Programs & Examples On #Failed installation


I got this same error when installing to an actual device. More information and a solution to loading the missing libraries to the device can be found at the following site:


To set this up correctly, there are 2 key files that need to be copied to the system:

These files are located in the any of these google app packs:

These links no longer work, but you can find the files in the android sdk if you have Google Maps API v1

After unzipping any of these files, you want to copy the files to your system, like-ah-so:

adb remount

adb push system/etc/permissions/ /system/etc/permissions

adb push system/framework/ /system/framework

adb reboot

OSX El Capitan: sudo pip install OSError: [Errno: 1] Operation not permitted

pip install --ignore-installed six

This will do the job, then you can try your first command.


Windows 7 SDK installation failure

I could never get the Windows 7 SDK to install either, and it suggested I remove the latest SDK and Visual Studio 2012 Express. That didn't work.

There was also something about .NET 3.5. I installed the Server 2008 SDK with .NET 3.5, uninstalled Visual Studio 2010 redistributables and made sure redistributables were unchecked in the installation options.

Also, you need the .NET 4 framework already installed, which you can download from Microsoft's site. Then it worked.

Python3: ImportError: No module named '_ctypes' when using Value from module multiprocessing

I run into this error when I tried to install Python 3.7.3 in Ubuntu 18.04 with next command: $ pyenv install 3.7.3. Installation succeeded after running $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libffi-dev (as suggested here). The issue was solved there.

Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF

Run the next command:

adb kill-server
adb start-server

Is possible that drawn the next messages DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1 DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts:2

mysql-python install error: Cannot open include file 'config-win.h'

For mysql8 and python 3.7 on windows, I find previous solutions seems not work for me.

Here is what worked for me:

pip install wheel

pip install mysqlclient-1.4.2-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl

python -m pip install mysql-connector-python

python -m pip install SQLAlchemy


error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

Install Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition from, then

for Python 3.4

set VS100COMNTOOLS=%VS140COMNTOOLS% && pip install XX

Drawing circles with System.Drawing

You'll need to use DrawEllipse if you want to draw a circle using GDI+.

An example is here:

In JPA 2, using a CriteriaQuery, how to count results

As others answers are correct, but too simple, so for completeness I'm presenting below code snippet to perform SELECT COUNT on a sophisticated JPA Criteria query (with multiple joins, fetches, conditions).

It is slightly modified this answer.

public <T> long count(final CriteriaBuilder cb, final CriteriaQuery<T> selectQuery,
        Root<T> root) {
    CriteriaQuery<Long> query = createCountQuery(cb, selectQuery, root);
    return this.entityManager.createQuery(query).getSingleResult();

private <T> CriteriaQuery<Long> createCountQuery(final CriteriaBuilder cb,
        final CriteriaQuery<T> criteria, final Root<T> root) {

    final CriteriaQuery<Long> countQuery = cb.createQuery(Long.class);
    final Root<T> countRoot = countQuery.from(criteria.getResultType());

    doJoins(root.getJoins(), countRoot);
    doJoinsOnFetches(root.getFetches(), countRoot);;


    return countQuery.distinct(criteria.isDistinct());

private void doJoinsOnFetches(Set<? extends Fetch<?, ?>> joins, Root<?> root) {
    doJoins((Set<? extends Join<?, ?>>) joins, root);

private void doJoins(Set<? extends Join<?, ?>> joins, Root<?> root) {
    for (Join<?, ?> join : joins) {
        Join<?, ?> joined = root.join(join.getAttribute().getName(), join.getJoinType());
        doJoins(join.getJoins(), joined);

private void doJoins(Set<? extends Join<?, ?>> joins, Join<?, ?> root) {
    for (Join<?, ?> join : joins) {
        Join<?, ?> joined = root.join(join.getAttribute().getName(), join.getJoinType());
        doJoins(join.getJoins(), joined);

Hope it saves somebody's time.

Because IMHO JPA Criteria API is not intuitive nor quite readable.

How do I remove javascript validation from my eclipse project?

I removed the tag in the .project .


It's worked very well for me.

iPhone - Grand Central Dispatch main thread

Dispatching blocks to the main queue from the main thread can be useful. It gives the main queue a chance to handle other blocks that have been queued so that you're not simply blocking everything else from executing.

For example you could write an essentially single threaded server that nonetheless handles many concurrent connections. As long as no individual block in the queue takes too long the server stays responsive to new requests.

If your program does nothing but spend its whole life responding to events then this can be quite natural. You just set up your event handlers to run on the main queue and then call dispatch_main(), and you may not need to worry about thread safety at all.

rsync error: failed to set times on "/foo/bar": Operation not permitted

If /foo/bar is on NFS (or possibly some FUSE filesystem), that might be the problem.

Either way, adding -O / --omit-dir-times to your command line will avoid it trying to set modification times on directories.

How to get values and keys from HashMap?

You have to follow the following sequence of opeartions:

  • Convert Map to MapSet with map.entrySet();
  • Get the iterator with Mapset.iterator();
  • Get Map.Entry with;
  • use Entry.getKey() and Entry.getValue()
# define Map
for (Map.Entry entry: map.entrySet)
    System.out.println(entry.getKey() + entry.getValue);

What is a callback URL in relation to an API?

It's a mechanism to invoke an API in an asynchrounous way. The sequence is the following

  1. your app invokes the url, passing as parameter the callback url
  2. the api respond with a 20x http code (201 I guess, but refer to the api docs)
  3. the api works on your request for a certain amount of time
  4. the api invokes your app to give you the results, at the callback url address.

So you can invoke the api and tell your user the request is "processing" or "acquired" for example, and then update the status when you receive the response from the api.

Hope it makes sense. -G

Bootstrap center heading

Per your comments, to center all headings all you have to do is add text-align:center to all of them at the same time, like so:


    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
        text-align: center;

Create a batch file to run an .exe with an additional parameter

in batch file abc.bat

cd c:\user\ben_dchost\documents\
executible.exe -flag1 -flag2 -flag3 

I am assuming that your executible.exe is present in c:\user\ben_dchost\documents\ I am also assuming that the parameters it takes are -flag1 -flag2 -flag3


For the command you say you want to execute, do:

cd C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\BGInfo\
bginfo.exe dc_bginfo.bgi

Hope this helps

Update statement with inner join on Oracle

That syntax isn't valid in Oracle. You can do this:

UPDATE table1 SET table1.value = (SELECT table2.CODE
                                  FROM table2 
                                  WHERE table1.value = table2.DESC)
WHERE table1.UPDATETYPE='blah'
            FROM table2 
            WHERE table1.value = table2.DESC);

Or you might be able to do this:

(SELECT table1.value as OLD, table2.CODE as NEW
 FROM table1
 INNER JOIN table2
 ON table1.value = table2.DESC
 WHERE table1.UPDATETYPE='blah'
) t

It depends if the inline view is considered updateable by Oracle ( To be updatable for the second statement depends on some rules listed here ).

Export to CSV using MVC, C# and jQuery

Simple excel file create in mvc 4

public ActionResult results() { return File(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("string data"), "application/csv", "filename.csv"); }

How does Django's Meta class work?

In Django, it acts as a configuration class and keeps the configuration data in one place!!

What is the facade design pattern?

It is basically single window clearance system.You assign any work it will delegate to particular method in another class.

List of enum values in java

An enum is just another class in Java, it should be possible.

More accurately, an enum is an instance of Object:

So yes, it should work.

Check if value is in select list with JQuery

Why not use a filter?

var thevalue = 'foo';    
var exists = $('#select-box option').filter(function(){ return $(this).val() == thevalue; }).length;

Loose comparisons work because exists > 0 is true, exists == 0 is false, so you can just use

    // it is in the dropdown

Or combine it:

if($('#select-box option').filter(function(){ return $(this).val() == thevalue; }).length){
    // found

Or where each select dropdown has the select-boxes class this will give you a jquery object of the select(s) which contain the value:

var matched = $('.select-boxes option').filter(function(){ return $(this).val() == thevalue; }).parent();

Grep to find item in Perl array

The first arg that you give to grep needs to evaluate as true or false to indicate whether there was a match. So it should be:

# note that grep returns a list, so $matched needs to be in brackets to get the 
# actual value, otherwise $matched will just contain the number of matches
if (my ($matched) = grep $_ eq $match, @array) {
    print "found it: $matched\n";

If you need to match on a lot of different values, it might also be worth for you to consider putting the array data into a hash, since hashes allow you to do this efficiently without having to iterate through the list.

# convert array to a hash with the array elements as the hash keys and the values are simply 1
my %hash = map {$_ => 1} @array;

# check if the hash contains $match
if (defined $hash{$match}) {
    print "found it\n";

What exceptions should be thrown for invalid or unexpected parameters in .NET?

I voted for Josh's answer, but would like to add one more to the list:

System.InvalidOperationException should be thrown if the argument is valid, but the object is in a state where the argument shouldn't be used.

Update Taken from MSDN:

InvalidOperationException is used in cases when the failure to invoke a method is caused by reasons other than invalid arguments.

Let's say that your object has a PerformAction(enmSomeAction action) method, valid enmSomeActions are Open and Close. If you call PerformAction(enmSomeAction.Open) twice in a row then the second call should throw the InvalidOperationException (since the arugment was valid, but not for the current state of the control)

Since you're already doing the right thing by programming defensively I have one other exception to mention is ObjectDisposedException. If your object implements IDisposable then you should always have a class variable tracking the disposed state; if your object has been disposed and a method gets called on it you should raise the ObjectDisposedException:

public void SomeMethod()
    If (m_Disposed) {
          throw new ObjectDisposedException("Object has been disposed")
    // ... Normal execution code

Update: To answer your follow-up: It is a bit of an ambiguous situation, and is made a little more complicated by a generic (not in the .NET Generics sense) data type being used to represent a specific set of data; an enum or other strongly typed object would be a more ideal fit--but we don't always have that control.

I would personally lean towards the ArgumentOutOfRangeException and provide a message that indicates the valid values are 1-12. My reasoning is that when you talk about months, assuming all integer representations of months are valid, then you are expecting a value in the range of 1-12. If only certain months (like months that had 31 days) were valid then you would not be dealing with a Range per-se and I would throw a generic ArgumentException that indicated the valid values, and I would also document them in the method's comments.

variable or field declared void

The thing is that, when you call a function you should not write the type of the function, that means you should call the funnction just like


Div not expanding even with content inside

Add <br style="clear: both" /> after the last floated div worked for me.

NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack

OK, they all have got some similarities, they do the same things for you in different and similar ways, I divide them in 3 main groups as below:

1) Module bundlers

webpack and browserify as popular ones, work like task runners but with more flexibility, aslo it will bundle everything together as your setting, so you can point to the result as bundle.js for example in one single file including the CSS and Javascript, for more details of each, look at the details below:


webpack is a module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. When webpack processes your application, it recursively builds a dependency graph that includes every module your application needs, then packages all of those modules into a small number of bundles - often only one - to be loaded by the browser.

It is incredibly configurable, but to get started you only need to understand Four Core Concepts: entry, output, loaders, and plugins.

