Programs & Examples On #Coding efficiency

Adding one day to a date

The modify() method that can be used to add increments to an existing DateTime value.

Create a new DateTime object with the current date and time:

$due_dt = new DateTime();

Once you have the DateTime object, you can manipulate its value by adding or subtracting time periods:

$due_dt->modify('+1 day');

You can read more on the PHP Manual.

How to suppress Pandas Future warning ?

Found this on github...

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

import pandas

Python time measure function

After playing with the timeit module, I don't like its interface, which is not so elegant compared to the following two method.

The following code is in Python 3.

The decorator method

This is almost the same with @Mike's method. Here I add kwargs and functools wrap to make it better.

def timeit(func):
    def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
        startTime = time.time()
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
        print('function [{}] finished in {} ms'.format(
            func.__name__, int(elapsedTime * 1000)))
    return newfunc

def foobar():
    mike = Person()

The context manager method

from contextlib import contextmanager

def timeit_context(name):
    startTime = time.time()
    elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
    print('[{}] finished in {} ms'.format(name, int(elapsedTime * 1000)))

For example, you can use it like:

with timeit_context('My profiling code'):
    mike = Person()

And the code within the with block will be timed.


Using the first method, you can eaily comment out the decorator to get the normal code. However, it can only time a function. If you have some part of code that you don't what to make it a function, then you can choose the second method.

For example, now you have

images = get_images()
bigImage = ImagePacker.pack(images, width=4096)

Now you want to time the bigImage = ... line. If you change it to a function, it will be:

images = get_images()
bitImage = None
def foobar():
    nonlocal bigImage
    bigImage = ImagePacker.pack(images, width=4096)

Looks not so great...What if you are in Python 2, which has no nonlocal keyword.

Instead, using the second method fits here very well:

images = get_images()
with timeit_context('foobar'):
    bigImage = ImagePacker.pack(images, width=4096)

Setting default value in select drop-down using Angularjs

Problem 1:

The generated HTML you're getting is normal. Apparently it's a feature of Angular to be able to use any kind of object as value for a select. Angular does the mapping between the HTML option-value and the value in the ng-model. Also see Umur's comment in this question: How do I set the value property in AngularJS' ng-options?

Problem 2:

Make sure you're using the following ng-options:

<select ng-model="object.item" ng-options=" as for item in list" />

And put this in your controller to select a default value:

object.item = 4

Error 405 (Method Not Allowed) Laravel 5

Your routes.php file needs to be setup correctly.

What I am assuming your current setup is like:


or something. Define a route for the delete method instead.


Now if you are using a Route resource, the default route name to be used for the 'DELETE' method is .destroy. Define your delete logic in that function instead.

How to create custom button in Android using XML Styles

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



1.add this in your drawable

2.set as background to your button

Can't connect to docker from docker-compose

1 . sudo service docker stop 
2 . sudo service docker status
3 . sudo service docker start
4 . docker-compose build <app_name\service_name>

Angular CLI - Please add a @NgModule annotation when using latest

The problem is the import of ProjectsListComponent in your ProjectsModule. You should not import that, but add it to the export array, if you want to use it outside of your ProjectsModule.

Other issues are your project routes. You should add these to an exportable variable, otherwise it's not AOT compatible. And you should -never- import the BrowserModule anywhere else but in your AppModule. Use the CommonModule to get access to the *ngIf, *ngFor...etc directives:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports: [

export class ProjectsModule {}


export const ProjectRoutes: Routes = [
      { path: 'projects', component: ProjectsListComponent }


Use the following SQL statement

WHERE table_name = 'tbl_name' 
AND COLUMN_NAME = 'col_name'

If you replace tbl_name and col_name, it displays data type of the particular coloumn that you looking for.

WPF - add static items to a combo box

Here is the code from MSDN and the link - Article Link, which you should check out for more detail.

<ComboBox Text="Is not open">
    <ComboBoxItem Name="cbi1">Item1</ComboBoxItem>
    <ComboBoxItem Name="cbi2">Item2</ComboBoxItem>
    <ComboBoxItem Name="cbi3">Item3</ComboBoxItem>

Understanding React-Redux and mapStateToProps()

React-Redux connect is used to update store for every actions.

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

const AppContainer = connect(  

export default AppContainer;

It's very simply and clearly explained in this blog.

You can clone github project or copy paste the code from that blog to understand the Redux connect.

How to validate a file upload field using Javascript/jquery

Check it's value property:

In jQuery (since your tag mentions it):


Or in vanilla JavaScript:


Android: findviewbyid: finding view by id when view is not on the same layout invoked by setContentView

It's impossible. You can only find and access views that are currently running. If you want to check the value of ex. TextView used in previus activity you must save the value is SharedPreferences, database, file or pass by Intent.

How to change the color of a CheckBox?

100% robust approach.

In my case, I didn't have access to the XML layout source file, since I get Checkbox from a 3-rd party MaterialDialog lib. So I have to solve this programmatically.

  1. Create a ColorStateList in xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:color="@color/white"
    <item android:color="@color/positiveButtonBg"
  1. Then apply it to the checkbox:

    ColorStateList darkStateList = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(getContext(), R.color.checkbox_tint_dark_theme);
    CompoundButtonCompat.setButtonTintList(checkbox, darkStateList);

P.S. In addition if someone is interested, here is how you can get your checkbox from MaterialDialog dialog (if you set it with .checkBoxPromptRes(...)):

CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox) dialog.getView().findViewById(;

Hope this helps.

How to use pip with python 3.4 on windows?

"py -m pip install requests" works fine with Windows and its up gradation. Just change the path after installing Python 3.4 in the command prompt and type in "py -m pip install requests"command prompt. pip install

Qt: resizing a QLabel containing a QPixmap while keeping its aspect ratio

I tried using phyatt's AspectRatioPixmapLabel class, but experienced a few problems:

  • Sometimes my app entered an infinite loop of resize events. I traced this back to the call of QLabel::setPixmap(...) inside the resizeEvent method, because QLabel actually calls updateGeometry inside setPixmap, which may trigger resize events...
  • heightForWidth seemed to be ignored by the containing widget (a QScrollArea in my case) until I started setting a size policy for the label, explicitly calling policy.setHeightForWidth(true)
  • I want the label to never grow more than the original pixmap size
  • QLabel's implementation of minimumSizeHint() does some magic for labels containing text, but always resets the size policy to the default one, so I had to overwrite it

That said, here is my solution. I found that I could just use setScaledContents(true) and let QLabel handle the resizing. Of course, this depends on the containing widget / layout honoring the heightForWidth.



#include <QLabel>
#include <QPixmap>

class AspectRatioPixmapLabel : public QLabel
    explicit AspectRatioPixmapLabel(const QPixmap &pixmap, QWidget *parent = 0);
    virtual int heightForWidth(int width) const;
    virtual bool hasHeightForWidth() { return true; }
    virtual QSize sizeHint() const { return pixmap()->size(); }
    virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return QSize(0, 0); }



#include "aspectratiopixmaplabel.h"

AspectRatioPixmapLabel::AspectRatioPixmapLabel(const QPixmap &pixmap, QWidget *parent) :
    QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);

int AspectRatioPixmapLabel::heightForWidth(int width) const
    if (width > pixmap()->width()) {
        return pixmap()->height();
    } else {
        return ((qreal)pixmap()->height()*width)/pixmap()->width();

Is there a replacement for unistd.h for Windows (Visual C)?

I would recommend using mingw/msys as a development environment. Especially if you are porting simple console programs. Msys implements a Unix-like shell on Windows, and mingw is a port of the GNU compiler collection (GCC) and other GNU build tools to the Windows platform. It is an open-source project, and well-suited to the task. I currently use it to build utility programs and console applications for Windows XP, and it most certainly has that unistd.h header you are looking for.

The install procedure can be a little bit tricky, but I found that the best place to start is in MSYS.

New og:image size for Facebook share?

Relying on the PDF that @CBroe posted earlier:

For best og:image results (retina ready & without being cropped) with the current Facebook Standard use:

Size: minimum 1200 x 630px

Ratio: 1.91:1

How can I send a file document to the printer and have it print?

I know Edwin answered it above but his only prints one document. I use this code to print all files from a given directory.

public void PrintAllFiles()
    System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
    info.Verb = "print";
    System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
    //Load Files in Selected Folder
    string[] allFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Directory);
    foreach (string file in allFiles)
        info.FileName = @file;
        info.CreateNoWindow = true;
        info.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
         p.StartInfo = info;
    //p.Kill(); Can Create A Kill Statement Here... but I found I don't need one
    MessageBox.Show("Print Complete");

It essentually cycles through each file in the given directory variable Directory - > for me it was @"C:\Users\Owner\Documents\SalesVaultTesting\" and prints off those files to your default printer.

Set Label Text with JQuery

I would just query for the for attribute instead of repetitively recursing the DOM tree.

$("input:checkbox").on("change", function() {

How to remove item from array by value?

What you're after is filter

This will allow you to do the following:

var ary = ['three', 'seven', 'eleven'];
var aryWithoutSeven = ary.filter(function(value) { return value != 'seven' });
console.log(aryWithoutSeven); // returns ['three', 'eleven']

This was also noted in this thread somewhere else:

Static extension methods

specifically I want to overload Boolean.Parse to allow an int argument.

Would an extension for int work?

public static bool ToBoolean(this int source){
    // do it
    // return it

Then you can call it like this:

int x = 1;

bool y = x.ToBoolean();

How to store a list in a column of a database table

you can store it as text that looks like a list and create a function that can return its data as an actual list. example:


|  word  | letters    |
|   me   | '[m, e]'   |
|  you   |'[y, o, u]' |  note that the letters column is of type 'TEXT'
|  for   |'[f, o, r]' |
|___in___|_'[i, n]'___|

And the list compiler function (written in python, but it should be easily translatable to most other programming languages). TEXT represents the text loaded from the sql table. returns list of strings from string containing list. if you want it to return ints instead of strings, make mode equal to 'int'. Likewise with 'string', 'bool', or 'float'.

def string_to_list(string, mode):
    items = []
    item = ""
    itemExpected = True
    for char in string[1:]:
        if itemExpected and char not in [']', ',', '[']:
            item += char
        elif char in [',', '[', ']']:
            itemExpected = True
            item = ""
    newItems = []
    if mode == "int":
        for i in items:

    elif mode == "float":
        for i in items:

    elif mode == "boolean":
        for i in items:
            if i in ["true", "True"]:
            elif i in ["false", "False"]:
    elif mode == "string":
        return items
        raise Exception("the 'mode'/second parameter of string_to_list() must be one of: 'int', 'string', 'bool', or 'float'")
    return newItems

Also here is a list-to-string function in case you need it.

def list_to_string(lst):
    string = "["
    for i in lst:
        string += str(i) + ","
    if string[-1] == ',':
        string = string[:-1] + "]"
        string += "]"
    return string

Flutter does not find android sdk

First run flutter upgrade from your terminal , If you get the following error,

ANDROID_HOME = C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\Android
      but Android SDK not found at this location.
  1. First go to android studio, Settings->System Settings->Click the expand arrow
  2. Then go to the Android SDK option and add the corresponding SDK to the project then go to Project Structure and add the respective SDK to the project Structure
  3. Then run flutter upgrade in the terminal

Excel SUMIF between dates

You haven't got your SUMIF in the correct order - it needs to be range, criteria, sum range. Try:


How to give credentials in a batch script that copies files to a network location?

Try using the net use command in your script to map the share first, because you can provide it credentials. Then, your copy command should use those credentials.

net use \\<network-location>\<some-share> password /USER:username

Don't leave a trailing \ at the end of the

Hive: Convert String to Integer

If the value is between –2147483648 and 2147483647, cast(string_filed as int) will work. else cast(string_filed as bigint) will work

    hive> select cast('2147483647' as int);
    hive> select cast('2147483648' as int);
    hive> select cast('2147483648' as bigint);

Eclipse: How to install a plugin manually?

You can try this

click Help>Install New Software on the menu bar

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Can't compile C program on a Mac after upgrade to Mojave

@JL Peyret is right!

if you macos 10.14.6 Mojave, Xcode 11.0+


cd /Applications/

sudo ln -s MacOSX.sdk/ MacOSX10.14.sdk

MYSQL import data from csv using LOAD DATA INFILE

You can load data from a csv or text file. If you have a text file with records from a table, you can load those records within the table. For example if you have a text file, where each row is a record with the values for each column, you can load the records this way.


id //field 1

name //field2





--example on windows

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:\\directory_example\\table.txt'

How to write a comment in a Razor view?

