Programs & Examples On #Fastinfoset

Fast Infoset is a binary encoding for the XML Infoset which provides an alternative serialization to the XML markup.

How to add "on delete cascade" constraints?

I'm pretty sure you can't simply add on delete cascade to an existing foreign key constraint. You have to drop the constraint first, then add the correct version. In standard SQL, I believe the easiest way to do this is to

  • start a transaction,
  • drop the foreign key,
  • add a foreign key with on delete cascade, and finally
  • commit the transaction

Repeat for each foreign key you want to change.

But PostgreSQL has a non-standard extension that lets you use multiple constraint clauses in a single SQL statement. For example

alter table public.scores
drop constraint scores_gid_fkey,
add constraint scores_gid_fkey
   foreign key (gid)
   references games(gid)
   on delete cascade;

If you don't know the name of the foreign key constraint you want to drop, you can either look it up in pgAdminIII (just click the table name and look at the DDL, or expand the hierarchy until you see "Constraints"), or you can query the information schema.

select *
from information_schema.key_column_usage
where position_in_unique_constraint is not null

How to install xgboost in Anaconda Python (Windows platform)?

if you found an issue when you try to import xgboost (my case it is Windows 10 and anaconda spyder) do the following:

  1. Click on the windows icon (start button!)
  2. Select and expand the anaconda folder
  3. Run the Anaconda Prompt (as Administrator)
  4. Type the following command as it is mentioned in

conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost

enter image description here

That's all...Good luck.

Calculating difference between two timestamps in Oracle in milliseconds

Select date1 - (date2 - 1) * 24 * 60 *60 * 1000 from Table;

Is it possible to save HTML page as PDF using JavaScript or jquery?

It is much easier and reliable to convert html to pdf server side. We are using Google Puppeteer. It is well maintained with wrappers for any server side language of your choosing. Puppeteer uses headless Chrome to generate screenshots and/or PDF files. It will save you a LOT of headache especially if you need to generate complex PDF files with tables, images, graphs, multiple pages and so

How to pass arguments and redirect stdin from a file to program run in gdb?

If you want to have bare run command in gdb to execute your program with redirections and arguments, you can use set args:

% gdb ./a.out
(gdb) set args arg1 arg2 <file
(gdb) run

I was unable to achieve the same behaviour with --args parameter, gdb fiercely escapes the redirections, i.e.

% gdb --args echo 1 2 "<file"
(gdb) show args
Argument list to give program being debugged when it is started is "1 2 \<file".
(gdb) run
1 2 <file

This one actually redirects the input of gdb itself, not what we really want here

% gdb --args echo 1 2 <file
zsh: no such file or directory: file

How to edit the legend entry of a chart in Excel?

The data series names are defined by the column headers. Add the names to the column headers that you would like to use as titles for each of your data series, select all of the data (including the headers), then re-generate your graph. The names in the headers should then appear as the names in the legend for each series.

Column headers become data series titles in graph legend

How to solve "The specified service has been marked for deletion" error

Most probably deleting service fails because

protected override void OnStop()

throw error when stopping a service. wrapping things inside a try catch will prevent mark for deletion error

protected override void OnStop()
                //things to do
            catch (Exception)


Trying to merge 2 dataframes but get ValueError

In one of your dataframes the year is a string and the other it is an int64 you can convert it first and then join (e.g. df['year']=df['year'].astype(int) or as RafaelC suggested df.year.astype(int))

Edit: Also note the comment by Anderson Zhu: Just in case you have None or missing values in one of your dataframes, you need to use Int64 instead of int. See the reference here.

Initializing IEnumerable<string> In C#

You cannot instantiate an interface - you must provide a concrete implementation of IEnumerable.

Error message: (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

Typically, to troubleshoot this, you go to SQL Server Configuration Manager (SSCM) and:

  1. ensure Shared Memory protocol is enabled
  2. ensure Named Pipes protocol is enabled
  3. ensure TCP/IP is enabled, and is ahead of the Named Pipes in the settings

Maybe it can help: Could not open a connection to SQL Server

psql: FATAL: database "<user>" does not exist

you can set the database name you want to connect to in env variable PGDATABASE=database_name. If you dont set this psql default database name is as username. after setting this you don't have to createdb

Double border with different color

Maybe use outline property

    <div class="borders">

    border: 1px solid grey; 
    outline: 2px solid white;

No module named setuptools

For python3 is:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-setuptools

Does Go have "if x in" construct similar to Python?

Another option is using a map as a set. You use just the keys and having the value be something like a boolean that's always true. Then you can easily check if the map contains the key or not. This is useful if you need the behavior of a set, where if you add a value multiple times it's only in the set once.

Here's a simple example where I add random numbers as keys to a map. If the same number is generated more than once it doesn't matter, it will only appear in the final map once. Then I use a simple if check to see if a key is in the map or not.

package main

import (

func main() {
    var MAX int = 10

    m := make(map[int]bool)

    for i := 0; i <= MAX; i++ {
        m[rand.Intn(MAX)] = true

    for i := 0; i <= MAX; i++ {
        if _, ok := m[i]; ok {
            fmt.Printf("%v is in map\n", i)
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("%v is not in map\n", i)

Here it is on the go playground

Anaconda Navigator won't launch (windows 10)

I tried the following @janny loco's answer first and then reset anaconda to get it to work.

Step 1:

activate root
conda update -n root conda
conda update --all

Step 2:

anaconda-navigator --reset

After running the update commands in step 1 and not seeing any success, I reset anaconda by running the command above based on what I found here.

I am not sure if it was the combination of updating conda and reseting the navigator or just one of the two. So, please try accordingly.

Remove Datepicker Function dynamically

Well I had the same issue and tried "destroy" but that not worked for me. Then I found following work around My HTML was:

<input placeholder="Select Date" id="MyControlId" class="form-control datepicker" type="text" />

Jquery That work for me:


Form inside a table

If you want a "editable grid" i.e. a table like structure that allows you to make any of the rows a form, use CSS that mimics the TABLE tag's layout: display:table, display:table-row, and display:table-cell.

There is no need to wrap your whole table in a form and no need to create a separate form and table for each apparent row of your table.

Try this instead:

<div class="table">
    <form class="tr" method="post" action="blah.html">
        <span class="td"><input type="text"/></span>
        <span class="td"><input type="text"/></span>
    <div class="tr">
        <span class="td">(cell data)</span>
        <span class="td">(cell data)</span>

The problem with wrapping the whole TABLE in a FORM is that any and all form elements will be sent on submit (maybe that is desired but probably not). This method allows you to define a form for each "row" and send only that row of data on submit.

The problem with wrapping a FORM tag around a TR tag (or TR around a FORM) is that it's invalid HTML. The FORM will still allow submit as usual but at this point the DOM is broken. Note: Try getting the child elements of your FORM or TR with JavaScript, it can lead to unexpected results.

Note that IE7 doesn't support these CSS table styles and IE8 will need a doctype declaration to get it into "standards" mode: (try this one or something equivalent)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Any other browser that supports display:table, display:table-row and display:table-cell should display your css data table the same as it would if you were using the TABLE, TR and TD tags. Most of them do.

Note that you can also mimic THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT by wrapping your row groups in another DIV with display: table-header-group, table-row-group and table-footer-group respectively.

NOTE: The only thing you cannot do with this method is colspan.

Check out this illustration:

Any free WPF themes?

We use the Assergs Application Framework themes:

They have a nice office look and feel to it :)

Deserialize Java 8 LocalDateTime with JacksonMapper

You can implement your JsonSerializer


That your propertie in bean

@JsonFormat("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm")
@JsonSerialize(using = DateSerializer.class)
private Date startDate;

That way implement your custom class

public class DateSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Date> implements ContextualSerializer<Date> {

    private final String format;

    private DateSerializer(final String format) {
        this.format = format;

    public DateSerializer() {
        this.format = null;

    public void serialize(final Date value, final JsonGenerator jgen, final SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
        jgen.writeString(new SimpleDateFormat(format).format(value));

    public JsonSerializer<Date> createContextual(final SerializationConfig serializationConfig, final BeanProperty beanProperty) throws JsonMappingException {
        final AnnotatedElement annotated = beanProperty.getMember().getAnnotated();
        return new DateSerializer(annotated.getAnnotation(JsonFormat.class).value());


Try this after post result for us.

How do I redirect with JavaScript?

You may need to explain your question a little more.

When you say "redirect", to most people that suggest changing the location of the HTML page:

window.location = url;

When you say "redirect to function" - it doesn't really make sense. You can call a function or you can redirect to another page.
You can even redirect and have a function called when the new page loads.

How do I delete all messages from a single queue using the CLI?

RabbitMQ has 2 things under queue

  1. Delete
  2. Purge

Delete - will delete the queue

Purge - This will empty the queue (meaning removes messages from the queue but queue still exists)

run a python script in terminal without the python command

Add the following line to the beginning

#!/usr/bin/env python

and then make the script executable:

$ chmod +x

If the script resides in a directory that appears in your PATH variable, you can simply type


Otherwise, you'll need to provide the full path (either absolute or relative). This includes the current working directory, which should not be in your PATH.

$ ./

Convert Pandas column containing NaNs to dtype `int`

If you want to use it when you chain methods, you can use assign:

df = (
     df.assign(col = lambda x: x['col'].astype('Int64'))

Structuring online documentation for a REST API

That's a very complex question for a simple answer.

You may want to take a look at existing API frameworks, like Swagger Specification (OpenAPI), and services like and

Also, here's an example of the same REST API described, organized and even styled in three different ways. It may be a good start for you to learn from existing common ways.

At the very top level I think quality REST API docs require at least the following:

  • a list of all your API endpoints (base/relative URLs)
  • corresponding HTTP GET/POST/... method type for each endpoint
  • request/response MIME-type (how to encode params and parse replies)
  • a sample request/response, including HTTP headers
  • type and format specified for all params, including those in the URL, body and headers
  • a brief text description and important notes
  • a short code snippet showing the use of the endpoint in popular web programming languages

Also there are a lot of JSON/XML-based doc frameworks which can parse your API definition or schema and generate a convenient set of docs for you. But the choice for a doc generation system depends on your project, language, development environment and many other things.

How to get exception message in Python properly

from traceback import format_exc

    fault = 10/0
except ZeroDivision:

Another possibility is to use the format_exc() method from the traceback module.

Invalid http_host header


Objective-C: Extract filename from path string

Taken from the NSString reference, you can use :

NSString *theFileName = [[string lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];

The lastPathComponent call will return thefile.ext, and the stringByDeletingPathExtension will remove the extension suffix from the end.

How to catch curl errors in PHP

If CURLOPT_FAILONERROR is false, http errors will not trigger curl errors.

if (@$_GET['curl']=="yes") {
  header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable');
} else {
  $ch=curl_init($url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?curl=yes");
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
  $http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
  $curl_errno= curl_errno($ch);
  if ($http_status==503)
    echo "HTTP Status == 503 <br/>";
  echo "Curl Errno returned $curl_errno <br/>";

How to launch multiple Internet Explorer windows/tabs from batch file?

The top answer is almost correct, but you also need to add an ampersand at the end of each line. For example write the batch file:

start /d "~\iexplore.exe" "" & 
start /d "~\iexplore.exe" "" &
start /d "~\iexplore.exe" "" &

The ampersand allows the prompt to return to the shell and launch another tab. This is a windows solution only, but the ampersand has the same effect in linux shell.

How to display an unordered list in two columns?

I like the solution for modern browsers, but the bullets are missing, so I add it a little trick:

ul {
    list-style-type: none;
    columns: 2;
    -webkit-columns: 2;
    -moz-columns: 2;

li:before {
  content: "• ";

enter image description here

Python Unicode Encode Error

Try adding the following line at the top of your python script.

# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_

Write a number with two decimal places SQL Server

try this


Create timestamp variable in bash script

If you want to get unix timestamp, then you need to use:

timestamp=$(date +%s)

%T will give you just the time; same as %H:%M:%S (via

error: expected primary-expression before ')' token (C)

A function call needs to be performed with objects. You are doing the equivalent of this:

// function declaration/definition
void foo(int) {}

// function call
foo(int); // wat!??

i.e. passing a type where an object is required. This makes no sense in C or C++. You need to be doing

int i = 42;



How to get the fields in an Object via reflection?

I've an object (basically a VO) in Java and I don't know its type. I need to get values which are not null in that object.

Maybe you don't necessary need reflection for that -- here is a plain OO design that might solve your problem:

  1. Add an interface Validation which expose a method validate which checks the fields and return whatever is appropriate.
  2. Implement the interface and the method for all VO.
  3. When you get a VO, even if it's concrete type is unknown, you can typecast it to Validation and check that easily.

I guess that you need the field that are null to display an error message in a generic way, so that should be enough. Let me know if this doesn't work for you for some reason.

How can I do string interpolation in JavaScript?

