[docker] denied: requested access to the resource is denied : docker

I am following this link to create my first docker Image and it went successfully and now I am trying to push this Image into my docker repository from this link. But whenever I am trying to push this Image into repository , I got this type of error.

denied: requested access to the resource is denied

enter image description here

Could anyone give me some hint towards this problem ? Any help would appreciated.

Note: I have successfully login into docker

This question is related to docker dockerfile

The answer is

To those trying pushing the image to their own Nexus Repository Manager, do the below:

1) Login to your Nexus Repository Manager (Port 8443 is associated with a specific Docker host Repository)

sudo docker login xxx.mydomain.com:8443


sudo docker tag myimage:latest xxx.mydomain.com:8443/myimage:1.0.0

3) Push the image

sudo docker push xxx.mydomain.com:8443/myimage:1.0.0

I had the same issue today. The only thing that worked for me was to explicitly login to "docker.io":

docker login docker.io

I tried various other names, and the login would appear to work, but it would later result in the following error.

requested access to the resource is denied

Try sign out of "Docker for Windows" application and sign out of https://hub.docker.com/ site and after perform "docker login" and "docker push". It helped for me.

I had the same issue. In my case, I was login in index.docker.io and push the image to docker.io/username/image:tag.

The solution is login in the docker.io by run this command:

export CI_REGISTRY=docker.io

and the outputs are:

 The push refers to repository [docker.io/USERNAME/IMAGE:TAG]
 eeb7e16c6369: Preparing
 6bd09f46d0ae: Preparing
 f5a7f7a3fb28: Preparing
 07952c1df7f6: Preparing
 a4522c0d203b: Preparing
 3e207b409db3: Preparing
 3e207b409db3: Waiting
 a4522c0d203b: Layer already exists
 3e207b409db3: Layer already exists
 f5a7f7a3fb28: Pushed
 6bd09f46d0ae: Pushed
 07952c1df7f6: Pushed
 eeb7e16c6369: Pushed
 latest: digest: sha256:7ce256fa83ef1eebcaaaa460c4d73f87f2adf304bc6e6c1b83a19d987cd61ad5
size: 1579
Running after_script
Saving cache
Uploading artifacts for successful job
 Job succeeded


I got the same issue while taking the docker beginner Course. I solved the issue by doing adocker login before the docker push call.

OS: Ubuntu16.04

Reason: I deleted the client config file(~/.docker/config.json)


  • Restart docker.
    service docker restart.
  • It needs to input Login info, then generates config file automatically.
    docker login --username=yourdockerhubername [email protected]

If you face this issue while using Azure Container Registry, you can solve it by logging in to your registry first.

docker login yourregistry.azurecr.io

And then tag your image to match the host name of your registry.

docker image tag yourimagename:[version] yourregistry.azurecr.io/yourimagename:[version]

And then finally push it.

docker push yourregistry.azurecr.io/yourimagename:[version]

Use Below commands:

$ docker login
<enter user name and password for Docker Hub Repository>

$ docker tag first-image {docker-hub-username}/{default-repo-folder-name}:first-image

$ docker push {docker-hub-username}/{default-repo-folder-name}:first-image

e.g. I have public repository like manjeet86/docker-repo so commands would be:

$ docker tag first-image manjeet86/docker-repo:first-image

$ docker push manjeet86/docker-repo:first-image

Just see : instead of / that was the trick. It works for me. I do not know if it lets you tag with / as well in place of : but that may be for some other purpose.


all previous answer were correct, I wanna just add an information I saw was not mentioned;

If the project is a private project to correctly push the image have to be configured a personal access token or deploy token with read_registry key enabled.

source: https://gitlab.com/help/user/project/container_registry#using-with-private-projects

hope this is helpful (also if the question is posted so far in the time)

I had the same issue, but accepted answer given here did not work for me. I tried few steps and was able to get around to push it finally. Hope this helps someone.

