[.htaccess] convert htaccess to nginx

Have not tested it yet, but the looks are better than the one Alex mentions.

The description at winginx.com/en/htaccess says:

About the htaccess to nginx converter

The service is to convert an Apache's .htaccess to nginx configuration instructions.

First of all, the service was thought as a mod_rewrite to nginx converter. However, it allows you to convert some other instructions that have reason to be ported from Apache to nginx.

Note server instructions (e.g. php_value, etc.) are ignored.

The converter does not check syntax, including regular expressions and logic errors.

Please, check the result manually before use.

Examples related to .htaccess

Use .htaccess to redirect HTTP to HTTPs Getting a 500 Internal Server Error on Laravel 5+ Ubuntu 14.04 Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe Laravel 5 – Remove Public from URL Laravel 5 not finding css files How can I fix the 'Missing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Response Header' webfont issue? How Can I Remove “public/index.php” in the URL Generated Laravel? Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server Htaccess: add/remove trailing slash from URL

Examples related to nginx

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Examples related to rewrite

Rewrite URL after redirecting 404 error htaccess How to redirect single url in nginx? Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin in .htaccess doesn't work convert htaccess to nginx rewrite a folder name using .htaccess