Programs & Examples On #Typelist

Android dex gives a BufferOverflowException when building

I was able to get my problem project to build by adding this extra line: my file, which is present in the root of the project folder. All other approaches seemed to fail for me.

Format a JavaScript string using placeholders and an object of substitutions?

Just use replace()

var values = {"%NAME%":"Mike","%AGE%":"26","%EVENT%":"20"};
var substitutedString = "My Name is %NAME% and my age is %AGE%.".replace("%NAME%", $values["%NAME%"]).replace("%AGE%", $values["%AGE%"]);

The network path was not found

Possibly also check the sessionState tag in Web.config

Believe it or not, some projects I've worked on will set a connection string here as well.

Setting this config to:

<sessionState mode="InProc" />

Fixed this issue in my case after checking all other connection strings were correct.

Java File - Open A File And Write To It


  • Create a File object that refers to the already existing file on disk.
  • Use a FileWriter object, and use the constructor that takes the File object and a boolean, the latter if true would allow appending text into the File if it exists.
  • Then initialize a PrintWriter passing in the FileWriter into its constructor.
  • Then call println(...) on your PrintWriter, writing your new text into the file.
  • As always, close your resources (the PrintWriter) when you are done with it.
  • As always, don't ignore exceptions but rather catch and handle them.
  • The close() of the PrintWriter should be in the try's finally block.


  PrintWriter pw = null;

  try {
     File file = new File("fubars.txt");
     FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true);
     pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
     pw.println("Fubars rule!");
  } catch (IOException e) {
  } finally {
     if (pw != null) {

Easy, no?

PHP CURL Enable Linux

It dipends on which distribution you are in general but... You have to install the php-curl module and then enable it on php.ini like you did in windows. Once you are done remember to restart apache demon!

Java dynamic array sizes?

It is a good practice get the amount you need to store first then initialize the array.

for example, you would ask the user how many data he need to store and then initialize it, or query the component or argument of how many you need to store. if you want a dynamic array you could use ArrayList() and use al.add(); function to keep adding, then you can transfer it to a fixed array.

//Initialize ArrayList and cast string so ArrayList accepts strings (or anything
ArrayList<string> al = new ArrayList(); 
//add a certain amount of data
for(int i=0;i<x;i++)
  al.add("data "+i); 

//get size of data inside
int size = al.size(); 
//initialize String array with the size you have
String strArray[] = new String[size]; 
//insert data from ArrayList to String array
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
  strArray[i] = al.get(i);

doing so is redundant but just to show you the idea, ArrayList can hold objects unlike other primitive data types and are very easy to manipulate, removing anything from the middle is easy as well, completely dynamic.same with List and Stack

Removing special characters VBA Excel

Here is how removed special characters.

I simply applied regex

Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" 'The regex pattern to find special characters
Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = "" 'The replacement for the special characters
Set regEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") 'Initialize the regex object    
Dim GCID As String: GCID = "Text #N/A" 'The text to be stripped of special characters

' Configure the regex object
With regEx
    .Global = True
    .MultiLine = True
    .IgnoreCase = False
    .Pattern = strPattern
End With

' Perform the regex replacement
GCID = regEx.Replace(GCID, strReplace)

iOS9 getting error “an SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made”

I was getting this error for some network calls and not others. I was connected to a public wifi. That free wifi seemed to bee tampering with certain URLs and hence the error.

When I connected to LTE that error went away!

What does the explicit keyword mean?

The keyword explicit accompanies either

  • a constructor of class X that cannot be used to implicitly convert the first (any only) parameter to type X

C++ [class.conv.ctor]

1) A constructor declared without the function-specifier explicit specifies a conversion from the types of its parameters to the type of its class. Such a constructor is called a converting constructor.

2) An explicit constructor constructs objects just like non-explicit constructors, but does so only where the direct-initialization syntax (8.5) or where casts (5.2.9, 5.4) are explicitly used. A default constructor may be an explicit constructor; such a constructor will be used to perform default-initialization or valueinitialization (8.5).

  • or a conversion function that is only considered for direct initialization and explicit conversion.

C++ [class.conv.fct]

2) A conversion function may be explicit (7.1.2), in which case it is only considered as a user-defined conversion for direct-initialization (8.5). Otherwise, user-defined conversions are not restricted to use in assignments and initializations.


Explicit conversion functions and constructors can only be used for explicit conversions (direct initialization or explicit cast operation) while non-explicit constructors and conversion functions can be used for implicit as well as explicit conversions.

                                 explicit conversion          implicit conversion

 explicit constructor                    yes                          no

 constructor                             yes                          yes

 explicit conversion function            yes                          no

 conversion function                     yes                          yes


Example using structures X, Y, Z and functions foo, bar, baz:

Let's look at a small setup of structures and functions to see the difference between explicit and non-explicit conversions.

struct Z { };

struct X { 
  explicit X(int a); // X can be constructed from int explicitly
  explicit operator Z (); // X can be converted to Z explicitly

struct Y{
  Y(int a); // int can be implicitly converted to Y
  operator Z (); // Y can be implicitly converted to Z

void foo(X x) { }
void bar(Y y) { }
void baz(Z z) { }

Examples regarding constructor:

Conversion of a function argument:

foo(2);                     // error: no implicit conversion int to X possible
foo(X(2));                  // OK: direct initialization: explicit conversion
foo(static_cast<X>(2));     // OK: explicit conversion

bar(2);                     // OK: implicit conversion via Y(int) 
bar(Y(2));                  // OK: direct initialization
bar(static_cast<Y>(2));     // OK: explicit conversion

Object initialization:

X x2 = 2;                   // error: no implicit conversion int to X possible
X x3(2);                    // OK: direct initialization
X x4 = X(2);                // OK: direct initialization
X x5 = static_cast<X>(2);   // OK: explicit conversion 

Y y2 = 2;                   // OK: implicit conversion via Y(int)
Y y3(2);                    // OK: direct initialization
Y y4 = Y(2);                // OK: direct initialization
Y y5 = static_cast<Y>(2);   // OK: explicit conversion

Examples regarding conversion functions:

X x1{ 0 };
Y y1{ 0 };

Conversion of a function argument:

baz(x1);                    // error: X not implicitly convertible to Z
baz(Z(x1));                 // OK: explicit initialization
baz(static_cast<Z>(x1));    // OK: explicit conversion

baz(y1);                    // OK: implicit conversion via Y::operator Z()
baz(Z(y1));                 // OK: direct initialization
baz(static_cast<Z>(y1));    // OK: explicit conversion

Object initialization:

Z z1 = x1;                  // error: X not implicitly convertible to Z
Z z2(x1);                   // OK: explicit initialization
Z z3 = Z(x1);               // OK: explicit initialization
Z z4 = static_cast<Z>(x1);  // OK: explicit conversion

Z z1 = y1;                  // OK: implicit conversion via Y::operator Z()
Z z2(y1);                   // OK: direct initialization
Z z3 = Z(y1);               // OK: direct initialization
Z z4 = static_cast<Z>(y1);  // OK: explicit conversion

Why use explicit conversion functions or constructors?

Conversion constructors and non-explicit conversion functions may introduce ambiguity.

Consider a structure V, convertible to int, a structure U implicitly constructible from V and a function f overloaded for U and bool respectively.

struct V {
  operator bool() const { return true; }

struct U { U(V) { } };

void f(U) { }
void f(bool) {  }

A call to f is ambiguous if passing an object of type V.

V x;
f(x);  // error: call of overloaded 'f(V&)' is ambiguous

The compiler does not know wether to use the constructor of U or the conversion function to convert the V object into a type for passing to f.

If either the constructor of U or the conversion function of V would be explicit, there would be no ambiguity since only the non-explicit conversion would be considered. If both are explicit the call to f using an object of type V would have to be done using an explicit conversion or cast operation.

Conversion constructors and non-explicit conversion functions may lead to unexpected behaviour.

Consider a function printing some vector:

void print_intvector(std::vector<int> const &v) { for (int x : v) std::cout << x << '\n'; }

If the size-constructor of the vector would not be explicit it would be possible to call the function like this:


What would one expect from such a call? One line containing 3 or three lines containing 0? (Where the second one is what happens.)

Using the explicit keyword in a class interface enforces the user of the interface to be explicit about a desired conversion.

As Bjarne Stroustrup puts it (in "The C++ Programming Language", 4th Ed., 35.2.1, pp. 1011) on the question why std::duration cannot be implicitly constructed from a plain number:

If you know what you mean, be explicit about it.

Where to declare variable in react js

Using ES6 syntax in React does not bind this to user-defined functions however it will bind this to the component lifecycle methods.

So the function that you declared will not have the same context as the class and trying to access this will not give you what you are expecting.

For getting the context of class you have to bind the context of class to the function or use arrow functions.

Method 1 to bind the context:

class MyContainer extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.onMove = this.onMove.bind(this);
        this.testVarible= "this is a test";

    onMove() {

Method 2 to bind the context:

class MyContainer extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.testVarible= "this is a test";

    onMove = () => {

Method 2 is my preferred way but you are free to choose your own.

Update: You can also create the properties on class without constructor:

class MyContainer extends Component {

    testVarible= "this is a test";

    onMove = () => {

Note If you want to update the view as well, you should use state and setState method when you set or change the value.


class MyContainer extends Component {

    state = { testVarible: "this is a test" };

    onMove = () => {
        this.setState({ testVarible: "new value" });

Python: Maximum recursion depth exceeded

You can increment the stack depth allowed - with this, deeper recursive calls will be possible, like this:

import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # 10000 is an example, try with different values

... But I'd advise you to first try to optimize your code, for instance, using iteration instead of recursion.

Incrementing a variable inside a Bash loop

I had the same $count variable in a while loop getting lost issue.

@fedorqui's answer (and a few others) are accurate answers to the actual question: the sub-shell is indeed the problem.

But it lead me to another issue: I wasn't piping a file content... but the output of a series of pipes & greps...

my erroring sample code:

cat /etc/hosts | head | while read line; do
  echo $count $line
echo $count

and my fix thanks to the help of this thread and the process substitution:

while IFS= read -r line; do
  echo "$count $line"
done < <(cat /etc/hosts | head)
echo "$count"

How to change default language for SQL Server?

Please try below:

SET @Today = '12/5/2007';  

SELECT DATENAME(month, @Today) AS 'Month Name';  

SET LANGUAGE us_english;  
SELECT DATENAME(month, @Today) AS 'Month Name' ;  


How do you read a file into a list in Python?

with open('C:/path/numbers.txt') as f:
    lines =

this will give you a list of values (strings) you had in your file, with newlines stripped.

also, watch your backslashes in windows path names, as those are also escape chars in strings. You can use forward slashes or double backslashes instead.

Substitute multiple whitespace with single whitespace in Python

A simple possibility (if you'd rather avoid REs) is

' '.join(mystring.split())

The split and join perform the task you're explicitly asking about -- plus, they also do the extra one that you don't talk about but is seen in your example, removing trailing spaces;-).

Using the "With Clause" SQL Server 2008

Try the sp_foreachdb procedure.

What's the difference between ".equals" and "=="?

If you and I each walk into the bank, each open a brand new account, and each deposit $100, then...

  1. myAccount.equals(yourAccount) is true because they have the same value, but
  2. myAccount == yourAccount is false because they are not the same account.

(Assuming appropriate definitions of the Account class, of course. ;-)

How to empty a list?

This actually removes the contents from the list, but doesn't replace the old label with a new empty list:

del lst[:]

Here's an example:

lst1 = [1, 2, 3]
lst2 = lst1
del lst1[:]

For the sake of completeness, the slice assignment has the same effect:

lst[:] = []

It can also be used to shrink a part of the list while replacing a part at the same time (but that is out of the scope of the question).

Note that doing lst = [] does not empty the list, just creates a new object and binds it to the variable lst, but the old list will still have the same elements, and effect will be apparent if it had other variable bindings.

Rails ActiveRecord date between

You could use below gem to find the records between dates,

This gem quite easy to use and more clear By star am using this gem and the API more clear and documentation also well explained.

Post.between_times( - 3.hours,  # all posts in last 3 hours

Here you could pass our field also Post.by_month("January", field: :updated_at)

Please see the documentation and try it.

How to generate a range of numbers between two numbers?

I had to insert picture filepath into database using similar method. The query below worked fine:

DECLARE @num INT = 8270058
    INSERT  INTO [dbo].[Galleries]
    ('~/Content/Galeria/P'+CONVERT(varchar(10), @num)+'.JPG')

    SET @num = @num + 1

The code for you would be:

DECLARE @num INT = 1000
    SELECT @num

    SET @num = @num + 1

How to enable ASP classic in IIS7.5

  • Go to control panel
  • click program features
  • turn windows on and off
  • go to internet services
  • under world wide web services check the and others

Click ok and your web sites will load properly.

Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt

You cannot use both -jar and -cp on the command line - see the java documentation that says that if you use -jar:

the JAR file is the source of all user classes, and other user class path settings are ignored.

You could do something like this:

java -cp lib\*.jar;. myproject.MainClass

Notice the ;. in the -cp argument, to work around a Java command-line bug. Also, please note that this is the Windows version of the command. The path separator on Unix is :.

What is the difference between rb and r+b modes in file objects

r opens for reading, whereas r+ opens for reading and writing. The b is for binary.

This is spelled out in the documentation:

The most commonly-used values of mode are 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing (truncating the file if it already exists), and 'a' for appending (which on some Unix systems means that all writes append to the end of the file regardless of the current seek position). If mode is omitted, it defaults to 'r'. The default is to use text mode, which may convert '\n' characters to a platform-specific representation on writing and back on reading. Thus, when opening a binary file, you should append 'b' to the mode value to open the file in binary mode, which will improve portability. (Appending 'b' is useful even on systems that don’t treat binary and text files differently, where it serves as documentation.) See below for more possible values of mode.

Modes 'r+', 'w+' and 'a+' open the file for updating (note that 'w+' truncates the file). Append 'b' to the mode to open the file in binary mode, on systems that differentiate between binary and text files; on systems that don’t have this distinction, adding the 'b' has no effect.

