Programs & Examples On #Full text catalog

Set time to 00:00:00

Here are couple of utility functions I use to do just this.

 * sets all the time related fields to ZERO!
 * @param date
 * @return Date with hours, minutes, seconds and ms set to ZERO!
public static Date zeroTime( final Date date )
    return DateTimeUtil.setTime( date, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

 * Set the time of the given Date
 * @param date
 * @param hourOfDay
 * @param minute
 * @param second
 * @param ms
 * @return new instance of java.util.Date with the time set
public static Date setTime( final Date date, final int hourOfDay, final int minute, final int second, final int ms )
    final GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
    gc.setTime( date );
    gc.set( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hourOfDay );
    gc.set( Calendar.MINUTE, minute );
    gc.set( Calendar.SECOND, second );
    gc.set( Calendar.MILLISECOND, ms );
    return gc.getTime();

Wait for page load in Selenium

NodeJS Solution:

In Nodejs you can get it via promises...

If you write this code, you can be sure that the page is fully loaded when you get to the then...

driver.get('').then(()=> {
    // here the page is fully loaded!!!
    // do your stuff...

If you write this code, you will navigate, and selenium will wait 3 seconds...

// you can't be sure that the page is fully loaded!!!
// do your stuff... hope it will be OK...

From Selenium documentation:

this.get( url ) ? Thenable

Schedules a command to navigate to the given URL.

Returns a promise that will be resolved when the document has finished loading.

Selenium Documentation (Nodejs)

Keep the order of the JSON keys during JSON conversion to CSV


I used the JSON.simple library from here to read the JSON string to keep the order of keys and use JavaCSV library from here to convert to CSV format.

Convert Uri to String and String to Uri

I am not sure if you got this resolved. To follow up on "CommonsWare's" comment.

That is not a valid string representation of a Uri. A Uri has a scheme, and "/external/images/media/470939" does not have a scheme.


Uri uri=Uri.parse("/external/images/media/470939");


Uri uri=Uri.parse("content://external/images/media/470939");

in my case

Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://media/external/images/media/6562");

How can I create a correlation matrix in R?

The cor function will use the columns of the matrix in the calculation of correlation. So, the number of rows must be the same between your matrix x and matrix y. Ex.:

x <- matrix(rnorm(20), nrow=5, ncol=4)
y <- matrix(rnorm(15), nrow=5, ncol=3)
COR <- cor(x,y)
image(x=seq(dim(x)[2]), y=seq(dim(y)[2]), z=COR, xlab="x column", ylab="y column")
text(expand.grid(x=seq(dim(x)[2]), y=seq(dim(y)[2])), labels=round(c(COR),2))

enter image description here


Here is an example of custom row and column labels on a correlation matrix calculated with a single matrix:

png("corplot.png", width=5, height=5, units="in", res=200)
op <- par(mar=c(6,6,1,1), ps=10)
COR <- cor(iris[,1:4])
image(x=seq(nrow(COR)), y=seq(ncol(COR)), z=cor(iris[,1:4]), axes=F, xlab="", ylab="")
text(expand.grid(x=seq(dim(COR)[1]), y=seq(dim(COR)[2])), labels=round(c(COR),2))
axis(1, at=seq(nrow(COR)), labels = rownames(COR), las=2)
axis(2, at=seq(ncol(COR)), labels = colnames(COR), las=1)

enter image description here

Url.Action parameters?

This works for MVC 5:

<a href="@Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName", new { paramName1 = item.paramValue1, paramName2 = item.paramValue2 })" >
    Link text

Can't drop table: A foreign key constraint fails

This probably has the same table to other schema the reason why you're getting that error.

You need to drop first the child row then the parent row.

Why does sed not replace all occurrences?

You have to put a g at the end, it stands for "global":

echo dog dog dos | sed -r 's:dog:log:g'

git pull keeping local changes

If you have a file in your repo that it is supposed to be customized by most pullers, then rename the file to something like config.php.template and add config.php to your .gitignore.

How to resolve TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object


if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { return undefined;} // return undefined for undefined
if (obj === 'null') { return null;} // null unchanged


if (obj === undefined) { return undefined;} // return undefined for undefined 
if (obj === null) { return null;} // null unchanged

Excel - Shading entire row based on change of value

I have found a simple solution to banding by content at Pearson Software Consulting: Let's say the header is from A1 to B1, table data is from A2 to B5, the controling cell is in the A column

  1. Make a new column, C
  2. At first the first row to color make the formula =true in the C2 cell
  3. In the second row make the formula =IF(A3=A2,C2,NOT(C2))
  4. Fill the column down to the last row
  5. Select the data range
  6. Select conditional formatting, choose Use a formula... and put =$C2 as the formula

iOS: UIButton resize according to text length


  1. Create UIView as wrapper with auto layout to views around.
  2. Put UILabel inside that wrapper. Add constraints that will stick tyour label to edges of wrapper.
  3. Put UIButton inside your wrapper, then simple add the same constraints as you did for UILabel.
  4. Enjoy your autosized button along with text.

HTTP GET with request body

If you really want to send cachable JSON/XML body to web application the only reasonable place to put your data is query string encoded with RFC4648: Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet. Of course you could just urlencode JSON and put is in URL param's value, but Base64 gives smaller result. Keep in mind that there are URL size restrictions, see What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers? .

You may think that Base64's padding = character may be bad for URL's param value, however it seems not - see this discussion: . However you shouldn't put encoded data without param name because encoded string with padding will be interpreted as param key with empty value. I would use something like ?_b64=<encodeddata>.

How to correctly dismiss a DialogFragment?

You should dismiss you Dialog in onPause() so override it.

Also before dismissing you can check for null and is showing like below snippet:

protected void onPause() {
    if (dialog != null && dialog.isShowing()) {

Check if a record exists in the database

I was asking myself the same question, and I found no clear answers, so I created a simple test.

I tried to add 100 rows with duplicate primary keys and measured the time needed to process it. I am using SQL Server 2014 Developer and Entity Framework 6.1.3 with a custom repository.

Dim newE As New Employee With {.Name = "e"}
For index = 1 To 100
  Dim e = employees.Select(Function(item) item.Name = "e").FirstOrDefault()
  If e Is Nothing Then
  End If

2.1 seconds

Dim newE As New Employee With {.Name = "e"}
For index = 1 To 100
  Catch ex As Exception
  End Try

3.1 seconds

Returning anonymous type in C#

With reflection.

public object tst() {
    var a = new {
        prop1 = "test1",
        prop2 = "test2"

    return a;

public string tst2(object anonymousObject, string propName) {
    return anonymousObject.GetType().GetProperties()
        .Where(w => w.Name == propName)
        .Select(s => s.GetValue(anonymousObject))


object a = tst();
var val = tst2(a, "prop2");



MySQL how to join tables on two fields


Remove Elements from a HashSet while Iterating

Java 8 Collection has a nice method called removeIf that makes things easier and safer. From the API docs:

default boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter)
Removes all of the elements of this collection that satisfy the given predicate. 
Errors or runtime exceptions thrown during iteration or by the predicate 
are relayed to the caller.

Interesting note:

The default implementation traverses all elements of the collection using its iterator(). 
Each matching element is removed using Iterator.remove().


console.log not working in Angular2 Component (Typescript)

It's not working because console.log() it's not in a "executable area" of the class "App".

A class is a structure composed by attributes and methods.

The only way to have your code executed is to place it inside a method that is going to be executed. For instance: constructor()

console.log('It works here')_x000D_
export class App {_x000D_
 s: string = "Hello2";_x000D_
  constructor() {_x000D_
    console.log(this.s)            _x000D_
  }            _x000D_

Think of class like a plain javascript object.

Would it make sense to expect this to work?

class:  {_x000D_
  s: string,_x000D_

If you still unsure, try the typescript playground where you can see your typescript code generated into plain javascript.

bitwise XOR of hex numbers in python

If the two hex strings are the same length and you want a hex string output then you might try this.

def hexxor(a, b):    # xor two hex strings of the same length
    return "".join(["%x" % (int(x,16) ^ int(y,16)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b)])

Opencv - Grayscale mode Vs gray color conversion

Note: This is not a duplicate, because the OP is aware that the image from cv2.imread is in BGR format (unlike the suggested duplicate question that assumed it was RGB hence the provided answers only address that issue)

To illustrate, I've opened up this same color JPEG image:

enter image description here

once using the conversion

img = cv2.imread(path)
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

and another by loading it in gray scale mode

img_gray_mode = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

Like you've documented, the diff between the two images is not perfectly 0, I can see diff pixels in towards the left and the bottom

enter image description here

I've summed up the diff too to see

import numpy as np
# I got 6143, on a 494 x 750 image

I tried all cv2.imread() modes

Among all the IMREAD_ modes for cv2.imread(), only IMREAD_COLOR and IMREAD_ANYCOLOR can be converted using COLOR_BGR2GRAY, and both of them gave me the same diff against the image opened in IMREAD_GRAYSCALE

The difference doesn't seem that big. My guess is comes from the differences in the numeric calculations in the two methods (loading grayscale vs conversion to grayscale)

Naturally what you want to avoid is fine tuning your code on a particular version of the image just to find out it was suboptimal for images coming from a different source.

In brief, let's not mix the versions and types in the processing pipeline.

So I'd keep the image sources homogenous, e.g. if you have capturing the image from a video camera in BGR, then I'd use BGR as the source, and do the BGR to grayscale conversion cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

Vice versa if my ultimate source is grayscale then I'd open the files and the video capture in gray scale cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

Optimal way to DELETE specified rows from Oracle

In advance of my questions being answered, this is how I'd go about it:

Minimize the number of statements and the work they do issued in relative terms.

All scenarios assume you have a table of IDs (PURGE_IDS) to delete from TABLE_1, TABLE_2, etc.

Consider Using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT for really large deletes

If there's no concurrent activity, and you're deleting 30+ % of the rows in one or more of the tables, don't delete; perform a create table as select with the rows you wish to keep, and swap the new table out for the old table. INSERT /*+ APPEND */ ... NOLOGGING is surprisingly cheap if you can afford it. Even if you do have some concurrent activity, you may be able to use Online Table Redefinition to rebuild the table in-place.

Don't run DELETE statements you know won't delete any rows

If an ID value exists in at most one of the six tables, then keep track of which IDs you've deleted - and don't try to delete those IDs from any of the other tables.





and repeat.

Manage Concurrency if you have to

Another way is to use PL/SQL looping over the tables, issuing a rowcount-limited delete statement. This is most likely appropriate if there's significant insert/update/delete concurrent load against the tables you're running the deletes against.

  l_sql varchar2(4000);
  for i in (select table_name from all_tables 
             where table_name in ('TABLE_1', 'TABLE_2', ...)
             order by table_name);
    l_sql := 'delete from ' || i.table_name || 
             ' where id in (select id from purge_ids) ' || 
             '   and rownum <= 1000000';
      execute immediate l_sql;
      exit when sql%rowcount <> 1000000;  -- if we delete less than 1,000,000
    end loop;                             -- no more rows need to be deleted!
  end loop;

How to check String in response body with mockMvc

One possible approach is to simply include gson dependency:


and parse the value to make your verifications:

public class HelloControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private HelloService helloService;

    public void before() {
        Mockito.when(helloService.message()).thenReturn("hello world!");

    public void testMessage() throws Exception {
        MvcResult mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/"))

        String responseBody = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
        ResponseDto responseDto
                = new Gson().fromJson(responseBody, ResponseDto.class);
        Assertions.assertThat(responseDto.message).isEqualTo("hello world!");

How to clear a data grid view

You could take this next instruction and would do the work with lack of perfomance. If you want to see the effect of that, put one of the 2 next instructions (Technically similars) where you need to clear the DataGridView into a try{} catch(...){} finally block and wait what occurs.

     while (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 1)

    foreach (object _Cols in dataGridView1.Columns)

You improve this task but its not enough, there is a problem to reset a DataGridView, because of the colums that remains in the DataGridView object. Finally I suggest, the best way i've implemented in my home practice is to handle this gridView as a file with rows, columns: a record collection based on the match between rows and columns. If you can improve, then take your own choice a) or b): foreach or while.

