[angularjs] getting the ng-object selected with ng-change

Given the following select element

<select ng-options="size.code as size.name for size in sizes " 

Is there a way to get MAGIC_THING to be equal to the currently selected size, so I have access to size.name and size.code in my controller?

size.code affects a lot of the other parts of the app (image urls, etc), but when the ng-model of item.size.code is updated, item.size.name needs to be updated as well for the user facing stuff. I assume that the correct way to do this is capturing the change event and setting the values inside of my controller, but I'm not sure what I can pass into update to get the proper values.

If this is completely the wrong way to go about it, I'd love to know the right way.

This question is related to angularjs

The answer is

<select ng-model="item.size.code">
<option ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-attr-value="size.code">{{size.name}}          </option>

You can also directly get selected value using following code

 <select ng-options='t.name for t in templates'


 $scope.selectedTemplate = function(pTemplate) {
    //Your logic
    alert('Template Url is : '+pTemplate);

You need to use "track by" so that the objects can be compared correctly. Otherwise Angular will use the native js way of comparing objects.

So your example code would change to -

    <select ng-options="size.code as size.name
 for size in sizes track by size.code" 

$scope.update = function () {_x000D_
<div class="form-group">_x000D_
     <select name="name"_x000D_
             id="id" _x000D_
             ng-model="myItem" _x000D_
             ng-options="size as size.name for size in sizes"_x000D_
             class="form-control" _x000D_

If you want to write, name, id, class, multiple, required , You can write in this way.

AngularJS's Filter worked out for me.

Assuming the code/id is unique, we can filter out that particular object with AngularJS's filter and work with the selected objects properties. Considering the example above:

<select ng-options="size.code as size.name for size in sizes" 
        ng-change="update(MAGIC_THING); search.code = item.size.code">


<h1 ng-repeat="size in sizes | filter:search:true"
    ng-init="search.code = item.size.code">

Now, there are 3 important aspects to this:

  1. ng-init="search.code = item.size.code" - on initializing h1 element outside select box, set the filter query to the selected option.

  2. ng-change="update(MAGIC_THING); search.code = item.size.code" - when you change the select input, we'll run one more line which will set the "search" query to the currently selected item.size.code.

  3. filter:search:true - Pass true to filter to enable strict matching.

That's it. If the size.code is uniqueID, we'll have only one h1 element with the text of size.name.

I've tested this in my project and it works.

Good Luck

This is the cleanest way to get a value from an angular select options list (other than The Id or Text). Assuming you have a Product Select like this on your page :

<select ng-model="data.ProductId"
        ng-options="product.Id as product.Name for product in productsList"

Then in Your Controller set the callback function like so:

    $scope.onSelectChange = function () {
        var filteredData = $scope.productsList.filter(function (response) {
            return response.Id === $scope.data.ProductId;

Simply Explained: Since the ng-change event does not recognize the option items in the select, we are using the ngModel to filter out the selected Item from the options list loaded in the controller.

Furthermore, since the event is fired before the ngModel is really updated, you might get undesirable results, So a better way would be to add a timeout :

        $scope.onSelectChange = function () {
            $timeout(function () {
            var filteredData = $scope.productsList.filter(function (response) {
                return response.Id === $scope.data.ProductId;
            }, 100);

If Divyesh Rupawala's answer doesn't work (passing the current item as the parameter), then please see the onChanged() function in this Plunker. It's using this:


This might give you some ideas

.NET C# View Model

public class DepartmentViewModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

.NET C# Web Api Controller

public class DepartmentController : BaseApiController
    public HttpResponseMessage Get()
        var sms = Ctx.Departments;

        var vms = new List<DepartmentViewModel>();

        foreach (var sm in sms)
            var vm = new DepartmentViewModel()
                Id = sm.Id,
                Name = sm.DepartmentName

        return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, vms);


Angular Controller:

    function (response) {
        $scope.departments = response.data;
    function (response) {
        toaster.pop('error', "Error", "An unexpected error occurred.");

$http.get('/api/getTravelerInformation', { params: { id: $routeParams.userKey } }).then(
   function (response) {
       $scope.request = response.data;
       $scope.travelerDepartment = underscoreService.findWhere($scope.departments, { Id: $scope.request.TravelerDepartmentId });
    function (response) {
        toaster.pop('error', "Error", "An unexpected error occurred.");

Angular Template:

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="left-inner-addon">
        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up"></i>
        <select ng-model="travelerDepartment"
                ng-options="department.Name for department in departments track by department.Id"
                ng-init="request.TravelerDepartmentId = travelerDepartment.Id"
                ng-change="request.TravelerDepartmentId = travelerDepartment.Id"
            <option value=""></option>

you also coud try this:

<select  ng-model="selectedItem" ng-change="update()">
   <option ng-repeat="item in items" 
         ng-selected="selectedItem == item.Id" value="{{item.Id}}">