Parse JSON in TSQL

RETURNS @hierarchy TABLE
   element_id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, /* internal surrogate primary key gives the order of parsing and the list order */
   sequenceNo [int] NULL, /* the place in the sequence for the element */
   parent_ID INT,/* if the element has a parent then it is in this column. The document is the ultimate parent, so you can get the structure from recursing from the document */
   Object_ID INT,/* each list or object has an object id. This ties all elements to a parent. Lists are treated as objects here */
   NAME NVARCHAR(2000),/* the name of the object */
   StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,/*the string representation of the value of the element. */
   ValueType VARCHAR(10) NOT null /* the declared type of the value represented as a string in StringValue*/
    @FirstObject INT, --the index of the first open bracket found in the JSON string
    @OpenDelimiter INT,--the index of the next open bracket found in the JSON string
    @NextOpenDelimiter INT,--the index of subsequent open bracket found in the JSON string
    @NextCloseDelimiter INT,--the index of subsequent close bracket found in the JSON string
    @Type NVARCHAR(10),--whether it denotes an object or an array
    @NextCloseDelimiterChar CHAR(1),--either a '}' or a ']'
    @Contents NVARCHAR(MAX), --the unparsed contents of the bracketed expression
    @Start INT, --index of the start of the token that you are parsing
    @end INT,--index of the end of the token that you are parsing
    @param INT,--the parameter at the end of the next Object/Array token
    @EndOfName INT,--the index of the start of the parameter at end of Object/Array token
    @token NVARCHAR(200),--either a string or object
    @value NVARCHAR(MAX), -- the value as a string
    @SequenceNo int, -- the sequence number within a list
    @name NVARCHAR(200), --the name as a string
    @parent_ID INT,--the next parent ID to allocate
    @lenJSON INT,--the current length of the JSON String
    @characters NCHAR(36),--used to convert hex to decimal
    @result BIGINT,--the value of the hex symbol being parsed
    @index SMALLINT,--used for parsing the hex value
    @Escape INT --the index of the next escape character

  DECLARE @Strings TABLE /* in this temporary table we keep all strings, even the names of the elements, since they are 'escaped' in a different way, and may contain, unescaped, brackets denoting objects or lists. These are replaced in the JSON string by tokens representing the string */
     String_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
     StringValue NVARCHAR(MAX)
  SELECT--initialise the characters to convert hex to ascii
    @SequenceNo=0, --set the sequence no. to something sensible.
  /* firstly we process all strings. This is done because [{} and ] aren't escaped in strings, which complicates an iterative parse. */
  WHILE 1=1 --forever until there is nothing more to do
        @start=PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z]["]%', @json collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin);--next delimited string
      IF @start=0 BREAK --no more so drop through the WHILE loop
      IF SUBSTRING(@json, @start+1, 1)='"'
        BEGIN --Delimited Name
          SET @start=@Start+1;
          SET @end=PATINDEX('%[^\]["]%', RIGHT(@json, LEN(@json+'|')-@start) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin);
      IF @end=0 --no end delimiter to last string
        BREAK --no more
      SELECT @token=SUBSTRING(@json, @start+1, @end-1)
      --now put in the escaped control characters
      SELECT @token=REPLACE(@token, FROMString, TOString)
          '\"' AS FromString, '"' AS ToString
         UNION ALL SELECT '\\', '\'
         UNION ALL SELECT '\/', '/'
         UNION ALL SELECT '\b', CHAR(08)
         UNION ALL SELECT '\f', CHAR(12)
         UNION ALL SELECT '\n', CHAR(10)
         UNION ALL SELECT '\r', CHAR(13)
         UNION ALL SELECT '\t', CHAR(09)
        ) substitutions
      SELECT @result=0, @escape=1
  --Begin to take out any hex escape codes
      WHILE @escape>0
          SELECT @index=0,
          --find the next hex escape sequence
          @escape=PATINDEX('%\x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]%', @token collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)
          IF @escape>0 --if there is one
              WHILE @index<4 --there are always four digits to a \x sequence  
                  SELECT --determine its value
                    @result=@result+POWER(16, @index)
                    *(CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@token, @escape+2+3-@index, 1),
                                @characters)-1), @index=@index+1 ;

                -- and replace the hex sequence by its unicode value
              SELECT @token=STUFF(@token, @escape, 6, NCHAR(@result))
      --now store the string away
      INSERT INTO @Strings (StringValue) SELECT @token
      -- and replace the string with a token
      SELECT @JSON=STUFF(@json, @start, @end+1,
                    '@string'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), @@identity))
  -- all strings are now removed. Now we find the first leaf. 
  WHILE 1=1  --forever until there is nothing more to do

  SELECT @parent_ID=@parent_ID+1
  --find the first object or list by looking for the open bracket
  SELECT @FirstObject=PATINDEX('%[{[[]%', @json collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)--object or array
  IF @FirstObject = 0 BREAK
  IF (SUBSTRING(@json, @FirstObject, 1)='{')
    SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar='}', @type='object'
    SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar=']', @type='array'
  SELECT @OpenDelimiter=@firstObject

  WHILE 1=1 --find the innermost object or list...
  --find the matching close-delimiter proceeding after the open-delimiter
        @NextCloseDelimiter=CHARINDEX(@NextCloseDelimiterChar, @json,
  --is there an intervening open-delimiter of either type
      SELECT @NextOpenDelimiter=PATINDEX('%[{[[]%',
             RIGHT(@json, @lenJSON-@OpenDelimiter)collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)--object
      IF @NextOpenDelimiter=0
      SELECT @NextOpenDelimiter=@NextOpenDelimiter+@OpenDelimiter
      IF @NextCloseDelimiter<@NextOpenDelimiter
      IF SUBSTRING(@json, @NextOpenDelimiter, 1)='{'
        SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar='}', @type='object'
        SELECT @NextCloseDelimiterChar=']', @type='array'
      SELECT @OpenDelimiter=@NextOpenDelimiter
  ---and parse out the list or name/value pairs
    @contents=SUBSTRING(@json, @OpenDelimiter+1,
    @JSON=STUFF(@json, @OpenDelimiter,
                '@'+@type+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), @parent_ID))
  WHILE (PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', @contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin))<>0
      IF @Type='Object' --it will be a 0-n list containing a string followed by a string, number,boolean, or null
            @SequenceNo=0,@end=CHARINDEX(':', ' '+@contents)--if there is anything, it will be a string-based name.
          SELECT  @start=PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z@][@]%', ' '+@contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)--AAAAAAAA
          SELECT @token=SUBSTRING(' '+@contents, @start+1, @End-@Start-1),
            @endofname=PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @token collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin),
            @param=RIGHT(@token, LEN(@token)-@endofname+1)
            @token=LEFT(@token, @endofname-1),
            @Contents=RIGHT(' '+@contents, LEN(' '+@contents+'|')-@end-1)
          SELECT  @name=stringvalue FROM @strings
            WHERE string_id=@param --fetch the name
        SELECT @Name=null,@SequenceNo=@SequenceNo+1
        @end=CHARINDEX(',', @contents)-- a string-token, object-token, list-token, number,boolean, or null
      IF @end=0
        SELECT  @end=PATINDEX('%[A-Za-z0-9@+.e][^A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', @Contents+' ' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)
        @start=PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z0-9@+.e][A-Za-z0-9@+.e]%', ' '+@contents collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)
      --select @start,@end, LEN(@contents+'|'), @contents 
        @Value=RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@contents, @start, @End-@Start)),
        @Contents=RIGHT(@contents+' ', LEN(@contents+'|')-@end)
      IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7)='@object'
        INSERT INTO @hierarchy
          (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, Object_ID, ValueType)
          SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5),
            SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5), 'object'
        IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 6)='@array'
          INSERT INTO @hierarchy
            (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, Object_ID, ValueType)
            SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5),
              SUBSTRING(@value, 7, 5), 'array'
          IF SUBSTRING(@value, 1, 7)='@string'
            INSERT INTO @hierarchy
              (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)
              SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, stringvalue, 'string'
              FROM @strings
              WHERE string_id=SUBSTRING(@value, 8, 5)
            IF @value IN ('true', 'false')
              INSERT INTO @hierarchy
                (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)
                SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'boolean'
              IF @value='null'
                INSERT INTO @hierarchy
                  (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)
                  SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'null'
                IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @value collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin)>0
                  INSERT INTO @hierarchy
                    (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)
                    SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'real'
                  INSERT INTO @hierarchy
                    (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, ValueType)
                    SELECT @name, @SequenceNo, @parent_ID, @value, 'int'
      if @Contents=' ' Select @SequenceNo=0
INSERT INTO @hierarchy (NAME, SequenceNo, parent_ID, StringValue, Object_ID, ValueType)
  SELECT '-',1, NULL, '', @parent_id-1, @type

---Pase JSON

Declare @pars varchar(MAX) = 
' {"shapes":[{"type":"polygon","geofenceName":"","geofenceDescription":"",
Select * from parseJSON(@pars) AS MyResult 

How to pass parameters to maven build using pom.xml?

We can Supply parameter in different way after some search I found some useful



Actually in my application I need to save and supply SVN Version as parameter so i have implemented as above .

While Running build we need supply value for those parameter as follows.

RestProj_Bizs>mvn clean install package -Drelease.artifactId=RestAPIBiz -Drelease.version=10.6 -Drelease.svm.version=74

Here I am supplying


It worked for me. Thanks

Bigger Glyphicons

Write your <span> in <h1> or <h2>:

<h1> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"></span></h1>

Storing Form Data as a Session Variable

That's perfectly fine and will work. But to use sessions you have to put session_start(); on the first line of the php code. So basically


//rest of stuff


How to format a float in javascript?

/** don't spend 5 minutes, use my code **/
function prettyFloat(x,nbDec) { 
    if (!nbDec) nbDec = 100;
    var a = Math.abs(x);
    var e = Math.floor(a);
    var d = Math.round((a-e)*nbDec); if (d == nbDec) { d=0; e++; }
    var signStr = (x<0) ? "-" : " ";
    var decStr = d.toString(); var tmp = 10; while(tmp<nbDec && d*tmp < nbDec) {decStr = "0"+decStr; tmp*=10;}
    var eStr = e.toString();
    return signStr+eStr+"."+decStr;

prettyFloat(0);      //  "0.00"
prettyFloat(-1);     // "-1.00"
prettyFloat(-0.999); // "-1.00"
prettyFloat(0.5);    //  "0.50"

Convert a list of characters into a string

This works in many popular languages like JavaScript and Ruby, why not in Python?

>>> ['a', 'b', 'c'].join('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'join'

Strange enough, in Python the join method is on the str class:

# this is the Python way

Why join is not a method in the list object like in JavaScript or other popular script languages? It is one example of how the Python community thinks. Since join is returning a string, it should be placed in the string class, not on the list class, so the str.join(list) method means: join the list into a new string using str as a separator (in this case str is an empty string).

Somehow I got to love this way of thinking after a while. I can complain about a lot of things in Python design, but not about its coherence.

How to iterate through a DataTable

There are already nice solution has been given. The below code can help others to query over datatable and get the value of each row of the datatable for the ImagePath column.

  for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
       var theUrl = dataTable.Rows[i]["ImagePath"].ToString();

How to pass credentials to httpwebrequest for accessing SharePoint Library

You could also use:

request.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials; 

What's the idiomatic syntax for prepending to a short python list?

If someone finds this question like me, here are my performance tests of proposed methods:

Python 2.7.8

In [1]: %timeit ([1]*1000000).insert(0, 0)
100 loops, best of 3: 4.62 ms per loop

In [2]: %timeit ([1]*1000000)[0:0] = [0]
100 loops, best of 3: 4.55 ms per loop

In [3]: %timeit [0] + [1]*1000000
100 loops, best of 3: 8.04 ms per loop

As you can see, insert and slice assignment are as almost twice as fast than explicit adding and are very close in results. As Raymond Hettinger noted insert is more common option and I, personally prefer this way to prepend to list.

Change PictureBox's image to image from my resources? first you need to import in your project the image

1)Select the picturebox in Form Design

2)Open PictureBox Tasks (it's the little arrow pinted to right on the edge on the picturebox)

3)Click on "Choose image..."

4)Select the second option "Project resource file:" (this option will create a folder called "Resources" which you can acces with Properties.Resources)

5)Click on import and select your image from your computer (now a copy of the image with the same name as the image will be sent in Resources folder created at step 4)

6)Click on ok

Now the image is in your project and you can use it with Properties command.Just type this code when you want to change the picture from picturebox:

pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.myimage;

Note: myimage represent the name of the image...after typing the dot after Resources,in your options it will be your imported image file

How to trigger the onclick event of a marker on a Google Maps V3?

I've found out the solution! Thanks to Firebug ;)

//"markers" is an array that I declared which contains all the marker of the map
//"i" is the index of the marker in the array that I want to trigger the OnClick event

//V2 version is:
GEvent.trigger(markers[i], 'click');

//V3 version is:
google.maps.event.trigger(markers[i], 'click');

How to include external Python code to use in other files?

I've found the python inspect module to be very useful

For example with

import inspect

def dostuff():
    return __name__

DOSTUFF_SOURCE = inspect.getsource(dostuff)

if __name__ == "__main__":


And from the another script or the python console

import teststuff



And now dostuff should be in the local scope and dostuff() will return the console or scripts _name_ whereas executing test.dostuff() will return the python modules name.

react-native :app:installDebug FAILED

As you add more modules to Android, there is an incredible demand placed on the Android build system, and the default memory settings will not work. To avoid OutOfMemory errors during Android builds, you should uncomment the alternate Gradle memory setting present in /android/

# Specifies the JVM arguments used for the daemon process.
# The setting is particularly useful for tweaking memory settings.
# Default value: -Xmx10248m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

Get file name from URL

andy's answer redone using split():

Url u= ...;
String[] pathparts= u.getPath().split("\\/");
String filename= pathparts[pathparts.length-1].split("\\.", 1)[0];

When to use Interface and Model in TypeScript / Angular

Interfaces are only at compile time. This allows only you to check that the expected data received follows a particular structure. For this you can cast your content to this interface:

    .map(res => <Product[]>res.json());

See these questions:

You can do something similar with class but the main differences with class are that they are present at runtime (constructor function) and you can define methods in them with processing. But, in this case, you need to instantiate objects to be able to use them:

    .map(res => {
      var data = res.json();
      return => {
        return new Product(d.productNumber,
          d.productName, d.productDescription);

In Python, how do I split a string and keep the separators?

another example, split on non alpha-numeric and keep the separators

import re
a = "foo,bar@candy*ice%cream"


['foo', ',', 'bar', '@', 'candy', '*', 'ice', '%', 'cream']



() <- keep the separators
[] <- match everything in between
^a-zA-Z0-9 <-except alphabets, upper/lower and numbers.

In Java, what does NaN mean?

Not a Java guy, but in JS and other languages I use it's "Not a Number", meaning some operation caused it to become not a valid number.

Can you split a stream into two streams?

I stumbled across this question while looking for a way to filter certain elements out of a stream and log them as errors. So I did not really need to split the stream so much as attach a premature terminating action to a predicate with unobtrusive syntax. This is what I came up with:

public class MyProcess {
    /* Return a Predicate that performs a bail-out action on non-matching items. */
    private static <T> Predicate<T> withAltAction(Predicate<T> pred, Consumer<T> altAction) {
    return x -> {
        if (pred.test(x)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    /* Example usage in non-trivial pipeline */
    public void processItems(Stream<Item> stream) {
                                    i -> logError(i, "Invalid")))
              .filter(withAltAction(i -> i.size() > 10,
                                    i -> logError(i, "Too large")))

fastest MD5 Implementation in JavaScript

Node.js has built-in support

const crypto = require('crypto')
crypto.createHash('md5').update('hello world').digest('hex')

Code snippet above computes MD5 hex string for string hello world

The advantage of this solution is you don't need to install additional library.

