nbsp;", withString: " ")
  copy = copy.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("&amp;", withString: "&")
  return copy

Discard all and get clean copy of latest revision?

Those steps should be able to be shortened down to:

hg pull
hg update -r MY_BRANCH -C

The -C flag tells the update command to discard all local changes before updating.

However, this might still leave untracked files in your repository. It sounds like you want to get rid of those as well, so I would use the purge extension for that:

hg pull
hg update -r MY_BRANCH -C
hg purge

In any case, there is no single one command you can ask Mercurial to perform that will do everything you want here, except if you change the process to that "full clone" method that you say you can't do.

Last Run Date on a Stored Procedure in SQL Server

This works fine on 2005 (if the plan is in the cache)

USE YourDb;

SELECT qt.[text]          AS [SP Name],
       qs.execution_count AS [Execution Count]
FROM   sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
       CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS qt
WHERE  qt.dbid = DB_ID()
       AND objectid = OBJECT_ID('YourProc') 

Android changing Floating Action Button color

As Vasil Valchev noted in a comment it is simpler than it looks, but there is a subtle difference that I wasn't noticing in my XML.


Notice it is:


and not


How can I make Bootstrap columns all the same height?

.row.container-height {
    overflow: hidden;

.row.container-height>[class*="col-"] {
    margin-bottom: -99999px;
    padding-bottom: 99999px;

where .container-height is the style class that has to be added to a .row styled element to which all its .col* children have the same height.

Applying these styles only to some specific .row (with .container-height, as in the example) also avoids applying the margin and padding overflow to all .col*.

Removing empty rows of a data file in R

This is similar to some of the above answers, but with this, you can specify if you want to remove rows with a percentage of missing values greater-than or equal-to a given percent (with the argument pct)

drop_rows_all_na <- function(x, pct=1) x[!rowSums( >= ncol(x)*pct,]

Where x is a dataframe and pct is the threshold of NA-filled data you want to get rid of.

pct = 1 means remove rows that have 100% of its values NA. pct = .5 means remome rows that have at least half its values NA

How to fix Error: laravel.log could not be opened?

This error can be fixed by disabling Linux.

Check if it has been enabled


You try..

setenforce 0

Excel VBA Loop on columns

Just use the Cells function and loop thru columns. Cells(Row,Column)

wget can't download - 404 error

I had the same problem with a Google Docs URL. Enclosing the URL in quotes did the trick for me:

wget "" -O sheet.tsv

Good examples of python-memcache (memcached) being used in Python?

I would advise you to use pylibmc instead.

It can act as a drop-in replacement of python-memcache, but a lot faster(as it's written in C). And you can find handy documentation for it here.

And to the question, as pylibmc just acts as a drop-in replacement, you can still refer to documentations of pylibmc for your python-memcache programming.

How do I increase the capacity of the Eclipse output console?

Window > Preferences, go to the Run/Debug > Console section >> "Limit console output.>>Console buffer size(characters):" (This option can be seen in Eclipse Indigo ,but it limits buffer size at 1,000,000 )

How do I horizontally center a span element inside a div

Applying inline-block to the element that is to be centered and applying text-align:center to the parent block did the trick for me.

Works even on <span> tags.

Simple VBA selection: Selecting 5 cells to the right of the active cell

This example selects a new Range of Cells defined by the current cell to a cell 5 to the right.

Note that .Offset takes arguments of Offset(row, columns) and can be quite useful.

Sub testForStackOverflow()
    Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
End Sub

What does the 'L' in front a string mean in C++?

It means the text is stored as wchar_t characters rather than plain old char characters.

(I originally said it meant unicode. I was wrong about that. But it can be used for unicode.)

Line break in SSRS expression

UseEnvironment.NewLine instead of vbcrlf

Why do I get "Exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown" when I try to compile my Java code?

The problem is in this method:

  public static byte[] encrypt(String toEncrypt) throws Exception{

This is the method signature which pretty much says:

  • what the method name is: encrypt
  • what parameter it receives: a String named toEncrypt
  • its access modifier: public static
  • and if it may or not throw an exception when invoked.

In this case the method signature says that when invoked this method "could" potentially throw an exception of type "Exception".

    concatURL = padString(concatURL, ' ', 16);
    byte[] encrypted = encrypt(concatURL); <-- HERE!!!!!
    String encryptedString = bytesToHex(encrypted);

So the compilers is saying: Either you surround that with a try/catch construct or you declare the method ( where is being used ) to throw "Exception" it self.

The real problem is the "encrypt" method definition. No method should ever return "Exception", because it is too generic and may hide some other kinds of exception better is to have an specific exception.

Try this:

public static byte[] encrypt(String toEncrypt) {
      String plaintext = toEncrypt;
      String key = "01234567890abcde";
      String iv = "fedcba9876543210";

      SecretKeySpec keyspec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "AES");
      IvParameterSpec ivspec = new IvParameterSpec(iv.getBytes());

      Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding");
      byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(toEncrypt.getBytes());

      return encrypted;
    } catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae ) { 
        // What can you do if the algorithm doesn't exists??
        // this usually won't happen because you would test 
        // your code before shipping. 
        // So in this case is ok to transform to another kind 
        throw new IllegalStateException( nsae );
    } catch ( NoSuchPaddingException nspe ) { 
       // What can you do when there is no such padding ( whatever that means ) ??
       // I guess not much, in either case you won't be able to encrypt the given string
        throw new IllegalStateException( nsae );
    // line 109 won't say it needs a return anymore.

Basically in this particular case you should make sure the cryptography package is available in the system.

Java needs an extension for the cryptography package, so, the exceptions are declared as "checked" exceptions. For you to handle when they are not present.

In this small program you cannot do anything if the cryptography package is not available, so you check that at "development" time. If those exceptions are thrown when your program is running is because you did something wrong in "development" thus a RuntimeException subclass is more appropriate.

The last line don't need a return statement anymore, in the first version you were catching the exception and doing nothing with it, that's wrong.

try { 
    // risky code ... 
} catch( Exception e ) { 
    // a bomb has just exploited
    // you should NOT ignore it 

// The code continues here, but what should it do???

If the code is to fail, it is better to Fail fast

Here are some related answers:

"The following SDK components were not installed: sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-22 and addon-google_apis-google-22"

I am having the same issue when trying to upgrade Android Studio from 1.1 to 1.2 on Mac OS 10.10. I solved the problem by selecting custom installation instead of standard. Also we need to select the Android SDK Platform (Lollipop 5.1).

