[android] getActivity() returns null in Fragment function

I have a fragment (F1) with a public method like this

public void asd() {
    if (getActivity() == null) {
        Log.d("yes","it is null");

and yes when I call it (from the Activity), it is null...

FragmentTransaction transaction1 = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
F1 f1 = new F1();
transaction1.replace(R.id.upperPart, f1);

It must be something that I am doing very wrong, but I don't know what that is.

The answer is

Where do you call this function? If you call it in the constructor of Fragment, it will return null.

Just call getActivity() when the method onCreateView() is executed.

The best to get rid of this is to keep activity reference when onAttach is called and use the activity reference wherever needed, for e.g.

public void onAttach(Context context) {
    mContext = context;

public void onDetach() {
    mContext = null;

PJL is right. I have used his suggestion and this is what i have done:

  1. defined global variables for fragment:

    private final Object attachingActivityLock = new Object();

    private boolean syncVariable = false;

  2. implemented

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
  synchronized (attachingActivityLock) {
      syncVariable = true;

3 . I wrapped up my function, where I need to call getActivity(), in thread, because if it would run on main thread, i would block the thread with the step 4. and onAttach() would never be called.

    Thread processImage = new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {

4 . in my function where I need to call getActivity(), I use this (before the call getActivity())

    synchronized (attachingActivityLock) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

If you have some UI updates, remember to run them on UI thread. I need to update ImgeView so I did:

image.post(new Runnable() {

    public void run() {

You can using onAttach or if you do not want to put onAttach everywhere then you can put a method that returns ApplicationContext on the main App class :

public class App {
    private static Context context;

    public void onCreate() {
        context = this;

    public static Context getContext() {
        return context;

After that you can re-use it everywhere in all over your project, like this :


Please let me know if this does not work for you.

Those who still have the problem with onAttach(Activity activity), Its just changed to Context -

public void onAttach(Context context) {
    this.context = context;

In most cases saving the context will be enough for you - for example if you want to do getResources() you can do it straight from the context. If you still need to make the context into your Activity do so -

public void onAttach(Context context) {
    mActivity a; //Your activity class - will probably be a global var.
    if (context instanceof mActivity){
        a=(mActivity) context;

As suggested by user1868713.

Since Android API level 23, onAttach(Activity activity) has been deprecated. You need to use onAttach(Context context). http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Fragment.html#onAttach(android.app.Activity)

Activity is a context so if you can simply check the context is an Activity and cast it if necessary.

public void onAttach(Context context) {

    Activity a;

    if (context instanceof Activity){
        a=(Activity) context;


This happened when you call getActivity() in another thread that finished after the fragment has been removed. The typical case is calling getActivity() (ex. for a Toast) when an HTTP request finished (in onResponse for example).

To avoid this, you can define a field name mActivity and use it instead of getActivity(). This field can be initialized in onAttach() method of Fragment as following:

public void onAttach(Context context) {

    if (context instanceof Activity){
        mActivity =(Activity) context;

In my projects, I usually define a base class for all of my Fragments with this feature:

public abstract class BaseFragment extends Fragment {

    protected FragmentActivity mActivity;

public void onAttach(Context context) {

    if (context instanceof Activity){
        mActivity =(Activity) context;

Happy coding,

Another good solution would be using Android's LiveData with MVVM architecture. You would define a LiveData object inside your ViewModel and observe it in your fragment, and when LiveData value is changed, it would notify your observer (fragment in this case) only if your fragment is in active state, so it would be guaranteed that you would make your UI works and access the activity only when your fragment is in active state. This is one advantage that comes with LiveData

Of course when this question was first asked, there was no LiveData. I am leaving this answer here because as I see, there is still this problem and it could be helpful to someone.

I have solved my problem this way.I have passed getApplicationContext from the previous class which has already access of getApplicationContext.I have passed Inputstream object to my new class Nutrients.

                    InputStream is= getApplicationContext().getAssets().open("nutrient_list.json");
                    Nutrients nutrients=Nutrients.getNutrients(topRecognition,is);

                  } catch (IOException e) {

I am using OkHttp and I just faced this issue.

For the first part @thucnguyen was on the right track.

This happened when you call getActivity() in another thread that finished after the fragment has been removed. The typical case is calling getActivity() (ex. for a Toast) when an HTTP request finished (in onResponse for example).

Some HTTP calls were being executed even after the activity had been closed (because it can take a while for an HTTP request to be completed). I then, through the HttpCallback tried to update some Fragment fields and got a null exception when trying to getActivity().

http.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback(...
  onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
    getActivity().runOnUiThread(...) // <-- getActivity() was null when it had been destroyed already

IMO the solution is to prevent callbacks to occur when the fragment is no longer alive anymore (and that's not just with Okhttp).

The fix: Prevention.

If you have a look at the fragment lifecycle (more info here), you'll notice that there's onAttach(Context context) and onDetach() methods. These get called after the Fragment belongs to an activity and just before stop being so respectively.

That means that we can prevent that callback to happen by controlling it in the onDetach method.

public void onAttach(Context context) {

    // Initialize HTTP we're going to use later.
    http = new OkHttpClient.Builder().build();

public void onDetach() {

    // We don't want to receive any more information about the current HTTP calls after this point.
    // With Okhttp we can simply cancel the on-going ones (credits to https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/2205#issuecomment-169363942).
    for (Call call : http.dispatcher().queuedCalls()) {
    for (Call call : http.dispatcher().runningCalls()) {

The order in which the callbacks are called after commit():

  1. Whatever method you call manually right after commit()
  2. onAttach()
  3. onCreateView()
  4. onActivityCreated()

I needed to do some work that involved some Views, so onAttach() didn't work for me; it crashed. So I moved part of my code that was setting some params inside a method called right after commit() (1.), then the other part of the code that handled view inside onCreateView() (3.).

Call getActivity() method inside the onActivityCreated()

Do as follows. I think it will be helpful to you.

private boolean isVisibleToUser = false;
private boolean isExecutedOnce = false;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_my, container, false);
    if (isVisibleToUser && !isExecutedOnce) {
    return root;

public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) {
    this.isVisibleToUser = isVisibleToUser;
    if (isVisibleToUser && getActivity()!=null) {
        isExecutedOnce =true;

private void executeWithActivity(Activity activity){
    //Do what you have to do when page is loaded with activity


The other answers that suggest keeping a reference to the activity in onAttach are just suggesting a bandaid to the real problem. When getActivity returns null it means that the Fragment is not attached to the Activity. Most commonly this happens when the Activity has gone away due to rotation or the Activity being finished but the Fragment still has some kind of callback listener registered. When the listener gets called if you need to do something with the Activity but the Activity is gone there isn't much you can do. In your code you should just check getActivity() != null and if it's not there then don't do anything. If you keep a reference to the Activity that is gone you are preventing the Activity from being garbage collected. Any UI things you might try to do won't be seen by the user. I can imagine some situations where in the callback listener you want to have a Context for something non-UI related, in those cases it probably makes more sense to get the Application context. Note that the only reason that the onAttach trick isn't a big memory leak is because normally after the callback listener executes it won't be needed anymore and can be garbage collected along with the Fragment, all its View's and the Activity context. If you setRetainInstance(true) there is a bigger chance of a memory leak because the Activity field will also be retained but after rotation that could be the previous Activity not the current one.

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