This document is intended to give a high-level overview of these concepts, while providing links to detailed concept specific use-cases.

more here


Browserify is a development tool that allows us to write node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. Just like node, we write our modules in separate files, exporting external methods and properties using the module.exports and exports variables. We can even require other modules using the require function, and if we omit the relative path it’ll resolve to the module in the node_modules directory.

more here

2) Task runners

gulp and grunt are task runners, basically what they do, creating tasks and run them whenever you want, for example you install a plugin to minify your CSS and then run it each time to do minifying, more details about each:


gulp.js is an open-source JavaScript toolkit by Fractal Innovations and the open source community at GitHub, used as a streaming build system in front-end web development. It is a task runner built on Node.js and Node Package Manager (npm), used for automation of time-consuming and repetitive tasks involved in web development like minification, concatenation, cache busting, unit testing, linting, optimization etc. gulp uses a code-over-configuration approach to define its tasks and relies on its small, single-purposed plugins to carry them out. gulp ecosystem has 1000+ such plugins made available to choose from.

more here


Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequently used tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file (known as a Gruntfile). Grunt was created by Ben Alman and is written in Node.js. It is distributed via npm. Presently, there are more than five thousand plugins available in the Grunt ecosystem.

more here

3) Package managers

package managers, what they do is managing plugins you need in your application and install them for you through github etc using package.json, very handy to update you modules, install them and sharing your app across, more details for each:


npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. It is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. It consists of a command line client, also called npm, and an online database of public packages, called the npm registry. The registry is accessed via the client, and the available packages can be browsed and searched via the npm website.

more here


Bower can manage components that contain HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts or even image files. Bower doesn’t concatenate or minify code or do anything else - it just installs the right versions of the packages you need and their dependencies. To get started, Bower works by fetching and installing packages from all over, taking care of hunting, finding, downloading, and saving the stuff you’re looking for. Bower keeps track of these packages in a manifest file, bower.json.

more here

and the most recent package manager that shouldn't be missed, it's young and fast in real work environment compare to npm which I was mostly using before, for reinstalling modules, it do double checks the node_modules folder to check the existence of the module, also seems installing the modules takes less time:


Yarn is a package manager for your code. It allows you to use and share code with other developers from around the world. Yarn does this quickly, securely, and reliably so you don’t ever have to worry.

Yarn allows you to use other developers’ solutions to different problems, making it easier for you to develop your software. If you have problems, you can report issues or contribute back, and when the problem is fixed, you can use Yarn to keep it all up to date.

Code is shared through something called a package (sometimes referred to as a module). A package contains all the code being shared as well as a package.json file which describes the package.

more here

Parse JSON with R

Try below code using RJSONIO in console


json_file = getURL("")

json_file2 = RJSONIO::fromJSON(json_file)


getContext is not a function

Actually we get this error also when we create canvas in javascript as below.


Here point to be noted we have to provide argument name correctly as 'canvas' not anything else.


How to extract numbers from a string in Python?

line2 = "hello 12 hi 89"
temp1 = re.findall(r'\d+', line2) # through regular expression
res2 = list(map(int, temp1))

Hi ,

you can search all the integers in the string through digit by using findall expression .

In the second step create a list res2 and add the digits found in string to this list

hope this helps

Regards, Diwakar Sharma

How can I echo HTML in PHP?

Try this:

    echo <<<HTML

    Your HTML tags here


Python: SyntaxError: non-keyword after keyword arg

It's just what it says:

inputFile = open((x), encoding = "utf8", "r")

You have specified encoding as a keyword argument, but "r" as a positional argument. You can't have positional arguments after keyword arguments. Perhaps you wanted to do:

inputFile = open((x), "r", encoding = "utf8")

Python logging: use milliseconds in time format

Please note Craig McDaniel's solution is clearly better.

logging.Formatter's formatTime method looks like this:

def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
    ct = self.converter(record.created)
    if datefmt:
        s = time.strftime(datefmt, ct)
        t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ct)
        s = "%s,%03d" % (t, record.msecs)
    return s

Notice the comma in "%s,%03d". This can not be fixed by specifying a datefmt because ct is a time.struct_time and these objects do not record milliseconds.

If we change the definition of ct to make it a datetime object instead of a struct_time, then (at least with modern versions of Python) we can call ct.strftime and then we can use %f to format microseconds:

import logging
import datetime as dt

class MyFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
        ct = self.converter(record.created)
        if datefmt:
            s = ct.strftime(datefmt)
            t = ct.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            s = "%s,%03d" % (t, record.msecs)
        return s

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

console = logging.StreamHandler()

formatter = MyFormatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(message)s',datefmt='%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S.%f')

logger.debug('Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.')
# 2011-06-09,07:12:36.553554 Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.

Or, to get milliseconds, change the comma to a decimal point, and omit the datefmt argument:

class MyFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
        ct = self.converter(record.created)
        if datefmt:
            s = ct.strftime(datefmt)
            t = ct.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            s = "%s.%03d" % (t, record.msecs)
        return s

formatter = MyFormatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
logger.debug('Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.')
# 2011-06-09 08:14:38.343 Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.

Bootstrap 3 modal vertical position center

My solution: .modal-dialog 
    -webkit-transform: translate(0, calc(50vh - 50%));
    -ms-transform: translate(0, 50vh) translate(0, -50%);
    -o-transform: translate(0, calc(50vh - 50%));
    transform: translate(0, 50vh) translate(0, -50%);

How to specify different Debug/Release output directories in QMake .pro file

To change the directory for target dll/exe, use this in your pro file:

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
    DESTDIR = build/debug
} else {
    DESTDIR = build/release

You might also want to change directories for other build targets like object files and moc files (check qmake variable reference for details or qmake CONFIG() function reference).

Does JavaScript guarantee object property order?

In ES2015, it does, but not to what you might think

The order of keys in an object wasn't guaranteed until ES2015. It was implementation-defined.

However, in ES2015 in was specified. Like many things in JavaScript, this was done for compatibility purposes and generally reflected an existing unofficial standard among most JS engines (with you-know-who being an exception).

The order is defined in the spec, under the abstract operation OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys, which underpins all methods of iterating over an object's own keys. Paraphrased, the order is as follows:

  1. All integer index keys (stuff like "1123", "55", etc) in ascending numeric order.

  2. All string keys which are not integer indices, in order of creation (oldest-first).

  3. All symbol keys, in order of creation (oldest-first).

It's silly to say that the order is unreliable - it is reliable, it's just probably not what you want, and modern browsers implement this order correctly.

Some exceptions include methods of enumerating inherited keys, such as the for .. in loop. The for .. in loop doesn't guarantee order according to the specification.

In Ruby on Rails, what's the difference between DateTime, Timestamp, Time and Date?

Here is an awesome and precise explanation I found.

TIMESTAMP used to track changes of records, and update every time when the record is changed. DATETIME used to store specific and static value which is not affected by any changes in records.

TIMESTAMP also affected by different TIME ZONE related setting. DATETIME is constant.

TIMESTAMP internally converted a current time zone to UTC for storage, and during retrieval convert the back to the current time zone. DATETIME can not do this.

TIMESTAMP is 4 bytes and DATETIME is 8 bytes.

TIMESTAMP supported range: ‘1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to ‘2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC DATETIME supported range: ‘1000-01-01 00:00:00' to ‘9999-12-31 23:59:59'



table with different column "date" types and corresponding rails migration types depending on the database

endforeach in loops?

It's mainly so you can make start and end statements clearer when creating HTML in loops:

<? while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)): ?>
    <? if (!$record['deleted']): ?>
        <? foreach ($display_fields as $field): ?>
            <td><?= $record[$field] ?></td>
        <? endforeach; ?>
        <select name="action" onChange="submit">
        <? foreach ($actions as $action): ?>
            <option value="<?= $action ?>"><?= $action ?>
        <? endforeach; ?>
    <? else: ?>
         <tr><td colspan="<?= array_count($display_fields) ?>"><i>record <?= $record['id'] ?> has been deleted</i></td></tr>
    <? endif; ?>
<? endwhile; ?>


<? while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { ?>
    <? if (!$record['deleted']) { ?>
        <? foreach ($display_fields as $field) { ?>
            <td><?= $record[$field] ?></td>
        <? } ?>
        <select name="action" onChange="submit">
        <? foreach ($actions as $action) { ?>
            <option value="<?= $action ?>"><?= action ?>
        <? } ?>
    <? } else { ?>
         <tr><td colspan="<?= array_count($display_fields) ?>"><i>record <?= $record['id'] ?> has been deleted</i></td></tr>
    <? } ?>
<? } ?>

Hopefully my example is sufficient to demonstrate that once you have several layers of nested loops, and the indenting is thrown off by all the PHP open/close tags and the contained HTML (and maybe you have to indent the HTML a certain way to get your page the way you want), the alternate syntax (endforeach) form can make things easier for your brain to parse. With the normal style, the closing } can be left on their own and make it hard to tell what they're actually closing.

Generate random int value from 3 to 6

DECLARE @min INT = 3;
DECLARE @max INT = 6;
SELECT @min + ROUND(RAND() * (@max - @min), 0);

Step by step

DECLARE @min INT = 3;
DECLARE @max INT = 6;

DECLARE @rand DECIMAL(19,4) = RAND();
DECLARE @difference INT = @max - @min;
DECLARE @chunk INT = ROUND(@rand * @difference, 0);
DECLARE @result INT = @min + @chunk; 
SELECT @result;

Note that a user-defined function thus not allow the use of RAND(). A workaround for this (source: is to create a view first.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_RandomSeed]
SELECT        RAND() AS seed

and then create the random function

CREATE FUNCTION udf_RandomNumberBetween
    @min INT,
    @max INT
    RETURN @min + ROUND((SELECT TOP 1 seed FROM vw_RandomSeed) * (@max - @min), 0);

Making an asynchronous task in Flask

I would use Celery to handle the asynchronous task for you. You'll need to install a broker to serve as your task queue (RabbitMQ and Redis are recommended).

from flask import Flask
from celery import Celery

broker_url = 'amqp://guest@localhost'          # Broker URL for RabbitMQ task queue

app = Flask(__name__)    
celery = Celery(, broker=broker_url)
celery.config_from_object('celeryconfig')      # Your celery configurations in a

def some_long_task(self, x, y):
    # Do some long task

@app.route('/render/<id>', methods=['POST'])
def render_script(id=None):
    data = json.loads(
    text_list = data.get('text_list')
    final_file = audio_class.render_audio(data=text_list)
    some_long_task.delay(x, y)                 # Call your async task and pass whatever necessary variables
    return Response(

Run your Flask app, and start another process to run your celery worker.

$ celery worker -A app.celery --loglevel=debug

I would also refer to Miguel Gringberg's write up for a more in depth guide to using Celery with Flask.

Go back button in a page

There's a few ways, this is one:


Show div when radio button selected


Most efficient way to check if a file is empty in Java on Windows

The idea of your first snippet is right. You probably meant to check iByteCount == -1: whether the file has at least one byte:

if (iByteCount == -1)  
    System.out.println("NO ERRORS!");
    System.out.println("SOME ERRORS!");

Do Facebook Oauth 2.0 Access Tokens Expire?

You can always refresh the user's access token every time the user logs into your site through facebook. The offline access can't guarantee you get a life-long time access token, the access token changes whenever the user revoke you application access or the user changes his/her password.

Quoted from facebook

Note: If the application has not requested offline_access permission, the access token is time-bounded. Time-bounded access token also get invalidated when the user logs out of Facebook. If the application has obtained offline_access permission from the user, the access token does not have an expiry. However it gets invalidated whenever the user changes his/her password.

Assume you store the user's facebook uid and access token in a users table in your database,every time the user clicks on the "Login with facebook" button, you check the login statususing facebook Javascript API, and then examine the connection status from the response,if the user has connected to your site, you can then update the access token in the table.

Selecting a Linux I/O Scheduler

You can set this at boot by adding the "elevator" parameter to the kernel cmdline (such as in grub.cfg)



This will make "deadline" the default I/O scheduler for all block devices.

If you'd like to query or change the scheduler after the system has booted, or would like to use a different scheduler for a specific block device, I recommend installing and use the tool ioschedset to make this easy.

If you're on Archlinux it's available in aur:

Some example usage:

# Get i/o scheduler for all block devices
[username@hostname ~]$ io-get-sched
sda:    bfq
sr0:    bfq

# Query available I/O schedulers
[username@hostname ~]$ io-set-sched --list
mq-deadline kyber bfq none

# Set sda to use "kyber"
[username@hostname ~]$ io-set-sched kyber /dev/sda
Must be root to set IO Scheduler. Rerunning under sudo...

