Programs & Examples On #Rewritemap

When using `mod_rewrite`, the `RewriteMap` directive defines a "Rewriting Map" which can be used inside rule substitution strings to insert or substitute fields with a key/value lookup.

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

Just wanted to point out one thing missing in LazyOne's answer (I would have just commented under the answer but don't have enough rep)

In rule #2 for permanent redirect there is thing missing:


So rule #2 should look like this:

            <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/page.html" redirectType="Permanent" />


For more information on how to use the URL Rewrite Module see this excellent documentation: URL Rewrite Module Configuration Reference

In response to @kneidels question from the comments; To match the url: topic.php?id=39 something like the following could be used:

      <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url="^topic.php$" />
        <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
          <add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="(?:id)=(\d{2})" />
        <action type="Redirect" url="/newpage/{C:1}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />

This will match topic.php?id=ab where a is any number between 0-9 and b is also any number between 0-9. It will then redirect to /newpage/xy where xy comes from the original url. I have not tested this but it should work.

Java Enum Methods - return opposite direction enum

This works:

public enum Direction {

    public Direction oppose() {
        switch(this) {
            case NORTH: return SOUTH;
            case SOUTH: return NORTH;
            case EAST:  return WEST;
            case WEST:  return EAST;
        throw new RuntimeException("Case not implemented");

Floating point comparison functions for C#

static class FloatUtil {

    static bool IsEqual(float a, float b, float tolerance = 0.001f) {
      return Math.Abs(a - b) < tolerance;

    static bool IsGreater(float a, float b) {
      return a > b;

    static bool IsLess(float a, float b) {
      return a < b;

The value of tolerance that is passed into IsEqual is something that the client could decide.

IsEqual(1.002, 1.001);          -->   False
IsEqual(1.002, 1.001, 0.01);    -->   True

Stack, Static, and Heap in C++

Stack memory allocation (function variables, local variables) can be problematic when your stack is too "deep" and you overflow the memory available to stack allocations. The heap is for objects that need to be accessed from multiple threads or throughout the program lifecycle. You can write an entire program without using the heap.

You can leak memory quite easily without a garbage collector, but you can also dictate when objects and memory is freed. I have run in to issues with Java when it runs the GC and I have a real time process, because the GC is an exclusive thread (nothing else can run). So if performance is critical and you can guarantee there are no leaked objects, not using a GC is very helpful. Otherwise it just makes you hate life when your application consumes memory and you have to track down the source of a leak.

How to filter an array of objects based on values in an inner array with jq?

Here is another solution which uses any/2

map(select(any(.Names[]; contains("data"))|not)|.Id)[]

with the sample data and the -r option it produces


How to handle "Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first." on Desktop with Chrome 66?

Extend the DOM Element, Handle the Error, and Degrade Gracefully

Below I use the prototype function to wrap the native DOM play function, grab its promise, and then degrade to a play button if the browser throws an exception. This extension addresses the shortcoming of the browser and is plug-n-play in any page with knowledge of the target element(s).

// JavaScript
// Wrap the native DOM audio element play function and handle any autoplay errors = (function(play) {
return function () {
  var audio = this,
      args = arguments,
      promise = play.apply(audio, args);
  if (promise !== undefined) {
    promise.catch(_ => {
      // Autoplay was prevented. This is optional, but add a button to start playing.
      var el = document.createElement("button");
      el.innerHTML = "Play";
      el.addEventListener("click", function(){play.apply(audio, args);});
      this.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this.nextSibling)

// Try automatically playing our audio via script. This would normally trigger and error.

<!-- HTML -->
<audio id="MyAudioElement" autoplay>
  <source src="" type="audio/ogg">
  <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
  Your browser does not support the audio element.

How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php?

The script must be edited like this

foreach( $result[0] as $img_tag)

because preg_match_all return array of arrays

"X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE"

In certain cases, it might be necessary to restrict the display of a webpage to a document mode supported by an earlier version of Internet Explorer. You can do this by serving the page with an x-ua-compatible header. For more info, see Specifying legacy document modes.

Thus this tag is used to future proof the webpage, such that the older / compatible engine is used to render it the same way as intended by the creator.

Make sure that you have checked it to work properly with the IE version you specify.

What is the maximum number of characters that nvarchar(MAX) will hold?

2^31-1 bytes. So, a little less than 2^31-1 characters for varchar(max) and half that for nvarchar(max).

nchar and nvarchar

Angular2 use [(ngModel)] with [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" to link to a reference to model's property

For me the code:

<form (submit)="addTodo()">_x000D_
  <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="text">_x000D_

throws error, but I added name attribute to input:

<form (submit)="addTodo()">_x000D_
  <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="text" name="text">_x000D_

and it started to work.

How do I get into a Docker container's shell?

you can interact with the terminal in docker container by passing the option -ti

docker run --rm -ti <image-name>
eg: docker run --rm -ti ubuntu

-t stands for terminal -i stands for interactive

WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type Customer with qualifiers @Default

I had the same problem but it had nothing to do with annotations. The problem happened while indexing beans in my container (Jboss EAP 6.3). One of my beans could not be indexed because it used Java 8 features an I got this sneaky little warning while deploying:

WARN [] ... Could not index class ... java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown tag! pos=20 poolCount = 133

Then at the injection point I got the error:

Unsatisfied dependencies for type ... with qualifiers @Default

The solution is to update the Java annotations index. download new version of jandex (jandex-1.2.3.Final or newer) then put it into

JBOSS_HOME\modules\system\layers\base\org\jboss\jandex\main and then update reference to the new file in module.xml

NOTE: EAP 6.4.x already have this fixed

Difference between window.location.href, window.location.replace and window.location.assign

The part about not being able to use the Back button is a common misinterpretation. window.location.replace(URL) throws out the top ONE entry from the page history list, by overwriting it with the new entry, so the user can't easily go Back to that ONE particular webpage. The function does NOT wipe out the entire page history list, nor does it make the Back button completely non-functional.

(NO function nor combination of parameters that I know of can change or overwrite history list entries that you don't own absolutely for certain - browsers generally impelement this security limitation by simply not even defining any operation that might at all affect any entry other than the top one in the page history list. I shudder to think what sorts of dastardly things malware might do if such a function existed.)

If you really want to make the Back button non-functional (probably not "user friendly": think again if that's really what you want to do), "open" a brand new window. (You can "open" a popup that doesn't even have a "Back" button too ...but popups aren't very popular these days:-) If you want to keep your page showing no matter what the user does (again the "user friendliness" is questionable), set up a window.onunload handler that just reloads your page all over again clear from the very beginning every time.

The name does not exist in the namespace error in XAML

In the solution property page, check the platform of the assembly that contains "UpdatingMediaElement" and the assmeblies that contain any of the superclasses and interfaces from which "UpdatingMediaElement" subclasses or implements. It appears that the platform of all these assemblies must be "AnyCPU".

In Javascript/jQuery what does (e) mean?

$(this).click(function(e) {
    // does something

In reference to the above code
$(this) is the element which as some variable.
click is the event that needs to be performed.
the parameter e is automatically passed from js to your function which holds the value of $(this) value and can be used further in your code to do some operation.

How to fit a smooth curve to my data in R?

The other answers are all good approaches. However, there are a few other options in R that haven't been mentioned, including lowess and approx, which may give better fits or faster performance.

The advantages are more easily demonstrated with an alternate dataset:

sigmoid <- function(x)


Here is the data overlaid with the sigmoid curve that generated it:


This sort of data is common when looking at a binary behavior among a population. For example, this might be a plot of whether or not a customer purchased something (a binary 1/0 on the y-axis) versus the amount of time they spent on the site (x-axis).

A large number of points are used to better demonstrate the performance differences of these functions.

Smooth, spline, and smooth.spline all produce gibberish on a dataset like this with any set of parameters I have tried, perhaps due to their tendency to map to every point, which does not work for noisy data.

The loess, lowess, and approx functions all produce usable results, although just barely for approx. This is the code for each using lightly optimized parameters:

loessFit <- loess(y~x, dat, span = 0.6)
loessFit <- data.frame(x=loessFit$x,y=loessFit$fitted)
loessFit <- loessFit[order(loessFit$x),]

approxFit <- approx(dat,n = 15)

lowessFit <-data.frame(lowess(dat,f = .6,iter=1))

And the results:



As you can see, lowess produces a near perfect fit to the original generating curve. Loess is close, but experiences a strange deviation at both tails.

Although your dataset will be very different, I have found that other datasets perform similarly, with both loess and lowess capable of producing good results. The differences become more significant when you look at benchmarks:

> microbenchmark::microbenchmark(loess(y~x, dat, span = 0.6),approx(dat,n = 20),lowess(dat,f = .6,iter=1),times=20)
Unit: milliseconds
                           expr        min         lq       mean     median        uq        max neval cld
  loess(y ~ x, dat, span = 0.6) 153.034810 154.450750 156.794257 156.004357 159.23183 163.117746    20   c
            approx(dat, n = 20)   1.297685   1.346773   1.689133   1.441823   1.86018   4.281735    20 a  
 lowess(dat, f = 0.6, iter = 1)   9.637583  10.085613  11.270911  11.350722  12.33046  12.495343    20  b 

Loess is extremely slow, taking 100x as long as approx. Lowess produces better results than approx, while still running fairly quickly (15x faster than loess).

Loess also becomes increasingly bogged down as the number of points increases, becoming unusable around 50,000.

EDIT: Additional research shows that loess gives better fits for certain datasets. If you are dealing with a small dataset or performance is not a consideration, try both functions and compare the results.

How to list the properties of a JavaScript object?

The solution work on my cases and cross-browser:

var getKeys = function(obj) {
    var type = typeof  obj;
    var isObjectType = type === 'function' || type === 'object' || !!obj;

    // 1
    if(isObjectType) {
        return Object.keys(obj);

    // 2
    var keys = [];
    for(var i in obj) {
        if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
    if(keys.length) {
        return keys;

    // 3 - bug for ie9 <
    var hasEnumbug = !{toString: null}.propertyIsEnumerable('toString');
    if(hasEnumbug) {
        var nonEnumerableProps = ['valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString',
            'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString'];

        var nonEnumIdx = nonEnumerableProps.length;

        while (nonEnumIdx--) {
            var prop = nonEnumerableProps[nonEnumIdx];
            if (, prop)) {


    return keys;

Adding a simple spacer to twitter bootstrap

You can add a class to each of your .row divs to add some space in between them like so:

.spacer {
    margin-top: 40px; /* define margin as you see fit */

You can then use it like so:

<div class="row spacer">
   <div class="span4">...</div>
   <div class="span4">...</div>
   <div class="span4">...</div>

<div class="row spacer">
   <div class="span4">...</div>
   <div class="span4">...</div>
   <div class="span4">...</div>

Why does ENOENT mean "No such file or directory"?

It's simply “No such directory entry”. Since directory entries can be directories or files (or symlinks, or sockets, or pipes, or devices), the name ENOFILE would have been too narrow in its meaning.

mailto using javascript

I've simply used this javascript code (using jquery but it's not strictly necessary) :

    $( "#button" ).on( "click", function(event) {
         $(this).attr('href', 'mailto:[email protected]?subject=hello');

When users click on the link, we replace the href attribute of the clicked element.

Be careful don't prevent the default comportment (event.preventDefault), we must let do it because we have just replaced the href where to go

I think robots can't see it, the address is protected from spams.

How do I import CSV file into a MySQL table?

Use mysqlimport to load a table into the database:

mysqlimport --ignore-lines=1 \
            --fields-terminated-by=, \
            --local -u root \
            -p Database \

I found it at

To make the delimiter a tab, use --fields-terminated-by='\t'

Uri not Absolute exception getting while calling Restful Webservice

An absolute URI specifies a scheme; a URI that is not absolute is said to be relative.

So, perhaps your URLEncoder isn't working as you're expecting (the https bit)?


Is it possible to open a Windows Explorer window from PowerShell?

You have a few options:


PS C:\> explorer
PS C:\> explorer .
PS C:\> explorer /n
PS C:\> Invoke-Item c:\path\
PS C:\> ii c:\path\
PS C:\> Invoke-Item c:\windows\explorer.exe
PS C:\> ii c:\windows\explorer.exe
PS C:\> [diagnostics.process]::start("explorer.exe")

How to remove a file from the index in git?

Depending on your workflow, this may be the kind of thing that you need rarely enough that there's little point in trying to figure out a command-line solution (unless you happen to be working without a graphical interface for some reason).

