[c#] C# : Converting Base Class to Child Class

There's a few ways of doing this. However, here is one of the easiest ways to do this and it's reusable.

What is happening is that we're getting all the properties of the parent class and updating those same properties on the child class. Where baseObj would be the parent object and T would be the child class.

public static T ConvertToDerived<T>(object baseObj) where T : new()
        var derivedObj = new T();
        var members = baseObj.GetType().GetMembers();
        foreach (var member in members)
            object val = null;
            if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
                val = ((FieldInfo)member).GetValue(baseObj);
                ((FieldInfo)member).SetValue(derivedObj, val);
            else if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
                val = ((PropertyInfo)member).GetValue(baseObj);
                if (val is IList && val.GetType().IsGenericType)
                    var listType = val.GetType().GetGenericArguments().Single();
                    var list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(listType));
                    foreach (var item in (IList)val)
                    ((PropertyInfo)member).SetValue(baseObj, list, null);
                if (((PropertyInfo)member).CanWrite)
                    ((PropertyInfo)member).SetValue(derivedObj, val);
        return derivedObj;

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