Programs & Examples On #Dosgi

Distributed OSGi. The OSGi Alliance is a worldwide consortium of technology innovators that advances a proven and mature process to create open specifications that enable the modular assembly of software built with Java technology. The OSGi Service Platform facilitates the componentization of software modules and applications and assures interoperability of applications and services over a variety of networked devices.

Eclipse: Java was started but returned error code=13

This is caused when java is updated. You have to delete in environement path : C:**ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath**

Error launching Eclipse 4.4 "Version 1.6.0_65 of the JVM is not suitable for this product."

Your -vm argument seems ok BUT it's position is wrong. According to this Eclipse Wiki entry :

The -vm option must occur before the -vmargs option, since everything after -vmargs is passed directly to the JVM.

So your -vm argument is not taken into account and it fails over to your default java installation, which is probably 1.6.0_65.

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

If you are using Virtual Machine (VM), allocate more RAM to your VM and your problem will be solved.

how to configure lombok in eclipse luna

Step 1: Create a maven project in Eclipse and add the below dependency in the pom.xml


Step 2: Run As --> Configuraitons --> Goto Arguments --> give arguments like below maven -clean install

enter image description here

Step 3: Run As --> maven clean

Once you do the maven clean you see Build Success and lombok jar file in the maven Dependencies

enter image description here

Step 4: Goto the jar location as shown in the below screen shot.

enter image description here

Step 5: Give command as shown like below after reaching in the .m2 folder

enter image description here

Step 6: Locate where is your eclipse folder once you this window.Once you see Install Successfull message click on Quit Installer option at the bottom.

enter image description here

Step 7 : We have finished installing the lombok.jar successfully .Now restart your Eclipse IDE and Start below Sample Code to check whether the data is coming or not in the getters and setters.

Step 8: Open Eclipse and create simple Java Maven project and see in the Outline section you can see getters and setters are created you can use either @Data or @Getter @Setter On top of class or you can give on top of variable

@Getter @Setter
privateString riverName;


Class River{
String riverName;


class River 
Private String riverName;


You can see the project structure and Outline Structure how it got created in simple steps.

enter image description here

Eclipse gives “Java was started but returned exit code 13”

When I uninstalled Java 8 it worked fine.

Eclipse - Failed to create the java virtual machine

Change target to specific installation file
like below
Target: D:\SoftWares\oepe-\eclipse.exe -vm D:\delete\jdk1.7.0_67\bin\javaw.exe

Increase JVM max heap size for Eclipse

It is possible to increase heap size allocated by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) by using command line options.

-Xms<size>        set initial Java heap size
-Xmx<size>        set maximum Java heap size
-Xss<size>        set java thread stack size

If you are using the tomcat server, you can change the heap size by going to Eclipse/Run/Run Configuration and select Apache Tomcat/your_server_name/Arguments and under VM arguments section use the following:

-Xms256m -Xmx512M

If you are not using any server, you can type the following on the command line before you run your code:

java -Xms64m -Xmx256m HelloWorld

More information on increasing the heap size can be found here

Unable to open debugger port in IntelliJ

Add the following parameter debug-enabled="true" to this line in the glassfish configuration. Example:

<java-config  debug-options="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9009" debug-enabled="true"
  system-classpath="" native-library-path-prefix="D:\Project\lib\windows\64bit" classpath-suffix="">

Start and stop the glassfish domain or service which was using this configuration.

Eclipse error: 'Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine'

Quick fix:

Change -Xmx1024m to -Xmx512m in eclipse.ini (file located at the same level where eclipse.exe is present). And it will work like a charm.

Angular2 @Input to a property with get/set

@Paul Cavacas, I had the same issue and I solved by setting the Input() decorator above the getter.

  get in(): any {
    return this._allowDays;

  // not working
  set in(val) {
    console.log('allowDays = '+val);
    this._allowDays = val;

See this plunker:

' << ' operator in verilog

<< is a binary shift, shifting 1 to the left 8 places.

4'b0001 << 1 => 4'b0010

>> is a binary right shift adding 0's to the MSB.
>>> is a signed shift which maintains the value of the MSB if the left input is signed.

4'sb1011 >>  1 => 0101
4'sb1011 >>> 1 => 1101

Three ways to indicate left operand is signed:

module shift;
  logic        [3:0] test1 = 4'b1000;
  logic signed [3:0] test2 = 4'b1000;

  initial begin
    $display("%b", $signed(test1) >>> 1 ); //Explicitly set as signed
    $display("%b", test2          >>> 1 ); //Declared as signed type
    $display("%b", 4'sb1000       >>> 1 ); //Signed constant

How do I run a node.js app as a background service?

If you are running OSX, then the easiest way to produce a true system process is to use launchd to launch it.

Build a plist like this, and put it into the /Library/LaunchDaemons with the name top-level-domain.your-domain.application.plist (you need to be root when placing it):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">






When done, issue this (as root):

launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/top-level-domain.your-domain.application.plist
launchctl start top-level-domain.your-domain.application

and you are running.

And you will still be running after a restart.

For other options in the plist look at the man page here:

Text Editor which shows \r\n?

GVIM runs on Windows, and there is VIM for cmd.


Also, a quick look through the docs or google, or some vimmy friends can help you to use VIM's quick search and replace to fix the problem you are having I believe.

ActiveXObject creation error " Automation server can't create object"

This error is cause by security clutches between the web application and your java. To resolve it, look into your java setting under control panel. Move the security level to a medium.

How to get today's Date?

Date today = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

DateUtils from Apache Commons-Lang. Watch out for time zone!

Switching the order of block elements with CSS

<div id="container">
    <div id="a">Block A</div>
    <div id="b">Block B</div>
    <div id="c">Block C</div>

lets say the height of a block is 100px

#container     {position:relative; height: 300px;}
#a, #b, #c     {position:absolute; height: 100px}
#c             {top: 0px;}
#b             {top: 100px;}
#a             {top: 200px;}

Calling @Html.Partial to display a partial view belonging to a different controller

That's no problem.

@Html.Partial("../Controller/View", model)


@Html.Partial("~/Views/Controller/View.cshtml", model)

Should do the trick.

If you want to pass through the (other) controller, you can use:

@Html.Action("action", "controller", parameters)

or any of the other overloads

Unable to get spring boot to automatically create database schema

If your entity class isn't in the same package as your main class, you can use @EntityScan annotation in the main class, specifying the Entity you want to save or package too. Like your model package.


spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = create

You can use the option update. It won't erase any data, and will create tables in the same way.

Requery a subform from another form?

I tried several solutions above, but none solved my problem. Solution to refresh a subform in a form after saving data to database:


It worked fine for me. Good luck.

Multiple conditions with CASE statements

It's not a cut and paste. The CASE expression must return a value, and you are returning a string containing SQL (which is technically a value but of a wrong type). This is what you wanted to write, I think:

SELECT * FROM [Purchasing].[Vendor] WHERE  
  WHEN @url IS null OR @url = '' OR @url = 'ALL'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL LIKE '%'
  WHEN @url = 'blank'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL = ''
  WHEN @url = 'fail'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL NOT LIKE '%treyresearch%'
  ELSE PurchasingWebServiceURL = '%' + @url + '%' 

I also suspect that this might not work in some dialects, but can't test now (Oracle, I'm looking at you), due to not having booleans.

However, since @url is not dependent on the table values, why not make three different queries, and choose which to evaluate based on your parameter?

Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method fxn(int) from the type Two

Since the main method is static and the fxn() method is not, you can't call the method without first creating a Two object. So either you change the method to:

public static int fxn(int y) {
    y = 5;
    return y;

or change the code in main to:

Two two = new Two();
x = two.fxn(x);

Read more on static here in the Java Tutorials.

I forgot the password I entered during postgres installation

The pg_hba.conf (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data) file has changed since these answers were given. What worked for me, in Windows, is to open the file and change the METHOD from md5 to trust:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

Then, using pgAdmin III, I logged in using no password and changed user postgres' password by going to File -> Change Password

TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int found

The answers by cval and Priyank Patel work great. However, be aware that some values could be unicode strings and therefore may cause the str to throw a UnicodeEncodeError error. In that case, replace the function str by the function unicode.

For example, assume the string Libië (Dutch for Libya), represented in Python as the unicode string u'Libi\xeb':

print str(u'Libi\xeb')

throws the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/tomasz/Python/MA-CIW-Scriptie/", line 21, in <module>
    print str(u'Libi\xeb')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xeb' in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)

The following line, however, will not throw an error:

print unicode(u'Libi\xeb') # prints Libië

So, replace:

values = ','.join([str(i) for i in value_list])


values = ','.join([unicode(i) for i in value_list])

to be safe.

How to create a WPF Window without a border that can be resized via a grip only?

Sample here:

<Style TargetType="Window" x:Key="DialogWindow">
        <Setter Property="AllowsTransparency" Value="True"/>
        <Setter Property="WindowStyle" Value="None"/>
        <Setter Property="ResizeMode" Value="CanResizeWithGrip"/>
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Window}">
                    <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="3" CornerRadius="10" Height="{TemplateBinding Height}"
                            Width="{TemplateBinding Width}" Background="Gray">
                            <Grid DockPanel.Dock="Top">
                                    <ColumnDefinition Width="50"/>
                                <Label Height="35" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"
                                <Button Width="15" Height="15" Content="x" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="PART_CloseButton"/>
                            <Border HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" 
                                        Background="LightBlue" CornerRadius="0,0,10,10" 
                                        <ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>
                                        <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
                                        <RowDefinition Height="20"></RowDefinition>
                                    <ResizeGrip Width="10" Height="10" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Grid.Row="1"/>

How to bind a List<string> to a DataGridView control?

An alternate is to use a new helper function which will take values from List and update in the DataGridView as following:

    private void DisplayStringListInDataGrid(List<string> passedList, ref DataGridView gridToUpdate, string newColumnHeader)
        DataTable gridData = new DataTable();

        foreach (string listItem in passedList)

        BindingSource gridDataBinder = new BindingSource();
        gridDataBinder.DataSource = gridData;
        dgDataBeingProcessed.DataSource = gridDataBinder;

Then we can call this function the following way:

    DisplayStringListInDataGrid(<nameOfListWithStrings>, ref <nameOfDataGridViewToDisplay>, <nameToBeGivenForTheNewColumn>);

MySQL - UPDATE query based on SELECT Query

You can actually do this one of two ways:

MySQL update join syntax:

UPDATE tableA a
INNER JOIN tableB b ON a.name_a = b.name_b
SET validation_check = if(start_dts > end_dts, 'VALID', '')
-- where clause can go here

ANSI SQL syntax:

UPDATE tableA SET validation_check = 
    (SELECT if(start_DTS > end_DTS, 'VALID', '') AS validation_check
        FROM tableA
        INNER JOIN tableB ON name_A = name_B
        WHERE id_A = tableA.id_A)

Pick whichever one seems most natural to you.

How to get first record in each group using Linq

Use it to achieve what you want. Then decide which properties you want to return.

yourList.OrderBy(l => l.Id).GroupBy(l => new { GroupName = l.F1}).Select(r => r.Key.GroupName)

How to determine a user's IP address in node

var ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || 
     req.connection.remoteAddress || 
     req.socket.remoteAddress ||
     (req.connection.socket ? req.connection.socket.remoteAddress : null);

Note that sometimes you can get more than one IP address in req.headers['x-forwarded-for']. Also, an x-forwarded-for header will not always be set which may throw an error.