     //(a): With foreach 
    foreach (object _Cols in dataGridView1.Columns)

    foreach(object _row in dataGridView1.Rows){

    //(b): With foreach 
    while (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 1)
    while (dataGridView1.Columns.Count > 0)

Well, as a recomendation Never in your life delete the columns first, the order is before the rows after the cols, because logically the columns where created first and then the rows.It would be a penalty in terms of correct analisys.

     foreach (object _Cols in dataGridView1.Columns)
    foreach (object _row in dataGridView1.Rows)
    while (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 1)

    while (dataGridView1.Columns.Count > 0)

Then, Put it inside a function or method.

 private void ClearDataGridViewLoopWhile()
    while (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 1)

    while (dataGridView1.Columns.Count > 0)

private void ClearDataGridViewForEach()
    foreach (object _Cols in dataGridView1.Columns)
    foreach (object _row in dataGridView1.Rows)

Finally, call your new function ClearDataGridViewLoopWhile(); or ClearDataGridViewForEach(); where you need to use it, but its recomended when you are making queries and changing over severall tables that will load with diferents header names in the grieView. But if you want preserve headers here there is a solution given.

Get week number (in the year) from a date PHP

Just as a suggestion:

<?php echo date("W", strtotime("2012-10-18")); ?>

Might be a little simpler than all that lot.

Other things you could do:

<?php echo date("Weeknumber: W", strtotime("2012-10-18 01:00:00")); ?>
<?php echo date("Weeknumber: W", strtotime($MY_DATE)); ?>

Node.js - Find home directory in platform agnostic way

os.homedir() was added by this PR and is part of the public 4.0.0 release of nodejs.

Example usage:

const os = require('os');


Right way to write JSON deserializer in Spring or extend it

I was trying to @Autowire a Spring-managed service into my Deserializer. Somebody tipped me off to Jackson using the new operator when invoking the serializers/deserializers. This meant no auto-wiring of Jackson's instance of my Deserializer. Here's how I was able to @Autowire my service class into my Deserializer:


    <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
      <property name="objectMapper" ref="objectMapper" />
<bean id="objectMapper" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean">
    <!-- Add deserializers that require autowiring -->
    <property name="deserializersByType">
        <map key-type="java.lang.Class">
            <entry key="com.acme.Anchor">
                <bean class="com.acme.AnchorDeserializer" />

Now that my Deserializer is a Spring-managed bean, auto-wiring works!

public class AnchorDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Anchor> {
    private AnchorService anchorService;
    public Anchor deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context)
             throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        // Do stuff

public class AnchorService {}

Update: While my original answer worked for me back when I wrote this, @xi.lin's response is exactly what is needed. Nice find!

How do I get the full path to a Perl script that is executing?

There's no need to use external modules, with just one line you can have the file name and relative path. If you are using modules and need to apply a path relative to the script directory, the relative path is enough.

$0 =~ m/(.+)[\/\\](.+)$/;
print "full path: $1, file name: $2\n";

Can my enums have friendly names?

After reading many resources regarding this topic, including StackOverFlow, I find that not all solutions are working properly. Below is our attempt to fix this.

Basically, We take the friendly name of an Enum from a DescriptionAttribute if it exists.
If it does not We use RegEx to determine the words within the Enum name and add spaces.

Next version, we will use another Attribute to flag whether we can/should take the friendly name from a localizable resource file.

Below are the test cases. Please report if you have another test case that do not pass.

public static class EnumHelper
    public static string ToDescription(Enum value)
        if (value == null)
            return string.Empty;

        if (!Enum.IsDefined(value.GetType(), value))
            return string.Empty;

        FieldInfo fieldInfo = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
        if (fieldInfo != null)
            DescriptionAttribute[] attributes =
                fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false) as DescriptionAttribute[];
            if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
                return attributes[0].Description;

        return StringHelper.ToFriendlyName(value.ToString());

public static class StringHelper
    public static bool IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string value)
        return value == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Trim());

    public static string ToFriendlyName(string value)
        if (value == null) return string.Empty;
        if (value.Trim().Length == 0) return string.Empty;

        string result = value;

        result = string.Concat(result.Substring(0, 1).ToUpperInvariant(), result.Substring(1, result.Length - 1));

        const string pattern = @"([A-Z]+(?![a-z])|\d+|[A-Z][a-z]+|(?![A-Z])[a-z]+)+";

        List<string> words = new List<string>();
        Match match = Regex.Match(result, pattern);
        if (match.Success)
            Group group = match.Groups[1];
            foreach (Capture capture in group.Captures)

        return string.Join(" ", words.ToArray());

    public void TestFriendlyName()
        string[][] cases =
                new string[] {null, string.Empty},
                new string[] {string.Empty, string.Empty},
                new string[] {" ", string.Empty}, 
                new string[] {"A", "A"},
                new string[] {"z", "Z"},

                new string[] {"Pascal", "Pascal"},
                new string[] {"camel", "Camel"},

                new string[] {"PascalCase", "Pascal Case"}, 
                new string[] {"ABCPascal", "ABC Pascal"}, 
                new string[] {"PascalABC", "Pascal ABC"}, 
                new string[] {"Pascal123", "Pascal 123"}, 
                new string[] {"Pascal123ABC", "Pascal 123 ABC"}, 
                new string[] {"PascalABC123", "Pascal ABC 123"}, 
                new string[] {"123Pascal", "123 Pascal"}, 
                new string[] {"123ABCPascal", "123 ABC Pascal"}, 
                new string[] {"ABC123Pascal", "ABC 123 Pascal"}, 

                new string[] {"camelCase", "Camel Case"}, 
                new string[] {"camelABC", "Camel ABC"}, 
                new string[] {"camel123", "Camel 123"}, 

        foreach (string[] givens in cases)
            string input = givens[0];
            string expected = givens[1];
            string output = StringHelper.ToFriendlyName(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output);

What linux shell command returns a part of a string?

If you are looking for a shell utility to do something like that, you can use the cut command.

To take your example, try:

echo "abcdefg" | cut -c3-5

which yields


Where -cN-M tells the cut command to return columns N to M, inclusive.

Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

Answer is adding to @Sebas' answer - setting the collation of my local environment. Do not try this on production.

ALTER DATABASE databasename CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

ALTER TABLE tablename CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

Source of this solution

How to make rounded percentages add up to 100%

check if this is valid or not as far as my test cases I am able to get this working.

let's say number is k;

  1. sort percentage by descending oder.
  2. iterate over each percentage from descending order.
  3. calculate percentage of k for first percentage take Math.Ceil of output.
  4. next k = k-1
  5. iterate over till all percentage is consumed.

How can you get the Manifest Version number from the App's (Layout) XML variables?

You can't use it from the XML.

You need to extend the widget you are using in the XML and add the logic to set the text using what's mentioned on Konstantin Burov's answer.

Examples of Algorithms which has O(1), O(n log n) and O(log n) complexities

I can offer you some general algorithms...

  • O(1): Accessing an element in an array (i.e. int i = a[9])
  • O(n log n): quick or mergesort (On average)
  • O(log n): Binary search

These would be the gut responses as this sounds like homework/interview kind of question. If you are looking for something more concrete it's a little harder as the public in general would have no idea of the underlying implementation (Sparing open source of course) of a popular application, nor does the concept in general apply to an "application"

Are the PUT, DELETE, HEAD, etc methods available in most web browsers?

_method hidden field workaround

Used in Rails and could be adapted to any framework:

  • add a hidden _method parameter to any form that is not GET or POST:

    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE">

    This can be done automatically in frameworks through the HTML creation helper method (e.g. Rails form_tag)

  • fix the actual form method to POST (<form method="post")

  • processes _method on the server and do exactly as if that method had been sent instead of the actual POST

Rationale / history of why it is not possible:

final keyword in method parameters

Consider this implementation of foo():

public void foo(final String a) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

Because the Runnable instance would outlive the method, this wouldn't compile without the final keyword -- final tells the compiler that it's safe to take a copy of the reference (to refer to it later). Thus, it's the reference that's considered final, not the value. In other words: As a caller, you can't mess anything up...

How to change the height of a div dynamically based on another div using css?

#container-of-boxes {
    display: table;
    width: 1158px;
#box-1 {
    width: 578px;
#box-2 {
    width: 386px;
#box-3 {
    width: 194px;
#box-1, #box-2, #box-3 {
    min-height: 210px;
    padding-bottom: 20px;
    display: table-cell;
    height: auto;
    overflow: hidden;
  • The container must have display:table
  • The boxes inside container must be: display:table-cell
  • Don't put floats.

How to ISO 8601 format a Date with Timezone Offset in JavaScript?

getTimezoneOffset() returns the opposite sign of the format required by the spec that you referenced.

This format is also known as ISO8601, or more precisely as RFC3339.

In this format, UTC is represented with a Z while all other formats are represented by an offset from UTC. The meaning is the same as JavaScript's, but the order of subtraction is inverted, so the result carries the opposite sign.

Also, there is no method on the native Date object called format, so your function in #1 will fail unless you are using a library to achieve this. Refer to this documentation.

If you are seeking a library that can work with this format directly, I recommend trying moment.js. In fact, this is the default format, so you can simply do this:

var m = moment();    // get "now" as a moment
var s = m.format();  // the ISO format is the default so no parameters are needed

// sample output:   2013-07-01T17:55:13-07:00

This is a well-tested, cross-browser solution, and has many other useful features.

disable editing default value of text input

I don't think all the other answerers understood the question correctly. The question requires disabling editing part of the text. One solution I can think of is simulating a textbox with a fixed prefix which is not part of the textarea or input.

An example of this approach is:

<div style="border:1px solid gray; color:#999999; font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; width:200px; white-space:nowrap;">Default Notes<br/>
<textarea style="border:0px solid black;" cols="39" rows="5"></textarea></div>

The other approach, which I end up using is using JS and JQuery to simulate "Disable" feature. Example with pseudo-code (cannot be specific cause of legal issue):

  // disable existing notes by preventing keystroke
  document.getElementById("txtNotes").addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
    if (cursorLocation < defaultNoteLength ) {

    // disable existing notes by preventing right click
    document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) {
        if (cursorLocation < defaultNoteLength )

Thanks, Carsten, for mentioning that this question is old, but I found that the solution might help other people in the future.

How to change the color of a SwitchCompat from AppCompat library

I think the answer in the link below is better

How to change the track color of a SwitchCompat

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
   <!-- Active thumb color & Active track color(30% transparency) -->
   <item name="colorControlActivated">@color/theme</item>
   <!-- Inactive thumb color -->
   <item name="colorSwitchThumbNormal">@color/grey300</item>
   <!-- Inactive track color(30% transparency) -->
   <item name="android:colorForeground">@color/grey600</item>

Python: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Instead of doing recursion, the parts of the code with checkNextID(ID + 18) and similar could be replaced with ID+=18, and then if you remove all instances of return 0, then it should do the same thing but as a simple loop. You should then put a return 0 at the end and make your variables non-global.

JCheckbox - ActionListener and ItemListener?

Both ItemListener as well as ActionListener, in case of JCheckBox have the same behaviour. However, major difference is ItemListener can be triggered by calling the setSelected(true) on the checkbox. As a coding practice do not register both ItemListener as well as ActionListener with the JCheckBox, in order to avoid inconsistency.

How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner?

My solution uses onTouchListener but doesn't restricts from its use. It creates a wrapper for onTouchListener if necessary where setup onItemSelectedListener.

public class Spinner extends android.widget.Spinner {
    /* ...constructors... */

    private OnTouchListener onTouchListener;
    private OnItemSelectedListener onItemSelectedListener;

    public void setOnItemSelectedListener(OnItemSelectedListener listener) {
        onItemSelectedListener = listener;
        super.setOnTouchListener(wrapTouchListener(onTouchListener, onItemSelectedListener));

    public void setOnTouchListener(OnTouchListener listener) {
        onTouchListener = listener;
        super.setOnTouchListener(wrapTouchListener(onTouchListener, onItemSelectedListener));

    private OnTouchListener wrapTouchListener(final OnTouchListener onTouchListener, final OnItemSelectedListener onItemSelectedListener) {
        return onItemSelectedListener != null ? new OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
                return onTouchListener != null && onTouchListener.onTouch(view, motionEvent);
        } : onTouchListener;

How to enable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp?