Note that in general, IDE's like Visual Studio will markup a comment in the context of the current language, by selecting the text you wish to turn into a comment, and then using the Ctrl+K Ctrl+C shortcut, or if you are using Resharper / Intelli-J style shortcuts, then Ctrl+/.

Server side Comments:

Razor .cshtml

Like so:

@* Comment goes here *@

For those looking for the older .aspx view (and Asp.Net WebForms) server side comment syntax:

<%-- Comment goes here --%>

Client Side Comments

HTML Comment

<!-- Comment goes here -->

Javascript Comment

// One line Comment goes Here
/* Multiline comment
   goes here */

As OP mentions, although not displayed on the browser, client side comments will still be generated for the page / script file on the server and downloaded by the page over HTTP, which unless removed (e.g. minification), will waste I/O, and, since the comment can be viewed by the user by viewing the page source or intercepting the traffic with the browser's Dev Tools or a tool like Fiddler or Wireshark, can also pose a security risk, hence the preference to use server side comments on server generated code (like MVC views or .aspx pages).

How to subtract 30 days from the current date using SQL Server

You can convert it to datetime, and then use DATEADD(DAY, -30, date).

See here.


I suspect many people are finding this question because they want to substract from current date (as is the title of the question, but not what OP intended). The comment of munyul below answers that question more specifically. Since comments are considered ethereal (may be deleted at any given point), I'll repeat it here:


Error: Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat) when running Python script

Tried to install lxml, grab and other extensions, which requires VS 10.0+ and get the same issue. I find own way to solve this problem(Windows 10 x64, Python 3.4+):

  1. Install Visual C++ 2010 Express (download). (Do not install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 )

  2. Remove all the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable packages from Control Panel\Programs and Features. If you don't do those then the install is going to fail with an obscure "Fatal error during installation" error.

  3. Install offline version of Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2010 (v7.1) (download). This is required for 64bit extensions. Windows has builtin mounting for ISOs. Just mount the ISO and run Setup\SDKSetup.exe instead of setup.exe.

  4. Create a vcvars64.bat file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\amd64 that contains:

    CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64

  5. Find extension on this site, then put them into the python folder, and install .whl extension with pip:

    python -m pip install extensionname.whl

  6. Enjoy

SQL Count for each date

I had similar question however mine involved a column Convert(date,mydatetime). I had to alter the best answer as follows:

     count(created_date) as counted_leads,
     Convert(date,created_date) as count_date 
from table
group by Convert(date,created_date)

Fastest way of finding differences between two files in unix?

This will work fast:

Case 1 - File2 = File1 + extra text appended.

grep -Fxvf File2.txt File1.txt >> File3.txt

File 1: 80 Lines File 2: 100 Lines File 3: 20 Lines

Select a Column in SQL not in Group By

You can join the table on itself to get the PK:

Select cpe1.PK, cpe2.MaxDate, cpe1.fmgcms_cpeclaimid 
from Filteredfmgcms_claimpaymentestimate cpe1
    select MAX(createdon) As MaxDate, fmgcms_cpeclaimid 
    from Filteredfmgcms_claimpaymentestimate
    group by fmgcms_cpeclaimid
) cpe2
    on cpe1.fmgcms_cpeclaimid = cpe2.fmgcms_cpeclaimid
    and cpe1.createdon = cpe2.MaxDate
where cpe1.createdon < 'reportstartdate'

Center the nav in Twitter Bootstrap

Possible duplicate of Modify twitter bootstrap navbar. I guess this is what you are looking for (copied):

.navbar .nav,
.navbar .nav > li {
  *display:inline; /* ie7 fix */
  *zoom:1; /* hasLayout ie7 trigger */
  vertical-align: top;

.navbar-inner {

As stated in the linked answer, you should make a new class with these properties and add it to the nav div.

Save results to csv file with Python

This is how I do it

 import csv
    file = open('???.csv', 'r')
    read = csv.reader(file)
    for column in read:
            file = open('???.csv', 'r')
            read = csv.reader(file)
            file = open('????.csv', 'a', newline='')
            write = csv.writer(file, delimiter = ",")
            write.writerow((, ))

"Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No such file or directory" while installing mysql-python

If you are doing this in a virtual environment whether using Visual Studio or otherwise, try easy_install MySQL-python

How to remove item from a python list in a loop?

x = [i for i in x if len(i)==2]

How to check if an object is a certain type

Some more details in relation with the response from Cody Gray. As it took me some time to digest it I though it might be usefull to others.

First, some definitions:

  1. There are TypeNames, which are string representations of the type of an object, interface, etc. For example, Bar is a TypeName in Public Class Bar, or in Dim Foo as Bar. TypeNames could be seen as "labels" used in the code to tell the compiler which type definition to look for in a dictionary where all available types would be described.
  2. There are System.Type objects which contain a value. This value indicates a type; just like a String would take some text or an Int would take a number, except we are storing types instead of text or numbers. Type objects contain the type definitions, as well as its corresponding TypeName.

Second, the theory:

  1. Foo.GetType() returns a Type object which contains the type for the variable Foo. In other words, it tells you what Foo is an instance of.
  2. GetType(Bar) returns a Type object which contains the type for the TypeName Bar.
  3. In some instances, the type an object has been Cast to is different from the type an object was first instantiated from. In the following example, MyObj is an Integer cast into an Object:

    Dim MyVal As Integer = 42 Dim MyObj As Object = CType(MyVal, Object)

So, is MyObj of type Object or of type Integer? MyObj.GetType() will tell you it is an Integer.

  1. But here comes the Type Of Foo Is Bar feature, which allows you to ascertain a variable Foo is compatible with a TypeName Bar. Type Of MyObj Is Integer and Type Of MyObj Is Object will both return True. For most cases, TypeOf will indicate a variable is compatible with a TypeName if the variable is of that Type or a Type that derives from it. More info here:

The test below illustrate quite well the behaviour and usage of each of the mentionned keywords and properties.

Public Sub TestMethod1()

    Dim MyValInt As Integer = 42
    Dim MyValDble As Double = CType(MyValInt, Double)
    Dim MyObj As Object = CType(MyValDble, Object)

    Debug.Print(MyValInt.GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.Int32
    Debug.Print(MyValDble.GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.Double
    Debug.Print(MyObj.GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.Double

    Debug.Print(MyValInt.GetType.GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.RuntimeType
    Debug.Print(MyValDble.GetType.GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.RuntimeType
    Debug.Print(MyObj.GetType.GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.RuntimeType

    Debug.Print(GetType(Integer).GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.RuntimeType
    Debug.Print(GetType(Double).GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.RuntimeType
    Debug.Print(GetType(Object).GetType.ToString) 'Returns System.RuntimeType

    Debug.Print(MyValInt.GetType = GetType(Integer)) '# Returns True
    Debug.Print(MyValInt.GetType = GetType(Double)) 'Returns False
    Debug.Print(MyValInt.GetType = GetType(Object)) 'Returns False

    Debug.Print(MyValDble.GetType = GetType(Integer)) 'Returns False
    Debug.Print(MyValDble.GetType = GetType(Double)) '# Returns True
    Debug.Print(MyValDble.GetType = GetType(Object)) 'Returns False

    Debug.Print(MyObj.GetType = GetType(Integer)) 'Returns False
    Debug.Print(MyObj.GetType = GetType(Double)) '# Returns True
    Debug.Print(MyObj.GetType = GetType(Object)) 'Returns False

    Debug.Print(TypeOf MyObj Is Integer) 'Returns False
    Debug.Print(TypeOf MyObj Is Double) '# Returns True
    Debug.Print(TypeOf MyObj Is Object) '# Returns True

End Sub


You can also use Information.TypeName(Object) to get the TypeName of a given object. For example,

Dim Foo as Bar
Dim Result as String
Result = TypeName(Foo)
Debug.Print(Result) 'Will display "Bar"

Get multiple elements by Id

You should use querySelectorAll, this writes every occurrence in an array and it allows you to use forEach to get individual element.


Angular JS: Full example of GET/POST/DELETE/PUT client for a REST/CRUD backend?

Because your update uses PUT method, {entryId: $scope.entryId} is considered as data, to tell angular generate from the PUT data, you need to add params: {entryId: '@entryId'} when you define your update, which means

return $resource('http://localhost\\:3000/realmen/:entryId', {}, {
  query: {method:'GET', params:{entryId:''}, isArray:true},
  post: {method:'POST'},
  update: {method:'PUT', params: {entryId: '@entryId'}},
  remove: {method:'DELETE'}

Fix: Was missing a closing curly brace on the update line.

Is there a way to run Bash scripts on Windows?

If your looking for something a little more native, you can use getGnuWin32 to install all of the unix command line tools that have been ported. That plus winBash gives you most of a working unix environment. Add console2 for a better terminal emulator and you almost can't tell your on windows!

Cygwin is a better toolkit overall, but I have found myself running into suprise problems because of the divide between it and windows. None of these solutions are as good as a native linux system though.

You may want to look into using virtualbox to create a linux VM with your distro of choice. Set it up to share a folder with the host os, and you can use a true linux development environment, and share with windows. Just watch out for those EOL markers, they get ya every time.

Displaying better error message than "No JSON object could be decoded"

As to me, my json file is very large, when use common json in python it gets the above error.

After install simplejson by sudo pip install simplejson.

And then I solved it.

import json
import simplejson

def test_parse_json():
    f_path = '/home/hello/_data.json'
    with open(f_path) as f:
        # j_data = json.load(f)      # ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
        j_data = simplejson.load(f)  # right
    lst_img = j_data['images']['image']
    print lst_img[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':

The type must be a reference type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method

If you put constrains on a generic class or method, every other generic class or method that is using it need to have "at least" those constrains.

Attach event to dynamic elements in javascript

You can do something similar to this:

// Get the parent to attatch the element into
var parent = document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

// Create element with random id
var element = document.createElement("li"); = "li-"+Math.floor(Math.random()*9999);

// Add event listener
element.addEventListener("click", EVENT_FN);

// Add to parent

Append integer to beginning of list in Python

Based on some (minimal) benchmarks using the timeit module it seems that the following has similar if not better performance than the accepted answer

new_lst = [a, *lst]

As with [a] + list this will create a new list and not mutate lst.

If your intention is to mutate the list then use lst.insert(0, a).

Passing a local variable from one function to another

You can very easily use this to re-use the value of the variable in another function.

// Use this in source window.var1= oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext();

// Get value of var1 in destination var var2= window.var1;

Subversion ignoring "--password" and "--username" options

Do you actually have the single quotes in your command? I don't think they are necessary. Plus, I think you also need --no-auth-cache and --non-interactive

Here is what I use (no single quotes)

--non-interactive --no-auth-cache --username XXXX --password YYYY

See the Client Credentials Caching documentation in the svnbook for more information.

Detect URLs in text with JavaScript

There is existing npm package: url-regex, just install it with yarn add url-regex or npm install url-regex and use as following:

const urlRegex = require('url-regex');

const replaced = 'Find me at and also at or at'
  .replace(urlRegex({strict: false}), function(url) {
     return '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>';

Get the length of a String

In Swift 4 : If the string does not contain unicode characters then use the following

let str : String = "abcd"
let count = str.count // output 4

If the string contains unicode chars then use the following :

let spain = "España"
let count1 = spain.count // output 6
let count2 = spain.utf8.count // output 7

How to read from standard input in the console?

Another way to read multiple inputs within a loop which can handle an input with spaces:

package main
import (

func main() {
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    var text string
    for text != "q" {  // break the loop if text == "q"
        fmt.Print("Enter your text: ")
        text = scanner.Text()
        if text != "q" {
            fmt.Println("Your text was: ", text)


Enter your text: Hello world!
Your text was:  Hello world!
Enter your text: Go is awesome!
Your text was:  Go is awesome!
Enter your text: q

How to go back to previous page if back button is pressed in WebView?

Why not use onBackPressed()?

public void onBackPressed()
    // super.onBackPressed(); Do not call me!

    // Go to the previous web page.

Returning JSON object from an ASP.NET page

With ASP.NET Web Pages you can do this on a single page as a basic GET example (the simplest possible thing that can work.

var json = Json.Encode(new {
    orientation = Cache["orientation"],
    alerted = Cache["alerted"] as bool?,
    since = Cache["since"] as DateTime?

