Programs & Examples On #Multiple domains

Java 32-bit vs 64-bit compatibility

The 32-bit vs 64-bit difference does become more important when you are interfacing with native libraries. 64-bit Java will not be able to interface with a 32-bit non-Java dll (via JNI)

Rounding a variable to two decimal places C#

decimal pay  = 1.994444M;

Math.Round(pay , 2); 

Location for session files in Apache/PHP

The default session.save_path is set to "" which will evaluate to your system's temp directory. See this comment at stating:

The new default for save_path in upcoming releaess (sic) will be the empty string, which causes the temporary directory to be probed.

You can use sys_get_temp_dir to return the directory path used for temporary files

To find the current session save path, you can use

Refer to this answer to find out what the temp path is when this function returns an empty string.

Gaussian fit for Python

Actually, you do not need to do a first guess. Simply doing

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy import asarray as ar,exp

x = ar(range(10))
y = ar([0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1])

n = len(x)                          #the number of data
mean = sum(x*y)/n                   #note this correction
sigma = sum(y*(x-mean)**2)/n        #note this correction

def gaus(x,a,x0,sigma):
    return a*exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))

popt,pcov = curve_fit(gaus,x,y)
#popt,pcov = curve_fit(gaus,x,y,p0=[1,mean,sigma])

plt.title('Fig. 3 - Fit for Time Constant')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')

works fine. This is simpler because making a guess is not trivial. I had more complex data and did not manage to do a proper first guess, but simply removing the first guess worked fine :)

P.S.: use numpy.exp() better, says a warning of scipy

Using CSS to affect div style inside iframe

Just add this and all works well:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">

Oracle - How to create a materialized view with FAST REFRESH and JOINS

You will get the error on REFRESH_FAST, if you do not create materialized view logs for the master table(s) the query is referring to. If anyone is not familiar with materialized views or using it for the first time, the better way is to use oracle sqldeveloper and graphically put in the options, and the errors also provide much better sense.

Can I create links with 'target="_blank"' in Markdown?

I ran into this problem when trying to implement markdown using PHP.

Since the user generated links created with markdown need to open in a new tab but site links need to stay in tab I changed markdown to only generate links that open in a new tab. So not all links on the page link out, just the ones that use markdown.

In markdown I changed all the link output to be <a target='_blank' href="..."> which was easy enough using find/replace.

How to put a link on a button with bootstrap?

If you don't really need the button element, just move the classes to a regular link:

<div class="btn-group">
    <a href="/save/1" class="btn btn-primary active">
        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk" aria-hidden="true"></i> Save
    <a href="/cancel/1" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</a>

Conversely, you can also change a button to appear like a link:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-link">Link</button>

Gerrit error when Change-Id in commit messages are missing

I got this error message too.

and what makes me think it is useful to give an answer here is that the answer from @Rafal Rawicki is a good solution in some cases but not for all circumstances. example that i met: "git log" we can get the HEAD commit change-id

2.we also can get a 'HEAD' commit change-id on Gerrit website.

3.they are different ,which makes us can not push successfully and get the "missing change-id error"


0.'git add .' your HEAD commit change-id got from 'git log',it will be used later.

2.copy the HEAD commit change-id from Gerrit website.

3.'git reset HEAD'

4.'git commit --amend' and copy the change-id from **Gerrit website** to the commit message in the last paragraph(replace previous change-id)

5.'git push *' you can push successfully now but can not find the HEAD commit from **git log** on Gerrit website too

6.'git reset HEAD'

7.'git commit --amend' and copy the change-id from **git log**(we saved in step 1) to the commit message in the last paragraph(replace previous change-id)

8.'git push *' you can find the HEAD commit from **git log** on Gerrit website,they have the same change-id


Delete column from pandas DataFrame

It's good practice to always use the [] notation. One reason is that attribute notation (df.column_name) does not work for numbered indices:

In [1]: df = DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

In [2]: df[1]
0    2
1    5
Name: 1

In [3]: df.1
  File "<ipython-input-3-e4803c0d1066>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

How to prevent a double-click using jQuery?

I had a similar issue, but disabling the button didn't fully did the trick. There were some other actions that took place when the button was clicked and, sometimes, button wasn't disabled soon enough and when the user double-clicked, 2 events where fired.
I took Pangui's timeout idea, and combined both techniques, disabling the button and includeding a timeout, just in case. And I created a simple jQuery plugin:

var SINGLECLICK_CLICKED = 'singleClickClicked';
$.fn.singleClick = function () {
    var fncHandler; 
    var eventData;
    var fncSingleClick = function (ev) {
        var $this = $(this);
        if (($ || ($this.prop('disabled'))) {
        else {
            $, true);
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 1500);
            if ($.isFunction(fncHandler)) {
                fncHandler.apply(this, arguments);

    switch (arguments.length) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
            fncHandler = arguments[0];
        case 2: 
            eventData = arguments[0];
            fncHandler = arguments[1];
  , fncSingleClick);
    return this;

And then use it like this:

$("#button1").singleClick(function () {
   $(this).prop('disabled', true);
   $(this).prop('disabled', false);

How to create a new instance from a class object in Python

Just call the "type" built in using three parameters, like this:

ClassName = type("ClassName", (Base1, Base2,...), classdictionary)

update as stated in the comment bellow this is not the answer to this question at all. I will keep it undeleted, since there are hints some people get here trying to dynamically create classes - which is what the line above does.

To create an object of a class one has a reference too, as put in the accepted answer, one just have to call the class:

instance = ClassObject()

The mechanism for instantiation is thus:

Python does not use the new keyword some languages use - instead it's data model explains the mechanism used to create an instantance of a class when it is called with the same syntax as any other callable:

Its class' __call__ method is invoked (in the case of a class, its class is the "metaclass" - which is usually the built-in type). The normal behavior of this call is to invoke the (pseudo) static __new__ method on the class being instantiated, followed by its __init__. The __new__ method is responsible for allocating memory and such, and normally is done by the __new__ of object which is the class hierarchy root.

So calling ClassObject() invokes (which normally will be type.__call__) this __call__ method will receive ClassObject itself as the first parameter - a Pure Python implementation would be like this: (the cPython version is of course, done in C, and with lots of extra code for cornercases and optimizations)

class type:
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kw):
          constructor = getattr(cls, "__new__")
          instance = constructor(cls) if constructor is object.__new__ else constructor(cls, *args, **kw)
          instance.__init__(cls, *args, **kw)
          return instance

(I don't recall seeing on the docs the exact justification (or mechanism) for suppressing extra parameters to the root __new__ and passing it to other classes - but it is what happen "in real life" - if object.__new__ is called with any extra parameters it raises a type error - however, any custom implementation of a __new__ will get the extra parameters normally)

What is the best way to conditionally apply attributes in AngularJS?

You can prefix attributes with ng-attr to eval an Angular expression. When the result of the expressions undefined this removes the value from the attribute.

<a ng-attr-href="{{value || undefined}}">Hello World</a>

Will produce (when value is false)

<a ng-attr-href="{{value || undefined}}" href>Hello World</a>

So don't use false because that will produce the word "false" as the value.

<a ng-attr-href="{{value || false}}" href="false">Hello World</a>

When using this trick in a directive. The attributes for the directive will be false if they are missing a value.

For example, the above would be false.

function post($scope, $el, $attr) {
      var url = $attr['href'] || false;
      alert(url === false);

How to use continue in jQuery each() loop?

return or return false are not the same as continue. If the loop is inside a function the remainder of the function will not execute as you would expect with a true "continue".

Getting file names without extensions

try this,

string FileNameAndExtension =  "bilah bilah.pdf";
string FileName = FileNameAndExtension.Split('.')[0];

How to deploy ASP.NET webservice to IIS 7?

  1. rebuild project in VS
  2. copy project folder to iis folder, probably C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
  3. in iis manager (run>inetmgr) add website, point to folder, point application pool based on your .net
  4. add web service to created website, almost the same as 3.
  5. INSTALL ASP for windows 7 and .net 4.0: c:\windows\ framework\v4.(some numbers)\regiis.exe -i
  6. check access to web service on your browser

Updating Python on Mac

Easiest way is

 brew update && brew upgrade python

Remove file extension from a file name string

I know it's an old question and Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtensionis a better and maybe cleaner option. But personally I've added this two methods to my project and wanted to share them. This requires C# 8.0 due to it using ranges and indices.

public static string RemoveExtension(this string file) => ReplaceExtension(file, null);

public static string ReplaceExtension(this string file, string extension)
    var split = file.Split('.');

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))
        return string.Join(".", split[..^1]);

    split[^1] = extension;

    return string.Join(".", split);

How to check if a service is running via batch file and start it, if it is not running?

Related with the answer by @DanielSerrano, I've been recently bit by localization of the sc.exe command, namely in Spanish. My proposal is to pin-point the line and token which holds numerical service state and interpret it, which should be much more robust:

@echo off

rem TODO: change to the desired service name
set TARGET_SERVICE=w32time

rem Surgically target third line, as some locales (such as Spanish) translated the utility's output
for /F "skip=3 tokens=3" %%i in ('""%windir%\system32\sc.exe" query "%TARGET_SERVICE%" 2>nul"') do (
  if not defined SERVICE_STATE set SERVICE_STATE=%%i
rem Process result
if not defined SERVICE_STATE (
  echo ERROR: could not obtain service state!
) else (
  rem NOTE: values correspond to "SERVICE_STATUS.dwCurrentState"
  if not %SERVICE_STATE%==4 (
    echo WARNING: service is not running
    rem TODO: perform desired operation
    rem net start "%TARGET_SERVICE%"
  ) else (
    echo INFORMATION: service is running

Tested with:

  • Windows XP (32-bit) English
  • Windows 10 (32-bit) Spanish
  • Windows 10 (64-bit) English

CSS centred header image

I think this is what you need if I'm understanding you correctly:

<div id="wrapperHeader">
 <div id="header">
  <img src="images/logo.png" alt="logo" />

div#wrapperHeader {
 height;200px; /* height of the background image? */
 background:url(images/header.png) repeat-x 0 0;

div#wrapperHeader div#header {
 margin:0 auto;

div#wrapperHeader div#header img {
 width:; /* the width of the logo image */
 height:; /* the height of the logo image */
 margin:0 auto;

Do I use <img>, <object>, or <embed> for SVG files?

From IE9 and above you can use SVG in a ordinary IMG tag..

<img src="/static/image.svg">

How can I disable a specific LI element inside a UL?

I usualy use <li> to include <a> link. I disabled click action writing like this; You may not include <a> link, then you will ignore my post.

a.noclick       {_x000D_
  pointer-events: none;_x000D_
<a class="noclick" href="#">this is disabled</a>

How to get selected value of a dropdown menu in ReactJS

import React from 'react';
import Select from 'react-select';

const options = [
  { value: 'chocolate', label: 'Chocolate' },
  { value: 'strawberry', label: 'Strawberry' },
  { value: 'vanilla', label: 'Vanilla' },

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    selectedOption: null,
  handleChange = selectedOption => {
    this.setState({ selectedOption });
    console.log(`Option selected:`, selectedOption);
  render() {
    const { selectedOption } = this.state;

    return (

And you can check it out on this site.

Difference and uses of onCreate(), onCreateView() and onActivityCreated() in fragments

onActivityCreated() - Deprecated

onActivityCreated() is now deprecated as Fragments Version 1.3.0-alpha02

The onActivityCreated() method is now deprecated. Code touching the fragment's view should be done in onViewCreated() (which is called immediately before onActivityCreated()) and other initialization code should be in onCreate(). To receive a callback specifically when the activity's onCreate() is complete, a LifeCycleObserver should be registered on the activity's Lifecycle in onAttach(), and removed once the onCreate() callback is received.

Detailed information can be found here

Mercurial — revert back to old version and continue from there

IMHO, hg strip -r 39 suits this case better.

It requires the mq extension to be enabled and has the same limitations as the "cloning repo method" recommended by Martin Geisler: If the changeset was somehow published, it will (probably) return to your repo at some point in time because you only changed your local repo.

Best way to get the max value in a Spark dataframe column

in pyspark you can do this:

max('ColumnName').rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect())

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' with PHPMyAdmin

Here are few steps that must be followed carefully

  1. First of all make sure that the WAMP server is running if it is not running, start the server.
  2. Enter the URL http://localhost/phpmyadmin/setup in address bar of your browser.
  3. Create a folder named config inside C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin, the folder inside apps may have different name like phpmyadmin3.2.0.1

  4. Return to your browser in phpmyadmin setup tab, and click New server.New server

  5. Change the authentication type to ‘cookie’ and leave the username and password field empty but if you change the authentication type to ‘config’ enter the password for username root.

  6. Click save save

  7. Again click save in configuration file option.
  8. Now navigate to the config folder. Inside the folder there will be a file named Copy the file and paste it out of the folder (if the file with same name is already there then override it) and finally delete the folder.
  9. Now you are done. Try to connect the mysql server again and this time you won’t get any error. --credits Bibek Subedi

How to set CATALINA_HOME variable in windows 7?

There is no requirement of setting CATALINA-HOME.

Follow below instruction .

Right click on computer --> properties --> Advanced system setting --> Environment variables.

User variables section --> click on "New" --> variable name : CLASSPATH , variable value : D:\java\lib*.;D:\tomcat8\lib\servlet-api.jar.; --> Click "Ok"

New --> variable name : PATH , variable value : D:\java\bin; --> Click "Ok"

System variables section:-

Click on "New" --> variable name : PATH , variable value : D:\java\jre --> Click "Ok"

I've installed java and tomcat in D drive henceforth the locations above are under my respective paths.

Give location paths where java and tomcat are installed in your PC. Thank You

base_url() function not working in codeigniter

If you want to use base_url(), so we need to load url helper.

  1. By using autoload $autoload['helper'] = array('url');
  2. Or by manually load in controller or in view $this->load->helper('url');

Then you can user base_url() anywhere in controller or view.

