Programs & Examples On #Kernel module

A kernel module is a run-time loadable object file that is loaded into operating system kernel to add functionality to a running kernel. Examples include device drivers and other kernel items.

Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

You should be aware that you should avoid file I/O from within Linux kernel when possible. The main idea is to go "one level deeper" and call VFS level functions instead of the syscall handler directly:


#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/segment.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/buffer_head.h>

Opening a file (similar to open):

struct file *file_open(const char *path, int flags, int rights) 
    struct file *filp = NULL;
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int err = 0;

    oldfs = get_fs();
    filp = filp_open(path, flags, rights);
    if (IS_ERR(filp)) {
        err = PTR_ERR(filp);
        return NULL;
    return filp;

Close a file (similar to close):

void file_close(struct file *file) 
    filp_close(file, NULL);

Reading data from a file (similar to pread):

int file_read(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_read(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Writing data to a file (similar to pwrite):

int file_write(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_write(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Syncing changes a file (similar to fsync):

int file_sync(struct file *file) 
    vfs_fsync(file, 0);
    return 0;

[Edit] Originally, I proposed using file_fsync, which is gone in newer kernel versions. Thanks to the poor guy suggesting the change, but whose change was rejected. The edit was rejected before I could review it.

How do I configure modprobe to find my module?

I think the key is to copy the module to the standard paths.

Once that is done, modprobe only accepts the module name, so leave off the path and ".ko" extension.

Return first N key:value pairs from dict

This might not be very elegant, but works for me:

d = {'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5}

x= 0
for key, val in d.items():
    if x == 2:
        x += 1
        # Do something with the first two key-value pairs

Get img src with PHP

I have done that the more simple way, not as clean as it should be but it was a quick hack

$htmlContent = file_get_contents('pageURL');

// read all image tags into an array
preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i',$htmlContent, $imgTags); 

for ($i = 0; $i < count($imgTags[0]); $i++) {
  // get the source string
  preg_match('/src="([^"]+)/i',$imgTags[0][$i], $imgage);

  // remove opening 'src=' tag, can`t get the regex right
  $origImageSrc[] = str_ireplace( 'src="', '',  $imgage[0]);
// will output all your img src's within the html string

json_encode is returning NULL?

For anyone using PDO, the solution is similar to ntd's answer.

From the PHP PDO::__construct page, as a comment from the user Kiipa at live dot com:

To get UTF-8 charset you can specify that in the DSN.

$link = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DB;charset=UTF8");

Compiling with g++ using multiple cores

make will do this for you. Investigate the -j and -l switches in the man page. I don't think g++ is parallelizable.

What is the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder for?

The CLR uses it when it is compiling at runtime. Here is a link to MSDN that explains further.

How can I enable MySQL's slow query log without restarting MySQL?

These work


Broken on my setup 5.1.42

set @@global.log_slow_queries=1;

Looks like the best way to do this is set log_slow_time very high thus "turning off" the slow query log. Lower log_slow_time to enable it. Use the same trick (set to OFF) for log_queries_not_using_indexes.

Lightbox to show videos from Youtube and Vimeo?

I like prettyPhoto, IMHO it's the one that looks the best.

How to make a input field readonly with JavaScript?

document.getElementById('TextBoxID').readOnly = true;    //to enable readonly

document.getElementById('TextBoxID').readOnly = false;   //to  disable readonly

Regex: ignore case sensitivity

You can practice Regex In Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code using find/replace.

You need to select both Match Case and Regular Expressions for regex expressions with case. Else [A-Z] won't work.enter image description here

Visual Studio 2019 Community

when do you need .ascx files and how would you use them?

ASCX files are server-side Web application framework designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages.They like DLL codes but you can use there's TAGS You can write them once and use them in any places in your ASP pages.If you have a file named "Controll.ascx" then its code will named "Controll.ascx.cs". You can embed it in a ASP page to use it:

how to upload a file to my server using html

You need enctype="multipart/form-data" otherwise you will load only the file name and not the data.

How does one create an InputStream from a String?

Java 7+

It's possible to take advantage of the StandardCharsets JDK class:

String str=...
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(StandardCharsets.UTF_16.encode(str).array());

How to center form in bootstrap 3

use centered class with offset-6 like below sample.

<body class="container">
<div class="col-lg-1 col-offset-6 centered">
    <img data-src="holder.js/100x100" alt="" />

Use string.Contains() with switch()

Faced with this issue when determining an environment, I came up with the following one-liner:

string ActiveEnvironment = localEnv.Contains("LIVE") ? "LIVE" : (localEnv.Contains("TEST") ? "TEST" : (localEnv.Contains("LOCAL") ? "LOCAL" : null));

That way, if it can't find anything in the provided string that matches the "switch" conditions, it gives up and returns null. This could easily be amended to return a different value.

It's not strictly a switch, more a cascading if statement but it's neat and it worked.

How can I emulate a get request exactly like a web browser?

Are you sure the curl module honors ini_set('user_agent',...)? There is an option CURLOPT_USERAGENT described at
Could there also be a cookie tested by the server? That you can handle by using CURLOPT_COOKIE, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE and/or CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR.

edit: Since the request uses https there might also be error in verifying the certificate, see CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER.

$agent= 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)';

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $agent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);

Making text bold using attributed string in swift

two liner in swift 4:

            button.setAttributedTitle(.init(string: "My text", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .bold)]), for: .selected)
            button.setAttributedTitle(.init(string: "My text", attributes: [.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .regular)]), for: .normal)

Is jQuery $.browser Deprecated?

Updated! 3/24/2015 (scroll below hr)

lonesomeday's answer is absolutely correct, I just thought I would add this tidbit. I had made a method a while back for getting browser in Vanilla JS and eventually curved it to replace jQuery.browser in later versions of jQuery. It does not interfere with any part of the new jQuery lib, but provides the same functionality of the traditional jQuery.browser object, as well as some other little features.

New Extended Version!

Is much more thorough for newer browser. Also, 90+% accuracy on mobile testing! I won't say 100%, as I haven't tested on every mobile browser, but new feature adds $ boolean/string. It's false if not mobile, else it will be a String name for the mobile device or browser (Best Guesss like: Android, RIM Tablet, iPod, etc...).

One possible caveat, may not work with some older (unsupported) browsers as it is completely reliant on userAgent string.

JS Minified

/* quick & easy cut & paste */
;;(function($){if(!$.browser&&1.9<=parseFloat($.fn.jquery)){var a={browser:void 0,version:void 0,mobile:!1};navigator&&navigator.userAgent&&(,a.webkit=/WebKit/i.test(,a.browserArray="MSIE Chrome Opera Kindle Silk BlackBerry PlayBook Android Safari Mozilla Nokia".split(" "),/Sony[^ ]*/i.test("Sony":/RIM Tablet/i.test("RIM Tablet":/BlackBerry/i.test("BlackBerry":/iPhone/i.test("iPhone":/iPad/i.test("iPad":/iPod/i.test("iPod":/Opera Mini/i.test("Opera Mini":/IEMobile/i.test("IEMobile":/BB[0-9]{1,}; Touch/i.test("BlackBerry":/Nokia/i.test("Nokia":/Android/i.test("Android"),/MSIE|Trident/i.test("MSIE",a.version=/MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&0<parseFloat("MSIE")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))?parseFloat("MSIE")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")):"Edge",/Trident/i.test([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.test([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/)[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")))):/Chrome/.test("Chrome",a.version=parseFloat("Chrome/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Opera/.test("Opera",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Kindle|Silk|KFTT|KFOT|KFJWA|KFJWI|KFSOWI|KFTHWA|KFTHWI|KFAPWA|KFAPWI/i.test("Kindle",/Silk/i.test("Silk",a.version=parseFloat("Silk/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Kindle/i.test("Kindle",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")))):/BlackBerry/.test("BlackBerry",a.version=parseFloat("/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/PlayBook/.test("PlayBook",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/BB[0-9]{1,}; Touch/.test("Blackberry",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Android/.test("Android",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Safari/.test("Safari",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Firefox/.test("Mozilla",a.version=parseFloat("Firefox/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Nokia/.test("Nokia",a.version=parseFloat("Browser")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))));if(a.browser)for(var b in a.browserArray)a[a.browserArray[b].toLowerCase()]=a.browser==a.browserArray[b];$.extend(!0,$.browser={},a)}})(jQuery);
/* quick & easy cut & paste */

jsFiddle "jQuery Plugin: Get Browser (Extended Alt Edition)"

/** jQuery.browser_x000D_
 * @author J.D. McKinstry (2014)_x000D_
 * @description Made to replicate older jQuery.browser command in jQuery versions 1.9+_x000D_
 * @see
 * @extends jQuery_x000D_
 * @namespace jQuery.browser_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser.browser == 'browserNameInLowerCase'_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser.version_x000D_
 * @example @returns BOOLEAN_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser['browserNameInLowerCase']_x000D_
 * @example @returns BOOLEAN_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser.safari @returns BOOLEAN_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser.opera @returns BOOLEAN_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser.msie @returns BOOLEAN_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser.mozilla @returns BOOLEAN_x000D_
 * @example jQuery.browser.webkit @returns BOOLEAN_x000D_
 * @example @returns navigator.userAgent String_x000D_
;;(function($){if(!$.browser&&1.9<=parseFloat($.fn.jquery)){var a={browser:void 0,version:void 0,mobile:!1};navigator&&navigator.userAgent&&(,a.webkit=/WebKit/i.test(,a.browserArray="MSIE Chrome Opera Kindle Silk BlackBerry PlayBook Android Safari Mozilla Nokia".split(" "),/Sony[^ ]*/i.test("Sony":/RIM Tablet/i.test("RIM Tablet":/BlackBerry/i.test("BlackBerry":/iPhone/i.test("iPhone":/iPad/i.test("iPad":/iPod/i.test("iPod":/Opera Mini/i.test("Opera Mini":/IEMobile/i.test("IEMobile":/BB[0-9]{1,}; Touch/i.test("BlackBerry":/Nokia/i.test("Nokia":/Android/i.test("Android"),/MSIE|Trident/i.test("MSIE",a.version=/MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&0<parseFloat("MSIE")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))?parseFloat("MSIE")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")):"Edge",/Trident/i.test([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.test([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/)[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")))):/Chrome/.test("Chrome",a.version=parseFloat("Chrome/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Opera/.test("Opera",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Kindle|Silk|KFTT|KFOT|KFJWA|KFJWI|KFSOWI|KFTHWA|KFTHWI|KFAPWA|KFAPWI/i.test("Kindle",/Silk/i.test("Silk",a.version=parseFloat("Silk/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Kindle/i.test("Kindle",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")))):/BlackBerry/.test("BlackBerry",a.version=parseFloat("/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/PlayBook/.test("PlayBook",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/BB[0-9]{1,}; Touch/.test("Blackberry",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Android/.test("Android",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Safari/.test("Safari",a.version=parseFloat("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Firefox/.test("Mozilla",a.version=parseFloat("Firefox/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))):/Nokia/.test("Nokia",a.version=parseFloat("Browser")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))));if(a.browser)for(var b in a.browserArray)a[a.browserArray[b].toLowerCase()]=a.browser==a.browserArray[b];$.extend(!0,$.browser={},a)}})(jQuery);_x000D_
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */_x000D_
var b = $.browser;_x000D_
console.log($.browser);    //    see console, working example of jQuery Plugin_x000D_
for (var x in b) {_x000D_
    if (x != 'init')_x000D_
        $('<tr />').append(_x000D_
            $('<th />', { text: x }),_x000D_
            $('<td />', { text: b[x] })_x000D_
table { border-collapse: collapse; }_x000D_
th, td { border: 1px solid; padding: .25em .5em; vertical-align: top; }_x000D_
th { text-align: right; }_x000D_
textarea { height: 500px; width: 100%; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_

How to switch to another domain and get-aduser

Try specifying a DC in DomainB using the -Server property. Ex:

Get-ADUser -Server "dc01.DomainB.local" -Filter {EmailAddress -like "*Smith_Karla*"} -Properties EmailAddress

How to get class object's name as a string in Javascript?