Just use one of the GUI-based tools that support index management, for example:

  • git gui <-- uses the Tk windowing framework -- similar style to gitk
  • git cola <-- a more modern-style GUI interface

These let you move files in and out of the index by point-and-click. They even have support for selecting and moving portions of a file (individual changes) to and from the index.

How about a different perspective: If you mess up while using one of the suggested, rather cryptic, commands:

  • git rm --cached [file]
  • git reset HEAD <file> stand a real chance of losing data -- or at least making it hard to find. Unless you really need to do this with very high frequency, using a GUI tool is likely to be safer.

Working without the index

Based on the comments and votes, I've come to realize that a lot of people use the index all the time. I don't. Here's how:

  • Commit my entire working copy (the typical case): git commit -a
  • Commit just a few files: git commit (list of files)
  • Commit all but a few modified files: git commit -a then amend via git gui
  • Graphically review all changes to working copy: git difftool --dir-diff --tool=meld

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte X in position Y: character maps to <undefined>

If file = open(filename, encoding="utf8") doesn't work, try
file = open(filename, errors="ignore"), if you want to remove unneeded characters.

Remove last character of a StringBuilder?

Just get the position of the last character occurrence.

for(String serverId : serverIds) {

Since lastIndexOf will perform a reverse search, and you know that it will find at the first try, performance won't be an issue here.


Since I keep getting ups on my answer (thanks folks ), it is worth regarding that:

On Java 8 onward it would just be more legible and explicit to use StringJoiner. It has one method for a simple separator, and an overload for prefix and suffix.

Examples taken from here: example

Example using simple separator:

    StringJoiner mystring = new StringJoiner("-");    

    // Joining multiple strings by using add() method  




Example with suffix and prefix:

    StringJoiner mystring = new StringJoiner(",", "(", ")");    

    // Joining multiple strings by using add() method  




dotnet ef not found in .NET Core 3

I was having this problem after I installed the dotnet-ef tool using Ansible with sudo escalated previllage on Ubuntu. I had to add become: no for the Playbook task, then the dotnet-ef tool became available to the current user.

  - name: install dotnet tool dotnet-ef
    command: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version {{dotnetef_version}}
    become: no

How can you print a variable name in python?

With eager evaluation, variables essentially turn into their values any time you look at them (to paraphrase). That said, Python does have built-in namespaces. For example, locals() will return a dictionary mapping a function's variables' names to their values, and globals() does the same for a module. Thus:

for name, value in globals().items():
    if value is unknown_variable:
        ... do something with name

Note that you don't need to import anything to be able to access locals() and globals().

Also, if there are multiple aliases for a value, iterating through a namespace only finds the first one.

Iteration over std::vector: unsigned vs signed index variable

In the specific case in your example, I'd use the STL algorithms to accomplish this.

#include <numeric> 

sum = std::accumulate( polygon.begin(), polygon.end(), 0 );

For a more general, but still fairly simple case, I'd go with:

#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>

using namespace boost::lambda;
std::for_each( polygon.begin(), polygon.end(), sum += _1 );

Remove end of line characters from Java string

Hey we can also use this regex solution.

String chomp = StringUtils.normalizeSpace(sentence.replaceAll("[\\r\\n]"," "));

How do I detect if I am in release or debug mode?

Alternatively, you could differentiate using BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE;

If you're running debug build BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE.equals("debug"); returns true. And for release build BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE.equals("release"); returns true.

difference between System.out.println() and System.err.println()

System.out is "standard output" (stdout) and System.err is "error output" (stderr). Along with (stdin), these are the three standard I/O streams in the Unix model. Most modern programming environments (C, Perl, etc.) support this model.

The standard output stream is used to print output from "normal operations" of the program, while the error stream is for "error messages". These need to be separate -- though in most cases they appear on the same console.

Suppose you have a simple program where you enter a phone number and it prints out the person who has that number. If you enter an invalid number, the program should inform you of that error, but it shouldn't do that as the answer: If you enter "999-ABC-4567" and the program prints an error message "Not a valid number", that doesn't mean there is a person named "Not a valid number" whose number is 999-ABC-4567. So it prints out nothing to the standard output, and the message "Not a valid number" is printed to the error output.

You can set up the execution environment to distinguish between the two streams, for example, make the standard output print to the screen and error output print to a file.

Encoding Javascript Object to Json string

You can use JSON.stringify like:


How can I use JavaScript in Java?

I just wanted to answer something new for this question - J2V8.

Author Ian Bull says "Rhino and Nashorn are two common JavaScript runtimes, but these did not meet our requirements in a number of areas:

Neither support ‘Primitives‘. All interactions with these platforms require wrapper classes such as Integer, Double or Boolean. Nashorn is not supported on Android. Rhino compiler optimizations are not supported on Android. Neither engines support remote debugging on Android.""

Highly Efficient Java & JavaScript Integration

Github link

C++ Error 'nullptr was not declared in this scope' in Eclipse IDE

Is that an actual compiler error or a Code Analysis error? Some times the code analysis can be a bit sketchy and report non-valid errors.

To turn off code analysis for the project, right click on your project in the Project Explorer, click on Properties, then go to the C/C++ General tab, then Code Analysis. Then click on "Use Project Settings" and disable the ones that you do not wish for.

Also, are you sure you are compiling with the C++11 compiler?

bootstrap 3 wrap text content within div for horizontal alignment

1) Maybe oveflow: hidden; will do the trick?

2) You need to set the size of each div with the text and button so that each of these divs have the same height. Then for your button:

button {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;

Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard'

enter image description hereIf you are using version 0.14.0 or higher of the gradle plugin, you should replace "runProguard" with "minifyEnabled" in your build.gradle files.

runProguard was renamed to minifyEnabled in version 0.14.0. For more info, See Android Build System

Create a custom event in Java

You probably want to look into the observer pattern.

Here's some sample code to get yourself started:

import java.util.*;

// An interface to be implemented by everyone interested in "Hello" events
interface HelloListener {
    void someoneSaidHello();

// Someone who says "Hello"
class Initiater {
    private List<HelloListener> listeners = new ArrayList<HelloListener>();

    public void addListener(HelloListener toAdd) {

    public void sayHello() {

        // Notify everybody that may be interested.
        for (HelloListener hl : listeners)

// Someone interested in "Hello" events
class Responder implements HelloListener {
    public void someoneSaidHello() {
        System.out.println("Hello there...");

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Initiater initiater = new Initiater();
        Responder responder = new Responder();


        initiater.sayHello();  // Prints "Hello!!!" and "Hello there..."

Related article: Java: Creating a custom event

How to convert Blob to String and String to Blob in java

How are you setting blob to DB? You should do:

 //imagine u have a a prepared statement like:
 PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO table VALUES (?)");
 String blobString= "This is the string u want to convert to Blob";
oracle.sql.BLOB myBlob = oracle.sql.BLOB.createTemporary(conn, false,oracle.sql.BLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
 byte[] buff = blobString.getBytes();
 ps.setBlob(1, myBlob);

Is it possible to use a batch file to establish a telnet session, send a command and have the output written to a file?

First of all, a caveat. Why do you want to use telnet? telnet is an old protocol, unsafe and impractical for remote access. It's been (almost)totally replaced by ssh.

To answer your questions, it depends. It depends on the telnet client you use. If you use microsoft telnet, you can't. Microsoft telnet does not have any mean to send commands from a batch file or a command line.

How to print a single backslash?

You need to escape your backslash by preceding it with, yes, another backslash:


And for versions prior to Python 3:

print "\\"

The \ character is called an escape character, which interprets the character following it differently. For example, n by itself is simply a letter, but when you precede it with a backslash, it becomes \n, which is the newline character.

As you can probably guess, \ also needs to be escaped so it doesn't function like an escape character. You have to... escape the escape, essentially.

See the Python 3 documentation for string literals.

How do I create a chart with multiple series using different X values for each series?

You need to use the Scatter chart type instead of Line. That will allow you to define separate X values for each series.

Custom height Bootstrap's navbar

I believe you are using Bootstrap 3. If so, please try this code, here is the bootply

    <div class="navbar navbar-static-top navbar-default">
        <div class="navbar-header">
            <a class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"></span>
        <div class="container" style="background:yellow;">
            <a href="/">
                <img src="img/logo.png" class="logo img-responsive">

            <nav class="navbar-collapse collapse pull-right" style="line-height:150px; height:150px;">
                <ul class="nav navbar-nav" style="display:inline-block;">
                    <li><a href="">Portfolio</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Blog</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Contact</a></li>

html select option separator

I elected to conditionally alternate color and background. Setting a sort order and with vue.js, I did something like this:

    .altgroup_1 {background:gray; color:white;}
    .altgroup_2{background:white; color:black;}

<option :class = {
    'altgroup_1': (country.sort_order > 25),
    'altgroup_2': (country.sort_order > 50 }"
    value="{{ country.iso_short }}">
    {{ country.short_name }}

Capturing multiple line output into a Bash variable

Another pitfall with this is that command substitution$() — strips trailing newlines. Probably not always important, but if you really want to preserve exactly what was output, you'll have to use another line and some quoting:

RESULTX="$(./myscript; echo x)"

This is especially important if you want to handle all possible filenames (to avoid undefined behavior like operating on the wrong file).

How to enable file upload on React's Material UI simple input?

Just the same as what should be but change the button component to be label like so

<form id='uploadForm'
    <input type="file" id="sampleFile" style="display: none;" />
    <Button htmlFor="sampleFile" component="label" type={'submit'}>Upload</Button> 

Variables declared outside function

The local names for a function are decided when the function is defined:

>>> x = 1
>>> def inc():
...     x += 5
>>> inc.__code__.co_varnames

In this case, x exists in the local namespace. Execution of x += 5 requires a pre-existing value for x (for integers, it's like x = x + 5), and this fails at function call time because the local name is unbound - which is precisely why the exception UnboundLocalError is named as such.

Compare the other version, where x is not a local variable, so it can be resolved at the global scope instead:

>>> def incg():
...    print(x)
>>> incg.__code__.co_varnames

Similar question in faq:

Add space between cells (td) using css

You want border-spacing:

<table style="border-spacing: 10px;">

Or in a CSS block somewhere:

table {
  border-spacing: 10px;

See quirksmode on border-spacing. Be aware that border-spacing does not work on IE7 and below.

How to find substring from string?

In C++

using namespace std;

string my_string {"Hello world"};
string element_to_be_found {"Hello"};

   std::cout<<"Element Found"<<std::endl;

Difference between onLoad and ng-init in angular

Works for me.

<div ng-show="$scope.showme === true">Hello World</div>
<div ng-repeat="a in $scope.bigdata" ng-init="$scope.showme = true">{{ a.title }}</div>

ASP.NET MVC Razor render without encoding

Use @Html.Raw() with caution as you may cause more trouble with encoding and security. I understand the use case as I had to do this myself, but carefully... Just avoid allowing all text through. For example only preserve/convert specific character sequences and always encode the rest:

@Html.Raw(Html.Encode(myString).Replace("\n", "<br/>"))

Then you have peace of mind that you haven't created a potential security hole and any special/foreign characters are displayed correctly in all browsers.

Joining Multiple Tables - Oracle

I recommend that you get in the habit, right now, of using ANSI-style joins, meaning you should use the INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN, and CROSS JOIN elements in your SQL statements rather than using the "old-style" joins where all the tables are named together in the FROM clause and all the join conditions are put in the the WHERE clause. ANSI-style joins are easier to understand and less likely to be miswritten and/or misinterpreted than "old-style" joins.

I'd rewrite your query as:

SELECT bc.firstname,
       TO_CHAR(bo.orderdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') "Order Date",
INNER JOIN books b
INNER JOIN  book_order bo
INNER JOIN publisher p
WHERE p.publishername = 'PRINTING IS US';

Share and enjoy.

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

With regards to "2. How my background application can know what the application currently running in the foreground is."

Do NOT use the getRunningAppProcesses() method as this returns all sorts of system rubbish from my experience and you'll get multiple results which have RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND. Use getRunningTasks() instead

This is the code I use in my service to identify the current foreground application, its really easy:

ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) AppService.this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
// The first in the list of RunningTasks is always the foreground task.
RunningTaskInfo foregroundTaskInfo = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0);

Thats it, then you can easily access details of the foreground app/activity:

String foregroundTaskPackageName = foregroundTaskInfo .topActivity.getPackageName();
PackageManager pm = AppService.this.getPackageManager();
PackageInfo foregroundAppPackageInfo = pm.getPackageInfo(foregroundTaskPackageName, 0);
String foregroundTaskAppName = foregroundAppPackageInfo.applicationInfo.loadLabel(pm).toString();

This requires an additional permission in activity menifest and works perfectly.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />

How to fix "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized"

I stumbled in the same problem while working on a web api Asp Net Core project. I followed the suggestion to change the reference in my code to:


but adding the reference to System.Configuration.dll caused the error "Reference not valid or not supported".