[sudo] password for username:
+ Successfully set sda to 'kyber'!

# Get i/o scheduler for all block devices to assert change
[username@hostname ~]$ io-get-sched
sda:    kyber
sr0:    bfq

# Set all block devices to use 'deadline' i/o scheduler
[username@hostname ~]$ io-set-sched deadline
Must be root to set IO Scheduler. Rerunning under sudo...

+ Successfully set sda to 'deadline'!
+ Successfully set sr0 to 'deadline'!

# Get the current block scheduler just for sda
[username@hostname ~]$ io-get-sched sda
sda:    mq-deadline

Usage should be self-explanatory. The tools are standalone and only require bash.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: Disclaimer, these are scripts I wrote.

How to delete a remote tag?

git push --delete origin $TAGNAME is the correct approach (in addition of a local delete).

But: make sure to use Git 2.31.

"git push $there --delete"(man) should have been diagnosed as an error, but instead turned into a matching push, which has been corrected with Git 2.31 (Q1 2021).

See commit 20e4164 (23 Feb 2021) by Junio C Hamano (gitster).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 1400458, 25 Feb 2021)

push: do not turn --delete '' into a matching push

Noticed-by: Tilman Vogel

When we added a syntax sugar "git push remote --delete"(man) <ref> to "git push"(man) as a synonym to the canonical git push remote(man) : syntax at f517f1f ("builtin-push: add(man) --delete as syntactic sugar for :foo", 2009-12-30, Git v1.7.0-rc0 -- merge), we weren't careful enough to make sure that <ref> is not empty.

Blindly rewriting "--delete " to ":" means that an empty string <ref> results in refspec ":", which is the syntax to ask for "matching" push that does not delete anything.

Worse yet, if there were matching refs that can be fast-forwarded, they would have been published prematurely, even if the user feels that they are not ready yet to be pushed out, which would be a real disaster.

What's the difference between all the Selection Segues?

For those who prefer a bit more practical learning, select the segue in dock, open the attribute inspector and switch between different kinds of segues (dropdown "Kind"). This will reveal options specific for each of them: for example you can see that "present modally" allows you to choose a transition type etc.

How should I load files into my Java application?

What are you loading the files for - configuration or data (like an input file) or as a resource?

  • If as a resource, follow the suggestion and example given by Will and Justin
  • If configuration, then you can use a ResourceBundle or Spring (if your configuration is more complex).
  • If you need to read a file in order to process the data inside, this code snippet may help BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)) and then read each line of the file using file.readLine(); Don't forget to close the file.

PHP Checking if the current date is before or after a set date

I have used this one and it served the purpose:

if($date < date("Y-m-d") ) {
                echo "Date is in the past";}


What is the best way to remove the first element from an array?

To sum up, the quick linkedlist method:

List<String> llist = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(oldArray));

Difference between document.addEventListener and window.addEventListener?

The window binding refers to a built-in object provided by the browser. It represents the browser window that contains the document. Calling its addEventListener method registers the second argument (callback function) to be called whenever the event described by its first argument occurs.

<p>Some paragraph.</p>
  window.addEventListener("click", () => {

Following points should be noted before select window or document to addEventListners

  1. Most of the events are same for window or document but some events like resize, and other events related to loading, unloading, and opening/closing should all be set on the window.
  2. Since window has the document it is good practice to use document to handle (if it can handle) since event will hit document first.
  3. Internet Explorer doesn't respond to many events registered on the window,so you will need to use document for registering event.

Where is Developer Command Prompt for VS2013?

For some reason, it doesn't properly add an icon when running Windows 8+. Here's how I solved it:

Using Windows Explorer, navigate to:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Visual Studio 2013

In that folder, you'll see a shortcut named Visual Studio Tools that maps to (assuming default installation):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts

Double-click the shortcut (or go to the folder above).

From that folder, copy the shortcut named Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 (and any others you find useful) to the first directory (for the Start Menu). You'll likely be prompted for administrative access (do so).

Once you've done that, you'll now have an icon available for the 2013 command prompt.

How can I save application settings in a Windows Forms application?

I wanted to share a library I've built for this. It's a tiny library, but a big improvement (IMHO) over .settings files.

The library is called Jot (GitHub). Here is an old The Code Project article I wrote about it.

Here's how you'd use it to keep track of a window's size and location:

public MainWindow()

        .AddProperties(nameof(Height), nameof(Width), nameof(Left), nameof(Top), nameof(WindowState))

The benefit compared to .settings files: There's considerably less code, and it's a lot less error-prone since you only need to mention each property once.

With a settings files you need to mention each property five times: once when you explicitly create the property and an additional four times in the code that copies the values back and forth.

Storage, serialization, etc. are completely configurable. When the target objects are created by an IoC container, you can [hook it up][] so that it applies tracking automatically to all objects it resolves, so that all you need to do to make a property persistent is slap a [Trackable] attribute on it.

It's highly configurable, and you can configure: - when data is persisted and applied globally or for each tracked object - how it's serialized - where it's stored (e.g. file, database, online, isolated storage, registry) - rules that can cancel applying/persisting data for a property

Trust me, the library is top notch!

Mixed mode assembly is built against version ‘v2.0.50727' of the runtime

If the error happens with error column "File" as SGEN, then the fix needs to be in a file sgen.exe.config, next to sgen.exe. For example, for VS 2015, create C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6 Tools\sgen.exe.config. Minimum file contents: <configuration><startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"/></configuration>

Source: SGEN Mixed mode assembly

Preferred way of loading resources in Java

I search three places as shown below. Comments welcome.

public URL getResource(String resource){

    URL url ;

    //Try with the Thread Context Loader. 
    ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    if(classLoader != null){
        url = classLoader.getResource(resource);
        if(url != null){
            return url;

    //Let's now try with the classloader that loaded this class.
    classLoader = Loader.class.getClassLoader();
    if(classLoader != null){
        url = classLoader.getResource(resource);
        if(url != null){
            return url;

    //Last ditch attempt. Get the resource from the classpath.
    return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resource);

Element-wise addition of 2 lists?

  • The zip function is useful here, used with a list comprehension v1, v2.
  • If you have a list of lists (instead of just two lists) you can use v3.
  • For lists with different length (for example: By adding 1 to the end of the first/secound list), then you can try something like this (using zip_longest) - v4
first = [1, 2, 3, 1]
second = [4, 5, 6]

output: [5, 7, 9, 1]
  • If you have an unknown number of lists of the same length, you can use the function v5.

  • v6 - The operator module exports a set of efficient functions corresponding to the intrinsic operators of Python. For example, operator.add(x, y) is equivalent to the expression x+y.

  • v7 - Assuming both lists first and second have same length, you do not need zip or anything else.

first = [1, 2, 3]
second = [4, 5, 6]

####### v1 ########
third1 = [sum(i) for i in zip(first,second)]

####### v2 ########
third2 = [x + y for x, y in zip(first, second)]

####### v3 ########
lists_of_lists = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
third3 = [sum(x) for x in zip(*lists_of_lists)]

####### v4 ########
from itertools import zip_longest
third4 = list(map(sum, zip_longest(first, second, fillvalue=0)))

####### v5 ########
def sum_lists(*args):
    return list(map(sum, zip(*args)))

third5 = sum_lists(first, second)

####### v6 ########
import operator
third6 = list(map(operator.add, first,second))

####### v7 ########
third7 =[first[i]+second[i] for i in range(len(first))]

####### v(i) ########

print(third1) # [5, 7, 9]
print(third2) # [5, 7, 9]
print(third3) # [5, 7, 9]
print(third4) # [5, 7, 9]
print(third5) # [5, 7, 9]
print(third6) # [5, 7, 9]
print(third7) # [5, 7, 9]

What is the max size of localStorage values?

I wrote this simple code that is testing localStorage size in bytes.

const check = bytes => {
  try {
    localStorage.setItem('a', '0'.repeat(bytes));
    return true;
  } catch(e) {
    return false;

Github pages:

I have the same results on desktop chrome, opera, firefox, brave and mobile chrome which is ~5Mbytes

enter image description here

And half smaller result in safari ~2Mbytes

enter image description here

What is the difference between Integer and int in Java?

int is a primitive data type while Integer is a Reference or Wrapper Type (Class) in Java.

after java 1.5 which introduce the concept of autoboxing and unboxing you can initialize both int or Integer like this.

int a= 9
Integer a = 9 // both valid After Java 1.5.

why Integer.parseInt("1"); but not int.parseInt("1"); ??

Integer is a Class defined in jdk library and parseInt() is a static method belongs to Integer Class

So, Integer.parseInt("1"); is possible in java. but int is primitive type (assume like a keyword) in java. So, you can't call parseInt() with int.

document.getelementbyId will return null if element is not defined?

getElementById is defined by DOM Level 1 HTML to return null in the case no element is matched.

!==null is the most explicit form of the check, and probably the best, but there is no non-null falsy value that getElementById can return - you can only get null or an always-truthy Element object. So there's no practical difference here between !==null, !=null or the looser if (document.getElementById('xx')).

Find max and second max salary for a employee table MySQL

i think that the simple way in oracle is this:

(SELECT DISTINCT Salary FROM Employee ORDER BY Salary desc)

Re-render React component when prop changes

A friendly method to use is the following, once prop updates it will automatically rerender component:

render {

let textWhenComponentUpdate = this.props.text 

return (


How to pass parameters on onChange of html select

JavaScript Solution

<select id="comboA">
<option value="">Select combo</option>
<option value="Value1">Text1</option>
<option value="Value2">Text2</option>
<option value="Value3">Text3</option>
 document.getElementById("comboA").onchange = function(){
    var value = document.getElementById("comboA").value;


 document.getElementById("comboA").onchange = function(evt){
    var value =;


 document.getElementById("comboA").onchange = handleChange;

 function handleChange(evt){
    var value =;

How do I correct this Illegal String Offset?

if ($inputs['type'] == 'attach') {

The code is valid, but it expects the function parameter $inputs to be an array. The "Illegal string offset" warning when using $inputs['type'] means that the function is being passed a string instead of an array. (And then since a string offset is a number, 'type' is not suitable.)

So in theory the problem lies elsewhere, with the caller of the code not providing a correct parameter.

However, this warning message is new to PHP 5.4. Old versions didn't warn if this happened. They would silently convert 'type' to 0, then try to get character 0 (the first character) of the string. So if this code was supposed to work, that's because abusing a string like this didn't cause any complaints on PHP 5.3 and below. (A lot of old PHP code has experienced this problem after upgrading.)

You might want to debug why the function is being given a string by examining the calling code, and find out what value it has by doing a var_dump($inputs); in the function. But if you just want to shut the warning up to make it behave like PHP 5.3, change the line to:

if (is_array($inputs) && $inputs['type'] == 'attach') {

Android textview usage as label and value

You can use <LinearLayout> to group elements horizontaly. Also you should use style to set margins, background and other properties. This will allow you not to repeat code for every label you use. Here is an example:



Also you can create a custom view base on the layout above. Have you looked at Creating custom view ?

redirect while passing arguments

I'm a little confused. "foo.html" is just the name of your template. There's no inherent relationship between the route name "foo" and the template name "foo.html".

To achieve the goal of not rewriting logic code for two different routes, I would just define a function and call that for both routes. I wouldn't use redirect because that actually redirects the client/browser which requires them to load two pages instead of one just to save you some coding time - which seems mean :-P

So maybe:

def super_cool_logic():
    # execute common code here

def do_foo():
    # do some logic here
    return render_template("foo.html")

def do_baz():
    if some_condition:
        return render_template("baz.html")
        return render_template("foo.html", messages={"main":"Condition failed on page baz"})

I feel like I'm missing something though and there's a better way to achieve what you're trying to do (I'm not really sure what you're trying to do)

Multi-statement Table Valued Function vs Inline Table Valued Function

I have not tested this, but a multi statement function caches the result set. There may be cases where there is too much going on for the optimizer to inline the function. For example suppose you have a function that returns a result from different databases depending on what you pass as a "Company Number". Normally, you could create a view with a union all then filter by company number but I found that sometimes sql server pulls back the entire union and is not smart enough to call the one select. A table function can have logic to choose the source.

