[javascript] How to redirect page after click on Ok button on sweet alert?

I wasn't able to do that with any swal(sweatAlert) default callback function, so I forced with jquery, got the Ok button class inspecting the element in chrome an made something like this:

                text: 'Invalid user or password!',
                window.location.href = 'index.php';

The 'Ok' alert in function(isConfirm) was just a test to see if it would get into this function, if so I should be able to redirect from there, but I wasn't...

So I used jQuery to determine if the button "OK" of swal was clicked by getting it class: ".swal2-confirm' then I could redirect with success...

Hope this helps you all !

PS: I am using php echo to run the script, I din't have to leave php to run it, just use single quotes and you're done !