The general format of the field is:

x-forwarded-for: client, proxy1, proxy2, proxy3

where the value is a comma+space separated list of IP addresses, the left-most being the original client, and each successive proxy that passed the request adding the IP address where it received the request from. In this example, the request passed through proxy1, proxy2, and then proxy3. proxy3 appears as remote address of the request.

This is the solution suggested by Arnav Gupta with a fix Martin has suggested below in the comments for cases when x-forwarded-for is not set :

var ip = (req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || '').split(',').pop().trim() || 
         req.connection.remoteAddress || 
         req.socket.remoteAddress || 

Suggestion using modern JS:

  • processing x-forwarded-for only if set, if so, take the first address
  • other parameters use optional chaining (?.)
const parseIp = (req) =>
    (typeof req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] === 'string'
        && req.headers['x-forwarded-for'].split(',').shift())
    || req.connection?.remoteAddress
    || req.socket?.remoteAddress
    || req.connection?.socket?.remoteAddress

// =>

how to cancel/abort ajax request in axios

Using cp-axios wrapper you able to abort your requests with three diffent types of the cancellation API:

1. Promise cancallation API (CPromise):

Live browser example

 const cpAxios= require('cp-axios');
 const url= '';
 const chain = cpAxios(url)
      .then(response=> {
          console.log(`Done: ${JSON.stringify(}`)
      }, err => {
          console.warn(`Request failed: ${err}`)
 setTimeout(() => {
 }, 500);

2. Using AbortController signal API:

 const cpAxios= require('cp-axios');
 const CPromise= require('c-promise2');
 const url= '';
 const abortController = new CPromise.AbortController();
 const {signal} = abortController;
 const chain = cpAxios(url, {signal})
      .then(response=> {
          console.log(`Done: ${JSON.stringify(}`)
      }, err => {
          console.warn(`Request failed: ${err}`)
 setTimeout(() => {
 }, 500);

3. Using a plain axios cancelToken:

 const cpAxios= require('cp-axios');
 const url= '';

 const source = cpAxios.CancelToken.source();
 cpAxios(url, {cancelToken: source.token})
      .then(response=> {
          console.log(`Done: ${JSON.stringify(}`)
      }, err => {
          console.warn(`Request failed: ${err}`)
 setTimeout(() => {
 }, 500);

Notepad++ cached files location

I noticed it myself, and found the files inside the backup folder. You can check where it is using Menu:Settings -> Preferences -> Backup. Note : My NPP installation is portable, and on Windows, so YMMV.

Count how many rows have the same value

SELECT sum(num) WHERE num = 1;

MacOSX homebrew mysql root password

Try with sudo to avoid the "Access denied" error:

sudo $(brew --prefix mariadb)/bin/mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASS

What is the difference between encode/decode?

There are a few encodings that can be used to de-/encode from str to str or from unicode to unicode. For example base64, hex or even rot13. They are listed in the codecs module.


The decode message on a unicode string can undo the corresponding encode operation:

In [1]: u'0a'.decode('hex')
Out[1]: '\n'

The returned type is str instead of unicode which is unfortunate in my opinion. But when you are not doing a proper en-/decode between str and unicode this looks like a mess anyway.

How to show code but hide output in RMarkdown?

The results = 'hide' option doesn't prevent other messages to be printed. To hide them, the following options are useful:

  • {r, error=FALSE}
  • {r, warning=FALSE}
  • {r, message=FALSE}

In every case, the corresponding warning, error or message will be printed to the console instead.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) in Bind function

The 500 code would normally indicate an error on the server, not anything with your code. Some thoughts

  • Talk to the server developer for more info. You can't get more info directly.
  • Verify your arguments into the call (values). Look for anything you might think could cause a problem for the server process. The process should not die and should return you a better code, but bugs happen there also.
  • Could be intermittent, like if the server database goes down. May be worth trying at another time.

Wait for shell command to complete

This is what I use to have VB wait for process to complete before continuing. I did not write this and do not take credit.

It was offered in some other open forum and works very well for me:

The following declarations are needed for the RunShell subroutine:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long


Private Const STATUS_PENDING = &H103&

'then in your subroutine where you need to shell:

RunShell (path and filename or command, as quoted text)

How do I pass command-line arguments to a WinForms application?

static void Main(string[] args)
  // For the sake of this example, we're just printing the arguments to the console.
  for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
    Console.WriteLine("args[{0}] == {1}", i, args[i]);

The arguments will then be stored in the args string array:

$ AppB.exe firstArg secondArg thirdArg
args[0] == firstArg
args[1] == secondArg
args[2] == thirdArg

How can I detect window size with jQuery?

You can get the values for the width and height of the browser using the following:


To get notified when the browser is resized, use this bind callback:

$(window).resize(function() {
    // Do something

How to get an Array with jQuery, multiple <input> with the same name

Firstly, you shouldn't have multiple elements with the same ID on a page - ID should be unique.

You could just remove the id attribute and and replace it with:

<input type='text' name='task'>

and to get an array of the values of task do

var taskArray = new Array();
$("input[name=task]").each(function() {

How does jQuery work when there are multiple elements with the same ID value?

Having 2 elements with the same ID is not valid html according to the W3C specification.

When your CSS selector only has an ID selector (and is not used on a specific context), jQuery uses the native document.getElementById method, which returns only the first element with that ID.

However, in the other two instances, jQuery relies on the Sizzle selector engine (or querySelectorAll, if available), which apparently selects both elements. Results may vary on a per browser basis.

However, you should never have two elements on the same page with the same ID. If you need it for your CSS, use a class instead.

If you absolutely must select by duplicate ID, use an attribute selector:


Take a look at the fiddle:

Note: if possible, you should qualify that selector with a tag selector, like this:


Using Eloquent ORM in Laravel to perform search of database using LIKE

If you need to frequently use LIKE, you can simplify the problem a bit. A custom method like () can be created in the model that inherits the Eloquent ORM:

public  function scopeLike($query, $field, $value){
        return $query->where($field, 'LIKE', "%$value%");

So then you can use this method in such way:

User::like('name', 'Tomas')->get();

How to add onload event to a div element

You cannot add event onload on div, but you can add onkeydown and trigger onkeydown event on document load

$(function ()_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div  onkeydown="setCss( );"> </div>`

How to put a jar in classpath in Eclipse?

Right click on the project in which you want to put jar file. A window will open like this

enter image description here

Click on the AddExternal Jars there you can give the path to that jar file

WPF: simple TextBox data binding

Your Window is not implementing the necessary data binding notifications that the grid requires to use it as a data source, namely the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

Your "Name2" string needs also to be a property and not a public variable, as data binding is for use with properties.

Implementing the necessary interfaces for using an object as a data source can be found here.

jquery data selector

If you also use jQueryUI, you get a (simple) version of the :data selector with it that checks for the presence of a data item, so you can do something like $("div:data(view)"), or $( this ).closest(":data(view)").

See . I don't know for how long they've had it, but it's there now!

How do I sort a list of datetime or date objects?

You're getting None because list.sort() it operates in-place, meaning that it doesn't return anything, but modifies the list itself. You only need to call a.sort() without assigning it to a again.

There is a built in function sorted(), which returns a sorted version of the list - a = sorted(a) will do what you want as well.

How to change Named Range Scope

I added some additional lines of code to JS20'07'11's previous Makro to make sure that the name of the sheet's Named Ranges isn't already a name of the workbook's Named Ranges. Without these lines the already definied workbook scooped Named range is deleted and replaced.

Public Sub RescopeNamedRangesToWorkbookV2()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim objNameWs As Name
Dim objNameWb As Name
Dim sWsName As String
Dim sWbName As String
Dim sRefersTo As String
Dim sObjName As String
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = ActiveSheet
sWsName = ws.Name
sWbName = wb.Name

'Loop through names in worksheet.
For Each objNameWs In ws.Names

'Check name is visble.
    If objNameWs.Visible = True Then
'Check name refers to a range on the active sheet.
        If InStr(1, objNameWs.RefersTo, sWsName, vbTextCompare) Then
            sRefersTo = objNameWs.RefersTo
            sObjName = objNameWs.Name
'Check name is scoped to the worksheet.
            If objNameWs.Parent.Name <> sWbName Then
'Delete the current name scoped to worksheet replacing with workbook scoped name.
                sObjName = Mid(sObjName, InStr(1, sObjName, "!") + 1, Len(sObjName))
'Check to see if there already is a Named Range with the same Name with the full workbook scope.
                For Each objNameWb In wb.Names
                    If sObjName = objNameWb.Name Then
                    MsgBox "There is already a Named range with ""Workbook scope"" named """ + sObjName + """. Change either Named Range names or delete one before running this Macro."
                    Exit Sub
                    End If
                Next objNameWb
                wb.Names.Add Name:=sObjName, RefersTo:=sRefersTo
            End If
        End If
    End If
Next objNameWs
End Sub

How to create radio buttons and checkbox in swift (iOS)?

You can simply subclass UIButton and write your own drawing code to suit your needs. I implemented a radio button like that of android using the following code. It can be used in storyboard as well.See example in Github repo

import UIKit

class SPRadioButton: UIButton {

var gap:CGFloat = 8 {
    didSet {

var btnColor: UIColor ={

var isOn: Bool = true{

override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
    self.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
    drawCircles(rect: rect)

//MARK:- Draw inner and outer circles
func drawCircles(rect: CGRect){
    var path = UIBezierPath()
    path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: rect.width, height: rect.height))

    let circleLayer = CAShapeLayer()
    circleLayer.path = path.cgPath
    circleLayer.lineWidth = 3
    circleLayer.strokeColor = btnColor.cgColor
    circleLayer.fillColor = UIColor.white.cgColor

    if isOn {
        let innerCircleLayer = CAShapeLayer()
        let rectForInnerCircle = CGRect(x: gap, y: gap, width: rect.width - 2 * gap, height: rect.height - 2 * gap)
        innerCircleLayer.path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: rectForInnerCircle).cgPath
        innerCircleLayer.fillColor = btnColor.cgColor
    self.layer.shouldRasterize =  true
    self.layer.rasterizationScale = UIScreen.main.nativeScale

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    isOn = !isOn

override func awakeFromNib() {
    addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonClicked(sender:)), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
    isOn = false

@objc func buttonClicked(sender: UIButton) {
    if sender == self {
        isOn = !isOn

How to find the type of an object in Go?

To get a string representation:


%T a Go-syntax representation of the type of the value

package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
    types := []interface{} {"a",6,6.0,true}
    for _,v := range types{



get string value from HashMap depending on key name

An important point to be noted here is that if your key is an object of user-defined class in java then make it a point to override the equals method. Because the HashMap.get(Object key) method uses the equals method for matching the key value. If you do not override the equals method then it will try to find the value simply based on the reference of the key and not the actual value of key in which case it will always return a null.

How to disable all <input > inside a form with jQuery?

Above example is technically incorrect. Per latest jQuery, use the prop() method should be used for things like disabled. See their API page.

To disable all form elements inside 'target', use the :input selector which matches all input, textarea, select and button elements.

$("#target :input").prop("disabled", true);

If you only want the elements, use this.

$("#target input").prop("disabled", true);

How can you tell when a layout has been drawn?