On a Windows platform,

  1. Find your my.ini configuration file.
  2. In my.ini go to the [mysqld] section.
  3. Add explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=true without quotes and save the change.
  4. Start mysqld

This worked for me (windows 7 Ultimate 32bit)

Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation

Well, I am still stumped. So here is more code.

Before I leave my map, I call SaveLocation(myMapView,myMapController); This is what ends up calling my geocoding information.

But since getFromLocation can throw an IOException, I had to do the following to call SaveLocation

catch (IOException e) 
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Then I have to change SaveLocation by saying it throws IOExceptions :

 public void SaveLocation(MapView mv, MapController mc) throws IOException{
    //I do this : 
    Geocoder myLocation = new Geocoder(getApplicationContext(), Locale.getDefault());   
    List myList = myLocation.getFromLocation(latPoint, lngPoint, 1);

And it crashes every time.

Reliable and fast FFT in Java

I wrote a function for the FFT in Java:

It's in the Public Domain so you can use those functions everywhere (personal or business projects too). Just cite me in the credits and send me just a link of your work, and you're ok.

It is completely reliable. I've checked its output against the Mathematica's FFT and they were always correct until the 15th decimal digit. I think it's a very good FFT implementation for Java. I wrote it on the J2SE 1.6 version, and tested it on the J2SE 1.5-1.6 version.

If you count the number of instruction (it's a lot much simpler than a perfect computational complexity function estimation) you can clearly see that this version is great even if it's not optimized at all. I'm planning to publish the optimized version if there are enough requests.

Let me know if it was useful, and tell me any comment you like.

I share the same code right here:

* @author Orlando Selenu
public class FFTbase {
 * The Fast Fourier Transform (generic version, with NO optimizations).
 * @param inputReal
 *            an array of length n, the real part
 * @param inputImag
 *            an array of length n, the imaginary part
 * @param DIRECT
 *            TRUE = direct transform, FALSE = inverse transform
 * @return a new array of length 2n
public static double[] fft(final double[] inputReal, double[] inputImag,
                           boolean DIRECT) {
    // - n is the dimension of the problem
    // - nu is its logarithm in base e
    int n = inputReal.length;

    // If n is a power of 2, then ld is an integer (_without_ decimals)
    double ld = Math.log(n) / Math.log(2.0);

    // Here I check if n is a power of 2. If exist decimals in ld, I quit
    // from the function returning null.
    if (((int) ld) - ld != 0) {
        System.out.println("The number of elements is not a power of 2.");
        return null;

    // Declaration and initialization of the variables
    // ld should be an integer, actually, so I don't lose any information in
    // the cast
    int nu = (int) ld;
    int n2 = n / 2;
    int nu1 = nu - 1;
    double[] xReal = new double[n];
    double[] xImag = new double[n];
    double tReal, tImag, p, arg, c, s;

    // Here I check if I'm going to do the direct transform or the inverse
    // transform.
    double constant;
    if (DIRECT)
        constant = -2 * Math.PI;
        constant = 2 * Math.PI;

    // I don't want to overwrite the input arrays, so here I copy them. This
    // choice adds \Theta(2n) to the complexity.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        xReal[i] = inputReal[i];
        xImag[i] = inputImag[i];

    // First phase - calculation
    int k = 0;
    for (int l = 1; l <= nu; l++) {
        while (k < n) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= n2; i++) {
                p = bitreverseReference(k >> nu1, nu);
                // direct FFT or inverse FFT
                arg = constant * p / n;
                c = Math.cos(arg);
                s = Math.sin(arg);
                tReal = xReal[k + n2] * c + xImag[k + n2] * s;
                tImag = xImag[k + n2] * c - xReal[k + n2] * s;
                xReal[k + n2] = xReal[k] - tReal;
                xImag[k + n2] = xImag[k] - tImag;
                xReal[k] += tReal;
                xImag[k] += tImag;
            k += n2;
        k = 0;
        n2 /= 2;

    // Second phase - recombination
    k = 0;
    int r;
    while (k < n) {
        r = bitreverseReference(k, nu);
        if (r > k) {
            tReal = xReal[k];
            tImag = xImag[k];
            xReal[k] = xReal[r];
            xImag[k] = xImag[r];
            xReal[r] = tReal;
            xImag[r] = tImag;

    // Here I have to mix xReal and xImag to have an array (yes, it should
    // be possible to do this stuff in the earlier parts of the code, but
    // it's here to readibility).
    double[] newArray = new double[xReal.length * 2];
    double radice = 1 / Math.sqrt(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < newArray.length; i += 2) {
        int i2 = i / 2;
        // I used Stephen Wolfram's Mathematica as a reference so I'm going
        // to normalize the output while I'm copying the elements.
        newArray[i] = xReal[i2] * radice;
        newArray[i + 1] = xImag[i2] * radice;
    return newArray;

 * The reference bitreverse function.
private static int bitreverseReference(int j, int nu) {
    int j2;
    int j1 = j;
    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= nu; i++) {
        j2 = j1 / 2;
        k = 2 * k + j1 - 2 * j2;
        j1 = j2;
    return k;

Using Service to run background and create notification

The question is relatively old, but I hope this post still might be relevant for others.

TL;DR: use AlarmManager to schedule a task, use IntentService, see the sample code here;

What this test-application(and instruction) is about:

Simple helloworld app, which sends you notification every 2 hours. Clicking on notification - opens secondary Activity in the app; deleting notification tracks.

When should you use it:

Once you need to run some task on a scheduled basis. My own case: once a day, I want to fetch new content from server, compose a notification based on the content I got and show it to user.

What to do:

  1. First, let's create 2 activities: MainActivity, which starts notification-service and NotificationActivity, which will be started by clicking notification:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
            android:text="Start Sending Notifications Every 2 Hours!" />

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        public void onSendNotificationsButtonClick(View view) {

    and NotificationActivity is any random activity you can come up with. NB! Don't forget to add both activities into AndroidManifest.

  2. Then let's create WakefulBroadcastReceiver broadcast receiver, I called NotificationEventReceiver in code above.

    Here, we'll set up AlarmManager to fire PendingIntent every 2 hours (or with any other frequency), and specify the handled actions for this intent in onReceive() method. In our case - wakefully start IntentService, which we'll specify in the later steps. This IntentService would generate notifications for us.

    Also, this receiver would contain some helper-methods like creating PendintIntents, which we'll use later

    NB1! As I'm using WakefulBroadcastReceiver, I need to add extra-permission into my manifest: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

    NB2! I use it wakeful version of broadcast receiver, as I want to ensure, that the device does not go back to sleep during my IntentService's operation. In the hello-world it's not that important (we have no long-running operation in our service, but imagine, if you have to fetch some relatively huge files from server during this operation). Read more about Device Awake here.

    public class NotificationEventReceiver extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver {
        private static final int NOTIFICATIONS_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS = 2;
        public static void setupAlarm(Context context) {
            AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
            PendingIntent alarmIntent = getStartPendingIntent(context);
                    getTriggerAt(new Date()),
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String action = intent.getAction();
            Intent serviceIntent = null;
            if (ACTION_START_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE.equals(action)) {
                Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onReceive from alarm, starting notification service");
                serviceIntent = NotificationIntentService.createIntentStartNotificationService(context);
            } else if (ACTION_DELETE_NOTIFICATION.equals(action)) {
                Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onReceive delete notification action, starting notification service to handle delete");
                serviceIntent = NotificationIntentService.createIntentDeleteNotification(context);
            if (serviceIntent != null) {
                startWakefulService(context, serviceIntent);
        private static long getTriggerAt(Date now) {
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            //calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, NOTIFICATIONS_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS);
            return calendar.getTimeInMillis();
        private static PendingIntent getStartPendingIntent(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationEventReceiver.class);
            return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
        public static PendingIntent getDeleteIntent(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationEventReceiver.class);
            return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
  3. Now let's create an IntentService to actually create notifications.

    There, we specify onHandleIntent() which is responses on NotificationEventReceiver's intent we passed in startWakefulService method.

    If it's Delete action - we can log it to our analytics, for example. If it's Start notification intent - then by using NotificationCompat.Builder we're composing new notification and showing it by NotificationManager.notify. While composing notification, we are also setting pending intents for click and remove actions. Fairly Easy.

    public class NotificationIntentService extends IntentService {
        private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1;
        private static final String ACTION_START = "ACTION_START";
        private static final String ACTION_DELETE = "ACTION_DELETE";
        public NotificationIntentService() {
        public static Intent createIntentStartNotificationService(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationIntentService.class);
            return intent;
        public static Intent createIntentDeleteNotification(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationIntentService.class);
            return intent;
        protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
            Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onHandleIntent, started handling a notification event");
            try {
                String action = intent.getAction();
                if (ACTION_START.equals(action)) {
                if (ACTION_DELETE.equals(action)) {
            } finally {
        private void processDeleteNotification(Intent intent) {
            // Log something?
        private void processStartNotification() {
            // Do something. For example, fetch fresh data from backend to create a rich notification?
            final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
            builder.setContentTitle("Scheduled Notification")
                    .setContentText("This notification has been triggered by Notification Service")
            PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this,
                    new Intent(this, NotificationActivity.class),
            final NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
  4. Almost done. Now I also add broadcast receiver for BOOT_COMPLETED, TIMEZONE_CHANGED, and TIME_SET events to re-setup my AlarmManager, once device has been rebooted or timezone has changed (For example, user flown from USA to Europe and you don't want notification to pop up in the middle of the night, but was sticky to the local time :-) ).

    public final class NotificationServiceStarterReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
  5. We need to also register all our services, broadcast receivers in AndroidManifest:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android=""
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
            <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                android:exported="false" />
            <receiver android:name=".broadcast_receivers.NotificationEventReceiver" />
            <receiver android:name=".broadcast_receivers.NotificationServiceStarterReceiver">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIME_SET" />

That's it!

The source code for this project you can find here. I hope, you will find this post helpful.

How can I close a login form and show the main form without my application closing?

This is the most elegant solution.

private void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();


Git - remote: Repository not found

Check if the url s.source is correct.

Example for me

// fail Project>>t<<est

s.source = { :git => '.../Projecttest-iOS', :tag => s.version.to_s }

// success    Project>>T<<est
s.source = { :git => '.../ProjectTest-iOS', :tag => s.version.to_s }

Set background color in PHP?

just insert the following line and use any color you like

    echo "<body style='background-color:pink'>";

Python's time.clock() vs. time.time() accuracy?

To the best of my understanding, time.clock() has as much precision as your system will allow it.

How to create XML file with specific structure in Java

You can use the JDOM library in Java. Define your tags as Element objects, document your elements with Document Class, and build your xml file with SAXBuilder. Try this example:

//Root Element
Element root=new Element("CONFIGURATION");
Document doc=new Document();
//Element 1
Element child1=new Element("BROWSER");
//Element 1 Content
//Element 2
Element child2=new Element("BASE");
//Element 2 Content
//Element 3
Element child3=new Element("EMPLOYEE");
//Element 3 --> In this case this element has another element with Content
child3.addContent(new Element("EMP_NAME").addContent("Anhorn, Irene"));

//Add it in the root Element
//Define root element like root
//Create the XML
XMLOutputter outter=new XMLOutputter();
outter.output(doc, new FileWriter(new File("myxml.xml")));

How do you round to 1 decimal place in Javascript?

If you care about proper rounding up then:

function roundNumericStrings(str , numOfDecPlacesRequired){ 
     var roundFactor = Math.pow(10, numOfDecPlacesRequired);  
     return (Math.round(parseFloat(str)*roundFactor)/roundFactor).toString();  }

Else if you don't then you already have a reply from previous posts

str.slice(0, -1)

What is the difference between 'my' and 'our' in Perl?

The perldoc has a good definition of our.

Unlike my, which both allocates storage for a variable and associates a simple name with that storage for use within the current scope, our associates a simple name with a package variable in the current package, for use within the current scope. In other words, our has the same scoping rules as my, but does not necessarily create a variable.

SQL Server Insert if not exists

I would use a merge:

create PROCEDURE [dbo].[EmailsRecebidosInsert]
  (@_DE nvarchar(50),
   @_ASSUNTO nvarchar(50),
   @_DATA nvarchar(30) )
   with data as (select @_DE as de, @_ASSUNTO as assunto, @_DATA as data)
   merge EmailsRecebidos t
   using data s
      on =
     and s.assunte = t.assunto
     and =
    when not matched by target
    then insert (de, assunto, data) values (, s.assunto,;

How can I reduce the waiting (ttfb) time

I would suggest you read this article and focus more on how to optimize the overall response to the user request (either a page, a search result etc.)

