[sql] Copy data from one existing row to another existing row in SQL?

I have a table full of tracking data for as specific course, course number 6.

Now I have added new tracking data for course number 11.

Each row of data is for one user for one course, so for users assigned to both course 6 and course 11 there are two rows of data.

The client wants all users who have completed course number 6 any time after August 1st 2008 to also have completion marked for course 11. However I can't just convert the 6 to 11 because they want to preserve their old data for course 6.

So for every row that has a course number of 6, is marked as complete, and is greater than the date August 1st 2008, I want to write the completion data over the row that contains the tracking for course 11 for that specific user.

I would need to carry over the data from the course 6 row to the course 11 row so things like user score and date of posted completion is moved over.

Here is the structure of the table:

userID (int)
courseID (int)
course (bit)
bookmark (varchar(100))
course_date (datetime)
posttest (bit)
post_attempts (int)
post_score (float)
post_date (datetime)
complete (bit)
complete_date (datetime)
exempted (bit)
exempted_date (datetime)
exempted_reason (int)
emailSent (bit)

Some values will be NULL and userID/courseID obviously won't be carried over as that is already in the right place.

This question is related to sql insert copy row

The answer is

This works well for coping entire records.

UPDATE your_table
SET new_field = sourse_field

Copy a value from one row to any other qualified rows within the same table (or different tables):

UPDATE `your_table` t1, `your_table` t2
SET t1.your_field = t2.your_field
WHERE t1.other_field = some_condition
AND t1.another_field = another_condition
AND t2.source_id = 'explicit_value'

Start off by aliasing the table into 2 unique references so the SQL server can tell them apart

Next, specify the field(s) to copy.

Last, specify the conditions governing the selection of the rows

Depending on the conditions you may copy from a single row to a series, or you may copy a series to a series. You may also specify different tables, and you can even use sub-selects or joins to allow using other tables to control the relationships.

Use SELECT to Insert records

INSERT tracking (userID, courseID, course, bookmark, course_date, posttest, post_attempts, post_score, post_date, complete, complete_date, exempted, exempted_date, exempted_reason, emailSent) 
SELECT userID, 11, course, bookmark, course_date, posttest, post_attempts, post_score, post_date, complete, complete_date, exempted, exempted_date, exempted_reason, emailSent
FROM tracking WHERE courseID = 6 AND course_date > '08-01-2008'

    c11.completed= c6.completed,
    c11.complete_date = c6.complete_date,
-- rest of columns to be copied
FROM courses c11 inner join courses c6 on
    c11.userID = c6.userID 
    and c11.courseID = 11 and c6.courseID = 6
     -- and any other checks

I have always viewed the From clause of an update, like one of a normal select. Actually if you want to check what will be updated before running the update, you can take replace the update parts with a select c11.*. See my comments on the lame duck's answer.

Try this:

UPDATE barang
SET ID FROM(SELECT tblkatalog.tblkatalog_id FROM tblkatalog 
WHERE tblkatalog.tblkatalog_nomor = barang.NO_CAT) WHERE barang.NO_CAT <>'';

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