[sql-server] Installation of SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio

I have installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

This consists of the configuration tools (SQL server configuration manager, SQL Error and usage Reporting, SQL Server Surface area configuration, Reporting Services configuration) and SQL Server Management Studio.

However, I don't find SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.

How can it be installed?

Is it available online as a freeware download?

The answer is


Business Intelligence Development Studio is Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with additional project types that are specific to SQL Server business intelligence. Business Intelligence Development Studio is the primary environment that you will use to develop business solutions that include Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services projects. Each project type supplies templates for creating the objects required for business intelligence solutions, and provides a variety of designers, tools, and wizards to work with the objects.

If you already have Visual Studio installed, the new project types will be installed along with SQL Server.

More Information

If you have installed SQL 2005 express edition and want to install BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) then go to here Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit

This has an option to install BIDS on my machine, and is the only way l could get hold of BIDS for SQL Server 2005 express edition.

Also this package l think has also allowed me to install both BIDS 2005 & 2008 express edition on the same machine.

This worked for me:

Start /wait setup.exe /qb  ADDLOCAL=SQL_DTS,Client_Components,Connectivity,SQL_Tools90,SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench,SQLXML,Tools_Legacy,SQL_Documentation,SQL_BooksOnline

Based off this TechNet Article:


I figured it out and posted the answer in Can't run Business Intelligence Development Studio, file is not found.

I had this same problem. I am running .NET framework 3.5, SQL Server 2005, and Visual Studio 2008. While I was trying to run SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio the icon was grayed out and the devenv.exe file was not found.

I hope this helps.

It sounds like you have installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, which does not include SSIS or the Business Intelligence Development Studio.

BIDS is only provided with the (not free) Standard, Enterprise and Developer Editions.


This information was correct for SQL Server 2005. Since SQL Server 2014, Developer Edition has been free. BIDS has been replaced by SQL Server Data Tools, a free plugin for Visual Studio (including the free Visual Studio Community Edition).

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