Programs & Examples On #Twisted

Twisted is an event-driven networking engine, written in Python and implementing many different protocols.

TypeError: Object of type 'bytes' is not JSON serializable

I guess the answer you need is referenced here Python sets are not json serializable

Not all datatypes can be json serialized . I guess pickle module will serve your purpose.

"SSL certificate verify failed" using pip to install packages

One note on the above answers: it is no longer sufficient to add just to the trusted-hosts in the case where you are behind an HTTPS-intercepting proxy (we have zScaler).

I currently have the following in my pip.ini:

trusted-host =

Running pip -v install pkg will give you some hints as to which hosts might need to be added.

Making an asynchronous task in Flask

I would use Celery to handle the asynchronous task for you. You'll need to install a broker to serve as your task queue (RabbitMQ and Redis are recommended).

from flask import Flask
from celery import Celery

broker_url = 'amqp://guest@localhost'          # Broker URL for RabbitMQ task queue

app = Flask(__name__)    
celery = Celery(, broker=broker_url)
celery.config_from_object('celeryconfig')      # Your celery configurations in a

def some_long_task(self, x, y):
    # Do some long task

@app.route('/render/<id>', methods=['POST'])
def render_script(id=None):
    data = json.loads(
    text_list = data.get('text_list')
    final_file = audio_class.render_audio(data=text_list)
    some_long_task.delay(x, y)                 # Call your async task and pass whatever necessary variables
    return Response(

Run your Flask app, and start another process to run your celery worker.

$ celery worker -A app.celery --loglevel=debug

I would also refer to Miguel Gringberg's write up for a more in depth guide to using Celery with Flask.

Pip Install not installing into correct directory?

Make sure you pip version matches your python version.

to get your python version use:

python -V

then install the correct pip. You might already have intall in that case try to use:

pip-2.5 install ...

pip-2.7 install ...

or for those of you using macports make sure your version match using.

port select --list pip

then change to the same python version you are using.

sudo port select --set pip pip27

Hope this helps. It work on my end.

Python Socket Multiple Clients

Here is the example from the SocketServer documentation which would make an excellent starting point

import SocketServer

class MyTCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
    The RequestHandler class for our server.

    It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must
    override the handle() method to implement communication to the

    def handle(self):
        # self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
        print "{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0])
        # just send back the same data, but upper-cased

if __name__ == "__main__":
    HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999

    # Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999
    server = SocketServer.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler)

    # Activate the server; this will keep running until you
    # interrupt the program with Ctrl-C

Try it from a terminal like this

$ telnet localhost 9999
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
HELLOConnection closed by foreign host.
$ telnet localhost 9999
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
SAUSAGEConnection closed by foreign host.

You'll probably need to use A Forking or Threading Mixin too

How do I hide the bullets on my list for the sidebar?

its on you ul in the file on line 252

add this to your css


How can I break from a try/catch block without throwing an exception in Java

You can always do it with a break from a loop construct or a labeled break as specified in aioobies answer.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    do {
        try {
            // code..
            if (condition)
            // more code...
        } catch (Exception e) {

    } while (false);

Difference between socket and websocket?

Websockets use sockets in their implementation. Websockets are based on a standard protocol (now in final call, but not yet final) that defines a connection "handshake" and message "frame." The two sides go through the handshake procedure to mutually accept a connection and then use the standard message format ("frame") to pass messages back and forth.

I'm developing a framework that will allow you to communicate directly machine to machine with installed software. It might suit your purpose. You can follow my blog if you wish:

How can I create a simple message box in Python?

The PyMsgBox module does exactly this. It has message box functions that follow the naming conventions of JavaScript: alert(), confirm(), prompt() and password() (which is prompt() but uses * when you type). These function calls block until the user clicks an OK/Cancel button. It's a cross-platform, pure Python module with no dependencies outside of tkinter.

Install with: pip install PyMsgBox

Sample usage:

import pymsgbox
pymsgbox.alert('This is an alert!', 'Title')
response = pymsgbox.prompt('What is your name?')

Full documentation at

What is the current choice for doing RPC in Python?

We are developing Versile Python (VPy), an implementation for python 2.6+ and 3.x of a new ORB/RPC framework. Functional AGPL dev releases for review and testing are available. VPy has native python capabilities similar to PyRo and RPyC via a general native objects layer (code example). The product is designed for platform-independent remote object interaction for implementations of Versile Platform.

Full disclosure: I work for the company developing VPy.

Validate SSL certificates with Python

I was having the same problem but wanted to minimize 3rd party dependencies (because this one-off script was to be executed by many users). My solution was to wrap a curl call and make sure that the exit code was 0. Worked like a charm.

How to scp in Python?

You could also check out paramiko. There's no scp module (yet), but it fully supports sftp.

[EDIT] Sorry, missed the line where you mentioned paramiko. The following module is simply an implementation of the scp protocol for paramiko. If you don't want to use paramiko or conch (the only ssh implementations I know of for python), you could rework this to run over a regular ssh session using pipes. for paramiko

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

I tried a number of the solutions above however the fix in our scenario was to install the fpm-module.

We had installed httpd before php which may have had something to do with the issue, but to resolve we installed the following:

yum module install php:7.2

This installed the php-fpm-7.2.11-4.module+el8.1.0+5443+bc1aeb77.x86_64.rpm module which we then enabled by:

systemctl enable --now php-fpm

From that point we left the /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf as default and restarted httpd

service httpd restart

Then everything worked.

Hope this helps, took way longer than it should have to figure out.

How to redirect a page using onclick event in php?

you are using onclick which is javascript event. there is two ways


<input type="button" value="Home" class="homebutton" id="btnHome" 
onClick="window.location = ''" />


create another page as redirect.php and put

<?php header('location :') ?>

and insert this link on any page within the same directory

<a href="redirect.php">google<a/>

hope this helps its simplest!!

Find object in list that has attribute equal to some value (that meets any condition)

You could do something like this

dict = [{
   "id": 1,
   "name": "Doom Hammer"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Rings ov Saturn"

for x in dict:
  if x["id"] == 2:

Thats what i use to find the objects in a long array of objects.

How to grep, excluding some patterns?

/*You might be looking something like this?

grep -vn "gloom" `grep -l "loom" ~/projects/**/trunk/src/**/*.@(h|cpp)`

The BACKQUOTES are used like brackets for commands, so in this case with -l enabled, the code in the BACKQUOTES will return you the file names, then with -vn to do what you wanted: have filenames, linenumbers, and also the actual lines.

UPDATE Or with xargs

grep -l "loom" ~/projects/**/trunk/src/**/*.@(h|cpp) | xargs grep -vn "gloom"

Hope that helps.*/

Please ignore what I've written above, it's rubbish.

grep -n "loom" `grep -l "loom" tt4.txt` | grep -v "gloom"

               #this part gets the filenames with "loom"
#this part gets the lines with "loom"
                                          #this part gets the linenumber,
                                          #filename and actual line

How to download the latest artifact from Artifactory repository?

This may be new:[RELEASE]/foo-1.0.[RELEASE].tgz

For loading module foo from . Keep the [RELEASE] parts verbatim. This is mentioned in the docs but it's not made abundantly clear that you can actually put [RELEASE] into the URL (as opposed to a substitution pattern for the developer).

Static class initializer in PHP

There is a way to call the init() method once and forbid it's usage, you can turn the function into private initializer and ivoke it after class declaration like this:

class Example {
    private static function init() {
        // do whatever needed for class initialization
(static function () {
})->bindTo(null, Example::class)();

What is let-* in Angular 2 templates?

update Angular 5

ngOutletContext was renamed to ngTemplateOutletContext

See also


Templates (<template>, or <ng-template> since 4.x) are added as embedded views and get passed a context.

With let-col the context property $implicit is made available as col within the template for bindings. With let-foo="bar" the context property bar is made available as foo.

For example if you add a template

<ng-template #myTemplate let-col let-foo="bar">

<!-- render above template with a custom context -->
<ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="myTemplate"
                                           $implicit: 'some col value',
                                           bar: 'some bar value'

See also this answer and ViewContainerRef#createEmbeddedView.

*ngFor also works this way. The canonical syntax makes this more obvious

<ng-template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items" let-i="index" let-odd="odd">

where NgFor adds the template as embedded view to the DOM for each item of items and adds a few values (item, index, odd) to the context.

See also Using $implict to pass multiple parameters

Mockito test a void method throws an exception

If you ever wondered how to do it using the new BDD style of Mockito:

willThrow(new Exception()).given(mockedObject).methodReturningVoid(...));

And for future reference one may need to throw exception and then do nothing:

willThrow(new Exception()).willDoNothing().given(mockedObject).methodReturningVoid(...));

Get escaped URL parameter

jQuery code snippet to get the dynamic variables stored in the url as parameters and store them as JavaScript variables ready for use with your scripts:

$.urlParam = function(name){
    var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href);
    if (results==null){
       return null;
       return results[1] || 0;

$.urlParam('param1'); // name
$.urlParam('id');        // 6
$.urlParam('param2');   // null

//example params with spaces Coast
//output: Gold%20Coast

//output: Gold Coast

Equivalent of Math.Min & Math.Max for Dates?

If you want to call it more like Math.Max, you can do something like this very short expression body:

public static DateTime Max(params DateTime[] dates) => dates.Max();
var lastUpdatedTime = DateMath.Max(feedItemDateTime, assemblyUpdatedDateTime);

How do I fix the "You don't have write permissions into the /usr/bin directory" error when installing Rails?

This Error hit me after installing RVM correctly. Solution: re-boot Terminal.

Reference RailsCast's RVM Install tutorial.

How to access property of anonymous type in C#?

You could iterate over the anonymous type's properties using Reflection; see if there is a "Checked" property and if there is then get its value.

See this blog post:

So something like:

foreach(object o in nodes)
    Type t = o.GetType();

    PropertyInfo[] pi = t.GetProperties(); 

    foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi)
        if (p.Name=="Checked" && !(bool)p.GetValue(o))

Adding blur effect to background in swift

In a UIView extension:

func addBlurredBackground(style: UIBlurEffect.Style) {
    let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: style)
    let blurView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
    blurView.frame = self.frame
    blurView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]

Copying from one text file to another using Python

f = open('list1.txt')
f1 = open('output.txt', 'a')

# doIHaveToCopyTheLine=False

for line in f.readlines():
    if 'tests/file/myword' in line:


Now Your code will work. Try This one.

How to allow access outside localhost

You can use the following command to access with your ip.

ng serve --host --disable-host-check

If you are using npm and want to avoid running the command every time, we can add the following line to the package.json file in the scripts section.

"scripts": {
    "start": "ng serve --host --disable-host-check"

Then you can run you app using the below command to be accessed from the other system in the same network.

npm start

How do I retrieve an HTML element's actual width and height?

element.offsetWidth and element.offsetHeight should do, as suggested in previous post.

However, if you just want to center the content, there is a better way of doing so. Assuming you use xhtml strict DOCTYPE. set the margin:0,auto property and required width in px to the body tag. The content gets center aligned to the page.

When and why to 'return false' in JavaScript?

Er ... how about in a boolean function to indicate 'not true'?

WCF error - There was no endpoint listening at

You can solve the issue by clearing value of address in endpoint tag in web.config:

<endpoint address="" name="wsHttpEndpoint"  .......           />

Python "\n" tag extra line

The print function in python adds itself \n

You could use

import sys


RegEx for valid international mobile phone number


The Regular Expression ^\+[1-9]{1}[0-9]{7,11}$ fails for "+290 8000" and similar valid numbers that are shorter than 8 digits.

The longest numbers could be something like 3 digit country code, 3 digit area code, 8 digit subscriber number, making 14 digits.

Return Type for jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, object, classType)

In order to map a the result set of query to a particular Java class you'll probably be best (assuming you're interested in using the object elsewhere) off with a RowMapper to convert the columns in the result set into an object instance.

See Section of Data access with JDBC on how to use a row mapper.

In short, you'll need something like:

List<Conversation> actors = jdbcTemplate.query(
    new Object[] {userId, dateFrom, dateTo},
    new RowMapper<Conversation>() {
        public Conversation mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
            Conversation c = new Conversation();
            return c;

assigning column names to a pandas series

If you have a pd.Series object x with index named 'Gene', you can use reset_index and supply the name argument:

df = x.reset_index(name='count')

Here's a demo:

x = pd.Series([2, 7, 1], index=['Ezh2', 'Hmgb', 'Irf1']) = 'Gene'

df = x.reset_index(name='count')


   Gene  count
0  Ezh2      2
1  Hmgb      7
2  Irf1      1

angular-cli where is webpack.config.js file - new angular6 does not support ng eject

The CLI's webpack config can now be ejected. Check Anton Nikiforov's answer.


