From some reason most of the answers here didn't help me (maybe it's related to my FROM image in the Dockerfile)
So I preferred to create a bash script
in my workspace combined with --build-arg
in order to handle if statement while Docker build by checking if the argument is empty or not
Bash script:
#!/bin/bash -x
if test -z $1 ; then
echo "The arg is empty" something....
echo "The arg is not empty: $1" something else....
FROM ...
ARG arg
COPY /tmp/
RUN chmod u+x /tmp/ && /tmp/ $arg
Docker Build:
docker build --pull -f "Dockerfile" -t $SERVICE_NAME --build-arg arg="yes" .
Remark: This will go to the else (false) in the bash script
docker build --pull -f "Dockerfile" -t $SERVICE_NAME .
Remark: This will go to the if (true)
Edit 1:
After several tries I have found the following article and this one which helped me to understand 2 things:
1) ARG before FROM is outside of the build
2) The default shell is /bin/sh which means that the if else is working a little bit different in the docker build. for example you need only one "=" instead of "==" to compare strings.
So you can do this inside the Dockerfile
ARG argname=false #default argument when not provided in the --build-arg
RUN if [ "$argname" = "false" ] ; then echo 'false'; else echo 'true'; fi
and in the docker build
docker build --pull -f "Dockerfile" --label "service_name=${SERVICE_NAME}" -t $SERVICE_NAME --build-arg argname=true .