This is pretty old, but I ran across this question via Google, so perhaps this solution might be useful to others.

function GetObjectName(myObject){
    var objectName=JSON.stringify(myObject).match(/"(.*?)"/)[1];
    return objectName;

It just uses the browser's JSON parser and regex without cluttering up the DOM or your object too much.

Prevent BODY from scrolling when a modal is opened

React , if you are looking for

useEffect in the modal that is getting popedup

 useEffect(() => { = 'hidden';
    return () =>{ = 'auto';
  }, [])

How to yum install Node.JS on Amazon Linux

I had Node.js 6.x installed and wanted to install Node.js 8.x.

Here's the commands I used (taken from Nodejs's site with a few extra steps to handle the yum cached data):

  1. sudo yum remove nodejs: Uninstall Node.js 6.x (I don't know if this was necessary or not)
  2. curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
  3. sudo yum clean all
  4. sudo yum makecache: Regenerate metadata cache (this wasn't in the docs, but yum kept trying to install Node.jx 6.x, unsuccessfully, until I issued these last two commands)
  5. sudo yum install nodejs: Install Node.js 8.x

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". in a Maven Project



slf4j-log4j12 is the log4j binding for slf4j you dont need to add another log4j dependency.

Provide the log4j configuration in and add it to your class path. There are sample configurations here

or you can change your binding to


if you are configuring slf4j due to some dependencies requiring it.

Simple prime number generator in Python

def genPrimes():
    primes = []   # primes generated so far
    last = 1      # last number tried
    while True:
        last += 1
        for p in primes:
            if last % p == 0:
            yield last

Simple way to convert datarow array to datatable

DataTable dt = new DataTable(); 

DataRow[] dr = (DataTable)dsData.Tables[0].Select("Some Criteria");


Iterate through dictionary values?

Depending on your version:

Python 2.x:

for key, val in PIX0.iteritems():
    NUM = input("Which standard has a resolution of {!r}?".format(val))
    if NUM == key:
        print ("Nice Job!")
        count = count + 1
        print("I'm sorry but thats wrong. The correct answer was: {!r}.".format(key))

Python 3.x:

for key, val in PIX0.items():
    NUM = input("Which standard has a resolution of {!r}?".format(val))
    if NUM == key:
        print ("Nice Job!")
        count = count + 1
        print("I'm sorry but thats wrong. The correct answer was: {!r}.".format(key))

You should also get in the habit of using the new string formatting syntax ({} instead of % operator) from PEP 3101:

How to find out "The most popular repositories" on Github?

Ranking by stars or forks is not working. Each promoted or created by a famous company repository is popular at the beginning. Also it is possible to have a number of them which are in trend right now (publications, marketing, events). It doesn't mean that those repositories are useful/popular.

The project (repo at github) analyses GH Archive data in order to highlight the most interesting repositories and exclude others. Just compare the results with mentioned resources.

get client time zone from browser

Here is a jsfiddle

It provides the abbreviation of the current user timezone.

Here is the code sample

var tz = jstz.determine();
console.log( Date().getTime()));

How to save a plot as image on the disk?

Like this

# make plot

or this

# sometimes plots do better in vector graphics
# make plot

or this

# make plot

And probably others too. They're all listed together in the help pages.

"Object doesn't support property or method 'find'" in IE

The Array.find method support for Microsoft's browsers started with Edge.

The W3Schools compatibility table states that the support started on version 12, while the Can I Use compatibility table says that the support was unknown between version 12 and 14, being officially supported starting at version 15.

Can't find file executable in your configured search path for gnc gcc compiler

* How to Download and install CodeBlocks.* ( I have already downloaded )

***How to solve the CodeBlocks environment error.

  1. Go to "Settings"----"Compiler"----"Selected compiler"( GNU GCC Compiler ).

  2. Then, Selected "Toolchain executables".

  3. Now, "( C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW )"

See Video :

Reimport a module in python while interactive

If you want to import a specific function or class from a module, you can do this:

import importlib
import sys
from my_module import my_function

Difference between float and decimal data type

decimal is for fixed quantities like money where you want a specific number of decimal places. Floats are for storing ... floating point precision numbers.

'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

If you want to use Unix shell commands on Windows, you can use Windows Powershell, which includes both Windows and Unix commands as aliases. You can find more info on it in the documentation.

PowerShell supports aliases to refer to commands by alternate names. Aliasing allows users with experience in other shells to use common command names that they already know for similar operations in PowerShell.

The PowerShell equivalents may not produce identical results. However, the results are close enough that users can do work without knowing the PowerShell command name.

How can I get my webapp's base URL in ASP.NET MVC?

In Code:


MVC3 Razor Syntax:


Cut Java String at a number of character

Use substring

String strOut = "abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz"
String result = strOut.substring(0, 8) + "...";// count start in 0 and 8 is excluded

Note: substring(int first, int second) takes two parameters. The first is inclusive and the second is exclusive.

Calculate correlation with cor(), only for numerical columns

if you have a dataframe where some columns are numeric and some are other (character or factor) and you only want to do the correlations for the numeric columns, you could do the following:


x =, ncol = 10))
x$L1 = letters[1:10]
x$L2 = letters[11:20]


Error in cor(x) : 'x' must be numeric


cor(x[sapply(x, is.numeric)])

             V1         V2          V3          V4          V5          V6          V7
V1   1.00000000  0.3025766 -0.22473884 -0.72468776  0.18890578  0.14466161  0.05325308
V2   0.30257657  1.0000000 -0.27871430 -0.29075170  0.16095258  0.10538468 -0.15008158
V3  -0.22473884 -0.2787143  1.00000000 -0.22644156  0.07276013 -0.35725182 -0.05859479
V4  -0.72468776 -0.2907517 -0.22644156  1.00000000 -0.19305921  0.16948333 -0.01025698
V5   0.18890578  0.1609526  0.07276013 -0.19305921  1.00000000  0.07339531 -0.31837954
V6   0.14466161  0.1053847 -0.35725182  0.16948333  0.07339531  1.00000000  0.02514081
V7   0.05325308 -0.1500816 -0.05859479 -0.01025698 -0.31837954  0.02514081  1.00000000
V8   0.44705527  0.1698571  0.39970105 -0.42461411  0.63951574  0.23065830 -0.28967977
V9   0.21006372 -0.4418132 -0.18623823 -0.25272860  0.15921890  0.36182579 -0.18437981
V10  0.02326108  0.4618036 -0.25205899 -0.05117037  0.02408278  0.47630138 -0.38592733
              V8           V9         V10
V1   0.447055266  0.210063724  0.02326108
V2   0.169857120 -0.441813231  0.46180357
V3   0.399701054 -0.186238233 -0.25205899
V4  -0.424614107 -0.252728595 -0.05117037
V5   0.639515737  0.159218895  0.02408278
V6   0.230658298  0.361825786  0.47630138
V7  -0.289679766 -0.184379813 -0.38592733
V8   1.000000000  0.001023392  0.11436143
V9   0.001023392  1.000000000  0.15301699
V10  0.114361431  0.153016985  1.00000000

Fastest way to extract frames using ffmpeg?

Output one image every minute, named img001.jpg, img002.jpg, img003.jpg, etc. The %03d dictates that the ordinal number of each output image will be formatted using 3 digits.

ffmpeg -i myvideo.avi -vf fps=1/60 img%03d.jpg

Change the fps=1/60 to fps=1/30 to capture a image every 30 seconds. Similarly if you want to capture a image every 5 seconds then change fps=1/60 to fps=1/5

SOURCE: a thumbnail image every X seconds of the video

How to send authorization header with axios

You are nearly correct, just adjust your code this way

const headers = { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` };
return axios.get(URLConstants.USER_URL, { headers });

notice where I place the backticks, I added ' ' after Bearer, you can omit if you'll be sure to handle at the server-side

How do I select between the 1st day of the current month and current day in MySQL?

select * from table_name 
where `date` between curdate() - dayofmonth(curdate()) + 1
                 and curdate()

SQLFiddle example

How can I calculate the number of years between two dates?

getYears(date1, date2) {
let years = new Date(date1).getFullYear() - new Date(date2).getFullYear();
let month = new Date(date1).getMonth() - new Date(date2).getMonth();
let dateDiff = new Date(date1).getDay() - new Date(date2).getDay();
if (dateDiff < 0) {
    month -= 1;
if (month < 0) {
    years -= 1;
return years;

'module' has no attribute 'urlencode'

import urllib.parse
urllib.parse.urlencode({'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2, 'bacon': 0})

PHP - remove all non-numeric characters from a string

You can use preg_replace in this case;

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", "Every 6 Months" );

$res return 6 in this case.

If want also to include decimal separator or thousand separator check this example:

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", "$ 123.099");

$res returns "123.099" in this case

Include period as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9.]/"

Include coma as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9,]/"

Include period and coma as decimal separator and thousand separator: "/[^0-9,.]/"

How to pass a parameter to routerLink that is somewhere inside the URL?

First configure in table:

const routes: Routes = [  
  path: 'class/:id/enrollment/:guid',
  component: ClassEnrollmentComponent

now in type script code:


receive params in another component

 this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe(params => {
  let id = params['id'];
  let guid = params['guid'];


How to use patterns in a case statement?

I don't think you can use braces.

According to the Bash manual about case in Conditional Constructs.

Each pattern undergoes tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion.

Nothing about Brace Expansion unfortunately.

So you'd have to do something like this:

case $1 in
        # You should have a default one too.

Format price in the current locale and currency

$formattedPrice = Mage::helper('core')->currency($_finalPrice,true,false);

How to convert OutputStream to InputStream?