'Java' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Search environment variables. enter image description here

open the "edit the system environment variables". then click on "environment variables". enter image description here

Under "User variables" click on "Path" then "Edit". enter image description here

Find your Java path and click "Edit". enter image description here

then paste the path of your java installation folder. Mostly you can find it on a path similar to this. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12.0.2\bin

Then click OK. now in the start menu, type cmd. open the command prompt. type java -version If you did it right,it should show something like this. enter image description here

Escape quote in web.config connection string

connectionString="Server=dbsrv;User ID=myDbUser;Password=somepass&quot;word"

Since the web.config is XML, you need to escape the five special characters:

&amp; -> & ampersand, U+0026
&lt; -> < left angle bracket, less-than sign, U+003C
&gt; -> > right angle bracket, greater-than sign, U+003E
&quot; -> " quotation mark, U+0022
&apos; -> ' apostrophe, U+0027

+ is not a problem, I suppose.

Duc Filan adds: You should also wrap your password with single quote ':

connectionString="Server=dbsrv;User ID=myDbUser;Password='somepass&quot;word'"

WordPress query single post by slug

From the WordPress Codex:

$the_slug = 'my_slug';
$args = array(
  'name'        => $the_slug,
  'post_type'   => 'post',
  'post_status' => 'publish',
  'numberposts' => 1
$my_posts = get_posts($args);
if( $my_posts ) :
  echo 'ID on the first post found ' . $my_posts[0]->ID;

WordPress Codex Get Posts

This Activity already has an action bar supplied by the window decor

Add this two line in your app theme located in style.xml:-

 <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

    //Add this two line will fix your problem
    <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>   <--1(this applies after 22.0.1 support library i think 
    <item name="windowActionBar">true</item> <--2

What are the "spec.ts" files generated by Angular CLI for?

.spec.ts file is used for unit testing of your application.

If you don't to get it generated just use --spec=false while creating new Component. Like this

ng generate component --spec=false mycomponentName

Why doesn't Python have multiline comments?

Because the # convention is a common one, and there really isn't anything you can do with a multiline comment that you can't with a #-sign comment. It's a historical accident, like the ancestry of /* ... */ comments going back to PL/I,

What is DOM element?

DOM is a logical model that can be implemented in any convenient manner.It is based on an object structure that closely resembles the structure of the documents it models.

For More Information on DOM : Click Here

jQuery Dialog Box

I encountered the same issue (dialog would only open once, after closing, it wouldn't open again), and tried the solutions above which did not fix my problem. I went back to the docs and realized I had a fundamental misunderstanding of how the dialog works.

The $('#myDiv').dialog() command creates/instantiates the dialog, but is not necessarily the proper way to open it. The proper way to open it is to instantiate the dialog with dialog(), then use dialog('open') to display it, and dialog('close') to close/hide it. This means you'll probably want to set the autoOpen option to false.

So the process is: instantiate the dialog on document ready, then listen for the click or whatever action you want to show the dialog. Then it will work, time after time!

<script type="text/javascript"> 
        jQuery(document).ready( function(){       
            jQuery("#myButton").click( showDialog );

            //variable to reference window
            $myWindow = jQuery('#myDiv');

            //instantiate the dialog
            $myWindow.dialog({ height: 350,
                width: 400,
                modal: true,
                position: 'center',
                title:'Hello World',
                overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: 'black'}

    //function to show dialog   
    var showDialog = function() {
        //if the contents have been hidden with css, you need this
        //open the dialog

    //function to close dialog, probably called by a button in the dialog
    var closeDialog = function() {



<input id="myButton" name="myButton" value="Click Me" type="button" />
<div id="myDiv" style="display:none">
    <p>I am a modal dialog</p>

How to get screen width without (minus) scrollbar?

Try this :

$('body, html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
var screenWidth1 = $(window).width();
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'visible');
var screenWidth2 = $(window).width();
alert(screenWidth1); // Gives the screenwith without scrollbar
alert(screenWidth2); // Gives the screenwith including scrollbar

You can get the screen width by with and without scroll bar by using this code. Here, I have changed the overflow value of body and get the width with and without scrollbar.

Spring Boot java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/Filter

For Jar

Add pom.xml


How to use MD5 in javascript to transmit a password

if you're using php jquery, this might help:


on your phpmd5.php file:

echo json_encode($_POST["mypassword"]);

no jsplugins needed. just use ajax and let php md5() do the job.

How do you handle a form change in jQuery?

Extending Udi's answer, this only checks on form submission, not on every input change.

$(document).ready( function () {
  var form_data = $('#myform').serialize();
  $('#myform').submit(function () {
      if ( form_data == $(this).serialize() ) {
        alert('no change');
      } else {

Format date as dd/MM/yyyy using pipes

You can also use momentjs for this sort of things. Momentjs is best at parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript.

I used this pipe from Urish, which works fine for me:

In the args parameter you can put your date format like: "dd/mm/yyyy"

How to move a git repository into another directory and make that directory a git repository?

I am no expert, but I copy the .git folder to a new folder, then invoke: git reset --hard

Edittext change border color with shape.xml

Use this code on xml . i hope it will be work

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <shape xmlns:android=""
      <stroke android:width="3dp"
      <corners android:radius="5dp" />

Copy data from one existing row to another existing row in SQL?

Try this:

UPDATE barang
SET ID FROM(SELECT tblkatalog.tblkatalog_id FROM tblkatalog 
WHERE tblkatalog.tblkatalog_nomor = barang.NO_CAT) WHERE barang.NO_CAT <>'';

How to resolve compiler warning 'implicit declaration of function memset'

A good way to findout what header file you are missing:

 man <section> <function call>

To find out the section use:

apropos <function call>


 man 3 memset
 man 2 send

Edit in response to James Morris:

  • Section | Description
  • 1 General commands
  • 2 System calls
  • 3 C library functions
  • 4 Special files (usually devices, those found in /dev) and drivers
  • 5 File formats and conventions
  • 6 Games and screensavers
  • 7 Miscellanea
  • 8 System administration commands and daemons

Source: Wikipedia Man Page

Maven: Non-resolvable parent POM

Just for reference.

The joys of Maven.

Putting the relative path of the modules to ../pom.xml solved it.

The parent element has a relativePath element that you need to point to the directory of the parent. It defaults to ..

Pandas DataFrame column to list

You can use pandas.Series.tolist


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[4,5,6]})


>>> df['a'].tolist()

You will get

>>> [1, 2, 3]

git stash changes apply to new branch?

If you have some changes on your workspace and you want to stash them into a new branch use this command:

git stash branch branchName

It will make:

  1. a new branch
  2. move changes to this branch
  3. and remove latest stash (Like: git stash pop)

Checkbox angular material checked by default

Set this in HTML:

    <div class="modal-body " [formGroup]="Form">
        <div class="">
            <mat-checkbox formControlName="a" [disabled]="true"> Display 1</mat-checkbox>
        <div class="">
            <mat-checkbox formControlName="b"  [disabled]="true">  Display 2 </mat-checkbox>
        <div class="">
            <mat-checkbox formControlName="c"  [disabled]="true">  Display 3 </mat-checkbox>
        <div class="">
            <mat-checkbox formControlName="d"  [disabled]="true">  Display 4</mat-checkbox>
        <div class="">
            <mat-checkbox formControlName="e"  [disabled]="true"> Display 5 </mat-checkbox>

Changes in Ts file

this.Form ={
a: false,
b: false,
c: false,
d: false,
e: false,

Conditionvalidation in Ur Business logic

this.Form.patch(a: true);

enumerate() for dictionary in python

The first column of output is the index of each item in enumm and the second one is its keys. If you want to iterate your dictionary then use .items():

for k, v in enumm.items():
    print(k, v)

And the output should look like:

0 1
1 2
2 3
4 4 
5 5
6 6
7 7

Converting Dictionary to List?

 >>> a = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux', 'hello': 'world'}
 >>> list(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, a.items()))
 ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux', 'hello', 'world']

To explain: a.items() returns a list of tuples. Adding two tuples together makes one tuple containing all elements. Thus the reduction creates one tuple containing all keys and values and then the list(...) makes a list from that.

Java - get index of key in HashMap?

Not sure if this is any "cleaner", but:

List keys = new ArrayList(map.keySet());
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
    Object obj = keys.get(i);
    // do stuff here

How to parse unix timestamp to time.Time

According to the go documentation, Unix returns a local time.

Unix returns the local Time corresponding to the given Unix time

This means the output would depend on the machine your code runs on, which, most often is what you need, but sometimes, you may want to have the value in UTC.

To do so, I adapted the snippet to make it return a time in UTC:

i, err := strconv.ParseInt("1405544146", 10, 64)
if err != nil {
tm := time.Unix(i, 0)

This prints on my machine (in CEST)

2014-07-16 20:55:46 +0000 UTC

Adding an item to an associative array

For anyone that also need to add into 2d associative array, you can also use answer given above, and use the code like this

 $data[$category]["test"] = $question

you can then call it (to test out the result by:

echo $data[$category]["test"];

which should print $question

How can I save a screenshot directly to a file in Windows?

As far as I know in XP, yes you must use some other app to actually save it.

Vista comes with the Snipping tool, that simplifies the process a bit!

LINQ to SQL Left Outer Join

Take care of performance:

I experienced that at least with EF Core the different answers given here might result in different performance. I'm aware that the OP asked about Linq to SQL, but it seems to me that the same questions occur also with EF Core.

In a specific case I had to handle, the (syntactically nicer) suggestion by Marc Gravell resulted in left joins inside a cross apply -- similarly to what Mike U described -- which had the result that the estimated costs for this specific query were two times as high compared to a query with no cross joins. The server execution times differed by a factor of 3. [1]

The solution by Marc Gravell resulted in a query without cross joins.

Context: I essentially needed to perform two left joins on two tables each of which again required a join to another table. Furthermore, there I had to specify other where-conditions on the tables on which I needed to apply the left join. In addition, I had two inner joins on the main table.

Estimated operator costs:

  • with cross apply: 0.2534
  • without cross apply: 0.0991.

Server execution times in ms (queries executed 10 times; measured using SET STATISTICS TIME ON):

  • with cross apply: 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
  • without cross apply: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

(The very first run was slower for both queries; seems that something is cached.)

Table sizes:

  • main table: 87 rows,
  • first table for left join: 179 rows;
  • second table for left join: 7 rows.

EF Core version: 2.2.1.

SQL Server version: MS SQL Server 2017 - 14... (on Windows 10).

All relevant tables had indexes on the primary keys only.

My conclusion: it's always recommended to look at the generated SQL since it can really differ.

[1] Interestingly enough, when setting the 'Client statistics' in MS SQL Server Management Studio on, I could see an opposite trend; namely that last run of the solution without cross apply took more than 1s. I suppose that something was going wrong here - maybe with my setup.

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request

Check your servers error log, typically /var/log/apache2/error.log.

SQL Statement with multiple SETs and WHEREs

You could do this


    UPDATE table
    SET id =     (SELECT B FROM V WHERE ID = A)

Note, does not works on column organized tables. Use MERGE in that case

Change select box option background color

Here it goes what I've learned about the subject!

The CSS 2 specification did not address the problem of how form elements should be presented to users period!

Read here: smashing magazine

Eventually, you will never find any technical article from w3c or other addressed to this topic. Styling form elements in particular select boxes is not fully supported however, you can drive around... with some effort!

Styling HTML Form Elements

Building Custom Widgets

Don't waste time with hacks e such read the links and learn how pros get the job done!

Run two async tasks in parallel and collect results in .NET 4.5

This article helped explain a lot of things. It's in FAQ style.

Async/Await FAQ

This part explains why Thread.Sleep runs on the same original thread - leading to my initial confusion.

Does the “async” keyword cause the invocation of a method to queue to the ThreadPool? To create a new thread? To launch a rocket ship to Mars?

No. No. And no. See the previous questions. The “async” keyword indicates to the compiler that “await” may be used inside of the method, such that the method may suspend at an await point and have its execution resumed asynchronously when the awaited instance completes. This is why the compiler issues a warning if there are no “awaits” inside of a method marked as “async”.

How do I implement IEnumerable<T>

make mylist into a List<MyObject>, is one option

How to split (chunk) a Ruby array into parts of X elements?

If you're using rails you can also use in_groups_of:


How to prepare a Unity project for git?

Since Unity 4.3 you also have to enable External option from preferences, so full setup process looks like:

  1. Enable External option in Unity ? Preferences ? Packages ? Repository
  2. Switch to Hidden Meta Files in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Version Control Mode
  3. Switch to Force Text in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Asset Serialization Mode
  4. Save scene and project from File menu

Note that the only folders you need to keep under source control are Assets and ProjectSettigns.