I think built in solution should be the fastest. If not, we should create issue/PR for the Node.js project.

How to exclude rows that don't join with another table?

This was helpful to use in COGNOS because creating a SQL "Not in" statement in Cognos was allowed, but it took too long to run. I had manually coded table A to join to table B in in Cognos as A.key "not in" B.key, but the query was taking too long/not returning results after 5 minutes.

For anyone else that is looking for a "NOT IN" solution in Cognos, here is what I did. Create a Query that joins table A and B with a LEFT JOIN in Cognos by selecting link type: table A.Key has "0 to N" values in table B, then added a Filter (these correspond to Where Clauses) for: table B.Key is NULL.

Ran fast and like a charm.

Download files from SFTP with SSH.NET library

While the example works, its not the correct way to handle the streams...

You need to ensure the closing of the files/streams with the using clause.. Also, add try/catch to handle IO errors...

       public void DownloadAll()
        string host = @"";
        string username = "myusername";
        string password = "mypassword";

        string remoteDirectory = "/RemotePath/";
        string localDirectory = @"C:\LocalDriveFolder\Downloaded\";

        using (var sftp = new SftpClient(host, username, password))
            var files = sftp.ListDirectory(remoteDirectory);

            foreach (var file in files)
                string remoteFileName = file.Name;
                if ((!file.Name.StartsWith(".")) && ((file.LastWriteTime.Date == DateTime.Today))

                    using (Stream file1 = File.OpenWrite(localDirectory + remoteFileName))
                        sftp.DownloadFile(remoteDirectory + remoteFileName, file1);


MySQL Insert with While Loop

You cannot use WHILE like that; see: mysql DECLARE WHILE outside stored procedure how?

You have to put your code in a stored procedure. Example:

    DECLARE i int DEFAULT 237692001;
    WHILE i <= 237692004 DO
        INSERT INTO mytable (code, active, total) VALUES (i, 1, 1);
        SET i = i + 1;


Alternatively, generate a list of INSERT statements using any programming language you like; for a one-time creation, it should be fine. As an example, here's a Bash one-liner:

for i in {2376921001..2376921099}; do echo "INSERT INTO mytable (code, active, total) VALUES ($i, 1, 1);"; done

By the way, you made a typo in your numbers; 2376921001 has 10 digits, 237692200 only 9.

Convert string with comma to integer

I would do using String#tr :

"1,112".tr(',','').to_i # => 1112

How do I replace all line breaks in a string with <br /> elements?


let s=`This is man._x000D_
     Man like dog._x000D_
     Man like to drink._x000D_
     Man is the king.`;_x000D_
msg.innerHTML = s.replace(/\n/g,"<br />");
<div id="msg"></div>

Android Studio: Unable to start the daemon process

If you are on mac try this :

cd Users/<Your name> 

Make sure that you are on the right path by looking for .gradle with

ls -la

then run that to delete .gradle

rm -rf .gradle

This will remove everything. Then launch your commande again and it will work !

refresh both the External data source and pivot tables together within a time schedule

I think there is a simpler way to make excel wait till the refresh is done, without having to set the Background Query property to False. Why mess with people's preferences right?

Excel 2010 (and later) has this method called CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone and all you have to do it call it after you have called the RefreshAll method. Excel will wait till the calculation is complete.


I usually put these things together to do a master full calculate without interruption, before sending my models to others. Something like this:


How to check if file already exists in the folder

'In Visual Basic

Dim FileName = "newfile.xml" ' The Name of file with its Extension Example A.txt or A.xml

Dim FilePath ="C:\MyFolderName" & "\" & FileName  'First Name of Directory and Then Name of Folder if it exists and then attach the name of file you want to search.

If System.IO.File.Exists(FilePath) Then
    MsgBox("The file exists")
    MsgBox("the file doesn't exist")
End If

Invoke-Command error "Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters"

I was solving same problem recently. I was designing a write cmdlet for my Subtitle module. I had six different user stories:

  • Subtitle only
  • Subtitle and path (original file name is used)
  • Subtitle and new file name (original path is used)
  • Subtitle and name suffix is used (original path and modified name is used).
  • Subtile, new path and new file name is is used.
  • Subtitle, new path and suffix is used.

I end up in the big frustration because I though that 4 parameters will be enough. Like most of the times, the frustration was pointless because it was my fault. I didn't know enough about parameter sets.

After some research in documentation, I realized where is the problem. With knowledge how the parameter sets should be used, I developed a general and simple approach how to solve this problem. A pencil and a sheet of paper is required but a spreadsheet editor is better:

  1. Write down all intended ways how the cmdlet should be used => user stories.
  2. Keep adding parameters with meaningful names and mark the use of the parameters until you have a unique collection set => no repetitive combination of parameters.
  3. Implement parameter sets into your code.
  4. Prepare tests for all possible user stories.
  5. Run tests (big surprise, right?). IDEs doesn't checks parameter sets collision, tests could save lots of trouble later one.


Unique parameter binding resolution approach.

The practical example could be seen over here.

BTW: The parameter uniqueness within parameter sets is the reason why the ParameterSetName property doesn't support [String[]]. It doesn't really make any sense.

Abort Ajax requests using jQuery

If xhr.abort(); causes page reload,

Then you can set onreadystatechange before abort to prevent:

// ? prevent page reload by abort()
xhr.onreadystatechange = null;
// ? may cause page reload

Get key by value in dictionary

it's answered, but it could be done with a fancy 'map/reduce' use, e.g.:

def find_key(value, dictionary):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x if x is not None else y,
                  map(lambda x: x[0] if x[1] == value else None, 

TypeScript and field initializers

Updated 07/12/2016: Typescript 2.1 introduces Mapped Types and provides Partial<T>, which allows you to do this....

class Person {
    public name: string = "default"
    public address: string = "default"
    public age: number = 0;

    public constructor(init?:Partial<Person>) {
        Object.assign(this, init);

let persons = [
    new Person(),
    new Person({}),
    new Person({name:"John"}),
    new Person({address:"Earth"}),    
    new Person({age:20, address:"Earth", name:"John"}),

Original Answer:

My approach is to define a separate fields variable that you pass to the constructor. The trick is to redefine all the class fields for this initialiser as optional. When the object is created (with its defaults) you simply assign the initialiser object onto this;

export class Person {
    public name: string = "default"
    public address: string = "default"
    public age: number = 0;

    public constructor(
        fields?: {
            name?: string,
            address?: string,
            age?: number
        }) {
        if (fields) Object.assign(this, fields);

or do it manually (bit more safe):

if (fields) { = ||;       
    this.address = fields.address || this.address;        
    this.age = fields.age || this.age;        


let persons = [
    new Person(),
    new Person({name:"Joe"}),
    new Person({
        address:"planet Earth"
    new Person({
        address:"planet Earth",
    new Person(new Person({name:"Joe"})) //shallow clone

and console output:

Person { name: 'default', address: 'default', age: 0 }
Person { name: 'Joe', address: 'default', age: 0 }
Person { name: 'Joe', address: 'planet Earth', age: 0 }
Person { name: 'Joe', address: 'planet Earth', age: 5 }
Person { name: 'Joe', address: 'default', age: 0 }   

This gives you basic safety and property initialization, but its all optional and can be out-of-order. You get the class's defaults left alone if you don't pass a field.

You can also mix it with required constructor parameters too -- stick fields on the end.

About as close to C# style as you're going to get I think (actual field-init syntax was rejected). I'd much prefer proper field initialiser, but doesn't look like it will happen yet.

For comparison, If you use the casting approach, your initialiser object must have ALL the fields for the type you are casting to, plus don't get any class specific functions (or derivations) created by the class itself.

How to search a string in a single column (A) in excel using VBA

Below are two methods that are superior to looping. Both handle a "no-find" case.

  1. The VBA equivalent of a normal function VLOOKUP with error-handling if the variable doesn't exist (INDEX/MATCH may be a better route than VLOOKUP, ie if your two columns A and B were in reverse order, or were far apart)
  2. VBAs FIND method (matching a whole string in column A given I use the xlWhole argument)

    Sub Method1()
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strOut As String
    Dim bFailed As Boolean
    strSearch = "trees"
    On Error Resume Next
    strOut = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch, Range("A:B"), 2, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then bFailed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bFailed Then
    MsgBox "corresponding value is " & vbNewLine & strOut
    MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Method2()
        Dim rng1 As Range
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "trees"
        Set rng1 = Range("A:A").Find(strSearch, , xlValues, xlWhole)
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Find has matched " & strSearch & vbNewLine & "corresponding cell is " & rng1.Offset(0, 1)
            MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
        End If
    End Sub

How to kill a thread instantly in C#?

You should first have some agreed method of ending the thread. For example a running_ valiable that the thread can check and comply with.

Your main thread code should be wrapped in an exception block that catches both ThreadInterruptException and ThreadAbortException that will cleanly tidy up the thread on exit.

In the case of ThreadInterruptException you can check the running_ variable to see if you should continue. In the case of the ThreadAbortException you should tidy up immediately and exit the thread procedure.

The code that tries to stop the thread should do the following:

running_ = false;
if(!threadInstance_.Join(2000)) { // or an agreed resonable time

What is the T-SQL syntax to connect to another SQL Server?

If you are connecting to multiple servers you should add a 'GO' before switching servers, or your sql statements will run against the wrong server.


Select * from Table
enter code here
Select * from Table

Scroll event listener javascript

Is there a js listener for when a user scrolls in a certain textbox that can be used?

DOM L3 UI Events spec gave the initial definition but is considered obsolete.

To add a single handler you can do:

  let isTicking;
  const debounce = (callback, evt) => {
    if (isTicking) return;
    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      isTicking = false;
    isTicking = true;
  const handleScroll = evt => console.log(evt, window.scrollX, window.scrollY);
  document.defaultView.onscroll = evt => debounce(handleScroll, evt);

For multiple handlers or, if preferable for style reasons, you may use addEventListener as opposed to assigning your handler to onscroll as shown above.

If using something like _.debounce from lodash you could probably get away with:

const handleScroll = evt => console.log(evt, window.scrollX, window.scrollY);
document.defaultView.onscroll = evt => _.debounce(() => handleScroll(evt));

Review browser compatibility and be sure to test on some actual devices before calling it done.

How do I convert a Django QuerySet into list of dicts?

Use the .values() method:

>>> Blog.objects.values()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Beatles Blog', 'tagline': 'All the latest Beatles news.'}],
>>> Blog.objects.values('id', 'name')
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Beatles Blog'}]

Note: the result is a QuerySet which mostly behaves like a list, but isn't actually an instance of list. Use list(Blog.objects.values(…)) if you really need an instance of list.

ip address validation in python using regex

    parts = ip.split('.')
    return len(parts) == 4 and all(0 <= int(part) < 256 for part in parts)
except ValueError:
    return False # one of the 'parts' not convertible to integer
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
    return False # `ip` isn't even a string

React onClick and preventDefault() link refresh/redirect?

I've had some troubles with anchor tags and preventDefault in the past and I always forget what I'm doing wrong, so here's what I figured out.

The problem I often have is that I try to access the component's attributes by destructuring them directly as with other React components. This will not work, the page will reload, even with e.preventDefault():

function (e, { href }) {
  // Do something with href
<a href="/foobar" onClick={clickHndl}>Go to Foobar</a>

It seems the destructuring causes an error (Cannot read property 'href' of undefined) that is not displayed to the console, probably due to the page complete reload. Since the function is in error, the preventDefault doesn't get called. If the href is #, the error is displayed properly since there's no actual reload.

I understand now that I can only access attributes as a second handler argument on custom React components, not on native HTML tags. So of course, to access an HTML tag attribute in an event, this would be the way:

function (e) {
  const { href } =;
  // Do something with href
<a href="/foobar" onClick={clickHndl}>Go to Foobar</a>

I hope this helps other people like me puzzled by not shown errors!

Perl: Use s/ (replace) and return new string

print "bla: ", $myvar =~ tr{a}{b},"\n";

C# Base64 String to JPEG Image

Front :

  <Image Name="camImage"/>


 public async void Base64ToImage(string base64String)
            // read stream
            var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
            var image = bytes.AsBuffer().AsStream().AsRandomAccessStream();

            // decode image
            var decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(image);

            // create bitmap
            var output = new WriteableBitmap((int)decoder.PixelHeight, (int)decoder.PixelWidth);
            await output.SetSourceAsync(image);

            camImage.Source = output;

Comparing arrays in C#

SequenceEqual can be faster. Namely in the case where almost all of the time, both arrays have indeed the same length and are not the same object.

It's still not the same functionality as the OP's function, as it won't silently compare null values.

Write a file in external storage in Android

You can find these method usefull in reading and writing data in android.

 public void saveData(View view) {
    String text = "This is the text in the file, this is the part of the issue of the name and also called the name od the college ";
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    try {
        fos = openFileOutput("FILE_NAME", MODE_PRIVATE);
        Toast.makeText(this, "Data is saved "+ getFilesDir(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    }finally {
        if (fos!= null){
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {


public void logData(View view) {
    FileInputStream fis = null;

    try {
        fis = openFileInput("FILE_NAME");
        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis);
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
        StringBuilder sb=  new StringBuilder();
        String text;
        while((text = br.readLine()) != null){
            Log.e("TAG", text

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    }finally {
        if(fis != null){
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {


Remove all elements contained in another array

The filter method should do the trick:

const myArray = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'];
const toRemove = ['b', 'c', 'g'];

// ES5 syntax
const filteredArray = myArray.filter(function(x) { 
  return toRemove.indexOf(x) < 0;

If your toRemove array is large, this sort of lookup pattern can be inefficient. It would be more performant to create a map so that lookups are O(1) rather than O(n).

const toRemoveMap = toRemove.reduce(
  function(memo, item) {
    memo[item] = memo[item] || true;
    return memo;
  {} // initialize an empty object

const filteredArray = myArray.filter(function (x) {
  return toRemoveMap[x];

// or, if you want to use ES6-style arrow syntax:
const toRemoveMap = toRemove.reduce((memo, item) => ({
  [item]: true
}), {});

const filteredArray = myArray.filter(x => toRemoveMap[x]);

How can I increase the size of a bootstrap button?

You can add your own css property for button size as follows:

.btn {
    min-width: 250px;

NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack

Update October 2018

If you are still uncertain about Front-end dev, you can take a quick look into an excellent resource here.

Update June 2018

Learning modern JavaScript is tough if you haven’t been there since the beginning. If you are the newcomer, remember to check this excellent written to have a better overview.

Update July 2017

Recently I found a comprehensive guide from Grab team about how to approach front-end development in 2017. You can check it out as below.

I've been also searching for this quite some time since there are a lot of tools out there and each of them benefits us in a different aspect. The community is divided across tools like Browserify, Webpack, jspm, Grunt and Gulp. You might also hear about Yeoman or Slush. That’s not a problem, it’s just confusing for everyone trying to understand a clear path forward.

Anyway, I would like to contribute something.