You can hack the config template in angular-cli/addon/ng2/models. There's no official way to modify the webpack config as of now.

There's a closed "wont-fix" issue on github about this:

How to get an absolute file path in Python

Today you can also use the unipath package which was based on

>>> from unipath import Path
>>> absolute_path = Path('mydir/myfile.txt').absolute()
>>> str(absolute_path)

I would recommend using this package as it offers a clean interface to common os.path utilities.

Getting the error "Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed" when using tabs with ViewPager

I'm having exactly the same problem. The only workaround I've found, is to replace the fragments by a new instance, each time the tabs are changed.

ft.replace(, Fragment.instantiate(PlayerMainActivity.this, fragment.getClass().getName()));

Not a real solution, but i haven't found a way to reuse the previous fragment instance...

Pull request vs Merge request

There is a subtle difference in terms of conflict management. In case of conflicts, a pull request in Github will result in a merge commit on the destination branch. In Gitlab, when a conflict is found, the modifications made will be on a merge commit on the source branch.


"GitLab resolves conflicts by creating a merge commit in the source branch that is not automatically merged into the target branch. This allows the merge commit to be reviewed and tested before the changes are merged, preventing unintended changes entering the target branch without review or breaking the build."

Javascript Click on Element by Class

I'd suggest:


The above code assumes that the given element has both of those classes; otherwise, if the space is meant to imply an ancestor-descendant relationship:

document.querySelector('.rateRecipe .btns-one-small').click();

The method getElementsByClassName() takes a single class-name (rather than document.querySelector()/document.querySelectorAll(), which take a CSS selector), and you passed two (presumably class-names) to the method.


Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Cannot write to SD Card

Android Documentation on Manifest.permission.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE states:

Starting in API level 19, this permission is not required to read/write files in your application-specific directories returned by getExternalFilesDir(String) and getExternalCacheDir().

I think that this means you do not have to code for the run-time implementation of the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission unless the app is writing to a directory that is not specific to your app.

You can define the max sdk version in the manifest per permission like:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="19" />

Also make sure to change the target SDK in the build.graddle and not the manifest, the gradle settings will always overwrite the manifest settings.

android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion '23.0.1'
defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 17
    targetSdkVersion 22

Return current date plus 7 days

Here is how you can do it using strtotime(),

    $date = strtotime("3 October 2005");
    $d = strtotime("+7 day", $date);
    echo "Created date is " . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d) . "<br>";

Difference between application/x-javascript and text/javascript content types

mime-types starting with x- are not standardized. In case of javascript it's kind of outdated. Additional the second code snippet

<?Header('Content-Type: text/javascript');?>

requires short_open_tags to be enabled. you should avoid it.

<?php Header('Content-Type: text/javascript');?>

However, the completely correct mime-type for javascript is


NodeJS: How to get the server's port?

const express = require('express');                                                                                                                           
const morgan = require('morgan')
const PORT = 3000;

morgan.token('port', (req) => { 

const app = express();
app.locals.port = PORT;
app.use(morgan(':method :url :port'))
app.get('/app', function(req, res) {
    res.send("Hello world from server");


SSL Error: CERT_UNTRUSTED while using npm command

I had same problem and finally I understood that my node version is old. For example, you can install the current active LTS node version in Ubuntu by the following steps:

sudo apt-get update
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y

Installation instructions for more versions and systems can be found in the following link:

#include errors detected in vscode

The error message "Please update your includePath" does not necessarily mean there is actually a problem with the includePath. The problem may be that VSCode is using the wrong compiler or wrong IntelliSense mode. I have written instructions in this answer on how to troubleshoot and align your VSCode C++ configuration with your compiler and project.

Convert RGBA PNG to RGB with PIL

The transparent parts mostly have RGBA value (0,0,0,0). Since the JPG has no transparency, the jpeg value is set to (0,0,0), which is black.

Around the circular icon, there are pixels with nonzero RGB values where A = 0. So they look transparent in the PNG, but funny-colored in the JPG.

You can set all pixels where A == 0 to have R = G = B = 255 using numpy like this:

import Image
import numpy as np

FNAME = 'logo.png'
img ='RGBA')
x = np.array(img)
r, g, b, a = np.rollaxis(x, axis = -1)
r[a == 0] = 255
g[a == 0] = 255
b[a == 0] = 255
x = np.dstack([r, g, b, a])
img = Image.fromarray(x, 'RGBA')'/tmp/out.jpg')

enter image description here

Note that the logo also has some semi-transparent pixels used to smooth the edges around the words and icon. Saving to jpeg ignores the semi-transparency, making the resultant jpeg look quite jagged.

A better quality result could be made using imagemagick's convert command:

convert logo.png -background white -flatten /tmp/out.jpg

enter image description here

To make a nicer quality blend using numpy, you could use alpha compositing:

import Image
import numpy as np

def alpha_composite(src, dst):
    Return the alpha composite of src and dst.

    src -- PIL RGBA Image object
    dst -- PIL RGBA Image object

    The algorithm comes from
    src = np.asarray(src)
    dst = np.asarray(dst)
    out = np.empty(src.shape, dtype = 'float')
    alpha = np.index_exp[:, :, 3:]
    rgb = np.index_exp[:, :, :3]
    src_a = src[alpha]/255.0
    dst_a = dst[alpha]/255.0
    out[alpha] = src_a+dst_a*(1-src_a)
    old_setting = np.seterr(invalid = 'ignore')
    out[rgb] = (src[rgb]*src_a + dst[rgb]*dst_a*(1-src_a))/out[alpha]
    out[alpha] *= 255
    # astype('uint8') maps np.nan (and np.inf) to 0
    out = out.astype('uint8')
    out = Image.fromarray(out, 'RGBA')
    return out            

FNAME = 'logo.png'
img ='RGBA')
white ='RGBA', size = img.size, color = (255, 255, 255, 255))
img = alpha_composite(img, white)'/tmp/out.jpg')

enter image description here

How to print multiple variable lines in Java

You can do it with 1 printf:

System.out.printf("First Name: %s\nLast Name: %s",firstname, lastname);

How to change the sender's name or e-mail address in mutt?

For a one time change you can do this:

export EMAIL='[email protected]'; mutt -s "Elvis is dead" [email protected]

Grunt watch error - Waiting...Fatal error: watch ENOSPC

In my case I found that I have an aggressive plugin for Vim, just restarted it.

Link to all Visual Studio $ variables

Anybody working on legacy software using Visual Studio 6.0 will find that $(Configuration) and $(ProjectDir) macro's are not defined. For post-build/pre-build events, give a relative path starting with the location of your .dsw file(workspace) as the starting point. In relative path dot represents the current directory and .. represents the parent directory. Give a relative path to the file that need to be processed. Example: ( copy /y .\..\..\Debug\mylib.dll .\..\MyProject\Debug\ )

How to git-svn clone the last n revisions from a Subversion repository?

I find myself using the following often to get a limited number of revisions out of our huge subversion tree (we're soon reaching svn revision 35000).

# checkout a specific revision
git svn clone -r N svn://some/repo/branch/some-branch
# enter it and get all commits since revision 'N'
cd some-branch
git svn rebase

And a good way to find out where a branch started is to do a svn log it and find the first one on the branch (the last one listed when doing):

svn log --stop-on-copy svn://some/repo/branch/some-branch

So far I have not really found the hassle worth it in tracking all branches. It takes too much time to clone and svn and git don't work together as good as I would like. I tend to create patch files and apply them on the git clone of another svn branch.

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    die("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));

You got the order of the arguments to mysqli_select_db() backwards. And mysqli_error() requires you to provide a connection argument. mysqli_XXX is not like mysql_XXX, these arguments are no longer optional.

Note also that with mysqli you can specify the DB in mysqli_connect():

$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
if (!$connection) {
  die("Database connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error();

You must use mysqli_connect_error(), not mysqli_error(), to get the error from mysqli_connect(), since the latter requires you to supply a valid connection.

Call javascript from MVC controller action

Yes, it is definitely possible using Javascript Result:

return JavaScript("Callback()");

Javascript should be referenced by your view:

function Callback(){
    // do something where you can call an action method in controller to pass some data via AJAX() request

Calling Scalar-valued Functions in SQL

Are you sure it's not a Table-Valued Function?

The reason I ask:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.chk_mgr(@mgr VARCHAR(50)) 
RETURNS @mgr_table TABLE (mgr_name VARCHAR(50))
  INSERT @mgr_table (mgr_name) VALUES ('pointy haired boss') 

SELECT dbo.chk_mgr('asdf')


Msg 4121, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function 
or aggregate "dbo.chk_mgr", or the name is ambiguous.


SELECT * FROM dbo.chk_mgr('asdf') 

pointy haired boss

VBScript - How to make program wait until process has finished?

You need to tell the run to wait until the process is finished. Something like:

const DontWaitUntilFinished = false, ShowWindow = 1, DontShowWindow = 0, WaitUntilFinished = true
set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = "cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe <path>\myScript.vbs " & args
oShell.Run command, DontShowWindow, WaitUntilFinished

In the script itself, start Excel like so. While debugging start visible:

File = "c:\test\myfile.xls" """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE"" " & File, 1, true

How to send Basic Auth with axios

The reason the code in your question does not authenticate is because you are sending the auth in the data object, not in the config, which will put it in the headers. Per the axios docs, the request method alias for post is:[, data[, config]])

Therefore, for your code to work, you need to send an empty object for data:

var session_url = 'http://api_address/api/session_endpoint';
var username = 'user';
var password = 'password';
var basicAuth = 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password);, {}, {
  headers: { 'Authorization': + basicAuth }
}).then(function(response) {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error on Authentication');

The same is true for using the auth parameter mentioned by @luschn. The following code is equivalent, but uses the auth parameter instead (and also passes an empty data object):

var session_url = 'http://api_address/api/session_endpoint';
var uname = 'user';
var pass = 'password';, {}, {
  auth: {
    username: uname,
    password: pass
}).then(function(response) {
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.log('Error on Authentication');

Ways to insert javascript into URL?

old question that I stumbled into that I believe deserves an update... You can infact execute javascript from the URL, and you can get creative about it too. I recently made a members only area that I wanted to remind someone what their password was, so I was looking for a non-local alert...of course you can embed an alert into the page itself, but then its public. the difference here is I can create a link and slip some JS into the href so clicking on the link will generate the alert.

here is what I mean >>

<a href="javascript:alert('the secret is to ask.');window.location.replace('');">You can have anything</a>

and so upon clicking the link, the user is given an alert with the info, then they are taken to the new page.

obviously you could also write an onClick, but the href works just fine when you slip it through the URL, just remember to prepend it with "javascript:"

*works in chrome, didnt check anything else.

How to use a parameter in ExecStart command line?

To attempt command line arguments directly is not possible.

One alternative might be environment variables (

This is where I found the answer:

so sudo systemctl restart myprog -v -- systemctl will think you're trying to set one of its flags, not myprog's flag.

sudo systemctl restart myprog someotheroption -- systemctl will restart myprog and the someotheroption service, if it exists.

String concatenation of two pandas columns is the most flexible way to approach this problem:

For df = pd.DataFrame({'foo':['a','b','c'], 'bar':[1, 2, 3]}), sep=' is ')

>>>  0    a is 1
     1    b is 2
     2    c is 3
     Name: foo, dtype: object

OR, sep=' is ')

>>>  0    1 is a
     1    2 is b
     2    3 is c
     Name: bar, dtype: object

Unlike .join() (which is for joining list contained in a single Series), this method is for joining 2 Series together. It also allows you to ignore or replace NaN values as desired.

Is there a JavaScript / jQuery DOM change listener?

In addition to the "raw" tools provided by MutationObserver API, there exist "convenience" libraries to work with DOM mutations.

Consider: MutationObserver represents each DOM change in terms of subtrees. So if you're, for instance, waiting for a certain element to be inserted, it may be deep inside the children of mutations.mutation[i].addedNodes[j].

Another problem is when your own code, in reaction to mutations, changes DOM - you often want to filter it out.

A good convenience library that solves such problems is mutation-summary (disclaimer: I'm not the author, just a satisfied user), which enables you to specify queries of what you're interested in, and get exactly that.

Basic usage example from the docs:

var observer = new MutationSummary({
  callback: updateWidgets,
  queries: [{
    element: '[data-widget]'

function updateWidgets(summaries) {
  var widgetSummary = summaries[0];

Angular2 Exception: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known native property

You have in your module

import {Routes, RouterModule} from '@angular/router';

you have to export the module RouteModule


  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]

to be able to access the functionalities for all who import this module.

TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' when using built-in set function

    python 3.2

    >>>> from itertools import chain
    >>>> eg=sorted(list(set(list(chain(*eg)))), reverse=True)
        [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

   ##### eg contain 2 list within a list. so if you want to use set() function
   you should flatten the list like [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7]

   >>> res= list(chain(*eg))       # [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7]                   
   >>> res1= set(res)                    #   [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
   >>> res1= sorted(res1,reverse=True)

How to set the value of a hidden field from a controller in mvc

You need to write following code on controller suppose test is model, and Name, Address are field of this model.

public ActionResult MyMethod()
    Test test=new Test();
    var test.Name="John";
    return View(test);   

now use like like this on your view to give set value of hidden variable.

@model YourApplicationName.Model.Test


This will automatically set hidden value=john.

Using NOT operator in IF conditions

As a general statement, its good to make your if conditionals as readable as possible. For your example, using ! is ok. the problem is when things look like

if ((a.b && c.d.e) || !f)

you might want to do something like

bool isOk = a.b;
bool isStillOk = c.d.e
bool alternateOk = !f

then your if statement is simplified to

if ( (isOk && isStillOk) || alternateOk)

It just makes the code more readable. And if you have to debug, you can debug the isOk set of vars instead of having to dig through the variables in scope. It is also helpful for dealing with NPEs -- breaking code out into simpler chunks is always good.

How do I pass a variable to the layout using Laravel' Blade templating?

just try this simple method: in controller:-

 public function index()
        $data = array(
            'title' => 'Home',
            'otherData' => 'Data Here'
        return view('front.landing')->with($data);

And in you layout (app.blade.php) :

<title>{{ $title }} - {{ config('') }} </title>

Thats all.

SQL: parse the first, middle and last name from a fullname field

Unless you have very, very well-behaved data, this is a non-trivial challenge. A naive approach would be to tokenize on whitespace and assume that a three-token result is [first, middle, last] and a two-token result is [first, last], but you're going to have to deal with multi-word surnames (e.g. "Van Buren") and multiple middle names.

How should I pass multiple parameters to an ASP.Net Web API GET?

    public string Get(int One, int Two)
        return "both params of the root link({one},{two}) and Get function parameters (one, two)  should be same ";

Both params of the root link({one},{two}) and Get function parameters (one, two) should be same

Is there a GUI design app for the Tkinter / grid geometry?

The best tool for doing layouts using grid, IMHO, is graph paper and a pencil. I know you're asking for some type of program, but it really does work. I've been doing Tk programming for a couple of decades so layout comes quite easily for me, yet I still break out graph paper when I have a complex GUI.

Another thing to think about is this: The real power of Tkinter geometry managers comes from using them together*. If you set out to use only grid, or only pack, you're doing it wrong. Instead, design your GUI on paper first, then look for patterns that are best solved by one or the other. Pack is the right choice for certain types of layouts, and grid is the right choice for others. For a very small set of problems, place is the right choice. Don't limit your thinking to using only one of the geometry managers.

* The only caveat to using both geometry managers is that you should only use one per container (a container can be any widget, but typically it will be a frame).

How to pass multiple parameters in json format to a web service using jquery?

i have same issue and resolved by

 data: "Id1=" + id1 + "&Id2=" + id2

What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()?

Important Answar
String name;
int roll;

public int compare(Object obj1,Object obj2) { // For Comparator interface
    return obj1.compareTo(obj1);

public int compareTo(Object obj1) { // For Comparable Interface
    return obj1.compareTo(obj);

Here in return obj1.compareTo(obj1) or return obj1.compareTo(obj) statement only take Object; primitive is not allowed. For Example

name.compareTo(obj1.getName()) // Correct Statement.


// Wrong Statement Compile Time Error Because roll 
// is not an Object Type, it is primitive type.

name is String Object so it worked. If you want to sort roll number of student than use below code.

public int compareTo(Object obj1) { // For Comparable Interface
    Student s = (Student) obj1;
    return rollno - s.getRollno();


public int compare(Object obj1,Object obj2) { // For Comparator interface
    Student s1 = (Student) obj1;
    Student s2 = (Student) obj2;
    return s1.getRollno() - s2.getRollno();

Git asks for username every time I push

This occurs when one downloads using HTTPS rather than the SSH,easiet way which I implemented was I pushed everything as I made a few changes once wherein it asked for the username and password, then I removed the directory from my machine and git clone SSH address. It was solved.

Just clone it using SSH rather than HTTP and it won't ask for username or password.

Also having two-factor authentication creates the problem even when you download using SSH so disabling it solves the issue.

check android application is in foreground or not?

cesards's answer is correct, but only for API > 15. For lower API versions I decided to use getRunningTasks() method:

   private boolean isAppInForeground(Context context)
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
            ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
            ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo foregroundTaskInfo = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0);
            String foregroundTaskPackageName = foregroundTaskInfo.topActivity.getPackageName();

            return foregroundTaskPackageName.toLowerCase().equals(context.getPackageName().toLowerCase());
            ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo appProcessInfo = new ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo();
            if (appProcessInfo.importance == IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND || appProcessInfo.importance == IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE)
                return true;

            KeyguardManager km = (KeyguardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
            // App is foreground, but screen is locked, so show notification
            return km.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode();

Please, let me know if it works for you all.

Getting all names in an enum as a String[]

Here's one-liner for any enum class:

public static String[] getNames(Class<? extends Enum<?>> e) {

Pre Java 8 is still a one-liner, albeit less elegant:

public static String[] getNames(Class<? extends Enum<?>> e) {
    return Arrays.toString(e.getEnumConstants()).replaceAll("^.|.$", "").split(", ");

That you would call like this:

String[] names = getNames(State.class); // any other enum class will work

If you just want something simple for a hard-coded enum class:

public static String[] names() {
    return Arrays.toString(State.values()).replaceAll("^.|.$", "").split(", ");

Proper way to make HTML nested list?

Have you thought about using the TAG "dt" instead of "ul" for nesting lists? It's inherit style and structure allow you to have a title per section and it automatically tabulates the content that goes inside.

    <dd>Black hot drink</dd>
    <dd>White cold drink</dd>


   <li>Choice A</li>
   <li>Choice B
         <li>Sub 1</li>
         <li>Sub 2</li>

How to check sbt version?

Running the command, "sbt sbt-version" will simply output your current directory and the version number.

$ sbt sbt-version
[info] Set current project to spark (in build file:/home/morgan/code/spark/)
[info] 0.13.8

How does paintComponent work?

The (very) short answer to your question is that paintComponent is called "when it needs to be." Sometimes it's easier to think of the Java Swing GUI system as a "black-box," where much of the internals are handled without too much visibility.

There are a number of factors that determine when a component needs to be re-painted, ranging from moving, re-sizing, changing focus, being hidden by other frames, and so on and so forth. Many of these events are detected auto-magically, and paintComponent is called internally when it is determined that that operation is necessary.

I've worked with Swing for many years, and I don't think I've ever called paintComponent directly, or even seen it called directly from something else. The closest I've come is using the repaint() methods to programmatically trigger a repaint of certain components (which I assume calls the correct paintComponent methods downstream.

In my experience, paintComponent is rarely directly overridden. I admit that there are custom rendering tasks that require such granularity, but Java Swing does offer a (fairly) robust set of JComponents and Layouts that can be used to do much of the heavy lifting without having to directly override paintComponent. I guess my point here is to make sure that you can't do something with native JComponents and Layouts before you go off trying to roll your own custom-rendered components.

Change grid interval and specify tick labels in Matplotlib

There are several problems in your code.

First the big ones:

  1. You are creating a new figure and a new axes in every iteration of your loop ? put fig = plt.figure and ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) outside of the loop.

  2. Don't use the Locators. Call the functions ax.set_xticks() and ax.grid() with the correct keywords.

  3. With plt.axes() you are creating a new axes again. Use ax.set_aspect('equal').

The minor things: You should not mix the MATLAB-like syntax like plt.axis() with the objective syntax. Use ax.set_xlim(a,b) and ax.set_ylim(a,b)

This should be a working minimal example:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

# Major ticks every 20, minor ticks every 5
major_ticks = np.arange(0, 101, 20)
minor_ticks = np.arange(0, 101, 5)

ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)

# And a corresponding grid

# Or if you want different settings for the grids:
ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2)
ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.5)

Output is this:


Getting the inputstream from a classpath resource (XML file)


As stated in the comment below, if you are in a multi-ClassLoader environment (such as unit testing, webapps, etc.) you may need to use Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(). See

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' using CakePHP

I want to add to the answers posted on above that none of the solutions proposed here worked for me. My WAMP, is working on port 3308 instead of 3306 which is what it is installed by default. I found out that when working in a local environment, if you are using mysqladmin in your computer (for testing environment), and if you are working with port other than 3306, you must define your variable DB_SERVER with the value localhost:NumberOfThePort, so it will look like the following: define("DB_SERVER", "localhost:3308"). You can obtain this value by right-clicking on the WAMP icon in your taskbar (on the hidden icons section) and select Tools. You will see the section: "Port used by MySQL: NumberOfThePort"

This will fix your connection to your database.

This was the error I got: Error: SQLSTATE[HY1045] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' on line X.

I hope this helps you out.


CURL alternative in Python

If it's running all of the above from the command line that you're looking for, then I'd recommend HTTPie. It is a fantastic cURL alternative and is super easy and convenient to use (and customize).

Here's is its (succinct and precise) description from GitHub;

HTTPie (pronounced aych-tee-tee-pie) is a command line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interaction with web services as human-friendly as possible.

It provides a simple http command that allows for sending arbitrary HTTP requests using a simple and natural syntax, and displays colorized output. HTTPie can be used for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with HTTP servers.

The documentation around authentication should give you enough pointers to solve your problem(s). Of course, all of the answers above are accurate as well, and provide different ways of accomplishing the same task.

Just so you do NOT have to move away from Stack Overflow, here's what it offers in a nutshell.

Basic auth:_x000D_
$ http -a username:password example.org_x000D_
Digest auth:_x000D_
$ http --auth-type=digest -a username:password example.org_x000D_
With password prompt:_x000D_
$ http -a username

Javascript - Replace html using innerHTML

You should chain the replace() together instead of assigning the result and replacing again.

var strMessage1 = document.getElementById("element1") ;
strMessage1.innerHTML = strMessage1.innerHTML
                        .replace(/aaaaaa./g,'<a href=\"')


Expand Python Search Path to Other Source

There are a few possible ways to do this:

  • Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to a colon-separated list of directories to search for imported modules.
  • In your program, use sys.path.append('/path/to/search') to add the names of directories you want Python to search for imported modules. sys.path is just the list of directories Python searches every time it gets asked to import a module, and you can alter it as needed (although I wouldn't recommend removing any of the standard directories!). Any directories you put in the environment variable PYTHONPATH will be inserted into sys.path when Python starts up.
  • Use site.addsitedir to add a directory to sys.path. The difference between this and just plain appending is that when you use addsitedir, it also looks for .pth files within that directory and uses them to possibly add additional directories to sys.path based on the contents of the files. See the documentation for more detail.

Which one of these you want to use depends on your situation. Remember that when you distribute your project to other users, they typically install it in such a manner that the Python code files will be automatically detected by Python's importer (i.e. packages are usually installed in the site-packages directory), so if you mess with sys.path in your code, that may be unnecessary and might even have adverse effects when that code runs on another computer. For development, I would venture a guess that setting PYTHONPATH is usually the best way to go.

However, when you're using something that just runs on your own computer (or when you have nonstandard setups, e.g. sometimes in web app frameworks), it's not entirely uncommon to do something like

import sys
from os.path import dirname

CardView Corner Radius

You can use this drawable xml and set as background to cardview :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <solid android:color="#ffffffff"/>

    <stroke android:width="1dp"

    <padding android:left="1dp"


Using find to locate files that match one of multiple patterns

find MyDir -iname "*.[j][p][g]"
find MyDir -iname "*.[b][m][p]"
find MyDir -iname "*.[jb][pm][gp]"

.htaccess file to allow access to images folder to view pictures?

Having the .htaccess file on the root folder, add this line. Make sure to delete all other useless rules you tried before:

Options -Indexes

Or try:

Options All -Indexes

How do I configure the proxy settings so that Eclipse can download new plugins?

For me, I go to \eclipse\configuration.settings\ set the property systemProxiesEnabled to true manually and restart eclipse.

