Programs & Examples On #Multilinestring

Paste a multi-line Java String in Eclipse

Okay, I just found the answer (on Stackoverflow, no less).

Eclipse has an option so that copy-paste of multi-line text into String literals will result in quoted newlines:

Preferences/Java/Editor/Typing/ "Escape text when pasting into a string literal"

Pythonic way to create a long multi-line string

Try something like this. Like in this format it will return you a continuous line like you have successfully enquired about this property:

"message": f'You have successfully inquired about '
           f'{enquiring_property.title} Property owned by '

C#: Looping through lines of multiline string

from MSDN for StringReader

    string textReaderText = "TextReader is the abstract base " +
        "class of StreamReader and StringReader, which read " +
        "characters from streams and strings, respectively.\n\n" +

        "Create an instance of TextReader to open a text file " +
        "for reading a specified range of characters, or to " +
        "create a reader based on an existing stream.\n\n" +

        "You can also use an instance of TextReader to read " +
        "text from a custom backing store using the same " +
        "APIs you would use for a string or a stream.\n\n";

    Console.WriteLine("Original text:\n\n{0}", textReaderText);

    // From textReaderText, create a continuous paragraph 
    // with two spaces between each sentence.
    string aLine, aParagraph = null;
    StringReader strReader = new StringReader(textReaderText);
        aLine = strReader.ReadLine();
        if(aLine != null)
            aParagraph = aParagraph + aLine + " ";
            aParagraph = aParagraph + "\n";
    Console.WriteLine("Modified text:\n\n{0}", aParagraph);

Initialise a list to a specific length in Python

If the "default value" you want is immutable, @eduffy's suggestion, e.g. [0]*10, is good enough.

But if you want, say, a list of ten dicts, do not use [{}]*10 -- that would give you a list with the same initially-empty dict ten times, not ten distinct ones. Rather, use [{} for i in range(10)] or similar constructs, to construct ten separate dicts to make up your list.

What does the function then() mean in JavaScript?

Here is a small JS_Fiddle.

then is a method callback stack which is available after a promise is resolved it is part of library like jQuery but now it is available in native JavaScript and below is the detail explanation how it works

You can do a Promise in native JavaScript : just like there are promises in jQuery, Every promise can be stacked and then can be called with Resolve and Reject callbacks, This is how you can chain asynchronous calls.

I forked and Edited from MSDN Docs on Battery charging status..

What this does is try to find out if user laptop or device is charging battery. then is called and you can do your work post success.

    .then(function(battery) {
       var charging = battery.charging;
    .then(function(){alert("YeoMan : SINGH is King !!");});

Another es6 Example

function fetchAsync (url, timeout, onData, onError) {
let fetchPromised = (url, timeout) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fetchAsync(url, timeout, resolve, reject)
    fetchPromised("http://backend/foo.txt", 500),
    fetchPromised("http://backend/bar.txt", 500),
    fetchPromised("http://backend/baz.txt", 500)
]).then((data) => {
    let [ foo, bar, baz ] = data
    console.log(`success: foo=${foo} bar=${bar} baz=${baz}`)
}, (err) => {
    console.log(`error: ${err}`)

Definition :: then is a method used to solve Asynchronous callbacks

this is introduced in ES6

Please find the proper documentation here Es6 Promises

Bash foreach loop

xargs --arg-file inputfile cat

This will output the filename followed by the file's contents:

xargs --arg-file inputfile -I % sh -c "echo %; cat %"

forward declaration of a struct in C?

Try this

#include <stdio.h>

struct context;

struct funcptrs{
  void (*func0)(struct context *ctx);
  void (*func1)(void);

struct context{
    struct funcptrs fps;

void func1 (void) { printf( "1\n" ); }
void func0 (struct context *ctx) { printf( "0\n" ); }

void getContext(struct context *con){
    con->fps.func0 = func0;  
    con->fps.func1 = func1;  

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
 struct context c;
   c.fps.func0 = func0;
   c.fps.func1 = func1;
   return 0;

jQuery posting JSON

You post JSON like this

$.ajax(url, {
    data : JSON.stringify(myJSObject),
    contentType : 'application/json',
    type : 'POST',

if you pass an object as jQuery will convert it to query parameters and by default send with the data type application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8, probably not what you want

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE] even if app appears to not be installed

I usually face this issue on Android 5.0+ version devices. Since it has multi-user profiles accounts on the same devices. Every app will install as a separate instance for all users. Make sure to uninstall for all the users as below screenshot.

enter image description here

href="tel:" and mobile numbers

I know the OP is asking about international country codes but for North America, you could use the following:

<a href="tel:+1-847-555-5555">1-847-555-5555</a>

<a href="tel:+18475555555">Click Here To Call Support 1-847-555-5555</a>

This might help you.

Position Absolute + Scrolling

So gaiour is right, but if you're looking for a full height item that doesn't scroll with the content, but is actually the height of the container, here's the fix. Have a parent with a height that causes overflow, a content container that has a 100% height and overflow: scroll, and a sibling then can be positioned according to the parent size, not the scroll element size. Here is the fiddle:

and the relevant code:


<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">
    Lorem ipsum ...
  <div class="full-height"></div>


  height: 256px;
  position: relative;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: scroll;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  width: 20%;
  top: 0;
  height: 100%;

How to for each the hashmap?

I know I'm a bit late for that one, but I'll share what I did too, in case it helps someone else :

HashMap<String, HashMap> selects = new HashMap<String, HashMap>();

for(Map.Entry<String, HashMap> entry : selects.entrySet()) {
    String key = entry.getKey();
    HashMap value = entry.getValue();

    // do what you have to do here
    // In your case, another loop.

Currency formatting in Python

#printing the variable 'Total:' in a format that looks like this '9,348.237'

print ('Total:',   '{:7,.3f}'.format(zum1))

where the '{:7,.3f}' es the number of spaces for formatting the number in this case is a million with 3 decimal points. Then you add the '.format(zum1). The zum1 is tha variable that has the big number for the sum of all number in my particular program. Variable can be anything that you decide to use.

Ant build failed: "Target "build..xml" does not exist"

  1. Probably you don't have environment variable ANT_HOME set properly
  2. It seems that you are calling Ant like this: "ant build..xml". If your ant script has name build.xml you need to specify only a target in command line. For example: "ant target1".

How do I make calls to a REST API using C#?

The first step is to create the helper class for the HTTP client.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace callApi.Helpers
    public class CallApi
        private readonly Uri BaseUrlUri;
        private HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        public CallApi(string baseUrl)
            BaseUrlUri = new Uri(baseUrl);
            client.BaseAddress = BaseUrlUri;
                new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

        public HttpClient getClient()
            return client;

        public HttpClient getClientWithBearer(string token)
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
            return client;

Then you can use this class in your code.

This is an example of how you call the REST API without bearer using the above class.

// GET API/values
public async Task<ActionResult<string>> postNoBearerAsync(string email, string password,string baseUrl, string action)
    var request = new LoginRequest
        email = email,
        password = password

    var callApi = new CallApi(baseUrl);
    var client = callApi.getClient();
    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(action, request);
    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        return Ok(await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<string>());
        return NotFound();

This is an example of how you can call the REST API that require bearer.

// GET API/values
public async Task<ActionResult<string>> getUseBearerAsync(string token, string baseUrl, string action)
    var callApi = new CallApi(baseUrl);
    var client = callApi.getClient();
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(action);
    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        return Ok(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
        return NotFound();

You can also refer to the below repository if you want to see the working example of how it works.

Angular 4 default radio button checked by default

getting following error

It happens:  Error: 
      ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroup directive.  Try using
      formGroup's partner directive "formControlName" instead.  Example:

How to output messages to the Eclipse console when developing for Android

i use below log format for print my content in logCat

Log.e("Msg","What you have to print");

"ssl module in Python is not available" when installing package with pip3

You can do either of these two:

  1. While installing Anaconda, select the option to add Anaconda to the path.


  1. Find these (complete) paths from your installation folder of Anaconda and add them to the environment variable :








Add the above paths to the "Path" system variable and it should show the error no more :)

printf a variable in C

Your printf needs a format string:

printf("%d\n", x);

This reference page gives details on how to use printf and related functions.

How do I programmatically change file permissions?

If you want to set 777 permission to your created file than you can use the following method:

public void setPermission(File file) throws IOException{
    Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = new HashSet<>();



    Files.setPosixFilePermissions(file.toPath(), perms);

How can I get client information such as OS and browser

You cannot reliably get this information. The basis of several answers provided here is to examine the User-Agent header of the HTTP request. However, there is no way to know if the information in the User-Agent header is truthful. The client sending the request can write anything in that header. So its content can be spoofed, or not sent at all.

Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains

Adding my localhost on Valid OAuth redirect URIs at solved the problem!

And pay attention for one detail here:

In this case http://localhost:3000 is not the same of or

Make sure you are using exactly the running url of you sandbox server. I spend some time to discover that...

enter image description here

How can I capture packets in Android?

Option 1 - Android PCAP


Android PCAP should work so long as:

Your device runs Android 4.0 or higher (or, in theory, the few devices which run Android 3.2). Earlier versions of Android do not have a USB Host API

Option 2 - TcpDump


Phone should be rooted

Option 3 - bitshark (I would prefer this)


Phone should be rooted

Reason - the generated PCAP files can be analyzed in WireShark which helps us in doing the analysis.

Other Options without rooting your phone

  1. tPacketCapture


Using tPacketCapture is very easy, captured packet save into a PCAP file that can be easily analyzed by using a network protocol analyzer application such as Wireshark.

  1. You can route your android mobile traffic to PC and capture the traffic in the desktop using any network sniffing tool.

How do I add a resources folder to my Java project in Eclipse

If you have multiple sub-projects then you need to add the resources folder to each project's run configuration class path like so:

class path

Ensure the new path is top of the entries and then the runtime will check that path first for any resources (before checking sub-paths)

Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on null

In ---- model: Add use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;

Change the class ----- extends Model to class ----- extends Eloquent

Spring Hibernate - Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread

You must enable the transaction support (<tx:annotation-driven> or @EnableTransactionManagement) and declare the transactionManager and it should work through the SessionFactory.

You must add @Transactional into your @Repository

With @Transactional in your @Repository Spring is able to apply transactional support into your repository.

Your Student class has no the @javax.persistence.* annotations how @Entity, I am assuming the Mapping Configuration for that class has been defined through XML.

How do I specify different Layouts in the ASP.NET MVC 3 razor ViewStart file?

This method is the simplest way for beginners to control Layouts rendering in your ASP.NET MVC application. We can identify the controller and render the Layouts as par controller, to do this we can write our code in _ViewStart file in the root directory of the Views folder. Following is an example shows how it can be done.

    var controller = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
    string cLayout = "";

    if (controller == "Webmaster")
        cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_WebmasterLayout.cshtml";
        cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

    Layout = cLayout;

Read Complete Article here "How to Render different Layout in ASP.NET MVC"

How can I change the size of a Bootstrap checkbox?

<div id="rr-element">
   <label for="rr-1">
      <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="rr-1" name="rr[]">
      Value 1
//do this on the css
div label input { margin-right:100px; }

Get the value for a listbox item by index

If you are working on a windows forms project you can try the following:

Add items to the ListBox as KeyValuePair objects:

listBox.Items.Add(new KeyValuePair(key, value);

Then you will be able to retrieve them the following way:

KeyValuePair keyValuePair = listBox.Items[index];
var value = keyValuePair.Value;

Display an array in a readable/hierarchical format

foreach($array as $v) echo $v, PHP_EOL;

UPDATE: A more sophisticated solution would be:

 $test = [
    'key1' => 'val1',
    'key2' => 'val2',
    'key3' => [
        'subkey1' => 'subval1',
        'subkey2' => 'subval2',
        'subkey3' => [
            'subsubkey1' => 'subsubval1',
            'subsubkey2' => 'subsubval2',
function printArray($arr, $pad = 0, $padStr = "\t") {
    $outerPad = $pad;
    $innerPad = $pad + 1;
    $out = '[' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
        if (is_array($v)) {
            $out .= str_repeat($padStr, $innerPad) . $k . ' => ' . printArray($v, $innerPad) . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            $out .= str_repeat($padStr, $innerPad) . $k . ' => ' . $v;
            $out .= PHP_EOL;
    $out .= str_repeat($padStr, $outerPad) . ']';
    return $out;

echo printArray($test);

This prints out:

        key1 => val1
        key2 => val2
        key3 => [
            subkey1 => subval1
            subkey2 => subval2
            subkey3 => [
                subsubkey1 => subsubval1
                subsubkey2 => subsubval2

Oracle - Why does the leading zero of a number disappear when converting it TO_CHAR

I was looking for a way to format numbers without leading or trailing spaces, periods, zeros (except one leading zero for numbers less than 1 that should be present).

This is frustrating that such most usual formatting can't be easily achieved in Oracle.