The type initializer for 'MyClass' threw an exception

In my case, I had a helper class that was static. In that class was a method to initialize a SqlCommand dependent on variables. As this was being called in several places I moved it to the helper class and called as needed, so this method was also static. Now I had a global property that was the connection string in Global.asax pointing to the connection string in web.config. Intermittently I would get "The type initializer for 'Helper' threw an exception". If I moved the method from the Helper class to the class where it was being called from all was good. The inner exception complained of the object being null (Helper class). What I did was add Using Helper to Global.asax and even though it was not being used by Global.asax this solved the problem.

How to create RecyclerView with multiple view type?

If the layouts for view types are only a few and binding logics are simple, follow Anton's solution.
But the code will be messy if you need to manage the complex layouts and binding logics.

I believe the following solution will be useful for someone who need to handle complex view types.

Base DataBinder class

abstract public class DataBinder<T extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {

    private DataBindAdapter mDataBindAdapter;

    public DataBinder(DataBindAdapter dataBindAdapter) {
        mDataBindAdapter = dataBindAdapter;

    abstract public T newViewHolder(ViewGroup parent);

    abstract public void bindViewHolder(T holder, int position);

    abstract public int getItemCount();



The functions needed to define in this class are pretty much same as the adapter class when creating the single view type.
For each view type, create the class by extending this DataBinder.

Sample DataBinder class

public class Sample1Binder extends DataBinder<Sample1Binder.ViewHolder> {

    private List<String> mDataSet = new ArrayList();

    public Sample1Binder(DataBindAdapter dataBindAdapter) {

    public ViewHolder newViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
        View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(
            R.layout.layout_sample1, parent, false);
        return new ViewHolder(view);

    public void bindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
        String title = mDataSet.get(position);

    public int getItemCount() {
        return mDataSet.size();

    public void setDataSet(List<String> dataSet) {

    static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

        TextView mTitleText;

        public ViewHolder(View view) {
            mTitleText = (TextView) view.findViewById(;

In order to manage DataBinder classes, create adapter class.

Base DataBindAdapter class

abstract public class DataBindAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {

    public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        return getDataBinder(viewType).newViewHolder(parent);

    public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
        int binderPosition = getBinderPosition(position);
        getDataBinder(viewHolder.getItemViewType()).bindViewHolder(viewHolder, binderPosition);

    public abstract int getItemCount();

    public abstract int getItemViewType(int position);

    public abstract <T extends DataBinder> T getDataBinder(int viewType);

    public abstract int getPosition(DataBinder binder, int binderPosition);

    public abstract int getBinderPosition(int position);



Create the class by extending this base class, and then instantiate DataBinder classes and override abstract methods

  1. getItemCount
    Return the total item count of DataBinders

  2. getItemViewType
    Define the mapping logic between the adapter position and view type.

  3. getDataBinder
    Return the DataBinder instance based on the view type

  4. getPosition
    Define convert logic to the adapter position from the position in the specified DataBinder

  5. getBinderPosition
    Define convert logic to the position in the DataBinder from the adapter position

Hope this solution will be helpful.
I left more detail solution and samples in GitHub, so please refer the following link if you need.

Bash script to run php script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
PHP=`which php`
$PHP /path/to/php/file.php

convert htaccess to nginx

Rewrite rules are pretty much written the same way with nginx:

Which rules are causing you trouble? I could help you translate those!

Do I need to close() both FileReader and BufferedReader?

After checking the source code, I found that for the example:

FileReader fReader = new FileReader(fileName);
BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(fReader);

the close() method on BufferedReader object would call the abstract close() method of Reader class which would ultimately call the implemented method in InputStreamReader class, which then closes the InputStream object.

So, only bReader.close() is sufficient.

Reverting single file in SVN to a particular revision

Just adding on to @Mitch Dempsy answer since I don't have enough rep to comment yet.

svn export -r <REV> svn://host/path/to/file/on/repos --force

Adding the --force will overwrite the local copy with the export and then you can do an svn commit to push it to the repository.

Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently

The problem in your code is that it's creating lots of heavy String objects, copying their contents and performing operations on them. Instead, you should use StringBuilder to avoid creating new String objects on each append and to avoid copying the char arrays. The implementation for your case would be something like this:

BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
StringBuilder total = new StringBuilder();
for (String line; (line = r.readLine()) != null; ) {

You can now use total without converting it to String, but if you need the result as a String, simply add:

String result = total.toString();

I'll try to explain it better...

  • a += b (or a = a + b), where a and b are Strings, copies the contents of both a and b to a new object (note that you are also copying a, which contains the accumulated String), and you are doing those copies on each iteration.
  • a.append(b), where a is a StringBuilder, directly appends b contents to a, so you don't copy the accumulated string at each iteration.

How do I round a float upwards to the nearest int in C#?

If you want to round to the nearest int:

int rounded = (int)Math.Round(precise, 0);

You can also use:

int rounded = Convert.ToInt32(precise);

Which will use Math.Round(x, 0); to round and cast for you. It looks neater but is slightly less clear IMO.

If you want to round up:

int roundedUp = (int)Math.Ceiling(precise);

How to compile makefile using MinGW?

First check if mingw32-make is installed on your system. Use mingw32-make.exe command in windows terminal or cmd to check, else install the package mingw32-make-bin.

then go to bin directory default ( C:\MinGW\bin) create new file make.bat

@echo off
"%~dp0mingw32-make.exe" %*

add the above content and save it

set the env variable in powershell


then compile the file

make hello

where hello.c is the name of source code

Class file has wrong version 52.0, should be 50.0

If you are using javac to compile, and you get this error, then remove all the .class files

rm *.class     # On Unix-based systems

and recompile.


Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

With latest react-navigation-stack v4 you can hide the header with

import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation-stack';

 stackName: {
  navigationOptions: {

How do I clear all options in a dropdown box?

var select =$('#selectbox').val();

How to trim leading and trailing white spaces of a string?

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(strings.TrimSpace(" \t\n Hello, Gophers \n\t\r\n"))

Output: Hello, Gophers

And simply follow this link -

I'm getting the "missing a using directive or assembly reference" and no clue what's going wrong

This problem would be caused by your application missing a reference to an external dll that you are trying to use code from. Usually Visual Studio should give you an idea about which objects that it doesn't know what to do with so that should be a step in the right direction.

You need to look in the solution explorer and right click on project references and then go to add -> and look up the one you need. It's most likely the System.Configuration assembly as most people have pointed out here while should be under the Framework option in the references window. That should resolve your issue.

