[python] How to access a dictionary element in a Django template?

I would like to print out the number of votes that each choice got. I have this code in a template:

{% for choice in choices %}
    {{choice.choice}} - {{votes[choice.id]}} <br />
{% endfor %}

votes is just a dictionary while choices is a model object.

It raises an exception with this message:

"Could not parse the remainder"

This question is related to python django django-templates

The answer is

Use Dictionary Items:

{% for key, value in my_dictionay.items %}
  <li>{{ key }} : {{ value }}</li>
{% endfor %}

You need to find (or define) a 'get' template tag, for example, here.

The tag definition:

def hash(h, key):
    return h[key]

And it’s used like:

{% for o in objects %}
  <li>{{ dictionary|hash:o.id }}</li>
{% endfor %}

You could use a namedtuple instead of a dict. This is a shorthand for using a data class. Instead of

person = {'name':  'John', 'age':  14}


from collections import namedtuple
Person = namedtuple('person', ['name', 'age'])
p = Person(name='John', age=14)
p.name # 'John'

This is the same as writing a class that just holds data. In general I would avoid using dicts in django templates because they are awkward.

Could find nothing simpler and better than this solution. Also see the doc.

def dictitem(dictionary, key):
    return dictionary.get(key)

But there's a problem (also discussed here) that the returned item is an object and I need to reference a field of this object. Expressions like {{ (schema_dict|dictitem:schema_code).name }} are not supported, so the only solution I found was:

{% with schema=schema_dict|dictitem:schema_code %}
    <p>Selected schema: {{ schema.name }}</p>
{% endwith %}


def member(obj, name):
    return getattr(obj, name, None)

So no need for a with tag:

{{ schema_dict|dictitem:schema_code|member:'name' }}

choices = {'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'}

Here's the template:

{% for key, value in choices.items %} 
  <li>{{key}} - {{value}}</li>
{% endfor %}

Basically, .items is a Django keyword that splits a dictionary into a list of (key, value) pairs, much like the Python method .items(). This enables iteration over a dictionary in a Django template.

Ideally, you would create a method on the choice object that found itself in votes, or create a relationship between the models. A template tag that performed the dictionary lookup would work, too.

django_template_filter filter name get_value_from_dict

{{ your_dict|get_value_from_dict:your_key }}

Similar to the answer by @russian_spy :

{% for choice in choices.items %} 
  <li>{{choice.0}} - {{choice.1}}</li>
{% endfor %}

This might be suitable for breaking down more complex dictionaries.

you can use the dot notation:

Dot lookups can be summarized like this: when the template system encounters a dot in a variable name, it tries the following lookups, in this order:

  • Dictionary lookup (e.g., foo["bar"])
  • Attribute lookup (e.g., foo.bar)
  • Method call (e.g., foo.bar())
  • List-index lookup (e.g., foo[2])

The system uses the first lookup type that works. It’s short-circuit logic.

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