SSL handshake fails with - a verisign chain certificate - that contains two CA signed certificates and one self-signed certificate

When you see "Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)", then, either the servers is really trying to use a self-signed certificate (which a client is never going to be able to verify), or OpenSSL hasn't got access to the necessary root but the server is trying to provide it itself (which it shouldn't do because it's pointless - a client can never trust a server to supply the root corresponding to the server's own certificate).

Again, adding -showcerts will help you diagnose which.

JavaScript string newline character?

I believe it is -- when you are working with JS strings.

If you are generating HTML, though, you will have to use <br /> tags (not \n, as you're not dealing with JS anymore)

Convert output of MySQL query to utf8


When using the MySQL client library, then you should prevent a conversion back to your connection's default charset. (see mysql_set_character_set()[1])

In this case, use an additional cast to binary:

SELECT column1, CAST(CONVERT(column2 USING utf8) AS binary)
FROM my_table
WHERE my_condition;

Otherwise, the SELECT statement converts to utf-8, but your client library converts it back to a (potentially different) default connection charset.

curl.h no such file or directory

If after the installation curl-dev luarocks does not see the headers:

find /usr -name 'curl.h'
Example: /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/curl/curl.h

luarocks install lua-cURL CURL_INCDIR=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/

The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

This query was very useful for me. It shows all values that don't have any matches

select FK_column from FK_table
(SELECT PK_column from PK_table)

Professional jQuery based Combobox control?

I like select2, it's feature-rich and nice and active. Particularly like the diacritic search feature.

How to Convert Excel Numeric Cell Value into Words

There is no built-in formula in excel, you have to add a vb script and permanently save it with your MS. Excel's installation as Add-In.

  1. press Alt+F11
  2. MENU: (Tool Strip) Insert Module
  3. copy and paste the below code

Option Explicit

Public Numbers As Variant, Tens As Variant

Sub SetNums()
    Numbers = Array("", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen")
    Tens = Array("", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety")
End Sub

Function WordNum(MyNumber As Double) As String
    Dim DecimalPosition As Integer, ValNo As Variant, StrNo As String
    Dim NumStr As String, n As Integer, Temp1 As String, Temp2 As String
    ' This macro was written by Chris Mead -
    If Abs(MyNumber) > 999999999 Then
        WordNum = "Value too large"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' String representation of amount (excl decimals)
    NumStr = Right("000000000" & Trim(Str(Int(Abs(MyNumber)))), 9)
    ValNo = Array(0, Val(Mid(NumStr, 1, 3)), Val(Mid(NumStr, 4, 3)), Val(Mid(NumStr, 7, 3)))
    For n = 3 To 1 Step -1    'analyse the absolute number as 3 sets of 3 digits
        StrNo = Format(ValNo(n), "000")
        If ValNo(n) > 0 Then
            Temp1 = GetTens(Val(Right(StrNo, 2)))
            If Left(StrNo, 1) <> "0" Then
                Temp2 = Numbers(Val(Left(StrNo, 1))) & " hundred"
                If Temp1 <> "" Then Temp2 = Temp2 & " and "
                Temp2 = ""
            End If
            If n = 3 Then
                If Temp2 = "" And ValNo(1) + ValNo(2) > 0 Then Temp2 = "and "
                WordNum = Trim(Temp2 & Temp1)
            End If
            If n = 2 Then WordNum = Trim(Temp2 & Temp1 & " thousand " & WordNum)
            If n = 1 Then WordNum = Trim(Temp2 & Temp1 & " million " & WordNum)
        End If
    Next n
    NumStr = Trim(Str(Abs(MyNumber)))
    ' Values after the decimal place
    DecimalPosition = InStr(NumStr, ".")
    Numbers(0) = "Zero"
    If DecimalPosition > 0 And DecimalPosition < Len(NumStr) Then
        Temp1 = " point"
        For n = DecimalPosition + 1 To Len(NumStr)
            Temp1 = Temp1 & " " & Numbers(Val(Mid(NumStr, n, 1)))
        Next n
        WordNum = WordNum & Temp1
    End If
    If Len(WordNum) = 0 Or Left(WordNum, 2) = " p" Then
        WordNum = "Zero" & WordNum
    End If
End Function

Function GetTens(TensNum As Integer) As String
' Converts a number from 0 to 99 into text.
    If TensNum <= 19 Then
        GetTens = Numbers(TensNum)
        Dim MyNo As String
        MyNo = Format(TensNum, "00")
        GetTens = Tens(Val(Left(MyNo, 1))) & " " & Numbers(Val(Right(MyNo, 1)))
    End If
End Function

After this, From File Menu select Save Book ,from next menu select "Excel 97-2003 Add-In (*.xla)

It will save as Excel Add-In. that will be available till the Ms.Office Installation to that machine.

Now Open any Excel File in any Cell type =WordNum(<your numeric value or cell reference>)

you will see a Words equivalent of the numeric value.

This Snippet of code is taken from:

How do I perform query filtering in django templates

This can be solved with an assignment tag:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def query(qs, **kwargs):
    """ template tag which allows queryset filtering. Usage:
          {% query books author=author as mybooks %}
          {% for book in mybooks %}
          {% endfor %}
    return qs.filter(**kwargs)

pass parameter by link_to ruby on rails

Maybe try this:

<%= link_to "Add to cart", 
            :controller => "car", 
            :action => "add_to_cart", 
            :car => car.attributes %>

But I'd really like to see where the car object is getting setup for this page (i.e., the rest of the view).

What does the term "Tuple" Mean in Relational Databases?

Most of the answers here are on the right track. However, a row is not a tuple. Tuples* are unordered sets of known values with names. Thus, the following tuples are the same thing (I'm using an imaginary tuple syntax since a relational tuple is largely a theoretical construct):

(x=1, y=2, z=3)
(z=3, y=2, x=1)
(y=2, z=3, x=1)

...assuming of course that x, y, and z are all integers. Also note that there is no such thing as a "duplicate" tuple. Thus, not only are the above equal, they're the same thing. Lastly, tuples can only contain known values (thus, no nulls).

A row** is an ordered set of known or unknown values with names (although they may be omitted). Therefore, the following comparisons return false in SQL:

(1, 2, 3) = (3, 2, 1)
(3, 1, 2) = (2, 1, 3)

Note that there are ways to "fake it" though. For example, consider this INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO point VALUES (1, 2, 3)

Assuming that x is first, y is second, and z is third, this query may be rewritten like this:

INSERT INTO point (x, y, z) VALUES (1, 2, 3)

Or this:

INSERT INTO point (y, z, x) VALUES (2, 3, 1)

...but all we're really doing is changing the ordering rather than removing it.

And also note that there may be unknown values as well. Thus, you may have rows with unknown values:

(1, 2, NULL) = (1, 2, NULL)

...but note that this comparison will always yield UNKNOWN. After all, how can you know whether two unknown values are equal?

And lastly, rows may be duplicated. In other words, (1, 2) and (1, 2) may compare to be equal, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're the same thing.

If this is a subject that interests you, I'd highly recommend reading SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code by CJ Date.

* Note that I'm talking about tuples as they exist in the relational model, which is a bit different from mathematics in general.

**And just in case you're wondering, just about everything in SQL is a row or table. Therefore, (1, 2) is a row, while VALUES (1, 2) is a table (with one row).

UPDATE: I've expanded a little bit on this answer in a blog post here.

How to fix apt-get: command not found on AWS EC2?

Try replacing apt-get with yum as Amazon Linux based AMI uses the yum command instead of apt-get.

Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Validate failed. Migration Checksum mismatch for migration 2

The best solution would be to do these steps :

  1. Delete the file called - V2__create_shipwreck.sql, clean and build the project again.
  2. Run the project again, login into h2 and delete the table called "schema_version".

    drop table schema_version;

  3. Now make V2__create_shipwreck.sql file with ddl and rerun the project again.

  4. Do remember this, add version 4.1.2 for flyway-core in pom.xml like


It should work now. Hope this will help.

Is "else if" faster than "switch() case"?

Shouldn't be hard to test, create a function that switches or ifelse's between 5 numbers, throw a rand(1,5) into that function and loop that a few times while timing it.

slashes in url variables

Check out this w3schools page about "HTML URL Encoding Reference":

for / you would escape with %2F

Registry key for global proxy settings for Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings] "ProxySettingsPerUser"=dword:00000000

Mysql - How to quit/exit from stored procedure

Why not this:

CREATE PROCEDURE SP_Reporting(IN tablename VARCHAR(20))
     IF tablename IS NOT NULL THEN
          #proceed the code
     END IF;
     # Do nothing otherwise

How can I remount my Android/system as read-write in a bash script using adb?

The following may help (study the impacts of disable-verity first):

adb root
adb disable-verity
adb reboot

PHP: Show yes/no confirmation dialog

You can use JavaScript to prompt you:

Found this here - Example

function confirmDelete(delUrl) {
  if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete")) {
   document.location = delUrl;

<a href="javascript:confirmDelete('')">Delete</a>

Another way

<a href="" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')">Delete</a> 

Warning: This JavaScript will not stop the records from being deleted if they just navigate to the final url - in their browser

Default property value in React component using TypeScript

With Typescript 2.1+, use Partial < T > instead of making your interface properties optional.

export interface Props {
    obj: Model,
    a: boolean
    b: boolean

public static defaultProps: Partial<Props> = {
    a: true

Why are my PHP files showing as plain text?

Yet another reason (not for this case, but maybe it'll save some nerves for someone) is that in PHP 5.5 short open tags <? phpinfo(); ?> are disabled by default.

So the PHP interpreter would process code within short tags as plain text. In previous versions PHP this feature was enable by default. So the new behaviour can be a little bit mysterious.

C++ Error 'nullptr was not declared in this scope' in Eclipse IDE

Is that an actual compiler error or a Code Analysis error? Some times the code analysis can be a bit sketchy and report non-valid errors.

To turn off code analysis for the project, right click on your project in the Project Explorer, click on Properties, then go to the C/C++ General tab, then Code Analysis. Then click on "Use Project Settings" and disable the ones that you do not wish for.

Also, are you sure you are compiling with the C++11 compiler?

Open Popup window using javascript

Change the window name in your two different calls:

function popitup(url,windowName) {,windowName,'height=200,width=150');
       if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
       return false;

windowName must be unique when you open a new window with same url otherwise the same window will be refreshed.

What does yield mean in PHP?

None of the answers above show a concrete example using massive arrays populated by non-numeric members. Here is an example using an array generated by explode() on a large .txt file (262MB in my use case):



echo "Starting memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . "<br>";

$path = './file.txt';
$content = file_get_contents($path);

foreach(explode("\n", $content) as $ex) {
    $ex = trim($ex);

echo "Final memory usage: " . memory_get_usage();

The output was:

Starting memory usage: 415160
Final memory usage: 270948256

Now compare that to a similar script, using the yield keyword:



echo "Starting memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . "<br>";

function x() {
    $path = './file.txt';
    $content = file_get_contents($path);
    foreach(explode("\n", $content) as $x) {
        yield $x;

foreach(x() as $ex) {
    $ex = trim($ex);

echo "Final memory usage: " . memory_get_usage();

The output for this script was:

Starting memory usage: 415152
Final memory usage: 415616

Clearly memory usage savings were considerable (?MemoryUsage -----> ~270.5 MB in first example, ~450B in second example).

Store output of subprocess.Popen call in a string

The following captures stdout and stderr of the process in a single variable. It is Python 2 and 3 compatible:

from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT

command = ["ls", "-l"]
    output = check_output(command, stderr=STDOUT).decode()
    success = True 
except CalledProcessError as e:
    output = e.output.decode()
    success = False

If your command is a string rather than an array, prefix this with:

import shlex
command = shlex.split(command)

Mercurial undo last commit

hg rollback is what you want.

In TortoiseHg, the hg rollback is accomplished in the commit dialog. Open the commit dialog and select "Undo".

alt text

How can I send a Firebase Cloud Messaging notification without use the Firebase Console?

Notification or data message can be sent to firebase base cloud messaging server using FCM HTTP v1 API endpoint.

You need to generate and download private key of service account using Firebase console and generate access key using google api client library. Use any http library to post message to above end point, below code shows posting message using OkHTTP. You can find complete server side and client side code at firebase cloud messaging and sending messages to multiple clients using fcm topic example

If a specific client message needs to sent, you need to get firebase registration key of the client, see sending client or device specific messages to FCM server example

String SCOPE = "";
     = "";

GoogleCredential googleCredential = GoogleCredential
    .fromStream(new FileInputStream("firebase-private-key.json"))
String token = googleCredential.getAccessToken();

final MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");

OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient();

Request request = new Request.Builder()
    .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; UTF-8")
    .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
    .post(RequestBody.create(mediaType, jsonMessage))

Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()) {"Message sent to FCM server");

How to get disk capacity and free space of remote computer

I created this simple function to help me. This makes my calls a lot easier to read that having inline an Get-WmiObject, Where-Object statements, etc.

function GetDiskSizeInfo($drive) {
    $diskReport = Get-WmiObject Win32_logicaldisk
    $drive = $diskReport | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq $drive}

    $result = @{
        Size = $drive.Size
        FreeSpace = $drive.Freespace
    return $result

$diskspace = GetDiskSizeInfo "C:"
write-host $diskspace.FreeSpace " " $diskspace.Size

Why use Gradle instead of Ant or Maven?

