[javascript] jQuery Dialog Box

I had the same problem and was looking for a way to solve it which brought me here. After reviewing the suggestion made from RaeLehman it led me to the solution. Here's my implementation.

In my $(document).ready event I initialize my dialog with the autoOpen set to false. I also chose to bind a click event to an element, like a button, which will open my dialog.


    // Initialize my dialog
        autoOpen: false,
        modal: true,
        buttons: {
        "OK":function() { // do something },
        "Cancel": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }

    // Bind to the click event for my button and execute my function

Next, I make sure that the function is defined and that is where I implement the dialog open method.

var Foo = {
    DoSomething: function(){

By the way, I tested this in IE7 and Firefox and it works fine. Hope this helps!

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