Here are the steps worked for me :

1) Login to the docker.

docker login -u sirimalla

2) Tag your image build

my image name here is : mylocalimage and by default it has tag : latest
and my username is : sirimalla as registered with docker cloud, and I created a public repository named : dockerhub

so my personal repository becomes now : sirimalla/dockerhub and I want to push my image with tag : myfirstimagepush

I tagged as below :

docker tag mylocalimage:latest sirimalla/dockerhub:myfirstimagepush

3) Pushed the image to my personal docker repository as below

docker push sirimalla/dockerhub:myfirstimagepush

And it successfully pushed to my personal docker repo.

I'm also having this issue. Turns out I'm using the free tier and trying to push more than 1 image in the private repository. Making 1 image private and the rest public worked for me.

the easiest way is used docker desktop(for Windows 10 or above and mac)

first signup to docker hub by providing dockerID

then click docker desktop icon in your machine and ->Preferences -> then login to it using docker hub docker/id and password.

enter image description here

Docker also has a limit on the number of private repositories you can have. If you're creating a private repository by pushing from your local machine, it will create the repository but nothing further can be pushed to it or pulled from it, and you'll get the "requested access to the resource is denied" error.

I also encountered this error message, using the Gitlab registry. The difference was that I was attempting to change the name of the image from previous builds. The problem there, is that the registry for the image being pushed did not exist, because the new name of the image didn't match any of the projects in my group.

TLDR: In Gitlab, the image name has to match the project name.

My answer is related to Azure DevOps similar issues I had with the following common pipeline (it is more specific but it might help somebody save time):

  1. Get sources from github
  2. Build docker image
  3. Push docker image to dockerhub

The error I received at push denied: requested access to the resource is denied sent me here.

Please be careful of the variable $(Build.Repository.Name) included in your image name. It is by default the name of the repository from github, but for your push to work it should be dockerhub_account_username/your_dockerhub_repository_name.

Replace $(Build.Repository.Name) with dockerhub_account_username/your_dockerhub_repository_name in your image name field for both build and push steps.

This is needed by the dockerhub api to know where to push the image.

I got the same error in ibmcloud. I added namespace and then tried to push my image, it resolved the issue.

ibmcloud cr namespace-add txts

I was with this issue too, I tested the solutions in here present but to no avail, I was properly logged in, at least according to the output of docker login but still I could not push the image. What finally worked was simply to do:

docker logout

And then docker login again, it was that trivial. I'm not sure what happened but forcing the re-login worked.

Important also to note is that when you tag your image, you tag it using the Namespace and then your repository / mydevrepo. This confused me when following the Docker docs. After that I used:

docker login

And then I pushed my Image using the 'tagged name'.

docker push {namespace}/mydevrepo

Docker login parameters in ~/.docker/config.json should be properly set (which is done automatically after login)

1) Login without passing SERVER parameter:

$ echo "<password>" | docker login -u foo --password-stdin

After successful login it results as follows in ~/.docker/config.json and pushing image succeeds.

"https://index.docker.io/v1/": {
    "auth": "YWNhcm***"

2) Login with passing SERVER parameter as index.docker.io

$ echo "<password>" | docker login index.docker.io -u foo --password-stdin

After successful login it results as follows in ~/.docker/config.json and pushing image fails.

"index.docker.io": {
    "auth": "YWNhcm***"

My problem on git was the project permission configuration. I've fixed it by enable the "Container registry" in settings->general->Visibility, project features, permissions and enable Container Registry for my project (link):

enter image description here

My issue was very simply using invalid characters (an extra /) in my image name:


is an invalid image name. Try myusername/something-image. Hope this helps someone.

Another (pretty smart) reason for this: you're out of private repos with your plan.

I know this question has many answers already, but none of them were helpful to me.

What I observed was that building the image was extremely fast and pushing to docker.io resulted in the error:

denied: requested access to the resource is denied

what I also noticed was that doing an

docker image ls

revealed that the latest build of my image was several days old.

I had to do a

docker container prune 

to get rid of stopped containers, and a

docker images prune -a

to get rid of old images. Then I could successfully build and push my image.

The 'denied: requested access to the resource is denied' is not from docker.io, but from local docker. Funny though that it is not failing during build.