I agree partly with Ed Staub. Gradle definitely is more powerful compared to maven and provides more flexibility long term.

After performing an evaluation to move from maven to gradle, we decided to stick to maven itself for two issues we encountered with gradle ( speed is slower than maven, proxy was not working ) .

create multiple tag docker image

You can't create tags with Dockerfiles but you can create multiple tags on your images via the command line.

Use this to list your image ids:

$ docker images

Then tag away:

$ docker tag 9f676bd305a4 ubuntu:13.10
$ docker tag 9f676bd305a4 ubuntu:saucy
$ docker tag eb601b8965b8 ubuntu:raring

How to track down access violation "at address 00000000"

It's probably because you are directly or indirectly through a library call accessing a NULL pointer. In this particular case, it looks like you've jumped to a NULL address, which is a b bit hairier.

In my experience, the easiest way to track these down are to run it with a debugger, and dump a stack trace.

Alternatively, you can do it "by hand" and add lots of logging until you can track down exactly which function (and possibly LOC) this violation occurred in.

Take a look at Stack Tracer, which might help you improve your debugging. Trust anchor for certification path not found

My answer might not be solution to your question but it will surely help others looking for similar issue like this one: Chain validation failed

You just need to check your Android Device's Date and Time, it should be fix the issue. This resoled my problem.

Is there a "not equal" operator in Python?

There are two operators in Python for the "not equal" condition -

a.) != If values of the two operands are not equal, then the condition becomes true. (a != b) is true.

b.) <> If values of the two operands are not equal, then the condition becomes true. (a <> b) is true. This is similar to the != operator.

How to compile C++ under Ubuntu Linux?

You should use g++, not gcc, to compile C++ programs.

For this particular program, I just typed

make avishay

and let make figure out the rest. Gives your executable a decent name, too, instead of a.out.

Creating a singleton in Python

It is slightly similar to the answer by fab but not exactly the same.

The singleton contract does not require that we be able to call the constructor multiple times. As a singleton should be created once and once only, shouldn't it be seen to be created just once? "Spoofing" the constructor arguably impairs legibility.

So my suggestion is just this:

class Elvis():
    def __init__(self):
        if hasattr(self.__class__, 'instance'):
            raise Exception()
        self.__class__.instance = self
        # initialisation code...

    def the():
        if hasattr(Elvis, 'instance'):
            return Elvis.instance
        return Elvis()

This does not rule out the use of the constructor or the field instance by user code:

if Elvis() is King.instance:

... if you know for sure that Elvis has not yet been created, and that King has.

But it encourages users to use the the method universally:


To make this complete you could also override __delattr__() to raise an Exception if an attempt is made to delete instance, and override __del__() so that it raises an Exception (unless we know the program is ending...)

Further improvements

My thanks to those who have helped with comments and edits, of which more are welcome. While I use Jython, this should work more generally, and be thread-safe.

    # This is jython-specific
    from synchronize import make_synchronized
except ImportError:
    # This should work across different python implementations
    def make_synchronized(func):
        import threading
        func.__lock__ = threading.Lock()

        def synced_func(*args, **kws):
            with func.__lock__:
                return func(*args, **kws)

        return synced_func

class Elvis(object): # NB must be subclass of object to use __new__
    instance = None

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls.instance is not None:
            raise Exception()
        cls.instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls.instance

    def __init__(self):
        # initialisation code...

    def the(cls):
        if cls.instance is not None:
            return cls.instance
        return cls()

Points of note:

  1. If you don't subclass from object in python2.x you will get an old-style class, which does not use __new__
  2. When decorating __new__ you must decorate with @classmethod or __new__ will be an unbound instance method
  3. This could possibly be improved by way of use of a metaclass, as this would allow you to make the a class-level property, possibly renaming it to instance

Apply CSS styles to an element depending on its child elements

In my case, I had to change the cell padding of an element that contained an input checkbox for a table that's being dynamically rendered with DataTables:

<td class="dt-center">
    <input class="a" name="constCheck" type="checkbox" checked="">

After implementing the following line code within the initComplete function I was able to produce the correct padding, which fixed the rows from being displayed with an abnormally large height

 $('tbody td:has(input.a)').css('padding', '0px');

Now, you can see that the correct styles are being applied to the parent element:

<td class=" dt-center" style="padding: 0px;">
    <input class="a" name="constCheck" type="checkbox" checked="">

Essentially, this answer is an extension of @KP's answer, but the more collaboration of implementing this the better. In summation, I hope this helps someone else because it works! Lastly, thank you so much @KP for leading me in the right direction!

Command Line Tools not working - OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave

I upgraded mac os to macOS High Sierra - 10.13.3 and faced a similar issue while trying to install watchman (with command - brew install watchman).

ran the command: xcode-select --install, then ran "brew install watchman" - Everything works fine!

In Javascript, how to conditionally add a member to an object?

I think your first approach to adding members conditionally is perfectly fine. I don't really agree with not wanting to have a member b of a with a value of undefined. It's simple enough to add an undefined check with usage of a for loop with the in operator. But anyways, you could easily write a function to filter out undefined members.

var filterUndefined = function(obj) {
  var ret = {};
  for (var key in obj) {
    var value = obj[key];
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && value !== undefined) {
      ret[key] = value;
  return ret;

var a = filterUndefined({
  b: (conditionB? 5 : undefined),
  c: (conditionC? 5 : undefined),
  d: (conditionD? 5 : undefined),
  e: (conditionE? 5 : undefined),
  f: (conditionF? 5 : undefined),
  g: (conditionG? 5 : undefined),

You could also use the delete operator to edit the object in place.

Adding HTML entities using CSS content

In CSS you need to use a Unicode escape sequence in place of HTML Entities. This is based on the hexadecimal value of a character.

I found that the easiest way to convert symbol to their hexadecimal equivalent is, such as from ▾ (&#9662;) to \25BE is to use the Microsoft calculator =)

Yes. Enable programmers mode, turn on the decimal system, enter 9662, then switch to hex and you'll get 25BE. Then just add a backslash \ to the beginning.

Filter df when values matches part of a string in pyspark

pyspark.sql.Column.contains() is only available in pyspark version 2.2 and above.


How to add pandas data to an existing csv file?

Initially starting with a pyspark dataframes - I got type conversion errors (when converting to pandas df's and then appending to csv) given the schema/column types in my pyspark dataframes

Solved the problem by forcing all columns in each df to be of type string and then appending this to csv as follows:

with open('testAppend.csv', 'a') as f:
    df2.toPandas().astype(str).to_csv(f, header=False)

Error: the entity type requires a primary key

Removed and added back in the table using Scaffold-DbContext and the error went away

How to configure custom PYTHONPATH with VM and PyCharm?

Instructions for editing your PYTHONPATH or fixing import resolution problems for code inspection are as follows:

  1. Open Preferences (On a Mac the keyboard short cut is ?,).

How to get to Settings from Menu

  1. Look for Project Structure in the sidebar on the left under Project: Your Project Name

  2. Add or remove modules on the right sidebar

Project Structure Settings in Pycharm 4.5

EDIT: I have updated this screen shot for PyCharm 4.5

"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send." With SSL Certificate

The code below resolved the issue

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls Or SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3

How to use Collections.sort() in Java?

Create a comparator which accepts the compare mode in its constructor and pass different modes for different scenarios based on your requirement

public class RecipeComparator implements Comparator<Recipe> {

public static final int COMPARE_BY_ID = 0;
public static final int COMPARE_BY_NAME = 1;

private int compare_mode = COMPARE_BY_NAME;

public RecipeComparator() {

public RecipeComparator(int compare_mode) {
    this.compare_mode = compare_mode;

public int compare(Recipe o1, Recipe o2) {
    switch (compare_mode) {
    case COMPARE_BY_ID:
        return o1.getId().compareTo(o2.getId());
        return o1.getInputRecipeName().compareTo(o2.getInputRecipeName());


Actually for numbers you need to handle them separately check below

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String string1 = "1";
    String string2 = "2";
    String string11 = "11";

    System.out.println(string2.compareTo(string11));// expected -1 returns 1
   // to compare numbers you actually need to do something like this

    int number2 = Integer.valueOf(string1);
    int number11 = Integer.valueOf(string11);

    int compareTo = number2 > number11 ? 1 : (number2 < number11 ? -1 : 0) ;
    System.out.println(compareTo);// prints -1

How do I "commit" changes in a git submodule?

Note that if you have committed a bunch of changes in various submodules, you can (or will be soon able to) push everything in one go (ie one push from the parent repo), with:

git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand

git1.7.11 ([ANNOUNCE] Git 1.7.11.rc1) mentions:

"git push --recurse-submodules" learned to optionally look into the histories of submodules bound to the superproject and push them out.

Probably done after this patch and the --on-demand option:


Make sure all submodule commits used by the revisions to be pushed are available on a remote tracking branch.

  • If check is used, it will be checked that all submodule commits that changed in the revisions to be pushed are available on a remote.
    Otherwise the push will be aborted and exit with non-zero status.
  • If on-demand is used, all submodules that changed in the revisions to be pushed will be pushed.
    If on-demand was not able to push all necessary revisions it will also be aborted and exit with non-zero status.

This option only works for one level of nesting. Changes to the submodule inside of another submodule will not be pushed.

Fail during installation of Pillow (Python module) in Linux

This worked for me.

   `sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev`

How to set the background image of a html 5 canvas to .png image

You can use this plugin, but for printing purpose i have added some code like <button onclick="window.print();">Print</button> and for saving image <button onclick="savePhoto();">Save Picture</button>

     function savePhoto() {
     var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
     var img    = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
     window.location = img;}

checkout this plugin

How do I create a comma-separated list using a SQL query?

I don't know if there's any solution to do this in a database-agnostic way, since you most likely will need some form of string manipulation, and those are typically different between vendors.

For SQL Server 2005 and up, you could use:

     r.ID, r.Name,
     Resources = STUFF(
       (SELECT ','+a.Name
        FROM dbo.Applications a
        INNER JOIN dbo.ApplicationsResources ar ON ar.app_id =
        WHERE ar.resource_id =
        FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
     dbo.Resources r

It uses the SQL Server 2005 FOR XML PATH construct to list the subitems (the applications for a given resource) as a comma-separated list.


'IF' in 'SELECT' statement - choose output value based on column values

       IF(type = 'P', amount, amount * -1) as amount
FROM report


Additionally, you could handle when the condition is null. In the case of a null amount:

       IF(type = 'P', IFNULL(amount,0), IFNULL(amount,0) * -1) as amount
FROM report

The part IFNULL(amount,0) means when amount is not null return amount else return 0.

jQuery: Slide left and slide right

If you don't want something bloated like jQuery UI, try my custom animations:

For you, blindLeftToggle and blindRightToggle is the appropriate choice.

PHP: HTML: send HTML select option attribute in POST

<form name="add" method="post">
     <select name="age">
        <option value="1_sre">23</option>
        <option value="2_sam">24</option>
        <option value="5_john">25</option>
     <input type="submit" name="submit"/>

You will have the selected value in $_POST['age'], e.g. 1_sre. Then you will be able to split the value and get the 'stud_name'.

$stud = explode("_",$_POST['age']);
$stud_id = $stud[0];
$stud_name = $stud[1];

Factorial using Recursion in Java

public class Factorial2 {
    public static long factorial(long x) {
        if (x < 0) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x must be >= 0");
        if (x <= 1) 
            return 1;  // Stop recursing here
           return x * factorial(x-1);  // Recurse by calling ourselves

Convert time fields to strings in Excel

copy the column paste it into notepad copy it again paste special as Text

How to confirm RedHat Enterprise Linux version?

Avoid /etc/*release* files and run this command instead, it is far more reliable and gives more details:

rpm -qia '*release*'

Why maven settings.xml file is not there?

The settings.xml file is not created by itself, you need to manually create it. Here is a sample:

  <settings xmlns=""

What is the regex for "Any positive integer, excluding 0"

Just for fun, another alternative using lookaheads:


As many digits as you want, but at least one must be [1-9].