To avoid deprecated code and warnings you can use:

        new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
                } else {

Default nginx client_max_body_size

You have to increase client_max_body_size in nginx.conf file. This is the basic step. But if your backend laravel then you have to do some changes in the php.ini file as well. It depends on your backend. Below I mentioned file location and condition name.

sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

After open the file adds this into HTTP section.

client_max_body_size 100M;

Reading from memory stream to string

string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fs.ToArray());

The first day of the current month in php using date_modify as DateTime object

This is everything you need:

$week_start = strtotime('last Sunday', time());
$week_end = strtotime('next Sunday', time());

$month_start = strtotime('first day of this month', time());
$month_end = strtotime('last day of this month', time());

$year_start = strtotime('first day of January', time());
$year_end = strtotime('last day of December', time());

echo date('D, M jS Y', $week_start).'<br/>';
echo date('D, M jS Y', $week_end).'<br/>';

echo date('D, M jS Y', $month_start).'<br/>';
echo date('D, M jS Y', $month_end).'<br/>';

echo date('D, M jS Y', $year_start).'<br/>';
echo date('D, M jS Y', $year_end).'<br/>';

Request Monitoring in Chrome

I know this is an old thread but I thought I would chime in.

Chrome currently has a solution built in.

  1. Use CTRL+SHIFT+I (or navigate to Current Page Control > Developer > Developer Tools. In the newer versions of Chrome, click the Wrench icon > Tools > Developer Tools.) to enable the Developer Tools.
  2. From within the developer tools click on the Network button. If it isn't already, enable it for the session or always.
  3. Click the "XHR" sub-button.
  4. Initiate an AJAX call.
  5. You will see items begin to show up in the left column under "Resources".
  6. Click the resource and there are 2 tabs showing the headers and return content.

How to update a plot in matplotlib?

All of the above might be true, however for me "online-updating" of figures only works with some backends, specifically wx. You just might try to change to this, e.g. by starting ipython/pylab by ipython --pylab=wx! Good luck!

curl error 18 - transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining

I bet this is related to a wrong Content-Length header sent by the peer. My advice is to let curl set the length by itself.

How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?

You can simply traverse the array in three nested loops and write their values to your file. For reading, you simply use the same exact loop construction. You will get the values in exactly the right order to fill your arrays correctly again.

HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found in IIS 7.5

I was having trouble accessing wcf service hosted locally in IIS. Running aspnet_regiis.exe -i wasn't working.

However, I fortunately came across the following:

Rahul's blog

which informs that servicemodelreg also needs to be run:

Run Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt as “Administrator”. Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation. Run this command servicemodelreg –i.

How do you divide each element in a list by an int?

I was running some of the answers to see what is the fastest way for a large number. So, I found that we can convert the int to an array and it can give the correct results and it is faster.

  newList = myList / arrayint

This a comparison of all answers above

import numpy as np
import time
import random
myList = random.sample(range(1, 100000), 10000)
myInt = 10
start_time = time.time()
newList = myList / arrayint
end_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
newList = np.array(myList) / myInt
end_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
newList = [x / myInt for x in myList]
end_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
myList[:] = [x / myInt for x in myList]
end_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
newList = map(lambda x: x/myInt, myList)
end_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
newList = [i/myInt for i in myList]
end_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
newList  = np.divide(myList, myInt)
end_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
newList  = np.divide(myList, myInt)
end_time = time.time()

How to round the corners of a button

Pushing to the limits corner radius up to get a circle:

    self.btnFoldButton.layer.cornerRadius = self.btnFoldButton.frame.height/2.0;

enter image description here

If button frame is an square it does not matter frame.height or frame.width. Otherwise use the largest of both ones.

Start redis-server with config file

Okay, redis is pretty user friendly but there are some gotchas.

Here are just some easy commands for working with redis on Ubuntu:


sudo apt-get install redis-server

start with conf:

sudo redis-server <path to conf>
sudo redis-server config/redis.conf

stop with conf:

redis-ctl shutdown

(not sure how this shuts down the pid specified in the conf. Redis must save the path to the pid somewhere on boot)


tail -f /var/log/redis/redis-server.log

Also, various example confs floating around online and on this site were beyond useless. The best, sure fire way to get a compatible conf is to copy-paste the one your installation is already using. You should be able to find it here:


Then paste it at <path to conf>, tweak as needed and you're good to go.

set pythonpath before import statements

This will add a path to your Python process / instance (i.e. the running executable). The path will not be modified for any other Python processes. Another running Python program will not have its path modified, and if you exit your program and run again the path will not include what you added before. What are you are doing is generally correct.

import sys

import sys
import time
while True:
  print sys.path

run: python &

This will run, connected to your STDOUT, and it will continue to run in the background. You can then run python Each has a different set of environment variables. Observe that the output from does not change because does not change's environment.

A note on importing

Python imports are dynamic, like the rest of the language. There is no static linking going on. The import is an executable line, just like sys.path.append....

Why do we need to use flatMap?

An Observable is an object that emits a stream of events: Next, Error and Completed.

When your function returns an Observable, it is not returning a stream, but an instance of Observable. The flatMap operator simply maps that instance to a stream.

That is the behaviour of flatMap when compared to map: Execute the given function and flatten the resulting object into a stream.

Activate tabpage of TabControl

Use SelectTab like this:

TabPage t = tabControl1.TabPages[2];
tabControl1.SelectTab(t); //go to tab

Use SelectedTab like this:

TabPage t = tabControl1.TabPages[2];
tabControl1.SelectedTab = t; //go to tab

Why and how to fix? IIS Express "The specified port is in use"

I had the same problem, but no proccess appeared neither in netstat nor in resmon.

What solved the problem for me was closing all the open browser windows.

Convert Unix timestamp into human readable date using MySQL

What's missing from the other answers (as of this writing) and not directly obvious is that from_unixtime can take a second parameter to specify the format like so:

  from_unixtime(timestamp, '%Y %D %M %H:%i:%s')

Programmatic equivalent of default(Type)

Why not call the method that returns default(T) with reflection ? You can use GetDefault of any type with:

    public object GetDefault(Type t)
        return this.GetType().GetMethod("GetDefaultGeneric").MakeGenericMethod(t).Invoke(this, null);

    public T GetDefaultGeneric<T>()
        return default(T);

chai test array equality doesn't work as expected

import chai from 'chai';
const arr1 = [2, 1];
const arr2 = [2, 1];
chai.expect(arr1).to.eql(arr2); // Will pass. `eql` is data compare instead of object compare.

How to access URL segment(s) in blade in Laravel 5?

Here is how one can do it via the global request helper function.

{{ request()->segment(1) }}

Note: request() returns the object of the Request class.

Maximum value of maxRequestLength?

Right value is below. (Tried)

maxRequestLength="2147483647" targetFramework="4.5.2"/>

Allow multiple roles to access controller action

If you want use custom roles, you can do this:

CustomRoles class:

public static class CustomRoles
    public const string Administrator = "Administrador";
    public const string User = "Usuario";


[Authorize(Roles = CustomRoles.Administrator +","+ CustomRoles.User)]

If you have few roles, maybe you can combine them (for clarity) like this:

public static class CustomRoles
     public const string Administrator = "Administrador";
     public const string User = "Usuario";
     public const string AdministratorOrUser = Administrator + "," + User;  


[Authorize(Roles = CustomRoles.AdministratorOrUser)]

Format Date as "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"

Add another option, maybe not the most lightweight.

console.log(dayjs('2018-09-06 17:00:00').format( 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.000ZZ'))
<script src="[email protected]/dayjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/plugin/customParseFormat.js"></script>

Get a list of resources from classpath directory

Custom Scanner

Implement your own scanner. For example:

(limitations of this solution are mentioned in the comments)

private List<String> getResourceFiles(String path) throws IOException {
    List<String> filenames = new ArrayList<>();

    try (
            InputStream in = getResourceAsStream(path);
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))) {
        String resource;

        while ((resource = br.readLine()) != null) {

    return filenames;

private InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) {
    final InputStream in
            = getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource);

    return in == null ? getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource) : in;

private ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() {
    return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

Spring Framework

Use PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver from Spring Framework.

Ronmamo Reflections

The other techniques might be slow at runtime for huge CLASSPATH values. A faster solution is to use ronmamo's Reflections API, which precompiles the search at compile time.

How can I split and parse a string in Python?

"2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_") gives a list of strings:

In [1]: "2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_")
Out[1]: ['2.7.0', 'bf4fda703454']

This splits the string at every underscore. If you want it to stop after the first split, use "2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_", 1).

If you know for a fact that the string contains an underscore, you can even unpack the LHS and RHS into separate variables:

In [8]: lhs, rhs = "2.7.0_bf4fda703454".split("_", 1)

In [9]: lhs
Out[9]: '2.7.0'

In [10]: rhs
Out[10]: 'bf4fda703454'

An alternative is to use partition(). The usage is similar to the last example, except that it returns three components instead of two. The principal advantage is that this method doesn't fail if the string doesn't contain the separator.

post checkbox value

in normal time, checkboxes return an on/off value.

you can verify it with this code:

<form action method="POST">
      <input type="checkbox" name="hello"/>

if(isset($_POST['hello'])) echo('<p>'.$_POST['hello'].'</p>');

this will return




How to show particular image as thumbnail while implementing share on Facebook?

I also had an issue on a site I was working on last week. I implemented a like box and tested the like box. Then I went ahead to add an image to my header (the ob:image meta). Still the correct image did not show up on my facebook notification.

I tried everything, and came to the conclusion that every single implementation of a like button is cached. So let's say you clock the Like button on url A, then you specify an image in the header and you test it by clicking the Luke button again on url A. You won't see the image as the page is cached. The image will show up when you click on the Like button on page B.

To reset the cache, you have to use the lint debugger tool that's mentioned above, and validate all the Urls for those that are cached... That's the only thing that worked for me.

ValueError: could not convert string to float: id

My error was very simple: the text file containing the data had some space (so not visible) character on the last line.

As an output of grep, I had 45  instead of just 45

How to configure for SpringJUnit4ClassRunner?

Because I don't like to have duplicate files ( in test and main), and I have quite many test classes, they each runwith SpringJUnit4ClassRunner class, so I have to customize it. This is what I use:


import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.springframework.util.Log4jConfigurer;

public class MySpringJUnit4ClassRunner extends SpringJUnit4ClassRunner {

    static {
        String log4jLocation = "";
        try {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            System.err.println("Cannot Initialize log4j at location: " + log4jLocation);

    public MySpringJUnit4ClassRunner(Class<?> clazz) throws InitializationError {

When you use it, replace SpringJUnit4ClassRunner with MySpringJUnit4ClassRunner

public class TestOrderController {
    private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

Toolbar navigation icon never set

I tried to set up toolbar like @Gabriele Mariotti, but I had some problem with title. So then I set order to


and it works.

How can I delete a file from a Git repository?

I have obj and bin files that accidentally made it into the repo that I don't want polluting my 'changed files' list

After I noticed they went to the remote, I ignored them by adding this to .gitignore


Problem is they are already in the remote, and when they get changed, they pop up as changed and pollute the changed file list.

To stop seeing them, you need to delete the whole folder from the remote repository.