Table Of Content

  • Table Of Content
  • 1. Package Manager
    • NPM
    • Bower
    • Difference between Bower and NPM
    • Yarn
    • jspm
  • 2. Module Loader/Bundling
    • RequireJS
    • Browserify
    • Webpack
    • SystemJS
  • 3. Task runner
    • Grunt
    • Gulp
  • 4. Scaffolding tools
    • Slush and Yeoman

1. Package Manager

Package managers simplify installing and updating project dependencies, which are libraries such as: jQuery, Bootstrap, etc - everything that is used on your site and isn't written by you.

Browsing all the library websites, downloading and unpacking the archives, copying files into the projects — all of this is replaced with a few commands in the terminal.


It stands for: Node JS package manager helps you to manage all the libraries your software relies on. You would define your needs in a file called package.json and run npm install in the command line... then BANG, your packages are downloaded and ready to use. It could be used both for front-end and back-end libraries.


For front-end package management, the concept is the same with NPM. All your libraries are stored in a file named bower.json and then run bower install in the command line.

Bower is recommended their user to migrate over to npm or yarn. Please be careful

Difference between Bower and NPM

The biggest difference between Bower and NPM is that NPM does nested dependency tree while Bower requires a flat dependency tree as below.

Quoting from What is the difference between Bower and npm?


project root
[node_modules] // default directory for dependencies
 -> dependency A
 -> dependency B
    -> dependency A

 -> dependency C
    -> dependency B
       -> dependency A
    -> dependency D


project root
[bower_components] // default directory for dependencies
 -> dependency A
 -> dependency B // needs A
 -> dependency C // needs B and D
 -> dependency D

There are some updates on npm 3 Duplication and Deduplication, please open the doc for more detail.


A new package manager for JavaScript published by Facebook recently with some more advantages compared to NPM. And with Yarn, you still can use both NPMand Bower registry to fetch the package. If you've installed a package before, yarn creates a cached copy which facilitates offline package installs.


JSPM is a package manager for the SystemJS universal module loader, built on top of the dynamic ES6 module loader. It is not an entirely new package manager with its own set of rules, rather it works on top of existing package sources. Out of the box, it works with GitHub and npm. As most of the Bower based packages are based on GitHub, we can install those packages using jspm as well. It has a registry that lists most of the commonly used front-end packages for easier installation.

See the different between Bower and jspm: Package Manager: Bower vs jspm

2. Module Loader/Bundling

Most projects of any scale will have their code split between several files. You can just include each file with an individual <script> tag, however, <script> establishes a new HTTP connection, and for small files – which is a goal of modularity – the time to set up the connection can take significantly longer than transferring the data. While the scripts are downloading, no content can be changed on the page.

  • The problem of download time can largely be solved by concatenating a group of simple modules into a single file and minifying it.


    <script src=“build/wagon-bundle.js”></script>
  • The performance comes at the expense of flexibility though. If your modules have inter-dependency, this lack of flexibility may be a showstopper.


    <script src=“connectors/axle.js”></script>
    <script src=“frames/board.js”></script>
    <!-- skateboard-wheel and ball-bearing both depend on abstract-rolling-thing -->
    <script src=“rolling-things/abstract-rolling-thing.js”></script>
    <script src=“rolling-things/wheels/skateboard-wheel.js”></script>
    <!-- but if skateboard-wheel also depends on ball-bearing -->
    <!-- then having this script tag here could cause a problem -->
    <script src=“rolling-things/ball-bearing.js”></script>
    <!-- connect wheels to axle and axle to frame -->
    <script src=“vehicles/skateboard/our-sk8bd-init.js”></script>

Computers can do that better than you can, and that is why you should use a tool to automatically bundle everything into a single file.

Then we heard about RequireJS, Browserify, Webpack and SystemJS


It is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Node.

E.g: myModule.js

// package/lib is a dependency we require
define(["package/lib"], function (lib) {
  // behavior for our module
  function foo() {
    lib.log("hello world!");

  // export (expose) foo to other modules as foobar
  return {
    foobar: foo,

In main.js, we can import myModule.js as a dependency and use it.

require(["package/myModule"], function(myModule) {

And then in our HTML, we can refer to use with RequireJS.

<script src=“app/require.js” data-main=“main.js” ></script>

Read more about CommonJS and AMD to get understanding easily. Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?


Set out to allow the use of CommonJS formatted modules in the browser. Consequently, Browserify isn’t as much a module loader as a module bundler: Browserify is entirely a build-time tool, producing a bundle of code that can then be loaded client-side.

Start with a build machine that has node & npm installed, and get the package:

npm install -g –save-dev browserify

Write your modules in CommonJS format

var foo = require("../foo.js");

And when happy, issue the command to bundle:

browserify entry-point.js -o bundle-name.js

Browserify recursively finds all dependencies of entry-point and assembles them into a single file:

<script src="”bundle-name.js”"></script>


It bundles all of your static assets, including JavaScript, images, CSS, and more, into a single file. It also enables you to process the files through different types of loaders. You could write your JavaScript with CommonJS or AMD modules syntax. It attacks the build problem in a fundamentally more integrated and opinionated manner. In Browserify you use Gulp/Grunt and a long list of transforms and plugins to get the job done. Webpack offers enough power out of the box that you typically don’t need Grunt or Gulp at all.

Basic usage is beyond simple. Install Webpack like Browserify:

npm install -g –save-dev webpack

And pass the command an entry point and an output file:

webpack ./entry-point.js bundle-name.js


It is a module loader that can import modules at run time in any of the popular formats used today (CommonJS, UMD, AMD, ES6). It is built on top of the ES6 module loader polyfill and is smart enough to detect the format being used and handle it appropriately. SystemJS can also transpile ES6 code (with Babel or Traceur) or other languages such as TypeScript and CoffeeScript using plugins.

Want to know what is the node module and why it is not well adapted to in-browser.

More useful article:

Why jspm and SystemJS?

One of the main goals of ES6 modularity is to make it really simple to install and use any Javascript library from anywhere on the Internet (Github, npm, etc.). Only two things are needed:

  • A single command to install the library
  • One single line of code to import the library and use it

So with jspm, you can do it.

  1. Install the library with a command: jspm install jquery
  2. Import the library with a single line of code, no need to external reference inside your HTML file.


var $ = require('jquery');

$('body').append("I've imported jQuery!");
  1. Then you configure these things within System.config({ ... }) before importing your module. Normally when run jspm init, there will be a file named config.js for this purpose.

  2. To make these scripts run, we need to load system.js and config.js on the HTML page. After that, we will load the display.js file using the SystemJS module loader.


<script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>

Noted: You can also use npm with Webpack as Angular 2 has applied it. Since jspm was developed to integrate with SystemJS and it works on top of the existing npm source, so your answer is up to you.

3. Task runner

Task runners and build tools are primarily command-line tools. Why we need to use them: In one word: automation. The less work you have to do when performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting which previously cost us a lot of times to do with command line or even manually.


You can create automation for your development environment to pre-process codes or create build scripts with a config file and it seems very difficult to handle a complex task. Popular in the last few years.

Every task in Grunt is an array of different plugin configurations, that simply get executed one after another, in a strictly independent, and sequential fashion.

    clean: {
    src: ['build/app.js', 'build/vendor.js']

    copy: {
    files: [{
        src: 'build/app.js',
        dest: 'build/dist/app.js'

    concat: {
    'build/app.js': ['build/vendors.js', 'build/app.js']

    // ... other task configurations ...


grunt.registerTask('build', ['clean', 'bower', 'browserify', 'concat', 'copy']);


Automation just like Grunt but instead of configurations, you can write JavaScript with streams like it's a node application. Prefer these days.

This is a Gulp sample task declaration.

//import the necessary gulp plugins
var gulp = require("gulp");
var sass = require("gulp-sass");
var minifyCss = require("gulp-minify-css");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");

//declare the task
gulp.task("sass", function (done) {
        keepSpecialComments: 0,
    .pipe(rename({ extname: ".min.css" }))
    .on("end", done);

See more:

4. Scaffolding tools

Slush and Yeoman

You can create starter projects with them. For example, you are planning to build a prototype with HTML and SCSS, then instead of manually create some folder like scss, css, img, fonts. You can just install yeoman and run a simple script. Then everything here for you.

Find more here.

npm install -g yo
npm install --global generator-h5bp
yo h5bp

See more:

My answer is not matched with the content of the question but when I'm searching for this knowledge on Google, I always see the question on top so that I decided to answer it in summary. I hope you guys found it helpful.

If you like this post, you can read more on my blog at Thanks for visiting :)

How to set default font family in React Native?

Add this function to your root App component and then run it from your constructor after adding your font using these instructions.

import {Text, TextInput} from 'react-native'

SetDefaultFontFamily = () => {
    let components = [Text, TextInput]

    const customProps = {
        style: {
            fontFamily: "Rubik"

    for(let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
        const TextRender = components[i].prototype.render;
        const initialDefaultProps = components[i].prototype.constructor.defaultProps;
        components[i].prototype.constructor.defaultProps = {
        components[i].prototype.render = function render() {
            let oldProps = this.props;
            this.props = { ...this.props, style: [,] };
            try {
                return TextRender.apply(this, arguments);
            } finally {
                this.props = oldProps;

Forms authentication timeout vs sessionState timeout

The difference is that one (forms time-out) has to do authenticating the user and the other( session timeout) has to do with how long cached data is stored on the server. So they are very independent things so one doesn't take precedence over the other.

Can we overload the main method in Java?

Yes, you can overload main method in Java. you have to call the overloaded main method from the actual main method.

Vlookup referring to table data in a different sheet

This lookup only features exact matches. If you have an extra space in one of the columns or something similar it will not recognize it.

How to fix HTTP 404 on Github Pages?

In my case, I had folders whose names started with _ (like _css and _js), which GH Pages ignores as per Jekyll processing rules. If you don't use Jekyll, the workaround is to place a file named .nojekyll in the root directory. Otherwise, you can remove the underscores from these folders

How can I run PowerShell with the .NET 4 runtime?

Just run powershell.exe with COMPLUS_version environment variable set to v4.0.30319. For example, from cmd.exe or .bat-file:

set COMPLUS_version=v4.0.30319
powershell -file c:\scripts\test.ps1

Click button copy to clipboard using jQuery

you can just using this lib for easy realize the copy goal!

Copying text to the clipboard shouldn't be hard. It shouldn't require dozens of steps to configure or hundreds of KBs to load. But most of all, it shouldn't depend on Flash or any bloated framework.

That's why clipboard.js exists.


The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface.

When is it acceptable to call GC.Collect?

One useful place to call GC.Collect() is in a unit test when you want to verify that you are not creating a memory leak (e. g. if you are doing something with WeakReferences or ConditionalWeakTable, dynamically generated code, etc).

For example, I have a few tests like:

WeakReference w = CodeThatShouldNotMemoryLeak();

It could be argued that using WeakReferences is a problem in and of itself, but it seems that if you are creating a system that relies on such behavior then calling GC.Collect() is a good way to verify such code.

How to enable core dump in my Linux C++ program

You need to set ulimit -c. If you have 0 for this parameter a coredump file is not created. So do this: ulimit -c unlimited and check if everything is correct ulimit -a. The coredump file is created when an application has done for example something inappropriate. The name of the file on my system is core.<process-pid-here>.

Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death)

I had a similar issue. On some devices after a while Android kills my service and even startForeground() does not help. And my customer does not like this issue. My solution is to use AlarmManager class to make sure that the service is running when it's necessary. I use AlarmManager to create a kind of watchdog timer. It checks from time to time if the service should be running and restart it. Also I use SharedPreferences to keep the flag whether the service should be running.

Creating/dismissing my watchdog timer:

void setServiceWatchdogTimer(boolean set, int timeout)
    Intent intent;
    PendingIntent alarmIntent;
    intent = new Intent(); // forms and creates appropriate Intent and pass it to AlarmManager
    intent.setClass(this, WatchDogServiceReceiver.class);
    alarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
    AlarmManager am=(AlarmManager)getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
        am.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout, alarmIntent);

Receiving and processing the intent from the watchdog timer:

/** this class processes the intent and
 *  checks whether the service should be running
public static class WatchDogServiceReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)

            // check your flag and 
            // restart your service if it's necessary
            setServiceWatchdogTimer(true, 60000*5); // restart the watchdogtimer

Indeed I use WakefulBroadcastReceiver instead of BroadcastReceiver. I gave you the code with BroadcastReceiver just to simplify it.

What is the preferred Bash shebang?

I recommend using:


It's not 100% portable (some systems place bash in a location other than /bin), but the fact that a lot of existing scripts use #!/bin/bash pressures various operating systems to make /bin/bash at least a symlink to the main location.

The alternative of:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

has been suggested -- but there's no guarantee that the env command is in /usr/bin (and I've used systems where it isn't). Furthermore, this form will use the first instance of bash in the current users $PATH, which might not be a suitable version of the bash shell.

(But /usr/bin/env should work on any reasonably modern system, either because env is in /usr/bin or because the system does something to make it work. The system I referred to above was SunOS 4, which I probably haven't used in about 25 years.)

If you need a script to run on a system that doesn't have /bin/bash, you can modify the script to point to the correct location (that's admittedly inconvenient).

I've discussed the tradeoffs in greater depth in my answer to this question.

A somewhat obscure update: One system I use, Termux, a desktop-Linux-like layer that runs under Android, doesn't have /bin/bash (bash is /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash) -- but it has special handling to support #!/bin/bash.

Code for best fit straight line of a scatter plot in python

You can use numpy's polyfit. I use the following (you can safely remove the bit about coefficient of determination and error bounds, I just think it looks nice):


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv

with open("example.csv", "r") as f:
    data = [row for row in csv.reader(f)]
    xd = [float(row[0]) for row in data]
    yd = [float(row[1]) for row in data]

# sort the data
reorder = sorted(range(len(xd)), key = lambda ii: xd[ii])
xd = [xd[ii] for ii in reorder]
yd = [yd[ii] for ii in reorder]

# make the scatter plot
plt.scatter(xd, yd, s=30, alpha=0.15, marker='o')

# determine best fit line
par = np.polyfit(xd, yd, 1, full=True)

xl = [min(xd), max(xd)]
yl = [slope*xx + intercept  for xx in xl]

# coefficient of determination, plot text
variance = np.var(yd)
residuals = np.var([(slope*xx + intercept - yy)  for xx,yy in zip(xd,yd)])
Rsqr = np.round(1-residuals/variance, decimals=2)
plt.text(.9*max(xd)+.1*min(xd),.9*max(yd)+.1*min(yd),'$R^2 = %0.2f$'% Rsqr, fontsize=30)

plt.xlabel("X Description")
plt.ylabel("Y Description")

# error bounds
yerr = [abs(slope*xx + intercept - yy)  for xx,yy in zip(xd,yd)]
par = np.polyfit(xd, yerr, 2, full=True)

yerrUpper = [(xx*slope+intercept)+(par[0][0]*xx**2 + par[0][1]*xx + par[0][2]) for xx,yy in zip(xd,yd)]
yerrLower = [(xx*slope+intercept)-(par[0][0]*xx**2 + par[0][1]*xx + par[0][2]) for xx,yy in zip(xd,yd)]

plt.plot(xl, yl, '-r')
plt.plot(xd, yerrLower, '--r')
plt.plot(xd, yerrUpper, '--r')

Append values to a set in Python

The way I like to do this is to convert both the original set and the values I'd like to add into lists, add them, and then convert them back into a set, like this:

setMenu = {"Eggs", "Bacon"}
> {'Bacon', 'Eggs'}
setMenu = set(list(setMenu) + list({"Spam"}))
> {'Bacon', 'Spam', 'Eggs'}
setAdditions = {"Lobster", "Sausage"}
setMenu = set(list(setMenu) + list(setAdditions))
> {'Lobster', 'Spam', 'Eggs', 'Sausage', 'Bacon'}

This way I can also easily add multiple sets using the same logic, which gets me an TypeError: unhashable type: 'set' if I try doing it with the .update() method.