How to change the docker image installation directory?

I was having docker version 19.03.14. Below link helped me.

Check this Link

in /etc/docker/daemon.json file I added below section:-

    "data-root": "/hdd2/docker",
    "storage-driver": "overlay2"

Proper indentation for Python multiline strings

I prefer

    def method():
        string = \
line one
line two
line three\


    def method():
        string = """\
line one
line two
line three\

How to replace ${} placeholders in a text file?

Use /bin/sh. Create a small shell script that sets the variables, and then parse the template using the shell itself. Like so (edit to handle newlines correctly):

File template.txt:

the number is ${i}
the word is ${word}



#Set variables

#Read in template one line at the time, and replace variables (more
#natural (and efficient) way, thanks to Jonathan Leffler).
while read line
    eval echo "$line"
done < "./template.txt"


the number is 1
the word is dog

How do I create a new branch?

Right click and open SVN Repo-browser:

Enter image description here

Right click on Trunk (working copy) and choose Copy to...:

Enter image description here

Input the respective branch's name/path:

Enter image description here

Click OK, type the respective log message, and click OK.

ConfigurationManager.AppSettings - How to modify and save?

Remember that ConfigurationManager uses only one app.config - one that is in startup project.

If you put some app.config to a solution A and make a reference to it from another solution B then if you run B, app.config from A will be ignored.

So for example unit test project should have their own app.config.

VB.Net Properties - Public Get, Private Set

Yes, quite straight forward:

Private _name As String

Public Property Name() As String
        Return _name
    End Get
    Private Set(ByVal value As String)
        _name = value
    End Set
End Property

Setting up JUnit with IntelliJ IDEA

I needed to enable the JUnit plugin, after I linked my project with the jar files.

To enable the JUnit plugin, go to File->Settings, type "JUnit" in the search bar, and under "Plugins," check "JUnit.

vikingsteve's advice above will probably get the libraries linked right. Otherwise, open File->Project Structure, go to Libraries, hit the plus, and then browse to

C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 14.1.1\lib\

and add these jar files:


pandas convert some columns into rows

I guess I found a simpler solution

temp1 = pd.melt(df1, id_vars=["location"], var_name='Date', value_name='Value')
temp2 = pd.melt(df1, id_vars=["name"], var_name='Date', value_name='Value')

Concat whole temp1 with temp2's column name

temp1['new_column'] = temp2['name']

You now have what you asked for.

How to select a range of the second row to the last row

Try this:

Dim Lastrow As Integer
Lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Range("A2:L" & Lastrow).Select

Let's pretend that the value of Lastrow is 50. When you use the following:

Range("A2:L2" & Lastrow).Select

Then it is selecting a range from A2 to L250.

how to run two commands in sudo?

If you would like to handle quotes:

sudo -s -- <<EOF
echo "Done."

gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi command not found

I was also facing the same issue and resolved it after installing the following dependency:

sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev

How do I get the current year using SQL on Oracle?

Yet another option would be:

SELECT * FROM mytable

Populating a data frame in R in a loop

You could do it like this:

 iterations = 10
 variables = 2

 output <- matrix(ncol=variables, nrow=iterations)

 for(i in 1:iterations){
  output[i,] <- runif(2)



and then turn it into a data.frame

 output <- data.frame(output)

what this does:

  1. create a matrix with rows and columns according to the expected growth
  2. insert 2 random numbers into the matrix
  3. convert this into a dataframe after the loop has finished.

how to activate a textbox if I select an other option in drop down box


onchange="var val = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;

I used to do this

In the head (give the select an ID):

window.onload=function() {
  var sel = document.getElementById('color');
  sel.onchange=function() {
    var val = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
    if (val == 'others') {
      var newOption = prompt('Your own color','');
      if (newOption) {
        this.options[this.options.length-1].text = newOption;
        this.options[this.options.length-1].value = newOption;
        this.options[this.options.length] = new Option('other','other');

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null

HTML : Pass the whole body inside on click

div class="calculate" id="calculate">
            <div class="button" id="button" onclick="myCode(this.body)"> CALCULATE ! </div>

Then write the JavaScript code inside the function "myCode()"

function myCode()
    var bill = document.getElementById("currency").value ;

    var people_count = document.getElementById("number1").value;
    var select_value = document.getElementById("select").value;

    var calculate = document.getElementById("calculate");

    calculate.addEventListener("click" ,function()

you will get your values I am using visual studio code editor

How to delete stuff printed to console by System.out.println()?

For intellij console the 0x08 character worked for me!

System.out.print((char) 8);

How do you extract a column from a multi-dimensional array?

If you have an array like

a = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]

Then you extract the first column like that:

[row[0] for row in a]

So the result looks like this:

[1, 2, 3]

What's the difference between Unicode and UTF-8?

most editors support save as ‘Unicode’ encoding actually.

This is an unfortunate misnaming perpetrated by Windows.

Because Windows uses UTF-16LE encoding internally as the memory storage format for Unicode strings, it considers this to be the natural encoding of Unicode text. In the Windows world, there are ANSI strings (the system codepage on the current machine, subject to total unportability) and there are Unicode strings (stored internally as UTF-16LE).

This was all devised in the early days of Unicode, before we realised that UCS-2 wasn't enough, and before UTF-8 was invented. This is why Windows's support for UTF-8 is all-round poor.

This misguided naming scheme became part of the user interface. A text editor that uses Windows's encoding support to provide a range of encodings will automatically and inappropriately describe UTF-16LE as “Unicode”, and UTF-16BE, if provided, as “Unicode big-endian”.

(Other editors that do encodings themselves, like Notepad++, don't have this problem.)

If it makes you feel any better about it, ‘ANSI’ strings aren't based on any ANSI standard, either.

Angular 6: How to set response type as text while making http call

Use like below:

  yourFunc(input: any):Observable<string> {
var requestHeader = { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'No-Auth': 'False' })};
const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
return<string>(this.yourBaseApi+ '/do-api', input, { headers, responseType: 'text' as 'json'  });


How to run multiple SQL commands in a single SQL connection?

Just change the SqlCommand.CommandText instead of creating a new SqlCommand every time. There is no need to close and reopen the connection.

// Create the first command and execute
var command = new SqlCommand("<SQL Command>", myConnection);
var reader = command.ExecuteReader();

// Change the SQL Command and execute
command.CommandText = "<New SQL Command>";

Default parameters with C++ constructors

I'd go with the default arguments, especially since C++ doesn't let you chain constructors (so you end up having to duplicate the initialiser list, and possibly more, for each overload).

That said, there are some gotchas with default arguments, including the fact that constants may be inlined (and thereby become part of your class' binary interface). Another to watch out for is that adding default arguments can turn an explicit multi-argument constructor into an implicit one-argument constructor:

class Vehicle {
  Vehicle(int wheels, std::string name = "Mini");

Vehicle x = 5;  // this compiles just fine... did you really want it to?

ExecJS and could not find a JavaScript runtime

In your Gem file, write

gem 'execjs'
gem 'therubyracer'

and then run

bundle install

Everything works fine for me :)

How to add text to an existing div with jquery

we can do it in more easy way like by adding a function on button and on click we call that function for append.

<div id="Content">
<button id="Add" onclick="append();">Add Text</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function append()

What is the difference between a static and a non-static initialization code block

You will not write code into a static block that needs to be invoked anywhere in your program. If the purpose of the code is to be invoked then you must place it in a method.

You can write static initializer blocks to initialize static variables when the class is loaded but this code can be more complex..

A static initializer block looks like a method with no name, no arguments, and no return type. Since you never call it it doesn't need a name. The only time its called is when the virtual machine loads the class.

How to save python screen output to a text file

We can simply pass the output of python inbuilt print function to a file after opening the file with the append option by using just two lines of code:

with open('filename.txt', 'a') as file:
    print('\nThis printed data will store in a file', file=file)

Hope this may resolve the issue...

Note: this code works with python3 however, python2 is not being supported currently.

How to get the PID of a process by giving the process name in Mac OS X ?

Why don't you run TOP and use the options to sort by other metrics, other than PID? Like, highest used PID from the CPU/MEM?

top -o cpu <---sorts all processes by CPU Usage

Regular expression for decimal number

In general, i.e. unlimited decimal places:


Can I serve multiple clients using just Flask as standalone?

Tips from 2020:

From Flask 1.0, it defaults to enable multiple threads (source), you don't need to do anything, just upgrade it with:

$ pip install -U flask

If you are using flask run instead of with older versions, you can control the threaded behavior with a command option (--with-threads/--without-threads):

$ flask run --with-threads

It's same as

AngularJS : automatically detect change in model

And if you need to style your form elements according to it's state (modified/not modified) dynamically or to test whether some values has actually changed, you can use the following module, developed by myself:

It adds additional properties and methods to the form and it's child elements. With it, you can test whether some element contains new data or even test if entire form has new unsaved data.

You can setup the following watch: $scope.$watch('myForm.modified', handler) and your handler will be called if some form elements actually contains new data or if it reversed to initial state.

Also, you can use modified property of individual form elements to actually reduce amount of data sent to a server via AJAX call. There is no need to send unchanged data.

As a bonus, you can revert your form to initial state via call to form's reset() method.

You can find the module's demo here:


Visual Studio 2015 is very slow

This answer might seem silly but I had my laptop's power plan set to something other than High performance (in Windows). I would constantly get out of memory warnings in Visual Studio and things would run a bit slow. After I changed the power setting to High performance, I no longer see any problem.

What is the difference between SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, HTTP GET & HTTP POST methods for Android?

Differences in SOAP versions

Both SOAP Version 1.1 and SOAP Version 1.2 are World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards. Web services can be deployed that support not only SOAP 1.1 but also support SOAP 1.2. Some changes from SOAP 1.1 that were made to the SOAP 1.2 specification are significant, while other changes are minor.

The SOAP 1.2 specification introduces several changes to SOAP 1.1. This information is not intended to be an in-depth description of all the new or changed features for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2. Instead, this information highlights some of the more important differences between the current versions of SOAP.

The changes to the SOAP 1.2 specification that are significant include the following updates: SOAP 1.1 is based on XML 1.0. SOAP 1.2 is based on XML Information Set (XML Infoset). The XML information set (infoset) provides a way to describe the XML document with XSD schema. However, the infoset does not necessarily serialize the document with XML 1.0 serialization on which SOAP 1.1 is based.. This new way to describe the XML document helps reveal other serialization formats, such as a binary protocol format. You can use the binary protocol format to compact the message into a compact format, where some of the verbose tagging information might not be required.

In SOAP 1.2 , you can use the specification of a binding to an underlying protocol to determine which XML serialization is used in the underlying protocol data units. The HTTP binding that is specified in SOAP 1.2 - Part 2 uses XML 1.0 as the serialization of the SOAP message infoset.

SOAP 1.2 provides the ability to officially define transport protocols, other than using HTTP, as long as the vendor conforms to the binding framework that is defined in SOAP 1.2. While HTTP is ubiquitous, it is not as reliable as other transports including TCP/IP and MQ. SOAP 1.2 provides a more specific definition of the SOAP processing model that removes many of the ambiguities that might lead to interoperability errors in the absence of the Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) profiles. The goal is to significantly reduce the chances of interoperability issues between different vendors that use SOAP 1.2 implementations. SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) can also stand alone as a simple mechanism to issue SOAP requests. A major change to the SAAJ specification is the ability to represent SOAP 1.1 messages and the additional SOAP 1.2 formatted messages. For example, SAAJ Version 1.3 introduces a new set of constants and methods that are more conducive to SOAP 1.2 (such as getRole(), getRelay()) on SOAP header elements. There are also additional methods on the factories for SAAJ to create appropriate SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 messages. The XML namespaces for the envelope and encoding schemas have changed for SOAP 1.2. These changes distinguish SOAP processors from SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages and supports changes in the SOAP schema, without affecting existing implementations. Java Architecture for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) introduces the ability to support both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2. Because JAX-RPC introduced a requirement to manipulate a SOAP message as it traversed through the run time, there became a need to represent this message in its appropriate SOAP context. In JAX-WS, a number of additional enhancements result from the support for SAAJ 1.3.

There is not difine POST AND GET method for particular android....but all here is differance

GET The GET method appends name/value pairs to the URL, allowing you to retrieve a resource representation. The big issue with this is that the length of a URL is limited (roughly 3000 char) resulting in data loss should you have to much stuff in the form on your page, so this method only works if there is a small number parameters.