In a command prompt:

  1. CD to the repo folder (i.e. C:\repos\MyRepo)
  2. I want to delete SSIS\obj. It seems you can only delete at the top level, so you now need to CD into SSIS: (i.e. C:\repos\MyRepo\SSIS)
  3. Now type the magic incantation git rm -r -f obj
    • rm=remove
    • -r = recursively remove
    • -f = means force, cause you really mean it
    • obj is the folder
  4. Now run git commit -m "remove obj folder"

I got an alarming message saying 13 files changed 315222 deletions

Then because I didn't want to have to look up the CMD line, I went into Visual Sstudio and did a Sync to apply it to the remote

PDF Parsing Using Python - extracting formatted and plain texts

That's a difficult problem to solve since visually similar PDFs may have a wildly differing structure depending on how they were produced. In the worst case the library would need to basically act like an OCR. On the other hand, the PDF may contain sufficient structure and metadata for easy removal of tables and figures, which the library can be tailored to take advantage of.

I'm pretty sure there are no open source tools which solve your problem for a wide variety of PDFs, but I remember having heard of commercial software claiming to do exactly what you ask for. I'm sure you'll run into them while googling.

How to execute multiple commands in a single line

Googling gives me this:

Command A & Command B

Execute Command A, then execute Command B (no evaluation of anything)

Command A | Command B

Execute Command A, and redirect all its output into the input of Command B

Command A && Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the errorlevel after running and if the exit code (errorlevel) is 0, only then execute Command B

Command A || Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the exit code of this command and if it's anything but 0, only then execute Command B

Pass a JavaScript function as parameter

I chopped all my hair off with that issue. I couldn't make the examples above working, so I ended like :

function foo(blabla){
    var func = new Function(blabla);
// to call it, I just pass the js function I wanted as a string in the new one...

And that's working like a charm ... for what I needed at least. Hope it might help some.

Git push existing repo to a new and different remote repo server?

Do you really want to simply push your local repository (with its local branches, etc.) to the new remote or do you really want to mirror the old remote (with all its branches, tags, etc) on the new remote? If the latter here's a great blog on How to properly mirror a git repository.

I strongly encourage you to read the blog for some very important details, but the short version is this:

In a new directory run these commands:

git clone --mirror [email protected]/upstream-repository.git
cd upstream-repository.git
git push --mirror [email protected]/new-location.git

What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()?

compareTo() is called on one object, to compare it to another object. compare() is called on some object to compare two other objects.

The difference is where the logic that does actual comparison is defined.

Expression ___ has changed after it was checked

I got similar error while working with datatable. What happens is when you use *ngFor inside another *ngFor datatable throw this error as it interepts angular change cycle. SO instead of using datatable inside datatable use one regular table or replace with the array name. This works fine.

Full Screen DialogFragment in Android

Create below theme in your style.xml:

<style name="DialogTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
   <item name="android:paddingRight">0dp</item>
   <item name="android:paddingLeft">0dp</item>
   <item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
   <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>

then set the style in DialogFragment

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

What causing this "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array"

This isn't an answer, sadly. After running into the intermittent error for some time and finally being annoyed enough to try to fix it, I have yet to find a fix. I have, however, determined a recipe for reproducing my problem, which might help others.

In my case it is SOLELY a localhost problem, on my dev machine that also has the app's DB. It's a .NET 2.0 app I'm editing with VS2005. The Win7 64 bit machine also has VS2008 and .NET 3.5 installed.

Here's what will generate the error, from a variety of forms:

  1. Load a fresh copy of the form.
  2. Enter some data, and/or postback with any of the form's controls. As long as there is no significant delay, repeat all you like, and no errors occur.
  3. Wait a little while (1 or 2 minutes maybe, not more than 5), and try another postback.

A minute or two delay "waiting for localhost" and then "Connection was reset" by the browser, and global.asax's application error trap logs:

Application_Error event: Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.
Stack Trace:
     at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
     at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString)
     at System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter formatter, String serializedState)
     at System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load()

In this case, it is not the SIZE of the viewstate, but something to do with page and/or viewstate caching that seems to be biting me. Setting <pages> parameters enableEventValidation="false", and viewStateEncryption="Never" in the Web.config did not change the behavior. Neither did setting the maxPageStateFieldLength to something modest.

Create a dictionary with list comprehension

Try this,

def get_dic_from_two_lists(keys, values):
    return { keys[i] : values[i] for i in range(len(keys)) }

Assume we have two lists country and capital

country = ['India', 'Pakistan', 'China']
capital = ['New Delhi', 'Islamabad', 'Beijing']

Then create dictionary from the two lists:

print get_dic_from_two_lists(country, capital)

The output is like this,

{'Pakistan': 'Islamabad', 'China': 'Beijing', 'India': 'New Delhi'}

Inserting data into a temporary table

SELECT  ID , Date , Name into #temp from [TableName]

How do you add a scroll bar to a div?

Css class to have a nice Div with scroll

    background-color: #F5F5F5;
    border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
    border-radius: 4px 0 4px 0;
    color: #3B3C3E;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    left: -1px;
    padding: 10px 7px 5px;


PHP order array by date?

You don't need to convert your dates to timestamp before the sorting, but it's a good idea though because it will take more time to sort without it.

$data = array(
        "title" => "Another title",
        "date"  => "Fri, 17 Jun 2011 08:55:57 +0200"
        "title" => "My title",
        "date"  => "Mon, 16 Jun 2010 06:55:57 +0200"

function sortFunction( $a, $b ) {
    return strtotime($a["date"]) - strtotime($b["date"]);
usort($data, "sortFunction");

How do I convert an NSString value to NSData?

NSString *str = @"hello";
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:str.UTF8String length:str.length];

What's the "Content-Length" field in HTTP header?

Consider if you have headers such as:

content-encoding: gzip
content-length: 52098
content-type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8

The content-length is the size of the compressed message body, in "octets" (i.e. in units of 8 bits, which happen to be "bytes" for all modern computers).

The size of the actual message body can be something else, perhaps 150280 bytes.

The number of characters can be different again, perhaps 150231 characters, because some unicode characters use multiple bytes (note UTF-8 is a standard encoding).

So, different numbers depending on whether you care how much data is transmitted, or how much data is held, or how many symbols are seen. Of course, there is no guarantee that these headers will be provided..

Failed to import new Gradle project: failed to find Build Tools revision *.0.0

Try to run gradle at the command line first. It might prompt you to setup and environment variable:

export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m"

Read more here: 1, 2

Further make sure that the Android SDK build tools (adb, aapt, dx, dx.jar) are available in the PATH. If not you can create symlinks at the appropriate locations. They changed with the release of new SDK versions. Here is a shell script which creates the symlinks within the $ANDROID_HOME folder for you.

How to set only time part of a DateTime variable in C#

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do but you can set the date/time to exactly what you want in a number of ways...

You can specify 12/25/2010 4:58 PM by using

DateTime myDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2010-12-25 16:58:00");

OR if you have an existing datetime construct , say 12/25/2010 (and any random time) and you want to set it to 12/25/2010 4:58 PM, you could do so like this:

DateTime myDate = ExistingTime.Date.AddHours(16).AddMinutes(58);

The ExistingTime.Date will be 12/25 at midnight, and you just add hours and minutes to get it to the time you want.

Xcode - Warning: Implicit declaration of function is invalid in C99

I have the same warning (it's make my app cannot build). When I add C function in Objective-C's .m file, But forgot to declared it at .h file.

PHP create key => value pairs within a foreach

In PHP >= 5.3 it can be done like this:

$offerArray = array_map(function($value) {
    return $value[4];
}, $offer);

golang why don't we have a set datastructure

Another possibility is to use bit sets, for which there is at least one package or you can use the built-in big package. In this case, basically you need to define a way to convert your object to an index.

How to check if internet connection is present in Java?

InetAddress.isReachable sometime return false if internet connection exist.

An alternative method to check internet availability in java is : This function make a real ICMP ECHO ping.

public static boolean isReachableByPing(String host) {
                String cmd = "";
                if(System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) {   
                        // For Windows
                        cmd = "ping -n 1 " + host;
                } else {
                        // For Linux and OSX
                        cmd = "ping -c 1 " + host;

                Process myProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

                if(myProcess.exitValue() == 0) {

                        return true;
                } else {

                        return false;

        } catch( Exception e ) {

                return false;

How to get id from URL in codeigniter?

In codeigniter you can't pass parameters in the url as you are doing in core php.So remove the "?" and "product_id" and simply pass the id.If you want more security you can encrypt the id and pass it.

DB2 Query to retrieve all table names for a given schema

This is my working solution:

select tabname as table_name
from syscat.tables
where tabschema = 'schema_name' -- put schema name here
      and type = 'T'
order by tabname

How to continue a Docker container which has exited

These commands will work for any container (not only last exited ones). This way will work even after your system has rebooted. To do so, these commands will use "container id".


  1. List all dockers by using this command and note the container id of the container you want to restart: docker ps -a

  2. Start your container using container id: docker start <container_id>

  3. Attach and run your container: docker attach <container_id>

NOTE: Works on linux

How do I rename the android package name?

You can do this:

  1. Change the package name manually in the manifest file.
  2. Click on your class and the press F6 (Refactor->Move...). It will allow you to move the class to another package, and all references to that class will be updated.

AngularJS ui-router login authentication

I Created this module to help make this process piece of cake

You can do things like:

      permissions: {
        only: ['admin', 'god']

Or also

      permissions: {
        except: ['not-logged-in']

It's brand new but worth checking out!

is there any IE8 only css hack?

Use media queries to separate each browser:

/* IE6/7 uses media, */
@media, { 
        .dude { color: green; } 
        .gal { color: red; }

/* IE8 uses \0 */
@media all\0 { 
        .dude { color: brown; } 
        .gal { color: orange; }

/* IE9 uses \9 */
@media all and (monochrome:0) { 
          .dude { color: yellow\9; } 
          .gal { color: blue\9; }

/* IE10 and IE11 both use -ms-high-contrast */
@media all and (-ms-high-contrast:none)
 .foo { color: green } /* IE10 */
 *::-ms-backdrop, .foo { color: red } /* IE11 */


How to compare 2 dataTables

If you were returning a DataTable as a function you could:

DataTable dataTable1; // Load with data
DataTable dataTable2; // Load with data (same schema)

// Fast check for row count equality.
if ( dataTable1.Rows.Count != dataTable2.Rows.Count) {
    return true;

var differences =

return differences.Any() ? differences.CopyToDataTable() : new DataTable();

Generate full SQL script from EF 5 Code First Migrations

For anyone using entity framework core ending up here. This is how you do it.

# Powershell / Package manager console

# Cli 
dotnet ef migrations script

You can use the -From and -To parameter to generate an update script to update a database to a specific version.

Script-Migration -From 20190101011200_Initial-Migration -To 20190101021200_Migration-2

There are several options to this command.

The from migration should be the last migration applied to the database before running the script. If no migrations have been applied, specify 0 (this is the default).

The to migration is the last migration that will be applied to the database after running the script. This defaults to the last migration in your project.

An idempotent script can optionally be generated. This script only applies migrations if they haven't already been applied to the database. This is useful if you don't exactly know what the last migration applied to the database was or if you are deploying to multiple databases that may each be at a different migration.

What is the purpose of class methods?

Think about it this way: normal methods are useful to hide the details of dispatch: you can type without worrying about whether the foo() method is implemented by the myobj object's class or one of its parent classes. Class methods are exactly analogous to this, but with the class object instead: they let you call without having to worry about whether foo() is implemented specially by MyClass because it needed its own specialized version, or whether it is letting its parent class handle the call.