More information about keeping Unity Project under source control you can find in this post.

JQuery datepicker language

You need to do something like this,

 $.datepicker.regional['fr'] = {clearText: 'Effacer', clearStatus: '',
    closeText: 'Fermer', closeStatus: 'Fermer sans modifier',
    prevText: '<Préc', prevStatus: 'Voir le mois précédent',
    nextText: 'Suiv>', nextStatus: 'Voir le mois suivant',
    currentText: 'Courant', currentStatus: 'Voir le mois courant',
    monthNames: ['Janvier','Février','Mars','Avril','Mai','Juin',
    monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fév','Mar','Avr','Mai','Jun',
    monthStatus: 'Voir un autre mois', yearStatus: 'Voir un autre année',
    weekHeader: 'Sm', weekStatus: '',
    dayNames: ['Dimanche','Lundi','Mardi','Mercredi','Jeudi','Vendredi','Samedi'],
    dayNamesShort: ['Dim','Lun','Mar','Mer','Jeu','Ven','Sam'],
    dayNamesMin: ['Di','Lu','Ma','Me','Je','Ve','Sa'],
    dayStatus: 'Utiliser DD comme premier jour de la semaine', dateStatus: 'Choisir le DD, MM d',
    dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', firstDay: 0, 
    initStatus: 'Choisir la date', isRTL: false};

for sv data follow the following link

How do I convert a decimal to an int in C#?

System.Decimal implements the IConvertable interface, which has a ToInt32() member.

Does calling System.Decimal.ToInt32() work for you?

how to get the child node in div using javascript

var tds = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Jobs_dlItems_ctl01_a").getElementsByTagName("td");
time = tds[0].firstChild.value;
address = tds[3].firstChild.value;

Is this very likely to create a memory leak in Tomcat?

I added the following to @PreDestroy method in my CDI @ApplicationScoped bean, and when I shutdown TomEE 1.6.0 (tomcat7.0.39, as of today), it clears the thread locals.

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package pf;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * @author Administrator
 * google-gson issue # 402: Memory Leak in web application; comment # 25
public class ThreadLocalImmolater {

    final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThreadLocalImmolater.class);

    Boolean debug;

    public ThreadLocalImmolater() {
        debug = true;

    public Integer immolate() {
        int count = 0;
        try {
            final Field threadLocalsField = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("threadLocals");
            final Field inheritableThreadLocalsField = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("inheritableThreadLocals");
            for (final Thread thread : Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet()) {
                    count += clear(threadLocalsField.get(thread));
                    count += clear(inheritableThreadLocalsField.get(thread));
  "immolated " + count + " values in ThreadLocals");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Error("ThreadLocalImmolater.immolate()", e);
        return count;

    private int clear(final Object threadLocalMap) throws Exception {
        if (threadLocalMap == null)
                return 0;
        int count = 0;
        final Field tableField = threadLocalMap.getClass().getDeclaredField("table");
        final Object table = tableField.get(threadLocalMap);
        for (int i = 0, length = Array.getLength(table); i < length; ++i) {
            final Object entry = Array.get(table, i);
            if (entry != null) {
                final Object threadLocal = ((WeakReference)entry).get();
                if (threadLocal != null) {
                    log(i, threadLocal);
                    Array.set(table, i, null);
        return count;

    private void log(int i, final Object threadLocal) {
        if (!debug) {
        if (threadLocal.getClass() != null &&
            threadLocal.getClass().getEnclosingClass() != null &&
            threadLocal.getClass().getEnclosingClass().getName() != null) {

  "threadLocalMap(" + i + "): " +
        else if (threadLocal.getClass() != null &&
                 threadLocal.getClass().getName() != null) {
  "threadLocalMap(" + i + "): " + threadLocal.getClass().getName());
        else {
  "threadLocalMap(" + i + "): cannot identify threadlocal class name");


Map a 2D array onto a 1D array

As other have said C maps in row order

   #include <stdio.h>

   int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   int i, j, k;
   int arr[5][3];
   int *arr2 = (int*)arr;

       for (k=0; k<15; k++) {
          arr2[k] = k;
          printf("arr[%d] = %2d\n", k, arr2[k]);

       for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
         for (j=0; j< 3; j++) {
            printf("arr2[%d][%d] = %2d\n", i, j ,arr[i][j]);


arr[0] =  0
arr[1] =  1
arr[2] =  2
arr[3] =  3
arr[4] =  4
arr[5] =  5
arr[6] =  6
arr[7] =  7
arr[8] =  8
arr[9] =  9
arr[10] = 10
arr[11] = 11
arr[12] = 12
arr[13] = 13
arr[14] = 14
arr2[0][0] =  0
arr2[0][1] =  1
arr2[0][2] =  2
arr2[1][0] =  3
arr2[1][1] =  4
arr2[1][2] =  5
arr2[2][0] =  6
arr2[2][1] =  7
arr2[2][2] =  8
arr2[3][0] =  9
arr2[3][1] = 10
arr2[3][2] = 11
arr2[4][0] = 12
arr2[4][1] = 13
arr2[4][2] = 14

Change onclick action with a Javascript function

Your code is calling the function and assigning the return value to onClick, also it should be 'onclick'. This is how it should look.

document.getElementById("a").onclick = Bar;

Looking at your other code you probably want to do something like this:

document.getElementById(id+"Button").onclick = function() { HideError(id); }

Access-Control-Allow-Origin wildcard subdomains, ports and protocols

I needed a PHP-only solution, so just in case someone needs it as well. It takes an allowed input string like "*" and returns the request header server name, if the input matches.

function getCORSHeaderOrigin($allowed, $input)
    if ($allowed == '*') {
        return '*';

    $allowed = preg_quote($allowed, '/');

    if (($wildcardPos = strpos($allowed, '*')) !== false) {
        $allowed = str_replace('*', '(.*)', $allowed);

    $regexp = '/^' . $allowed . '$/';

    if (!preg_match($regexp, $input, $matches)) {
        return 'none';

    return $input;

And here are the test cases for a phpunit data provider:

//    <description>                            <allowed>          <input>                   <expected>
array('Allow Subdomain',                       '', '',        ''),
array('Disallow wrong Subdomain',              '', '',         'none'),
array('Allow All',                             '*',               '',         '*'),
array('Allow Subdomain Wildcard',              '*',   '',         ''),
array('Disallow Wrong Subdomain no Wildcard',  '*',   '',            'none'),
array('Allow Double Subdomain for Wildcard',   '*',   '',        ''),
array('Don\'t fall for incorrect position',    '*',   '', 'none'),
array('Allow Subdomain in the middle',         'a.*', '',       ''),
array('Disallow wrong Subdomain',              'a.*', '',       'none'),
array('Correctly handle dots in allowed',      '',     'exampleXcom',            'none'),

How to run a subprocess with Python, wait for it to exit and get the full stdout as a string?

With Python 3.8 this workes for me. For instance to execute a python script within the venv:

    import subprocess
    import sys
    res =[
              sys.executable,            # venv3.8/bin/python
              '', '--help',], 

Activity restart on rotation Android

You may use ViewModel object in your activity.

ViewModel objects are automatically retained during configuration changes so that data they hold is immediately available to the next activity or fragment instance. Read more:

Python 3.4.0 with MySQL database

for fedora and python3 use: dnf install mysql-connector-python3

How do you run a command for each line of a file?

I know it's late but still

If by any chance you run into windows saved text file with \r\n instead of \n, you might get confused by the output if your command has sth after read line as argument. So do remove \r, for example:

cat file | tr -d '\r' | xargs -L 1 -i echo do_sth_with_{}_as_line

How do I make an auto increment integer field in Django?

What I needed: A document number with a fixed number of integers that would also act like an AutoField.

My searches took me all over incl. this page.

Finally I did something like this:

I created a table with a DocuNumber field as an IntegerField with foll. attributes:

  • max_length=6
  • primary_key=True
  • unique=True
  • default=100000

The max_length value anything as required (and thus the corresponding default= value).

A warning is issued while creating the said model, which I could ignore.

Afterwards, created a document (dummy) whence as expected, the document had an integer field value of 100000.

Afterwards changed the model key field as:

  • Changed the field type as: AutoField
  • Got rid of the max_length And defaultattributes
  • Retained the primary_key = True attribute

The next (desired document) created had the value as 100001 with subsequent numbers getting incremented by 1.

So far so good.

How to disable registration new users in Laravel

In Laravel 5.5 is very simple, if you are using CRUD route system.

Go to app/http/controllers/RegisterController there is namespace: Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\RegistersUser

You need to go to the RegistersUser: Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\RegistersUser

There is the method call showRegistrationForm change this: return view('auth.login'); for this: return redirect()->route('auth.login'); and remove from you blade page route call register. It may look like that:

 <li role="presentation">
     <a class="nav-link" href="{{ route('register') }}">Register</a>

Remove columns from DataTable in C#

The question has already been marked as answered, But I guess the question states that the person wants to remove multiple columns from a DataTable.

So for that, here is what I did, when I came across the same problem.

string[] ColumnsToBeDeleted = { "col1", "col2", "col3", "col4" };

foreach (string ColName in ColumnsToBeDeleted)
    if (dt.Columns.Contains(ColName))

How do I find the install time and date of Windows?

I find the creation date of c:\pagefile.sys can be pretty reliable in most cases. It can easily be obtained using this command (assuming Windows is installed on C:):

dir /as /t:c c:\pagefile.sys

The '/as' specifies 'system files', otherwise it will not be found. The '/t:c' sets the time field to display 'creation'.

How can I make Bootstrap 4 columns all the same height?

You can use the new Bootstrap cards:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rwoIResjU2yc3z8GV/NPeZWAv56rSmLldC3R/AZzGRnGxQQKnKkoFVhFQhNUwEyJ" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-A7FZj7v+d/sdmMqp/nOQwliLvUsJfDHW+k9Omg/a/EheAdgtzNs3hpfag6Ed950n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-DztdAPBWPRXSA/3eYEEUWrWCy7G5KFbe8fFjk5JAIxUYHKkDx6Qin1DkWx51bBrb" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-vBWWzlZJ8ea9aCX4pEW3rVHjgjt7zpkNpZk+02D9phzyeVkE+jo0ieGizqPLForn" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<div class="card-group">_x000D_
  <div class="card">_x000D_
    <img class="card-img-top" src="..." alt="Card image cap">_x000D_
    <div class="card-block">_x000D_
      <h4 class="card-title">Card title</h4>_x000D_
      <p class="card-text">This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.</p>_x000D_
    <div class="card-footer">_x000D_
      <small class="text-muted">Last updated 3 mins ago</small>_x000D_
  <div class="card">_x000D_
    <img class="card-img-top" src="..." alt="Card image cap">_x000D_
    <div class="card-block">_x000D_
      <h4 class="card-title">Card title</h4>_x000D_
      <p class="card-text">This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.</p>_x000D_
    <div class="card-footer">_x000D_
      <small class="text-muted">Last updated 3 mins ago</small>_x000D_
  <div class="card">_x000D_
    <img class="card-img-top" src="..." alt="Card image cap">_x000D_
    <div class="card-block">_x000D_
      <h4 class="card-title">Card title</h4>_x000D_
      <p class="card-text">This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.</p>_x000D_
    <div class="card-footer">_x000D_
      <small class="text-muted">Last updated 3 mins ago</small>_x000D_

Link: Click here


When to use 'npm start' and when to use 'ng serve'?

For a project that's using the CLI, you will usually use ng serve. In other cases you may want to use npm start. Here the detailed explanation:

ng serve

Will serve a project that is 'Angular CLI aware', i.e. a project that has been created using the Angular CLI, particularly using:

ng new app-name

So, if you've scaffolded a project using the CLI, you'll probably want to use ng serve

npm start

This can be used in the case of a project that is not Angular CLI aware (or it can simply be used to run 'ng serve' for a project that's Angular CLI aware)

As the other answers state, this is an npm command that will run the npm command(s) from the package.json that have the identifier 'start', and it doesn't just have to run 'ng serve'. It's possible to have something like the following in the package.json:

   "scripts": {
     "build:watch": "tsc -p src/ -w",
     "serve": "lite-server -c=bs-config.json",
     "start": "concurrently \"npm run build:watch\" \"npm run serve\""
   "devDependencies": {
     "concurrently": "^3.2.0",
     "lite-server": "^2.2.2",

In this case, 'npm start' will result in the following commands to be run:

concurrently "npm run build:watch" "npm run serve"

This will concurrently run the TypeScript compiler (watching for code changes), and run the Node lite-server (which users BrowserSync)

C linked list inserting node at the end

This works fine:

struct node *addNode(node *head, int value) {
    node *newNode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
    newNode->value = value;
    newNode->next = NULL;

    if (head == NULL) {
        // Add at the beginning
        head = newNode;
    } else {
        node *current = head;

        while (current->next != NULL) {
            current = current->next;

        // Add at the end
        current->next = newNode;

    return head;

Example usage:

struct node *head = NULL;

for (int currentIndex = 1; currentIndex < 10; currentIndex++) {
    head = addNode(head, currentIndex);

jquery $(window).width() and $(window).height() return different values when viewport has not been resized

Note that if the problem is being caused by appearing scrollbars, putting

body {
  overflow: hidden;

in your CSS might be an easy fix (if you don't need the page to scroll).