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE

Possible scenario

I can't seem to find where my code has gone wrong. Here is my full error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE on line x

What I am trying

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM dealer WHERE id="'$id.'"';


Parse error: A problem with the syntax of your program, such as leaving a semicolon off of the end of a statement or, like the case above, missing the . operator. The interpreter stops running your program when it encounters a parse error.

In simple words this is a syntax error, meaning that there is something in your code stopping it from being parsed correctly and therefore running.

What you should do is check carefully at the lines around where the error is for any simple mistakes.

That error message means that in line x of the file, the PHP interpreter was expecting to see an open parenthesis but instead, it encountered something called T_VARIABLE. That T_VARIABLE thing is called a token. It's the PHP interpreter's way of expressing different fundamental parts of programs. When the interpreter reads in a program, it translates what you've written into a list of tokens. Wherever you put a variable in your program, there is aT_VARIABLE token in the interpreter's list.

Good read: List of Parser Tokens

So make sure you enable at least E_PARSE in your php.ini. Parse errors should not exist in production scripts.

I always recommended to add the following statement, while coding:


PHP error reporting

Also, a good idea to use an IDE which will let you know parse errors while typing. You can use:

  1. NetBeans (a fine piece of beauty, free software) (the best in my opinion)
  2. PhpStorm (uncle Gordon love this: P, paid plan, contains proprietary and free software)
  3. Eclipse (beauty and the beast, free software)

Related Questions:

How many threads is too many?

One thing to consider is how many cores exist on the machine that will be executing the code. That represents a hard limit on how many threads can be proceeding at any given time. However, if, as in your case, threads are expected to be frequently waiting for a database to execute a query, you will probably want to tune your threads based on how many concurrent queries the database can process.

How to make an android app to always run in background?

On some mobiles like mine (MIUI Redmi 3) you can just add specific Application on list where application doesnt stop when you terminate applactions in Task Manager (It will stop but it will start again)

Just go to Settings>PermissionsAutostart

android EditText - finished typing event

I personally prefer automatic submit after end of typing. Here's how you can detect this event.

Declarations and initialization:

private Timer timer = new Timer();
private final long DELAY = 1000; // in ms

Listener in e.g. onCreate()

EditText editTextStop = (EditText) findViewById(;
    editTextStop.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
                int after) {
        public void onTextChanged(final CharSequence s, int start, int before,
                int count) {
            if(timer != null)
        public void afterTextChanged(final Editable s) {
            //avoid triggering event when text is too short
            if (s.length() >= 3) {              

                timer = new Timer();
                timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
                    public void run() {
                        // TODO: do what you need here (refresh list)
                        // you will probably need to use
                        // runOnUiThread(Runnable action) for some specific
                        // actions

                }, DELAY);

So, when text is changed the timer is starting to wait for any next changes to happen. When they occure timer is cancelled and then started once again.

Rethrowing exceptions in Java without losing the stack trace

something like this

catch (FooException e) 
  throw e;
catch (Exception e)

Convert web page to image

I'm not sure if this is quite what you're looking for but I've had a lot of success using an HTML to Postscript converter html2ps to create postscript copies of web pages, which I then convert to .gif or .pngs

This doesn't produce exact screenshot quality that you'd get from a web browser and doesn't handle complicated things like flash or css all that well, but the advantage is that you can run it on the web server.

(I use it to create thumbnails of user created content, for navigation)

How to exit an if clause

So here i understand you're trying to break out of the outer if code block

if some_condition:
    if condition_a:
       # do something
       # and then exit the outer if block
    if condition_b:
       # do something
       # and then exit the outer if block
# more code here

One way out of this is that you can test for for a false condition in the outer if block, which will then implicitly exit out of the code block, you then use an else block to nest the other ifs to do something

if test_for_false:
    # Exit the code(which is the outer if code)

    if condition_a:
        # Do something

    if condition_b:
        # Do something

Setting the default page for ASP.NET (Visual Studio) server configuration

This One Method For Published Solution To Show SpeciFic Page on startup.

Here Is the Route Example to Redirect to Specific Page...

public class RouteConfig
    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
            namespaces: new[] { "YourSolutionName.Controllers" }

By Default Home Controllers Index method is executed when application is started, Here You Can Define yours.

Note : I am Using Visual Studio 2013 and "YourSolutionName" is to changed to your project Name..

How to get Database Name from Connection String using SqlConnectionStringBuilder

See MSDN documentation for InitialCatalog Property:

Gets or sets the name of the database associated with the connection...

This property corresponds to the "Initial Catalog" and "database" keys within the connection string...

CodeIgniter: How to use WHERE clause and OR clause

Active record method or_where is to be used:

->where("first", $first)
->or_where("second", $second);

Dynamically Changing log4j log level

This answer won't help you to change the logging level dynamically, you need to restart the service, if you are fine restarting the service, please use the below solution

I did this to Change log4j log level and it worked for me, I have n't referred any document. I used this system property value to set my logfile name. I used the same technique to set logging level as well, and it worked

passed this as JVM parameter (I use Java 1.7)

Sorry this won't dynamically change the logging level, it requires a restart of the service

java -Dlogging.level=DEBUG -cp xxxxxx.jar

in the file, I added this entry


I tried

 java -Dlogging.level=DEBUG -cp xxxxxx.jar
 java -Dlogging.level=INFO-cp xxxxxx.jar
 java -Dlogging.level=OFF -cp xxxxxx.jar

It all worked. hope this helps!

I have these following dependencies in my pom.xml



How to import RecyclerView for Android L-preview

include the dependency in the build.gradle, and sync the project with gradle files

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    implementation ''

    //include the revision no, i.e 25.1.1
    implementation ''

Include the revision(here its 25.1.1) to avoid unpredictable builds, check library revisions

Read file from resources folder in Spring Boot

See my answer here:


Use these 2 imports.


ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

Use this in some function

Resource resource=resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:preferences.json");

In your case, as you need the file you may use following

File file = resource.getFile()

Reference: As already mentioned in previous answers don't use ResourceUtils it doesn't work after deployment of JAR, this will work in IDE as well as after deployment

How can I listen for a click-and-hold in jQuery?

Here's my current implementation:

$.liveClickHold = function(selector, fn) {

    $(selector).live("mousedown", function(evt) {

        var $this = $(this).data("mousedown", true);

        setTimeout(function() {
            if ($"mousedown") === true) {
        }, 500);


    $(selector).live("mouseup", function(evt) {
        $(this).data("mousedown", false);


IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Just a addition. I had a similar problem with the both indentations in Notepad++.

  1. Unexcepted indentation
  2. Outer Indentation Level

    Go to ----> Search tab ----> tap on replace ----> hit the radio button Extended below ---> Now replace \t with four spaces

    Go to ----> Search tab ----> tap on replace ----> hit the radio button Extended below ---> Now replace \n with nothing

Alter a MySQL column to be AUTO_INCREMENT

Just like this:

alter table document modify column id int(11) auto_increment;

How to loop through all elements of a form jQuery

Do one of the two jQuery serializers inside your form submit to get all inputs having a submitted value.

var criteria = $(this).find('input,select').filter(function () {
    return ((!!this.value) && (!!;

var formData = JSON.stringify(criteria);

serializeArray() will produce an array of names and values

0: {name: "OwnLast", value: "Bird"}
1: {name: "OwnFirst", value: "Bob"}
2: {name: "OutBldg[]", value: "PDG"}
3: {name: "OutBldg[]", value: "PDA"}

var criteria = $(this).find('input,select').filter(function () {
    return ((!!this.value) && (!!;

serialize() creates a text string in standard URL-encoded notation


Eclipse: Java was started but returned error code=13

Like Vito mentions, this error occurs after Java updates as the path:


is added to the Path environment variable, causing Eclipse to run using the wrong java version.

To fix the problem:

1) Right-click on Computer and choose Properties.

2) Click Advanced system settings

3) Click Environment Variables...

4) Find the Path variable in the System variables section.

5) Choose it and click Edit...

6) Find and delete the above mentioned path.

This fixed it for me. I should mention that I already have the path:

c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin

in the Path variable, but the new path was added to the beginning of the Path variable and therefore resolution would use that path first.

How to combine multiple inline style objects?

You can use the spread operator:

 <button style={{...styles.panel.button,...styles.panel.backButton}}>Back</button

Return date as ddmmyyyy in SQL Server

Try following query to format datetime in sql server

FORMAT (frr.valid_from , 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss')

Visual Studio debugger error: Unable to start program Specified file cannot be found

I think that what you have to check is:

  1. if the target EXE is correctly configured in the project settings ("command", in the debugging tab). Since all individual projects run when you start debugging it's well possible that only the debugging target for the "ALL" solution is missing, check which project is currently active (you can also select the debugger target by changing the active project).

  2. dependencies (DLLs) are also located at the target debugee directory or can be loaded (you can use the "depends.exe" tool for checking dependencies of an executable or DLL).

Are these methods thread safe?

It follows the convention that static methods should be thread-safe, but actually in v2 that static api is a proxy to an instance method on a default instance: in the case protobuf-net, it internally minimises contention points, and synchronises the internal state when necessary. Basically the library goes out of its way to do things right so that you can have simple code.

Can there be an apostrophe in an email address?

Yes, according to RFC 3696 apostrophes are valid as long as they come before the @ symbol.

What are App Domains in Facebook Apps?

If you don't specify the platform for the app you won't able to add app domain correctly.

Here is an example -- validate that its a type a website platform. enter image description here

How to program a fractal?

If complex numbers give you a headache, there is a broad range of fractals that can be formulated using an L-system. This requires a couple of layers interacting, but each is interesting in it own right.

First you need a turtle. Forward, Back, Left, Right, Pen-up, Pen-down. There are lots of fun shapes to be made with turtle graphics using turtle geometry even without an L-system driving it. Search for "LOGO graphics" or "Turtle graphics". A full LOGO system is in fact a Lisp programming environment using an unparenthesized Cambridge Polish syntax. But you don't have to go nearly that far to get some pretty pictures using the turtle concept.

Then you need a layer to execute an L-system. L-systems are related to Post-systems and Semi-Thue systems, and like virii, they straddle the border of Turing Completeness. The concept is string-rewriting. It can be implemented as a macro-expansion or a procedure set with extra controls to bound the recursion. If using macro-expansion (as in the example below), you will still need a procedure set to map symbols to turtle commands and a procedure to iterate through the string or array to run the encoded turtle program. For a bounded-recursion procedure set (eg.), you embed the turtle commands in the procedures and either add recursion-level checks to each procedure or factor it out to a handler function.

Here's an example of a Pythagoras' Tree in postscript using macro-expansion and a very abbreviated set of turtle commands. For some examples in python and mathematica, see my code golf challenge.

ps l-system pythagoras tree luser-droog

Unable to run Java GUI programs with Ubuntu

I stopped getting this exception when I installed default-jdk using apt. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr), and the problem appears to have been the result of having a "headless" Java installed. All I did was:

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

Casting LinkedHashMap to Complex Object

There is a good solution to this issue:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

***DTO premierDriverInfoDTO = objectMapper.convertValue(jsonString, ***DTO.class); 

Map<String, String> map = objectMapper.convertValue(jsonString, Map.class);

Why did this issue occur? I guess you didn't specify the specific type when converting a string to the object, which is a class with a generic type, such as, User <T>.

Maybe there is another way to solve it, using Gson instead of ObjectMapper. (or see here Deserializing Generic Types with GSON)

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();

Type type = new TypeToken<BaseResponseDTO<List<PaymentSummaryDTO>>>(){}.getType();

BaseResponseDTO<List<PaymentSummaryDTO>> results = gson.fromJson(jsonString, type);

BigDecimal revenue = results.getResult().get(0).getRevenue();

Split a string by a delimiter in python

When you have two or more (in the example below there're three) elements in the string, then you can use comma to separate these items:

date, time, event_name = ev.get_text(separator='@').split("@")

After this line of code, the three variables will have values from three parts of the variable ev

So, if the variable ev contains this string and we apply separator '@':

Sa., 23. März@19:00@Klavier + Orchester: SPEZIAL

Then, after split operation the variable

  • date will have value "Sa., 23. März"
  • time will have value "19:00"
  • event_name will have value "Klavier + Orchester: SPEZIAL"

How do I measure time elapsed in Java?

