Programs & Examples On #Form processing

Is there an equivalent of 'which' on the Windows command line?

The GnuWin32 tools have which, along with a whole slew of other Unix tools.

Button button = findViewById( always resolves to null in Android Studio

The button code should be moved to the PlaceholderFragment() class. There you will call the layout fragment_main.xml in the onCreateView method. Like so

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main, container, false);
    Button buttonClick = (Button) view.findViewById(;
    buttonClick.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            onButtonClick((Button) view);


    return view;

Any way to make a WPF textblock selectable?

Apply this style to your TextBox and that's it (inspired from this article):

<Style x:Key="SelectableTextBlockLikeStyle" TargetType="TextBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}">
    <Setter Property="IsReadOnly" Value="True"/>
    <Setter Property="IsTabStop" Value="False"/>
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/>
    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent"/>
    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="-2,0,0,0"/>
    <!-- The Padding -2,0,0,0 is required because the TextBox
        seems to have an inherent "Padding" of about 2 pixels.
        Without the Padding property,
        the text seems to be 2 pixels to the left
        compared to a TextBlock
                <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="False" />
                <Condition Property="IsFocused" Value="False" />
            <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
                    <TextBlock Text="{TemplateBinding Text}" 
                             FontSize="{TemplateBinding FontSize}"
                             FontStyle="{TemplateBinding FontStyle}"
                             FontFamily="{TemplateBinding FontFamily}"
                             FontWeight="{TemplateBinding FontWeight}"
                             TextWrapping="{TemplateBinding TextWrapping}"
                             Foreground="{DynamicResource NormalText}"

MySql server startup error 'The server quit without updating PID file '

I encountered this issue after swapping server IPs. Database was working fine before that. There was an entry in /etc/my.cnf that I needed to update:

bind-address =

It had the old IP address in there.

Make copy of an array

If you must work with raw arrays and not ArrayList then Arrays has what you need. If you look at the source code, these are the absolutely best ways to get a copy of an array. They do have a good bit of defensive programming because the System.arraycopy() method throws lots of unchecked exceptions if you feed it illogical parameters.

You can use either Arrays.copyOf() which will copy from the first to Nth element to the new shorter array.

public static <T> T[] copyOf(T[] original, int newLength)

Copies the specified array, truncating or padding with nulls (if necessary) so the copy has the specified length. For all indices that are valid in both the original array and the copy, the two arrays will contain identical values. For any indices that are valid in the copy but not the original, the copy will contain null. Such indices will exist if and only if the specified length is greater than that of the original array. The resulting array is of exactly the same class as the original array.

2771    public static <T,U> T[] More ...copyOf(U[] original, int newLength, Class<? extends T[]> newType) {
2772        T[] copy = ((Object)newType == (Object)Object[].class)
2773            ? (T[]) new Object[newLength]
2774            : (T[]) Array.newInstance(newType.getComponentType(), newLength);
2775        System.arraycopy(original, 0, copy, 0,
2776                         Math.min(original.length, newLength));
2777        return copy;
2778    }

or Arrays.copyOfRange() will also do the trick:

public static <T> T[] copyOfRange(T[] original, int from, int to)

Copies the specified range of the specified array into a new array. The initial index of the range (from) must lie between zero and original.length, inclusive. The value at original[from] is placed into the initial element of the copy (unless from == original.length or from == to). Values from subsequent elements in the original array are placed into subsequent elements in the copy. The final index of the range (to), which must be greater than or equal to from, may be greater than original.length, in which case null is placed in all elements of the copy whose index is greater than or equal to original.length - from. The length of the returned array will be to - from. The resulting array is of exactly the same class as the original array.

3035    public static <T,U> T[] More ...copyOfRange(U[] original, int from, int to, Class<? extends T[]> newType) {
3036        int newLength = to - from;
3037        if (newLength < 0)
3038            throw new IllegalArgumentException(from + " > " + to);
3039        T[] copy = ((Object)newType == (Object)Object[].class)
3040            ? (T[]) new Object[newLength]
3041            : (T[]) Array.newInstance(newType.getComponentType(), newLength);
3042        System.arraycopy(original, from, copy, 0,
3043                         Math.min(original.length - from, newLength));
3044        return copy;
3045    }

As you can see, both of these are just wrapper functions over System.arraycopy with defensive logic that what you are trying to do is valid.

System.arraycopy is the absolute fastest way to copy arrays.

Multiline input form field using Bootstrap

I think the problem is that you are using type="text" instead of textarea. What you want is:

<textarea class="span6" rows="3" placeholder="What's up?" required></textarea>

To clarify, a type="text" will always be one row, where-as a textarea can be multiple.

Iterating through a List Object in JSP

you can read empList directly in forEach tag.Try this

       <c:forEach items="${sessionScope.empList}" var="employee">
                <td>Employee ID: <c:out value="${employee.eid}"/></td>
                <td>Employee Pass: <c:out value="${employee.ename}"/></td>  

node.js: read a text file into an array. (Each line an item in the array.)


var fs = require('fs');
var array = fs.readFileSync('file.txt').toString().split("\n");
for(i in array) {


var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('file.txt', function(err, data) {
    if(err) throw err;
    var array = data.toString().split("\n");
    for(i in array) {

GitHub: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I got a solution after a long time in tutorials.

I followed the github tutorial on this link -> and I was able to connect in every step. But when I was trying to git push -u origin master I got this error:

Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights

Thats how I`ve fixed it!! Go to the project directory using the Terminal and check it out

$git remote -v

You will get something like this:

origin  ssh://[email protected]/yourGithubUserName/yourRepo.git (fetch)
origin  ssh://[email protected]/yourGithubUserName/yourRepo.git (push)

If you are using anything different then [email protected], open the config file on git directory by typing the command:

vi .git/config

And configure the line

[remote "origin"]

url = ssh://[email protected]/yourGithubUserName/yourRepo.git

fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/

How to save a PNG image server-side, from a base64 data string

This function should work. this has the photo parameter that holds the base64 string and also path to an existing image directory should you already have an existing image you want to unlink while you save the new one.

 public function convertBase64ToImage($photo = null, $path = null) {
    if (!empty($photo)) {
        $photo = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $photo);
        $photo = str_replace(' ', '+', $photo);
        $photo = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $photo);
        $photo = str_replace('data:image/gif;base64,', '', $photo);
        $entry = base64_decode($photo);
        $image = imagecreatefromstring($entry);

        $fileName = time() . ".jpeg";
        $directory = "uploads/customer/" . $fileName;


        if (!empty($path)) {
            if (file_exists($path)) {

        $saveImage = imagejpeg($image, $directory);


        if ($saveImage) {
            return $fileName;
        } else {
            return false; // image not saved

ReactJS - Does render get called any time "setState" is called?

No, React doesn't render everything when the state changes.

  • Whenever a component is dirty (its state changed), that component and its children are re-rendered. This, to some extent, is to re-render as little as possible. The only time when render isn't called is when some branch is moved to another root, where theoretically we don't need to re-render anything. In your example, TimeInChild is a child component of Main, so it also gets re-rendered when the state of Main changes.

  • React doesn't compare state data. When setState is called, it marks the component as dirty (which means it needs to be re-rendered). The important thing to note is that although render method of the component is called, the real DOM is only updated if the output is different from the current DOM tree (a.k.a diffing between the Virtual DOM tree and document's DOM tree). In your example, even though the state data hasn't changed, the time of last change did, making Virtual DOM different from the document's DOM, hence why the HTML is updated.

What does enctype='multipart/form-data' mean?

The enctype attribute specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server.

The enctype attribute can be used only if method="post".

No characters are encoded. This value is required when you are using forms that have a file upload control

From W3Schools

Python method for reading keypress?

Figured it out by testing all the stuff by myself. Couldn't find any topics about it tho, so I'll just leave the solution here. This might not be the only or even the best solution, but it works for my purposes (within getch's limits) and is better than nothing.

Note: proper keyDown() which would recognize all the keys and actual key presses, is still valued.

Solution: using ord()-function to first turn the getch() into an integer (I guess they're virtual key codes, but not too sure) works fine, and then comparing the result to the actual number representing the wanted key. Also, if I needed to, I could add an extra chr() around the number returned so that it would convert it to a character. However, I'm using mostly down arrow, esc, etc. so converting those to a character would be stupid. Here's the final code:

from msvcrt import getch
while True:
    key = ord(getch())
    if key == 27: #ESC
    elif key == 13: #Enter
    elif key == 224: #Special keys (arrows, f keys, ins, del, etc.)
        key = ord(getch())
        if key == 80: #Down arrow
        elif key == 72: #Up arrow

Also if someone else needs to, you can easily find out the keycodes from google, or by using python and just pressing the key:

from msvcrt import getch
while True:

Android Endless List

Just wanted to contribute a solution that I used for my app.

It is also based on the OnScrollListener interface, but I found it to have a much better scrolling performance on low-end devices, since none of the visible/total count calculations are carried out during the scroll operations.

  1. Let your ListFragment or ListActivity implement OnScrollListener
  2. Add the following methods to that class:

    public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
            int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
        //leave this empty
    public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView listView, int scrollState) {
        if (scrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
            if (listView.getLastVisiblePosition() >= listView.getCount() - 1 - threshold) {
                //load more list items:

    where currentPage is the page of your datasource that should be added to your list, and threshold is the number of list items (counted from the end) that should, if visible, trigger the loading process. If you set threshold to 0, for instance, the user has to scroll to the very end of the list in order to load more items.

  3. (optional) As you can see, the "load-more check" is only called when the user stops scrolling. To improve usability, you may inflate and add a loading indicator to the end of the list via listView.addFooterView(yourFooterView). One example for such a footer view:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:padding="10dp" >
            android:layout_gravity="center_vertical" />
            android:text="@string/loading_text" />
  4. (optional) Finally, remove that loading indicator by calling listView.removeFooterView(yourFooterView) if there are no more items or pages.

List vs tuple, when to use each?

A minor but notable advantage of a list over a tuple is that lists tend to be slightly more portable. Standard tools are less likely to support tuples. JSON, for example, does not have a tuple type. YAML does, but its syntax is ugly compared to its list syntax, which is quite nice.

In those cases, you may wish to use a tuple internally then convert to list as part of an export process. Alternately, you might want to use lists everywhere for consistency.

Authentication issues with WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate

Putting this information here for future readers' benefit.

  • 401 (Unauthorized) response header -> Request authentication header

  • Here are several WWW-Authenticate response headers. (The full list is at IANA: HTTP Authentication Schemes.)

    • WWW-Authenticate: Basic-> Authorization: Basic + token - Use for basic authentication
    • WWW-Authenticate: NTLM-> Authorization: NTLM + token (2 challenges)
    • WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate -> Authorization: Negotiate + token - used for Kerberos authentication
      • By the way: IANA has this angry remark about Negotiate: This authentication scheme violates both HTTP semantics (being connection-oriented) and syntax (use of syntax incompatible with the WWW-Authenticate and Authorization header field syntax).

You can set the Authorization: Basic header only when you also have the WWW-Authenticate: Basic header on your 401 challenge.

But since you have WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate this should be the case for Kerberos based authentication.

How to open some ports on Ubuntu?

If you want to open it for a range and for a protocol

ufw allow 11200:11299/tcp
ufw allow 11200:11299/udp

How to check the multiple permission at single request in Android M?

For multiple permission you can use this code :


private void insertDummyContactWrapper() {
    List<String> permissionsNeeded = new ArrayList<String>();

    final List<String> permissionsList = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (!addPermission(permissionsList, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION))
    if (!addPermission(permissionsList, Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS))
        permissionsNeeded.add("Read Contacts");
    if (!addPermission(permissionsList, Manifest.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS))
        permissionsNeeded.add("Write Contacts");

    if (permissionsList.size() > 0) {
        if (permissionsNeeded.size() > 0) {
            // Need Rationale
            String message = "You need to grant access to " + permissionsNeeded.get(0);
            for (int i = 1; i < permissionsNeeded.size(); i++)
                message = message + ", " + permissionsNeeded.get(i);
                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                            requestPermissions(permissionsList.toArray(new String[permissionsList.size()]),
        requestPermissions(permissionsList.toArray(new String[permissionsList.size()]),


private boolean addPermission(List<String> permissionsList, String permission) {
    if (checkSelfPermission(permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        // Check for Rationale Option
        if (!shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(permission))
            return false;
    return true;

Date Comparison using Java

Date long getTime() returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this Date object.

//test if date1 is before date2
if(date1.getTime() < date2.getTime()) {

How to redirect output to a file and stdout

Another handy alternative is to use screen command to run the main program and direct the stderr and stdout to a file, then use tail -f to view the file as it is being written to.

You could also open another session if you don't want to use screen.

ASP.NET MVC JsonResult Date Format

Using jQuery to auto-convert dates with $.parseJSON

Note: this answer provides a jQuery extension that adds automatic ISO and .net date format support.