The library io-extras may be useful. For example if you want to gzip an InputStream using GZIPOutputStream and you want it to happen synchronously (using the default buffer size of 8192):

InputStream is = ...
InputStream gz = IOUtil.pipe(is, o -> new GZIPOutputStream(o));

Note that the library has 100% unit test coverage (for what that's worth of course!) and is on Maven Central. The Maven dependency is:


Be sure to check for a later version.

SQL Query Where Date = Today Minus 7 Days

DECLARE @Daysforward int
SELECT @Daysforward = 25 (no of days required)
Select * from table name

where CAST( columnDate AS date) < DATEADD(day,1+@Daysforward,CAST(GETDATE() AS date))

What is a Question Mark "?" and Colon ":" Operator Used for?

Thats an if/else statement equilavent to

if(row % 2 == 1){

How do you automatically set the focus to a textbox when a web page loads?

As a general advice, I would recommend not stealing the focus from the address bar. (Jeff already talked about that.)

Web page can take some time to load, which means that your focus change can occur some long time after the user typed the pae URL. Then he could have changed his mind and be back to url typing while you will be loading your page and stealing the focus to put it in your textbox.

That's the one and only reason that made me remove Google as my start page.

Of course, if you control the network (local network) or if the focus change is to solve an important usability issue, forget all I just said :)

Spring - download response as a file

It is possible to download a file using XHR request. You can use angular $http to load the file and then use Blob feature of HTML5 to make browser save it. There is a library that can help you with saving: FileSaver.js.

How do I find which program is using port 80 in Windows?

Type in the command:

netstat -aon | findstr :80

It will show you all processes that use port 80. Notice the pid (process id) in the right column.

If you would like to free the port, go to Task Manager, sort by pid and close those processes.

-a displays all connections and listening ports.

-o displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

-n displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

Session only cookies with Javascript

Use the below code for a setup session cookie, it will work until browser close. (make sure not close tab)

function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
    var d = new Date();
    d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
    var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
    document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
  function getCookie(cname) {
    var name = cname + "=";
    var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
    var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
    for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
      var c = ca[i];
      while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
        c = c.substring(1);
      if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
        return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
    return false;
  if(getCookie("KoiMilGaya")) {
    // Cookie found. Display any text like repeat user. // reload, other page visit, close tab and open again.. 
  } else {
    // Display popup or anthing here. it shows on first visit only.  
    // this will load again when user closer browser and open again. 

How to Cast Objects in PHP

You do not need casting. Everything is dynamic.

I have a class Discount.
I have several classes that extends this class:

Somewhere in the code I have:

$pd = new ProductDiscount();
$pd->setDiscount(5, ProductDiscount::PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_PERCENT);

$this->discounts[] = $pd;


$sd = new StoreDiscount();
$sd->setDiscount(5, StoreDiscount::STORE_DISCOUNT_PERCENT);

$this->discounts[] = $sd;

And somewhere I have:

foreach ($this->discounts as $discount){

    if ($discount->getDiscountType()==Discount::DISCOUNT_TYPE_PRODUCT){

        $productDiscount = $discount; // you do not need casting.
        $amount = $productDiscount->getDiscountAmount($this->getItemTotalPrice());

}// foreach

Where getDiscountAmount is ProductDiscount specific function, and getDiscountType is Discount specific function.

object==null or null==object?

Compare with the following code:

    String pingResult = "asd";
    long s = System.nanoTime ( );
    if ( null != pingResult )
        System.out.println ( "null != pingResult" );
    long e = System.nanoTime ( );
    System.out.println ( e - s );

    long s1 = System.nanoTime ( );
    if ( pingResult != null )
        System.out.println ( "pingResult != null" );
    long e1 = System.nanoTime ( );
    System.out.println ( e1 - s1 );

Output (After multiple executions):

null != pingResult
pingResult != null

Therefore, pingResult != null is the winner.

Send array with Ajax to PHP script

 dataString = [];
        type: "POST",
        url: "script.php",
        data:{data: $(dataString).serializeArray()}, 
        cache: false,

        success: function(){

git undo all uncommitted or unsaved changes

Adding this answer because the previous answers permanently delete your changes

The Safe way

git stash -u

Explanation: Stash local changes including untracked changes (-u flag). The command saves your local modifications away and reverts the working directory to match the HEAD commit.

Want to recover the changes later?

git stash pop

Explanation: The command will reapply the changes to the top of the current working tree state.

Want to permanently remove the changes?

git stash drop

Explanation: The command will permanently remove the stashed entry

Link to git stash documentation

Ruby on Rails: How do I add placeholder text to a f.text_field?

I tried the solutions above and it looks like on rails 5.* the second agument by default is the value of the input form, what worked for me was:

text_field_tag :attr, "", placeholder: "placeholder text"

Get lengths of a list in a jinja2 template

Alex' comment looks good but I was still confused with using range. The following worked for me while working on a for condition using length within range.

{% for i in range(0,(nums['list_users_response']['list_users_result']['users'])| length) %}
<li>    {{ nums['list_users_response']['list_users_result']['users'][i]['user_name'] }} </li>
{% endfor %}

Calling Java from Python

I'm on OSX 10.10.2, and succeeded in using JPype.

Ran into installation problems with Jnius (others have too), Javabridge installed but gave mysterious errors when I tried to use it, PyJ4 has this inconvenience of having to start a Gateway server in Java first, JCC wouldn't install. Finally, JPype ended up working. There's a maintained fork of JPype on Github. It has the major advantages that (a) it installs properly and (b) it can very efficiently convert java arrays to numpy array (np_arr = java_arr[:])

The installation process was:

git clone
cd jpype
python install

And you should be able to import jpype

The following demo worked:

import jpype as jp
jp.startJVM(jp.getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea")"hello world")

When I tried calling my own java code, I had to first compile (javac ./blah/, and I had to change the JVM path from the default (otherwise you'll get inexplicable "class not found" errors). For me, this meant changing the startJVM command to:

jp.startJVM('/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib', "-ea")
c = jp.JClass('blah.HelloWorldJPype')  
# Where my java class file is in ./blah/HelloWorldJPype.class

Replace values in list using Python

This might help...

test_list = [5, 8]
test_list[0] = None
print test_list
#prints [None, 8]

How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device?

What I did to beable to use startssl certificates was quite easy. (on my rooted phone)

I copied /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks to my sdcard

Downloaded and

Went to and ran portecle directly from the webpage.

Opened my cacerts.bks file from my sdcard (entered nothing when asked for a password)

Choose import in portacle and opened, im my case it allready had the ca.crt but maybe you need to install that too.

Saved the keystore and copied it baxck to /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks (I made a backup of that file first just in case)

Rebooted my phone and now I can vist my site thats using a startssl certificate without errors.

Set Session variable using javascript in PHP

One simple way to set session variable is by sending request to another PHP file. Here no need to use Jquery or any other library.

Consider I have index.php file where I am creating SESSION variable (say $_SESSION['v']=0) if SESSION is not created otherwise I will load other file.

Code is like this:


Now in count.html I want to set this session variable to 1.

Content in count.html

function doneHandler(result) {

In count.html javascript part, send a request to another PHP file (say setSession.php) where i can have access to session variable.

So in setSession.php will write


Retrieving a Foreign Key value with django-rest-framework serializers

Worked on 08/08/2018 and on DRF version 3.8.2:

class ItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    category_name = serializers.ReadOnlyField(source='')

    class Meta:
        model = Item
        read_only_fields = ('id', 'category_name')
        fields = ('id', 'category_name', 'name',)

Using the Meta read_only_fields we can declare exactly which fields should be read_only. Then we need to declare the foreign field on the Meta fields (better be explicit as the mantra goes: zen of python).

Google Play error "Error while retrieving information from server [DF-DFERH-01]"

This is a reported bug with Google: Bug Report. It seems to be related with Google's servers and is very intermittent. IE, you'll notice how all the comments revolve around a few specific days. Haven't been able to fix it myself, but the one comment suggests trying the following:

  1. Shutdown your device.
  2. Remove your sim card.
  3. Turn on your device.
  4. Connect your device to a non-local (PR) server, like ATT, TMobile, Spring. If you have a friend ask for a wifi thetering.
  5. Open the Play Store.
  6. Shutdown and re-install the sim card.
  7. Turn on.

It seems this error is only related to the static responses from Google. Using real product IDs don't suffer from this problem.

Update: My answer here is pretty old and the InApp purchase library has changed quite a bit since. Refer to @Ehsan Sajjad answer instead.

How do I find the data directory for a SQL Server instance?

It depends on whether default path is set for data and log files or not.

If the path is set explicitly at Properties => Database Settings => Database default locations then SQL server stores it at Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer in DefaultData and DefaultLog values.

However, if these parameters aren't set explicitly, SQL server uses Data and Log paths of master database.

Bellow is the script that covers both cases. This is simplified version of the query that SQL Management Studio runs.

Also, note that I use xp_instance_regread instead of xp_regread, so this script will work for any instance, default or named.

declare @DefaultData nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'DefaultData', @DefaultData output

declare @DefaultLog nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'DefaultLog', @DefaultLog output

declare @DefaultBackup nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'BackupDirectory', @DefaultBackup output

declare @MasterData nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', N'SqlArg0', @MasterData output
select @MasterData=substring(@MasterData, 3, 255)
select @MasterData=substring(@MasterData, 1, len(@MasterData) - charindex('\', reverse(@MasterData)))

declare @MasterLog nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', N'SqlArg2', @MasterLog output
select @MasterLog=substring(@MasterLog, 3, 255)
select @MasterLog=substring(@MasterLog, 1, len(@MasterLog) - charindex('\', reverse(@MasterLog)))

    isnull(@DefaultData, @MasterData) DefaultData, 
    isnull(@DefaultLog, @MasterLog) DefaultLog,
    isnull(@DefaultBackup, @MasterLog) DefaultBackup

You can achieve the same result by using SMO. Bellow is C# sample, but you can use any other .NET language or PowerShell.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Integrated Security=SSPI"))
    var serverConnection = new ServerConnection(connection);
    var server = new Server(serverConnection);
    var defaultDataPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Settings.DefaultFile) ? server.MasterDBPath : server.Settings.DefaultFile;
    var defaultLogPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Settings.DefaultLog) ? server.MasterDBLogPath : server.Settings.DefaultLog;

It is so much simpler in SQL Server 2012 and above, assuming you have default paths set (which is probably always a right thing to do):

    InstanceDefaultDataPath = serverproperty('InstanceDefaultDataPath'),
    InstanceDefaultLogPath = serverproperty('InstanceDefaultLogPath')

How to format a JavaScript date

Inspired by JD Smith's marvellous regular expression solution, I suddenly had this head-splitting idea:

var D = Date().toString().split(" ");_x000D_
console.log(D[2] + "-" + D[1] + "-" + D[3]);

Is it possible to use a batch file to establish a telnet session, send a command and have the output written to a file?

Maybe something like this ?

