Yet another take at this is to forgo all the character mapping altogether and to instead convert all unwanted characters into their respective numeric character references, e.g.:
function escapeHtml(raw) {
return raw.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function onReplace(match) {
return '&#' + match.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
Note that the specified RegEx only handles the specific characters that the OP wanted to escape but, depending on the context that the escaped HTML is going to be used, these characters may not be sufficient. Ryan Grove’s article There's more to HTML escaping than &, <, >, and " is a good read on the topic. And depending on your context, the following RegEx may very well be needed in order to avoid XSS injection:
var regex = /[&<>"'` !@$%()=+{}[\]]/g