A good argument for this is the example they give about using gzip to compress the page. Even though ttfb is faster when you do not compress, the overall experience of the user is worst because it takes longer to download content that is not zipped.

string in namespace std does not name a type

You need to

#include <string>

<iostream> declares cout, cin, not string.

Timeout a command in bash without unnecessary delay

#! /bin/bash
    ((t = timeout)) || :

    while ((t > 0)); do
        echo "$t"
        sleep $interval
        # Check if the process still exists.
        kill -0 $$ 2> /dev/null || exit 0
        ((t -= interval)) || :

    # Be nice, post SIGTERM first.
    { echo SIGTERM to $$ ; kill -s TERM $$ ; sleep $delay ; kill -0 $$ 2> /dev/null && { echo SIGKILL to $$ ; kill -s KILL $$ ; } ; }
) &

exec "$@"

How can I "reset" an Arduino board?

After scratching my head about this problem, here is a very simple solution that works anytime:

  • Unplug your USB cable
  • Go in Device Manager
  • Click on Ports (COM & LPT)
  • Right click on Arduino....(COMx)
  • Properties
  • Port Settings
  • Put Flow Control to HARDWARE
  • Create an empty sketch (Optional)
  • Connect the USB cable
  • Upload (Ctrl + U)

// Empty sketch to fix the upload problem
// Created by Eric Phenix
// Nov 2014

void setup()

// The loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop()

Et voila!

UML class diagram enum

If your UML modeling tool has support for specifying an Enumeration, you should use that. It will likely be easier to do and it will give your model stronger semantics. Visually the result will be very similar to a Class with an <<enumeration>> Stereotype, but in the UML metamodel, an Enumeration is actually a separate (meta)type.

|   <<enumeration>>   |
|    DayOfTheWeek     |
| Sunday              |
| Monday              |
| Tuesday             |
| ...                 |

Once it is defined, you can use it as the type of an Attribute just like you would a Datatype or the name one of your own Classes.

|        Event        |
| day : DayOfTheWeek  |
| ...                 |

If you're using ArgoEclipse or ArgoUML, there's a pulldown menu on the toolbar which selects among Datatype, Enumeration, Signal, etc that will allow you to create your own Enumerations. The compartment that normally contains Attributes can then be populated with EnumerationLiterals for the values of your enumeration.

Here's a picture of a slightly different example in ArgoUML: enter image description here

How to clear jQuery validation error messages?

Function using the approaches of Travis J, JLewkovich and Nick Craver...

// NOTE: Clears residual validation errors from the library "jquery.validate.js". 
// By Travis J and Questor
// [Ref.: ]
function clearJqValidErrors(formElement) {

    // NOTE: Internal "$.validator" is exposed through "$(form).validate()". By Travis J
    var validator = $(formElement).validate();

    // NOTE: Iterate through named elements inside of the form, and mark them as 
    // error free. By Travis J
    $(":input", formElement).each(function () {
    // NOTE: Get all form elements (input, textarea and select) using JQuery. By Questor
    // [Refs.: , 
    // ]

        validator.successList.push(this); // mark as error free
        validator.showErrors(); // remove error messages if present
    validator.resetForm(); // remove error class on name elements and clear history
    validator.reset(); // remove all error and success data

    // NOTE: For those using bootstrap, there are cases where resetForm() does not 
    // clear all the instances of ".error" on the child elements of the form. This 
    // will leave residual CSS like red text color unless you call ".removeClass()". 
    // By JLewkovich and Nick Craver
    // [Ref.: , 
    // ]



How to check if an option is selected?

If you want to check selected option through javascript

Simplest method is add onchange attribute in that tag and define a function in js file see example if your html file has options something like this

 <select onchange="subjects(this.value)">
               <option>Select subject</option>
               <option value="Computer science">Computer science</option>
               <option value="Information Technolgy">Information Technolgy</option>
               <option value="Electronic Engineering">Electronic Engineering</option>
               <option value="Electrical Engineering">Electrical Engineering</option>

And now add function in js file

function subjects(str){
    console.log(`selected option is ${str}`);

If you want to check selected option in php file

Simply give name attribute in your tag and access it php file global variables /array ($_GET or $_POST) see example if your html file is something like this

<form action="validation.php" method="POST">
            <select name="subject">
               <option>Select subject</option>
               <option value="Computer science">Computer science</option>
               <option value="Information Technolgy">Information Technolgy</option>
               <option value="Electronic Engineering">Electronic Engineering</option>
               <option value="Electrical Engineering">Electrical Engineering</option>


And in your php file validation.php you can access like this

$subject = $_POST['subject'];
echo "selected option is $subject";

How can I quickly sum all numbers in a file?

I don't know if you can get a lot better than this, considering you need to read through the whole file.

$sum = 0;
   $sum += $_;
print $sum;

Print all day-dates between two dates

I came up with this:

from datetime import date, timedelta

sdate = date(2008, 8, 15)   # start date
edate = date(2008, 9, 15)   # end date

delta = edate - sdate       # as timedelta

for i in range(delta.days + 1):
    day = sdate + timedelta(days=i)

The output:


Your question asks for dates in-between but I believe you meant including the start and end points, so they are included. To remove the end date, delete the "+ 1" at the end of the range function. To remove the start date, insert a 1 argument to the beginning of the range function.

How to add a class to body tag?

This should do it:

var newClass = window.location.href;
newClass = newClass.substring(newClass.lastIndexOf('/')+1, 5);

The whole "five characters" thing is a little worrisome; that kind of arbitrary cutoff is usually a red flag. I'd recommend catching everything until an _ or .:

newClass = newClass.match(/\/[^\/]+(_|\.)[^\/]+$/);

That pattern should yield the following:

  • ../about_us.html : about
  • ../something.html : something
  • ../has_two_underscores.html : has

Web Service vs WCF Service

This answer is based on an article that no longer exists:

Summary of article:

"Basically, WCF is a service layer that allows you to build applications that can communicate using a variety of communication mechanisms. With it, you can communicate using Peer to Peer, Named Pipes, Web Services and so on.

You can’t compare them because WCF is a framework for building interoperable applications. If you like, you can think of it as a SOA enabler. What does this mean?

Well, WCF conforms to something known as ABC, where A is the address of the service that you want to communicate with, B stands for the binding and C stands for the contract. This is important because it is possible to change the binding without necessarily changing the code. The contract is much more powerful because it forces the separation of the contract from the implementation. This means that the contract is defined in an interface, and there is a concrete implementation which is bound to by the consumer using the same idea of the contract. The datamodel is abstracted out."

... later ...

"should use WCF when we need to communicate with other communication technologies (e,.g. Peer to Peer, Named Pipes) rather than Web Service"

Is there any sed like utility for cmd.exe?

As far as I know nothing like sed is bundled with windows. However, sed is available for Windows in several different forms, including as part of Cygwin, if you want a full POSIX subsystem, or as a Win32 native executable if you want to run just sed on the command line.

Sed for Windows (GnuWin32 Project)

If it needs to be native to Windows then the only other thing I can suggest would be to use a scripting language supported by Windows without add-ons, such as VBScript.

Removing page title and date when printing web page (with CSS?)

Its simple. Just use css.

@page { size: auto;  margin: 0mm; }

regular expression for DOT

[+*?.] Most special characters have no meaning inside the square brackets. This expression matches any of +, *, ? or the dot.

php return 500 error but no error log

In the past, I had no error logs in two cases:

  1. The user under which Apache was running had no permissions to modify php_error_log file.
  2. Error 500 occurred because of bad configuration of .htaccess, for example wrong rewrite module settings. In this situation errors are logged to Apache error_log file.

How to display the string html contents into webbrowser control?

The DisplayHtml(string html) recommended by m3z worked for me.

In case it helps somebody, I would also like to mention that initially there were some spaces in my HTML that invalidated the HTML and so the text appeared as a string. The spaces were introduced (around the angular brackets) when I pasted the HTML into Visual Studio. So if your text is still appearing as text after you try the solutions mentioned in this post, then it may be worth checking that the HTML syntax is correct.

Is it possible to register a http+domain-based URL Scheme for iPhone apps, like YouTube and Maps?

If you add an iframe on your web page with the src set to custom scheme for your App, iOS will automatically redirect to that location in the App. If the app is not installed, nothing will happen. This allows you to deep link into the App if it is installed, or redirect to the App Store if it is not installed.

For example, if you have the twitter app installed, and navigate to a webpage containing the following markup, you would be immediately directed to the app.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>iOS Automatic Deep Linking</title>
        <iframe src="twitter://" width="0" height="0"></iframe>
        <p>Website content.</p>

Here is a more thorough example that redirects to the App store if the App is not installed:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>iOS Automatic Deep Linking</title>
    <script src='//'></script>
    <script src='//'></script>
      (function ($, MobileEsp) {
        // On document ready, redirect to the App on the App store.
        $(function () {
          if (typeof MobileEsp.DetectIos !== 'undefined' && MobileEsp.DetectIos()) {
            // Add an iframe to twitter://, and then an iframe for the app store
            // link. If the first fails to redirect to the Twitter app, the
            // second will redirect to the app on the App Store. We use jQuery
            // to add this after the document is fully loaded, so if the user
            // comes back to the browser, they see the content they expect.
            $('body').append('<iframe class="twitter-detect" src="twitter://" />')
              .append('<iframe class="twitter-detect" src="itms-apps://" />');
      })(jQuery, MobileEsp);
    <style type="text/css">
      .twitter-detect {
        display: none;
    <p>Website content.</p>

omp parallel vs. omp parallel for

There are obviously plenty of answers, but this one answers it very nicely (with source)

#pragma omp for only delegates portions of the loop for different threads in the current team. A team is the group of threads executing the program. At program start, the team consists only of a single member: the master thread that runs the program.

To create a new team of threads, you need to specify the parallel keyword. It can be specified in the surrounding context:

#pragma omp parallel
   #pragma omp for
   for(int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
   printf(" %d", n);


What are: parallel, for and a team

The difference between parallel, parallel for and for is as follows:

A team is the group of threads that execute currently. At the program beginning, the team consists of a single thread. A parallel construct splits the current thread into a new team of threads for the duration of the next block/statement, after which the team merges back into one. for divides the work of the for-loop among the threads of the current team.

It does not create threads, it only divides the work amongst the threads of the currently executing team. parallel for is a shorthand for two commands at once: parallel and for. Parallel creates a new team, and for splits that team to handle different portions of the loop. If your program never contains a parallel construct, there is never more than one thread; the master thread that starts the program and runs it, as in non-threading programs.

How to set and reference a variable in a Jenkinsfile

The error is due to that you're only allowed to use pipeline steps inside the steps directive. One workaround that I know is to use the script step and wrap arbitrary pipeline script inside of it and save the result in the environment variable so that it can be used later.

So in your case:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage("foo") {
            steps {
                script {
                    env.FILENAME = readFile 'output.txt'
                echo "${env.FILENAME}"

Attach the Source in Eclipse of a jar

Eclipse is showing no source found because there is no source available . Your jar only has the compiled classes.

You need to import the project from jar and add the Project as dependency .

Other option is to go to the

Go to Properties (for the Project) -> Java Build Path -> Libraries , select your jar file and click on the source , there will be option to attach the source and Javadocs.

open the file upload dialogue box onclick the image

<input type="file" id="imgupload" style="display:none"/>
<label for='imgupload'> <button id="OpenImgUpload">Image Upload</button></label>

On click of for= attribute will automatically focus on "file input" and upload dialog box will open

MongoDB relationships: embed or reference?

In general, embed is good if you have one-to-one or one-to-many relationships between entities, and reference is good if you have many-to-many relationships.

Sorting a Data Table

This worked for me:

dt.DefaultView.Sort = "Town ASC, Cutomer ASC";
dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();

Windows equivalent of the 'tail' command

Here is a fast native head command that gives you the first 9 lines in DOS.

findstr /n "." myfile.txt | findstr "^.:"

The first 2 characters on each line will be the line number.