Create a batch to connect to telnet and run a script to issue commands ? source

Batch File (named Script.bat ):

     :: Open a Telnet window
   start telnet.exe
   :: Run the script 
    cscript SendKeys.vbs 

Command File (named SendKeys.vbs ):

set OBJECT=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.sleep 50 
OBJECT.SendKeys "mylogin{ENTER}" 
WScript.sleep 50 
OBJECT.SendKeys "mypassword{ENTER}"
WScript.sleep 50 
OBJECT.SendKeys " cd /var/tmp{ENTER}" 
WScript.sleep 50 
OBJECT.SendKeys " rm log_web_activity{ENTER}" 
WScript.sleep 50 
OBJECT.SendKeys " ln -s /dev/null log_web_activity{ENTER}" 
WScript.sleep 50 
OBJECT.SendKeys "exit{ENTER}" 
WScript.sleep 50 
OBJECT.SendKeys " "

How can I combine flexbox and vertical scroll in a full-height app?

Thanks to that gave me the answer.

The solution is setting a height to the vertical scrollable element. For example:

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    height: 0px;

The element will have height because flexbox recalculates it unless you want a min-height so you can use height: 100px; that it is exactly the same as: min-height: 100px;

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    height: 100px; /* == min-height: 100px*/

So the best solution if you want a min-height in the vertical scroll:

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    min-height: 100px;

If you just want full vertical scroll in case there is no enough space to see the article:

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    min-height: 0px;

The final code:

Install specific version using laravel installer

you can find all version install code here by changing the version of laravel doc

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel yourProjectName "5.1.*"

above code for creating laravel 5.1 version project. see more in laravel doc. happy coding!!

how to get request path with express req object

If you want to really get only "path" without querystring, you can use url library to parse and get only path part of url.

var url = require('url');

//auth required or redirect
app.use('/account', function(req, res, next) {
    var path = url.parse(req.url).pathname;
    if ( !req.session.user ) {
    } else {

indexOf method in an object array?

I will prefer to use findIndex() method:

 var index = myArray.findIndex('hello','stevie');

index will give you the index number.

pandas groupby sort descending order

This kind of operation is covered under hierarchical indexing. Check out the examples here

When you groupby, you're making new indices. If you also pass a list through .agg(). you'll get multiple columns. I was trying to figure this out and found this thread via google.

It turns out if you pass a tuple corresponding to the exact column you want sorted on.

Try this:

# generate toy data 
ex = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,10,size=(100,3)), columns=['features', 'AUC', 'recall'])

# pass a tuple corresponding to which specific col you want sorted. In this case, 'mean' or 'AUC' alone are not unique. 
ex.groupby('features').agg(['mean','std']).sort_values(('AUC', 'mean'))

This will output a df sorted by the AUC-mean column only.

MySQL delete multiple rows in one query conditions unique to each row

Took a lot of googling but here is what I do in Python for MySql when I want to delete multiple items from a single table using a list of values.

#create some empty list
values = []
#continue to append the values you want to delete to it
#BUT you must ensure instead of a string it's a single value tuple
values.append(([Your Variable],))
#Then once your array is loaded perform an execute many
cursor.executemany("DELETE FROM YourTable WHERE ID = %s", values)

What is the best way to tell if a character is a letter or number in Java without using regexes?

 import java.util.Scanner;
 public class v{
 public static void main(String args[]){
 Scanner in=new Scanner(;
    String str;
    int l;
    int flag=0;
    System.out.println("Enter the String:");
    char[] ch=str.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<l;i++){
        if ((ch[i] >= 'a' && ch[i]<= 'z') || (ch[i] >= 'A' && ch[i] <= 'Z')){

    System.out.println("Onlt char");


Error in : figure margins too large, Scatter plot

Just a side-note. Sometimes this "margin" error occurs because you want to save a high-resolution figure (eg. dpi = 300 or res = 300) in R.
In this case, what you need to do is to specify the width and height. (Btw, ggsave() doesn't require this.)

This causes the margin error:

# eg. for tiff()
tiff(filename =  "qq.tiff",
     res = 300,                                                 # the margin error.
     compression = c( "lzw") )
# qq plot for genome wide association study (just an example)
qqman::qq(df$rawp, main = "Q-Q plot of GWAS p-values", cex = .3)

This will fix the margin error:

# eg. for tiff()
tiff(filename =  "qq.tiff",
     res = 300,                                                 # the margin error.
     width = 5, height = 4, units = 'in',                       # fixed
     compression = c( "lzw") )
# qq plot for genome wide association study (just an example)
qqman::qq(df$rawp, main = "Q-Q plot of GWAS p-values", cex = .3)

How can I set the PATH variable for javac so I can manually compile my .java works?

Step 1: Set the PATH variable JAVA_HOME to the path of the JDK present on the system. Step 2: in the Path variable add the path of the C:\Program Files\Java\jdk(version)\bin

This should solve the problem. Happy coding!!

Determine if running on a rooted device

You can do this by following code :

public boolean getRootInfo() {
    if (checkRootFiles() || checkTags()) {
        return true;
    return false;

private boolean checkRootFiles() {
    boolean root = false;
    String[] paths = {"/system/app/Superuser.apk", "/sbin/su", "/system/bin/su", "/system/xbin/su", "/data/local/xbin/su", "/data/local/bin/su", "/system/sd/xbin/su",
            "/system/bin/failsafe/su", "/data/local/su", "/su/bin/su"};
    for (String path : paths) {
        root = new File(path).exists();
        if (root)
    return root;

private boolean checkTags() {
    String tag = Build.TAGS;
    return tag != null && tag.trim().contains("test-keys");

You can also check this library RootBeer.

Java SSLHandshakeException "no cipher suites in common"

I got this error with this ... unfortunate... package I have to use and I don't have source for. After much digging (thank you, Stack Overflow) and trying endless combinations, I finally got things running by:

  1. Creating the JKS with the entire certificate chain.

  2. Making sure the key in the JKS had the alias of the FQDN of the machine.

  3. Renaming the alias of the certificate for my machine ${FQDN}.cert

This took endless experimentation with the java command line options:

My key and CSR were produced in OpenSSL so I had to import the key with:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in  cert.pem -inkey  cert.key -CAfile fullChain.pem -name ${FQDN} -out cert.p12
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore cert.jks -srckeystore cert.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12

keytool complains about the format so I converted the format followed by adding my cert chain:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cert.jks -destkeystore cert_p12.jks -deststoretype pkcs12
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias 'DigiCert Global Root G2 IntermediateCA' -keystore cert_p12.jks -file cert2.pem -storepass "$STOREPASS" -keypass "$KEYPASS" 
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias 'DigiCert Global Root G2'                -keystore cert_p12.jks -file cert3.pem -storepass "$STOREPASS" -keypass "$KEYPASS"

(where cert2.pem and cert3.pem were downloaded from the DigiCert web site and converted to PEM format.) When I restarted the application with the resulting jks file, things started to work.

Something else I figured out as part of this. You can check the certificate chain by using:

openssl x509 -in cert2.pem -noout -text

for all your certificates and studying the output, paying attention to the X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: and X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: lines. The X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: of one level matches the X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: of the next higher level. You found the top of chain when the Issuer: string matches the Subject: string.

I hope this can save somebody some of the time it took me.

URL string format for connecting to Oracle database with JDBC

DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());         
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@machinename:portnum:schemaname","userid","password");

Java output formatting for Strings

EDIT: This is an extremely primitive answer but I can't delete it because it was accepted. See the answers below for a better solution though

Why not just generate a whitespace string dynamically to insert into the statement.

So if you want them all to start on the 50th character...

String key = "Name =";
String space = "";
for(int i; i<(50-key.length); i++)
{space = space + " ";}
String value = "Bob\n";

Put all of that in a loop and initialize/set the "key" and "value" variables before each iteration and you're golden. I would also use the StringBuilder class too which is more efficient.

Change the color of a checked menu item in a navigation drawer

Here is the another way to achive this:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

    int id = item.getItemId();

    item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
        public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
            item.setTitle(Html.fromHtml("<font color='#ff3824'>Settings</font>"));
            return false;

    //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
    if (id == {
        return true;

    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);


SQL Server Group By Month

I prefer combining DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions like this:


Together, these two functions zero-out the date component smaller than the specified datepart (i.e. MONTH in this example).

You can change the datepart bit to YEAR, WEEK, DAY, etc... which is super handy.

Your original SQL query would then look something like this (I can't test it as I don't have your data set, but it should put you on the right track).

DECLARE @start [datetime] = '2010-04-01';

    DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, Created),0) [Month],
WHERE UserID = 16178
AND PaymentDate > @start

One more thing: the Month column is typed as a DateTime which is also a nice advantage if you need to further process that data or map it .NET object for example.

Encoding an image file with base64

As I said in your previous question, there is no need to base64 encode the string, it will only make the program slower. Just use the repr

>>> with open("images/image.gif", "rb") as fin:
>>> with open("","wb") as fout:
...  fout.write("image_data="+repr(image_data))

Now the image is stored as a variable called image_data in a file called Start a fresh interpreter and import the image_data

>>> from image import image_data

Multiple radio button groups in MVC 4 Razor

You can use Dictonary to map Assume Milk,Butter,Chesse are group A (ListA) Water,Beer,Wine are group B

Dictonary<string,List<string>>) dataMap;

At View , you can foreach Keys in dataMap and process your action

Get Public URL for File - Google Cloud Storage - App Engine (Python)

You need to use get_serving_url from the Images API. As that page explains, you need to call create_gs_key() first to get the key to pass to the Images API.

CSS customized scroll bar in div

Give this a try

Source :

Simple Implementation

<script type="text/javascript">

  function() { 




It is a jQuery plugin scrollbar, so your scrollbars are controllable and look the same across the various OS's.

SQL - How do I get only the numbers after the decimal?

The usual hack (which varies a bit in syntax) is

x - floor(x)

That's the fractional part. To make into an integer, scale it.

(x - floor(x)) * 1000

how to draw smooth curve through N points using javascript HTML5 canvas?

