Programs & Examples On #Retina display

Retina display is a trademark used by Apple for displays claimed to have pixel density so high that the eye would not be able to notice pixelation. The term is used for several models of the iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro.

How to capture UIView to UIImage without loss of quality on retina display

Switch from use of UIGraphicsBeginImageContext to UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions (as documented on this page). Pass 0.0 for scale (the third argument) and you'll get a context with a scale factor equal to that of the screen.

UIGraphicsBeginImageContext uses a fixed scale factor of 1.0, so you're actually getting exactly the same image on an iPhone 4 as on the other iPhones. I'll bet either the iPhone 4 is applying a filter when you implicitly scale it up or just your brain is picking up on it being less sharp than everything around it.

So, I guess:

#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

+ (UIImage *)imageWithView:(UIView *)view
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, view.opaque, 0.0);
    [view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];

    UIImage * img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();


    return img;

And in Swift 4:

func image(with view: UIView) -> UIImage? {
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, view.isOpaque, 0.0)
    defer { UIGraphicsEndImageContext() }
    if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
        view.layer.render(in: context)
        let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        return image
    return nil

Adding a new entry to the PATH variable in ZSH

Actually, using ZSH allows you to use special mapping of environment variables. So you can simply do:

# append
# or prepend
path=('/home/david/pear/bin' $path)
# export to sub-processes (make it inherited by child processes)
export PATH

For me that's a very neat feature which can be propagated to other variables. Example:

typeset -T LD_LIBRARY_PATH ld_library_path :

How to show text on image when hovering?

.container {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
.image {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: auto;_x000D_
.overlay {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  transition: .5s ease;_x000D_
  background-color: #008CBA;_x000D_
.container:hover .overlay {_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
.text {_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  font-size: 20px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);_x000D_
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <img src="" alt="Avatar" class="image">_x000D_
  <div class="overlay">_x000D_
    <div class="text">Hello World</div>_x000D_

Reference Link W3schools with multiple styles

JUnit Testing private variables?

Reflection e.g.:

public class PrivateObject {

  private String privateString = null;

  public PrivateObject(String privateString) {
    this.privateString = privateString;
PrivateObject privateObject = new PrivateObject("The Private Value");

Field privateStringField = PrivateObject.class.


String fieldValue = (String) privateStringField.get(privateObject);
System.out.println("fieldValue = " + fieldValue);

Create multiple threads and wait all of them to complete

In my case, I could not instantiate my objects on the the thread pool with Task.Run() or Task.Factory.StartNew(). They would not synchronize my long running delegates correctly.

I needed the delegates to run asynchronously, pausing my main thread for their collective completion. The Thread.Join() would not work since I wanted to wait for collective completion in the middle of the parent thread, not at the end.

With the Task.Run() or Task.Factory.StartNew(), either all the child threads blocked each other or the parent thread would not be blocked, ... I couldn't figure out how to go with async delegates because of the re-serialization of the await syntax.

Here is my solution using Threads instead of Tasks:

using (EventWaitHandle wh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset))
  int outdex = mediaServerMinConnections - 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < mediaServerMinConnections; i++)
    new Thread(() =>
      sshPool.Enqueue(new SshHandler());
      if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref outdex) < 1)

ASP.NET Core Get Json Array using IConfiguration

Short form:

var myArray= configuration.GetSection("MyArray")
                        .Where(p => p.Value != null)
                        .Select(p => p.Value)

It returns an array of string:


Installing OpenCV on Windows 7 for Python 2.7

Installing OpenCV on Windows 7 for Python 2.7

How do I escape special characters in MySQL?

You can use mysql_real_escape_string. mysql_real_escape_string() does not escape % and _, so you should escape MySQL wildcards (% and _) separately.

Ajax post request in laravel 5 return error 500 (Internal Server Error)

By default Laravel comes with CSRF middleware.

You have 2 options:

  1. Send token in you request
  2. Disable CSRF middleware (not recomended): in app\Http\Kernel.php remove VerifyCsrfToken from $middleware array

How can I find non-ASCII characters in MySQL?

This is probably what you're looking for:

select * from TABLE where COLUMN regexp '[^ -~]';

It should return all rows where COLUMN contains non-ASCII characters (or non-printable ASCII characters such as newline).

Change the On/Off text of a toggle button Android

Set the XML as:

    android:textOn="Light ON"
    android:textOff="Light OFF" />

Android: upgrading DB version and adding new table

@jkschneider's answer is right. However there is a better approach.

Write the needed changes in an sql file for each update as described in the link




ALTER TABLE books RENAME TO book_information;


ALTER TABLE book_information ADD COLUMN calculated_pages_times_rating INTEGER;
UPDATE book_information SET calculated_pages_times_rating = (book_pages * book_rating) ;

These .sql files will be executed in onUpgrade() method according to the version of the database.

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 4;

    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "database.db";
    private static final String TAG = DatabaseHelper.class.getName();

    private static DatabaseHelper mInstance = null;
    private final Context context;

    private DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
        this.context = context;

    public static synchronized DatabaseHelper getInstance(Context ctx) {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            mInstance = new DatabaseHelper(ctx.getApplicationContext());
        return mInstance;

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        // The rest of your create scripts go here.


    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Updating table from " + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion);
        // You will not need to modify this unless you need to do some android specific things.
        // When upgrading the database, all you need to do is add a file to the assets folder and name it:
        // from_1_to_2.sql with the version that you are upgrading to as the last version.
        try {
            for (int i = oldVersion; i < newVersion; ++i) {
                String migrationName = String.format("from_%d_to_%d.sql", i, (i + 1));
                Log.d(TAG, "Looking for migration file: " + migrationName);
                readAndExecuteSQLScript(db, context, migrationName);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Exception running upgrade script:", exception);


    public void onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {


    private void readAndExecuteSQLScript(SQLiteDatabase db, Context ctx, String fileName) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) {
            Log.d(TAG, "SQL script file name is empty");

        Log.d(TAG, "Script found. Executing...");
        AssetManager assetManager = ctx.getAssets();
        BufferedReader reader = null;

        try {
            InputStream is =;
            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
            reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
            executeSQLScript(db, reader);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "IOException:", e);
        } finally {
            if (reader != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "IOException:", e);


    private void executeSQLScript(SQLiteDatabase db, BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
        String line;
        StringBuilder statement = new StringBuilder();
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (line.endsWith(";")) {
                statement = new StringBuilder();

An example project is provided in the same link also :

How to get JavaScript caller function line number? How to get JavaScript caller source URL?

This is often achieved by throwing an error from the current context; then analyzing error object for properties like lineNumber and fileName (which some browsers have)

function getErrorObject(){
  try { throw Error('') } catch(err) { return err; }

var err = getErrorObject();

err.lineNumber; // or `err.line` in WebKit

Don't forget that callee.caller property is deprecated (and was never really in ECMA 3rd ed. in the first place).

Also remember that function decompilation is specified to be implementation dependent and so might yield quite unexpected results. I wrote about it here and here.

C# event with custom arguments

public enum MyEvents

public class CustomEventArgs : EventArgs
    public MyEvents MyEvents { get; set; }

private EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> onTrigger;

public event EventHandler<CustomEventArgs> Trigger
        onTrigger += value;
        onTrigger -= value;

protected void OnTrigger(CustomEventArgs e)
    if (onTrigger != null)
        onTrigger(this, e);

Removing first x characters from string?

>>> x = 'lipsum'
>>> x.replace(x[:3], '')

Is there any way to configure multiple registries in a single npmrc file

I encounter the same problem when my company set up its own registry, so I heavily rework on proxy-registry into proxy-multi-registries to solve this problem. Hope it will also helps you.

Running java with JAVA_OPTS env variable has no effect

I don't know of any JVM that actually checks the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. Usually this is used in scripts which launch the JVM and they usually just add it to the java command-line.

The key thing to understand here is that arguments to java that come before the -jar analyse.jar bit will only affect the JVM and won't be passed along to your program. So, modifying the java line in your script to:

java $JAVA_OPTS -jar analyse.jar $*

Should "just work".

How to implement a ConfigurationSection with a ConfigurationElementCollection

An easier alternative for those who would prefer not to write all that configuration boilerplate manually...

1) Install Nerdle.AutoConfig from NuGet

2) Define your ServiceConfig type (either a concrete class or just an interface, either will do)

public interface IServiceConfiguration
    int Port { get; }
    ReportType ReportType { get; }

3) You'll need a type to hold the collection, e.g.

public interface IServiceCollectionConfiguration
    IEnumerable<IServiceConfiguration> Services { get; } 

4) Add the config section like so (note camelCase naming)

  <section name="serviceCollection" type="Nerdle.AutoConfig.Section, Nerdle.AutoConfig"/>

    <service port="6996" reportType="File" />
    <service port="7001" reportType="Other" />

5) Map with AutoConfig

var services = AutoConfig.Map<IServiceCollectionConfiguration>();

How can I use goto in Javascript?

You can simple use a function:

function hello() {

How to configure nginx to enable kinda 'file browser' mode?

1. List content of all directories

Set autoindex option to on. It is off by default.

Your configuration file ( vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default ) should be like this

location /{ 
   ... ( some other lines )
   autoindex on;
   ... ( some other lines )

2. List content of only some specific directory

Set autoindex option to on. It is off by default.

Your configuration file ( vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default )
should be like this.
change path_of_your_directory to your directory path

location /path_of_your_directory{ 
   ... ( some other lines )
   autoindex on;
   ... ( some other lines )

Hope it helps..

Fake "click" to activate an onclick method

I haven't used jQuery, but IIRC, the first method mentioned doesn't trigger the onclick handler.

I'd call the associated onclick method directly, if you're not using the event details.

Send JavaScript variable to PHP variable

As Jordan already said you have to post back the javascript variable to your server before the server can handle the value. To do this you can either program a javascript function that submits a form - or you can use ajax / jquery.

Maybe the most easiest approach for you is something like this

function myJavascriptFunction() { 
  var javascriptVariable = "John";
  window.location.href = "myphpfile.php?name=" + javascriptVariable; 

On your myphpfile.php you can use $_GET['name'] after your javascript was executed.


Java, Simplified check if int array contains int

Try Integer.parseInt() to do this.....

public boolean chkInt(final int[] array){
    int key = false;

    for (Integer i : array){


                   key = true;
                   return key;

             }catch(NumberFormatException ex){

                   key = false;

                   return key;



How to click an element in Selenium WebDriver using JavaScript

Not sure OP answer was really answered.

var driver = new webdriver.Builder().usingServer('serverAddress').withCapabilities({'browserName': 'firefox'}).build();


Base64 PNG data to HTML5 canvas

By the looks of it you need to actually pass drawImage an image object like so

var canvas = document.getElementById("c");_x000D_
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");_x000D_
var image = new Image();_x000D_
image.onload = function() {_x000D_
  ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);_x000D_
<canvas id="c"></canvas>

I've tried it in chrome and it works fine.

SQL Statement with multiple SETs and WHEREs

Best option is multiple updates.

Alternatively you can do the following but is NOT recommended:

UPDATE table
SET ID = CASE WHEN ID = 2555 THEN 111111259 
              WHEN ID = 2724 THEN 111111261
              WHEN ID = 2021 THEN 111111263
              WHEN ID = 2017 THEN 111111264
WHERE ID IN (2555,2724,2021,2017)

Eclipse Optimize Imports to Include Static Imports

Not exactly what I wanted, but I found a workaround. In Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede), go to

Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist

and check the checkbox for Use static imports (only 1.5 or higher).

This will not bring in the import on an Optimize Imports, but if you do a Quick Fix (CTRL + 1) on the line it will give you the option to add the static import which is good enough.

MongoDB distinct aggregation

You can call $setUnion on a single array, which also filters dupes:

{ $project: {Package: 1, deps: {'$setUnion': '$deps.Package'}}}

Using Google Translate in C#

If you want to translate your resources, just download MAT (Multilingual App Toolkit) for Visual Studio. This is the way to go to translate your projects in Visual Studio.

How to check whether a given string is valid JSON in Java

You can use WellFormedJson class from Validol declarative validation library.