Class methods are essential when you are doing set-up or computation that precedes the creation of an actual instance, because until the instance exists you obviously cannot use the instance as the dispatch point for your method calls. A good example can be viewed in the SQLAlchemy source code; take a look at the dbapi() class method at the following link:

You can see that the dbapi() method, which a database backend uses to import the vendor-specific database library it needs on-demand, is a class method because it needs to run before instances of a particular database connection start getting created — but that it cannot be a simple function or static function, because they want it to be able to call other, supporting methods that might similarly need to be written more specifically in subclasses than in their parent class. And if you dispatch to a function or static class, then you "forget" and lose the knowledge about which class is doing the initializing.

What is the simplest way to get indented XML with line breaks from XmlDocument?

As adapted from Erika Ehrli's blog, this should do it:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
// Save the document to a file and auto-indent the output.
using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter("data.xml", null)) {
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

Select default option value from typescript angular 6

Correct Way would be :

<select id="select-type-basic" [(ngModel)]="status">
    <option *ngFor="let status_item of status_values">

Value Should be avoided inside option if the value is to be dynamic,since that will set the default value of the 'Select field'. Default Selection should be binded with [(ngModel)] and Options should be declared likewise.

status : any = "47";
status_values: any = ["45", "46", "47"];

Get Table and Index storage size in sql server

with pages as (
    SELECT object_id, SUM (reserved_page_count) as reserved_pages, SUM (used_page_count) as used_pages,
            SUM (case 
                    when (index_id < 2) then (in_row_data_page_count + lob_used_page_count + row_overflow_used_page_count)
                    else lob_used_page_count + row_overflow_used_page_count
                 end) as pages
    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
    group by object_id
), extra as (
    SELECT p.object_id, sum(reserved_page_count) as reserved_pages, sum(used_page_count) as used_pages
    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats p, sys.internal_tables it
    WHERE it.internal_type IN (202,204,211,212,213,214,215,216) AND p.object_id = it.object_id
    group by p.object_id
SELECT object_schema_name(p.object_id) + '.' + object_name(p.object_id) as TableName, (p.reserved_pages + isnull(e.reserved_pages, 0)) * 8 as reserved_kb,
        pages * 8 as data_kb,
        (CASE WHEN p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0) > pages THEN (p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0) - pages) ELSE 0 END) * 8 as index_kb,
        (CASE WHEN p.reserved_pages + isnull(e.reserved_pages, 0) > p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0) THEN (p.reserved_pages + isnull(e.reserved_pages, 0) - p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0)) else 0 end) * 8 as unused_kb
from pages p
left outer join extra e on p.object_id = e.object_id

Takes into account internal tables, such as those used for XML storage.

Edit: If you divide the data_kb and index_kb values by 1024.0, you will get the numbers you see in the GUI.

Can I do Model->where('id', ARRAY) multiple where conditions?

WHERE AND SELECT Condition In Array Format Laravel

use DB;

$conditions = array(
    array('email', '=', '[email protected]')
$selected = array('id','name','email','mobile','created');
$result = DB::table('users')->select($selected)->where($conditions)->get();

Parsing CSV / tab-delimited txt file with Python

If the file is large, you may not want to load it entirely into memory at once. This approach avoids that. (Of course, making a dict out of it could still take up some RAM, but it's guaranteed to be smaller than the original file.)

my_dict = {}
for i, line in enumerate(file):
    if (i - 8) % 7:
    k, v = line.split("\t")[:3:2]
    my_dict[k] = v

Edit: Not sure where I got extend from before. I meant update

How to write text on a image in windows using python opencv2

I had a similar problem. I would suggest using the PIL library in python as it draws the text in any given font, compared to limited fonts in OpenCV. With PIL you can choose any font installed on your system.

from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image
import numpy as np
import cv2

image = cv2.imread("lena.png")

# Convert to PIL Image
cv2_im_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
pil_im = Image.fromarray(cv2_im_rgb)

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_im)

# Choose a font
font = ImageFont.truetype("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 50)

# Draw the text
draw.text((0, 0), "Your Text Here", font=font)

# Save the image
cv2_im_processed = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pil_im), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imwrite("result.png", cv2_im_processed)


How do I decode a URL parameter using C#?

string decodedUrl = Uri.UnescapeDataString(url)


string decodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(url)

Url is not fully decoded with one call. To fully decode you can call one of this methods in a loop:

private static string DecodeUrlString(string url) {
    string newUrl;
    while ((newUrl = Uri.UnescapeDataString(url)) != url)
        url = newUrl;
    return newUrl;

Configure nginx with multiple locations with different root folders on subdomain

You need to use the alias directive for location /static:

server {

  index index.html;

  root /web/;

  location /static/ {
    alias /web/;


The nginx wiki explains the difference between root and alias better than I can:

Note that it may look similar to the root directive at first sight, but the document root doesn't change, just the file system path used for the request. The location part of the request is dropped in the request Nginx issues.

Note that root and alias handle trailing slashes differently.

In Firebase, is there a way to get the number of children of a node without loading all the node data?

write a cloud function to and update the node count.

// below function to get the given node count.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

exports.userscount = functions.database.ref('/users/')
    .onWrite(event => {

      console.log('users number : ',;


Refer :

root--| |-users ( this node contains all users list) |
|-count |-userscount : (this node added dynamically by cloud function with the user count)

JUnit tests pass in Eclipse but fail in Maven Surefire

I had a similar problem, I ran my tests disabling the reuse of forks like this

mvn clean test -DreuseForks=false

and the problem disappeared. The downside is that the overall test execution time will be longer, that's why you may want to do this from the command line only if necessary

How to make a new List in Java

There are many ways to create a Set and a List. HashSet and ArrayList are just two examples. It is also fairly common to use generics with collections these days. I suggest you have a look at what they are

This is a good introduction for java's builtin collections.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space in Maven

In order to resolve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space in Maven, try to configure below configuration in pom


Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

This can also happen if you have a naming policy around version, prohibiting the version# you are trying to deploy. In my case I was trying to upload a version (to release repo) 2.0.1 but later found out that our nexus configuration doesn't allow anything other than whole number for releases.

I tried later with version 2 and deployed it successfully.

The error message definitely dosen't help:

Return code is: 400, ReasonPhrase: Repository does not allow updating assets: maven-releases-xxx. -> [Help 1]

A better message could have been version 2.0.1 violates naming policy

How to import keras from tf.keras in Tensorflow?

Use the keras module from tensorflow like this:

import tensorflow as tf

Import classes

from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Input, Dense

or use directly

dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(...)

EDIT Tensorflow 2

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense

and the rest stays the same.

How to use Global Variables in C#?

A useful feature for this is using static

As others have said, you have to create a class for your globals:

public static class Globals {
    public const float PI = 3.14;

But you can import it like this in order to no longer write the class name in front of its static properties:

using static Globals;
Console.WriteLine("Pi is " + PI);

How to switch to another domain and get-aduser

best solution TNX to Drew Chapin and all of you too:

I just want to add that if you don't inheritently know the name of a domain controller, you can get the closest one, pass it's hostname to the -Server argument.

$dc = Get-ADDomainController -DomainName -Discover -NextClosestSite

Get-ADUser -Server $dc.HostName[0] `
    -Filter { EmailAddress -Like "*Smith_Karla*" } `
    -Properties EmailAddress

my script:

$dc = Get-ADDomainController -DomainName -Discover -NextClosestSite
 Get-ADUser -Server $dc.HostName[0] ` -Filter { EmailAddress -Like "*Smith_Karla*" } `  -Properties EmailAddress | Export-CSV "C:\Scripts\Email.csv

Entity Framework: One Database, Multiple DbContexts. Is this a bad idea?

In code first, you can have multiple DBContext and just one database. You just have to specify the connection string in the constructor.

public class MovieDBContext : DbContext
    public MovieDBContext()
        : base("DefaultConnection")

    public DbSet<Movie> Movies { get; set; }

Reloading a ViewController

You Must use


and set your entries like you want...

Variable used in lambda expression should be final or effectively final

if it is not necessary to modify the variable than a general workaround for this kind of problem would be to extract the part of code which use lambda and use final keyword on method-parameter.

How can I get stock quotes using Google Finance API?

The Google stock quote API has gone away. However, Investor's Exchange offers an API that's very easy to use for quote data.

When should you use 'friend' in C++?

Friend comes handy when you are building a container and you want to implement an iterator for that class.

How do I escape double and single quotes in sed?

You can use %

sed -i "s%"

How to HTML encode/escape a string? Is there a built-in?

The h helper method:

<%=h "<p> will be preserved" %>

How to redirect to a 404 in Rails?

Don't render 404 yourself, there's no reason to; Rails has this functionality built in already. If you want to show a 404 page, create a render_404 method (or not_found as I called it) in ApplicationController like this:

def not_found
  raise'Not Found')

Rails also handles AbstractController::ActionNotFound, and ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound the same way.

This does two things better:

1) It uses Rails' built in rescue_from handler to render the 404 page, and 2) it interrupts the execution of your code, letting you do nice things like:

  user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) or not_found

without having to write ugly conditional statements.

As a bonus, it's also super easy to handle in tests. For example, in an rspec integration test:

# RSpec 1

lambda {
  visit '/something/you/want/to/404'
}.should raise_error(ActionController::RoutingError)

# RSpec 2+

expect {
  get '/something/you/want/to/404'
}.to raise_error(ActionController::RoutingError)

And minitest:

assert_raises(ActionController::RoutingError) do 
  get '/something/you/want/to/404'

OR refer more info from Rails render 404 not found from a controller action

Reading file input from a multipart/form-data POST

Sorry for joining the party late, but there is a way to do this with Microsoft public API.

Here's what you need:

  1. System.Net.Http.dll
    • Included in .NET 4.5
    • For .NET 4 get it via NuGet
  2. System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll

Note The Nuget packages come with more assemblies, but at the time of writing you only need the above.

Once you have the assemblies referenced, the code can look like this (using .NET 4.5 for convenience):

public static async Task ParseFiles(
    Stream data, string contentType, Action<string, Stream> fileProcessor)
    var streamContent = new StreamContent(data);
    streamContent.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse(contentType);

    var provider = await streamContent.ReadAsMultipartAsync();

    foreach (var httpContent in provider.Contents)
        var fileName = httpContent.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName;
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))

        using (Stream fileContents = await httpContent.ReadAsStreamAsync())
            fileProcessor(fileName, fileContents);

As for usage, say you have the following WCF REST method:

[WebInvoke(Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post, UriTemplate = "/Upload")]
void Upload(Stream data);

You could implement it like so

public void Upload(Stream data)

Table-level backup

If you're looking for something like MySQL's DUMP, then good news: SQL Server 2008 Management Studio added that ability.

In SSMS, just right-click on the DB in question and select Tasks > Generate Scripts. Then in the 2nd page of the options wizard, make sure to select that you'd like the data scripted as well, and it will generate what amounts to a DUMP file for you.

Could not find or load main class

I've had similar problems. If you work with Eclipse, you need to go to the folder where you have your src/ folder... If you used a package - then you use

javac -cp . packageName/className

which means if you've had a package named def and main class with name you'd write

javac -cp . def/TextFrame

omitting the trailing .java extension, and then you run it with the

java def/TextFrame 

and if you have have arguments, then you need to supply it with arguments corresponding to your program. I hope this helps a bit.

What is the difference between baud rate and bit rate?

The bit rate is a measure of the number of bits that are transmitted per unit of time.