If you want to determine the equation of the curve through n points then the following code will give you the coefficients of the polynomial of degree n-1 and save these coefficients to the coefficients[] array (starting from the constant term). The x coordinates do not have to be in order. This is an example of a Lagrange polynomial.

var xPoints=[2,4,3,6,7,10]; //example coordinates
var yPoints=[2,5,-2,0,2,8];
var coefficients=[];
for (var m=0; m<xPoints.length; m++) coefficients[m]=0;
    for (var m=0; m<xPoints.length; m++) {
        var newCoefficients=[];
        for (var nc=0; nc<xPoints.length; nc++) newCoefficients[nc]=0;
        if (m>0) {
    } else {
    var startIndex=1; 
    if (m==0) startIndex=2; 
    for (var n=startIndex; n<xPoints.length; n++) {
        if (m==n) continue;
        for (var nc=xPoints.length-1; nc>=1; nc--) {
    for (var nc=0; nc<xPoints.length; nc++) coefficients[nc]+=yPoints[m]*newCoefficients[nc];

CSS how to make scrollable list

As per your question vertical listing have a scrollbar effect.


nav ul{height:200px; width:18%;}_x000D_
nav ul{overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll;}
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
        <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
        <title>JS Bin</title>_x000D_
        <header>header area</header>_x000D_
                <li>Link 1</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 2</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 3</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 4</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 5</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 6</li> _x000D_
                <li>Link 7</li> _x000D_
                <li>Link 8</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 9</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 10</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 11</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 13</li>_x000D_
                <li>Link 13</li>_x000D_
        <footer>footer area</footer>_x000D_

float:left; vs display:inline; vs display:inline-block; vs display:table-cell;

Of the options you asked about:

  • float:left;
    I dislike floats because of the need to have additional markup to clear the float. As far as I'm concerned, the whole float concept was poorly designed in the CSS specs. Nothing we can do about that now though. But the important thing is it does work, and it works in all browsers (even IE6/7), so use it if you like it.

The additional markup for clearing may not be necessary if you use the :after selector to clear the floats, but this isn't an option if you want to support IE6 or IE7.

  • display:inline;
    This shouldn't be used for layout, with the exception of IE6/7, where display:inline; zoom:1 is a fall-back hack for the broken support for inline-block.

  • display:inline-block;
    This is my favourite option. It works well and consistently across all browsers, with a caveat for IE6/7, which support it for some elements. But see above for the hacky solution to work around this.

The other big caveat with inline-block is that because of the inline aspect, the white spaces between elements are treated the same as white spaces between words of text, so you can get gaps appearing between elements. There are work-arounds to this, but none of them are ideal. (the best is simply to not have any spaces between the elements)

  • display:table-cell;
    Another one where you'll have problems with browser compatibility. Older IEs won't work with this at all. But even for other browsers, it's worth noting that table-cell is designed to be used in a context of being inside elements that are styled as table and table-row; using table-cell in isolation is not the intended way to do it, so you may experience different browsers treating it differently.

Other techniques you may have missed? Yes.

  • Since you say this is for a multi-column layout, there is a CSS Columns feature that you might want to know about. However it isn't the most well supported feature (not supported by IE even in IE9, and a vendor prefix required by all other browsers), so you may not want to use it. But it is another option, and you did ask.

  • There's also CSS FlexBox feature, which is intended to allow you to have text flowing from box to box. It's an exciting feature that will allow some complex layouts, but this is still very much in development -- see

Hope that helps.

How to run sql script using SQL Server Management Studio?

This website has a concise tutorial on how to use SQL Server Management Studio. As you will see you can open a "Query Window", paste your script and run it. It does not allow you to execute scripts by using the file path. However, you can do this easily by using the command line (cmd.exe):

sqlcmd -S .\SQLExpress -i SqlScript.sql

Where SqlScript.sql is the script file name located at the current directory. See this Microsoft page for more examples

How to set default text for a Tkinter Entry widget

Use Entry.insert. For example:

    from tkinter import *  # Python 3.x
except Import Error:
    from Tkinter import *  # Python 2.x

root = Tk()
e = Entry(root)
e.insert(END, 'default text')

Or use textvariable option:

    from tkinter import *  # Python 3.x
except Import Error:
    from Tkinter import *  # Python 2.x

root = Tk()
v = StringVar(root, value='default text')
e = Entry(root, textvariable=v)

How to set up Automapper in ASP.NET Core

For AutoMapper 9.0.0:

public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAutoMapperProfilesFromAllAssemblies()
        foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
            foreach (var aType in assembly.GetTypes())
                if (aType.IsClass && !aType.IsAbstract && aType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Profile)))
                    yield return aType;


public class OrganizationProfile : Profile
  public OrganizationProfile()
    CreateMap<Foo, FooDto>();
    // Use CreateMap... Etc.. here (Profile methods are the same as configuration methods)

In your Startup:


In Controller or service: Inject mapper:

private readonly IMapper _mapper;


var obj = _mapper.Map<TDest>(sourceObject);

Difference between Activity Context and Application Context

Use getApplicationContext() if you need something tied to a Context that itself will have global scope.

If you use Activity, then the new Activity instance will have a reference, which has an implicit reference to the old Activity, and the old Activity cannot be garbage collected.

How to count number of files in each directory?

find . -type f -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c

gives for example:

  5 .
  4 ./aln
  5 ./aln/iq
  4 ./bs
  4 ./ft
  6 ./hot

Namespace not recognized (even though it is there)

I have a similar problem with references not being recognized in VS2010 and the answers herein were not able to correct it.

The problem in my solution was related to the extension of the path where the project referenced was located. As I am working with SVN, I made a branch of a repository to do some testing and that branch increased two levels in path structure, so the path became too long to be usable in windows. This did not throw any error but did not recognize the namespace of the project reference. When I correct the location of the project to have a smaller path everything went fine.

How to read the value of a private field from a different class in Java?

Just an additional note about reflection: I have observed in some special cases, when several classes with the same name exist in different packages, that reflection as used in the top answer may fail to pick the correct class from the object. So if you know what is the package.class of the object, then it's better to access its private field values as follows:

org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.BaseOutputLayer ll = (org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.BaseOutputLayer) model.getLayer(0);
Field f = Class.forName("org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.BaseOutputLayer").getDeclaredField("solver");
Solver s = (Solver) f.get(ll);

(This is the example class that was not working for me)

Java Error: illegal start of expression

Remove the public keyword from int[] locations={1,2,3};. An access modifier isn't allowed inside a method, as its accessbility is defined by its method scope.

If your goal is to use this reference in many a method, you might want to move the declaration outside the method.

How do I mock a REST template exchange?

You don't need MockRestServiceServer object. The annotation is @InjectMocks not @Inject. Below is an example code that should work

public class SomeServiceTest {
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    private SomeService underTest;

    public void testGetObjectAList() {
        ObjectA myobjectA = new ObjectA();
        //define the entity you want the exchange to return
        ResponseEntity<List<ObjectA>> myEntity = new ResponseEntity<List<ObjectA>>(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);

        List<ObjectA> res = underTest.getListofObjectsA();
        Assert.assertEquals(myobjectA, res.get(0));

Convert varchar to uniqueidentifier in SQL Server

SET @uuid = 'a89b1acd95016ae6b9c8aabb07da2010'
        SUBSTRING(@uuid, 1, 8) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@uuid, 9, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@uuid, 13, 4) + '-' +
        SUBSTRING(@uuid, 17, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@uuid, 21, 12)

How to set div width using ng-style

The syntax of ng-style is not quite that. It accepts a dictionary of keys (attribute names) and values (the value they should take, an empty string unsets them) rather than only a string. I think what you want is this:

<div ng-style="{ 'width' : width, 'background' : bgColor }"></div>

And then in your controller:

$scope.width = '900px';
$scope.bgColor = 'red';

This preserves the separation of template and the controller: the controller holds the semantic values while the template maps them to the correct attribute name.

mysql datatype for telephone number and address

Well, personally I do not use numeric datatype to store phone numbers or related info.

How do you store a number say 001234567? It'll end up as 1234567, losing the leading zeros.

Of course you can always left-pad it up, but that's provided you know exactly how many digits the number should be.

This doesn't answer your entire post,
Just my 2 cents

Convert String value format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to C# DateTime

You have to use a custom parsing string. I also suggest to include the invariant culture to identify that this format does not relate to any culture. Plus, it will prevent a warning in some code analysis tools.

var date = DateTime.ParseExact(value, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Python error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute

The way I would do it is to leave the __ files empty, and do:

import lib.mod1.mod11


from lib.mod1.mod11 import mod12

You may find that the mod1 dir is unnecessary, just have in lib.

Is there an auto increment in sqlite?

Beside rowid, you can define your own auto increment field but it is not recommended. It is always be better solution when we use rowid that is automatically increased.

The AUTOINCREMENT keyword imposes extra CPU, memory, disk space, and disk I/O overhead and should be avoided if not strictly needed. It is usually not needed.

Read here for detailed information.

Difference between getContext() , getApplicationContext() , getBaseContext() and "this"

From this docs

I understood that you should use:

Try using the context-application instead of a context-activity

How to select rows that have current day's timestamp?

Simply cast it to a date:

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE CAST(`timestamp` TO DATE) == CAST(NOW() TO DATE)

Easiest way to parse a comma delimited string to some kind of object I can loop through to access the individual values?

Use a loop on the split values

string values = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9";

foreach(string value in values.split(','))
    //do something with individual value

jQuery AJAX form using mail() PHP script sends email, but POST data from HTML form is undefined

There is no need to make a query string. Just put your values in an object and jQuery will take care of the rest for you.

var data = {
    name: $("#form_name").val(),
    email: $("#form_email").val(),
    message: $("#msg_text").val()
    type: "POST",
    url: "email.php",
    data: data,
    success: function(){

Bootstrap with jQuery Validation Plugin

Another option is placing an error container outside of your form group ahead of time. The validator will then use it if necessary.

<div class="form-group">
  <label class="control-label" for="new-task-due-date">When is the task due?</label>
  <div class="input-group date datepicker">
    <input type="text" id="new-task-due-date" class="required form-control date" name="dueDate" />
    <span class="input-group-addon">
      <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>
  <label for="new-task-due-date" class="has-error control-label" style="display: none;"></label>

how to reset <input type = "file">

jQuery solution:

                $(this).get(0).value = '';
                $(this).get(0).type = '';
                $(this).get(0).type = 'file';

JQuery: 'Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation' at ajax request - several elements

function do_ajax(elem, mydata, filename)
        url: filename,
        context: elem,
        data: mydata,
        **contentType: false,
        processData: false**
        datatype: "html",
        success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
            elem.innerHTML = data;

Switch to another branch without changing the workspace files

Simplest way to do is as follows:

git fetch && git checkout <branch_name>

How to hide the bar at the top of "youtube" even when mouse hovers over it?

You can try this it has worked for me.

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
    <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//"></iframe>

Responsive embed using Bootstap

Allow browsers to determine video or slideshow dimensions based on the width of their containing block by creating an intrinsic ratio that will properly scale on any device.

Style youtube video:

  • Select a youtube video, click on Share and then Embed.
  • Select the embed code and copy it.
  • Start modifying after the verison=3
  • Be sure to add a '&' between each item.
  • For autoplay: add "autoplay=1"
  • For loop: add "loop=1"
  • Hide the controls: add "controls=0"

For more information please visit this link


How can I initialize base class member variables in derived class constructor?

Aggregate classes, like A in your example(*), must have their members public, and have no user-defined constructors. They are intialized with initializer list, e.g. A a {0,0}; or in your case B() : A({0,0}){}. The members of base aggregate class cannot be individually initialized in the constructor of the derived class.