You can do easily using ES6 template string and transpile to ES5 using any available transpilar like babel.

const age = 3;

console.log(`I'm ${age} years old!`);

TypeScript: Property does not exist on type '{}'

        contextParamers : {
            param1: any,
            param2: string
            param3: string          
          contextParamers.param1 = contextParamers.param1+ 'canChange';
          //contextParamers.param4 = "CannotChange";
          var contextParamers2 : any = contextParamers;// lost the typescript on the new object of type any
          contextParamers2.param4 =  'canChange';
          return contextParamers2;

CSS3 100vh not constant in mobile browser

As I was looking for a solution some days, here is mine for everyone using VueJS with Vuetify (my solution uses v-app-bar, v-navigation-drawer and v-footer): I created App.scss (used in App.vue) with the following content:

.v-application {_x000D_
    height: 100vh;_x000D_
    height: -webkit-fill-available;_x000D_
.v-application--wrap {_x000D_
    min-height: 100vh !important;_x000D_
    min-height: -webkit-fill-available !important;_x000D_

Default nginx client_max_body_size

You have to increase client_max_body_size in nginx.conf file. This is the basic step. But if your backend laravel then you have to do some changes in the php.ini file as well. It depends on your backend. Below I mentioned file location and condition name.

sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

After open the file adds this into HTTP section.

client_max_body_size 100M;

How to enable GZIP compression in IIS 7.5

If anyone runs across this and is looking for a bit more up-to-date answer or copy-paste answer or answer targeting multiple versions than JC Raja's post, here's what I've found:

Google's got a pretty solid, easy-to-understand introduction to how this works and what is advantageous and not. They recommend the HTML5 Boilerplate project, which has solutions for different versions of IIS:

  • .NET version 3
  • .NET version 4
  • .NET version 4.5 / MVC 5

Available here: They have web.configs that you can copy and paste changes from theirs to yours and see the changes, much easier than digging through a bunch of blog posts.

Here's the web.config settings for .NET version 4.5:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="webpages:Version" value="" />
    <add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" />
    <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />
            Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
            symbols into the compiled page. Because this
            affects performance, set this value to true only
            during development.
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />

    <!-- Security through obscurity, removes  X-AspNet-Version HTTP header from the response -->
    <!-- Allow zombie DOS names to be captured by ASP.NET (/con, /com1, /lpt1, /aux, /prt, /nul, etc) -->
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" requestValidationMode="2.0" requestPathInvalidCharacters="" enableVersionHeader="false" relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true" />

    <!-- httpCookies httpOnlyCookies setting defines whether cookies 
             should be exposed to client side scripts
             false (Default): client side code can access cookies
             true: client side code cannot access cookies
             Require SSL is situational, you can also define the 
             domain of cookies with optional "domain" property -->
    <httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="false" />

    <trace writeToDiagnosticsTrace="false" enabled="false" pageOutput="false" localOnly="true" />

    <!-- GZip static file content.  Overrides the server default which only compresses static files over 2700 bytes -->
    <httpCompression directory="%SystemDrive%\websites\_compressed" minFileSizeForComp="1024">
      <scheme name="gzip" dll="%Windir%\system32\inetsrv\gzip.dll" />
        <add mimeType="text/*" enabled="true" />
        <add mimeType="message/*" enabled="true" />
        <add mimeType="application/javascript" enabled="true" />
        <add mimeType="application/json" enabled="true" />
        <add mimeType="*/*" enabled="false" />

    <httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" errorMode="Custom">
      <!-- Catch IIS 404 error due to paths that exist but shouldn't be served (e.g. /controllers, /global.asax) or IIS request filtering (e.g. bin, web.config, app_code, app_globalresources, app_localresources, app_webreferences, app_data, app_browsers) -->
      <remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" />
      <error statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" path="/notfound" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />
      <remove statusCode="500" subStatusCode="-1" />
      <error statusCode="500" subStatusCode="-1" path="/error" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />

    <directoryBrowse enabled="false" />
    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

    <!-- Microsoft sets runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests to true by default
             You should handle this according to need but consider the performance hit.
             Good source of reference on this matter:
    <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false" />

    <urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" doDynamicCompression="true" />
      <!-- Set expire headers to 30 days for static content-->
      <clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="30.00:00:00" />
      <!-- use utf-8 encoding for anything served text/plain or text/html -->
      <remove fileExtension=".css" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".css" mimeType="text/css" />
      <remove fileExtension=".js" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".js" mimeType="text/javascript" />
      <remove fileExtension=".json" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" />
      <remove fileExtension=".rss" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".rss" mimeType="application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
      <remove fileExtension=".html" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".html" mimeType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
      <remove fileExtension=".xml" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".xml" mimeType="application/xml; charset=UTF-8" />
      <!-- HTML5 Audio/Video mime types-->
      <remove fileExtension=".mp3" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".mp3" mimeType="audio/mpeg" />
      <remove fileExtension=".mp4" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".mp4" mimeType="video/mp4" />
      <remove fileExtension=".ogg" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ogg" mimeType="audio/ogg" />
      <remove fileExtension=".ogv" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ogv" mimeType="video/ogg" />
      <remove fileExtension=".webm" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".webm" mimeType="video/webm" />
      <!-- Proper svg serving. Required for svg webfonts on iPad -->
      <remove fileExtension=".svg" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".svg" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
      <remove fileExtension=".svgz" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".svgz" mimeType="image/svg+xml" />
      <!-- HTML4 Web font mime types -->
      <!-- Remove default IIS mime type for .eot which is application/octet-stream -->
      <remove fileExtension=".eot" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".eot" mimeType="application/" />
      <remove fileExtension=".ttf" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ttf" mimeType="application/x-font-ttf" />
      <remove fileExtension=".ttc" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ttc" mimeType="application/x-font-ttf" />
      <remove fileExtension=".otf" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".otf" mimeType="font/opentype" />
      <remove fileExtension=".woff" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
      <remove fileExtension=".crx" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".crx" mimeType="application/x-chrome-extension" />
      <remove fileExtension=".xpi" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".xpi" mimeType="application/x-xpinstall" />
      <remove fileExtension=".safariextz" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".safariextz" mimeType="application/octet-stream" />
      <!-- Flash Video mime types-->
      <remove fileExtension=".flv" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".flv" mimeType="video/x-flv" />
      <remove fileExtension=".f4v" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".f4v" mimeType="video/mp4" />
      <!-- Assorted types -->
      <remove fileExtension=".ico" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ico" mimeType="image/x-icon" />
      <remove fileExtension=".webp" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".webp" mimeType="image/webp" />
      <remove fileExtension=".htc" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".htc" mimeType="text/x-component" />
      <remove fileExtension=".vcf" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".vcf" mimeType="text/x-vcard" />
      <remove fileExtension=".torrent" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".torrent" mimeType="application/x-bittorrent" />
      <remove fileExtension=".cur" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".cur" mimeType="image/x-icon" />
      <remove fileExtension=".webapp" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".webapp" mimeType="application/x-web-app-manifest+json; charset=UTF-8" />

        <!--#### SECURITY Related Headers ###
            More information:
                # Access-Control-Allow-Origin
                The 'Access Control Allow Origin' HTTP header is used to control which
                sites are allowed to bypass same-origin policies and send cross-origin requests.

                Secure configuration: Either do not set this header or return the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
                header restricting it to only a trusted set of sites.

                <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />

                # Cache-Control
                The 'Cache-Control' response header controls how pages can be cached
                either by proxies or the user's browser.
                This response header can provide enhanced privacy by not caching
                sensitive pages in the user's browser cache.

                <add name="Cache-Control" value="no-store, no-cache"/>

                # Strict-Transport-Security
                The HTTP Strict Transport Security header is used to control
                if the browser is allowed to only access a site over a secure connection
                and how long to remember the server response for, forcing continued usage.
                Note* Currently a draft standard which only Firefox and Chrome support. But is supported by sites like PayPal.
                <add name="Strict-Transport-Security" value="max-age=15768000"/>

                # X-Frame-Options
                The X-Frame-Options header indicates whether a browser should be allowed
                to render a page within a frame or iframe.
                The valid options are DENY (deny allowing the page to exist in a frame)
                or SAMEORIGIN (allow framing but only from the originating host)
                Without this option set, the site is at a higher risk of click-jacking.

                <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" />

                # X-XSS-Protection
                The X-XSS-Protection header is used by Internet Explorer version 8+
                The header instructs IE to enable its inbuilt anti-cross-site scripting filter.
                If enabled, without 'mode=block', there is an increased risk that
                otherwise, non-exploitable cross-site scripting vulnerabilities may potentially become exploitable

                <add name="X-XSS-Protection" value="1; mode=block"/>

                # MIME type sniffing security protection
                Enabled by default as there are very few edge cases where you wouldn't want this enabled.
                Theres additional reading below; but the tldr, it reduces the ability of the browser (mostly IE) 
                being tricked into facilitating driveby attacks.
        <add name="X-Content-Type-Options" value="nosniff" />

        <!-- A little extra security (by obscurity), removings fun but adding your own is better -->
        <remove name="X-Powered-By" />
        <add name="X-Powered-By" value="My Little Pony" />

                 With Content Security Policy (CSP) enabled (and a browser that supports it (,
         you can tell the browser that it can only download content from the domains you explicitly allow
         CSP can be quite difficult to configure, and cause real issues if you get it wrong
         There is website that helps you generate a policy here
         <add name="Content-Security-Policy" "default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self';" />

        <!--//#### SECURITY Related Headers ###-->

                Force the latest IE version, in various cases when it may fall back to IE7 mode
                Use ChromeFrame if it's installed for a better experience for the poor IE folk
        <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=Edge,chrome=1" />
                Allow cookies to be set from iframes (for IE only)
                If needed, uncomment and specify a path or regex in the Location directive

                <add name="P3P" value="policyref=&quot;/w3c/p3p.xml&quot;, CP=&quot;IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi HIS OUR IND CNT&quot;" />



            Remove/force the WWW from the URL.
            Requires IIS Rewrite module
            Configuration lifted from

            NOTE* You need to install the IIS URL Rewriting extension (Install via the Web Platform Installer)

            ** Important Note
            using a non-www version of a webpage will set cookies for the whole domain making cookieless domains
            (eg. fast CD-like access to static resources like CSS, js, and images) impossible.


                <rule name="Remove WWW" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url="^(.*)$" />
                        <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^(www\.)(.*)$" />
                    <action type="Redirect" url="{PATH_INFO}" redirectType="Permanent" />
                <rule name="Force WWW" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url=".*" />
                        <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^$" />
                    <action type="Redirect" url="{R:0}" redirectType="Permanent" />

                # E-TAGS
                E-Tags are actually quite useful in cache management especially if you have a front-end caching server such as Varnish. /
                But in load balancing and simply most cases ETags are mishandled in IIS, and it can be advantageous to remove them.
        # removed as in

              <rule name="Remove ETag">
                 <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_ETag" pattern=".+" />
                 <action type="Rewrite" value="" />

            ### Built-in filename-based cache busting

            In a managed language such as .net, you should really be using the internal bundler for CSS + js
            or get cassette or similar.

            If you're not using the build script to manage your filename version revving,
            you might want to consider enabling this, which will route requests for
            /css/style.20110203.css to /css/style.css

            To understand why this is important and a better idea than all.css?v1231,

                <rule name="Cachebusting">
                    <match url="^(.+)\.\d+(\.(js|css|png|jpg|gif)$)" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}{R:2}" />



    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Helpers" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Optimization" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.WebPages" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="WebGrease" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Edit: One update if you need Gzip compression on WebAPI responses. I wasn't aware our WebAPI wasn't returning Gzipped responses until recently and scratched my head for a while because we had dynamic and static compression turned on in web.config. We looked at writing our own compression services and response handlers (still on WebAPI 2 not on .NET Core where it's easier now), but that was too cumbersome for what seemed like something we should just be able to turn on.

(If you're interested here's what we were looking at for our own compression service EDIT: Link is now offline, but you can view the code/content here: )

Instead, we found this great post by Ben Foster ( If you can modify applicationHost.config (running your own servers), you can pop that config file open and add the mimeTypes you want to compress (I pulled the relevant ones based on what our API was returning to clients from our Web.Config). Save that file, IIS will pickup your changes, recycle app pools, and your WebAPI will start returning gzip compressed responses to clients who request it.

If you don't see gzipped responses, check the response content type with Fiddler or Chrome/Firefox Dev Tools, and ensure it matches what you added. I had to change the view mode (use large request rows) in Chrome Dev Tools to ensure it showed the total size vs transferred size. If everything validates, try rebooting the server once to just ensure it was properly applied. I did have one syntax error where when I opened up the site in IIS, IIS poppped open a message about a parsing error that I had to fix in the config file.