The declaration itself could look like the following:

new WellFormedJson(
    new Unnamed<>(Either.right(new Present<>(jsonRequestString)))

The check phase looks like that:

    Result<JsonElement> result =
        (new WellFormedJson(
            new Named<>(
                    new Present<>(
                        "{\"guest\":{\"name\":\"Vadim Samokhin\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"},\"source\":1,\"items\":[{\"id\":1900},{\"id\":777}]}"

        "{\"guest\":{\"name\":\"Vadim Samokhin\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"},\"source\":1,\"items\":[{\"id\":1900},{\"id\":777}]}",
        "{\"name\":\"Vadim Samokhin\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"}",

It might seem like an overkill for such a simple task, but it shines when you have to validate a complex request. Check out validol's quick start section.

How do I run a file on localhost?

I'm not really sure what you mean, so I'll start simply:

If the file you're trying to "run" is static content, like HTML or even Javascript, you don't need to run it on "localhost"... you should just be able to open it from wherever it is on your machine in your browser.

If it is a piece of server-side code (ASP[.NET], php, whatever else, uou need to be running either a web server, or if you're using Visual Studio, start the development server for your application (F5 to debug, or CTRL+F5 to start without debugging).

If you're using a web server, you'll need to have a web site configured with the home directory set to the directory the file is in (or, just put the file in whatever home directory is configured).

If you're using Visual Studio, the file just needs to be in your project.

How copy data from Excel to a table using Oracle SQL Developer

It's not exactly copy and paste but you can import data from Excel using Oracle SQL Developer.

Navigate to the table you want to import the data into and click on the Data tab.

After clicking on the data tab you should notice a drop down that says Actions... indicating the position of the Data tab and Actions... drop down

Click Actions... and select the bottom option Import Data...

Then just follow the wizard to select the correct sheet, and columns that you want to import.

EDIT : To view the data tab :

  1. Select the SCHEMA where your table is created.(Choose from the Connections tab on the left pane).
  2. Right click on the SCHEMA and choose SCHEMA BROWSER.
  3. Select your table from the list (by giving your schema).
  4. Now you will see the DATA tab.
  5. Click on Actions and Import Data...

Sample database for exercise

Check out CodePlex for Microsoft SQL Server Community Projects & Samples

3rd party edit

On top of the link above you might look at

How to call jQuery function onclick?

Please have a look at

$("#submit").click(function () {
var url = $(location).attr('href');
$('#spn_url').html('<strong>' + url + '</strong>');

Pandas conditional creation of a series/dataframe column

If you're working with massive data, a memoized approach would be best:

# First create a dictionary of manually stored values
color_dict = {'Z':'red'}

# Second, build a dictionary of "other" values
color_dict_other = {x:'green' for x in df['Set'].unique() if x not in color_dict.keys()}

# Next, merge the two

# Finally, map it to your column
df['color'] = df['Set'].map(color_dict)

This approach will be fastest when you have many repeated values. My general rule of thumb is to memoize when: data_size > 10**4 & n_distinct < data_size/4

E.x. Memoize in a case 10,000 rows with 2,500 or fewer distinct values.

How to have stored properties in Swift, the same way I had on Objective-C?

My $0.02. This code is written in Swift 2.0

extension CALayer {
    private struct AssociatedKeys {
        static var shapeLayer:CAShapeLayer?

    var shapeLayer: CAShapeLayer? {
        get {
            return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.shapeLayer) as? CAShapeLayer
        set {
            if let newValue = newValue {
                objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.shapeLayer, newValue as CAShapeLayer?, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)

I have tried many solutions, and found this is the only way to actually extend a class with extra variable parameters.

How do I set up cron to run a file just once at a specific time?

Try this out to execute a command on 30th March 2011 at midnight:

0 0 30 3 ? 2011  /command

WARNING: As noted in comments, the year column is not supported in standard/default implementations of cron. Please refer to TomOnTime answer below, for a proper way to run a script at a specific time in the future in standard implementations of cron.

Shortest way to print current year in a website

You've asked for a JavaScript solution, so here's the shortest I can get it:

<script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script>

That will work in all browsers I've run across.

How I got there:

  • You can just call getFullYear directly on the newly-created Date, no need for a variable. new Date().getFullYear() may look a bit odd, but it's reliable: the new Date() part is done first, then the .getFullYear().
  • You can drop the type, because JavaScript is the default; this is even documented as part of the HTML5 specification, which is likely in this case to be writing up what browsers already do.
  • You can drop the semicolon at the end for one extra saved character, because JavaScript has "automatic semicolon insertion," a feature I normally despise and rail against, but in this specific use case it should be safe enough.

It's important to note that this only works on browsers where JavaScript is enabled. Ideally, this would be better handled as an offline batch job (sed script on *nix, etc.) once a year, but if you want the JavaScript solution, I think that's as short as it gets. (Now I've gone and tempted fate.)

However, unless you're using a server that can only provide static files, you're probably better off doing this on the server with a templating engine and using caching headers to allow the resulting page to be cached until the date needs to change. That way, you don't require JavaScript on the client. Using a non-defer/async script tag in the content also briefly delays the parsing and presentation of the page (for exactly this reason: because the code in the script might use document.write to output HTML).

Maven compile with multiple src directories

While the answer from evokk is basically correct, it is missing test classes. You must add test classes with goal add-test-source:


Why my regexp for hyphenated words doesn't work?

A couple of things:

  1. Your regexes need to be anchored by separators* or you'll match partial words, as is the case now
  2. You're not using the proper syntax for a non-capturing group. It's (?: not (:?

If you address the first problem, you won't need groups at all.

*That is, a blank or beginning/end of string.

ImportError: No module named MySQLdb

yum install MySQL-python.x86_64

worked for me.

Numpy how to iterate over columns of array?

Just iterate over the transposed of your array:

for column in array.T:

jQuery counting elements by class - what is the best way to implement this?

for counting:


should work fine.

storing in a variable is as easy as:

var count = $('.yourClass').length;

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

Simple solution: add this header to the response:

Cache-control: no-store

Why this works is clearly explained at this authoritative page:

It also explains why no-cache does not work.

Other answers do not work because:

Caching.delete is about a new cache that you may create for off-line work, see:

Fragments using a # in the URL do not work because the # tells the browser to not send a request to the server.

A cache-buster with a random part added to the url works, but will also fill the browser cache. In my app, I wanted to download a 5 MB picture every few seconds from a web cam. It will take just an hour or less to completely freeze your pc. I still don't know why the browser cache is not limited to a reasonable max, but this is definitely a disadvantage.

How do I grant read access for a user to a database in SQL Server?

This is a two-step process:

  1. you need to create a login to SQL Server for that user, based on its Windows account

    CREATE LOGIN [<domainName>\<loginName>] FROM WINDOWS;
  2. you need to grant this login permission to access a database:

    USE (your database)
    CREATE USER (username) FOR LOGIN (your login name)

Once you have that user in your database, you can give it any rights you want, e.g. you could assign it the db_datareader database role to read all tables.

USE (your database)
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', '(your user name)'

Where is the kibana error log? Is there a kibana error log?

Kibana 4 logs to stdout by default. Here is an excerpt of the config/kibana.yml defaults:

# Enables you specify a file where Kibana stores log output.
# logging.dest: stdout

So when invoking it with service, use the log capture method of that service. For example, on a Linux distribution using Systemd / systemctl (e.g. RHEL 7+):

journalctl -u kibana.service

One way may be to modify init scripts to use the --log-file option (if it still exists), but I think the proper solution is to properly configure your instance YAML file. For example, add this to your config/kibana.yml:

logging.dest: /var/log/kibana.log

Note that the Kibana process must be able to write to the file you specify, or the process will die without information (it can be quite confusing).

As for the --log-file option, I think this is reserved for CLI operations, rather than automation.

Android Button setOnClickListener Design

You can use array to handle several button click listener in android like this: here i am setting button click listener for n buttons by using array as:

Button btn[] = new Button[n]; 

NOTE: n is a constant positive integer

Code example:

//class androidMultipleButtonActions 

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;

public class androidMultipleButtonActions extends Activity implements OnClickListener{
    Button btn[] = new Button[3];

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {   
        btn[0] = (Button) findViewById(;
        btn[1] = (Button) findViewById(;
        btn[2] = (Button) findViewById(;
        for(int i=0; i<3; i++){

    public void onClick(View v) {
        if(v == findViewById({
            //do here what u wanna do.
        else if(v == findViewById({
            //do here what u wanna do.
        else if(v == findViewById({
            //do here what u wanna do.

Note: First write an main.xml file if u dont know how to write please mail to: [email protected]

:first-child not working as expected

The element cannot directly inherit from <body> tag. You can try to put it in a <dir style="padding-left:0px;"></dir> tag.

How to encrypt a large file in openssl using public key

I found the instructions at useful.

To paraphrase the linked site with filenames from your example:

Generate a symmetric key because you can encrypt large files with it

openssl rand -base64 32 > key.bin

Encrypt the large file using the symmetric key

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in myLargeFile.xml \
  -out myLargeFile.xml.enc -pass file:./key.bin

Encrypt the symmetric key so you can safely send it to the other person

openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey public.pem -pubin -in key.bin -out key.bin.enc

Destroy the un-encrypted symmetric key so nobody finds it

shred -u key.bin

At this point, you send the encrypted symmetric key (key.bin.enc) and the encrypted large file (myLargeFile.xml.enc) to the other person

The other person can then decrypt the symmetric key with their private key using

openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private.pem -in key.bin.enc -out key.bin

Now they can use the symmetric key to decrypt the file

openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in myLargeFile.xml.enc \
  -out myLargeFile.xml -pass file:./key.bin

And you're done. The other person has the decrypted file and it was safely sent.

"The system cannot find the file specified" when running C++ program

I know this thread is 1 year old but I hope this helps someone, my problem was that I needed to add:

    #include "stdafx.h"

to my project (on the first line), this seems to be the case most of the time!

Difference between == and === in JavaScript

=== and !== are strict comparison operators:

JavaScript has both strict and type-converting equality comparison. For strict equality the objects being compared must have the same type and:

  • Two strings are strictly equal when they have the same sequence of characters, same length, and same characters in corresponding positions.
  • Two numbers are strictly equal when they are numerically equal (have the same number value). NaN is not equal to anything, including NaN. Positive and negative zeros are equal to one another.
  • Two Boolean operands are strictly equal if both are true or both are false.
  • Two objects are strictly equal if they refer to the same Object.
  • Null and Undefined types are == (but not ===). [I.e. (Null==Undefined) is true but (Null===Undefined) is false]

Comparison Operators - MDC

Steps to upload an iPhone application to the AppStore

This arstechnica article describes the basic steps:

Start by visiting the program portal and make sure that your developer certificate is up to date. It expires every six months and, if you haven't requested that a new one be issued, you cannot submit software to App Store. For most people experiencing the "pink upload of doom," though, their certificates are already valid. What next?

Open your Xcode project and check that you've set the active SDK to one of the device choices, like Device - 2.2. Accidentally leaving the build settings to Simulator can be a big reason for the pink rejection. And that happens more often than many developers would care to admit.

Next, make sure that you've chosen a build configuration that uses your distribution (not your developer) certificate. Check this by double-clicking on your target in the Groups & Files column on the left of the project window. The Target Info window will open. Click the Build tab and review your Code Signing Identity. It should be iPhone Distribution: followed by your name or company name.

You may also want to confirm your application identifier in the Properties tab. Most likely, you'll have set the identifier properly when debugging with your developer certificate, but it never hurts to check.

The top-left of your project window also confirms your settings and configuration. It should read something like "Device - 2.2 | Distribution". This shows you the active SDK and configuration.

If your settings are correct but you still aren't getting that upload finished properly, clean your builds. Choose Build > Clean (Command-Shift-K) and click Clean. Alternatively, you can manually trash the build folder in your Project from Finder. Once you've cleaned, build again fresh.