(*) To be precise, as it was correctly mentioned, original class A is not an aggregate due to private non-static members

Determine if JavaScript value is an "integer"?

Try this:

if(Math.floor(id) == id && $.isNumeric(id)) 
  alert('yes its an int!');

$.isNumeric(id) checks whether it's numeric or not
Math.floor(id) == id will then determine if it's really in integer value and not a float. If it's a float parsing it to int will give a different result than the original value. If it's int both will be the same.

How to add constraints programmatically using Swift

You can use Snapkit to set constraints programmatically.

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let rectView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    private func setupViews() {
        rectView.backgroundColor = .red

        rectView.snp.makeConstraints {

Check if a parameter is null or empty in a stored procedure

I recommend checking for invalid dates too:

set @PreviousStartDate=case ISDATE(@PreviousStartDate) 
    when 1 then @PreviousStartDate 
        else '1/1/2010'

Python list sort in descending order

This will give you a sorted version of the array.

sorted(timestamps, reverse=True)

If you want to sort in-place:


Nested routes with react router v4 / v5

Just wanted to mention react-router v4 changed radically since this question was posted/answed.

There is no <Match> component any more! <Switch>is to make sure only the first match is rendered. <Redirect> well .. redirects to another route. Use or leave out exact to either in- or exclude a partial match.

See the docs. They are great.

Here's an example I hope is useable to answer your question.

    <Redirect exact from='/' to='/front'/>
    <Route path="/" render={() => {
      return (
          <h2>Home menu</h2>
          <Link to="/front">front</Link>
          <Link to="/back">back</Link>
    }} />          
    <Route path="/front" render={() => {
      return (
        <h2>front menu</h2>
        <Link to="/front/help">help</Link>
        <Link to="/front/about">about</Link>
    }} />
    <Route exact path="/front/help" render={() => {
      return <h2>front help</h2>;
    }} />
    <Route exact path="/front/about" render={() => {
      return <h2>front about</h2>;
    }} />
    <Route path="/back" render={() => {
      return (
        <h2>back menu</h2>
        <Link to="/back/help">help</Link>
        <Link to="/back/about">about</Link>
    }} />
    <Route exact path="/back/help" render={() => {
      return <h2>back help</h2>;
    }} />
    <Route exact path="/back/about" render={() => {
      return <h2>back about</h2>;
    }} />

Hope it helped, let me know. If this example is not answering your question well enough, tell me and I'll see if I can modify it.

Using member variable in lambda capture list inside a member function

I believe VS2010 to be right this time, and I'd check if I had the standard handy, but currently I don't.

Now, it's exactly like the error message says: You can't capture stuff outside of the enclosing scope of the lambda.† grid is not in the enclosing scope, but this is (every access to grid actually happens as this->grid in member functions). For your usecase, capturing this works, since you'll use it right away and you don't want to copy the grid

auto lambda = [this](){ std::cout << grid[0][0] << "\n"; }

If however, you want to store the grid and copy it for later access, where your puzzle object might already be destroyed, you'll need to make an intermediate, local copy:

vector<vector<int> > tmp(grid);
auto lambda = [tmp](){}; // capture the local copy per copy

† I'm simplifying - Google for "reaching scope" or see §5.1.2 for all the gory details.

How to select from subquery using Laravel Query Builder?

I could not made your code to do the desired query, the AS is an alias only for the table abc, not for the derived table. Laravel Query Builder does not implicitly support derived table aliases, DB::raw is most likely needed for this.

The most straight solution I could came up with is almost identical to yours, however produces the query as you asked for:

$sql = Abc::groupBy('col1')->toSql();
$count = DB::table(DB::raw("($sql) AS a"))->count();

The produced query is

select count(*) as aggregate from (select * from `abc` group by `col1`) AS a;

How to obtain Telegram chat_id for a specific user?

I created a bot to get User or GroupChat id, just send the /my_id to telegram bot @get_id_bot.

It does not only work for user chat ID, but also for group chat ID.

To get group chat ID, first you have to add the bot to the group, then send /my_id in the group.

Here's the link to the bot.

WindowsError: [Error 126] The specified module could not be found

On the off chance anyone else ever runs into this extremely specific issue.. Something inside PyTorch breaks DLL loading. Once you run import torch, any further DLL loads will fail. So if you're using PyTorch and loading your own DLLs you'll have to rearrange your code to import all DLLs first. Confirmed w/ PyTorch 1.5.0 on Python 3.7

How to listen state changes in react.js?

In 2020 you can listen state changes with useEffect hook like this

export function MyComponent(props) {
    const [myState, setMystate] = useState('initialState')

    useEffect(() => {
        console.log(myState, '- Has changed')
    },[myState]) // <-- here put the parameter to listen

Add two textbox values and display the sum in a third textbox automatically

well I think the problem solved this below code works:

function sum() {
    var result=0;
       var txtFirstNumberValue = document.getElementById('txt1').value;
       var txtSecondNumberValue = document.getElementById('txt2').value;
    if (txtFirstNumberValue !="" && txtSecondNumberValue ==""){
        result = parseInt(txtFirstNumberValue);
    }else if(txtFirstNumberValue == "" && txtSecondNumberValue != ""){
        result= parseInt(txtSecondNumberValue);
    }else if (txtSecondNumberValue != "" && txtFirstNumberValue != ""){
        result = parseInt(txtFirstNumberValue) + parseInt(txtSecondNumberValue);
       if (!isNaN(result)) {
           document.getElementById('txt3').value = result;

Why there is this "clear" class before footer?

Most likely, as mentioned by others, it is a class carrying the css values:

.clear{clear: both;} 

in order to prevent any more page elements from extending into the footer element. It is a quick and easy way of making sure that pages with columns of varying heights don't cause the footer to render oddly, by possibly setting its top position at the end of a shorter column.

In many cases it is not necessary, but if you are using best-practice standards it is a good idea to use, if you are floating page elements left and right. It functions with page elements similar to the way a horizontal rule works with text, to ensure proper and complete sepperation.

iPhone: Setting Navigation Bar Title

From within your TableViewController.m :

self.navigationController.navigationBar.topItem.title = @"Blah blah Some Amazing title";

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?

When working with flags I often declare additional None and All items. These are helpful to check whether all flags are set or no flag is set.

enum SuitsFlags { 

    None =     0,

    Spades =   1 << 0, 
    Clubs =    1 << 1, 
    Diamonds = 1 << 2, 
    Hearts =   1 << 3,

    All =      ~(~0 << 4)



Spades | Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts == All  // true
Spades & Clubs == None  // true

Update 2019-10:

Since C# 7.0 you can use binary literals, which are probably more intuitive to read:

enum SuitsFlags { 

    None =     0b0000,

    Spades =   0b0001, 
    Clubs =    0b0010, 
    Diamonds = 0b0100, 
    Hearts =   0b1000,

    All =      0b1111


Highlight Bash/shell code in Markdown files

Using the knitr package:

```{r, engine='bash', code_block_name} ...


```{r, engine='bash', count_lines}
wc -l en_US.twitter.txt

You can also use:

  • engine='sh' for shell
  • engine='python' for Python
  • engine='perl', engine='haskell' and a bunch of other C-like languages and even gawk, AWK, etc.

Convert List<T> to ObservableCollection<T> in WP7

ObservableCollection<FacebookUser_WallFeed> result = new ObservableCollection<FacebookUser_WallFeed>(FacebookHelper.facebookWallFeeds);

How to change XML Attribute

Mike; Everytime I need to modify an XML document I work it this way:

//Here is the variable with which you assign a new value to the attribute
string newValue = string.Empty;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Root/Node/Element");
node.Attributes[0].Value = newValue;


//xmlFile is the path of your file to be modified

I hope you find it useful

Move textfield when keyboard appears swift

i am working with swift 4 and i am solved this issue without use any extra bottom constraint look my code is here.its really working on my case

1) Add Notification Observer in did load

override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.keyboardWillShow), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil)
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.keyboardWillHide), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)

2) Remove Notification Observer like

deinit {

3) Add keyboard show/ hide methods like

 @objc func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {
            if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
                UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
                    self.view.frame.origin.y -= keyboardSize.height

@objc func keyboardWillHide(notification: NSNotification) {
        if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
                self.view.frame.origin.y += keyboardSize.height

4) Add textfeild delegate and add touchesBegan methods .usefull for hide the keyboard when touch outside the textfeild on screen

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {


How to forward declare a template class in namespace std?

The problem is not that you can't forward-declare a template class. Yes, you do need to know all of the template parameters and their defaults to be able to forward-declare it correctly:

namespace std {
  template<class T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>>
  class list;

But to make even such a forward declaration in namespace std is explicitly prohibited by the standard: the only thing you're allowed to put in std is a template specialisation, commonly std::less on a user-defined type. Someone else can cite the relevant text if necessary.

Just #include <list> and don't worry about it.

Oh, incidentally, any name containing double-underscores is reserved for use by the implementation, so you should use something like TEST_H instead of __TEST__. It's not going to generate a warning or an error, but if your program has a clash with an implementation-defined identifier, then it's not guaranteed to compile or run correctly: it's ill-formed. Also prohibited are names beginning with an underscore followed by a capital letter, among others. In general, don't start things with underscores unless you know what magic you're dealing with.

Request Permission for Camera and Library in iOS 10 - Info.plist

You can also request for access programmatically, which I prefer because in most cases you need to know if you took the access or not.

Swift 4 update:

    AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: { response in
        if response {
            //access granted
        } else {


    let photos = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus()
    if photos == .notDetermined {
        PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization({status in
            if status == .authorized{
            } else {}

You do not share code so I cannot be sure if this would be useful for you, but general speaking use it as a best practice.

How many times does each value appear in a column?

The quickest way would be with a pivot table. Make sure your column of data has a header row, highlight the data and the header, from the insert ribbon select pivot table and then drag your header from the pivot table fields list to the row labels and to the values boxes.

Looping through JSON with node.js

I would recommend taking advantage of the fact that nodeJS will always be ES5. Remember this isn't the browser folks you can depend on the language's implementation on being stable. That said I would recommend against ever using a for-in loop in nodeJS, unless you really want to do deep recursion up the prototype chain. For simple, traditional looping I would recommend making good use of Object.keys method, in ES5. If you view the following JSPerf test, especially if you use Chrome (since it has the same engine as nodeJS), you will get a rough idea of how much more performant using this method is than using a for-in loop (roughly 10 times faster). Here's a sample of the code:

 var keys = Object.keys( obj );
 for( var i = 0,length = keys.length; i < length; i++ ) {
     obj[ keys[ i ] ];

Executing a shell script from a PHP script

It's a simple problem. When you are running from terminal, you are running the php file from terminal as a privileged user. When you go to the php from your web browser, the php script is being run as the web server user which does not have permissions to execute files in your home directory. In Ubuntu, the www-data user is the apache web server user. If you're on ubuntu you would have to do the following: chown yourusername:www-data /home/testuser/testscript chmod g+x /home/testuser/testscript

what the above does is transfers user ownership of the file to you, and gives the webserver group ownership of it. the next command gives the group executable permission to the file. Now the next time you go ahead and do it from the browser, it should work.