Unable to show a Git tree in terminal

How can you get the tree-like view of commits in terminal?

git log --graph --oneline --all

is a good start.

You may get some strange letters. They are ASCII codes for colors and structure. To solve this problem add the following to your .bashrc:

export LESS="-R"

such that you do not need use Tig's ASCII filter by

git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit | tig   // Masi needed this 

The article text-based graph from Git-ready contains other options:

git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit

git log graph

Regarding the article you mention, I would go with Pod's answer: ad-hoc hand-made output.

Jakub Narebski mentions in the comments tig, a ncurses-based text-mode interface for git. See their releases.
It added a --graph option back in 2007.

HTML 5 Geo Location Prompt in Chrome

The easiest way is to click on the area left to the address bar and change location settings there. It allows to set location options even for file:///

enter image description here

Plotting 4 curves in a single plot, with 3 y-axes

This is a great chance to introduce you to the File Exchange. Though the organization of late has suffered from some very unfortunately interface design choices, it is still a great resource for pre-packaged solutions to common problems. Though many here have given you the gory details of how to achieve this (@prm!), I had a similar need a few years ago and found that addaxis worked very well. (It was a File Exchange pick of the week at one point!) It has inspired later, probably better mods. Here is some example output:

addaxis example

I just searched for "plotyy" at File Exchange.

Though understanding what's going on in important, sometimes you just need to get things done, not do them yourself. Matlab Central is great for that.

How do I disable text selection with CSS or JavaScript?

I'm not sure if you can turn it off, but you can change the colors of it :)

myDiv::-webkit-selection {

Then just match the colors to your "darky" design and see what happens :)

Angular ng-repeat Error "Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed."

If you call a ng-repeat within a < ul> tag, you may be able to allow duplicates. See this link for reference. See Todo2.html

TortoiseSVN Error: "OPTIONS of 'https://...' could not connect to server (...)"

I got the same error today and discovered that the firewall was blocking the svn client

Converting milliseconds to minutes and seconds with Javascript

To convert any number in milliseconds to seconds just multiply it by 1000 and you solved.

Or you can create function to do that and i think that's the correct way.

//convert milliseconds to seconds
function msToSeconds(number) {
    return number = number * 1000;

Remember Single responsibility so do not a function like this msToSMHD

"Non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context" error

setLoanItem() isn't a static method, it's an instance method, which means it belongs to a particular instance of that class rather than that class itself.

Essentially, you haven't specified what media object you want to call the method on, you've only specified the class name. There could be thousands of media objects and the compiler has no way of knowing what one you meant, so it generates an error accordingly.

You probably want to pass in a media object on which to call the method:

public void loanItem(Media m) {

Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH. You must fulfill at least one of these conditions.

I have MAC OS X Yosemite, Android Studio 1.0.1, JDK 1.8, and Cordova 4.1.2

When I tried to add the android project:

cordova platforms add android

I received the message: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH

Based in cforcloud's answer... 'Error: the command "android" failed' using cordova and I used the following:

export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/<user_name>/Library/Android/sdk"
export ANDROID_TOOLS="/Users/<user_name>/Library/Android/sdk/tools/"
export ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS="/Users/<user_name>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/"
echo $PATH

When I tried to create the android project, I received this message:

Creating android project...
                    throw e;
Error: Please install Android target "android-19".

I ran Android SDK Manager, and installed Android 4.4.2 (API 19) (everything but Glass Development Kit Preview). It worked for me.


This is the content of my .bash_profile file.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
launchctl setenv STUDIO_JDK /library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/<UserName>/Library/Android/sdk"
export ANDROID_TOOLS="/Users/<UserName>/Library/Android/sdk/tools"
export ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS="/Users/<UserName>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools"

To edit .bash_profile using Terminal, I use nano. It is easy to understand.

nano .bash_profile

I hope it helps.

Hiding the R code in Rmarkdown/knit and just showing the results

Sure, just do

```{r someVar, echo=FALSE}

to show some (previously computed) variable someVariable. Or run code that prints etc pp.

So for plotting, I have eg

### Impact of choice of ....
```{r somePlot, echo=FALSE}
plotResults(Res, Grid, "some text", "some more text")

where the plotting function plotResults is from a local package.

How to make php display \t \n as tab and new line instead of characters

"\n" = new line
'\n' = \n
"\t" = tab
'\t' = \t

jQuery val is undefined?

You should call the events after the document is ready, like this:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Your code

This is because you are trying to manipulate elements before they are rendered by the browser.

So, in the case you posted it should look something like this

$(document).ready(function () {
  var editorTitle = $('#editorTitle').val();
  var editorText = $('#editorText').html();

Hope it helps.

Tips: always save your jQuery object in a variable for later use and only code that really need to run after the document have loaded should go inside the ready() function.

Repository access denied. access via a deployment key is read-only

Now the SSH option is under the security settings

Click Your Avatar --> Bitbucket Settings --> SSH Key --> Add Key

Paste your public key

Using msbuild to execute a File System Publish Profile

Run from the project folder

msbuild /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile="release-file.pubxml" /p:AspnetMergePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools" /p:Configuration=Release

This takes care of web.config Transform and AspnetMergePath

Session only cookies with Javascript

Yes, that is correct.

Not putting an expires part in will create a session cookie, whether it is created in JavaScript or on the server.


iOS9 Untrusted Enterprise Developer with no option to trust

For iOS 9 beta 3,4 users. Since the option to view profiles is not viewable do the following from Xcode.

  1. Open Xcode 7.
  2. Go to window, devices.
  3. Select your device.
  4. Delete all of the profiles loaded on the device.
  5. Delete the old app on your device.
  6. Clean and rebuild the app to your device.

On iOS 9.1+ n iOS 9.2+ go to Settings -> General -> Device Management -> press the Profile -> Press Trust.

How to properly use the "choices" field option in Django

The cleanest solution is to use the django-model-utils library:

from model_utils import Choices

class Article(models.Model):
    STATUS = Choices('draft', 'published')
    status = models.CharField(choices=STATUS, default=STATUS.draft, max_length=20)

How do you detect/avoid Memory leaks in your (Unmanaged) code?

Valgrind is a nice option for Linux. Under MacOS X, you can enable the MallocDebug library which has several options for debugging memory allocation problems (see the malloc manpage, the "ENVIRONMENT" section has the relevant details). The OS X SDK also includes a tool called MallocDebug (usually installed in /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools/) that can help you to monitor usage and leaks.

what is the size of an enum type data in C++?

With my now ageing Borland C++ Builder compiler enums can be 1,2 or 4 bytes, although it does have a flag you can flip to force it to use ints.

I guess it's compiler specific.

Search File And Find Exact Match And Print Line?

num = raw_input ("Type Number : ")
search = open("file.txt","r")
for line in search.readlines():
    for digit in num:
        # Check if any of the digits provided by the user are in the line.
        if digit in line:
            print line

Yii2 data provider default sorting

defaultOrder contain a array where key is a column name and value is a SORT_DESC or SORT_ASC that's why below code not working.

$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
        'query' => $query,
        'sort' => ['defaultOrder'=>'topic_order asc']

Correct Way

$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
    'query' => $query,
    'sort' => [
        'defaultOrder' => [
            'topic_order' => SORT_ASC,

Note: If a query already specifies the orderBy clause, the new ordering instructions given by end users (through the sort configuration) will be appended to the existing orderBy clause. Any existing limit and offset clauses will be overwritten by the pagination request from end users (through the pagination configuration).

You can detail learn from Yii2 Guide of Data Provider

Sorting By passing Sort object in query

 $sort = new Sort([
        'attributes' => [
            'name' => [
                'asc' => ['first_name' => SORT_ASC, 'last_name' => SORT_ASC],
                'desc' => ['first_name' => SORT_DESC, 'last_name' => SORT_DESC],
                'default' => SORT_DESC,
                'label' => 'Name',

    $models = Article::find()
        ->where(['status' => 1])

Why is "except: pass" a bad programming practice?

You should use at least except Exception: to avoid catching system exceptions like SystemExit or KeyboardInterrupt. Here's link to docs.

In general you should define explicitly exceptions you want to catch, to avoid catching unwanted exceptions. You should know what exceptions you ignore.

How to change a Git remote on Heroku

If you're working on the heroku remote (default):

heroku git:remote -a [app name]

If you want to specify a different remote, use the -r argument:

heroku git:remote -a [app name] -r [remote] 

EDIT: thanks to ??????? ???????? For pointing it out that there's no need to delete the old remote.

How to give spacing between buttons using bootstrap

You can achieved by use bootstrap Spacing. Bootstrap Spacing includes a wide range of shorthand responsive margin and padding. In below example mr-1 set the margin or padding to $spacer * .25.


<button class="btn btn-outline-primary mr-1" href="#">Sign up</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="#">Login</button>

You can read more at Bootstrap Spacing.

How to format JSON in notepad++

Try with JSToolNpp and follow the snap like this then Plugins | JSTool | JSFormat.

enter image description here

Creating a REST API using PHP

Trying to write a REST API from scratch is not a simple task. There are many issues to factor and you will need to write a lot of code to process requests and data coming from the caller, authentication, retrieval of data and sending back responses.

Your best bet is to use a framework that already has this functionality ready and tested for you.

Some suggestions are:

Phalcon - REST API building - Easy to use all in one framework with huge performance

Apigility - A one size fits all API handling framework by Zend Technologies

Laravel API Building Tutorial

and many more. Simple searches on Bitbucket/Github will give you a lot of resources to start with.

Counting the occurrences / frequency of array elements

If you favour a single liner.

arr.reduce(function(countMap, word) {countMap[word] = ++countMap[word] || 1;return countMap}, {});

Edit (6/12/2015): The Explanation from the inside out. countMap is a map that maps a word with its frequency, which we can see the anonymous function. What reduce does is apply the function with arguments as all the array elements and countMap being passed as the return value of the last function call. The last parameter ({}) is the default value of countMap for the first function call.

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value

I had the same problem with webapi in ASP.NET core, in my case it was because my application needs authentication, then it assigns the annotation [AllowAnonymous] and it worked.

public async Task <IList <IServic >> GetServices () {

How do I insert a JPEG image into a python Tkinter window?

from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image

window = Tk()

path = "1.jpg"

image = PhotoImage(

panel = Label(window, image = image)



I need to learn Web Services in Java. What are the different types in it?

  1. SOAP Web Services are standard-based and supported by almost every software platform: They rely heavily in XML and have support for transactions, security, asynchronous messages and many other issues. It’s a pretty big and complicated standard, but covers almost every messaging situation. On the other side, RESTful services relies of HTTP protocol and verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to interchange messages in any format, preferable JSON and XML. It’s a pretty simple and elegant architectural approach.
  2. As in every topic in the Java World, there are several libraries to build/consume Web Services. In the SOAP Side you have the JAX-WS standard and Apache Axis, and in REST you can use Restlets or Spring REST Facilities among other libraries.

With question 3, this article states that RESTful Services are appropiate in this scenarios:

  • If you have limited bandwidth
  • If your operations are stateless: No information is preserved from one invocation to the next one, and each request is treated independently.
  • If your clients require caching.

While SOAP is the way to go when:

  • If you require asynchronous processing
  • If you need formal contract/Interfaces
  • In your service operations are stateful: For example, you store information/data on a request and use that stored data on the next one.

How do I use typedef and typedef enum in C?

typedef defines a new data type. So you can have:

typedef char* my_string;
typedef struct{
  int member1;
  int member2;
} my_struct;

So now you can declare variables with these new data types

my_string s;
my_struct x;

s = "welcome";
x.member1 = 10;

For enum, things are a bit different - consider the following examples:

enum Ranks {FIRST, SECOND};
int main()
   int data = 20;
   if (data == FIRST)
      //do something

using typedef enum creates an alias for a type:

typedef enum Ranks {FIRST, SECOND} Order;
int main()
   Order data = (Order)20;  // Must cast to defined type to prevent error

   if (data == FIRST)
      //do something

How can I load Partial view inside the view?

if you want to populate contents of your partial view inside your view you can use




if you want to make server request and process the data and then return partial view to you main view filled with that data you can use

    @Html.Action("Load", "Home")

public PartialViewResult Load()
    return PartialView("_LoadView");

if you want user to click on the link and then populate the data of partial view you can use:

    "Click Here to Load the Partial View", 
    new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "toUpdate" }

Make file echo displaying "$PATH" string

In the manual for GNU make, they talk about this specific example when describing the value function:

The value function provides a way for you to use the value of a variable without having it expanded. Please note that this does not undo expansions which have already occurred; for example if you create a simply expanded variable its value is expanded during the definition; in that case the value function will return the same result as using the variable directly.