If this does not produce an app that when zipped properly loads to iTunes Connect, quit and relaunch Xcode. I'm not kidding. This one simple trick solves more signing problems and "pink rejections of doom" than any other solution already mentioned.

How to get the file name from a full path using JavaScript?

This solution is much simpler and generic, for both 'file name' and 'path'.

const str = 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\img\\recycled log.jpg';

// regex to split path to two groups '(.*[\\\/])' for path and '(.*)' for file name
const regexPath = /^(.*[\\\/])(.*)$/;

// execute the match on the string str
const match = regexPath.exec(str);
if (match !== null) {
    // we ignore the match[0] because it's the match for the hole path string
    const filePath = match[1];
    const fileName = match[2];

Python dictionary get multiple values

As I see no similar answer here - it is worth pointing out that with the usage of a (list / generator) comprehension, you can unpack those multiple values and assign them to multiple variables in a single line of code:

first_val, second_val = (myDict.get(key) for key in [first_key, second_key])

How to get the changes on a branch in Git

git log --cherry-mark --oneline from_branch...to_branch

(3dots) but sometimes it shows '+' instead of '='

How to write into a file in PHP?

$fp = fopen('lidn.txt', 'w');
fwrite($fp, 'Cats chase');
fwrite($fp, 'mice');

Open new popup window without address bars in firefox & IE

In internet explorer, if the new url is from the same domain as the current url, the window will be open without an address bar. Otherwise, it will cause an address bar to appear. One workaround is to open a page from the same domain and then redirect from that page.

Passing in class names to react components

Just for the reference, for stateless components:

// ParentComponent.js
import React from 'react';
import { ChildComponent } from '../child/ChildComponent';

export const ParentComponent = () =>
  <div className="parent-component">
    <ChildComponent className="parent-component__child">

// ChildComponent.js
import React from 'react';

export const ChildComponent = ({ className, children }) =>
  <div className={`some-css-className ${className}`}>

Will render:

<div class="parent-component">
  <div class="some-css-className parent-component__child">

How to insert a text at the beginning of a file?

Just for fun, here is a solution using ed which does not have the problem of not working on an empty file. You can put it into a shell script just like any other answer to this question.

ed Test <<EOF

<added text>
1,+1 j
$ g/^$/d

The above script adds the text to insert to the first line, and then joins the first and second line. To avoid ed exiting on error with an invalid join, it first creates a blank line at the end of the file and remove it later if it still exists.

Limitations: This script does not work if <added text> is exactly equal to a single period.

Trying to create a file in Android: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system)

To use internal storage for the application, you don't need permission, but you may need to use: File directory = getApplication().getCacheDir(); to get the allowed directory for the app.

getCashDir(); <-- should work
context.getCashDir(); (if in a broadcast receiver)
getDataDir(); <--Api 24

Unable to install boto3

try this way:

python -m pip install --user boto3

must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

For me, it is not about a "common aggregation problem", but just about an incorrect SQL query. The single correct answer for "select the maximum avg for each cname..." is

SELECT cname, MAX(avg) FROM makerar GROUP BY cname;

The result will be:

 cname  |      MAX(avg)
 canada | 2.0000000000000000
 spain  | 5.0000000000000000

This result in general answers the question "What is the best result for each group?". We see that the best result for spain is 5 and for canada the best result is 2. It is true, and there is no error. If we need to display wmname also, we have to answer the question: "What is the RULE to choose wmname from resulting set?" Let's change the input data a bit to clarify the mistake:

  cname | wmname |        avg           
 spain  | zoro   |  1.0000000000000000
 spain  | luffy  |  5.0000000000000000
 spain  | usopp  |  5.0000000000000000

Which result do you expect on runnig this query: SELECT cname, wmname, MAX(avg) FROM makerar GROUP BY cname;? Should it be spain+luffy or spain+usopp? Why? It is not determined in the query how to choose "better" wmname if several are suitable, so the result is also not determined. That's why SQL interpreter returns an error - the query is not correct.

In the other word, there is no correct answer to the question "Who is the best in spain group?". Luffy is not better than usopp, because usopp has the same "score".

Android Studio Stuck at Gradle Download on create new project

What worked for me:

  1. Create a dummy project, when it gets stuck on the Build screen, kill the studio process.
  2. Open the android studio and open the project, the projet will be broken
  3. Create a new project with the dummy project already opened it will create the project without problems
  4. Close the dummy project and have fun

How to vertically center a container in Bootstrap?

In Bootstrap 4:

to center the child horizontally, use bootstrap-4 class:


to center the child vertically, use bootstrap-4 class:


but remember don't forget to use d-flex class with these it's a bootstrap-4 utility class, like so

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center" style="height:100px;">
    <span class="bg-primary">MIDDLE</span>    

Note: make sure to add bootstrap-4 utilities if this code does not work

I know it's not the direct answer to this question but it may help someone

Is there a difference between "==" and "is"?

As the other people in this post answer the question in details the difference between == and is for comparing Objects or variables, I would emphasize mainly the comparison between is and == for strings which can give different results and I would urge programmers to carefully use them.

For string comparison, make sure to use == instead of is:

str = 'hello'
if (str is 'hello'):
    print ('str is hello')
if (str == 'hello'):
    print ('str == hello')


str is hello
str == hello

But in the below example == and is will get different results:

str2 = 'hello sam'
    if (str2 is 'hello sam'):
        print ('str2 is hello sam')
    if (str2 == 'hello sam'):
        print ('str2 == hello sam')


str2 == hello sam

Conclusion and Analysis:

Use is carefully to compare between strings. Since is for comparing objects and since in Python 3+ every variable such as string interpret as an object, let's see what happened in above paragraphs.

In python there is id function that shows a unique constant of an object during its lifetime. This id is using in back-end of Python interpreter to compare two objects using is keyword.

str = 'hello'
> 140039832615152
> 140039832615152


str2 = 'hello sam'
id('hello sam')
> 140039832615536
> 140039832615792

PHP function ssh2_connect is not working

I have installed the SSH2 PECL extension and its working fine thanks all for you help...

How to ignore certain files in Git

First create a .gitignore file where we have to store the names of files and directories to be ignored. To ignore a directory;


To ignore a file;


We don't need to provide the complete path of the file or directory to be ignored, we just have to provide its name.

If you want to ignore all files with same extention;

*.pyc  #will ignore all files with pyc extention

Setting focus to iframe contents

Here is code to create an iframe using jQuery, append it to the document, poll it until it is loaded, then focus it. This is better than setting an arbitrary timeout which may or may not work depending on how long the iframe takes to load.

var jqueryIframe = $('<iframe>', {
    src: ""
focusWhenReady = function(){
    var iframe = jqueryIframe[0],
    doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
    if (doc.readyState == "complete") {
    } else {
        setTimeout(focusWhenReady, 100)
setTimeout(focusWhenReady, 10);

The code for detecting when the iframe is loaded was adapted from Biranchi's answer to How to check if iframe is loaded or it has a content?

How to clear an ImageView in Android?

I tried this for to clear Image and DrawableCache in ImageView


I hope this works for you !

how to check if a form is valid programmatically using jQuery Validation Plugin

Use .valid() from the jQuery Validation plugin:


Checks whether the selected form is valid or whether all selected elements are valid. validate() needs to be called on the form before checking it using this method.

Where the form with id='form_id' is a form that has already had .validate() called on it.

Which is the best Linux C/C++ debugger (or front-end to gdb) to help teaching programming?

Qt Creator, apart from other goodies, also has a good debugger integration, for CDB, GDB and the Symnbian debugger, on all supported platforms. You don't need to use Qt to use the Qt Creator IDE, nor do you need to use QMake - it also has CMake integration, although QMake is very easy to use.

You may want to use Qt Creator as the IDE to teach programming with, consider it has some good features:

  • Very smart and advanced C++ editor
  • Project and build management tools
  • QMake and CMake integration
  • Integrated, context-sensitive help system
  • Excellent visual debugger (CDB, GDB and Symbian)
  • Supports GCC and VC++
  • Rapid code navigation tools
  • Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

How to dynamically change the color of the selected menu item of a web page?

Set the styles for class active and hover:

Than you need to make the li active, on the server side. So when you are drawing the menu, you should know which page is loaded and set it to:

 <li class="active">Question</li>

But if you are changing the content without reloading, you cannot change set the active li element on the server, you need to use javascript:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  .menu{width: 300px; height: 25; font-size: 18px;}
  .menu li{list-style: none; float: left; margin-right: 4px; padding: 5px;}
  .menu li:hover, .menu {
        background-color: #f90;

<ul class="menu">
<li>Item 1</li>
<li class="active">Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
<li>Item 4</li>
<li>Item 5</li>
<li>Item 6</li>

<script type="text/javascript">

var make_button_active = function()
  //Get item siblings
  var siblings =($(this).siblings());

  //Remove active class on all buttons
  siblings.each(function (index)

  //Add the clicked button class

//Attach events to menu
    $(".menu li").click(make_button_active);



How to check if a value is not null and not empty string in JS

try it----------

function myFun(){_x000D_
var inputVal=document.getElementById("inputId").value;_x000D_
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML="<span style='color:green'>The value is "+inputVal+'</span>';_x000D_
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML="<span style='color:red'>Something error happen! the input May be empty.</span>";_x000D_
<input type="text" id="inputId">_x000D_
<input type="button" onclick="myFun()" value="View Result">_x000D_
<h1 id="result"></h1>

Oracle DB: How can I write query ignoring case?

...also do the conversion to upper or lower outside of the query:

tableName:= UPPER(someValue || '%');


Select * from table where upper( like tableName 

Retrieving a random item from ArrayList

anyItem is a method and the System.out.println call is after your return statement so that won't compile anyway since it is unreachable.

Might want to re-write it like:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class Catalogue
    private Random randomGenerator;
    private ArrayList<Item> catalogue;

    public Catalogue()
        catalogue = new ArrayList<Item>();
        randomGenerator = new Random();

    public Item anyItem()
        int index = randomGenerator.nextInt(catalogue.size());
        Item item = catalogue.get(index);
        System.out.println("Managers choice this week" + item + "our recommendation to you");
        return item;

How do you automatically set the focus to a textbox when a web page loads?

Simply write autofocus in the textfield. This is simple and it works like this:

 <input name="abc" autofocus></input>

Hope this helps.

Update multiple rows in same query using PostgreSQL

Came across similar scenario and the CASE expression was useful to me.

UPDATE reports SET is_default = 
 when report_id = 123 then true
 when report_id != 123 then false
WHERE account_id = 321;

Reports - is a table here, account_id is same for the report_ids mentioned above. The above query will set 1 record (the one which matches the condition) to true and all the non-matching ones to false.

How to connect to LocalDB in Visual Studio Server Explorer?

Run the CMD as admin.

  1. from start menu 'cmd' - wait for it to find it.
  2. Right click on cmd, and select open as administrator
  3. type : cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn
  4. type : SqlLocalDB start
  5. now type : SqlLocalDB info
  6. Shows the running sql instances available... choose what you want...
  7. to find more about the instance type : SqlLocalDB info instanceName

  8. now from VS you can setup your connection In VS, View/Server Explorer/(Right click) Data Connections/Add Connection Data Source: Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) Server name: (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB Log on to the server: Use Windows Authentication Press "Test Connection", Then OK.

  9. job done

What REST PUT/POST/DELETE calls should return by a convention?

I like Alfonso Tienda responce from HTTP status code for update and delete?

Here are some Tips:


  • 200 (if you want send some additional data in the Response) or 204 (recommended).

  • 202 Operation deleted has not been committed yet.

  • If there's nothing to delete, use 204 or 404 (DELETE operation is idempotent, delete an already deleted item is operation successful, so you can return 204, but it's true that idempotent doesn't necessarily imply the same response)

Other errors:

  • 400 Bad Request (Malformed syntax or a bad query is strange but possible).
  • 401 Unauthorized Authentication failure
  • 403 Forbidden: Authorization failure or invalid Application ID.
  • 405 Not Allowed. Sure.
  • 409 Resource Conflict can be possible in complex systems.
  • And 501, 502 in case of errors.