How do you properly determine the current script directory?

The os.path... approach was the 'done thing' in Python 2.

In Python 3, you can find directory of script as follows:

from pathlib import Path
cwd = Path(__file__).parents[0]

How to put a text beside the image?

If you or some other fox who need to have link with Icon Image and text as link text beside the image see bellow code:



  display:inline-block; font-weight:bold;

  /*---The margin depends on how the image size is ---*/
  display:inline-block; margin-top:5px;


<a href="#" class="MyLink"><img src="./yourImageIcon.png" /><span class="MyLinkText">SIGN IN</span></a>

enter image description here

if you see the image the white portion is image icon and other is style this way you can create different buttons with any type of Icons you want to design

Call a Vue.js component method from outside the component

You can use Vue event system

vm.$broadcast('event-name', args)


 vm.$on('event-name', function())

Here is the fiddle:

How to stop IIS asking authentication for default website on localhost

It is easier to remove the "Default Web Site" and create a new one if you do not have any limitations.

I did it and my problem solved.

Content-Disposition:What are the differences between "inline" and "attachment"?

If it is inline, the browser should attempt to render it within the browser window. If it cannot, it will resort to an external program, prompting the user.

With attachment, it will immediately go to the user, and not try to load it in the browser, whether it can or not.

Entity Framework VS LINQ to SQL VS ADO.NET with stored procedures?

There is a whole new approach that you may want to consider if what you're after is the power and performance of stored procedures, and the rapid development that tools like Entity Framework provide.

I've taken SQL+ for a test drive on a small project, and it is really something special. You basically add what amounts to comments to your SQL routines, and those comments provide instructions to a code generator, which then builds a really nice object oriented class library based on the actual SQL routine. Kind of like entity framework in reverse.

Input parameters become part of an input object, output parameters and result sets become part of an output object, and a service component provides the method calls.

If you want to use stored procedures, but still want rapid development, you might want to have a look at this stuff.

Running a cron job on Linux every six hours

You should include a path to your command, since cron runs with an extensively cut-down environment. You won't have all the environment variables you have in your interactive shell session.

It's a good idea to specify an absolute path to your script/binary, or define PATH in the crontab itself. To help debug any issues I would also redirect stdout/err to a log file.

How to change JDK version for an Eclipse project

Click on the Window tab in Eclipse, go to Preferences and when that window comes up, go to Java ? Installed JREs ? Execution Environment and choose JavaSE-1.5. You then have to go to Compiler and set the Compiler compliance level.

Changing JRE

Enter image description here

Swift extract regex matches

The fastest way to return all matches and capture groups in Swift 5

extension String {
    func match(_ regex: String) -> [[String]] {
        let nsString = self as NSString
        return (try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: regex, options: []))?.matches(in: self, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, count)).map { match in
            (0..<match.numberOfRanges).map { match.range(at: $0).location == NSNotFound ? "" : nsString.substring(with: match.range(at: $0)) }
        } ?? []

Returns a 2-dimentional array of strings:

"prefix12suffix fix1su".match("fix([0-9]+)su")


[["fix12su", "12"], ["fix1su", "1"]]

// First element of sub-array is the match
// All subsequent elements are the capture groups

Editing specific line in text file in Python

You can do it in two ways, choose what suits your requirement:

Method I.) Replacing using line number. You can use built-in function enumerate() in this case:

First, in read mode get all data in a variable

with open("your_file.txt",'r') as f:

Second, write to the file (where enumerate comes to action)

with open("your_file.txt",'w') as f:
    for i,line in enumerate(get_all,1):         ## STARTS THE NUMBERING FROM 1 (by default it begins with 0)    
        if i == 2:                              ## OVERWRITES line:2

Method II.) Using the keyword you want to replace:

Open file in read mode and copy the contents to a list

with open("some_file.txt","r") as f:
    for word in f.readlines():        
        newline.append(word.replace("Warrior","Mage"))  ## Replace the keyword while you copy.  

"Warrior" has been replaced by "Mage", so write the updated data to the file:

with open("some_file.txt","w") as f:
    for line in newline:

This is what the output will be in both cases:

Dan                   Dan           
Warrior   ------>     Mage       
500                   500           
1                     1   
0                     0           

How to mention C:\Program Files in batchfile

While createting the bat file, you can easly avoid the space. If you want to mentioned "program files "folder in batch file.

Do following steps:

1. Type c: then press enter

2. cd program files

3. cd "choose your own folder name"

then continue as you wish.

This way you can create batch file and you can mention program files folder.

Replace special characters in a string with _ (underscore)

string = string.replace(/[&\/\\#,+()$~%.'":*?<>{}]/g,'_');

Alternatively, to change all characters except numbers and letters, try:

string = string.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g,'_');

NSString with \n or line break

try this ( stringWithFormat has to start with lowercase)

 [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@",string1,string2];

How can I make XSLT work in chrome?

As close as I can tell, Chrome is looking for the header

Content-Type: text/xml

Then it works --- other iterations have failed.

Make sure your web server is providing this. It also explains why it fails for file://URI xml files.

Check if event exists on element

I wrote a plugin called hasEventListener which exactly does that.

Hope this helps.

DataGridView - how to set column width?



Any way to exit bash script, but not quitting the terminal

Also make sure to return with expected return value. Else if you use exit when you will encounter an exit it will exit from your base shell since source does not create another process (instance).

getResourceAsStream() is always returning null

To my knowledge the file has to be right in the folder where the 'this' class resides, i.e. not in WEB-INF/classes but nested even deeper (unless you write in a default package):


Putting the file in to your java sources should work, compiler copies that file together with class files.

Module is not available, misspelled or forgot to load (but I didn't)

I have the same problem, but I resolved adding jquery.min.js before angular.min.js.

Creating a UICollectionView programmatically

For Swift 2.0

Instead of implementing the methods that are required to draw the CollectionViewCells:

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGSize
        return CGSizeMake(50, 50);

    func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, insetForSectionAtIndex section: Int) -> UIEdgeInsets
        return UIEdgeInsetsMake(5, 5, 5, 5); //top,left,bottom,right

Use UICollectionViewFlowLayout

func createCollectionView() {
    let flowLayout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()

    // Now setup the flowLayout required for drawing the cells
    let space = 5.0 as CGFloat

    // Set view cell size
    flowLayout.itemSize = CGSizeMake(50, 50)

    // Set left and right margins
    flowLayout.minimumInteritemSpacing = space

    // Set top and bottom margins
    flowLayout.minimumLineSpacing = space

    // Finally create the CollectionView
    let collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: CGRectMake(10, 10, 300, 400), collectionViewLayout: flowLayout)

    // Then setup delegates, background color etc.
    collectionView?.dataSource = self
    collectionView?.delegate = self
    collectionView?.registerClass(UICollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "cellID")
    collectionView?.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

Then implement the UICollectionViewDataSource methods as required:

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return 20;
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    var cell:UICollectionViewCell=collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier("collectionCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as UICollectionViewCell;
    cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor();
    return cell;
func numberOfSectionsInCollectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
    // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
    return 1

How do I check out a remote Git branch?

