[spring] spring autowiring with unique beans: Spring expected single matching bean but found 2

The issue is because you have a bean of type SuggestionService created through @Component annotation and also through the XML config . As explained by JB Nizet, this will lead to the creation of a bean with name 'suggestionService' created via @Component and another with name 'SuggestionService' created through XML .

When you refer SuggestionService by @Autowired, in your controller, Spring autowires "by type" by default and find two beans of type 'SuggestionService'

You could do the following

  1. Remove @Component from your Service and depend on mapping via XML - Easiest

  2. Remove SuggestionService from XML and autowire the dependencies - use util:map to inject the indexSearchers map.

  3. Use @Resource instead of @Autowired to pick the bean by its name .

     private SuggestionService service;


    private SuggestionService service;

both should work.The third is a dirty fix and it's best to resolve the bean conflict through other ways.

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