If you're updating an element of a collection

  • 200/204 with the same reasons as DELETE above.
  • 202 if the operation has not been commited yet.

The referenced element doesn't exists:

  • PUT can be 201 (if you created the element because that is your behaviour)

  • 404 If you don't want to create elements via PUT.

  • 400 Bad Request (Malformed syntax or a bad query more common than in case of DELETE).

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden: Authentication failure or invalid Application ID.

  • 405 Not Allowed. Sure.

  • 409 Resource Conflict can be possible in complex systems, as in DELETE.

  • 422 Unprocessable entity It helps to distinguish between a "Bad request" (e.g. malformed XML/JSON) and invalid field values

  • And 501, 502 in case of errors.

C# Listbox Item Double Click Event

It depends whether you ListBox object of the System.Windows.Forms.ListBox class, which does have the ListBox.IndexFromPoint() method. But if the ListBox object is from the System.Windows.Control.Listbox class, the answer from @dark-knight (marked as correct answer) does not work.

Im running Win 10 (1903) and current versions of the .NET framework (4.8). This issue should not be version dependant though, only whether your Application is using WPF or Windows Form for the UI. See also: WPF vs Windows Form

PySpark: withColumn() with two conditions and three outcomes

The withColumn function in pyspark enables you to make a new variable with conditions, add in the when and otherwise functions and you have a properly working if then else structure. For all of this you would need to import the sparksql functions, as you will see that the following bit of code will not work without the col() function. In the first bit, we declare a new column -'new column', and then give the condition enclosed in when function (i.e. fruit1==fruit2) then give 1 if the condition is true, if untrue the control goes to the otherwise which then takes care of the second condition (fruit1 or fruit2 is Null) with the isNull() function and if true 3 is returned and if false, the otherwise is checked again giving 0 as the answer.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    F.when(F.col('fruit1')==F.col('fruit2'), 1)
    .otherwise(F.when((F.col('fruit1').isNull()) | (F.col('fruit2').isNull()), 3))

How do you make an element "flash" in jQuery

I am using this one. though not yet tested on all browser. just modify this in the way you like,

usage: hlight($("#mydiv"));

function hlight(elementid){
    var hlight= "#fe1414"; //set the hightlight color
    var aspeed= 2000; //set animation speed
    var orig= "#ffffff"; // set default background color
    elementid.stop().css("background-color", hlight).animate({backgroundColor: orig}, aspeed);

NOTE: you need a jquery UI added to your header.

Export P7b file with all the certificate chain into CER file

-print_certs is the option you want to use to list all of the certificates in the p7b file, you may need to specify the format of the p7b file you are reading.

You can then redirect the output to a new file to build the concatenated list of certificates.

Open the file in a text editor, you will either see Base64 (PEM) or binary data (DER).

openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in certificate.p7b -print_certs > certificate_bundle.cer

java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x91\xBD\xF0\x9F...'

This setting useOldUTF8Behavior=true worked fine for me. It gave no incorrect string errors but it converted special characters like à into multiple characters and saved in the database.

To avoid such situations, I removed this property from the JDBC parameter and instead converted the datatype of my column to BLOB. This worked perfect.

How to redirect stdout to both file and console with scripting?

You can use shell redirection while executing the python file:

python > file

This will write all results being printed on stdout from the python source to file to the logfile.

Or if you want logging from within the script:

import sys

class Logger(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.terminal = sys.stdout
        self.log = open("logfile.log", "a")

    def write(self, message):

    def flush(self):
        #this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility.
        #this handles the flush command by doing nothing.
        #you might want to specify some extra behavior here.

sys.stdout = Logger()

Now you can use:

print "Hello"

This will write "Hello" to both stdout and the logfile

Get all directories within directory nodejs

List directories using a path.

function getDirectories(path) {
  return fs.readdirSync(path).filter(function (file) {
    return fs.statSync(path+'/'+file).isDirectory();

PhoneGap Eclipse Issue - eglCodecCommon glUtilsParamSize: unknow param errors

@theczechsensation's solution is already half way there.

For those who like to exclude noisy log messages and keep the log to their app only this is the solution:

New Logcat Filter Settings

Add your exclusions to Log Tag like this: ^(?!(eglCodecCommon|tagToExclude))

Add your package name or prefix to Package Name: com.mycompany.

This way it is possible to filter for as many strings you like and keep the log to your package.

Converting bool to text in C++

Without dragging ostream into it:

constexpr char const* to_c_str(bool b) {
    std::array<char const*, 2>{"false", "true "}[b]

How to clone a Date object?

This is the cleanest approach

let dat = new Date() _x000D_
let copyOf = new Date(dat.valueOf())_x000D_

How do you set your pythonpath in an already-created virtualenv?

I modified my activate script to source the file .virtualenvrc, if it exists in the current directory, and to save/restore PYTHONPATH on activate/deactivate.

You can find the patched activate script here.. It's a drop-in replacement for the activate script created by virtualenv 1.11.6.

Then I added something like this to my .virtualenvrc:

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH:+$PYTHONPATH:}/some/library/path"

iOS 10: "[App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction"

To fix, I deleted the app from Simulator.

I also ran Clean first.

I do not think anything orientation-related triggered it. The biggest thing that changed before this symptom started is that a Swift framework started calling NSLog on worker threads instead of main thread.

Session variables in ASP.NET MVC

If you are using mvc, here is a simple way to access the session.

From a Controller:


From a View:

<%=Session["{name}"] %>

This is definitely not the best way to access your session variables, but it is a direct route. So use it with caution (preferably during rapid prototyping), and use a Wrapper/Container and OnSessionStart when it becomes appropriate.


Quickest way to find missing number in an array of numbers

I think the easiest and possibly the most efficient solution would be to loop over all entries and use a bitset to remember which numbers are set, and then test for 0 bit. The entry with the 0 bit is the missing number.

Make an HTTP request with android

private String getToServer(String service) throws IOException {
    HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(service);
    ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
    return new DefaultHttpClient().execute(httpget, responseHandler);



How to create a GUID/UUID using iOS

[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]

Returns the Unique ID of your iPhone.

EDIT: -[UIDevice uniqueIdentifier] is now deprecated and apps are being rejected from the App Store for using it. The method below is now the preferred approach.

If you need to create several UUID, just use this method (with ARC):

+ (NSString *)GetUUID
  CFStringRef string = CFUUIDCreateString(NULL, theUUID);
  return (__bridge NSString *)string;

EDIT: Jan, 29 2014: If you're targeting iOS 6 or later, you can now use the much simpler method:

NSString *UUID = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString];

How to read appSettings section in the web.config file?

You should add System.configuration dll as reference and use System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["configFile"].ToString

Don't forget to add usingstatement at the beginning. Hope it will help.

Parsing JSON from XmlHttpRequest.responseJSON

New ways I: fetch

TL;DR I'd recommend this way as long as you don't have to send synchronous requests or support old browsers.

A long as your request is asynchronous you can use the Fetch API to send HTTP requests. The fetch API works with promises, which is a nice way to handle asynchronous workflows in JavaScript. With this approach you use fetch() to send a request and ResponseBody.json() to parse the response:

  .then(function(response) {
    return response.json();
  .then(function(jsonResponse) {
    // do something with jsonResponse

Compatibility: The Fetch API is not supported by IE11 as well as Edge 12 & 13. However, there are polyfills.

New ways II: responseType

As Londeren has written in his answer, newer browsers allow you to use the responseType property to define the expected format of the response. The parsed response data can then be accessed via the response property:

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.responseType = 'json';'GET', url, true);
req.onload  = function() {
   var jsonResponse = req.response;
   // do something with jsonResponse

Compatibility: responseType = 'json' is not supported by IE11.

The classic way

The standard XMLHttpRequest has no responseJSON property, just responseText and responseXML. As long as bitly really responds with some JSON to your request, responseText should contain the JSON code as text, so all you've got to do is to parse it with JSON.parse():

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.overrideMimeType("application/json");'GET', url, true);
req.onload  = function() {
   var jsonResponse = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
   // do something with jsonResponse

Compatibility: This approach should work with any browser that supports XMLHttpRequest and JSON.


If you prefer to use responseJSON, but want a more lightweight solution than JQuery, you might want to check out my JSONHttpRequest. It works exactly like a normal XMLHttpRequest, but also provides the responseJSON property. All you have to change in your code would be the first line:

var req = new JSONHttpRequest();

JSONHttpRequest also provides functionality to easily send JavaScript objects as JSON. More details and the code can be found here:

Full disclosure: I'm the owner of Pixels|Bytes. I thought that my script was a good solution for the original question, but it is rather outdated today. I do not recommend to use it anymore.

Change label text using JavaScript

Because the script will get executed first.. When the script will get executed, at that time controls are not getting loaded. So after loading controls you write a script.

It will work.

How do you delete all text above a certain line

:1,.d deletes lines 1 to current.
:1,.-1d deletes lines 1 to above current.

(Personally I'd use dgg or kdgg like the other answers, but TMTOWTDI.)

Allow 2 decimal places in <input type="number">

You can use this. react hooks

                  placeholder="Enter price"

Converting any object to a byte array in java

As i've mentioned in other, similar questions, you may want to consider compressing the data as the default java serialization is a bit verbose. you do this by putting a GZIPInput/OutputStream between the Object streams and the Byte streams.

CharSequence VS String in Java?

An issue that DO arise in practical Android code is that comparing them with CharSequence.equals is valid but does not necessarily work as intended.

EditText t = (EditText )getView(; // Contains "OK"
Boolean isFalse = t.getText().equals("OK"); // will always return false.

Comparison should be made by


Checking password match while typing


if($(this).val() != $('#txtNewPassword').val().substr(0,$(this).val().length))
 alert('confirm password not match');


Reset git proxy to default configuration

Edit .gitconfig file (Probably in your home directory of the user ~) and change the http and https proxy fields to space only

    proxy = 
    proxy = 

That worked for me in the windows.

getting the ng-object selected with ng-change

Instead of setting the ng-model to item.size.code, how about setting it to size:

<select ng-options="size as for size in sizes" 
   ng-model="item" ng-change="update()"></select>

Then in your update() method, $scope.item will be set to the currently selected item.

And whatever code needed item.size.code, can get that property via $scope.item.code.


Update based on more info in comments:

Use some other $scope property for your select ng-model then:

<select ng-options="size as for size in sizes" 
   ng-model="selectedItem" ng-change="update()"></select>


$scope.update = function() {
   $scope.item.size.code = $scope.selectedItem.code
   // use $scope.selectedItem.code and $ here
   // for other stuff ...

Reverse the ordering of words in a string

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>

void reverse(char *data, int len) {
    int counter = 0;
    int end = len - 1;
    char temp;

    for (counter = 0; counter < len / 2; counter++, end--) {
        temp = data[counter];
        data[counter] = data[end];
        data[end] = temp;

int main(void) {
    char data[] = "This is a line and needs to be reverse by words!";
    int c = 0;
    int len = strlen(data);
    int wl = 0;
    int start = 0;
    printf("\n    data =  %s", data);
    reverse(data, len);

    for (c = 0; c < len; c++) {
        if (!wl) {
            start = c;
        if (data[c] != ' ') {
        } else {
            reverse(data + start, wl);
            wl = 0;


    printf("\nnow data =  %s", data);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

How to use EditText onTextChanged event when I press the number?

put the logic in

afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
    string str = s.toString()
    // use the string str

documentation on TextWatcher

Is it possible to get the index you're sorting over in Underscore.js?

When available, I believe that most lodash array functions will show the iteration. But sorting isn't really an iteration in the same way: when you're on the number 66, you aren't processing the fourth item in the array until it's finished. A custom sort function will loop through an array a number of times, nudging adjacent numbers forward or backward, until the everything is in its proper place.

How can I commit files with git?

I don't know your system environment, but it seems, that you have typed:

git commit

And your default editor has been launched. In the worst case scenario (for you) it could have been vim :)

If you don't know how to quit vim, use :q.

If you have further problems, you could use

git commit -m 'Type your commit message here'

Why do I get an error instantiating an interface?

IUser is the interface, you can't instantiate the interface.