Your new class:

public class TimeWatch {    
    long starts;

    public static TimeWatch start() {
        return new TimeWatch();

    private TimeWatch() {

    public TimeWatch reset() {
        starts = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return this;

    public long time() {
        long ends = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return ends - starts;

    public long time(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(time(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);


    TimeWatch watch = TimeWatch.start();
    // do something
    long passedTimeInMs = watch.time();
    long passedTimeInSeconds = watch.time(TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Afterwards, the time passed can be converted to whatever format you like, with a calender for example

Greetz, GHad

How to read data of an Excel file using C#?

public void excelRead(string sheetName)
            Excel.Application appExl = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook workbook = null;
                string methodName = "";

                Excel.Worksheet NwSheet;
                Excel.Range ShtRange;

                //Opening Excel file(myData.xlsx)
                appExl = new Excel.Application();

                workbook = appExl.Workbooks.Open(sheetName, Missing.Value, ReadOnly: false);
                NwSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets.get_Item(1);
                ShtRange = NwSheet.UsedRange; //gives the used cells in sheet

                int rCnt1 = 0;
                int cCnt1 = 0;

                for (rCnt1 = 1; rCnt1 <= ShtRange.Rows.Count; rCnt1++)
                    for (cCnt1 = 1; cCnt1 <= ShtRange.Columns.Count; cCnt1++)
                        if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1].Value2) == "Y")

                            methodName = NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 - 2].Value2;
                            Type metdType = this.GetType();
                            MethodInfo mthInfo = metdType.GetMethod(methodName);

                            if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 - 2].Value2) == "fn_AddNum" || Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 - 2].Value2) == "fn_SubNum")
                                StaticVariable.intParam1 = Convert.ToInt32(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 + 3].Value2);
                                StaticVariable.intParam2 = Convert.ToInt32(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 + 4].Value2);
                                object[] mParam1 = new object[] { StaticVariable.intParam1, StaticVariable.intParam2 };
                                object result = mthInfo.Invoke(this, mParam1);
                                StaticVariable.intOutParam1 = Convert.ToInt32(result);
                                NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 + 5].Value2 = Convert.ToString(StaticVariable.intOutParam1) != "" ? Convert.ToString(StaticVariable.intOutParam1) : String.Empty;

                                object[] mParam = new object[] { };
                                mthInfo.Invoke(this, mParam);

                                NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 + 5].Value2 = StaticVariable.outParam1 != "" ? StaticVariable.outParam1 : String.Empty;
                                NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 + 6].Value2 = StaticVariable.outParam2 != "" ? StaticVariable.outParam2 : String.Empty;
                            NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 + 1].Value2 = StaticVariable.resultOut;
                            NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1 + 2].Value2 = StaticVariable.resultDescription;

                        else if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1].Value2) == "N")
                            MessageBox.Show("Result is No");
                        else if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt1, cCnt1].Value2) == "EOF")
                            MessageBox.Show("End of File");


                workbook.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
            catch (Exception)
                workbook.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);

//code for reading excel data in datatable
public void testExcel(string sheetName)

                foreach(Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL"))
                //string fileName = "E:\\inputSheet";
                Excel.Application oXL;
                Workbook oWB;
                Worksheet oSheet;
                Range oRng;

                //  creat a Application object
                oXL = new Excel.Application();

                //   get   WorkBook  object
                oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Open(sheetName);

                //   get   WorkSheet object
                oSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)oWB.Sheets[1];
                System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
                //DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                DataRow dr;

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                int jValue = oSheet.UsedRange.Cells.Columns.Count;
                int iValue = oSheet.UsedRange.Cells.Rows.Count;

                //  get data columns
                for (int j = 1; j <= jValue; j++)
                    oRng = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)oSheet.Cells[1, j];
                    string strValue = oRng.Text.ToString();
                    dt.Columns.Add(strValue, System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

                //string colString = sb.ToString().Trim();
                //string[] colArray = colString.Split(':');

                //  get data in cell
                for (int i = 2; i <= iValue; i++)
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    for (int j = 1; j <= jValue; j++)
                        oRng = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)oSheet.Cells[i, j];
                        string strValue = oRng.Text.ToString();
                        dr[j - 1] = strValue;

                if(StaticVariable.dtExcel != null)
                    StaticVariable.dtExcel = dt.Copy();
                StaticVariable.dtExcel = dt.Copy();

                oWB.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);


            catch (Exception ex)


//code for class initialize
 public static void startTesting(TestContext context)

            ReadExcel myClassObj = new ReadExcel();
            string sheetName="";
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"E:\SaveSheetName.txt");
            sheetName = sr.ReadLine();

//code for test initalize
public  void runValidatonTest()

            DataTable dtFinal = StaticVariable.dtExcel.Copy();
            for (int i = 0; i < dtFinal.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (TestContext.TestName == dtFinal.Rows[i][2].ToString() && dtFinal.Rows[i][3].ToString() == "Y" && dtFinal.Rows[i][4].ToString() == "TRUE")
                    StaticVariable.runValidateResult = "true";
            //StaticVariable.dtExcel = dtFinal.Copy();

HtmlSpecialChars equivalent in Javascript?

OWASP recommends that "[e]xcept for alphanumeric characters, [you should] escape all characters with ASCII values less than 256 with the &#xHH; format (or a named entity if available) to prevent switching out of [an] attribute."

So here's a function that does that, with a usage example:

function escapeHTML(unsafe) {
  return unsafe.replace(
    c => '&#' + ('000' + c.charCodeAt(0)).substr(-4, 4) + ';'
document.querySelector('div').innerHTML =
  '<span class=' +
  escapeHTML('this should break it! " | / % * + , - / ; < = > ^') +
  '>' +
  escapeHTML('<script>alert("inspect the attributes")\u003C/script>') +

Disclaimer: You should verify the entity ranges I have provided to validate the safety yourself.

Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>?

I'd like to add some notes about the differences between Func<T> and Expression<Func<T>>:

  • Func<T> is just a normal old-school MulticastDelegate;
  • Expression<Func<T>> is a representation of lambda expression in form of expression tree;
  • expression tree can be constructed through lambda expression syntax or through the API syntax;
  • expression tree can be compiled to a delegate Func<T>;
  • the inverse conversion is theoretically possible, but it's a kind of decompiling, there is no builtin functionality for that as it's not a straightforward process;
  • expression tree can be observed/translated/modified through the ExpressionVisitor;
  • the extension methods for IEnumerable operate with Func<T>;
  • the extension methods for IQueryable operate with Expression<Func<T>>.

There's an article which describes the details with code samples:
LINQ: Func<T> vs. Expression<Func<T>>.

Hope it will be helpful.

Deserialize JSON string to c# object

Use this code:

var result=JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<yourObj>>(jsonString);

How to use regex in XPath "contains" function

If you're using Selenium with Firefox you should be able to use EXSLT extensions, and regexp:test()

Does this work for you?

String expr = "//*[regexp:test(@id, 'sometext[0-9]+_text')]";

Convert utf8-characters to iso-88591 and back in PHP

Have a look at iconv() or mb_convert_encoding(). Just by the way: why don't utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() work for you?

utf8_decode — Converts a string with ISO-8859-1 characters encoded with UTF-8 to single-byte ISO-8859-1

utf8_encode — Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8

So essentially

$utf8 = 'ÄÖÜ'; // file must be UTF-8 encoded
$iso88591_1 = utf8_decode($utf8);
$iso88591_2 = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $utf8);
$iso88591_2 = mb_convert_encoding($utf8, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8');

$iso88591 = 'ÄÖÜ'; // file must be ISO-8859-1 encoded
$utf8_1 = utf8_encode($iso88591);
$utf8_2 = iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $iso88591);
$utf8_2 = mb_convert_encoding($iso88591, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1');

all should do the same - with utf8_en/decode() requiring no special extension, mb_convert_encoding() requiring ext/mbstring and iconv() requiring ext/iconv.

Sorting a Python list by two fields

No need to import anything when using lambda functions.
The following sorts list by the first element, then by the second element.

sorted(list, key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[1]))

SQL Server Escape an Underscore

I had a similar issue using like pattern '%_%' did not work - as the question indicates :-)

Using '%\_%' did not work either as this first \ is interpreted "before the like".

Using '%\\_%' works. The \\ (double backslash) is first converted to single \ (backslash) and then used in the like pattern.

Difference between Spring MVC and Spring Boot

In simple term it can be stated as:

Spring boot = Spring MVC + Auto Configuration(Don't need to write spring.xml file for configurations) + Server(You can have embedded Tomcat, Netty, Jetty server).

And Spring Boot is an Opinionated framework, so its build taking in consideration for fast development, less time need for configuration and have a very good community support.

python: Change the scripts working directory to the script's own directory

This will change your current working directory to so that opening relative paths will work:

import os

However, you asked how to change into whatever directory your Python script is located, even if you don't know what directory that will be when you're writing your script. To do this, you can use the os.path functions:

import os

abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)

This takes the filename of your script, converts it to an absolute path, then extracts the directory of that path, then changes into that directory.

Column calculated from another column?

You can use generated columns from MYSQL 5.7.

Example Usage:

ALTER TABLE tbl_test
ADD COLUMN calc_val INT 
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (((`column1` - 1) * 16) + `column2`) STORED;


  • Virtual: calculated on the fly when a record is read from a table (default)
  • Stored: calculated when a new record is inserted/updated within the table

Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java

Using LocalTime in Java 8, LocalTime has many useful methods like getHour() or the getMinute() method,

For example,

LocalTime intime = LocalTime.parse(inputString, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("h:m a"));
String outtime = intime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_TIME);

In some cases, First line alone can do the required parsing

How to multiply duration by integer?

int32 and time.Duration are different types. You need to convert the int32 to a time.Duration, such as time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1000)) * time.Millisecond).

How can I tell where mongoDB is storing data? (its not in the default /data/db!)

Actually, the default directory where the mongod instance stores its data is

/data/db on Linux and OS X,

\data\db on Windows

To check the same, you can look for dbPath settings in mongodb configuration file.

  • On Linux, the location is /etc/mongod.conf, if you have used package manager to install MongoDB. Run the following command to check the specified directory:
    grep dbpath /etc/mongodb.conf
  • On Windows, the location is <install directory>/bin/mongod.cfg. Open mongod.cfg file and check for dbPath option.
  • On macOS, the location is /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf when installing from MongoDB’s official Homebrew tap.

The default mongod.conf configuration file included with package manager installations uses the following platform-specific default values for storage.dbPath:

|         Platform         | Package Manager | Default storage.dbPath |
| RHEL / CentOS and Amazon | yum             | /var/lib/mongo         |
| SUSE                     | zypper          | /var/lib/mongo         |
| Ubuntu and Debian        | apt             | /var/lib/mongodb       |
| macOS                    | brew            | /usr/local/var/mongodb |

The storage.dbPath setting in the configuration file is available only for mongod.

The Linux package init scripts do not expect storage.dbPath to change from the defaults. If you use the Linux packages and change storage.dbPath, you will have to use your own init scripts and disable the built-in scripts.


Error: Generic Array Creation

You can't create arrays with a generic component type.

Create an array of an explicit type, like Object[], instead. You can then cast this to PCB[] if you want, but I don't recommend it in most cases.

PCB[] res = (PCB[]) new Object[list.size()]; /* Not type-safe. */

If you want type safety, use a collection like java.util.List<PCB> instead of an array.

By the way, if list is already a java.util.List, you should use one of its toArray() methods, instead of duplicating them in your code. This doesn't get your around the type-safety problem though.

How to clone all remote branches in Git?

Better late than never, but here is the best way to do this:

mkdir repo
cd repo
git clone --bare path/to/repo.git .git
git config --unset core.bare
git reset --hard

At this point you have a complete copy of the remote repo with all of it's branches (verify with git branch). You can use --mirror instead of --bare if your remote repo has remotes of its own.

Printing string variable in Java

If you have tried all the other answers, and it still hasn't work, you can try skipping a line:

Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
String s = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("String is " + s);

Is there a way to make numbers in an ordered list bold?

I had a similar issue while writing a newsletter. So I had to inline the style this way:

    <li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">something</span></li>
    <li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">something</span></li>
    <li style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-weight:normal">something</span></li>

PostgreSQL error 'Could not connect to server: No such file or directory'

for what it's worth, I experienced this same error when I had a typo (md4 instead of md5) in my pg_hba.conf file (/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf)

If you got here as I did, double-check that file once to make sure there isn't anything ridiculous in there.

Unioning two tables with different number of columns

if only 1 row, you can use join

Select t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3, t2.Col4, t2.Col5 from Table1 t1 join Table2 t2;

PHP cURL vs file_get_contents

This is old topic but on my last test on one my API, cURL is faster and more stable. Sometimes file_get_contents on larger request need over 5 seconds when cURL need only from 1.4 to 1.9 seconds what is double faster.

I need to add one note on this that I just send GET and recive JSON content. If you setup cURL properly, you will have a great response. Just "tell" to cURL what you need to send and what you need to recive and that's it.

On your exampe I would like to do this setup:

$ch =  curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json'));
$result = curl_exec($ch);

This request will return data in 0.10 second max

setting system property

For JBoss, in standalone.xml, put after .


    <property name="my.project.dir" value="/home/francesco" />

For eclipse:

Is the MIME type 'image/jpg' the same as 'image/jpeg'?

For those it might help, I use this list as a reference to define my content-type when I have to deal with images on my app.

It says that jpg extension can be declared with Content-type : image/jpeg

There isn't any image/jpg attribute for content-type.

jQuery, checkboxes and .is(":checked")

Most fastest and easy way:



$el - is jquery element of selection.


GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer

Update: In an effort to answer my own question, here is what I've been able to uncover so far. If anyone else out there has something, I'd still be interested to find out more.

Based on JSON Schema

Commercial (No endorsement intended or implied, may or may not meet requirement)



See Also

Output to the same line overwriting previous output?

If all you want to do is change a single line, use \r. \r means carriage return. It's effect is solely to put the caret back at the start of the current line. It does not erase anything. Similarly, \b can be used to go one character backward. (some terminals may not support all those features)

import sys

def process(data):
    size_str = os.path.getsize(file_name)/1024, 'KB / ', size, 'KB downloaded!'
    sys.stdout.write('%s\r' % size_str)

How to use an array list in Java?

If you use Java 1.5 or beyond you could use:

List<String> S = new ArrayList<String>();
s.add("My text");

for (String item : S) {

How to install PHP mbstring on CentOS 6.2

I have experienced the same issue before. In my case, I needed to install php-mbstring extension on GoDaddy VPS server. None of above solutions did work for me.

What I've found is to install PHP extensions using WHM (Web Hosting Manager) of GoDaddy. Anyone who use GoDaddy VPS server can access this page with the following address.


On this page, you can easily find Easy Apache software that can help you to install/upgrade php components and extensions. You can select currently installed profile and customize and then provision the profile. Everything with Easy Apache is explanatory.

I remember that I did very similar things for HostGator server, but I don't remember how actually I did for profile update.

Edit: When you have got the server which supports Web Hosting Manager, then you can add/update/remove php extensions on WHM. On godaddy servers, it's even recommended to update PHP ini settings on WHM.

How do I print the key-value pairs of a dictionary in python

In addition to ways already mentioned.. can use 'viewitems', 'viewkeys', 'viewvalues'

>>> d = {320: 1, 321: 0, 322: 3}
>>> list(d.viewitems())
[(320, 1), (321, 0), (322, 3)]
>>> list(d.viewkeys())
[320, 321, 322]
>>> list(d.viewvalues())
[1, 0, 3]


>>> list(d.iteritems())
[(320, 1), (321, 0), (322, 3)]
>>> list(d.iterkeys())
[320, 321, 322]
>>> list(d.itervalues())
[1, 0, 3]

or using itemgetter

>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> map(itemgetter(0), dd.items())     ####  for keys
['323', '332']
>>> map(itemgetter(1), dd.items())     ####  for values
['3323', 232]

Why AVD Manager options are not showing in Android Studio

I feel so damn silly. In my case, it turns out my Android Studio had two projects, one was for my React Native app root and the other for /android. If I closed the project and opened the /android project, I could access AVD Manager again.

Example project list

Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar?

Let's bring this question back from the dead ;) There is a reason Google doesn't give you a simple solution. Special cases and browser quirks affect the calculation, and it is not as trivial as it seems to be.