How to use dashes in HTML-5 data-* attributes in ASP.NET MVC

You can use it like this:

In Mvc:


In Html:

<input type="text" name="Id" data_val_number="10"/>

How to check whether a pandas DataFrame is empty?

1) If a DataFrame has got Nan and Non Null values and you want to find whether the DataFrame
is empty or not then try this code.
2) when this situation can happen? 
This situation happens when a single function is used to plot more than one DataFrame 
which are passed as parameter.In such a situation the function try to plot the data even 
when a DataFrame is empty and thus plot an empty figure!.
It will make sense if simply display 'DataFrame has no data' message.
3) why? 
if a DataFrame is empty(i.e. contain no data at all.Mind you DataFrame with Nan values 
is considered non empty) then it is desirable not to plot but put out a message :
Suppose we have two DataFrames df1 and df2.
The function myfunc takes any DataFrame(df1 and df2 in this case) and print a message 
if a DataFrame is empty(instead of plotting):
df1                     df2
col1 col2           col1 col2 
Nan   2              Nan  Nan 
2     Nan            Nan  Nan  

and the function:

def myfunc(df):
  if (df.count().sum())>0: ##count the total number of non Nan values.Equal to 0 if DataFrame is empty
     print('not empty')
     display a message instead of plotting if it is empty

Django Reverse with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found

This problems gave me great headache when i tried to use reverse for generating activation link and send it via email of course. So i think from it will be same. The correct way to do this is following:

from django.test import Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

#app name - name of the app where the url is defined
client= Client()
response = client.get(reverse('app_name:edit_project', project_id=4)) 

Custom sort function in ng-repeat

Actually the orderBy filter can take as a parameter not only a string but also a function. From the orderBy documentation:

function: Getter function. The result of this function will be sorted using the <, =, > operator.

So, you could write your own function. For example, if you would like to compare cards based on a sum of opt1 and opt2 (I'm making this up, the point is that you can have any arbitrary function) you would write in your controller:

$scope.myValueFunction = function(card) {
   return card.values.opt1 + card.values.opt2;

and then, in your template:

ng-repeat="card in cards | orderBy:myValueFunction"

Here is the working jsFiddle

The other thing worth noting is that orderBy is just one example of AngularJS filters so if you need a very specific ordering behaviour you could write your own filter (although orderBy should be enough for most uses cases).

Powershell Get-ChildItem most recent file in directory

Yes I think this would be quicker.

Get-ChildItem $folder | Sort-Object -Descending -Property LastWriteTime -Top 1 

find -exec with multiple commands

find . -type d -exec sh -c "echo -n {}; echo -n ' x '; echo {}" \;

Using boolean values in C

You can use a char, or another small number container for it.


#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0

char bValue = TRUE;

How to quit android application programmatically

I think that application should be kill in some case. For example, there is an app can be used only after login. The login activity has two buttons, 'login' and 'cancel'. When you click 'cancel' button, it definitely means 'Terminate the app'. Nobody wants the app alive in the background. So I agree that some cases need to shut down the app.

Excel Reference To Current Cell

You could use


Python CSV error: line contains NULL byte

You could just inline a generator to filter out the null values if you want to pretend they don't exist. Of course this is assuming the null bytes are not really part of the encoding and really are some kind of erroneous artifact or bug.

with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
    reader = csv.reader( (line.replace('\0','') for line in f) )

        for row in reader:
            print 'Row read successfully!', row
    except csv.Error, e:
        sys.exit('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename, reader.line_num, e))

How can I detect when an Android application is running in the emulator?

This worked for me instead of startsWith : Build.FINGERPRINT.contains("generic")

For more check this link:

Calculating arithmetic mean (one type of average) in Python

I am not aware of anything in the standard library. However, you could use something like:

def mean(numbers):
    return float(sum(numbers)) / max(len(numbers), 1)

>>> mean([1,2,3,4])
>>> mean([])

In numpy, there's numpy.mean().

How can I specify a branch/tag when adding a Git submodule?

I have this in my .gitconfig file. It is still a draft, but proved useful as of now. It helps me to always reattach the submodules to their branch.


#Submodules aliases

#git sm-trackbranch : places all submodules on their respective branch specified in .gitmodules
#This works if submodules are configured to track a branch, i.e if .gitmodules looks like :
#[submodule "my-submodule"]
#   path = my-submodule
#   url = [email protected]/my-submodule.git
#   branch = my-branch
sm-trackbranch = "! git submodule foreach -q --recursive 'branch=\"$(git config -f $toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch)\"; git checkout $branch'"

#sm-pullrebase :
# - pull --rebase on the master repo
# - sm-trackbranch on every submodule
# - pull --rebase on each submodule
# Important note :
#- have a clean master repo and subrepos before doing this !
#- this is *not* equivalent to getting the last committed 
#  master repo + its submodules: if some submodules are tracking branches 
#  that have evolved since the last commit in the master repo,
#  they will be using those more recent commits !
#  (Note : On the contrary, git submodule update will stick 
#to the last committed SHA1 in the master repo)
sm-pullrebase = "! git pull --rebase; git submodule update; git sm-trackbranch ; git submodule foreach 'git pull --rebase' "

# git sm-diff will diff the master repo *and* its submodules
sm-diff = "! git diff && git submodule foreach 'git diff' "

#git sm-push will ask to push also submodules
sm-push = push --recurse-submodules=on-demand

#git alias : list all aliases
#useful in order to learn git syntax
alias = "!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-"

add column to mysql table if it does not exist

Just tried the stored procedure script. Seems the problem is the ' marks around the delimiters. The MySQL Docs show that delimiter characters do not need the single quotes.

So you want:

delimiter //

Instead of:

delimiter '//'

Works for me :)

Equivalent of shell 'cd' command to change the working directory?

As already pointed out by others, all the solutions above only change the working directory of the current process. This is lost when you exit back to the Unix shell. If desperate you can change the parent shell directory on Unix with this horrible hack:

def quote_against_shell_expansion(s):
    import pipes
    return pipes.quote(s)

def put_text_back_into_terminal_input_buffer(text):
    # use of this means that it only works in an interactive session
    # (and if the user types while it runs they could insert characters between the characters in 'text'!)
    import fcntl, termios
    for c in text:
        fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCSTI, c)

def change_parent_process_directory(dest):
    # the horror
    put_text_back_into_terminal_input_buffer("cd "+quote_against_shell_expansion(dest)+"\n")

How to detect READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is enabled?

SELECT is_read_committed_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases 
WHERE name= 'YourDatabase'

Return value:

  • 1: READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option is ON. Read operations under the READ COMMITTED isolation level are based on snapshot scans and do not acquire locks.
  • 0 (default): READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option is OFF. Read operations under the READ COMMITTED isolation level use Shared (S) locks.

How to put scroll bar only for modal-body?

A simple js solution to set modal height proportional to body's height :

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.modal .modal-body {max-height: ' + ($('body').height() * .8) + 'px;overflow-y: auto;}.modal-open .modal{overflow-y: hidden !important;}</style>');

body's height has to be 100% :

html, body {
    height: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;

I set modal body height to 80% of body, this can be of course customized.

Hope it helps.

How to combine date from one field with time from another field - MS SQL Server

I ran into similar situation where I had to merge Date and Time fields to DateTime field. None of the above mentioned solution work, specially adding two fields as the data type for addition of these 2 fields is not same.

I created below solution, where I added hour and then minute part to the date. This worked beautifully for me. Please check it out and do let me know if you get into any issues.

;with tbl as ( select StatusTime = '12/30/1899 5:17:00 PM', StatusDate = '7/24/2019 12:00:00 AM' ) select DATEADD(MI, DATEPART(MINUTE,CAST(tbl.StatusTime AS TIME)),DATEADD(HH, DATEPART(HOUR,CAST(tbl.StatusTime AS TIME)), CAST(tbl.StatusDate as DATETIME))) from tbl

Result: 2019-07-24 17:17:00.000

What strategies and tools are useful for finding memory leaks in .NET?

You still need to worry about memory when you are writing managed code unless your application is trivial. I will suggest two things: first, read CLR via C# because it will help you understand memory management in .NET. Second, learn to use a tool like CLRProfiler (Microsoft). This can give you an idea of what is causing your memory leak (e.g. you can take a look at your large object heap fragmentation)

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

You are using a relative path, which means that the program looks for the file in the working directory. The error is telling you that there is no file of that name in the working directory.

Try using the exact, or absolute, path.

Android replace the current fragment with another fragment

You can try below code. it’s very easy method for push new fragment from old fragment.

private int mContainerId;
private FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction;
private FragmentManager fragmentManager;
private final static String TAG = "DashBoardActivity";

public void replaceFragment(Fragment fragment, String TAG) {

    try {
        fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
        fragmentTransaction.replace(mContainerId, fragment, tag);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO: handle exception


Elegant Python function to convert CamelCase to snake_case?

Here's my solution:

def un_camel(text):
    """ Converts a CamelCase name into an under_score name. 

        >>> un_camel('CamelCase')
        >>> un_camel('getHTTPResponseCode')
    result = []
    pos = 0
    while pos < len(text):
        if text[pos].isupper():
            if pos-1 > 0 and text[pos-1].islower() or pos-1 > 0 and \
            pos+1 < len(text) and text[pos+1].islower():
                result.append("_%s" % text[pos].lower())
        pos += 1
    return "".join(result)

It supports those corner cases discussed in the comments. For instance, it'll convert getHTTPResponseCode to get_http_response_code like it should.

Oracle select most recent date record

Assuming staff_id + date form a uk, this is another method:

                  FROM TABLE
                  WHERE staff_id = t.staff_id
                    AND DATE <= SYSDATE)

How to fix corrupt HDFS FIles

You can use

  hdfs fsck /

to determine which files are having problems. Look through the output for missing or corrupt blocks (ignore under-replicated blocks for now). This command is really verbose especially on a large HDFS filesystem so I normally get down to the meaningful output with

  hdfs fsck / | egrep -v '^\.+$' | grep -v eplica

which ignores lines with nothing but dots and lines talking about replication.

Once you find a file that is corrupt

  hdfs fsck /path/to/corrupt/file -locations -blocks -files

Use that output to determine where blocks might live. If the file is larger than your block size it might have multiple blocks.

You can use the reported block numbers to go around to the datanodes and the namenode logs searching for the machine or machines on which the blocks lived. Try looking for filesystem errors on those machines. Missing mount points, datanode not running, file system reformatted/reprovisioned. If you can find a problem in that way and bring the block back online that file will be healthy again.

Lather rinse and repeat until all files are healthy or you exhaust all alternatives looking for the blocks.

Once you determine what happened and you cannot recover any more blocks, just use the

  hdfs fs -rm /path/to/file/with/permanently/missing/blocks

command to get your HDFS filesystem back to healthy so you can start tracking new errors as they occur.

Can I use return value of INSERT...RETURNING in another INSERT?

You can use the lastval() function:

Return value most recently obtained with nextval for any sequence

So something like this:

INSERT INTO Table1 (name) VALUES ('a_title');
INSERT INTO Table2 (val)  VALUES (lastval());

This will work fine as long as no one calls nextval() on any other sequence (in the current session) between your INSERTs.

