[android] Android Studio Stuck at Gradle Download on create new project

I have installed the new Android Studio. Everything was working fine but when I try to create a new project it gets stuck at downloading Gradle.

Is there any way to install the Gradle required by Android Studio manually? Or any other method to solve this problem ?


This question is related to android gradle android-studio

The answer is

Invalidate Caches and Restart

It worked for me.

For Windows Users

Use your Network Resource Monitor

enter image description here

Open Task Manager [Ctrl+Shift+Esc]

Performance Tab

Open Resource Monitor (From the bottom)

First i decided to wait after reading answers here. But how long..? How to make sure it will finish.? They should have provided percentage of download, but they have not. So to know some kind of progress is going on, open this network resource monitor, it will show you some kind of download is going on for the Studio64.exe. IF not (if it shows 0B/Sec), then either network is not available or the application is not responding.

Yes, There is.

  1. Create a new project and you should Shutdown The Android Studio Application.(Because it takes a long time for you).
  2. Goto C:\Users\{Logged in User}\.gradle folder
  3. There is a folder there that show you which version of gradle Android Studio requires (e.g. gradle-1.8-bin)
  4. Download this version from internet (e.g. gradle-1.8-bin.zip).
  5. Goto C:\Users\{Logged in User}\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.8-bin
  6. There is a folder here that its name is like a GUID.
  7. You should just copy the zip file that you've already downloaded from internet into this folder.
  8. Execute Android Studio and create a new project.

The Gradle popup window only shows intermittent progress and is not very helpful in understanding if the download is actually stuck or is very slow.

enter image description here

It will help to build your app from the command line where you can actually get the real progress of downloading with

./gradlew build

enter image description here

  1. Open gradle-wrapper.properties
  2. Change From: distributionUrl=https/://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.4-all.zip To: distributionUrl=http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.4-all.zip

Note: 1. I dont care about SSL disable for downloading the gradle, but others might be sensitive, so its up to you. 2. Notice the gradle version, in my case its 4.4.

go to gradle-wrapper.properties

change https to http, and if there is a froward slash after https remove it

Result: Success

If you're using OS X, and it continues to hang indefinitely, I'd recommend shutting down Android Studio (may have to force kill), then going to your ~/.gradle directory on the console. You'll see a wrapper/dists directory there and whatever version of gradle AS is trying to download. Check the timestamp of the download underneath the randomly named subdirectory. If you see that it is never changing, most likely your download was interrupted and AS wasn't able to restart it properly and will not unless you delete everything below the dists directory and start over.

So, with AS shutdown delete everything below ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists and then try again with a new project in AS. You can check the progress of the gradle download file (it will end in .part) to make sure that it's growing. Give it plenty of time as it IS a large file.

That's what finally worked for me.

What worked for me:

  1. Create a dummy project, when it gets stuck on the Build screen, kill the studio process.
  2. Open the android studio and open the project, the projet will be broken
  3. Create a new project with the dummy project already opened it will create the project without problems
  4. Close the dummy project and have fun

Note : My answer seems quite long but its only 2 steps away if you want a correct way to configure with current project.

I found what was the actual problem. Actually, each android project comes with its own version of gradle wrapper.

have a look at dir


here the properties file says the version of gradle that this project uses:

#Mon Sep 08 13:53:18 PDT 2014

So the issue is if you dont have that version of gradle then it will download that version for you. For instance have a look at this dir, where it downloaded gradle versions for me


looks like

enter image description here

Here it will try to download version of gradle if you dont have. If you are comfortable with downloading other version of gradle then you can wait till it completes else

Workaround will be: 1. if project is on git clone it first.

  1. goto your projectdir/gradle/wrapper

3.change version of distributionUrl to version that you already have : eg: for 2.2.1-all

url will be


4.copy gradle-wrapper.jar to your projectdir/gradle/wrapper from

.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-2.1.1-all/4ryh47z6pv2tj9n03uiw8pzc6/gradle-2.2.1/lib/gradle-wrapper.jar(dont forget to rename gradle-wrapper2.2.1.jar to gradle-wrapper.jar)

  1. now import your project in studio.. and it works.

I had fixed this problem by removing the .gradle folder

in windows: C:\Users{Logged in User}.gradle

Solution :

1). Delete the C:\Users\username.gradle folder

2). Download http://downloads.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.2.1-all.zip

3). Create a new project in android studio.

4). When this time it stucks at gradle building, Force close the android studio.

5) Now go to C:\Users\username.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-2.2.1-all\c64ydeuardnfqctvr1gm30w53 (the end directory name may be different)

6) Delete gradle-2.2.1-all.zip.lck and other files from this directory.

7) Paste the new downloaded gradle-2.2.1-all.zip here.

8) Run the android studio. :)

Gradle is actually included with Android Studio (at least on the Mac OS X version.) I had to point it to the installed location, inside the Android Studio application "package contents" (can view by control/right-clicking on the application icon.)
Location of gradle inside Android Studio package

This was also taking along time for me (slow connection).

On Ubuntu (16.04), I was able to monitor the download progress by looking in:


running ls -al from this directory showed the gradle-3.3-all.zip.part file continuing to grow.

The file ended up being 88M.

Please note the 55gk2rcmfc6p2dg9u9ohc3hw9 (and gradle version) may be different for you, please change your command accordingly.

Quick Fix: Just turn off your firewall, it seems that android studio wants to download something and because our firewall prevents it from downloading the file that it wants it becomes stuck.

Note: Turning your firewall off can lower your security, if you have time you can just allow android studio in your firewall. By doing this you can turn on your firewall while allowing android studio to download anything that it wants.

Yes, You can install Gradle manually before Android Studio, first install gradle in any location then add de gladle location to path variable (in Environment Variables Window).

Android Studio comes with Gradle, but it does not have the command line gradle functionality.

The gradle included with Android Studio is located in /Applications/Android Studio.app/plugins/gradle/lib

To go into the Android Studio.app directory I did cd "Android Studio.app"

or you could just do cd /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/plugins/gradle/lib

I found the same issue happening on my laptop, despite waiting for quite a long time. This is what I did and it worked for me. Just force close the Android Studio and launch it again. This time, just open the existing project and let it take care of finishing up the process of building/downloading.

Another option that you could possibly try is that if you look into File --> Settings, there is an option for Gradle location. You could go to the Gradle download site, download a local distribution of Gradle and point the Gradle location to that local directory.

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