The syntax of the value function is:

 $(value variable)

Note that variable is the name of a variable; not a reference to that variable. Therefore you would not normally use a ‘$’ or parentheses when writing it. (You can, however, use a variable reference in the name if you want the name not to be a constant.)

The result of this function is a string containing the value of variable, without any expansion occurring. For example, in this makefile:


         @echo $(FOO)
         @echo $(value FOO)

The first output line would be ATH, since the “$P” would be expanded as a make variable, while the second output line would be the current value of your $PATH environment variable, since the value function avoided the expansion.

Tomcat 7 is not running on browser(http://localhost:8080/ )

There could be a number of reasons, have it as a checklist and go through it

Is your server running on 8080?I mean that is the default port but it could be configured to run on other.

Also there is a possibility that the default application is removed/uninstalled that is why it is giving "the requested resource is not available"

Also it could be a proxy issue. make sure you are not using any proxy in your browser.

How to disable manual input for JQuery UI Datepicker field?

I think you should add style="background:white;" to make looks like it is writable

<input type="text" size="23" name="dateMonthly" id="dateMonthly" readonly="readonly"   style="background:white;"/>

Vertical Text Direction

For vertical text with characters one below another in firefox use:

text-orientation: upright;
writing-mode: vertical-rl;

Simple Pivot Table to Count Unique Values

You can use COUNTIFS for multiple criteria,

=1/COUNTIFS(A:A,A2,B:B,B2) and then drag down. You can put as many criteria as you want in there, but it tends to take a lot of time to process.

Convert boolean result into number/integer



let t=true;_x000D_
let f=false;_x000D_

Create a button programmatically and set a background image

Try below:

let image = UIImage(named: "ImageName.png") as UIImage
var button   = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.System) as UIButton
button.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 100)
button .setBackgroundImage(image, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: "Action:", forControlEvents:UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

Let me know whether if it works or not?

Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured

Root Cause

The JPA (Java persistence API) is a java specification for ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tools. The spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency enables ORM in the context of the spring boot framework.

The JPA auto configuration feature of the spring boot application attempts to establish database connection using JPA Datasource. The JPA DataSource bean requires database driver to connect to a database.

The database driver should be available as a dependency in the pom.xml file. For the external databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySql, DB2, Postgres, MongoDB etc requires the database JDBC connection properties to establish the connection.

You need to configure the database driver and the JDBC connection properties to fix this exception Failed to configure a DataSource: ‘url’ attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured. Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class.




By Programming

@SpringBootApplication(exclude =  {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class })

How to submit form on change of dropdown list?

Very easy to use select option submit

<select name="sortby" onchange="this.form.submit()">
       <option value="">Featured</option>
       <option value="asc" >Price: Low to High</option>
        <option value="desc">Price: High to Low</option>                                   

This code use and enjoy now:

Read More: Go Link

understanding private setters

A private setter is useful if you have a read only property and don't want to explicitly declare the backing variable.


public int MyProperty
    get; private set;

is the same as:

private int myProperty;
public int MyProperty
    get { return myProperty; }

For non auto implemented properties it gives you a consistent way of setting the property from within your class so that if you need validation etc. you only have it one place.

To answer your final question the MSDN has this to say on private setters:

However, for small classes or structs that just encapsulate a set of values (data) and have little or no behaviors, it is recommended to make the objects immutable by declaring the set accessor as private.

From the MSDN page on Auto Implemented properties

Wildcards in jQuery selectors

When you have a more complex id string the double quotes are mandatory.

For example if you have an id like this: id="2.2", the correct way to access it is: $('input[id="2.2"]')

As much as possible use the double quotes, for safety reasons.

Change color of PNG image via CSS?

The simplest one line that worked for me:

filter: opacity(0.5) drop-shadow(0 0 0 blue);

You can adjust opacity from 0 to 1 to make color lighter or darker.

Array definition in XML?

No, there is no simpler way. You only can lose the type=array.


Converting milliseconds to a date (jQuery/JavaScript)

Below is a snippet to enable you format the date to a desirable output:

var time = new Date();
var time = time.getTime();

var theyear = time.getFullYear();
var themonth = time.getMonth() + 1;
var thetoday = time.getDate();

document.write("The date is: ");
document.write(theyear + "/" + themonth + "/" + thetoday);

What is WebKit and how is it related to CSS?

This has been answered and accepted, but if someone is still wondering why are things a bit messed up today, you'll have to read this:

It gives a good idea of how gecko, webkit and other major rendering engines evolved and what led to the current state of messed up user-agent strings.

Quoting the last paragraph for TL;DR purposes:

And then Google built Chrome, and Chrome used Webkit, and it was like Safari, and wanted pages built for Safari, and so pretended to be Safari. And thus Chrome used WebKit, and pretended to be Safari, and WebKit pretended to be KHTML, and KHTML pretended to be Gecko, and all browsers pretended to be Mozilla, and Chrome called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13, and the user agent string was a complete mess, and near useless, and everyone pretended to be everyone else, and confusion abounded.

C pointers and arrays: [Warning] assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

In this case a[4] is the 5th integer in the array a, ap is a pointer to integer, so you are assigning an integer to a pointer and that's the warning.
So ap now holds 45 and when you try to de-reference it (by doing *ap) you are trying to access a memory at address 45, which is an invalid address, so your program crashes.

You should do ap = &(a[4]); or ap = a + 4;

In c array names decays to pointer, so a points to the 1st element of the array.
In this way, a is equivalent to &(a[0]).

error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘{’ token

Error happens in your function declarations,look the following sentence!You need a semicolon!

AST_NODE* Statement(AST_NODE* node)

The VMware Authorization Service is not running

1.Click Start and then type Run (or Windows button + R)

2.Type services.msc and click OK

3.Find all VMware services.

4.For each, click Start the service, unless the service is showing a status of Started.

  • If "Start the service" is disappear, please do these things before:

    1. Click Start and then type Run (or Windows button + R)
    2. Type msconfig and click OK
    3. In Services tab, find then check all VMware services checkboxes.
    4. Click Apply then OK.

Fetching data from MySQL database using PHP, Displaying it in a form for editing

please try these

<form action="Delegate_update.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name= "Name" value= "<?php echo $row['Name']; ?> "size=10>
<input type="text" name= "User_name" value= "<?php echo $row['User_name']; ?> "size=10>
<input type="text" name= "User_password" value= "<?php echo $row['User_password']; ?>" size=17>
<input type="submit" name= "submit" value="Update">

How to create an on/off switch with Javascript/CSS?

You mean something like IPhone checkboxes? Try Thomas Reynolds' iOS Checkboxes script:

Once the files are available to your site, activating the script is very easy:


$(document).ready(function() {


How to find the Windows version from the PowerShell command line

$OSVersion = [Version](Get-ItemProperty -Path "$($Env:Windir)\System32\hal.dll" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).VersionInfo.FileVersion.Split()[0]

On Windows 10 returns: 10.0.10586.420

You can then use the variable to access properties for granular comparison

$OSVersion.Major equals 10
$OSVersion.Minor equals 0
$OSVersion.Build equals 10586
$OSVersion.Revision equals 420

Additionally, you can compare operating system versions using the following

If ([Version]$OSVersion -ge [Version]"6.1")
       #Do Something

PHP Session data not being saved

I know one solution I found (OSX with Apache 1 and just switched to PHP5) when I had a similar problem was that unsetting 1 specific key (ie unset($_SESSION['key']);) was causing it not to save. As soon as I didn't unset that key any more it saved. I have never seen this again, except on that server on another site, but then it was a different variable. Neither were anything special.

Material effect on button with background color

With AppCompat (22.1.1+) you can add a style like this:

<style name="MyGreenButton">
    <item name="colorButtonNormal">#009900</item>

And use it by just applying the style:

    android:text="A Green Button"

Programmatically changing the color, I found that the only way to update the color (on API 15 or 16) was to use the 'background tint list' instead. And it doesn't remove the nice radial animation on API 21 devices:

ColorStateList colorStateList = new ColorStateList(new int[][] {{0}}, new int[] {0xFF009900}); // 0xAARRGGBB

Because button.setBackground(...) and button.getBackground().mutate().setColorFilter(...) do not change the button color on API 15 and 16 like they do on API 21.

Before and After Suite execution hook in jUnit 4.x

Since maven-surefire-plugin does not run Suite class first but treats suite and test classes same, so we can configure plugin as below to enable only suite classes and disable all the tests. Suite will run all the tests.


Authentication failed to bitbucket

In windows this worked for me

git config --global http.sslVerify false

Create Git branch with current changes

If you hadn't made any commit yet, only (1: branch) and (3: checkout) would be enough.
Or, in one command: git checkout -b newBranch

As mentioned in the git reset man page:

$ git branch topic/wip     # (1)
$ git reset --hard HEAD~3  # (2)  NOTE: use $git reset --soft HEAD~3 (explanation below)
$ git checkout topic/wip   # (3)
  1. You have made some commits, but realize they were premature to be in the "master" branch. You want to continue polishing them in a topic branch, so create "topic/wip" branch off of the current HEAD.
  2. Rewind the master branch to get rid of those three commits.
  3. Switch to "topic/wip" branch and keep working.

Note: due to the "destructive" effect of a git reset --hard command (it does resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since <commit> are discarded), I would rather go with:

$ git reset --soft HEAD~3  # (2)

This would make sure I'm not losing any private file (not added to the index).
The --soft option won't touch the index file nor the working tree at all (but resets the head to <commit>, just like all modes do).

With Git 2.23+, the new command git switch would create the branch in one line (with the same kind of reset --hard, so beware of its effect):

git switch -f -c topic/wip HEAD~3

How to consume a webApi from Web API to store result in database?

public class EmployeeApiController : ApiController
    private readonly IEmployee _employeeRepositary;

    public EmployeeApiController()
        _employeeRepositary = new EmployeeRepositary();

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Create(EmployeeModel Employee)
        var returnStatus = await _employeeRepositary.Create(Employee);
        return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, returnStatus);


public async Task<ResponseStatusViewModel> Create(EmployeeModel Employee)
    var responseStatusViewModel = new ResponseStatusViewModel();
    var connection = new SqlConnection(EmployeeConfig.EmployeeConnectionString);
                var command = new SqlCommand("usp_CreateEmployee", connection);
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                var pEmployeeName = new SqlParameter("@EmployeeName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                pEmployeeName.Value = Employee.EmployeeName;

                    await connection.OpenAsync();
                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


                catch (Exception ex)

                    throw ex;
                return responseStatusViewModel;


Task<ResponseStatusViewModel> Create(EmployeeModel Employee);

public class EmployeeConfig
    public static string EmployeeConnectionString;
    private const string EmployeeConnectionStringKey = "EmployeeConnectionString";
    public static void InitializeConfig()
        EmployeeConnectionString = GetConnectionStringValue(EmployeeConnectionStringKey);

    private static string GetConnectionStringValue(string connectionStringName)
        return Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionStringName]);

How to var_dump variables in twig templates?

If you are using Twig in your application as a component you can do this:

$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array(
    'autoescape' => false

$twig->addFilter('var_dump', new Twig_Filter_Function('var_dump'));

Then in your templates:

{{ my_variable | var_dump }}

Javascript Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

There is no error when I use your code,

but I am calling the hasLetter method like this:


Cannot find libcrypto in Ubuntu

I solved this on 12.10 by installing libssl-dev.

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

How to get an object's properties in JavaScript / jQuery?