Even Tom Kyte only suggested long complicated workaround like this:

case when trunc(x)=x
    then to_char(x, 'FM999999999999999999')
    else to_char(x, 'FM999999999999999.99')
end x

But I was able to find shorter solution that mentions the value only once:

rtrim(to_char(x, 'FM999999999999990.99'), '.')

This works as expected for all possible values:

    to_char(num, 'FM99.99') wrong_leading_period,
    to_char(num, 'FM90.99') wrong_trailing_period,
    rtrim(to_char(num, 'FM90.99'), '.') correct
from (
  select num from (select 0.25 c1, 0.1 c2, 1.2 c3, 13 c4, -70 c5 from dual)
  unpivot (num for dummy in (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5))
) sampledata;

    |                  .25 |                  0.25 |    0.25 |
    |                   .1 |                   0.1 |     0.1 |
    |                  1.2 |                   1.2 |     1.2 |
    |                  13. |                   13. |      13 |
    |                 -70. |                  -70. |     -70 |

Still looking for even shorter solution.

There is a shortening approarch with custom helper function:

create or replace function str(num in number) return varchar2
    return rtrim(to_char(num, 'FM999999999999990.99'), '.');

But custom pl/sql functions have significant performace overhead that is not suitable for heavy queries.

React.js: How to append a component on click?

As @Alex McMillan mentioned, use state to dictate what should be rendered in the dom.

In the example below I have an input field and I want to add a second one when the user clicks the button, the onClick event handler calls handleAddSecondInput( ) which changes inputLinkClicked to true. I am using a ternary operator to check for the truthy state, which renders the second input field

class HealthConditions extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      inputLinkClicked: false

  handleAddSecondInput() {
      inputLinkClicked: true

  render() {
      <main id="wrapper" className="" data-reset-cookie-tab>
        <div id="content" role="main">
          <div className="inner-block">

            <H1Heading title="Tell us about any disabilities, illnesses or ongoing conditions"/>

            <InputField label="Name of condition"


              <InputField label=""



              Add a condition

            <FormButton buttonLabel="Next"
                this.state.illnessOrDisability === 'true' ?

            <BackLink backLink="/add-your-details" />


Split string in JavaScript and detect line break

This is what I used to print text to a canvas. The input is not coming from a textarea, but from input and I'm only splitting by space. Definitely not perfect, but works for my case. It returns the lines in an array:

splitTextToLines: function (text) {
        var idealSplit = 7,
            maxSplit = 20,
            lineCounter = 0,
            lineIndex = 0,
            lines = [""],
            ch, i;

        for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
            ch = text[i];
            if ((lineCounter >= idealSplit && ch === " ") || lineCounter >= maxSplit) {
                ch = "";
                lineCounter = -1;
            lines[lineIndex] += ch;

        return lines;

How can I compare two strings in java and define which of them is smaller than the other alphabetically?

Haven't you heard about the Comparable interface being implemented by String ? If no, try to use


And it will output a good root for a solution to your problem.

HTML/CSS: Making two floating divs the same height

Considering Natalie's response, it seemed very good, but I had problems with a possible footer area, which could be hacked a little using clear: both.

Of course, a better solution would be to use flexbox or grid nowadays.

You can check this codepen if you want.

enter image description here

.section {
  width: 500px;
  margin: auto;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 0;

div {
  padding: 1rem;

.header {
  background: lightblue;

.sidebar {
  background: lightgreen;
  width: calc(25% - 1rem);

.sidebar-left {
  float: left;
  padding-bottom: 500rem;
  margin-bottom: -500rem;

.main {
  background: pink;
  width: calc(50% - 4rem);
  float: left;
  padding-bottom: 500rem;
  margin-bottom: -500rem;

.sidebar-right {
  float: right;
  padding-bottom: 500rem;
  margin-bottom: -500rem;

.footer {
  background: black;
  color: white;
  float: left;
  clear: both;
  margin-top: 1rem;
  width: calc(100% - 2rem);
<div class="section">
<div class="header">
  This is the header
<div class="sidebar sidebar-left">
  This sidebar could have a menu or something like that. It may not have the same length as the other
<div class="main">
  This is the main area. It should have the same length as the sidebars
<div class="sidebar sidebar-right">
  This is the other sidebar, it could have some ads
<div class="footer">
  Footer area

Import SQL dump into PostgreSQL database

That worked for me:

sudo -u postgres psql db_name < 'file_path'

Can I rollback a transaction I've already committed? (data loss)

No, you can't undo, rollback or reverse a commit.


(Note: if you deleted the data directory off the filesystem, do NOT stop the database. The following advice applies to an accidental commit of a DELETE or similar, not an rm -rf /data/directory scenario).

If this data was important, STOP YOUR DATABASE NOW and do not restart it. Use pg_ctl stop -m immediate so that no checkpoint is run on shutdown.

You cannot roll back a transaction once it has commited. You will need to restore the data from backups, or use point-in-time recovery, which must have been set up before the accident happened.

If you didn't have any PITR / WAL archiving set up and don't have backups, you're in real trouble.

Urgent mitigation

Once your database is stopped, you should make a file system level copy of the whole data directory - the folder that contains base, pg_clog, etc. Copy all of it to a new location. Do not do anything to the copy in the new location, it is your only hope of recovering your data if you do not have backups. Make another copy on some removable storage if you can, and then unplug that storage from the computer. Remember, you need absolutely every part of the data directory, including pg_xlog etc. No part is unimportant.

Exactly how to make the copy depends on which operating system you're running. Where the data dir is depends on which OS you're running and how you installed PostgreSQL.

Ways some data could've survived

If you stop your DB quickly enough you might have a hope of recovering some data from the tables. That's because PostgreSQL uses multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) to manage concurrent access to its storage. Sometimes it will write new versions of the rows you update to the table, leaving the old ones in place but marked as "deleted". After a while autovaccum comes along and marks the rows as free space, so they can be overwritten by a later INSERT or UPDATE. Thus, the old versions of the UPDATEd rows might still be lying around, present but inaccessible.

Additionally, Pg writes in two phases. First data is written to the write-ahead log (WAL). Only once it's been written to the WAL and hit disk, it's then copied to the "heap" (the main tables), possibly overwriting old data that was there. The WAL content is copied to the main heap by the bgwriter and by periodic checkpoints. By default checkpoints happen every 5 minutes. If you manage to stop the database before a checkpoint has happened and stopped it by hard-killing it, pulling the plug on the machine, or using pg_ctl in immediate mode you might've captured the data from before the checkpoint happened, so your old data is more likely to still be in the heap.

Now that you have made a complete file-system-level copy of the data dir you can start your database back up if you really need to; the data will still be gone, but you've done what you can to give yourself some hope of maybe recovering it. Given the choice I'd probably keep the DB shut down just to be safe.


You may now need to hire an expert in PostgreSQL's innards to assist you in a data recovery attempt. Be prepared to pay a professional for their time, possibly quite a bit of time.

I posted about this on the Pg mailing list, and ?????? ?????? linked to depesz's post on pg_dirtyread, which looks like just what you want, though it doesn't recover TOASTed data so it's of limited utility. Give it a try, if you're lucky it might work.

See: pg_dirtyread on GitHub.

I've removed what I'd written in this section as it's obsoleted by that tool.

See also PostgreSQL row storage fundamentals


See my blog entry Preventing PostgreSQL database corruption.

On a semi-related side-note, if you were using two phase commit you could ROLLBACK PREPARED for a transction that was prepared for commit but not fully commited. That's about the closest you get to rolling back an already-committed transaction, and does not apply to your situation.

enabling cross-origin resource sharing on IIS7

It took Microsoft years to identify the gaps and ship an out-of-band CORS module to solve this problem.

  1. Install the module from Microsoft
  2. Configure it with snippets

as below

        <cors enabled="true" failUnlistedOrigins="true">            
            <add origin="http://*" allowed="true" />

In general, it is much easier than your custom headers and also offers better handling of preflight requests.

In case you need the same for IIS Express, use some PowerShell scripts I wrote.

Is there a method to generate a UUID with go language

As part of the uuid spec, if you generate a uuid from random it must contain a "4" as the 13th character and a "8", "9", "a", or "b" in the 17th (source).

// this makes sure that the 13th character is "4"
u[6] = (u[6] | 0x40) & 0x4F
// this makes sure that the 17th is "8", "9", "a", or "b"
u[8] = (u[8] | 0x80) & 0xBF 

Determine if an element has a CSS class with jQuery

As for the negation, if you want to know if an element hasn't a class you can simply do as Mark said.

if (!currentPage.parent().hasClass('home')) { do what you want }

Cannot find firefox binary in PATH. Make sure firefox is installed

Did you add firefox to your path after you have started the selenium server? If that is the case selenium will still use old path. The solution is to tear down & restart selenium so that it will use the updated Path environment variable.

To check if firefox is added in your path correctly you can just launch a command line terminal "cmd" and type "firefox" + ENTER there. If firefox starts then everything is alright and restarting selenium server should fix the problem.

How to validate an Email in PHP?


var_dump(filter_var('[email protected]', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));
$validator = new EmailValidator();
$multipleValidations = new MultipleValidationWithAnd([
    new RFCValidation(),
    new DNSCheckValidation()
$validator->isValid("[email protected]", $multipleValidations); //true

Expand Python Search Path to Other Source

You should also read about python packages here:

From your example, I would guess that you really have a package at ~/codez/project. The file in a python directory maps a directory into a namespace. If your subdirectories all have an file, then you only need to add the base directory to your PYTHONPATH. For example:


In addition to testing your PYTHONPATH environment variable, as David explains, you can test it in python like this:

$ python
>>> import project                      # should work if PYTHONPATH set
>>> import sys
>>> for line in sys.path: print line    # print current python path


Using the "animated circle" in an ImageView while loading stuff

You can do this by using the following xml


With this style

<style name="GenericProgressBackground" parent="android:Theme">
    <item name="android:layout_width">fill_parent</item>    
    <item name="android:layout_height">fill_parent</item>
    <item name="android:background">#DD111111</item>    
    <item name="android:gravity">center</item>  
<style name="GenericProgressIndicator" parent="@android:style/Widget.ProgressBar.Small">
    <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:indeterminate">true</item> 

To use this, you must hide your UI elements by setting the visibility value to GONE and whenever the data is loaded, call setVisibility(View.VISIBLE) on all your views to restore them. Don't forget to call findViewById( to hide the loading animation.

If you dont have a loading event/function but just want the loading panel to disappear after x seconds use a Handle to trigger the hiding/showing.

AngularJs $ does not send data

It's not super clear above, but if you are receiving the request in PHP you can use:

$params = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'),true);

To access an array in PHP from an AngularJS POST.

Detect backspace and del on "input" event?

With jQuery

The event.which property normalizes event.keyCode and event.charCode. It is recommended to watch event.which for keyboard key input.

jQuery('#input').on('keydown', function(e) {
    if( e.which == 8 || e.which == 46 ) return false;

Visual Studio Code how to resolve merge conflicts with git?

With VSCode you can find the merge conflicts easily with the following UI. enter image description here

(if you do not have the topbar, set "editor.codeLens": true in User Preferences)

It indicates the current change that you have and incoming change from the server. This makes it easy to resolve the conflicts - just press the buttons above <<<< HEAD.

If you have multiple changes and want to apply all of them at once - open command palette (View -> Command Palette) and start typing merge - multiple options will appear including Merge Conflict: Accept Incoming, etc.

Postgres user does not exist?

By psql --help, when you didn't set options for database name (without -d option) it would be your username, if you didn't do -U, the database username would be your username too, etc.

But by initdb (to create the first database) command it doesn't have your username as any database name. It has a database named postgres. The first database is always created by the initdb command when the data storage area is initialized. This database is called postgres.

So if you don't have another database named your username, you need to do psql -d postgres for psql command to work. And it seems it gives -d option by default, psql postgres also works.

If you have created another database names the same to your username, (it should be done with createdb) then you may command psql only. And it seems the first database user name sets as your machine username by brew.

psql -d <first database name> -U <first database user name>


psql -d postgres -U <your machine username>
psql -d postgres

would work by default.

Double array initialization in Java

If you can accept Double Objects than this post is helpful: Initialization of an ArrayList in one line

List<Double> y = Arrays.asList(null, 1.0, 2.0);
Double x = y.get(1);

Getting time elapsed in Objective-C

For anybody coming here looking for a getTickCount() implementation for iOS, here is mine after putting various sources together.

Previously I had a bug in this code (I divided by 1000000 first) which was causing some quantisation of the output on my iPhone 6 (perhaps this was not an issue on iPhone 4/etc or I just never noticed it). Note that by not performing that division first, there is some risk of overflow if the numerator of the timebase is quite large. If anybody is curious, there is a link with much more information here:

In light of that information, maybe it is safer to use Apple's function CACurrentMediaTime!

I also benchmarked the mach_timebase_info call and it takes approximately 19ns on my iPhone 6, so I removed the (not threadsafe) code which was caching the output of that call.