<httpCompression directory="%TEMP%\iisexpress\IIS Temporary Compressed Files">
    <scheme name="gzip" dll="%IIS_BIN%\gzip.dll" />

        <!-- compress JSON responses from Web API -->           
        <add mimeType="application/json" enabled="true" /> 


Capturing standard out and error with Start-Process

That's how Start-Process was designed for some reason. Here's a way to get it without sending to file:

$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = "ping.exe"
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = "localhost"
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
$stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host "stdout: $stdout"
Write-Host "stderr: $stderr"
Write-Host "exit code: " + $p.ExitCode

Override devise registrations controller

In your form are you passing in any other attributes, via mass assignment that don't belong to your user model, or any of the nested models?

If so, I believe the ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError is triggered in this instance.

Otherwise, I think you can just create your own controller, by generating something like this:

# app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb
class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
  def new

  def create
    # add custom create logic here

  def update

And then tell devise to use that controller instead of the default with:

# app/config/routes.rb
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}

Accessing clicked element in angularjs

While AngularJS allows you to get a hand on a click event (and thus a target of it) with the following syntax (note the $event argument to the setMaster function; documentation here:

function AdminController($scope) {    
  $scope.setMaster = function(obj, $event){

this is not very angular-way of solving this problem. With AngularJS the focus is on the model manipulation. One would mutate a model and let AngularJS figure out rendering.

The AngularJS-way of solving this problem (without using jQuery and without the need to pass the $event argument) would be:

<div ng-controller="AdminController">
    <ul class="list-holder">
        <li ng-repeat="section in sections" ng-class="{active : isSelected(section)}">
            <a ng-click="setMaster(section)">{{}}</a>
    {{selected | json}}

where methods in the controller would look like this:

$scope.setMaster = function(section) {
    $scope.selected = section;

$scope.isSelected = function(section) {
    return $scope.selected === section;

Here is the complete jsFiddle:

Android Studio Rendering Problems : The following classes could not be found

To use the class ActionBarOverlayLayout you need to include this in the dependencies section of build.gradle file:

compile ''

Sync the project once again and then you will find no problem

Git merge develop into feature branch outputs "Already up-to-date" while it's not

Initially my repo said "Already up to date."

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123) 
$ git merge develop


Already up to date.

But the code is not up to date & it is showing some differences in some files.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git diff develop


diff --git 
index ba2a257..1c219bb 100644
--- a/src/main/database/sql/additional/pkg_etl.sql
+++ b/src/main/database/sql/additional/pkg_etl.sql

However, merging fixes it.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git merge origin/develop


Updating c7c0ac9..09959e3
3 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

Again I have confirmed this by using diff command.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git diff develop

No differences in the code now!

Angular.js programmatically setting a form field to dirty

A helper function to do the job:

function setDirtyForm(form) {
    angular.forEach(form.$error, function(type) {
        angular.forEach(type, function(field) {
    return form;

MongoDB: update every document on one field

This code will be helpful for you

            'type': "newuser"
        }, {
            $set: {
                email: "[email protected]",
        }, {
            multi: true
        function(err, result) {

How to call a method daily, at specific time, in C#?

A simple example for one task:

using System;
using System.Timers;

namespace ConsoleApp
    internal class Scheduler
        private static readonly DateTime scheduledTime = 
            new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 10, 0, 0);
        private static DateTime dateTimeLastRunTask;

        internal static void CheckScheduledTask()
            if (dateTimeLastRunTask.Date < DateTime.Today && scheduledTime.TimeOfDay < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay)
                Console.WriteLine("Time to run task");
                dateTimeLastRunTask = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine("not yet time");

    internal class Program
        private static Timer timer;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            timer = new Timer(5000);
            timer.Elapsed += OnTimer;

        private static void OnTimer(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)

String to object in JS

This simple way...

var string = "{firstName:'name1', lastName:'last1'}";
eval('var obj='+string);



show distinct column values in pyspark dataframe: python

If you want to select ALL(columns) data as distinct frrom a DataFrame (df), then'*').distinct().show(10,truncate=False)

How to execute Ant build in command line

is it still actual?

As I can see you wrote <target depends="build-subprojects,build-project" name="build"/>, then you wrote <target name="build-subprojects"/> (it does nothing). Could it be a reason? Does this <echo message="${}: ${ant.file}"/> print appropriate message? If no then target is not running. Take a look at the next link

OpenCV - Apply mask to a color image

The other methods described assume a binary mask. If you want to use a real-valued single-channel grayscale image as a mask (e.g. from an alpha channel), you can expand it to three channels and then use it for interpolation:

assert len(mask.shape) == 2 and issubclass(mask.dtype.type, np.floating)
assert len(foreground_rgb.shape) == 3
assert len(background_rgb.shape) == 3

alpha3 = np.stack([mask]*3, axis=2)
blended = alpha3 * foreground_rgb + (1. - alpha3) * background_rgb

Note that mask needs to be in range 0..1 for the operation to succeed. It is also assumed that 1.0 encodes keeping the foreground only, while 0.0 means keeping only the background.

If the mask may have the shape (h, w, 1), this helps:

alpha3 = np.squeeze(np.stack([np.atleast_3d(mask)]*3, axis=2))

Here np.atleast_3d(mask) makes the mask (h, w, 1) if it is (h, w) and np.squeeze(...) reshapes the result from (h, w, 3, 1) to (h, w, 3).

How to set the maxAllowedContentLength to 500MB while running on IIS7?

The limit of requests in .Net can be configured from two properties together:


  • Web.Config/system.web/httpRuntime/maxRequestLength
  • Unit of measurement: kilobytes
  • Default value 4096 KB (4 MB)
  • Max. value 2147483647 KB (2 TB)


  • Web.Config/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits/maxAllowedContentLength (in bytes)
  • Unit of measurement: bytes
  • Default value 30000000 bytes (28.6 MB)
  • Max. value 4294967295 bytes (4 GB)



<location path="upl">
     <!--The default size is 4096 kilobytes (4 MB). MaxValue is 2147483647 KB (2 TB)-->
     <!-- 100 MB in kilobytes -->
     <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="102400" />
         <!--The default size is 30000000 bytes (28.6 MB). MaxValue is 4294967295 bytes (4 GB)-->
         <!-- 100 MB in bytes -->
         <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="104857600" />

Converting Integer to Long

If you don't know the exact class of your number (Integer, Long, Double, whatever), you can cast to Number and get your long value from it:

Object num = new Integer(6);
Long longValue = ((Number) num).longValue();

make bootstrap twitter dialog modal draggable

    handle: ".modal-header"

it works for me. I got it from there. if you give me thanks please give 70% to Andres Ilich

How to check if a char is equal to an empty space?

Since char is a primitive type, you can just write c == ' '.
You only need to call equals() for reference types like String or Character.

How to remove "onclick" with JQuery?

Old Way (pre-1.7):

$("...").attr("onclick", "").unbind("click");

New Way (1.7+):

$("...").prop("onclick", null).off("click");

(Replace ... with the selector you need.)

// use the "[attr=value]" syntax to avoid syntax errors with special characters (like "$")_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<a id="a$id" onclick="alert('get rid of this')" href="javascript:void(0)"  class="black">Qualify</a>

Why does ASP.NET webforms need the Runat="Server" attribute?

It's there because all controls in ASP .NET inherit from System.Web.UI.Control which has the "runat" attribute.

in the class System.Web.UI.HTMLControl, the attribute is not required, however, in the class System.Web.UI.WebControl the attribute is required.

edit: let me be more specific. since is pretty much an abstract of HTML, the compiler needs some sort of directive so that it knows that specific tag needs to run server-side. if that attribute wasn't there then is wouldn't know to process it on the server first. if it isn't there it assumes it is regular markup and passes it to the client.

Plot a line graph, error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ

plot(t) is in this case the same as

plot(t[[1]], t[[2]])

As the error message says, x and y differ in length and that is because you plot a list with length 4 against 1:

> length(t)
[1] 4
> length(1)
[1] 1

In your second example you plot a list with elements named x and y, both vectors of length 2, so plot plots these two vectors.


If you want to plot lines use

plot(t, type="l")

How to sort an array of integers correctly

to handle undefined, null, and NaN: Null behaves like 0, NaN and undefined goes to end.

array = [3, 5, -1, 1, NaN, 6, undefined, 2, null]
array.sort((a,b) => isNaN(a) || a-b)
// [-1, null, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, NaN, undefined]

VBA macro that search for file in multiple subfolders

This sub will populate a Collection with all files matching the filename or pattern you pass in.

Sub GetFiles(StartFolder As String, Pattern As String, _
             DoSubfolders As Boolean, ByRef colFiles As Collection)

    Dim f As String, sf As String, subF As New Collection, s
    If Right(StartFolder, 1) <> "\" Then StartFolder = StartFolder & "\"
    f = Dir(StartFolder & Pattern)
    Do While Len(f) > 0
        colFiles.Add StartFolder & f
        f = Dir()
    If DoSubfolders then
        sf = Dir(StartFolder, vbDirectory)
        Do While Len(sf) > 0
            If sf <> "." And sf <> ".." Then
                If (GetAttr(StartFolder & sf) And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
                        subF.Add StartFolder & sf
                End If
            End If
            sf = Dir()
        For Each s In subF
            GetFiles CStr(s), Pattern, True, colFiles
        Next s
    End If

End Sub


Dim colFiles As New Collection

GetFiles "C:\Users\Marek\Desktop\Makro\", FName & ".xls", True, colFiles
If colFiles.Count > 0 Then
    'work with found files
End If

Can't install any packages in Node.js using "npm install"

If you happened to run npm install command on Windows, first make sure you open your command prompt with Administration Privileges. That's what solved the issue for me.

Insert string in beginning of another string

private static void appendZeroAtStart() {
        String strObj = "11";
        int maxLegth = 5;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(strObj);
        if (sb.length() <= maxLegth) {
            while (sb.length() < maxLegth) {
                sb.insert(0, '0');
        } else {

        System.out.println("result: " + sb);


Insert at first position of a list in Python

Use insert:

In [1]: ls = [1,2,3]

In [2]: ls.insert(0, "new")

In [3]: ls
Out[3]: ['new', 1, 2, 3]

Converting string to number in javascript/jQuery

For your case, just use:

var votevalue = +$(this).data('votevalue');

There are some ways to convert string to number in javascript.

The best way:

var str = "1";
var num = +str; //simple enough and work with both int and float

You also can:

var str = "1";
var num = Number(str); //without new. work with both int and float


var str = "1";
var num = parseInt(str,10); //for integer number
var num = parseFloat(str); //for float number


var str = "1";
var num = new Number(str);  //num will be an object. typeof num == 'object'

Use parseInt only for special case, for example

var str = "ff";
var num = parseInt(str,16); //255

var str = "0xff";
var num = parseInt(str); //255

Remove duplicated rows using dplyr

Here is a solution using dplyr >= 0.5.

df <- data.frame(
  x = sample(0:1, 10, replace = T),
  y = sample(0:1, 10, replace = T),
  z = 1:10

> df %>% distinct(x, y, .keep_all = TRUE)
    x y z
  1 0 1 1
  2 1 0 2
  3 1 1 4

Create a CSV File for a user in PHP

Writing your own CSV code is probably a waste of your time, just use a package such as league/csv - it deals with all the difficult stuff for you, the documentation is good and it's very stable / reliable:

You'll need to be using composer. If you don't know what composer is I highly recommend you have a look:

Floating divs in Bootstrap layout

From all I have read you cannot do exactly what you want without javascript. If you float left before text

<div style="float:left;">widget</div> here is some CONTENT, etc.

Your content wraps as expected. But your widget is in the top left. If you instead put the float after the content

here is some CONTENT, etc. <div style="float:left;">widget</div>

Then your content will wrap the last line to the right of the widget if the last line of content can fit to the right of the widget, otherwise no wrapping is done. To make borders and backgrounds actually include the floated area in the previous example, most people add:

here is some CONTENT, etc. <div style="float:left;">widget</div><div style="clear:both;"></div>

In your question you are using bootstrap which just adds row-fluid::after { content: ""} which resolves the border/background issue.

Moving your content up will give you the one line wrap :

  <div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="offset1 span8 pull-right">
    ... Widget 1...
    .... a lot of content ....
    <div class="span8" style="margin-left: 0;">
    ... Widget 2...



How to Check if value exists in a MySQL database

I tried to d this for a while and $sqlcommand = 'SELECT * FROM database WHERE search="'.$searchString.'";';
$sth = $db->prepare($sqlcommand); $sth->execute(); $record = $sth->fetch(); if ($sth->fetchColumn() > 0){}
just works if there are TWO identical entries, but, if you replace if ($sth->fetchColumn() > 0){} with if ($result){} it works with only one matching record, hope this helps.

How to display multiple images in one figure correctly?