I hope this doesn't count as spam. I humbly ended up writing a function after endless debug sessions:

function simpleObjInspect(oObj, key, tabLvl)
    key = key || "";
    tabLvl = tabLvl || 1;
    var tabs = "";
    for(var i = 1; i < tabLvl; i++){
        tabs += "\t";
    var keyTypeStr = " (" + typeof key + ")";
    if (tabLvl == 1) {
        keyTypeStr = "(self)";
    var s = tabs + key + keyTypeStr + " : ";
    if (typeof oObj == "object" && oObj !== null) {
        s += typeof oObj + "\n";
        for (var k in oObj) {
            if (oObj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                s += simpleObjInspect(oObj[k], k, tabLvl + 1);
    } else {
        s += "" + oObj + " (" + typeof oObj + ") \n";
    return s;





Tomcat: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name. HTTP method names must be tokens

This exception can occur when you try to execute HTTPS request from client on endpoint which isn't HTTPS enabled. Client will encrypt request data when server is expecting raw data.

How do I get this javascript to run every second?

Use setInterval() to run a piece of code every x milliseconds.

You can wrap the code you want to run every second in a function called runFunction.

So it would be:

var t=setInterval(runFunction,1000);

And to stop it, you can run:


How can I remove Nan from list Python/NumPy

I like to remove missing values from a list like this:

list_no_nan = [x for x in list_with_nan if pd.notnull(x)]

Simple way to measure cell execution time in ipython notebook

import time
start = time.time()
"the code you want to test stays here"
end = time.time()
print(end - start)

What is JAVA_HOME? How does the JVM find the javac path stored in JAVA_HOME?

set environment variable

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24

classpath=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\lib\tools.jar

path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin

Associative arrays in Shell scripts

For Bash 3, there is a particular case that has a nice and simple solution:

If you don't want to handle a lot of variables, or keys are simply invalid variable identifiers, and your array is guaranteed to have less than 256 items, you can abuse function return values. This solution does not require any subshell as the value is readily available as a variable, nor any iteration so that performance screams. Also it's very readable, almost like the Bash 4 version.

Here's the most basic version:

hash_index() {
    case $1 in
        'foo') return 0;;
        'bar') return 1;;
        'baz') return 2;;


hash_index "foo"
echo ${hash_vals[$?]}

Remember, use single quotes in case, else it's subject to globbing. Really useful for static/frozen hashes from the start, but one could write an index generator from a hash_keys=() array.

Watch out, it defaults to the first one, so you may want to set aside zeroth element:

hash_index() {
    case $1 in
        'foo') return 1;;
        'bar') return 2;;
        'baz') return 3;;

hash_vals=("",           # sort of like returning null/nil for a non existent key

hash_index "foo" || echo ${hash_vals[$?]}  # It can't get more readable than this

Caveat: the length is now incorrect.

Alternatively, if you want to keep zero-based indexing, you can reserve another index value and guard against a non-existent key, but it's less readable:

hash_index() {
    case $1 in
        'foo') return 0;;
        'bar') return 1;;
        'baz') return 2;;
        *)   return 255;;


hash_index "foo"
[[ $? -ne 255 ]] && echo ${hash_vals[$?]}

Or, to keep the length correct, offset index by one:

hash_index() {
    case $1 in
        'foo') return 1;;
        'bar') return 2;;
        'baz') return 3;;


hash_index "foo" || echo ${hash_vals[$(($? - 1))]}

How to draw lines in Java

a simple line , after that you can see also a doted line 

import java.awt.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.Graphics.*;

import java.awt.Graphics2D.*;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;

import java.awt.Event.*;

import java.awt.Component.*;

import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

 * @author junaid
public class JunaidLine extends JPanel{

//private Graphics Graphics;

private void doDrawing(Graphics g){

Graphics2D g2d=(Graphics2D) g;

float[] dash1 = {2f,0f,2f};

g2d.drawLine(20, 40, 250, 40);

BasicStroke bs1 = new BasicStroke(1,BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT,



g2d.drawLine(20, 80, 250, 80);



public void paintComponent(Graphics g){

super.paintComponent( g);




class BasicStrokes extends JFrame{

public  BasicStrokes(){



private void initUI(){



add(new JunaidLine());





* @param args the command line arguments


public static void main(String[] args) {

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){   


public void run(){

BasicStrokes bs = new BasicStrokes();






How do I run a spring boot executable jar in a Production environment?

By far the most easiest and reliable way to run Spring Boot applications in production is with Docker. Use Docker Compose, Docker Swarm or Kubernetes if you need to use multiple connected services.

Here's a simple Dockerfile from the official Spring Boot Docker guide to get you started:

FROM frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8:slim
ADD YOUR-APP-NAME.jar app.jar
RUN sh -c 'touch /app.jar'
ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /app.jar" ]

Here's a sample command line to run the container as a daemon:

docker run \
  -d --restart=always \
  -p 8080:8080 \

How to push both value and key into PHP array

Nope, there is no array_push() equivalent for associative arrays because there is no way determine the next key.

You'll have to use

$arrayname[indexname] = $value;

How can I pad an int with leading zeros when using cout << operator?

Another way to achieve this is using old printf() function of C language

You can use this like

int dd = 1, mm = 9, yy = 1;
printf("%02d - %02d - %04d", mm, dd, yy);

This will print 09 - 01 - 0001 on the console.

You can also use another function sprintf() to write formatted output to a string like below:

int dd = 1, mm = 9, yy = 1;
char s[25];
sprintf(s, "%02d - %02d - %04d", mm, dd, yy);
cout << s;

Don't forget to include stdio.h header file in your program for both of these functions

Thing to be noted:

You can fill blank space either by 0 or by another char (not number).
If you do write something like %24d format specifier than this will not fill 2 in blank spaces. This will set pad to 24 and will fill blank spaces.

How to list files in an android directory?

Try these

 String appDirectoryName = getResources().getString(R.string.app_name);
    File directory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + getResources().getString(R.string.app_name));
    File[] fList = directory.listFiles();
    int a = 1;
    for (int x = 0; x < fList.length; x++) {

        //txt.setText("You Have Capture " + String.valueOf(a) + " Photos");
    //get all the files from a directory
    for (File file : fList) {
        if (file.isFile()) {
            list.add(new ModelClass(file.getName(), file.getAbsolutePath()));

Remove columns from dataframe where ALL values are NA

A handy base R option could be colMeans():

df[, colMeans( != 1]

What is the difference between an interface and abstract class?

I am constructing a building of 300 floors

The building's blueprint interface

  • For example, Servlet(I)

Building constructed up to 200 floors - partially completed---abstract

  • Partial implementation, for example, generic and HTTP servlet

Building construction completed-concrete

  • Full implementation, for example, own servlet


  • We don't know anything about implementation, just requirements. We can go for an interface.
  • Every method is public and abstract by default
  • It is a 100% pure abstract class
  • If we declare public we cannot declare private and protected
  • If we declare abstract we cannot declare final, static, synchronized, strictfp and native
  • Every interface has public, static and final
  • Serialization and transient is not applicable, because we can't create an instance for in interface
  • Non-volatile because it is final
  • Every variable is static
  • When we declare a variable inside an interface we need to initialize variables while declaring
  • Instance and static block not allowed


  • Partial implementation
  • It has an abstract method. An addition, it uses concrete
  • No restriction for abstract class method modifiers
  • No restriction for abstract class variable modifiers
  • We cannot declare other modifiers except abstract
  • No restriction to initialize variables

Taken from DurgaJobs Website

WebDriverException: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist while trying to initiate Chrome Browser

It happens when chromedriver fails to figure out what debugging port chrome is using.

One possible cause is an open defect with HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\UserDataDir

But in my last case, it was some other unidentified cause.

Fortunately setting port number manually worked:

final String[] args = { "--remote-debugging-port=9222" };
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);

Run ScrollTop with offset of element by ID

No magic involved, just subtract from the offset top of the element

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#contact').offset().top -100 }, 'slow');

return SQL table as JSON in python

After 10 years :) . Without list comprehension

Return a single row of values from a select query like below.

"select name,userid, address from table1 where userid = 1"

json output

{ name : "name1", userid : 1, address : "adress1, street1" }


cur.execute(f"select name,userid, address from table1 where userid = 1 ")
row = cur.fetchone()
desc = list(zip(*cur.description))[0]  #To get column names
rowdict = dict(zip(desc,row))
jsondict = jsonify(rowdict)  #Flask jsonify

cur.description is a tuple of tuples as below. unzip and zip to combine column name with values

(('name', None, None, None, None, None, None), ('userid', None, None, None, None, None, None), ('address', None, None, None, None, None, None))

C++11 thread-safe queue

This is probably how you should do it:

void push(std::string&& filename)
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(qMutex);



bool try_pop(std::string& filename, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(qMutex);

    if(!populatedNotifier.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this] { return !q.empty(); }))
        return false;

    filename = std::move(q.front());

    return true;    

How can I calculate an md5 checksum of a directory?

If you only care about files and not empty directories, this works nicely:

find /path -type f | sort -u | xargs cat | md5sum

Android - Handle "Enter" in an EditText

A dependable way to respond to an <enter> in an EditText is with a TextWatcher, a LocalBroadcastManager, and a BroadcastReceiver. You need to add the v4 support library to use the LocalBroadcastManager. I use the tutorial at 7.3 "Local broadcast events with LocalBroadcastManager" because of its complete concise code Example. In onTextChanged before is the index of the end of the change before the change>;minus start. When in the TextWatcher the UI thread is busy updating editText's editable, so we send an Intent to wake up the BroadcastReceiver when the UI thread is done updating editText.

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.text.Editable;
//in onCreate:
editText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
  public void onTextChanged
  (CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
    //check if exactly one char was added and it was an <enter>
    if (before==0 && count==1 && s.charAt(start)=='\n') {
    Intent intent=new Intent("enter")
    Integer startInteger=new Integer(start);
    intent.putExtra("Start", startInteger.toString()); // Add data
//in the BroadcastReceiver's onReceive:
int start=Integer.parseInt(intent.getStringExtra("Start"));
editText.getText().replace(start, start+1,""); //remove the <enter>
//respond to the <enter> here

How can I add reflection to a C++ application?

What you need to do is have the preprocessor generate reflection data about the fields. This data can be stored as nested classes.

First, to make it easier and cleaner to write it in the preprocessor we will use typed expression. A typed expression is just an expression that puts the type in parenthesis. So instead of writing int x you will write (int) x. Here are some handy macros to help with typed expressions:

#define REM(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define EAT(...)

// Retrieve the type
#define DETAIL_TYPEOF_HEAD(x, ...) REM x
#define DETAIL_TYPEOF_PROBE(...) (__VA_ARGS__),
// Strip off the type
#define STRIP(x) EAT x
// Show the type without parenthesis
#define PAIR(x) REM x

Next, we define a REFLECTABLE macro to generate the data about each field(plus the field itself). This macro will be called like this:

    (const char *) name,
    (int) age

So using Boost.PP we iterate over each argument and generate the data like this:

// A helper metafunction for adding const to a type
template<class M, class T>
struct make_const
    typedef T type;

template<class M, class T>
struct make_const<const M, T>
    typedef typename boost::add_const<T>::type type;

#define REFLECTABLE(...) \
static const int fields_n = BOOST_PP_VARIADIC_SIZE(__VA_ARGS__); \
friend struct reflector; \
template<int N, class Self> \
struct field_data {}; \

#define REFLECT_EACH(r, data, i, x) \
PAIR(x); \
template<class Self> \
struct field_data<i, Self> \
{ \
    Self & self; \
    field_data(Self & self) : self(self) {} \
    typename make_const<Self, TYPEOF(x)>::type & get() \
    { \
        return self.STRIP(x); \
    typename boost::add_const<TYPEOF(x)>::type & get() const \
    { \
        return self.STRIP(x); \
    const char * name() const \
        return BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(STRIP(x)); \
    } \
}; \

What this does is generate a constant fields_n that is number of reflectable fields in the class. Then it specializes the field_data for each field. It also friends the reflector class, this is so it can access the fields even when they are private:

struct reflector
    //Get field_data at index N
    template<int N, class T>
    static typename T::template field_data<N, T> get_field_data(T& x)
        return typename T::template field_data<N, T>(x);

    // Get the number of fields
    template<class T>
    struct fields
        static const int n = T::fields_n;

Now to iterate over the fields we use the visitor pattern. We create an MPL range from 0 to the number of fields, and access the field data at that index. Then it passes the field data on to the user-provided visitor:

struct field_visitor
    template<class C, class Visitor, class I>
    void operator()(C& c, Visitor v, I)

template<class C, class Visitor>
void visit_each(C & c, Visitor v)
    typedef boost::mpl::range_c<int,0,reflector::fields<C>::n> range;
    boost::mpl::for_each<range>(boost::bind<void>(field_visitor(), boost::ref(c), v, _1));

Now for the moment of truth we put it all together. Here is how we can define a Person class that is reflectable:

struct Person
    Person(const char *name, int age)
        (const char *) name,
        (int) age

Here is a generalized print_fields function using the reflection data to iterate over the fields:

struct print_visitor
    template<class FieldData>
    void operator()(FieldData f)
        std::cout << << "=" << f.get() << std::endl;

template<class T>
void print_fields(T & x)
    visit_each(x, print_visitor());

An example of using the print_fields with the reflectable Person class:

int main()
    Person p("Tom", 82);
    return 0;

Which outputs:


And voila, we have just implemented reflection in C++, in under 100 lines of code.