Since you're using MVC I suspect you're using jQuery on the client side. I suggest you read this blog post that has code how to use $.parseJSON to automatically convert dates for you.

Code supports formatted dates like the ones you mentioned as well as ISO formatted dates. All dates will be automatically formatted for you by using $.parseJSON().

How to read specific lines from a file (by line number)?

How about this:

>>> with open('a', 'r') as fin: lines = fin.readlines()
>>> for i, line in enumerate(lines):
      if i > 30: break
      if i == 26: dox()
      if i == 30: doy()

How can I add shadow to the widget in flutter?

The given answers do the trick for outer shadow i.e. around the widget. I wanted a shadow on the widget which is inside the boundaries and according to the github issue there is no inset attribute in ShadowBox yet. My workaround was to add a layer of widget with a gradient using the stack widget so that it looks like the widget itself has the shadows. You must use the mediaQuery for dimensions otherwise the layout will be messed up on different devices. Here's a sample of code for better understanding:

            children: <Widget>[
                decoration: BoxDecoration(
                  image: DecorationImage(
                    fit: BoxFit.cover,
                    image: AssetImage("assets/sampleFaces/makeup.jpeg"),
                    // fit: BoxFit.cover,
                height: 350.0,
                decoration: BoxDecoration(
                  gradient: LinearGradient(
                    begin: FractionalOffset.topCenter,
                    end: FractionalOffset.bottomCenter,
                    colors: [
                    stops: [0.95, 5.0],

How to change port number in vue-cli project

Late to the party, but I think it's helpful to consolidate all these answers into one outlining all options.

Separated in Vue CLI v2 (webpack template) and Vue CLI v3, ordered by precedence (high to low).

Vue CLI v3

  • package.json: Add port option to serve script: scripts.serve=vue-cli-service serve --port 4000
  • CLI Option --port to npm run serve, e.g. npm run serve -- --port 3000. Note the --, this makes passes the port option to the npm script instead of to npm itself. Since at least v3.4.1, it should be e.g. vue-cli-service serve --port 3000.
  • Environment Variable $PORT, e.g. PORT=3000 npm run serve
  • .env Files, more specific envs override less specific ones, e.g. PORT=3242
  • vue.config.js, devServer.port, e.g. devServer: { port: 9999 }


Vue CLI v2 (deprecated)

  • Environment Variable $PORT, e.g. PORT=3000 npm run dev
  • /config/index.js: dev.port


How do I pass a class as a parameter in Java?

I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish, but you may want to consider that passing a class may not be what you really need to be doing. In many cases, dealing with Class like this is easily encapsulated within a factory pattern of some type and the use of that is done through an interface. here's one of dozens of articles on that pattern:

using a class within a factory can be accomplished in a variety of ways, most notably by having a config file that contains the name of the class that implements the required interface. Then the factory can find that class from within the class path and construct it as an object of the specified interface.

SQL SELECT multi-columns INTO multi-variable

SELECT @variable1 = col1, @variable2 = col2
FROM table1

How to create friendly URL in php?

According to this article, you want a mod_rewrite (placed in an .htaccess file) rule that looks something like this:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/news/([0-9]+)\.html /news.php?news_id=$1

And this maps requests from




Another possibility is doing it with forcetype, which forces anything down a particular path to use php to eval the content. So, in your .htaccess file, put the following:

<Files news>
    ForceType application/x-httpd-php

And then the index.php can take action based on the $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] variable:

    echo $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
    // outputs '/63.html'

Angular routerLink does not navigate to the corresponding component

For anyone having this error after spliting modules check your routes, the following happened to me:


const routes: Routes = [
    { path: '', component: HomeComponent },
    { path: '**', redirectTo: 'home' } // ? This was my mistake
    { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
    { path: 'privacy-policy', component: PrivacyPolicyComponent },
    { path: 'credits', component: CreditsComponent },
    { path: 'contact', component: ContactComponent },
    { path: 'news', component: NewsComponent },
    { path: 'presentation', component: PresentationComponent }

    imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
    exports: [RouterModule]
export class PublicRoutingModule { }


const routes: Routes = [

    imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
    exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

Move { path: '**', redirectTo: 'home' } to your AppRoutingModule:


const routes: Routes = [
    { path: '', component: HomeComponent },
    { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
    { path: 'privacy-policy', component: PrivacyPolicyComponent },
    { path: 'credits', component: CreditsComponent },
    { path: 'contact', component: ContactComponent },
    { path: 'news', component: NewsComponent },
    { path: 'presentation', component: PresentationComponent }

    imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
    exports: [RouterModule]
export class PublicRoutingModule { }


const routes: Routes = [
    { path: '**', redirectTo: 'home' }

    imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
    exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { } error in opening zip file

It could be related to log4j.

Do you have log4j.jar file in the websphere java classpath (as defined in the startup file) as well as the application classpath ?

If you do make sure that the log4j.jar file is in the java classpath and that it is NOT in the web-inf/lib directory of your webapp.

It can also be related with the ant version (may be not your case, but I do put it here for reference):

You have a .class file in your class path (i.e. not a directory or a .jar file). Starting with ant 1.6, ant will open the files in the classpath checking for manifest entries. This attempted opening will fail with the error ""

The problem does not exist with ant 1.5 as it does not try to open the files. - so make sure that your classpath's do not contain .class files.

On a side note, did you consider having separate jars ?
You could in the manifest of your main jar, refer to the other jars with this attribute:

Class-Path: one.jar two.jar three.jar

Then, place all of your jars in the same folder.
Again, may be not valid for your case, but still there for reference.

Automated testing for REST Api

I implemented many automation cases based on REST Assured , a jave DSL for testing restful service.

The syntax is easy, it supports json and xml.

Before that, I tried SOAPUI and had some issues with the free version. Plus the cases are in xml files which hard to extend and reuse, simply I don't like

Can I run Keras model on gpu?

See if your script is running GPU in Task manager. If not, suspect your CUDA version is right one for the tensorflow version you are using, as the other answers suggested already.

Additionally, a proper CUDA DNN library for the CUDA version is required to run GPU with tensorflow. Download/extract it from here and put the DLL (e.g., cudnn64_7.dll) into CUDA bin folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\bin).

case statement in SQL, how to return multiple variables?

Depending on your use case, instead of using a case statement, you can use the union of multiple select statements, one for each condition.

My goal when I found this question was to select multiple columns conditionally. I didn't necessarily need the case statement, so this is what I did.

For example:

  WHERE <condition 1>
    AND (<other conditions>)
  WHERE <condition 2>
    AND (<other conditions>)
-- and so on

Be sure that exactly one condition evaluates to true at a time.

I'm using Postgresql, and the query planner was smart enough to not run a select statement at all if the condition in the where clause evaluated to false (i.e. only one of the select statement actually runs), so this was also performant for me.

Calling onclick on a radiobutton list using javascript

try following solution


<div id="variant">
<label><input type="radio" name="toggle" class="radio" value="19,99€"><span>A</span></label>
<label><input type="radio" name="toggle" class="radio" value="<<<"><span>B</span></label>
<label><input type="radio" name="toggle" class="radio" value="xxx"><span>C</span></label>
<p id="price"></p>


$(document).ready(function () {
       $('.radio').click(function () {
           document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = $(this).val();


Fire event on enter key press for a textbox

You could wrap the textbox and button in an ASP:Panel, and set the DefaultButton property of the Panel to the Id of your Submit button.

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" DefaultButton="SubmitButton">
    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" />
    <asp:Button ID="SubmitButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="SubmitButton_Click" />

Now anytime the focus is within the Panel, the 'SubmitButton_Click' event will fire when enter is pressed.

Show/hide widgets in Flutter programmatically

Flutter now contains a Visibility Widget that you should use to show/hide widgets. The widget can also be used to switch between 2 widgets by changing the replacement.

This widget can achieve any of the states visible, invisible, gone and a lot more.

      visible: true //Default is true,
      child: Text('Ndini uya uya'),
      //maintainSize: bool. When true this is equivalent to invisible;
      //replacement: Widget. Defaults to Sizedbox.shrink, 0x0

Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

Here is a possible solution:

From your first script, call your second script with the following line:

wscript.exe invis.vbs run.bat %*

Actually, you are calling a vbs script with:

  • the [path]\name of your script
  • all the other arguments needed by your script (%*)

Then, invis.vbs will call your script with the Windows Script Host Run() method, which takes:

  • intWindowStyle : 0 means "invisible windows"
  • bWaitOnReturn : false means your first script does not need to wait for your second script to finish

Here is invis.vbs:

set args = WScript.Arguments
num = args.Count

if num = 0 then
    WScript.Echo "Usage: [CScript | WScript] invis.vbs aScript.bat <some script arguments>"
    WScript.Quit 1
end if

sargs = ""
if num > 1 then
    sargs = " "
    for k = 1 to num - 1
        anArg = args.Item(k)
        sargs = sargs & anArg & " "
end if

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """" & sargs, 0, False

git with development, staging and production branches

Actually what made this so confusing is that the Beanstalk people stand behind their very non-standard use of Staging (it comes before development in their diagram, and it's not a mistake!

Move entire line up and down in Vim

I put the following at the end of my .vimrc file:

noremap H ddkkp
noremap N ddp

So now 'H' and 'N' move current line up and down respectively.

How to add option to select list in jQuery

For me this one worked

success: function(data){
                $("#fromDay").append( new Option(itemData.lookupLabel, )

How do you delete an ActiveRecord object?

It's destroy and destroy_all methods, like

User.where(age: 20).destroy_all
User.destroy_all(age: 20)

Alternatively you can use delete and delete_all which won't enforce :before_destroy and :after_destroy callbacks or any dependent association options.

User.delete_all(condition: 'value') will allow you to delete records without a primary key

Note: from @hammady's comment, user.destroy won't work if User model has no primary key.

Note 2: From @pavel-chuchuva's comment, destroy_all with conditions and delete_all with conditions has been deprecated in Rails 5.1 - see

Apache Spark: The number of cores vs. the number of executors

From the excellent resources available at RStudio's Sparklyr package page:


It may be useful to provide some simple definitions for the Spark nomenclature:

Node: A server

Worker Node: A server that is part of the cluster and are available to run Spark jobs

Master Node: The server that coordinates the Worker nodes.

Executor: A sort of virtual machine inside a node. One Node can have multiple Executors.

Driver Node: The Node that initiates the Spark session. Typically, this will be the server where sparklyr is located.

Driver (Executor): The Driver Node will also show up in the Executor list.

Rolling back bad changes with svn in Eclipse

In Eclipse Ganymede (Subclipse)

Select project/file that contains bad change, and from pop-up menu choose:

Team -> Show History

Revisions related to that project/file will be shown in History tab.

Find revision where "bad changes" were committed and from pop-up menu choose:

Revert Changes from Revision X

This will merge changes in file(s) modified within bad revision, with revision prior to bad revision.

There are two scenarios from here:

  1. If you committed no changes for that file (bad revision is last revision for that file), it will simply remove changes made in bad revision. Those changes are merged to your working copy so you have to commit them.

  2. If you committed some changes for that file (bad revision is not last revision for that file), you will have to manually resolve conflict. Let say that you have file readme.txt with, and bad revision number is 33. Also, you've made another commit for that file in revision 34. After you choose Revert Changes from Revision 33 you will have following in your working copy:

readme.txt.merge-left.r33 - bad revision

readme.txt.merge-right.r32 - before bad revision

readme.txt.working - working copy version (same as in r34 if you don't have any uncommitted changes)

Original readme.txt will be marked conflicted, and will contain merged version (where changes from bad revision are removed) with some markers (<<<<<<< .working etc). If you just want to remove changes from bad revision and keep changes made after that, then all you have to do is remove markers. Otherwise, you can copy contents from one of 3 files mentioned above to original file. Whatever you choose, when you are done, mark conflict resolved by

Team - Mark Resolved

Temporary files will be removed and your file will be marked changed. As in 1, you have to commit changes.

Note that this does not remove revision from revision history in svn repository. You simply made new revision where changes from bad revision are removed.

Coerce multiple columns to factors at once

You can use mutate_if (dplyr):

For example, coerce integer in factor:

mydata=structure(list(a = 1:10, b = 1:10, c = c("a", "a", "b", "b", 
"c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c")), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))

# A tibble: 10 x 3
       a     b c    
   <int> <int> <chr>
 1     1     1 a    
 2     2     2 a    
 3     3     3 b    
 4     4     4 b    
 5     5     5 c    
 6     6     6 c    
 7     7     7 c    
 8     8     8 c    
 9     9     9 c    
10    10    10 c   

Use the function:



# A tibble: 10 x 3
       a     b c    
   <fct> <fct> <chr>
 1     1     1 a    
 2     2     2 a    
 3     3     3 b    
 4     4     4 b    
 5     5     5 c    
 6     6     6 c    
 7     7     7 c    
 8     8     8 c    
 9     9     9 c    
10    10    10 c    

find the array index of an object with a specific key value in underscore

findIndex was added in 1.8:

index = _.findIndex(tv, function(voteItem) { return == voteID })


Alternatively, this also works, if you don't mind making another temporary list:

index = _.indexOf(_.pluck(tv, 'id'), voteId);


How to find out if an item is present in a std::vector?

