Flask applications can optionally be executed in debug mode. In this mode, two very convenient modules of the development server called the reloader and the debugger are enabled by default. When the reloader is enabled, Flask watches all the source code files of your project and automatically restarts the server when any of the files are modified.
By default, debug mode is disabled. To enable it, set a FLASK_DEBUG=1
environment variable before invoking flask run
(venv) $ export FLASK_APP=hello.py for Windows use > set FLASK_APP=hello.py
(venv) $ export FLASK_DEBUG=1 for Windows use > set FLASK_DEBUG=1
(venv) $ flask run
* Serving Flask app "hello"
* Forcing debug mode on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 273-181-528
Having a server running with the reloader enabled is extremely useful during development, because every time you modify and save a source file, the server automatically restarts and picks up the change.