Installation of SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio

This worked for me:

Start /wait setup.exe /qb  ADDLOCAL=SQL_DTS,Client_Components,Connectivity,SQL_Tools90,SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench,SQLXML,Tools_Legacy,SQL_Documentation,SQL_BooksOnline

Based off this TechNet Article:

Spring Data JPA Update @Query not updating?

I struggled with the same problem where I was trying to execute an update query like the same as you did-

@Query(value = "UPDATE SAMPLE_TABLE st SET st.status=:flag WHERE se.referenceNo in :ids")
public int updateStatus(@Param("flag")String flag, @Param("ids")List<String> references);

This will work if you have put @EnableTransactionManagement annotation on the main class. Spring 3.1 introduces the @EnableTransactionManagement annotation to be used in on @Configuration classes and enable transactional support.

window.location.href not working

if anyone faced problem even after using return false; . then use the below.

setTimeout(function(){document.location.href = "index.php"},500);

mean() warning: argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA

If you just want to know the mean, you can use


It will give you more information than expected.

ex) Mininum value, 1st Qu., Median, Mean, 3rd Qu. Maxinum value, number of NAs.

Furthermore, If you want to get mean values of each column, you can simply use the method below.

mean(results$columnName, na.rm = TRUE)

That will return mean value. (you have to change 'columnName' to your variable name

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string while inserting datetime

For me this worked:

           ('2020-01-27 14:54:11.000'
           ,'2023-01-27 14:52:50.000')

How to add message box with 'OK' button?

I think there may be problem that you haven't added click listener for ok positive button.

    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
          //dismiss the dialog  

How can I make SQL case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?

Following is for MySQL versions equal to or higher than 5.5.

Add to /etc/mysql/my.cnf


All other collations I tried seemed to be case-insensitive, only "utf8_bin" worked.

Do not forget to restart mysql after this:

   sudo service mysql restart

According to there is also a "latin1_bin".

The "utf8_general_cs" was not accepted by mysql startup. (I read "_cs" as "case-sensitive" - ???).

Python subprocess/Popen with a modified environment

To temporarily set an environment variable without having to copy the os.envrion object etc, I do this:

process = subprocess.Popen(['env', 'RSYNC_PASSWORD=foobar', 'rsync', \
'rsync://[email protected]::'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

invalid new-expression of abstract class type

Another possible cause for future Googlers

I had this issue because a method I was trying to implement required a std::unique_ptr<Queue>(myQueue) as a parameter, but the Queue class is abstract. I solved that by using a QueuePtr(myQueue) constructor like so:

using QueuePtr = std::unique_ptr<Queue>;

and used that in the parameter list instead. This fixes it because the initializer tries to create a copy of Queue when you make a std::unique_ptr of its type, which can't happen.

Check if a string is palindrome

Note that reversing the whole string (either with the rbegin()/rend() range constructor or with std::reverse) and comparing it with the input would perform unnecessary work.

It's sufficient to compare the first half of the string with the latter half, in reverse:

#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::string s;
    std::cin >> s;
    if( equal(s.begin(), s.begin() + s.size()/2, s.rbegin()) )
        std::cout << "is a palindrome.\n";
        std::cout << "is NOT a palindrome.\n";


Getting list of files in documents folder

Swift 2.0 Compability

func listWithFilter () {

    let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
           // We need just to get the documents folder url
    let documentsUrl = fileManager.URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0] as NSURL

    do {
    // if you want to filter the directory contents you can do like this:
    if let directoryUrls = try? NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtURL(documentsUrl, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions.SkipsSubdirectoryDescendants) {




 func listFiles() -> [String] {

    var theError = NSErrorPointer()
    let dirs = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.AllDomainsMask, true) as? [String]
    if dirs != nil {
        let dir = dirs![0]
        do {
        let fileList = try NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(dir)
        return fileList as [String]
        }catch {


        let fileList = [""]
        return fileList
    let fileList = [""]
    return fileList


JavaScript equivalent of PHP’s die

You can simply use the return; example

$(document).ready(function () {

The return will return to the main caller function test1(); and continue from there to test3();

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function test1(){

function test2(){

function test3(){

function test4(){

function test5(){


but if you just add throw ''; this will completely stop the execution without causing any errors.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function test1(){

function test2(){
    throw '';   

function test3(){

function test4(){

function test5(){


This is tested with firefox and chrome. I don't know how this is handled by IE or Safari

JQuery confirm dialog

You can use jQuery UI and do something like this


<button id="callConfirm">Confirm!</button>

<div id="dialog" title="Confirmation Required">
  Are you sure about this?


   autoOpen: false,
   modal: true,
   buttons : {
        "Confirm" : function() {
            alert("You have confirmed!");            
        "Cancel" : function() {

$("#callConfirm").on("click", function(e) {


Insert a line at specific line number with sed or awk

sed -i '8i8 This is Line 8' FILE

inserts at line 8

8 This is Line 8

into file FILE

-i does the modification directly to file FILE, no output to stdout, as mentioned in the comments by glenn jackman.

jQuery limit to 2 decimal places

Here is a working example in both Javascript and jQuery:

//In jQuery
$("#calculate").click(function() {
    var num = parseFloat($("#textbox").val());
    var new_num = $("#textbox").val(num.toFixed(2));

// In javascript
document.getElementById('calculate').onclick = function() {
    var num = parseFloat(document.getElementById('textbox').value);
    var new_num = num.toFixed(2);
    document.getElementById('textbox').value = new_num;

How to script FTP upload and download?

It's a reasonable idea to want to script an FTP session the way the original poster imagined, and that is the kind of thing Expect would help with. Batch files on Windows cannot do this.

But rather than doing cURL or Expect, you may find it easier to script the FTP interaction with Powershell. It's a different model, in that you are not directly scripting the text to send to the FTP server. Instead you will use Powershell to manipulate objects that generate the FTP dialogue for you.


$File = "D:\Dev\"
$ftp = "ftp://username:[email protected]/pub/incoming/"

"ftp url: $ftp"

$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp)

"Uploading $File..."

$webclient.UploadFile($uri, $File)


$File = "c:\store\"
$ftp = "ftp://username:[email protected]/pub/outbound/"

"ftp url: $ftp"

$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp)

"Downloading $File..."

$webclient.DownloadFile($uri, $File)

You need Powershell to do this. If you are not aware, Powershell is a shell like cmd.exe which runs your .bat files. But Powershell runs .ps1 files, and is quite a bit more powerful. Powershell is a free add-on to Windows and will be built-in to future versions of Windows. Get it here.


Eloquent: find() and where() usage laravel

Your code looks fine, but there are a couple of things to be aware of:

Post::find($id); acts upon the primary key, if you have set your primary key in your model to something other than id by doing:

protected  $primaryKey = 'slug';

then find will search by that key instead.

Laravel also expects the id to be an integer, if you are using something other than an integer (such as a string) you need to set the incrementing property on your model to false:

public $incrementing = false;

How can I make window.showmodaldialog work in chrome 37?

Create a cross browser ModalDialog

function _showModalDialog(url, width, height, closeCallback) {
    var modalDiv,
        dialogPrefix = window.showModalDialog ? 'dialog' : '',
        unit = 'px',
        maximized = width === true || height === true,
        w = width || 600,
        h = height || 500,
        border = 5,
        taskbar = 40, // windows taskbar
        header = 20,

    if (maximized) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        w = screen.width;
        h = screen.height;
    } else {
        x = window.screenX + (screen.width / 2) - (w / 2) - (border * 2);
        y = window.screenY + (screen.height / 2) - (h / 2) - taskbar - border;

    var features = [
            dialogPrefix + 'width=' + w + unit,
            dialogPrefix + 'height=' + h + unit,
            dialogPrefix + 'top=' + y + unit,
            dialogPrefix + 'left=' + x + unit
        showModal = function (context) {
            if (context) {
                modalDiv = context.document.createElement('div');
       = 'top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;z-index:50000;';
                modalDiv.onclick = function () {
                    if (context.focus) {
                    return false;
        removeModal = function () {
            if (modalDiv) {
                modalDiv.onclick = null;
                modalDiv = null;

    // IE
    if (window.showModalDialog) {
        window.showModalDialog(url, null, features.join(';') + ';');

        if (closeCallback) {
    // Other browsers
    } else {
        var win =, '', features.join(','));
        if (maximized) {
            win.moveTo(0, 0);

        // When charging the window.
        var onLoadFn = function () {
            // When you close the window.
            unLoadFn = function () {
                if (closeCallback) {
            // When you refresh the context that caught the window.
            beforeUnloadAndCloseFn = function () {
                try {
                finally {

        if (win) {
            // Create a task to check if the window was closed.
            var interval = window.setInterval(function () {
                try {
                    if (win == null || win.closed) {
                } catch (e) { }
            }, 500);

            if (win.addEventListener) {
                win.addEventListener('load', onLoadFn, false);
            } else {
                win.attachEvent('load', onLoadFn);

            window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadAndCloseFn, false);

Java 8 forEach with index

There are workarounds but no clean/short/sweet way to do it with streams and to be honest, you would probably be better off with:

int idx = 0;
for (Param p : params) query.bind(idx++, p);

Or the older style:

for (int idx = 0; idx < params.size(); idx++) query.bind(idx, params.get(idx));

Executing multiple commands from a Windows cmd script

Note that you don't need semicolons in batch files. And the reason why you need to use call is that mvn itself is a batch file and batch files need to call each other with call, otherwise control does not return to the caller.

Find duplicate entries in a column

Try this query.. It uses the Analytic function SUM:

 FROM table1 a 
 WHERE s_ind ='Y'   
WHERE cnt > 2

Am not sure why you are identifying a record as a duplicate if the ctn_no repeats more than 2 times. FOr me it repeats more than once it is a duplicate. In this case change the las part of the query to WHERE cnt > 1

Finding the next available id in MySQL

    SELECT ID from TABLE1 
    WHERE ID>100 order by ID
) "X" 
WHERE not exists (
    WHERE t2.ID=X.ID+1

#if DEBUG vs. Conditional("DEBUG")

Well, it's worth noting that they don't mean the same thing at all.

If the DEBUG symbol isn't defined, then in the first case the SetPrivateValue itself won't be called... whereas in the second case it will exist, but any callers who are compiled without the DEBUG symbol will have those calls omitted.

If the code and all its callers are in the same assembly this difference is less important - but it means that in the first case you also need to have #if DEBUG around the calling code as well.

Personally I'd recommend the second approach - but you do need to keep the difference between them clear in your head.

How to print an unsigned char in C?

Because char is by default signed declared that means the range of the variable is

-127 to +127>

your value is overflowed. To get the desired value you have to declared the unsigned modifier. the modifier's (unsigned) range is:

 0 to 255

to get the the range of any data type follow the process 2^bit example charis 8 bit length to get its range just 2 ^(power) 8.

Showing alert in angularjs when user leaves a page

Lets seperate your question, you are asking about two different things:


I'm trying to write a validation which alerts the user when he tries to close the browser window.


I want to pop up a message when the user clicks on v1 that "he's about to leave from v1, if he wishes to continue" and same on clicking on v2.

For the first question, do it this way:

window.onbeforeunload = function (event) {
  var message = 'Sure you want to leave?';
  if (typeof event == 'undefined') {
    event = window.event;
  if (event) {
    event.returnValue = message;
  return message;

And for the second question, do it this way:

You should handle the $locationChangeStart event in order to hook up to view transition event, so use this code to handle the transition validation in your controller/s:

function MyCtrl1($scope) {
    $scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event) {
        var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to leave this page?")
        if (!answer) {

Change placeholder text

This solution uses jQuery. If you want to use same placeholder text for all text inputs, you can use

$('input:text').attr('placeholder','Some New Text');

And if you want different placeholders, you can use the element's id to change placeholder

$('#element1_id').attr('placeholder','Some New Text 1');
$('#element2_id').attr('placeholder','Some New Text 2');

Excel formula to display ONLY month and year?