As Denis noted below and I warned about above, using lastval() can get you into trouble if another sequence is accessed using nextval() between your INSERTs. This could happen if there was an INSERT trigger on Table1 that manually called nextval() on a sequence or, more likely, did an INSERT on a table with a SERIAL or BIGSERIAL primary key. If you want to be really paranoid (a good thing, they really are you to get you after all), then you could use currval() but you'd need to know the name of the relevant sequence:

INSERT INTO Table1 (name) VALUES ('a_title');
INSERT INTO Table2 (val)  VALUES (currval('Table1_id_seq'::regclass));

The automatically generated sequence is usually named t_c_seq where t is the table name and c is the column name but you can always find out by going into psql and saying:

=> \d table_name;

and then looking at the default value for the column in question, for example:

id | integer | not null default nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)

FYI: lastval() is, more or less, the PostgreSQL version of MySQL's LAST_INSERT_ID. I only mention this because a lot of people are more familiar with MySQL than PostgreSQL so linking lastval() to something familiar might clarify things.

To show error message without alert box in Java Script

Try this code

 <script type="text/javascript">
 function validate() {
document.getElementById('errfn').innerHTML="this is invalid name";
 <form name="myform">
  <input type=text id=fname name=fname onblur="validate()"> </input><div id="errfn">   </div>

<br> <br>
<input type=text id=lname name=lname onblur="validate()"> </input>

<input type=button value=check> 


Make elasticsearch only return certain fields?

In java you can use setFetchSource like this :

            .setFetchSource(new String[] { "field1", "field2" }, null)

Java ArrayList how to add elements at the beginning


import java.util.List;

 * @author Ciccotta Andrea on 06/11/2020.
public class CollectionUtils {

     * It models the prepend O(1), used against the common append/add O(n)
     * @param head first element of the list
     * @param body rest of the elements of the list
     * @return new list (with different memory-reference) made by [head, ...body]
    public static <E> List<Object> prepend(final E head, List<E> final body){
        return Lists.asList(head, body.toArray());

     * it models the typed version of prepend(E head, List<E> body)
     * @param type the array into which the elements of this list are to be stored
    public static <E> List<E> prepend(final E head, List<E> body, final E[] type){
        return Lists.asList(head, body.toArray(type));

What programming languages can one use to develop iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS) applications?

You can use "smart BASIC" programming language. It is a genuine but very advanced BASIC language with all its power and simplicity. Using its free SDK, BASIC code can be easily published as a standalone App Store application. There are many apps in App Store, written in "smart BASIC" programming language.

How to override equals method in Java

Introducing a new method signature that changes the parameter types is called overloading:

public boolean equals(People other){

Here People is different than Object.

When a method signature remains the identical to that of its superclass, it is called overriding and the @Override annotation helps distinguish the two at compile-time:

public boolean equals(Object other){

Without seeing the actual declaration of age, it is difficult to say why the error appears.

Tablix: Repeat header rows on each page not working - Report Builder 3.0

I have 2.0 and found the above to help; however, the selecting of a static did not highlight the cell for some reason. I followed these steps:

  1. Under column groups select the advanced and the statics will show up
  2. Click on the static which shows up in the row groups
  3. Set KeepWithGroup to After and RepeatOnNewPage to true

Now your column headers should repeat on each page.

Using switch statement with a range of value in each case?

It is supported as of Java 12. Check out JEP 354. No "range" possibilities here, but can be useful either.

switch (day) {
    case MONDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY -> System.out.println(6);//number of letters
    case TUESDAY                -> System.out.println(7);
    case THURSDAY, SATURDAY     -> System.out.println(8);
    case WEDNESDAY              -> System.out.println(9);

You should be able to implement that on ints too. Note through that your switch statement have to be exhaustive (using default keyword, or using all possible values in case statements).

Markdown and image alignment

Even cleaner would be to just put p#given img { float: right } in the style sheet, or in the <head> and wrapped in style tags. Then, just use the markdown ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg).

Rounded corners for <input type='text' /> using for IE

Writing from phone, but curvycorners is really good, since it adds it's own borders only if browser doesn't support it by default. In other words, browsers which already support some CSS3 will use their own system to provide corners.

Rebase feature branch onto another feature branch

  1. Switch to Branch2

    git checkout Branch2
  2. Apply the current (Branch2) changes on top of the Branch1 changes, staying in Branch2:

    git rebase Branch1

Which would leave you with the desired result in Branch2:

a -- b -- c                      <-- Master
            d -- e               <-- Branch1
            d -- e -- f' -- g'   <-- Branch2

You can delete Branch1.

JQuery find first parent element with specific class prefix

Jquery later allowed you to to find the parents with the .parents() method.

Hence I recommend using:

var $div = $('#divid').parents('div[class^="div-a"]');

This gives all parent nodes matching the selector. To get the first parent matching the selector use:

var $div = $('#divid').parents('div[class^="div-a"]').eq(0);

For other such DOM traversal queries, check out the documentation on traversing the DOM.

Can't push to the heroku

Read this doc which will explain to you what to do.

Setting a buildpack on an application

You can change the buildpack used by an application by setting the buildpack value.
When the application is next pushed, the new buildpack will be used.

$ heroku buildpacks:set heroku/php

Buildpack set. Next release on random-app-1234 will use heroku/php.
Run git push heroku master to create a new release using this buildpack.

This is whay its not working for you since you did not set it up.

... When the application is next pushed, the new buildpack will be used.

You may also specify a buildpack during app creation:

$ heroku create myapp --buildpack heroku/python

angular 2 ngIf and CSS transition/animation

CSS only solution for modern browsers

@keyframes slidein {
    0%   {margin-left:1500px;}
    100% {margin-left:0px;}
.note {
    animation-name: slidein;
    animation-duration: .9s;
    display: block;

mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl

Angular 9+ ...Material 9+

I have noticed 3 mistakes can can give rise to the same error:

  1. Ensure you have imported MatFormFieldModule and MatInputModule in the app.module or the module.ts where your components are being imported(in case of nested modules)
  2. When you wrap material buttons or checkbox in mat-form-field. See the list of material components that can be wrapped with mat-form-field mat-form-field
  3. When you fail to include matInput in your tag. i.e <input matInput type="number" step="0.01" formControlName="price" />

How to query between two dates using Laravel and Eloquent?

If you want to check if current date exist in between two dates in db: =>here the query will get the application list if employe's application from and to date is exist in todays date.

$list=  (new LeaveApplication())
            ->whereDate('from','<=', $today)
            ->whereDate('to','>=', $today)

How to fix git error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS

I have a workaround if you need to clone or pull and the problem lies in the size of the repository history. It may also help when you want to push later, with no guarantee.

Simply retrieve the last commits with --depth=[number of last commits].

You can do this at clone time, or, if working from a local repository to which you added a remote, at pull time. For instance, to only retrieve the last commit (of each branch):

git clone repo --depth=1
# or
git pull --depth=1

UPDATE: if the remote is getting too much ahead of you, the issue may come back later as you try to pull the last changes, but there are too many and the connection closes with curl 56. You may have to git pull --depth=[number of commits ahead on remote], which is tedious if you're working on a very active repository.

Java: Sending Multiple Parameters to Method

You can use varargs

public function yourFunction(Parameter... parameters)

See also

Java multiple arguments dot notation - Varargs

How do I change the hover over color for a hover over table in Bootstrap?

Give this a try:

.table-hover tbody tr:hover td, .table-hover tbody tr:hover th {
  background-color: #color;

How do I put an image into my picturebox using ImageLocation?

Setting the image using picture.ImageLocation() works fine, but you are using a relative path. Check your path against the location of the .exe after it is built.

For example, if your .exe is located at:

<project folder>/bin/Debug/app.exe

The image would have to be at:

<project folder>/bin/Image/1.jpg

Of course, you could just set the image at design-time (the Image property on the PictureBox property sheet).

If you must set it at run-time, one way to make sure you know the location of the image is to add the image file to your project. For example, add a new folder to your project, name it Image. Right-click the folder, choose "Add existing item" and browse to your image (be sure the file filter is set to show image files). After adding the image, in the property sheet set the Copy to Output Directory to Copy if newer.

At this point the image file will be copied when you build the application and you can use

picture.ImageLocation = @"Image\1.jpg"; 

How do I parse a URL into hostname and path in javascript?

a simple hack with the first answer

var getLocation = function(href=window.location.href) {
    var l = document.createElement("a");
    l.href = href;
    return l;

this can used even without argument to figure out the current hostname getLocation().hostname will give current hostname

Positive Number to Negative Number in JavaScript?

To get a negative version of a number in JavaScript you can always use the ~ bitwise operator.

For example, if you have a = 1000 and you need to convert it to a negative, you could do the following:

a = ~a + 1;

Which would result in a being -1000.

How to change color of Toolbar back button in Android?

To style the Toolbar on Android 21+ it's a bit different.

<style name="DarkTheme.v21" parent="DarkTheme.v19">
        <!-- toolbar background color -->
        <item name="android:navigationBarColor">@color/color_primary_blue_dark</item>
        <!-- toolbar back button color -->
        <item name="toolbarNavigationButtonStyle">@style/Toolbar.Button.Navigation.Tinted</item>

    <style name="Toolbar.Button.Navigation.Tinted" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Toolbar.Button.Navigation">
        <item name="tint">@color/color_white</item>

All inclusive Charset to avoid "java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1"?

You probably want to have a list of supported encodings. For each file, try each encoding in turn, maybe starting with UTF-8. Every time you catch the MalformedInputException, try the next encoding.

postgresql sequence nextval in schema

The quoting rules are painful. I think you want:

SELECT nextval('foo."SQ_ID"');

to prevent case-folding of SQ_ID.

AngularJS - Building a dynamic table based on a json

TGrid is another option that people don't usually find in a google search. If the other grids you find don't suit your needs, you can give it a try, its free

How do you run a Python script as a service in Windows?

pysc: Service Control Manager on Python

Example script to run as a service taken from

from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer

from pysc import event_stop

class TestServer:

    def echo(self, msg):
        return msg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(('', 9001))

    def stop():


Create and start service

import os
import sys
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy

import pysc

if __name__ == '__main__':
    service_name = 'test_xmlrpc_server'
    script_path = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), ''
        cmd=[sys.executable, script_path]

    client = ServerProxy('')
    print(client.echo('test scm'))

Stop and delete service

import pysc

service_name = 'test_xmlrpc_server'

pip install pysc

Implement Stack using Two Queues

Here's my solution..

Concept_Behind:: push(struct Stack* S,int data)::This function enqueue first element in Q1 and rest in Q2 pop(struct Stack* S)::if Q2 is not empty the transfers all elem's into Q1 and return the last elem in Q2 else(which means Q2 is empty ) transfers all elem's into Q2 and returns the last elem in Q1

Efficiency_Behind:: push(struct Stack*S,int data)::O(1)//since single enqueue per data pop(struct Stack* S)::O(n)//since tranfers worst n-1 data per pop.

struct Queue{
    int front;
    int rear;
    int *arr;
    int size;
struct Stack {
    struct Queue *Q1;
    struct Queue *Q2;
struct Queue* Qconstructor(int capacity)
    struct Queue *Q=malloc(sizeof(struct Queue));
    return Q;
int isEmptyQueue(struct Queue *Q)
    return (Q->front==-1);
int isFullQueue(struct Queue *Q)
    return ((Q->rear+1) % Q->size ==Q->front);
void enqueue(struct Queue *Q,int data)
            printf("Queue overflow\n");
    Q->rear=Q->rear+1 % Q->size;
int dequeue(struct Queue *Q)
        printf("Queue underflow\n");
    int data=Q->arr[Q->front];
    Q->front=Q->front+1 % Q->size;
    return data;
///////////////////////*************main algo****************////////////////////////
struct Stack* Sconstructor(int capacity)
    struct Stack *S=malloc(sizeof(struct Stack));
    return S;
void push(struct Stack *S,int data)
int pop(struct Stack *S)
    int i,tmp;
                return tmp;
                return tmp;
////////////////*************end of main algo my algo************
///////////////*************push() O(1);;;;pop() O(n);;;;*******/////
    int size;
    printf("Enter the number of elements in the Stack(made of 2 queue's)::\n");
    struct Stack *S=Sconstructor(size);

Convert an integer to a float number

Type Conversions T() where T is the desired datatype of the result are quite simple in GoLang.