Unfortunately, there are problems with the solutions outlined here so far. I don't mean to disparage them at all - they are great starting points and touch on all the key properties needed for a more robust approach. But I wouldn't recommend copying and pasting the code from any of the other answers because

  • they don't capture the effect of positioned content in a way that is reliable cross-browser. The answers which are based on body size miss this entirely (the body is not the offset parent of such content unless it is positioned itself). And those answers checking $( document ).width() and .height() fall prey to jQuery's buggy detection of document size.
  • Relying on window.innerWidth, if the browser supports it, makes your code fail to detect scroll bars in mobile browsers, where the width of the scroll bar is generally 0. They are just shown temporarily as an overlay and don't take up space in the document. Zooming on mobile also becomes a problem that way (long story).
  • The detection can be thrown off when people explicitly set the overflow of both the html and body element to non-default values (what happens then is a little involved - see this description).
  • In most answers, body padding, borders or margins are not detected and distort the results.

I have spent more time than I would have imagined on a finding a solution that "just works" (cough). The algorithm I have come up with is now part of a plugin, jQuery.isInView, which exposes a .hasScrollbar method. Have a look at the source if you wish.

In a scenario where you are in full control of the page and don't have to deal with unknown CSS, using a plugin may be overkill - after all, you know which edge cases apply, and which don't. However, if you need reliable results in an unknown environment, then I don't think the solutions outlined here will be enough. You are better off using a well-tested plugin - mine or anybody elses.

SSH Private Key Permissions using Git GUI or ssh-keygen are too open

I never managed to get git to work completely in Powershell. But in the git bash shell I did not have any permission related issues, and I did not need to set chmod etc... After adding the ssh to Github I was up and running.

json_decode to array

json_decode support second argument, when it set to TRUE it will return an Array instead of stdClass Object. Check the Manual page of json_decode function to see all the supported arguments and its details.

For example try this:

$json_string = '';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$obj = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE); // Set second argument as TRUE
print_r($obj['Result']); // Now this will works!

How do I compare strings in Java?

String a = new String("foo");
String b = new String("foo");
System.out.println(a == b); // prints false
System.out.println(a.equals(b)); // prints true

Make sure you understand why. It's because the == comparison only compares references; the equals() method does a character-by-character comparison of the contents.

When you call new for a and b, each one gets a new reference that points to the "foo" in the string table. The references are different, but the content is the same.

Javascript search inside a JSON object

Use PaulGuo's jSQL, a SQL like database using javascript. For example:

var db = new jSQL();
db.create('dbname', testListData).use('dbname');
var data ='*').where(function(o) {
    return == 'Jacking';

Limit the length of a string with AngularJS

You can limit the length of a string or an array by using a filter. Check this one written by the AngularJS team.

How are environment variables used in Jenkins with Windows Batch Command?

I should this On Windows, environment variable expansion is %BUILD_NUMBER%

Creating NSData from NSString in Swift

Here very simple method

let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)

Is it possible to declare a public variable in vba and assign a default value?

Sure you know, but if its a constant then const MyVariable as Integer = 123 otherwise your out of luck; the variable must be assigned an initial value elsewhere.

You could:

public property get myIntegerThing() as integer
    myIntegerThing= 123
end property

In a Class module then globally create it;

public cMyStuff as new MyStuffClass

So cMyStuff.myIntegerThing is available immediately.

Loading custom configuration files

The config file is just an XML file, you can open it by:

private static XmlDocument loadConfigDocument()
    XmlDocument doc = null;
        doc = new XmlDocument();
        return doc;
    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
        throw new Exception("No configuration file found.", e);
    catch (Exception ex)
        return null;

and later retrieving values by:

    // retrieve appSettings node

    XmlNode node =  doc.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings");

What is the error "Every derived table must have its own alias" in MySQL?

Here's a different example that can't be rewritten without aliases ( can't GROUP BY DISTINCT).

Imagine a table called purchases that records purchases made by customers at stores, i.e. it's a many to many table and the software needs to know which customers have made purchases at more than one store:

SELECT DISTINCT customer_id, SUM(1)
  FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT customer_id, store_id FROM purchases)
  GROUP BY customer_id HAVING 1 < SUM(1);

..will break with the error Every derived table must have its own alias. To fix:

SELECT DISTINCT customer_id, SUM(1)
  FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT customer_id, store_id FROM purchases) AS custom
  GROUP BY customer_id HAVING 1 < SUM(1);

( Note the AS custom alias).

How to remove backslash on json_encode() function?

json_encode($response, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

Copy file from source directory to binary directory using CMake

You may consider using configure_file with the COPYONLY option:

configure_file(<input> <output> COPYONLY)

Unlike file(COPY ...) it creates a file-level dependency between input and output, that is:

If the input file is modified the build system will re-run CMake to re-configure the file and generate the build system again.

How to get a subset of a javascript object's properties

How about:

function sliceObj(obj) {
  var o = {}
    , keys = [], 1);
  for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
    if (keys[i] in obj) o[keys[i]] = obj[keys[i]];
  return o;

var subset = sliceObj(elmo, 'color', 'height');

How to get featured image of a product in woocommerce

The answers here, are way too complex. Here's something I've recently used:

<?php global $product; ?>
<img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url( $product->get_image_id() ); ?>" />

Using wp_get_attachment_url() to display the

Using BETWEEN in CASE SQL statement

You do not specify why you think it is wrong but I can se two dangers:

BETWEEN can be implemented differently in different databases sometimes it is including the border values and sometimes excluding, resulting in that 1 and 31 of january would end up NOTHING. You should test how you database does this.

Also, if RATE_DATE contains hours also 2010-01-31 might be translated to 2010-01-31 00:00 which also would exclude any row with an hour other that 00:00.

Concatenate a list of pandas dataframes together

Given that all the dataframes have the same columns, you can simply concat them:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.concat(list_of_dataframes)

Java: Converting String to and from ByteBuffer and associated problems

Unless things have changed, you're better off with

public static ByteBuffer str_to_bb(String msg, Charset charset){
    return ByteBuffer.wrap(msg.getBytes(charset));

public static String bb_to_str(ByteBuffer buffer, Charset charset){
    byte[] bytes;
    if(buffer.hasArray()) {
        bytes = buffer.array();
    } else {
        bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
    return new String(bytes, charset);

Usually buffer.hasArray() will be either always true or always false depending on your use case. In practice, unless you really want it to work under any circumstances, it's safe to optimize away the branch you don't need.

Add a tooltip to a div

A CSS3-only solution could be:


div[id^="tooltip"]:after {content: attr(data-title); background: #e5e5e5; position: absolute; top: -10px; left:  0; right: 0; z-index: 1000;}


<div style="background: yellow;">
    <div id="tooltip-1" data-title="Tooltip Text" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; background: pink;">
        <input type="text" />

You could then create a tooltip-2 div the same way... you can of course also use the title attribute instead of data attribute.

How can I convert integer into float in Java?


float l = new Float(x/y)

will not work, as it will compute integer division of x and y first, then construct a float from it.

float result = (float) x / (float) y;

Is semantically the best candidate.

unable to dequeue a cell with identifier Cell - must register a nib or a class for the identifier or connect a prototype cell in a storyboard

My problem was I was registering table view cell inside dispatch queue asynchronously. If you have registered table view source and delegate reference in storyboard then dispatch queue would delay the registration of cell as name suggests it will happen asynchronously and your table view is looking for the cells.

DispatchQueue.main.async {
    self.tableView.register(CampaignTableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: CampaignTableViewCell.identifier())

Either you shouldn't use dispatch queue for registration OR do this:

DispatchQueue.main.async {
    self.tableView.dataSource = self
    self.tableView.delegate = self
    self.tableView.register(CampaignTableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: CampaignTableViewCell.identifier())

How can I delete a service in Windows?

Use the SC command, like this (you need to be on a command prompt to execute the commands in this post):

SC STOP shortservicename
SC DELETE shortservicename

Note: You need to run the command prompt as an administrator, not just logged in as the administrator, but also with administrative rights. If you get errors above about not having the necessary access rights to stop and/or delete the service, run the command prompt as an administrator. You can do this by searching for the command prompt on your start menu and then right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator". Note to PowerShell users: sc is aliased to set-content. So sc delete service will actually create a file called delete with the content service. To do this in Powershell, use sc.exe delete service instead

If you need to find the short service name of a service, use the following command to generate a text file containing a list of services and their statuses:

SC QUERY state= all >"C:\Service List.txt"

For a more concise list, execute this command:

SC QUERY state= all | FIND "_NAME"

The short service name will be listed just above the display name, like this:

DISPLAY_NAME: My Special Service

And thus to delete that service:

SC STOP MyService

Django - what is the difference between render(), render_to_response() and direct_to_template()?

Just one note I could not find in the answers above. In this code:

context_instance = RequestContext(request)
return render_to_response(template_name, user_context, context_instance)

What the third parameter context_instance actually does? Being RequestContext it sets up some basic context which is then added to user_context. So the template gets this extended context. What variables are added is given by TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in For instance django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth adds variable user and variable perm which are then accessible in the template.

Why is NULL undeclared?

Do use NULL. It is just #defined as 0 anyway and it is very useful to semantically distinguish it from the integer 0.

There are problems with using 0 (and hence NULL). For example:

void f(int);
void f(void*);

f(0); // Ambiguous. Calls f(int).

The next version of C++ (C++0x) includes nullptr to fix this.

f(nullptr); // Calls f(void*).

How to configure XAMPP to send mail from localhost?

You can test send mail in Your PC without Internet

you should use Papercut this simple application to test send mail. and you don't need to configure anything.

Just run it and try test send mail:


$to = "[email protected]";
$subject = "My subject";
$txt = "Hello world!";
$headers = "From: [email protected]" . "\r\n" .
"CC: [email protected]";


and you will see this:

enter image description here

I hope you will have a good day. you can find me on Youtube for more tutorial Piseth Sok


How can I select an element with multiple classes in jQuery?

$('.a .b , .a .c').css('border', '2px solid yellow');_x000D_
//selects b and c
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="a">a_x000D_
  <div class="b">b</div>_x000D_
  <div class="c">c</div>_x000D_
  <div class="d">d</div>_x000D_

How do you change video src using jQuery?


<script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  var videoID = 'videoclip';_x000D_
  var sourceID = 'mp4video';_x000D_
  var newmp4 = 'media/video2.mp4';_x000D_
  var newposter = 'media/video-poster2.jpg';_x000D_
  $('#videolink1').click(function(event) {_x000D_
    $('#'+sourceID).attr('src', newmp4);_x000D_
     //$('#'+videoID).attr('poster', newposter); //Change video poster_x000D_

error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context in Angular 9

Adding skipLibCheck: true in compilerOptions inside tsconfig.json file fixed my issue.

"compilerOptions": {
   "skipLibCheck": true,

What is the difference between a hash join and a merge join (Oracle RDBMS )?

I just want to edit this for posterity that the tags for oracle weren't added when I answered this question. My response was more applicable to MS SQL.

Merge join is the best possible as it exploits the ordering, resulting in a single pass down the tables to do the join. IF you have two tables (or covering indexes) that have their ordering the same such as a primary key and an index of a table on that key then a merge join would result if you performed that action.

Hash join is the next best, as it's usually done when one table has a small number (relatively) of items, its effectively creating a temp table with hashes for each row which is then searched continuously to create the join.

Worst case is nested loop which is order (n * m) which means there is no ordering or size to exploit and the join is simply, for each row in table x, search table y for joins to do.

Python, remove all non-alphabet chars from string

Use re.sub

import re

regex = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z]')
#First parameter is the replacement, second parameter is your input string
regex.sub('', 'ab3d*E')
#Out: 'abdE'

Alternatively, if you only want to remove a certain set of characters (as an apostrophe might be okay in your input...)

regex = re.compile('[,\.!?]') #etc.

How to resize image automatically on browser width resize but keep same height?

You should learn about the Media queries for CSS. The site you referring to is using the same. The site is basically using the different CSS everytime the browser window size is changining. Here's the link for samples

Get list of Excel files in a folder using VBA

Regarding the upvoted answer, I liked it except that if the resulting "listfiles" array is used in an array formula {CSE}, the list values come out all in a horizontal row. To make them come out in a vertical column, I simply made the array two dimensional as follows:

ReDim vaArray(1 To oFiles.Count, 0)
i = 1
For Each oFile In oFiles
    vaArray(i, 0) = oFile.Name
    i = i + 1

How to detect control+click in Javascript from an onclick div attribute?

In your handler, check the window.event object for the property ctrlKey as such:

function selectMe(){
    if (window.event.ctrlKey) {
        //ctrl was held down during the click

UPDATE: the above solution depends on a proprietary property on the window object, which perhaps should not be counted on to exist in all browsers. Luckily, we now have a working draft that takes care of our needs, and according to MDN, it is widely supported. Example:


<span onclick="handler(event)">Click me</span>


function handler(ev) {
  console.log('CTRL pressed during click:', ev.ctrlKey);

The same applies for keyboard events

See also KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()

WCF named pipe minimal example

Try this.

Here is the service part.

public interface IService
    void  HelloWorld();

public class Service : IService
    public void HelloWorld()
        //Hello World

Here is the Proxy

public class ServiceProxy : ClientBase<IService>
    public ServiceProxy()
        : base(new ServiceEndpoint(ContractDescription.GetContract(typeof(IService)),
            new NetNamedPipeBinding(), new EndpointAddress("net.pipe://localhost/MyAppNameThatNobodyElseWillUse/helloservice")))

    public void InvokeHelloWorld()

And here is the service hosting part.

var serviceHost = new ServiceHost
        (typeof(Service), new Uri[] { new Uri("net.pipe://localhost/MyAppNameThatNobodyElseWillUse") });
    serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IService), new NetNamedPipeBinding(), "helloservice");

    Console.WriteLine("Service started. Available in following endpoints");
    foreach (var serviceEndpoint in serviceHost.Description.Endpoints)

How to output (to a log) a multi-level array in a format that is human-readable? This function can be used to format output,

$output = print_r($array,1);

$output is a string variable, it can be logged like every other string. In pure php you can use trigger_error

Ex. trigger_error($output);

if you need to format it also in html, you can use <pre> tag

SyntaxError: missing ; before statement

too many ) parenthesis remove one of them.

Outline radius?

No. Borders sit on the outside of the element and on the inside of the box-model margin area. Outlines sit on the inside of the element and the box-model padding area ignores it. It isn't intended for aesthetics. It's just to show the designer the outlines of the elements. In the early stages of developing an html document for example, a developer might need to quickly discern if they have put all of the skeletal divs in the correct place. Later on they may need to check if various buttons and forms are the correct number of pixels apart from each other.

Borders are aesthetic in nature. Unlike outlines they are actually apart of the box-model, which means they do not overlap text set to margin: 0; and each side of the border can be styled individually.

If you're trying to apply a corner radius to outline I assume you are using it the way most people use border. So if you don't mind me asking, what property of outline makes it desirable over border?

Android Failed to install HelloWorld.apk on device (null) Error

When it shows the red writing - the error , don't close the emulator - leave it as is and run the application again.

Is it possible to reference one CSS rule within another?