If your vector is not ordered, use the approach MSN suggested:

if(std::find(vector.begin(), vector.end(), item)!=vector.end()){
      // Found the item

If your vector is ordered, use binary_search method Brian Neal suggested:

if(binary_search(vector.begin(), vector.end(), item)){
     // Found the item

binary search yields O(log n) worst-case performance, which is way more efficient than the first approach. In order to use binary search, you may use qsort to sort the vector first to guarantee it is ordered.

Inverse of matrix in R

Note that if you care about speed and do not need to worry about singularities, solve() should be preferred to ginv() because it is much faster, as you can check:

mat <- matrix(rnorm(1e6),nrow=1e3,ncol=1e3)

t0 <- proc.time()
inv0 <- ginv(mat)
proc.time() - t0 

t1 <- proc.time()
inv1 <- solve(mat)
proc.time() - t1 

How to SFTP with PHP?

Install Flysystem:

composer require league/flysystem-sftp


use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Sftp\SftpAdapter;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new SftpAdapter([
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 22,
    'username' => 'username',
    'password' => 'password',
    'privateKey' => 'path/to/or/contents/of/privatekey',
    'root' => '/path/to/root',
    'timeout' => 10,
$filesystem->listFiles($path); // get file lists
$filesystem->read($path_to_file); // grab file
$filesystem->put($path); // upload file


How to check if a Ruby object is a Boolean

If your code can sensibly be written as a case statement, this is pretty decent:

case mybool
when TrueClass, FalseClass
  puts "It's a bool!"
  puts "It's something else!"

How to get the last row of an Oracle a table

    SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY sortable_column DESC

List of remotes for a Git repository?

If you only need the names of the remote repositories (and not any of the other data), a simple git remote is enough.

$ git remote

Stop Chrome Caching My JS Files

Quick steps:

1) Open up the Developer Tools dashboard by going to the Chrome Menu -> Tools -> Developer Tools

2) Click on the settings icon on the right hand side (it's a cog!)

3) Check the box "Disable cache (when DevTools is open)"

4) Now, while the dashboard is up, just hit refresh and JS won't be cached!

Error message "Unable to install or run the application. The application requires stdole Version 7.0.3300.0 in the GAC"

Interesting, I didn't have any references to stdole in my project, but I had a user still receiving the error. I had to add the reference, then change the setting to include. Hopefully that will work.

Generating (pseudo)random alpha-numeric strings

You can use the following code. It is similar to existing functions except that you can force special character count:

function random_string() {
    // 8 characters: 7 lower-case alphabets and 1 digit
    $character_sets = [
        ["count" => 7, "characters" => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"],
        ["count" => 1, "characters" => "0123456789"]
    $temp_array = array();
    foreach ($character_sets as $character_set) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $character_set["count"]; $i++) {
            $random = random_int(0, strlen($character_set["characters"]) - 1);
            $temp_array[] = $character_set["characters"][$random];
    return implode("", $temp_array);

Difference between acceptance test and functional test?

The answer is opinion. I worked in a lot of projects and being testmanager and issuemanager and all different roles and the descriptions in various books differ so here is my variation:

functional-testing: take the business requirements and test all of it good and thorougly from a functional viewpoint.

acceptance-testing: the "paying" customer does the testing he likes to do so that he can accept the product delivered. It depends on the customer but usually the tests are not as thorough as the functional-testing especially if it is an in-house project because the stakeholders review and trust the test results done in earlier test phases.

As I said this is my viewpoint and experience. The functional-testing is systematic and the acceptance-testing is rather the business department testing the thing.

How to make Scrollable Table with fixed headers using CSS

I can think of a cheeky way to do it, I don't think this will be the best option but it will work.

Create the header as a separate table then place the other in a div and set a max size, then allow the scroll to come in by using overflow.

table {_x000D_
  width: 500px;_x000D_
.scroll {_x000D_
  max-height: 60px;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
<table border="1">_x000D_
<div class="scroll">_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>More Text</td><td>More Text</td><td>More Text</td><td>More Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td><td>Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_
    <tr><td>Even More Text Text</td><td>Even More Text Text</td><td>Even More Text Text</td><td>Even More Text Text</td></tr>_x000D_

JavaScript backslash (\) in variables is causing an error

You have to escape each \ to be \\:

var ttt = "aa ///\\\\\\";

Updated: I think this question is not about the escape character in string at all. The asker doesn't seem to explain the problem correctly.

because you had to show a message to user that user can't give a name which has (\) character.

I think the scenario is like:

var user_input_name = document.getElementById('the_name').value;

Then the asker wants to check if user_input_name contains any [\]. If so, then alert the user.

If user enters [aa ///\] in HTML input box, then if you alert(user_input_name), you will see [aaa ///\]. You don't need to escape, i.e. replace [\] to be [\\] in JavaScript code. When you do escaping, that is because you are trying to make of a string which contain special characters in JavaScript source code. If you don't do it, it won't be parsed correct. Since you already get a string, you don't need to pass it into an escaping function. If you do so, I am guessing you are generating another JavaScript code from a JavaScript code, but it's not the case here.

I am guessing asker wants to simulate the input, so we can understand the problem. Unfortunately, asker doesn't understand JavaScript well. Therefore, a syntax error code being supplied to us:

var ttt = "aa ///\";

Hence, we assume the asker having problem with escaping.

If you want to simulate, you code must be valid at first place.

var ttt = "aa ///\\"; // <- This is correct
// var ttt = "aa ///\"; // <- This is not.

alert(ttt); // You will see [aa ///\] in dialog, which is what you expect, right?

Now, you only need to do is

var user_input_name = document.getElementById('the_name').value;
if (user_input_name.indexOf("\\") >= 0) { // There is a [\] in the string
  alert("\\ is not allowed to be used!"); // User reads [\ is not allowed to be used]

Edit: I used [] to quote text to be shown, so it would be less confused than using "".

How to prevent a double-click using jQuery?

In my case, jQuery one had some side effects (in IE8) and I ended up using the following :


which works very nicely and looks simpler. Found it there:

Elegant ways to support equivalence ("equality") in Python classes

You need to be careful with inheritance:

>>> class Foo:
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
            return False

>>> class Bar(Foo):pass

>>> b = Bar()
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f == b
>>> b == f

Check types more strictly, like this:

def __eq__(self, other):
    if type(other) is type(self):
        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
    return False

Besides that, your approach will work fine, that's what special methods are there for.

Determine if variable is defined in Python

    a # does a exist in the current namespace
except NameError:
    a = 10 # nope

"Eliminate render-blocking CSS in above-the-fold content"

Consider using a package to automatically generate inline styles from your css files. A good one is Grunt Critical or Critical css for Laravel.

How to fix: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found

this problem can be solved by installing the latest libstdc++.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-7-dbg

TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall()

The problem is that your regex is a string, but html is bytes:

>>> type(html)
<class 'bytes'>

Since python doesn't know how those bytes are encoded, it throws an exception when you try to use a string regex on them.

You can either decode the bytes to a string:

html = html.decode('ISO-8859-1')  # encoding may vary!
title = re.findall(pattern, html)  # no more error

Or use a bytes regex:

regex = rb'<title>(,+?)</title>'
#        ^

In this particular context, you can get the encoding from the response headers:

with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
    encoding ='charset', 'utf8')
    html =

See the urlopen documentation for more details.

How can I change the value of the elements in a vector?

You might want to consider using some algorithms instead:

// read in the data:

sum = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
average = sum / v.size();

You can modify the values with std::transform, though until we get lambda expressions (C++0x) it may be more trouble than it's worth:

class difference { 
    double base;
    difference(double b) : base(b) {}
    double operator()(double v) { return v-base; }

std::transform(v.begin(), v.end(), v.begin(), difference(average));

Should a retrieval method return 'null' or throw an exception when it can't produce the return value?

referring only to the case where null is not considered an exceptional behavior i am definitely for the try method, it is clear, no need to "read the book" or "look before you leap" as was said here

so basically:

bool TryFindObject(RequestParam request, out ResponseParam response)

and this means that the user's code will also be clear

if(TryFindObject(request, out response)

jQuery: read text file from file system

Something like this is what I use all the time. No need for any base64 decoding.

      window.onload = function(event) {
        document.getElementById('fileInput').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);

      function handleFileSelect(event) {
        var fileReader = new FileReader();
        fileReader.onload = function(event) {
        var file =[0];
        document.getElementById('fileInput').value = null;
<input type="file" id="fileInput" style="height: 20px; width: 100px;">

Can ordered list produce result that looks like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (instead of just 1, 2, 3, ...) with css?

The solutions posted here did not work well for me, so I did a mixture of the ones of this question and the following question: Is it possible to create multi-level ordered list in HTML?

/* Numbered lists like 1, 1.1, 2.2.1... */
ol li {display:block;} /* hide original list counter */
ol > li:first-child {counter-reset: item;} /* reset counter */
ol > li {counter-increment: item; position: relative;} /* increment counter */
ol > li:before {content:counters(item, ".") ". "; position: absolute; margin-right: 100%; right: 10px;} /* print counter */



Note: the screenshot, if you wish to see the source code or whatever is from this post:

exception.getMessage() output with class name

My guess is that you've got something in method1 which wraps one exception in another, and uses the toString() of the nested exception as the message of the wrapper. I suggest you take a copy of your project, and remove as much as you can while keeping the problem, until you've got a short but complete program which demonstrates it - at which point either it'll be clear what's going on, or we'll be in a better position to help fix it.

Here's a short but complete program which demonstrates RuntimeException.getMessage() behaving correctly:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

    private static void failingMethod() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Just the message");


Error: Just the message

How to put comments in Django templates

In contrast to traditional html comments like this:

<!-- not so secret secrets -->

Django template comments are not rendered in the final html. So you can feel free to stuff implementation details in there like so:


{% comment %}
    The other half of the flexbox is defined 
    in a different file `sidebar.html`
    as <div id="sidebar-main">.
{% endcomment %}

Single line:

{# jquery latest #}

    beware, this won't be commented out... 
    actually renders as regular body text on the page

I find single line comments especially helpful for <a href="{% url 'view_name' %}" views that have not been created yet.

How to list active connections on PostgreSQL?

Oh, I just found that command on PostgreSQL forum:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

Java - Abstract class to contain variables?

Of course. The whole idea of abstract classes is that they can contain some behaviour or data which you require all sub-classes to contain. Think of the simple example of WheeledVehicle - it should have a numWheels member variable. You want all sub classes to have this variable. Remember that abstract classes are a very useful feature when developing APIs, as they can ensure that people who extend your API won't break it.

Vim and Ctags tips and tricks

I put the following in my .gvimrc file, which searches up the tree from any point for a tags file when gvim starts:

function SetTags()
    let curdir = getcwd()

    while !filereadable("tags") && getcwd() != "/"
        cd ..

    if filereadable("tags")
        execute "set tags=" . getcwd() . "/tags"

    execute "cd " . curdir

call SetTags()

I then periodically regenerate a tags file at the top of my source tree with a script that looks like:


find . -regex ".*\.\(c\|h\|hpp\|cc\|cpp\)" -print | ctags --totals --recurse --extra="+qf" --fields="+i" -L -

img tag displays wrong orientation

I think there are some issues in browser auto fix image orientation, for example, if I visit the picture directly, it shows the right orientation, but show wrong orientation in some exits html page.

HTML Canvas Full Screen

A - How To Calculate Full Screen Width & Height

Here is the functions;

canvas.width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;

Check this out

B - How To Make Full Screen Stable With Resize

Here is the resize method for the resize event;

function resizeCanvas() {
    canvas.width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
    canvas.height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;

    WIDTH = canvas.width;
    HEIGHT = canvas.height;


C - How To Get Rid Of Scroll Bars


    html, body {
        overflow: hidden;

D - Demo Code

  <title>Full Screen Canvas Example</title>_x000D_
   html, body {_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
 <body onresize="resizeCanvas()">_x000D_
  <canvas id="mainCanvas">_x000D_
   (function () {_x000D_
    canvas = document.getElementById('mainCanvas');_x000D_
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");_x000D_
    canvas.width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;_x000D_
    canvas.height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;_x000D_
    WIDTH = canvas.width;_x000D_
    HEIGHT = canvas.height;_x000D_
   function resizeCanvas() {_x000D_
    canvas.width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;_x000D_
    canvas.height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;_x000D_
    WIDTH = canvas.width;_x000D_
    HEIGHT = canvas.height;_x000D_
   function clearScreen() {_x000D_
    var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,180);_x000D_
    ctx.fillStyle = grd;_x000D_
    ctx.fillRect(  0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );_x000D_

How to list all tags along with the full message in git?