Gradle store on local file system

I am on windows,

You should be able find the dependencies inside


Creating for loop until list.length

Yes you can, with range [docs]:

for i in range(1, len(l)):
    # i is an integer, you can access the list element with l[i]

but if you are accessing the list elements anyway, it's more natural to iterate over them directly:

for element in l:
   # element refers to the element in the list, i.e. it is the same as l[i]

If you want to skip the the first element, you can slice the list [tutorial]:

for element in l[1:]:
    # ...

can you do another for loop inside this for loop

Sure you can.

Jquery/Ajax call with timer

If you want to set something on a timer, you can use JavaScript's setTimeout or setInterval methods:

setTimeout ( expression, timeout );
setInterval ( expression, interval );

Where expression is a function and timeout and interval are integers in milliseconds. setTimeout runs the timer once and runs the expression once whereas setInterval will run the expression every time the interval passes.

So in your case it would work something like this:

setInterval(function() {
    //call $.ajax here
}, 5000); //5 seconds

As far as the Ajax goes, see jQuery's ajax() method. If you run an interval, there is nothing stopping you from calling the same ajax() from other places in your code.

If what you want is for an interval to run every 30 seconds until a user initiates a form submission...and then create a new interval after that, that is also possible:

setInterval() returns an integer which is the ID of the interval.

var id = setInterval(function() {
    //call $.ajax here
}, 30000); // 30 seconds

If you store that ID in a variable, you can then call clearInterval(id) which will stop the progression.

Then you can reinstantiate the setInterval() call after you've completed your ajax form submission.

How to clear input buffer in C?

Short, portable and declared in stdio.h

stdin = freopen(NULL,"r",stdin);

Doesn't get hung in an infinite loop when there is nothing on stdin to flush like the following well know line:

while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) { }

A little expensive so don't use it in a program that needs to repeatedly clear the buffer.

Stole from a coworker :)

Flexbox Not Centering Vertically in IE

Just in case someone gets here with the same issue I had, which is not specifically addressed in previous comments.

I had margin: auto on the inner element which caused it to stick to the bottom of it's parent (or the outer element). What fixed it for me was changing the margin to margin: 0 auto;.

Oracle PL/SQL - Are NO_DATA_FOUND Exceptions bad for stored procedure performance?

Rather than having nested cursor loops a more efficient approach would be to use one cursor loop with an outer join between the tables.

    FOR rec IN (SELECT a.needed_field,b.other_field
                  FROM table1 a
                  LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 b
                    ON a.needed_field = b.condition_field
                 WHERE a.column = ???)
       IF rec.other_field IS NOT NULL THEN
         -- whatever processing needs to be done to other_field
       END IF;

MSSQL Select statement with incremental integer column... not from a table

You can start with a custom number and increment from there, for example you want to add a cheque number for each payment you can do:

select @StartChequeNumber = 3446;
((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY AnyColumn)) + @StartChequeNumber ) AS 'ChequeNumber'
,* FROM YourTable

will give the correct cheque number for each row.

Primary key or Unique index?

There are no disadvantages of primary keys.

To add just some information to @MrWiggles and @Peter Parker answers, when table doesn't have primary key for example you won't be able to edit data in some applications (they will end up saying sth like cannot edit / delete data without primary key). Postgresql allows multiple NULL values to be in UNIQUE column, PRIMARY KEY doesn't allow NULLs. Also some ORM that generate code may have some problems with tables without primary keys.


As far as I know it is not possible to replicate tables without primary keys in MSSQL, at least without problems (details).

find a minimum value in an array of floats

You need to iterate the 2d array in order to get the min value of each row, then you have to push any gotten min value to another array and finally you need to get the min value of the array where each min row value was pushed

def get_min_value(self, table):
    min_values = []
    for i in range(0, len(table)):
        min_value = min(table[i])

    return min(min_values)

Add regression line equation and R^2 on graph

Another option would be to create a custom function generating the equation using dplyr and broom libraries:

get_formula <- function(model) {
  broom::tidy(model)[, 1:2] %>%
    mutate(sign = ifelse(sign(estimate) == 1, ' + ', ' - ')) %>% #coeff signs
    mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ abs(round(., 2))) %>% #for improving formatting
    mutate(a = ifelse(term == '(Intercept)', paste0('y ~ ', estimate), paste0(sign, estimate, ' * ', term))) %>%
    summarise(formula = paste(a, collapse = '')) %>%

lm(y ~ x, data = df) -> model
#"y ~ 6.22 + 3.16 * x"

scales::percent(summary(model)$r.squared, accuracy = 0.01) -> r_squared

Now we need to add the text to the plot:

p + 
  geom_text(x = 20, y = 300,
            label = get_formula(model),
            color = 'red') +
  geom_text(x = 20, y = 285,
            label = r_squared,
            color = 'blue')


How to check if std::map contains a key without doing insert?

Your desideratum,map.contains(key), is scheduled for the draft standard C++2a. In 2017 it was implemented by gcc 9.2. It's also in the current clang.

Change color of Button when Mouse is over

<Button Background="#FF4148" BorderThickness="0" BorderBrush="Transparent">
     <Border HorizontalAlignment="Right" BorderBrush="#FF6A6A" BorderThickness="0>
         <Style TargetType="Border">
                 <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                     <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FF6A6A" />
      <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
           <Image  RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality"   Source="//ImageName.png"   />

How to set "value" to input web element using selenium?

As Shubham Jain stated, this is working to me: driver.findElement("invoice_supplier_id")).sendKeys("value"??, "new value");

Why Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException?

This is just how Response.Redirect(url, true) works. It throws the ThreadAbortException to abort the thread. Just ignore that exception. (I presume it is some global error handler/logger where you see it?)

An interesting related discussion Is Response.End() Considered Harmful?.

How to convert a list into data table

you can use this extension method and call it like this.

DataTable dt =   YourList.ToDataTable();

public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(this List<T> iList)
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
            PropertyDescriptorCollection propertyDescriptorCollection =
            for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptorCollection.Count; i++)
                PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptorCollection[i];
                Type type = propertyDescriptor.PropertyType;

                if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
                    type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);

                dataTable.Columns.Add(propertyDescriptor.Name, type);
            object[] values = new object[propertyDescriptorCollection.Count];
            foreach (T iListItem in iList)
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    values[i] = propertyDescriptorCollection[i].GetValue(iListItem);
            return dataTable;

Location of GlassFish Server Logs

Locate the installation path of GlassFish. Then move to domains/domain-dir/logs/ and you'll find there the log files. If you have created the domain with NetBeans, the domain-dir is most probably called domain1.

See this link for the official GlassFish documentation about logging.

How can we redirect a Java program console output to multiple files?

We can do this by setting out variable of System class in the following way

System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("Path to output file"))). Also You need to close or flush 'out'(System.out.close() or System.out.flush()) variable so that you don't end up missing some output.

Source :

How to use a Bootstrap 3 glyphicon in an html select

I ended up using the bootstrap 3 dropdown button, I'm posting my solution here in case it helps someone in future. Adding the bootstrap 3 list-inline to the class for the ul causes it to display in a nicely compact format as well.

<div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
        Select icon <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu list-inline" role="menu">
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cutlery"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fire"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-glass"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></span></li>          

I'm using Angular.js so this is the actual code I used:

<div class="btn-group">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
                Avatar <span class="caret"></span>
            <ul class="dropdown-menu list-inline" role="menu">
                <li ng-repeat="avatar in avatars" ng-click="avatarSelected(avatar)">
                    <span ng-class="getAvatar(avatar)"></span>

And in my controller:


     return 'glyphicon glyphicon-'+avatar;

Two-way SSL clarification

In two way ssl the client asks for servers digital certificate and server ask for the same from the client. It is more secured as it is both ways, although its bit slow. Generally we dont follow it as the server doesnt care about the identity of the client, but a client needs to make sure about the integrity of server it is connecting to.

How to set initial value and auto increment in MySQL?

MySQL - Setup an auto-incrementing primary key that starts at 1001:

Step 1, create your table:

create table penguins(
  my_id       int(16) auto_increment, 
  skipper     varchar(4000),
  PRIMARY KEY (my_id)

Step 2, set the start number for auto increment primary key:


Step 3, insert some rows:

insert into penguins (skipper) values("We need more power!");
insert into penguins (skipper) values("Time to fire up");
insert into penguins (skipper) values("kowalski's nuclear reactor.");

Step 4, interpret the output:

select * from penguins


'1001', 'We need more power!'
'1002', 'Time to fire up'
'1003', 'kowalski\'s nuclear reactor'

How can I replace non-printable Unicode characters in Java?

You may be interested in the Unicode categories "Other, Control" and possibly "Other, Format" (unfortunately the latter seems to contain both unprintable and printable characters).

In Java regular expressions you can check for them using \p{Cc} and \p{Cf} respectively.

Which Architecture patterns are used on Android?

enter image description here

When i reach this post it really help me to understand patterns with example so i have make below table to clearly see the Design patterns & their example in Android Framework

I hope you will find it helpful.

Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized

I have recently encountered this problem. Here are the steps to resolve

  1. Check the servers section in the settings.xml file.Is username and password correct?


  1. Check the repository section in the pom.xml file.The id of the server tag should be the same as the id of the repository tag.

   <id>serverId</id>  _x000D_

  1. If the repository tag is not configured in the pom.xml file, look in the settings.xml file.


Note that you should ensure that the id of the server tag should be the same as the id of the repository tag.

Creating a div element in jQuery

Create an in-memory DIV


Add click handlers, styles etc - and finally insert into DOM into a target element selector:

$("<div/>", {_x000D_
  text: "Click me",_x000D_
  id: "example",_x000D_
  "class": "myDiv",      // ('class' is still better in quotes)_x000D_
  css: {           _x000D_
    color: "red",_x000D_
    fontSize: "3em",_x000D_
    cursor: "pointer"_x000D_
  on: {_x000D_
    mouseenter: function() {_x000D_
      console.log("PLEASE... "+ $(this).text());_x000D_
    click: function() {_x000D_
      console.log("Hy! My ID is: "+;_x000D_
  append: "<i>!!</i>",_x000D_
  appendTo: "body"      // Finally, append to any selector_x000D_
}); // << no need to do anything here as we defined the properties internally.
<script src="//"></script>

Similar to ian's answer, but I found no example that properly addresses the use of methods within the properties object declaration so there you go.

