[jquery] How to loop through all elements of a form jQuery

I was just wondering what the best way of looping through all the child elements of a form would be? My form contains both input and select elements.

At the moment I have:

success: function(data) {
                $.each(data.details, function(datakey, datavalue) {
                    $('#new_user_form > input').each(function(key, value) {
                        if($(this).attr('id') == datakey) {

This only loops through the input elements of the form though and I want to include the select elements too:

I have tried:

$('#new_user_form > input, #new_user_form > select').each(function(key, value) {

but this doesn't work. Does anyone know why this would be happening? Thanks!

This question is related to jquery loops

The answer is

pure JavaScript is not that difficult:

for(var i=0; i < form.elements.length; i++){
    var e = form.elements[i];

Note: because form.elements is a object for-in loop does not work as expected.

Answer found here (by Chris Pietschmann), documented here (W3S).

As taken from the #jquery Freenode IRC channel:

$.each($(form).serializeArray(), function(_, field) { /* use field.name, field.value */ });

Thanks to @Cork on the channel.

   //your code here

I have found this simple jquery snippet, to be handy for choosing just the type of selectors I want to work with:

$("select, input").each(function(){
     // do some stuff with the element

$('#new_user_form :input') should be your way forward. Note the omission of the > selector. A valid HTML form wouldn't allow for a input tag being a direct child of a form tag.

I'm using:


It Seems ugly, but to me it is still the better way to get all the elements with jQuery.

What happens, if you do this way:-

$('#new_user_form input, #new_user_form select').each(function(key, value) {


Do one of the two jQuery serializers inside your form submit to get all inputs having a submitted value.

var criteria = $(this).find('input,select').filter(function () {
    return ((!!this.value) && (!!this.name));

var formData = JSON.stringify(criteria);

serializeArray() will produce an array of names and values

0: {name: "OwnLast", value: "Bird"}
1: {name: "OwnFirst", value: "Bob"}
2: {name: "OutBldg[]", value: "PDG"}
3: {name: "OutBldg[]", value: "PDA"}

var criteria = $(this).find('input,select').filter(function () {
    return ((!!this.value) && (!!this.name));

serialize() creates a text string in standard URL-encoded notation