You could try the following:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def plot_figures(figures, nrows = 1, ncols=1):
    """Plot a dictionary of figures.

    figures : <title, figure> dictionary
    ncols : number of columns of subplots wanted in the display
    nrows : number of rows of subplots wanted in the figure

    fig, axeslist = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows)
    for ind,title in zip(range(len(figures)), figures):
        axeslist.ravel()[ind].imshow(figures[title], cmap=plt.jet())
    plt.tight_layout() # optional

# generation of a dictionary of (title, images)
number_of_im = 20
figures = {'im'+str(i): np.random.randint(10, size=(h,w)) for i in range(number_of_im)}

# plot of the images in a figure, with 5 rows and 4 columns
plot_figures(figures, 5, 4)

However, this is basically just copy and paste from here: Multiple figures in a single window for which reason this post should be considered to be a duplicate.

I hope this helps.

Programmatically scroll a UIScrollView

[Scrollview setContentOffset:CGPointMake(x, y) animated:YES];

How to invoke bash, run commands inside the new shell, and then give control back to user?

Here is yet another (working) variant:

This opens a new gnome terminal, then in the new terminal it runs bash. The user's rc file is read first, then a command ls -la is sent for execution to the new shell before it turns interactive. The last echo adds an extra newline that is needed to finish execution.

gnome-terminal -- bash -c 'bash --rcfile <( cat ~/.bashrc; echo ls -la ; echo)'

I also find it useful sometimes to decorate the terminal, e.g. with colorfor better orientation.

gnome-terminal --profile green -- bash -c 'bash --rcfile <( cat ~/.bashrc; echo ls -la ; echo)'

Sort dataGridView columns in C# ? (Windows Form)

This one is simplier :)

dataview dataview1; 
this.dataview1= dataset.tables[0].defaultview;
this.dataview1.sort = "[ColumnName] ASC, [ColumnName] DESC";
this.datagridview.datasource = dataview1;

JavaScript editor within Eclipse

The new release of Eclipse (Helios) has an especific package for javascript web development. I haven't tried it yet, but it certainly worth a look.

Change the mouse cursor on mouse over to anchor-like style

You actually don't need jQuery, just CSS. For example, here's some HTML:

<div class="special"></div>

And here's the CSS:

    cursor: pointer;

babel-loader jsx SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Add "babel-preset-react"

npm install babel-preset-react

and add "presets" option to babel-loader in your webpack.config.js

(or you can add it to your .babelrc or package.js:

Here is an example webpack.config.js:

    test: /\.jsx?$/,         // Match both .js and .jsx files
    exclude: /node_modules/, 
    loader: "babel", 

Recently Babel 6 was released and there was a major change:

If you are using react 0.14, you should use ReactDOM.render() (from require('react-dom')) instead of React.render():


Rule.query has already been deprecated in favour of Rule.options. Usage in webpack 4 is as follows:

npm install babel-loader babel-preset-react

Then in your webpack configuration (as an entry in the module.rules array in the module.exports object)

    test: /\.jsx?$/,
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    use: [
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        options: {
          presets: ['react']

Finding the index of elements based on a condition using python list comprehension

Maybe another question is, "what are you going to do with those indices once you get them?" If you are going to use them to create another list, then in Python, they are an unnecessary middle step. If you want all the values that match a given condition, just use the builtin filter:

matchingVals = filter(lambda x : x>2, a)

Or write your own list comprhension:

matchingVals = [x for x in a if x > 2]

If you want to remove them from the list, then the Pythonic way is not to necessarily remove from the list, but write a list comprehension as if you were creating a new list, and assigning back in-place using the listvar[:] on the left-hand-side:

a[:] = [x for x in a if x <= 2]

Matlab supplies find because its array-centric model works by selecting items using their array indices. You can do this in Python, certainly, but the more Pythonic way is using iterators and generators, as already mentioned by @EliBendersky.

ggplot legends - change labels, order and title

You need to do two things:

  1. Rename and re-order the factor levels before the plot
  2. Rename the title of each legend to the same title

The code:

dtt$model <- factor(dtt$model, levels=c("mb", "ma", "mc"), labels=c("MBB", "MAA", "MCC"))

ggplot(dtt, aes(x=year, y=V, group = model, colour = model, ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.35, linetype=0)+ 
  geom_line(aes(linetype=model), size = 1) +       
  geom_point(aes(shape=model), size=4)  +      
  theme(legend.position=c(.6,0.8)) +
  theme(legend.background = element_rect(colour = 'black', fill = 'grey90', size = 1, linetype='solid')) +
  scale_linetype_discrete("Model 1") +
  scale_shape_discrete("Model 1") +
  scale_colour_discrete("Model 1")

enter image description here

However, I think this is really ugly as well as difficult to interpret. It's far better to use facets:

ggplot(dtt, aes(x=year, y=V, group = model, colour = model, ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, colour=NA)+ 
  geom_line() +       
  geom_point()  +      

enter image description here

How to align the text middle of BUTTON

Sometime it is fixed by the Padding .. if you can play with that, then, it should fix your problem

<style type=text/css>

YourbuttonByID {Padding: 20px 80px; "for example" padding-left:50px; 
 padding-right:30px "to fix the text in the middle 
 without interfering with the text itself"}


It worked for me

How to connect to a MS Access file (mdb) using C#?

You should use "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" to get to access to Microsoft Access. Here is the sample tutorial on using it

pip install: Please check the permissions and owner of that directory

If you altered your $PATH variable that could also cause the problem. If you think that might be the issue, check your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc

jackson deserialization json to java-objects

It looks like you are trying to read an object from JSON that actually describes an array. Java objects are mapped to JSON objects with curly braces {} but your JSON actually starts with square brackets [] designating an array.

What you actually have is a List<product> To describe generic types, due to Java's type erasure, you must use a TypeReference. Your deserialization could read: myProduct = objectMapper.readValue(productJson, new TypeReference<List<product>>() {});

A couple of other notes: your classes should always be PascalCased. Your main method can just be public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception which saves you all the useless catch blocks.

"Could not find acceptable representation" using spring-boot-starter-web

I got the exact same problem. After viewing this reference:

My problem solved by changing

method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"


method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE

and don't forget to add the library:

import org.springframework.http.MediaType;

it works on both postman or regular browser.

Best way to encode Degree Celsius symbol into web page?

I'm not sure why this hasn't come up yet but why don't you use &#8451; (?) or &#8457; (?) for Celsius and Fahrenheit respectively!

Why is the Android emulator so slow? How can we speed up the Android emulator?


You can now enable the Quick Boot option for Android Emulator. That will save emulator state, and it will start the emulator quickly on the next boot.

Click on Emulator edit button, then click Show Advanced Setting. Then enable Quick Boot like below screenshot.

Quick boot

Android Development Tools (ADT) 9.0.0 (or later) has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD (emulator), and you can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD.

Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to 1024 which results in a very fast emulator.

Refer to the given below screenshots for more information.

Creating a new AVD with the save snapshot feature.

Android emulator with save snapshot feature.

Launching the emulator from the snapshot.

Launching the emulator from the snapshot.

And for speeding up your emulator you can refer to Speed up your Android Emulator!:

Using ssd hard drive has too much impact and I recommend to use more suitable ram (8 or higher)

How to create a library project in Android Studio and an application project that uses the library project

The simplest way for me to create and reuse a library project:

  1. On an opened project file > new > new module (and answer the UI questions)

enter image description here

  1. check/or add if in the file settings.gradle: include ':myLibrary'
  2. check/or add if in the file build.gradle:

    dependencies { ... compile project(':myLibrary') }

  3. To reuse this library module in another project, copy it's folder in the project instead of step 1 and do the steps 2 and 3.

You can also create a new studio application project You can easily change an existing application module to a library module by changing the plugin assignment in the build.gradle file to

apply plugin: ''

android {...}


apply plugin: ''

android {...}

more here

Bootstrap 4 img-circle class not working

Now the class is this

 <img src="img/img5.jpg" width="200px" class="rounded-circle float-right">

Convert command line arguments into an array in Bash

Maybe this can help:


also you can iterate over arguments by omitting 'in':

for arg; do
   echo "$arg"

will be equivalent

for arg in "${myArray[@]}"; do
   echo "$arg"

Javascript close alert box

The only real alternative here is to use some sort of custom widget with a modal option. Have a look at jQuery UI for an example of a dialog with these features. Similar things exist in just about every JS framework you can mention.

Checkout one file from Subversion

If you want to view readme.txt in your repository without checking it out:

$ svn cat
This is a README file. You should read this.

Tip: If your working copy is out of date (or you have local modifications) and you want to see the HEAD revision of a file in your working copy, svn cat will automatically fetch the HEAD revision when you give it a path:

$ cat foo.c
This file is in my local working copy and has changes that I've made.

$ svn cat foo.c
Latest revision fresh from the repository!


How to remove outliers in boxplot in R?

See ?boxplot for all the help you need.

 outline: if ‘outline’ is not true, the outliers are not drawn (as
          points whereas S+ uses lines).


And for extending the range of the whiskers and suppressing the outliers inside this range:

   range: this determines how far the plot whiskers extend out from the
          box.  If ‘range’ is positive, the whiskers extend to the most
          extreme data point which is no more than ‘range’ times the
          interquartile range from the box. A value of zero causes the
          whiskers to extend to the data extremes.

# change the value of range to change the whisker length

How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android

You can do it easy way by using following library

              android:id="@+id/textView64" />

its light weight and easy to implement, just copy your fonts in asset folder and use name in xml.

api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing when opening Microsoft Office file

if anybody unable to update windows online, I suggest you go to and download Most recent version.

Then install update generator -> select your operating system. and hit START, just wait few minutes let him download updates and complete all it's process. hope this help.

Image of Offline update generator

Laravel Pagination links not including other GET parameters

You could use


Example in the Controller:

$users = User::search()->order()->with('type:id,name')

return view('users.index', compact('users'));

Example in the View:

{{ $users->appends(request()->query())->links() }}

Difference between "while" loop and "do while" loop

do {
    printf("Word length... ");
    scanf("%d", &wdlen);
} while(wdlen<2);

A do-while loop guarantees the execution of the loop at least once because it checks the loop condition AFTER the loop iteration. Therefore it'll print the string and call scanf, thus updating the wdlen variable.

    printf("Word length... ");
    scanf("%d", &wdlen);

As for the while loop, it evaluates the loop condition BEFORE the loop body is executed. wdlen probably starts off as more than 2 in your code that's why you never reach the loop body.

Difference between OData and REST web services

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer which is a resource based architectural style. Resource based means that data and functionalities are considered as resources.

OData is a web based protocol that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful web services. OData is a way to create RESTful web services thus an implementation of REST.

How do I get the current year using SQL on Oracle?

Since we are doing this one to death - you don't have to specify a year:

select * from demo
where  somedate between to_date('01/01 00:00:00', 'DD/MM HH24:MI:SS')
                and     to_date('31/12 23:59:59', 'DD/MM HH24:MI:SS');

However the accepted answer by FerranB makes more sense if you want to specify all date values that fall within the current year.

Managing large binary files with Git

The solution I'd like to propose is based on orphan branches and a slight abuse of the tag mechanism, henceforth referred to as *Orphan Tags Binary Storage (OTABS)

TL;DR 12-01-2017 If you can use github's LFS or some other 3rd party, by all means you should. If you can't, then read on. Be warned, this solution is a hack and should be treated as such.

Desirable properties of OTABS

  • it is a pure git and git only solution -- it gets the job done without any 3rd party software (like git-annex) or 3rd party infrastructure (like github's LFS).
  • it stores the binary files efficiently, i.e. it doesn't bloat the history of your repository.
  • git pull and git fetch, including git fetch --all are still bandwidth efficient, i.e. not all large binaries are pulled from the remote by default.
  • it works on Windows.
  • it stores everything in a single git repository.
  • it allows for deletion of outdated binaries (unlike bup).

Undesirable properties of OTABS

  • it makes git clone potentially inefficient (but not necessarily, depending on your usage). If you deploy this solution you might have to advice your colleagues to use git clone -b master --single-branch <url> instead of git clone. This is because git clone by default literally clones entire repository, including things you wouldn't normally want to waste your bandwidth on, like unreferenced commits. Taken from SO 4811434.
  • it makes git fetch <remote> --tags bandwidth inefficient, but not necessarily storage inefficient. You can can always advise your colleagues not to use it.
  • you'll have to periodically use a git gc trick to clean your repository from any files you don't want any more.
  • it is not as efficient as bup or git-bigfiles. But it's respectively more suitable for what you're trying to do and more off-the-shelf. You are likely to run into trouble with hundreds of thousands of small files or with files in range of gigabytes, but read on for workarounds.

Adding the Binary Files

Before you start make sure that you've committed all your changes, your working tree is up to date and your index doesn't contain any uncommitted changes. It might be a good idea to push all your local branches to your remote (github etc.) in case any disaster should happen.