I'm slow to add yet another answer, but the accepted answer and remaining answers mentioning docker login are missing an edge case to solve the issues others are stating in comments.

docker login <private-repo-host>:<port>

Emphasis on the port needing to be entered is likely the solution for those still searching. docker login or docker login <private-repo-host> may connect without issue, but when it comes time to push images, you'll get the same error as OP.

That is, you can connect w/o defining host or port and still get the:


Login Succeeded

In my case, I am using a self hosted GitLab's built in docker-registry, which was setup to use port 4567. It may be adventagous to verify what port the registry must be accessed from. Without specifying said port docker login <our.gitlab.host> would login successful, but give the same issue the OP inquired about:


The push refers to repository [...]

denied: access forbidden

If you're using docker.io/dockerhub you're likely not going to have this problem, but if you have a self hosted/private registry solution the probability increases you need to explicitly login using both the host and port for the docker registry.

Login from the app. I've been trying only from terminal with no luck.

This is version 17.06.1

enter image description here

docker login from the command prompt did not work. I kept getting "requested access to the resource is denied" when trying to push.

After signing in to the docker for windows app itself, docker push worked just fine. Hope this helps someone.

The way docker handles user IDs and repositories may be a bit confusing. Let's say you create a user account xyz on docker hub. The new account automatically establishes a namespace xyz. Then you create a repository called myrepo. The repository name will actually be xyz/myrepo.

To push an image you should do:

docker push docker.io/xyz/myrepo

You can add ":latest" or a different tag if necessary.

If you get the requested access to the resource is denied error message:

  1. Go to https://hub.docker.com/ and sign in as xyz.
  2. Click on your repository xyz/myrepo.
  3. Click on Collaborators.
  4. Add xyz as a collaborator.

In my case sudo -E failed with this message. The resolution was to provide access do docker without sudo (create a group docker, add the (Jenkins) user to the group, set the group on /var/run/docker.sock). Now docker push does not need sudo, and it works.

In my case I was pushing to an organization where I am in a team that has admin permissions to the repository.

so my push command was: docker push org-name/image-name

I could push successfully to username/image-name but not to the organization. I triple checked the permissions. Nothing worked.

The solution was to delete the repo from docker hub and push again fresh using: docker push org-name/image-name

For what its worth, I think the repo was originally pushed before the account was converted to an organization.

So, incase it is helpful to anyone...
I had this same issue and here is what my issue and the FIX was.

  • I had a computer on my test network named 'galaxy'.
  • I setup docker registry using the following run command:

    sudo docker run -d 
    --restart=always \
    --name registry \
    -v /srv/registry/certs:/certs \
    -v /srv/registry/storage:/var/lib/registry \
    -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/galaxy.cert \
    -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/galaxy.key \
    -p 443:443 \

    Then I was trying to push an image to galaxy from a laptop on the network so I did this:

    docker login galaxy

    This would give me an error that would say:

    Login did not succeed, error: Error response from daemon: 
        Get https://galaxy/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

    Oddly the fix to this issue was to do a login like this:

    docker login galaxy:443

    That resulted in a successful login.

    So then I tried to push the image from my laptop to 'galaxy'.
    I had already created a tag for my image that looked like this:


    So I tried to push it doing this:

    docker push galaxy/myImage:0.0.1

    To which I got the reply:

    The push refers to repository [docker.io/galaxy/myImage]
    7ab460574f86: Preparing 
    1aecaf56754d: Preparing 
    1df1b5f06ca4: Preparing 
    denied: requested access to the resource is denied

    Oddly enough I discovered the fix for this was to first tag the image as follows:

    docker tag myImage:0.0.1 galaxy:443/myImage:0.0.1

    ... and then do the push like this:

    docker push galaxy:443/myImage:0.0.1

    So for some reason I had to include the port in the tag as a required part of the repository name.

    Hope this helps others.