Format certain floating dataframe columns into percentage in pandas

The accepted answer suggests to modify the raw data for presentation purposes, something you generally do not want. Imagine you need to make further analyses with these columns and you need the precision you lost with rounding.

You can modify the formatting of individual columns in data frames, in your case:

output = df.to_string(formatters={
    'var1': '{:,.2f}'.format,
    'var2': '{:,.2f}'.format,
    'var3': '{:,.2%}'.format

For your information '{:,.2%}'.format(0.214) yields 21.40%, so no need for multiplying by 100.

You don't have a nice HTML table anymore but a text representation. If you need to stay with HTML use the to_html function instead.

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
output = df.to_html(formatters={
    'var1': '{:,.2f}'.format,
    'var2': '{:,.2f}'.format,
    'var3': '{:,.2%}'.format


As of pandas 0.17.1, life got easier and we can get a beautiful html table right away:{
    'var1': '{:,.2f}'.format,
    'var2': '{:,.2f}'.format,
    'var3': '{:,.2%}'.format,

Markdown open a new window link

You can edit the generated markup and add

target = "_blank"

How to use JavaScript source maps (.map files)?

The map file maps the unminified file to the minified file. If you make changes in the unminified file, the changes will be automatically reflected to the minified version of the file.

.htaccess redirect http to https

Adding the following to the top of the .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{ENV:HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

SQL ON DELETE CASCADE, Which Way Does the Deletion Occur?

Cascade will work when you delete something on table Courses. Any record on table BookCourses that has reference to table Courses will be deleted automatically.

But when you try to delete on table BookCourses only the table itself is affected and not on the Courses

follow-up question: why do you have CourseID on table Category?

Maybe you should restructure your schema into this,

CREATE TABLE Categories 

  CatCode CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
  CourseNum CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
  CourseSec CHAR(1) NOT NULL,

REFERENCES Categories(Code)

What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?

The rules (which did not change in C++11):

  • Reserved in any scope, including for use as implementation macros:
    • identifiers beginning with an underscore followed immediately by an uppercase letter
    • identifiers containing adjacent underscores (or "double underscore")
  • Reserved in the global namespace:
    • identifiers beginning with an underscore
  • Also, everything in the std namespace is reserved. (You are allowed to add template specializations, though.)

From the 2003 C++ Standard: Global names []

Certain sets of names and function signatures are always reserved to the implementation:

  • Each name that contains a double underscore (__) or begins with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter (2.11) is reserved to the implementation for any use.
  • Each name that begins with an underscore is reserved to the implementation for use as a name in the global namespace.165

165) Such names are also reserved in namespace ::std (

Because C++ is based on the C standard (1.1/2, C++03) and C99 is a normative reference (1.2/1, C++03) these also apply, from the 1999 C Standard:

7.1.3 Reserved identifiers

Each header declares or defines all identifiers listed in its associated subclause, and optionally declares or defines identifiers listed in its associated future library directions subclause and identifiers which are always reserved either for any use or for use as file scope identifiers.

  • All identifiers that begin with an underscore and either an uppercase letter or another underscore are always reserved for any use.
  • All identifiers that begin with an underscore are always reserved for use as identifiers with file scope in both the ordinary and tag name spaces.
  • Each macro name in any of the following subclauses (including the future library directions) is reserved for use as specified if any of its associated headers is included; unless explicitly stated otherwise (see 7.1.4).
  • All identifiers with external linkage in any of the following subclauses (including the future library directions) are always reserved for use as identifiers with external linkage.154
  • Each identifier with file scope listed in any of the following subclauses (including the future library directions) is reserved for use as a macro name and as an identifier with file scope in the same name space if any of its associated headers is included.

No other identifiers are reserved. If the program declares or defines an identifier in a context in which it is reserved (other than as allowed by 7.1.4), or defines a reserved identifier as a macro name, the behavior is undefined.

If the program removes (with #undef) any macro definition of an identifier in the first group listed above, the behavior is undefined.

154) The list of reserved identifiers with external linkage includes errno, math_errhandling, setjmp, and va_end.

Other restrictions might apply. For example, the POSIX standard reserves a lot of identifiers that are likely to show up in normal code:

  • Names beginning with a capital E followed a digit or uppercase letter:
    • may be used for additional error code names.
  • Names that begin with either is or to followed by a lowercase letter
    • may be used for additional character testing and conversion functions.
  • Names that begin with LC_ followed by an uppercase letter
    • may be used for additional macros specifying locale attributes.
  • Names of all existing mathematics functions suffixed with f or l are reserved
    • for corresponding functions that operate on float and long double arguments, respectively.
  • Names that begin with SIG followed by an uppercase letter are reserved
    • for additional signal names.
  • Names that begin with SIG_ followed by an uppercase letter are reserved
    • for additional signal actions.
  • Names beginning with str, mem, or wcs followed by a lowercase letter are reserved
    • for additional string and array functions.
  • Names beginning with PRI or SCN followed by any lowercase letter or X are reserved
    • for additional format specifier macros
  • Names that end with _t are reserved
    • for additional type names.

While using these names for your own purposes right now might not cause a problem, they do raise the possibility of conflict with future versions of that standard.

Personally I just don't start identifiers with underscores. New addition to my rule: Don't use double underscores anywhere, which is easy as I rarely use underscore.

After doing research on this article I no longer end my identifiers with _t as this is reserved by the POSIX standard.

The rule about any identifier ending with _t surprised me a lot. I think that is a POSIX standard (not sure yet) looking for clarification and official chapter and verse. This is from the GNU libtool manual, listing reserved names.

CesarB provided the following link to the POSIX 2004 reserved symbols and notes 'that many other reserved prefixes and suffixes ... can be found there'. The POSIX 2008 reserved symbols are defined here. The restrictions are somewhat more nuanced than those above.

Append text using StreamWriter

using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("debug.txt", true))
  writer.WriteLine("whatever you text is");

The second "true" parameter tells it to append.

How to remove any URL within a string in Python

You could also look at it from the other way around...

from urlparse import urlparse
[el for el in ['text1', 'FTP://', 'text2', ''] if not urlparse(el).scheme]

Convert char * to LPWSTR

The std::mbstowcs function is what you are looking for:

 char text[] = "something";
 wchar_t wtext[20];
 mbstowcs(wtext, text, strlen(text)+1);//Plus null
 LPWSTR ptr = wtext;

for strings,

 string text = "something";
 wchar_t wtext[20];
 mbstowcs(wtext, text.c_str(), text.length());//includes null
 LPWSTR ptr = wtext;

--> ED: The "L" prefix only works on string literals, not variables. <--

How to link 2 cell of excel sheet?

The simplest solution is to select the second cell, and press =. This will begin the fomula creation process. Now either type in the 1st cell reference (eg, A1) or click on the first cell and press enter. This should make the second cell reference the value of the first cell.

To read up more on different options for referencing see - This Article.

Can't compare naive and aware <= challenge.datetime_end

By default, the datetime object is naive in Python, so you need to make both of them either naive or aware datetime objects. This can be done using:

import datetime
import pytz


challenge.datetime_start = utc.localize(challenge.datetime_start) 
challenge.datetime_end = utc.localize(challenge.datetime_end) 
# now both the datetime objects are aware, and you can compare them

Note: This would raise a ValueError if tzinfo is already set. If you are not sure about that, just use

start_time = challenge.datetime_start.replace(tzinfo=utc)
end_time = challenge.datetime_end.replace(tzinfo=utc)

BTW, you could format a UNIX timestamp in datetime.datetime object with timezone info as following

d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(unix_timestamp))
d_with_tz = datetime.datetime(

How do I get a list of folders and sub folders without the files?

I used dir /s /b /o:n /a:d, and it worked perfectly, just make sure you let the file finish writing, or you'll have an incomplete list.

How to reverse MD5 to get the original string?

No, that's not really possible, as

  • there can be more than one string giving the same MD5
  • it was designed to be hard to "reverse"

The goal of the MD5 and its family of hashing functions is

  • to get short "extracts" from long string
  • to make it hard to guess where they come from
  • to make it hard to find collisions, that is other words having the same hash (which is a very similar exigence as the second one)

Think that you can get the MD5 of any string, even very long. And the MD5 is only 16 bytes long (32 if you write it in hexa to store or distribute it more easily). If you could reverse them, you'd have a magical compacting scheme.

This being said, as there aren't so many short strings (passwords...) used in the world, you can test them from a dictionary (that's called "brute force attack") or even google for your MD5. If the word is common and wasn't salted, you have a reasonable chance to succeed...

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

I have been struggling on this issue for two days, sharing my solution here in case anyone may need it.

The VMs that I'm using are Standard N-series GPU server with 2 K80 cards on Azure platform. With Ubuntu 18.04 OS installed.

Apparently there is an update of linux kernel several days before I came across this issue, and after the update the driver stopped working.

At first, I did purge and re-install as above replies suggested. Nothing works. Out of sudden(I don't remember why I wanted to do it), I updated the default gcc and g++ version on one of my VM as following.

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-9 90
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-9 90

Then I purged the nvidia softwares and reinstall it as instructed in official document(please choose the correct one for your system: again.

sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*

Then the nvidia-smi command finally worked again.


If you are using Azure linux VM like me. The recommended way to install CUDA is actually by enabling "NVIDIA GPU Driver Extension" in the Azure portal (of course, after you have configured the correct gcc version).

I have tried this way on my another VM and It works as well.

How can I change the current URL?

    var url= ""; 
    window.location = url; 

MacOSX homebrew mysql root password

  1. go to apple icon --> system preferences
  2. open Mysql
  3. in instances you will see "initialize Database"
  4. click on that
  5. you will be asked to set password for root --> set a strong password there
  6. use that password to login in mysql from next time

Hope this helps.

.NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number

Note that the value that you're formatting should be numeric. It doesn't look like it will take a string representation of a number and format is with commas.

Angular IE Caching issue for $http

An option is to use the simple approach of adding a Timestamp with each request no need to clear cache.

    let c=new Date().getTime();

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in a CodeIgniter View

Check your short_open_tag setting (use <?php phpinfo() ?> to see its current setting).

typesafe select onChange event using reactjs and typescript

The easiest way is to add a type to the variable that is receiving the value, like this:

var value: string = ( as any).value;

Or you could cast the value property as well as like this:

var value = (( as any).value as string);


Lastly, you can define what EventTarget.value is in a separate .d.ts file. However, the type will have to be compatible where it's used elsewhere, and you'll just end up using any again anyway.


interface EventTarget {
    value: any;

Show "loading" animation on button click

            //do processing
            $(this).attr("label", $(this).text()).text("loading ....").animate({ disabled: true }, 1000, function () {
                //original event call
                $.when($(elm).delay(1000).one("click")).done(function () {//processing finalized
                    $(this).text($(this).attr("label")).animate({ disabled: false }, 1000, function () {

How do you create a UIImage View Programmatically - Swift

In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1

//Create image view simply like this.
let imgView = UIImageView()
imgView.frame = CGRect(x: 200, y: 200, width: 200, height: 200)
imgView.image = UIImage(named: "yourimagename")//Assign image to ImageView
view.addSubview(imgView)//Add image to our view

//Add image view properties like this(This is one of the way to add properties).  
extension UIImageView {
    //If you want only round corners
    func imgViewCorners() {
        layer.cornerRadius = 10
        layer.borderWidth = 1.0
        layer.masksToBounds = true

How to run a PowerShell script

  1. Launch Windows PowerShell, and wait a moment for the PS command prompt to appear
  2. Navigate to the directory where the script lives

    PS> cd C:\my_path\yada_yada\ (enter)
  3. Execute the script:

    PS> .\run_import_script.ps1 (enter)

What am I missing??

Or: you can run the PowerShell script from cmd.exe like this:

powershell -noexit "& ""C:\my_path\yada_yada\run_import_script.ps1""" (enter)

according to this blog post here

Or you could even run your PowerShell script from your C# application :-)

Asynchronously execute PowerShell scripts from your C# application

Does Arduino use C or C++?

Arduino doesn't run either C or C++. It runs machine code compiled from either C, C++ or any other language that has a compiler for the Arduino instruction set.

C being a subset of C++, if Arduino can "run" C++ then it can "run" C.

If you don't already know C nor C++, you should probably start with C, just to get used to the whole "pointer" thing. You'll lose all the object inheritance capabilities though.

How to jQuery clone() and change id?

Update: As Roko C.Bulijan pointed out.. you need to use .insertAfter to insert it after the selected div. Also see updated code if you want it appended to the end instead of beginning when cloned multiple times. DEMO


   var cloneCount = 1;;
          .attr('id', 'id'+ cloneCount++)
           //            ^-- Use '#id' if you want to insert the cloned 
           //                element in the beginning
          .text('Cloned ' + (cloneCount-1)); //<--For DEMO


$("#id").clone().attr('id', 'id1').after("#id");

If you want a automatic counter, then see below,

   var cloneCount = 1;
      $("#id").clone().attr('id', 'id'+ cloneCount++).insertAfter("#id");

If...Then...Else with multiple statements after Then

Multiple statements are to be separated by a new line:

If SkyIsBlue Then
ElseIf SkyIsRed Then
ElseIf SkyIsYellow Then
  If Sunset Then
  ElseIf Sunrise or IsMorning Then
  End If
End If

Add Foreign Key to existing table

step 1: run this script


step 2: add column


step 3: add foreign key to the added column

ALTER TABLE mileage_unit

step 4: run this script


How to custom switch button?

You can use Android Material Components.

enter image description here


implementation ''



            android:text="One way trip" />

            android:text="Round trip" />


How to include libraries in Visual Studio 2012?

Typically you need to do 5 things to include a library in your project:

1) Add #include statements necessary files with declarations/interfaces, e.g.:

#include "library.h"

2) Add an include directory for the compiler to look into

-> Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Include Directories (click and edit, add a new entry)

3) Add a library directory for *.lib files:

-> project(on top bar)/properties/Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Library Directories (click and edit, add a new entry)

4) Link the lib's *.lib files

-> Configuration Properties/Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies (e.g.: library.lib;

5) Place *.dll files either:

-> in the directory you'll be opening your final executable from or into Windows/system32

Get element from within an iFrame

If iframe is not in the same domain such that you cannot get access to its internals from the parent but you can modify the source code of the iframe then you can modify the page displayed by the iframe to send messages to the parent window, which allows you to share information between the pages. Some sources:

How can I remove an element from a list, with lodash?

you can do it with _pull.

