[objective-c] IBOutlet and IBAction

One of the top comments on this Question specifically asks:

All the answers mention the same type of idea.. but nobody explains why Interface Builder seems to work just the same if you DO NOT include IBAction/IBOutlet in your source. Is there another reason for IBAction and IBOutlet or is it ok to leave them off?

This question is answered well by NSHipster:



As early as 2004 (and perhaps earlier), IBAction was no longer necessary for a method to be noticed by Interface Builder. Any method with the signature -(void){name}:(id)sender would be visible in the outlets pane.

Nevertheless, many developers find it useful to still use the IBAction return type in method declarations to denote that a particular method is connected to by an action. Even projects not using Storyboards / XIBs may choose to employ IBAction to call out target / action methods.



Unlike IBAction, IBOutlet is still required for hooking up properties in code with objects in a Storyboard or XIB.

An IBOutlet connection is usually established between a view or control and its managing view controller (this is often done in addition to any IBActions that a view controller might be targeted to perform by a responder). However, an IBOutlet can also be used to expose a top-level property, like another controller or a property that could then be accessed by a referencing view controller.

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IBOutlet and IBAction