  • Not sure what happened to docker hub, but none of the solutions posted worked for me. Here is the work-around that ended up working for me as of Jan-2018:

    1. Go to hub.docker.com and change your repository to private
    2. In your shell do:

    docker images

    REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE verse_gapminder_gsl latest 023ab91c6291 3 minutes ago 1.975 GB verse_gapminder latest bb38976d03cf 13 minutes ago 1.955 GB rocker/verse latest 0168d115f220 3 days ago 1.954 GB

    docker tag bb38976d03cf dockhubusername/verse_gapminder:mytag

    docker login docker.io

    docker push dockhubusername/verse_gapminder:mytag

    1. Go back to docker hub and change repo back to public. That worked for me.

    In case anyone else runs into this - the cause, in my case, was that I was using the (deprecated) docker compose approach to push images. Switching to the expected docker push resolved the issue for me.

    After docker login, you need name your image with prefix.

    e.g. if your username in docker-hub is Shah, the image should be:


    I really hope this helps somebody (who looks to the final answers first as myself):

    I continuously tried to type in

    docker push user/repo/tag


    docker push user/repo:tag

    Since I also made my tag like this:

    docker tag image user/repo/tag

    ...all hell broke lose.

    I sincirely hope you don't repeat my mistake. I wasted like 30 mins on this...

    Do not allow mislead towards tag name.
    My approach to solve this:

    Command 1(Create Tag): docker tag my-nginx:latest rsachde/nginx-repository/trys:1.0 (Didn't push)
    Command 2(Push): docker push rsachde/nginx-repository/try:1.0 


    denied: requested access to the resource is denied

    Command 1.1(Create Tag): docker tag my-nginx:latest rsachde/nginx-repository/:trys 
    Command 2.2(Push): docker push rsachde/nginx-repository:trys 


    trys: digest: sha256:405b6f0ae25772ef71b8f59fd6a56ff9b426f50bd24bac2b5db41f65efd3387c size: 1365

    Misleading is Tag, make sure you understand that.

    Simple working solution:

    Go here https://hub.docker.com/ to create a PRIVATE repository with name for example johnsmith/private-repository this is the NAME/REPOSITORY you will use for your image when building the image.

    • First, docker login

    • Second, I use "docker build -t johnsmith/private-repository:01 ." to create image, and I use "docker images" to confirm the image created such as in this yellow box below: (sorry I can not paste the table format but the text string only)

    johnsmith/private-repository(REPOSITORY) 01(TAD) c5f4a2861d6e(IMAGE ID) 2 days ago(CREATED) 305MB(SIZE)

    • Third, I use docker push johnsmith/private-repository:01


    I was facing the same issue, I was giving my image name as something/image-name but instead I tried with <docker-hub-username>/image-name and it worked like a charm.

    Step 1

    docker login --username=jp9573

    Step 2

    docker push jp9573/todo

    Earlier I was giving jaypatel/todo, I just changed it to the username/image pattern. In this way, I don't have to tag the image or anything. I think it's a good way for a newcomer.

    After giving each of the high score solution a try, I still got no luck.

    Not until I changed my focus and search keyword to include my credential helper - pass.

    If this is a similar case for you (using any kind of docker-credential-helpers and just followed a general guideline to setup), try to review the steps and see if anything has been missed.

    For example, I'm using pass as the credstore for docker, the step to insert my dockerhub account password for a dedicated pass-name docker-credential-helpers/docker-pass-initialized-check had been missed when I just followed the top search results to setup pass.

    After issuing the following command, docker push finally showed some mercy on me.

    pass insert docker-credential-helpers/docker-pass-initialized-check

    See this answer for more details.

    I was getting the same error. Unfortunately, the error was due to using sudo before docker push. Also you might need to remove the repositories from dockerhub since there is a limit for the number of repos which you can have. And, please try docker logout and then docker login

    Docker hub plans have restrictions on number of private repositories that a namespace can use. For instance, the free plan will only allow you to use one private repository at any point in time for an account.

    If you are under your plan limits, then your push will succeed. Otherwise, an empty repository with an appropriate tag will be created but the image itself wont be pushed.

    In my case, I created the repositories as public using the web console prior to pushing the images.

    I was struggling with the docker push, both using the Fabric8 Maven plugin (on Windows 10), and directly calling docker push from the command line.

    Finally I solved both issues the same way.