  1. Create a new orphan branch. git checkout --orphan binaryStuff will do the trick. This produces a branch that is entirely disconnected from any other branch, and the first commit you'll make in this branch will have no parent, which will make it a root commit.
  2. Clean your index using git rm --cached * .gitignore.
  3. Take a deep breath and delete entire working tree using rm -fr * .gitignore. Internal .git directory will stay untouched, because the * wildcard doesn't match it.
  4. Copy in your VeryBigBinary.exe, or your VeryHeavyDirectory/.
  5. Add it && commit it.
  6. Now it becomes tricky -- if you push it into the remote as a branch all your developers will download it the next time they invoke git fetch clogging their connection. You can avoid this by pushing a tag instead of a branch. This can still impact your colleague's bandwidth and filesystem storage if they have a habit of typing git fetch <remote> --tags, but read on for a workaround. Go ahead and git tag 1.0.0bin
  7. Push your orphan tag git push <remote> 1.0.0bin.
  8. Just so you never push your binary branch by accident, you can delete it git branch -D binaryStuff. Your commit will not be marked for garbage collection, because an orphan tag pointing on it 1.0.0bin is enough to keep it alive.

Checking out the Binary File

  1. How do I (or my colleagues) get the VeryBigBinary.exe checked out into the current working tree? If your current working branch is for example master you can simply git checkout 1.0.0bin -- VeryBigBinary.exe.
  2. This will fail if you don't have the orphan tag 1.0.0bin downloaded, in which case you'll have to git fetch <remote> 1.0.0bin beforehand.
  3. You can add the VeryBigBinary.exe into your master's .gitignore, so that no-one on your team will pollute the main history of the project with the binary by accident.

Completely Deleting the Binary File

If you decide to completely purge VeryBigBinary.exe from your local repository, your remote repository and your colleague's repositories you can just:

  1. Delete the orphan tag on the remote git push <remote> :refs/tags/1.0.0bin
  2. Delete the orphan tag locally (deletes all other unreferenced tags) git tag -l | xargs git tag -d && git fetch --tags. Taken from SO 1841341 with slight modification.
  3. Use a git gc trick to delete your now unreferenced commit locally. git -c gc.reflogExpire=0 -c gc.reflogExpireUnreachable=0 -c gc.rerereresolved=0 -c gc.rerereunresolved=0 -c gc.pruneExpire=now gc "$@". It will also delete all other unreferenced commits. Taken from SO 1904860
  4. If possible, repeat the git gc trick on the remote. It is possible if you're self-hosting your repository and might not be possible with some git providers, like github or in some corporate environments. If you're hosting with a provider that doesn't give you ssh access to the remote just let it be. It is possible that your provider's infrastructure will clean your unreferenced commit in their own sweet time. If you're in a corporate environment you can advice your IT to run a cron job garbage collecting your remote once per week or so. Whether they do or don't will not have any impact on your team in terms of bandwidth and storage, as long as you advise your colleagues to always git clone -b master --single-branch <url> instead of git clone.
  5. All your colleagues who want to get rid of outdated orphan tags need only to apply steps 2-3.
  6. You can then repeat the steps 1-8 of Adding the Binary Files to create a new orphan tag 2.0.0bin. If you're worried about your colleagues typing git fetch <remote> --tags you can actually name it again 1.0.0bin. This will make sure that the next time they fetch all the tags the old 1.0.0bin will be unreferenced and marked for subsequent garbage collection (using step 3). When you try to overwrite a tag on the remote you have to use -f like this: git push -f <remote> <tagname>


  • OTABS doesn't touch your master or any other source code/development branches. The commit hashes, all of the history, and small size of these branches is unaffected. If you've already bloated your source code history with binary files you'll have to clean it up as a separate piece of work. This script might be useful.

  • Confirmed to work on Windows with git-bash.

  • It is a good idea to apply a set of standard trics to make storage of binary files more efficient. Frequent running of git gc (without any additional arguments) makes git optimise underlying storage of your files by using binary deltas. However, if your files are unlikely to stay similar from commit to commit you can switch off binary deltas altogether. Additionally, because it makes no sense to compress already compressed or encrypted files, like .zip, .jpg or .crypt, git allows you to switch off compression of the underlying storage. Unfortunately it's an all-or-nothing setting affecting your source code as well.

  • You might want to script up parts of OTABS to allow for quicker usage. In particular, scripting steps 2-3 from Completely Deleting Binary Files into an update git hook could give a compelling but perhaps dangerous semantics to git fetch ("fetch and delete everything that is out of date").

  • You might want to skip the step 4 of Completely Deleting Binary Files to keep a full history of all binary changes on the remote at the cost of the central repository bloat. Local repositories will stay lean over time.

  • In Java world it is possible to combine this solution with maven --offline to create a reproducible offline build stored entirely in your version control (it's easier with maven than with gradle). In Golang world it is feasible to build on this solution to manage your GOPATH instead of go get. In python world it is possible to combine this with virtualenv to produce a self-contained development environment without relying on PyPi servers for every build from scratch.

  • If your binary files change very often, like build artifacts, it might be a good idea to script a solution which stores 5 most recent versions of the artifacts in the orphan tags monday_bin, tuesday_bin, ..., friday_bin, and also an orphan tag for each release 1.7.8bin 2.0.0bin, etc. You can rotate the weekday_bin and delete old binaries daily. This way you get the best of two worlds: you keep the entire history of your source code but only the relevant history of your binary dependencies. It is also very easy to get the binary files for a given tag without getting entire source code with all its history: git init && git remote add <name> <url> && git fetch <name> <tag> should do it for you.

Are Git forks actually Git clones?

I think fork is a copy of other repository but with your account modification. for example, if you directly clone other repository locally, the remote object origin is still using the account who you clone from. You can't commit and contribute your code. It is just a pure copy of codes. Otherwise, If you fork a repository, it will clone the repo with the update of your account setting in you github account. And then cloning the repo in the context of your account, you can commit your codes.

What is the difference between background, backgroundTint, backgroundTintMode attributes in android layout xml?

BackgroundTint works as color filter.

FEFBDE as tint

37AEE4 as background

Try seeing the difference by comment tint/background and check the output when both are set.

Best way to convert list to comma separated string in java

From Apache Commons library:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils


StringUtils.join(slist, ',');

Another similar question and answer here

new Runnable() but no new thread?

The Runnable interface is another way in which you can implement multi-threading other than extending the Thread class due to the fact that Java allows you to extend only one class.

You can however, use the new Thread(Runnable runnable) constructor, something like this:

private Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
   final long start = mStartTime;
   long millis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - start;
   int seconds = (int) (millis / 1000);
   int minutes = seconds / 60;
   seconds     = seconds % 60;

   if (seconds < 10) {
       mTimeLabel.setText("" + minutes + ":0" + seconds);
   } else {
       mTimeLabel.setText("" + minutes + ":" + seconds);            

           start + (((minutes * 60) + seconds + 1) * 1000));


Error - Unable to access the IIS metabase

I have had two seperate types of problem lead to this error, and thought I'd share...

1. The directory was on an network share and due to UAC restrictions, was 
   unable to be accessed -- even when running as an admin.
2. The directory was on a drive that didn't exist...

Both of these stem from an unfortunate (imo) choice by MS to put things in the Documents or My Document directory, combinee with really lousy error messages. In both of the above cases the fundamental problem was that the IISExpress Config file goes in My Documents, and it either didn't exist or couldn't be accessed.

How do I extract value from Json

see this code what i am used in my application

String data="{'foo':'bar','coolness':2.0, 'altitude':39000, 'pilot':{'firstName':'Buzz','lastName':'Aldrin'}, 'mission':'apollo 11'}";

I retrieved like this

JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(data);        
    double coolness = json.getDouble( "coolness" );
    int altitude = json.getInt( "altitude" );
    JSONObject pilot = json.getJSONObject("pilot");
    String firstName = pilot.getString("firstName");
    String lastName = pilot.getString("lastName");

    System.out.println( "Coolness: " + coolness );
    System.out.println( "Altitude: " + altitude );
    System.out.println( "Pilot: " + lastName );

Checking if type == list in python

Your issue is that you have re-defined list as a variable previously in your code. This means that when you do type(tmpDict[key])==list if will return False because they aren't equal.

That being said, you should instead use isinstance(tmpDict[key], list) when testing the type of something, this won't avoid the problem of overwriting list but is a more Pythonic way of checking the type.

What's the difference between @JoinColumn and mappedBy when using a JPA @OneToMany association

The annotation @JoinColumn indicates that this entity is the owner of the relationship (that is: the corresponding table has a column with a foreign key to the referenced table), whereas the attribute mappedBy indicates that the entity in this side is the inverse of the relationship, and the owner resides in the "other" entity. This also means that you can access the other table from the class which you've annotated with "mappedBy" (fully bidirectional relationship).

In particular, for the code in the question the correct annotations would look like this:

public class Company {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "company",
               orphanRemoval = true,
               fetch = FetchType.LAZY,
               cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private List<Branch> branches;

public class Branch {
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "companyId")
    private Company company;

Importing JSON into an Eclipse project

on linux pip install library_that_you_need Also on Help/Eclipse MarketPlace, i add PyDev IDE for Eclipse 7, so when i start a new project i create file/New Project/Pydev Project

Should I use int or Int32

int is the C# language's shortcut for System.Int32

Whilst this does mean that Microsoft could change this mapping, a post on FogCreek's discussions stated [source]

"On the 64 bit issue -- Microsoft is indeed working on a 64-bit version of the .NET Framework but I'm pretty sure int will NOT map to 64 bit on that system.


1. The C# ECMA standard specifically says that int is 32 bit and long is 64 bit.

2. Microsoft introduced additional properties & methods in Framework version 1.1 that return long values instead of int values, such as Array.GetLongLength in addition to Array.GetLength.

So I think it's safe to say that all built-in C# types will keep their current mapping."

How do I auto size columns through the Excel interop objects?

Have a look at this article, it's not an exact match to your problem, but suits it:

Pipe to/from the clipboard in Bash script

On Windows (with Cygwin) try cat /dev/clipboard or echo "foo" > /dev/clipboard as mentioned in this article.

How to select rows with NaN in particular column?

Try the following:


Missing `server' JVM (Java\jre7\bin\server\jvm.dll.)

To Fix The "Missing "server" JVM at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\server\jvm­­.dll, please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

Follow these steps:

Go to and install Java JRE7 (Check if Java 6 is not installed already)

After that, go to C:/Program files/java/jre7/bin

Here, create an folder called Server

Now go into the C:/Program files/java/jre7/bin/client folder

Copy all the data in this folder into the new C:/Program files/java/jre7/bin/Server folder

nodemon not working: -bash: nodemon: command not found

in Windows OS run:

npx nodemon server.js

or add in package.json config:

"scripts": {
    "dev": "npx nodemon server.js"

then run:

npm run dev

How to resolve "Could not find schema information for the element/attribute <xxx>"?

I've created a new scheme based on my current app.config to get the messages to disappear. I just used the button in Visual Studio that says "Create Schema" and an xsd schema was created for me.

Save the schema in an apropriate place and see the "Properties" tab of the app.config file where there is a property named Schemas. If you click the change button there you can select to use both the original dotnetconfig schema and your own newly created one.

String to HashMap JAVA

Use the String.split() method with the , separator to get the list of pairs. Iterate the pairs and use split() again with the : separator to get the key and value for each pair.

Map<String, Integer> myMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
String[] pairs = s.split(",");
for (int i=0;i<pairs.length;i++) {
    String pair = pairs[i];
    String[] keyValue = pair.split(":");
    myMap.put(keyValue[0], Integer.valueOf(keyValue[1]));

Waiting until the task finishes

In Swift 3, there is no need for completion handler when DispatchQueue finishes one task. Furthermore you can achieve your goal in different ways

One way is this:

    var a: Int?

    let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
    queue.sync {

        for  i in 0..<10 {

            print("??" , i)
            a = i

    print("After Queue \(a)")

It will wait until the loop finishes but in this case your main thread will block.

You can also do the same thing like this:

    let myGroup = DispatchGroup()
    //// Do your task

    myGroup.leave() //// When your task completes
     myGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {

        ////// do your remaining work

One last thing: If you want to use completionHandler when your task completes using DispatchQueue, you can use DispatchWorkItem.

Here is an example how to use DispatchWorkItem:

let workItem = DispatchWorkItem {
    // Do something

let queue =
queue.async {
workItem.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
    // Here you can notify you Main thread

How to update-alternatives to Python 3 without breaking apt?

As I didn't want to break anything, I did this to be able to use newer versions of Python3 than Python v3.4 :

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 1
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python3.6 to provide /usr/local/bin/python3 (python3) in auto mode
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 2
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python3.7 to provide /usr/local/bin/python3 (python3) in auto mode
$ update-alternatives --list python3
$ sudo update-alternatives --config python3
There are 2 choices for the alternative python3 (providing /usr/local/bin/python3).