You need to instantiate the concrete class that implements the interface.

IUser user = new User();


User user = new User();

XPath with multiple conditions

Here, we can do this way as well:

//category [@name='category name']/author[contains(text(),'authorname')]


//category [@name='category name']//author[contains(text(),'authorname')]

To Learn XPATH in detail please visit- selenium xpath in detail

Can we have multiple <tbody> in same <table>?

EDIT: The caption tag belongs to table and thus should only exist once. Do not associate a caption with each tbody element like I did:

    <caption>First Half of Table (British Dinner)</caption>
    <caption>Second Half of Table (Italian Dinner)</caption>


The above example does not render as you would expect because writing like this indicates a misunderstanding of the caption tag. You would need lots of CSS hacks to make it render correctly because you would be going against standards.

I searched for W3Cs standards on the caption tag but could not find an explicit rule that states there must be only one caption element per table but that is in fact the case.

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch and Cors error

Adding mode:'no-cors' to the request header guarantees that no response will be available in the response

Adding a "non standard" header, line 'access-control-allow-origin' will trigger a OPTIONS preflight request, which your server must handle correctly in order for the POST request to even be sent

You're also doing fetch wrong ... fetch returns a "promise" for a Response object which has promise creators for json, text, etc. depending on the content type...

In short, if your server side handles CORS correctly (which from your comment suggests it does) the following should work

function send(){
    var myVar = {"id" : 1};
    console.log("tuleb siia", document.getElementById('saada').value);
    fetch("http://localhost:3000", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "text/plain"
        body: JSON.stringify(myVar)
    }).then(function(response) {
        return response.json();
        document.getElementById('väljund').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(muutuja);

however, since your code isn't really interested in JSON (it stringifies the object after all) - it's simpler to do

function send(){
    var myVar = {"id" : 1};
    console.log("tuleb siia", document.getElementById('saada').value);
    fetch("http://localhost:3000", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "text/plain"
        body: JSON.stringify(myVar)
    }).then(function(response) {
        return response.text();
        document.getElementById('väljund').innerHTML = muutuja;

Keyboard shortcut to paste clipboard content into command prompt window (Win XP)

Here's a free tool that will do it on Windows. I prefer it to a script as it's easy to set up. It runs as a fast native app, works on XP and up, has configuration settings that allow to remap copy/paste/selection keys for command windows:

enter image description here

Plus I know the developers.

How to use environment variables in docker compose

add env to .env file

Such as


then save it to


prepare() {
        local inFile=$(pwd)/$INPUTFILE
        local outFile=$(pwd)/$RESULT_NAME
        cp $inFile $outFile
        while read -r line; do
               sed -i -e "s/\${${pair[0]}}/${pair[1]}/g" $outFile
            done <.env
deploy() {
        docker stack deploy -c $outFile $NAME


Update Fragment from ViewPager

Very simple to override the method in the fragment:


public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) {


Print to the same line and not a new line?

For me, what worked was a combo of Remi's and siriusd's answers:

from __future__ import print_function
import sys

print(str, end='\r')

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver

You can try like below with sqljdbc4-2.0.jar:

 public void getConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
        String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://<SERVER_IP>:<PORT_NO>;databaseName=" + DATABASE_NAME;
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
        System.out.println("DB Connection started");
        Statement sta = conn.createStatement();
        String Sql = "select * from TABLE_NAME";
        ResultSet rs = sta.executeQuery(Sql);
        while ( {

How can you test if an object has a specific property?

Like this?

 [bool]($ -match "myPropertyNameToTest")

Bubble Sort Homework

Try this

a = int(input("Enter Limit"))

val = []

for z in range(0,a):
    b = int(input("Enter Number in List"))

for y in range(0,len(val)):
   for x in range(0,len(val)-1):
       if val[x]>val[x+1]:
           t = val[x]
           val[x] = val[x+1]
           val[x+1] = t


How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?

Easiest solution is to derive a new root window for your application:

@implementation OMGWindow : UIWindow

- (void)motionEnded:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    if (event.type == UIEventTypeMotion && motion == UIEventSubtypeMotionShake) {
        // via notification or something   

Then in your application delegate:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    self.window = [[OMGWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];

If you are using a Storyboard, this may be trickier, I don’t know the code you will need in the application delegate precisely.

Refresh a page using PHP

Adding this meta tag in PHP might help:

echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=' . $location . '">';

Are there bookmarks in Visual Studio Code?

You need to do this via an extension as of the version 1.8.1.

  1. Go to View ? Extensions. This will open Extensions Panel.

  2. Type bookmark to list all related extensions.

  3. Install

I personally like "Numbered Bookmarks" - it is pretty simple and powerful.

Go to the line you need to create a bookmark.

Click Ctrl + Shift + [some number]

Ex: Ctrl + Shift + 2

Now you can jump to this line from anywhere by pressing Ctrl + number

Ex: Ctrl + 2

How to know a Pod's own IP address from inside a container in the Pod?

POD_HOST=$(kubectl get pod $POD_NAME --template={{.status.podIP}})

This command will return you an IP

Is there a Google Sheets formula to put the name of the sheet into a cell?

If you reference the sheet from another sheet, you can get the sheet name using the CELL function. You can then use regex to extract out the sheet name.

=REGEXREPLACE(CELL("address",'SHEET NAME'!A1),"'?([^']+)'?!.*","$1")

update: The formula will automatically update 'SHEET NAME' with future changes, but you will need to reference a cell (such as A1) on that sheet when the formula is originally entered.

How to pass data using NotificationCenter in swift 3.0 and NSNotificationCenter in swift 2.0?

Hello @sahil I update your answer for swift 3

let imageDataDict:[String: UIImage] = ["image": image]

  // post a notification NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil, userInfo: imageDataDict) 
  // `default` is now a property, not a method call

 // Register to receive notification in your class
 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.showSpinningWheel(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil)

 // handle notification
 func showSpinningWheel(_ notification: NSNotification) {
        print(notification.userInfo ?? "")
        if let dict = notification.userInfo as NSDictionary? {
            if let id = dict["image"] as? UIImage{
                // do something with your image

Hope it's helpful. Thanks

curl_exec() always returns false

This happened to me yesterday and in my case was because I was following a PDF manual to develop some module to communicate with an API and while copying the link directly from the manual, for some odd reason, the hyphen from the copied link was in a different encoding and hence the curl_exec() was always returning false because it was unable to communicate with the server.

It took me a couple hours to finally understand the diference in the characters bellow:

Every time I tried to access the link directly from a browser it converted to something like

It may seem to you that they are equal but if you check the encoding of the hyphens here you'll see that the first hyphen is a unicode characters U+2010 and the other is a U+002D.

Hope this helps someone.

PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date

This should work. I converted the date to unix time via strtotime.

  foreach ($originalArray as $key => $part) {
       $sort[$key] = strtotime($part['datetime']);
  array_multisort($sort, SORT_DESC, $originalArray);

One-liner version would be using multiple array methods:


Android EditText view Floating Hint in Material Design

Yes, as of May 29, 2015 this functionality is now provided in the Android Design Support Library

This library includes support for

  • Floating labels
  • Floating action button
  • Snackbar
  • Navigation drawer
  • and more

How to get the number of columns in a matrix?

While size(A,2) is correct, I find it's much more readable to first define

rows = @(x) size(x,1); 
cols = @(x) size(x,2);

and then use, for example, like this:

howManyColumns_in_A = cols(A)
howManyRows_in_A    = rows(A)

It might appear as a small saving, but size(.., 1) and size(.., 2) must be some of the most commonly used functions, and they are not optimally readable as-is.

Java SimpleDateFormat for time zone with a colon separator?

Thanks acdcjunior for your solution. Here's a little optimized version for formatting and parsing :

public static final SimpleDateFormat XML_SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", Locale.FRANCE)
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8275126788734707527L;

    public StringBuffer format(Date date, StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos)
        final StringBuffer buf = super.format(date, toAppendTo, pos);
        buf.insert(buf.length() - 2, ':');
        return buf;

    public Date parse(String source) throws java.text.ParseException {
        final int split = source.length() - 2;
        return super.parse(source.substring(0, split - 1) + source.substring(split)); // replace ":" du TimeZone

Calling remove in foreach loop in Java

You don't want to do that. It can cause undefined behavior depending on the collection. You want to use an Iterator directly. Although the for each construct is syntactic sugar and is really using an iterator, it hides it from your code so you can't access it to call Iterator.remove.

The behavior of an iterator is unspecified if the underlying collection is modified while the iteration is in progress in any way other than by calling this method.

Instead write your code:

List<String> names = ....
Iterator<String> it = names.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {

    String name =;
    // Do something

Note that the code calls Iterator.remove, not List.remove.


Even if you are removing an element that has not been iterated over yet, you still don't want to modify the collection and then use the Iterator. It might modify the collection in a way that is surprising and affects future operations on the Iterator.

Tools for creating Class Diagrams

I use StarUML. It works quite good.

Turn off enclosing <p> tags in CKEditor 3.0

CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; - this works perfectly for me. Have you tried clearing your browser cache - this is an issue sometimes.
You can also check it out with the jQuery adapter:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
        toolbar: 'Full',
        enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
        shiftEnterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P

UPDATE according to @Tomkay's comment:

Since version 3.6 of CKEditor you can configure if you want inline content to be automatically wrapped with tags like <p></p>. This is the correct setting:

CKEDITOR.config.autoParagraph = false;


Difference between window.location.href, window.location.replace and window.location.assign

The part about not being able to use the Back button is a common misinterpretation. window.location.replace(URL) throws out the top ONE entry from the page history list, by overwriting it with the new entry, so the user can't easily go Back to that ONE particular webpage. The function does NOT wipe out the entire page history list, nor does it make the Back button completely non-functional.

(NO function nor combination of parameters that I know of can change or overwrite history list entries that you don't own absolutely for certain - browsers generally impelement this security limitation by simply not even defining any operation that might at all affect any entry other than the top one in the page history list. I shudder to think what sorts of dastardly things malware might do if such a function existed.)

If you really want to make the Back button non-functional (probably not "user friendly": think again if that's really what you want to do), "open" a brand new window. (You can "open" a popup that doesn't even have a "Back" button too ...but popups aren't very popular these days:-) If you want to keep your page showing no matter what the user does (again the "user friendliness" is questionable), set up a window.onunload handler that just reloads your page all over again clear from the very beginning every time.

When should I use git pull --rebase?

You should use git pull --rebase when

  • your changes do not deserve a separate branch

Indeed -- why not then? It's more clear, and doesn't impose a logical grouping on your commits.

Ok, I suppose it needs some clarification. In Git, as you probably know, you're encouraged to branch and merge. Your local branch, into which you pull changes, and remote branch are, actually, different branches, and git pull is about merging them. It's reasonable, since you push not very often and usually accumulate a number of changes before they constitute a completed feature.

However, sometimes--by whatever reason--you think that it would actually be better if these two--remote and local--were one branch. Like in SVN. It is here where git pull --rebase comes into play. You no longer merge--you actually commit on top of the remote branch. That's what it actually is about.

Whether it's dangerous or not is the question of whether you are treating local and remote branch as one inseparable thing. Sometimes it's reasonable (when your changes are small, or if you're at the beginning of a robust development, when important changes are brought in by small commits). Sometimes it's not (when you'd normally create another branch, but you were too lazy to do that). But that's a different question.

jQuery UI dialog positioning

Check out some of the jQuery plugins for other implementations of a dialog. Cluetip appears to be a feature-rich tooltip/dialog style plug-in. The 4th demo sounds similar to what you are trying to do (although I see that it doesn't have the precise positioning option that you're looking for.)

How to get the user input in Java?

Here is a more developed version of the accepted answer that addresses two common needs:

  • Collecting user input repeatedly until an exit value has been entered
  • Dealing with invalid input values (non-integers in this example)


package inputTest;

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;

public class InputTest {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Please enter integers. Type 0 to exit.");

        boolean done = false;
        while (!done) {
            System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");
            try {
                int n = reader.nextInt();
                if (n == 0) {
                    done = true;
                else {
                    // do something with the input
                    System.out.println("\tThe number entered was: " + n);
            catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                System.out.println("\tInvalid input type (must be an integer)");
                reader.nextLine();  // Clear invalid input from scanner buffer.