Last tag message only:

git cat-file -p $(git rev-parse $(git tag -l | tail -n1)) | tail -n +6

Creating a file only if it doesn't exist in Node.js

You can do something like this:

function writeFile(i){
    var i = i || 0;
    var fileName = 'a_' + i + '.jpg';
    fs.exists(fileName, function (exists) {
        } else {

use Lodash to sort array of object by value

This method orderBy does not change the input array, you have to assign the result to your array :

var chars = this.state.characters;

chars = _.orderBy(chars, ['name'],['asc']); // Use Lodash to sort array by 'name'

 this.setState({characters: chars})

How can I get the status code from an http error in Axios?

It's my code: Work for me

 var jsonData = request.body;
    var jsonParsed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonData));

    // message_body = {
    //   "phone": "5511995001920",
    //   "body": "WhatsApp API on works good"
    // }, jsonParsed,validateStatus = true)
    .then((res) => {
      // console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`)


        // var jsonData = res.body;
        // var jsonParsed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonData));

    .catch((error) => {

How do you share constants in NodeJS modules?

Technically, const is not part of the ECMAScript specification. Also, using the "CommonJS Module" pattern you've noted, you can change the value of that "constant" since it's now just an object property. (not sure if that'll cascade any changes to other scripts that require the same module, but it's possible)

To get a real constant that you can also share, check out Object.create, Object.defineProperty, and Object.defineProperties. If you set writable: false, then the value in your "constant" cannot be modified. :)

It's a little verbose, (but even that can be changed with a little JS) but you should only need to do it once for your module of constants. Using these methods, any attribute that you leave out defaults to false. (as opposed to defining properties via assignment, which defaults all the attributes to true)

So, hypothetically, you could just set value and enumerable, leaving out writable and configurable since they'll default to false, I've just included them for clarity.

Update - I've create a new module (node-constants) with helper functions for this very use-case.

constants.js -- Good

Object.defineProperty(exports, "PI", {
    value:        3.14,
    enumerable:   true,
    writable:     false,
    configurable: false

constants.js -- Better

function define(name, value) {
    Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
        value:      value,
        enumerable: true

define("PI", 3.14);


var constants = require("./constants");

console.log(constants.PI); // 3.14
constants.PI = 5;
console.log(constants.PI); // still 3.14

Spring Boot java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/Filter

For Jar

Add pom.xml


How to get name of the computer in VBA?

A shell method to read the environmental variable for this courtesy of devhut

Debug.Print CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%")

Same source gives an API method:

Option Explicit

#If VBA7 And Win64 Then
    'x64 Declarations
    Declare PtrSafe Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
    'x32 Declaration
    Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
#End If

Public Sub test()

    Debug.Print ComputerName
End Sub

Public Function ComputerName() As String
    Dim sBuff                 As String * 255
    Dim lBuffLen              As Long
    Dim lResult               As Long
    lBuffLen = 255
    lResult = GetComputerName(sBuff, lBuffLen)
    If lBuffLen > 0 Then
        ComputerName = Left(sBuff, lBuffLen)
    End If
End Function

Android EditText delete(backspace) key event

My problem was, that I had custom Textwatcher, so I didn't want to add OnKeyListener to an EditText as well as I didn't want to create custom EditText. I wanted to detect if backspace was pressed in my afterTextChanged method, so I shouldn't trigger my event.

This is how I solved this. Hope it would be helpful for someone.

public class CustomTextWatcher extends AfterTextChangedTextWatcher {

private boolean backspacePressed;

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
    if (!backspacePressed) {

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
    super.onTextChanged(s, start, before, count);
    backspacePressed = count == 0; //if count == 0, backspace is pressed

How to find lines containing a string in linux

Besides grep, you can also use other utilities such as awk or sed

Here is a few examples. Let say you want to search for a string is in the file named GPL.

Your sample file

user@linux:~$ cat -n GPL 
     1    The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
     2    The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
     3  the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
     4  GNU General Public License for most of our software;

1. grep

user@linux:~$ grep is GPL 
  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

2. awk

user@linux:~$ awk /is/ GPL 
  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

3. sed

user@linux:~$ sed -n '/is/p' GPL
  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to

Hope this helps

Calling Scalar-valued Functions in SQL

Make sure you have the correct database selected. You may have the master database selected if you are trying to run it in a new query window.

How to use Python's pip to download and keep the zipped files for a package?

In version 7.1.2 pip downloads the wheel of a package (if available) with the following:

pip install package -d /path/to/downloaded/file

The following downloads a source distribution:

pip install package -d /path/to/downloaded/file --no-binary :all:

These download the dependencies as well, if pip is aware of them (e.g., if pip show package lists them).


As noted by Anton Khodak, pip download command is preferred since version 8. In the above examples this means that /path/to/downloaded/file needs to be given with option -d, so replacing install with download works.

Finding first blank row, then writing to it


Inspired by Daniel's code above and the fact that this is WAY! more interesting to me now then the actual work I have to do, i created a hopefully full-proof function to find the first blank row in a sheet. Improvements welcome! Otherwise, this is going to my library :) Hopefully others benefit as well.

    Function firstBlankRow(ws As Worksheet) As Long
'returns the row # of the row after the last used row
'Or the first row with no data in it

    Dim rngSearch As Range, cel As Range

    With ws

        Set rngSearch = .UsedRange.Columns(1).Find("") '-> does blank exist in the first column of usedRange

        If Not rngSearch Is Nothing Then

            Set rngSearch = .UsedRange.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)

            For Each cel In rngSearch

                If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(cel.EntireRow) = 0 Then

                    firstBlankRow = cel.Row
                    Exit For

                End If


        Else '-> no blanks in first column of used range

            If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).EntireRow) = 0 Then '-> is the last row of the sheet blank?

                '-> yeap!, then no blank rows!
                MsgBox "Whoa! All rows in sheet are used. No blank rows exist!"


                '-> okay, blank row exists
                firstBlankRow = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Row + 1

            End If

        End If

    End With

End Function

Original Answer

To find the first blank in a sheet, replace this part of your code:

Cells(1, 1).Select
For Each Cell In ws.UsedRange.Cells
    If Cell.Value = "" Then Cell = Num
    MsgBox "Checking cell " & Cell & " for value."

With this code:

With ws

    Dim rngBlanks As Range, cel As Range

    Set rngBlanks = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns(1)).Find("")

    If Not rngBlanks Is Nothing Then '-> make sure blank cell exists in first column of usedrange
        '-> find all blank rows in column A within the used range
        Set rngBlanks = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns(1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)

        For Each cel In rngBlanks '-> loop through blanks in column A

            '-> do a countA on the entire row, if it's 0, there is nothing in the row
            If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(cel.EntireRow) = 0 Then
                num = cel.Row
                Exit For
            End If


        num = usedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1).Row                 

    End If

End With

no pg_hba.conf entry for host

If you are getting an error like the one below:

OperationalError: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "your ipv6",
                  user "username", database "postgres", SSL off

then add an entry like the following, with your mac address.

host   all    all       [your ipv6]/128         md5

Changing nav-bar color after scrolling?

Here is simplest way how to change navbar color after window scroll:

Add follow JS to head:

$(function () {
  $(document).scroll(function () {
    var $nav = $(".navbar-fixed-top");
    $nav.toggleClass('scrolled', $(this).scrollTop() > $nav.height());

and this CSS code

.navbar-fixed-top.scrolled {
  background-color: #fff !important;
  transition: background-color 200ms linear;

Background color of fixed navbar will be change to white when scroll exceeds height of navbar.

See follow JsFiddle

In Java 8 how do I transform a Map<K,V> to another Map<K,V> using a lambda?

Keep it Simple and use Java 8:-

 Map<String, AccountGroupMappingModel> mapAccountGroup=CustomerDAO.getAccountGroupMapping();
 Map<String, AccountGroupMappingModel> mapH2ToBydAccountGroups = 
                                                   e ->e.getValue())

Add error bars to show standard deviation on a plot in R

You can use arrows:

arrows(x,y-sd,x,y+sd, code=3, length=0.02, angle = 90)

Is <div style="width: ;height: ;background: "> CSS?

For example :

<div style="height:100px; width:100px; background:#000000"></div>


you give css to div of height and width having 100px and background as black.

PS : try to avoid inline-css you can make external CSS and import in your html file.

you can refer here for CSS

hope this helps.

How can I set the focus (and display the keyboard) on my EditText programmatically

I tried a lot ways and it's not working tho, not sure is it because i'm using shared transition from fragment to activity containing the edit text.

Btw my edittext is also wrapped in LinearLayout.

I added a slight delay to request focus and below code worked for me: (Kotlin)


 },400) //only 400 is working fine, even 300 / 350, the cursor is not showing


 val imm = getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager
 imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, 0)

pull out p-values and r-squared from a linear regression

This is the easiest way to pull the p-values:

coef(summary(modelname))[, "Pr(>|t|)"]

C# Connecting Through Proxy

Foole's code worked perfectly for me, but in .NET 4.0, don't forget to check if Proxy is NULL, which means no proxy configured (outside corporate environment)

So here's the code that solved my problem with our corporate proxy

WebClient web = new WebClient();
if (web.Proxy != null)
    web.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

What does `unsigned` in MySQL mean and when to use it?

MySQL says:

All integer types can have an optional (nonstandard) attribute UNSIGNED. Unsigned type can be used to permit only nonnegative numbers in a column or when you need a larger upper numeric range for the column. For example, if an INT column is UNSIGNED, the size of the column's range is the same but its endpoints shift from -2147483648 and 2147483647 up to 0 and 4294967295.

When do I use it ?

Ask yourself this question: Will this field ever contain a negative value?
If the answer is no, then you want an UNSIGNED data type.

A common mistake is to use a primary key that is an auto-increment INT starting at zero, yet the type is SIGNED, in that case you’ll never touch any of the negative numbers and you are reducing the range of possible id's to half.

How can I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to?

In javascript you can do:

var element = document.getElementById("myid"); = "fixed"; = "0%";

How to bind a List<string> to a DataGridView control?

Thats because DataGridView looks for properties of containing objects. For string there is just one property - length. So, you need a wrapper for a string like this

public class StringValue
    public StringValue(string s)
        _value = s;
    public string Value { get { return _value; } set { _value = value; } }
    string _value;

Then bind List<StringValue> object to your grid. It works

Initializing IEnumerable<string> In C#

public static IEnumerable<string> GetData()
    yield return "1";
    yield return "2";
    yield return "3";

IEnumerable<string> m_oEnum = GetData();

Get the number of rows in a HTML table

In the DOM, a tr element is (implicitly or explicitly) a child of tbody, thead, or tfoot, not a child of table (hence the 0 you got). So a general answer is:

var count = $('#gvPerformanceResult > * > tr').length;

This includes the rows of the table but excludes rows of any inner table.

Why is lock(this) {...} bad?

It is bad form to use this in lock statements because it is generally out of your control who else might be locking on that object.

In order to properly plan parallel operations, special care should be taken to consider possible deadlock situations, and having an unknown number of lock entry points hinders this. For example, any one with a reference to the object can lock on it without the object designer/creator knowing about it. This increases the complexity of multi-threaded solutions and might affect their correctness.

A private field is usually a better option as the compiler will enforce access restrictions to it, and it will encapsulate the locking mechanism. Using this violates encapsulation by exposing part of your locking implementation to the public. It is also not clear that you will be acquiring a lock on this unless it has been documented. Even then, relying on documentation to prevent a problem is sub-optimal.

Finally, there is the common misconception that lock(this) actually modifies the object passed as a parameter, and in some way makes it read-only or inaccessible. This is false. The object passed as a parameter to lock merely serves as a key. If a lock is already being held on that key, the lock cannot be made; otherwise, the lock is allowed.

This is why it's bad to use strings as the keys in lock statements, since they are immutable and are shared/accessible across parts of the application. You should use a private variable instead, an Object instance will do nicely.