I always do: git fetch origin && git checkout --track origin/branch_name

SQL Server error on update command - "A severe error occurred on the current command"

in my case, the method: context.Database.CreateIfNotExists(); called up multiple times before create database and crashed an error A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

What is the difference between H.264 video and MPEG-4 video?

H.264 is a new standard for video compression which has more advanced compression methods than the basic MPEG-4 compression. One of the advantages of H.264 is the high compression rate. It is about 1.5 to 2 times more efficient than MPEG-4 encoding. This high compression rate makes it possible to record more information on the same hard disk.
The image quality is also better and playback is more fluent than with basic MPEG-4 compression. The most interesting feature however is the lower bit-rate required for network transmission.
So the 3 main advantages of H.264 over MPEG-4 compression are:
- Small file size for longer recording time and better network transmission.
- Fluent and better video quality for real time playback
- More efficient mobile surveillance application

H264 is now enshrined in MPEG4 as part 10 also known as AVC

Refer to:

Hope this helps.

There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table that match the referencing column list in the foreign key

Another thing is - if your keys are very complicated sometimes you need to replace the places of the fields and it helps :

if this dosent work:

foreign key (ISBN, Title) references BookTitle (ISBN, Title)

Then this might work (not for this specific example but in general) :

foreign key (Title,ISBN) references BookTitle (Title,ISBN)

Save modifications in place with awk

Using tee

 awk '{awk code}' file | tee file

the tee command take place and executed after the awk command is finished due to the |.

How to access private data members outside the class without making "friend"s?

friend is your friend.

class A{
    friend void foo(A arg);
    int iData;

void foo(A arg){
     // can access a.iData here

If you're doing this regularly you should probably reconsider your design though.

center a row using Bootstrap 3

Why not using the grid system?

The bootstrap grid system consist of 12 columns, so if you use the "Medium" columns it will have a 970px width size.

Then you can divide it to 3 columns (12/3=4) so use 3 divs with "col-md-4" class:

<div class="col-md-4"></div>
<div class="col-md-4"></div>
<div class="col-md-4"></div>

Each one will have 323px max width size. Keep the first and the last empty and use the middle one to get your content centerd:

<div class="col-md-4"></div>
<div class="col-md-4">
   <p>Centered content.</p>
<div class="col-md-4"></div>

How to export SQL Server database to MySQL?

You can do this easily by using Data Loader tool. I have already done this before using this tool and found it good.

Code signing is required for product type Unit Test Bundle in SDK iOS 8.0

Also, if you set your build target device, the problem will go away when you testing and debugging. The code signed is only need when you trying to deploy your app to an actually physical device fig

I changed mine from "myIphone" to simulator iPhone 6 Plus, and it solves the problem while I'm developing the app.

Binding a WPF ComboBox to a custom list

I had what at first seemed to be an identical problem, but it turned out to be due to an NHibernate/WPF compatibility issue. The problem was caused by the way WPF checks for object equality. I was able to get my stuff to work by using the object ID property in the SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath properties.

<ComboBox Name="CategoryList"
          SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CategoryParent}"
          SelectedValue="{Binding Path=CategoryParent.ID}"

See the blog post from Chester, The WPF ComboBox - SelectedItem, SelectedValue, and SelectedValuePath with NHibernate, for details.

How to redirect page after click on Ok button on sweet alert?

setTimeout(function () { _x000D_
  title: "Wow!",_x000D_
  text: "Message!",_x000D_
  type: "success",_x000D_
  confirmButtonText: "OK"_x000D_
  if (isConfirm) {_x000D_
    window.location.href = "//";_x000D_
}); }, 1000);
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Or you can use the build-in function timer, i.e.:

  title: "Success!",_x000D_
  text: "Redirecting in 2 seconds.",_x000D_
  type: "success",_x000D_
  timer: 2000,_x000D_
  showConfirmButton: false_x000D_
}, function(){_x000D_
      window.location.href = "//";_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Definition of a Balanced Tree

There are several ways to define "Balanced". The main goal is to keep the depths of all nodes to be O(log(n)).

It appears to me that the balance condition you were talking about is for AVL tree.
Here is the formal definition of AVL tree's balance condition:

For any node in AVL, the height of its left subtree differs by at most 1 from the height of its right subtree.

Next question, what is "height"?

The "height" of a node in a binary tree is the length of the longest path from that node to a leaf.

There is one weird but common case:

People define the height of an empty tree to be (-1).

For example, root's left child is null:

              A  (Height = 2)
           /     \
(height =-1)       B (Height = 1) <-- Unbalanced because 1-(-1)=2 >1
                     C (Height = 0)

Two more examples to determine:

Yes, A Balanced Tree Example:

        A (h=3)
     /     \
 B(h=1)     C (h=2)        
/          /   \
D (h=0)  E(h=0)  F (h=1)
              G (h=0)

No, Not A Balanced Tree Example:

        A (h=3)
     /     \
 B(h=0)     C (h=2)        <-- Unbalanced: 2-0 =2 > 1
           /   \
        E(h=1)  F (h=0)
        /     \
      H (h=0)   G (h=0)      

Efficiently updating database using SQLAlchemy ORM

If it is because of the overhead in terms of creating objects, then it probably can't be sped up at all with SA.

If it is because it is loading up related objects, then you might be able to do something with lazy loading. Are there lots of objects being created due to references? (IE, getting a Company object also gets all of the related People objects).

How do I cast a string to integer and have 0 in case of error in the cast with PostgreSQL?

@Matthew's answer is good. But it can be simpler and faster. And the question asks to convert empty strings ('') to 0, but not other "invalid input syntax" or "out of range" input:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION convert_to_int(text)
   IF $1 = '' THEN  -- special case for empty string like requested
      RETURN 0;
      RETURN $1::int;
   END IF;

   RETURN NULL;  -- NULL for other invalid input

$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;

This returns 0 for an empty string and NULL for any other invalid input.
It can easily be adapted for any data type conversion.