How do you extract classes' source code from a dll file?

Use Refractor. Download from here.

  1. Open the software after installing.
  2. Press Ctrl + O and select your DLL File.
  3. Dll will be shown in left pane.
  4. Right click on Dll and select Export Source Code.
  5. Select the folder in which you want to export your files
  6. Wait for a while it may take 2-3 minutes

enter image description here

How do you underline a text in Android XML?

First of all, go to String.xml file

you can add any HTML attributes like , italic or bold or underline here.

        <string name="your_string_here">This is an <u>underline</u>.</string>

Change Background color (css property) using Jquery

Try below jQuery snippet, you can change color :

<script type="text/javascript">
        $("#co").click(function() {
            $("body").css("background-color", "yellow");

    $("#co").click(function() {_x000D_
        $("body").css("background-color", "yellow");_x000D_
body {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="co" click="change()">hello</div>

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at

You cannot session_start(); when your buffer has already been partly sent.

This mean, if your script already sent informations (something you want, or an error report) to the client, session_start() will fail.

php foreach with multidimensional array

You can use array_walk_recursive:

array_walk_recursive($array, function ($item, $key) {
    echo "$key holds $item\n";

Creating dummy variables in pandas for python

It's hard to infer what you're looking for from the question, but my best guess is as follows.

If we assume you have a DataFrame where some column is 'Category' and contains integers (or otherwise unique identifiers) for categories, then we can do the following.

Call the DataFrame dfrm, and assume that for each row, dfrm['Category'] is some value in the set of integers from 1 to N. Then,

for elem in dfrm['Category'].unique():
    dfrm[str(elem)] = dfrm['Category'] == elem

Now there will be a new indicator column for each category that is True/False depending on whether the data in that row are in that category.

If you want to control the category names, you could make a dictionary, such as

cat_names = {1:'Some_Treatment', 2:'Full_Treatment', 3:'Control'}
for elem in dfrm['Category'].unique():
    dfrm[cat_names[elem]] = dfrm['Category'] == elem

to result in having columns with specified names, rather than just string conversion of the category values. In fact, for some types, str() may not produce anything useful for you.

SQL how to increase or decrease one for a int column in one command

The single-step answer to the first question is to use something like:

update TBL set CLM = CLM + 1 where key = 'KEY'

That's very much a single-instruction way of doing it.

As for the second question, you shouldn't need to resort to DBMS-specific SQL gymnastics (like UPSERT) to get the result you want. There's a standard method to do update-or-insert that doesn't require a specific DBMS.

    insert into TBL (key,val) values ('xyz',0)
    do nothing
update TBL set val = val + 1 where key = 'xyz'

That is, you try to do the creation first. If it's already there, ignore the error. Otherwise you create it with a 0 value.

Then do the update which will work correctly whether or not:

  • the row originally existed.
  • someone updated it between your insert and update.

It's not a single instruction and yet, surprisingly enough, it's how we've been doing it successfully for a long long time.

$("#form1").validate is not a function

I had this same issue. It turned out that I was loading the jQuery JavaScript file more than once on the page. This was due to included pages (or JSPs, in my case). Once I removed the duplicate reference to the jQuery js file, this error went away.

Best way to stress test a website

I have used WebLOAD for this kind of project. It's easy to create scripts, and it has built in support for monitoring ASP.NET stats

Generate war file from tomcat webapp folder

You can create .war file back from your existing folder.

Using this command

cd /to/your/folder/location
jar -cvf my_web_app.war *

AngularJS $http, CORS and http authentication

No you don't have to put credentials, You have to put headers on client side eg:

        url: 'url of service',
        method: "POST",
        data: {test :  name },
        withCredentials: true,
        headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

And and on server side you have to put headers to this is example for nodejs:

 * On all requests add headers
app.all('*', function(req, res,next) {

     * Response settings
     * @type {Object}
    var responseSettings = {
        "AccessControlAllowOrigin": req.headers.origin,
        "AccessControlAllowHeaders": "Content-Type,X-CSRF-Token, X-Requested-With, Accept, Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5,  Date, X-Api-Version, X-File-Name",
        "AccessControlAllowMethods": "POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS",
        "AccessControlAllowCredentials": true

     * Headers
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", responseSettings.AccessControlAllowCredentials);
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin",  responseSettings.AccessControlAllowOrigin);
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", (req.headers['access-control-request-headers']) ? req.headers['access-control-request-headers'] : "x-requested-with");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", (req.headers['access-control-request-method']) ? req.headers['access-control-request-method'] : responseSettings.AccessControlAllowMethods);

    if ('OPTIONS' == req.method) {
    else {


Check if a string is a valid Windows directory (folder) path

Call Path.GetFullPath; it will throw exceptions if the path is invalid.

To disallow relative paths (such as Word), call Path.IsPathRooted.

Sorting A ListView By Column

If you are starting out with a ListView, do yourself a huge favour and use an ObjectListView instead. ObjectListView is an open source wrapper around .NET WinForms ListView, which makes the ListView much easier to use and solves lots of common problems for you. Sorting by column click is one of the many things it handles for you automatically.

Seriously, you will never regret using an ObjectListView instead of a normal ListView.

Getting the current date in SQL Server?

As you are using SQL Server 2008, go with Martin's answer.

If you find yourself needing to do it in SQL Server 2005 where you don't have access to the Date column type, I'd use:



Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter

I'm not sure whether I understand your question correctly, but you can write your code in this way:

bool DoesEntityExist<T>(T instance, ....)

You can call the method in following fashion:

DoesEntityExist(myTypeInstance, ...)

This way you don't need to explicitly write the type, the framework will overtake the type automatically from the instance.

fetch in git doesn't get all branches

We had the same problem and you have to use

git fetch

git push origin branch_name

git branch -r

Hope this help someone facing the same problem

Android - drawable with rounded corners at the top only

Try to do something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <item android:bottom="-20dp" android:left="-20dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/white" />

            <corners android:radius="20dp" />

It seems does not suitable to set different corner radius of rectangle. So you can use this hack.

Combination of async function + await + setTimeout

The following code works in Chrome and Firefox and maybe other browsers.

function timeout(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function sleep(fn, ...args) {
    await timeout(3000);
    return fn(...args);

But in Internet Explorer I get a Syntax Error for the "(resolve **=>** setTimeout..."

How can I set the opacity or transparency of a Panel in WinForms?

Try this:

panel1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 88, 44, 55);

change alpha(A) to get desired opacity.

How to temporarily exit Vim and go back

You can use :sh to exit to your default shell then typing $ exit at the shell prompt will return you to Vim.

Sprintf equivalent in Java

You can do a printf to anything that is an OutputStream with a PrintStream. Somehow like this, printing into a string stream:

PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
ps.printf("there is a %s from %d %s", "hello", 3, "friends");
baos.reset(); //need reset to write new string
ps.printf("there is a %s from %d %s", "flip", 5, "haters");

The string stream can be created like this ByteArrayOutputStream:

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

Correlation heatmap

  1. Use the 'jet' colormap for a transition between blue and red.
  2. Use pcolor() with the vmin, vmax parameters.

It is detailed in this answer:

"Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture" even with build config set

In addition to Nick's answer about Xcode 4.2, you may also need to review your info.plist file. It seems as if new projects started in Xcode 4.2 by default specify 'armv7' in the 'Required Device Capabilities'. You'll need to remove this if wanting to support devices that run armv6 (e.g. the iPhone 3G).

enter image description here

Delete armv7 from the 'Required device capabilities' in yourProjectName-Info.plist

Benefits of inline functions in C++?

Our computer science professor urged us to never use inline in a c++ program. When asked why, he kindly explained to us that modern compilers should detect when to use inline automatically.

So yes, the inline can be an optimization technique to be used wherever possible, but apparently this is something that is already done for you whenever it's possible to inline a function anyways.

Converting 24 hour time to 12 hour time w/ AM & PM using Javascript

function pad(num) {return ("0" + num).slice(-2);}_x000D_
function time1() {_x000D_
  var today = new Date(),_x000D_
    h = today.getHours(),_x000D_
    m = today.getMinutes(),_x000D_
    s = today.getSeconds();_x000D_
  h = h % 12;_x000D_
  h = h ? h : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'_x000D_
  clk.innerHTML = h + ':' + _x000D_
    pad(m) + ':' + _x000D_
    pad(s) + ' ' + _x000D_
    (h >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM');_x000D_
window.onload = function() {_x000D_
  var clk = document.getElementById('clk');_x000D_
  t = setInterval(time1, 500);_x000D_
<span id="clk"></span>

Object of custom type as dictionary key

You override __hash__ if you want special hash-semantics, and __cmp__ or __eq__ in order to make your class usable as a key. Objects who compare equal need to have the same hash value.

Python expects __hash__ to return an integer, returning Banana() is not recommended :)

User defined classes have __hash__ by default that calls id(self), as you noted.

There is some extra tips from the documentation.:

Classes which inherit a __hash__() method from a parent class but change the meaning of __cmp__() or __eq__() such that the hash value returned is no longer appropriate (e.g. by switching to a value-based concept of equality instead of the default identity based equality) can explicitly flag themselves as being unhashable by setting __hash__ = None in the class definition. Doing so means that not only will instances of the class raise an appropriate TypeError when a program attempts to retrieve their hash value, but they will also be correctly identified as unhashable when checking isinstance(obj, collections.Hashable) (unlike classes which define their own __hash__() to explicitly raise TypeError).

setup script exited with error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1

For Python 3.4 use:

sudo apt-get install python3.4-dev

For Python 3.5 use:

sudo apt-get install python3.5-dev

For Python 3.6 use:

sudo apt-get install python3.6-dev

For Python 3.7 use:

sudo apt-get install python3.7-dev

For Python 3.8 use:

sudo apt-get install python3.8-dev

... and so on ...

Plotting in a non-blocking way with Matplotlib

A lot of these answers are super inflated and from what I can find, the answer isn't all that difficult to understand.

You can use plt.ion() if you want, but I found using plt.draw() just as effective

For my specific project I'm plotting images, but you can use plot() or scatter() or whatever instead of figimage(), it doesn't matter.



fig = plt.figure()

If you're using an actual figure.
I used @krs013, and @Default Picture's answers to figure this out
Hopefully this saves someone from having launch every single figure on a separate thread, or from having to read these novels just to figure this out

What causing this "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array"

As Jon Skeet said, the string must be multiple of 4 bytes. But I was still getting the error.

At least it got removed in debug mode. Put a break point on Convert.FromBase64String() then step through the code. Miraculously, the error disappeared for me :) It is probably related to View states and similar other issues as others have reported.

UIScrollView scroll to bottom programmatically

Simplest Solution:

[scrollview scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(scrollview.contentSize.width - 1,scrollview.contentSize.height - 1, 1, 1) animated:YES];

Bootstrap Carousel image doesn't align properly

Try this

    .item img{
      max-height: 300px;
      margin: auto;

Internal Error 500 Apache, but nothing in the logs?

Check that the version of php you're running matches your codebase. For example, your local environment may be running php 5.4 (and things run fine) and maybe you're testing your code on a new machine that has php 5.3 installed. If you are using 5.4 syntax such as [] for array() then you'll get the situation you described above.

How to check if a string starts with a specified string?

There is also the strncmp() function and strncasecmp() function which is perfect for this situation:

if (strncmp($string_n, "http", 4) === 0)

In general:

if (strncmp($string_n, $prefix, strlen($prefix)) === 0)

The advantage over the substr() approach is that strncmp() just does what needs to be done, without creating a temporary string.