Very easy, trial and error. Go to the cell you want the month in. Type the Month, go to the next cell and type the year, something weird will come up but then go to your number section click on the little arrow in the right bottom and highlight text and it will change to the year you originally typed

How to return more than one value from a function in Python?

Here is also the code to handle the result:

def foo (a):
    return (x,y)

(x,y) = foo(50)

How to play only the audio of a Youtube video using HTML 5?

The answer is simple: Use a 3rd party product like jwplayer or similar, then set it to the minimal player size which is the audio player size (only shows player controls).


Been using this for over 8 years.

iPhone and WireShark

This worked for me:

  1. Connect your iOS device by USB

  2. $ rvictl -s UDID where UDID is the UDID of your device (located in XCode under Devices, shortcut to with ??2)

  3. $ sudo launchctl list

  4. $ sudo tcpdump -n -t -i rvi0 -q tcp or $ sudo tcpdump -i rvi0 -n

If victl is not working install Xcode and the developer tools.

For more info see Remote Virtual Interface and for the original tutorial here's the Use Your Loaf blog post

How to prevent null values inside a Map and null fields inside a bean from getting serialized through Jackson

my solution, hope help
custom ObjectMapper and config to spring xml(register message conveters)

public class PyResponseConfigObjectMapper extends ObjectMapper {
public PyResponseConfigObjectMapper() {
    disable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_NULL_MAP_VALUES); //map no_null
    setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL); // bean no_null


Causes of getting a java.lang.VerifyError

CGLIB < 2.2 with JRE > 6 could trigger similar errors, see "Should I upgrade to CGLIB 3.0?" and some commentary at Spring SPR-9669.

This is especially true when everything works fine on JRE 6 and simply switching to JRE7 breaks things.

Automatic creation date for Django model form objects?

Well, the above answer is correct, auto_now_add and auto_now would do it, but it would be better to make an abstract class and use it in any model where you require created_at and updated_at fields.

class TimeStampMixin(models.Model):
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

Now anywhere you want to use it you can do a simple inherit and you can use timestamp in any model you make like.

class Posts(TimeStampMixin):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

In this way, you can leverage object-oriented reusability, in Django DRY(don't repeat yourself)

Xcode stops working after set "xcode-select -switch"

You should be pointing it towards the Developer directory, not the Xcode application bundle. Run this:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

With recent versions of Xcode, you can go to Xcode ? Preferences… ? Locations and pick one of the options for Command Line Tools to set the location.

How do I create a unique constraint that also allows nulls?

When I applied the unique index below:

ON employee(badgeid)

every non null update and insert failed with the error below:

UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'.

I found this on MSDN

SET ARITHABORT must be ON when you are creating or changing indexes on computed columns or indexed views. If SET ARITHABORT is OFF, CREATE, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements on tables with indexes on computed columns or indexed views will fail.

So to get this to work correctly I did this

Right click [Database]-->Properties-->Options-->Other Options-->Misscellaneous-->Arithmetic Abort Enabled -->true

I believe it is possible to set this option in code using


but i have not tested this

Perform a Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test

You failed to specify the exact columns (data) to test for normality. Use this instead


Sorting HTML table with JavaScript

Sorting table rows by cell. 1. Little simpler and has some features. 2. Distinguish 'number' and 'string' on sorting 3. Add toggle to sort by ASC, DESC

var index;      // cell index
var toggleBool; // sorting asc, desc 
function sorting(tbody, index){
    this.index = index;
        toggleBool = false;
        toggleBool = true;

    var datas= new Array();
    var tbodyLength = tbody.rows.length;
    for(var i=0; i<tbodyLength; i++){
        datas[i] = tbody.rows[i];

    // sort by cell[index] 
    for(var i=0; i<tbody.rows.length; i++){
        // rearrange table rows by sorted rows

function compareCells(a,b) {
    var aVal = a.cells[index].innerText;
    var bVal = b.cells[index].innerText;

    aVal = aVal.replace(/\,/g, '');
    bVal = bVal.replace(/\,/g, '');

        var temp = aVal;
        aVal = bVal;
        bVal = temp;

    if(aVal.match(/^[0-9]+$/) && bVal.match(/^[0-9]+$/)){
        return parseFloat(aVal) - parseFloat(bVal);
          if (aVal < bVal){
              return -1; 
          }else if (aVal > bVal){
                return 1; 
              return 0;       

below is html sample

            <table summary="Pioneer">

                        <th scope="col"  onclick="sorting(tbody01, 0)">No.</th>
                        <th scope="col"  onclick="sorting(tbody01, 1)">Name</th>
                        <th scope="col"  onclick="sorting(tbody01, 2)">Belong</th>
                        <th scope="col"  onclick="sorting(tbody01, 3)">Current Networth</th>
                        <th scope="col"  onclick="sorting(tbody01, 4)">BirthDay</th>
                        <th scope="col"  onclick="sorting(tbody01, 5)">Just Number</th>

                <tbody id="tbody01">
                        <td>Gwanshic Yi</td>
                        <td>Gwanshic Home</td>
                        <td>Steve Jobs</td>
                        <td>Bill Gates</td>
                        <td>Larry Page</td>

Solving "The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection" InvalidOperationException

By default Entity Framework uses lazy-loading for navigation properties. That's why these properties should be marked as virtual - EF creates proxy class for your entity and overrides navigation properties to allow lazy-loading. E.g. if you have this entity:

public class MemberLoan
   public string LoandProviderCode { get; set; }
   public virtual Membership Membership { get; set; }

Entity Framework will return proxy inherited from this entity and provide DbContext instance to this proxy in order to allow lazy loading of membership later:

public class MemberLoanProxy : MemberLoan
    private CosisEntities db;
    private int membershipId;
    private Membership membership;

    public override Membership Membership 
          if (membership == null)
              membership = db.Memberships.Find(membershipId);
          return membership;
       set { membership = value; }

So, entity has instance of DbContext which was used for loading entity. That's your problem. You have using block around CosisEntities usage. Which disposes context before entities are returned. When some code later tries to use lazy-loaded navigation property, it fails, because context is disposed at that moment.

To fix this behavior you can use eager loading of navigation properties which you will need later:

IQueryable<MemberLoan> query = db.MemberLoans.Include(m => m.Membership);

That will pre-load all memberships and lazy-loading will not be used. For details see Loading Related Entities article on MSDN.

Convert String to Uri

Java's parser in is going to fail if the URI isn't fully encoded to its standards. For example, try to parse:|dog. An exception will be thrown for the vertical bar.

urllib makes it easy to convert a string to a It will pre-process and escape the URL.


Swift GET request with parameters

I use:

let dictionary = ["method":"login_user",
                  "password":password.text!] as  Dictionary<String,String>

for (key, value) in dictionary {

request.HTTPBody = data.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding);

How to set ssh timeout?

Well, you could use nohup to run whatever you are running on 'non-blocking mode'. So you can just keep checking if whatever it was supposed to run, ran, otherwise exit.

nohup ./ &

echo "Script ended on Feb 15, 2011, 9:20AM" > /tmp/done.txt

So in the second one you just check if the file exists.

How to start an Android application from the command line?

Example here.

Pasted below:

This is about how to launch android application from the adb shell.

Command: am

Look for invoking path in AndroidManifest.xml

Browser app::

# am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
Starting: Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN comp={} }
Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front

Settings app::

# am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
Starting: Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN comp={} }

How to use custom packages

I am an experienced programmer, but, quite new into Go world ! And I confess I've faced few difficulties to understand Go... I faced this same problem when trying to organize my go files in sub-folders. The way I did it :

GO_Directory ( the one assigned to $GOPATH )

GO_Directory //the one assigned to $GOPATH
_____ main.go
_____ Entites
_____ Fiboo // in my case, fiboo is a database name
_________ Client.go // in my case, Client is a table name

On File MyProject\Entities\Fiboo\Client.go

package Fiboo

type Client struct{
    ID int
    name string

on file MyProject\main.go

package main

    Fiboo "./Entity/Fiboo" 

var TableClient  Fiboo.Client

func main(){
    TableClient.ID = 1 = 'Hugo'

    // do your things here

( I am running Go 1.9 on Ubuntu 16.04 )

And remember guys, I am newbie on Go. If what I am doing is bad practice, let me know !

How can I delete one element from an array by value

You can also monkey patch it. I never understood why Ruby has an except method for Hash but not for Array:

class Array
  def except value
    value = value.kind_of(Array) ? value : [value]
    self - value

Now you can do:

[1,3,7,"436",354,nil].except(354) #=> [1,3,7,"436",nil]


[1,3,7,"436",354,nil].except([354, 1]) #=> [3,7,"436",nil]

Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element

Create a custom Collector

public static <T> Collector<T, ?, T> toSingleton() {
    return Collectors.collectingAndThen(
            list -> {
                if (list.size() != 1) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                return list.get(0);

We use Collectors.collectingAndThen to construct our desired Collector by

  1. Collecting our objects in a List with the Collectors.toList() collector.
  2. Applying an extra finisher at the end, that returns the single element — or throws an IllegalStateException if list.size != 1.

Used as:

User resultUser =
        .filter(user -> user.getId() > 0)

You can then customize this Collector as much as you want, for example give the exception as argument in the constructor, tweak it to allow two values, and more.

An alternative — arguably less elegant — solution:

You can use a 'workaround' that involves peek() and an AtomicInteger, but really you shouldn't be using that.

What you could do istead is just collecting it in a List, like this:

LinkedList<User> users = new LinkedList<>();
users.add(new User(1, "User1"));
users.add(new User(2, "User2"));
users.add(new User(3, "User3"));
List<User> resultUserList =
        .filter(user -> user.getId() == 1)
if (resultUserList.size() != 1) {
    throw new IllegalStateException();
User resultUser = resultUserList.get(0);

Violation Long running JavaScript task took xx ms

This was added in the Chrome 56 beta, even though it isn't on this changelog from the Chromium Blog: Chrome 56 Beta: “Not Secure” warning, Web Bluetooth, and CSS position: sticky

You can hide this in the filter bar of the console with the Hide violations checkbox.

How to "scan" a website (or page) for info, and bring it into my program?

My answer won't probably be useful to the writer of this question (I am 8 months late so not the right timing I guess) but I think it will probably be useful for many other developers that might come across this answer.

Today, I just released (in the name of my company) an HTML to POJO complete framework that you can use to map HTML to any POJO class with simply some annotations. The library itself is quite handy and features many other things all the while being very pluggable. You can have a look to it right here :

How to use : Basics

Imagine we need to parse the following html page :

        <title>A Simple HTML Document</title>
        <div class="restaurant">
            <h1>A la bonne Franquette</h1>
            <p>French cuisine restaurant for gourmet of fellow french people</p>
            <div class="location">
                <p>in <span>London</span></p>
            <p>Restaurant n*18,190. Ranked 113 out of 1,550 restaurants</p>  
            <div class="meals">
                <div class="meal">
                    <p>Veal Cutlet</p>
                    <p rating-color="green">4.5/5 stars</p>
                    <p>Chef Mr. Frenchie</p>

                <div class="meal">
                    <p rating-color="orange">3.6/5 stars</p>
                    <p>Chef Mr. Frenchie and Mme. French-Cuisine</p>


Let's create the POJOs we want to map it to :

public class Restaurant {

    @Selector( value = " > h1")
    private String name;

    @Selector( value = " > p:nth-child(2)")
    private String description;

    @Selector( value = " > div:nth-child(3) > p > span")    
    private String location;    

        value = " > p:nth-child(4)"
        format = "^Restaurant n\*([0-9,]+). Ranked ([0-9,]+) out of ([0-9,]+) restaurants$",
        indexForRegexPattern = 1,
        useDeserializer = true,
        deserializer = ReplacerDeserializer.class,
        preConvert = true,
        postConvert = false
    // so that the number becomes a valid number as they are shown in this format : 18,190
    @ReplaceWith(value = ",", with = "")
    private Long id;

        value = " > p:nth-child(4)"
        format = "^Restaurant n\*([0-9,]+). Ranked ([0-9,]+) out of ([0-9,]+) restaurants$",
        // This time, we want the second regex group and not the first one anymore
        indexForRegexPattern = 2,
        useDeserializer = true,
        deserializer = ReplacerDeserializer.class,
        preConvert = true,
        postConvert = false
    // so that the number becomes a valid number as they are shown in this format : 18,190
    @ReplaceWith(value = ",", with = "")
    private Integer rank;

    @Selector(value = ".meal")    
    private List<Meal> meals;

    // getters and setters


And now the Meal class as well :

public class Meal {

    @Selector(value = "p:nth-child(1)")
    private String name;

        value = "p:nth-child(2)",
        format = "^([0-9.]+)\/5 stars$",
        indexForRegexPattern = 1
    private Float stars;

        value = "p:nth-child(2)",
        // rating-color custom attribute can be used as well
        attr = "rating-color"
    private String ratingColor;

        value = "p:nth-child(3)"
    private String chefs;

    // getters and setters.