Run the following C# code as an example.

public class Person
    public int Age { get; set;  }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public void LockThis()
        lock (this)

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var nancy = new Person {Name = "Nancy Drew", Age = 15};
        var a = new Thread(nancy.LockThis);
        var b = new Thread(Timewarp);
        var anotherNancy = new Person { Name = "Nancy Drew", Age = 50 };
        var c = new Thread(NameChange);

    static void Timewarp(object subject)
        var person = subject as Person;
        if (person == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("subject");
        // A lock does not make the object read-only.
        lock (person.Name)
            while (person.Age <= 23)
                // There will be a lock on 'person' due to the LockThis method running in another thread
                if (Monitor.TryEnter(person, 10) == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("'this' person is locked!");
                else Monitor.Exit(person);
                if(person.Age == 18)
                    // Changing the 'person.Name' value doesn't change the lock...
                    person.Name = "Nancy Smith";
                Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old.", person.Name, person.Age);

    static void NameChange(object subject)
        var person = subject as Person;
        if (person == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("subject");
        // You should avoid locking on strings, since they are immutable.
        if (Monitor.TryEnter(person.Name, 30) == false)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to obtain lock on 50 year old Nancy, because Timewarp(object) locked on string \"Nancy Drew\".");
        else Monitor.Exit(person.Name);

        if (Monitor.TryEnter("Nancy Drew", 30) == false)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to obtain lock using 'Nancy Drew' literal, locked by 'person.Name' since both are the same object thanks to inlining!");
        else Monitor.Exit("Nancy Drew");
        if (Monitor.TryEnter(person.Name, 10000))
            string oldName = person.Name;
            person.Name = "Nancy Callahan";
            Console.WriteLine("Name changed from '{0}' to '{1}'.", oldName, person.Name);
        else Monitor.Exit(person.Name);

Console output

'this' person is locked!
Nancy Drew is 16 years old.
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Drew is 17 years old.
Failed to obtain lock on 50 year old Nancy, because Timewarp(object) locked on string "Nancy Drew".
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Smith is 18 years old.
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Smith is 19 years old.
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Smith is 20 years old.
Failed to obtain lock using 'Nancy Drew' literal, locked by 'person.Name' since both are the same object thanks to inlining!
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Smith is 21 years old.
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Smith is 22 years old.
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Smith is 23 years old.
'this' person is locked!
Nancy Smith is 24 years old.
Name changed from 'Nancy Drew' to 'Nancy Callahan'.

Why does the Visual Studio editor show dots in blank spaces?

In Visual Studio 2012
Go to
Edit -> Advanced -> View White Spaces
Press Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W

Laravel 5 How to switch from Production mode

What you could also have a look at is the exposed method Application->loadEnvironmentFrom($file)

I needed one application to run on multiple subdomains. So in bootstrap/app.php I added something like:

$envFile = '.env';
// change $envFile conditionally here

excel plot against a date time x series

There is an easy workaround for this problem

What you need to do, is format your dates as DD/MM/YYYY (or whichever way around you like)

Insert a column next to the time and date columns, put a formula in this column that adds them together. e.g. =A5+B5.

Format this inserted column into DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss which can be found in the custom category on the formatting section

Plot a scatter graph

Badabing badaboom

If you are unhappy with this workaround, learn to use GNUplot :)

Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes

By process (in the JSF specification it's called execute) you tell JSF to limit the processing to component that are specified every thing else is just ignored.

update indicates which element will be updated when the server respond back to you request.

@all : Every component is processed/rendered.

@this: The requesting component with the execute attribute is processed/rendered.

@form : The form that contains the requesting component is processed/rendered.

@parent: The parent that contains the requesting component is processed/rendered.

With Primefaces you can even use JQuery selectors, check out this blog:

Change URL and redirect using jQuery

you can do it simpler without jquery

location = "" + txt.value

function send() {_x000D_
  location = "" + txt.value;_x000D_
<form id="abc">_x000D_
  <input type="text" id="txt" />_x000D_
<button onclick="send()">Send</button>

Get width/height of SVG element

From Firefox 33 onwards you can call getBoundingClientRect() and it will work normally, i.e. in the question above it will return 300 x 100.

Firefox 33 will be released on 14th October 2014 but the fix is already in Firefox nightlies if you want to try it out.

'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error

The error TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable means that you tried to call a numpy array as a function. We can reproduce the error like so in the repl:

In [16]: import numpy as np

In [17]: np.array([1,2,3])()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-17-1abf8f3c8162> in <module>()
----> 1 np.array([1,2,3])()

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

If we are to assume that the error is indeed coming from the snippet of code that you posted (something that you should check,) then you must have reassigned either pd.rolling_mean or pd.rolling_std to a numpy array earlier in your code.

What I mean is something like this:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Works
Out[3]: array([ nan,  nan,  nan])

In [4]: pd.rolling_mean = np.array([1,2,3])

In [5]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-5-f528129299b9> in <module>()
----> 1 pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

So, basically you need to search the rest of your codebase for pd.rolling_mean = ... and/or pd.rolling_std = ... to see where you may have overwritten them.

Also, if you'd like, you can put in reload(pd) just before your snippet, which should make it run by restoring the value of pd to what you originally imported it as, but I still highly recommend that you try to find where you may have reassigned the given functions.

How to get item count from DynamoDB?


will give you the count of the filtered rows


fe = Key('entity').eq('tesla')
response = table.scan(FilterExpression=fe)

Set custom HTML5 required field validation message

This works well for me:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    var intputElements = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
    for (var i = 0; i < intputElements.length; i++) {
        intputElements[i].oninvalid = function (e) {
            if (! {
                if ( == "email") {
          "Please enter a valid email address.");
                } else {
          "Please enter a password.");

and the form I'm using it with (truncated):

<form id="welcome-popup-form" action="authentication" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="signup" value="1">
    <input type="email" name="email" id="welcome-email" placeholder="Email" required></div>
    <input type="password" name="passwd" id="welcome-passwd" placeholder="Password" required>
    <input type="submit" id="submitSignup" name="signup" value="SUBMIT" />

enter image description here

CSS text-transform capitalize on all caps

Interesting question!

capitalize transforms every first letter of a word to uppercase, but it does not transform the other letters to lowercase. Not even the :first-letter pseudo-class will cut it (because it applies to the first letter of each element, not each word), and I can't see a way of combining lowercase and capitalize to get the desired outcome.

So as far as I can see, this is indeed impossible to do with CSS.

@Harmen shows good-looking PHP and jQuery workarounds in his answer.

How to use a client certificate to authenticate and authorize in a Web API

Tracing helped me find what the problem was (Thank you Fabian for that suggestion). I found with further testing that I could get the client certificate to work on another server (Windows Server 2012). I was testing this on my development machine (Window 7) so I could debug this process. So by comparing the trace to an IIS Server that worked and one that did not I was able to pinpoint the relevant lines in the trace log. Here is a portion of a log where the client certificate worked. This is the setup right before the send

System.Net Information: 0 : [17444] InitializeSecurityContext(In-Buffers count=2, Out-Buffer length=0, returned code=CredentialsNeeded).
System.Net Information: 0 : [17444] SecureChannel#54718731 - We have user-provided certificates. The server has not specified any issuers, so try all the certificates.
System.Net Information: 0 : [17444] SecureChannel#54718731 - Selected certificate:

Here is what the trace log looked like on the machine where the client certificate failed.

System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] InitializeSecurityContext(In-Buffers count=2, Out-Buffer length=0, returned code=CredentialsNeeded).
System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] SecureChannel#54718731 - We have user-provided certificates. The server has specified 137 issuer(s). Looking for certificates that match any of the issuers.
System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] SecureChannel#54718731 - Left with 0 client certificates to choose from.
System.Net Information: 0 : [19616] Using the cached credential handle.

Focusing on the line that indicated the server specified 137 issuers I found this Q&A that seemed similar to my issue. The solution for me was not the one marked as an answer since my certificate was in the trusted root. The answer is the one under it where you update the registry. I just added the value to the registry key.


Value name: SendTrustedIssuerList Value type: REG_DWORD Value data: 0 (False)

After adding this value to the registry it started to work on my Windows 7 machine. This appears to be a Windows 7 issue.

https with WCF error: "Could not find base address that matches scheme https"

Make sure SSL is enabled for your server!

I got this error when trying to use a HTTPS configuration file on my local box which doesn't have that certificate. I was trying to do local testing - by converting some of the bindings from HTTPS to HTTP. I thought it would be easier to do this than try to install a self signed certificate for local testing.

Turned out I was getting this error becasue I didn't have SSL enabled on my local IIS even though I wasn't intending on actually using it.

There was something in the configuration for HTTPS. Creating a self signed cert in IIS7 allowed HTTP to then work :-)

How to get a List<string> collection of values from app.config in WPF?

Had the same problem, but solved it in a different way. It might not be the best solution, but its a solution.

in app.config:

<add key="errorMailFirst" value="[email protected]"/>
<add key="errorMailSeond" value="[email protected]"/>

Then in my configuration wrapper class, I add a method to search keys.

        public List<string> SearchKeys(string searchTerm)
            var keys = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Keys;
            return keys.Cast<object>()
                       .Where(key => key.ToString().ToLower()
                       .Select(key => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(key.ToString())).ToList();

For anyone reading this, i agree that creating your own custom configuration section is cleaner, and more secure, but for small projects, where you need something quick, this might solve it.

Finding first and last index of some value in a list in Python

Perhaps the two most efficient ways to find the last index:

def rindex(lst, value):
    i = lst.index(value)
    return len(lst) - i - 1
def rindex(lst, value):
    return len(lst) - operator.indexOf(reversed(lst), value) - 1

Both take only O(1) extra space and the two in-place reversals of the first solution are much faster than creating a reverse copy. Let's compare it with the other solutions posted previously:

def rindex(lst, value):
    return len(lst) - lst[::-1].index(value) - 1

def rindex(lst, value):
    return len(lst) - next(i for i, val in enumerate(reversed(lst)) if val == value) - 1

Benchmark results, my solutions are the red and green ones: unshuffled, full range

This is for searching a number in a list of a million numbers. The x-axis is for the location of the searched element: 0% means it's at the start of the list, 100% means it's at the end of the list. All solutions are fastest at location 100%, with the two reversed solutions taking pretty much no time for that, the double-reverse solution taking a little time, and the reverse-copy taking a lot of time.

A closer look at the right end: unshuffled, tail part

At location 100%, the reverse-copy solution and the double-reverse solution spend all their time on the reversals (index() is instant), so we see that the two in-place reversals are about seven times as fast as creating the reverse copy.

The above was with lst = list(range(1_000_000, 2_000_001)), which pretty much creates the int objects sequentially in memory, which is extremely cache-friendly. Let's do it again after shuffling the list with random.shuffle(lst) (probably less realistic, but interesting):

shuffled list, full range

shuffled list, tail part

All got a lot slower, as expected. The reverse-copy solution suffers the most, at 100% it now takes about 32 times (!) as long as the double-reverse solution. And the enumerate-solution is now second-fastest only after location 98%.

Overall I like the operator.indexOf solution best, as it's the fastest one for the last half or quarter of all locations, which are perhaps the more interesting locations if you're actually doing rindex for something. And it's only a bit slower than the double-reverse solution in earlier locations.

All benchmarks done with CPython 3.9.0 64-bit on Windows 10 Pro 1903 64-bit.

Count how many rows have the same value

Try this Query

select NUM, count(1) as count 
from tbl 
where num = 1
group by NUM
--having count(1) (You condition)


App.Config change value

Thanks Jahmic for the answer. Worked properly for me.

another useful code snippet that read the values and return a string:

public static string ReadSetting(string key)
        System.Configuration.Configuration cfg = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
        System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection appSettings = (System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection)cfg.GetSection("appSettings");
        return appSettings.Settings[key].Value;


Correct way to populate an Array with a Range in Ruby

Sounds like you're doing this:


The warning is from Fixnum#to_a, not from Range#to_a. Try this instead:


How to get distinct values for non-key column fields in Laravel?

in eloquent you can use this

$users = User::select('name')->groupBy('name')->get()->toArray() ;

groupBy is actually fetching the distinct values, in fact the groupBy will categorize the same values, so that we can use aggregate functions on them. but in this scenario we have no aggregate functions, we are just selecting the value which will cause the result to have distinct values

How to Set AllowOverride all

I think you want to set it in your httpd.conf file instead of the .htaccess file.

I am not sure what OS you use, but this link for Ubuntu might give you some pointers on what to do.

How to use the CancellationToken property?

You have to pass the CancellationToken to the Task, which will periodically monitors the token to see whether cancellation is requested.

// CancellationTokenSource provides the token and have authority to cancel the token
CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = cancellationTokenSource.Token;  

// Task need to be cancelled with CancellationToken 
Task task = Task.Run(async () => {     
  while(!token.IsCancellationRequested) {
      await Task.Delay(1000);
}, token);

Console.WriteLine("Press enter to stop the task"); 

In this case, the operation will end when cancellation is requested and the Task will have a RanToCompletion state. If you want to be acknowledged that your task has been cancelled, you have to use ThrowIfCancellationRequested to throw an OperationCanceledException exception.

Task task = Task.Run(async () =>             
    while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) {
         await Task.Delay(1000);                
}, token)
.ContinueWith(t =>
      t.Exception?.Handle(e => true);
      Console.WriteLine("You have canceled the task");
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to stop the task");                 

Hope this helps to understand better.

How to export non-exportable private key from store

You're right, no API at all that I'm aware to export PrivateKey marked as non-exportable. But if you patch (in memory) normal APIs, you can use the normal way to export :)

There is a new version of mimikatz that also support CNG Export (Windows Vista / 7 / 2008 ...)

  1. download (and launch with administrative privileges) : (trunk version or last version)

Run it and enter the following commands in its prompt:

  1. privilege::debug (unless you already have it or target only CryptoApi)
  2. crypto::patchcng (nt 6) and/or crypto::patchcapi (nt 5 & 6)
  3. crypto::exportCertificates and/or crypto::exportCertificates CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE

The exported .pfx files are password protected with the password "mimikatz"

Postgres could not connect to server

For anyone reading this and using, you may need host: localhost in your database.yml.