  Selection    Path                Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/bin/python3.7   2         auto mode
  1            /usr/bin/python3.6   1         manual mode
  2            /usr/bin/python3.7   2         manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 1
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/python3.6 to provide /usr/local/bin/python3 (python3) in manual mode
$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/python3 /etc/alternatives/python3 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2019-05-03 02:59:03 /etc/alternatives/python3 -> /usr/bin/python3.6*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 2019-05-03 02:58:53 /usr/local/bin/python3 -> /etc/alternatives/python3*

Running AMP (apache mysql php) on Android

On Google Play, PAW Server is the typical PHP server package ( contain Beanshell code ). You can put your webpages in the "html" folder. However, typical Beanshell code is not very familiar to be edited. On Android device, I recommend you to use SL4A and phpforandroid to build up Perl and PHP Server. Yet, they do not use MySQL as DATA base. You should be familiar with the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) platform. See this link for reference

How to get $(this) selected option in jQuery?

For the selected value: $(this).val()

If you need the selected option element, $("option:selected", this)

Simple example for Intent and Bundle

For example :

In MainActivity :

Intent intent = new Intent(this, OtherActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(OtherActivity.KEY_EXTRA, yourDataObject);

In OtherActivity :

public static final String KEY_EXTRA = "com.example.yourapp.KEY_BOOK";

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  String yourDataObject = null;

  if (getIntent().hasExtra(KEY_EXTRA)) {
      yourDataObject = getIntent().getStringExtra(KEY_EXTRA);
  } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Activity cannot find  extras " + KEY_EXTRA);
  // do stuff

More informations here :

MySQL: determine which database is selected?

Just use mysql_query (or mysqli_query, even better, or use PDO, best of all) with:



There is much discussion over whether or not FROM DUAL should be included in this or not. On a technical level, it is a holdover from Oracle and can safely be removed. If you are inclined, you can use the following instead:


That said, it is perhaps important to note, that while FROM DUAL does not actually do anything, it is valid MySQL syntax. From a strict perspective, including braces in a single line conditional in JavaScript also does not do anything, but it is still a valid practice.

JavaScript "cannot read property "bar" of undefined

Just check for it before you pass to your function. So you would pass: ? : undefined

Remove leading or trailing spaces in an entire column of data

If you would like to use a formula, the TRIM function will do exactly what you're looking for:

|    |     A      |           B         |
| 1  | =TRIM(B1)  |  value to trim here |

So to do the whole column...
1) Insert a column
2) Insert TRIM function pointed at cell you are trying to correct.
3) Copy formula down the page
4) Copy inserted column
5) Paste as "Values"

Should be good to go from there...

The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing

Just go to Settings>>Compiler and Debugger, then click the Linker Settings tab and go over to the "Other linker options" edit control and paste: "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++" to it, there is no compiler flag option in the Compiler Flags options for Code::Blocks so that's the way to solve that problem, I came here looking for a solution also and the one guy that posted about "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++" gave the right idea, and I sort of figured the rest out by accident but it worked, the file is clickable now from outside Code::Blocks, works right from the desktop.

In SQL Server, what does "SET ANSI_NULLS ON" mean?

If ANSI_NULLS is set to "ON" and if we apply = , <> on NULL column value while writing select statement then it will not return any result.


create table #tempTable (sn int, ename varchar(50))

insert into #tempTable
values (1, 'Manoj'), (2, 'Pankaj'), (3, NULL), (4, 'Lokesh'), (5, 'Gopal')


select * from #tempTable where ename is NULL -- (1 row(s) affected)
select * from #tempTable where ename = NULL -- (0 row(s) affected)
select * from #tempTable where ename is not NULL -- (4 row(s) affected)
select * from #tempTable where ename <> NULL -- (0 row(s) affected)


select * from #tempTable where ename is NULL -- (1 row(s) affected)
select * from #tempTable where ename = NULL -- (1 row(s) affected)
select * from #tempTable where ename is not NULL -- (4 row(s) affected)
select * from #tempTable where ename <> NULL -- (4 row(s) affected)

Converting double to integer in Java

For the datatype Double to int, you can use the following:

Double double = 5.00;

int integer = double.intValue();

How do I fix this "TypeError: 'str' object is not callable" error?

this part :

"Your new price is: $"(float(price)

asks python to call this string:

"Your new price is: $"

just like you would a function: function( some_args) which will ALWAYS trigger the error:

TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

What is an opaque response, and what purpose does it serve?

Consider the case in which a service worker acts as an agnostic cache. Your only goal is serve the same resources that you would get from the network, but faster. Of course you can't ensure all the resources will be part of your origin (consider libraries served from CDNs, for instance). As the service worker has the potential of altering network responses, you need to guarantee you are not interested in the contents of the response, nor on its headers, nor even on the result. You're only interested on the response as a black box to possibly cache it and serve it faster.

This is what { mode: 'no-cors' } was made for.

100% Min Height CSS layout

I agree with Levik as the parent container is set to 100% if you have sidebars and want them to fill the space to meet up with the footer you cannot set them to 100% because they will be 100 percent of the parent height as well which means that the footer ends up getting pushed down when using the clear function.

Think of it this way if your header is say 50px height and your footer is 50px height and the content is just autofitted to the remaining space say 100px for example and the page container is 100% of this value its height will be 200px. Then when you set the sidebar height to 100% it is then 200px even though it is supposed to fit snug in between the header and footer. Instead it ends up being 50px + 200px + 50px so the page is now 300px because the sidebars are set to the same height as the page container. There will be a big white space in the contents of the page.

I am using internet Explorer 9 and this is what I am getting as the effect when using this 100% method. I havent tried it in other browsers and I assume that it may work in some of the other options. but it will not be universal.

how to wait for first command to finish?

Shell scripts, no matter how they are executed, execute one command after the other. So your code will execute after the last command of has finished.

Now there is a special command which messes this up: &

cmd &

means: "Start a new background process and execute cmd in it. After starting the background process, immediately continue with the next command in the script."

That means & doesn't wait for cmd to do it's work. My guess is that contains such a command. If that is the case, then you need to modify the script:

cmd &

This puts the process ID (PID) of the new background process in the variable BACK_PID. You can then wait for it to end:

while kill -0 $BACK_PID ; do
    echo "Process is still active..."
    sleep 1
    # You can add a timeout here if you want

or, if you don't want any special handling/output simply

wait $BACK_PID

Note that some programs automatically start a background process when you run them, even if you omit the &. Check the documentation, they often have an option to write their PID to a file or you can run them in the foreground with an option and then use the shell's & command instead to get the PID.

Checking to see if one array's elements are in another array in PHP

You could also use in_array as follows:

$found = null;
$people = array(3,20,2);
$criminals = array( 2, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20);
foreach($people as $num) {
    if (in_array($num,$criminals)) {
        $found[$num] = true;
// array(2) { [20]=> bool(true)   [2]=> bool(true) }

While array_intersect is certainly more convenient to use, it turns out that its not really superior in terms of performance. I created this script too:

$found = null;
$people = array(3,20,2);
$criminals = array( 2, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20);
$fastfind = array_intersect($people,$criminals);
// array(2) { [1]=> int(20)   [2]=> int(2) }

Then, I ran both snippets respectively at: and and checked the performance of each. The interesting thing is that the total CPU time, i.e. user time + system time is the same for PHP5.6 and the memory also is the same. The total CPU time under PHP5.4 is less for in_array than array_intersect, albeit marginally so.

NodeJS - What does "socket hang up" actually mean?

I think worth noting...

I was creating tests for Google APIs. I was intercepting the request with a makeshift server, then forwarding those to the real api. I was attempting to just pass along the headers in the request, but a few headers were causing a problem with express on the other end.

Namely, I had to delete connection, accept, and content-length headers before using the request module to forward along.

let headers = Object.assign({}, req.headers);
delete headers['connection']
delete headers['accept']
delete headers['content-length']
res.end() // We don't need the incoming connection anymore
  method: 'post',
  body: req.body,
  headers: headers,
  json: true,
  url: `http://myapi/${req.url}`
}, (err, _res, body)=>{
  if(err) return done(err);
  // Test my api response here as if Google sent it.

Set Content-Type to application/json in jsp file

@Petr Mensik & kensen john

Thanks, I could not used the page directive because I have to set a different content type according to some URL parameter. I will paste my code here since it's something quite common with JSON:

        String callback = request.getParameter("callback");
        if (callback != null) {
            // Equivalent to: <@page contentType="text/javascript" pageEncoding="UTF-8">
        } else {
            // Equivalent to: <@page contentType="application/json" pageEncoding="UTF-8">


        String output = "";

        if (callback != null) {
            output += callback + "(";

        output += jsonObj.toString();

        if (callback != null) {
            output += ");";
    <%=output %>

When callback is supplied, returns:

    callback({...JSON stuff...});

with content-type "text/javascript"

When callback is NOT supplied, returns:

    {...JSON stuff...}

with content-type "application/json"

Numpy array dimensions

import numpy as np   
>>> np.shape(a)

Also works if the input is not a numpy array but a list of lists

>>> a = [[1,2],[1,2]]
>>> np.shape(a)

Or a tuple of tuples

>>> a = ((1,2),(1,2))
>>> np.shape(a)

How to move child element from one parent to another using jQuery

Based on the answers provided, I decided to make a quick plugin to do this:

    $.fn.moveTo = function(selector){
        return this.each(function(){
            var cl = $(this).clone();



How to show live preview in a small popup of linked page on mouse over on link?

Another way is to use a website thumbnail/link preview service LinkPeek (even happens to show a screenshot of StackOverflow as a demo right now), URL2PNG, Browshot, Websnapr, or an alternative.

ASP.NET custom error page - Server.GetLastError() is null

OK, I found this post:

with this very illustrative diagram:


in essence, to get at those exception details i need to store them myself in Global.asax, for later retrieval on my custom error page.

it seems the best way is to do the bulk of the work in Global.asax, with the custom error pages handling helpful content rather than logic.

Change the "No file chosen":

Something like this could work

input(type='file', name='videoFile', value = "Choose a video please")

How do I get IntelliJ to recognize common Python modules?

Another possible fix (solved my problem)

You might have configured the environment properly but for some reason it broke along the way. In this case go to:

file > project settings > modules

Deploy the list of SDKs and look for a red line with [invalid] at the end. If you find one, you have to recreate a python sdk.

It is likely that your previously working SDK is there too, but not red. Delete it.

Now you can click on the new button and add your favorite python virtualenv. And it should work now.

How to get image height and width using java?

Simple way:

BufferedImage readImage = null;

try {
    readImage = File(your path);
    int h = readImage.getHeight();
    int w = readImage.getWidth();
} catch (Exception e) {
    readImage = null;

VB.NET: Clear DataGridView

For the Clear of Grid View Data You Have to clear the dataset or Datatable

I use this Code I clear the Grid View Data even if re submit again and again it will work Example Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter Dim dar As OleDbDataReader Dim dt As New DataTable If (con.State <> 1) Then con.Open() End If dt.Clear() 'To clear Data Every time to fresh data cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "select * from users" da.SelectCommand = cmd da.Fill(dt) DataGridView1.DataSource = dt DataGridView1.Visible = True


What is "origin" in Git?

Origin is the shortname that acts like an alias for the url of the remote repository.

Let me explain with an example.

Suppose you have a remote repository called amazing-project and then you clone that remote repository to your local machine so that you have a local repository. Then you would have something like what you can see in the diagram below:

enter image description here

Because you cloned the repository. The remote repository and the local repository are linked.

If you run the command git remote -v it will list all the remote repositories that are linked to your local repository. There you will see that in order to push or fetch code from your remote repository you will use the shortname 'origin'. enter image description here

Now, this may be a bit confusing because in GitHub (or the remote server) the project is called 'amazing-project'. So why does it seem like there are two names for the remote repository?

enter image description here

Well one of the names that we have for our repository is the name it has on GitHub or a remote server somewhere. This can be kind of thought like a project name. And in our case that is 'amazing-project'.

The other name that we have for our repository is the shortname that it has in our local repository that is related to the URL of the repository. It is the shortname we are going to use whenever we want to push or fetch code from that remote repository. And this shortname kind of acts like an alias for the url, it's a way for us to avoid having to use that entire long url in order to push or fetch code. And in our example above it is called origin.

So, what is origin?

Basically origin is the default shortname that Git uses for a remote repository when you clone that remote repository. So it's just the default.

In many cases you will have links to multiple remote repositories in your local repository and each of those will have a different shortname.

So final question, why don't we just use the same name?

I will answer that question with another example. Suppose we have a friend who forks our remote repository so they can help us on our project. And let's assume we want to be able to fetch code from their remote repository. We can use the command git remote add <shortname> <url> in order to add a link to their remote repository in our local repository.

enter image description here

In the above image you can see that I used the shortname friend to refer to my friend's remote repository. You can also see that both of the remote repositories have the same project name amazing-project and that gives us one reason why the remote repository names in the remote server and the shortnames in our local repositories should not be the same!

There is a really helpful video that explains all of this that can be found here.

WPF TemplateBinding vs RelativeSource TemplatedParent

TemplateBinding is not quite the same thing. MSDN docs are often written by people that have to quiz monosyllabic SDEs about software features, so the nuances are not quite right.