#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>

uint64_t getTickCount(void)
    mach_timebase_info_data_t sTimebaseInfo;
    uint64_t machTime = mach_absolute_time();

    // Convert to milliseconds
    machTime *= sTimebaseInfo.numer;
    machTime /= sTimebaseInfo.denom;
    machTime /= 1000000; // convert from nanoseconds to milliseconds

    return machTime;

Do be aware of the potential risk of overflow depending on the output of the timebase call. I suspect (but do not know) that it might be a constant for each model of iPhone. on my iPhone 6 it was 125/3.

The solution using CACurrentMediaTime() is quite trivial:

uint64_t getTickCount(void)
    double ret = CACurrentMediaTime();
    return ret * 1000;

What do multiple arrow functions mean in javascript?

That is a curried function

First, examine this function with two parameters …

const add = (x, y) => x + y
add(2, 3) //=> 5

Here it is again in curried form …

const add = x => y => x + y

Here is the same1 code without arrow functions …

const add = function (x) {
  return function (y) {
    return x + y

Focus on return

It might help to visualize it another way. We know that arrow functions work like this – let's pay particular attention to the return value.

const f = someParam => returnValue

So our add function returns a function – we can use parentheses for added clarity. The bolded text is the return value of our function add

const add = x => (y => x + y)

In other words add of some number returns a function

add(2) // returns (y => 2 + y)

Calling curried functions

So in order to use our curried function, we have to call it a bit differently …

add(2)(3)  // returns 5

This is because the first (outer) function call returns a second (inner) function. Only after we call the second function do we actually get the result. This is more evident if we separate the calls on two lines …

const add2 = add(2) // returns function(y) { return 2 + y }
add2(3)             // returns 5

Applying our new understanding to your code

related: ”What’s the difference between binding, partial application, and currying?”

OK, now that we understand how that works, let's look at your code

handleChange = field => e => {
  /// Do something here

We'll start by representing it without using arrow functions …

handleChange = function(field) {
  return function(e) {
    // Do something here
    // return ...

However, because arrow functions lexically bind this, it would actually look more like this …

handleChange = function(field) {
  return function(e) {
    // Do something here
    // return ...

Maybe now we can see what this is doing more clearly. The handleChange function is creating a function for a specified field. This is a handy React technique because you're required to setup your own listeners on each input in order to update your applications state. By using the handleChange function, we can eliminate all the duplicated code that would result in setting up change listeners for each field. Cool!

1 Here I did not have to lexically bind this because the original add function does not use any context, so it is not important to preserve it in this case.

Even more arrows

More than two arrow functions can be sequenced, if necessary -

const three = a => b => c =>
  a + b + c

const four = a => b => c => d =>
  a + b + c + d

three (1) (2) (3) // 6

four (1) (2) (3) (4) // 10

Curried functions are capable of surprising things. Below we see $ defined as a curried function with two parameters, yet at the call site, it appears as though we can supply any number of arguments. Currying is the abstraction of arity -

const $ = x => k =>_x000D_
  $ (k (x))_x000D_
const add = x => y =>_x000D_
  x + y_x000D_
const mult = x => y =>_x000D_
  x * y_x000D_
$ (1)           // 1_x000D_
  (add (2))     // + 2 = 3_x000D_
  (mult (6))    // * 6 = 18_x000D_
  (console.log) // 18_x000D_
$ (7)            // 7_x000D_
  (add (1))      // + 1 = 8_x000D_
  (mult (8))     // * 8 = 64_x000D_
  (mult (2))     // * 2 = 128_x000D_
  (mult (2))     // * 2 = 256_x000D_
  (console.log)  // 256

Partial application

Partial application is a related concept. It allows us to partially apply functions, similar to currying, except the function does not have to be defined in curried form -

const partial = (f, ...a) => (...b) =>
  f (...a, ...b)

const add3 = (x, y, z) =>
  x + y + z

partial (add3) (1, 2, 3)   // 6

partial (add3, 1) (2, 3)   // 6

partial (add3, 1, 2) (3)   // 6

partial (add3, 1, 2, 3) () // 6

partial (add3, 1, 1, 1, 1) (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) // 3

Here's a working demo of partial you can play with in your own browser -

const partial = (f, ...a) => (...b) =>_x000D_
  f (...a, ...b)_x000D_
const preventDefault = (f, event) =>_x000D_
  ( event .preventDefault ()_x000D_
  , f (event)_x000D_
const logKeypress = event =>_x000D_
  console .log (event.which)_x000D_
  .querySelector ('input[name=foo]')_x000D_
  .addEventListener ('keydown', partial (preventDefault, logKeypress))
<input name="foo" placeholder="type here to see ascii codes" size="50">

sorting dictionary python 3

dict does not keep its elements' order. What you need is an OrderedDict:


Usage example:

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> a = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}
>>> a
{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}
>>> b = OrderedDict(sorted(a.items()))
>>> b
OrderedDict([('bar', 2), ('foo', 1)])
>>> b['foo']
>>> b['bar']

No found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations:

In my case, I had the following structure of a project:

enter image description here

When I was running the test, I kept receiving problems with auro-wiring both facade and kafka attributes - error came back with information about missing instances, even though the test and the API classes reside in the very same package. Apparently those were not scanned.

What actually helped was adding @Import annotation bringing the missing classes to Spring classpath and making them being instantiated.

Matplotlib (pyplot) savefig outputs blank image

Call after plt.savefig(fig) and your problem should be solved.

How to change scroll bar position with CSS?

Using CSS only:

Right/Left Flippiing: Working Fiddle

    height: 200px;
    overflow-x: auto;
    height: 300px;

    direction: rtl;
    direction: ltr;

Top/Bottom Flipping: Working Fiddle

    width: 200px;
    overflow-y: auto;
    width: 300px;

.Flipped, .Flipped .Content
    -ms-transform:rotateX(180deg); /* IE 9 */
    -webkit-transform:rotateX(180deg); /* Safari and Chrome */

SQL: Two select statements in one query

If you like to keep records separate and not do the union.
Try query below

        FROM   tblMadrid
        WHERE  name = 'ronaldo') AS table_a,
       (SELECT name,
        FROM   tblBarcelona
        WHERE  name = 'messi')   AS table_b

try/catch blocks with async/await

I'd like to do this way :)

const sthError = () => Promise.reject('sth error');

const test = opts => {
  return (async () => {

    // do sth
    await sthError();
    return 'ok';

  })().catch(err => {
    console.error(err); // error will be catched there 

test().then(ret => {

It's similar to handling error with co

const test = opts => {
  return co(function*() {

    // do sth
    yield sthError();
    return 'ok';

  }).catch(err => {

mysqli_fetch_array while loop columns

I think this would be a more simpler way of outputting your results.

Sorry for using my own data should be easy to replace .

$query = "SELECT * FROM category ";

$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);

    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
        $cat_id = $row['cat_id'];
        $cat_title = $row['cat_title'];

        echo $cat_id . " " . $cat_title  ."<br>";

This would output :

  • -ID Title
  • -1 Gary
  • -2 John
  • -3 Michaels

how to implement Pagination in reactJs

Make sure you make it as a separate component I have used tabler-react

import * as React from "react";
import { Page,  Button } from "tabler-react";
class PaginateComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
            limit: 5, // optional
            page: 1

paginateValue = (page) => {
    this.setState({ page: page });
    console.log(page) // access this value from parent component 

paginatePrevValue = (page) => {
    this.setState({ page: page });
    console.log(page)  // access this value from parent component
paginateNxtValue = (page) => {
       this.setState({ page: page });
       console.log(page)  // access this value from parent component

    render() {
        return (
                      disabled={ === 0}
                      onClick={() => this.paginatePrevValue( - 1)}

                        {, index) => {
                            return (
                                    onClick={() => this.paginateValue(value)}
                               === value
                                            ? "primary"
                                            : "secondary"

                            onClick={() => this.paginateNxtValue( + 1)}


export default PaginateComponent;

Use sudo with password as parameter

# Make sure only root can run our script
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
   echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
   exit 1

Chaining multiple filter() in Django, is this a bug?

Saw this in a comment and I thought it was the simplest explanation.

filter(A, B) is the AND filter(A).filter(B) is OR

How can I simulate mobile devices and debug in Firefox Browser?

I would use the "Responsive Design View" available under Tools -> Web Developer -> Responsive Design View. It will let you test your CSS against different screen sizes.

Php artisan make:auth command is not defined

If you using >5 version of laravel then you will use.

composer require laravel/ui --dev **or** composer require laravel/ui

And then

php artisan ui:auth

How to go from one page to another page using javascript?

Try this,


Here sample.html is a next page. It will go to the next page.

Export Postgresql table data using pgAdmin

  1. Right-click on your table and pick option Backup..
  2. On File Options, set Filepath/Filename and pick PLAIN for Format
  3. Ignore Dump Options #1 tab
  4. In Dump Options #2 tab, check USE INSERT COMMANDS
  5. In Dump Options #2 tab, check Use Column Inserts if you want column names in your inserts.
  6. Hit Backup button

String isNullOrEmpty in Java?

public static boolean isNull(String str) {
        return str == null ? true : false;

    public static boolean isNullOrBlank(String param) {
        if (isNull(param) || param.trim().length() == 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

Defining a `required` field in Bootstrap

If wont work in case you have something like : novalidate="novalidate" attached to your form.

Entity Framework rollback and remove bad migration

As the question indicates this applies to a migration in a development type environment that has not yet been released.

This issue can be solved in these steps: restore your database to the last good migration, delete the bad migration from your Entity Framework project, generate a new migration and apply it to the database. Note: Judging from the comments these exact commands may no longer be applicable if you are using EF Core.

Step 1: Restore to a previous migration

If you haven't yet applied your migration you can skip this part. To restore your database schema to a previous point issue the Update-Database command with -TargetMigration option specify the last good migration. If your entity framework code resides in a different project in your solution, you may need to use the '-Project' option or switch the default project in the package manager console.

Update-Database –TargetMigration: <name of last good migration>

To get the name of the last good migration use the 'Get-Migrations' command to retrieve a list of the migration names that have been applied to your database.

PM> Get-Migrations
Retrieving migrations that have been applied to the target database.

This list shows the most recent applied migrations first. Pick the migration that occurs in the list after the one you want to downgrade to, ie the one applied before the one you want to downgrade. Now issue an Update-Database.

Update-Database –TargetMigration: "<the migration applied before it>"

All migrations applied after the one specified will be down-graded in order starting with the latest migration applied first.

Step 2: Delete your migration from the project

remove-migration name_of_bad_migration

If the remove-migration command is not available in your version of Entity Framework, delete the files of the unwanted migration your EF project 'Migrations' folder manually. At this point, you are free to create a new migration and apply it to the database.

Step 3: Add your new migration

add-migration my_new_migration

Step 4: Apply your migration to the database


SQLAlchemy IN clause

An alternative way is using raw SQL mode with SQLAlchemy, I use SQLAlchemy 0.9.8, python 2.7, MySQL 5.X, and MySQL-Python as connector, in this case, a tuple is needed. My code listed below:

id_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # in most case we have an integer list or set
s = text('SELECT id, content FROM myTable WHERE id IN :id_list')
conn = engine.connect() # get a mysql connection
rs = conn.execute(s, id_list=tuple(id_list)).fetchall()

Hope everything works for you.

How to properly reference local resources in HTML?

  • A leading slash tells the browser to start at the root directory.
  • If you don't have the leading slash, you're referencing from the current directory.
  • If you add two dots before the leading slash, it means you're referencing the parent of the current directory.

Take the following folder structure

demo folder structure


  • the ROOT checkmark is green,
  • the second checkmark is orange,
  • the third checkmark is purple,
  • the forth checkmark is yellow

Now in the index.html.en file you'll want to put the following markup

    <img src="check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced from this current directory</span>

    <img src="/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm green because I'm referenced from the ROOT directory</span>

    <img src="subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm yellow because I'm referenced from the child of this current directory</span>

    <img src="/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm orange because I'm referenced from the child of the ROOT directory</span>

    <img src="../subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced from the parent of this current directory</span>

    <img src="subfolder/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm [broken] because there is no subfolder two children down from this current directory</span>

    <img src="/subfolder/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced two children down from the ROOT directory</span>

Now if you load up the index.html.en file located in the second subfolder

This will be your output

enter image description here

How do I change the JAVA_HOME for ant?

There are 2 ways of changing the compiler:

  • export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk before you start Ant.
  • Set <javac exectuable="/path/to/javac">

Another option would be to add a respective tools.jar to the classpath, but this is usually used if Ant is started from another tools like Maven.

For more details on these (or other) options of changing Java Compiler in Ant, see this article for example.

http://localhost:50070 does not work HADOOP

  • step 1 : bin/
  • step 2 : bin/hadoop namenode -format
  • step 3 : bin/

How to convert image into byte array and byte array to base64 String in android?

here is another solution...