Can constructors be async?

I'm not familiar with the async keyword (is this specific to Silverlight or a new feature in the beta version of Visual Studio?), but I think I can give you an idea of why you can't do this.

If I do:

var o = new MyObject();

o may not be done initializing before the next line of code runs. An instantiation of your object cannot be assigned until your constructor is completed, and making the constructor asynchronous wouldn't change that so what would be the point? However, you could call an asynchronous method from your constructor and then your constructor could complete and you would get your instantiation while the async method is still doing whatever it needs to do to setup your object.

How to preserve insertion order in HashMap?

LinkedHashMap is precisely what you're looking for.

It is exactly like HashMap, except that when you iterate over it, it presents the items in the insertion order.

Python: slicing a multi-dimensional array

If you use numpy, this is easy:

slice = arr[:2,:2]

or if you want the 0's,

slice = arr[0:2,0:2]

You'll get the same result.

*note that slice is actually the name of a builtin-type. Generally, I would advise giving your object a different "name".

Another way, if you're working with lists of lists*:

slice = [arr[i][0:2] for i in range(0,2)]

(Note that the 0's here are unnecessary: [arr[i][:2] for i in range(2)] would also work.).

What I did here is that I take each desired row 1 at a time (arr[i]). I then slice the columns I want out of that row and add it to the list that I'm building.

If you naively try: arr[0:2] You get the first 2 rows which if you then slice again arr[0:2][0:2], you're just slicing the first two rows over again.

*This actually works for numpy arrays too, but it will be slow compared to the "native" solution I posted above.

How can I check that JButton is pressed? If the isEnable() is not work?

Use this Command

    //your code here.
    //your code will be only executed if JButton is clicked.

Answer is short. But it worked for me. Use the variable name of your button instead of "JButton".

How do you tell if a checkbox is selected in Selenium for Java?

  1. Declare a variable.
  2. Store the checked property for the radio button.
  3. Have a if condition.

Lets assume

private string isChecked; 
private webElement e; 
isChecked =e.findElement(By.tagName("input")).getAttribute("checked");



Hope this answer will be help for you. Let me know, if have any clarification in CSharp Selenium web driver.

Repeating a function every few seconds

There are lot of different Timers in the .NET BCL:

When to use which?

  • System.Timers.Timer, which fires an event and executes the code in one or more event sinks at regular intervals. The class is intended for use as a server-based or service component in a multithreaded environment; it has no user interface and is not visible at runtime.
  • System.Threading.Timer, which executes a single callback method on a thread pool thread at regular intervals. The callback method is defined when the timer is instantiated and cannot be changed. Like the System.Timers.Timer class, this class is intended for use as a server-based or service component in a multithreaded environment; it has no user interface and is not visible at runtime.
  • System.Windows.Forms.Timer (.NET Framework only), a Windows Forms component that fires an event and executes the code in one or more event sinks at regular intervals. The component has no user interface and is designed for use in a single-threaded environment; it executes on the UI thread.
  • System.Web.UI.Timer (.NET Framework only), an ASP.NET component that performs asynchronous or synchronous web page postbacks at a regular interval.
  • System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer, a timer that's integrated into the Dispatcher queue. This timer is processed with a specified priority at a specified time interval.


Some of them needs explicit Start call to begin ticking (for example System.Timers, System.Windows.Forms). And an explicit Stop to finish ticking.

using TimersTimer = System.Timers.Timer;

static void Main(string[] args)
    var timer = new TimersTimer(1000);
    timer.Elapsed += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine("Beep");
    Thread.Sleep(1000); //1 second delay


While on the other hand there are some Timers (like: System.Threading) where you don't need explicit Start and Stop calls. (The provided delegate will run a background thread.) Your timer will tick until you or the runtime dispose it.

So, the following two versions will work in the same way:

using ThreadingTimer = System.Threading.Timer;

static void Main(string[] args)
    var timer = new ThreadingTimer(_ => Console.WriteLine("Beep"), null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
using ThreadingTimer = System.Threading.Timer;
static void Main(string[] args)

static void StartTimer()
    var timer = new ThreadingTimer(_ => Console.WriteLine("Beep"), null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

But if your timer disposed then it will stop ticking obviously.

using ThreadingTimer = System.Threading.Timer; 

static void Main(string[] args)

static void StartTimer()
    var timer = new ThreadingTimer(_ => Console.WriteLine("Beep"), null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

java SSL and cert keystore

System.setProperty("", path_to_your_jks_file);

How do I stretch a background image to cover the entire HTML element?

To expand on @PhiLho answer, you can center a very large image (or any size image) on a page with:

background-image: url(_images/home.jpg);

Or you could use a smaller image with a background color that matches the background of the image (if it is a solid color). This may or may not suit your purposes.

background-color: green;
background-image: url(_images/home.jpg);

Python executable not finding libpython shared library

I installed using the command:

./configure --prefix=/usr       \
            --enable-shared     \
            --with-system-expat \
            --with-system-ffi   \
            --enable-unicode=ucs4 &&


Now, as the root user:

make install &&
chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/

Then I tried to execute python and got the error:

/usr/local/bin/python: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Then, I logged out from root user and again tried to execute the Python and it worked successfully.

Calculate mean across dimension in a 2D array

a.mean() takes an axis argument:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: a = np.array([[40, 10], [50, 11]])

In [3]: a.mean(axis=1)     # to take the mean of each row
Out[3]: array([ 25. ,  30.5])

In [4]: a.mean(axis=0)     # to take the mean of each col
Out[4]: array([ 45. ,  10.5])

Or, as a standalone function:

In [5]: np.mean(a, axis=1)
Out[5]: array([ 25. ,  30.5])

The reason your slicing wasn't working is because this is the syntax for slicing:

In [6]: a[:,0].mean() # first column
Out[6]: 45.0

In [7]: a[:,1].mean() # second column
Out[7]: 10.5

htaccess - How to force the client's browser to clear the cache?

You can force browsers to cache something, but

You can't force browsers to clear their cache.

Thus the only (AMAIK) way is to use a new URL for your resources. Something like versioning.

How to change line color in EditText


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@android:color/transparent" />

            <solid android:color="@android:color/transparent" />
                android:color="@color/colorDivider" />

Set to EditText


Histogram Matplotlib

I just realized that the hist documentation is explicit about what to do when you already have an np.histogram

counts, bins = np.histogram(data)
plt.hist(bins[:-1], bins, weights=counts)

The important part here is that your counts are simply the weights. If you do it like that, you don't need the bar function anymore

Strangest language feature

In Python, at least for me, this was very wft! the first time I saw it:

>>> "ja " * 5
'ja ja ja ja ja '

You can multiply strings! WTF??

PS: I think this is because x * n means: n times x so, 5 times "ja " is "ja ""ja ""ja ""ja ""ja " and because you can concatenate strings like this:

>>> "ja ""ja ""ja ""ja ""ja "
'ja ja ja ja ja '

That two codes have the same result (and maybe are just the same)

Recommended way to save uploaded files in a servlet application

I post my final way of doing it based on the accepted answer:

public final class DataCollectionServlet extends Controller {

    private static final String UPLOAD_LOCATION_PROPERTY_KEY="upload.location";
    private String uploadsDirName;

    public void init() throws ServletException {
        uploadsDirName = property(UPLOAD_LOCATION_PROPERTY_KEY);

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        // ...

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        Collection<Part> parts = req.getParts();
        for (Part part : parts) {
            File save = new File(uploadsDirName, getFilename(part) + "_"
                + System.currentTimeMillis());
            final String absolutePath = save.getAbsolutePath();
            sc.getRequestDispatcher(DATA_COLLECTION_JSP).forward(req, resp);

    // helpers
    private static String getFilename(Part part) {
        // courtesy of BalusC :
        for (String cd : part.getHeader("content-disposition").split(";")) {
            if (cd.trim().startsWith("filename")) {
                String filename = cd.substring(cd.indexOf('=') + 1).trim()
                        .replace("\"", "");
                return filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                        .substring(filename.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1); // MSIE fix.
        return null;

where :

class Controller extends HttpServlet {

    static final String DATA_COLLECTION_JSP="/WEB-INF/jsp/data_collection.jsp";
    static ServletContext sc;
    Logger log;
    // private
    // "/WEB-INF/" also works...
    private static final String PROPERTIES_PATH = "WEB-INF/";
    private Properties properties;

    public void init() throws ServletException {
        // synchronize !
        if (sc == null) sc = getServletContext();
        log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't load properties file", e);

    private void loadProperties() throws IOException {
        try(InputStream is= sc.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_PATH)) {
                if (is == null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Can't locate properties file");
                properties = new Properties();

    String property(final String key) {
        return properties.getProperty(key);

and the /WEB-INF/ :


HTH and if you find a bug let me know

How to get the directory of the currently running file?

This should do it:

import (

func main() {
    dir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
    if err != nil {

Spring-boot default profile for integration tests

You could put an file in your test/resources folder. There you set

This is kind of a default test profile while running tests.

Remove all newlines from inside a string

or you can try this:

string1 = 'Hello \n World'
tmp = string1.split()
string2 = ' '.join(tmp)

How to save RecyclerView's scroll position using RecyclerView.State?

I've had the same requirement, but the solutions here didn't quite get me across the line, due to the source of data for the recyclerView.

I was extracting the RecyclerViews' LinearLayoutManager state in onPause()

private Parcelable state;

Public void onPause() {
    state = mLinearLayoutManager.onSaveInstanceState();

Parcelable state is saved in onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState), and extracted again in onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState), when savedInstanceState != null.

However, the recyclerView adapter is populated and updated by a ViewModel LiveData object returned by a DAO call to a Room database.

mViewModel.getAllDataToDisplay(mSelectedData).observe(this, new Observer<List<String>>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable final List<String> displayStrings) {

I eventually found that restoring the instance state directly after the data is set in the adapter would keep the scroll-state across rotations.

I suspect this either is because the LinearLayoutManager state that I'd restored was being overwritten when the data was returned by the database call, or the restored state was meaningless against an 'empty' LinearLayoutManager.

If the adapter data is available directly (ie not contigent on a database call), then restoring the instance state on the LinearLayoutManager can be done after the adapter is set on the recyclerView.

The distinction between the two scenarios held me up for ages.

convert strtotime to date time format in php

Use date() function to get the desired date

// set default timezone

//define date and time
$strtotime = 1307595105;

// output
echo date('d M Y H:i:s',$strtotime);

// more formats
echo date('c',$strtotime); // ISO 8601 format
echo date('r',$strtotime); // RFC 2822 format

Recommended online tool for strtotime to date conversion:

Parse large JSON file in Nodejs

I solved this problem using the split npm module. Pipe your stream into split, and it will "Break up a stream and reassemble it so that each line is a chunk".

Sample code:

var fs = require('fs')
  , split = require('split')

var stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8'});
var lineStream = stream.pipe(split());
linestream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    var json = JSON.parse(chunk);           
    // ...

Rolling back local and remote git repository by 1 commit

I solved problem like yours by this commands:

git reset --hard HEAD^
git push -f <remote> <local branch>:<remote branch> 

Change all files and folders permissions of a directory to 644/755

Do both in a single pass with:

find -type f ... -o -type d ...

As in, find type f OR type d, and do the first ... for files and the second ... for dirs. Specifically:

find -type f -exec chmod --changes 644 {} + -o -type d -exec chmod --changes 755 {} +

Leave off the --changes if you want it to work silently.

Bootstrap 3 collapse accordion: collapse all works but then cannot expand all while maintaining data-parent

Updated Answer

Trying to open multiple panels of a collapse control that is setup as an accordion i.e. with the data-parent attribute set, can prove quite problematic and buggy (see this question on multiple panels open after programmatically opening a panel)

Instead, the best approach would be to:

  1. Allow each panel to toggle individually
  2. Then, enforce the accordion behavior manually where appropriate.

To allow each panel to toggle individually, on the data-toggle="collapse" element, set the data-target attribute to the .collapse panel ID selector (instead of setting the data-parent attribute to the parent control. You can read more about this in the question Modify Twitter Bootstrap collapse plugin to keep accordions open.

Roughly, each panel should look like this:

<div class="panel panel-default">
   <div class="panel-heading">
         <h4 class="panel-title"
             Collapsible Group Item #1
    <div id="collapseOne" 
         class="panel-collapse collapse">
        <div class="panel-body"></div>

To manually enforce the accordion behavior, you can create a handler for the collapse show event which occurs just before any panels are displayed. Use this to ensure any other open panels are closed before the selected one is shown (see this answer to multiple panels open). You'll also only want the code to execute when the panels are active. To do all that, add the following code:

$('#accordion').on('', function () {
    if (active) $('#accordion .in').collapse('hide');

Then use show and hide to toggle the visibility of each of the panels and data-toggle to enable and disable the controls.