TemplateBindings are evaluated at compile time against the type specified in the control template. This allows for much faster instantiation of compiled templates. Just fumble the name in a templatebinding and you'll see that the compiler will flag it.

The binding markup is resolved at runtime. While slower to execute, the binding will resolve property names that are not visible on the type declared by the template. By slower, I'll point out that its kind of relative since the binding operation takes very little of the application's cpu. If you were blasting control templates around at high speed you might notice it.

As a matter of practice use the TemplateBinding when you can but don't fear the Binding.

How can I select the record with the 2nd highest salary in database Oracle?

This query works in SQL*PLUS to find out the 2nd Highest Salary -


This is double sub-query.

I hope this helps you..

Where does pip install its packages?

pip when used with virtualenv will generally install packages in the path <virtualenv_name>/lib/<python_ver>/site-packages.

For example, I created a test virtualenv named venv_test with Python 2.7, and the django folder is in venv_test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django.

How to get current time and date in Android

For the current date and time, use:

String mydate = java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

Which outputs:

Feb 27, 2012 5:41:23 PM

Select unique or distinct values from a list in UNIX shell script

For larger data sets where sorting may not be desirable, you can also use the following perl script:

./yourscript.ksh | perl -ne 'if (!defined $x{$_}) { print $_; $x{$_} = 1; }'

This basically just remembers every line output so that it doesn't output it again.

It has the advantage over the "sort | uniq" solution in that there's no sorting required up front.

How can I quickly sum all numbers in a file?

Another option is to use jq:

$ seq 10|jq -s add

-s (--slurp) reads the input lines into an array.

Very Simple Image Slider/Slideshow with left and right button. No autoplay

After reading your comment on my previous answer I thought I might put this as a separate answer.

Although I appreciate your approach of trying to do it manually to get a better grasp on jQuery I do still emphasise the merit in using existing frameworks.

That said, here is a solution. I've modified some of your css and and HTML just to make it easier for me to work with


This is the jQuery



                   if ( $('.oldActive').is(':last-child')) {


           if ( $('.oldActive').is(':first-child')) {


So now the explanation.
Stage 1
1) Load the script on document ready.

2) Grab the first slide and add a class 'active' to it so we know which slide we are dealing with.

3) Hide all slides and show active slide. So now slide #1 is display block and all the rest are display:none;

Stage 2 Working with the button-next click event.
1) Remove the current active class from the slide that will be disappearing and give it the class oldActive so we know that it is on it's way out.

2) Next is an if statement to check if we are at the end of the slideshow and need to return to the start again. It checks if oldActive (i.e. the outgoing slide) is the last child. If it is, then go back to the first child and make it 'active'. If it's not the last child, then just grab the next element (using .next() ) and give it class active.

3) We remove the class oldActive because it's no longer needed.

4) fadeOut all of the slides

5) fade In the active slides

Step 3

Same as in step two but using some reverse logic for traversing through the elements backwards.

It's important to note there are thousands of ways you can achieve this. This is merely my take on the situation.

Performing Breadth First Search recursively

Following is my code for completely recursive implementation of breadth-first-search of a bidirectional graph without using loop and queue.

public class Graph { public int V; public LinkedList<Integer> adj[]; Graph(int v) { V = v; adj = new LinkedList[v]; for (int i=0; i<v; ++i) adj[i] = new LinkedList<>(); } void addEdge(int v,int w) { adj[v].add(w); adj[w].add(v); } public LinkedList<Integer> getAdjVerted(int vertex) { return adj[vertex]; } public String toString() { String s = ""; for (int i=0;i<adj.length;i++) { s = s +"\n"+i +"-->"+ adj[i] ; } return s; } } //BFS IMPLEMENTATION public static void recursiveBFS(Graph graph, int vertex,boolean visited[], boolean isAdjPrinted[]) { if (!visited[vertex]) { System.out.print(vertex +" "); visited[vertex] = true; } if(!isAdjPrinted[vertex]) { isAdjPrinted[vertex] = true; List<Integer> adjList = graph.getAdjVerted(vertex); printAdjecent(graph, adjList, visited, 0,isAdjPrinted); } } public static void recursiveBFS(Graph graph, List<Integer> vertexList, boolean visited[], int i, boolean isAdjPrinted[]) { if (i < vertexList.size()) { recursiveBFS(graph, vertexList.get(i), visited, isAdjPrinted); recursiveBFS(graph, vertexList, visited, i+1, isAdjPrinted); } } public static void printAdjecent(Graph graph, List<Integer> list, boolean visited[], int i, boolean isAdjPrinted[]) { if (i < list.size()) { if (!visited[list.get(i)]) { System.out.print(list.get(i)+" "); visited[list.get(i)] = true; } printAdjecent(graph, list, visited, i+1, isAdjPrinted); } else { recursiveBFS(graph, list, visited, 0, isAdjPrinted); } }

Find an element in DOM based on an attribute value

you could use getAttribute:

 var p = document.getElementById("p");
 var alignP = p.getAttribute("align");

Content is not allowed in Prolog SAXParserException

This error can come if there is validation error either in your wsdl or xsd file. For instance I too got the same issue while running wsdl2java to convert my wsdl file to generate the client. In one of my xsd it was defined as below

<xs:import schemaLocation="" namespace="http://MultiChoice.PaymentService/DataContracts" />

Where the schemaLocation was empty. By providing the proper data in schemaLocation resolved my problem.

<xs:import schemaLocation="multichoice.paymentservice.DataContracts.xsd" namespace="http://MultiChoice.PaymentService/DataContracts" />

Select from table by knowing only date without time (ORACLE)

trunc(my_date,'DD') will give you just the date and not the time in Oracle.

Bootstrap 3 .col-xs-offset-* doesn't work?

As per the latest bootstrap v3.3.7 xs-offseting is allowed. See the documentation here bootstrap offseting. So you can use

<div class="col-xs-2 col-xs-offset-1">.col-xs-2 .col-xs-offset-1</div>

Stopword removal with NLTK

I suggest you create your own list of operator words that you take out of the stopword list. Sets can be conveniently subtracted, so:

operators = set(('and', 'or', 'not'))
stop = set(stopwords...) - operators

Then you can simply test if a word is in or not in the set without relying on whether your operators are part of the stopword list. You can then later switch to another stopword list or add an operator.

if word.lower() not in stop:
    # use word

Running Tensorflow in Jupyter Notebook

I have found a fairly simple way to do this.

Initially, through your Anaconda Prompt, you can follow the steps in this official Tensorflow site - here. You have to follow the steps as is, no deviation.

Later, you open the Anaconda Navigator. In Anaconda Navigator, go to Applications On --- section. Select the drop down list, after following above steps you must see an entry - tensorflow into it. Select tensorflow and let the environment load.

Then, select Jupyter Notebook in this new context, and install it, let the installation get over.

After that you can run the Jupyter notebook like the regular notebook in tensorflow environment.

Create intermediate folders if one doesn't exist

Use this code spinet for create intermediate folders if one doesn't exist while creating/editing file:

File outFile = new File("/dir1/dir2/dir3/test.file");

How to set default value for form field in Symfony2?

->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
     $form = $event->getForm(); 
     $data = $event->getData(); 

     if ($data == null) {
         $form->add('position', IntegerType::class, array('data' => 0));


Passing a method parameter using Task.Factory.StartNew

For passing a single integer I agree with Reed Copsey's answer. If in the future you are going to pass more complicated constucts I personally like to pass all my variables as an Anonymous Type. It will look something like this:

foreach(int id in myIdsToCheck)
    Task.Factory.StartNew( (Object obj) => 
           var data = (dynamic)obj;
           CheckFiles(, theBlockingCollection,
        }, new { id = id }); // Parameter value

You can learn more about it in my blog

Matching a Forward Slash with a regex

For me, I was trying to match on the / in a date in C#. I did it just by using (\/):

string pattern = "([0-9])([0-9])?(\/)([0-9])([0-9])?(\/)(\d{4})";
string text = "Start Date: 4/1/2018";

Match m = Regex.Match(text, pattern);

if (m.Success) 
    Console.WriteLine(match.Groups[0].Value);  // 4/1/2018
    Console.WriteLine("Not Found!");

JavaScript should also be able to similarly use (\/).

What is the difference between ExecuteScalar, ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonQuery?


  1. will work with Action Queries only (Create,Alter,Drop,Insert,Update,Delete).
  2. Returns the count of rows effected by the Query.
  3. Return type is int
  4. Return value is optional and can be assigned to an integer variable.


  1. will work with Action and Non-Action Queries (Select)
  2. Returns the collection of rows selected by the Query.
  3. Return type is DataReader.
  4. Return value is compulsory and should be assigned to an another object DataReader.


  1. will work with Non-Action Queries that contain aggregate functions.
  2. Return the first row and first column value of the query result.
  3. Return type is object.
  4. Return value is compulsory and should be assigned to a variable of required type.

Reference URL:

What exactly is an instance in Java?

The Literal meaning of instance is "an example or single occurrence of something." which is very closer to the Instance in Java terminology.

Java follows dynamic loading, which is not like C language where the all code is copied into the RAM at runtime. Lets capture this with an example.

   class A
    int x=0;
    public static void main(String [] args)    
    int y=0;


Let us compile and run this code.

step 1: javac A.class (.class file is generated which is byte code)

step 2: java A (.class file is converted into executable code)

During the step 2,The main method and the static elements are loaded into the RAM for execution. In the above scenario, No issue until the line y=y+1. But whenever x=x+1 is executed, the run time error will be thrown as the JVM does not know what the x is which is declared outside the main method(non-static).

So If by some means the content of .class file is available in the memory for CPU to execute, there is no more issue.

This is done through creating the Object and the keyword NEW does this Job.

"The concept of reserving memory in the RAM for the contents of hard disk (here .class file) at runtime is called Instance "

The Object is also called the instance of the class.

Can Twitter Bootstrap alerts fade in as well as out?

I don't agree with the way that Bootstrap uses fade in (as seen in their documentation -, and my suggestion is to avoid the class names fade and in, and to avoid that pattern in general (which is currently seen in the top-rated answer to this question).

(1) The semantics are wrong - transitions are temporary, but the class names live on. So why should we name our classes fade and fade in? It should be faded and faded-in, so that when developers read the markup, it's clear that those elements were faded or faded-in. The Bootstrap team has already done away with hide for hidden, why is fade any different?

(2) Using 2 classes fade and in for a single transition pollutes the class space. And, it's not clear that fade and in are associated with one another. The in class looks like a completely independent class, like alert and alert-success.

The best solution is to use faded when the element has been faded out, and to replace that class with faded-in when the element has been faded in.

Alert Faded

So to answer the question. I think the alert markup, style, and logic should be written in the following manner. Note: Feel free to replace the jQuery logic, if you're using vanilla javascript.


<div id="saveAlert" class="alert alert-success">
  <a class="close" href="#">×</a>
  <p><strong>Well done!</strong> You successfully read this alert message.</p>


.faded {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s;


$('#saveAlert .close').on('click', function () {



Disable a link in Bootstrap

I just created my own version using CSS. As I need to disabled, then when document is ready use jQuery to make active. So that way a user cannot click on a button until after the document is ready. So i can substitute with AJAX instead. The way I came up with, was to add a class to the anchor tag itself and remove the class when document is ready. Could re-purpose this for your needs.


    pointer-events: none;
    cursor: default;


<a class="btn btn-info disabled">Link Text</a>



Property 'catch' does not exist on type 'Observable<any>'

With RxJS 5.5+, the catch operator is now deprecated. You should now use the catchError operator in conjunction with pipe.

RxJS v5.5.2 is the default dependency version for Angular 5.

For each RxJS Operator you import, including catchError you should now import from 'rxjs/operators' and use the pipe operator.

Example of catching error for an Http request Observable

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class ExampleClass {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
    this.http.request(method, url, options).pipe(
      catchError((err: HttpErrorResponse) => {

Notice here that catch is replaced with catchError and the pipe operator is used to compose the operators in similar manner to what you're used to with dot-chaining.

See the rxjs documentation on pipable (previously known as lettable) operators for more info.

What are the lengths of Location Coordinates, latitude and longitude?

Please check the UTM coordinate system

These values must be in meters for a specific map projection. For example, the peak of Mount Assiniboine (at 50°52'10"N 115°39'03"W) in UTM Zone 11 is represented by 11U 594934.108296 5636174.091274 where (594934.108296, 5636174.091274) are in meters.

Why use @PostConstruct?

If your class performs all of its initialization in the constructor, then @PostConstruct is indeed redundant.

However, if your class has its dependencies injected using setter methods, then the class's constructor cannot fully initialize the object, and sometimes some initialization needs to be performed after all the setter methods have been called, hence the use case of @PostConstruct.

Iterate keys in a C++ map

Without BOOST, directly using key and value

for(auto const& [key, value]: m_map)
    std::cout<<" key="<<key;
    std::cout<<" value="<<value<<std::endl;

How to configure Git post commit hook

I want to add to the answers above that it becomes a little more difficult if Jenkins authorization is enabled.