Configuration manager error

To fix the problem I had to download the package System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager using NuGet (Tools -> Nuget Package-> Manage Nuget packages for the solution)

Advantage of switch over if-else statement

They work equally well. Performance is about the same given a modern compiler.

I prefer if statements over case statements because they are more readable, and more flexible -- you can add other conditions not based on numeric equality, like " || max < min ". But for the simple case you posted here, it doesn't really matter, just do what's most readable to you.

Mercurial undo last commit

after you have pulled and updated your workspace do a thg and right click on the change set you want to get rid of and then click modify history -> strip, it will remove the change set and you will point to default tip.

How to check edittext's text is email address or not?

A simple method

    private boolean isValidEmail(String email)
    String emailRegex ="^[_A-Za-z0-9-\\+]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$";
        return true;
    return false;

How do I use two submit buttons, and differentiate between which one was used to submit the form?

Give each input a name attribute. Only the clicked input's name attribute will be sent to the server.

<input type="submit" name="publish" value="Publish">
<input type="submit" name="save" value="Save">

And then

    if (isset($_POST['publish'])) {
        # Publish-button was clicked
    elseif (isset($_POST['save'])) {
        # Save-button was clicked

Edit: Changed value attributes to alt. Not sure this is the best approach for image buttons though, any particular reason you don't want to use input[type=image]?

Edit: Since this keeps getting upvotes I went ahead and changed the weird alt/value code to real submit inputs. I believe the original question asked for some sort of image buttons but there are so much better ways to achieve that nowadays instead of using input[type=image].

jsonify a SQLAlchemy result set in Flask

Here's my answer if you're using the declarative base (with help from some of the answers already posted):

# in your models definition where you define and extend declarative_base()
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()
Base.query = db_session.query_property()

# define a new class (call "Model" or whatever) with an as_dict() method defined
class Model():
    def as_dict(self):
        return { getattr(self, for c in self.__table__.columns }

# and extend both the Base and Model class in your model definition, e.g.
class Rating(Base, Model):
    ____tablename__ = 'rating'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    fullurl = db.Column(db.String())
    url = db.Column(db.String())
    comments = db.Column(db.Text)

# then after you query and have a resultset (rs) of ratings
rs = Rating.query.all()

# you can jsonify it with
s = json.dumps([r.as_dict() for r in rs], default=alchemyencoder)
print (s)

# or if you have a single row
r = Rating.query.first()

# you can jsonify it with
s = json.dumps(r.as_dict(), default=alchemyencoder)

# you will need this alchemyencoder where your are calling json.dumps to handle datetime and decimal format
# credit to Joonas @
def alchemyencoder(obj):
    """JSON encoder function for SQLAlchemy special classes."""
    if isinstance(obj,
        return obj.isoformat()
    elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
        return float(obj)

How to round float numbers in javascript?

Number((6.688689).toFixed(1)); // 6.7

var number = 6.688689;
var roundedNumber = Math.round(number * 10) / 10;

Use toFixed() function.

(6.688689).toFixed(); // equal to "7"
(6.688689).toFixed(1); // equal to "6.7"
(6.688689).toFixed(2); // equal to "6.69"

Xcode: Could not locate device support files

I had a similar problem because the app store version was missing iOS 10.1 support in Xcode 8 and they haven't rolled an update yet. This caused the "Xcode: Could not locate device support files" problem. You can download the latest update and it is more current and supports iOS 10.1 (14B72c).

How to find distinct rows with field in list using JPA and Spring?

Can you not use like this?

@Query("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM people p (nolock) WHERE NOT IN (:myparam)")
List<String> findNonReferencedNames(@Param("myparam")List<String> names);

P.S. I write queries in SQL Server 2012 a lot and using nolock in server is a good practice, you can ignore nolock if a local db is used.

Seems like your db name is not being mapped correctly (after you've updated your question)

How do I check if a PowerShell module is installed?

  • First test if the module is loaded
  • Then import


if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name <<MODULE_NAME>>) {
    Write-Verbose -Message "<<MODULE_NAME>> Module does not exist." -Verbose
if (!(Get-Module -Name <<MODULE_NAME>>)) {
    Get-Module -ListAvailable <<MODULE_NAME>> | Import-Module | Out-Null


How to set a value to a file input in HTML?

You cannot, due to security reasons.


<form name="foo" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" value="c:/passwords.txt">

You don't want the websites you visit to be able to do this, do you? =)

How to add link to flash banner

@Michiel is correct to create a button but the code for ActionScript 3 it is a little different - where movieClipName is the name of your 'button'.

movieClipName.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, callLink);
function callLink:void {
  var url:String = "http://site";
  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
  try {
    navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
  } catch (e:Error) {
    trace("Error occurred!");


SQL Server - Adding a string to a text column (concat equivalent)

UPDATE test SET a = CONCAT(a, "more text")

Android Studio shortcuts like Eclipse

Another option is :

View  >  Quick Switch Scheme  >  Keymap  >  Eclipse

How to "crop" a rectangular image into a square with CSS?

I had a similar issue and could not "compromise" with background images. I came up with this.

<div class="container">
    <img src="">

.container {
    position: relative;
    width: 25%; /* whatever width you want. I was implementing this in a 4 tile grid pattern. I used javascript to set height equal to width */
    border: 2px solid #fff; /* just to separate the images */
    overflow: hidden; /* "crop" the image */
    background: #000; /* incase the image is wider than tall/taller than wide */

.container img {
    position: absolute;
    display: block;
    height: 100%; /* all images at least fill the height */
    top: 50%; /* top, left, transform trick to vertically and horizontally center image */
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate3d(-50%,-50%,0);

//assuming you're using jQuery
var h = $('.container').outerWidth();
$('.container').css({height: h + 'px'});

Hope this helps!


creating batch script to unzip a file without additional zip tools

Try this:

@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
Call :UnZipFile "C:\Temp\" "c:\path\to\"
exit /b

:UnZipFile <ExtractTo> <newzipfile>
set vbs="%temp%\_.vbs"
if exist %vbs% del /f /q %vbs%
>%vbs%  echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>>%vbs% echo If NOT fso.FolderExists(%1) Then
>>%vbs% echo fso.CreateFolder(%1)
>>%vbs% echo End If
>>%vbs% echo set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
>>%vbs% echo set FilesInZip=objShell.NameSpace(%2).items
>>%vbs% echo objShell.NameSpace(%1).CopyHere(FilesInZip)
>>%vbs% echo Set fso = Nothing
>>%vbs% echo Set objShell = Nothing
cscript //nologo %vbs%
if exist %vbs% del /f /q %vbs%


To have it perform the unzip on each zip file creating a folder for each use:

@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
for %%a in (*.zip) do (
    Call :UnZipFile "C:\Temp\%%~na\" "c:\path\to\%%~nxa"
exit /b

If you don't want it to create a folder for each zip, change Call :UnZipFile "C:\Temp\%%~na\" "c:\path\to\%%~nxa" to Call :UnZipFile "C:\Temp\" "c:\path\to\%%~nxa"

How to put two divs side by side

I am just giving the code for two responsive divs side by side

  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

#parent {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-around;

#left {
  border: 1px solid lightgray;
  background-color: red;
  width: 40%;

#right {
  border: 1px solid lightgray;
  background-color: green;
  width: 40%;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <div id="parent">
        <div id="left">
        lorem ipsum dolor sit emet
        <div id="right">
        lorem ipsum dolor sit emet

'xmlParseEntityRef: no name' warnings while loading xml into a php file

The XML is most probably invalid.

The problem could be the "&"

$text=preg_replace('/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/', '&amp;', $text);

will get rid of the "&" and replace it with it's HTML code version...give it a try.

Timestamp to human readable format

Hours, minutes and seconds depend on the time zone of your operating system. In GMT (UST) it's 22:00:00 but in different timezones it can be anything. So add the timezone offset to the time to create the GMT date:

var d = new Date();
date = new Date(timestamp*1000 + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)

Create the perfect JPA entity

I'll try to answer several key points: this is from long Hibernate/ persistence experience including several major applications.

Entity Class: implement Serializable?

Keys needs to implement Serializable. Stuff that's going to go in the HttpSession, or be sent over the wire by RPC/Java EE, needs to implement Serializable. Other stuff: not so much. Spend your time on what's important.

Constructors: create a constructor with all required fields of the entity?

Constructor(s) for application logic, should have only a few critical "foreign key" or "type/kind" fields which will always be known when creating the entity. The rest should be set by calling the setter methods -- that's what they're for.

Avoid putting too many fields into constructors. Constructors should be convenient, and give basic sanity to the object. Name, Type and/or Parents are all typically useful.

OTOH if application rules (today) require a Customer to have an Address, leave that to a setter. That is an example of a "weak rule". Maybe next week, you want to create a Customer object before going to the Enter Details screen? Don't trip yourself up, leave possibility for unknown, incomplete or "partially entered" data.

Constructors: also, package private default constructor?

Yes, but use 'protected' rather than package private. Subclassing stuff is a real pain when the necessary internals are not visible.


Use 'property' field access for Hibernate, and from outside the instance. Within the instance, use the fields directly. Reason: allows standard reflection, the simplest & most basic method for Hibernate, to work.

As for fields 'immutable' to the application -- Hibernate still needs to be able to load these. You could try making these methods 'private', and/or put an annotation on them, to prevent application code making unwanted access.

Note: when writing an equals() function, use getters for values on the 'other' instance! Otherwise, you'll hit uninitialized/ empty fields on proxy instances.

Protected is better for (Hibernate) performance?



This is relevant to working with entities, before they've been saved -- which is a thorny issue. Hashing/comparing on immutable values? In most business applications, there aren't any.

A customer can change address, change the name of their business, etc etc -- not common, but it happens. Corrections also need to be possible to make, when the data was not entered correctly.

The few things that are normally kept immutable, are Parenting and perhaps Type/Kind -- normally the user recreates the record, rather than changing these. But these do not uniquely identify the entity!

So, long and short, the claimed "immutable" data isn't really. Primary Key/ ID fields are generated for the precise purpose, of providing such guaranteed stability & immutability.

You need to plan & consider your need for comparison & hashing & request-processing work phases when A) working with "changed/ bound data" from the UI if you compare/hash on "infrequently changed fields", or B) working with "unsaved data", if you compare/hash on ID.

Equals/HashCode -- if a unique Business Key is not available, use a non-transient UUID which is created when the entity is initialized

Yes, this is a good strategy when required. Be aware that UUIDs are not free, performance-wise though -- and clustering complicates things.

Equals/HashCode -- never refer to related entities

"If related entity (like a parent entity) needs to be part of the Business Key then add a non insertable, non updatable field to store the parent id (with the same name as the ManytoOne JoinColumn) and use this id in the equality check"

Sounds like good advice.

Hope this helps!

How to remove close button on the jQuery UI dialog?

document.querySelector('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').style.display = 'none'

ApplicationContextException: Unable to start ServletWebServerApplicationContext due to missing ServletWebServerFactory bean

I encountered this problem when attempint to run my web application as a fat jar rather than from within my IDE (IntelliJ).

This is what worked for me. Simply adding a default profile to the file.

You don't have to use default if you have already set up other specific profiles (dev/test/prod). But if you haven't this is necessary to run the application as a fat jar.

How can I programmatically get the MAC address of an iphone

There are vary solutions about this, but I couldn't find a whole thing. So I made my own solution for :


How to use :

NICInfoSummary* summary = [[[NICInfoSummary alloc] init] autorelease];

// en0 is for WiFi 
NICInfo* wifi_info = [summary findNICInfo:@"en0"];

// you can get mac address in 'XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX' form
NSString* mac_address = [wifi_info getMacAddressWithSeparator:@"-"];

// ip can be multiple
if(wifi_info.nicIPInfos.count > 0)
    NICIPInfo* ip_info = [wifi_info.nicIPInfos objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString* ip = ip_info.ip;
    NSString* netmask = ip_info.netmask;
    NSString* broadcast_ip = ip_info.broadcastIP;
    NSLog(@"WiFi not connected!");

Remove NaN from pandas series

>>> s = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,np.NaN,5,np.NaN])
>>> s[~s.isnull()]
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
5    5

update or even better approach as @DSM suggested in comments, using pandas.Series.dropna():

>>> s.dropna()
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
5    5

Which data structures and algorithms book should I buy?