In my program, I scan an integer i from the user input, perform a type conversion on it and store it in the variable f. The output prints the float64 equivalent of the int input. float32 datatype is also available in GoLang


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    var i int
    fmt.Println("Enter an Integer input: ")
    fmt.Scanf("%d", &i)
    f := float64(i)
    fmt.Printf("The float64 representation of %d is %f\n", i, f)


>>> Enter an Integer input:
>>> 232332
>>> The float64 representation of 232332 is 232332.000000

<button> vs. <input type="button" />. Which to use?

This article seems to offer a pretty good overview of the difference.

From the page:

Buttons created with the BUTTON element function just like buttons created with the INPUT element, but they offer richer rendering possibilities: the BUTTON element may have content. For example, a BUTTON element that contains an image functions like and may resemble an INPUT element whose type is set to “image”, but the BUTTON element type allows content.

The Button Element - W3C

how to take user input in Array using java?

package userinput;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class USERINPUT {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner input = new Scanner(;

        //allow user  input;
        System.out.println("How many numbers do you want to enter?");
        int num = input.nextInt();

        int array[] = new int[num];

        System.out.println("Enter the " + num + " numbers now.");

        for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++ ) {
           array[i] = input.nextInt();

        //you notice that now the elements have been stored in the array .. array[]

        System.out.println("These are the numbers you have entered.");



    //this method prints the elements in an array......
    //if this case is true, then that's enough to prove to you that the user input has  //been stored in an array!!!!!!!
    public static void printArray(int arr[]){

        int n = arr.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");


Filtering collections in C#

List<T> has a FindAll method that will do the filtering for you and return a subset of the list.

MSDN has a great code example here:

EDIT: I wrote this before I had a good understanding of LINQ and the Where() method. If I were to write this today i would probably use the method Jorge mentions above. The FindAll method still works if you're stuck in a .NET 2.0 environment though.

Case insensitive std::string.find()

The new C++11 style:

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

/// Try to find in the Haystack the Needle - ignore case
bool findStringIC(const std::string & strHaystack, const std::string & strNeedle)
  auto it = std::search(
    strHaystack.begin(), strHaystack.end(),
    strNeedle.begin(),   strNeedle.end(),
    [](char ch1, char ch2) { return std::toupper(ch1) == std::toupper(ch2); }
  return (it != strHaystack.end() );

Explanation of the std::search can be found on

How to make a JFrame Modal in Swing java

  1. Create a new JPanel form
  2. Add your desired components and code to it

YourJPanelForm stuff = new YourJPanelForm();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,stuff,"Your title here bro",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);

Your modal dialog awaits...

SQL Server ORDER BY date and nulls last

If your SQL doesn't support NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST, the simplest way to do this is to use the value IS NULL expression:

ORDER BY Next_Contact_Date IS NULL, Next_Contact_Date

to put the nulls at the end (NULLS LAST) or

ORDER BY Next_Contact_Date IS NOT NULL, Next_Contact_Date

to put the nulls at the front. This doesn't require knowing the type of the column and is easier to read than the CASE expression.

EDIT: Alas, while this works in other SQL implementations like PostgreSQL and MySQL, it doesn't work in MS SQL Server. I didn't have a SQL Server to test against and relied on Microsoft's documentation and testing with other SQL implementations. According to Microsoft, value IS NULL is an expression that should be usable just like any other expression. And ORDER BY is supposed to take expressions just like any other statement that takes an expression. But it doesn't actually work.

The best solution for SQL Server therefore appears to be the CASE expression.

What is the maximum length of a valid email address?

TLDR Answer

Given an email address like...

[email protected]

The length limits are as follows:

  • Entire Email Address (aka: "The Path"): i.e., [email protected] -- 256 characters maximum.
  • Local-Part: i.e., me -- 64 character maximum.
  • Domain: i.e., -- 254 characters maximum.


SMTP originally defined what a path was in RFC821, published August 1982, which is an official Internet Standard (most RFC's are only proposals). To quote it...

...a reverse-path, specifies who the mail is from.

...a forward-path, which specifies who the mail is to.

RFC2821, published in April 2001, is the Obsoleted Standard that defined our present maximum values for local-parts, domains, and paths. A new Draft Standard, RFC5321, published in October 2008, keeps the same limits. In between these two dates, RFC3696 was published, on February 2004. It mistakenly cites the maximum email address limit as 320-characters, but this document is "Informational" only, and states: "This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind." So, we can disregard it.

To quote RFC2821, the modern, accepted standard as confirmed in RFC5321... Local-part

The maximum total length of a user name or other local-part is 64 characters. Domain

The maximum total length of a domain name or number is 255 characters. Path

The maximum total length of a reverse-path or forward-path is 256 characters (including the punctuation and element separators).

You'll notice that I indicate a domain maximum of 254 and the RFC indicates a domain maximum of 255. It's a matter of simple arithmetic. A 255-character domain, plus the "@" sign, is a 256-character path, which is the max path length. An empty or blank name is invalid, though, so the domain actually has a maximum of 254.

Default nginx client_max_body_size

The default value for client_max_body_size directive is 1 MiB.

It can be set in http, server and location context — as in the most cases, this directive in a nested block takes precedence over the same directive in the ancestors blocks.

Excerpt from the ngx_http_core_module documentation:

Syntax:   client_max_body_size size;
Default:  client_max_body_size 1m;
Context:  http, server, location

Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body, specified in the “Content-Length” request header field. If the size in a request exceeds the configured value, the 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error is returned to the client. Please be aware that browsers cannot correctly display this error. Setting size to 0 disables checking of client request body size.

Don't forget to reload configuration by nginx -s reload or service nginx reload commands prepending with sudo (if any).

Java System.out.print formatting

Something likes this

public void testPrintOut() {
    int val1 = 8;
    String val2 = "$951.23";
    String val3 = "$215.92";
    String val4 = "$198,301.22";
    System.out.println(String.format("%03d %7s %7s %11s", val1, val2, val3, val4));

    val1 = 9;
    val2 = "$950.19";
    val3 = "$216.95";
    val4 = "$198,084.26";
    System.out.println(String.format("%03d %7s %7s %11s", val1, val2, val3, val4));

Initialise numpy array of unknown length

Since y is an iterable I really do not see why the calls to append:

a = np.array(list(y))

will do and it's much faster:

import timeit

print timeit.timeit('list(s)', 's=set(x for x in xrange(1000))')
# 23.952975494633154

print timeit.timeit("""li=[]
for x in s: li.append(x)""", 's=set(x for x in xrange(1000))')
# 189.3826994248866

splitting a string based on tab in the file

Python has support for CSV files in the eponymous csv module. It is relatively misnamed since it support much more that just comma separated values.

If you need to go beyond basic word splitting you should take a look. Say, for example, because you are in need to deal with quoted values...

Remove a fixed prefix/suffix from a string in Bash

Using the =~ operator:

$ string="hello-world"
$ prefix="hell"
$ suffix="ld"
$ [[ "$string" =~ ^$prefix(.*)$suffix$ ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"

How to update the value stored in Dictionary in C#?

Here is a way to update by an index much like foo[x] = 9 where x is a key and 9 is the value

var views = new Dictionary<string, bool>();

foreach (var g in grantMasks)
    string m = g.ToString();
    for (int i = 0; i <= m.Length; i++)
        views[views.ElementAt(i).Key] = m[i].Equals('1') ? true : false;

Showing the stack trace from a running Python application

It can be done with excellent py-spy. It's a sampling profiler for Python programs, so its job is to attach to a Python processes and sample their call stacks. Hence, py-spy dump --pid $SOME_PID is all you need to do to dump call stacks of all threads in the $SOME_PID process. Typically it needs escalated privileges (to read the target process' memory).

Here's an example of how it looks like for a threaded Python application.

$ sudo py-spy dump --pid 31080
Process 31080: python3.7 -m chronologer -e production serve -u www-data -m
Python v3.7.1 (/usr/local/bin/python3.7)

Thread 0x7FEF5E410400 (active): "MainThread"
    _wait (cherrypy/process/
    wait (cherrypy/process/
    block (cherrypy/process/
    start (cherrypy/
    serve (chronologer/
    main (chronologer/
    <module> (chronologer/
    _run_code (
    _run_module_as_main (
Thread 0x7FEF55636700 (active): "_TimeoutMonitor"
    run (cherrypy/process/
    _bootstrap_inner (
    _bootstrap (
Thread 0x7FEF54B35700 (active): "HTTPServer Thread-2"
    accept (
    tick (cherrypy/wsgiserver/
    start (cherrypy/wsgiserver/
    _start_http_thread (cherrypy/process/
    run (
    _bootstrap_inner (
    _bootstrap (
Thread 0x7FEF2BFFF700 (idle): "CP Server Thread-10"
    wait (
    get (
    run (cherrypy/wsgiserver/
    _bootstrap_inner (
    _bootstrap (  

Convert .class to .java

I used the but in some classes it gives you the message "could not load this classes..."

INSTEAD download Android Studio, navigate to the folder containing the java class file and double click it. The code will show in the right pane and I guess you can copy it an save it as a java file from there

jQuery not working with IE 11

As Arnaud suggested in a comment to the original post, you should put this in your html header:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

I don't want any cred for this. I just want to make it more visible for anyone else that come here.

How to implement a binary search tree in Python?

The Op's Tree.insert method qualifies for the "Gross Misnomer of the Week" award -- it doesn't insert anything. It creates a node which is not attached to any other node (not that there are any nodes to attach it to) and then the created node is trashed when the method returns.

For the edification of @Hugh Bothwell:

>>> class Foo(object):
...    bar = None
>>> a = Foo()
>>> b = Foo()
>>> = 42
>>> = 666

Only detect click event on pseudo-element

My answer will work for anyone wanting to click a definitive area of the page. This worked for me on my absolutely-positioned :after

Thanks to this article, I realized (with jQuery) I can use e.pageY and e.pageX instead of worrying about e.offsetY/X and e.clientY/X issue between browsers.

Through my trial and error, I started to use the clientX and clientY mouse coordinates in the jQuery event object. These coordinates gave me the X and Y offset of the mouse relative to the top-left corner of the browser's view port. As I was reading the jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide by Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer, however, I saw that they often referred to the pageX and pageY coordinates. After checking the updated jQuery documentation, I saw that these were the coordinates standardized by jQuery; and, I saw that they gave me the X and Y offset of the mouse relative to the entire document (not just the view port).

I liked this event.pageY idea because it would always be the same, as it was relative to the document. I can compare it to my :after's parent element using offset(), which returns its X and Y also relative to the document.

Therefore, I can come up with a range of "clickable" region on the entire page that never changes.

Here's my demo on codepen.

or if too lazy for codepen, here's the JS:

* I only cared about the Y values for my example.

var box = $('.box');
// clickable range - never changes
var max = box.offset().top + box.outerHeight();
var min = max - 30; // 30 is the height of the :after

var checkRange = function(y) {
  return (y >= min && y <= max);
  if ( checkRange(e.pageY) ) {
    // do click action

Concatenating elements in an array to a string

Example using Java 8.

  String[] arr = {"1", "2", "3"};
  String join = String.join("", arr);

I hope that helps

Interactive shell using Docker Compose

In the official getting started example ( with the following docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'
    build: .
     - "5000:5000"
    image: "redis:alpine"

After you start this with docker-compose up, you can easily shell into either your redis container or your web container with:

docker-compose exec redis sh
docker-compose exec web sh 

How do I make jQuery wait for an Ajax call to finish before it returns?

It should wait until get request completed. After that I'll return get request body from where function is called.

function foo() {
    var jqXHR = $.ajax({
        url: url,
        type: 'GET',
        async: false,
    return JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText);  

getActivity() returns null in Fragment function

I am using OkHttp and I just faced this issue.