Entering an exception block is substantially more expensive. If empty strings are common it makes sense to catch that case before raising an exception.
If empty strings are very rare, it pays to move the test to the exception clause.

How do I select an element in jQuery by using a variable for the ID?

Doing $('body').find(); is not necessary when looking up by ID; there is no performance gain.

Please also note that having an ID that starts with a number is not valid HTML:

ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").

How to display a JSON representation and not [Object Object] on the screen

There are 2 ways in which you can get the values:-

  1. Access the property of the object using dot notation ( .
  2. Access the property of the object by passing in key value for example obj["property"]

How to communicate between iframe and the parent site?

This library supports HTML5 postMessage and legacy browsers with resize+hash

Edit: Now in 2014, IE6/7 usage is quite low, IE8 and above all support postMessage so I now suggest to just use that.

How do I create a self-signed certificate for code signing on Windows?

Updated Answer

If you are using the following Windows versions or later: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows 8.1 then MakeCert is now deprecated, and Microsoft recommends using the PowerShell Cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate.

If you're using an older version such as Windows 7, you'll need to stick with MakeCert or another solution. Some people suggest the Public Key Infrastructure Powershell (PSPKI) Module.

Original Answer

While you can create a self-signed code-signing certificate (SPC - Software Publisher Certificate) in one go, I prefer to do the following:

Creating a self-signed certificate authority (CA)

makecert -r -pe -n "CN=My CA" -ss CA -sr CurrentUser ^
         -a sha256 -cy authority -sky signature -sv MyCA.pvk MyCA.cer

(^ = allow batch command-line to wrap line)

This creates a self-signed (-r) certificate, with an exportable private key (-pe). It's named "My CA", and should be put in the CA store for the current user. We're using the SHA-256 algorithm. The key is meant for signing (-sky).

The private key should be stored in the MyCA.pvk file, and the certificate in the MyCA.cer file.

Importing the CA certificate

Because there's no point in having a CA certificate if you don't trust it, you'll need to import it into the Windows certificate store. You can use the Certificates MMC snapin, but from the command line:

certutil -user -addstore Root MyCA.cer

Creating a code-signing certificate (SPC)

makecert -pe -n "CN=My SPC" -a sha256 -cy end ^
         -sky signature ^
         -ic MyCA.cer -iv MyCA.pvk ^
         -sv MySPC.pvk MySPC.cer

It is pretty much the same as above, but we're providing an issuer key and certificate (the -ic and -iv switches).

We'll also want to convert the certificate and key into a PFX file:

pvk2pfx -pvk MySPC.pvk -spc MySPC.cer -pfx MySPC.pfx

If you want to protect the PFX file, add the -po switch, otherwise PVK2PFX creates a PFX file with no passphrase.

Using the certificate for signing code

signtool sign /v /f MySPC.pfx ^
              /t http://timestamp.url MyExecutable.exe

(See why timestamps may matter)

If you import the PFX file into the certificate store (you can use PVKIMPRT or the MMC snapin), you can sign code as follows:

signtool sign /v /n "Me" /s SPC ^
              /t http://timestamp.url MyExecutable.exe

Some possible timestamp URLs for signtool /t are:


Full Microsoft documentation


For those who are not .NET developers, you will need a copy of the Windows SDK and .NET framework. A current link is available here: SDK & .NET (which installs makecert in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1). Your mileage may vary.

MakeCert is available from the Visual Studio Command Prompt. Visual Studio 2015 does have it, and it can be launched from the Start Menu in Windows 7 under "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2015" or "VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" (probably all of them in the same folder).

Java get last element of a collection

Iterables.getLast from Google Guava. It has some optimization for Lists and SortedSets too.

Add class to an element in Angular 4

Use [ngClass] and conditionally apply class based on the id.

In your HTML file:

    <img [ngClass]="{'this-is-a-class': id === 1 }" id="1"  
         src="../../assets/images/1.jpg" (click)="addClass(id=1)"/>
    <img [ngClass]="{'this-is-a-class': id === 2 }" id="2"  
         src="../../assets/images/2.png" (click)="addClass(id=2)"/>

In your TypeScript file:

addClass(id: any) { = id;

how to modify an existing check constraint?

Create a new constraint first and then drop the old one.
That way you ensure that:

  • constraints are always in place
  • existing rows do not violate new constraints
  • no illegal INSERT/UPDATEs are attempted after you drop a constraint and before a new one is applied.

Correct use for angular-translate in controllers

EDIT: Please see the answer from PascalPrecht (the author of angular-translate) for a better solution.

The asynchronous nature of the loading causes the problem. You see, with {{ pageTitle | translate }}, Angular will watch the expression; when the localization data is loaded, the value of the expression changes and the screen is updated.

So, you can do that yourself:

.controller('FirstPageCtrl', ['$scope', '$filter', function ($scope, $filter) {
        function() { return $filter('translate')('HELLO_WORLD'); },
        function(newval) { $scope.pageTitle = newval; }

However, this will run the watched expression on every digest cycle. This is suboptimal and may or may not cause a visible performance degradation. Anyway it is what Angular does, so it cant be that bad...

IBOutlet and IBAction

Ran into the diagram while looking at key-value coding, thought it might help someone. It helps with understanding of what IBOutlet is.

By looking at the flow, one could see that IBOutlets are only there to match the property name with a control name in the Nib file.

How nib file is loaded, screenshot of Matt's online book for iOS6

How to have the cp command create any necessary folders for copying a file to a destination

There is no such option. What you can do is to run mkdir -p before copying the file

I made a very cool script you can use to copy files in locations that doesn't exist

if [ ! -d "$2" ]; then
    mkdir -p "$2"
cp -R "$1" "$2"

Now just save it, give it permissions and run it using

./cp-improved SOURCE DEST

I put -R option but it's just a draft, I know it can be and you will improve it in many ways. Hope it helps you

What value could I insert into a bit type column?

Generally speaking, for boolean or bit data types, you would use 0 or 1 like so:

UPDATE tbl SET bitCol = 1 WHERE bitCol = 0

See also:

Adding a leading zero to some values in column in MySQL

A previous answer using LPAD() is optimal. However, in the event you want to do special or advanced processing, here is a method that allows more iterative control over the padding. Also serves as an example using other constructs to achieve the same thing.

    mycolumn = CONCAT(
            8 - LENGTH(mycolumn)
    LENGTH(mycolumn) < 8;

Correct way to quit a Qt program?