If you want the algorithms to be implemented specifically in Java then there is Mitchell Waite's Series book "Data Structures & Algorithms in Java". It starts from basic data structures like linked lists, stacks and queues, and the basic algorithms for sorting and searching. Working your way through it you will eventually get to Tree data structures, Red-Black trees, 2-3 trees and Graphs.

All-in-all its not an extremely theoretical book, but if you just want an introduction in a language you are familiar with then its a good book. At the end of the day, if you want a deeper understanding of algorithms you're going to have to learn some of the more theoretical concepts, and read one of the classics, like Cormen/Leiserson/Rivest/Stein's Introduction to Algorithms.

Expansion of variables inside single quotes in a command in Bash

just use printf

instead of

repo forall -c '....$variable'

use printf to replace the variable token with the expanded variable.

For example:

template='.... %s'

repo forall -c $(printf "${template}" "${variable}")

How can I have linebreaks in my long LaTeX equations?



equation \\


How to make a floated div 100% height of its parent?

This is a code sample for grid system with equal height.

width: 100%;
margin-top: 1rem;
display: flex;

Above is the CSS for outer div

width: 20%;
float: left;
border: 1px solid;

Above is the inner div

Hope this help you

Single TextView with multiple colored text

I have write down some code for other question which is similar to this one, but that question got duplicated so i can't answer there so i am just putting my code here if someone looking for same requirement.

It's not fully working code, you need to make some minor changes to get it worked.

Here is the code:

I've used @Graeme idea of using spannable text.

String colorfulText = "colorfulText";       
    Spannable span = new SpannableString(colorfulText);             

    for ( int i = 0, len = colorfulText.length(); i < len; i++ ){
        span.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getRandomColor()), i, i+1,Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);                     


Random Color Method:

  private int getRandomColor(){
        Random rnd = new Random();
        return Color.argb(255, rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256));

How to close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line

Use CurrPorts (it's free and no-install):

/close <Local Address> <Local Port> <Remote Address> <Remote Port> {Process Name}


# Close all connections with remote port 80 and remote address 
/close * * 80
# Close all connections with remote port 80 (for all remote addresses): 
/close * * * 80
# Close all connections to remote address 
/close * * *
# Close all connections with local port 80: 
/close * 80 * *
# Close all connections of Firefox with remote port 80: 
/close * * * 80 firefox.exe

It also has a nice GUI with search and filter features.

Note: This answer is huntharo and JasonXA's answer and comment put together and simplified to make it easier for readers. Examples come from CurrPorts' web page.

Make hibernate ignore class variables that are not mapped

For folks who find this posting through the search engines, another possible cause of this problem is from importing the wrong package version of @Transient. Make sure that you import javax.persistence.transient and not some other package.

How to convert a table to a data frame

While the results vary in this case because the column names are numbers, another way I've used is data.frame(rbind(mytable)). Using the example from @X.X:

> freq_t = table(cyl = mtcars$cyl, gear = mtcars$gear)

> freq_t
cyl  3  4  5
  4  1  8  2
  6  2  4  1
  8 12  0  2

> data.frame(rbind(freq_t))
  X3 X4 X5
4  1  8  2
6  2  4  1
8 12  0  2

If the column names do not start with numbers, the X won't get added to the front of them.

Passing data between controllers in Angular JS?

I think the

best way

is to use $localStorage. (Works all the time)

app.controller('ProductController', function($scope, $localStorage) {
    $scope.setSelectedProduct = function(selectedObj){
        $localStorage.selectedObj= selectedObj;

Your cardController will be

app.controller('CartController', function($scope,$localStorage) { 
    $scope.selectedProducts = $localStorage.selectedObj;
    $localStorage.$reset();//to remove

You can also add

    $scope.selectedProducts = $localStorage.selectedObj;
    //redirect to select product using $location.url('/select-product')

javascript: calculate x% of a number

If you want to pass the % as part of your function you should use the following alternative:

function fpercentStr(quantity, percentString)
    var percent = new Number(percentString.replace("%", ""));
    return fpercent(quantity, percent);

function fpercent(quantity, percent)
    return quantity * percent / 100;
document.write("test 1:  " + fpercent(10000, 35.873))
document.write("test 2:  " + fpercentStr(10000, "35.873%"))

How can I inspect the file system of a failed `docker build`?

Docker caches the entire filesystem state after each successful RUN line.

Knowing that:

  • to examine the latest state before your failing RUN command, comment it out in the Dockerfile (as well as any and all subsequent RUN commands), then run docker build and docker run again.
  • to examine the state after the failing RUN command, simply add || true to it to force it to succeed; then proceed like above (keep any and all subsequent RUN commands commented out, run docker build and docker run)

Tada, no need to mess with Docker internals or layer IDs, and as a bonus Docker automatically minimizes the amount of work that needs to be re-done.

CSS: stretching background image to 100% width and height of screen?

html, body {
    min-height: 100%;

Will do the trick.

By default, even html and body are only as big as the content they hold, but never more than the width/height of the windows. This can often lead to quite strange results.

You might also want to read

There are some great ways do achieve a very good and scalable full background image.

Using Python's ftplib to get a directory listing, portably

That helped me with my code.

When I tried feltering only a type of files and show them on screen by adding a condition that tests on each line.

Like this

elif command == 'ls':
    print("directory of ", ftp.pwd())
    data = []

    for line in data:
        x = line.split(".")
        formats=["gz", "zip", "rar", "tar", "bz2", "xz"]
        if x[-1] in formats:
            print ("-", line)

How to change the background color on a Java panel?

I think what he is trying to say is to use the getContentPane().setBackground(Color.the_Color_you_want_here)

but if u want to set the color to any other then the JFrame, you use the object.setBackground(Color.the_Color_you_want_here)



Creating an empty file in C#

Using just File.Create will leave the file open, which probably isn't what you want.

You could use:

using (File.Create(filename)) ;

That looks slightly odd, mind you. You could use braces instead:

using (File.Create(filename)) {}

Or just call Dispose directly:


Either way, if you're going to use this in more than one place you should probably consider wrapping it in a helper method, e.g.

public static void CreateEmptyFile(string filename)

Note that calling Dispose directly instead of using a using statement doesn't really make much difference here as far as I can tell - the only way it could make a difference is if the thread were aborted between the call to File.Create and the call to Dispose. If that race condition exists, I suspect it would also exist in the using version, if the thread were aborted at the very end of the File.Create method, just before the value was returned...

JQuery $.each() JSON array object iteration

Assign the second variable for the $.each function() as well, makes it lot easier as it'll provide you the data (so you won't have to work with the indicies).

$.each(json, function(arrayID,group) {
            console.log('<a href="'+group.GROUP_ID+'">');
    $.each(group.EVENTS, function(eventID,eventData) {

Should print out everything you were trying in your question.

edit renamed the variables to make it bit easier to understand what is what.

Delete item from state array in react

    var array = this.state.people;
    var index = array.indexOf(; // Let's say it's Bob.

Redfer doc for more info

Replace string within file contents

If you'd like to replace the strings in the same file, you probably have to read its contents into a local variable, close it, and re-open it for writing:

I am using the with statement in this example, which closes the file after the with block is terminated - either normally when the last command finishes executing, or by an exception.

def inplace_change(filename, old_string, new_string):
    # Safely read the input filename using 'with'
    with open(filename) as f:
        s =
        if old_string not in s:
            print('"{old_string}" not found in {filename}.'.format(**locals()))

    # Safely write the changed content, if found in the file
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        print('Changing "{old_string}" to "{new_string}" in {filename}'.format(**locals()))
        s = s.replace(old_string, new_string)

It is worth mentioning that if the filenames were different, we could have done this more elegantly with a single with statement.

Export a list into a CSV or TXT file in R

So essentially you have a list of lists, with mylist being the name of the main list and the first element being $f10010_1 which is printed out (and which contains 4 more lists).

I think the easiest way to do this is to use lapply with the addition of dataframe (assuming that each list inside each element of the main list (like the lists in $f10010_1) has the same length):

lapply(mylist, function(x) write.table( data.frame(x), 'test.csv'  , append= T, sep=',' ))

The above will convert $f10010_1 into a dataframe then do the same with every other element and append one below the other in 'test.csv'

You can also type ?write.table on your console to check what other arguments you need to pass when you write the table to a csv file e.g. whether you need row names or column names etc.

how to get the child node in div using javascript

var tds = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Jobs_dlItems_ctl01_a").getElementsByTagName("td");
time = tds[0].firstChild.value;
address = tds[3].firstChild.value;

Function names in C++: Capitalize or not?

If you look at the standard libraries the pattern generally is my_function, but every person does seem to have their own way :-/

T-SQL string replace in Update

The syntax for REPLACE:

REPLACE (string_expression,string_pattern,string_replacement)

So that the SQL you need should be:

UPDATE [DataTable] SET [ColumnValue] = REPLACE([ColumnValue], 'domain2', 'domain1')

Can I scale a div's height proportionally to its width using CSS?

This answer is much the same as others except I prefer not to use as many class names. But that's just personal preference. You could argue that using class names on each div is more transparent as declares up front the purpose of the nested divs.

<div id="MyDiv" class="proportional">

Here's the generic CSS:

.proportional { position:relative; }
.proportional > div > div { position:absolute; top:0px; bottom:0px; left:0px; right:0px; }

Then target the first inner div to set width and height (padding-top):

#MyDiv > div { width:200px; padding-top:50%; }

Running powershell script within python script, how to make python print the powershell output while it is running

I don't have Python 2.7 installed, but in Python 3.3 calling Popen with stdout set to sys.stdout worked just fine. Not before I had escaped the backslashes in the path, though.

>>> import subprocess
>>> import sys
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['powershell.exe', 'C:\\Temp\\test.ps1'], stdout=sys.stdout)
>>> Hello World

How do I make a request using HTTP basic authentication with PHP curl?

There are multiple REST frameworks out there. I would strongly recommend looking into Slim mini Framework for PHP
Here is a list of others.

Angular2 module has no exported member

I got similar issue. The mistake i made was I did not add service in the providers array in app.module.ts. Hope this helps, Thank You.

Error: Unfortunately you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and > Android-Gradle modules in one project

Had same issue with Android Studio 3.3 Canary 13.

I was able to solve it by following these steps:

  • Go to the module settings and remove your module from the list
  • Edit settings.gradle and remove your module from there also
  • Physically move the module directory out of the project (to your desktop for instance)
  • Then in the module settings again add a module and select as type 'Import Gradle Project' in which you select the module folder you have moved to your desktop (or anywhere else)

When you complete these steps the module will be copied into your project again, AS will start syncing Gradle again and that succeeds without errors :-) Check your GIT status and you will see as soon as you add your module directory to GIT again that nothing has changed to your working directory. So it's purely an issue with AS that gets somehow out-of-sync...

Based my solution on this comment:

How do I get the current time only in JavaScript

Short and simple:

new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); // 11:18:48 AM
new Date().toLocaleDateString(); // 11/16/2015
new Date().toLocaleString(); // 11/16/2015, 11:18:48 PM

4 hours later (use milisec: sec==1000):

new Date(new Date().getTime() + 4*60*60*1000).toLocaleTimeString(); // 3:18:48 PM or 15:18:48

2 days before:

new Date(new Date().getTime() - 2*24*60*60*1000).toLocaleDateString() // 11/14/2015

How do I add a border to an image in HTML?


img{border:2px solid black;}

How to disassemble a memory range with GDB?

You can force gcc to output directly to assembly code by adding the -S switch

gcc -S hello.c

An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll

I had this issue when i refereed a library project from a console application, and the library project was using a nuget package which is not refereed in the console application. Referring the same package in the console application helped to resolve this issue.

Seeing the Inner exception can help.

CSS table td width - fixed, not flexible

Just divide the number of td to 100%. Example, you have 4 td's:

<td style="width:25%">This is a text</td>
<td style="width:25%">This is some text, this is some text</td>
<td style="width:25%">This is another text, this is another text</td>
<td style="width:25%">This is the last text, this is the last text</td>

We use 25% in each td to maximize the 100% space of the entire table

How to run a command in the background and get no output?

