Take a look at Traverse. It will recursively walk an object tree for you and at every node you have a number of different objects you can access - key of current node, value of current node, parent of current node, full key path of current node, etc. https://github.com/substack/js-traverse. I've used it to good effect on objects that I wanted to scrub circular references to and when I need to do a deep clone while transforming various data bits. Here's some code pulled form their samples to give you a flavor of what it can do.
var id = 54;
var callbacks = {};
var obj = { moo : function () {}, foo : [2,3,4, function () {}] };
var scrubbed = traverse(obj).map(function (x) {
if (typeof x === 'function') {
callbacks[id] = { id : id, f : x, path : this.path };