System.IO.Stream st = new System.IO.StreamReader (picturePath).BaseStream;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

System.IO.MemoryStream m = new System.IO.MemoryStream ();
while (st.Read (buffer,0,buffer.Length) > 0) {
    m.Write (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
imgView.Tag = m.ToArray ();
st.Close ();
m.Close ();

hope it helps!

Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

I tried many referrer variations and waiting 5 minutes as well until I realized the example Google populates in the form field is flawed. They show:


However that only works if you have subdomain. or www. in front of your domain name. The following worked for me immediately (omitting the leading period from Google's example):


jQuery Change event on an <input> element - any way to retain previous value?

This might do the trick:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("input[type=text]").change(function() {
        $(this).data("old", $(this).data("new") || "");
        $(this).data("new", $(this).val());

Demo here

Write to custom log file from a Bash script

I did it by using a filter. Most linux systems use rsyslog these days. The config files are located at /etc/rsyslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.d.

Whenever I run the command logger -t SRI some message, I want "some message" to only show up in /var/log/sri.log.

To do this I added the file /etc/rsyslog.d/00-sri.conf with the following content.

# Filter all messages whose tag starts with SRI
# Note that 'isequal, "SRI:"' or 'isequal "SRI"' will not work.
:syslogtag, startswith, "SRI" /var/log/sri.log

# The stop command prevents this message from getting processed any further.
# Thus the message will not show up in /var/log/messages.
& stop

Then restart the rsyslogd service:

systemctl restart rsyslog.service

Here is a shell session showing the results:

[root@rpm-server html]# logger -t SRI Hello World!
[root@rpm-server html]# cat /var/log/sri.log
Jun  5 10:33:01 rpm-server SRI[11785]: Hello World!
[root@rpm-server html]#
[root@rpm-server html]# # see that nothing shows up in /var/log/messages
[root@rpm-server html]# tail -10 /var/log/messages | grep SRI
[root@rpm-server html]#

Maintaining href "open in new tab" with an onClick handler in React

Most Secure Solution, JS only

As mentioned by alko989, there is a major security flaw with _blank (details here).

To avoid it from pure JS code:

const openInNewTab = (url) => {
  const newWindow =, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer')
  if (newWindow) newWindow.opener = null

Then add to your onClick

onClick={() => openInNewTab('')}

The third param can also take these optional values, based on your needs.

How do I find files with a path length greater than 260 characters in Windows?

For paths greater than 260:
you can use:

Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName.Length -gt 260}

Example on 14 chars:
To view the paths lengths:

Get-ChildItem | Select-Object -Property FullName, @{Name="FullNameLength";Expression={($_.FullName.Length)}

Get paths greater than 14:

Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.FullName.Length -gt 14}  

enter image description here

For filenames greater than 10:

Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName.Length -gt 10}

enter image description here

MySQL Error 1264: out of range value for column

You can also change the data type to bigInt and it will solve your problem, it's not a good practice to keep integers as strings unless needed. :)


Using Java generics for JPA findAll() query with WHERE clause

you can also use a namedQuery named findAll for all your entities and call it in your generic FindAll with


Looping through all the properties of object php

For testing purposes I use the following:

//return assoc array when called from outside the class it will only contain public properties and values 

Error when checking model input: expected convolution2d_input_1 to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (32, 32, 3)

You should simply apply the following transformation to your input data array.

input_data = input_data.reshape((-1, image_side1, image_side2, channels))

Permutation of array

Here is one using arrays and Java 8+

import java.util.Arrays;

public class HelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 5};
        permutation(arr, new int[]{});

    static void permutation(int[] arr, int[] prefix) {
        if (arr.length == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            int i2 = i;
            int[] pre = IntStream.concat(, IntStream.of(arr[i])).toArray();
            int[] post = IntStream.range(0, arr.length).filter(i1 -> i1 != i2).map(v -> arr[v]).toArray();
            permutation(post, pre);

Measure string size in Bytes in php

Further to PhoneixS answer to get the correct length of string in bytes - Since mb_strlen() is slower than strlen(), for the best performance one can check "mbstring.func_overload" ini setting so that mb_strlen() is used only when it is really required:

$content_length = ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') ? mb_strlen($content , '8bit') : strlen($content);

Multiple conditions with CASE statements

It's not a cut and paste. The CASE expression must return a value, and you are returning a string containing SQL (which is technically a value but of a wrong type). This is what you wanted to write, I think:

SELECT * FROM [Purchasing].[Vendor] WHERE  
  WHEN @url IS null OR @url = '' OR @url = 'ALL'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL LIKE '%'
  WHEN @url = 'blank'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL = ''
  WHEN @url = 'fail'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL NOT LIKE '%treyresearch%'
  ELSE PurchasingWebServiceURL = '%' + @url + '%' 

I also suspect that this might not work in some dialects, but can't test now (Oracle, I'm looking at you), due to not having booleans.

However, since @url is not dependent on the table values, why not make three different queries, and choose which to evaluate based on your parameter?

How to use matplotlib tight layout with Figure?

Just call fig.tight_layout() as you normally would. (pyplot is just a convenience wrapper. In most cases, you only use it to quickly generate figure and axes objects and then call their methods directly.)

There shouldn't be a difference between the QtAgg backend and the default backend (or if there is, it's a bug).


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#-- In your case, you'd do something more like:
# from matplotlib.figure import Figure
# fig = Figure()
#-- ...but we want to use it interactive for a quick example, so 
#--    we'll do it this way
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')

Before Tight Layout

enter image description here

After Tight Layout

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')


enter image description here

Android and Facebook share intent

I found out you can only share either Text or Image, not both using Intents. Below code shares only Image if exists, or only Text if Image does not exits. If you want to share both, you need to use Facebook SDK from here.

If you use other solution instead of below code, don't forget to specify package name com.facebook.lite as well, which is package name of Facebook Lite. I haven't test but com.facebook.orca is package name of Facebook Messenger if you want to target that too.

You can add more methods for sharing with WhatsApp, Twitter ...

public class IntentShareHelper {

     * <b>Beware,</b> this shares only image if exists, or only text if image does not exits. Can't share both
    public static void shareOnFacebook(AppCompatActivity appCompatActivity, String textBody, Uri fileUri) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
        intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT,!TextUtils.isEmpty(textBody) ? textBody : "");

        if (fileUri != null) {
            intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, fileUri);

        boolean facebookAppFound = false;
        List<ResolveInfo> matches = appCompatActivity.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);
        for (ResolveInfo info : matches) {
            if (info.activityInfo.packageName.toLowerCase().startsWith("com.facebook.katana") ||
                info.activityInfo.packageName.toLowerCase().startsWith("com.facebook.lite")) {
                facebookAppFound = true;

        if (facebookAppFound) {
        } else {
            showWarningDialog(appCompatActivity, appCompatActivity.getString(R.string.error_activity_not_found));

    public static void shareOnWhatsapp(AppCompatActivity appCompatActivity, String textBody, Uri fileUri){...}

    private static void showWarningDialog(Context context, String message) {
        new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
                .setNegativeButton(context.getString(R.string.close), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

For getting Uri from File, use below class:

public class UtilityFile {
    public static @Nullable Uri getUriFromFile(Context context, @Nullable File file) {
        if (file == null)
            return null;

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
            try {
                return FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, "", file);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return null;
        } else {
            return Uri.fromFile(file);

    // Returns the URI path to the Bitmap displayed in specified ImageView       
    public static Uri getLocalBitmapUri(Context context, ImageView imageView) {
        Drawable drawable = imageView.getDrawable();
        Bitmap bmp = null;
        if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
            bmp = ((BitmapDrawable) imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap();
        } else {
            return null;
        // Store image to default external storage directory
        Uri bmpUri = null;
        try {
            // Use methods on Context to access package-specific directories on external storage.
            // This way, you don't need to request external read/write permission.
            File file = new File(context.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), "share_image_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".png");
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
            bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, out);

            bmpUri = getUriFromFile(context, file);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return bmpUri;

For writing FileProvider, use this link:

Conditionally displaying JSF components

In addition to previous post you can have

<h:form rendered="#{!bean.boolvalue}" />
<h:form rendered="#{bean.textvalue == 'value'}" />

Jsf 2.0

Why Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException?

I know I'm late, but I've only ever had this error if my Response.Redirect is in a Try...Catch block.

Never put a Response.Redirect into a Try...Catch block. It's bad practice

As an alternative to putting the Response.Redirect into the Try...Catch block, I'd break up the method/function into two steps.

  1. inside the Try...Catch block performs the requested actions and sets a "result" value to indicate success or failure of the actions.

  2. outside of the Try...Catch block does the redirect (or doesn't) depending on what the "result" value is.

This code is far from perfect and probably should not be copied since I haven't tested it.

public void btnLogin_Click(UserLoginViewModel model)
    bool ValidLogin = false; // this is our "result value"
        using (Context Db = new Context)
            User User = new User();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EmailAddress))
                ValidLogin = false; // no email address was entered
                User = Db.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmailAddress == model.EmailAddress);

            if (User != null && User.PasswordHash == Hashing.CreateHash(model.Password))
                ValidLogin = true; // login succeeded
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex; // something went wrong so throw an error

    if (ValidLogin)
        // do something to indicate that the login failed.

how to set textbox value in jquery


subtotal.value= 5 // some value

proc = async function(x,y) {_x000D_
  let url = "" // some url working in snippet_x000D_
  let r= await(await fetch(url+'&prodid=' + x + '&qbuys=' + y)).json(); // return json-object_x000D_
  subtotal.value= r.length; // example value from json_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form name="yoh" method="get"> _x000D_
Product id: <input type="text" id="pid"  value=""><br/>_x000D_
Quantity to buy:<input type="text" id="qtytobuy"  value="" onkeyup="proc(pid.value, this.value);"></br>_x000D_
Subtotal:<input type="text" name="subtotal" id="subtotal"  value=""></br>_x000D_
<div id="compz"></div>_x000D_

How to get coordinates of an svg element?

I use the consolidate function, like so:


The .e and .f values correspond to the x and y coordinates

How to concatenate characters in java?

this is very simple approach to concatenate or append the character

       StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(); 
       String Description="this is my land"; 

Numpy converting array from float to strings

This is probably slower than what you want, but you can do:

>>> tostring = vectorize(lambda x: str(x))
>>> numpy.where(tostring(phis).astype('float64') != phis)
(array([], dtype=int64),)

It looks like it rounds off the values when it converts to str from float64, but this way you can customize the conversion however you like.

Using "&times" word in html changes to ×

Use the &#215 code instead of &times Because JSF don't understand the &times; code.

Use: &#215 with ;

This link provides some additional information about the topic.

Bash: Strip trailing linebreak from output

If your expected output is a single line, you can simply remove all newline characters from the output. It would not be uncommon to pipe to the tr utility, or to Perl if preferred:

wc -l < log.txt | tr -d '\n'

wc -l < log.txt | perl -pe 'chomp'

You can also use command substitution to remove the trailing newline:

echo -n "$(wc -l < log.txt)"

printf "%s" "$(wc -l < log.txt)"

If your expected output may contain multiple lines, you have another decision to make:

If you want to remove MULTIPLE newline characters from the end of the file, again use cmd substitution:

printf "%s" "$(< log.txt)"

If you want to strictly remove THE LAST newline character from a file, use Perl:

perl -pe 'chomp if eof' log.txt

Note that if you are certain you have a trailing newline character you want to remove, you can use head from GNU coreutils to select everything except the last byte. This should be quite quick:

head -c -1 log.txt

Also, for completeness, you can quickly check where your newline (or other special) characters are in your file using cat and the 'show-all' flag -A. The dollar sign character will indicate the end of each line:

cat -A log.txt

PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied python using moviepy to write gif

I got the same error when an imported library was trying to create a directory at path "./logs/".

It turns out that the library was trying to create it at the wrong location, i.e. inside the folder of my python interpreter instead of the base project directory. I solved the issue by setting the "Working directory" path to my project folder inside the "Run Configurations" menu of PyCharm. If instead you're using the terminal to run your code, maybe you just need to move inside the project folder before running it.

What do &lt; and &gt; stand for?

They're used to explicitly define less than and greater than symbols. If one wanted to type out <html> and not have it be a tag in the HTML, one would use them. An alternate way is to wrap the <code> element around code to not run into that.

They can also be used to present mathematical operators.

<!ENTITY lt      CDATA "&#60;"   -- less-than sign, U+003C ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY gt      CDATA "&#62;"   -- greater-than sign, U+003E ISOnum -->

:first-child not working as expected

The h1:first-child selector means

Select the first child of its parent
if and only if it's an h1 element.

The :first-child of the container here is the ul, and as such cannot satisfy h1:first-child.

There is CSS3's :first-of-type for your case:

.detail_container h1:first-of-type
    color: blue;

But with browser compatibility woes and whatnot, you're better off giving the first h1 a class, then targeting that class:

.detail_container h1.first
    color: blue;

Installing Oracle Instant Client

The instantclient works only by defining the folder in the windows PATH environment variable. But you can "install" manually to create some keys in the Windows registry. How?