_.pull(obj["subTopics"] , {"subTopicId":2, "number":32});

check the reference

Show spinner GIF during an $http request in AngularJS?

This really depends on your specific use case, but a simple way would follow a pattern like this:

.controller('MainCtrl', function ( $scope, myService ) {
  $scope.loading = true;
  myService.get().then( function ( response ) {
    $scope.items =;
  }, function ( response ) {
    // TODO: handle the error somehow
  }).finally(function() {
    // called no matter success or failure
    $scope.loading = false;

And then react to it in your template:

<div class="spinner" ng-show="loading"></div>
<div ng-repeat="item in items>{{}}</div>

What is an .inc and why use it?

If you are concerned about the file's content being served rather than its output. You can use a double extension like: It then serves the same purpose of helpfulness and maintainability.

I normally have 2 php files for each page on my site:

  1. One named welcome.php in the root folder, containing all of the HTML markup.
  2. And another named in the inc folder, containing all PHP functions specific to the welcome.php page.

EDIT: Another benefit of using the double extention .inc.php would be that any IDE can still recognise the file as PHP code.

How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows

Have you considered animating a sweep to the right? You could do something like drawing a progressively larger white bar across the top of the list item, then removing it from the list. The other cells would still jerk into place, but it'd better than nothing.

How to calculate an age based on a birthday?

Stackoverflow uses such function to determine the age of a user.

Calculate age in C#

The given answer is

DateTime now = DateTime.Today;
int age = now.Year - bday.Year;
if (now < bday.AddYears(age)) age--;

So your helper method would look like

public static string Age(this HtmlHelper helper, DateTime birthday)
    DateTime now = DateTime.Today;
    int age = now.Year - birthday.Year;
    if (now < birthday.AddYears(age)) age--;

    return age.ToString();

Today, I use a different version of this function to include a date of reference. This allow me to get the age of someone at a future date or in the past. This is used for our reservation system, where the age in the future is needed.

public static int GetAge(DateTime reference, DateTime birthday)
    int age = reference.Year - birthday.Year;
    if (reference < birthday.AddYears(age)) age--;

    return age;

How to install Boost on Ubuntu

Actually you don't need "install" or "compile" anything before using Boost in your project. You can just download and extract the Boost library to any location on your machine, which is usually like /usr/local/.

When you compile your code, you can just indicate the compiler where to find the libraries by -I. For example, g++ -I /usr/local/boost_1_59_0 xxx.hpp.

What to do with "Unexpected indent" in python?

In Python, the spacing is very important, this gives the structure of your code blocks. This error happens when you mess up your code structure, for example like this :

def test_function() :
   if 5 > 3 :
   print "hello"

You may also have a mix of tabs and spaces in your file.

I suggest you use a python syntax aware editor like PyScripter, or Netbeans

How to use pull to refresh in Swift?

For the pull to refresh i am using



pod 'DGElasticPullToRefresh'

import DGElasticPullToRefresh

and put this function into your swift file and call this funtion from your

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)

     func Refresher() {
      let loadingView = DGElasticPullToRefreshLoadingViewCircle()
      loadingView.tintColor = UIColor(red: 255.0/255.0, green: 255.0/255.0, blue: 255.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
      self.table.dg_addPullToRefreshWithActionHandler({ [weak self] () -> Void in

          //Completion block you can perfrom your code here.

           print("Stack Overflow")

           }, loadingView: loadingView)
      self.table.dg_setPullToRefreshFillColor(UIColor(red: 255.0/255.0, green: 57.0/255.0, blue: 66.0/255.0, alpha: 1))

And dont forget to remove reference while view will get dissapear

to remove pull to refresh put this code in to your

override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool)

override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {


And it will looks like

enter image description here

Happy coding :)

Best place to insert the Google Analytics code

Yes, it is recommended to put the GA code in the footer anyway, as the page shouldnt count as a page visit until its read all the markup.

What is the difference between the 'COPY' and 'ADD' commands in a Dockerfile?

ADD and COPY both have same functionality of copying files and directories from source to destination but ADD has extra of file extraction and URL file extraction functionality. The best practice is to use COPY in only copy operation only avoid ADD is many areas. The link will explain it with some simple examples difference between COPY and ADD in dockerfile

Dynamic function name in javascript?

This is BEST solution, better then new Function('return function name(){}')().

Eval is fastest solution:

enter image description here

var name = 'FuncName'
var func = eval("(function " + name + "(){})")

How to use querySelectorAll only for elements that have a specific attribute set?

Extra Tips:

Multiple "nots", input that is NOT hidden and NOT disabled:


Also did you know you can do this:


This is equivelent to jQuery's:


Which will effectively find all divs in "node" and below recursively, HOT DAMN!

Case insensitive comparison of strings in shell script

I came across this great blog/tutorial/whatever about dealing with case sensitive pattern. The following three methods are explained in details with examples:

1. Convert pattern to lowercase using tr command

opt=$( tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"$1" )
case $opt in
                echo "Running mysql backup using mysqldump tool..."
                echo "Running backup using rsync tool..."
                echo "Running tape backup using tar tool..."
                echo "Other options"

2. Use careful globbing with case patterns

case $opt in
                echo "Running mysql backup using mysqldump tool..."
                echo "Running backup using rsync tool..."
                echo "Running tape backup using tar tool..."
                echo "Other option"

3. Turn on nocasematch

shopt -s nocasematch
case $opt in
                echo "Running mysql backup using mysqldump tool..."
                echo "Running backup using rsync tool..."
                echo "Running tape backup using tar tool..."
                echo "Other option"

shopt -u nocasematch

Deep copy of a dict in python

dict.copy() is a shallow copy function for dictionary
id is built-in function that gives you the address of variable

First you need to understand "why is this particular problem is happening?"

In [1]: my_dict = {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [4, 5, 6]}

In [2]: my_copy = my_dict.copy()

In [3]: id(my_dict)
Out[3]: 140190444167808

In [4]: id(my_copy)
Out[4]: 140190444170328

In [5]: id(my_copy['a'])
Out[5]: 140190444024104

In [6]: id(my_dict['a'])
Out[6]: 140190444024104

The address of the list present in both the dicts for key 'a' is pointing to same location.
Therefore when you change value of the list in my_dict, the list in my_copy changes as well.

Solution for data structure mentioned in the question:

In [7]: my_copy = {key: value[:] for key, value in my_dict.items()}

In [8]: id(my_copy['a'])
Out[8]: 140190444024176

Or you can use deepcopy as mentioned above.

redirect while passing arguments

I found that none of the answers here applied to my specific use case, so I thought I would share my solution.

I was looking to redirect an unauthentciated user to public version of an app page with any possible URL params. Example:

/app/4903294/my-great-car? to


Here's the solution that worked for me.

return redirect(url_for('app.vehicle', vid=vid, year_make_model=year_make_model, **request.args))

Hope this helps someone!

Install GD library and freetype on Linux

Installing GD :

For CentOS / RedHat / Fedora :

sudo yum install php-gd

For Debian/ubuntu :

sudo apt-get install php5-gd

Installing freetype :

For CentOS / RedHat / Fedora :

sudo yum install freetype*

For Debian/ubuntu :

sudo apt-get install freetype*

Don't forget to restart apache after that (if you are using apache):

CentOS / RedHat / Fedora :

sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart


sudo service httpd restart

Debian/ubuntu :

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


sudo service apache2 restart

How can I listen to the form submit event in javascript?

With jQuery:

$('form').submit(function () {
    // Validate here

    if (pass)
        return true;
        return false;

Cannot open include file with Visual Studio

By default, Visual Studio searches for headers in the folder where your project is ($ProjectDir) and in the default standard libraries directories. If you need to include something that is not placed in your project directory, you need to add the path to the folder to include:

Go to your Project properties (Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General) and in the field Additional Include Directories add the path to your .h file.

You can, also, as suggested by Chris Olen, add the path to VC++ Directories field.

How to write log to file

Declare up top in your global var so all your processes can access if needed.

package main

import (
var (
    outfile, _ = os.Create("path/to/my.log") // update path for your needs
    l      = log.New(outfile, "", 0)

func main() {
    l.Println("hello, log!!!")

How to use index in select statement?

In general, the index will be used if the assumed cost of using the index, and then possibly having to perform further bookmark lookups is lower than the cost of just scanning the entire table.

If your query is of the form:

SELECT Name from Table where Name = 'Boris'

And 1 row out of 1000 has the name Boris, it will almost certainly be used. If everyone's name is Boris, it will probably resort to a table scan, since the index is unlikely to be a more efficient strategy to access the data.

If it's a wide table (lot's of columns) and you do:

SELECT * from Table where Name = 'Boris'

Then it may still choose to perform the table scan, if it's a reasonable assumption that it's going to take more time retrieving the other columns from the table than it will to just look up the name, or again, if it's likely to be retrieving a lot of rows anyway.

Hibernate: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role, no session or session was closed

You're most likely closing the session inside of the RoleDao. If you close the session then try to access a field on an object that was lazy-loaded, you will get this exception. You should probably open and close the session/transaction in your test.

Is there a way to suppress JSHint warning for one given line?

As you can see in the documentation of JSHint you can change options per function or per file. In your case just place a comment in your file or even more local just in the function that uses eval:

/*jshint evil:true */

function helloEval(str) {
    /*jshint evil:true */

What is the difference between signed and unsigned int

In laymen's terms an unsigned int is an integer that can not be negative and thus has a higher range of positive values that it can assume. A signed int is an integer that can be negative but has a lower positive range in exchange for more negative values it can assume.

Is it safe to store a JWT in localStorage with ReactJS?

It is safe to store your token in localStorage as long as you encrypt it. Below is a compressed code snippet showing one of many ways you can do it.

    import SimpleCrypto from 'simple-crypto-js';

    const saveToken = (token = '') => {
          const encryptInit = new SimpleCrypto('PRIVATE_KEY_STORED_IN_ENV_FILE');
          const encryptedToken = encryptInit.encrypt(token);

          localStorage.setItem('token', encryptedToken);

Then, before using your token decrypt it using PRIVATE_KEY_STORED_IN_ENV_FILE

How to check if any fields in a form are empty in php

Specify POST method in form
<form name="registrationform" action="register.php" method="post">

your form code


Bootstrap 3: How to get two form inputs on one line and other inputs on individual lines?

You can wrap the inputs in col-* classes

<form name="registration_form" id="registration_form" class="form-horizontal">
     <div class="form-group">
           <div class="col-sm-6">
             <label for="firstname" class="sr-only"></label>
             <input id="firstname" class="form-control input-group-lg reg_name" type="text" name="firstname" title="Enter first name" placeholder="First name">
           <div class="col-sm-6">
             <label for="lastname" class="sr-only"></label>
             <input id="lastname" class="form-control input-group-lg reg_name" type="text" name="lastname" title="Enter last name" placeholder="Last name">

    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-12">
          <label for="username" class="sr-only"></label>
          <input id="username" class="form-control input-group-lg" type="text" autocapitalize="off" name="username" title="Enter username" placeholder="Username">

    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-12">
        <label for="password" class="sr-only"></label>
        <input id="password" class="form-control input-group-lg" type="password" name="password" title="Enter password" placeholder="Password">

How can I access Google Sheet spreadsheets only with Javascript?

2016 update: The easiest way is to use the Google Apps Script API, in particular the SpreadSheet Service. This works for private sheets, unlike the other answers that require the spreadsheet to be published.

This will let you bind JavaScript code to a Google Sheet, and execute it when the sheet is opened, or when a menu item (that you can define) is selected.

Here's a Quickstart/Demo. The code looks like this:

// Let's say you have a sheet of First, Last, email and you want to return the email of the
// row the user has placed the cursor on.
function getActiveEmail() {
  var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var activeRow = .getActiveCell().getRow();
  var email = activeSheet.getRange(activeRow, 3).getValue();

  return email;

You can also publish such scripts as web apps.

How to check if a string is a valid JSON string in JavaScript without using Try/Catch

A comment first. The question was about not using try/catch.
If you do not mind to use it, read the answer below. Here we just check a JSON string using a regexp, and it will work in most cases, not all cases.

Have a look around the line 450 in

There is a regexp that check for a valid JSON, something like:

if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, '@').
replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').
replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {

  //the json is ok


  //the json is not ok


EDIT: The new version of json2.js makes a more advanced parsing than above, but still based on a regexp replace ( from the comment of @Mrchief )

How do I flush the cin buffer?

I would prefer the C++ size constraints over the C versions:

// Ignore to the end of file

// Ignore to the end of line
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n')

Excel - Sum column if condition is met by checking other column in same table

Actually a more refined solution is use the build-in function sumif, this function does exactly what you need, will only sum those expenses of a specified month.



Notepad++ Setting for Disabling Auto-open Previous Files

In Notepad++ v6.6 this setting is moved to the Backup tab of the Preferences menu.

enter image description here

How to restore PostgreSQL dump file into Postgres databases?

By using pg_restore command you can restore postgres database

First open terminal type

sudo su postgres

Create new database

createdb [database name] -O [owner]

createdb test_db [-O openerp]

pg_restore -d [Database Name] [path of dump file]

pg_restore -d test_db /home/sagar/Download/sample_dbump

Wait for completion of database restoring.

Remember that dump file should have read, write, execute access, so for that you can apply chmod command

Equivalent of shell 'cd' command to change the working directory?

You can change the working directory with:

import os


There are two best practices to follow when using this method:

  1. Catch the exception (WindowsError, OSError) on invalid path. If the exception is thrown, do not perform any recursive operations, especially destructive ones. They will operate on the old path and not the new one.
  2. Return to your old directory when you're done. This can be done in an exception-safe manner by wrapping your chdir call in a context manager, like Brian M. Hunt did in his answer.