Use nohup if your background job takes a long time to finish or you just use SecureCRT or something like it login the server.

Redirect the stdout and stderr to /dev/null to ignore the output.

nohup /path/to/your/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Why am I getting "Thread was being aborted" in ASP.NET?

I got this error when I did a Response.Redirect after a successful login of the user.

I fixed it by doing a FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage instead.

Stopping python using ctrl+c

On Windows, the only sure way is to use CtrlBreak. Stops every python script instantly!

(Note that on some keyboards, "Break" is labeled as "Pause".)

How to create Java gradle project

I just tried with with Eclipse Neon.1 and Gradle:

Gradle 3.2.1

Build time:   2016-11-22 15:19:54 UTC
Revision:     83b485b914fd4f335ad0e66af9d14aad458d2cc5

Groovy:       2.4.7
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on June 29 2015
JVM:          1.8.0_112 (Oracle Corporation 25.112-b15)
OS:           Windows 10 10.0 amd64

enter image description here

On windows 10 with Java Version:

C:\FDriveKambiz\repo\gradle-gen-project>java -version
java version "1.8.0_112"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_112-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.112-b15, mixed mode)

And it failed miserably as you can see in Eclipse. But sailed like a soaring eagle in Intellij...I dont know Intellij, and a huge fan of eclipse, but common dudes, this means NO ONE teste Neon.1 for the simplest of use import a gradle project. That is not good enough. I am switching to Intellij for gradle projects:

enter image description here

No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/git

Give another go at force removing the brewed version of git

brew uninstall --force git

Then cleanup any older versions and clear the brew cache

brew cleanup -s git

Remove any dead symlinks

brew cleanup --prune-prefix

Then try reinstalling git

brew install git

If that doesn't work, I'd remove that installation of Homebrew altogether and reinstall it. If you haven't placed anything else in your brew --prefix directory (/usr/local by default), you can simply rm -rf $(brew --prefix). Otherwise the Homebrew wiki recommends using a script at

What exactly is \r in C language?

'\r' is the carriage return character. The main times it would be useful are:

  1. When reading text in binary mode, or which may come from a foreign OS, you'll find (and probably want to discard) it due to CR/LF line-endings from Windows-format text files.

  2. When writing to an interactive terminal on stdout or stderr, '\r' can be used to move the cursor back to the beginning of the line, to overwrite it with new contents. This makes a nice primitive progress indicator.

The example code in your post is definitely a wrong way to use '\r'. It assumes a carriage return will precede the newline character at the end of a line entered, which is non-portable and only true on Windows. Instead the code should look for '\n' (newline), and discard any carriage return it finds before the newline. Or, it could use text mode and have the C library handle the translation (but text mode is ugly and probably should not be used).

Using Javascript's atob to decode base64 doesn't properly decode utf-8 strings

If treating strings as bytes is more your thing, you can use the following functions

function u_atob(ascii) {
    return Uint8Array.from(atob(ascii), c => c.charCodeAt(0));

function u_btoa(buffer) {
    var binary = [];
    var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
    for (var i = 0, il = bytes.byteLength; i < il; i++) {
    return btoa(binary.join(''));

// example, it works also with astral plane characters such as ''
var encodedString = new TextEncoder().encode('?');
var base64String = u_btoa(encodedString);
console.log('?' === new TextDecoder().decode(u_atob(base64String)))

How to set array length in c# dynamically

Use Array.CreateInstance to create an array dynamically.

    private Update BuildMetaData(MetaData[] nvPairs)
        Update update = new Update();
        InputProperty[] ip = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(InputProperty), nvPairs.Count()) as InputProperty[];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < nvPairs.Length; i++)
            if (nvPairs[i] == null) break;
            ip[i] = new InputProperty();
            ip[i].Name = "udf:" + nvPairs[i].Name;
            ip[i].Val = nvPairs[i].Value;
        update.Items = ip;
        return update;

Why doesn't GCC optimize a*a*a*a*a*a to (a*a*a)*(a*a*a)?

No posters have mentioned the contraction of floating expressions yet (ISO C standard, 6.5p8 and 7.12.2). If the FP_CONTRACT pragma is set to ON, the compiler is allowed to regard an expression such as a*a*a*a*a*a as a single operation, as if evaluated exactly with a single rounding. For instance, a compiler may replace it by an internal power function that is both faster and more accurate. This is particularly interesting as the behavior is partly controlled by the programmer directly in the source code, while compiler options provided by the end user may sometimes be used incorrectly.

The default state of the FP_CONTRACT pragma is implementation-defined, so that a compiler is allowed to do such optimizations by default. Thus portable code that needs to strictly follow the IEEE 754 rules should explicitly set it to OFF.

If a compiler doesn't support this pragma, it must be conservative by avoiding any such optimization, in case the developer has chosen to set it to OFF.

GCC doesn't support this pragma, but with the default options, it assumes it to be ON; thus for targets with a hardware FMA, if one wants to prevent the transformation a*b+c to fma(a,b,c), one needs to provide an option such as -ffp-contract=off (to explicitly set the pragma to OFF) or -std=c99 (to tell GCC to conform to some C standard version, here C99, thus follow the above paragraph). In the past, the latter option was not preventing the transformation, meaning that GCC was not conforming on this point:

Python Timezone conversion

I have found that the best approach is to convert the "moment" of interest to a utc-timezone-aware datetime object (in python, the timezone component is not required for datetime objects).

Then you can use astimezone to convert to the timezone of interest (reference).

from datetime import datetime
import pytz

utcmoment_naive = datetime.utcnow()
utcmoment = utcmoment_naive.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)

# print "utcmoment_naive: {0}".format(utcmoment_naive) # python 2
print("utcmoment_naive: {0}".format(utcmoment_naive))
print("utcmoment:       {0}".format(utcmoment))

localFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

timezones = ['America/Los_Angeles', 'Europe/Madrid', 'America/Puerto_Rico']

for tz in timezones:
    localDatetime = utcmoment.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz))

# utcmoment_naive: 2017-05-11 17:43:30.802644
# utcmoment:       2017-05-11 17:43:30.802644+00:00
# 2017-05-11 10:43:30
# 2017-05-11 19:43:30
# 2017-05-11 13:43:30

So, with the moment of interest in the local timezone (a time that exists), you convert it to utc like this (reference).

localmoment_naive = datetime.strptime('2013-09-06 14:05:10', localFormat)

localtimezone = pytz.timezone('Australia/Adelaide')

    localmoment = localtimezone.localize(localmoment_naive, is_dst=None)
    print("Time exists")

    utcmoment = localmoment.astimezone(pytz.utc)

except pytz.exceptions.NonExistentTimeError as e:

How can I select multiple columns from a subquery (in SQL Server) that should have one record (select top 1) for each record in the main query?

SELECT a.salesorderid, a.orderdate, s.orderdate, s.salesorderid
             FROM B b WHERE a.salesorderid = b.salesorderid) as s
WHERE A.Date BETWEEN '2000-1-4' AND '2010-1-4'

Converting a Date object to a calendar object

Here's your method:

public static Calendar toCalendar(Date date){ 
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  return cal;

Everything else you are doing is both wrong and unnecessary.

BTW, Java Naming conventions suggest that method names start with a lower case letter, so it should be: dateToCalendar or toCalendar (as shown).

OK, let's milk your code, shall we?

DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
date = (Date)formatter.parse(date.toString()); 

DateFormat is used to convert Strings to Dates (parse()) or Dates to Strings (format()). You are using it to parse the String representation of a Date back to a Date. This can't be right, can it?

Can you control how an SVG's stroke-width is drawn?

I found an easy way, which has a few restrictions, but worked for me:

  • define the shape in defs
  • define a clip path referencing the shape
  • use it and double the stroke with as the outside is clipped

Here a working example:

<svg width="240" height="240" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">_x000D_
 <path id="ld" d="M256,0 L0,512 L384,512 L128,1024 L1024,384 L640,384 L896,0 L256,0 Z"/>_x000D_
 <clipPath id="clip">_x000D_
  <use xlink:href="#ld"/>_x000D_
 <use xlink:href="#ld" stroke="#0081C6" stroke-width="160" fill="#00D2B8" clip-path="url(#clip)"/>_x000D_

Work on a remote project with Eclipse via SSH

For this case you can use ptp eclipse for source browsing and building.

You can use this pluging to debug your application

converting drawable resource image into bitmap

In res/drawable folder,

1. Create a new Drawable Resources.

2. Input file name.

A new file will be created inside the res/drawable folder.

Replace this code inside the newly created file and replace ic_action_back with your drawable file name.

<bitmap xmlns:android=""
    android:tint="@color/color_primary_text" />

Now, you can use it with Resource ID,

How do I vertically center text with CSS?

   background: #ccc;
   position: relative;
   float: left;
   text-align: center;
   width: 400px;
   line-height: 80px;
   font-size: 24px;
   color: #000;
   float: left;

Switch on ranges of integers in JavaScript

A more readable version of the ternary might look like:

var x =;
alert(t < 1 || t > 11
  ? 'none'
    : t < 5
  ? 'less than five'
    : t <= 8
  ? 'between 5 and 8'
  : 'Between 9 and 11');

How to get distinct values from an array of objects in JavaScript?

using d3.js v3:

  ages = d3.set( (d) { return d.age; })

Sending SMS from PHP

You need to subscribe to a SMS gateway. There are thousands of those (try searching with google) and they are usually not free. For example this one has support for PHP.

Problems when trying to load a package in R due to rJava

An alternative package that you can use is readxl. This package don't require external dependencies.

MySQL combine two columns and add into a new column

Are you sure you want to do this? In essence, you're duplicating the data that is in the three original columns. From that point on, you'll need to make sure that the data in the combined field matches the data in the first three columns. This is more overhead for your application, and other processes that update the system will need to understand the relationship.

If you need the data, why not select in when you need it? The SQL for selecting what would be in that field would be:

SELECT CONCAT(zipcode, ' - ', city, ', ', state) FROM Table;

This way, if the data in the fields changes, you don't have to update your combined field.

How to read a text file into a list or an array with Python

This question is asking how to read the comma-separated value contents from a file into an iterable list:


The easiest way to do this is with the csv module as follows:

import csv
with open('filename.dat', newline='') as csvfile:
    spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')

Now, you can easily iterate over spamreader like this:

for row in spamreader:
    print(', '.join(row))

See documentation for more examples.

When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?

The <h:outputLink> renders a fullworthy HTML <a> element with the proper URL in the href attribute which fires a bookmarkable GET request. It cannot directly invoke a managed bean action method.

<h:outputLink value="destination.xhtml">link text</h:outputLink>

The <h:commandLink> renders a HTML <a> element with an onclick script which submits a (hidden) POST form and can invoke a managed bean action method. It's also required to be placed inside a <h:form>.

    <h:commandLink value="link text" action="destination" />

The ?faces-redirect=true parameter on the <h:commandLink>, which triggers a redirect after the POST (as per the Post-Redirect-Get pattern), only improves bookmarkability of the target page when the link is actually clicked (the URL won't be "one behind" anymore), but it doesn't change the href of the <a> element to be a fullworthy URL. It still remains #.

    <h:commandLink value="link text" action="destination?faces-redirect=true" />

Since JSF 2.0, there's also the <h:link> which can take a view ID (a navigation case outcome) instead of an URL. It will generate a HTML <a> element as well with the proper URL in href.

<h:link value="link text" outcome="destination" />

So, if it's for pure and bookmarkable page-to-page navigation like the SO username link, then use <h:outputLink> or <h:link>. That's also better for SEO since bots usually doesn't cipher POST forms nor JS code. Also, UX will be improved as the pages are now bookmarkable and the URL is not "one behind" anymore.

When necessary, you can do the preprocessing job in the constructor or @PostConstruct of a @RequestScoped or @ViewScoped @ManagedBean which is attached to the destination page in question. You can make use of @ManagedProperty or <f:viewParam> to set GET parameters as bean properties.

See also:

Read Post Data submitted to ASP.Net Form

NameValueCollection nvclc = Request.Form;
string   uName= nvclc ["txtUserName"];
string   pswod= nvclc ["txtPassword"];
//try login
CheckLogin(uName, pswod);

What is special about /dev/tty?

/dev/tty is a synonym for the controlling terminal (if any) of the current process. As jtl999 says, it's a character special file; that's what the c in the ls -l output means.

man 4 tty or man -s 4 tty should give you more information, or you can read the man page online here.