QApplication is derived from QCoreApplication and thereby inherits quit() which is a public slot of QCoreApplication, so there is no difference between QApplication::quit() and QCoreApplication::quit().

As we can read in the documentation of QCoreApplication::quit() it "tells the application to exit with return code 0 (success).". If you want to exit because you discovered file corruption then you may not want to exit with return code zero which means success, so you should call QCoreApplication::exit() because you can provide a non-zero returnCode which, by convention, indicates an error.

It is important to note that "if the event loop is not running, this function (QCoreApplication::exit()) does nothing", so in that case you should call exit(EXIT_FAILURE).

How to check if running as root in a bash script

0- Read official GNU Linux documentation, there are many ways to do it correctly.

1- make sure you put the shell signature to avoid errors in interpretation:


2- this is my script


if [[ $EUID > 0 ]]; then # we can compare directly with this syntax.
  echo "Please run as root/sudo"
  exit 1
  #do your stuff

Change the icon of the exe file generated from Visual Studio 2010

To specify an application icon

  1. In Solution Explorer, choose a project node (not the Solution node).
  2. On the menu bar, choose Project, Properties.
  3. When the Project Designer appears, choose the Application tab.
  4. In the Icon list, choose an icon (.ico) file.

To specify an application icon and add it to your project

  1. In Solution Explorer, choose a project node (not the Solution node).
  2. On the menu bar, choose Project, Properties.
  3. When the Project Designer appears, choose the Application tab.
  4. Near the Icon list, choose the button, and then browse to the location of the icon file that you want.

The icon file is added to your project as a content file.

reference : for details see here

UndefinedMetricWarning: F-score is ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples

According to @Shovalt's answer, but in short:

Alternatively you could use the following lines of code

    from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
    metrics.f1_score(y_test, y_pred, labels=np.unique(y_pred))

This should remove your warning and give you the result you wanted, because it no longer considers the difference between the sets, by using the unique mode.

Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment

I was able to generate good looking HTML files with the following snip-it shown in Code 1.

 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * A-->B
 *  \
 *   C-->D
 *    \   \
 *     G   E-->F
 * }

(Code 1)

Code 1 turned into the generated javadoc HTML page in Fig 1, as expected.

   \   \
    G   E-->F

(Fig. 1)

However, in NetBeans 7.2, if you hit Alt+Shift+F (to reformat the current file), Code 1 turns in to Code 2.

 * <
 * pre>
 * {@code
 * A-->B
 *  \
 *   C-->D
 *    \   \
 *     G   E-->F
 * }
 * </pre>

(Code 2)

where the first <pre> is now broken onto two lines. Code 2 produces generated javadoc HTML file as shown in Fig 2.

< pre> A-->B \ C-->D \ \ G E-->F

(Fig 2)

Steve B's suggestion (Code 3) seems to give the best results and remains formatted as expected even after hitting Alt+Shift+F.

* A-->B
*  \
*   C-->D
*    \   \
*     G   E-->F
* </pre></blockquote>

(Code 3)

Use of Code 3 produces the same javadoc HTML output as shown in Fig 1.

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

An in statement will be parsed identically to field=val1 or field=val2 or field=val3. Putting a null in there will boil down to field=null which won't work.

(Comment by Marc B)

I would do this for clairity

FROM tbl_name
(id_field IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3') OR id_field IS NULL)

Oracle to_date, from mm/dd/yyyy to dd-mm-yyyy

You don't need to muck about with extracting parts of the date. Just cast it to a date using to_date and the format in which its stored, then cast that date to a char in the format you want. Like this:

select to_char(to_date('1/10/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),'mm-dd-yyyy') from dual

Can a html button perform a POST request?

You need to give the button a name and a value.

No control can be submitted without a name, and the content of a button element is the label, not the value.

<form action="" method="post">
    <button name="foo" value="upvote">Upvote</button>

How to build PDF file from binary string returned from a web-service using javascript

I saw another question on just this topic recently (streaming pdf into iframe using dataurl only works in chrome).

I've constructed pdfs in the ast and streamed them to the browser. I was creating them first with fdf, then with a pdf class I wrote myself - in each case the pdf was created from data retrieved from a COM object based on a couple of of GET params passed in via the url.

From looking at your data sent recieved in the ajax call, it looks like you're nearly there. I haven't played with the code for a couple of years now and didn't document it as well as I'd have cared to, but - I think all you need to do is set the target of an iframe to be the url you get the pdf from. Though this may not work - the file that oututs the pdf may also have to outut a html response header first.

In a nutshell, this is the output code I used:

//We send to a browser
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file');
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->buffer));
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$name.'"');
header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
echo $this->buffer;

So, without seeing the full response text fro the ajax call I can't really be certain what it is, though I'm inclined to think that the code that outputs the pdf you're requesting may only be doig the equivalent of the last line in the above code. If it's code you have control over, I'd try setting the headers - then this way the browser can just deal with the response text - you don't have to bother doing a thing to it.

I simply constructed a url for the pdf I wanted (a timetable) then created a string that represented the html for an iframe of the desired sie, id etc that used the constructed url as it's src. As soon as I set the inner html of a div to the constructed html string, the browser asked for the pdf and then displayed it when it was received.

function  showPdfTt(studentId)
    var url, tgt;
    title = byId("popupTitle");
    title.innerHTML = "Timetable for " + studentId;
    tgt = byId("popupContent");
    url = "pdftimetable.php?";
    url += "id="+studentId;
    url += "&type=Student";
    tgt.innerHTML = "<iframe onload=\"centerElem(byId('box'))\" src='"+url+"' width=\"700px\" height=\"500px\"></iframe>";

EDIT: forgot to mention - you can send binary pdf's in this manner. The streams they contain don't need to be ascii85 or hex encoded. I used flate on all the streams in the pdf and it worked fine.

Returning null in a method whose signature says return int?

int is a primitive, null is not a value that it can take on. You could change the method return type to return java.lang.Integer and then you can return null, and existing code that returns int will get autoboxed.

Nulls are assigned only to reference types, it means the reference doesn't point to anything. Primitives are not reference types, they are values, so they are never set to null.

Using the object wrapper java.lang.Integer as the return value means you are passing back an Object and the object reference can be null.

How to round a Double to the nearest Int in swift?

You can also extend FloatingPoint in Swift 3 as follow:

extension FloatingPoint {
    func rounded(to n: Int) -> Self {
        let n = Self(n)
        return (self / n).rounded() * n


324.0.rounded(to: 5)   // 325

What is a wrapper class?