1) Download instantclient (

2) Unzip the ZIP file (eg c:\oracle\instantclient).

3) Include the above path in the PATH. Set PATH in Windows

4) Create the registry key:

  • Windows 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE]

5) In the above registry key, create a sub-key starts with "KEY_" followed by the name of the installation you want:


6) Now create at least three string values ??in the above key:

registry keys for Oracle Home

For those who use Quest SQL Navigator or Quest Toad for Oracle will see that it works. Displays the message "Home is valid.":

Displays the message "Home is valid." in Quest Toad (or SQL Navigator)

The registry keys are now displayed for selecting the oracle client:

selecting the oracle client in Quest SQL Navigator

What does 'x packages are looking for funding' mean when running `npm install`?

You can skip fund using:

npm install --no-fund YOUR PACKAGE NAME

For example :

npm install --no-fund core-js

Get User Selected Range

This depends on what you mean by "get the range of selection". If you mean getting the range address (like "A1:B1") then use the Address property of Selection object - as Michael stated Selection object is much like a Range object, so most properties and methods works on it.

Sub test()
    Dim myString As String
    myString = Selection.Address
End Sub

How to convert integer timestamp to Python datetime

datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() is correct, except you are probably having timestamp in miliseconds (like in JavaScript), but fromtimestamp() expects Unix timestamp, in seconds.

Do it like that:

>>> import datetime
>>> your_timestamp = 1331856000000
>>> date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(your_timestamp / 1e3)

and the result is:

>>> date
datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 16, 1, 0)

Does it answer your question?

EDIT: J.F. Sebastian correctly suggested to use true division by 1e3 (float 1000). The difference is significant, if you would like to get precise results, thus I changed my answer. The difference results from the default behaviour of Python 2.x, which always returns int when dividing (using / operator) int by int (this is called floor division). By replacing the divisor 1000 (being an int) with the 1e3 divisor (being representation of 1000 as float) or with float(1000) (or 1000. etc.), the division becomes true division. Python 2.x returns float when dividing int by float, float by int, float by float etc. And when there is some fractional part in the timestamp passed to fromtimestamp() method, this method's result also contains information about that fractional part (as the number of microseconds).

How can you tell when a layout has been drawn?

Another answer is:
Try checking the View dimensions at onWindowFocusChanged.

What is the correct value for the disabled attribute?

HTML5 spec: :

The checked content attribute is a boolean attribute :

The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.

If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the attribute's canonical name, with no leading or trailing whitespace.


The following are valid, equivalent and true:

<input type="text" disabled />
<input type="text" disabled="" />
<input type="text" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="text" disabled="DiSaBlEd" />

The following are invalid:

<input type="text" disabled="0" />
<input type="text" disabled="1" />
<input type="text" disabled="false" />
<input type="text" disabled="true" />

The absence of the attribute is the only valid syntax for false:

<input type="text" />


If you care about writing valid XHTML, use disabled="disabled", since <input disabled> is invalid and other alternatives are less readable. Else, just use <input disabled> as it is shorter.

How to fix Broken pipe?

I noticed I was using the incorrect HTTP request url while making it, later which i changed that it resolved my problem. my upload url was : while i was using that was a get call. and got a Broken pipe? exception.

That was my reason. might lead you to check one more point when this issue

  public void postRequest()  {

        Security.insertProviderAt(Conscrypt.newProvider(), 1);

        System.out.println("mediafilename-->>" + mediaFileName);
        String[] dirarray = mediaFileName.split("/");
        String file_name = dirarray[6];

        RequestBody requestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder()
                    .addFormDataPart("file",file_name, RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("video/mp4"), new File(mediaFileName))).build();
        OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
//        ExecutorService executor = newFixedThreadPool(20);
//        Request request = new Request.Builder().post(requestBody).url("").build();
        Request request = new Request.Builder().url("").post(requestBody).build();
//        Request request = new Request.Builder().url("").build();
        okHttpClient.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
            public void onFailure(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull IOException e) {



                runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Something went wrong:" + " ", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();



            public void onResponse(@NotNull Call call, @NotNull Response response) throws IOException {

                runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {

                System.out.println("Response ; " + response.body().toString());
//                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), response.body().toString(),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


How do I make an HTML text box show a hint when empty?

Use a background image to render the text: { }
 input.fooempty { background-image: url("blah.png"); }

Then all you have to do is detect value == 0 and apply the right class:

 <input class="foo fooempty" value="" type="text" name="bar" />

And the jQuery JavaScript code looks like this:

    var target = $("");
    target.bind("change", function()
        if( target.val().length > 1 )

How do I add slashes to a string in Javascript?

To be sure, you need to not only replace the single quotes, but as well the already escaped ones:

"first ' and \' second".replace(/'|\\'/g, "\\'")

get keys of json-object in JavaScript

var jsonData = [{"person":"me","age":"30"},{"person":"you","age":"25"}];

for(var i in jsonData){
    var key = i;
    var val = jsonData[i];
    for(var j in val){
        var sub_key = j;
        var sub_val = val[j];


var jsonObj = {"person":"me","age":"30"};
Object.keys(jsonObj);  // returns ["person", "age"]

Object has a property keys, returns an Array of keys from that Object

Chrome, FF & Safari supports Object.keys

How to drop all stored procedures at once in SQL Server database?

To get drop statements for all stored procedures in a database SELECT 'DROP PROCEDURE' + ' ' + F.NAME + ';' FROM SYS.objects AS F where type='P'

How to check if a file is a valid image file?

One option is to use the filetype package.


python -m pip install filetype


  1. Quick: Does its work by loading the first few bytes of your image (check on the magic number)
  2. Supports different mime type: Images, Videos, Fonts, Audio, Archives.


filetype >= 1.0.7

import filetype

filename = "/path/to/file.jpg"

if filetype.is_image(filename):
    print(f"{filename} is a valid image...")
elif filetype.is_video(filename):
    print(f"{filename} is a valid video...")

filetype <= 1.0.6

import filetype

filename = "/path/to/file.jpg"

if filetype.image(filename):
    print(f"{filename} is a valid image...")
    print(f"{filename} is a valid video...")

Additional information on the official repo:

How to check if field is null or empty in MySQL?

If you would like to check in PHP , then you should do something like :

$query_s =mysql_query("SELECT YOURROWNAME from `YOURTABLENAME` where name = $name");
if ('' !== $ertom['YOURROWNAME']) {
  //do your action
  echo "It was filled";
} else { 
  echo "it was empty!";

Bootstrap: Open Another Modal in Modal

The answer given by H Dog is great, but this approach was actually giving me some modal flicker in Internet Explorer 11. Bootstrap will first hide the modal removing the 'modal-open' class, and then (using H Dogs solution) we add the 'modal-open' class again. I suspect this is somehow causing the flicker I was seeing, maybe due to some slow HTML/CSS rendering.

Another solution is to prevent bootstrap in removing the 'modal-open' class from the body element in the first place. Using Bootstrap 3.3.7, this override of the internal hideModal function works perfectly for me.

$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.hideModal = function () {
    var that = this
    this.backdrop(function () {
        if ($(".modal:visible").length === 0) {

In this override, the 'modal-open' class is only removed when there are no visible modals on the screen. And you prevent one frame of removing and adding a class to the body element.

Just include the override after bootstrap have been loaded.

Programmatically switching between tabs within Swift

Just to update, following iOS 13, we now have SceneDelegates. So one might choose to put the desired tab selection in SceneDelegate.swift as follows:

class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func scene(_ scene: UIScene, 
               willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, 
               options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {

        guard let _ = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }

        if let tabBarController = self.window!.rootViewController as? UITabBarController {
            tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1


Static variable inside of a function in C

6 and 7 Because static variable intialise only once, So 5++ becomes 6 at 1st call 6++ becomes 7 at 2nd call Note-when 2nd call occurs it takes x value is 6 instead of 5 because x is static variable.

"Untrusted App Developer" message when installing enterprise iOS Application

In iOS 9.1 and lower, go to Settings - General - Profiles - tap on your Profile - tap on Trust button.

How to write a cursor inside a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008

Try the following snippet. You can call the the below stored procedure from your application, so that NoOfUses in the coupon table will be updated.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_UpdateCouponCount]

Declare     @couponCount int,
            @CouponName nvarchar(50),
            @couponIdFromQuery int

Declare curP cursor For

  select COUNT(*) as totalcount , Name as name,couponuse.couponid  as couponid from Coupon as coupon 
  join CouponUse as couponuse on = couponuse.couponid
  group by couponuse.couponid , coupon.Name

OPEN curP 
Fetch Next From curP Into @couponCount, @CouponName,@couponIdFromQuery

While @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin

    print @couponCount
    print @CouponName

    update Coupon SET NoofUses=@couponCount

Fetch Next From curP Into @couponCount, @CouponName,@couponIdFromQuery

End -- End of Fetch

Close curP
Deallocate curP

Hope this helps!

How to get the sizes of the tables of a MySQL database?

table_rows AS "Quant of Rows", ROUND( (
data_length + index_length
) /1024, 2 ) AS "Total Size Kb"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE information_schema.TABLES.table_schema = 'YOUR SCHEMA NAME/DATABASE NAME HERE'
LIMIT 0 , 30

You can get schema name from "information_schema" -> SCHEMATA table -> "SCHEMA_NAME" column

Additional You can get size of the mysql databases as following.

SELECT table_schema "DB Name", 
Round(Sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) "DB Size in MB" 
FROM   information_schema.tables 
GROUP  BY table_schema; 


DB Name              |      DB Size in MB

mydatabase_wrdp             39.1
information_schema          0.0

You can get additional details in here.

Replace specific text with a redacted version using Python

You can do it using named-entity recognition (NER). It's fairly simple and there are out-of-the-shelf tools out there to do it, such as spaCy.

NER is an NLP task where a neural network (or other method) is trained to detect certain entities, such as names, places, dates and organizations.


Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!
I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.


NER with spacy

Just be aware that this is not 100%!

Here are a little snippet for you to try out:

import spacy

phrases = ['Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!', 'I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.']
nlp = spacy.load('en')
for phrase in phrases:
   doc = nlp(phrase)
   replaced = ""
   for token in doc:
      if token in doc.ents:
         replaced+="XXXX "
         replaced+=token.text+" "

Read more here:

You could, instead of replacing with XXXX, replace based on the entity type, like:

if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
   replaced += "<PERSON> "


import re, random

personames = ["Jack", "Mike", "Bob", "Dylan"]

phrase = re.replace("<PERSON>", random.choice(personames), phrase)

Getting value of HTML text input

Yes, you can use jQuery to make this done, the idea is

Use a hidden value in your form, and copy the value from external text box to this hidden value just before submitting the form.

<form name="input" action="handle_email.php" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="email" id="email" />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

   $("form").submit(function() {
     var emailFromOtherTextBox = $("#email_textbox").val();
     $("#email").val(emailFromOtherTextBox ); 
     return true;

also see

How to recover Git objects damaged by hard disk failure?

Try the following commands at first (re-run again if needed):

$ git fsck --full
$ git gc
$ git gc --prune=today
$ git fetch --all
$ git pull --rebase

And then you you still have the problems, try can:

  • remove all the corrupt objects, e.g.

    fatal: loose object 91c5...51e5 (stored in .git/objects/06/91c5...51e5) is corrupt
    $ rm -v .git/objects/06/91c5...51e5
  • remove all the empty objects, e.g.

    error: object file .git/objects/06/91c5...51e5 is empty
    $ find .git/objects/ -size 0 -exec rm -vf "{}" \;
  • check a "broken link" message by:

    git ls-tree 2d9263c6d23595e7cb2a21e5ebbb53655278dff8

    This will tells you what file the corrupt blob came from!

  • to recover file, you might be really lucky, and it may be the version that you already have checked out in your working tree:

    git hash-object -w my-magic-file

    again, and if it outputs the missing SHA1 (4b945..) you're now all done!

  • assuming that it was some older version that was broken, the easiest way to do it is to do:

    git log --raw --all --full-history -- subdirectory/my-magic-file

    and that will show you the whole log for that file (please realize that the tree you had may not be the top-level tree, so you need to figure out which subdirectory it was in on your own), then you can now recreate the missing object with hash-object again.

  • to get a list of all refs with missing commits, trees or blobs:

    $ git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' | while read ref; do git rev-list --objects $ref >/dev/null || echo "in $ref"; done

    It may not be possible to remove some of those refs using the regular branch -d or tag -d commands, since they will die if git notices the corruption. So use the plumbing command git update-ref -d $ref instead. Note that in case of local branches, this command may leave stale branch configuration behind in .git/config. It can be deleted manually (look for the [branch "$ref"] section).