We provided some more explanations on the above code on our github page.

For the moment, let's see how to scrap this.

private static final String MY_HTML_FILE = "my-html-file.html";

public static void main(String[] args) {

    HtmlToPojoEngine htmlToPojoEngine = HtmlToPojoEngine.create();

    HtmlAdapter<Restaurant> adapter = htmlToPojoEngine.adapter(Restaurant.class);

    // If they were several restaurants in the same page, 
    // you would need to create a parent POJO containing
    // a list of Restaurants as shown with the meals here
    Restaurant restaurant = adapter.fromHtml(getHtmlBody());

    // That's it, do some magic now!


private static String getHtmlBody() throws IOException {
    byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(MY_HTML_FILE));
    return new String(encoded, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));


Another short example can be found here

Hope this will help someone out there!

jQuery textbox change event doesn't fire until textbox loses focus?

Reading your comments took me to a dirty fix. This is not a right way, I know, but can be a work around.

$(function() {
    $( "#inputFieldId" ).autocomplete({
        source: function( event, ui ) {
            alert("do your functions here");
            return false;

Delete everything in a MongoDB database

In the mongo shell:

use [database];

And to remove the users:


href="javascript:" vs. href="javascript:void(0)"

When using javascript: in navigation the return value of the executed script, if there is one, becomes the content of a new document which is displayed in the browser. The void operator in JavaScript causes the return value of the expression following it to return undefined, which prevents this action from happening. You can try it yourself, copy the following into the address bar and press return:


The result is a new page with only the word "hello". Now change it to:

javascript:void "hello"

...nothing happens.

When you write javascript: on its own there's no script being executed, so the result of that script execution is also undefined, so the browser does nothing. This makes the following more or less equivalent:

javascript:void 0;

With the exception that undefined can be overridden by declaring a variable with the same name. Use of void 0 is generally pointless, and it's basically been whittled down from void functionThatReturnsSomething().

As others have mentioned, it's better still to use return false; in the click handler than use the javascript: protocol.

Using Javascript in CSS

Not in any conventional sense of the phrase "inside CSS."

How to use find command to find all files with extensions from list?

find /path/to/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file | grep -i image

This uses the file command to try to recognize the type of file, regardless of filename (or extension).

If /path/to or a filename contains the string image, then the above may return bogus hits. In that case, I'd suggest

cd /path/to
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file --mime-type | grep -i image/

Get-WmiObject : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)

Check that the "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-In)" rule is enabled in the firewall for each remote machine.

Or in an Administrative Command/Powershell prompt run:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" new enable=yes

Calculating distance between two points, using latitude longitude?

This wikipedia article provides the formulae and an example. The text is in german, but the calculations speak for themselves.

How to convert a normal Git repository to a bare one?

I just wanted to push to a repository on a network path but git would not let me do that unless that repository was marked as bare. All I needed was to change its config:

git config --bool core.bare true

No need to fiddle with the files unless you want to keep it clean.

Email and phone Number Validation in android


    android:hint="Enter Email or Phone Number"/>


private AppCompatEditText et_email_contact;
private boolean validEmail = false, validPhone = false;     

et_email_contact = findViewById(;
et_email_contact.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {


    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {


    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        String regex = "^[+]?[0-9]{10,13}$";
        String emailContact = s.toString();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(emailContact)) {
            Log.e("Validation", "Enter Mobile No or Email");
        } else {
            if (emailContact.matches(regex)) {
                Log.e("Validation", "Valid Mobile No");
                validPhone = true;
                validEmail = false;
            } else if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(emailContact).matches()) {
                Log.e("Validation", "Valid Email Address");
                validPhone = false;
                validEmail = true;
            } else {
                validPhone = false;
                validEmail = false;
                Log.e("Validation", "Invalid Mobile No or Email");

if (validPhone || validEmail) {
    Toast.makeText(this, "Valid Email or Phone no", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
    Toast.makeText(this, "InValid Email or Phone no", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

How do I get length of list of lists in Java?

count of the contained lists in the outmost list

int count = data.size();

lambda to get the count of the contained inner lists

int count = summingInt(l -> l.size()) );

Which browser has the best support for HTML 5 currently?

Seems that new browsers support most of the tags: <header>, <section> etc. For older browsers (IE, Fx2, Camino etc) then you can use this to allow styling of these tags:


Would make these older browsers allow CSS styling of a header tag, instead of just ignoring it.

This means that you can now use the new tags without any loss of functionality, which is a good start!

JavaScript implementation of Gzip

I had another problem, I did not want to encode data in gzip but to decode gzipped data. I am running javascript code outside of the browser so I need to decode it using pure javascript.

It took me some time but i found that in the JSXGraph library there is a way to read gzipped data.

Here is where I found the library: There is even a standalone utility that can do that, JSXCompressor, and the code is LGPL licencied.

Just include the jsxcompressor.js file in your project and then you will be able to read a base 64 encoded gzipped data:

<!doctype html>
<title>Test gzip decompression page</title>
<script src="jsxcompressor.js"></script>
        echo base64_encode(gzencode("Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.")); 

I understand it is not what you wanted but I still reply here because I suspect it will help some people.

How to set background color of a button in Java GUI?

You may or may not have to use setOpaque method to ensure that the colors show up by passing true to the method.

wget/curl large file from google drive

I found a working solution to this... Simply use the following

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1HlzTR1-YVoBPlXo0gMFJ_xY4ogMnfzDi" -O && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

Google Chrome Printing Page Breaks

I've used the following approach successfully in all major browsers including Chrome:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Paginated HTML</title>
    <style type="text/css" media="print">
        page-break-after: always;
        page-break-inside: avoid;
    <div class="page">
      <h1>This is Page 1</h1>
    <div class="page">
      <h1>This is Page 2</h1>
    <div class="page">
      <h1>This is Page 3</h1>

This is a simplified example. In the real code, each page div contains many more elements.

row-level trigger vs statement-level trigger

You may want trigger action to execute once after the client executes a statement that modifies a million rows (statement-level trigger). Or, you may want to trigger the action once for every row that is modified (row-level trigger).

EXAMPLE: Let's say you have a trigger that will make sure all high school seniors graduate. That is, when a senior's grade is 12, and we increase it to 13, we want to set the grade to NULL.

For a statement level trigger, you'd say, after the increase-grade statement runs, check the whole table once to update any nows with grade 13 to NULL.

For a row-level trigger, you'd say, after every row that is updated, update the new row's grade to NULL if it is 13.

A statement-level trigger would look like this:

create trigger stmt_level_trigger
after update on Highschooler
    update Highschooler
    set grade = NULL
    where grade = 13;

and a row-level trigger would look like this:

create trigger row_level_trigger
after update on Highschooler
for each row
when New.grade = 13
    update Highschooler
    set grade = NULL
    where New.ID = Highschooler.ID;

Note that SQLite doesn't support statement-level triggers, so in SQLite, the FOR EACH ROW is optional.

C# "No suitable method found to override." -- but there is one

I do not see the class Ext being derived from Base.

What is REST call and how to send a REST call?

REST is just a software architecture style for exposing resources.

  • Use HTTP methods explicitly.
  • Be stateless.
  • Expose directory structure-like URIs.
  • Transfer XML, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), or both.

A typical REST call to return information about customer 34456 could look like:

Have a look at the IBM tutorial for REST web services

How to compress a String in Java?

Huffman encoding is a sensible option here. Gzip and friends do this, but the way they work is to build a Huffman tree for the input, send that, then send the data encoded with the tree. If the tree is large relative to the data, there may be no not saving in size.

However, it is possible to avoid sending a tree: instead, you arrange for the sender and receiver to already have one. It can't be built specifically for every string, but you can have a single global tree used to encode all strings. If you build it from the same language as the input strings (English or whatever), you should still get good compression, although not as good as with a custom tree for every input.

how to send a post request with a web browser

You can create an html page with a form, having method="post" and action="yourdesiredurl" and open it with your browser.

As an alternative, there are some browser plugins for developers that allow you to do that, like Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox

Python os.path.join() on a list

Assuming join wasn't designed that way (which it is, as ATOzTOA pointed out), and it only took two parameters, you could still use the built-in reduce:

>>> reduce(os.path.join,["c:/","home","foo","bar","some.txt"])

Same output like:

>>> os.path.join(*["c:/","home","foo","bar","some.txt"])

Just for completeness and educational reasons (and for other situations where * doesn't work).

Hint for Python 3

reduce was moved to the functools module.

Presenting a UIAlertController properly on an iPad using iOS 8

Swift 4 and above

I have created an extension

extension UIViewController {
  public func addActionSheetForiPad(actionSheet: UIAlertController) {
    if let popoverPresentationController = actionSheet.popoverPresentationController {
      popoverPresentationController.sourceView = self.view
      popoverPresentationController.sourceRect = CGRect(x: self.view.bounds.midX, y: self.view.bounds.midY, width: 0, height: 0)
      popoverPresentationController.permittedArrowDirections = []

How to use:

let actionSheetVC = UIAlertController(title: "Title", message: nil, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
addActionSheetForIpad(actionSheet: actionSheetVC)
present(actionSheetVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method

Enhancement: replace timestamp with date

As a small enhancement to the accepted answer that was subsequently refined by ahoffner - it is possible to use a date format rather than timestamp. The advantages are:

  1. readable dates in the database
  2. no issue with the years > 2038 and timestamp
  3. removes need to be careful with timestamps that are based on seasonally adjusted dates i.e. in the UK 28th June starts one hour earlier than 28th December so deriving a timestamp from a date can break the recursion algorithm.

to do this, change the DB repeat_start to be stored as type 'date' and repeat_interval now hold days rather than seconds. i.e. 7 for a repeat of 7 days.

change the sql line:

WHERE (( 1370563200 - repeat_start) % repeat_interval = 0 )


WHERE ( DATEDIFF( '2013-6-7', repeat_start ) % repeat_interval = 0)

everything else remains the same. Simples!

How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

I would like to add my solution to get reliable statistics on how many real users visit my site with javascript disabled over the total users. The check is done one time only per session with these benefits:

  • Users visiting 100 pages or just 1 are counted 1 each. This allows to focus on single users, not pages.
  • Does not break page flow, structure or semantic in anyway
  • Could logs user agent. This allow to exclude bots from statistics, such as google bot and bing bot which usually have JS disabled! Could also log IP, time etc...
  • Just one check per session (minimal overload)

My code uses PHP, mysql and jquery with ajax but could be adapted to other languanges:

Create a table in your DB like this one:

  `logJS_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `session_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `JS_ON` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `agent` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`logJS_id`)

Add this to every page after using session_start() or equivalent (jquery required):

<?  if (!isset($_SESSION["JSTest"]))
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO log_JS (session_id, agent) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string(session_id()) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']). "')"); 
        $_SESSION["JSTest"] = 1; // One time per session
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function() { $.get('JSOK.php'); });

Create the page JSOK.php like this:

include_once("[DB connection file].php");   
mysql_query("UPDATE log_JS SET JS_ON = 1 WHERE session_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(session_id()) . "'");

How to use addTarget method in swift 3

Try with swift 3

cell.TaxToolTips.tag = indexPath.row
        cell.TaxToolTips.addTarget(self, action: #selector(InheritanceTaxViewController.displayToolTipDetails(_:)), for:.touchUpInside)

 @objc func displayToolTipDetails(_ sender : UIButton) {
        let tooltipString = TaxToolTipsArray[sender.tag]
        self.displayMyAlertMessage(userMessage: tooltipString, status: 202)    

How to change bower's default components folder?

In addition to editing .bowerrc to setup your default install path, you can also setup custom install paths for different file types.