$('#collapse-init').click(function () {
    if (active) {
        active = false;
        $('.panel-title').attr('data-toggle', '');
        $(this).text('Enable accordion behavior');
    } else {
        active = true;
        $('.panel-title').attr('data-toggle', 'collapse');
        $(this).text('Disable accordion behavior');

Working demo in jsFiddle

Required maven dependencies for Apache POI to work

I used the below dependency. If you are using Selenium then it's good to use all of them as below. Else you will see some errors and then do the reserch and add some more dependencies.



What is the best way to compare floats for almost-equality in Python?

I found the following comparison helpful:

str(f1) == str(f2)

How to initialize struct?

Your struct can have methods and properties... why not try

public struct MyStruct { 
    public string s;
    public int length { return s.Length; }

Correction @Guffa's answer shows that it is possible... more info here:

How to check if number is divisible by a certain number?

n % x == 0

Means that n can be divided by x. So... for instance, in your case:

boolean isDivisibleBy20 = number % 20 == 0;

Also, if you want to check whether a number is even or odd (whether it is divisible by 2 or not), you can use a bitwise operator:

boolean even = (number & 1) == 0;
boolean odd  = (number & 1) != 0;

Send POST data using XMLHttpRequest

There's some duplicates that touch on this, and nobody really expounds on it. I'll borrow the accepted answer example to illustrate'POST', url, true);

I oversimplified this (I use http.onload(function() {}) instead of that answer's older methodology) for the sake of illustration. If you use this as-is, you'll find your server is probably interpreting the POST body as a string and not actual key=value parameters (i.e. PHP won't show any $_POST variables). You must pass the form header in to get that, and do that before http.send()

http.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

If you're using JSON and not URL-encoded data, pass application/json instead

Difference between Running and Starting a Docker container

Explanation with an example:

Consider you have a game (iso) image in your computer.

When you run (mount your image as a virtual drive), a virtual drive is created with all the game contents in the virtual drive and the game installation file is automatically launched. [Running your docker image - creating a container and then starting it.]

But when you stop (similar to docker stop) it, the virtual drive still exists but stopping all the processes. [As the container exists till it is not deleted]

And when you do start (similar to docker start), from the virtual drive the games files start its execution. [starting the existing container]

In this example - The game image is your Docker image and virtual drive is your container.

Share data between html pages

Well, you can actually send data via JavaScript - but you should know that this is the #1 exploit source in web pages as it's XSS :)

I personally would suggest to use an HTML formular instead and modify the javascript data on the server side.

But if you want to share between two pages (I assume they are not both on localhost, because that won't make sense to share between two both-backend-driven pages) you will need to specify the CORS headers to allow the browser to send data to the whitelisted domains.

These two links might help you, it shows the example via Node backend, but you get the point how it works:

Link 1

And, of course, the CORS spec:

Link 2


How to add two edit text fields in an alert dialog

Check this code in alert box have edit textview when click OK it displays on screen using toast.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    final AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
    final EditText input = new EditText(this);
    alert.setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
            String value = input.getText().toString().trim();
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), value, 

    alert.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {

Python/Json:Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes

In my case, double quotes was not a problem.

Last comma gave me same error message.


To remove this comma, I wrote some simple code.

import json

with open('a.json','r') as f:
    s =
    s = s.replace('\t','')
    s = s.replace('\n','')
    s = s.replace(',}','}')
    s = s.replace(',]',']')
    data = json.loads(s)

And this worked for me.

IntelliJ: Never use wildcard imports

enter image description here

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.4 (Ultimate Edition) built on May 16, 2018

How to hide 'Back' button on navigation bar on iPhone?

self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES;

navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined raised when starting react app

If you have ejected, this is the proper way to fix this issue:

find this file config/webpackDevServer.config.js and then inside this file find the following line:


You should change it to:


For me(and probably most of you) the service worker is served at the root of the project. In case it's different for you, you can pass your base path instead.

Load content of a div on another page

Yes, see "Loading Page Fragments" on

In short, you add the selector after the URL. For example:

$('#result').load('ajax/test.html #container');

JavaScript: How to join / combine two arrays to concatenate into one array?

var a = ['a','b','c'];
var b = ['d','e','f'];
var c = a.concat(b); //c is now an an array with: ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
console.log( c[3] ); //c[3] will be 'd'

fastest way to export blobs from table into individual files

I tried using a CLR function and it was more than twice as fast as BCP. Here's my code.

Original Method:

SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "SELECT blobcolumn FROM blobtable WHERE ID = ' + CAST(@FileID AS VARCHAR(20)) + '" queryout "' + @FileName + '" -T -c'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

CLR Method:

declare @file varbinary(max) = (select blobcolumn from blobtable WHERE ID = @fileid)
declare @filepath nvarchar(4000) = N'c:\temp\' + @FileName
SELECT Master.dbo.WriteToFile(@file, @filepath, 0)

C# Code for the CLR function

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

namespace BlobExport
    public class Functions
      public static SqlString WriteToFile(SqlBytes binary, SqlString path, SqlBoolean append)
          if (!binary.IsNull && !path.IsNull && !append.IsNull)
            var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path.Value);           
            if (!Directory.Exists(dir))              
              using (var fs = new FileStream(path.Value, append ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                byte[] byteArr = binary.Value;
                for (int i = 0; i < byteArr.Length; i++)
            return "SUCCESS";
             "NULL INPUT";
        catch (Exception ex)
          return ex.Message;

Is there a REAL performance difference between INT and VARCHAR primary keys?

As for Primary Key, whatever physically makes a row unique should be determined as the primary key.

For a reference as a foreign key, using an auto incrementing integer as a surrogate is a nice idea for two main reasons.
- First, there's less overhead incurred in the join usually.
- Second, if you need to update the table that contains the unique varchar then the update has to cascade down to all the child tables and update all of them as well as the indexes, whereas with the int surrogate, it only has to update the master table and it's indexes.

The drawaback to using the surrogate is that you could possibly allow changing of the meaning of the surrogate:

id value
1 A
2 B
3 C

Update 3 to D
id value
1 A
2 B
3 D

Update 2 to C
id value
1 A
2 C
3 D

Update 3 to B
id value
1 A
2 C
3 B

It all depends on what you really need to worry about in your structure and what means most.

How can I start pagenumbers, where the first section occurs in LaTex?

I use


for everything in the frontmatter and then switch over to


for the actual content. With pdftex, the page numbers come out right in the PDF file.

How can I generate random number in specific range in Android?

Random r = new Random();
int i1 = r.nextInt(80 - 65) + 65;

This gives a random integer between 65 (inclusive) and 80 (exclusive), one of 65,66,...,78,79.

How can I get the name of an html page in Javascript?

Use window.location.pathname to get the path of the current page's URL.

How to query MongoDB with "like"?

  • split name string by space and make array of words
  • map to iterate loop and convert string to regex of each word of name

let name = "My Name".split(" ").map(n => new RegExp(n));


[/My/, /Name/]

Try $in Expressions, To include a regular expression in an $in query expression, you can only use JavaScript regular expression objects (i.e. /pattern/ ). For example:

db.users.find({ name: { $in: name } }); // name = [/My/, /Name/]

How to tell git to use the correct identity (name and email) for a given project?

If you use git config "[email protected]" it will be bound to the current project you are in.

That is what I do for my projects. I set the appropriate identity when I clone/init the repo. It is not fool-proof (if you forget and push before you figure it out you are hosed) but it is about as good as you can get without the ability to say git config --global 'ILLEGAL_VALUE'

Actually, you can make an illegal value. Set your git config --global $(perl -e 'print "x"x968;')

Then if you forget to set your non-global values you will get an error message.

[EDIT] On a different system I had to increase the number of x to 968 to get it to fail with "fatal: Impossibly long personal identifier". Same version of git. Strange.

Installing lxml module in python

You need to install Python's header files (python-dev package in debian/ubuntu) to compile lxml. As well as libxml2, libxslt, libxml2-dev, and libxslt-dev:

apt-get install python-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly

I found a different solution to this issue. Apparently my IIS 7 did not have 32bit mode enabled in my Application Pool by default.

To enable 32bit mode, open IIS and select your Application Pool. Mine was named "ASP.NET v4.0".
Right click, go to "Advanced Settings" and change the section named: "Enabled 32-bit Applications" to true.

Restart your web server and try again.

I found the fix from this blog reference:

Additionally, you can change the settings on Visual Studio. In my case, I went to Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Web Projects and checked Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects - This was on VS Pro 2015. Nothing else fixed it but this.

Is there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget?

You can use this:

remoteviews.setInt(, "setPaintFlags", Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG | Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

Of course you can also add other flags from the class.

Javascript Src Path

As your clock.js is in the root, put your code as this to call your javascript in the index.html found in the folders you mentioned.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="../clock.js"></SCRIPT>

This will call the clock.js which you put in the root of your web site.

Link a .css on another folder

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
.tree-view-com ul li {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
.tree-view-com .tree-view-child > li{_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 30px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com .tree-view-child > li:last-of-type{_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 0px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com ul li a .c-icon {_x000D_
  margin-right: 10px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 2px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com ul > li > ul {_x000D_
  margin-top: 20px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.tree-view-com > ul > li:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  border-left: 1px dashed #ccc;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  height: calc(100% - 30px - 5px);_x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
  left: 8px;_x000D_
  top: 30px;_x000D_
.tree-view-com > ul > li > ul > li:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  width: 25px;_x000D_
  left: -32px;_x000D_
  top: 12px;_x000D_
<div class="tree-view-com">_x000D_
    <ul class="tree-view-parent">_x000D_
            <a href=""><i class="fa fa-folder c-icon c-icon-list" aria-hidden="true"></i> folder</a>_x000D_
            <ul class="tree-view-child">_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 1_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 2_x000D_
                    <a href="" class="document-title">_x000D_
                        <i class="fa fa-folder c-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>_x000D_
                        sub folder 3_x000D_

Extracting text from a PDF file using PDFMiner in python?

this code is tested with pdfminer for python 3 (pdfminer-20191125)

from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
from pdfminer.converter import PDFPageAggregator
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
from pdfminer.layout import LTTextBoxHorizontal

def parsedocument(document):
    # convert all horizontal text into a lines list (one entry per line)
    # document is a file stream
    lines = []
    rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
    laparams = LAParams()
    device = PDFPageAggregator(rsrcmgr, laparams=laparams)
    interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
    for page in PDFPage.get_pages(document):
            layout = device.get_result()
            for element in layout:
                if isinstance(element, LTTextBoxHorizontal):
    return lines

How to close Android application?

none of all above answers working good on my app

here is my working code

on your exit button:

Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class);
ComponentName cn = intent.getComponent();
Intent mainIntent = IntentCompat.makeRestartActivityTask(cn);
mainIntent.putExtra("close", true);

that code is to close any other activity and bring MainActivity on top now on your MainActivity:

if( getIntent().getBooleanExtra("close", false)){

How to set up a PostgreSQL database in Django

You need to install psycopg2 Python library.


Download, then install it under Python PATH

After downloading, easily extract the tarball and:

$ python install

Or if you wish, install it by either easy_install or pip.

(I prefer to use pip over easy_install for no reason.)

  • $ easy_install psycopg2
  • $ pip install psycopg2



    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'db_name',                      
        'USER': 'db_user',
        'PASSWORD': 'db_user_password',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': 'db_port_number',

- Other installation instructions can be found at download page and install page.

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

Had the error today on a 12c and none of the existing answers fit (no duplicates, no non-deterministic expressions in the WHERE clause). My case was related to that other possible cause of the error, according to Oracle's message text (emphasis below):

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables
Cause: A stable set of rows could not be got because of large dml activity or a non-deterministic where clause.

The merge was part of a larger batch, and was executed on a live database with many concurrent users. There was no need to change the statement. I just committed the transaction before the merge, then ran the merge separately, and committed again. So the solution was found in the suggested action of the message:

Action: Remove any non-deterministic where clauses and reissue the dml.

Java 8 Stream and operation on arrays

Be careful if you have to deal with large numbers.

int[] arr = new int[]{Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE};
long sum =; // Wrong: sum == 0

The sum above is not 2 * Integer.MIN_VALUE. You need to do this in this case.

long sum =; // Correct

json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

  • Make an object

    $obj = json_decode(json_encode($need_to_json));

  • Show data from this $obj



how to sync windows time from a ntp time server in command

If you just need to resync windows time, open an elevated command prompt and type:

w32tm /resync

C:\WINDOWS\system32>w32tm /resync 
Sending resync command to local computer 
The command completed successfully.

How to block users from closing a window in Javascript?

This will pop a dialog asking the user if he really wants to close or stay, with a message.

var message = "You have not filled out the form.";
window.onbeforeunload = function(event) {
    var e = e || window.event;
    if (e) {
        e.returnValue = message;
    return message;

You can then unset it before the form gets submitted or something else with

window.onbeforeunload = null;

Keep in mind that this is extremely annoying. If you are trying to force your users to fill out a form that they don't want to fill out, then you will fail: they will find a way to close the window and never come back to your mean website.

MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory

I'd check your php.ini file and verify the mysql.default_socket is set correctly and also verify that your mysqld is correctly configured with a socket file it can access. Typical default is "/tmp/mysql.sock".

How can Print Preview be called from Javascript?

You can't, Print Preview is a feature of a browser, and therefore should be protected from being called by JavaScript as it would be a security risk.

That's why your example uses Active X, which bypasses the JavaScript security issues.

So instead use the print stylesheet that you already should have and show it for media=screen,print instead of media=print.

Read Alist Apart: Going to Print for a good article on the subject of print stylesheets.

A button to start php script, how?

You could do it in one document if you had a conditional based on params sent over. Eg:

if (isset($_GET['secret_param'])) {
    <run script>
} else {
    <display button>

I think the best way though is to have two files.

What's the difference between '$(this)' and 'this'?

Yes you only need $() when you're using jQuery. If you want jQuery's help to do DOM things just keep this in mind.

$(this)[0] === this

Basically every time you get a set of elements back jQuery turns it into a jQuery object. If you know you only have one result, it's going to be in the first element.

$("#myDiv")[0] === document.getElementById("myDiv");

And so on...

Java how to replace 2 or more spaces with single space in string and delete leading and trailing spaces

String myText = "   Hello     World   ";
myText = myText.trim().replace(/ +(?= )/g,'');

// Output: "Hello World"

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

Slf4j is a facade for the underlying logging frameworks like log4j, logback, java.util.logging.

To connect with underlying frameworks, slf4j uses a binding.

  • log4j - slf4j-log4j12-1.7.21.jar
  • java.util.logging - slf4j-jdk14-1.7.21.jar etc

The above error is thrown if the binding jar is missed. You can download this jar and add it to classpath.

For maven dependency,


This dependency in addition to slf4j-log4j12-1.7.21.jar,it will pull slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar as well as log4j-1.2.17.jar into your project


How to add style from code behind?

If no file available for download, I needed to disable the asp:linkButton, change it to grey and eliminate the underline on the hover. This worked:

.disabled {
    color: grey;
    text-decoration: none !important;

LinkButton button = item.FindControl("lnkFileDownload") as LinkButton;
button.Enabled = false;
button.CssClass = "disabled";

What is the best way to repeatedly execute a function every x seconds?

You might want to consider Twisted which is a Python networking library that implements the Reactor Pattern.

from twisted.internet import task, reactor

timeout = 60.0 # Sixty seconds

def doWork():
    #do work here

l = task.LoopingCall(doWork)
l.start(timeout) # call every sixty seconds

While "while True: sleep(60)" will probably work Twisted probably already implements many of the features that you will eventually need (daemonization, logging or exception handling as pointed out by bobince) and will probably be a more robust solution

Paste Excel range in Outlook

Often this question is asked in the context of Ron de Bruin's RangeToHTML function, which creates an HTML PublishObject from an Excel.Range, extracts that via FSO, and inserts the resulting stream HTML in to the email's HTMLBody. In doing so, this removes the default signature (the RangeToHTML function has a helper function GetBoiler which attempts to insert the default signature).

Unfortunately, the poorly-documented Application.CommandBars method is not available via Outlook:

wdDoc.Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PasteExcelTableSourceFormatting"

It will raise a runtime 6158:

enter image description here

But we can still leverage the Word.Document which is accessible via the MailItem.GetInspector method, we can do something like this to copy & paste the selection from Excel to the Outlook email body, preserving your default signature (if there is one).

Dim rng as Range
Set rng = Range("A1:F10") 'Modify as needed

With OutMail
    .To = "[email protected]"
    .BCC = ""
    .Subject = "Subject"
    Dim wdDoc As Object     '## Word.Document
    Dim wdRange As Object   '## Word.Range
    Set wdDoc = OutMail.GetInspector.WordEditor
    Set wdRange = wdDoc.Range(0, 0)
    wdRange.InsertAfter vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    'Copy the range in-place
End With

Note that in some cases this may not perfectly preserve the column widths or in some instances the row heights, and while it will also copy shapes and other objects in the Excel range, this may also cause some funky alignment issues, but for simple tables and Excel ranges, it is very good:

enter image description here

How do I find the length (or dimensions, size) of a numpy matrix in python?

shape is a property of both numpy ndarray's and matrices.


will return a tuple (m, n), where m is the number of rows, and n is the number of columns.

In fact, the numpy matrix object is built on top of the ndarray object, one of numpy's two fundamental objects (along with a universal function object), so it inherits from ndarray

Custom seekbar (thumb size, color and background)

No shadow and no rounded borders in the bar

You are using an image so the easiest solution is row your boat with the flow,

You cannot give heights manually,yes you can but make sure it gets enough space to show your full image view there

  • easiest way is use android:layout_height="wrap_content" for SeekBar
  • To get more clear rounded borders you can easily use the same image that you have used with another color.

I am no good with Photoshop but I managed to edit a background one for a test

seekbar_brown seekbar_brown_to_show_progress.png

    android:splitTrack="false"   // for unwanted white space in thumb
    android:layout_width="250dp"   // use your own size
    android:thumb="@drawable/custom_thumb" />


<layer-list xmlns:android="">
        android:drawable="@drawable/seekbar" />
    <item android:id="@android:id/progress">
        <clip android:drawable="@drawable/seekbar_brown_to_show_progress" />

custom_thumb.xml is same as yours

Finally android:splitTrack="false" will remove the unwanted white space in your thumb

Let's have a look at the output :

enter image description here

Send value of submit button when form gets posted

Like the others said, you probably missunderstood the idea of a unique id. All I have to add is, that I do not like the idea of using "value" as the identifying property here, as it may change over time (i.e. if you want to provide multiple languages).

<input id='submit_tea'    type='submit' name = 'submit_tea'    value = 'Tea' />
<input id='submit_coffee' type='submit' name = 'submit_coffee' value = 'Coffee' />

and in your php script

if( array_key_exists( 'submit_tea', $_POST ) )
  // handle tea
if( array_key_exists( 'submit_coffee', $_POST ) )
  // handle coffee

Additionally, you can add something like if( 'POST' == $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] ) if you want to check if data was acctually posted.

How can I display a modal dialog in Redux that performs asynchronous actions?

The approach I suggest is a bit verbose but I found it to scale pretty well into complex apps. When you want to show a modal, fire an action describing which modal you'd like to see:

Dispatching an Action to Show the Modal

  type: 'SHOW_MODAL',
  modalType: 'DELETE_POST',
  modalProps: {
    postId: 42

(Strings can be constants of course; I’m using inline strings for simplicity.)

Writing a Reducer to Manage Modal State

Then make sure you have a reducer that just accepts these values:

const initialState = {
  modalType: null,
  modalProps: {}

function modal(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'SHOW_MODAL':
      return {
        modalType: action.modalType,
        modalProps: action.modalProps
    case 'HIDE_MODAL':
      return initialState
      return state

/* .... */

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  /* other reducers */

Great! Now, when you dispatch an action, state.modal will update to include the information about the currently visible modal window.

Writing the Root Modal Component

At the root of your component hierarchy, add a <ModalRoot> component that is connected to the Redux store. It will listen to state.modal and display an appropriate modal component, forwarding the props from the state.modal.modalProps.

// These are regular React components we will write soon
import DeletePostModal from './DeletePostModal'
import ConfirmLogoutModal from './ConfirmLogoutModal'

  'DELETE_POST': DeletePostModal,
  'CONFIRM_LOGOUT': ConfirmLogoutModal,
  /* other modals */

const ModalRoot = ({ modalType, modalProps }) => {
  if (!modalType) {
    return <span /> // after React v15 you can return null here

  const SpecificModal = MODAL_COMPONENTS[modalType]
  return <SpecificModal {...modalProps} />

export default connect(
  state => state.modal

What have we done here? ModalRoot reads the current modalType and modalProps from state.modal to which it is connected, and renders a corresponding component such as DeletePostModal or ConfirmLogoutModal. Every modal is a component!

Writing Specific Modal Components

There are no general rules here. They are just React components that can dispatch actions, read something from the store state, and just happen to be modals.

For example, DeletePostModal might look like:

import { deletePost, hideModal } from '../actions'

const DeletePostModal = ({ post, dispatch }) => (
    <p>Delete post {}?</p>
    <button onClick={() => {
      dispatch(deletePost( => {
    <button onClick={() => dispatch(hideModal())}>

export default connect(
  (state, ownProps) => ({
    post: state.postsById[ownProps.postId]

The DeletePostModal is connected to the store so it can display the post title and works like any connected component: it can dispatch actions, including hideModal when it is necessary to hide itself.

Extracting a Presentational Component

It would be awkward to copy-paste the same layout logic for every “specific” modal. But you have components, right? So you can extract a presentational <Modal> component that doesn’t know what particular modals do, but handles how they look.

Then, specific modals such as DeletePostModal can use it for rendering:

import { deletePost, hideModal } from '../actions'
import Modal from './Modal'

const DeletePostModal = ({ post, dispatch }) => (
    dangerText={`Delete post ${}?`}
    onDangerClick={() =>
      dispatch(deletePost( => {

export default connect(
  (state, ownProps) => ({
    post: state.postsById[ownProps.postId]

It is up to you to come up with a set of props that <Modal> can accept in your application but I would imagine that you might have several kinds of modals (e.g. info modal, confirmation modal, etc), and several styles for them.

Accessibility and Hiding on Click Outside or Escape Key

The last important part about modals is that generally we want to hide them when the user clicks outside or presses Escape.

Instead of giving you advice on implementing this, I suggest that you just don’t implement it yourself. It is hard to get right considering accessibility.

Instead, I would suggest you to use an accessible off-the-shelf modal component such as react-modal. It is completely customizable, you can put anything you want inside of it, but it handles accessibility correctly so that blind people can still use your modal.

You can even wrap react-modal in your own <Modal> that accepts props specific to your applications and generates child buttons or other content. It’s all just components!

Other Approaches

There is more than one way to do it.

Some people don’t like the verbosity of this approach and prefer to have a <Modal> component that they can render right inside their components with a technique called “portals”. Portals let you render a component inside yours while actually it will render at a predetermined place in the DOM, which is very convenient for modals.

In fact react-modal I linked to earlier already does that internally so technically you don’t even need to render it from the top. I still find it nice to decouple the modal I want to show from the component showing it, but you can also use react-modal directly from your components, and skip most of what I wrote above.

I encourage you to consider both approaches, experiment with them, and pick what you find works best for your app and for your team.

VBA copy rows that meet criteria to another sheet

You need to specify workseet. Change line

If Worksheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = "X" Then


If Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 1).Value = "X" Then


Try to use following code (but it's not the best approach. As @SiddharthRout suggested, consider about using Autofilter):

Sub LastRowInOneColumn()
   Dim LastRow As Long
   Dim i As Long, j As Long

   'Find the last used row in a Column: column A in this example
   With Worksheets("Sheet2")
      LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
   End With

   MsgBox (LastRow)
   'first row number where you need to paste values in Sheet1'
   With Worksheets("Sheet1")
      j = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
   End With 

   For i = 1 To LastRow
       With Worksheets("Sheet2")
           If .Cells(i, 1).Value = "X" Then
               .Rows(i).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & j)
               j = j + 1
           End If
       End With
   Next i
End Sub

MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'bill'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Update: On v8.0.15 (maybe this version) the PASSWORD() function does not work.

You have to:

  1. Make sure you have Stopped MySQL first.
  2. Run the server in safe mode with privilege bypass: sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
  3. Login: mysql -u root
  4. mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=null WHERE User='root';
  6. mysql> exit;
  7. Login again: mysql -u root
  8. mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY 'yourpasswd';

Twig: in_array or similar possible within if statement?

Try this

{% if var in ['foo', 'bar', 'beer'] %}
{% endif %}

Service will not start: error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly

In my case the error 1067 was caused with a specific version of Tomcat 7.0.96 32-bit in combination with AdoptOpenJDK. Spent two hours on it, un-installing, re-installing and trying different Java settings but Tomcat would not start. See... ASF Bugzilla – Bug 63625 seems to point at the issue though they refer to seeing a different error.

I tried 7.0.99 32-bit and it started straight away with the same AdoptOpenJDK 32-bit binary install.

How to get the list of properties of a class?

Based on @MarcGravell's answer, here's a version that works in Unity C#.

ObjectsClass foo = this;
foreach(var prop in foo.GetType().GetProperties()) {
    Debug.Log("{0}={1}, " + prop.Name + ", " + prop.GetValue(foo, null));

php date validation

Not sure if this answer the question or going to help....

$dt = '6/26/1970' ; // or // '6.26.1970' ;

$dt = preg_replace("([.]+)", "/", $dt);

$test_arr  = explode('/', $dt);

if (checkdate($test_arr[0], $test_arr[1], $test_arr[2]) && preg_match("/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{4}/", $dt))

     { echo(date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$dt")) . "<br>"); }


     { echo "no good...format must be in mm/dd/yyyy"; }