[angularjs] Setting default value in select drop-down using Angularjs

I have an object as below. I have to display this as a drop-down:

var list = [{id:4,name:"abc"},{id:600,name:"def"},{id:200,name:"xyz"}]

In my controller I have a variable that carries a value. This value decided which of the above three items in the array will be selected by default in the drop-down:

 $scope.object.setDefault = 600;

When I create a drop-down form item as below:

<select ng-model="object.setDefault" ng-options="r.name for r in list">                 

I face two problems:

  1. the list is generated as

    <option value="0">abc</option>
    <option value="1">def</option>
    <option value="2">xyz</option>

    instead of

    <option value="4">abc</option>
    <option value="600">def</option>
    <option value="200">xyz</option>
  2. No option gets selected by default even though i have ng-model="object.setDefault"

This question is related to angularjs

The answer is

I could help you out with the html:

<option value="">abc</option>

instead of

<option value="4">abc</option>

to set abc as the default value.

Some of the scenarios, object.item would not be loaded or will be undefined.

Use ng-init

<select ng-init="object.item=2" ng-model="object.item"
ng-options="item.id as item.name for item in list"

You can do it with following code(track by),

<select ng-model="modelName" ng-options="data.name for data in list track by data.id" ></select>

In View

<select ng-model="boxmodel"><option ng-repeat="lst in list" value="{{lst.id}}">{{lst.name}}</option></select>


In side controller

 $scope.boxModel = 600;

This is an old question and you might have got the answer already.

My plnkr explains on my approach to accomplish selecting a default dropdown value. Basically, I have a service which would return the dropdown values [hard coded to test]. I was not able to select the value by default and almost spend a day and finally figured out that I should have set $scope.proofGroupId = "47"; instead of $scope.proofGroupId = 47; in the script.js file. It was my bad and I did not notice that I was setting an integer 47 instead of the string "47". I retained the plnkr as it is just in case if some one would like to see. Hopefully, this would help some one.

<select ng-init="somethingHere = options[0]" ng-model="somethingHere" ng-options="option.name for option in options"></select>

This would get you desired result Dude :) Cheers

When you use ng-options to populate a select list, it uses the entire object as the selected value, not just the single value you see in the select list. So in your case, you'd need to set

$scope.object.setDefault = {


$scope.object.setDefault = $scope.selectItems[1];

I also recommend just outputting the value of $scope.object.setDefault in your template to see what I'm talking about getting selected.


Problem 1:

The generated HTML you're getting is normal. Apparently it's a feature of Angular to be able to use any kind of object as value for a select. Angular does the mapping between the HTML option-value and the value in the ng-model. Also see Umur's comment in this question: How do I set the value property in AngularJS' ng-options?

Problem 2:

Make sure you're using the following ng-options:

<select ng-model="object.item" ng-options="item.id as item.name for item in list" />

And put this in your controller to select a default value:

object.item = 4

$scope.item = {
    "id": "3",
    "name": "ALL",

$scope.CategoryLst = [
    { id: '1', name: 'MD' },
    { id: '2', name: 'CRNA' },
    { id: '3', name: 'ALL' }];

<select ng-model="item.id" ng-selected="3" ng-options="i.id as i.name for i in CategoryLst"></select>

we should use name value pair binding values into dropdown.see the code for more details

function myCtrl($scope) {_x000D_
     $scope.statusTaskList = [_x000D_
        { name: 'Open', value: '1' },_x000D_
        { name: 'In Progress', value: '2' },_x000D_
        { name: 'Complete', value: '3' },_x000D_
        { name: 'Deleted', value: '4' },_x000D_
    $scope.atcStatusTasks = $scope.statusTaskList[0]; // 0 -> Open _x000D_
<select ng-model="atcStatusTasks" ng-options="s.name for s in statusTaskList"></select>