Changing the current working directory in a subprocess does not change the current working directory in the parent process. This is true of the Python interpreter as well. You cannot use os.chdir() to change the CWD of the calling process.

Find objects between two dates MongoDB

i tried in this model as per my requirements i need to store a date when ever a object is created later i want to retrieve all the records (documents ) between two dates in my html file i was using the following format mm/dd/yyyy

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">


    $("#select_date").click(function() { 
    type: "post",
    url: "xxx", 
    datatype: "html",
    data: $("#period").serialize(),  
    success: function(data){
    } ,//success

    }); //event triggered



    <form id="period" name='period'>
        from <input id="selecteddate" name="selecteddate1" type="text"> to 
        <input id="select_date" type="button" value="selected">

in my py (python) file i converted it into "iso fomate" in following way

date_str1   = request.POST["SelectedDate1"] 
SelectedDate1   = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str1, '%m/%d/%Y').isoformat()

and saved in my dbmongo collection with "SelectedDate" as field in my collection

to retrieve data or documents between to 2 dates i used following query

db.collection.find( "SelectedDate": {'$gte': SelectedDate1,'$lt': SelectedDate2}})

How to retrieve all keys (or values) from a std::map and put them into a vector?

Slightly similar to one of examples here, simplified from std::map usage perspective.

template<class KEY, class VALUE>
std::vector<KEY> getKeys(const std::map<KEY, VALUE>& map)
    std::vector<KEY> keys(map.size());
    for (const auto& it : map)
    return keys;

Use like this:

auto keys = getKeys(yourMap);

Remove all files in a directory

Because the * is a shell construct. Python is literally looking for a file named "*" in the directory /home/me/test. Use listdir to get a list of the files first and then call remove on each one.

Android studio takes too much memory

To run Android envirorment on low configuration machine.

  1. Close the uncessesory web tabs in browser
  2. For Antivirus users, exclude the build folder which is auto generated
  3. Android studio have 1.2 Gb default heap can decrease to 512 MB

Help > Edit custom VM options


Layouts performace will be speed up

  1. For Gradle one of the core component in Android studio Mkae sure like right now 3.0beta is latest one

Below tips can affect the code quality so please use with cautions:

  1. Studio contain Power safe Mode when turned on it will close background operations that lint , code complelitions and so on.

  2. You can run manually lint check when needed ./gradlew lint

  3. Most of are using Android emulators on average it consume 2 GB RAM so if possible use actual Android device these will reduce your resource load on your computer. Alternatively you can reduce the RAM of the emulator and it will automatically reduce the virtual memory consumption on your computer. you can find this in virtual device configuration and advance setting.

  4. Gradle offline mode is a feature for bandwidth limited users to disable the downloading of build dependencies. It will reduce the background operation that will help to increase the performance of Android studio.

  5. Android studio offers an optimization to compile multiple modules in parallel. On low RAM machines this feature will likely have a negative impact on the performance. You can disable it in the compiler settings dialog.

Looping over arrays, printing both index and value

users=("kamal" "jamal" "rahim" "karim" "sadia")

for i in ${users[@]}; do
  t=$(( t + 1 ))
  if [ $t -eq 0 ]; then
    for j in ${!users[@]}; do
  echo "${index[$t]} is $i"

NumPy array initialization (fill with identical values)

I had

numpy.array(n * [value])

in mind, but apparently that is slower than all other suggestions for large enough n.

Here is full comparison with perfplot (a pet project of mine).

enter image description here

The two empty alternatives are still the fastest (with NumPy 1.12.1). full catches up for large arrays.

Code to generate the plot:

import numpy as np
import perfplot

def empty_fill(n):
    a = np.empty(n)
    return a

def empty_colon(n):
    a = np.empty(n)
    a[:] = 3.14
    return a

def ones_times(n):
    return 3.14 * np.ones(n)

def repeat(n):
    return np.repeat(3.14, (n))

def tile(n):
    return np.repeat(3.14, [n])

def full(n):
    return np.full((n), 3.14)

def list_to_array(n):
    return np.array(n * [3.14])
    setup=lambda n: n,
    kernels=[empty_fill, empty_colon, ones_times, repeat, tile, full, list_to_array],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(27)],

What does template <unsigned int N> mean?

Yes, it is a non-type parameter. You can have several kinds of template parameters

  • Type Parameters.
    • Types
    • Templates (only classes and alias templates, no functions or variable templates)
  • Non-type Parameters
    • Pointers
    • References
    • Integral constant expressions

What you have there is of the last kind. It's a compile time constant (so-called constant expression) and is of type integer or enumeration. After looking it up in the standard, i had to move class templates up into the types section - even though templates are not types. But they are called type-parameters for the purpose of describing those kinds nonetheless. You can have pointers (and also member pointers) and references to objects/functions that have external linkage (those that can be linked to from other object files and whose address is unique in the entire program). Examples:

Template type parameter:

template<typename T>
struct Container {
    T t;

// pass type "long" as argument.
Container<long> test;

Template integer parameter:

template<unsigned int S>
struct Vector {
    unsigned char bytes[S];

// pass 3 as argument.
Vector<3> test;

Template pointer parameter (passing a pointer to a function)

template<void (*F)()>
struct FunctionWrapper {
    static void call_it() { F(); }

// pass address of function do_it as argument.
void do_it() { }
FunctionWrapper<&do_it> test;

Template reference parameter (passing an integer)

template<int &A>
struct SillyExample {
    static void do_it() { A = 10; }

// pass flag as argument
int flag;
SillyExample<flag> test;

Template template parameter.

template<template<typename T> class AllocatePolicy>
struct Pool {
    void allocate(size_t n) {
        int *p = AllocatePolicy<int>::allocate(n);

// pass the template "allocator" as argument. 
template<typename T>
struct allocator { static T * allocate(size_t n) { return 0; } };
Pool<allocator> test;

A template without any parameters is not possible. But a template without any explicit argument is possible - it has default arguments:

template<unsigned int SIZE = 3>
struct Vector {
    unsigned char buffer[SIZE];

Vector<> test;

Syntactically, template<> is reserved to mark an explicit template specialization, instead of a template without parameters:

struct Vector<3> {
    // alternative definition for SIZE == 3

Get model's fields in Django

The model fields contained by _meta are listed in multiple locations as lists of the respective field objects. It may be easier to work with them as a dictionary where the keys are the field names.

In my opinion, this is most irredundant and expressive way to collect and organize the model field objects:

def get_model_fields(model):
  fields = {}
  options = model._meta
  for field in sorted(options.concrete_fields + options.many_to_many + options.virtual_fields):
    fields[] = field
  return fields

(See This example usage in django.forms.models.fields_for_model.)

AngularJS Multiple ng-app within a page

You can use angular.bootstrap() directly... the problem is you lose the benefits of directives.

First you need to get a reference to the HTML element in order to bootstrap it, which means your code is now coupled to your HTML.

Secondly the association between the two is not as apparent. With ngApp you can clearly see what HTML is associated with what module and you know where to look for that information. But angular.bootstrap() could be invoked from anywhere in your code.

If you are going to do it at all the best way would be by using a directive. Which is what I did. It's called ngModule. Here is what your code would look like using it:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="angular.js"></script>
        <script src=""></script>
          var moduleA = angular.module("MyModuleA", []);
          moduleA.controller("MyControllerA", function($scope) {
              $ = "Bob A";

          var moduleB = angular.module("MyModuleB", []);
          moduleB.controller("MyControllerB", function($scope) {
              $ = "Steve B";
        <div ng-modules="MyModuleA, MyModuleB">
            <h1>Module A, B</h1>
            <div ng-controller="MyControllerA">
            <div ng-controller="MyControllerB">

        <div ng-module="MyModuleB">
            <h1>Just Module B</h1>
            <div ng-controller="MyControllerB">

You can get the source code for it at:

It's implemented in the same way as ngApp. It simply calls angular.bootstrap() behind the scenes.

How can I know if a branch has been already merged into master?

Here are my techniques when I need to figure out if a branch has been merged, even if it may have been rebased to be up to date with our main branch, which is a common scenario for feature branches.

Neither of these approaches are fool proof, but I've found them useful many times.

1 Show log for all branches

Using a visual tool like gitk or TortoiseGit, or simply git log with --all, go through the history to see all the merges to the main branch. You should be able to spot if this particular feature branch has been merged or not.

2 Always remove remote branch when merging in a feature branch

If you have a good habit of always removing both the local and the remote branch when you merge in a feature branch, then you can simply update and prune remotes on your other computer and the feature branches will disappear.

To help remember doing this, I'm already using git flow extensions (AVH edition) to create and merge my feature branches locally, so I added the following git flow hook to ask me if I also want to auto-remove the remote branch.

Example create/finish feature branch

554 Andreas:MyRepo(develop)$ git flow start tmp
Switched to a new branch 'feature/tmp'

Summary of actions:
- A new branch 'feature/tmp' was created, based on 'develop'
- You are now on branch 'feature/tmp'

Now, start committing on your feature. When done, use:

     git flow feature finish tmp

555 Andreas:MyRepo(feature/tmp)$ git flow finish
Switched to branch 'develop'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'if/develop'.
Already up-to-date.

[post-flow-feature-finish] Delete remote branch? (Y/n)
Deleting remote branch: origin/feature/tmp.

Deleted branch feature/tmp (was 02a3356).

Summary of actions:
- The feature branch 'feature/tmp' was merged into 'develop'
- Feature branch 'feature/tmp' has been locally deleted
- You are now on branch 'develop'

556 Andreas:ScDesktop (develop)$



# Delete remote branch
# Allows us to read user input below, assigns stdin to keyboard
exec < /dev/tty

while true; do
  read -p "[post-flow-feature-finish] Delete remote branch? (Y/n) " yn
  if [ "$yn" = "" ]; then
  case $yn in
      [Yy] ) 
        echo -e "\e[31mDeleting remote branch: $2/$3.\e[0m" || exit "$?"
        git push $2 :$3; 
      [Nn] ) 
        echo -e "\e[32mKeeping remote branch.\e[0m" || exit "$?"
      * ) echo "Please answer y or n for yes or no.";;

# Stop reading user input (close STDIN)
exec <&-
exit 0

3 Search by commit message

If you do not always remove the remote branch, you can still search for similar commits to determine if the branch has been merged or not. The pitfall here is if the remote branch has been rebased to the unrecognizable, such as squashing commits or changing commit messages.

  • Fetch and prune all remotes
  • Find message of last commit on feature branch
  • See if a commit with same message can be found on master branch

Example commands on master branch:

gls origin/feature/foo
glf "my message"

In my bash .profile config

alias gru='git remote update -p'
alias glf=findCommitByMessage

findCommitByMessage() {
    git log -i --grep="$1"

How to get all the values of input array element jquery

You can use .map().

Pass each element in the current matched set through a function, producing a new jQuery object containing the return value.

As the return value is a jQuery object, which contains an array, it's very common to call .get() on the result to work with a basic array.


var arr = $('input[name="pname[]"]').map(function () {
    return this.value; // $(this).val()

Scrolling to an Anchor using Transition/CSS3

You can find the answer to your question on the following page:

Here is the JSFiddle that was given:

Note the scrolling section at the end of the CSS, specifically:

html,body {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    position: relative; _x000D_
body {_x000D_
overflow: hidden;_x000D_
header {_x000D_
background: #fff; _x000D_
position: fixed; _x000D_
left: 0; top: 0; _x000D_
height: 3.5rem;_x000D_
z-index: 10; _x000D_
nav {_x000D_
width: 100%;_x000D_
padding-top: 0.5rem;_x000D_
nav ul {_x000D_
list-style: none;_x000D_
width: inherit; _x000D_
margin: 0; _x000D_
ul li:nth-child( 3n + 1), #main .panel:nth-child( 3n + 1) {_x000D_
background: rgb( 0, 180, 255 );_x000D_
ul li:nth-child( 3n + 2), #main .panel:nth-child( 3n + 2) {_x000D_
background: rgb( 255, 65, 180 );_x000D_
ul li:nth-child( 3n + 3), #main .panel:nth-child( 3n + 3) {_x000D_
background: rgb( 0, 255, 180 );_x000D_
ul li {_x000D_
display: inline-block; _x000D_
margin: 0 8px;_x000D_
margin: 0 0.5rem;_x000D_
padding: 5px 8px;_x000D_
padding: 0.3rem 0.5rem;_x000D_
border-radius: 2px; _x000D_
line-height: 1.5;_x000D_
ul li a {_x000D_
color: #fff;_x000D_
text-decoration: none;_x000D_
.panel {_x000D_
width: 100%;_x000D_
height: 500px;_x000D_
z-index:0; _x000D_
-webkit-transform: translateZ( 0 );_x000D_
transform: translateZ( 0 );_x000D_
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;_x000D_
transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out;_x000D_
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;_x000D_
backface-visibility: hidden;_x000D_
.panel h1 {_x000D_
font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
font-size: 64px;_x000D_
font-size: 4rem;_x000D_
color: #fff;_x000D_
line-height: 200px;_x000D_
top: 33%;_x000D_
text-align: center;_x000D_
margin: 0;_x000D_
a[ id= "servicios" ]:target ~ #main article.panel {_x000D_
-webkit-transform: translateY( 0px);_x000D_
transform: translateY( 0px );_x000D_
a[ id= "galeria" ]:target ~ #main article.panel {_x000D_
-webkit-transform: translateY( -500px );_x000D_
transform: translateY( -500px );_x000D_
a[ id= "contacto" ]:target ~ #main article.panel {_x000D_
-webkit-transform: translateY( -1000px );_x000D_
transform: translateY( -1000px );_x000D_
<a id="servicios"></a>_x000D_
<a id="galeria"></a>_x000D_
<a id="contacto"></a>_x000D_
<header class="nav">_x000D_
        <li><a href="#servicios"> Servicios </a> </li>_x000D_
        <li><a href="#galeria"> Galeria </a> </li>_x000D_
        <li><a href="#contacto">Contacta  nos </a> </li>_x000D_
<section id="main">_x000D_
<article class="panel" id="servicios">_x000D_
    <h1> Nuestros Servicios</h1>_x000D_
<article class="panel" id="galeria">_x000D_
    <h1> Mustra de nuestro trabajos</h1>_x000D_
<article class="panel" id="contacto">_x000D_
    <h1> Pongamonos en contacto</h1>_x000D_

Get checkbox value in jQuery

Simple but effective and assumes you know the checkbox will be found:


Gives true/false

The representation of if-elseif-else in EL using JSF

One possible solution is:

<h:panelGroup rendered="#{bean.row == 10}">
    <div class="text-success">
        <h:outputText value="#{bean.row}"/>

Visual Studio Code how to resolve merge conflicts with git?