There are several design patterns that can be called wrapper classes.

See my answer to "How do the Proxy, Decorator, Adaptor, and Bridge Patterns differ?"

Cannot open solution file in Visual Studio Code

VSCode is a code editor, not a full IDE. Think of VSCode as a notepad on steroids with IntelliSense code completion, richer semantic code understanding of multiple languages, code refactoring, including navigation, keyboard support with customizable bindings, syntax highlighting, bracket matching, auto indentation, and snippets.

It's not meant to replace Visual Studio, but making "Visual Studio" part of the name in VSCode will of course confuse some people at first.

How do I dump the data of some SQLite3 tables?

Any answer which suggests using grep to exclude the CREATE lines or just grab the INSERT lines from the sqlite3 $DB .dump output will fail badly. The CREATE TABLE commands list one column per line (so excluding CREATE won't get all of it), and values on the INSERT lines can have embedded newlines (so you can't grab just the INSERT lines).

for t in $(sqlite3 $DB .tables); do
    echo -e ".mode insert $t\nselect * from $t;"
done | sqlite3 $DB > backup.sql

Tested on sqlite3 version 3.6.20.

If you want to exclude certain tables you can filter them with $(sqlite $DB .tables | grep -v -e one -e two -e three), or if you want to get a specific subset replace that with one two three.

Formatting NSDate into particular styles for both year, month, day, and hour, minute, seconds

this is what i used:

NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];

NSDateFormatter *timeFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[timeFormat setDateFormat:@"HH:mm:ss"];

NSDate *now = [[NSDate alloc] init];

NSString *theDate = [dateFormat stringFromDate:now];
NSString *theTime = [timeFormat stringFromDate:now];

      "theDate: |%@| \n"
      "theTime: |%@| \n"
      , theDate, theTime);

[dateFormat release];
[timeFormat release];
[now release];

Find a value in an array of objects in Javascript

with underscore.js use the findWhere method:

var array = [
    { name:"string 1", value:"this", other: "that" },
    { name:"string 2", value:"this", other: "that" }

var result = _.findWhere(array, {name: 'string 1'});


See this in JSFIDDLE

How to change content on hover

This little and simple trick I just learnt may help someone trying to avoid :before or :after pseudo elements altogether (for whatever reason) in changing text on hover. You can add both texts in the HTML, but vary the CSS 'display' property based on hover. Assuming the second text 'Add' has a class named 'add-label'; here is a little modification:

.item:hover span.align{
.item:hover span.add-label{

Here is a demonstration on codepen:

Hot deploy on JBoss - how do I make JBoss "see" the change?

I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final. Adding following code snippet in my web.xml helped me to change jsp files on the fly :


Hope this helps.!!

How to check 'undefined' value in jQuery

If you have names of the element and not id we can achieve the undefined check on all text elements (for example) as below and fill them with a default value say 0.0:

var aFieldsCannotBeNull=['ast_chkacc_bwr','ast_savacc_bwr'];
 jQuery.each(aFieldsCannotBeNull,function(nShowIndex,sShowKey) {
   var $_oField = jQuery("input[name='"+sShowKey+"']");
   if($_oField.val().trim().length === 0){

Can I access a form in the controller?

If you want to pass the form to the controller for validation purposes you can simply pass it as an argument to the method handling the submission. Use the form name, so for the original question it would be something like:

<button ng-click="submit(customerForm)">Save</button>

how to get files from <input type='file' .../> (Indirect) with javascript

If you are looking to style a file input element, look at open file dialog box in javascript. If you are looking to grab the files associated with a file input element, you must do something like this:

inputElement.onchange = function(event) {
   var fileList = inputElement.files;
   //TODO do something with fileList.  

See this MDN article for more info on the FileList type.

Note that the code above will only work in browsers that support the File API. For IE9 and earlier, for example, you only have access to the file name. The input element has no files property in non-File API browsers.

AngularJS: Insert HTML from a string

you can also use $sce.trustAsHtml('"<h1>" + str + "</h1>"'),if you want to know more detail, please refer to $sce

How to know user has clicked "X" or the "Close" button?

I've done something like this.

private void Form_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
        if ((sender as Form).ActiveControl is Button)
            //The X has been clicked

MySQL select rows where left join is null

FROM table1 
LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table2.user_one
WHERE table2.user_one is NULL

How to change sender name (not email address) when using the linux mail command for autosending mail?

If no From: header is specified in the e-mail headers, the MTA uses the full name of the current user, in this case "Apache". You can edit full user names in /etc/passwd

Is there a Python caching library?

keyring is the best python caching library. You can use


json_res= keyring.get_password("service","jsonkey")

json_res= keyring.core.delete_password("service","jsonkey")

How to create a inset box-shadow only on one side?

try it, maybe useful...

box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgb(255,255,255), 0 7px 3px #cbc9c9;
                    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgb(255,255,255), 0 7px 5px #cbc9c9;
                    -o-box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgb(255,255,255), 0 7px 5px #cbc9c9;
                    -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgb(255,255,255), 0 7px 5px #cbc9c9;  

above CSS cause you have a box shadow in bottom.
you can red more Here

How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

[Column_name] > ' ' excludes Nulls and empty strings. There is a space between the single quotes.

How do I join two lists in Java?

We can join 2 lists using java8 with 2 approaches.

    List<String> list1 = Arrays.asList("S", "T");
    List<String> list2 = Arrays.asList("U", "V");

1) Using concat :

    List<String> collect2 = Stream.concat(,;
    System.out.println("collect2 = " + collect2); // collect2 = [S, T, U, V]

2) Using flatMap :

    List<String> collect3 = Stream.of(list1, list2).flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(toList());
    System.out.println("collect3 = " + collect3); // collect3 = [S, T, U, V]

Remove Item from ArrayList

String[] mString = new String[] {"B", "D", "F"};

for (int j = 0; j < mString.length-1; j++) {

VBA for filtering columns

Here's a different approach. The heart of it was created by turning on the Macro Recorder and filtering the columns per your specifications. Then there's a bit of code to copy the results. It will run faster than looping through each row and column:

Sub FilterAndCopy()
Dim LastRow As Long

With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="#N/A"
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="=String1", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=string2"
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=">0"
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=5, Criteria1:="Number"
    LastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    .Range("A1:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Copy _
End With
End Sub

As a side note, your code has more loops and counter variables than necessary. You wouldn't need to loop through the columns, just through the rows. You'd then check the various cells of interest in that row, much like you did.