Please enter integers. Type 0 to exit.
Enter an integer: 12
    The number entered was: 12
Enter an integer: -56
    The number entered was: -56
Enter an integer: 4.2
    Invalid input type (must be an integer)
Enter an integer: but i hate integers
    Invalid input type (must be an integer)
Enter an integer: 3
    The number entered was: 3
Enter an integer: 0

Note that without nextLine(), the bad input will trigger the same exception repeatedly in an infinite loop. You might want to use next() instead depending on the circumstance, but know that input like this has spaces will generate multiple exceptions.

Use async await with

I had a task on BE side to find all entities from a repo, and to add a new property url and to return to controller layer. This is how I achieved it (thanks to Ajedi32's response):

async findAll(): Promise<ImageResponse[]> {
    const images = await this.imageRepository.find(); // This is an array of type Image (DB entity)
    const host = this.request.get('host');
    const mappedImages = await Promise.all( => ({...image, url: `http://${host}/images/${}`}))); // This is an array of type Object
    return plainToClass(ImageResponse, mappedImages); // Result is an array of type ImageResponse

Note: Image (entity) doesn't have property url, but ImageResponse - has

Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem

The problem could be that the Python libraries, per HTTP-Standard, first send an unauthenticated request, and then only if it's answered with a 401 retry, are the correct credentials sent. If the Foursquare servers don't do "totally standard authentication" then the libraries won't work.

Try using headers to do authentication:

import urllib2, base64

request = urllib2.Request("")
base64string = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (username, password))
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)   
result = urllib2.urlopen(request)

Had the same problem as you and found the solution from this thread:

jQuery - Get Width of Element when Not Visible (Display: None)

As has been said before, the clone and attach elsewhere method does not guarantee the same results as styling may be different.

Below is my approach. It travels up the parents looking for the parent responsible for the hiding, then temporarily unhides it to calculate the required width, height, etc.

    var width = parseInt($image.width(), 10);_x000D_
    var height = parseInt($image.height(), 10);_x000D_
    if (width === 0) {_x000D_
        if ($image.css("display") === "none") {_x000D_
            $image.css("display", "block");_x000D_
            width = parseInt($image.width(), 10);_x000D_
            height = parseInt($image.height(), 10);_x000D_
            $image.css("display", "none");_x000D_
        else {_x000D_
            $image.parents().each(function () {_x000D_
                var $parent = $(this);_x000D_
                if ($parent.css("display") === "none") {_x000D_
                    $parent.css("display", "block");_x000D_
                    width = parseInt($image.width(), 10);_x000D_
                    height = parseInt($image.height(), 10);_x000D_
                    $parent.css("display", "none");_x000D_

How to generate and auto increment Id with Entity Framework

You have a bad table design. You can't autoincrement a string, that doesn't make any sense. You have basically two options:

1.) change type of ID to int instead of string
2.) not recommended!!! - handle autoincrement by yourself. You first need to get the latest value from the database, parse it to the integer, increment it and attach it to the entity as a string again. VERY BAD idea

First option requires to change every table that has a reference to this table, BUT it's worth it.

Getting a list of all subdirectories in the current directory

Since I stumbled upon this problem using Python 3.4 and Windows UNC paths, here's a variant for this environment:

from pathlib import WindowsPath

def SubDirPath (d):
    return [f for f in d.iterdir() if f.is_dir()]

subdirs = SubDirPath(WindowsPath(r'\\file01.acme.local\home$'))

Pathlib is new in Python 3.4 and makes working with paths under different OSes much easier:

Best way to strip punctuation from a string

Remove stop words from the text file using Python


with open('one.txt','r')as myFile:

    stop_words ="not", "is", "it", "By","between","This","By","A","when","And","up","Then","was","by","It","If","can","an","he","This","or","And","a","i","it","am","at","on","in","of","to","is","so","too","my","the","and","but","are","very","here","even","from","them","then","than","this","that","though","be","But","these"


    myList.extend(str1.split(" "))

    for i in myList:

        if i not in stop_words:

            print ("____________")


MS Access DB Engine (32-bit) with Office 64-bit

A similar approach to @Peter Coppins answer. This, I think, is a bit easier and doesn't require the use of the Orca utility:

  1. Check the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\FilesPaths" registry key and make sure the value "mso.dll" is NOT present. If it is present, then Office 64-bit seems to be installed and you should not need this workaround.

  2. Download the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable.

  3. From the command line, run: AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe /passive

(Note: this installer silently crashed or failed for me, so I unzipped the components and ran: AceRedist.msi /passive and that installed fine. Maybe a Windows 10 thing.)

  1. Delete or rename the "mso.dll" value in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\FilesPaths" key.

Source: How to install 64-bit Microsoft Database Drivers alongside 32-bit Microsoft Office

CSS Div width percentage and padding without breaking layout

Try removing the position from header and add overflow to container:

#container {
#header {

Call to undefined function App\Http\Controllers\ [ function name ]

say you define the static getFactorial function inside a CodeController

then this is the way you need to call a static function, because static properties and methods exists with in the class, not in the objects created using the class.



To best practice I think you can put this kind of functions inside a separate file so you can maintain with more easily.

to do that

create a folder inside app directory and name it as lib (you can put a name you like).

this folder to needs to be autoload to do that add app/lib to composer.json as below. and run the composer dumpautoload command.

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [

then files inside lib will autoloaded.

then create a file inside lib, i name it helperFunctions.php

inside that define the function.

if ( ! function_exists('getFactorial'))

     * return the factorial of a number
     * @param $number
     * @return string
    function getFactorial($date)
        $fact = 1;

        for($i = 1; $i <= $num ;$i++)
            $fact = $fact * $i;

        return $fact;


and call it anywhere within the app as

$fatorial_value = getFactorial(225);

Stopping a thread after a certain amount of time

If you want to use a class:

from datetime import datetime,timedelta

class MyThread(): 

    def __init__(self, name, timeLimit):        = name
        self.timeLimit = timeLimit
    def run(self): 
        # get the start time
        startTime =
        while True:
           # stop if the time limit is reached :

mt = MyThread('aThread',timedelta(microseconds=20000))

How to change MySQL data directory?

Everything as @user1341296 said, plus...

You better not to change /etc/mysql/my.cnf Instead you want to create new file/etc/mysql/conf.d/ext.cnf (any name, but extension should be cnf)

And put in it your change:


In this way

  • You do not need to change existing file (easier for automation scripts)
  • No problems with MySQL version (and it's configs!) update.

Understanding Spring @Autowired usage

Nothing in the example says that the "classes implementing the same interface". MovieCatalog is a type and CustomerPreferenceDao is another type. Spring can easily tell them apart.

In Spring 2.x, wiring of beans mostly happened via bean IDs or names. This is still supported by Spring 3.x but often, you will have one instance of a bean with a certain type - most services are singletons. Creating names for those is tedious. So Spring started to support "autowire by type".

What the examples show is various ways that you can use to inject beans into fields, methods and constructors.

The XML already contains all the information that Spring needs since you have to specify the fully qualified class name in each bean. You need to be a bit careful with interfaces, though:

This autowiring will fail:

 public void prepare( Interface1 bean1, Interface1 bean2 ) { ... }

Since Java doesn't keep the parameter names in the byte code, Spring can't distinguish between the two beans anymore. The fix is to use @Qualifier:

 public void prepare( @Qualifier("bean1") Interface1 bean1,
     @Qualifier("bean2")  Interface1 bean2 ) { ... }

Get selected option from select element

Try following code

$('#ddlCodes').change(function() {
  $('#txtEntry2').val(  $('#ddlCodes :selected').text() );

How do I start an activity from within a Fragment?

The difference between starting an Activity from a Fragment and an Activity is how you get the context, because in both cases it has to be an activity.

From an activity: The context is the current activity (this)

Intent intent = new Intent(this, NewActivity.class);

From a fragment: The context is the parent activity (getActivity()). Notice, that the fragment itself can start the activity via startActivity(), this is not necessary to be done from the activity.

Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), NewActivity.class);

How to remove trailing and leading whitespace for user-provided input in a batch file?

You need to enable delayed expansion. Try this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /p input=:
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ("%input%") do set input=%%a
for /l %%a in (1,1,100) do if "!input:~-1!"==" " set input=!input:~0,-1!
goto blah

What does the "undefined reference to varName" in C mean?

It is very bad style to define external interfaces in .c files. .

You should do this


    extern void doSomething (int    sig);


    void doSomething (int    sig)
       ... do stuff 


#include "a.h"
signal(SIGNAL, doSomething); 


NULL values inside NOT IN clause

In A, 3 is tested for equality against each member of the set, yielding (FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, UNKNOWN). Since one of the elements is TRUE, the condition is TRUE. (It's also possible that some short-circuiting takes place here, so it actually stops as soon as it hits the first TRUE and never evaluates 3=NULL.)

In B, I think it is evaluating the condition as NOT (3 in (1,2,null)). Testing 3 for equality against the set yields (FALSE, FALSE, UNKNOWN), which is aggregated to UNKNOWN. NOT ( UNKNOWN ) yields UNKNOWN. So overall the truth of the condition is unknown, which at the end is essentially treated as FALSE.

Inserting multiple rows in a single SQL query?

NOTE: This answer is for SQL Server 2005. For SQL Server 2008 and later, there are much better methods as seen in the other answers.


INSERT INTO MyTable  (FirstCol, SecondCol)
    SELECT  'First' ,1
SELECT  'Second' ,2
SELECT  'Third' ,3

Only for small datasets though, which should be fine for your 4 records.

How to use pagination on HTML tables?

It is a very simple and effective utility build in jquery to implement pagination on html table

Download the plugin from

After adding this plugin add following code in head script

$(document).ready(function() { 
    .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']}) 
    .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")}); 

Android DialogFragment vs Dialog

Generic AlertDialogFragment with Builder Pattern

In my project, I already used AlertDialog.Builder already a lot before I found out that it's problematic. However, I did not want to change that much code anywhere in my app. Additionally, I actually am a fan of passing OnClickListeners as anonymous classes where they are needed (that is, when using setPositiveButton(), setNegativeButton() etc.) instead of having to implement thousands of callback methods to communicate between a dialog fragment and the holder fragment, which can, in my opinion, lead to very confusing and complex code. Especially, if you have multiple different dialogs in one fragment and then need to distinguish in the callback implementations between which dialog currently being shown.

Therefore, I combined different approaches to create a generic AlertDialogFragment helper class which can be used exactly like AlertDialog:


(PLEASE NOTE that I am using Java 8 lambda expressions in my code, so you might have to change parts of the code if you are not using lambda expressions yet.)