There is a node package called bower-installer that provides a single command for managing alternate install paths.

run npm install -g bower-installer

Set up your bower.json

  "name" : "test",
  "version": "0.1",
  "dependencies" : {
    "jquery-ui" : "latest"
  "install" : {
    "path" : {
      "css": "src/css",
      "js": "src/js"
    "sources" : {
      "jquery-ui" : [

Run the following command: bower-installer

This will install components/jquery-ui/themes/start/jquery-ui.css to ./src/css, etc

On duplicate key ignore?

Would suggest NOT using INSERT IGNORE as it ignores ALL errors (ie its a sloppy global ignore). Instead, since in your example tag is the unique key, use:

INSERT INTO table_tags (tag) VALUES ('tag_a'),('tab_b'),('tag_c') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE tag=tag;

on duplicate key produces:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

Update my gradle dependencies in eclipse

You have to make sure that "Dependency Management" is enabled. To do so, right click on the project name, go to the "Gradle" sub-menu and click on "Enable Dependency Management". Once you do that, Gradle should load all the dependencies for you.

Set selected radio from radio group with a value

When you change attribute value like mentioned above the change event is not triggered so if needed for some reasons you can trigger it like so

$('input[name=video_radio][value="' + + '"]')
       .prop('checked', true)

How to get array keys in Javascript?

You need to call the hasOwnProperty function to check whether the property is actually defined on the object itself (as opposed to its prototype), like this:

for (var key in widthRange) {
    if (key === 'length' || !widthRange.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
    var value = widthRange[key];

Note that you need a separate check for length.
However, you shouldn't be using an array here at all; you should use a regular object. All Javascript objects function as associative arrays.

For example:

var widthRange = { };  //Or new Object()
widthRange[46] = { sel:46, min:0,  max:52 };
widthRange[66] = { sel:66, min:52, max:70 };
widthRange[90] = { sel:90, min:70, max:94 };

List Highest Correlation Pairs from a Large Correlation Matrix in Pandas?

Use itertools.combinations to get all unique correlations from pandas own correlation matrix .corr(), generate list of lists and feed it back into a DataFrame in order to use '.sort_values'. Set ascending = True to display lowest correlations on top

corrank takes a DataFrame as argument because it requires .corr().

  def corrank(X: pandas.DataFrame):
        import itertools
        df = pd.DataFrame([[(i,j),X.corr().loc[i,j]] for i,j in list(itertools.combinations(X.corr(), 2))],columns=['pairs','corr'])    

  corrank(X) # prints a descending list of correlation pair (Max on top)

Setting a width and height on an A tag

You need to make your anchor display: block or display: inline-block; and then it will accept the width and height values.

What is the difference between <section> and <div>?

Using <section> may be neater, help screen readers and SEO while <div> is smaller in bytes and quicker to type

Overall very little difference.

Also, would not recommend putting <section> in a <section>, instead place a <div> inside a <section>

How to remove all whitespace from a string?

Please note that soultions written above removes only space. If you want also to remove tab or new line use stri_replace_all_charclass from stringi package.

stri_replace_all_charclass("   ala \t  ma \n kota  ", "\\p{WHITE_SPACE}", "")
## [1] "alamakota"

Optimal number of threads per core

The answer depends on the complexity of the algorithms used in the program. I came up with a method to calculate the optimal number of threads by making two measurements of processing times Tn and Tm for two arbitrary number of threads ‘n’ and ‘m’. For linear algorithms, the optimal number of threads will be N = sqrt ( (mn(Tm*(n-1) – Tn*(m-1)))/(nTn-mTm) ) .

Please read my article regarding calculations of the optimal number for various algorithms:

What's the CMake syntax to set and use variables?

When writing CMake scripts there is a lot you need to know about the syntax and how to use variables in CMake.

The Syntax

Strings using set():

  • set(MyString "Some Text")
  • set(MyStringWithVar "Some other Text: ${MyString}")
  • set(MyStringWithQuot "Some quote: \"${MyStringWithVar}\"")

Or with string():

  • string(APPEND MyStringWithContent " ${MyString}")

Lists using set():

  • set(MyList "a" "b" "c")
  • set(MyList ${MyList} "d")

Or better with list():

  • list(APPEND MyList "a" "b" "c")
  • list(APPEND MyList "d")

Lists of File Names:

  • set(MySourcesList "" "File with")
  • list(APPEND MySourcesList "" "File with")
  • add_excutable(MyExeTarget ${MySourcesList})

The Documentation

The Scope or "What value does my variable have?"

First there are the "Normal Variables" and things you need to know about their scope:

  • Normal variables are visible to the CMakeLists.txt they are set in and everything called from there (add_subdirectory(), include(), macro() and function()).
  • The add_subdirectory() and function() commands are special, because they open-up their own scope.
    • Meaning variables set(...) there are only visible there and they make a copy of all normal variables of the scope level they are called from (called parent scope).
    • So if you are in a sub-directory or a function you can modify an already existing variable in the parent scope with set(... PARENT_SCOPE)
    • You can make use of this e.g. in functions by passing the variable name as a function parameter. An example would be function(xyz _resultVar) is setting set(${_resultVar} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
  • On the other hand everything you set in include() or macro() scripts will modify variables directly in the scope of where they are called from.

Second there is the "Global Variables Cache". Things you need to know about the Cache:

  • If no normal variable with the given name is defined in the current scope, CMake will look for a matching Cache entry.
  • Cache values are stored in the CMakeCache.txt file in your binary output directory.
  • The values in the Cache can be modified in CMake's GUI application before they are generated. Therefore they - in comparison to normal variables - have a type and a docstring. I normally don't use the GUI so I use set(... CACHE INTERNAL "") to set my global and persistant values.

    Please note that the INTERNAL cache variable type does imply FORCE

  • In a CMake script you can only change existing Cache entries if you use the set(... CACHE ... FORCE) syntax. This behavior is made use of e.g. by CMake itself, because it normally does not force Cache entries itself and therefore you can pre-define it with another value.

  • You can use the command line to set entries in the Cache with the syntax cmake -D var:type=value, just cmake -D var=value or with cmake -C CMakeInitialCache.cmake.
  • You can unset entries in the Cache with unset(... CACHE).

The Cache is global and you can set them virtually anywhere in your CMake scripts. But I would recommend you think twice about where to use Cache variables (they are global and they are persistant). I normally prefer the set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ...) and set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY ...) syntax to define my own non-persistant global variables.

Variable Pitfalls and "How to debug variable changes?"

To avoid pitfalls you should know the following about variables:

  • Local variables do hide cached variables if both have the same name
  • The find_... commands - if successful - do write their results as cached variables "so that no call will search again"
  • Lists in CMake are just strings with semicolons delimiters and therefore the quotation-marks are important
    • set(MyVar a b c) is "a;b;c" and set(MyVar "a b c") is "a b c"
    • The recommendation is that you always use quotation marks with the one exception when you want to give a list as list
    • Generally prefer the list() command for handling lists
  • The whole scope issue described above. Especially it's recommended to use functions() instead of macros() because you don't want your local variables to show up in the parent scope.
  • A lot of variables used by CMake are set with the project() and enable_language() calls. So it could get important to set some variables before those commands are used.
  • Environment variables may differ from where CMake generated the make environment and when the the make files are put to use.
    • A change in an environment variable does not re-trigger the generation process.
    • Especially a generated IDE environment may differ from your command line, so it's recommended to transfer your environment variables into something that is cached.

Sometimes only debugging variables helps. The following may help you:

  • Simply use old printf debugging style by using the message() command. There also some ready to use modules shipped with CMake itself: CMakePrintHelpers.cmake, CMakePrintSystemInformation.cmake
  • Look into CMakeCache.txt file in your binary output directory. This file is even generated if the actual generation of your make environment fails.
  • Use variable_watch() to see where your variables are read/written/removed.
  • Look into the directory properties CACHE_VARIABLES and VARIABLES
  • Call cmake --trace ... to see the CMake's complete parsing process. That's sort of the last reserve, because it generates a lot of output.

Special Syntax

  • Environment Variables
    • You can can read $ENV{...} and write set(ENV{...} ...) environment variables
  • Generator Expressions
    • Generator expressions $<...> are only evaluated when CMake's generator writes the make environment (it comparison to normal variables that are replaced "in-place" by the parser)
    • Very handy e.g. in compiler/linker command lines and in multi-configuration environments
  • References
    • With ${${...}} you can give variable names in a variable and reference its content.
    • Often used when giving a variable name as function/macro parameter.
  • Constant Values (see if() command)
    • With if(MyVariable) you can directly check a variable for true/false (no need here for the enclosing ${...})
    • True if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero number.
    • False if the constant is 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, the empty string, or ends in the suffix -NOTFOUND.
    • This syntax is often use for something like if(MSVC), but it can be confusing for someone who does not know this syntax shortcut.
  • Recursive substitutions
    • You can construct variable names using variables. After CMake has substituted the variables, it will check again if the result is a variable itself. This is very powerful feature used in CMake itself e.g. as sort of a template set(CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER ...)
    • But be aware this can give you a headache in if() commands. Here is an example where CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID is "MSVC" and MSVC is "1":
      • if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") is true, because it evaluates to if("1" STREQUAL "1")
      • if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC") is false, because it evaluates to if("MSVC" STREQUAL "1")
      • So the best solution here would be - see above - to directly check for if(MSVC)
    • The good news is that this was fixed in CMake 3.1 with the introduction of policy CMP0054. I would recommend to always set cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) to "only interpret if() arguments as variables or keywords when unquoted."
  • The option() command
    • Mainly just cached strings that only can be ON or OFF and they allow some special handling like e.g. dependencies
    • But be aware, don't mistake the option with the set command. The value given to option is really only the "initial value" (transferred once to the cache during the first configuration step) and is afterwards meant to be changed by the user through CMake's GUI.


How do I specify the JDK for a GlassFish domain?

Had the same problem in my IntelliJ 17 after adding fresh glassfish 4.1.

I had set my JAVA_HOME environment variable as follow:

echo %JAVA_HOME%

Then opened %GLASSFISH_HOME%\glassfish\config\asenv.bat

And just added and the end of the file:


Then Glassfish started without problems.

How do you format an unsigned long long int using printf?

Well, one way is to compile it as x64 with VS2008

This runs as you would expect:

int normalInt = 5; 
unsigned long long int num=285212672;
    "My number is %d bytes wide and its value is %ul. 
    A normal number is %d \n", 

For 32 bit code, we need to use the correct __int64 format specifier %I64u. So it becomes.

int normalInt = 5; 
unsigned __int64 num=285212672;
    "My number is %d bytes wide and its value is %I64u. 
    A normal number is %d", 
    num, normalInt);

This code works for both 32 and 64 bit VS compiler.

Get cookie by name

The methods in some of the other answers that use a regular expression do not cover all cases, particularly:

  1. When the cookie is the last cookie. In this case there will not be a semicolon after the cookie value.
  2. When another cookie name ends with the name being looked up. For example, you are looking for the cookie named "one", and there is a cookie named "done".
  3. When the cookie name includes characters that are not interpreted as themselves when used in a regular expression unless they are preceded by a backslash.

The following method handles these cases:

function getCookie(name) {
    function escape(s) { return s.replace(/([.*+?\^$(){}|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); }
    var match = document.cookie.match(RegExp('(?:^|;\\s*)' + escape(name) + '=([^;]*)'));
    return match ? match[1] : null;

This will return null if the cookie is not found. It will return an empty string if the value of the cookie is empty.


  1. This function assumes cookie names are case sensitive.
  2. document.cookie - When this appears on the right-hand side of an assignment, it represents a string containing a semicolon-separated list of cookies, which in turn are name=value pairs. There appears to be a single space after each semicolon.
  3. String.prototype.match() - Returns null when no match is found. Returns an array when a match is found, and the element at index [1] is the value of the first matching group.

Regular Expression Notes:

  1. (?:xxxx) - forms a non-matching group.
  2. ^ - matches the start of the string.
  3. | - separates alternative patterns for the group.
  4. ;\\s* - matches one semi-colon followed by zero or more whitespace characters.
  5. = - matches one equal sign.
  6. (xxxx) - forms a matching group.
  7. [^;]* - matches zero or more characters other than a semi-colon. This means it will match characters up to, but not including, a semi-colon or to the end of the string.

How do ports work with IPv6?

I'm pretty certain that ports only have a part in tcp and udp. So it's exactly the same even if you use a new IP protocol