Convert an image to grayscale

The code below is the simplest solution:

Bitmap bt = new Bitmap("imageFilePath");

for (int y = 0; y < bt.Height; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x < bt.Width; x++)
        Color c = bt.GetPixel(x, y);

        int r = c.R;
        int g = c.G;
        int b = c.B;
        int avg = (r + g + b) / 3;
        bt.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(avg,avg,avg));


Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file on Android

There is a great article about this exact issue on the Android developer website: Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently

How to parse a JSON and turn its values into an Array?

for your example:

{'profiles': [{'name':'john', 'age': 44}, {'name':'Alex','age':11}]}

you will have to do something of this effect:

JSONObject myjson = new JSONObject(the_json);
JSONArray the_json_array = myjson.getJSONArray("profiles");

this returns the array object.

Then iterating will be as follows:

    int size = the_json_array.length();
    ArrayList<JSONObject> arrays = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        JSONObject another_json_object = the_json_array.getJSONObject(i);
            //Blah blah blah...

JSONObject[] jsons = new JSONObject[arrays.size()];

//The end...

You will have to determine if the data is an array (simply checking that charAt(0) starts with [ character).

Hope this helps.

react-router getting this.props.location in child components

If the above solution didn't work for you, you can use import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

Using this you can export your child class as -

class MyApp extends Component{
    // your code

export default withRouter(MyApp);

And your class with Router -

// your code
      <Route path="/myapp" component={MyApp} />
      // or if you are sending additional fields
      <Route path="/myapp" component={() =><MyApp process={...} />} />

Present and dismiss modal view controller


Updated for Swift 3

enter image description here


Create two View Controllers with a button on each. For the second view controller, set the class name to SecondViewController and the storyboard ID to secondVC.



import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBAction func presentButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
        let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
        let myModalViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "secondVC")
        myModalViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.fullScreen
        myModalViewController.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyle.coverVertical
        self.present(myModalViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)


import UIKit
class SecondViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBAction func dismissButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
        self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)


PHP - Get key name of array value

If i understand correctly, can't you simply use:

foreach($arr as $key=>$value)
  echo $key;

See PHP manual

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Mac OSX Mavericks

if you tried running java with -version argument, and even though the problem could not be solved by any means, then you might have installed many java versions, like JDK 1.8 and JDK 1.7 at the same time.

So try uninstalling all other versions other than the one you need, then set the JAVA_HOMEpath variable for that JDK remaining, and you're done.

How to convert integer to char in C?

A char in C is already a number (the character's ASCII code), no conversion required.

If you want to convert a digit to the corresponding character, you can simply add '0':

c = i +'0';

The '0' is a character in the ASCll table.

Get JSON object from URL

You could use PHP's json_decode function:

$url = "";
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$json_data = json_decode($json, true);
echo "My token: ". $json_data["access_token"];

Swift Alamofire: How to get the HTTP response status code

Or use pattern matching

if let error = response.result.error as? AFError {
   if case .responseValidationFailed(.unacceptableStatusCode(let code)) = error {

Cannot resolve method 'getSupportFragmentManager ( )' inside Fragment

As per the documentation, getSupportFragmentManager() is present only inside AppCompatActivity class. It is not present inside Activity class. So make sure your class extends AppCompatActivity class.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

Assert that a method was called in a Python unit test

Yes, I can give you the outline but my Python is a bit rusty and I'm too busy to explain in detail.

Basically, you need to put a proxy in the method that will call the original, eg:

 class fred(object):
   def blog(self):
     print "We Blog"

 class methCallLogger(object):
   def __init__(self, meth):
     self.meth = meth

   def __call__(self, code=None):
     # would also log the fact that it invoked the method

 f = fred() = methCallLogger(

This StackOverflow answer about callable may help you understand the above.

In more detail:

Although the answer was accepted, due to the interesting discussion with Glenn and having a few minutes free, I wanted to enlarge on my answer:

# helper class defined elsewhere
class methCallLogger(object):
   def __init__(self, meth):
     self.meth = meth
     self.was_called = False

   def __call__(self, code=None):
     self.was_called = True

class fred(object):
   def blog(self):
     print "We Blog"

f = fred()
g = fred() = methCallLogger( = methCallLogger(

Export Postgresql table data using pgAdmin

Just right click on a table and select "backup". The popup will show various options, including "Format", select "plain" and you get plain SQL.

pgAdmin is just using pg_dump to create the dump, also when you want plain SQL.

It uses something like this:

pg_dump --user user --password --format=plain --table=tablename --inserts --attribute-inserts etc.

Count multiple columns with group by in one query

One solution is to wrap it in a subquery

    SELECT COUNT(column1),column1 FROM table GROUP BY column1
    SELECT COUNT(column2),column2 FROM table GROUP BY column2
    SELECT COUNT(column3),column3 FROM table GROUP BY column3
) s

How to run TypeScript files from command line?

For environments such as Webstorm where the node command cannot be changed to ts-node or npx:

  1. npm install ts-node typescript (Install dependencies)
  2. node --require ts-node/register src/foo.ts (Add --require ts-node/register to "Node parameters")

Is there a better jQuery solution to this.form.submit();?

Similar to Matthew's answer, I just found that you can do the following:


Wrong: The problem with using the parent functionality is that the field needs to be immediately within the form to work (not inside tds, labels, etc).

I stand corrected: parents (with an s) also works. Thxs Paolo for pointing that out.

Open Source Javascript PDF viewer

There are some guys at Mozilla working on implementing a PDF reader using HTML5 and JavaScript. It is called pdf.js and one of the developers just made an interesting blog post about the project.

How to install latest version of Node using Brew

Just used this solution with Homebrew 0.9.5 and it seemed like a quick solution to upgrade to the latest stable version of node.

brew update

This will install the latest version

brew install node

Unlink your current version of node use, node -v, to find this

brew unlink node012

This will change to the most up to date version of node.

brew link node

Note: This solution worked as a result of me getting this error:

Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/node

Get first element in PHP stdObject

Update PHP 7.4

Curly brace access syntax is deprecated since PHP 7.4

Update 2019

Moving on to the best practices of OOPS, @MrTrick's answer must be marked as correct, although my answer provides a hacked solution its not the best method.

Simply iterate its using {}



This way your object is not destroyed and you can easily iterate through object.

For PHP 5.6 and below use this


Both array() and the stdClass objects can be accessed using the current() key() next() prev() reset() end() functions.

So, if your object looks like

object(stdClass)#19 (3) {
  object(stdClass)#20 (22) {
    string(1) "123"

Then you can just do;

$id = reset($obj)->id; //Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

If you need the key for some reason, you can do;

reset($obj); //Ensure that we're at the first element
$key = key($obj);

Hope that works for you. :-) No errors, even in super-strict mode, on PHP 5.4

2022 Update:
After PHP 7.4, using current(), end(), etc functions on objects is deprecated.

In newer versions of PHP, use the ArrayIterator class:

$objIterator = new ArrayIterator($obj);

$id = $objIterator->current()->id; // Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

$key = $objIterator->key(); // and gets the key

Insert into ... values ( SELECT ... FROM ... )

If you go the INSERT VALUES route to insert multiple rows, make sure to delimit the VALUES into sets using parentheses, so:

INSERT INTO `receiving_table`
  (1003,'George', 'Boole'),

Otherwise MySQL objects that "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1", and you end up writing a trivial post when you finally figure out what to do about it.

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

It cost me a little bit to understand what was the difference, but this is a simple explanation. master in your localhost is a branch.

When you clone a repository you fetch the entire repository to you local host. This means that at that time you have an origin/master pointer to HEAD and master pointing to the same HEAD.

when you start working and do commits you advance the master pointer to HEAD + your commits. But the origin/master pointer is still pointing to what it was when you cloned.

So the difference will be:

  • If you do a git fetch it will just fetch all the changes in the remote repository (GitHub) and move the origin/master pointer to HEAD. Meanwhile your local branch master will keep pointing to where it has.
  • If you do a git pull, it will do basically fetch (as explained previously) and merge any new changes to your master branch and move the pointer to HEAD.

Convert file: Uri to File in Android

Get the input stream using content resolver

InputStream inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);

Then copy the input stream into a file

FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, file);

Sample utility method:

private File toFile(Uri uri) throws IOException {
        String displayName = "";
        Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);

        if(cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()){
            try {
                displayName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME));
            }finally {

        File file =  File.createTempFile(
        InputStream inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
        FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, file);
        return file;

Versioning SQL Server database

You could also look at a migrations solution. These allow you to specify your database schema in C# code, and roll your database version up and down using MSBuild.

I'm currently using DbUp, and it's been working well.

Good beginners tutorial to

A 'fun' way to learn is to play BrowserQuest by mozilla and look at its source code :-)

How to export table as CSV with headings on Postgresql?

I am posting this answer because none of the other answers given here actually worked for me. I could not use COPY from within Postgres, because I did not have the correct permissions. So I chose "Export grid rows" and saved the output as UTF-8.

The psql version given by @Brian also did not work for me, for a different reason. The reason it did not work is that apparently the Windows command prompt (I was using Windows) was meddling around with the encoding on its own. I kept getting this error:

ERROR: character with byte sequence 0x81 in encoding "WIN1252" has no equivalent in encoding "UTF8"

The solution I ended up using was to write a short JDBC script (Java) which read the CSV file and issued insert statements directly into my Postgres table. This worked, but the command prompt also would have worked had it not been altering the encoding.

How can I change the value of the elements in a vector?

You can simply access it like an array i.e. v[i] = v[i] - some_num;

Calculate Pandas DataFrame Time Difference Between Two Columns in Hours and Minutes

Pandas timestamp differences returns a datetime.timedelta object. This can easily be converted into hours by using the *as_type* method, like so

import pandas
df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['to','fr','ans']) = [pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-24 13:03:12.050000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-27 11:57:18.240000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-23 10:07:47.660000')] = [pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-26 23:41:21.870000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-27 15:38:22.540000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-23 18:50:41.420000')]

to yield,

0    58
1     3
2     8
dtype: float64

Exit while loop by user hitting ENTER key

You are nearly there. the easiest way to get this done would be to search for an empty variable, which is what you get when pressing enter at an input request. My code below is 3.5

running = 1
while running == 1:

    user = input(str('Enter <Carriage return> only to exit: '))

    if user == '':
        running = 0
        print('You had one job...')

Javascript array sort and unique

No redundant "return" array, no ECMA5 built-ins (I'm pretty sure!) and simple to read.

function removeDuplicates(target_array) {
    var i = 0;

    while(i < target_array.length) {
        if(target_array[i] === target_array[i+1]) {
        else {
            i += 1;
    return target_array;

Do I need to compile the header files in a C program?

I think we do need preprocess(maybe NOT call the compile) the head file. Because from my understanding, during the compile stage, the head file should be included in c file. For example, in test.h we have

typedef enum{

and in test.c we have

void foo()
    test_t test;

during the compile, i think the compiler will put the code in head file and c file together and code in head file will be pre-processed and substitute the code in c file. Meanwhile, we'd better to define the include path in makefile.

A terminal command for a rooted Android to remount /System as read/write

I use this command:

mount -o rw,remount /system