You can easily do so with SASS pre-processor by using @extend.

someDiv {
    @extend .opacity;
    @extend .radius;

Ohterwise, you could use JavaScript (jQuery) as well:

$('someDiv').addClass('opacity radius')

The easiest is of course to add multiple classes right in the HTML

<div class="opacity radius">

Rename a column in MySQL

Rename MySQL Column with ALTER TABLE Command

ALTER TABLE is an essential command used to change the structure of a MySQL table. You can use it to add or delete columns, change the type of data within the columns, and even rename entire databases. The function that concerns us the most is how to utilize ALTER TABLE to rename a column.

Clauses give us additional control over the renaming process. The RENAME COLUMN and CHANGE clause both allow for the names of existing columns to be altered. The difference is that the CHANGE clause can also be used to alter the data types of a column. The commands are straightforward, and you may use the clause that fits your requirements best.

How to Use the RENAME COLUMN Clause (MySQL 8.0)

The simplest way to rename a column is to use the ALTER TABLE command with the RENAME COLUMN clause. This clause is available since MySQL version 8.0.

Let’s illustrate its simple syntax. To change a column name, enter the following statement in your MySQL shell:

ALTER TABLE your_table_name RENAME COLUMN original_column_name TO new_column_name;

Exchange the your_table_name, original_column_name, and new_column_name with your table and column names. Keep in mind that you cannot rename a column to a name that already exists in the table.

Note: The word COLUMN is obligatory for the ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN command. ALTER TABLE RENAME is the existing syntax to rename the entire table.

The RENAME COLUMN clause can only be used to rename a column. If you need additional functions, such as changing the data definition, or position of a column, you need to use the CHANGE clause instead.

Rename MySQL Column with CHANGE Clause

The CHANGE clause offers important additions to the renaming process. It can be used to rename a column and change the data type of that column with the same command.

Enter the following command in your MySQL client shell to change the name of the column and its definition:

ALTER TABLE your_table_name CHANGE original_column_name new_col_name data_type;

The data_type element is mandatory, even if you want to keep the existing datatype.

Use additional options to further manipulate table columns. The CHANGE also allows you to place the column in a different position in the table by using the optional FIRST | AFTER column_name clause. For example:

ALTER TABLE your_table_name CHANGE original_column_name new_col_name y_data_type AFTER column_x;

You have successfully changed the name of the column, changed the data type to y_data_type, and positioned the column after column_x.

How do I write a batch script that copies one directory to another, replaces old files?

Try this:

xcopy %1 %2 /y /e

The %1 and %2 are the source and destination arguments you pass to the batch file. i.e. C:\MyBatchFile.bat C:\CopyMe D:\ToHere

HTML table headers always visible at top of window when viewing a large table

If you're targeting modern css3 compliant browsers (Browser support: you can use position:sticky, which doesn't require JS and won't break the table layout miss-aligning th and td of the same column. Nor does it require fixed column width to work properly.

Example for a single header row:

thead th
    position: sticky;
    top: 0px;

For theads with 1 or 2 rows, you can use something like this:

thead > :last-child th
    position: sticky;
    top: 30px; /* This is for all the the "th" elements in the second row, (in this casa is the last child element into the thead) */

thead > :first-child th
    position: sticky;
    top: 0px; /* This is for all the the "th" elements in the first child row */

You might need to play a bit with the top property of the last child changing the number of pixels to match the height of the first row (+ the margin + the border + the padding, if any), so the second row sticks just down bellow the first one.

Also both solutions work even if you have more than one table in the same page: the th element of each one starts to be sticky when its top position is the one indicated into the css definition and just disappear when all the table scrolls down. So if there are more tables all work beautifully the same way.

Why to use last-child before and first-child after in the css?

Because css rules are rendered by the browser in the same order as you write them into the css file and because of this if you have just 1 row into the thead element the first row is simultaneously the last row too and the first-child rule need to override the last-child one. If not you will have an offset of the row 30 px from the top margin which I suppose you don't want to.

A known problem of position: sticky is that it doesn't work on thead elements or table rows: you must target th elements. Hopping this issue will be solved on future browser versions.

Git removing upstream from local repository

git remote manpage is pretty straightforward:


Older (backwards-compatible) syntax:
$ git remote rm upstream
Newer syntax for newer git versions: (* see below)
$ git remote remove upstream

Then do:    
$ git remote add upstream

or just update the URL directly:

$ git remote set-url upstream

or if you are comfortable with it, just update the .git/config directly - you can probably figure out what you need to change (left as exercise for the reader).

[remote "upstream"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
    url =


* Regarding 'git remote rm' vs 'git remote remove' - this changed around git / 1.7.12 2 - see

Log message

remote: prefer subcommand name 'remove' to 'rm'

All remote subcommands are spelled out words except 'rm'. 'rm', being a
popular UNIX command name, may mislead users that there are also 'ls' or
'mv'. Use 'remove' to fit with the rest of subcommands.

'rm' is still supported and used in the test suite. It's just not
widely advertised.

How to get input text value on click in ReactJS

There are two ways to go about doing this.

  1. Create a state in the constructor that contains the text input. Attach an onChange event to the input box that updates state each time. Then onClick you could just alert the state object.

  2. handleClick: function() { alert(this.refs.myInput.value); },

How do you rebase the current branch's changes on top of changes being merged in?

Another way to look at it is to consider git rebase master as:

Rebase the current branch on top of master

Here , 'master' is the upstream branch, and that explain why, during a rebase, ours and theirs are reversed.

Created Button Click Event c#

You need an event handler which will fire when the button is clicked. Here is a quick way -

  var button = new Button();
  button.Text = "my button";


  button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                           MessageBox.Show("Some stuff");

But it would be better to understand a bit more about buttons, events, etc.

If you use the visual studio UI to create a button and double click the button in design mode, this will create your event and hook it up for you. You can then go to the designer code (the default will be Form1.Designer.cs) where you will find the event:

 this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

You will also see a LOT of other information setup for the button, such as location, etc. - which will help you create one the way you want and will improve your understanding of creating UI elements. E.g. a default button gives this on my 2012 machine:

        this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(128, 214);
        this.button1.Name = "button1";
        this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
        this.button1.TabIndex = 1;
        this.button1.Text = "button1";
        this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

As for closing the Form, it is as easy as putting Close(); within your event handler:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       MessageBox.Show("some text");

CSS to stop text wrapping under image

Wrap a div around the image and the span and add the following to CSS like so:


        <li id="CN2787">
          <div><img class="fav_star" src="images/fav.png"></div>
          <div><span>Text, text and more text</span></div>


            #CN2787 > div { 
                display: inline-block;
                vertical-align: top;

            #CN2787 > div:first-of-type {
                width: 35%;

            #CN2787 > div:last-of-type {
                width: 65%;


        #CN2787 {
            > div { 
                display: inline-block;
                vertical-align: top;

            > div:first-of-type {
                width: 35%;
            > div:last-of-type {
                width: 65%;

RESTful Authentication

It's certainly not about "session keys" as it is generally used to refer to sessionless authentication which is performed within all of the constraints of REST. Each request is self-describing, carrying enough information to authorize the request on its own without any server-side application state.

The easiest way to approach this is by starting with HTTP's built-in authentication mechanisms in RFC 2617.

Sorted array list in Java

I had the same problem. So I took the source code of java.util.TreeMap and wrote IndexedTreeMap. It implements my own IndexedNavigableMap:

public interface IndexedNavigableMap<K, V> extends NavigableMap<K, V> {
   K exactKey(int index);
   Entry<K, V> exactEntry(int index);
   int keyIndex(K k);

The implementation is based on updating node weights in the red-black tree when it is changed. Weight is the number of child nodes beneath a given node, plus one - self. For example when a tree is rotated to the left:

    private void rotateLeft(Entry<K, V> p) {
    if (p != null) {
        Entry<K, V> r = p.right;

        int delta = getWeight(r.left) - getWeight(p.right);
        p.right = r.left;

        if (r.left != null) {
            r.left.parent = p;

        r.parent = p.parent;

        if (p.parent == null) {
            root = r;
        } else if (p.parent.left == p) {
            delta = getWeight(r) - getWeight(p.parent.left);
            p.parent.left = r;
        } else {
            delta = getWeight(r) - getWeight(p.parent.right);
            p.parent.right = r;

        delta = getWeight(p) - getWeight(r.left);
        r.left = p;

        p.parent = r;

updateWeight simply updates weights up to the root:

   void updateWeight(int delta) {
        weight += delta;
        Entry<K, V> p = parent;
        while (p != null) {
            p.weight += delta;
            p = p.parent;

And when we need to find the element by index here is the implementation that uses weights:

public K exactKey(int index) {
    if (index < 0 || index > size() - 1) {
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return getExactKey(root, index);

private K getExactKey(Entry<K, V> e, int index) {
    if (e.left == null && index == 0) {
        return e.key;
    if (e.left == null && e.right == null) {
        return e.key;
    if (e.left != null && e.left.weight > index) {
        return getExactKey(e.left, index);
    if (e.left != null && e.left.weight == index) {
        return e.key;
    return getExactKey(e.right, index - (e.left == null ? 0 : e.left.weight) - 1);

Also comes in very handy finding the index of a key:

    public int keyIndex(K key) {
    if (key == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    Entry<K, V> e = getEntry(key);
    if (e == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    if (e == root) {
        return getWeight(e) - getWeight(e.right) - 1;//index to return
    int index = 0;
    int cmp;
    index += getWeight(e.left);

    Entry<K, V> p = e.parent;
    // split comparator and comparable paths
    Comparator<? super K> cpr = comparator;
    if (cpr != null) {
        while (p != null) {
            cmp =, p.key);
            if (cmp > 0) {
                index += getWeight(p.left) + 1;
            p = p.parent;
    } else {
        Comparable<? super K> k = (Comparable<? super K>) key;
        while (p != null) {
            if (k.compareTo(p.key) > 0) {
                index += getWeight(p.left) + 1;
            p = p.parent;
    return index;

You can find the result of this work at

TreeSet/TreeMap (as well as their indexed counterparts from the indexed-tree-map project) do not allow duplicate keys , you can use 1 key for an array of values. If you need a SortedSet with duplicates use TreeMap with values as arrays. I would do that.

How can I uninstall npm modules in Node.js?

To uninstall a module using npm, you can use:

npm uninstall moduleName

Also, if you want to uninstall and want the change to be reflected in your package.json then you can use the --save flag, like this:

npm uninstall moduleName --save
npm uninstall -S

And if you want to uninstall a module from devDependencies and want the change to be reflected in package.json then you can use -D flag, like this:

npm uninstall moduleName -D

Gradle does not find tools.jar

This worked for me:

I was getting message

Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

Could not find tools.jar. Please check that C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121 contains a valid JDK installation.

  • In Android Studio, check your SDK Location.
  • File, Project Structure, SDK Location, JDK Location.
  • Example: C:\android-studio\android-studio\jre
  • Copy the tools.jar file in the C:\android-studio\android-studio\jre\lib folder into the C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121\lib folder.
  • Retry.

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?

$str = '\u0063\u0061\u0074'.'\ud83d\ude38';
$str2 = '\u0063\u0061\u0074'.'\ud83d';

// U+1F638
    "cat\xF0\x9F\x98\xB8" === escape_sequence_decode($str),
    "cat\xEF\xBF\xBD" === escape_sequence_decode($str2)

function escape_sequence_decode($str) {

    // [U+D800 - U+DBFF][U+DC00 - U+DFFF]|[U+0000 - U+FFFF]
    $regex = '/\\\u([dD][89abAB][\da-fA-F]{2})\\\u([dD][c-fC-F][\da-fA-F]{2})

    return preg_replace_callback($regex, function($matches) {

        if (isset($matches[3])) {
            $cp = hexdec($matches[3]);
        } else {
            $lead = hexdec($matches[1]);
            $trail = hexdec($matches[2]);

            $cp = ($lead << 10) + $trail + 0x10000 - (0xD800 << 10) - 0xDC00;

        // Characters between U+D800 and U+DFFF are not allowed in UTF-8
        if ($cp > 0xD7FF && 0xE000 > $cp) {
            $cp = 0xFFFD;

        // php_utf32_utf8(unsigned char *buf, unsigned k)

        if ($cp < 0x80) {
            return chr($cp);
        } else if ($cp < 0xA0) {
            return chr(0xC0 | $cp >> 6).chr(0x80 | $cp & 0x3F);

        return html_entity_decode('&#'.$cp.';');
    }, $str);

How do I increase the RAM and set up host-only networking in Vagrant?

You can easily increase your VM's RAM by modifying the memory property of config.vm.provider section in your vagrant file.

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
 vb.memory = "4096"

This allocates about 4GB of RAM to your VM. You can change this according to your requirement. For example, following setting would allocate 2GB of RAM to your VM.

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
 vb.memory = "2048"

Try removing the config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 1024] in your file, and adding the above code.

For the network configuration, try modifying the :hostonly, "" in your file "private_network", ip: ""

Javascript-Setting background image of a DIV via a function and function parameter

You need to concatenate your string.

document.getElementById(tabName).style.backgroundImage = 'url(buttons/' + imagePrefix + '.png)';

The way you had it, it's just making 1 long string and not actually interpreting imagePrefix.

I would even suggest creating the string separate:

function ChangeBackgroungImageOfTab(tabName, imagePrefix)
    var urlString = 'url(buttons/' + imagePrefix + '.png)';
    document.getElementById(tabName).style.backgroundImage =  urlString;

As mentioned by David Thomas below, you can ditch the double quotes in your string. Here is a little article to get a better idea of how strings and quotes/double quotes are related:

How can I write data attributes using Angular?

Use attribute binding syntax instead

<ol class="viewer-nav"><li *ngFor="let section of sections" 
    []="section.value">{{ section.text }}</li>  


<ol class="viewer-nav"><li *ngFor="let section of sections""{{section.value}}">{{ section.text }}</li>  

See also :

Is it possible to use argsort in descending order?

Instead of using np.argsort you could use np.argpartition - if you only need the indices of the lowest/highest n elements.

That doesn't require to sort the whole array but just the part that you need but note that the "order inside your partition" is undefined, so while it gives the correct indices they might not be correctly ordered:

>>> avgDists = [1, 8, 6, 9, 4]
>>> np.array(avgDists).argpartition(2)[:2]  # indices of lowest 2 items
array([0, 4], dtype=int64)

>>> np.array(avgDists).argpartition(-2)[-2:]  # indices of highest 2 items
array([1, 3], dtype=int64)

How does numpy.histogram() work?

import numpy as np    
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3], bins = range(5))

Below, hist indicates that there are 0 items in bin #0, 2 in bin #1, 4 in bin #3, 1 in bin #4.

# array([0, 2, 4, 1])   

bin_edges indicates that bin #0 is the interval [0,1), bin #1 is [1,2), ..., bin #3 is [3,4).

print (bin_edges)
# array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]))  

Play with the above code, change the input to np.histogram and see how it works.

But a picture is worth a thousand words:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt[:-1], hist, width = 1)
plt.xlim(min(bin_edges), max(bin_edges))   

enter image description here