  • After all refs are clean, there may still be broken commits in the reflog. You can clear all reflogs using git reflog expire --expire=now --all. If you do not want to lose all of your reflogs, you can search the individual refs for broken reflogs:

    $ (echo HEAD; git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)') | while read ref; do git rev-list -g --objects $ref >/dev/null || echo "in $ref"; done

    (Note the added -g option to git rev-list.) Then, use git reflog expire --expire=now $ref on each of those. When all broken refs and reflogs are gone, run git fsck --full in order to check that the repository is clean. Dangling objects are Ok.

Below you can find advanced usage of commands which potentially can cause lost of your data in your git repository if not used wisely, so make a backup before you accidentally do further damages to your git. Try on your own risk if you know what you're doing.

To pull the current branch on top of the upstream branch after fetching:

$ git pull --rebase

You also may try to checkout new branch and delete the old one:

$ git checkout -b new_master origin/master

To find the corrupted object in git for removal, try the following command:

while [ true ]; do f=`git fsck --full 2>&1|awk '{print $3}'|sed -r 's/(^..)(.*)/objects\/\1\/\2/'`; if [ ! -f "$f" ]; then break; fi; echo delete $f; rm -f "$f"; done

For OSX, use sed -E instead of sed -r.

Other idea is to unpack all objects from pack files to regenerate all objects inside .git/objects, so try to run the following commands within your repository:

$ cp -fr .git/objects/pack .git/objects/pack.bak
$ for i in .git/objects/pack.bak/*.pack; do git unpack-objects -r < $i; done
$ rm -frv .git/objects/pack.bak

If above doesn't help, you may try to rsync or copy the git objects from another repo, e.g.

$ rsync -varu git_server:/path/to/git/.git local_git_repo/
$ rsync -varu /local/path/to/other-working/git/.git local_git_repo/
$ cp -frv ../other_repo/.git/objects .git/objects

To fix the broken branch when trying to checkout as follows:

$ git checkout -f master
fatal: unable to read tree 5ace24d474a9535ddd5e6a6c6a1ef480aecf2625

Try to remove it and checkout from upstream again:

$ git branch -D master
$ git checkout -b master github/master

In case if git get you into detached state, checkout the master and merge into it the detached branch.

Another idea is to rebase the existing master recursively:

$ git reset HEAD --hard
$ git rebase -s recursive -X theirs origin/master

See also:

Completely cancel a rebase

In the case of a past rebase that you did not properly aborted, you now (Git 2.12, Q1 2017) have git rebase --quit

See commit 9512177 (12 Nov 2016) by Nguy?n Thái Ng?c Duy (pclouds). (Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 06cd5a1, 19 Dec 2016)

rebase: add --quit to cleanup rebase, leave everything else untouched

There are occasions when you decide to abort an in-progress rebase and move on to do something else but you forget to do "git rebase --abort" first. Or the rebase has been in progress for so long you forgot about it. By the time you realize that (e.g. by starting another rebase) it's already too late to retrace your steps. The solution is normally

rm -r .git/<some rebase dir>

and continue with your life.
But there could be two different directories for <some rebase dir> (and it obviously requires some knowledge of how rebase works), and the ".git" part could be much longer if you are not at top-dir, or in a linked worktree. And "rm -r" is very dangerous to do in .git, a mistake in there could destroy object database or other important data.

Provide "git rebase --quit" for this use case, mimicking a precedent that is "git cherry-pick --quit".

Before Git 2.27 (Q2 2020), The stash entry created by "git merge --autostash" to keep the initial dirty state were discarded by mistake upon "git rebase --quit", which has been corrected.

See commit 9b2df3e (28 Apr 2020) by Denton Liu (Denton-L).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 3afdeef, 29 Apr 2020)

rebase: save autostash entry into stash reflog on --quit

Signed-off-by: Denton Liu

In a03b55530a ("merge: teach --autostash option", 2020-04-07, Git v2.27.0 -- merge listed in batch #5), the --autostash option was introduced for git merge.

(See "Can “git pull” automatically stash and pop pending changes?")

Notably, when git merge --quit is run with an autostash entry present, it is saved into the stash reflog.

This is contrasted with the current behaviour of git rebase --quit where the autostash entry is simply just dropped out of existence.

Adopt the behaviour of git merge --quit in git rebase --quit and save the autostash entry into the stash reflog instead of just deleting it.

Python: Finding differences between elements of a list

In the upcoming Python 3.10 release schedule, with the new pairwise function it's possible to slide through pairs of elements and thus map on rolling pairs:

from itertools import pairwise

[y-x for (x, y) in pairwise([1, 3, 6, 7])]
# [2, 3, 1]

The intermediate result being:

pairwise([1, 3, 6, 7])
# [(1, 3), (3, 6), (6, 7)]

Calculate logarithm in python


Use the log10 function in the math module.

Return an empty Observable

With the new syntax of RxJS 5.5+, this becomes as the following:

// RxJS 6
import { EMPTY, empty, of } from "rxjs";

// rxjs 5.5+ (<6)
import { empty } from "rxjs/observable/empty";
import { of } from "rxjs/observable/of";

empty(); // deprecated use EMPTY

Just one thing to keep in mind, EMPTY completes the observable, so it won't trigger next in your stream, but only completes. So if you have, for instance, tap, they might not get trigger as you wish (see an example below).

Whereas of({}) creates an Observable and emits next with a value of {} and then it completes the Observable.


    tap(() => console.warn("i will not reach here, as i am complete"))

    tap(() => console.warn("i will reach here and complete"))

What characters are forbidden in Windows and Linux directory names?

In Unix shells, you can quote almost every character in single quotes '. Except the single quote itself, and you can't express control characters, because \ is not expanded. Accessing the single quote itself from within a quoted string is possible, because you can concatenate strings with single and double quotes, like 'I'"'"'m' which can be used to access a file called "I'm" (double quote also possible here).

So you should avoid all control characters, because they are too difficult to enter in the shell. The rest still is funny, especially files starting with a dash, because most commands read those as options unless you have two dashes -- before, or you specify them with ./, which also hides the starting -.

If you want to be nice, don't use any of the characters the shell and typical commands use as syntactical elements, sometimes position dependent, so e.g. you can still use -, but not as first character; same with ., you can use it as first character only when you mean it ("hidden file"). When you are mean, your file names are VT100 escape sequences ;-), so that an ls garbles the output.

Android failed to load JS bundle

Running npm start from react-native directory worked out for me.

Adding an img element to a div with javascript

The following solution seems to be a much shorter version for that:

<div id="imageDiv"></div>

In Javascript:

document.getElementById('imageDiv').innerHTML = '<img width="100" height="100" src="images/hydrangeas.jpg">';

Convert DateTime to TimeSpan

You can just use the TimeOfDay property of date time, which is TimeSpan type:


This property has been around since .NET 1.1

More information:

Javascript: How to pass a function with string parameters as a parameter to another function

Try this:


Then you just need to call these two functions passed to myfunction:

function myfunction(url, f1, f2) {
    // …

Use space as a delimiter with cut command

You can also say:

cut -d\  -f 2

Note that there are two spaces after the backslash.

How to use pip on windows behind an authenticating proxy

I have tried 2 options which both work on my company's NTLM authenticated proxy. Option 1 is to use --proxy http://user:pass@proxyAddress:proxyPort

If you are still having trouble I would suggest installing a proxy authentication service (I use CNTLM) and pointing pip at it ie something like --proxy http://localhost:3128

Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript

dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {_x000D_
      const byteString = window.atob(dataURI);_x000D_
      const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);_x000D_
      const int8Array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);_x000D_
      for (let i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {_x000D_
        int8Array[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);_x000D_
      const blob = new Blob([int8Array], { type: 'application/pdf'});_x000D_
      return blob;_x000D_
// data should be your response data in base64 format_x000D_
const blob = this.dataURItoBlob(data);_x000D_
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);_x000D_
// to open the PDF in a new window_x000D_, '_blank');

How to check if a string starts with one of several prefixes?

A simple solution is:

if (newStr4.startsWith("Mon") || newStr4.startsWith("Tue") || newStr4.startsWith("Wed"))
// ... you get the idea ...

A fancier solution would be:

List<String> days = Arrays.asList("SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT");
String day = newStr4.substring(0, 3).toUpperCase();
if (days.contains(day)) {
    // ...

How to fix ReferenceError: primordials is not defined in node

As we also get this error when we use s3 NPM package. So the problem is with graceful-fs package we need to take it updated. It is working fine on 4.2.3.

So just look in what NPM package it is showing in logs trace and update the graceful-fs accordingly to 4.2.3.

Angular window resize event

Assuming that < 600px means mobile to you, you can use this observable and subscribe to it:

First we need the current window size. So we create an observable which only emits a single value: the current window size.

initial$ = Observable.of(window.innerWidth > 599 ? false : true);

Then we need to create another observable, so that we know when the window size was changed. For this we can use the "fromEvent" operator. To learn more about rxjs`s operators please visit: rxjs

resize$ = Observable.fromEvent(window, 'resize').map((event: any) => {
  return > 599 ? false : true;

Merg these two streams to receive our observable:

mobile$ = Observable.merge(this.resize$, this.initial$).distinctUntilChanged();

Now you can subscribe to it like this:

mobile$.subscribe((event) => { console.log(event); });

Remember to unsubscribe :)

Trying to get Laravel 5 email to work

For development purpose provides you with all the settings that needs to be added in .env file. Eg:

Port:   25 or 465 or 2525
Username:   cb1d1475bc6cce
Password:   7a330479c15f99
TLS:    Optional

Otherwise for implementation purpose you can get the smtp credentials to be added in .env file from the mail (like gmail n all)

After addition make sure to restart the server

On design patterns: When should I use the singleton?

I think if your app has multiple layers e.g presentation, domain and model. Singleton is a good candidate to be a part of cross cutting layer. And provide service to each layer in the system.

Essentially Singleton wraps a service for example like logging, analytics and provides it to other layers in the system.

And yes singleton needs to follow single responsibility principle.

How do I get to IIS Manager?

You need to make sure the IIS Management Console is installed.

Python pandas Filtering out nan from a data selection of a column of strings

df = pd.DataFrame({'movie': ['thg', 'thg', 'mol', 'mol', 'lob', 'lob'],'rating': [3., 4., 5., np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],'name': ['John','James', np.nan, np.nan, np.nan,np.nan]})

for col in df.columns:
    df = df[~pd.isnull(df[col])]

Find if variable is divisible by 2

Seriously, there's no jQuery plugin for odd/even checks?

Well, not anymore - releasing "Oven" a jQuery plugin under the MIT license to test if a given number is Odd/Even.

Source code is also available at

Test-suites are available at

(function() {
     * isEven(n)
     * @args number n
     * @return boolean returns whether the given number is even
    jQuery.isEven = function(number) {
        return number % 2 == 0;

    /* isOdd(n)
     * @args number n
     * @return boolean returns whether the given number is odd
    jQuery.isOdd = function(number) {
        return !jQuery.isEven(number);

In WPF, what are the differences between the x:Name and Name attributes?

One of the answers is that x:name is to be used inside different program languages such as c# and name is to be used for the framework. Honestly that is what it sounds like to me.

PHP: Update multiple MySQL fields in single query

I guess you can use:

$con = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");
$sql = "UPDATE `some_table` SET `txid`= '$txid', `data` = '$data' WHERE `wallet` = '$wallet'";
if ($mysqli->query($sql, $con)) {
    print "wallet $wallet updated";
    printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $con->error);

Leave out quotes when copying from cell

Note:The cause of the quotes is that when data moves from excel to clipboard it is fully complying with CSV standards which include quoting values that include tabs, new lines etc (and double-quote characters are replaced with two double-quote characters )

So another approach, especially as in OP's case when tabs/new lines are due to the formula, is to use alternate characters for tabs and hard returns. I use ascii Unit Separator =char(31) for tabs and ascii Record Separator =char(30) for new lines.

Then pasting into text editor will not involve the extra CSV rules and you can do a quick search and replace to convert them back again.

If the tabs/new lines are embedded in the data, you can do a search and replace in excel to convert them.

Whether using formula or changing the data, the key to choosing delimiters is never use characters that can be in the actual data. This is why I recommend the low level ascii characters.

Use -notlike to filter out multiple strings in PowerShell

Easiest way I find for multiple searches is to pipe them all (probably heavier CPU use) but for your example user:

Get-EventLog -LogName Security | where {$_.UserName -notlike "*user1"} |  where {$_.UserName -notlike "*user2"}

Is it necessary to write HEAD, BODY and HTML tags?

Omitting the html, head, and body tags is certainly allowed by the HTML specs. The underlying reason is that browsers have always sought to be consistent with existing web pages, and the very early versions of HTML didn't define those elements. When HTML 2.0 first did, it was done in a way that the tags would be inferred when missing.

I often find it convenient to omit the tags when prototyping and especially when writing test cases as it helps keep the mark-up focused on the test in question. The inference process should create the elements in exactly the manner that you see in Firebug, and browsers are pretty consistent in doing that.