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. > Could not delete folder "" in android studio

Try closing your text editor (maybe VS Code) and File Explorer and run the command again in terminal with admin permissions.

Setting Icon for wpf application (VS 08)

Assuming you use VS Express and C#. The icon is set in the project properties page. To open it right click on the project name in the solution explorer. in the page that opens, there is an Application tab, in this tab you can set the icon.

Binding Combobox Using Dictionary as the Datasource

I used Sorin Comanescu's solution, but hit a problem when trying to get the selected value. My combobox was a toolstrip combobox. I used the "combobox" property, which exposes a normal combobox.

I had a

 Dictionary<Control, string> controls = new Dictionary<Control, string>();

Binding code (Sorin Comanescu's solution - worked like a charm):

 controls.Add(pictureBox1, "Image");
 controls.Add(dgvText, "Text");
 cbFocusedControl.ComboBox.DataSource = new BindingSource(controls, null);
 cbFocusedControl.ComboBox.ValueMember = "Key";
 cbFocusedControl.ComboBox.DisplayMember = "Value";

The problem was that when I tried to get the selected value, I didn't realize how to retrieve it. After several attempts I got this:

 var control = ((KeyValuePair<Control, string>) cbFocusedControl.ComboBox.SelectedItem).Key

Hope it helps someone else!

Inserting a value into all possible locations in a list

If l is your list and X is your value:

for i in range(len(l) + 1):
    print l[:i] + [X] + l[i:]

Get the cell value of a GridView row

string id;
foreach (GridViewRow rows in grd.Rows)
   TextBox lblStrucID = (TextBox)rows.FindControl("grdtext");

How do I concatenate strings and variables in PowerShell?

As noted elsewhere, you can use join.

If you are using commands as inputs (as I was), use the following syntax:

-join($(Command1), "," , $(Command2))

This would result in the two outputs separated by a comma.

See for related comment

Java Immutable Collections

The difference is that you can't have a reference to an immutable collection which allows changes. Unmodifiable collections are unmodifiable through that reference, but some other object may point to the same data through which it can be changed.


List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> unmodifiable = Collections.unmodifiableList(strings);
unmodifiable.add("New string"); // will fail at runtime
strings.add("Aha!"); // will succeed

ActionBarActivity: cannot be resolved to a type

There is a mistake in your 'andrroid-sdk' folder. You selected some features while creating new project which need some components to import. It is needed to download a special android library and place it in android-sdk folder. For me it works fine: 1-Create a folder with name extras in your android-sdk folder 2-Create a folder with name android in extras 3-Download this file.(In my case I need this library) 4-Unzip it and copy the content (support folder) in the current android folder 5-close Eclipse and start it again 6-create your project again

I hope it to work for you.

Passing parameter to controller from route in laravel

    $ php artisan route:list
  +--------+--------------------------------+----------------------------+--    -----------------+----------------------------------------------------+---------  ---+
  | Domain | Method                         | URI                        |  Name              | Action                                             |    Middleware |
  |        | GET|HEAD                       | /                          |                           
  |        | GET                            | campaign/showtakeup/{id}   | showtakeup         | App\Http\Controllers\campaignController@showtakeup | auth       |     |


  Route::get('campaign/showtakeup/{id}', ['uses' =>'campaignController@showtakeup'])->name('showtakeup');


 @foreach($campaign as $campaigns)

   //route parameters; you may pass them as the second argument to the method:

   <a href="{{route('showtakeup', ['id' => $campaigns->id])}}">{{ $campaigns->name }}</a>


Hope this solves your problem. Thanks

CFLAGS, CCFLAGS, CXXFLAGS - what exactly do these variables control?

According to the GNU make manual:

CFLAGS: Extra flags to give to the C compiler.
CXXFLAGS: Extra flags to give to the C++ compiler.
CPPFLAGS: Extra flags to give to the C preprocessor and programs that use it (the C and Fortran compilers).

note: PP stands for PreProcessor (and not Plus Plus), i.e.

CPP: Program for running the C preprocessor, with results to standard output; default ‘$(CC) -E’.

These variables are used by the implicit rules of make

Compiling C programs
n.o is made automatically from n.c with a recipe of the form
‘$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c’.

Compiling C++ programs
n.o is made automatically from, n.cpp, or n.C with a recipe of the form
We encourage you to use the suffix ‘.cc’ for C++ source files instead of ‘.C’.


How to configure the web.config to allow requests of any length

I had to add [AllowAnonymous] to the ActionResult functions in my login page because the user was not authenticated yet.

Select arrow style change

Assume, selectDrop is the class present in your HTML tag.So, this much of code is enough to change default arrow icon:

      background: url(../images/icn-down-arrow-light.png) no-repeat right #ddd; /*To change default icon with provided image*/
      -webkit-appearance:none; /*For hiding default pointer of drop-down on Chrome*/
      -moz-appearance:none; /*For hiding default pointer of drop-down on Mozilla*/
      background-position-x: 90%; /*Adjust according to width of dropdown*/

PHP - SSL certificate error: unable to get local issuer certificate

I had the same issue during building my app in AppVeyor.

  • Download to c:\php
  • Enable openssl echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> c:\php\php.ini
  • Locate certificateecho curl.cainfo=c:\php\cacert.pem >> c:\php\php.ini

How to make a Bootstrap accordion collapse when clicking the header div?

Actually my panel had this collapse state arrow icon and I tried other answers in this post , but icon position changed, so here is the solution with collapse state arrow icon.

Add this Custom CSS

   cursor: pointer;
   padding: 0;

  display: block;
  padding: 10px  15px;

Credit's goes to this post answerer.

Hope helps.

Hibernate vs JPA vs JDO - pros and cons of each?

I've been looking into this myself and can't find a strong difference between the two. I think the big choice is in which implementation you use. For myself I've been considering the DataNucleus platform as it is a data-store agnostic implementation of both.

How to delete/remove nodes on Firebase

As others have noted the call to .remove() is asynchronous. We should all be aware nothing happens 'instantly', even if it is at the speed of light.

What you mean by 'instantly' is that the next line of code should be able to execute after the call to .remove(). With asynchronous operations the next line may be when the data has been removed, it may not - it is totally down to chance and the amount of time that has elapsed.

.remove() takes one parameter a callback function to help deal with this situation to perform operations after we know that the operation has been completed (with or without an error). .push() takes two params, a value and a callback just like .remove().

Here is your example code with modifications:

ref = new Firebase("")

ref.push({key:val}, function(error){
  //do stuff after push completed

// deletes all data pushed so far
  //do stuff after removal