[module] ES6 export all values from object

Why not just do a named export of the object:

let values = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
export { values }


export let values = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

and then a named import where you need it:

import { values } from './my-module'

let foo = values.a
let { a, b, c } = values


import { values as myModule } from './my-module'

let foo = myModule.a
let { a, b, c } = myModule

can do default export as well:

let values = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
export default values 


export default { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

and then consume it:

import whateverIcallIt from './my-Module'

let foo = whateverIcallIt.a
let {a, b, c } = whateverIcallIt

If you want to export a bunch of individual values, say a bunch of constants, you can:

export const a = 1
export const b = 2

or even

export const a = 1,
             b = 2,
             c = 3,

and then import them individually:

import { a, b, c } from './my-module'

Examples related to module

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Examples related to export

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