For the first part @thucnguyen was on the right track.

This happened when you call getActivity() in another thread that finished after the fragment has been removed. The typical case is calling getActivity() (ex. for a Toast) when an HTTP request finished (in onResponse for example).

Some HTTP calls were being executed even after the activity had been closed (because it can take a while for an HTTP request to be completed). I then, through the HttpCallback tried to update some Fragment fields and got a null exception when trying to getActivity().

http.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback(...
  onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
    getActivity().runOnUiThread(...) // <-- getActivity() was null when it had been destroyed already

IMO the solution is to prevent callbacks to occur when the fragment is no longer alive anymore (and that's not just with Okhttp).

The fix: Prevention.

If you have a look at the fragment lifecycle (more info here), you'll notice that there's onAttach(Context context) and onDetach() methods. These get called after the Fragment belongs to an activity and just before stop being so respectively.

That means that we can prevent that callback to happen by controlling it in the onDetach method.

public void onAttach(Context context) {

    // Initialize HTTP we're going to use later.
    http = new OkHttpClient.Builder().build();

public void onDetach() {

    // We don't want to receive any more information about the current HTTP calls after this point.
    // With Okhttp we can simply cancel the on-going ones (credits to
    for (Call call : http.dispatcher().queuedCalls()) {
    for (Call call : http.dispatcher().runningCalls()) {

Pass PDO prepared statement to variables

Instead of using ->bindParam() you can pass the data only at the time of ->execute():

$data = [   ':item_name' => $_POST['item_name'],   ':item_type' => $_POST['item_type'],   ':item_price' => $_POST['item_price'],   ':item_description' => $_POST['item_description'],   ':image_location' => 'images/'.$_FILES['file']['name'],   ':status' => 0,   ':id' => 0, ];  $stmt->execute($data); 

In this way you would know exactly what values are going to be sent.

Fatal error: "No Target Architecture" in Visual Studio

Solve it by placing the following include files and definition first:

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN      // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers

#include <windows.h>

The difference between the Runnable and Callable interfaces in Java

See explanation here.

The Callable interface is similar to Runnable, in that both are designed for classes whose instances are potentially executed by another thread. A Runnable, however, does not return a result and cannot throw a checked exception.

Comparing mongoose _id and strings

converting object id to string(using toString() method) will do the job.

select2 changing items dynamically

I fix the lack of example's library here:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="">

react-router go back a page how do you configure history?

I think you just need to enable BrowserHistory on your router by intializing it like that : <Router history={new BrowserHistory}>.

Before that, you should require BrowserHistory from 'react-router/lib/BrowserHistory'

I hope that helps !

UPDATE : example in ES6

const BrowserHistory = require('react-router/lib/BrowserHistory').default;

const App = React.createClass({
    render: () => {
        return (
            <div><button onClick={BrowserHistory.goBack}>Go Back</button></div>

    <Router history={BrowserHistory}>
        <Route path="/" component={App} />
), document.body);

Type Checking: typeof, GetType, or is?

It depends on what I'm doing. If I need a bool value (say, to determine if I'll cast to an int), I'll use is. If I actually need the type for some reason (say, to pass to some other method) I'll use GetType().

Is there an XSLT name-of element?

<xsl:for-each select="person">
  <xsl:for-each select="*">
    <xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/> : <xsl:value-of select="."/>

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

Had a simular issue getting the same exception. Took some time locating. In my case I had a static utility class with a constructor that threw the exception (wrapping it). So my issue was in the static constructor.

How to run Gulp tasks sequentially one after the other

For me it was not running the minify task after concatenation as it expects concatenated input and it was not generated some times.

I tried adding to a default task in execution order and it didn't worked. It worked after adding just a return for each tasks and getting the minification inside gulp.start() like below.

* Concatenate JavaScripts
gulp.task('concat-js', function(){
    return gulp.src([

* Minify JavaScript
gulp.task('minify-js', function(){
    return gulp.src('dist/js/ux.js')

gulp.task('concat', ['concat-js'], function(){



Is a Python dictionary an example of a hash table?

To expand upon nosklo's explanation:

a = {}
b = ['some', 'list']
a[b] = 'some' # this won't work
a[tuple(b)] = 'some' # this will, same as a['some', 'list']

An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll

I had this issue when i refereed a library project from a console application, and the library project was using a nuget package which is not refereed in the console application. Referring the same package in the console application helped to resolve this issue.

Seeing the Inner exception can help.

Move to another EditText when Soft Keyboard Next is clicked on Android

If you want to use a multiline EditText with imeOptions, try:


Query EC2 tags from within instance

A variation on some of the answers above but this is how I got the value of a specific tag from the user-data script on an instance

REGION=$(curl http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/placement/availability-zone | sed 's/.$//')

INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/instance-id)

TAG_VALUE=$(aws ec2 describe-tags --region $REGION --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" "Name=key,Values='<TAG_NAME_HERE>'" | jq -r '.Tags[].Value')

How to connect to a MySQL Data Source in Visual Studio

In order to get the MySQL Database item in the Choose Data Source window, one should install the MySQL for Visual Studio package available here (the last version today is 1.2.6):

Concatenating two std::vectors

With C++11, I'd prefer following to append vector b to a:

std::move(b.begin(), b.end(), std::back_inserter(a));

when a and b are not overlapped, and b is not going to be used anymore.

This is std::move from <algorithm>, not the usual std::move from <utility>.

Enforcing the type of the indexed members of a Typescript object?

Building on @shabunc's answer, this would allow enforcing either the key or the value — or both — to be anything you want to enforce.

type IdentifierKeys = 'my.valid.key.1' | 'my.valid.key.2';
type IdentifierValues = 'my.valid.value.1' | 'my.valid.value.2';

let stuff = new Map<IdentifierKeys, IdentifierValues>();

Should also work using enum instead of a type definition.

Angular 2: How to access an HTTP response body?

Here is an example to access response body using angular2 built in Response

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {Http,Response} from '@angular/http';

export class SampleService {
  constructor(private http:Http) { }


   .map((res:Response) => (
       res.json() //Convert response to JSON
       res.text() //Convert response to a string
   .subscribe(data => {console.log(data)})


Tests not running in Test Explorer

Well i know i am late to the party, but logging my answer here , incase, someone is facing similar issue as mine. I have faced this issue many times. 90% it gets solved by these two steps

project > properties > Build > Platform target > x64 (x32)

Test -> Test Settings > Default Processor Architecture > X64 (x32)

However i found one more common cause. The Solution files often change developer systems and they start pointing to wrong MSTest.TestAdapter. Especially if you are using custom path of nuget packages. I solved this issue by

  1. Opening the .csproj file in notepad.

  2. Manually correcting reference to MSTest.TestAdapter in import instructions like this.

Java Delegates?

It doesn't have an explicit delegate keyword as C#, but you can achieve similar in Java 8 by using a functional interface (i.e. any interface with exactly one method) and lambda:

private interface SingleFunc {
    void printMe();

public static void main(String[] args) {
    SingleFunc sf = () -> {
        System.out.println("Hello, I am a simple single func.");
    SingleFunc sfComplex = () -> {
        System.out.println("Hello, I am a COMPLEX single func.");

private static void delegate(SingleFunc f) {

Every new object of type SingleFunc must implement printMe(), so it is safe to pass it to another method (e.g. delegate(SingleFunc)) to call the printMe() method.

What is the difference between attribute and property?

Delphi used properties and they have found their way into .NET (because it has the same architect).

In Delphi they are often used in combination with runtime type information such that the integrated property editor can be used to set the property in designtime.

Properties are not always related to fields. They can be functions that possible have side effects (but of course that is very bad design).

How to check for empty array in vba macro

if Ubound(yourArray)>-1 then
 debug.print "The array is not empty"
 debug.print "EMPTY"
end if

Swift days between two NSDates

There's hardly any Swift-specific standard library yet; just the lean basic numeric, string, and collection types.

It's perfectly possible to define such shorthands using extensions, but as far as the actual out-of-the-box APIs goes, there is no "new" Cocoa; Swift just maps directly to the same old verbose Cocoa APIs as they already exist.

MySQL Where DateTime is greater than today

FROM customer 
WHERE joiningdate >= NOW();

Best way to find if an item is in a JavaScript array?

It depends on your purpose. If you program for the Web, avoid indexOf, it isn't supported by Internet Explorer 6 (lot of them still used!), or do conditional use:

if (yourArray.indexOf !== undefined) result = yourArray.indexOf(target);
else result = customSlowerSearch(yourArray, target);

indexOf is probably coded in native code, so it is faster than anything you can do in JavaScript (except binary search/dichotomy if the array is appropriate). Note: it is a question of taste, but I would do a return false; at the end of your routine, to return a true Boolean...

How do I get the AM/PM value from a DateTime?


string.Format("{0:t tt}", datetime);  // -> "P PM"  or "A AM"

displaying a string on the textview when clicking a button in android

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

    mybtn = (Button)findViewById(;

    mybtn .setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            txtView.SetText("Your Message");

Full Screen DialogFragment in Android

Try to use setStyle() in onCreate and override onCreateDialog make dialog without title

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Dialog dialog = super.onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState);
    return dialog;

or just override onCreate() and setStyle fellow the code.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


Dim o
Set o = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", "", False
' o.responseText now holds the response as a string.

How can I create a copy of an Oracle table without copying the data?

Using sql developer select the table and click on the DDL tab

You can use that code to create a new table with no data when you run it in a sql worksheet

sqldeveloper is a free to use app from oracle.

If the table has sequences or triggers the ddl will sometimes generate those for you too. You just have to be careful what order you make them in and know when to turn the triggers on or off.

Configure Log4Net in web application

You need to call the Configurefunction of the XmlConfigurator


Either call before your first loggin call or in your Global.asax like this:

protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) {

How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file

besides pause.

set /p=

can be used .It will expect user input and will release the flow when enter is pressed.


runas /user:# "" >nul 2>&1

which will do the same except nothing from the user input will be displayed nor will remain in the command history.

You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=

I experienced this when upgrading .NET Core 1.1 to 2.1.

I followed the instructions outlined here.

Try to remove <RuntimeFrameworkVersion>1.1.1</RuntimeFrameworkVersion> or <NetStandardImplicitPackageVersion> section in the .csproj.

What is the purpose of the vshost.exe file?

Adding on, you can turn off the creation of vshost files for your Release build configuration and have it enabled for Debug.


  • Project Properties > Debug > Configuration (Release) > Disable the Visual Studio hosting process
  • Project Properties > Debug > Configuration (Debug) > Enable the Visual Studio hosting process

Screenshot from VS2010


  1. MSDN How to: Disable the Hosting Process
  2. MSDN Hosting Process (vshost.exe)

Excerpt from MSDN How to: Disable the Hosting Process

Calls to certain APIs can be affected when the hosting process is enabled. In these cases, it is necessary to disable the hosting process to return the correct results.

To disable the hosting process

  1. Open an executable project in Visual Studio. Projects that do not produce executables (for example, class library or service projects) do not have this option.
  2. On the Project menu, click Properties.
  3. Click the Debug tab.
  4. Clear the Enable the Visual Studio hosting process check box.

When the hosting process is disabled, several debugging features are unavailable or experience decreased performance. For more information, see Debugging and the Hosting Process.

In general, when the hosting process is disabled:

  • The time needed to begin debugging .NET Framework applications increases.
  • Design-time expression evaluation is unavailable.
  • Partial trust debugging is unavailable.

How do you test your Request.QueryString[] variables?

Try this dude...

List<string> keys = new List<string>(Request.QueryString.AllKeys);

Then you will be able to search the guy for a string real easy via...


jQuery - passing value from one input to another

Get input1 data to send them to input2 immediately

 <input type="text" id="input1" value="">

<input type="text" id="input2" value="">

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $("#input1").keyup(function () {
                var value = $(this).val();

How do I specify the platform for MSBuild?