 * Helper class for dialog fragments to show a {@link AlertDialog}. It can be used almost exactly
 * like a {@link AlertDialog.Builder}
 * <p />
 * Creation Date: 22.03.16
 * @author felix,
public class AlertDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {
    protected FragmentActivity activity;
    protected Bundle args;
    protected String tag = AlertDialogFragment.class.getSimpleName();

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        activity = getActivity();
        args = getArguments();

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Dialog dialog = setDialogDefaults(new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())).create();

        if (args.containsKey("gravity")) {
            dialog.getWindow().getAttributes().gravity = args.getInt("gravity");

        dialog.setOnShowListener(d -> {
            if (dialog != null && dialog.findViewById(( != null) {
                ((TextView) dialog.findViewById(;
        return dialog;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);

    public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {

        if (args.containsKey("onDismissListener")) {
            Parcelable onDismissListener = args.getParcelable("onDismissListener");
            if (onDismissListener != null && onDismissListener instanceof ParcelableOnDismissListener) {
                ((ParcelableOnDismissListener) onDismissListener).onDismiss(this);

     * Sets default dialog properties by arguments which were set using {@link #builder(FragmentActivity)}
    protected AlertDialog.Builder setDialogDefaults(AlertDialog.Builder builder) {
        args = getArguments();
        activity = getActivity();

        if (args.containsKey("title")) {

        if (args.containsKey("message")) {
            CharSequence message = args.getCharSequence("message");

        if (args.containsKey("viewId")) {
            builder.setView(getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(args.getInt("viewId"), null));

        if (args.containsKey("positiveButtonText")) {
            builder.setPositiveButton(args.getCharSequence("positiveButtonText"), (dialog, which) -> {
                onButtonClicked("positiveButtonListener", which);

        if (args.containsKey("negativeButtonText")) {
            builder.setNegativeButton(args.getCharSequence("negativeButtonText"), (dialog, which) -> {
                onButtonClicked("negativeButtonListener", which);

        if (args.containsKey("neutralButtonText")) {
            builder.setNeutralButton(args.getCharSequence("neutralButtonText"), (dialog, which) -> {
                onButtonClicked("neutralButtonListener", which);

        if (args.containsKey("items")) {
            builder.setItems(args.getStringArray("items"), (dialog, which) -> {
                onButtonClicked("itemClickListener", which);

        // @formatter:off
        // FIXME this a pretty hacky workaround: we don't want to show the dialog if onClickListener of one of the dialog's button click listener were lost
        //       the problem is, that there is no (known) solution for parceling a OnClickListener in the long term (only for state changes like orientation change,
        //       but not if the Activity was completely lost)
        if (
                (args.getParcelable("positiveButtonListener") != null && !(args.getParcelable("positiveButtonListener") instanceof ParcelableOnClickListener)) ||
                (args.getParcelable("negativeButtonListener") != null && !(args.getParcelable("negativeButtonListener") instanceof ParcelableOnClickListener)) ||
                (args.getParcelable("neutralButtonListener") != null && !(args.getParcelable("neutralButtonListener") instanceof ParcelableOnClickListener)) ||
                (args.getParcelable("itemClickListener") != null && !(args.getParcelable("itemClickListener") instanceof ParcelableOnClickListener))
        ) {
            new DebugMessage("Forgot onClickListener. Needs to be dismissed.")
            try {
            } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalStateException ignored) {}
        // @formatter:on

        return builder;

    public interface OnDismissListener {
        void onDismiss(AlertDialogFragment dialogFragment);

    public interface OnClickListener {
        void onClick(AlertDialogFragment dialogFragment, int which);

    protected void onButtonClicked(String buttonKey, int which) {
        ParcelableOnClickListener parcelableOnClickListener = getArguments().getParcelable(buttonKey);
        if (parcelableOnClickListener != null) {
            parcelableOnClickListener.onClick(this, which);

    // region Convenience Builder Pattern class almost similar to AlertDialog.Builder
    // =============================================================================================

    public AlertDialogFragment builder(FragmentActivity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;
        this.args = new Bundle();
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment addArguments(Bundle bundle) {
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setTitle(int titleStringId) {
        return setTitle(activity.getString(titleStringId));

    public AlertDialogFragment setTitle(CharSequence title) {
        args.putCharSequence("title", title);
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setMessage(int messageStringId) {
        return setMessage(activity.getString(messageStringId));

    public AlertDialogFragment setMessage(CharSequence message) {
        args.putCharSequence("message", message);
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setPositiveButton(int textStringId, OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        return setPositiveButton(activity.getString(textStringId), onClickListener);

    public AlertDialogFragment setPositiveButton(CharSequence text, AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        args.putCharSequence("positiveButtonText", text);
        args.putParcelable("positiveButtonListener", createParcelableOnClickListener(onClickListener));
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setNegativeButton(int textStringId, AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        return setNegativeButton(activity.getString(textStringId), onClickListener);

    public AlertDialogFragment setNegativeButton(CharSequence text, AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        args.putCharSequence("negativeButtonText", text);
        args.putParcelable("negativeButtonListener", createParcelableOnClickListener(onClickListener));
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setNeutralButton(int textStringId, AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        return setNeutralButton(activity.getString(textStringId), onClickListener);

    public AlertDialogFragment setNeutralButton(CharSequence text, AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        args.putCharSequence("neutralButtonText", text);
        args.putParcelable("neutralButtonListener", createParcelableOnClickListener(onClickListener));
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener onDismissListener) {
        if (onDismissListener == null) {
            return this;

        Parcelable p = new ParcelableOnDismissListener() {
            public void onDismiss(AlertDialogFragment dialogFragment) {
        args.putParcelable("onDismissListener", p);
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setItems(String[] items, AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        args.putStringArray("items", items);
        args.putParcelable("itemClickListener", createParcelableOnClickListener(onClickListener));
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setView(int viewId) {
        args.putInt("viewId", viewId);
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setGravity(int gravity) {
        args.putInt("gravity", gravity);
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment setTag(String tag) {
        this.tag = tag;
        return this;

    public AlertDialogFragment create() {
        return AlertDialogFragment.this;

    public AlertDialogFragment show() {
        try {
  , tag);
        catch (IllegalStateException e1) {

             * this whole part is used in order to attempt to show the dialog if an
             * {@link IllegalStateException} was thrown (it's kinda comparable to
             * {@link FragmentTransaction#commitAllowingStateLoss()} 
             * So you can remove all those dirty hacks if you are sure that you are always
             * properly showing dialogs in the right moments

            new DebugMessage("got IllegalStateException attempting to show dialog. trying to hack around.")

            try {
                Field mShownByMe = DialogFragment.class.getDeclaredField("mShownByMe");
                mShownByMe.set(this, true);
                Field mDismissed = DialogFragment.class.getDeclaredField("mDismissed");
                mDismissed.set(this, false);
            catch (Exception e2) {
                new DebugMessage("error while showing dialog")
            FragmentTransaction transaction = activity.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
            transaction.add(this, tag);
            transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss(); // FIXME hacky and unpredictable workaround
        return AlertDialogFragment.this;

    public int show(FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodError("Please use!");

    public void show(FragmentManager manager, String tag) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodError("Please use!");

    protected ParcelableOnClickListener createParcelableOnClickListener(AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
        if (onClickListener == null) {
            return null;

        return new ParcelableOnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(AlertDialogFragment dialogFragment, int which) {
                onClickListener.onClick(dialogFragment, which);

     * Parcelable OnClickListener (can be remembered on screen rotation)
    public abstract static class ParcelableOnClickListener extends ResultReceiver implements AlertDialogFragment.OnClickListener {
        public static final Creator<ResultReceiver> CREATOR = ResultReceiver.CREATOR;

        ParcelableOnClickListener() {

        public abstract void onClick(AlertDialogFragment dialogFragment, int which);

     * Parcelable OnDismissListener (can be remembered on screen rotation)
    public abstract static class ParcelableOnDismissListener extends ResultReceiver implements AlertDialogFragment.OnDismissListener {
        public static final Creator<ResultReceiver> CREATOR = ResultReceiver.CREATOR;

        ParcelableOnDismissListener() {

        public abstract void onDismiss(AlertDialogFragment dialogFragment);

    // =============================================================================================
    // endregion


// showing a normal alert dialog with state loss on configuration changes (like device rotation)
new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())
        .setTitle("Are you sure? (1)")
        .setMessage("Do you really want to do this?")
        .setPositiveButton("Yes", (dialog, which) -> Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Yes clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show())
        .setNegativeButton("Cancel", null)

// showing a dialog fragment using the helper class with no state loss on configuration changes
new AlertDialogFragment.builder(getActivity())
        .setTitle("Are you sure? (2)")
        .setMessage("Do you really want to do this?")
        .setPositiveButton("Yes", (dialog, which) -> Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Yes clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show())
        .setNegativeButton("Cancel", null)

I am posting this here not only to share my solution, but also because I wanted to ask you people for your opinion: Is this approach legit or problematic to some extent?

how to set default method argument values?

It's not possible to default values in Java. My preferred way to deal with this is to overload the method so you might have something like:

public class MyClass
  public int doSomething(int arg1, int arg2)

  public int doSomething()
    return doSomething(<default value>, <default value>);

What does functools.wraps do?

When you use a decorator, you're replacing one function with another. In other words, if you have a decorator

def logged(func):
    def with_logging(*args, **kwargs):
        print(func.__name__ + " was called")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return with_logging

then when you say

def f(x):
   """does some math"""
   return x + x * x

it's exactly the same as saying

def f(x):
    """does some math"""
    return x + x * x
f = logged(f)

and your function f is replaced with the function with_logging. Unfortunately, this means that if you then say


it will print with_logging because that's the name of your new function. In fact, if you look at the docstring for f, it will be blank because with_logging has no docstring, and so the docstring you wrote won't be there anymore. Also, if you look at the pydoc result for that function, it won't be listed as taking one argument x; instead it'll be listed as taking *args and **kwargs because that's what with_logging takes.

If using a decorator always meant losing this information about a function, it would be a serious problem. That's why we have functools.wraps. This takes a function used in a decorator and adds the functionality of copying over the function name, docstring, arguments list, etc. And since wraps is itself a decorator, the following code does the correct thing:

from functools import wraps
def logged(func):
    def with_logging(*args, **kwargs):
        print(func.__name__ + " was called")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return with_logging

def f(x):
   """does some math"""
   return x + x * x

print(f.__name__)  # prints 'f'
print(f.__doc__)   # prints 'does some math'

nginx showing blank PHP pages


include fastcgi_params;


include fastcgi.conf;

and remove fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME ... in nginx.conf

How do I reset a sequence in Oracle?

alter sequence serial restart start with 1;

This feature was officially added in 18c but is unofficially available since 12.1.

It is arguably safe to use this undocumented feature in 12.1. Even though the syntax is not included in the official documentation, it is generated by the Oracle package DBMS_METADATA_DIFF. I've used it several times on production systems. However, I created an Oracle Service request and they verified that it's not a documentation bug, the feature is truly unsupported.

In 18c, the feature does not appear in the SQL Language Syntax, but is included in the Database Administrator's Guide.

Using custom std::set comparator

std::less<> when using custom classes with operator<

If you are dealing with a set of your custom class that has operator< defined, then you can just use std::less<>.

As mentioned at C++14 has added two new find APIs:

template< class K > iterator find( const K& x );
template< class K > const_iterator find( const K& x ) const;

which allow you to do:


#include <cassert>
#include <set>

class Point {
        // Note that there is _no_ conversion constructor,
        // everything is done at the template level without
        // intermediate object creation.
        //Point(int x) : x(x) {}
        Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {}
        int x;
        int y;
bool operator<(const Point& c, int x) { return c.x < x; }
bool operator<(int x, const Point& c) { return x < c.x; }
bool operator<(const Point& c, const Point& d) {
    return c.x < d;

int main() {
    std::set<Point, std::less<>> s;
    s.insert(Point(1, -1));
    s.insert(Point(2, -2));
    s.insert(Point(0,  0));
    s.insert(Point(3, -3));
    assert(s.find(0)->y ==  0);
    assert(s.find(1)->y == -1);
    assert(s.find(2)->y == -2);
    assert(s.find(3)->y == -3);
    // Ignore 1234, find 1.
    assert(s.find(Point(1, 1234))->y == -1);

Compile and run:

g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.cpp

More info about std::less<> can be found at: What are transparent comparators?

Tested on Ubuntu 16.10, g++ 6.2.0.

The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider" could not be located

In My case my web project was not loaded properly ( it was showing project unavailable ) then I had to reload my web project after opening my visual studio in admin mode then everything worked fine.

Split value from one field to two

mysql 5.4 provides a native split function:

SPLIT_STR(<column>, '<delimiter>', <index>)

What's the difference between setWebViewClient vs. setWebChromeClient?