The baud rate, which is also known as symbol rate, measures the number of symbols that are transmitted per unit of time. A symbol typically consists of a fixed number of bits depending on what the symbol is defined as(for example 8bit or 9bit data). The baud rate is measured in symbols per second.

Take an example, where an ascii character 'R' is transmitted over a serial channel every one second.

The binary equivalent is 01010010.

So in this case, the baud rate is 1(one symbol transmitted per second) and the bit rate is 8 (eight bits are transmitted per second).

Fragment onResume() & onPause() is not called on backstack

You simple can't add a fragment to a fragment. This needs to happen in the FragmentActivity. I assume you are creating the LoginFragment in a FragmentActivity, so in order to get this working you need to add the HomeFragment via the FragmentActivity when the login closes.

The general point is that you need a FragmentActivity class from where you add each Fragment to the FragmentManager. It is not possible to do this inside a Fragment class.

SVN check out linux

There should be svn utility on you box, if installed:

$ svn checkout somerepo

This will check out a working copy from a specified repository to a directory somerepo on our file system.

You may want to print commands, supported by this utility:

$ svn help

uname -a output in your question is identical to one, used by Parallels Virtuozzo Containers for Linux 4.0 kernel, which is based on Red Hat 5 kernel, thus your friends are rpm or the following command:

$ sudo yum install subversion

javascript date to string

use this polyfill

var d = new Date("1/1/2014 10:00 am");
d.format("DDDD 'the' DS 'of' MMMM YYYY h:mm TT");
//output: Wednesday the 1st of January 2014 10:00 AM

What is the significance of #pragma marks? Why do we need #pragma marks?

#pragma mark is used to tag the group of methods so you may easily find and detect methods from the Jump Bar. It may help you when your code files reach about 1000 lines and you want to find methods quickly through the category from Jump box.

In a long program it becomes difficult to remember and find a method name. So pragma mark allows you to categorize methods according to the work they do. For example, you tagged some tag for Table View Protocol Methods, AlertView Methods, Init Methods, Declaration etc.

#pragma mark is the facility for XCode but it has no impact on your code. It merely helps to make it easier to find methods while coding.

PHP equivalent of .NET/Java's toString()

Use print_r:

$myText = print_r($myVar,true);

You can also use it like:

$myText = print_r($myVar,true)."foo bar";

This will set $myText to a string, like:

array (
  0 => '11',
)foo bar

Use var_export to get a little bit more info (with types of variable,...):

$myText = var_export($myVar,true);

A Space between Inline-Block List Items

I would add the CSS property of float left as seen below. That gets rid of the extra space.

ul li {

Adding header for HttpURLConnection

Step 1: Get HttpURLConnection object

URL url = new URL(urlToConnect);
HttpURLConnection httpUrlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

Step 2: Add headers to the HttpURLConnection using setRequestProperty method.

Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();

headers.put("X-CSRF-Token", "fetch");
headers.put("content-type", "application/json");

for (String headerKey : headers.keySet()) {
    httpUrlConnection.setRequestProperty(headerKey, headers.get(headerKey));

Reference link

show all tables in DB2 using the LIST command

Connect to the database:

db2 connect to <database-name>

List all tables:

db2 list tables for all

To list all tables in selected schema, use:

db2 list tables for schema <schema-name>

To describe a table, type:

db2 describe table <table-schema.table-name>


how to convert .java file to a .class file

I would suggest you read the appropriate sections in The Java Tutorial from Sun:

Error in : figure margins too large in R

This error can occur in Rstudio simply because your "Plots" pane is just barely too small. Try zooming your "Files, Plots, Packages, Help, Viewer" and see if it helps!

How to change onClick handler dynamically?


$('#foo').click(function() { alert('foo'); });

Or if you don't want it to follow the link href:

$('#foo').click(function() { alert('foo'); return false; });

How to change value for innodb_buffer_pool_size in MySQL on Mac OS?

In the earlier versions of MySQL ( < 5.7.5 ) the only way to set


variable was by writing it to my.cnf (for linux) and my.ini (for windows) under [mysqld] section :


innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2147483648

You need to restart your mysql server to have it's effect in action.


As of MySQL 5.7.5, the innodb_buffer_pool_size configuration option can be set dynamically using a SET statement, allowing you to resize the buffer pool without restarting the server. For example:

mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=402653184;

Reference :

What good are SQL Server schemas?

Schemas logically group tables, procedures, views together. All employee-related objects in the employee schema, etc.

You can also give permissions to just one schema, so that users can only see the schema they have access to and nothing else.

Creating a JSON dynamically with each input value using jquery

I don't think you can turn JavaScript objects into JSON strings using only jQuery, assuming you need the JSON string as output.

Depending on the browsers you are targeting, you can use the JSON.stringify function to produce JSON strings.

See for more information, there you can also find a JSON parser for older browsers that don't support the JSON object natively.

In your case:

var array = [];
$("input[class=email]").each(function() {
        title: $(this).attr("title"),
        email: $(this).val()
// then to get the JSON string
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(array);

How do I kill this tomcat process in Terminal?

I had to terminate activeMQ java process among many java processes on the server, and this one is started by the specific user (username is activemq). So good way of separating may be to start a process by a specific user :

ps -ef | grep "activemq" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

Difference between "@id/" and "@+id/" in Android

From the Developer Guide:


The at-symbol (@) at the beginning of the string indicates that the XML parser should parse and expand the rest of the ID string and identify it as an ID resource. The plus-symbol (+) means that this is a new resource name that must be created and added to our resources (in the file). There are a number of other ID resources that are offered by the Android framework. When referencing an Android resource ID, you do not need the plus-symbol, but must add the android package namespace, like so:


Using current time in UTC as default value in PostgreSQL

What about


If your other timestamp are without time zone then this cast will yield the matching type "timestamp without time zone" for the current time.

I would like to read what others think about that option, though. I still don't trust in my understanding of this "with/without" time zone stuff.

EDIT: Adding Michael Ekoka's comment here because it clarifies an important point:

Caveat. The question is about generating default timestamp in UTC for a timestamp column that happens to not store the time zone (perhaps because there's no need to store the time zone if you know that all your timestamps share the same). What your solution does is to generate a local timestamp (which for most people will not necessarily be set to UTC) and store it as a naive timestamp (one that does not specify its time zone).

Angular 4 - get input value

You can also use template reference variables

<form (submit)="onSubmit(player.value)">
   <input #player placeholder="player name">
onSubmit(playerName: string) {

WPF button click in C# code

You should place below line

btn.Click = btn.Click + btn1_Click;

Call a global variable inside module

Download the bootbox typings

Then add a reference to it inside your .ts file.

Convert from List into IEnumerable format

You need to

using System.Linq;

to use IEnumerable options at your List.

Sorting arraylist in alphabetical order (case insensitive)

def  lst = ["A2", "A1", "k22", "A6", "a3", "a5", "A4", "A7"]; 

println lst.sort { a, b -> a.compareToIgnoreCase b }

This should be able to sort with case insensitive but I am not sure how to tackle the alphanumeric strings lists

How to set a:link height/width with css?

Your problem is probably that a elements are display: inline by nature. You can't set the width and height of inline elements.

You would have to set display: block on the a, but that will bring other problems because the links start behaving like block elements. The most common cure to that is giving them float: left so they line up side by side anyway.

Count a list of cells with the same background color

I just created this and it looks easier. You get these 2 functions:

=GetColorIndex(E5)  <- returns color number for the cell

from (cell)

=CountColorIndexInRange(C7:C24,14) <- returns count of cells C7:C24 with color 14

from (range of cells, color number you want to count)

example shows percent of cells with color 14

=ROUND(CountColorIndexInRange(C7:C24,14)/18, 4 )

Create these 2 VBA functions in a Module (hit Alt-F11)

open + folders. double-click on Module1

Just paste this text below in, then close the module window (it must save it then):

Function GetColorIndex(Cell As Range)
  GetColorIndex = Cell.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

Function CountColorIndexInRange(Rng As Range, TestColor As Long)
  Dim cnt
  Dim cl As Range
  cnt = 0

  For Each cl In Rng
    If GetColorIndex(cl) = TestColor Then
      Rem Debug.Print ">" & TestColor & "<"
      cnt = cnt + 1
    End If

  CountColorIndexInRange = cnt

End Function

How to check which PHP extensions have been enabled/disabled in Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS?

Checking for installed php modules and packages

In addition to running

php -m

to get the list of installed php modules, you will probably find it helpful to get the list of the currently installed php packages in Ubuntu:

sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep php

This is helpful since Ubuntu makes php modules available via packages.

You can then install the needed modules by selecting from the available Ubuntu php packages, which you can view by running:

sudo apt-cache search php | grep "^php5-"

Or, for Ubuntu 16.04 and higher:

sudo apt-cache search php | grep "^php7"

As you have mentioned, there is plenty of information available on the actual installation of the packages that you might require, so I won't go into detail about that here.

Related: Enabling / disabling installed php modules

It is possible that an installed module has been disabled. In that case, it won't show up when running php -m, but it will show up in the list of installed Ubuntu packages.

Modules can be enabled/disabled via the php5enmod tool (phpenmod on later distros) which is part of the php-common package.

Ubuntu 12.04:

Enabled modules are symlinked in /etc/php5/conf.d

Ubuntu 12.04: (with PHP 5.4+)

To enable an installed module:

php5enmod <modulename>

To disable an installed module:

php5dismod <modulename>

Ubuntu 16.04 (php7) and higher:

To enable an installed module:

phpenmod <modulename>

To disable an installed module:

phpdismod <modulename>

Reload Apache

Remember to reload Apache2 after enabling/disabling:

service apache2 reload

VBA collection: list of keys

If you intend to use the default VB6 Collection, then the easiest you can do is:

col1.add array("first key", "first string"), "first key"
col1.add array("second key", "second string"), "second key"
col1.add array("third key", "third string"), "third key"

Then you can list all values:

Dim i As Variant

For Each i In col1
  Debug.Print i(1)

Or all keys:

Dim i As Variant

For Each i In col1
  Debug.Print i(0)

Return a 2d array from a function

A better alternative to using pointers to pointers is to use std::vector. That takes care of the details of memory allocation and deallocation.

std::vector<std::vector<int>> create2DArray(unsigned height, unsigned width)
   return std::vector<std::vector<int>>(height, std::vector<int>(width, 0));

Plot two graphs in same plot in R

Idiomatic Matlab plot(x1,y1,x2,y2) can be translated in R with ggplot2 for example in this way:

x1 <- seq(1,10,.2)
df1 <- data.frame(x=x1,y=log(x1),type="Log")
x2 <- seq(1,10)
df2 <- data.frame(x=x2,y=cumsum(1/x2),type="Harmonic")

df <- rbind(df1,df2)


enter image description here

Inspired by Tingting Zhao's Dual line plots with different range of x-axis Using ggplot2.

Modify tick label text

It's been a while since this question was asked. As of today (matplotlib 2.2.2) and after some reading and trials, I think the best/proper way is the following:

Matplotlib has a module named ticker that "contains classes to support completely configurable tick locating and formatting". To modify a specific tick from the plot, the following works for me:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import numpy as np 

def update_ticks(x, pos):
    if x == 0:
        return 'Mean'
    elif pos == 6:
        return 'pos is 6'
        return x

data = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(data, bins=25, edgecolor='black')

Histogram with random values from a normal distribution

Caveat! x is the value of the tick and pos is its relative position in order in the axis. Notice that pos takes values starting in 1, not in 0 as usual when indexing.