What does this mean for me? Basically this renders the GET method worthless to most developers in most situations. Here is another way of looking at it: the URL could be truncated (and most likely will be give today's data-centric sites) if the form uses a large number of parameters, or if the parameters contain large amounts of data. Also, parameters passed on the URL are visible in the address field of the browser (YIKES!!!) not the best place for any kind of sensitive (or even non-sensitive) data to be shown because you are just begging the curious user to mess with it.

POST The alternative to the GET method is the POST method. This method packages the name/value pairs inside the body of the HTTP request, which makes for a cleaner URL and imposes no size limitations on the forms output, basically its a no-brainer on which one to use. POST is also more secure but certainly not safe. Although HTTP fully supports CRUD, HTML 4 only supports issuing GET and POST requests through its various elements. This limitation has held Web applications back from making full use of HTTP, and to work around it, most applications overload POST to take care of everything but resource retrieval.

Link to original IBM source

jQuery function to get all unique elements from an array?

Plain JavaScript modern solution if you don't need IE support (Array.from is not supported in IE).

You can use combination of Set and Array.from.

const arr = [1, 1, 11, 2, 4, 2, 5, 3, 1];_x000D_
const set = new Set(arr);_x000D_
const uniqueArr = Array.from(set);_x000D_

The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references.

The Array.from() method creates a new Array instance from an array-like or iterable object.

Also Array.from() can be replaced with spread operator.

const arr = [1, 1, 11, 2, 4, 2, 5, 3, 1];_x000D_
const set = new Set(arr);_x000D_
const uniqueArr = [...set];_x000D_

Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in two places

This happened to me when I installed Intellij IDEA 2017, go to menu Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger and disable the option: "Force Classic VM for JDK 1.3.x and earlier". This works to me.

SQL Server 100% CPU Utilization - One database shows high CPU usage than others

You can see some reports in SSMS:

Right-click the instance name / reports / standard / top sessions

You can see top CPU consuming sessions. This may shed some light on what SQL processes are using resources. There are a few other CPU related reports if you look around. I was going to point to some more DMVs but if you've looked into that already I'll skip it.

You can use sp_BlitzCache to find the top CPU consuming queries. You can also sort by IO and other things as well. This is using DMV info which accumulates between restarts.

This article looks promising.

Some stackoverflow goodness from Mr. Ozar.

edit: A little more advice... A query running for 'only' 5 seconds can be a problem. It could be using all your cores and really running 8 cores times 5 seconds - 40 seconds of 'virtual' time. I like to use some DMVs to see how many executions have happened for that code to see what that 5 seconds adds up to.

The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program

MY SOLUTION!!!!!!! I fixed this problem when I was trying to install business objects. When the installer failed to register .dll's I inputted the MSVCR71.dll into both system32 and sysWOW64 then clicked retry. Installation finished. I did try adding this in before and after install but, install still failed.

Remove an element from a Bash array

If anyone finds themselves in a position where they need to remember set -e or set -x values and be able to restore them, please check out this gist which uses the first array deletion solution to manage it's own stack:

Error: EACCES: permission denied

LUBUNTU 19.10 / Same issue running: $ npm start

dump: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/simon/xxx/pagebuilder/resources/scripts/registration/node_modules/.cache/@babel/register/.babel.7.4.0.development.json' at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:646:18) at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1299:33) at save (/home/simon/xxx/pagebuilder/resources/scripts/registration/node_modules/@babel/register/lib/cache.js:52:15) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:132:7) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:181:9) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:696:11) at Object. (/home/simon/xxxx/pagebuilder/resources/scripts/registration/node_modules/@babel/node/lib/_babel-node.js:234:23) at Module._compile (module.js:653:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10) at Module.load (module.js:566:32)

Looks like my default user (administrator) didn't have rights on node-module directories.

This fixed it for me!

$ sudo chmod a+w node_modules -R ## from project root

How to view the stored procedure code in SQL Server Management Studio

The other answers that recommend using the object explorer and scripting the stored procedure to a new query editor window and the other queries are solid options.

I personally like using the below query to retrieve the stored procedure definition/code in a single row (I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2014, but looks like this should work with SQL Server 2008 and up)

SELECT definition 
FROM sys.sql_modules 
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('yourSchemaName.yourStoredProcedureName')

More info on sys.sql_modules:

Returning boolean if set is empty

When you say:

c is not None

You are actually checking if c and None reference the same object. That is what the "is" operator does. In python None is a special null value conventionally meaning you don't have a value available. Sorta like null in c or java. Since python internally only assigns one None value using the "is" operator to check if something is None (think null) works, and it has become the popular style. However this does not have to do with the truth value of the set c, it is checking that c actually is a set rather than a null value.

If you want to check if a set is empty in a conditional statement, it is cast as a boolean in context so you can just say:

c = set()
if c:
   print "it has stuff in it"
   print "it is empty"

But if you want it converted to a boolean to be stored away you can simply say:

c = set()
c_has_stuff_in_it = bool(c)

Link to download apache http server for 64bit windows.

An unofficial 64-bit Windows build is available from Apache Lounge.

Spring RequestMapping for controllers that produce and consume JSON

As of Spring 4.2.x, you can create custom mapping annotations, using @RequestMapping as a meta-annotation. So:

Is there a way to produce a "composite/inherited/aggregated" annotation with default values for consumes and produces, such that I could instead write something like:

@JSONRequestMapping(value = "/foo", method = RequestMethod.POST)

Yes, there is such a way. You can create a meta annotation like following:

@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
@RequestMapping(consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
public @interface JsonRequestMapping {
    @AliasFor(annotation = RequestMapping.class, attribute = "value")
    String[] value() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = RequestMapping.class, attribute = "method")
    RequestMethod[] method() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = RequestMapping.class, attribute = "params")
    String[] params() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = RequestMapping.class, attribute = "headers")
    String[] headers() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = RequestMapping.class, attribute = "consumes")
    String[] consumes() default {};

    @AliasFor(annotation = RequestMapping.class, attribute = "produces")
    String[] produces() default {};

Then you can use the default settings or even override them as you want:

@JsonRequestMapping(method = POST)
public String defaultSettings() {
    return "Default settings";

@JsonRequestMapping(value = "/override", method = PUT, produces = "text/plain")
public String overrideSome(@RequestBody String json) {
    return json;

You can read more about AliasFor in spring's javadoc and github wiki.

I get Access Forbidden (Error 403) when setting up new alias

I finally got it to work.

I'm not sure if the spaces in the path were breaking things but I changed the workspace of my Aptana installation to something without spaces.

Then I uninstalled XAMPP and reinstalled it because I was thinking maybe I made a typo somewhere without noticing and figured I should be working from scratch.

Turns out Windows 7 has a service somewhere that uses port 80 which blocks apache from starting (giving it the -1) error. So I changed the port it listens to port 8080, no more conflict.

Finally I restarted my computer, for some reason XAMPP doesn't like me messing with ini files and just restarting apache wasn't doing the trick.

Anyway, this has been the most frustrating day ever so I really hope my answer ends up helping someone out!

PHP preg replace only allow numbers

You could also use T-Regx library:


T-Regx also:

  • Throws exceptions on fail (not false, null or warnings)
  • Has automatic delimiters (delimiters are not required!)
  • Has a lot cleaner api

How to get element-wise matrix multiplication (Hadamard product) in numpy?

just do this:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
b = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]])

a * b

Foreign Key Django Model

You create the relationships the other way around; add foreign keys to the Person type to create a Many-to-One relationship:

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    birthday = models.DateField()
    anniversary = models.ForeignKey(
        Anniversary, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    address = models.ForeignKey(
        Address, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

class Address(models.Model):
    line1 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    line2 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    postalcode = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    city = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    country = models.CharField(max_length=150)

class Anniversary(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField()

Any one person can only be connected to one address and one anniversary, but addresses and anniversaries can be referenced from multiple Person entries.

Anniversary and Address objects will be given a reverse, backwards relationship too; by default it'll be called person_set but you can configure a different name if you need to. See Following relationships "backward" in the queries documentation.

Request redirect to /Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f since MVC 3 install on server

Similar setup, identical problem. Some installations would work, but most would start redirecting (http 302) to /Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f after a successful login, even though we're not using Forms Authentication. In my case after trying everything else, the solution was to switch the Application Pool Managed Pipeline Mode from from Integrated to Classic, which cleared up the problem immediately.

Implement a loading indicator for a jQuery AJAX call

There is a global configuration using jQuery. This code runs on every global ajax request.

<div id='ajax_loader' style="position: fixed; left: 50%; top: 50%; display: none;">
    <img src="themes/img/ajax-loader.gif"></img>

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(function ($){

Here is a demo:

Show a message box from a class in c#?

using System.Windows.Forms;
MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");

How to convert Calendar to java.sql.Date in Java?

Did you try cal.getTime()? This gets the date representation.

You might also want to look at the javadoc.

What's the best three-way merge tool?

vimdiff. It's great. All you need is a window three feet wide.

enter image description here

C++ multiline string literal

Option 1. Using boost library, you can declare the string as below

const boost::string_view helpText = "This is very long help text.\n"
      "Also more text is here\n"
      "And here\n"

// Pass help text here

Option 2. If boost is not available in your project, you can use std::string_view() in modern C++.

How to get the EXIF data from a file using C#

Getting EXIF data from a JPEG image involves:

  1. Seeking to the JPEG markers which mentions the beginning of the EXIF data,. e.g. normally oxFFE1 is the marker inserted while encoding EXIF data, which is a APPlication segment, where EXIF data goes.
  2. Parse all the data from say 0xFFE1 to 0xFFE2 . This data would be stream of bytes, in the JPEG encoded file.
  3. ASCII equivalent of these bytes would contain various information related to Image Date, Camera Model Name, Exposure etc...

How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins?

In my opinion, turning off the -e option to your shell is a really bad idea. Eventually one of the commands in your script will fail due to transient conditions like out of disk space or network errors. Without -e Jenkins won't notice and will continue along happily. If you've got Jenkins set up to do deployment, that may result in bad code getting pushed and bringing down your site.

If you have a line in your script where failure is expected, like a grep or a find, then just add || true to the end of that line. That ensures that line will always return success.

If you need to use that exit code, you can either hoist the command into your if statement:

grep foo bar; if [ $? == 0 ]; then ...    -->   if grep foo bar; then ...

Or you can capture the return code in your || clause:

grep foo bar || ret=$?

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP

If you are working with MVC

try doing this in your controller

public function getLatestUsers() {
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo $this->model->getLatestUsers(); // this returns json_encode($somedata, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)

then if you call /getLatestUsers you will get a pretty JSON output ;)

Dismissing a Presented View Controller

You can Close your super view window


How do I center a window onscreen in C#?

Use Location property of the form. Set it to the desired top left point

desired x = (desktop_width - form_witdh)/2

desired y = (desktop_height - from_height)/2

How to force IE to reload javascript?

When you work with web page or javascript file you want it to be reloaded every time you change it. You can change settings in IE 8 so the browser will never cache.

Follow this simple steps.

  1. Select Tools-> Internet Options.
  2. In General tab click on Settings button in Browsing history section.
  3. Click on "Every time I visit the webpage" radio button.
  4. Click OK button.

What is the difference between ndarray and array in numpy?

Just a few lines of example code to show the difference between numpy.array and numpy.ndarray

Warm up step: Construct a list

a = [1,2,3]

Check the type


You will get

<class 'list'>

Construct an array (from a list) using np.array

a = np.array(a)

Or, you can skip the warm up step, directly have

a = np.array([1,2,3])

Check the type


You will get

<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

which tells you the type of the numpy array is numpy.ndarray

You can also check the type by

isinstance(a, (np.ndarray))

and you will get


Either of the following two lines will give you an error message

np.ndarray(a)                # should be np.array(a)
isinstance(a, (np.array))    # should be isinstance(a, (np.ndarray))

JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array()

If you need all the PHP available parameters, use this:

function in_array(needle, haystack, argStrict) {
    var key = '', strict = !!argStrict;
    if (strict) {
        for (key in haystack) {
            if (haystack[key] === needle) {
                return true;
    else {
        for (key in haystack) {
            if (haystack[key] == needle) {
                return true;
    return false;

Replacing spaces with underscores in JavaScript?

I know this is old but I didn't see anyone mention extending the String prototype.

String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replace){
    if(!search || !replace){return this;} //if search entry or replace entry empty return the string
    return this.replace(new RegExp('[' + search + ']', 'g'), replace); //global RegEx search for all instances ("g") of your search entry and replace them all.