Incidentally, pwd > /dev/tty doesn't necessarily print to the shell's stdout (though it is the pwd command's standard output). If the shell's standard output has been redirected to something other than the terminal, /dev/tty still refers to the terminal.

You can also read from /dev/tty, which will normally read from the keyboard.

How to create strings containing double quotes in Excel formulas?

I use a function for this (if the workbook already has VBA).

Function Quote(inputText As String) As String
  Quote = Chr(34) & inputText & Chr(34)
End Function

This is from Sue Mosher's book "Microsoft Outlook Programming". Then your formula would be:

="Maurice "&Quote("Rocket")&" Richard"

This is similar to what Dave DuPlantis posted.

Associating existing Eclipse project with existing SVN repository

I am using Tortoise SVN client. You can alternativley check out the required project from SVN in some folder. You can see a .SVN folder inside the project. Copy the .SVN folder into the workspace folder. Now remove the project from eclipse and import the same again into eclipse. You can see now the project is now associated with svn

How to prevent background scrolling when Bootstrap 3 modal open on mobile browsers?

I tried the accepted answer which prevented the body from scrolling but had the issue of scrolling to the top. This should solve both issues.

As a side note, it appears overflow:hidden doesn't work on body for iOS Safari only as iOS Chrome works fine.

var scrollPos = 0;

    .on('', function (){
        scrollPos = $('body').scrollTop();
            overflow: 'hidden',
            position: 'fixed',
            top : -scrollPos
    .on('', function (){
            overflow: '',
            position: '',
            top: ''

@ViewChild in *ngIf

It Work for me if i use ChangeDetectorRef in Angular 9

@ViewChild('search', {static: false})
public searchElementRef: ElementRef;

constructor(private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

//then call this when this.display = true;
show() {
   this.display = true;

PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

Use Subscript Generating Functions.

For example:

  , elements[i] AS elem
  , i AS nr
      , elements
      , generate_subscripts(elements, 1) AS i
      ( SELECT
          , string_to_array(elements, ',') AS elements
      ) AS foo
  ) bar

More simply:

  , unnest(elements) AS elem
  , generate_subscripts(elements, 1) AS nr
      , string_to_array(elements, ',') AS elements
  ) AS foo

Quick way to retrieve user information Active Directory

The reason why your code is slow is that your LDAP query retrieves every single user object in your domain even though you're only interested in one user with a common name of "Adit":

dSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user))";

So to optimize, you need to narrow your LDAP query to just the user you are interested in. Try something like:

dSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(cn=Adit))";

In addition, don't forget to dispose these objects when done:

  • DirectoryEntry dEntry
  • DirectorySearcher dSearcher

Difference between File.separator and slash in paths

The pathname for a file or directory is specified using the naming conventions of the host system. However, the File class defines platform-dependent constants that can be used to handle file and directory names in a platform-independent way.

Files.seperator defines the character or string that separates the directory and the file com- ponents in a pathname. This separator is '/', '\' or ':' for Unix, Windows, and Macintosh, respectively.

Activity transition in Android

IN GALAXY Devices :

You need to make sure that you havn't turned it off in the device using the Settings > Developer Options:

two muppets

How to remove a newline from a string in Bash

echo "|$COMMAND|"|tr '\n' ' '

will replace the newline (in POSIX/Unix it's not a carriage return) with a space.

To be honest I would think about switching away from bash to something more sane though. Or avoiding generating this malformed data in the first place.

Hmmm, this seems like it could be a horrible security hole as well, depending on where the data is coming from.

display html page with node.js

If your goal is to simply display some static files you can use the Connect package. I have had some success (I'm still pretty new to NodeJS myself), using it and the twitter bootstrap API in combination.

at the command line

:\> cd <path you wish your server to reside>
:\> npm install connect

Then in a file (I named) Server.js

var connect = require('connect'),
   http = require('http');


:\>node Server.js


If you don't want to display the directory contents, exclude the .use( line.

So I created a folder called "server" placed index.html in the folder and the bootstrap API in the same folder. Then when you access the computers IP:8080 it's automagically going to use the index.html file.

If you want to use port 80 (so just going to http://, and you don't have to type in :8080 or some other port). you'll need to start node with sudo, I'm not sure of the security implications but if you're just using it for an internal network, I don't personally think it's a big deal. Exposing to the outside world is another story.

Update 1/28/2014:

I haven't had to do the following on my latest versions of things, so try it out like above first, if it doesn't work (and you read the errors complaining it can't find nodejs), go ahead and possibly try the below.

End Update

Additionally when running in ubuntu I ran into a problem using nodejs as the name (with NPM), if you're having this problem, I recommend using an alias or something to "rename" nodejs to node.

Commands I used (for better or worse):

Create a new file called node

:\>gedit /usr/local/bin/node
exec /nodejs "$@"

sudo chmod -x /usr/local/bin/node

That ought to make

node Server.js 

work just fine

Good examples using java.util.logging

SLF4J is a better logging facade than Apache Commons Logging (ACL). It has bridges to other logging frameworks, making direct calls to ACL, Log4J, or Java Util Logging go through SLF4J, so that you can direct all output to one log file if you wish, with just one log configuration file. Why would your application use multiple logging frameworks? Because 3rd-party libraries you use, especially older ones, probably do.

SLF4J supports various logging implementations. It can output everything to standard-out, use Log4J, or Logback (recommended over Log4J).

Angular HTTP GET with TypeScript error http.get(...).map is not a function in [null]

I have a solution of this problem

Install this package:

npm install rxjs@6 rxjs-compat@6 --save

then import this library

import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'

finally restart your ionic project then

ionic serve -l

The thread has exited with code 0 (0x0) with no unhandled exception

The framework creates threads to support each window you create, eg, as when you create a Form and .Show() it. When the windows close, the threads are terminated (ie, they exit).

This is normal behavior. However, if the application is creating threads, and there are a lot of thread exit messages corresponding to these threads (one could tell possibly by the thread's names, by giving them distinct names in the app), then perhaps this is indicative of a problem with the app creating threads when it shouldn't, due to a program logic error.

It would be an interesting followup to have the original poster let us know what s/he discovered regarding the problems with the server crashing. I have a feeling it wouldn't have anything to do with this... but it's hard to tell from the information posted.

Bootstrap 3 jquery event for active tab change

$(function () {
    $('#myTab a:last').tab('show');

$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {
    var target = $("href");
    if ((target == '#messages')) {
    } else {
        alert('not ok');

the problem is that attr('href') is never empty.

Or to compare the #id = "#some value" and then call the ajax.

'npm' is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

For windows8 right click my pc properties then click environment variables user variable or System variables >> new >> put variable name and path : like this C:\Program Files\nodejs Then ok now open cmd and type npm it will work

how to hide <li> bullets in navigation menu and footer links BUT show them for listing items

You can also define a class for the bullets you want to show, so in the CSS:

ul {list-style:none; list-style-type:none; list-style-image:none;}

And in the HTML you just define which lists to show:

<ul style="list-style:disc;">

Or you alternatively define a CSS class:

.show-list {list-style:disc;}

Then apply it to the list you want to show:

<ul class="show-list">

All other lists won't show the bullets...

Error "The input device is not a TTY"

If you are (like me) using git bash on windows, you just need to put


before your 'docker line' :

winpty docker exec -it some_cassandra bash

calling another method from the main method in java

If you want to use do() in your main method there are 2 choices because one is static but other (do()) not

  1. Create new instance and invoke do() like new Foo().do();
  2. make static do() method

Have a look at this sun tutorial

What do we mean by Byte array?

A byte is 8 bits (binary data).

A byte array is an array of bytes (tautology FTW!).

You could use a byte array to store a collection of binary data, for example, the contents of a file. The downside to this is that the entire file contents must be loaded into memory.

For large amounts of binary data, it would be better to use a streaming data type if your language supports it.

What does "The following object is masked from 'package:xxx'" mean?

I have the same problem. I avoid it with remove.packages("Package making this confusion") and it works. In my case, I don't need the second package, so that is not a very good idea.

Resolving LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with

It means that one of the dependent dlls is compiled with a different run-time library.

Project -> Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library

Go over all the libraries and see that they are compiled in the same way.

More about this error in this link:

warning LNK4098: defaultlib "LIBCD" conflicts with use of other libs

Resize UIImage and change the size of UIImageView

If you have the size of the image, why don't you set the frame.size of the image view to be of this size?


Ok, so seeing your comment I propose this:

UIImageView *imageView;
//so let's say you're image view size is set to the maximum size you want

CGFloat maxWidth = imageView.frame.size.width;
CGFloat maxHeight = imageView.frame.size.height;

CGFloat viewRatio = maxWidth / maxHeight;
CGFloat imageRatio = image.size.height / image.size.width;

if (imageRatio > viewRatio) {
    CGFloat imageViewHeight = round(maxWidth * imageRatio);
    imageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, ceil((self.bounds.size.height - imageViewHeight) / 2.f), maxWidth, imageViewHeight);
else if (imageRatio < viewRatio) {
    CGFloat imageViewWidth = roundf(maxHeight / imageRatio);
    imageView.frame = CGRectMake(ceil((maxWidth - imageViewWidth) / 2.f), 0, imageViewWidth, maxHeight);
} else {
    //your image view is already at the good size

This code will resize your image view to its image ratio, and also position the image view to the same centre as your "default" position.

PS: I hope you're setting imageView.layer.shouldRasterise = YES and imageView.layer.rasterizationScale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;

if you're using CALayer shadow effect ;) It will greatly improve the performance of your UI.

Convert a numpy.ndarray to string(or bytes) and convert it back to numpy.ndarray

You can use the fromstring() method for this:

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
ts = arr.tostring()
print(np.fromstring(ts, dtype=int))

>>> [1 2 3 4 5 6]

Sorry for the short answer, not enough points for commenting. Remember to state the data types or you'll end up in a world of pain.

Note on fromstring from numpy 1.14 onwards:

sep : str, optional

The string separating numbers in the data; extra whitespace between elements is also ignored.

Deprecated since version 1.14: Passing sep='', the default, is deprecated since it will trigger the deprecated binary mode of this function. This mode interprets string as binary bytes, rather than ASCII text with decimal numbers, an operation which is better spelt frombuffer(string, dtype, count). If string contains unicode text, the binary mode of fromstring will first encode it into bytes using either utf-8 (python 3) or the default encoding (python 2), neither of which produce sane results.

INSERT INTO TABLE from comma separated varchar-list

Sql Server does not (on my knowledge) have in-build Split function. Split function in general on all platforms would have comma-separated string value to be split into individual strings. In sql server, the main objective or necessary of the Split function is to convert a comma-separated string value (‘abc,cde,fgh’) into a temp table with each string as rows.

The below Split function is Table-valued function which would help us splitting comma-separated (or any other delimiter value) string to individual string.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split(@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter char(1))       
returns @temptable TABLE (items varchar(8000))       
    declare @idx int       
    declare @slice varchar(8000)       

    select @idx = 1       
        if len(@String)<1 or @String is null  return       

    while @idx!= 0       
        set @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@String)       
        if @idx!=0       
            set @slice = left(@String,@idx - 1)       
            set @slice = @String       

            insert into @temptable(Items) values(@slice)       

        set @String = right(@String,len(@String) - @idx)       
        if len(@String) = 0 break       

select top 10 * from dbo.split('Chennai,Bangalore,Mumbai',',')

the complete can be found at follownig link

mysql query result in php variable

$query="SELECT * FROM contacts";

How to read a HttpOnly cookie using JavaScript

The whole point of HttpOnly cookies is that they can't be accessed by JavaScript.

The only way (except for exploiting browser bugs) for your script to read them is to have a cooperating script on the server that will read the cookie value and echo it back as part of the response content. But if you can and would do that, why use HttpOnly cookies in the first place?

@import vs #import - iOS 7

It's a new feature called Modules or "semantic import". There's more info in the WWDC 2013 videos for Session 205 and 404. It's kind of a better implementation of the pre-compiled headers. You can use modules with any of the system frameworks in iOS 7 and Mavericks. Modules are a packaging together of the framework executable and its headers and are touted as being safer and more efficient than #import.

One of the big advantages of using @import is that you don't need to add the framework in the project settings, it's done automatically. That means that you can skip the step where you click the plus button and search for the framework (golden toolbox), then move it to the "Frameworks" group. It will save many developers from the cryptic "Linker error" messages.

You don't actually need to use the @import keyword. If you opt-in to using modules, all #import and #include directives are mapped to use @import automatically. That means that you don't have to change your source code (or the source code of libraries that you download from elsewhere). Supposedly using modules improves the build performance too, especially if you haven't been using PCHs well or if your project has many small source files.

