[excel] 3D Plotting from X, Y, Z Data, Excel or other Tools

Why not merge the rows that contain the same values? -

         13    21    29     37    45   
  • 1000] -75.2 -- 79.21 -- 80.02

  • 5000] ---------------------87.9---88.54----88.56

  • 10000] -------------------90.11--90.97----90.87

Excel can use that pretty well..

Examples related to excel

Python: Pandas pd.read_excel giving ImportError: Install xlrd >= 0.9.0 for Excel support Converting unix time into date-time via excel How to increment a letter N times per iteration and store in an array? 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. (System.Data) How to import an Excel file into SQL Server? Copy filtered data to another sheet using VBA Better way to find last used row Could pandas use column as index? Check if a value is in an array or not with Excel VBA How to sort dates from Oldest to Newest in Excel?

Examples related to charts

how to set start value as "0" in chartjs? Removing legend on charts with chart.js v2 How to display pie chart data values of each slice in chart.js How to set ChartJS Y axis title? In Chart.js set chart title, name of x axis and y axis? Android charting libraries Click events on Pie Charts in Chart.js Swap x and y axis without manually swapping values How to clear a chart from a canvas so that hover events cannot be triggered? Remove x-axis label/text in chart.js

Examples related to plot

Fine control over the font size in Seaborn plots for academic papers Why do many examples use `fig, ax = plt.subplots()` in Matplotlib/pyplot/python Modify the legend of pandas bar plot Format y axis as percent Simple line plots using seaborn Plot bar graph from Pandas DataFrame Plotting multiple lines, in different colors, with pandas dataframe Plotting in a non-blocking way with Matplotlib What does the error "arguments imply differing number of rows: x, y" mean? matplotlib get ylim values

Examples related to visualization

Why do many examples use `fig, ax = plt.subplots()` in Matplotlib/pyplot/python How to plot a histogram using Matplotlib in Python with a list of data? Visualizing decision tree in scikit-learn plot different color for different categorical levels using matplotlib How to combine 2 plots (ggplot) into one plot? 3D Plotting from X, Y, Z Data, Excel or other Tools How can I create a correlation matrix in R? Side-by-side plots with ggplot2 Good tool to visualise database schema? How do you change the size of figures drawn with matplotlib?

Examples related to data-visualization

How can I run Tensorboard on a remote server? How to plot a histogram using Matplotlib in Python with a list of data? Plot correlation matrix using pandas Adding value labels on a matplotlib bar chart ggplot2, change title size How to make IPython notebook matplotlib plot inline Construct a manual legend for a complicated plot 3D Plotting from X, Y, Z Data, Excel or other Tools Moving x-axis to the top of a plot in matplotlib Heatmap in matplotlib with pcolor?