IE has at least one known bug in this area. Even IE9 exhibits this. Suppose the markup is this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test case</title>
<form action='#'>
   <input name="var1">

You should (and do in other browsers) get a DOM that looks like this:

        FORM action="#"
            INPUT name="var1"

But in IE you get this:

       FORM action="#"
               INPUT name="var1"

See it for yourself.

This bug seems limited to the form start tag preceding any text content and any body start tag.

Binding value to input in Angular JS

You don't need to set the value at all. ng-model takes care of it all:

  • set the input value from the model
  • update the model value when you change the input
  • update the input value when you change the model from js

Here's the fiddle for this:

Why es6 react component works only with "export default"?

Add { } while importing and exporting: export { ... }; | import { ... } from './Template';

exportimport { ... } from './Template'

export defaultimport ... from './Template'

Here is a working example:

// ExportExample.js
import React from "react";

function DefaultExport() {
  return "This is the default export";

function Export1() {
  return "Export without default 1";

function Export2() {
  return "Export without default 2";

export default DefaultExport;
export { Export1, Export2 };

// App.js
import React from "react";
import DefaultExport, { Export1, Export2 } from "./ExportExample";

export default function App() {
  return (
        <DefaultExport />
      <br />
      <Export1 />
      <br />
      <Export2 />

??Working sandbox to play around:

How to Auto resize HTML table cell to fit the text size

Well, me also I was struggling with this issue: this is how I solved it: apply table-layout: auto; to the <table> element.

Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program

use the command-line tool SQLCMD which is much leaner on memory. It is as simple as:

SQLCMD -d <database-name> -i filename.sql

You need valid credentials to access your SQL Server instance or even to access a database

Taken from here.

Wrap text in <td> tag

To Wrap TD text

First set table style

    table-layout: fixed;

then set TD Style


Powershell script does not run via Scheduled Tasks

My fix to this problem was to ensure I used the full path for all files names in the ps1 file.

Java - get pixel array from image

I found Mota's answer gave me a 10 times speed increase - so thanks Mota.

I've wrapped up the code in a convenient class which takes the BufferedImage in the constructor and exposes an equivalent getRBG(x,y) method which makes it a drop in replacement for code using BufferedImage.getRGB(x,y)

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;

public class FastRGB

    private int width;
    private int height;
    private boolean hasAlphaChannel;
    private int pixelLength;
    private byte[] pixels;

    FastRGB(BufferedImage image)

        pixels = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
        width = image.getWidth();
        height = image.getHeight();
        hasAlphaChannel = image.getAlphaRaster() != null;
        pixelLength = 3;
        if (hasAlphaChannel)
            pixelLength = 4;


    int getRGB(int x, int y)
        int pos = (y * pixelLength * width) + (x * pixelLength);

        int argb = -16777216; // 255 alpha
        if (hasAlphaChannel)
            argb = (((int) pixels[pos++] & 0xff) << 24); // alpha

        argb += ((int) pixels[pos++] & 0xff); // blue
        argb += (((int) pixels[pos++] & 0xff) << 8); // green
        argb += (((int) pixels[pos++] & 0xff) << 16); // red
        return argb;

Determine which element the mouse pointer is on top of in JavaScript

Here's a solution for those that may still be struggling. You want to add a mouseover event on the 'parent' element of the child element(s) you want detected. The below code shows you how to go about it.

const wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper') //parent element
const position = document.getElementById("displaySelection")

wrapper.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
  let elementPointed = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY)


Demo on CodePen

How to check if a table contains an element in Lua?

I can't think of another way to compare values, but if you use the element of the set as the key, you can set the value to anything other than nil. Then you get fast lookups without having to search the entire table.

How can I rename a conda environment?

conda should have given us a simple tool like cond env rename <old> <new> but it hasn't. Simply renaming the directory, as in this previous answer, of course, breaks the hardcoded hashbangs(#!). Hence, we need to go one more level deeper to achieve what we want.

conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /home/tgowda/miniconda3
junkdetect               /home/tgowda/miniconda3/envs/junkdetect
rtg                      /home/tgowda/miniconda3/envs/rtg

Here I am trying to rename rtg --> unsup (please bear with those names, this is my real use case)

$ cd /home/tgowda/miniconda3/envs 
$ OLD=rtg
$ NEW=unsup
$ mv $OLD $NEW   # rename dir

$ conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /home/tgowda/miniconda3
junkdetect               /home/tgowda/miniconda3/envs/junkdetect
unsup                    /home/tgowda/miniconda3/envs/unsup

$ conda activate $NEW
$ which python

the previous answer reported upto this, but wait, we are not done yet! the pending task is, $NEW/bin dir has a bunch of executable scripts with hashbangs (#!) pointing to the $OLD env paths.

See jupyter, for example:

$ which jupyter

$ head -1 $(which jupyter) # its hashbang is still looking at old

So, we can easily fix it with a sed

$ sed  -i.bak "s:envs/$OLD/bin:envs/$NEW/bin:" $NEW/bin/*  
# `-i.bak` created backups, to be safe

$ head -1 $(which jupyter) # check if updated
$ jupyter --version # check if it works
jupyter core     : 4.6.3
jupyter-notebook : 6.0.3

$ rm $NEW/bin/*.bak  # remove backups

Now we are done

I think it should be trivial to write a portable script to do all those and bind it to conda env rename old new.

I tested this on ubuntu. For whatever unforseen reasons, if things break and you wish to revert the above changes:

$ mv $NEW  $OLD
$ sed  -i.bak "s:envs/$NEW/bin:envs/$OLD/bin:" $OLD/bin/*

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery

Most vanilla JS Ready functions do NOT consider the scenario where the DOMContentLoaded handler is set after the document is already loaded - Which means the function will never run. This can happen if you look for DOMContentLoaded within an async external script (<script async src="file.js"></script>).

The code below checks for DOMContentLoaded only if the document's readyState isn't already interactive or complete.

var DOMReady = function(callback) {
  document.readyState === "interactive" || document.readyState === "complete" ? callback() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callback());
DOMReady(function() {
  //DOM ready!

If you want to support IE aswell:

var DOMReady = function(callback) {
    if (document.readyState === "interactive" || document.readyState === "complete") {
    } else if (document.addEventListener) {
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback());
    } else if (document.attachEvent) {
        document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function() {
            if (document.readyState != 'loading') {

DOMReady(function() {
  // DOM ready!

Print JSON parsed object?

If you want a pretty, multiline JSON with indentation then you can use JSON.stringify with its 3rd argument:

JSON.stringify(value[, replacer[, space]])

For example:

var obj = {a:1,b:2,c:{d:3, e:4}};

JSON.stringify(obj, null, "    ");


JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4);

will give you following result:

    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": {
        "d": 3,
        "e": 4

In a browser console.log(obj) does even better job, but in a shell console (node.js) it doesn't.

<button> background image

Replace button #rock With #rock

No need for additional selector scope. You're using an id which is as specific as you can be.

JsBin example:

How can I stop python.exe from closing immediately after I get an output?

It looks like you are running something in Windows by double clicking on it. This will execute the program in a new window and close the window when it terminates. No wonder you cannot read the output.

A better way to do this would be to switch to the command prompt. Navigate (cd) to the directory where the program is located and then call it using python. Something like this:

C:\> cd C:\my_programs\
C:\my_programs\> python

Replace my_programs with the actual location of your program and with the name of your python file.

Converting a datetime string to timestamp in Javascript

For those of us using non-ISO standard date formats, like civilian vernacular 01/01/2001 (mm/dd/YYYY), including time in a 12hour date format with am/pm marks, the following function will return a valid Date object:

function convertDate(date) {

    // # valid js Date and time object format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
    var dateTimeParts = date.split(' ');

    // # this assumes time format has NO SPACE between time and am/pm marks.
    if (dateTimeParts[1].indexOf(' ') == -1 && dateTimeParts[2] === undefined) {

        var theTime = dateTimeParts[1];

        // # strip out all except numbers and colon
        var ampm = theTime.replace(/[0-9:]/g, '');

        // # strip out all except letters (for AM/PM)
        var time = theTime.replace(/[[^a-zA-Z]/g, '');

        if (ampm == 'pm') {

            time = time.split(':');

            // # if time is 12:00, don't add 12
            if (time[0] == 12) {
                time = parseInt(time[0]) + ':' + time[1] + ':00';
            } else {
                time = parseInt(time[0]) + 12 + ':' + time[1] + ':00';

        } else { // if AM

            time = time.split(':');

            // # if AM is less than 10 o'clock, add leading zero
            if (time[0] < 10) {
                time = '0' + time[0] + ':' + time[1] + ':00';
            } else {
                time = time[0] + ':' + time[1] + ':00';
    // # create a new date object from only the date part
    var dateObj = new Date(dateTimeParts[0]);

    // # add leading zero to date of the month if less than 10
    var dayOfMonth = (dateObj.getDate() < 10 ? ("0" + dateObj.getDate()) : dateObj.getDate());

    // # parse each date object part and put all parts together
    var yearMoDay = dateObj.getFullYear() + '-' + (dateObj.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + dayOfMonth;

    // # finally combine re-formatted date and re-formatted time!
    var date = new Date(yearMoDay + 'T' + time);

    return date;


date = convertDate('11/15/2016 2:00pm');

How to pull remote branch from somebody else's repo

If the forked repo is protected so you can't push directly into it, and your goal is to make changes to their foo, then you need to get their branch foo into your repo like so:

git remote add protected_repo
git fetch protected_repo 
git checkout --no-track protected_repo/foo

Now you have a local copy of foo with no upstream associated to it. You can commit changes to it (or not) and then push your foo to your own remote repo.

git push --set-upstream origin foo

Now foo is in your repo on GitHub and your local foo is tracking it. If they continue to make changes to foo you can fetch theirs and merge into your foo.

git checkout foo 
git fetch protected_repo
git merge protected_repo/foo

Update a column value, replacing part of a string

You need the WHERE clause to replace ONLY the records that complies with the condition in the WHERE clause (as opposed to all records). You use % sign to indicate partial string: I.E.

LIKE ('...//');

means all records that BEGIN with "...//" and have anything AFTER (that's the % for...)

Another example:

LIKE ('%')

which means all records that contains ""

in any part of the string...

div hover background-color change?


On select change, get data attribute value

Try the following:


Your change subscriber subscribes to the change event of the select, so the this parameter is the select element. You need to find the selected child to get the data-id from.

How to add a search box with icon to the navbar in Bootstrap 3?

This is the closest I could get without adding any custom CSS (this I'd already figured as of the time of asking the question; guess I've to stick with this):

Navbar Search Box

And the markup in use:

<form class="navbar-form navbar-left" role="search">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>

PS: Of course, that can be fixed by adding a negative margin-left (-4px) on the button, and removing the border-radius on the sides input and button meet. But the whole point of this question is to get it to work without any custom CSS.

Fixed Navbar Search box

Check if a value exists in ArrayList

Please refer to my answer on this post.

There is no need to iterate over the List just overwrite the equals method.

Use equals instead of ==

public boolean equals (Object object) {
    boolean result = false;
    if (object == null || object.getClass() != getClass()) {
        result = false;
    } else {
        EmployeeModel employee = (EmployeeModel) object;
        if ( && this.designation.equals(employee.getDesignation())   && this.age == employee.getAge()) {
            result = true;
    return result;

Call it like this:

public static void main(String args[]) {

    EmployeeModel first = new EmployeeModel("Sameer", "Developer", 25);
    EmployeeModel second = new EmployeeModel("Jon", "Manager", 30);
    EmployeeModel third = new EmployeeModel("Priyanka", "Tester", 24);

    List<EmployeeModel> employeeList = new ArrayList<EmployeeModel>();

    EmployeeModel checkUserOne = new EmployeeModel("Sameer", "Developer", 25);
    System.out.println("Check checkUserOne is in list or not");
    System.out.println("Is checkUserOne Preasent = ? " + employeeList.contains(checkUserOne));

    EmployeeModel checkUserTwo = new EmployeeModel("Tim", "Tester", 24);
    System.out.println("Check checkUserTwo is in list or not");
    System.out.println("Is checkUserTwo Preasent = ? " + employeeList.contains(checkUserTwo));


turn typescript object into json string

TS gets compiled to JS which then executed. Therefore you have access to all of the objects in the JS runtime. One of those objects is the JSON object. This contains the following methods:

  • JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string.
  • JSON.stringify() method converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string.


const jsonString = '{"employee":{ "name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York" }}';_x000D_
const JSobj = JSON.parse(jsonString);_x000D_
console.log(typeof JSobj);_x000D_
const JSON_string = JSON.stringify(JSobj);_x000D_
console.log(typeof JSON_string);

How do I list loaded plugins in Vim?

The problem with :scriptnames, :commands, :functions, and similar Vim commands, is that they display information in a large slab of text, which is very hard to visually parse.