HTML5 record audio to file

The code shown below is copyrighted to Matt Diamond and available for use under MIT license. The original files are here:

Save this files and use

      var WORKER_PATH = 'recorderWorker.js';_x000D_
      var Recorder = function(source, cfg){_x000D_
        var config = cfg || {};_x000D_
        var bufferLen = config.bufferLen || 4096;_x000D_
        this.context = source.context;_x000D_
        this.node = this.context.createScriptProcessor(bufferLen, 2, 2);_x000D_
        var worker = new Worker(config.workerPath || WORKER_PATH);_x000D_
          command: 'init',_x000D_
          config: {_x000D_
            sampleRate: this.context.sampleRate_x000D_
        var recording = false,_x000D_
        this.node.onaudioprocess = function(e){_x000D_
          if (!recording) return;_x000D_
            command: 'record',_x000D_
            buffer: [_x000D_
        this.configure = function(cfg){_x000D_
          for (var prop in cfg){_x000D_
            if (cfg.hasOwnProperty(prop)){_x000D_
              config[prop] = cfg[prop];_x000D_
        this.record = function(){_x000D_
          recording = true;_x000D_
        this.stop = function(){_x000D_
          recording = false;_x000D_
        this.clear = function(){_x000D_
          worker.postMessage({ command: 'clear' });_x000D_
        this.getBuffer = function(cb) {_x000D_
          currCallback = cb || config.callback;_x000D_
          worker.postMessage({ command: 'getBuffer' })_x000D_
        this.exportWAV = function(cb, type){_x000D_
          currCallback = cb || config.callback;_x000D_
          type = type || config.type || 'audio/wav';_x000D_
          if (!currCallback) throw new Error('Callback not set');_x000D_
            command: 'exportWAV',_x000D_
            type: type_x000D_
        worker.onmessage = function(e){_x000D_
          var blob =;_x000D_
        this.node.connect(this.context.destination);    //this should not be necessary_x000D_
      Recorder.forceDownload = function(blob, filename){_x000D_
        var url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);_x000D_
        var link = window.document.createElement('a');_x000D_
        link.href = url;_x000D_ = filename || 'output.wav';_x000D_
        var click = document.createEvent("Event");_x000D_
        click.initEvent("click", true, true);_x000D_
      window.Recorder = Recorder;_x000D_
    //ADDITIONAL JS recorderWorker.js_x000D_
    var recLength = 0,_x000D_
      recBuffersL = [],_x000D_
      recBuffersR = [],_x000D_
    this.onmessage = function(e){_x000D_
        case 'init':_x000D_
        case 'record':_x000D_
        case 'exportWAV':_x000D_
        case 'getBuffer':_x000D_
        case 'clear':_x000D_
    function init(config){_x000D_
      sampleRate = config.sampleRate;_x000D_
    function record(inputBuffer){_x000D_
      recLength += inputBuffer[0].length;_x000D_
    function exportWAV(type){_x000D_
      var bufferL = mergeBuffers(recBuffersL, recLength);_x000D_
      var bufferR = mergeBuffers(recBuffersR, recLength);_x000D_
      var interleaved = interleave(bufferL, bufferR);_x000D_
      var dataview = encodeWAV(interleaved);_x000D_
      var audioBlob = new Blob([dataview], { type: type });_x000D_
    function getBuffer() {_x000D_
      var buffers = [];_x000D_
      buffers.push( mergeBuffers(recBuffersL, recLength) );_x000D_
      buffers.push( mergeBuffers(recBuffersR, recLength) );_x000D_
    function clear(){_x000D_
      recLength = 0;_x000D_
      recBuffersL = [];_x000D_
      recBuffersR = [];_x000D_
    function mergeBuffers(recBuffers, recLength){_x000D_
      var result = new Float32Array(recLength);_x000D_
      var offset = 0;_x000D_
      for (var i = 0; i < recBuffers.length; i++){_x000D_
        result.set(recBuffers[i], offset);_x000D_
        offset += recBuffers[i].length;_x000D_
      return result;_x000D_
    function interleave(inputL, inputR){_x000D_
      var length = inputL.length + inputR.length;_x000D_
      var result = new Float32Array(length);_x000D_
      var index = 0,_x000D_
        inputIndex = 0;_x000D_
      while (index < length){_x000D_
        result[index++] = inputL[inputIndex];_x000D_
        result[index++] = inputR[inputIndex];_x000D_
      return result;_x000D_
    function floatTo16BitPCM(output, offset, input){_x000D_
      for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++, offset+=2){_x000D_
        var s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, input[i]));_x000D_
        output.setInt16(offset, s < 0 ? s * 0x8000 : s * 0x7FFF, true);_x000D_
    function writeString(view, offset, string){_x000D_
      for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++){_x000D_
        view.setUint8(offset + i, string.charCodeAt(i));_x000D_
    function encodeWAV(samples){_x000D_
      var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44 + samples.length * 2);_x000D_
      var view = new DataView(buffer);_x000D_
      /* RIFF identifier */_x000D_
      writeString(view, 0, 'RIFF');_x000D_
      /* file length */_x000D_
      view.setUint32(4, 32 + samples.length * 2, true);_x000D_
      /* RIFF type */_x000D_
      writeString(view, 8, 'WAVE');_x000D_
      /* format chunk identifier */_x000D_
      writeString(view, 12, 'fmt ');_x000D_
      /* format chunk length */_x000D_
      view.setUint32(16, 16, true);_x000D_
      /* sample format (raw) */_x000D_
      view.setUint16(20, 1, true);_x000D_
      /* channel count */_x000D_
      view.setUint16(22, 2, true);_x000D_
      /* sample rate */_x000D_
      view.setUint32(24, sampleRate, true);_x000D_
      /* byte rate (sample rate * block align) */_x000D_
      view.setUint32(28, sampleRate * 4, true);_x000D_
      /* block align (channel count * bytes per sample) */_x000D_
      view.setUint16(32, 4, true);_x000D_
      /* bits per sample */_x000D_
      view.setUint16(34, 16, true);_x000D_
      /* data chunk identifier */_x000D_
      writeString(view, 36, 'data');_x000D_
      /* data chunk length */_x000D_
      view.setUint32(40, samples.length * 2, true);_x000D_
      floatTo16BitPCM(view, 44, samples);_x000D_
      return view;_x000D_
      <audio controls autoplay></audio>_x000D_
      <script type="text/javascript" src="recorder.js"> </script>_x000D_
                    <fieldset><legend>RECORD AUDIO</legend>_x000D_
      <input onclick="startRecording()" type="button" value="start recording" />_x000D_
      <input onclick="stopRecording()" type="button" value="stop recording and play" />_x000D_
       var onFail = function(e) {_x000D_
        console.log('Rejected!', e);_x000D_
       var onSuccess = function(s) {_x000D_
        var context = new webkitAudioContext();_x000D_
        var mediaStreamSource = context.createMediaStreamSource(s);_x000D_
        recorder = new Recorder(mediaStreamSource);_x000D_
        // audio loopback_x000D_
        // mediaStreamSource.connect(context.destination);_x000D_
       window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;_x000D_
       navigator.getUserMedia  = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;_x000D_
       var recorder;_x000D_
       var audio = document.querySelector('audio');_x000D_
       function startRecording() {_x000D_
        if (navigator.getUserMedia) {_x000D_
         navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true}, onSuccess, onFail);_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
         console.log('navigator.getUserMedia not present');_x000D_
       function stopRecording() {_x000D_
        recorder.exportWAV(function(s) {_x000D_
                                  audio.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(s);_x000D_

how to use font awesome in own css?

Instructions for Drupal 8 / FontAwesome 5

Create a YOUR_THEME_NAME_HERE.THEME file and place it in your themes directory (ie. your_site_name/themes/your_theme_name)

Paste this into the file, it is PHP code to find the Search Block and change the value to the UNICODE for the FontAwesome icon. You can find other characters at this link

function YOUR_THEME_NAME_HERE_form_search_block_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['keys']['#attributes']['placeholder'][] = t('Search');
  $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = html_entity_decode('&#xf002;');

Open the CSS file of your theme (ie. your_site_name/themes/your_theme_name/css/styles.css) and then paste this in which will change all input submit text to FontAwesome. Not sure if this will work if you also want to add text in the input button though for just an icon it is fine.

Make sure you import FontAwesome, add this at the top of the CSS file

@import url('');

then add this in the CSS

input#edit-submit {
    font-family: 'Font Awesome\ 5 Free';
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;  


Add Google Font Effects

If you are using Google Web Fonts as well you can add also add effects to the icon (see more here You need to import a Google Web Font including the effect(s) you would like to use first in the CSS so it will be

@import url(',800&effect=3d-float');
@import url('');

Then go back to your .THEME file and add the class for the 3D Float Effect so the code will now add a class to the input. There are different effects available. So just choose the effect you like, change the CSS for the font import and the change the value FONT-EFFECT-3D-FLOAT int the code below to font-effect-WHATEVER_EFFECT_HERE. Note effects are still in Beta and don't work in all browsers so read here before you try it

function YOUR_THEME_NAME_HERE_form_search_block_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['keys']['#attributes']['placeholder'][] = t('Search');
  $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = html_entity_decode('&#xf002;');
  $form['actions']['submit']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'font-effect-3d-float';

How to Write text file Java

It does work with me. Make sure that you append ".txt" next to timeLog. I used it in a simple program opened with Netbeans and it writes the program in the main folder (where builder and src folders are).

Writing BMP image in pure c/c++ without other libraries

I edited ralf's htp code so that it would compile (on gcc, running ubuntu 16.04 lts). It was just a matter of initializing the variables.

    int w = 100; /* Put here what ever width you want */
    int h = 100; /* Put here what ever height you want */
    int red[w][h]; 
    int green[w][h];
    int blue[w][h];

    FILE *f;
    unsigned char *img = NULL;
    int filesize = 54 + 3*w*h;  //w is your image width, h is image height, both int
    if( img )
            free( img );
    img = (unsigned char *)malloc(3*w*h);
    int x;
    int y;
    int r;
    int g;
    int b;

    for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<h; j++)
                    x=i; y=(h-1)-j;
                    r = red[i][j]*255;
                    g = green[i][j]*255;
                    b = blue[i][j]*255;
                    if (r > 255) r=255;
                    if (g > 255) g=255;
                    if (b > 255) b=255;
                    img[(x+y*w)*3+2] = (unsigned char)(r);
                    img[(x+y*w)*3+1] = (unsigned char)(g);
                    img[(x+y*w)*3+0] = (unsigned char)(b);

    unsigned char bmpfileheader[14] = {'B','M', 0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 54,0,0,0};
    unsigned char bmpinfoheader[40] = {40,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0, 24,0};
    unsigned char bmppad[3] = {0,0,0};

    bmpfileheader[ 2] = (unsigned char)(filesize    );
    bmpfileheader[ 3] = (unsigned char)(filesize>> 8);
    bmpfileheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>16);
    bmpfileheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>24);

    bmpinfoheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(       w    );
    bmpinfoheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(       w>> 8);
    bmpinfoheader[ 6] = (unsigned char)(       w>>16);
    bmpinfoheader[ 7] = (unsigned char)(       w>>24);
    bmpinfoheader[ 8] = (unsigned char)(       h    );
    bmpinfoheader[ 9] = (unsigned char)(       h>> 8);
    bmpinfoheader[10] = (unsigned char)(       h>>16);
    bmpinfoheader[11] = (unsigned char)(       h>>24);

    f = fopen("img.bmp","wb");
    for(int i=0; i<h; i++)

Is it possible to use the SELECT INTO clause with UNION [ALL]?

I would do it like this:

SELECT top(100)* into #tmpFerdeen
FROM Customers

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerEurope

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAsia

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAmericas

Fix height of a table row in HTML Table

my css

TR.gray-t {background:#949494;}
    font:bold 12px/2px Arial;

my html

<TR class='gray-t'>
<TD colspan='3'><h3>KAJANG</h3>

I decrease the 2nd size in font.

padding-top is used to fix the size in IE7.

Is there a shortcut to make a block comment in Xcode?


Since I was lazy, and didn't fully implement my solution, I searched around and found BlockComment for Xcode, a recently released plugin (June 2017). Don't bother with my solution, this plugin works beautifully, and I highly recommend it.


None of the above worked for me on Xcode 7 and 8, so I:

  1. Created Automator service using AppleScript
  2. Make sure "Output replaces selected text" is checked
  3. Enter the following code:

    on run {input, parameters}
    return "/*\n" & (input as string) & "*/"
    end run

enter image description here

Now you can access that service through Xcode - Services menu, or by right clicking on the selected block of code you wish to comment, or giving it a shortcut under System Preferences.

Insert HTML from CSS

Content (for text and not html):

But just to be clear, it is bad practice. Its support throughout browsers is shaky, and it's generally not a good idea. But in cases where you really have to use it, there it is.