[angular] angular-cli where is webpack.config.js file - new angular6 does not support ng eject

UPDATE: December 2018 (see 'Aniket' answer)

With Angular CLI 6 you need to use builders as ng eject is deprecated and will soon be removed in 8.0

UPDATE: June 2018: Angular 6 does not support ng eject**

UPDATE: February 2017: use ng eject

UPDATE: November 2016: angular-cli now only use webpack. You only need install normally with npm install -g angular-cli. "We changed the build system between beta.10 and beta.14, from SystemJS to Webpack.", but actually i use angular-cli just to firs structure and folders and then anymore, i use webpack config manually

I've installed angular cli with this:

npm install -g angular-cli@webpack

When I worked with angular1 and web pack , i used to modify "webpack.config.js" file to execute all the task and plugins, but i don't see on this project created with angular-cli who does it work. it's magic?

I see Webpack is working when i do:

ng serve 

"Version: webpack 2.1.0-beta.18"

but i don't understand the way that angular-cli config works...

This question is related to angular webpack angular-cli

The answer is

According to this issue, it was a design decision to not allow users to modify the Webpack configuration to reduce the learning curve.

Considering the number of useful configuration on Webpack, this is a great drawback.

I would not recommend using angular-cli for production applications, as it is highly opinionated.

There's a nice way to eject webpack.config.js from angular-cli. Just run:

$ ng eject

This will generate webpack.config.js in the root folder of your project, and you're free to configure it the way you want. The downside of this is that build/start scripts in your package.json will be replaced with the new commands and instead of

$ ng serve

you would have to do something like

$ npm run build & npm run start

This method should work in all the recent versions of angular-cli (I personally tried a few, with the oldest being 1.0.0-beta.21, and the latest 1.0.0-beta.32.3)

What I am thinking is having webpack would be easy when production release.

FYI : https://github.com/Piusha/ngx-lazyloading

The CLI's webpack config can now be ejected. Check Anton Nikiforov's answer.


You can hack the config template in angular-cli/addon/ng2/models. There's no official way to modify the webpack config as of now.

There's a closed "wont-fix" issue on github about this: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/1656

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