From the source code:

// Instance of WebViewClient that is the client callback.
private volatile WebViewClient mWebViewClient;
// Instance of WebChromeClient for handling all chrome functions.
private volatile WebChromeClient mWebChromeClient;


 * Set the WebViewClient.
 * @param client An implementation of WebViewClient.
public void setWebViewClient(WebViewClient client) {
    mWebViewClient = client;

 * Set the WebChromeClient.
 * @param client An implementation of WebChromeClient.
public void setWebChromeClient(WebChromeClient client) {
    mWebChromeClient = client;

Using WebChromeClient allows you to handle Javascript dialogs, favicons, titles, and the progress. Take a look of this example: Adding alert() support to a WebView

At first glance, there are too many differences WebViewClient & WebChromeClient. But, basically: if you are developing a WebView that won't require too many features but rendering HTML, you can just use a WebViewClient. On the other hand, if you want to (for instance) load the favicon of the page you are rendering, you should use a WebChromeClient object and override the onReceivedIcon(WebView view, Bitmap icon).

Most of the times, if you don't want to worry about those things... you can just do this:

webView= (WebView) findViewById(; 
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient()); 
webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); 

And your WebView will (in theory) have all features implemented (as the android native browser).

python JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not 'dict

import json
data = json.load(open('/Users/laxmanjeergal/Desktop/json.json'))
jtopy=json.dumps(data) #json.dumps take a dictionary as input and returns a string as output.
dict_json=json.loads(jtopy) # json.loads take a string as input and returns a dictionary as output.

Get the current fragment object

Now at some point of time I need to identify which object is currently there

Call findFragmentById() on FragmentManager and determine which fragment is in your container.

If you are using the androidx edition of Fragment — as you should in modern apps — , use getSupportFragmentManager() on your FragmentActivity/AppCompatActivity instead of getFragmentManager()

Class vs. static method in JavaScript

I use namespaces:

var Foo = {
     element: document.getElementById("id-here"),

     Talk: function(message) {
            alert("talking..." + message);

     ChangeElement: function() {
   = "red";

And to use it:




Alter a MySQL column to be AUTO_INCREMENT

You can use the following query to make document_id to increment automatically

ALTER TABLE document MODIFY COLUMN document_id INT auto_increment

It is preferred to make document_id primary key as well

ALTER TABLE document MODIFY COLUMN document_id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY;

Ternary operator in AngularJS templates

There it is : ternary operator got added to angular parser in 1.1.5! see the changelog

Here is a fiddle showing new ternary operator used in ng-class directive.

ng-class="boolForTernary ? 'blue' : 'red'"

PHP case-insensitive in_array function

Say you want to use the in_array, here is how you can make the search case insensitive.

Case insensitive in_array():

foreach($searchKey as $key => $subkey) {

     if (in_array(strtolower($subkey), array_map("strtolower", $subarray)))
        echo "found";


Normal case sensitive:

foreach($searchKey as $key => $subkey) {

if (in_array("$subkey", $subarray))

        echo "found";


HTML form with two submit buttons and two "target" attributes

In case you are up to HTML5, you can just use the attribute formaction. This allows you to have a different form action for each button.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <input type="submit" formaction="firsttarget.php" value="Submit to first" />
      <input type="submit" formaction="secondtarget.php" value="Submit to second" />

How to loop through a checkboxlist and to find what's checked and not checked?

for (int i = 0; i < clbIncludes.Items.Count; i++)
  if (clbIncludes.GetItemChecked(i))
    // Do selected stuff
    // Do unselected stuff

If the the check is in indeterminate state, this will still return true. You may want to replace

if (clbIncludes.GetItemChecked(i))


if (clbIncludes.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked)

if you want to only include actually checked items.

How to display list of repositories from subversion server

I was also looking to list repositories in SVN. I did something like this on shell prompt:

~$ svn list


Is an HTTPS query string secure?

Yes, your query strings will be encrypted.

The reason behind is that query strings are part of the HTTP protocol which is an application layer protocol, while the security (SSL/TLS) part comes from the transport layer. The SSL connection is established first and then the query parameters (which belong to the HTTP protocol) are sent to the server.

When establishing an SSL connection, your client will perform the following steps in order. Suppose you're trying to log in to a site named and want to send your credentials using query parameters. Your complete URL may look like the following:
  1. Your client (e.g., browser/mobile app) will first resolve your domain name to an IP address ( using a DNS request. When querying that information, only domain specific information is used, i.e., only will be used.
  2. Now, your client will try to connect to the server with the IP address and will attempt to connect to port 443 (SSL service port not the default HTTP port 80).
  3. Now, the server at will send its certificates to your client.
  4. Your client will verify the certificates and start exchanging a shared secret key for your session.
  5. After successfully establishing a secure connection, only then will your query parameters be sent via the secure connection.

Therefore, you won't expose sensitive data. However, sending your credentials over an HTTPS session using this method is not the best way. You should go for a different approach.

Difference between JSONObject and JSONArray

The usage of both can be depended on the structure of your data.

Simply, You can use the Nested Objects approach if you plan to give priority to a unique identifier such as a Primary Key.


     "Employees" : {
           "001" : {
               "Name" : "Alan",
               "Children" : ["Walker", "Dua", "Lipa"]
           "002" : {
               "Name" : "Ezio",
               "Children" : ["Kenvey", "Connor", "Edward"]

Or, Use the Array first approach if you intend to store a set of values with no need to identify uniquely.


                   "Name" : "Alan",
                   "Children" : ["Walker", "Dua", "Lipa"]
                   "Name" : "Ezio",
                   "Children" : ["Kenvey", "Connor", "Edward"]

Although you could use the second method with an identifier, it can be harder or too complex to query and understand in some scenarios. Also depending on the database one may have to apply a suitable approach. Eg: MongoDB / Firebase

Nullable types: better way to check for null or zero in c#

Don't forget, for strings, you can always use:


Instead of:

str==null || str==""

What is the difference between substr and substring?

The difference is in the second argument. The second argument to substring is the index to stop at (but not include), but the second argument to substr is the maximum length to return.


Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

I found a way to find out how your provisioning profile is named. Select the profile that you want in the code sign section in the build settings, then open the selection view again and click on "other" at the bottom. Then occur a view with the naming of the current selected provisioning profile.

You can now find the profile file on the path:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles


For Terminal:

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles

How do I add a new column to a Spark DataFrame (using PySpark)?

To add new column with some custom value or dynamic value calculation which will be populated based on the existing columns.


|ColumnA | ColumnB |
| 10     | 15      |
| 10     | 20      |
| 10     | 30      |

and new ColumnC as ColumnA+ColumnB

|ColumnA | ColumnB | ColumnC|
| 10     | 15      | 25     |
| 10     | 20      | 30     |
| 10     | 30      | 40     |


#to add new column
def customColumnVal(row):
rd["ColumnC"]=row["ColumnA"] + row["ColumnB"]

return new_row
#convert DF to RDD
df_rdd= input_dataframe.rdd

#apply new fucntion to rdd

input_dataframe is the dataframe which will get modified and customColumnVal function is having code to add new column.

mysql update column with value from another table

In addition to this answer if you need to change tableB.value according to tableA.value dynamically you can do for example:

SET tableB.value = IF(tableA.value > 0, tableA.value, tableB.value)
WHERE = 'Joe'

Pausing a batch file for amount of time

ping -n 11 -w 1000 > nul


Beginner's mistake. Ping doesn't wait 1000 ms before or after an request, but inbetween requests. So to wait 10 seconds, you'll have to do 11 pings to have 10 'gaps' of a second inbetween.

"Integer number too large" error message for 600851475143

At compile time the number "600851475143" is represented in 32-bit integer, try long literal instead at the end of your number to get over from this problem.

How do I subtract minutes from a date in javascript?

This is what I found:

//First, start with a particular time
var date = new Date();

//Add two hours
var dd = date.setHours(date.getHours() + 2);

//Go back 3 days
var dd = date.setDate(date.getDate() - 3);

//One minute ago...
var dd = date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - 1);

//Display the date:
var monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
var date = new Date(dd);
var day = date.getDate();
var monthIndex = date.getMonth();
var year = date.getFullYear();
var displayDate = monthNames[monthIndex] + ' ' + day + ', ' + year;
alert('Date is now: ' + displayDate);


How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android?

Setting Up the database

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    // Database Version
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

    // Database Name
    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "database_name";

    // Table Names
    private static final String DB_TABLE = "table_image";

    // column names
    private static final String KEY_NAME = "image_name";
    private static final String KEY_IMAGE = "image_data";

    // Table create statement
    private static final String CREATE_TABLE_IMAGE = "CREATE TABLE " + DB_TABLE + "("+ 
                       KEY_NAME + " TEXT," + 
                       KEY_IMAGE + " BLOB);";

    public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

        // creating table

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        // on upgrade drop older tables
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + DB_TABLE);

        // create new table

Insert in the Database:

public void addEntry( String name, byte[] image) throws SQLiteException{
    SQLiteDatabase database = this.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues cv = new  ContentValues();
    cv.put(KEY_NAME,    name);
    cv.put(KEY_IMAGE,   image);
    database.insert( DB_TABLE, null, cv );

Retrieving data:

 byte[] image = cursor.getBlob(1);


  1. Before inserting into database, you need to convert your Bitmap image into byte array first then apply it using database query.
  2. When retrieving from database, you certainly have a byte array of image, what you need to do is to convert byte array back to original image. So, you have to make use of BitmapFactory to decode.

Below is an Utility class which I hope could help you:

public class DbBitmapUtility {

    // convert from bitmap to byte array
    public static byte[] getBytes(Bitmap bitmap) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 0, stream);
        return stream.toByteArray();

    // convert from byte array to bitmap
    public static Bitmap getImage(byte[] image) {
        return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(image, 0, image.length);

Further reading
If you are not familiar how to insert and retrieve into a database, go through this tutorial.

Await operator can only be used within an Async method

You can only use await in an async method, and Main cannot be async.

You'll have to use your own async-compatible context, call Wait on the returned Task in the Main method, or just ignore the returned Task and just block on the call to Read. Note that Wait will wrap any exceptions in an AggregateException.

If you want a good intro, see my async/await intro post.

Fit Image in ImageButton in Android

I'm using android:scaleType="fitCenter" with satisfaction.

How to remove a Gitlab project?

  • Click on Project you want to delete.
  • Click Setting on right buttom corner.
  • click general than go to advance
  • than remove project

Code coverage for Jest built on top of Jasmine

If you are using the NestJS framework, you can get code coverage using this command:

npm run test:cov

What is :: (double colon) in Python when subscripting sequences?

Python uses the :: to separate the End, the Start, and the Step value.

How to change an element's title attribute using jQuery

Another option, if you prefer, would be to get the DOM element from the jQuery object and use standard DOM accessors on it:

$("#myElement")[0].title = "new title value";

The "jQuery way", as mentioned by others, is to use the attr() method. See the API documentation for attr() here.

MySQL parameterized queries

Beware of using string interpolation for SQL queries, since it won't escape the input parameters correctly and will leave your application open to SQL injection vulnerabilities. The difference might seem trivial, but in reality it's huge.

Incorrect (with security issues)

c.execute("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = %s AND baz = %s" % (param1, param2))

Correct (with escaping)

c.execute("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = %s AND baz = %s", (param1, param2))

It adds to the confusion that the modifiers used to bind parameters in a SQL statement varies between different DB API implementations and that the mysql client library uses printf style syntax instead of the more commonly accepted '?' marker (used by eg. python-sqlite).

Iptables setting multiple multiports in one rule



enable_boxi_poorten() {
boxi_ports="427 5666 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6400 6410 8080 9321 15191 16447 17284 17723 17736 21306 25146 26632 27657 27683 28925 41583 45637 47648 49633 52551 53166 56392 56599 56911 59115 59898 60163 63512 6352 25834"

case "$1" in
         for port in $boxi_ports; do $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s $LOC_SUB --dport $port -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten";done
     # multiports gaat maar tot 15 maximaal :((
     # daarom maar for loop maken
     # $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s $LOC_SUB -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports $MULTIPORTS -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten"
     echo "${GREEN}Allowing $SRV for local hosts.....${NORMAL}"
     for port in $boxi_ports; do $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten";done
     echo "${RED}Allowing $SRV for all hosts.....${NORMAL}"
     for port in $boxi_ports; do $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s $LOC_SUB --dport $port -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten";done
     echo "${GREEN}Allowing $SRV for local hosts.....${NORMAL}"