For VS Code 1.38 or if you could not find any "lightbulb" button. Pay close attention to the greyed out text above the conflicts; there is a list of actions you can take.

Detect Safari using jQuery

//Check if Safari
  function isSafari() {
      return /^((?!chrome).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
//Check if MAC

Improve subplot size/spacing with many subplots in matplotlib

Similar to tight_layout matplotlib now (as of version 2.2) provides constrained_layout. In contrast to tight_layout, which may be called any time in the code for a single optimized layout, constrained_layout is a property, which may be active and will optimze the layout before every drawing step.

Hence it needs to be activated before or during subplot creation, such as figure(constrained_layout=True) or subplots(constrained_layout=True).


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(4,4, constrained_layout=True)

enter image description here

constrained_layout may as well be set via rcParams

plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True

See the what's new entry and the Constrained Layout Guide

Number of regex matches

If you know you will want all the matches, you could use the re.findall function. It will return a list of all the matches. Then you can just do len(result) for the number of matches.

What does the following Oracle error mean: invalid column index

I also got this type error, problem is wrong usage of parameters to statement like, Let's say you have a query like this


and for the preparedStatement object (JDBC) if you set the parameters like


then it results in SQLException: Invalid column index

So, I removed that second parameter setting to prepared statement then problem solved

Display the binary representation of a number in C?

There is no direct format specifier for this in the C language. Although I wrote this quick python snippet to help you understand the process step by step to roll your own.


dec = input("Enter a decimal number to convert: ")
base = 2
solution = ""

while dec >= base:
    solution = str(dec%base) + solution
    dec = dec/base
if dec > 0:
    solution = str(dec) + solution

print solution


dec = input("Enter a decimal number to convert: ") - prompt the user for numerical input (there are multiple ways to do this in C via scanf for example)

base = 2 - specify our base is 2 (binary)

solution = "" - create an empty string in which we will concatenate our solution

while dec >= base: - while our number is bigger than the base entered

solution = str(dec%base) + solution - get the modulus of the number to the base, and add it to the beginning of our string (we must add numbers right to left using division and remainder method). the str() function converts the result of the operation to a string. You cannot concatenate integers with strings in python without a type conversion.

dec = dec/base - divide the decimal number by the base in preperation to take the next modulo

if dec > 0: solution = str(dec) + solution - if anything is left over, add it to the beginning (this will be 1, if anything)

print solution - print the final number

Git submodule head 'reference is not a tree' error

I got this error when I did:

$ git submodule update --init --depth 1

but the commit in the parent project was pointing at an earlier commit.

Deleting the submodule folder and running:

$ git submodule update --init

did NOT solve the problem. I deleted the repo and tried again without the depth flag and it worked.

This error happens in Ubuntu 16.04 git 2.7.4, but not on Ubuntu 18.04 git 2.17, TODO find exact fixing commit or version.

how to avoid a new line with p tag?

The <p> paragraph tag is meant for specifying paragraphs of text. If you don't want the text to start on a new line, I would suggest you're using the <p> tag incorrectly. Perhaps the <span> tag more closely fits what you want to achieve...?

jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element

It is possible and sometimes necessary to create the click event along with the element. This is for example when selector based binding is not an option. The key part is to avoid the problem that Tobias was talking about by using .replaceWith() on a single element. Note that this is just a proof of concept.

    // This simulates the object to handle
    var staticObj = [
        { ID: '1', Name: 'Foo' },
        { ID: '2', Name: 'Foo' },
        { ID: '3', Name: 'Foo' }
    staticObj[1].children = [
        { ID: 'a', Name: 'Bar' },
        { ID: 'b', Name: 'Bar' },
        { ID: 'c', Name: 'Bar' }
    staticObj[1].children[1].children = [
        { ID: 'x', Name: 'Baz' },
        { ID: 'y', Name: 'Baz' }

    // This is the object-to-html-element function handler with recursion
    var handleItem = function( item ) {
        var ul, li = $("<li>" + item.ID + " " + item.Name + "</li>");

        if(typeof item.children !== 'undefined') {
            ul = $("<ul />");
            for (var i = 0; i < item.children.length; i++) {

        // This click handler actually does work {
        return li;

    // Wait for the dom instead of an ajax call or whatever
    $(function() {
        var ul = $("<ul />");

        for (var i = 0; i < staticObj.length; i++) {

        // Here; this works.
<div id="something">Magical ponies ?</div>

The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open

Are you running any Anti-virus software. It's possible that the AV software (or some other piece of software) was reading the file using the file mapping APIs which caused the problem.

Enum Naming Convention - Plural

The situation never really applies to plural.

An enum shows an attribute of something or another. I'll give an example:

enum Humour

You can have one type, but try think of it in the multiple, rather than plural:

Humour.Irony | Humour.Sarcasm

Rather than

Humours { Irony, Sarcasm }

You have a sense of humour, you don't have a sense of humours.

Passing on command line arguments to runnable JAR

You can pass program arguments on the command line and get them in your Java app like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String pathToXml = args[0];

Alternatively you pass a system property by changing the command line to:

java -Dpath-to-xml=enwiki-20111007-pages-articles.xml -jar wiki2txt

and your main class to:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String pathToXml = System.getProperty("path-to-xml");

Finding element in XDocument?

You should use Root to refer to the root element:


If you want to find elements anywhere in the document use Descendants instead:


What does it mean to inflate a view from an xml file?

"Inflating" a view means taking the layout XML and parsing it to create the view and viewgroup objects from the elements and their attributes specified within, and then adding the hierarchy of those views and viewgroups to the parent ViewGroup. When you call setContentView(), it attaches the views it creates from reading the XML to the activity. You can also use LayoutInflater to add views to another ViewGroup, which can be a useful tool in a lot of circumstances.

How to run the Python program forever?

for OS's that support select:

import select

# your code[], [], [])

Unexpected token }

Try running the entire script through jslint. This may help point you at the cause of the error.

Edit Ok, it's not quite the syntax of the script that's the problem. At least not in a way that jslint can detect.

Having played with your live code at, it looks like there are syntax errors in the generated code that your script puts into an onclick attribute in the DOM. Most browsers don't do a very good job of reporting errors in JavaScript run via such things (what is the file and line number of a piece of script in the onclick attribute of a dynamically inserted element?). This is probably why you get a confusing error message in Chrome. The FireFox error message is different, and also doesn't have a useful line number, although FireBug does show the code which causes the problem.

This snippet of code is taken from your edit function which is in the inline script block of your HTML:

var sub = document.getElementById('submit');
sub.setAttribute("onclick", "save(\""+file+"\", document.getElementById('name').value, document.getElementById('text').value");

Note that this sets the onclick attribute of an element to invalid JavaScript code:

<input type="submit" id="submit" onclick="save("data/wasup.htm", document.getElementById('name').value, document.getElementById('text').value">

The JS is:

save("data/wasup.htm", document.getElementById('name').value, document.getElementById('text').value

Note the missing close paren to finish the call to save.

As an aside, inserting onclick attributes is not a very modern or clean way of adding event handlers in JavaScript. Why are you not using the DOM's addEventListener to simply hook up a function to the element? If you were using something like jQuery, this would be simpler still.

How do I format a string using a dictionary in python-3.x?

The Python 2 syntax works in Python 3 as well:

>>> class MyClass:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.title = 'Title'
>>> a = MyClass()
>>> print('The title is %(title)s' % a.__dict__)
The title is Title
>>> path = '/path/to/a/file'
>>> print('You put your file here: %(path)s' % locals())
You put your file here: /path/to/a/file

How to call a button click event from another method

A simple way to call it from anywhere is just use "null" and "RoutedEventArgs.Empty", like this:

SubGraphButton_Click(null, RoutedEventArgs.Empty);

openpyxl - adjust column width size

I had to change @User3759685 above answer to this when the openpxyl updated. I was getting an error. Well @phihag reported this in the comments as well

for column_cells in ws.columns:
    new_column_length = max(len(as_text(cell.value)) for cell in column_cells)
    new_column_letter = (openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column_cells[0].column))
    if new_column_length > 0:
        ws.column_dimensions[new_column_letter].width = new_column_length + 1

Can a WSDL indicate the SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2) of the web service?

Yes you can usually see what SOAP version is supported based on the WSDL.

Take a look at Demo web service WSDL. It has a reference to the soap12 namespace indicating it supports SOAP 1.2. If that was absent then you'd probably be safe assuming the service only supported SOAP 1.1.

Implementation difference between Aggregation and Composition in Java

Both types are of course associations, and not really mapped strictly to language elements like that. The difference is in the purpose, context, and how the system is modeled.

As a practical example, compare two different types of systems with similar entities:

  • A car registration system that primarily keep track of cars, and their owners, etc. Here we are not interested in the engine as a separate entity, but we may still have engine related attributes, like power, and type of fuel. Here the Engine may be a composite part of the car entity.

  • A car service shop management system that manages car parts, servicing cars, and replace parts, maybe complete engines. Here we may even have engines stocked and need to keep track of them and other parts separately and independent of the cars. Here the Engine may be an aggregated part of the car entity.

How you implement this in your language is of minor concern since at that level things like readability is much more important.

Swift do-try-catch syntax

Create enum like this:

//Error Handling in swift
enum spendingError : Error{
case minus
case limit

Create method like:

 func calculateSpending(morningSpending:Double,eveningSpending:Double) throws ->Double{
if morningSpending < 0 || eveningSpending < 0{
    throw spendingError.minus
if (morningSpending + eveningSpending) > 100{
    throw spendingError.limit
return morningSpending + eveningSpending

Now check error is there or not and handle it:

try calculateSpending(morningSpending: 60, eveningSpending: 50)
} catch spendingError.minus{
print("This is not possible...")
} catch spendingError.limit{
print("Limit reached...")

Declaring array of objects

Use array.push() to add an item to the end of the array.

var sample = new Array();
sample.push(new Object());

To do this n times use a for loop.

var n = 100;
var sample = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
    sample.push(new Object());

Note that you can also substitute new Array() with [] and new Object() with {} so it becomes:

var n = 100;
var sample = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)

WinError 2 The system cannot find the file specified (Python)

Popen expect a list of strings for non-shell calls and a string for shell calls.

Call subprocess.Popen with shell=True:

process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=tempFile, shell=True)

Hopefully this solves your issue.

This issue is listed here:

Get first element in PHP stdObject

Update PHP 7.4

Curly brace access syntax is deprecated since PHP 7.4

Update 2019

Moving on to the best practices of OOPS, @MrTrick's answer must be marked as correct, although my answer provides a hacked solution its not the best method.

Simply iterate its using {}



This way your object is not destroyed and you can easily iterate through object.

For PHP 5.6 and below use this


Both array() and the stdClass objects can be accessed using the current() key() next() prev() reset() end() functions.

So, if your object looks like

object(stdClass)#19 (3) {
  object(stdClass)#20 (22) {
    string(1) "123"

Then you can just do;

$id = reset($obj)->id; //Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

If you need the key for some reason, you can do;

reset($obj); //Ensure that we're at the first element
$key = key($obj);

Hope that works for you. :-) No errors, even in super-strict mode, on PHP 5.4

2022 Update:
After PHP 7.4, using current(), end(), etc functions on objects is deprecated.

In newer versions of PHP, use the ArrayIterator class:

$objIterator = new ArrayIterator($obj);

$id = $objIterator->current()->id; // Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

$key = $objIterator->key(); // and gets the key

How do I set a conditional breakpoint in gdb, when char* x points to a string whose value equals "hello"?

Since GDB 7.5 you can use these native Convenience Functions:

$_memeq(buf1, buf2, length)
$_regex(str, regex)
$_streq(str1, str2)

Seems quite less problematic than having to execute a "foreign" strcmp() on the process' stack each time the breakpoint is hit. This is especially true for debugging multithreaded processes.

Note your GDB needs to be compiled with Python support, which is not an issue with current linux distros. To be sure, you can check it by running show configuration inside GDB and searching for --with-python. This little oneliner does the trick, too:

$ gdb -n -quiet -batch -ex 'show configuration' | grep 'with-python'
             --with-python=/usr (relocatable)

For your demo case, the usage would be

break <where> if $_streq(x, "hello")

or, if your breakpoint already exists and you just want to add the condition to it

condition <breakpoint number> $_streq(x, "hello")

$_streq only matches the whole string, so if you want something more cunning you should use $_regex, which supports the Python regular expression syntax.

jQuery access input hidden value

If you have an HiddenField you need to:

To access HiddenField Value:

$('#<%=HF.ClientID%>').val()  // HF = your hiddenfield ID

To set HiddenFieldValue

$('#<%=HF.ClientID%>').val('some value')   // HF = your hiddenfield ID

Looping through the content of a file in Bash

@Peter: This could work out for you-

echo "Start!";for p in $(cat ./pep); do
echo $p

This would return the output-


How to maximize the browser window in Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) using C#?

Through the below code i'm able to maximize the window,

((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("if(window.screen){
    window.moveTo(0, 0);
    window.resizeTo(window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight);

Validate Dynamically Added Input fields

You need to re-parse the form after adding dynamic content in order to validate the content

$('form').data('validator', null);

How to convert a string to JSON object in PHP

you can use this for example

$array = json_decode($string,true)

but validate the Json before. You can validate from

Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory exception

Try doing a complete clean of the target/deployment directory for the app to get rid of any stale library jars. Make a fresh build and check that commons-logging.jar is actually being placed in the correct lib folder. It might not be included when you are building the library for the application.