Modules are pre-built for most Apple frameworks (UIKit, MapKit, GameKit, etc). You can use them with frameworks you create yourself: they are created automatically if you create a Swift framework in Xcode, and you can manually create a ".modulemap" file yourself for any Apple or 3rd-party library.

You can use code-completion to see the list of available frameworks:

enter image description here

Modules are enabled by default in new projects in Xcode 5. To enable them in an older project, go into your project build settings, search for "Modules" and set "Enable Modules" to "YES". The "Link Frameworks" should be "YES" too:

You have to be using Xcode 5 and the iOS 7 or Mavericks SDK, but you can still release for older OSs (say iOS 4.3 or whatever). Modules don't change how your code is built or any of the source code.

From the WWDC slides:

  • Imports complete semantic description of a framework
  • Doesn't need to parse the headers
  • Better way to import a framework’s interface
  • Loads binary representation
  • More flexible than precompiled headers
  • Immune to effects of local macro definitions (e.g. #define readonly 0x01)
  • Enabled for new projects by default

To explicitly use modules:

Replace #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> with @import Cocoa;

You can also import just one header with this notation:

@import iAd.ADBannerView;

The submodules autocomplete for you in Xcode.

Pure CSS scroll animation

And for webkit enabled browsers I've had good results with:

.myElement {
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
    scroll-behavior: smooth; // Added in from answer from Felix
    overflow-x: scroll;

This makes scrolling behave much more like the standard browser behavior - at least it works well on the iPhone we were testing on!

Hope that helps,


How to upload a file in Django?

Extending on Henry's example:

import tempfile
import shutil

FILE_UPLOAD_DIR = '/home/imran/uploads'

def handle_uploaded_file(source):
    fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(, dir=FILE_UPLOAD_DIR)
    with open(filepath, 'wb') as dest:
        shutil.copyfileobj(source, dest)
    return filepath

You can call this handle_uploaded_file function from your view with the uploaded file object. This will save the file with a unique name (prefixed with filename of the original uploaded file) in filesystem and return the full path of saved file. You can save the path in database, and do something with the file later.

URL for public Amazon S3 bucket

The URL structure you're referring to is called the REST endpoint, as opposed to the Web Site Endpoint.

Note: Since this answer was originally written, S3 has rolled out dualstack support on REST endpoints, using new hostnames, while leaving the existing hostnames in place. This is now integrated into the information provided, below.

If your bucket is really in the us-east-1 region of AWS -- which the S3 documentation formerly referred to as the "US Standard" region, but was subsequently officially renamed to the "U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region" -- then is not the correct form for that endpoint, even though it looks like it should be. The correct format for that region is either or

The format you're using is applicable to all the other S3 regions, but not US Standard US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1].

S3 now also has dual-stack endpoint hostnames for the REST endpoints, and unlike the original endpoint hostnames, the names of these have a consistent format across regions, for example These endpoints support both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity and DNS resolution, but are otherwise functionally equivalent to the existing REST endpoints.

If your permissions and configuration are set up such that the web site endpoint works, then the REST endpoint should work, too.

However... the two endpoints do not offer the same functionality.

Roughly speaking, the REST endpoint is better-suited for machine access and the web site endpoint is better suited for human access, since the web site endpoint offers friendly error messages, index documents, and redirects, while the REST endpoint doesn't. On the other hand, the REST endpoint offers HTTPS and support for signed URLs, while the web site endpoint doesn't.

Choose the correct type of endpoint (REST or web site) for your application:

¹ has been referred to as the "Northern Virginia endpoint," in contrast to the "Global endpoint" It was unofficially possible to get read-after-write consistency on new objects in this region if the "s3-external-1" hostname was used, because this would send you to a subset of possible physical endpoints that could provide that functionality. This behavior is now officially supported on this endpoint, so this is probably the better choice in many applications. Previously, s3-external-2 had been referred to as the "Pacific Northwest endpoint" for US-Standard, though it is now a CNAME in DNS for s3-external-1 so s3-external-2 appears to have no purpose except backwards-compatibility.

In Python, how do I use urllib to see if a website is 404 or 200?

import urllib2

    fileHandle = urllib2.urlopen('')
    data =
except urllib2.URLError, e:
    print 'you got an error with the code', e

Can Linux apps be run in Android?

yes i have done that on several rooted machines i set a debian linux on a sdcard by dd. i copy this script on /system/bin

i have not yet succeed to run a Xserver but i can use xwindows binaries through the android Xserver application

i can run update my debian with apt-get upgrade , run an apache server with PHP , run a ssh server and all binaries on a terminal including user management i have also a problem with semaphores handling please contact me if you have any trouble

Reading a key from the Web.Config using ConfigurationManager

Try using the WebConfigurationManager class instead. For example:

string userName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PFUserName"]

sed: print only matching group

I agree with @kent that this is well suited for grep -o. If you need to extract a group within a pattern, you can do it with a 2nd grep.

# To extract \1 from /xx([0-9]+)yy/
$ echo "aa678bb xx123yy xx4yy aa42 aa9bb" | grep -Eo 'xx[0-9]+yy' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'

# To extract \1 from /a([0-9]+)b/
$ echo "aa678bb xx123yy xx4yy aa42 aa9bb" | grep -Eo 'a[0-9]+b' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'

I generally cringe when I see 2 calls to grep/sed/awk piped together, but it's not always wrong. While we should exercise our skills of doing things efficiently, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds", and "Real artists ship".

How to echo print statements while executing a sql script

I don't know if this helps:

suppose you want to run a sql script (test.sql) from the command line:

mysql < test.sql

and the contents of test.sql is something like:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA;
\! echo "I like to party...";

The console will show something like:

         def    information_schema     utf8
         def    mysql                  utf8
         def    performance_schema     utf8
         def    sys                    utf8
I like to party...

So you can execute terminal commands inside an sql statement by just using \!, provided the script is run via a command line.

\! #terminal_commands

Run Batch File On Start-up

To start the batch file at the start of your system, you can also use a registry key.


Here you can create a string. As name you can choose anything and the data is the full path to your file.

There is also the registry key


to run something at only the next start of your system.

Get DateTime.Now with milliseconds precision

How can I exactly construct a time stamp of actual time with milliseconds precision?

I suspect you mean millisecond accuracy. DateTime has a lot of precision, but is fairly coarse in terms of accuracy. Generally speaking, you can't. Usually the system clock (which is where DateTime.Now gets its data from) has a resolution of around 10-15 ms. See Eric Lippert's blog post about precision and accuracy for more details.

If you need more accurate timing than this, you may want to look into using an NTP client.

However, it's not clear that you really need millisecond accuracy here. If you don't care about the exact timing - you just want to show the samples in the right order, with "pretty good" accuracy, then the system clock should be fine. I'd advise you to use DateTime.UtcNow rather than DateTime.Now though, to avoid time zone issues around daylight saving transitions, etc.

If your question is actually just around converting a DateTime to a string with millisecond precision, I'd suggest using:

string timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff",

(Note that unlike your sample, this is sortable and less likely to cause confusion around whether it's meant to be "month/day/year" or "day/month/year".)

How to drop a table if it exists?

Make sure to use cascade constraint at the end to automatically drop all objects that depend on the table (such as views and projections).

drop table if exists tableName cascade;

How to access the php.ini from my CPanel?

You cant do it on shared hosting , Add ticket to support of hosting for same ( otherwise you can look for dedicated server where you can manage anything )

Can I get JSON to load into an OrderedDict?

In addition to dumping the ordered list of keys alongside the dictionary, another low-tech solution, which has the advantage of being explicit, is to dump the (ordered) list of key-value pairs ordered_dict.items(); loading is a simple OrderedDict(<list of key-value pairs>). This handles an ordered dictionary despite the fact that JSON does not have this concept (JSON dictionaries have no order).

It is indeed nice to take advantage of the fact that json dumps the OrderedDict in the correct order. However, it is in general unnecessarily heavy and not necessarily meaningful to have to read all JSON dictionaries as an OrderedDict (through the object_pairs_hook argument), so an explicit conversion of only the dictionaries that must be ordered makes sense too.

How to set an environment variable from a Gradle build?

If you are using an IDE, go to run, edit configurations, gradle, select gradle task and update the environment variables. See the picture below.

enter image description here

Alternatively, if you are executing gradle commands using terminal, just type 'export KEY=VALUE', and your job is done.

How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP?

file_get_contents will do what you want

$output = file_get_contents('');
echo $output;

Edit: One way to fire off a GET request and return immediately.

Quoted from

function curl_post_async($url, $params)
    foreach ($params as $key => &$val) {
      if (is_array($val)) $val = implode(',', $val);
        $post_params[] = $key.'='.urlencode($val);
    $post_string = implode('&', $post_params);


    $fp = fsockopen($parts['host'],
        $errno, $errstr, 30);

    $out = "POST ".$parts['path']." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $out.= "Host: ".$parts['host']."\r\n";
    $out.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
    $out.= "Content-Length: ".strlen($post_string)."\r\n";
    $out.= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
    if (isset($post_string)) $out.= $post_string;

    fwrite($fp, $out);

What this does is open a socket, fire off a get request, and immediately close the socket and return.

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?

All of these answers aren't very helpful because they are time sensitive.

After doing some research of my own I found that simplejson is indeed faster than the builtin, if you keep it updated to the latest version.

pip/easy_install wanted to install 2.3.2 on ubuntu 12.04, but after finding out the latest simplejson version is actually 3.3.0, so I updated it and reran the time tests.

  • simplejson is about 3x faster than the builtin json at loads
  • simplejson is about 30% faster than the builtin json at dumps


The above statements are in python-2.7.3 and simplejson 3.3.0 (with c speedups) And to make sure my answer also isn't time sensitive, you should run your own tests to check since it varies so much between versions; there's no easy answer that isn't time sensitive.

How to tell if C speedups are enabled in simplejson:

import simplejson
# If this is True, then c speedups are enabled.
print bool(getattr(simplejson, '_speedups', False))

UPDATE: I recently came across a library called ujson that is performing ~3x faster than simplejson with some basic tests.

What function is to replace a substring from a string in C?

There you go....this is the function to replace every occurance of char x with char y within character string str

char *zStrrep(char *str, char x, char y){
    char *tmp=str;
        if(*tmp == x)
            *tmp++ = y; /* assign first, then incement */

    return str;

An example usage could be

  Exmaple Usage
        char s[]="this is a trial string to test the function.";
        char x=' ', y='_';

  Example Output

The function is from a string library I maintain on Github, you are more than welcome to have a look at other available functions or even contribute to the code :)

EDIT: @siride is right, the function above replaces chars only. Just wrote this one, which replaces character strings.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* replace every occurance of string x with string y */
char *zstring_replace_str(char *str, const char *x, const char *y){
    char *tmp_str = str, *tmp_x = x, *dummy_ptr = tmp_x, *tmp_y = y;
    int len_str=0, len_y=0, len_x=0;

    /* string length */
    for(; *tmp_y; ++len_y, ++tmp_y)

    for(; *tmp_str; ++len_str, ++tmp_str)

    for(; *tmp_x; ++len_x, ++tmp_x)

    /* Bounds check */
    if (len_y >= len_str)
        return str;

    /* reset tmp pointers */
    tmp_y = y;
    tmp_x = x;

    for (tmp_str = str ; *tmp_str; ++tmp_str)
        if(*tmp_str == *tmp_x) {
            /* save tmp_str */
            for (dummy_ptr=tmp_str; *dummy_ptr == *tmp_x; ++tmp_x, ++dummy_ptr)
                if (*(tmp_x+1) == '\0' && ((dummy_ptr-str+len_y) < len_str)){
                /* Reached end of x, we got something to replace then!
                * Copy y only if there is enough room for it
                    for(tmp_y=y; *tmp_y; ++tmp_y, ++tmp_str)
                        *tmp_str = *tmp_y;
        /* reset tmp_x */
        tmp_x = x;

    return str;

int main()
    char s[]="Free software is a matter of liberty, not price.\n"
             "To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' \n"
             "as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'";

    return 0;

And below is the output

Free software is a matter of liberty, not price.
To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' 
as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'

FXYZ software is a matter of liberty, not price.
To understand the concept, you should think of 'fXYZ' 
as in 'fXYZ speech', not as in 'fXYZ beer'

How to Test Facebook Connect Locally

Facebook seemingly randomly disables the ability to set localhost as a domain on your facebook app. I found the easiest work around was to tunnel my localhost to the web. This can be done for free using or with a custom url (easier since you don't have to change url everytime in facebook)

Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C#

We use WMI to get the mac address of the interface with the lowest metric, e.g. the interface windows will prefer to use, like this:

public static string GetMACAddress()
    ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=true");
    IEnumerable<ManagementObject> objects = searcher.Get().Cast<ManagementObject>();
    string mac = (from o in objects orderby o["IPConnectionMetric"] select o["MACAddress"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
    return mac;

Or in Silverlight (needs elevated trust):

public static string GetMACAddress()
    string mac = null;
    if ((Application.Current.IsRunningOutOfBrowser) && (Application.Current.HasElevatedPermissions) && (AutomationFactory.IsAvailable))
        dynamic sWbemLocator = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWBemLocator");
        dynamic sWbemServices = sWbemLocator.ConnectServer(".");
        sWbemServices.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3; //impersonate

        string query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=true";
        dynamic results = sWbemServices.ExecQuery(query);

        int mtu = int.MaxValue;
        foreach (dynamic result in results)
            if (result.IPConnectionMetric < mtu)
                mtu = result.IPConnectionMetric;
                mac = result.MACAddress;
    return mac;

How to check if array element exists or not in javascript?

var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];_x000D_
if(fruits.indexOf("Banana") == -1){_x000D_
    console.log('item not exist')_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
 console.log('item exist')_x000D_

How to tell a Mockito mock object to return something different the next time it is called?