    My repo is called vgrazi/playpen. In my pom, I changed the docker image name to vgrazi/playpen, as below:


    That let me do a mvn clean package docker:build docker:push from the command line, and at last, the image appeared in my repo, which was the problem I was trying to solve.

    As an aside, to answer the OP and get this to work directly from the command line, without Maven, I did the following (PS is the PowerShell prompt, don't type that):

    PS docker images
    vgrazi/docker-test/docker-play                playpen             0722e876ebd7        40 minutes ago      536MB
    rabbitmq                                      3-management        68055d63a993        10 days ago         180MB
    PS docker tag 0722e876ebd7 vgrazi:playpen
    PS docker push vgrazi/playpen

    and again, the image appeared in my docker.io: repo vgrazi/playpen

    TL;DR docker login did not work for me on macOS but docker login from the app worked

    When used directly from the terminal, the command docker login successfully asked for my credentials and after I entered them correctly (remember no email, only the docker ID will work) it announced login succeeded but any request to push would end up in a denied: requested access to the resource is denied

    However, when I logged in from the macOs docker app that was running (cf from the icon in the toolbar) it worked. So there may be some inconsistence between docker login and the running docker app/daemon

    It worked after I changed the "docker login https://hub.docker.com" to "docker login docker.io" and provided username & password.

    Then follow below commands:

    docker tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname
    docker push new-repo:tagname

    NOTE: "new-repo" will contain "Docker ID + Repo name"

    Here I have created "ubuntu" repo in the Docker Hub before running below command.


    docker tag alok/ubuntu:latest aloktiwari2007/ubuntu:latest
    docker push aloktiwari2007/ubuntu:latest

    If it still fails after docker login, make sure the repository you're trying to push to was created in the first place.

    Sometimes you may encounter this issue when you are already logged in with another account. In those cases, you will have to:

    docker logout

    and then

    docker login  

    This answer is as much for my future self as for anyone else. I have encountered this exact problem when I am logged in correctly, but I am attempting to push to a private repo when my number of private repos is greater than or equal to the limit allowed by my plan.

    I'm not exactly sure how I was able to create too many private repos, but if my plan includes 5 private repos, and somehow I have 6, then this is the error that I will receive:

    denied: requested access to the resource is denied

    In my case it's possible that I ended up with too many private repositories because I have my default visibility set to private:

    Default Visibility

    This is where you determine how many private repos you can have:

    Billing Plans

    Once I made the problematic repo public, the issue became apparent:

    Make Repository Private 5 of 5

    rename your image to username/image-name docker tag your-current-image/current-image dockerhub-username/some-name:your-tag(example: latest)

    I came here with the same above message, but from Azure DevOps.

    In my case, I was using docker-compose, not just docker, and writing the build pipeline in yaml.

    - task: DockerCompose@0
      displayName: 'Push services'
        azureSubscription: '$(Parameters.azureSubscriptionEndpoint)'
        azureContainerRegistry: '$(Parameters.azureContainerRegistry)'
        dockerComposeFile: '$(Parameters.dockerComposeFile)'
        additionalDockerComposeFiles: |
        dockerComposeFileArgs: 'PublishFolder=publish'
        action: 'Push services'
        additionalImageTags: '$(Build.BuildId)'
        includeLatestTag: true

    The message I got was specifically saying that it was trying to push to docker.io, which was not what I wanted. I had intended this to go to my Azure Container Registry.

    Thing that was missing was this line under inputs:

    containerregistrytype: Azure Container Registry

    The existing pipeline wizard that built the yaml above did not have this line at all. Hopefully this helps someone else pulling their hair out over Azure DevOps.

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    Examples related to dockerfile

    standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "no such file or directory" - Docker What is the point of WORKDIR on Dockerfile? Can't create a docker image for COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder error /bin/sh: apt-get: not found COPY with docker but with exclusion Dockerfile if else condition with external arguments Docker build gives "unable to prepare context: context must be a directory: /Users/tempUser/git/docker/Dockerfile" denied: requested access to the resource is denied : docker Understanding "VOLUME" instruction in DockerFile ARG or ENV, which one to use in this case?