How to disable a particular checkstyle rule for a particular line of code?


You can configure it as:

<module name="SuppressionXpathFilter">
  <property name="file" value="suppressions-xpath.xml"/>
  <property name="optional" value="false"/>

Generate Xpath suppressions using the CLI with the -g option and specify the output using the -o switch.

Here's an ant snippet that will help you set up your Checkstyle suppressions auto generation; you can integrate it into Maven using the Antrun plugin.

<target name="checkstyleg">
    <move file="suppressions-xpath.xml"
    <fileset dir="${basedir}"
    <include name="**/*.java" />
    <pathconvert property="sources"
                            pathsep=" " />
    <loadfile property="cs.cp"
                        srcFile="../${cs.classpath.file}" />
    <java classname="${cs.main.class}"
    <arg line="-c ../${cs.config} -p ${} -o ${}-xpath.xml -g ${sources}" />
        <pathelement path="${cs.cp}" />
        <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
<condition property="" else="false">
     <length file="${}-xpath.xml" when="equal" length="0" />
     <equals arg1="${}" arg2="false"/>
     <move file="${}-xpath.xml"

The suppressions-xpath.xml is specified as the Xpath suppressions source in the Checkstyle rules configuration. In the snippet above, I'm loading the Checkstyle classpath from a file cs.cp into a property. You can choose to specify the classpath directly.

Or you could use groovy within Maven (or Ant) to do the same:

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption  
import java.nio.file.Paths

def backupSuppressions() {
  def supprFileName =["checkstyle.suppressionsFile"]
  def suppr = Paths.get(supprFileName)
  def target = null
  if (Files.exists(suppr)) {
    def supprBak = Paths.get(supprFileName + ".bak")
    target = Files.move(suppr, supprBak,
    println "Backed up " + supprFileName
  return target

def renameSuppressions() {
  def supprFileName =["checkstyle.suppressionsFile"]
  def suppr = Paths.get( + "-xpath.xml")
  def target = null
  if (Files.exists(suppr)) {
    def supprNew = Paths.get(supprFileName)
    target = Files.move(suppr, supprNew)
    println "Renamed " + suppr + " to " + supprFileName
  return target

def getClassPath(classLoader, sb) {
  classLoader.getURLs().each {url->
  if (classLoader.parent) {
     getClassPath(classLoader.parent, sb)
  return sb.toString()


def cp = getClassPath(this.class.classLoader, 
    new StringBuilder())
def csMainClass =["cs.main.class"]
def csRules =["checkstyle.rules"]
def csProps =[""]

String[] args = ["java", "-cp", cp,
    "-c", csRules,
"-p", csProps,
"-o", + "-xpath.xml",
"-g", "src"]

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args)
pb = pb.inheritIO()
Process proc = pb.start()


The only drawback with using Xpath suppressions---besides the checks it doesn't support---is if you have code like the following:

package cstests;

public interface TestMagicNumber {
  static byte[] getAsciiRotator() {
    byte[] rotation = new byte[95 * 2];
    for (byte i = ' '; i <= '~'; i++) {
      rotation[i - ' '] = i;
      rotation[i + 95 - ' '] = i;
    return rotation;

The Xpath suppression generated in this case is not ingested by Checkstyle and the checker fails with an exception on the generated suppression:

       query="/INTERFACE_DEF[./IDENT[@text='TestMagicNumber']]/OBJBLOCK/METHOD_DEF[./IDENT[@text='getAsciiRotator']]/SLIST/LITERAL_FOR/SLIST/EXPR/ASSIGN[./IDENT[@text='i']]/INDEX_OP[./IDENT[@text='rotation']]/EXPR/MINUS[./CHAR_LITERAL[@text='' '']]/PLUS[./IDENT[@text='i']]/NUM_INT[@text='95']"/>

Generating Xpath suppressions is recommended when you have fixed all other violations and wish to suppress the rest. It will not allow you to select specific instances in the code to suppress. You can , however, pick and choose suppressions from the generated file to do just that.

SuppressionXpathSingleFilter is better suited to identify and suppress a specific rule, file or error message. You can configure multiple filters identifying each one by the id attribute.

ASP.NET IIS Web.config [Internal Server Error]

If you have python, you can use a package called iis_bridge that solves the problem. To install:

pip install iis_bridge

then in the python console:

import iis_bridge as iis

How to use Bootstrap 4 in ASP.NET Core

Why not just use a CDN? Unless you need to edit the code of BS, then you just need to reference the codes in CDN.

See BS 4 CDN Here:

At the bottom of the page.

automating telnet session using bash scripts

Following is working for me... put all of your IPs you want to telnet in IP_sheet.txt

while true
read a
    sleep 3
    echo df -kh
    sleep 3
    echo exit
} | telnet $a

Creating stored procedure with declare and set variables

I assume you want to pass the Order ID in. So:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure_Name]
    @OrderID INT
) AS
    Declare @OrderItemID AS INT
    DECLARE @AppointmentID AS INT
    DECLARE @PurchaseOrderID AS INT
    DECLARE @PurchaseOrderItemID AS INT
    DECLARE @SalesOrderID AS INT
    DECLARE @SalesOrderItemID AS INT

    SET @OrderItemID = (SELECT OrderItemID FROM [OrderItem] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID)
    SET @AppointmentID = (SELECT AppoinmentID FROM [Appointment] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID)
    SET @PurchaseOrderID = (SELECT PurchaseOrderID FROM [PurchaseOrder] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID)

How to rename a pane in tmux?

You can adjust the pane title by setting the pane border in the tmux.conf for example like this:

# pane border #
set -g pane-border-status bottom
#colors for pane borders
setw -g pane-border-style fg=green,bg=black
setw -g pane-active-border-style fg=colour118,bg=black
setw -g automatic-rename off
setw -g pane-border-format ' #{pane_index} #{pane_title} : #{pane_current_path} '
# active pane normal, other shaded out?
setw -g window-style fg=colour28,bg=colour16
setw -g window-active-style fg=colour46,bg=colour16

Where pane_index, pane_title and pane_current_path are variables provided by tmux itself.

After reloading the config or starting a new tmux session, you can then set the title of the current pane like this:

tmux select-pane -T "fancy pane title";
tmux select-pane -t paneIndexInteger -T "fancy pane title";

If all panes have some processes running, so you can't use the command line, you can also type the commands after pressing the prefix bind (C-b by default) and a colon (:) without having "tmux" in the front of the command:

select-pane -T "fancy pane title"
select-pane -t paneIndexInteger -T "fancy pane title"

PyCharm import external library

Update (2018-01-06): This answer is obsolete. Modern versions of PyCharm provide Paths via Settings ? Project Interpreter ? ? ? Show All ? Show paths button.

PyCharm Professional Edition has the Paths tab in Python Interpreters settings, but Community Edition apparently doesn't have it.

As a workaround, you can create a symlink for your imported library under your project's root.

For example:

    third_party -> /some/other/directory/third_party

What are Covering Indexes and Covered Queries in SQL Server?

Page 178, High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition

An index that contains (or "covers") all the data needed to satisfy a query is called a covering index.

When you issue a query that is covered by an index (an indexed-covered query), you'll see "Using Index" in the Extra column in EXPLAIN.

Facebook Graph API : get larger pictures in one request

From v2.7, /<picture-id>?fields=images will give you a list with different size of the images, the first element being the full size image.

I don't know of any solution for multiple images at once.

MSBuild doesn't copy references (DLL files) if using project dependencies in solution

I just had the exact same problem and it turned out to be caused by the fact that 2 projects in the same solution were referencing a different version of the 3rd party library.

Once I corrected all the references everything worked perfectly.

Log4j2 configuration - No log4j2 configuration file found

In my case I had to put it in the bin folder of my project even the fact that my classpath is set to the src folder. I have no idea why, but it's worth a try.

How do I iterate over an NSArray?

The results of the test and source code are below (you can set the number of iterations in the app). The time is in milliseconds, and each entry is an average result of running the test 5-10 times. I found that generally it is accurate to 2-3 significant digits and after that it would vary with each run. That gives a margin of error of less than 1%. The test was running on an iPhone 3G as that's the target platform I was interested in.

numberOfItems   NSArray (ms)    C Array (ms)    Ratio
100             0.39            0.0025          156
191             0.61            0.0028          218
3,256           12.5            0.026           481
4,789           16              0.037           432
6,794           21              0.050           420
10,919          36              0.081           444
19,731          64              0.15            427
22,030          75              0.162           463
32,758          109             0.24            454
77,969          258             0.57            453
100,000         390             0.73            534

The classes provided by Cocoa for handling data sets (NSDictionary, NSArray, NSSet etc.) provide a very nice interface for managing information, without having to worry about the bureaucracy of memory management, reallocation etc. Of course this does come at a cost though. I think it's pretty obvious that say using an NSArray of NSNumbers is going to be slower than a C Array of floats for simple iterations, so I decided to do some tests, and the results were pretty shocking! I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. Note: these tests are conducted on an iPhone 3G as that's the target platform I was interested in.

In this test I do a very simple random access performance comparison between a C float* and NSArray of NSNumbers

I create a simple loop to sum up the contents of each array and time them using mach_absolute_time(). The NSMutableArray takes on average 400 times longer!! (not 400 percent, just 400 times longer! thats 40,000% longer!).


// Array_Speed_TestViewController.h

// Array Speed Test

// Created by Mehmet Akten on 05/02/2009.

// Copyright MSA Visuals Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface Array_Speed_TestViewController : UIViewController {

    int                     numberOfItems;          // number of items in array

    float                   *cArray;                // normal c array

    NSMutableArray          *nsArray;               // ns array

    double                  machTimerMillisMult;    // multiplier to convert mach_absolute_time() to milliseconds

    IBOutlet    UISlider    *sliderCount;

    IBOutlet    UILabel     *labelCount;

    IBOutlet    UILabel     *labelResults;


-(IBAction) doNSArray:(id)sender;

-(IBAction) doCArray:(id)sender;

-(IBAction) sliderChanged:(id)sender;



// Array_Speed_TestViewController.m

// Array Speed Test

// Created by Mehmet Akten on 05/02/2009.

// Copyright MSA Visuals Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.

    #import "Array_Speed_TestViewController.h"
    #include <mach/mach.h>
    #include <mach/mach_time.h>

 @implementation Array_Speed_TestViewController

 // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

- (void)viewDidLoad {


    [super viewDidLoad];

    cArray      = NULL;

    nsArray     = NULL;

    // read initial slider value setup accordingly

    [self sliderChanged:sliderCount];

    // get mach timer unit size and calculater millisecond factor

    mach_timebase_info_data_t info;


    machTimerMillisMult = (double)info.numer / ((double)info.denom * 1000000.0);

    NSLog(@"machTimerMillisMult = %f", machTimerMillisMult);


// pass in results of mach_absolute_time()

// this converts to milliseconds and outputs to the label

-(void)displayResult:(uint64_t)duration {

    double millis = duration * machTimerMillisMult;

    NSLog(@"displayResult: %f milliseconds", millis);

    NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f milliseconds", millis];

    [labelResults setText:str];

    [str release];


// process using NSArray

-(IBAction) doNSArray:(id)sender {

    NSLog(@"doNSArray: %@", sender);

    uint64_t startTime = mach_absolute_time();

    float total = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<numberOfItems; i++) {

        total += [[nsArray objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];


    [self displayResult:mach_absolute_time() - startTime];


// process using C Array

-(IBAction) doCArray:(id)sender {

    NSLog(@"doCArray: %@", sender);

    uint64_t start = mach_absolute_time();

    float total = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<numberOfItems; i++) {

        total += cArray[i];


    [self displayResult:mach_absolute_time() - start];


// allocate NSArray and C Array 

-(void) allocateArrays {


    // allocate c array

    if(cArray) delete cArray;

    cArray = new float[numberOfItems];

    // allocate NSArray

    [nsArray release];

    nsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:numberOfItems];

    // fill with random values

    for(int i=0; i<numberOfItems; i++) {

        // add number to c array

        cArray[i] = random() * 1.0f/(RAND_MAX+1);

        // add number to NSArray

        NSNumber *number = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:cArray[i]];

        [nsArray addObject:number];

        [number release];



// callback for when slider is changed

-(IBAction) sliderChanged:(id)sender {

    numberOfItems = sliderCount.value;

    NSLog(@"sliderChanged: %@, %i", sender, numberOfItems);

    NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%i items", numberOfItems];

    [labelCount setText:str];

    [str release];

    [self allocateArrays];



- (void)dealloc {

    [nsArray release];

    if(cArray) delete cArray;

    [super dealloc];



From :


Available since the introduction of blocks, this allows to iterate an array with blocks. Its syntax isn't as nice as fast enumeration, but there is one very interesting feature: concurrent enumeration. If enumeration order is not important and the jobs can be done in parallel without locking, this can provide a considerable speedup on a multi-core system. More about that in the concurrent enumeration section.

[myArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];
[myArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];

/////////// NSFastEnumerator

The idea behind fast enumeration is to use fast C array access to optimize iteration. Not only is it supposed to be faster than traditional NSEnumerator, but Objective-C 2.0 also provides a very concise syntax.

id object;
for (object in myArray) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];



This is a form of external iteration: [myArray objectEnumerator] returns an object. This object has a method nextObject that we can call in a loop until it returns nil

NSEnumerator *enumerator = [myArray objectEnumerator];
id object;
while (object = [enumerator nextObject]) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];


objectAtIndex: enumeration

Using a for loop which increases an integer and querying the object using [myArray objectAtIndex:index] is the most basic form of enumeration.

NSUInteger count = [myArray count];
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < count ; index++) {
    [self doSomethingWith:[myArray objectAtIndex:index]];

////////////// From :

Hive ParseException - cannot recognize input near 'end' 'string'

The issue isn't actually a syntax error, the Hive ParseException is just caused by a reserved keyword in Hive (in this case, end).