In my case, I was trying to format the y-axis of a histogram with percentage values. mticker has another class named PercentFormatter that can do this easily without the need to define a separate function as before:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import numpy as np 

data = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
weights = np.ones_like(data) / len(data)
ax.hist(data, bins=25, weights=weights, edgecolor='black')
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.PercentFormatter(xmax=1.0, decimals=1))

Histogram with random values from a normal distribution

In this case xmax is the data value that corresponds to 100%. Percentages are computed as x / xmax * 100, that's why we fix xmax=1.0. Also, decimals is the number of decimal places to place after the point.

How to split large text file in windows?

You can use the command split for this task. For example this command entered into the command prompt

split YourLogFile.txt -b 500m

creates several files with a size of 500 MByte each. This will take several minutes for a file of your size. You can rename the output files (by default called "xaa", "xab",... and so on) to *.txt to open it in the editor of your choice.

Make sure to check the help file for the command. You can also split the log file by number of lines or change the name of your output files.

(tested on Windows 7 64 bit)

How do include paths work in Visual Studio?

This answer only applies to ancient versions of Visual Studio - see the more recent answers for modern versions.

You can set Visual Studio's global include path here:

Tools / Options / Projects and Solutions / VC++ Directories / Include files

MongoDB: Combine data from multiple collections into

Doing unions in MongoDB in a 'SQL UNION' fashion is possible using aggregations along with lookups, in a single query. Here is an example I have tested that works with MongoDB 4.0:

// Create employees data for testing the union.
db.getCollection('employees').insert({ name: "John", type: "employee", department: "sales" });
db.getCollection('employees').insert({ name: "Martha", type: "employee", department: "accounting" });
db.getCollection('employees').insert({ name: "Amy", type: "employee", department: "warehouse" });
db.getCollection('employees').insert({ name: "Mike", type: "employee", department: "warehouse"  });

// Create freelancers data for testing the union.
db.getCollection('freelancers').insert({ name: "Stephany", type: "freelancer", department: "accounting" });
db.getCollection('freelancers').insert({ name: "Martin", type: "freelancer", department: "sales" });
db.getCollection('freelancers').insert({ name: "Doug", type: "freelancer", department: "warehouse"  });
db.getCollection('freelancers').insert({ name: "Brenda", type: "freelancer", department: "sales"  });

// Here we do a union of the employees and freelancers using a single aggregation query.
db.getCollection('freelancers').aggregate( // 1. Use any collection containing at least one document.
    { $limit: 1 }, // 2. Keep only one document of the collection.
    { $project: { _id: '$$REMOVE' } }, // 3. Remove everything from the document.

    // 4. Lookup collections to union together.
    { $lookup: { from: 'employees', pipeline: [{ $match: { department: 'sales' } }], as: 'employees' } },
    { $lookup: { from: 'freelancers', pipeline: [{ $match: { department: 'sales' } }], as: 'freelancers' } },

    // 5. Union the collections together with a projection.
    { $project: { union: { $concatArrays: ["$employees", "$freelancers"] } } },

    // 6. Unwind and replace root so you end up with a result set.
    { $unwind: '$union' },
    { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: '$union' } }

Here is the explanation of how it works:

  1. Instantiate an aggregate out of any collection of your database that has at least one document in it. If you can't guarantee any collection of your database will not be empty, you can workaround this issue by creating in your database some sort of 'dummy' collection containing a single empty document in it that will be there specifically for doing union queries.

  2. Make the first stage of your pipeline to be { $limit: 1 }. This will strip all the documents of the collection except the first one.

  3. Strip all the fields of the remaining document by using a $project stage:

    { $project: { _id: '$$REMOVE' } }
  4. Your aggregate now contains a single, empty document. It's time to add lookups for each collection you want to union together. You may use the pipeline field to do some specific filtering, or leave localField and foreignField as null to match the whole collection.

    { $lookup: { from: 'collectionToUnion1', pipeline: [...], as: 'Collection1' } },
    { $lookup: { from: 'collectionToUnion2', pipeline: [...], as: 'Collection2' } },
    { $lookup: { from: 'collectionToUnion3', pipeline: [...], as: 'Collection3' } }
  5. You now have an aggregate containing a single document that contains 3 arrays like this:

        Collection1: [...],
        Collection2: [...],
        Collection3: [...]

    You can then merge them together into a single array using a $project stage along with the $concatArrays aggregation operator:

      "$project" :
        "Union" : { $concatArrays: ["$Collection1", "$Collection2", "$Collection3"] }
  6. You now have an aggregate containing a single document, into which is located an array that contains your union of collections. What remains to be done is to add an $unwind and a $replaceRoot stage to split your array into separate documents:

    { $unwind: "$Union" },
    { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$Union" } }
  7. Voilà. You now have a result set containing the collections you wanted to union together. You can then add more stages to filter it further, sort it, apply skip() and limit(). Pretty much anything you want.

python selenium click on button

Remove space between classes in css selector:

driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.button .c_button .s_button').click()
#                                           ^         ^



C#: Printing all properties of an object

Any other solution/library is in the end going to use reflection to introspect the type...

How to hide only the Close (x) button?

Well you can hide the close button by changing the FormBorderStyle from the properties section or programmatically in the constructor using:

public Form1()
this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;

then you create a menu strip item to exit the application.


Undo a git stash

git stash list to list your stashed changes.

git stash show to see what n is in the below commands.

git stash apply to apply the most recent stash.

git stash apply stash@{n} to apply an older stash.

Error while waiting for device: Time out after 300seconds waiting for emulator to come online

These are the steps I took (I'm on Linux).

  • Switched to Software rendering (works but is too slow)
  • Tried running on commanline and an error displayed.
  • Forced emulator to use the system graphic drivers.

First, as @jlars62 suggested, I tried using Switching the Graphics to "Software" and this DID work. However, the performance is far to slow so I dug a little deeper.

Then I tried running the device from the console, as @CaptainCrunch suggestion. (My device was created in Android Studio; emulator in the Sdk may be in a different place on your system)

$ ~/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator -avd Nexus_6_Edited_768Mb_API_23

For me this produced the following error:

libGL error: unable to load driver: 
libGL error: driver
pointer missing libGL error: failed to load driver: i965 

Which I tracked down (on ArchLinux) to mean it's using the wrong graphic drivers (Android Sdk comes with it's own). You can force the system ones on the commandline with -use-system-libs:

$ ~/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator -avd Nexus_6_Edited_768Mb_API_23 -use-system-libs

To force Android Studio to do this you can intercept the call to "emulator" like so (See Mike42) :

$ cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools/
$ mv emulator emulator.0
$ touch emulator
$ chmod +x emulator

In the new emulator file add this:

set -ex
$0.0 $@ -use-system-libs

Display current date and time without punctuation

Without punctuation (as @Burusothman has mentioned):

current_date_time="`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`";
echo $current_date_time;



With punctuation:

current_date_time="`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`";
echo $current_date_time;


2017-01-15 07:25:33

Typescript ReferenceError: exports is not defined

Simply add libraryTarget: 'umd', like so

const webpackConfig = {
  output: {
    libraryTarget: 'umd' // Fix: "Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined".

module.exports = webpackConfig; // Export all custom Webpack configs.

How to tell if a connection is dead in python

From the link Jweede posted:

exception socket.timeout:

This exception is raised when a timeout occurs on a socket
which has had timeouts enabled via a prior call to settimeout().
The accompanying value is a string whose value is currently
always “timed out”.

Here are the demo server and client programs for the socket module from the python docs

# Echo server program
import socket

HOST = ''                 # Symbolic name meaning all available interfaces
PORT = 50007              # Arbitrary non-privileged port
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
conn, addr = s.accept()
print 'Connected by', addr
while 1:
    data = conn.recv(1024)
    if not data: break

And the client:

# Echo client program
import socket

HOST = ''    # The remote host
PORT = 50007              # The same port as used by the server
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send('Hello, world')
data = s.recv(1024)
print 'Received', repr(data)

On the docs example page I pulled these from, there are more complex examples that employ this idea, but here is the simple answer:

Assuming you're writing the client program, just put all your code that uses the socket when it is at risk of being dropped, inside a try block...

    s.connect((HOST, PORT))
    s.send("Hello, World!")
except socket.timeout:
    # whatever you need to do when the connection is dropped

TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

Try this instead:

sumall = summ + sumd + sumy
print "The sum of your numbers is", sumall
sumall = str(sumall) # add this line
sumln = (int(sumall[0])+int(sumall[1]))
print "Your lucky number is", sumln

sumall is a number, and you can't access its digits using the subscript notation (sumall[0], sumall[1]). For that to work, you'll need to transform it back to a string.

json.dump throwing "TypeError: {...} is not JSON serializable" on seemingly valid object?

In my case, boolean values in my Python dict were the problem. JSON boolean values are in lowercase ("true", "false") whereas in Python they are in Uppercase ("True", "False"). Couldn't find this solution anywhere online but hope it helps.

Disable button after click to prevent double clicking

You can do this with javascript. in your form tag, onsubmit="javascript:this.getElementById("submitButton").disabled='true';"

When to use MongoDB or other document oriented database systems?

I would say use an RDBMS if you need complex transactions. Otherwise I would go with MongoDB - more flexible to work with and you know it can scale when you need to. (I'm biased though - I work on the MongoDB project)

How to free memory from char array in C

Local variables are automatically freed when the function ends, you don't need to free them by yourself. You only free dynamically allocated memory (e.g using malloc) as it's allocated on the heap:

char *arr = malloc(3 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(arr, "bo");
// ...

More about dynamic memory allocation:

How to disable phone number linking in Mobile Safari?

Add this, I think it is what you're looking for:

<meta name = "format-detection" content = "telephone=no">

Run an OLS regression with Pandas Data Frame

This would require me to reformat the data into lists inside lists, which seems to defeat the purpose of using pandas in the first place.

No it doesn't, just convert to a NumPy array:

>>> data = np.asarray(df)

This takes constant time because it just creates a view on your data. Then feed it to scikit-learn:

>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
>>> lr = LinearRegression()
>>> X, y = data[:, 1:], data[:, 0]
>>>, y)
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False)
>>> lr.coef_
array([  4.01182386e-01,   3.51587361e-04])
>>> lr.intercept_

Calculating the distance between 2 points

the algorithm : ((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2) < 25

Handler "ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

I'm working on Windows Server 2012. .NET Extensibility 4.5 feature is on. WebDAVModule removed. I was still getting 500.21 error on ASP.NET route '/docs'.

Changing 'skipManagedModules' to false fixed the problem.

<applicationInitialization doAppInitAfterRestart="true" skipManagedModules="false">
        <add initializationPage="/docs" />    

Thanks to!topic/bonobo-git-server/GbdMXdDO4tI

Struct Constructor in C++?

Yes it possible to have constructor in structure here is one example:

struct a {
  int x;

int main() {
  struct a a1;

C/C++ switch case with string

The best way is to use source generation, so that you could use

if (hash(str) == HASH("some string") ..

in your main source, and an pre-build step would convert the HASH(const char*) expression to an integer value.

What is Mocking?

Other answers explain what mocking is. Let me walk you through it with different examples. And believe me, it's actually far more simpler than you think.

tl;dr It's an instance of the original class. It has other data injected into so you avoid testing the injected parts and solely focus on testing the implementation details of your class/functions.