For Anyone using spy() and the doReturn() instead of the when() method:

what you need to return different object on different calls is this:



For classic mocks:

when(this.mockFoo.someMethod()).thenReturn(obj1, obj2);

or with an exception being thrown:

        .thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException())
        .thenReturn(obj2, obj3);

Auto reloading python Flask app upon code changes

A few updates for Flask 1.0 and above

the basic approach to hot re-loading is:

$ export FLASK_APP=my_application
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run
  • you should use FLASK_ENV=development (not FLASK_DEBUG=1)
  • as a safety check, you can run flask run --debugger just to make sure it's turned on
  • the Flask CLI will now automatically read things like FLASK_APP and FLASK_ENV if you have an .env file in the project root and have python-dotenv installed

How can I use Async with ForEach?

Here is an actual working version of the above async foreach variants with sequential processing:

public static async Task ForEachAsync<T>(this List<T> enumerable, Action<T> action)
    foreach (var item in enumerable)
        await Task.Run(() => { action(item); }).ConfigureAwait(false);

Here is the implementation:

public async void SequentialAsync()
    var list = new List<Action>();

    Action action1 = () => {
        //do stuff 1

    Action action2 = () => {
        //do stuff 2


    await list.ForEachAsync();

What's the key difference? .ConfigureAwait(false); which keeps the context of main thread while async sequential processing of each task.

Regular expression that doesn't contain certain string

I the following code I had to replace add a GET-parameter to all references to JS-files EXCEPT one.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/login/css/ABC.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/localization/DEF.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/login/jslib/GHI.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/login/jslib/md5.js"></script>
sendRequest('/application/srvc/EXCEPTION.js', handleChallengeResponse, null);
sendRequest('/application/srvc/EXCEPTION.js",handleChallengeResponse, null);

This is the Matcher used:


What that does is look for all occurences of ".js" and if they are preceeded by the "EXCEPTION" string, discard that result from the result array. That's called negative lookbehind. Since I spent a day on finding out how to do this I thought I should share.

How to scroll to the bottom of a RecyclerView? scrollToPosition doesn't work

IF you have adapter attached with recyclerView then just do this.


Javascript: 'window' is not defined

It is from an external js file and it is the only file linked to the page.


When I double click this file I get the following error

Sounds like you're double-clicking/running a .js file, which will attempt to run the script outside the browser, like a command line script. And that would explain this error:

Windows Script Host Error: 'window' is not defined Code: 800A1391

... not an error you'll see in a browser. And of course, the browser is what supplies the window object.

ADDENDUM: As a course of action, I'd suggest opening the relevant HTML file and taking a peek at the console. If you don't see anything there, it's likely your window.onload definition is simply being hit after the browser fires the window.onload event.

Failed to open/create the internal network Vagrant on Windows10

I just ran into this problem with VirtualBox 5.1 on Windows 8. It turns out the problem was with the Kaspersky virus protection I have installed. It added the "Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS 6 Filter" on the host-only adapter on the windows side. When I disabled that filter the VM started properly:

host-only network adapter properties

iOS app 'The application could not be verified' only on one device

The application could not be verified" , in your device there could be already an app installed with the same bundle identifier.

So Simple solution Just delete the App & try again.. ....

How do I get the type of a variable?

I'm not sure if my answer would help.

The short answer is, you don't really need/want to know the type of a variable to use it.

If you need to give a type to a static variable, then you may simply use auto.

In more sophisticated case where you want to use "auto" in a class or struct, I would suggest use template with decltype.

For example, say you are using someone else's library and it has a variable called "unknown_var" and you would want to put it in a vector or struct, you can totally do this:

template <typename T>
struct my_struct {
    int some_field;
    T my_data;
vector<decltype(unknown_var)> complex_vector;
vector<my_struct<decltype(unknown_var)> > simple_vector

Hope this helps.

EDIT: For good measure, here is the most complex case that I can think of: having a global variable of unknown type. In this case you would need c++14 and template variable.

Something like this:

template<typename T> vector<T> global_var;

void random_func (auto unknown_var) {

It's still a bit tedious but it's as close as you can get to typeless languages. Just make sure whenever you reference template variable, always put the template specification there.

How can I concatenate strings in VBA?

& is always evaluated in a string context, while + may not concatenate if one of the operands is no string:

"1" + "2" => "12"
"1" + 2   => 3
1 + "2"   => 3
"a" + 2   => type mismatch

This is simply a subtle source of potential bugs and therefore should be avoided. & always means "string concatenation", even if its arguments are non-strings:

"1" & "2" => "12"
"1" &  2  => "12"
 1  & "2" => "12"
 1  &  2  => "12"
"a" &  2  => "a2"

Run a task every x-minutes with Windows Task Scheduler

On XP, I clicked the Advanced button on the Schedule tab. There is a checkbox for Repeat task. The default is every 10 minutes.

Additionally, you can create scheduled task via the command line. I haven't tried this myself, but it looks like you'd want something along the lines of (not tested):

schtasks /create /tn "Some task name" /tr "app.exe" /sc HOURLY 

React ignores 'for' attribute of the label element

both for and class are reserved words in JavaScript this is why when it comes to HTML attributes in JSX you need to use something else, React team decided to use htmlFor and className respectively

jQuery animate margin top

use the following code to apply some margin

$(".button").click(function() {
  $('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: $(".scrolltothis").offset().top + 50;
  }, 500);

See this ans: Scroll down to div + a certain margin

Valid characters in a Java class name

Identifiers are used for class names, method names, and variable names. An identifiermay be any descriptive sequence of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, or theunderscore and dollar-sign characters. They must not begin with a number, lest they beconfused with a numeric literal. Again, Java is case-sensitive, so VALUE is a differentidentifier than Value. Some examples of valid identifiers are:

AvgTemp ,count a4 ,$test ,this_is_ok

Invalid variable names include:

2count, high-temp, Not/ok

How to make String.Contains case insensitive?

bool b = list.Contains("Hello", StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

[EDIT] extension code:

public static bool Contains(this string source, string cont
                                                    , StringComparison compare)
    return source.IndexOf(cont, compare) >= 0;

This could work :)

Phone number formatting an EditText in Android

I've recently done a similar formatting like 1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX for Android EditText. Please find the code below. Just use the TextWatcher sub-class as the text changed listener : ....

UsPhoneNumberFormatter addLineNumberFormatter = new UsPhoneNumberFormatter(
            new WeakReference<EditText>(mYourEditText));


private class UsPhoneNumberFormatter implements TextWatcher {
    //This TextWatcher sub-class formats entered numbers as 1 (123) 456-7890
    private boolean mFormatting; // this is a flag which prevents the
                                    // stack(onTextChanged)
    private boolean clearFlag;
    private int mLastStartLocation;
    private String mLastBeforeText;
    private WeakReference<EditText> mWeakEditText;

    public UsPhoneNumberFormatter(WeakReference<EditText> weakEditText) {
        this.mWeakEditText = weakEditText;

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
            int after) {
        if (after == 0 && s.toString().equals("1 ")) {
            clearFlag = true;
        mLastStartLocation = start;
        mLastBeforeText = s.toString();

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
            int count) {
        // TODO: Do nothing

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        // Make sure to ignore calls to afterTextChanged caused by the work
        // done below
        if (!mFormatting) {
            mFormatting = true;
            int curPos = mLastStartLocation;
            String beforeValue = mLastBeforeText;
            String currentValue = s.toString();
            String formattedValue = formatUsNumber(s);
            if (currentValue.length() > beforeValue.length()) {
                int setCusorPos = formattedValue.length()
                        - (beforeValue.length() - curPos);
                mWeakEditText.get().setSelection(setCusorPos < 0 ? 0 : setCusorPos);
            } else {
                int setCusorPos = formattedValue.length()
                        - (currentValue.length() - curPos);
                if(setCusorPos > 0 && !Character.isDigit(formattedValue.charAt(setCusorPos -1))){
                mWeakEditText.get().setSelection(setCusorPos < 0 ? 0 : setCusorPos);
            mFormatting = false;

    private String formatUsNumber(Editable text) {
        StringBuilder formattedString = new StringBuilder();
        // Remove everything except digits
        int p = 0;
        while (p < text.length()) {
            char ch = text.charAt(p);
            if (!Character.isDigit(ch)) {
                text.delete(p, p + 1);
            } else {
        // Now only digits are remaining
        String allDigitString = text.toString();

        int totalDigitCount = allDigitString.length();

        if (totalDigitCount == 0
                || (totalDigitCount > 10 && !allDigitString.startsWith("1"))
                || totalDigitCount > 11) {
            // May be the total length of input length is greater than the
            // expected value so we'll remove all formatting
            return allDigitString;
        int alreadyPlacedDigitCount = 0;
        // Only '1' is remaining and user pressed backspace and so we clear
        // the edit text.
        if (allDigitString.equals("1") && clearFlag) {
            clearFlag = false;
            return "";
        if (allDigitString.startsWith("1")) {
            formattedString.append("1 ");
        // The first 3 numbers beyond '1' must be enclosed in brackets "()"
        if (totalDigitCount - alreadyPlacedDigitCount > 3) {
                    + allDigitString.substring(alreadyPlacedDigitCount,
                            alreadyPlacedDigitCount + 3) + ") ");
            alreadyPlacedDigitCount += 3;
        // There must be a '-' inserted after the next 3 numbers
        if (totalDigitCount - alreadyPlacedDigitCount > 3) {
                    alreadyPlacedDigitCount, alreadyPlacedDigitCount + 3)
                    + "-");
            alreadyPlacedDigitCount += 3;
        // All the required formatting is done so we'll just copy the
        // remaining digits.
        if (totalDigitCount > alreadyPlacedDigitCount) {

        return formattedString.toString();


spring autowiring with unique beans: Spring expected single matching bean but found 2

If I'm not mistaken, the default bean name of a bean declared with @Component is the name of its class its first letter in lower-case. This means that

public class SuggestionService {

declares a bean of type SuggestionService, and of name suggestionService. It's equivalent to

public class SuggestionService {

or to

<bean id="suggestionService" .../>

You're redefining another bean of the same type, but with a different name, in the XML:

<bean id="SuggestionService" class="">

So, either specify the name of the bean in the annotation to be SuggestionService, or use the ID suggestionService in the XML (don't forget to also modify the <ref> element, or to remove it, since it isn't needed). In this case, the XML definition will override the annotation definition.

How to get an object's property's value by property name?

Here is an alternative way to get an object's property value:

write-host $(get-something).SomeProp

Multiple modals overlay

Finally solved. I tested it in many ways and works fine.

Here is the solution for anyone that have the same problem: Change the function (at bootstrap.js or modal.js)


if (transition) {
   that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow

   .attr('aria-hidden', false)



if (transition) {
    that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow

   .css("z-index", (1030 + (10 * $("").length)))

   .css("z-index", (1040 + (10 * $("").length)))
   .attr('aria-hidden', false)


It's the best way that i found: check how many modals are opened and change the z-index of the modal and the backdrop to a higher value.