The solution: use backticks around the offending column name:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE moveProjects (cid string, `end` string, category string)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler'
TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "Projects",
    "dynamodb.column.mapping" = "cid:cid,end:end,category:category");

With the added backticks around end, the query works as expected.

Reserved words in Amazon Hive (as of February 2013):


Source: This Hive ticket from the Facebook Phabricator tracker

Automate scp file transfer using a shell script

The command scp can be used like a traditional UNIX cp. SO if you do :

scp -r myDirectory/ mylogin@host:TargetDirectory

will work

Less than or equal to

In batch, the > is a redirection sign used to output data into a text file. The compare op's available (And recommended) for cmd are below (quoted from the if /? help):

where compare-op may be one of:

    EQU - equal
    NEQ - not equal
    LSS - less than
    LEQ - less than or equal
    GTR - greater than
    GEQ - greater than or equal

That should explain what you want. The only other compare-op is == which can be switched with the if not parameter. Other then that rely on these three letter ones.

Powershell: Get FQDN Hostname

I use the following syntax :


it does not matter if the $VM is up or down...

Javascript Object push() function

push() is for arrays, not objects, so use the right data structure.

var data = [];
// ...
data[0] = { "ID": "1", "Status": "Valid" };
data[1] = { "ID": "2", "Status": "Invalid" };
// ...
var tempData = [];
for ( var index=0; index<data.length; index++ ) {
    if ( data[index].Status == "Valid" ) {
        tempData.push( data );
data = tempData;

Classes vs. Modules in VB.NET

Modules are VB counterparts to C# static classes. When your class is designed solely for helper functions and extension methods and you don't want to allow inheritance and instantiation, you use a Module.

By the way, using Module is not really subjective and it's not deprecated. Indeed you must use a Module when it's appropriate. .NET Framework itself does it many times (System.Linq.Enumerable, for instance). To declare an extension method, it's required to use Modules.

How to set Python's default version to 3.x on OS X?

If you use macports, you do not need to play with aliases or environment variables, just use the method macports already offers, explained by this Q&A:

How to: Macports select python


sudo port select --set python python27

What is an example of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

Long story short, let's leave rectangles rectangles and squares squares, practical example when extending a parent class, you have to either PRESERVE the exact parent API or to EXTEND IT.

Let's say you have a base ItemsRepository.

class ItemsRepository
    * @return int Returns number of deleted rows
    public function delete()
        // perform a delete query
        $numberOfDeletedRows = 10;

        return $numberOfDeletedRows;

And a sub class extending it:

class BadlyExtendedItemsRepository extends ItemsRepository
     * @return void Was suppose to return an INT like parent, but did not, breaks LSP
    public function delete()
        // perform a delete query
        $numberOfDeletedRows = 10;

        // we broke the behaviour of the parent class

Then you could have a Client working with the Base ItemsRepository API and relying on it.

 * Class ItemsService is a client for public ItemsRepository "API" (the public delete method).
 * Technically, I am able to pass into a constructor a sub-class of the ItemsRepository
 * but if the sub-class won't abide the base class API, the client will get broken.
class ItemsService
     * @var ItemsRepository
    private $itemsRepository;

     * @param ItemsRepository $itemsRepository
    public function __construct(ItemsRepository $itemsRepository)
        $this->itemsRepository = $itemsRepository;

     * !!! Notice how this is suppose to return an int. My clients expect it based on the
     * ItemsRepository API in the constructor !!!
     * @return int
    public function delete()
        return $this->itemsRepository->delete();

The LSP is broken when substituting parent class with a sub class breaks the API's contract.

class ItemsController
     * Valid delete action when using the base class.
    public function validDeleteAction()
        $itemsService = new ItemsService(new ItemsRepository());
        $numberOfDeletedItems = $itemsService->delete();

        // $numberOfDeletedItems is an INT :)

     * Invalid delete action when using a subclass.
    public function brokenDeleteAction()
        $itemsService = new ItemsService(new BadlyExtendedItemsRepository());
        $numberOfDeletedItems = $itemsService->delete();

        // $numberOfDeletedItems is a NULL :(

You can learn more about writing maintainable software in my course:

How to send a "multipart/form-data" with requests in python?

You need to use the name attribute of the upload file that is in the HTML of the site. Example:

autocomplete="off" name="image">

You see name="image">? You can find it in the HTML of a site for uploading the file. You need to use it to upload the file with Multipart/form-data


import requests

site = '' # the site where you upload the file
filename = 'image.jpg'  # name example

Here, in the place of image, add the name of the upload file in HTML

up = {'image':(filename, open(filename, 'rb'), "multipart/form-data")}

If the upload requires to click the button for upload, you can use like that:

data = {
     "Button" : "Submit",

Then start the request

request =, files=up, data=data)

And done, file uploaded succesfully

Execution failed app:processDebugResources Android Studio

I stumbled upon this error while updating my Android studio to 3.0.1 from 2.3. After trying all the solutions above, i found that the issue was with the Build tools version. I was using an unsupported version of build tools. I changed mine as below and it worked.

buildToolsVersion '26.0.2'

As a rule of thumb always try to use the latest version of Build tools supported by your Gradle version. From version 3.0.0 of Gradle, you don't need to specify the build tools version as this is picked up automatically.

3.0.0 (October 2017) : Android plugin for Gradle 3.0.0

With this update, you no longer need to specify a version for the build tools—the plugin uses the minimum required version by default. So, you can now remove the android.buildToolsVersion property.

How to check if a table is locked in sql server

You can use the sys.dm_tran_locks view, which returns information about the currently active lock manager resources.

Try this

     SessionID = s.Session_id,
     DatabaseName = DB_NAME(resource_database_id),
     a.encrypted ,
     sys.dm_tran_locks l
     JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s ON l.request_session_id = s.session_id
     LEFT JOIN   
         SELECT  *
         FROM    sys.dm_exec_requests r
         CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)
     ) a ON s.session_id = a.session_id
     s.session_id > 50

How to convert string values from a dictionary, into int/float datatypes?

Gotta love list comprehensions.

[dict([a, int(x)] for a, x in b.items()) for b in list]

(remark: for Python 2 only code you may use "iteritems" instead of "items")

How (and why) to use display: table-cell (CSS)

After days trying to find the answer, I finally found

display: table;

There was surprisingly very little information available online about how to actually getting it to work, even here, so on to the "How":

To use this fantastic piece of code, you need to think back to when tables were the only real way to structure HTML, namely the syntax. To get a table with 2 rows and 3 columns, you'd have to do the following:


Similarly to get CSS to do it, you'd use the following:


<div id="table">
    <div class="tr">
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>
    <div class="tr">
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>
        <div class="td"></div>


    display: table; 
    display: table-row; 
    display: table-cell; }

As you can see in the JSFiddle example below, the divs in the 3rd column have no content, yet are respecting the auto height set by the text in the first 2 columns. WIN!

It's worth noting that display: table; does not work in IE6 or 7 (thanks, FelipeAls), so depending on your needs with regards to browser compatibility, this may not be the answer that you are seeking.

Command-line Tool to find Java Heap Size and Memory Used (Linux)?

There is no such tool till now to print the heap memory in the format as you requested The Only and only way to print is to write a java program with the help of Runtime Class,

public class TestMemory {

public static void main(String [] args) {

    int MB = 1024*1024;

    //Getting the runtime reference from system
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

    //Print used memory
    System.out.println("Used Memory:" 
        + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / MB);

    //Print free memory
    System.out.println("Free Memory:" 
        + runtime.freeMemory() / mb);

    //Print total available memory
    System.out.println("Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / MB);

    //Print Maximum available memory
    System.out.println("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / MB);



How to set background image of a view?

simple way :

   -(void) viewDidLoad {
   self.view.backgroundColor = [[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[UIImage       imageNamed:@"background.png"]];
    [super viewDidLoad];

Remove white space below image

If you would like to preserve the image as inline you can put vertical-align: top or vertical-align: bottom on it. By default it is aligned on the baseline hence the few pixels beneath it.

What is the color code for transparency in CSS?

In the CSS write:

.exampleclass {
    opacity: 10; /* you can always adjust this */

onchange equivalent in angular2

In Angular you can define event listeners like in the example below:

<!-- Here you can call public methods from parental component -->
<input (change)="method_name()"> 

Indirectly referenced from required .class file

This issue happen because of few jars are getting references from other jar and reference jar is missing .

Example : Spring framework

Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowire. Fix the build path then try building this project   SpringBatch     Unknown Java Problem

In this case "org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowire" is missing.

Spring-bean.jar is missing

Once you add dependency in your class path issue will resolve.

How to redirect to Index from another controller?

Complete answer (.Net Core 3.1)

Most answers here are correct but taken a bit out of context, so I will provide a full-fledged answer which works for Asp.Net Core 3.1. For completeness' sake:

public class HealthController : Controller
    public ActionResult SomeHealthMethod() {}

public class V2Controller : Controller
    public ActionResult SomeV2Method()
        return RedirectToAction("SomeHealthMethod", "Health"); // omit "Controller"

If you try to use any of the url-specific strings, e.g. "some_health_url", it will not work!

Create a date time with month and day only, no year

Well, you can create your own type - but a DateTime always has a full date and time. You can't even have "just a date" using DateTime - the closest you can come is to have a DateTime at midnight.

You could always ignore the year though - or take the current year:

// Consider whether you want DateTime.UtcNow.Year instead
DateTime value = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, day);

To create your own type, you could always just embed a DateTime within a struct, and proxy on calls like AddDays etc:

public struct MonthDay : IEquatable<MonthDay>
    private readonly DateTime dateTime;

    public MonthDay(int month, int day)
        dateTime = new DateTime(2000, month, day);

    public MonthDay AddDays(int days)
        DateTime added = dateTime.AddDays(days);
        return new MonthDay(added.Month, added.Day);

    // TODO: Implement interfaces, equality etc

Note that the year you choose affects the behaviour of the type - should Feb 29th be a valid month/day value or not? It depends on the year...

Personally I don't think I would create a type for this - instead I'd have a method to return "the next time the program should be run".

Getting the client IP address: REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, what else could be useful?

If you're behind a proxy, you should use X-Forwarded-For:

It is an IETF draft standard with wide support:

The X-Forwarded-For field is supported by most proxy servers, including Squid, Apache mod_proxy, Pound, HAProxy, Varnish cache, IronPort Web Security Appliance, AVANU WebMux, ArrayNetworks, Radware's AppDirector and Alteon ADC, ADC-VX, and ADC-VA, F5 Big-IP, Blue Coat ProxySG, Cisco Cache Engine, McAfee Web Gateway, Phion Airlock, Finjan's Vital Security, NetApp NetCache, jetNEXUS, Crescendo Networks' Maestro, Web Adjuster and Websense Web Security Gateway.

If not, here are a couple other common headers I've seen:

How can I access a hover state in reactjs?

React components expose all the standard Javascript mouse events in their top-level interface. Of course, you can still use :hover in your CSS, and that may be adequate for some of your needs, but for the more advanced behaviors triggered by a hover you'll need to use the Javascript. So to manage hover interactions, you'll want to use onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave. You then attach them to handlers in your component like so:

    onMouseEnter={() => this.someHandler}
    onMouseLeave={() => this.someOtherHandler}

You'll then use some combination of state/props to pass changed state or properties down to your child React components.

How do I move a file (or folder) from one folder to another in TortoiseSVN?

Subversion does not yet have a first-class rename operations.

There's a 6-year-old bug on the problem:

It's being considered for 1.6, now that merge tracking (a higher priority) has been added (in 1.5).

How can I view the Git history in Visual Studio Code?

Git Graph seems like a decent extension. After installing, you can open the graph view from the bottom status bar.

showing that a date is greater than current date

Assuming you have a field for DateTime, you could have your query look like this:

WHERE DateTime > (GetDate() + 90)

Best practice for localization and globalization of strings and labels

As far as I know, there's a good library called localeplanet for Localization and Internationalization in JavaScript. Furthermore, I think it's native and has no dependencies to other libraries (e.g. jQuery)

Here's the website of library:

Also look at this article by Mozilla, you can find very good method and algorithms for client-side translation:

The common part of all those articles/libraries is that they use a i18n class and a get method (in some ways also defining an smaller function name like _) for retrieving/converting the key to the value. In my explaining the key means that string you want to translate and the value means translated string.
Then, you just need a JSON document to store key's and value's.

For example:

var _ = document.webL10n.get;

And here the JSON:

{ test: "blah blah" }

I believe using current popular libraries solutions is a good approach.

CSS: stretching background image to 100% width and height of screen?

You need to set the height of html to 100%

body {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
html {
    height: 100%

WCF gives an unsecured or incorrectly secured fault error

Just for the sake of sharing... I had a rare case that got me scratching the back of my head for a few minutes. Even tho the time skew solution was very accurate, and I had that problem solved before, this time was different. I was on a new Win8.1 machine which I remember having a timezone issue and I had manually adjusted the time. Well, I kept getting the error, despite the time displayed in both server and client had only a diference in seconds. What I did is activate "summer saving option" (note that I am indeed under summer saving time, but had the time setup manually) in "date and time setup" then went to the internet time section and refreshed... the time in my pc kept exactly the same, but the error dissapeared.

Hope this is useful to anybody!

How can I overwrite file contents with new content in PHP?

Use file_put_contents()

file_put_contents('file.txt', 'bar');
echo file_get_contents('file.txt'); // bar
file_put_contents('file.txt', 'foo');
echo file_get_contents('file.txt'); // foo

Alternatively, if you're stuck with fopen() you can use the w or w+ modes:

'w' Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

'w+' Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

Initialize a string in C to empty string

calloc allocates the requested memory and returns a pointer to it. It also sets allocated memory to zero.