To get around this, I wrote Headlights, a plugin that adds a menu to Vim showing all loaded plugins, TextMate style. The added benefit is that it shows plugin commands, mappings, files, and other bits and pieces.

sqlalchemy: how to join several tables by one query?

Expanding on Abdul's answer, you can obtain a KeyedTuple instead of a discrete collection of rows by joining the columns:

q = Session.query(*User.__table__.columns + Document.__table__.columns).\
        join(Document, ==\
        filter( == 'someemail').all()

Use of "global" keyword in Python

The other answers answer your question. Another important thing to know about names in Python is that they are either local or global on a per-scope basis.

Consider this, for example:

value = 42

def doit():
    print value
    value = 0

print value

You can probably guess that the value = 0 statement will be assigning to a local variable and not affect the value of the same variable declared outside the doit() function. You may be more surprised to discover that the code above won't run. The statement print value inside the function produces an UnboundLocalError.

The reason is that Python has noticed that, elsewhere in the function, you assign the name value, and also value is nowhere declared global. That makes it a local variable. But when you try to print it, the local name hasn't been defined yet. Python in this case does not fall back to looking for the name as a global variable, as some other languages do. Essentially, you cannot access a global variable if you have defined a local variable of the same name anywhere in the function.

How does the "view" method work in PyTorch?

The view function is meant to reshape the tensor.

Say you have a tensor

import torch
a = torch.range(1, 16)

a is a tensor that has 16 elements from 1 to 16(included). If you want to reshape this tensor to make it a 4 x 4 tensor then you can use

a = a.view(4, 4)

Now a will be a 4 x 4 tensor. Note that after the reshape the total number of elements need to remain the same. Reshaping the tensor a to a 3 x 5 tensor would not be appropriate.

What is the meaning of parameter -1?

If there is any situation that you don't know how many rows you want but are sure of the number of columns, then you can specify this with a -1. (Note that you can extend this to tensors with more dimensions. Only one of the axis value can be -1). This is a way of telling the library: "give me a tensor that has these many columns and you compute the appropriate number of rows that is necessary to make this happen".

This can be seen in the neural network code that you have given above. After the line x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x))) in the forward function, you will have a 16 depth feature map. You have to flatten this to give it to the fully connected layer. So you tell pytorch to reshape the tensor you obtained to have specific number of columns and tell it to decide the number of rows by itself.

Drawing a similarity between numpy and pytorch, view is similar to numpy's reshape function.

How to set Java classpath in Linux?

export CLASSPATH=/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar

or, if you already have some classpath set

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar

and, if also you want to include current directory

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar:.

How to convert integer into date object python?

This question is already answered, but for the benefit of others looking at this question I'd like to add the following suggestion: Instead of doing the slicing yourself as suggested above you might also use strptime() which is (IMHO) easier to read and perhaps the preferred way to do this conversion.

import datetime
s = "20120213"
s_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y%m%d')

sql searching multiple words in a string

Oracle SQL :

select * 
where REGEXP_LIKE (company , 'Microsodt industry | goglge auto car | oracles    database')
  • company - is the database column name.
  • results - this SQL will show you if company column rows contain one of those companies (OR phrase) please note that : no wild characters are needed, it's built in.

more info at :

Component is part of the declaration of 2 modules

As the error says to remove the module AddEvent from root if your Page/Component is already had ionic module file if not just remove it from the other/child page/component, at the end page/component should be present in only one module file imported if to be used.

Specifically, you should add in root module if required in multiple pages and if in specific pages keep it in only one page.

Could not find module "@angular-devkit/build-angular"

All of the above answer are correct but they did not work for me. The only way I was able to make this work was by follow steps/commands:

npm uninstall -g @angular/[email protected]
npm cache clean --force
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
npm install node-sass -g
cp -r from_my_old_project to_new_MY_PROJECT_NAME

Package name does not correspond to the file path - IntelliJ

You should declare in the Project structure(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s) in the Module section mark your folders which of them are source package(blue one) and which are test ...

Could not reserve enough space for object heap to start JVM

It looks like the machine you're trying to run this on has only 256 MB memory.

Maybe the JVM tries to allocate a large, contiguous block of 64 MB memory. The 192 MB that you have free might be fragmented into smaller pieces, so that there is no contiguous block of 64 MB free to allocate.

Try starting your Java program with a smaller heap size, for example:

java -Xms16m ...

IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe: Python

To bring Alex L.'s helpful answer, akhan's helpful answer, and Blckknght's helpful answer together with some additional information:

  • Standard Unix signal SIGPIPE is sent to a process writing to a pipe when there's no process reading from the pipe (anymore).

    • This is not necessarily an error condition; some Unix utilities such as head by design stop reading prematurely from a pipe, once they've received enough data.
  • By default - i.e., if the writing process does not explicitly trap SIGPIPE - the writing process is simply terminated, and its exit code is set to 141, which is calculated as 128 (to signal termination by signal in general) + 13 (SIGPIPE's specific signal number).

  • By design, however, Python itself traps SIGPIPE and translates it into a Python IOError instance with errno value errno.EPIPE, so that a Python script can catch it, if it so chooses - see Alex L.'s answer for how to do that.

  • If a Python script does not catch it, Python outputs error message IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe and terminates the script with exit code 1 - this is the symptom the OP saw.

  • In many cases this is more disruptive than helpful, so reverting to the default behavior is desirable:

    • Using the signal module allows just that, as stated in akhan's answer; signal.signal() takes a signal to handle as the 1st argument and a handler as the 2nd; special handler value SIG_DFL represents the system's default behavior:

      from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL
      signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL) 

HTML Table width in percentage, table rows separated equally

Yes, you will need to specify the width for each cell, otherwise they will try to be "intelligent" about it and divide the 100% between whichever cells think they need it most. Cells with more content will take up more width than those with less.

To make sure you get equal width for each cell you need to make it clear. Either do it as you already have, or use CSS.

table.className td { width: 25%; }

Recording video feed from an IP camera over a network

Motion is an alternative to Zoneminder. It has a steeper setup curve as everything is configured via config files.However, the config files are nicely commented and it's easier than it sounds. It's very reliable once running as well.

To add a Foscam camera (mentioned above) use the following syntax to stream the video from the camera.

netcam_url http://<IPADDRESS>/videostream.cgi?user=admin?pwd=

Where the user is admin with a blank password (the default for Foscam cameras).

For really high uptime/reliablity consider using a monitoring tool such as Monit. This works well with Motion.

How to Compare a long value is equal to Long value

long a = 1111;
Long b = new Long(1113);

System.out.println(b.equals(a) ? "equal" : "different");
System.out.println((long) b == a ? "equal" : "different");

Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket

Using the method SetSocketOption, you will be able to set KeepAlive that will let you know whenever a Socket gets disconnected

Socket _connectedSocket = this._sSocketEscucha.EndAccept(asyn);
                _connectedSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1);

Hope it helps! Ramiro Rinaldi

Spring Boot - How to log all requests and responses with exceptions in single place?

if you use Tomcat in your boot app here is org.apache.catalina.filters.RequestDumperFilter in a class path for you. (but it will not provide you "with exceptions in single place").

Best way to represent a Grid or Table in AngularJS with Bootstrap 3?

For anyone reading this post: Do yourself a favor and stay away of ng-grid. Is full of bugs (really..almost every part of the lib is broken somehow), the devs has abandoned the support of 2.0.x branch in order to work in 3.0 which is very far of being ready. Fixing the problems by yourself is not an easy task, ng-grid code is not small and is not simple, unless you have a lot of time and a deep knowledge of angular and js in general, its going to be a hard task.

Bottom Line: is full of bugs, and the last stable version has been abandoned.

The github is full of PRs, but they are being ignored. And if you report a bug in the 2.x branch, it's get closed.

I know is an open source proyect and the complains may sound a little bit out of place, but from the perspective of a developer looking for a library, that's my opinion. I spent many hours working with ng-grid in a large proyect and the headcaches are never ending

Get the string value from List<String> through loop for display

List<String> al=new ArrayList<string>();

for(String al1:al) //for each construct

O/p will be


Check whether a value is a number in JavaScript or jQuery

there is a function called isNaN it return true if it's (Not-a-number) , so u can check for a number this way

   //do some thing if it's a number
   //do some thing if it's NOT a number

hope it works

Get connection string from App.config

This worked for me:

string connection = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ConnectionString;


Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=OmidPayamak;IntegratedSecurity=True"

jQuery UI Datepicker - Multiple Date Selections I've have tried several method of multi datepicker but only this works

Using GSON to parse a JSON array

Problem is caused by comma at the end of (in your case each) JSON object placed in the array:

    "number": "...",
    "title": ".." ,  //<- see that comma?

If you remove them your data will become

        "number": "3",
        "title": "hello_world"
    }, {
        "number": "2",
        "title": "hello_world"


Wrapper[] data = gson.fromJson(jElement, Wrapper[].class);

should work fine.

Windows 7 - Add Path

Another method that worked for me on Windows 7 that did not require administrative privileges:

Click on the Start menu, search for "environment," click "Edit environment variables for your account."

In the window that opens, select "PATH" under "User variables for username" and click the "Edit..." button. Add your new path to the end of the existing Path, separated by a semi-colon (%PATH%;C:\Python27;...;C:\NewPath). Click OK on all the windows, open a new CMD window, and test the new variable.

How to extract text from a PDF?

Since today I know it: the best thing for text extraction from PDFs is TET, the text extraction toolkit. TET is part of the family of products. is Thomas Merz's company. In case you don't recognize his name: Thomas Merz is the author of the "PostScript and PDF Bible".

TET's first incarnation is a library. That one can probably do everything Budda006 wanted, including positional information about every element on the page. Oh, and it can also extract images. It recombines images which are fragmented into pieces. also offers another incarnation of this technology, the TET plugin for Acrobat. And the third incarnation is the PDFlib TET iFilter. This is a standalone tool for user desktops. Both these are free (as in beer) to use for private, non-commercial purposes.

And it's really powerful. Way better than Adobe's own text extraction. It extracted text for me where other tools (including Adobe's) do spit out garbage only.

I just tested the desktop standalone tool, and what they say on their webpage is true. It has a very good commandline. Some of my "problematic" PDF test files the tool handled to my full satisfaction.

This thing will from now on be my recommendation for every sophisticated and challenging PDF text extraction requirements.

TET is simply awesome. It detects tables. Inside tables, it identifies cells spanning multiple columns. It identifies table rows and contents of each table cell separately. It deals very well with hyphenations: it removes hyphens and restores complete words. It supports non-ASCII languages (including CJK, Arabic and Hebrew). When encountering ligatures, it restores the original characters...

Give it a try.

Pointer to class data member "::*"

Suppose you have a structure. Inside of that structure are * some sort of name * two variables of the same type but with different meaning

struct foo {
    std::string a;
    std::string b;

Okay, now let's say you have a bunch of foos in a container:

// key: some sort of name, value: a foo instance
std::map<std::string, foo> container;

Okay, now suppose you load the data from separate sources, but the data is presented in the same fashion (eg, you need the same parsing method).

You could do something like this:

void readDataFromText(std::istream & input, std::map<std::string, foo> & container, std::string foo::*storage) {
    std::string line, name, value;

    // while lines are successfully retrieved
    while (std::getline(input, line)) {
        std::stringstream linestr(line);
        if ( line.empty() ) {

        // retrieve name and value
        linestr >> name >> value;

        // store value into correct storage, whichever one is correct
        container[name].*storage = value;

std::map<std::string, foo> readValues() {
    std::map<std::string, foo> foos;

    std::ifstream a("input-a");
    readDataFromText(a, foos, &foo::a);
    std::ifstream b("input-b");
    readDataFromText(b, foos, &foo::b);
    return foos;

At this point, calling readValues() will return a container with a unison of "input-a" and "input-b"; all keys will be present, and foos with have either a or b or both.

What's the best way to store a group of constants that my program uses?

Another vote for using web.config or app.config. The config files are a good place for constants like connection strings, etc. I prefer not to have to look at the source to view or modify these types of things. A static class which reads these constants from a .config file might be a good compromise, as it will let your application access these resources as though they were defined in code, but still give you the flexibility of having them in an easily viewable/editable space.

Combining the results of two SQL queries as separate columns

how to club the 4 query's as a single query

show below query

  1. total number of cases pending + 2.cases filed during this month ( base on sysdate) + total number of cases (1+2) + no. cases disposed where nse= disposed + no. of cases pending (other than nse <> disposed)

nsc = nature of case

report is taken on 06th of every month

( monthly report will be counted from 05th previous month to 05th present of present month)

What is the path for the startup folder in windows 2008 server

In Server 2008 the startup folder for individual users is here:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

For All Users it's here:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Hope that helps

Android Studio - local path doesn't exist

Restart the IDE. I restarted Android Studio. The error went away.

Getting all names in an enum as a String[]

Another ways :

First one

            .map(f -> f.toString())

Other way

Stream.of(FieldType.values()).map(f -> f.toString()).toArray(String[]::new);