Simple example:

class Foo {
    func add (num1: Int, num2: Int) -> Int { // Line A 
        return num1 + num2 // Line B

let unit = Foo() // unit under test

As you can see, I'm not testing LineA ie I'm not validating the input parameters. I'm not validating to see if num1, num2 are an Integer. I have no asserts against that.

I'm only testing to see if LineB (my implementation) given the mocked values 1 and 5 is doing as I expect.

Obviously in the real word this can become much more complex. The parameters can be a custom object like a Person, Address, or the implementation details can be more than a single +. But the logic of testing would be the same.

Non-coding Example:

Assume you're building a machine that identifies the type and brand name of electronic devices for an airport security. The machine does this by processing what it sees with its camera.

Now your manager walks in the door and asks you to unit-test it.

Then you as a developer you can either bring 1000 real objects, like a MacBook pro, Google Nexus, a banana, an iPad etc in front of it and test and see if it all works.

But you can also use mocked objects, like an identical looking MacBook pro (with no real internal parts) or a plastic banana in front of it. You can save yourself from investing in 1000 real laptops and rotting bananas.

The point is you're not trying to test if the banana is fake or not. Nor testing if the laptop is fake or not. All you're doing is testing if your machine once it sees a banana it would say not an electronic device and for a MacBook Pro it would say: Laptop, Apple. To the machine, the outcome of its detection should be the same for fake/mocked electronics and real electronics. If your machine also factored in the internals of a laptop (x-ray scan) or banana then your mocks' internals need to look the same as well. But you could also use a gadget with a friend motherboard. Had your machine tested whether or not devices can power on then well you'd need real devices.

The logic mentioned above applies to unit-testing of actual code as well. That is a function should work the same with real values you get from real input (and interactions) or mocked values you inject during unit-testing. And just as how you save yourself from using a real banana or MacBook, with unit-tests (and mocking) you save yourself from having to do something that causes your server to return a status code of 500, 403, 200, etc (forcing your server to trigger 500 is only when server is down, while 200 is when server is up. It gets difficult to run 100 network focused tests if you have to constantly wait 10 seconds between switching over server up and down). So instead you inject/mock a response with status code 500, 200, 403, etc and test your unit/function with a injected/mocked value.

Be aware:

Sometimes you don't correctly mock the actual object. Or you don't mock every possibility. E.g. your fake laptops are dark, and your machine accurately works with them, but then it doesn't work accurately with white fake laptops. Later when you ship this machine to customers they complain that it doesn't work all the time. You get random reports that it's not working. It takes you 3 months of time to finally figure out that the color of fake laptops need to be more varied so you can test your modules appropriately.

For a true coding example, your implementation may be different for status code 200 with image data returned vs 200 with image data not returned. For this reason it's good to use an IDE that provides code coverage e.g. the image below shows that your unit-tests don't ever go through the lines marked with brown.

enter image description here

image source

Real world coding Example:

Let's say you are writing an iOS application and have network calls.Your job is to test your application. To test/identify whether or not the network calls work as expected is NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY . It's another party's (server team) responsibility to test it. You must remove this (network) dependency and yet continue to test all your code that works around it.

A network call can return different status codes 404, 500, 200, 303, etc with a JSON response.

Your app is suppose to work for all of them (in case of errors, your app should throw its expected error). What you do with mocking is you create 'imaginary—similar to real' network responses (like a 200 code with a JSON file) and test your code without 'making the real network call and waiting for your network response'. You manually hardcode/return the network response for ALL kinds of network responses and see if your app is working as you expect. (you never assume/test a 200 with incorrect data, because that is not your responsibility, your responsibility is to test your app with a correct 200, or in case of a 400, 500, you test if your app throws the right error)

This creating imaginary—similar to real is known as mocking.

In order to do this, you can't use your original code (your original code doesn't have the pre-inserted responses, right?). You must add something to it, inject/insert that dummy data which isn't normally needed (or a part of your class).

So you create an instance the original class and add whatever (here being the network HTTPResponse, data OR in the case of failure, you pass the correct errorString, HTTPResponse) you need to it and then test the mocked class.

Long story short, mocking is to simplify and limit what you are testing and also make you feed what a class depends on. In this example you avoid testing the network calls themselves, and instead test whether or not your app works as you expect with the injected outputs/responses —— by mocking classes

Needless to say, you test each network response separately.

Now a question that I always had in my mind was: The contracts/end points and basically the JSON response of my APIs get updated constantly. How can I write unit tests which take this into consideration?

To elaborate more on this: let’s say model requires a key/field named username. You test this and your test passes. 2 weeks later backend changes the key's name to id. Your tests still passes. right? or not?

Is it the backend developer’s responsibility to update the mocks. Should it be part of our agreement that they provide updated mocks?

The answer to the above issue is that: unit tests + your development process as a client-side developer should/would catch outdated mocked response. If you ask me how? well the answer is:

Our actual app would fail (or not fail yet not have the desired behavior) without using updated APIs...hence if that fails...we will make changes on our development code. Which again leads to our tests failing....which we’ll have to correct it. (Actually if we are to do the TDD process correctly we are to not write any code about the field unless we write the test for it...and see it fail and then go and write the actual development code for it.)

This all means that backend doesn’t have to say: “hey we updated the mocks” eventually happens through your code development/debugging. ??Because it’s all part of the development process! Though if backend provides the mocked response for you then it's easier.

My whole point on this is that (if you can’t automate getting updated mocked API response then) some human interaction is required ie manual updates of JSONs and having short meetings to make sure their values are up to date will become part of your process

This section was written thanks to a slack discussion in our CocoaHead meetup group

For iOS devs only:

A very good example of mocking is this Practical Protocol-Oriented talk by Natasha Muraschev. Just skip to minute 18:30, though the slides may become out of sync with the actual video ???

I really like this part from the transcript:

Because this is testing...we do want to make sure that the get function from the Gettable is called, because it can return and the function could theoretically assign an array of food items from anywhere. We need to make sure that it is called;

When do you use Git rebase instead of Git merge?

Short Version

  • Merge takes all the changes in one branch and merges them into another branch in one commit.
  • Rebase says I want the point at which I branched to move to a new starting point

So when do you use either one?


  • Let's say you have created a branch for the purpose of developing a single feature. When you want to bring those changes back to master, you probably want merge (you don't care about maintaining all of the interim commits).


  • A second scenario would be if you started doing some development and then another developer made an unrelated change. You probably want to pull and then rebase to base your changes from the current version from the repository.

login failed for user 'sa'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452) in sql 2008

Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager

Right-click the SQL Server instance name > Select Properties from the context menu > Select Security node in left navigation bar

Under Authentication section, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication

Note: The server must be stopped and re-started before this will take effect

Error 18452 (not associated with a trusted sql server connection)

Writing List of Strings to Excel CSV File in Python

Very simple to fix, you just need to turn the parameter to writerow into a list.

for item in RESULTS:

Appending a list to a list of lists in R

Could it be this, what you want to have:

# Initial list:
myList <- list()

# Now the new experiments
for(i in 1:3){
  myList[[length(myList)+1]] <- list(sample(1:3))


grep --ignore-case --only

This is a known bug on the initial 2.5.1, and has been fixed in early 2007 (Redhat 2.5.1-5) according to the bug reports. Unfortunately Apple is still using 2.5.1 even on Mac OS X 10.7.2.

You could get a newer version via Homebrew (3.0) or MacPorts (2.26) or fink (3.0-1).

Edit: Apparently it has been fixed on OS X 10.11 (or maybe earlier), even though the grep version reported is still 2.5.1.

Convert varchar to float IF ISNUMERIC

-- TRY THIS --

select name= case when isnumeric(empname)= 1 then 'numeric' else 'notmumeric' end from [Employees]

But conversion is quit impossible

select empname=
when isnumeric(empname)= 1 then empname
else 'notmumeric'
from [Employees]

How to save Excel Workbook to Desktop regardless of user?

I think this is the most reliable way to get the desktop path which isn't always the same as the username.

MsgBox CreateObject("WScript.Shell").specialfolders("Desktop")

case statement in where clause - SQL Server

A CASE statement is an expression, just like a boolean comparison. That means the 'AND' needs to go before the 'CASE' statement, not within it.:

Select * From Times
WHERE (StartDate <= @Date) AND (EndDate >= @Date)

AND -- Added the "AND" here

CASE WHEN @day = 'Monday' THEN (Monday = 1)   -- Removed "AND" 
    WHEN @day = 'Tuesday' THEN (Tuesday = 1)  -- Removed "AND" 
    ELSE AND (Wednesday = 1) 

How many spaces will Java String.trim() remove?

If your String input is:

String a = "   abc   ";

Yes, output will be, "abc"; But if your String input is:

String b = "    This  is  a  test  "

Output will be This is a test So trim only removes spaces before your first character and after your last character in the string and ignores the inner spaces. This is a piece of my code that slightly optimizes the built in String trim method removing the inner spaces and removes spaces before and after your first and last character in the string. Hope it helps.

public static String trim(char [] input){
    char [] output = new char [input.length];
    int j=0;
    int jj=0;
    if(input[0] == ' ' )    {
        while(input[jj] == ' ') 
    for(int i=jj; i<input.length; i++){
      if(input[i] !=' ' || ( i==(input.length-1) && input[input.length-1] == ' ')){
      else if (input[i+1]!=' '){
        output[j]=' ';
    char [] m = new char [j];
    int a=0;
    for(int i=0; i<m.length; i++){
    return new String (m);

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE when I try to install compiled .apk on device

you just run adb uninstall {{package_name}}. That's it. Now you try the build.

C++ variable has initializer but incomplete type?

Sometimes, the same error occurs when you forget to include the corresponding header.

concat scope variables into string in angular directive expression

It's not very clear what the problem is and what you are trying to accomplish from the code you posted, but I'll take a stab at it.

In general, I suggest calling a function on ng-click like so:

<a ng-click="navigateToPath()">click me</a>

obj.val1 & obj.val2 should be available on your controller's $scope, you dont need to pass those into a function from the markup.

then, in your controller:

$scope.navigateToPath = function(){
   var path = '/somePath/' + $scope.obj.val1 + '/' + $scope.obj.val2; //dont need the '#'

How to search JSON tree with jQuery

Once you have the JSON loaded into a JavaScript object, it's no longer a jQuery problem but is now a JavaScript problem. In JavaScript you could for instance write a search such as:

var people = myJson["people"];
var persons = people["person"];
for(var i=0; i < persons.length; ++i) {
    var person_i = persons[i];
    if(person_i["name"] == mySearchForName) {
        // found ! do something with 'person_i'.
// not found !

Adding two numbers concatenates them instead of calculating the sum

Use parseInt(...) but make sure you specify a radix value; otherwise you will run into several bugs (if the string begins with "0", the radix is octal/8 etc.).

var x = parseInt(stringValueX, 10);
var y = parseInt(stringValueY, 10);

alert(x + y);

Hope this helps!

IE7 Z-Index Layering Issues

I encountered this issue, but on a large project where HTML changes had to be requested and became a whole issue, so I was looking for a pure css solution.

By placing position:relative; z-index:-1 on my main body content my header drop down content suddenly displayed above the body content in ie7 (it was already displaying without issue in all other browsers and in ie8+)

The problem with that was then this disabled all hover and click actions on all content in the element with the z-index:-1 so i went to the parent element of the whole page and gave it a position:relative; z-index:1

Which fixed the issue and retained the correct layering functionality.

Feels a bit hacky, but worked as required.