After enabling it I got an error message that anonymous user needs read permission.

I saw two possible solutions:

1: Changing my hook to:

curl --user name:passwd -s http://domain?token=whatevertokenuhave

2: setting project based authorization.

The former solutions has the disadvantage that I had to expose my passwd in the hook file. Unacceptable in my case.

The second works for me. In the global auth settings I had to enable Overall>Read for Anonymous user. In the project I wanted to trigger I had to enable Job>Build and Job>Read for Anonymous.

This is still not a perfect solution because now you can see the project in Jenkins without login. There might be an even better solution using the former approach with http login but I haven't figured it out.

Remove all unused resources from an android project

Since Support for the ADT in Eclipse has ended, we have to use Android Studio.

In Android Studio 2.0+ use Refactor > Remove Unused Resources...

enter image description here

How to update Ruby with Homebrew?

I would use ruby-build with rbenv. The following lines install Ruby 3.0.0 and set it as your default Ruby version:

$ brew update
$ brew install ruby-build
$ brew install rbenv

$ rbenv install 3.0.0
$ rbenv global 3.0.0

ActiveRecord find and only return selected columns

My answer comes quite late because I'm a pretty new developer. This is what you can do:, :website, :city).find(

Btw, this is Rails 4

Is it possible to sort a ES6 map object?

Unfortunately, not really implemented in ES6. You have this feature with OrderedMap.sort() from ImmutableJS or _.sortBy() from Lodash.

Select a row from html table and send values onclick of a button

In my case $(document).ready(function() was missing. Try this.

("#table tr").click(function(){
       var value=$(this).find('td:first').html();
    $('.ok').on('click', function(e){
        alert($("#table tr.selected td:first").html());

How can I get the current array index in a foreach loop?

You can get the index value with this

foreach ($arr as $key => $val)
    $key = (int) $key;
    //With the variable $key you can get access to the current array index
    //You can use $val[$key] to


Check if one date is between two dates

Date.parse supports the format mm/dd/yyyy not dd/mm/yyyy. For the latter, either use a library like moment.js or do something as shown below

var dateFrom = "02/05/2013";
var dateTo = "02/09/2013";
var dateCheck = "02/07/2013";

var d1 = dateFrom.split("/");
var d2 = dateTo.split("/");
var c = dateCheck.split("/");

var from = new Date(d1[2], parseInt(d1[1])-1, d1[0]);  // -1 because months are from 0 to 11
var to   = new Date(d2[2], parseInt(d2[1])-1, d2[0]);
var check = new Date(c[2], parseInt(c[1])-1, c[0]);

console.log(check > from && check < to)

ENOENT, no such file or directory

  1. First try npm install ,if the issue is not yet fixed try the following one after the other.
  2. npm cache clean ,then
  3. npm install -g npm,then npm install,Finally
  4. ng serve --o to run the project. Hope this will help....

Clearing localStorage in javascript?

Here is a function that will allow you to remove all localStorage items with exceptions. You will need jQuery for this function. You can download the gist.

You can call it like this

let clearStorageExcept = function(exceptions) {
  let keys = [];
  exceptions = [].concat(exceptions); // prevent undefined

  // get storage keys
  $.each(localStorage, (key) => {

  // loop through keys
  for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
    let key = keys[i];
    let deleteItem = true;

    // check if key excluded
    for (let j = 0; j < exceptions.length; j++) {
      let exception = exceptions[j];
      if (key == exception) {
        deleteItem = false;

    // delete key
    if (deleteItem) {

Process all arguments except the first one (in a bash script)

Working in bash 4 or higher version:

echo "$0";         #"bash"
bash --version;    #"GNU bash, version 5.0.3(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)"

In function:

echo $@;              #"p1" "p2" "p3" "p4" "p5"
echo ${@: 0};  #"bash" "p1" "p2" "p3" "p4" "p5"
echo ${@: 1};         #"p1" "p2" "p3" "p4" "p5"
echo ${@: 2};              #"p2" "p3" "p4" "p5"
echo ${@: 2:1};            #"p2"
echo ${@: 2:2};            #"p2" "p3"
echo ${@: -2};                       #"p4" "p5"
echo ${@: -2:1};                     #"p4"

Notice the space between ':' and '-', otherwise it means different:

${var:-word} If var is null or unset,
word is substituted for var. The value of var does not change.

${var:+word} If var is set,
word is substituted for var. The value of var does not change.

Which is described in:Unix / Linux - Shell Substitution

vertical-align image in div

you don't need define positioning when you need vertical align center for inline and block elements you can take mentioned below idea:-

inline-elements :- <img style="vertical-align:middle" ...>
                   <span style="display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle"> foo<br>bar </span>  

block-elements :- <td style="vertical-align:middle"> ... </td>
                  <div style="display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle"> ... </div>

see the demo:-

Design Android EditText to show error message as described by google

private EditText edt_firstName;
private String firstName;

edt_firstName = findViewById(;

private void validateData() {
 firstName = edt_firstName.getText().toString().trim();
 if (!firstName.isEmpty(){
//here api call for ....
if (firstName.isEmpty()) {
                edt_firstName.setError("Please Enter First Name");

Open Facebook page from Android app?

Here's the way to do it in 2016. It works great, and is very simple to use.

I discovered this after looking into how emails sent by Facebook opened the Facebook app.

// e.g. if your URL is, you should
// put EXAMPLE_PAGE at the end of this URL, after the ?
String YourPageURL = "";
Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(YourPageURL));


How to solve java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?

NoClassDefFoundError in Java:


NoClassDefFoundError will come if a class was present during compile time but not available in java classpath during runtime. Normally you will see below line in log when you get NoClassDefFoundError: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Possible Causes:

  1. The class is not available in Java Classpath.

  2. You might be running your program using jar command and class was not defined in manifest file's ClassPath attribute.

  3. Any start-up script is overriding Classpath environment variable.

  4. Because NoClassDefFoundError is a subclass of java.lang.LinkageError it can also come if one of it dependency like native library may not available.

  5. Check for java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError in your log file. NoClassDefFoundError due to the failure of static initialization is quite common.

  6. If you are working in J2EE environment than the visibility of Class among multiple Classloader can also cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, see examples and scenario section for detailed discussion.

Possible Resolutions:

  1. Verify that all required Java classes are included in the application’s classpath. The most common mistake is not to include all the necessary classes, before starting to execute a Java application that has dependencies on some external libraries.

  2. The classpath of the application is correct, but the Classpath environment variable is overridden before the application’s execution.

  3. Verify that the aforementioned ExceptionInInitializerError does not appear in the stack trace of your application.


3 ways to solve java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in Java J2EE

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError – How to solve No Class Def Found Error

What is the string length of a GUID?

It depends on how you format the Guid:

  • Guid.NewGuid().ToString() => 36 characters (Hyphenated)
    outputs: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc

  • Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D") => 36 characters (Hyphenated, same as ToString())
    outputs: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc

  • Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") => 32 characters (Digits only)
    outputs: 12345678123412341234123456789abc

  • Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B") => 38 characters (Braces)
    outputs: {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc}

  • Guid.NewGuid().ToString("P") => 38 characters (Parentheses)
    outputs: (12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc)

  • Guid.NewGuid().ToString("X") => 68 characters (Hexadecimal)
    outputs: {0x12345678,0x1234,0x1234,{0x12,0x34,0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x9a,0xbc}}

Maven is not working in Java 8 when Javadoc tags are incomplete

The easiest approach to get things working with both java 8 and java 7 is to use a profile in the build:



How to use regex with find command?

The -regex find expression matches the whole name, including the relative path from the current directory. For find . this always starts with ./, then any directories.

Also, these are emacs regular expressions, which have other escaping rules than the usual egrep regular expressions.

If these are all directly in the current directory, then

find . -regex '\./[a-f0-9\-]\{36\}\.jpg'

should work. (I'm not really sure - I can't get the counted repetition to work here.) You can switch to egrep expressions by -regextype posix-egrep:

find . -regextype posix-egrep -regex '\./[a-f0-9\-]{36}\.jpg'

(Note that everything said here is for GNU find, I don't know anything about the BSD one which is also the default on Mac.)

Add IIS 7 AppPool Identities as SQL Server Logons

This may be what you are looking for...

I would also advise longer term to consider a limited rights domain user, what you are trying works fine in a silo machine scenario but you are going to have to make changes if you move to another machine for the DB server.

auto create database in Entity Framework Core

If you have created the migrations, you could execute them in the Startup.cs as follows.

 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
      using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope())
            var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();

This will create the database and the tables using your added migrations.

If you're not using Entity Framework Migrations, and instead just need your DbContext model created exactly as it is in your context class at first run, then you can use:

 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
      using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope())
            var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();


If you need to delete your database prior to making sure it's created, call:


Just before you call EnsureCreated()

Adapted from:

How do I return JSON without using a template in Django?

Here's an example I needed for conditionally rendering json or html depending on the Request's Accept header

# myapp/
from django.core import serializers                                                                                
from django.http import HttpResponse                                                                                  
from django.shortcuts import render                                                                                   
from .models import Event

def event_index(request):                                                                                             
    event_list = Event.objects.all()                                                                                  
    if request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'] == 'application/json':                                                             
        response = serializers.serialize('json', event_list)                                                          
        return HttpResponse(response, content_type='application/json')                                                
        context = {'event_list': event_list}                                                                          
        return render(request, 'polls/event_list.html', context)

you can test this with curl or httpie

$ http localhost:8000/event/
$ http localhost:8000/event/ Accept:application/json

note I opted not to use JsonReponse as that would reserialize the model unnecessarily.

What's the most efficient way to erase duplicates and sort a vector?

Assuming that a is a vector, remove the contiguous duplicates using

a.erase(unique(a.begin(),a.end()),a.end()); runs in O(n) time.

How to extend a class in python?

Another way to extend (specifically meaning, add new methods, not change existing ones) classes, even built-in ones, is to use a preprocessor that adds the ability to extend out of/above the scope of Python itself, converting the extension to normal Python syntax before Python actually gets to see it.

I've done this to extend Python 2's str() class, for instance. str() is a particularly interesting target because of the implicit linkage to quoted data such as 'this' and 'that'.

Here's some extending code, where the only added non-Python syntax is the extend:testDottedQuad bit:

def testDottedQuad(strObject):
    if not isinstance(strObject, basestring): return False
    listStrings = strObject.split('.')
    if len(listStrings) != 4: return False
    for strNum in listStrings:
        try:    val = int(strNum)
        except: return False
        if val < 0: return False
        if val > 255: return False
    return True

After which I can write in the code fed to the preprocessor:

if ''.testDottedQuad():

dq = '216.126.621.5'
if not dq.testDottedQuad():

dqt = ''.join(['127','.','0','.','0','.','1']).testDottedQuad()
if dqt:
    print 'well, that was fun'

The preprocessor eats that, spits out normal Python without monkeypatching, and Python does what I intended it to do.

Just as a c preprocessor adds functionality to c, so too can a Python preprocessor add functionality to Python.

My preprocessor implementation is too large for a stack overflow answer, but for those who might be interested, it is here on GitHub.

changing textbox border colour using javascript

You may try


Redirecting to URL in Flask

From the Flask API Documentation (v. 0.10):

flask.redirect(location, code=302, Response=None)

Returns a response object (a WSGI application) that, if called, redirects the client to the target location. Supported codes are 301, 302, 303, 305, and 307. 300 is not supported because it’s not a real redirect and 304 because it’s the answer for a request with a request with defined If-Modified-Since headers.

New in version 0.6: The location can now be a unicode string that is encoded using the iri_to_uri() function.


  • location – the location the response should redirect to.
  • code – the redirect status code. defaults to 302.
  • Response (class) – a Response class to use when instantiating a response. The default is werkzeug.wrappers.Response if unspecified.

How do I fix a compilation error for unhandled exception on call to Thread.sleep()?

Thread.sleep can throw an InterruptedException which is a checked exception. All checked exceptions must either be caught and handled or else you must declare that your method can throw it. You need to do this whether or not the exception actually will be thrown. Not declaring a checked exception that your method can throw is a compile error.

You either need to catch it:

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // handle the exception...        
    // For example consider calling Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); here.

Or declare that your method can throw an InterruptedException:

public static void main(String[]args) throws InterruptedException


Assigning multiple styles on an HTML element

In HTML the style tag has the following syntax:


so in your case:

<h2 style="text-align:center;font-family:tahoma">TITLE</h2>

Hope this helps.

Convert string in base64 to image and save on filesystem in Python

If you are trying to decode a web image you can simply use this :

import base64

with open("imageToSave.png", "wb") as fh:

data => is the encoded string

It will take care of the padding errors

How can I extract audio from video with ffmpeg?

ffmpeg -i sample.avi will give you the audio/video format info for your file. Make sure you have the proper libraries configured to parse the input streams. Also, make sure that the file isn't corrupt.