In case you are planning to use your string as empty string all the time:

char *string = NULL;
string = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char));

In case you are planning to store some value in your string later:

char *string = NULL;
int numberOfChars = 50; // you can use as many as you need
string = (char*)calloc(numberOfChars + 1, sizeof(char));

How do I include a path to libraries in g++

To specify a directory to search for (binary) libraries, you just use -L:


To specify the actual library name, you use -l:

-lfoo  # (links libfoo.a or

To specify a directory to search for include files (different from libraries!) you use -I:


So I think what you want is something like

g++ -g -Wall -I/data[...]/lib testing.cpp fileparameters.cpp main.cpp -o test

These compiler flags (amongst others) can also be found at the GNU GCC Command Options manual:

Center-align a HTML table

<table align="center"></table>

This works for me.

Getting Spring Application Context

I know this question is answered, but I would like to share the Kotlin code I did to retrieve the Spring Context.

I am not a specialist, so I am open to critics, reviews and advices:


import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
import org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

@Import(value = [MyBusinessAppConfig::class])
@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses  = [SpringUtils::class])
open class WebAppConfig {

 * Singleton object to create (only if necessary), return and reuse a Spring Application Context.
 * When you instantiates a class by yourself, spring context does not autowire its properties, but you can wire by yourself.
 * This class helps to find a context or create a new one, so you can wire properties inside objects that are not
 * created by Spring (e.g.: Servlets, usually created by the web server).
 * Sometimes a SpringContext is created inside jUnit tests, or in the application server, or just manually. Independent
 * where it was created, I recommend you to configure your spring configuration to scan this SpringUtils package, so the 'springAppContext'
 * property will be used and autowired at the SpringUtils object the start of your spring context, and you will have just one instance of spring context public available.
 *Ps: Even if your spring configuration doesn't include the SpringUtils @Component, it will works tto, but it will create a second Spring Context o your application.
object SpringUtils {

        var springAppContext: ApplicationContext? = null
    set(value) {
        field = value

     * Tries to find and reuse the Application Spring Context. If none found, creates one and save for reuse.
     * @return returns a Spring Context.
    fun ctx(): ApplicationContext {
        if (springAppContext!= null) {
            return springAppContext as ApplicationContext;

        //springcontext not autowired. Trying to find on the thread...
        val webContext = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext()
        if (webContext != null) {
            springAppContext = webContext;
            println("achou no servidor")
            return springAppContext as WebApplicationContext;

        println("nao achou, vai criar")
        //None spring context found. Start creating a new one...
        val applicationContext = AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ( )

        //saving the context for reusing next time
        springAppContext = applicationContext
        return applicationContext

     * @return a Spring context of the WebApplication.
     * @param createNewWhenNotFound when true, creates a new Spring Context to return, when no one found in the ServletContext.
     * @param httpServlet the @WebServlet.
    fun ctx(httpServlet: HttpServlet, createNewWhenNotFound: Boolean): ApplicationContext {
        try {
            val webContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.findWebApplicationContext(httpServlet.servletContext)
            if (webContext != null) {
                return webContext
            if (createNewWhenNotFound) {
                //creates a new one
                return ctx()
            } else {
                throw NullPointerException("Cannot found a Spring Application Context.");
        }catch (er: IllegalStateException){
            if (createNewWhenNotFound) {
                //creates a new one
                return ctx()
            throw er;

Now, a spring context is publicly available, being able to call the same method independent of the context (junit tests, beans, manually instantiated classes) like on this Java Servlet:

@WebServlet(name = "MyWebHook", value = "/WebHook")
public class MyWebServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private MyBean byBean
            = SpringUtils.INSTANCE.ctx(this, true).getBean(MyBean.class);

    public MyWebServlet() {


jQuery get the image src

src should be in quotes:

$('.img1 img').attr('src');

Delete commits from a branch in Git

Here's another way to do this:

Checkout the branch you want to revert, then reset your local working copy back to the commit that you want to be the latest one on the remote server (everything after it will go bye-bye). To do this, in SourceTree I right-clicked on the and selected "Reset BRANCHNAME to this commit". I think the command line is:

git reset --hard COMMIT_ID

Since you just checked out your branch from remote, you're not going to have any local changes to worry about losing. But this would lose them if you did.

Then navigate to your repository's local directory and run this command:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false \

This will erase all commits after the current one in your local repository but only for that one branch.

Convert tabs to spaces in Notepad++

CLR Tabs to Spaces plugin should be a good option. I have used it and it worked.

enable cors in .htaccess

As in this answer Custom HTTP Header for a specific file you can use <File> to enable CORS for a single file with this code:

<Files "index.php">
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,POST,OPTIONS,DELETE,PUT"

Tree implementation in Java (root, parents and children)

In the accepted answer

public Node(T data, Node<T> parent) { = data;
    this.parent = parent;

should be

public Node(T data, Node<T> parent) { = data;

otherwise the parent does not have the child in its children list

C# Telnet Library

I ended up finding MinimalistTelnet and adapted it to my uses. I ended up needing to be able to heavily modify the code due to the unique** device that I am attempting to attach to.

** Unique in this instance can be validly interpreted as brain-dead.

JavaScript get child element

I'd suggest doing something similar to:

function show_sub(cat) {
    if (!cat) {
        return false;
    else if (document.getElementById(cat)) {
        var parent = document.getElementById(cat),
            sub = parent.getElementsByClassName('sub');
        if (sub[0].style.display == 'inline'){
            sub[0].style.display = 'none';
        else {
            sub[0].style.display = 'inline';

document.getElementById('cat').onclick = function(){

JS Fiddle demo.

Though the above relies on the use of a class rather than a name attribute equal to sub.

As to why your original version "didn't work" (not, I must add, a particularly useful description of the problem), all I can suggest is that, in Chromium, the JavaScript console reported that:

Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'getElementsByName'.

One approach to working around the older-IE family's limitations is to use a custom function to emulate getElementsByClassName(), albeit crudely:

function eBCN(elem,classN){
    if (!elem || !classN){
        return false;
    else {
        var children = elem.childNodes;
        for (var i=0,len=children.length;i<len;i++){
            if (children[i].nodeType == 1
                children[i].className == classN){
                    var sub = children[i];
        return sub;

function show_sub(cat) {
    if (!cat) {
        return false;
    else if (document.getElementById(cat)) {
        var parent = document.getElementById(cat),
            sub = eBCN(parent,'sub');
        if ( == 'inline'){
   = 'none';
        else {
   = 'inline';

var D = document,
    listElems = D.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var i=0,len=listElems.length;i<len;i++){
    listElems[i].onclick = function(){

JS Fiddle demo.

What is the logic behind the "using" keyword in C++?

In C++11, the using keyword when used for type alias is identical to typedef.

A typedef-name can also be introduced by an alias-declaration. The identifier following the using keyword becomes a typedef-name and the optional attribute-specifier-seq following the identifier appertains to that typedef-name. It has the same semantics as if it were introduced by the typedef specifier. In particular, it does not define a new type and it shall not appear in the type-id.

Bjarne Stroustrup provides a practical example:

typedef void (*PFD)(double);    // C style typedef to make `PFD` a pointer to a function returning void and accepting double
using PF = void (*)(double);    // `using`-based equivalent of the typedef above
using P = [](double)->void; // using plus suffix return type, syntax error
using P = auto(double)->void // Fixed thanks to DyP

Pre-C++11, the using keyword can bring member functions into scope. In C++11, you can now do this for constructors (another Bjarne Stroustrup example):

class Derived : public Base { 
    using Base::f;    // lift Base's f into Derived's scope -- works in C++98
    void f(char);     // provide a new f 
    void f(int);      // prefer this f to Base::f(int) 

    using Base::Base; // lift Base constructors Derived's scope -- C++11 only
    Derived(char);    // provide a new constructor 
    Derived(int);     // prefer this constructor to Base::Base(int) 
    // ...

Ben Voight provides a pretty good reason behind the rationale of not introducing a new keyword or new syntax. The standard wants to avoid breaking old code as much as possible. This is why in proposal documents you will see sections like Impact on the Standard, Design decisions, and how they might affect older code. There are situations when a proposal seems like a really good idea but might not have traction because it would be too difficult to implement, too confusing, or would contradict old code.

Here is an old paper from 2003 n1449. The rationale seems to be related to templates. Warning: there may be typos due to copying over from PDF.

First let’s consider a toy example:

template <typename T>
class MyAlloc {/*...*/};

template <typename T, class A>
class MyVector {/*...*/};

template <typename T>

struct Vec {
typedef MyVector<T, MyAlloc<T> > type;
Vec<int>::type p; // sample usage

The fundamental problem with this idiom, and the main motivating fact for this proposal, is that the idiom causes the template parameters to appear in non-deducible context. That is, it will not be possible to call the function foo below without explicitly specifying template arguments.

template <typename T> void foo (Vec<T>::type&);

So, the syntax is somewhat ugly. We would rather avoid the nested ::type We’d prefer something like the following:

template <typename T>
using Vec = MyVector<T, MyAlloc<T> >; //defined in section 2 below
Vec<int> p; // sample usage

Note that we specifically avoid the term “typedef template” and introduce the new syntax involving the pair “using” and “=” to help avoid confusion: we are not defining any types here, we are introducing a synonym (i.e. alias) for an abstraction of a type-id (i.e. type expression) involving template parameters. If the template parameters are used in deducible contexts in the type expression then whenever the template alias is used to form a template-id, the values of the corresponding template parameters can be deduced – more on this will follow. In any case, it is now possible to write generic functions which operate on Vec<T> in deducible context, and the syntax is improved as well. For example we could rewrite foo as:

template <typename T> void foo (Vec<T>&);

We underscore here that one of the primary reasons for proposing template aliases was so that argument deduction and the call to foo(p) will succeed.

The follow-up paper n1489 explains why using instead of using typedef:

It has been suggested to (re)use the keyword typedef — as done in the paper [4] — to introduce template aliases:

template<class T> 
    typedef std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> > Vec;

That notation has the advantage of using a keyword already known to introduce a type alias. However, it also displays several disavantages among which the confusion of using a keyword known to introduce an alias for a type-name in a context where the alias does not designate a type, but a template; Vec is not an alias for a type, and should not be taken for a typedef-name. The name Vec is a name for the family std::vector< [bullet] , MyAllocator< [bullet] > > – where the bullet is a placeholder for a type-name. Consequently we do not propose the “typedef” syntax. On the other hand the sentence

template<class T>
    using Vec = std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >;

can be read/interpreted as: from now on, I’ll be using Vec<T> as a synonym for std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >. With that reading, the new syntax for aliasing seems reasonably logical.

I think the important distinction is made here, aliases instead of types. Another quote from the same document:

An alias-declaration is a declaration, and not a definition. An alias- declaration introduces a name into a declarative region as an alias for the type designated by the right-hand-side of the declaration. The core of this proposal concerns itself with type name aliases, but the notation can obviously be generalized to provide alternate spellings of namespace-aliasing or naming set of overloaded functions (see ? 2.3 for further discussion). [My note: That section discusses what that syntax can look like and reasons why it isn't part of the proposal.] It may be noted that the grammar production alias-declaration is acceptable anywhere a typedef declaration or a namespace-alias-definition is acceptable.

Summary, for the role of using:

  • template aliases (or template typedefs, the former is preferred namewise)
  • namespace aliases (i.e., namespace PO = boost::program_options and using PO = ... equivalent)
  • the document says A typedef declaration can be viewed as a special case of non-template alias-declaration. It's an aesthetic change, and is considered identical in this case.
  • bringing something into scope (for example, namespace std into the global scope), member functions, inheriting constructors

It cannot be used for:

int i;
using r = i; // compile-error

Instead do:

using r = decltype(i);

Naming a set of overloads.

// bring cos into scope
using std::cos;

// invalid syntax
using std::cos(double);

// not allowed, instead use Bjarne Stroustrup function pointer alias example
using test = std::cos(double);

Last Key in Python Dictionary

yes there is : len(data)-1.

For the first element it´s : 0

How to start an Intent by passing some parameters to it?

I think you want something like this:

Intent foo = new Intent(this, viewContacts.class);
foo.putExtra("myFirstKey", "myFirstValue");
foo.putExtra("mySecondKey", "mySecondValue");

or you can combine them into a bundle first. Corresponding getExtra() routines exist for the other side. See the intent topic in the dev guide for more information.

Angular 2 select option (dropdown) - how to get the value on change so it can be used in a function?

You need to use an Angular form directive on the select. You can do that with ngModel. For example

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <h2>Select demo</h2>
    <select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)" >
      <option *ngFor="let c of cities" [ngValue]="c"> {{}} </option>
class App {
  cities = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'Buffalo'}];
  selectedCity = this.cities[1];

  onChange(city) {

The (ngModelChange) event listener emits events when the selected value changes. This is where you can hookup your callback.

Note you will need to make sure you have imported the FormsModule into the application.

Here is a Plunker

How to create JSON object Node.js

The other answers are helpful, but the JSON in your question isn't valid. I have formatted it to make it clearer below, note the missing single quote on line 24.

  1 {
  2     'Orientation Sensor':
  3     [
  4         {
  5             sampleTime: '1450632410296',
  6             data: '76.36731:3.4651554:0.5665419'
  7         },
  8         {
  9             sampleTime: '1450632410296',
 10             data: '78.15431:0.5247617:-0.20050584'
 11         }
 12     ],
 13     'Screen Orientation Sensor':
 14     [
 15         {
 16             sampleTime: '1450632410296',
 17             data: '255.0:-1.0:0.0'
 18         }
 19     ],
 20     'MPU6500 Gyroscope sensor UnCalibrated':
 21     [
 22         {
 23             sampleTime: '1450632410296',
 24             data: '-0.05006743:-0.013848438:-0.0063915867
 25         },
 26         {
 27             sampleTime: '1450632410296',
 28             data: '-0.051132694:-0.0127831735:-0.003325345'
 29         }
 30     ]
 31 }

There are a lot of great articles on how to manipulate objects in Javascript (whether using Node JS or a browser). I suggest here is a good place to start:

PHP Configuration: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings

I modified /etc/php.ini

[Date] ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions ; date.timezone =('Asia/kolkata')

and now working fine.

Vipin Pal