I know this is an old question but according what @mikejones1477 said, modern front end libraries and frameworks escape the text giving you protection against XSS. The reason why cookies are not a secure method using credentials is that cookies doesn't prevent CSRF when localStorage does (also remember that cookies are accessible by javascript too, so XSS isn't the big problem here), this answer resume why.
The reason storing an authentication token in local storage and manually adding it to each request protects against CSRF is that key word: manual. Since the browser is not automatically sending that auth token, if I visit evil.com and it manages to send a POST http://example.com/delete-my-account, it will not be able to send my authn token, so the request is ignored.
Of course httpOnly is the holy grail but you can't access from reactjs or any js framework beside you still have CSRF vulnerability. My recommendation would be localstorage or if you want to use cookies make sure implemeting some solution to your CSRF problem like django does.
Regarding with the CDN's make sure you're not using some weird CDN, for example CDN like google or bootstrap provide, are maintained by the community and doesn't contain malicious code, if you are not sure, you're free to review.