If you're trying to do this from the command line, you may be encountering an issue where a machine-wide environment variable 'Platform' is being set for you and working against you. I can reproduce this if I use the VS2012 Command window instead of a regular windows Command window.

At the command prompt type:

set platform

In a VS2012 Command window, I have a value of 'X64' preset. That seems to interfere with whatever is in my solution file.

In a regular Command window, the 'set' command results in a "variable not defined" message...which is good.

If the result of your 'set' command above returns no environment variable value, you should be good to go.

How to compile without warnings being treated as errors?


CFLAGS=-Wno-error ./configure

How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android

With some trial and error I learned the following.

Within the *.xml you can combine the stock fonts with the following functions, not only with typeface:


With this two styles, there was no need to use typeface in any other case. The range of combinations is much more bigger with fontfamily&textStyle.

HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL java servlet

It's because you're calling doGet() without actually implementing doGet(). It's the default implementation of doGet() that throws the error saying the method is not supported.

(HTML) Download a PDF file instead of opening them in browser when clicked

you can add the following code

<a href='' class='btnPdf' title='pdf'  target='_blank' type='application/pdf' >Télécharger la fiche du bien</a>

How to detect responsive breakpoints of Twitter Bootstrap 3 using JavaScript?

Here my own simple solution:


function getBootstrapBreakpoint(){
    var w = $(document).innerWidth();
    return (w < 768) ? 'xs' : ((w < 992) ? 'sm' : ((w < 1200) ? 'md' : 'lg'));


function getBootstrapBreakpoint(){
    var w = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
    return (w < 768) ? 'xs' : ((w < 992) ? 'sm' : ((w < 1200) ? 'md' : 'lg'));

Java: String - add character n-times

You can use Guava's Strings.repeat method:

String existingString = ...
existingString += Strings.repeat("foo", n);

Why is it that "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI" here?

Just make sure that the controller name is the same as yours DeliveryController if you renamed it (it will not change automatically!). if you rename the project name too you should delete the reference to this project from the Bin folder. Don't forget to specify the method get or post.

react native get TextInput value

constructor(props) {

        this.state ={
            commentMsg: ''         

 onPress = () => {
          alert("Hi " +this.state.commentMsg)

 <View style={styles.sendCommentContainer}>

        onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({commentMsg: text})}
        placeholder ='Comment'/>

       <Button onPress={this.onPress} 



How can I change the color of my prompt in zsh (different from normal text)?

Try my favorite: put in


this line:

PROMPT='%F{240}%n%F{red}@%F{green}%m:%F{141}%d$ %F{reset}'

don't forget

source ~/.zshrc

to test the changes

you can change the colors/color codes, of course :-)

comma separated string of selected values in mysql

Check this

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id)  FROM table_level where parent_id=4 group by parent_id;

How can I dynamically set the position of view in Android?

I found that @Stefan Haustein comes very close to my experience, but not sure 100%. My suggestion is:

  • setLeft() / setRight() / setBottom() / setTop() won't work sometimes.
  • If you want to set a position temporarily (e.g for doing animation, not affected a hierachy) when the view was added and shown, just use setX()/ setY() instead. (You might want search more in difference setLeft() and setX())
  • And note that X, Y seem to be absolute, and it was supported by AbsoluteLayout which now is deprecated. Thus, you feel X, Y is likely not supported any more. And yes, it is, but only partly. It means if your view is added, setX(), setY() will work perfectly; otherwise, when you try to add a view into view group layout (e.g FrameLayout, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout), you must set its LayoutParams with marginLeft, marginTop instead (setX(), setY() in this case won't work sometimes).
  • Set position of the view by marginLeft and marginTop is an unsynchronized process. So it needs a bit time to update hierarchy. If you use the view straight away after set margin for it, you might get a wrong value.

How could I put a border on my grid control in WPF?

I think your problem is that the margin should be specified in the border tag and not in the grid.

Default keystore file does not exist?

In macOS, open the Terminal and type below command


It will navigate to the folder that containing Keystore file (You can confirm it with 'ls' command)

In my case, there is a file named 'debug.keystore'. Then type below command in the terminal from the ~/.android directory.

keytool -list -v -keystore debug.keystore

You will get the expected output.

How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?

Just use special `

var lyrics = 'Never gonna give you up';
var html = `<div>${lyrics}</div>`;

You can see more examples here.

Python: instance has no attribute

Your class doesn't have a __init__(), so by the time it's instantiated, the attribute atoms is not present. You'd have to do C.setdata('something') so C.atoms becomes available.

>>> C = Residues()
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#84>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: Residues instance has no attribute 'atoms'

>>> C.setdata('something')
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')   # now it works

Unlike in languages like Java, where you know at compile time what attributes/member variables an object will have, in Python you can dynamically add attributes at runtime. This also implies instances of the same class can have different attributes.

To ensure you'll always have (unless you mess with it down the line, then it's your own fault) an atoms list you could add a constructor:

def __init__(self):
    self.atoms = []

nodemon not found in npm

sudo npm install nodemon -g --save

Finally this worked for me. I hope this must work for others too

Selenium using Python - Geckodriver executable needs to be in PATH

Ubuntu 18.04+ and the newest release of geckodriver

This should also work for other *nix varieties as well.

export GV=v0.29.0
wget "$GV/geckodriver-$GV-linux64.tar.gz"
tar xvzf geckodriver-$GV-linux64.tar.gz
chmod +x geckodriver
sudo cp geckodriver /usr/local/bin/

For Mac update to:


How to properly add cross-site request forgery (CSRF) token using PHP

For security code, please don't generate your tokens this way: $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));

Try this out:

Generating a CSRF Token


if (empty($_SESSION['token'])) {
    $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
$token = $_SESSION['token'];

Sidenote: One of my employer's open source projects is an initiative to backport random_bytes() and random_int() into PHP 5 projects. It's MIT licensed and available on Github and Composer as paragonie/random_compat.

PHP 5.3+ (or with ext-mcrypt)

if (empty($_SESSION['token'])) {
    if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
        $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
    } else {
        $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32));
$token = $_SESSION['token'];

Verifying the CSRF Token

Don't just use == or even ===, use hash_equals() (PHP 5.6+ only, but available to earlier versions with the hash-compat library).

if (!empty($_POST['token'])) {
    if (hash_equals($_SESSION['token'], $_POST['token'])) {
         // Proceed to process the form data
    } else {
         // Log this as a warning and keep an eye on these attempts

Going Further with Per-Form Tokens

You can further restrict tokens to only be available for a particular form by using hash_hmac(). HMAC is a particular keyed hash function that is safe to use, even with weaker hash functions (e.g. MD5). However, I recommend using the SHA-2 family of hash functions instead.

First, generate a second token for use as an HMAC key, then use logic like this to render it:

<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php
    echo hash_hmac('sha256', '/my_form.php', $_SESSION['second_token']);
?>" />

And then using a congruent operation when verifying the token:

$calc = hash_hmac('sha256', '/my_form.php', $_SESSION['second_token']);
if (hash_equals($calc, $_POST['token'])) {
    // Continue...

The tokens generated for one form cannot be reused in another context without knowing $_SESSION['second_token']. It is important that you use a separate token as an HMAC key than the one you just drop on the page.

Bonus: Hybrid Approach + Twig Integration

Anyone who uses the Twig templating engine can benefit from a simplified dual strategy by adding this filter to their Twig environment:

    new \Twig_SimpleFunction(
        function($lock_to = null) {
            if (empty($_SESSION['token'])) {
                $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
            if (empty($_SESSION['token2'])) {
                $_SESSION['token2'] = random_bytes(32);
            if (empty($lock_to)) {
                return $_SESSION['token'];
            return hash_hmac('sha256', $lock_to, $_SESSION['token2']);

With this Twig function, you can use both the general purpose tokens like so:

<input type="hidden" name="token" value="{{ form_token() }}" />

Or the locked down variant:

<input type="hidden" name="token" value="{{ form_token('/my_form.php') }}" />

Twig is only concerned with template rendering; you still must validate the tokens properly. In my opinion, the Twig strategy offers greater flexibility and simplicity, while maintaining the possibility for maximum security.

Single-Use CSRF Tokens

If you have a security requirement that each CSRF token is allowed to be usable exactly once, the simplest strategy regenerate it after each successful validation. However, doing so will invalidate every previous token which doesn't mix well with people who browse multiple tabs at once.

Paragon Initiative Enterprises maintains an Anti-CSRF library for these corner cases. It works with one-use per-form tokens, exclusively. When enough tokens are stored in the session data (default configuration: 65535), it will cycle out the oldest unredeemed tokens first.

How to exit an if clause

while some_condition:
   if condition_a:
       # do something
   if condition_b:
       # do something
   # more code here

How do I add a new class to an element dynamically?

:hover is a pseudoclass, so you can put your CSS declarations there:

a:hover {
    color: #f00;

You can also use a list of selectors to apply CSS declarations to a hovered element or an element with a certain class:

a:hover {
    color: #f00;

Difference between abstraction and encapsulation?


Abstraction is the process of extracting out the common properties and fields of all existing and foreseen implementations.

For example: Car is an abstraction for Sedan, Hatchback, SUV, Coupe, Convertible. Car would have all the properties and fields common to all types of cars.


Encapsulation is the process of hiding unwanted details from the user. This term comes from the Capsule. Just like medicine is hidden from the user inside the capsule. Details of various machines and equipments and devices ranging from Mixers, Bikes, Washing machines, Radio, Television to Airplanes. You don't want all the details of the machine to be visible to user.

In programming terms: Let us consider a class Car. In the example below, all that user needs to know is turn the key (turnKey() method), he does not know about the internal functions. User does not need to know about any of the internal functions or about the internal components.

In this case, all the private methods are internal functions and private fields like 'Piston p1' are internal data which user does not need to know.

public class Car{

    private void startMotor(){ //do something }
    private void generateVoltage(){ //do something }
    private void sparkPlugIgnition(){ //do something }
    private void fuelFlowFromTankToInjector(){ //do something }
    private void pushPistonsDown() { 
               //do something    }
    private void moveCrankShaft(){ //do something }

    private Piston p1;
    private Piston p2;

    public void turnKey(){

What are the differences between C, C# and C++ in terms of real-world applications?

C - an older programming language that is described as Hands-on. As the programmer you must tell the program to do everything. Also this language will let you do almost anything. It does not support object orriented code. Thus no classes.

C++ - an extention language per se of C. In C code ++ means increment 1. Thus C++ is better than C. It allows for highly controlled object orriented code. Once again a very hands on language that goes into MUCH detail.

C# - Full object orriented code resembling the style of C/C++ code. This is really closer to JAVA. C# is the latest version of the C style languages and is very good for developing web applications.

How to Return partial view of another controller by controller?

The control searches for a view in the following order:

  • First in shared folder
  • Then in the folder matching the current controller (in your case it's Views/DEF)

As you do not have xxx.cshtml in those locations, it returns a "view not found" error.

Solution: You can use the complete path of your view:


 PartialView("~/views/ABC/XXX.cshtml", zyxmodel);

Why use Optional.of over Optional.ofNullable?

This depends upon scenarios.

Let's say you have some business functionality and you need to process something with that value further but having null value at time of processing would impact it.

Then, in that case, you can use Optional<?>.

String nullName = null;

String name = Optional.ofNullable(nullName)
                      .orElse("Default value in case of null");

PHP & localStorage;

localStorage is something that is kept on the client side. There is no data transmitted to the server side.

You can only get the data with JavaScript and you can send it to the server side with Ajax.

ArrayList of String Arrays

Simple and straight forward way to create ArrayList of String

    List<String> category = Arrays.asList("everton", "liverpool", "swansea", "chelsea");


How do you set the max number of characters for an EditText in Android?


editText.setFilters(new InputFilter[] { new InputFilter.LengthFilter(MAX_NUM) });

Via xml:
