Programs & Examples On #Android syncadapter

An Android service that synchronizes data between an Android device and a server

Sync data between Android App and webserver

If we think about today, accepted answer is too old. As we know that we have many new libraries which can help you to make this types of application.

You should learn following topics that will helps you surely:

  • SyncAdapter: The sync adapter component in your app encapsulates the code for the tasks that transfer data between the device and a server. Based on the scheduling and triggers you provide in your app, the sync adapter framework runs the code in the sync adapter component.

  • Realm: Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & Core Data.

  • Retrofit Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc. Must Learn a-smart-way-to-use-retrofit

And your sync logic for database like: How to sync SQLite database on Android phone with MySQL database on server?

Best Luck to all new learner. :)

jQuery - get all divs inside a div with class ".container"

Known ID

$(".container > #first");



or since IDs should be unique within a single document:


The last one is of course the fastest.

Unknown ID

Since you're saying that you don't know their ID top couple of the upper selectors (where #first is written), can be changed to:

$(".container > div");

The last one (of the first three selectors) that only uses ID is of course not possible to be changed in this way.

If you also need to filter out only those child DIV elements that define ID attribute you'd write selectors down this way:

$(".container > div[id]");

Attach click handler

Add the following code to attach click handler to any of your preferred selector:

// use selector of your choice and call 'click' on it
$(".container > div").click(function(){
    // if you need element's ID
    var divID =;
    cache your element if you intend to use it multiple times
    var clickedDiv = $(this);
    // add CSS class to it
    // do other stuff that needs to be done

CSS3 Selectors specification

I would also like to point you to CSS3 selector specification that jQuery uses. It will help you lots in the future because there may be some selectors you're not aware of at all and could make your life much much easier.

After your edited question

I'm not completey sure that I know what you're after even though you've written some pseudo code... Anyway. Some parts can still be answered:

$(".container > div[id]").each(function(){
    var context = $(this);
    // get menu parent element: Sub: Show Grid
    // maybe I'm not appending to the correct element here but you should know
    context.text("Show #" +;
    context.attr("href", "");{

the last thee context usages could be combined into a single chained one:


Regarding DOM elements

You can always get the underlaying DOM element from the jQuery result set.

// or

will get you the first DOM element from the jQuery result set. jQuery result is always a set of elements even though there's none in them or only one.

But when I used .each() function and provided an anonymous function that will be called on each element in the set, this keyword actually refers to the DOM element.

    var DOMelement = this;
    var jQueryElement = $(this);

I hope this clears some things for your.

VBA shorthand for x=x+1?

Sadly there are no operation-assignment operators in VBA.

(Addition-assignment += are available in VB.Net)

Pointless workaround;

Sub Inc(ByRef i As Integer)
   i = i + 1  
End Sub
Static value As Integer
inc value
inc value

Read next word in java

You already get the next line in this line of your code:

 String line = sc.nextLine();  

To get the words of a line, I would recommend to use:

String[] words = line.split(" ");

Break or return from Java 8 stream forEach?

I have achieved by something like this

  private void doSomething() {
            List<Action> actions = actionRepository.findAll();
            boolean actionHasFormFields =;
            if (actionHasFormFields){

    private Predicate<Action> actionHasMyFieldsPredicate(){
        return action -> action.getMyField1() != null;

Convert timestamp to date in Oracle SQL

Format like this while selecting:

to_char(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY')


select to_char(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY') from dual;

RestSharp simple complete example

Pawel Sawicz .NET blog has a real good explanation and example code, explaining how to call the library;


var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("api/item/", Method.GET);
var queryResult = client.Execute<List<Items>>(request).Data;


var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("api/item/", Method.POST);
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
request.AddBody(new Item
   ItemName = someName,
   Price = 19.99


var item = new Item(){//body};
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("api/item/{id}", Method.DELETE);
request.AddParameter("id", idItem);

The RestSharp GitHub page has quite an exhaustive sample halfway down the page. To get started install the RestSharp NuGet package in your project, then include the necessary namespace references in your code, then above code should work (possibly negating your need for a full example application).

NuGet RestSharp

UINavigationBar Hide back Button Text

In iOS 11, we found that setting UIBarButtonItem appearance's text font/color to a very small value or clear color will result other bar item to disappear (system does not honor the class of UIBarButton item anymore, it will convert it to a _UIModernBarButton). Also setting the offset of back text to offscreen will result flash during interactive pop.

So we swizzled addSubView:

+ (void)load {
    if (@available(iOS 11, *)) {
        [NSClassFromString(@"_UIBackButtonContainerView")     jr_swizzleMethod:@selector(addSubview:) withMethod:@selector(MyiOS11BackButtonNoTextTrick_addSubview:) error:nil];

- (void)MyiOS11BackButtonNoTextTrick_addSubview:(UIView *)view {
    view.alpha = 0;
    if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
        UIButton *button = (id)view;
        [button setTitle:@" " forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    [self MyiOS11BackButtonNoTextTrick_addSubview:view];

How to verify that a specific method was not called using Mockito?

Both the verifyNoMoreInteractions() and verifyZeroInteractions() method internally have the same implementation as:

public static transient void verifyNoMoreInteractions(Object mocks[])

public static transient void verifyZeroInteractions(Object mocks[])

so we can use any one of them on mock object or array of mock objects to check that no methods have been called using mock objects.

Assert an object is a specific type

Solution for JUnit 5

The documentation says:

However, JUnit Jupiter’s org.junit.jupiter.Assertions class does not provide an assertThat() method like the one found in JUnit 4’s org.junit.Assert class which accepts a Hamcrest Matcher. Instead, developers are encouraged to use the built-in support for matchers provided by third-party assertion libraries.

Example for Hamcrest:

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class HamcrestAssertionDemo {

    void assertWithHamcrestMatcher() {
        SubClass subClass = new SubClass();
        assertThat(subClass, instanceOf(BaseClass.class));


Example for AssertJ:

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class AssertJDemo {

    void assertWithAssertJ() {
        SubClass subClass = new SubClass();


Note that this assumes you want to test behaviors similar to instanceof (which accepts subclasses). If you want exact equal type, I don’t see a better way than asserting the two class to be equal like you mentioned in the question.

"SSL certificate verify failed" using pip to install packages

It seems that Scrapy fails because installing Twisted fails, which fails because incremental fails. Running pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --upgrade incremental fixed this for me.

Resize external website content to fit iFrame width

What you can do is set specific width and height to your iframe (for example these could be equal to your window dimensions) and then applying a scale transformation to it. The scale value will be the ratio between your window width and the dimension you wanted to set to your iframe.


<iframe width="1024" height="768" src="" style="-webkit-transform:scale(0.5);-moz-transform-scale(0.5);"></iframe>

How to trim a string in SQL Server before 2017?

I assume this is a one-off data scrubbing exercise. Once done, ensure you add database constraints to prevent bad data in the future e.g.

   CONSTRAINT customer_names__whitespace
      CHECK (
             Names NOT LIKE ' %'
             AND Names NOT LIKE '% '
             AND Names NOT LIKE '%  %'

Also consider disallowing other characters (tab, carriage return, line feed, etc) that may cause problems.

It may also be a good time to split those Names into family_name, first_name, etc :)

Updating records codeigniter

In your_controller write this...

public function update_title() 
    $data = array
        'table_id' => $this->input->post('table_id'),
        'table_title' => $this->input->post('table_title')

    $this->load->model('your_model'); // First load the model
    if($this->your_model->update_title($data)) // call the method from the controller
        // update successful...
        // update not successful...


While in your_model...

public function update_title($data)

This will works fine...

Using an if statement to check if a div is empty

You can use .is().

if( $('#leftmenu').is(':empty') ) {
    // ...

Or you could just test the length property to see if one was found.

if( $('#leftmenu:empty').length ) {
    // ...

Keep in mind that empty means no white space either. If there's a chance that there will be white space, then you can use $.trim() and check for the length of the content.

if( !$.trim( $('#leftmenu').html() ).length ) {
    // ...

Remove and Replace Printed items

import sys
import time

a = 0  
for x in range (0,3):  
    a = a + 1  
    b = ("Loading" + "." * a)
    # \r prints a carriage return first, so `b` is printed on top of the previous line.
print (a)

Note that you might have to run sys.stdout.flush() right after sys.stdout.write('\r'+b) depending on which console you are doing the printing to have the results printed when requested without any buffering.

Jquery check if element is visible in viewport

var visible = $(".media").visible();

What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?

Ok, the question seems to have been answered fairly well, the UNICODE overload should take a wide character array as its second parameter. So if the command line parameter is "Hello" that would probably end up as "H\0e\0l\0l\0o\0\0\0" and your program would only print the 'H' before it sees what it thinks is a null terminator.

So now you may wonder why it even compiles and links.

Well it compiles because you are allowed to define an overload to a function.

Linking is a slightly more complex issue. In C, there is no decorated symbol information so it just finds a function called main. The argc and argv are probably always there as call-stack parameters just in case even if your function is defined with that signature, even if your function happens to ignore them.

Even though C++ does have decorated symbols, it almost certainly uses C-linkage for main, rather than a clever linker that looks for each one in turn. So it found your wmain and put the parameters onto the call-stack in case it is the int wmain(int, wchar_t*[]) version.

tr:hover not working

You can simply use background CSS property as follows:

    background: #F1F1F2;    

Working example

Determine if variable is defined in Python

I think it's better to avoid the situation. It's cleaner and clearer to write:

a = None
if condition:
    a = 42

MSSQL Regular expression

Thank you all for your help.

This is what I have used in the end:

  CASE WHEN [url] NOT LIKE '%[^-A-Za-z0-9/.+$]%' 
    THEN 'Valid' 
    ELSE 'No valid' 
  END [Validate]
  ORDER BY [Validate]

Creating an index on a table variable

The question is tagged SQL Server 2000 but for the benefit of people developing on the latest version I'll address that first.

SQL Server 2014

In addition to the methods of adding constraint based indexes discussed below SQL Server 2014 also allows non unique indexes to be specified directly with inline syntax on table variable declarations.

Example syntax for that is below.

/*SQL Server 2014+ compatible inline index syntax*/
C1 INT INDEX IX1 CLUSTERED, /*Single column indexes can be declared next to the column*/
       INDEX IX3 NONCLUSTERED(C1,C2) /*Example composite index*/

Filtered indexes and indexes with included columns can not currently be declared with this syntax however SQL Server 2016 relaxes this a bit further. From CTP 3.1 it is now possible to declare filtered indexes for table variables. By RTM it may be the case that included columns are also allowed but the current position is that they "will likely not make it into SQL16 due to resource constraints"

/*SQL Server 2016 allows filtered indexes*/
c1 INT NULL INDEX ix UNIQUE WHERE c1 IS NOT NULL /*Unique ignoring nulls*/

SQL Server 2000 - 2012

Can I create a index on Name?

Short answer: Yes.


A more detailed answer is below.

Traditional tables in SQL Server can either have a clustered index or are structured as heaps.

Clustered indexes can either be declared as unique to disallow duplicate key values or default to non unique. If not unique then SQL Server silently adds a uniqueifier to any duplicate keys to make them unique.

Non clustered indexes can also be explicitly declared as unique. Otherwise for the non unique case SQL Server adds the row locator (clustered index key or RID for a heap) to all index keys (not just duplicates) this again ensures they are unique.

In SQL Server 2000 - 2012 indexes on table variables can only be created implicitly by creating a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. The difference between these constraint types are that the primary key must be on non nullable column(s). The columns participating in a unique constraint may be nullable. (though SQL Server's implementation of unique constraints in the presence of NULLs is not per that specified in the SQL Standard). Also a table can only have one primary key but multiple unique constraints.

Both of these logical constraints are physically implemented with a unique index. If not explicitly specified otherwise the PRIMARY KEY will become the clustered index and unique constraints non clustered but this behavior can be overridden by specifying CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED explicitly with the constraint declaration (Example syntax)


As a result of the above the following indexes can be implicitly created on table variables in SQL Server 2000 - 2012.

|             Index Type              | Can be created on a table variable? |
| Unique Clustered Index              | Yes                                 |
| Nonunique Clustered Index           |                                     |
| Unique NCI on a heap                | Yes                                 |
| Non Unique NCI on a heap            |                                     |
| Unique NCI on a clustered index     | Yes                                 |
| Non Unique NCI on a clustered index | Yes                                 |

The last one requires a bit of explanation. In the table variable definition at the beginning of this answer the non unique non clustered index on Name is simulated by a unique index on Name,Id (recall that SQL Server would silently add the clustered index key to the non unique NCI key anyway).

A non unique clustered index can also be achieved by manually adding an IDENTITY column to act as a uniqueifier.

Uniqueifier INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),

But this is not an accurate simulation of how a non unique clustered index would normally actually be implemented in SQL Server as this adds the "Uniqueifier" to all rows. Not just those that require it.

How to make join queries using Sequelize on Node.js

Model1.belongsTo(Model2, { as: 'alias' })

Model1.findAll({include: [{model: Model2  , as: 'alias'  }]},{raw: true}).success(onSuccess).error(onError);

Do I need to convert .CER to .CRT for Apache SSL certificates? If so, how?

I use command:

openssl x509 -inform PEM -in certificate.cer -out certificate.crt

But CER is an X.509 certificate in binary form, DER encoded. CRT is a binary X.509 certificate, encapsulated in text (base-64) encoding.

Because of that, you maybe should use:

openssl x509 -inform DER -in certificate.cer -out certificate.crt

And then to import your certificate:

Copy your CA to dir:


Use command:

sudo cp foo.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/foo.crt

Update the CA store:

sudo update-ca-certificates

Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function

You can use Simpsons rule or the Trapezium rule to calculate the area under a graph given a table of y-values at a regular interval.

Python script that calculates Simpsons rule:

def integrate(y_vals, h):
    i = 1
    total = y_vals[0] + y_vals[-1]
    for y in y_vals[1:-1]:
        if i % 2 == 0:
            total += 2 * y
            total += 4 * y
        i += 1
    return total * (h / 3.0)

h is the offset (or gap) between y values, and y_vals is an array of well, y values.

Example (In same file as above function):

y_values = [13, 45.3, 12, 1, 476, 0]
interval = 1.2
area = integrate(y_values, interval)
print("The area is", area)

Vertically aligning CSS :before and :after content

I spent a good amount of time trying to work this out today, and couldn't get things working using line-height or vertical-align. The easiest solution I was able to find was to set the <a/> to be relatively positioned so it would contain absolutes, and the :after to be positioned absolutely taking it out of the flow.


The after image seemed to automatically center in that case, at least under Firefox/Chrome. Such may be a bit sloppier for browsers not supporting :after, due to the excess spacing on the <a/>.

How to automatically indent source code?

In 2010 it is Ctrl+k, Ctrl+d. See image below.

enter image description here

How to cd into a directory with space in the name?

Instead of:

DOCS="/cygdrive/c/Users/my\ dir/Documents"


DOCS="/cygdrive/c/Users/my dir/Documents" 

This should work on any POSIX system.

How many socket connections possible?

Which operating system?

For windows machines, if you're writing a server to scale well, and therefore using I/O Completion Ports and async I/O, then the main limitation is the amount of non-paged pool that you're using for each active connection. This translates directly into a limit based on the amount of memory that your machine has installed (non-paged pool is a finite, fixed size amount that is based on the total memory installed).

For connections that don't see much traffic you can reduce make them more efficient by posting 'zero byte reads' which don't use non-paged pool and don't affect the locked pages limit (another potentially limited resource that may prevent you having lots of socket connections open).

Apart from that, well, you will need to profile but I've managed to get more than 70,000 concurrent connections on a modestly specified (760MB memory) server; see here for more details.

Obviously if you're using a less efficient architecture such as 'thread per connection' or 'select' then you should expect to achieve less impressive figures; but, IMHO, there's simply no reason to select such architectures for windows socket servers.

Edit: see here; the way that the amount of non-paged pool is calculated has changed in Vista and Server 2008 and there's now much more available.

Getting request payload from POST request in Java servlet

You can use Buffer Reader from request to read

    // Read from request
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    BufferedReader reader = request.getReader();
    String line;
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    String data = buffer.toString()

How to make <div> fill <td> height

This questions is already answered here. Just put height: 100% in both the div and the container td.

runOnUiThread in fragment

In Xamarin.Android

For Fragment:

this.Activity.RunOnUiThread(() => { yourtextbox.Text="Hello"; });

For Activity:

RunOnUiThread(() => { yourtextbox.Text="Hello"; });

Happy coding :-)

C++ display stack trace on exception

I would like to add a standard library option (i.e. cross-platform) how to generate exception backtraces, which has become available with C++11:

Use std::nested_exception and std::throw_with_nested

This won't give you a stack unwind, but in my opinion the next best thing. It is described on StackOverflow here and here, how you can get a backtrace on your exceptions inside your code without need for a debugger or cumbersome logging, by simply writing a proper exception handler which will rethrow nested exceptions.

Since you can do this with any derived exception class, you can add a lot of information to such a backtrace! You may also take a look at my MWE on GitHub, where a backtrace would look something like this:

Library API: Exception caught in function 'api_function'
~/Git/mwe-cpp-exception/src/detail/Library.cpp:17 : library_function failed
~/Git/mwe-cpp-exception/src/detail/Library.cpp:13 : could not open file "nonexistent.txt"

How to open mail app from Swift

Here's an update for Swift 4 if you're simply looking to open up the mail client via a URL:

let email = "[email protected]"
if let url = URL(string: "mailto:\(email)") {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

This worked perfectly fine for me :)

How does C#'s random number generator work?

I was just wondering how the random number generator in C# works.

That's implementation-specific, but the wikipedia entry for pseudo-random number generators should give you some ideas.

I was also curious how I could make a program that generates random WHOLE INTEGER numbers from 1-100.

You can use Random.Next(int, int):

Random rng = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    Console.WriteLine(rng.Next(1, 101));

Note that the upper bound is exclusive - which is why I've used 101 here.

You should also be aware of some of the "gotchas" associated with Random - in particular, you should not create a new instance every time you want to generate a random number, as otherwise if you generate lots of random numbers in a short space of time, you'll see a lot of repeats. See my article on this topic for more details.

How to catch curl errors in PHP

If CURLOPT_FAILONERROR is false, http errors will not trigger curl errors.

if (@$_GET['curl']=="yes") {
  header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable');
} else {
  $ch=curl_init($url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?curl=yes");
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
  $http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
  $curl_errno= curl_errno($ch);
  if ($http_status==503)
    echo "HTTP Status == 503 <br/>";
  echo "Curl Errno returned $curl_errno <br/>";

How do I get row id of a row in sql server

SQL Server does not track the order of inserted rows, so there is no reliable way to get that information given your current table structure. Even if employee_id is an IDENTITY column, it is not 100% foolproof to rely on that for order of insertion (since you can fill gaps and even create duplicate ID values using SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON). If employee_id is an IDENTITY column and you are sure that rows aren't manually inserted out of order, you should be able to use this variation of your query to select the data in sequence, newest first:

FROM dbo.CSBCA1_5_FPCIC_2012_EES207201222743

You can make a change to your table to track this information for new rows, but you won't be able to derive it for your existing data (they will all me marked as inserted at the time you make this change).

ALTER TABLE dbo.CSBCA1_5_FPCIC_2012_EES207201222743 
-- wow, who named this?

Note that this may break existing code that just does INSERT INTO dbo.whatever SELECT/VALUES() - e.g. you may have to revisit your code and define a proper, explicit column list.

Syntax for if/else condition in SCSS mixin

You could try this:

@mixin clearfix($width) {

   @if $width == 'auto' {

    // if width is not passed, or empty do this

   } @else {
        display: inline-block;
        width: $width;

I'm not sure of your intended result, but setting a default value should return false.

How to copy a selection to the OS X clipboard

if you have the +clipboard option on your Vim installation (you can check with :version) and you are in visual mode you can do "+y This will yank the selection to the buffer + that is the clipboard.

I have added the following maps to my vimrc and it works fine.

vmap <leader>y "+y : With this I can do leader key follow by y to copy to the clipboard in visual mode.

nmap <leader>p "+p : With this I can do leader key follow by p to paste from the clipboard on normal mode.

PD : On Ubuntu I had to install vim-gtk to get the +clipboard option.

HTML.ActionLink method

what about this

<%=Html.ActionLink("Get Involved", 
                           id = "GetInvolved" 
                   new { 
                           @class = "menuitem", 
                           id = "menu_getinvolved" 

JPA: difference between @JoinColumn and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn?

I know this is an old post, but a good time to use PrimaryKeyColumn would be if you wanted a unidirectional relationship or had multiple tables all sharing the same id.

In general this is a bad idea and it would be better to use foreign key relationships with JoinColumn.

Having said that, if you are working on an older database that used a system like this then that would be a good time to use it.

Configure Apache .conf for Alias

Sorry not sure what was going on this worked in the end:

<VirtualHost *> 
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mjp

    Alias /ncn "/var/www/html/ncn"

    <Directory "/var/www/html/ncn">
        Options None
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugAidl': aidl is missing

I was able to get build to work with Build Tools 23.0.0 rc1 if I also opened the project level build.gradle file and set the version of the android build plugin to 1.3.0-beta1. Also, I'm tracking the canary and preview builds and just updated a few seconds before, so perhaps that helped.

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files

allprojects {
    repositories {

Can I get Unix's pthread.h to compile in Windows?

Just pick up the TDM-GCC 64x package. (It constains both the 32 and 64 bit versions of the MinGW toolchain and comes within a neat installer.) More importantly, it contains something called the "winpthread" library.

It comprises of the pthread.h header, libwinpthread.a, libwinpthread.dll.a static libraries for both 32-bit and 64-bit and the required .dlls libwinpthread-1.dll and libwinpthread_64-1.dll(this, as of 01-06-2016).

You'll need to link to the libwinpthread.a library during build. Other than that, your code can be the same as for native Pthread code on Linux. I've so far successfully used it to compile a few basic Pthread programs in 64-bit on windows.

Alternatively, you can use the following library which wraps the windows threading API into the pthreads API: pthreads-win32.

The above two seem to be the most well known ways for this.

Hope this helps.

Generate a random number in the range 1 - 10

To summarize and a bit simplify, you can use:

-- 0 - 9
select floor(random() * 10);
-- 0 - 10
SELECT floor(random() * (10 + 1));
-- 1 - 10
SELECT ceil(random() * 10);

And you can test this like mentioned by @user80168

-- 0 - 9
SELECT min(i), max(i) FROM (SELECT floor(random() * 10) AS i FROM generate_series(0, 100000)) q;
-- 0 - 10
SELECT min(i), max(i) FROM (SELECT floor(random() * (10 + 1)) AS i FROM generate_series(0, 100000)) q;
-- 1 - 10
SELECT min(i), max(i) FROM (SELECT ceil(random() * 10) AS i FROM generate_series(0, 100000)) q;

Best way to handle list.index(might-not-exist) in python?

thing_index = thing_list.index(elem) if elem in thing_list else -1

One line. Simple. No exceptions.

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

Here is how you do it: Simple way

// Initializing a new alert dialog
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null);

// Create the alert dialog and change Buttons colour
AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
dialog.setOnShowListener(new DialogInterface.OnShowListener() {
    public void onShow(DialogInterface arg0) {

Java BigDecimal: Round to the nearest whole value

If i go by Grodriguez's answer

System.out.println("" + value);
value = value.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
System.out.println("" + value);

This is the output

100.23 -> 100
100.77 -> 101

Which isn't quite what i want, so i ended up doing this..

System.out.println("" + value);
value = value.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
value = value.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
System.out.println("" + value);

This is what i get

100.23 -> 100.00
100.77 -> 101.00

This solves my problem for now .. : ) Thank you all.

How does Spring autowire by name when more than one matching bean is found?

in some case you can use annotation @Primary.

class USA implements Country {}

This way it will be selected as the default autowire candididate, with no need to autowire-candidate on the other bean.

for mo deatils look at Autowiring two beans implementing same interface - how to set default bean to autowire?

Setting Timeout Value For .NET Web Service

After creating your client specifying the binding and endpoint address, you can assign an OperationTimeout,

client.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

Execute SQLite script

If you are using the windows CMD you can use this command to create a database using sqlite3

C:\sqlite3.exe DBNAME.db ".read DBSCRIPT.sql"

If you haven't a database with that name sqlite3 will create one, and if you already have one, it will run it anyways but with the "TABLENAME already exists" error, I think you can also use this command to change an already existing database (but im not sure)

Why do we need the "finally" clause in Python?

A try block has just one mandatory clause: The try statement. The except, else and finally clauses are optional and based on user preference.

finally: Before Python leaves the try statement, it will run the code in the finally block under any conditions, even if it's ending the program. E.g., if Python ran into an error while running code in the except or else block, the finally block will still be executed before stopping the program.

Remove everything after a certain character

It works for me very nicely:

var x = '/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444';
var remove_after= x.indexOf('?');
var result =  x.substring(0, remove_after);

how to have two headings on the same line in html

Add a span with the style="float: right" element inside the h1 element. So you can add a "goto top of the page" link, with a unicode arrow link button.

<h1 id="myAnchor">Headline Text
<span style="float: right"><a href="#top" aria-hidden="true">?</a></span>

Call PHP function from Twig template

You can check your all defined function by

$arr = get_defined_functions();

this will give you array of all functions in if your function exist in it you can use it like:

 {{ user.myfunction({{parameter}}) }}

Javascript: How to loop through ALL DOM elements on a page?

Use *

var allElem = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0; i < allElem.length; i++) {
    // Do something with all element here

How to replace part of string by position?

ReplaceAt(int index, int length, string replace)

Here's an extension method that doesn't use StringBuilder or Substring. This method also allows the replacement string to extend past the length of the source string.

//// str - the source string
//// index- the start location to replace at (0-based)
//// length - the number of characters to be removed before inserting
//// replace - the string that is replacing characters
public static string ReplaceAt(this string str, int index, int length, string replace)
    return str.Remove(index, Math.Min(length, str.Length - index))
            .Insert(index, replace);

When using this function, if you want the entire replacement string to replace as many characters as possible, then set length to the length of the replacement string:

"0123456789".ReplaceAt(7, 5, "Hello") = "0123456Hello"

Otherwise, you can specify the amount of characters that will be removed:

"0123456789".ReplaceAt(2, 2, "Hello") = "01Hello456789"

If you specify the length to be 0, then this function acts just like the insert function:

"0123456789".ReplaceAt(4, 0, "Hello") = "0123Hello456789"

I guess this is more efficient since the StringBuilder class need not be initialized and since it uses more basic operations. Please correct me if I am wrong. :)

How to call a VbScript from a Batch File without opening an additional command prompt

rem This is the command line version
cscript "C:\Users\guest\Desktop\123\MyScript.vbs"


rem This is the windowed version
wscript "C:\Users\guest\Desktop\123\MyScript.vbs"

You can also add the option //e:vbscript to make sure the scripting engine will recognize your script as a vbscript.

Windows/DOS batch files doesn't require escaping \ like *nix.

You can still use "C:\Users\guest\Desktop\123\MyScript.vbs", but this requires the user has *.vbs associated to wscript.

How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First?

If you want to detach existing object follow @Slauma's advice. If you want to load objects without tracking changes use:

var data = context.MyEntities.AsNoTracking().Where(...).ToList();

As mentioned in comment this will not completely detach entities. They are still attached and lazy loading works but entities are not tracked. This should be used for example if you want to load entity only to read data and you don't plan to modify them.

Add a custom attribute to a Laravel / Eloquent model on load?

I had something simular: I have an attribute picture in my model, this contains the location of the file in the Storage folder. The image must be returned base64 encoded

//Add extra attribute
protected $attributes = ['picture_data'];

//Make it available in the json response
protected $appends = ['picture_data'];

//implement the attribute
public function getPictureDataAttribute()
    $file = Storage::get($this->picture);
    $type = Storage::mimeType($this->picture);
    return "data:" . $type . ";base64," . base64_encode($file);

Create a Path from String in Java7

You can just use the Paths class:

Path path = Paths.get(textPath);

... assuming you want to use the default file system, of course.

How to stretch the background image to fill a div

Modern CSS3 (recommended for the future & probably the best solution)

   background-size: cover;
   /* stretches background WITHOUT deformation so it would fill the background space,
      it may crop the image if the image's dimensions are in different ratio,
      than the element dimensions. */

Max. stretch without crop nor deformation (may not fill the background): background-size: contain;
Force absolute stretch (may cause deformation, but no crop): background-size: 100% 100%;

"Old" CSS "always working" way

Absolute positioning image as a first child of the (relative positioned) parent and stretching it to the parent size.


<div class="selector">
   <img src="path.extension" alt="alt text">
   <!-- some other content -->

Equivalent of CSS3 background-size: cover; :

To achieve this dynamically, you would have to use the opposite of contain method alternative (see below) and if you need to center the cropped image, you would need a JavaScript to do that dynamically - e.g. using jQuery:

$('.selector img').each(function(){ 
      "left": "50%", 
      "margin-left": "-"+( $(this).width()/2 )+"px", 
      "top": "50%", 
      "margin-top": "-"+( $(this).height()/2 )+"px" 

Practical example:
css crop like example

Equivalent of CSS3 background-size: contain; :

This one can be a bit tricky - the dimension of your background that would overflow the parent will have CSS set to 100% the other one to auto. Practical example: css stretching background as image

.selector img{
   position: absolute; top:0; left: 0;
   width: 100%;
   height: auto;
   /* -- OR -- */
   /* width: auto; 
      height: 100%; */

Equivalent of CSS3 background-size: 100% 100%; :

.selector img{
   position: absolute; top:0; left: 0;
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;

PS: To do the equivalents of cover/contain in the "old" way completely dynamically (so you will not have to care about overflows/ratios) you would have to use javascript to detect the ratios for you and set the dimensions as described...

Parsing huge logfiles in Node.js - read in line-by-line

node-byline uses streams, so i would prefer that one for your huge files.

for your date-conversions i would use moment.js.

for maximising your throughput you could think about using a software-cluster. there are some nice-modules which wrap the node-native cluster-module quite well. i like cluster-master from isaacs. e.g. you could create a cluster of x workers which all compute a file.

for benchmarking splits vs regexes use benchmark.js. i havent tested it until now. benchmark.js is available as a node-module

Android - Package Name convention

Android follows normal java package conventions plus here is an important snippet of text to read (this is important regarding the wide use of xml files while developing on android).

The reason for having it in reverse order is to do with the layout on the storage media. If you consider each period ('.') in the application name as a path separator, all applications from a publisher would sit together in the path hierarchy. So, for instance, packages from Adobe would be of the form:

com.adobe.reader (Adobe Reader)

com.adobe.photoshop (Adobe Photoshop)

com.adobe.ideas (Adobe Ideas)

[Note that this is just an illustration and these may not be the exact package names.]

These could internally be mapped (respectively) to:




The concept comes from Package Naming Conventions in Java, more about which can be read here:*


Using HTML and Local Images Within UIWebView

Swift Version of Lithu T.V's answer:

webView.loadHTMLString(htmlString, baseURL: NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleURL)

Change the location of an object programmatically

Location is a struct. If there aren't any convenience members, you'll need to reassign the entire Location:

this.balancePanel.Location = new Point(

Most structs are also immutable, but in the rare (and confusing) case that it is mutable, you can also copy-out, edit, copy-in;

var loc = this.balancePanel.Location;
loc.X = this.optionsPanel.Location.X;
this.balancePanel.Location = loc;

Although I don't recommend the above, since structs should ideally be immutable.

Internet Access in Ubuntu on VirtualBox

it could be a problem with your specific network adapter. I have a Dell 15R and there are no working drivers for ubuntu or ubuntu server; I even tried compiling wireless drivers myself, but to no avail.

However, in virtualbox, I was able to get wireless working by using the default configuration. It automatically bridged my internal wireless adapter and hence used my native OS's wireless connection for wireless.

If you are trying to get a separate wireless connection from within ubuntu in virtualbox, then it would take more configuring. If so, let me know, if not, I will not bother typing up instructions to something you are not looking to do, as it is quite complicated in some instances.

p.s. you should be using Windows 7 if you have any technical inclination. Do you live under a rock? No offense intended.

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

How about this one? lot cleaner and all in single line.

foreach ((array) $items as $item) {
 // ...

Download a file by jQuery.Ajax


For example, you can put this line of code in a click handler:'/file.txt', '_blank');

It will open a new tab (because of the '_blank' window-name) and that tab will open the URL.

Your server-side code should also have something like this:

res.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=file.txt');

And that way, the browser should prompt the user to save the file to disk, instead of just showing them the file. It will also automatically close the tab that it just opened.

Java regular expression OR operator

You can just use the pipe on its own:


for example:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string1|string2", "blah"));


blah, blah, string3

The main reason to use parentheses is to limit the scope of the alternatives:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string(1|2)", "blah"));

has the same output. but if you just do this:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string1|2", "blah"));

you get:

blah, stringblah, string3

because you've said "string1" or "2".

If you don't want to capture that part of the expression use ?::

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string(?:1|2)", "blah"));

A generic error occurred in GDI+, JPEG Image to MemoryStream

My turn!

using (System.Drawing.Image img = Bitmap.FromFile(fileName))
      ... do some manipulation of img ...
      img.Save(fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

Got it on the .Save... because the using() is holding the file open, so I can't overwrite it. Maybe this will help someone in the future.

Keep a line of text as a single line - wrap the whole line or none at all

You can use white-space: nowrap; to define this behaviour:

// HTML:

.nowrap {_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap ;_x000D_
      <span class="nowrap">How do I wrap this line of text</span>_x000D_
      <span class="nowrap">- asked by Peter 2 days ago</span>_x000D_

// CSS:
.nowrap {
  white-space: nowrap ;

Count the number of commits on a Git branch

Well, the selected answer doesn't work if you forked your branch out of unspecific branch (i.e., not master or develop).

Here I offer a another way I am using in my pre-push git hooks.

# Run production build before push
echo "[INFO] run .git/hooks/pre-push"

echo "[INFO] Check if only one commit"

# file .git/hooks/pre-push
currentBranch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e 's,.*/\(.*\),\1,')

gitLog=$(git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate  --first-parent HEAD)


while read -r line; do

    # if git log line started with something like "* commit aaface7 (origin/BRANCH_NAME)" or "commit ae4f131 (HEAD -> BRANCH_NAME)"
    # that means it's on our branch BRANCH_NAME

    matchedCommitSubstring="$( [[ $line =~ \*[[:space:]]commit[[:space:]].*\((.*)\) ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} )"

    if [[ ! -z ${matchedCommitSubstring} ]];then

      if [[  $line =~ $currentBranch ]];then

        if [[ -z ${baseBranch} ]];then
          baseBranch=$( [[ ${matchedCommitSubstring} =~ (.*)\, ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} || echo ${matchedCommitSubstring} )




    if [[ ! -z ${startCountCommit} && $line =~ ^\*[[:space:]]commit[[:space:]] ]];then

done <<< "$gitLog"

if [[ -z ${baseBranch} ]];then



  baseBranch=$( [[ ${baseBranch} =~ ^(.*)\, ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} || echo ${baseBranch} )


echo "[INFO] Current commit count of the branch ${currentBranch}:  ${commitCountOfCurrentBranch}"

if [[ ${commitCountOfCurrentBranch} -gt 1 ]];then
  echo "[ERROR] Only a commit per branch is allowed. Try run 'git rebase -i ${baseBranch}'"
  exit 1

For more analysis, please visit my blog

How can I format a number into a string with leading zeros?

See String formatting in C# for some example uses of String.Format

Actually a better example of formatting int

String.Format("{0:00000}", 15);          // "00015"

or use String Interpolation:

$"{15:00000}";                           // "00015"

How to create query parameters in Javascript?

URLSearchParams has increasing browser support.

const data = {
  var1: 'value1',
  var2: 'value2'

const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(data);

// searchParams.toString() === 'var1=value1&var2=value2'

Node.js offers the querystring module.

const querystring = require('querystring');

const data = {
  var1: 'value1',
  var2: 'value2'

const searchParams = querystring.stringify(data);

// searchParams === 'var1=value1&var2=value2'

Get statistics for each group (such as count, mean, etc) using pandas GroupBy?

To get multiple stats, collapse the index, and retain column names:

df = df.groupby(['col1','col2']).agg(['mean', 'count'])
df.columns = [ ' '.join(str(i) for i in col) for col in df.columns]


**enter image description here**

WPF User Control Parent

This didn't work for me, as it went too far up the tree, and got the absolute root window for the entire application:

Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(userControlReference);

However, this worked to get the immediate window:

DependencyObject parent = uiElement;
int avoidInfiniteLoop = 0;
while ((parent is Window)==false)
    parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(parent);
    if (avoidInfiniteLoop == 1000)
        // Something is wrong - we could not find the parent window.
Window window = parent as Window;

Running windows shell commands with python

Simple Import os package and run below command.

import os

How to read input with multiple lines in Java

The easilest way is

import java.util.*;

public class Stdio4 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int a=0;
    int arr[] = new int[3];
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
         a = scan.nextInt();  //Takes input from separate lines

    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
         System.out.println(arr[i]);   //outputs in separate lines also



What is the JSF resource library for and how should it be used?

Actually, all of those examples on the web wherein the common content/file type like "js", "css", "img", etc is been used as library name are misleading.

Real world examples

To start, let's look at how existing JSF implementations like Mojarra and MyFaces and JSF component libraries like PrimeFaces and OmniFaces use it. No one of them use resource libraries this way. They use it (under the covers, by @ResourceDependency or UIViewRoot#addComponentResource()) the following way:

<h:outputScript library="javax.faces" name="jsf.js" />
<h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js" />
<h:outputScript library="omnifaces" name="omnifaces.js" />
<h:outputScript library="omnifaces" name="fixviewstate.js" />
<h:outputScript library="omnifaces.combined" name="[dynamicname].js" />
<h:outputStylesheet library="primefaces" name="primefaces.css" />
<h:outputStylesheet library="primefaces-aristo" name="theme.css" />
<h:outputStylesheet library="primefaces-vader" name="theme.css" />

It should become clear that it basically represents the common library/module/theme name where all of those resources commonly belong to.

Easier identifying

This way it's so much easier to specify and distinguish where those resources belong to and/or are coming from. Imagine that you happen to have a primefaces.css resource in your own webapp wherein you're overriding/finetuning some default CSS of PrimeFaces; if PrimeFaces didn't use a library name for its own primefaces.css, then the PrimeFaces own one wouldn't be loaded, but instead the webapp-supplied one, which would break the look'n'feel.

Also, when you're using a custom ResourceHandler, you can also apply more finer grained control over resources coming from a specific library when library is used the right way. If all component libraries would have used "js" for all their JS files, how would the ResourceHandler ever distinguish if it's coming from a specific component library? Examples are OmniFaces CombinedResourceHandler and GraphicResourceHandler; check the createResource() method wherein the library is checked before delegating to next resource handler in chain. This way they know when to create CombinedResource or GraphicResource for the purpose.

Noted should be that RichFaces did it wrong. It didn't use any library at all and homebrewed another resource handling layer over it and it's therefore impossible to programmatically identify RichFaces resources. That's exactly the reason why OmniFaces CombinedResourceHander had to introduce a reflection-based hack in order to get it to work anyway with RichFaces resources.

Your own webapp

Your own webapp does not necessarily need a resource library. You'd best just omit it.

<h:outputStylesheet name="css/style.css" />
<h:outputScript name="js/script.js" />
<h:graphicImage name="img/logo.png" />

Or, if you really need to have one, you can just give it a more sensible common name, like "default" or some company name.

<h:outputStylesheet library="default" name="css/style.css" />
<h:outputScript library="default" name="js/script.js" />
<h:graphicImage library="default" name="img/logo.png" />

Or, when the resources are specific to some master Facelets template, you could also give it the name of the template, so that it's easier to relate each other. In other words, it's more for self-documentary purposes. E.g. in a /WEB-INF/templates/layout.xhtml template file:

<h:outputStylesheet library="layout" name="css/style.css" />
<h:outputScript library="layout" name="js/script.js" />

And a /WEB-INF/templates/admin.xhtml template file:

<h:outputStylesheet library="admin" name="css/style.css" />
<h:outputScript library="admin" name="js/script.js" />

For a real world example, check the OmniFaces showcase source code.

Or, when you'd like to share the same resources over multiple webapps and have created a "common" project for that based on the same example as in this answer which is in turn embedded as JAR in webapp's /WEB-INF/lib, then also reference it as library (name is free to your choice; component libraries like OmniFaces and PrimeFaces also work that way):

<h:outputStylesheet library="common" name="css/style.css" />
<h:outputScript library="common" name="js/script.js" />
<h:graphicImage library="common" name="img/logo.png" />

Library versioning

Another main advantage is that you can apply resource library versioning the right way on resources provided by your own webapp (this doesn't work for resources embedded in a JAR). You can create a direct child subfolder in the library folder with a name in the \d+(_\d+)* pattern to denote the resource library version.

 |-- resources
 |    `-- default
 |         `-- 1_0
 |              |-- css
 |              |    `-- style.css
 |              |-- img
 |              |    `-- logo.png
 |              `-- js
 |                   `-- script.js

When using this markup:

<h:outputStylesheet library="default" name="css/style.css" />
<h:outputScript library="default" name="js/script.js" />
<h:graphicImage library="default" name="img/logo.png" />

This will generate the following HTML with the library version as v parameter:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/contextname/javax.faces.resource/css/style.css.xhtml?ln=default&amp;v=1_0" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/contextname/javax.faces.resource/js/script.js.xhtml?ln=default&amp;v=1_0"></script>
<img src="/contextname/javax.faces.resource/img/logo.png.xhtml?ln=default&amp;v=1_0" alt="" />

So, if you have edited/updated some resource, then all you need to do is to copy or rename the version folder into a new value. If you have multiple version folders, then the JSF ResourceHandler will automatically serve the resource from the highest version number, according to numerical ordering rules.

So, when copying/renaming resources/default/1_0/* folder into resources/default/1_1/* like follows:

 |-- resources
 |    `-- default
 |         |-- 1_0
 |         |    :
 |         |
 |         `-- 1_1
 |              |-- css
 |              |    `-- style.css
 |              |-- img
 |              |    `-- logo.png
 |              `-- js
 |                   `-- script.js

Then the last markup example would generate the following HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/contextname/javax.faces.resource/css/style.css.xhtml?ln=default&amp;v=1_1" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/contextname/javax.faces.resource/js/script.js.xhtml?ln=default&amp;v=1_1"></script>
<img src="/contextname/javax.faces.resource/img/logo.png.xhtml?ln=default&amp;v=1_1" alt="" />

This will force the webbrowser to request the resource straight from the server instead of showing the one with the same name from the cache, when the URL with the changed parameter is been requested for the first time. This way the endusers aren't required to do a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5 and so on) when they need to retrieve the updated CSS/JS resource.

Please note that library versioning is not possible for resources enclosed in a JAR file. You'd need a custom ResourceHandler. See also How to use JSF versioning for resources in jar.

See also:

Spring Boot - Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE

From the Spring manual.

Spring Boot can auto-configure embedded H2, HSQL, and Derby databases. You don’t need to provide any connection URLs, simply include a build dependency to the embedded database that you want to use.

For example, typical POM dependencies would be:


For me leaving out the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency and just using the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency worked like a charm, as long as I had h2 (or hsqldb) included as dependencies.

How to display (print) vector in Matlab?

I prefer the following, which is cleaner:

x = [1, 2, 3];
g=sprintf('%d ', x);
fprintf('Answer: %s\n', g)

which outputs

Answer: 1 2 3

Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension

Expanding on @JetLaggy:

After trying again and again to modify .bash_profile with the MAMP directory, I changed the file permissions for the MAMP php directory and was able to get 'which php' to show the proper directory. Trouble was that other functions didn't work, such as 'php -v'.

So I updated MAMP.

This did the trick for my particular setup. I had to adjust my PATH to reflect the updated version of PHP, but once I did, everything worked!

Load a WPF BitmapImage from a System.Drawing.Bitmap

I know this has been answered, but here are a couple of extension methods (for .NET 3.0+) that do the conversion. :)

        /// <summary>
    /// Converts a <see cref="System.Drawing.Image"/> into a WPF <see cref="BitmapSource"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source">The source image.</param>
    /// <returns>A BitmapSource</returns>
    public static BitmapSource ToBitmapSource(this System.Drawing.Image source)
        System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(source);

        var bitSrc = bitmap.ToBitmapSource();

        bitmap = null;

        return bitSrc;

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a <see cref="System.Drawing.Bitmap"/> into a WPF <see cref="BitmapSource"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Uses GDI to do the conversion. Hence the call to the marshalled DeleteObject.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="source">The source bitmap.</param>
    /// <returns>A BitmapSource</returns>
    public static BitmapSource ToBitmapSource(this System.Drawing.Bitmap source)
        BitmapSource bitSrc = null;

        var hBitmap = source.GetHbitmap();

            bitSrc = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
        catch (Win32Exception)
            bitSrc = null;

        return bitSrc;

and the NativeMethods class (to appease FxCop)

    /// <summary>
/// FxCop requires all Marshalled functions to be in a class called NativeMethods.
/// </summary>
internal static class NativeMethods
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    internal static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);

Find the files existing in one directory but not in the other

This answer optimizes one of the suggestions from @Adail-Junior by adding the -D option, which is helpful when neither of the directories being compared are git repositories:

git diff -D --no-index dir1/ dir2/

If you use -D then you won't see comparisons to /dev/null: text Binary files a/whatever and /dev/null differ

How to parse XML using shellscript?

You could try xmllint

The xmllint program parses one or more XML files, specified on the command line as xmlfile. It prints various types of output, depending upon the options selected. It is useful for detecting errors both in XML code and in the XML parser itse

It allows you select elements in the XML doc by xpath, using the --pattern option.

On Mac OS X (Yosemite), it is installed by default.
On Ubuntu, if it is not already installed, you can run apt-get install libxml2-utils

Better way to shuffle two numpy arrays in unison

you can make an array like:

s = np.arange(0, len(a), 1)

then shuffle it:


now use this s as argument of your arrays. same shuffled arguments return same shuffled vectors.

x_data = x_data[s]
x_label = x_label[s]

Cannot use mkdir in home directory: permission denied (Linux Lubuntu)

you can try writing the command using 'sudo':

sudo mkdir DirName

WebSocket connection failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400

The problem for me was not got the port from process.env.PORT it is very important because Heroku and other services properly do a random port numbers to use.

So that is the code that work for me eventuly :

var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').createServer(app);
const serverPort = process.env.PORT ; //<----- important 

const io = require('')(http,{
  cors: {
    origin: '*',
    methods: 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS'.split(','),
    credentials: true

  console.log(`server listening on port ${serverPort}`)

Remove a symlink to a directory

you can use unlink in the folder where you have created your symlink

How to get "their" changes in the middle of conflicting Git rebase?

If you want to pull a particular file from another branch just do

git checkout branch1 -- filenamefoo.txt

This will pull a version of the file from one branch into the current tree

How do I export html table data as .csv file?

I've briefly covered a simple way to do this with Google Spreadsheets (importHTML) and in Python (Pandas read_html and to_csv) as well as an example Python script in my SO answer here:

How to show and update echo on same line

Well I did not read correctly the man echo page for this.

echo had 2 options that could do this if I added a 3rd escape character.

The 2 options are -n and -e.

-n will not output the trailing newline. So that saves me from going to a new line each time I echo something.

-e will allow me to interpret backslash escape symbols.

Guess what escape symbol I want to use for this: \r. Yes, carriage return would send me back to the start and it will visually look like I am updating on the same line.

So the echo line would look like this:

echo -ne "Movie $movies - $dir ADDED!"\\r

I had to escape the escape symbol so Bash would not kill it. that is why you see 2 \ symbols in there.

As mentioned by William, printf can also do similar (and even more extensive) tasks like this.

How to set a value for a span using jQuery

You can do:



$("#submittername").html("testing <b>1 2 3</b>");

npm command to uninstall or prune unused packages in Node.js

Note: Recent npm versions do this automatically when package-locks are enabled, so this is not necessary except for removing development packages with the --production flag.

Run npm prune to remove modules not listed in package.json.

From npm help prune:

This command removes "extraneous" packages. If a package name is provided, then only packages matching one of the supplied names are removed.

Extraneous packages are packages that are not listed on the parent package's dependencies list.

If the --production flag is specified, this command will remove the packages specified in your devDependencies.

Error: select command denied to user '<userid>'@'<ip-address>' for table '<table-name>'

I had the same problem. I was very frustrating with it. Maybe this is not answering the question, but I just want to share my error experience, and there may be others who suffered like me. Evidently it was just my low accuracy.

I had this:

SELECT t_comment.username, FROM t_comment
    SELECT username,email FROM t_un
) a
ON t_comment.username,

which is supposed to be like this:

SELECT t_comment.username, FROM t_comment
    SELECT username,email FROM t_un
) a
ON t_comment.username=a.username

Then my problem was resolved on that day, I'd been struggled in two hours, just for this issue.

How can I check what version/edition of Visual Studio is installed programmatically?

Open the installed visual studio software and click the Help menu select the About Microsoft Visual studio--> Get the visual studio Version

Spring Boot default H2 jdbc connection (and H2 console)

For Spring Boot 2.3.3.RELEASE straight from Spring Initialzr:

POM: data jpa, h2, web

application properties: spring.h2.console.enabled=true

When you run the application look for line like below in the run console:

2020-08-18 21:12:32.664  INFO 63256 --- [           main] o.s.b.a.h2.H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration    : H2 console available at '/h2-console'. Database available at 'jdbc:h2:mem:eaa9d6da-aa2e-4ad3-9e5b-2b60eb2fcbc5'

Now use the above JDBC URL for h2-console and click on Connect.

Getting the textarea value of a ckeditor textarea with javascript

Simply execute


with element id = id of element assigned the editor.

How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?

The following code sample, will match the pattern even in case of space characters in between. i.e. :

<td><a href='/path/to/file'>Name of File</a></td>

as well as:

<td> <a      href='/path/to/file' >Name of File</a>  </td>

Method returns true or false, depending on whether the input htmlTd string matches the pattern or no. If it matches, the out params contain the link and name respectively.

/// <summary>
/// Assigns proper values to link and name, if the htmlId matches the pattern
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if success, false otherwise</returns>
public static bool TryGetHrefDetails(string htmlTd, out string link, out string name)
    link = null;
    name = null;

    string pattern = "<td>\\s*<a\\s*href\\s*=\\s*(?:\"(?<link>[^\"]*)\"|(?<link>\\S+))\\s*>(?<name>.*)\\s*</a>\\s*</td>";

    if (Regex.IsMatch(htmlTd, pattern))
        Regex r = new Regex(pattern,  RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
        link = r.Match(htmlTd).Result("${link}");
        name = r.Match(htmlTd).Result("${name}");
        return true;
        return false;

I have tested this and it works correctly.

Confusing "duplicate identifier" Typescript error message

This is because of the combination of two things:

  • tsconfig not having any files section. From

    If no "files" property is present in a tsconfig.json, the compiler defaults to including all files in the containing directory and subdirectories. When a "files" property is specified, only those files are included.

  • Including typescript as an npm dependency : node_modules/typescript/ This means that all of typescript gets included .... there is an implicitly included lib.d.ts in your project anyways ( and its conflicting with the one that ships with the NPM version of typescript.


Either list files or include explicitly

How to create a temporary directory?

The following snippet will safely create a temporary directory (-d) and store its name into the TMPDIR. (An example use of TMPDIR variable is shown later in the code where it's used for storing original files that will be possibly modified.)

The first trap line executes exit 1 command when any of the specified signals is received. The second trap line removes (cleans up) the $TMPDIR on program's exit (both normal and abnormal). We initialize these traps after we check that mkdir -d succeeded to avoid accidentally executing the exit trap with $TMPDIR in an unknown state.


# Create a temporary directory and store its name in a variable ...
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)

# Bail out if the temp directory wasn't created successfully.
if [ ! -e $TMPDIR ]; then
    >&2 echo "Failed to create temp directory"
    exit 1

# Make sure it gets removed even if the script exits abnormally.
trap "exit 1"           HUP INT PIPE QUIT TERM
trap 'rm -rf "$TMPDIR"' EXIT

# Example use of TMPDIR:
for f in *.csv; do
    cp "$f" "$TMPDIR"
    # remove duplicate lines but keep order
    perl -ne 'print if ++$k{$_}==1' "$TMPDIR/$f" > "$f"

How can I write text on a HTML5 canvas element?

var canvas = document.getElementById("my-canvas");_x000D_
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");_x000D_
context.fillStyle = "blue";_x000D_
context.font = "bold 16px Arial";_x000D_
context.fillText("Zibri", (canvas.width / 2) - 17, (canvas.height / 2) + 8);
#my-canvas {_x000D_
  background: #FF0;_x000D_
<canvas id="my-canvas" width="200" height="120"></canvas>

How to create a XML object from String in Java?

try something like

public static Document loadXML(String xml) throws Exception
   DocumentBuilderFactory fctr = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
   DocumentBuilder bldr = fctr.newDocumentBuilder();
   InputSource insrc = new InputSource(new StringReader(xml));
   return bldr.parse(insrc);

Removing X-Powered-By

If you cannot disable the expose_php directive to mute PHP’s talkativeness (requires access to the php.ini), you could use Apache’s Header directive to remove the header field:

Header unset X-Powered-By

How do you see the entire command history in interactive Python?

In IPython %history -g should give you the entire command history. The default configuration also saves your history into a file named .python_history in your user directory.

Is there a way to automatically generate getters and setters in Eclipse?

In Eclipse Juno, by default, ALT+SHIFT+S,R opens the getter/setter dialog box. Note you have to press all 4 keys.

COUNT / GROUP BY with active record?

This code counts rows with date range:


$data ['query'] = $this->YourModelName->get_report();


  public function get_report()
       $query = $this->db->query("SELECT  *
FROM   reservation WHERE arvdate <= '2016-7-20' AND  dptrdate >= '2016-10-25' ");
       return $query;

where 'arvdate' and 'dptrdate' are two dates on database and 'reservation' is the table name.


 echo $query->num_rows();

This code is to return number of rows. To return table data, then use

return $row->table_column_name;

When to use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

The only portable way to achieve consistency between rooms and tags and making sure rooms are never returned after they had been deleted is locking them with SELECT FOR UPDATE.

However in some systems locking is a side effect of concurrency control, and you achieve the same results without specifying FOR UPDATE explicitly.

To solve this problem, Thread 1 should SELECT id FROM rooms FOR UPDATE, thereby preventing Thread 2 from deleting from rooms until Thread 1 is done. Is that correct?

This depends on the concurrency control your database system is using.

  • MyISAM in MySQL (and several other old systems) does lock the whole table for the duration of a query.

  • In SQL Server, SELECT queries place shared locks on the records / pages / tables they have examined, while DML queries place update locks (which later get promoted to exclusive or demoted to shared locks). Exclusive locks are incompatible with shared locks, so either SELECT or DELETE query will lock until another session commits.

  • In databases which use MVCC (like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL with InnoDB), a DML query creates a copy of the record (in one or another way) and generally readers do not block writers and vice versa. For these databases, a SELECT FOR UPDATE would come handy: it would lock either SELECT or the DELETE query until another session commits, just as SQL Server does.

When should one use REPEATABLE_READ transaction isolation versus READ_COMMITTED with SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

Generally, REPEATABLE READ does not forbid phantom rows (rows that appeared or disappeared in another transaction, rather than being modified)

  • In Oracle and earlier PostgreSQL versions, REPEATABLE READ is actually a synonym for SERIALIZABLE. Basically, this means that the transaction does not see changes made after it has started. So in this setup, the last Thread 1 query will return the room as if it has never been deleted (which may or may not be what you wanted). If you don't want to show the rooms after they have been deleted, you should lock the rows with SELECT FOR UPDATE

  • In InnoDB, REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE are different things: readers in SERIALIZABLE mode set next-key locks on the records they evaluate, effectively preventing the concurrent DML on them. So you don't need a SELECT FOR UPDATE in serializable mode, but do need them in REPEATABLE READ or READ COMMITED.

Note that the standard on isolation modes does prescribe that you don't see certain quirks in your queries but does not define how (with locking or with MVCC or otherwise).

When I say "you don't need SELECT FOR UPDATE" I really should have added "because of side effects of certain database engine implementation".

Check if url contains string with JQuery

use href with indexof

<script type="text/javascript">
 $(document).ready(function () {
   if(window.location.href.indexOf("added-to-cart=555") > -1) {
   alert("your url contains the added-to-cart=555");

PHP Regex to get youtube video ID?

We know that video ID is 11 chars length and can be preceded by v= or vi= or v/ or vi/ or So the simplest way to do this:

$youtube = '';

preg_match_all("#(?<=v=|v\/|vi=|vi\/|\/)[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}#", $youtube, $matches);


And output:

array(8) {
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  string(11) "dQw4w9WgXcQ"

ORACLE convert number to string

This should solve your problem:

select replace(to_char(a, '90D90'),'.00','')
select 50 a from dual
select 50.57 from dual
select 5.57 from dual
select 0.35 from dual
select 0.4 from dual

Give a look also as this SQL Fiddle for test.

What should I set JAVA_HOME environment variable on macOS X 10.6?

Nowadays Java seems to be installed in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines

Proper way to exit iPhone application?

Exit an app other way than the home button is really non-iOS-esque approach.

I did this helper, though, that use no private stuff:

void crash()
{ [[NSMutableArray new] addObject:NSStringFromClass(nil)]; }

But still not meant for production in my case. It is for testing crash reportings, or to fast restart after a Core Data reset. Just made it safe not to be rejected if function left in the production code.

Easy way to test an LDAP User's Credentials

Use ldapsearch to authenticate. The opends version might be used as follows:

ldapsearch --hostname hostname --port port \
    --bindDN userdn --bindPassword password \
    --baseDN '' --searchScope base 'objectClass=*' 1.1

Getting ssh to execute a command in the background on target machine

I think you'll have to combine a couple of these answers to get what you want. If you use nohup in conjunction with the semicolon, and wrap the whole thing in quotes, then you get:

ssh user@target "cd /some/directory; nohup myprogram > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null"

which seems to work for me. With nohup, you don't need to append the & to the command to be run. Also, if you don't need to read any of the output of the command, you can use

ssh user@target "cd /some/directory; nohup myprogram > /dev/null 2>&1"

to redirect all output to /dev/null.

ImportError: No module named six

In my case, six was installed for python 2.7 and for 3.7 too, and both pip install six and pip3 install six reported it as already installed, while I still had apps (particularly, the apt program itself) complaining about missing six.

The solution was to install it for python3.6 specifically:

/usr/bin/python3.6 -m pip install six

Regex expressions in Java, \\s vs. \\s+

First of all you need to understand that final output of both the statements will be same i.e. to remove all the spaces from given string.

However x.replaceAll("\\s+", ""); will be more efficient way of trimming spaces (if string can have multiple contiguous spaces) because of potentially less no of replacements due the to fact that regex \\s+ matches 1 or more spaces at once and replaces them with empty string.

So even though you get the same output from both it is better to use:

x.replaceAll("\\s+", "");

Automate scp file transfer using a shell script

This will work:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

spawn scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no file1 file2 file3 user@host:/path/
expect "password:"
send "xyz123\r"
expect "*\r"
expect "\r"

Split string in JavaScript and detect line break

In case you need to split a string from your JSON, the string has the \n special character replaced with \\n.

Split string by newline:


Split string received in JSON, where special character \n was replaced with \\n during JSON.stringify(in javascript) or json.json_encode(in PHP). So, if you have your string in a AJAX response, it was processed for transportation. and if it is not decoded, it will sill have the \n replaced with \\n** and you need to use:


Note that the debugger tools from your browser might not show this aspect as you was expecting, but you can see that splitting by \\n resulted in 2 entries as I need in my case: enter image description here

How to remove element from ArrayList by checking its value?

This will give you the output,

    ArrayList<String> l= new ArrayList<String>();

    String[] str={"16","b","c","d","e","16","f","g","16","b"};
    ArrayList<String> tempList= new ArrayList<String>();

    for(String s:str){

    ArrayList<String> duplicates= new ArrayList<String>();

    for (String dupWord : l) {
        if (!tempList.contains(dupWord)) {

    for(String check : duplicates){



[c, d, e, f, g]

How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?

sed '1h;1!H;$!d
     x;s/\n/ /g' YourFile

This does not work for huge files (buffer limit), but it is very efficient if there is enough memory to hold the file. (Correction H-> 1h;1!H after the good remark of @hilojack )

Another version that change new line while reading (more cpu, less memory)

 sed ':loop
 $! N
 s/\n/ /
 t loop' YourFile

How to get status code from webclient?

This is what I use for expanding WebClient functionality. StatusCode and StatusDescription will always contain the most recent response code/description.

                /// <summary>
                /// An expanded web client that allows certificate auth and 
                /// the retrieval of status' for successful requests
                /// </summary>
                public class WebClientCert : WebClient
                    private X509Certificate2 _cert;
                    public WebClientCert(X509Certificate2 cert) : base() { _cert = cert; }
                    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
                        HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)base.GetWebRequest(address);
                        if (_cert != null) { request.ClientCertificates.Add(_cert); }
                        return request;
                    protected override WebResponse GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
                        WebResponse response = null;
                        response = base.GetWebResponse(request);
                        HttpWebResponse baseResponse = response as HttpWebResponse;
                        StatusCode = baseResponse.StatusCode;
                        StatusDescription = baseResponse.StatusDescription;
                        return response;
                    /// <summary>
                    /// The most recent response statusCode
                    /// </summary>
                    public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; set; }
                    /// <summary>
                    /// The most recent response statusDescription
                    /// </summary>
                    public string StatusDescription { get; set; }

Thus you can do a post and get result via:

            byte[] response = null;
            using (WebClientCert client = new WebClientCert())
                response = client.UploadValues(postUri, PostFields);
                HttpStatusCode code = client.StatusCode;
                string description = client.StatusDescription;
                //Use this information

How do I create a Python function with optional arguments?

Try calling it like: obj.some_function( '1', 2, '3', g="foo", h="bar" ). After the required positional arguments, you can specify specific optional arguments by name.

How to insert data into elasticsearch

To test and try curl requests from Windows, you can make use of Postman client Chrome extension. It is very simple to use and quite powerful.

Or as suggested you can install the cURL util.

A sample curl request is as follows.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
"user" : "Arun Thundyill Saseendran",
"post_date" : "2009-03-23T12:30:00",
"message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"
}' ""

I am also getting started with and exploring ES in vast. So please let me know if you have any other doubts.

EDIT: Updated the index name and type name to be fully lowercase to avoid errors and follow convention.

SVN repository backup strategies

I have compiled the steps I followed for the purpose of taking a backup of the remote SVN repository of my project.

install svk (

install svn (

svk mirror //local <remote repository URL>

svk sync //local

This takes time and says that it is fetching the logs from repository. It creates a set of files inside C:\Documents and Settings\nverma\.svk\local.

To update this local repository with the latest set of changes from the remote one, just run the previous command from time to time.

Now you can play with your local repository (/home/user/.svk/local in this example) as if it were a normal SVN repository!

The only problem with this approach is that the local repository is created with a revision increments by the actual revision in the remote repository. As someone wrote:

The svk miror command generates a commit in the just created repository. So all the commits created by the subsequent sync will have revision numbers incremented by one as compared to the remote public repository.

But, this was OK for me as I only wanted some backup of the remote repository time to time, nothing else.


To verify, use the SVN client with the local repository like this:

svn checkout "file:///C:/Documents and Settings\nverma/.svk/local/"  <local-dir-path-to-checkout-onto>

This command then goes to checkout the latest revision from the local repository. At the end it says Checked out revision N. This N was one more than the actual revision found in the remote repository (due to the problem mentioned above).

To verify that svk also brought all the history, the SVN checkout was run with various older revisions using -r with 2, 10, 50 etc. Then the files in <local-dir-path-to-checkout-onto> were confirmed to be from that revision.

At the end, zip the directory C:/Documents and Settings\nverma/.svk/local/ and store the zip somewhere. Keep doing this regularly.

What is REST call and how to send a REST call?

REST is somewhat of a revival of old-school HTTP, where the actual HTTP verbs (commands) have semantic meaning. Til recently, apps that wanted to update stuff on the server would supply a form containing an 'action' variable and a bunch of data. The HTTP command would almost always be GET or POST, and would be almost irrelevant. (Though there's almost always been a proscription against using GET for operations that have side effects, in reality a lot of apps don't care about the command used.)

With REST, you might instead PUT /profiles/cHao and send an XML or JSON representation of the profile info. (Or rather, I would -- you would have to update your own profile. :) That'd involve logging in, usually through HTTP's built-in authentication mechanisms.) In the latter case, what you want to do is specified by the URL, and the request body is just the guts of the resource involved. has some details.

Converting of Uri to String

Uri is serializable, so you can save strings and convert it back when loading

when saving

String str = myUri.toString();

and when loading

Uri myUri = Uri.parse(str);

How can I use UIColorFromRGB in Swift?

I wanted to put

cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.colorWithRed(125/255.0, green: 125/255.0, blue: 125/255.0, alpha: 1.0)  

but that didn't work.

So I used:
For Swift

cell.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)  

So this is the workaround that I found.

Press any key to continue

Here is what I use.

Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Press any key to continue...';
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');

Tracking the script execution time in PHP


check out that too. i.e.

// your codes running
echo (time() - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);

Difference between $(document.body) and $('body')

I have found a pretty big difference in timing when testing in my browser.

I used the following script:

WARNING: running this will freeze your browser a bit, might even crash it.

var n = 10000000, i;_x000D_
i = n;_x000D_
while (i --> 0){_x000D_
i = n;_x000D_
while (i --> 0){_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

I did 10 million interactions, and those were the results (Chrome 65):

selector: 19591.97509765625ms
element: 4947.8759765625ms

Passing the element directly is around 4 times faster than passing the selector.

How to get text and a variable in a messagebox

I kind of run into the same issue. I wanted my message box to display the message and the vendorcontractexpiration. This is what I did:

Dim ab As String
Dim cd As String

cd = VendorContractExpiration

If InvoiceDate >= VendorContractExpiration - 120 And InvoiceDate < VendorContractExpiration Then

MsgBox [ab] & [cd], vbCritical, "WARNING"

End If

Using Html.ActionLink to call action on different controller

try it it is working fine

  <%:Html.ActionLink("Details","Details","Product",  new {id=item.dateID },null)%>

Retrieve column names from java.sql.ResultSet

import java.sql.*;

public class JdbcGetColumnNames {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Connection con = null;
        Statement st = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        try {
            con = DriverManager.getConnection(
                    "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/komal", "root", "root");

            st = con.createStatement();

            String sql = "select * from person";
            rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
            ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();

            int rowCount = metaData.getColumnCount();

            System.out.println("Table Name : " + metaData.getTableName(2));
            System.out.println("Field  \tDataType");

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
                System.out.print(metaData.getColumnName(i + 1) + "  \t");
                System.out.println(metaData.getColumnTypeName(i + 1));
        } catch (Exception e) {

Table Name : person Field DataType id VARCHAR cname VARCHAR dob DATE

How make background image on newsletter in outlook?

You can use it only in body tag or in tables. Something like this:

<table width="100%" background="YOUR_IMAGE_URL" style="STYLES YOU WANT (i.e. background-repeat)">

This worked for me.

ArrayList of int array in java

In java, an array is an object. Therefore the call to arl.get(0) returns a primitive int[] object which appears as ascii in your call to System.out.

The answer to your first question is therefore

System.out.println("Arraylist contains:"+Arrays.toString( arl.get( 0 ) ) );

If you're looking for particular elements, the returned int[] object must be referenced as such. The answer to your second question would be something like

    int[] contentFromList = arl.get(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < contentFromList.length; i++) {
        int j = contentFromList[i];
        System.out.println("Value at index - "+i+" is :"+j);

Checking if a variable is not nil and not zero in ruby

You can take advantage of the NilClass provided #to_i method, which will return zero for nil values:

  # Code here

If discount can be fractional numbers, you can use #to_f instead, to prevent the number from being rounded to zero.

How to use an image for the background in tkinter?

One simple method is to use place to use an image as a background image. This is the type of thing that place is really good at doing.

For example:

background_label = tk.Label(parent, image=background_image), y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)

You can then grid or pack other widgets in the parent as normal. Just make sure you create the background label first so it has a lower stacking order.

Note: if you are doing this inside a function, make sure you keep a reference to the image, otherwise the image will be destroyed by the garbage collector when the function returns. A common technique is to add a reference as an attribute of the label object:

background_label.image = background_image

Difference between session affinity and sticky session?

As I've always heard the terms used in a load-balancing scenario, they are interchangeable. Both mean that once a session is started, the same server serves all requests for that session.

Change background color of edittext in android

The simplest solution I have found is to change the background color programmatically. This does not require dealing with any 9-patch images:

((EditText) findViewById(
    .setColorFilter(Color.<your-desi??red-color>, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);

Source: another answer

Remove a marker from a GoogleMap

if marker exist remove last marker. if marker does not exist create current marker

Marker currentMarker = null;
if (currentMarker!=null) {

if (currentMarker==null) {
    currentMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(arg0).

Delete all the records

I can see the that the others answers shown above are right, but I'll make your life easy.

I even created an example for you. I added some rows and want delete them.

You have to right click on the table and as shown in the figure Script Table a> Delete to> New query Editor widows:

enter image description here

Then another window will open with a script. Delete the line of "where", because you want to delete all rows. Then click Execute.

enter image description here

To make sure you did it right right click over the table and click in "Select Top 1000 rows". Then you can see that the query is empty.

T-SQL get SELECTed value of stored procedure

there are three ways you can use: the RETURN value, and OUTPUT parameter and a result set

ALSO, watch out if you use the pattern: SELECT @Variable=column FROM table ...

if there are multiple rows returned from the query, your @Variable will only contain the value from the last row returned by the query.

since your query returns an int field, at least based on how you named it. you can use this trick:

( @Param int)
DECLARE @ReturnValue int

SELECT @ReturnValue=MyIntField FROM MyTable WHERE MyPrimaryKeyField = @Param
RETURN @ReturnValue

and now call your procedure like:

DECLARE @SelectedValue int
       ,@Param         int
SET @Param=1
EXEC @SelectedValue = GetMyInt @Param
PRINT @SelectedValue

this will only work for INTs, because RETURN can only return a single int value and nulls are converted to a zero.

you can use an output parameter:

( @Param     int
 ,@OutValue  int OUTPUT)
SELECT @OutValue=MyIntField FROM MyTable WHERE MyPrimaryKeyField = @Param

and now call your procedure like:

DECLARE @SelectedValue int
       ,@Param         int
SET @Param=1
EXEC GetMyInt @Param, @SelectedValue OUTPUT
PRINT @SelectedValue 

Output parameters can only return one value, but can be any data type

RESULT SET for a result set make the procedure like:

( @Param     int)
SELECT MyIntField FROM MyTable WHERE MyPrimaryKeyField = @Param

use it like:

DECLARE @ResultSet table (SelectedValue int)
DECLARE @Param int
SET @Param=1
INSERT INTO @ResultSet (SelectedValue)
    EXEC GetMyInt @Param
SELECT * FROM @ResultSet 

result sets can have many rows and many columns of any data type

VSCode Change Default Terminal

You can also select your default terminal by pressing F1 in VS Code and typing/selecting Terminal: Select Default Shell.

Terminal Selection

Terminal Selection

VB.NET Connection string (Web.Config, App.Config)

Not clear where My_ConnectionString is coming from in your example, but try this


like this

Dim DBConnection As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("My_ConnectionString").ConnectionString)

Check whether variable is number or string in JavaScript

The best way I have found is to either check for a method on the string, i.e.:

if (x.substring) {
// do string thing
} else{
// do other thing

or if you want to do something with the number check for a number property,

if (x.toFixed) {
// do number thing
} else {
// do other thing

This is sort of like "duck typing", it's up to you which way makes the most sense. I don't have enough karma to comment, but typeof fails for boxed strings and numbers, i.e.:

alert(typeof new String('Hello World'));
alert(typeof new Number(5));

will alert "object".

How do I tell Python to convert integers into words

Here is refactored version of several code examples posted above (mostly code pasted by "developer".

def int2words(num):
    """Given an int32 number, print it in English.

    num : int

    words : str
    assert (0 <= num)
    d = {
        0: 'zero', 1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five',
        6: 'six', 7: 'seven', 8: 'eight', 9: 'nine', 10: 'ten',
        11: 'eleven', 12: 'twelve', 13: 'thirteen', 14: 'fourteen',
        15: 'fifteen', 16: 'sixteen', 17: 'seventeen', 18: 'eighteen',
        19: 'nineteen', 20: 'twenty',
        30: 'thirty', 40: 'forty', 50: 'fifty', 60: 'sixty',
        70: 'seventy', 80: 'eighty', 90: 'ninety'
    h = [100, 'hundred', 'hundred and']
    k = [h[0] * 10, 'thousand', 'thousand,']
    m = [k[0] * 1000, 'million', 'million,']
    b = [m[0] * 1000, 'billion', 'billion,']
    t = [b[0] * 1000, 'trillion', 'trillion,']
    if num < 20:
        return d[num]
    if num < 100:
        div_, mod_ = divmod(num, 10)
        return d[num] if mod_ == 0 else d[div_ * 10] + '-' + d[mod_]
        if num < k[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = h
        elif num < m[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = k
        elif num < b[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = m
        elif num < t[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = b
            divisor, word1, word2 = t
        div_, mod_ = divmod(num, divisor)
        if mod_ == 0:
            return '{} {}'.format(int2words(div_), word1)
            return '{} {} {}'.format(int2words(div_), word2, int2words(mod_))

GCC: array type has incomplete element type

It's the array that's causing trouble in:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][], int nodes);

The second and subsequent dimensions must be given:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][32], int nodes);

Or you can just give a pointer to pointer:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double **weight, int nodes);

However, although they look similar, those are very different internally.

If you're using C99, you can use variably-qualified arrays. Quoting an example from the C99 standard (section § Array Declarators):

void fvla(int m, int C[m][m]); // valid: VLA with prototype scope

void fvla(int m, int C[m][m])  // valid: adjusted to auto pointer to VLA
    typedef int VLA[m][m];     // valid: block scope typedef VLA
    struct tag {
        int (*y)[n];           // invalid: y not ordinary identifier
        int z[n];              // invalid: z not ordinary identifier
    int D[m];                  // valid: auto VLA
    static int E[m];           // invalid: static block scope VLA
    extern int F[m];           // invalid: F has linkage and is VLA
    int (*s)[m];               // valid: auto pointer to VLA
    extern int (*r)[m];        // invalid: r has linkage and points to VLA
    static int (*q)[m] = &B;   // valid: q is a static block pointer to VLA

Question in comments

[...] In my main(), the variable I am trying to pass into the function is a double array[][], so how would I pass that into the function? Passing array[0][0] into it gives me incompatible argument type, as does &array and &array[0][0].

In your main(), the variable should be:

double array[10][20];

or something faintly similar; maybe

double array[][20] = { { 1.0, 0.0, ... }, ... };

You should be able to pass that with code like this:

typedef struct graph_node
    int X;
    int Y;
    int active;
} g_node;

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][20], int nodes);

int main(void)
    g_node g[10];
    double array[10][20];
    int n = 10;

    print_graph(g, array, n);
    return 0;

That compiles (to object code) cleanly with GCC 4.2 (i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)) and also with GCC 4.7.0 on Mac OS X 10.7.3 using the command line:

/usr/bin/gcc -O3 -g -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -c zzz.c

How to run TestNG from command line

I had faced same problem because I downloaded TestNG plugin from Eclipse. Here what I did to get the Job done :

  1. After adding TestNG to your project library create one folder in your Project names as lib ( name can be anything ) :

  2. Go to "C:\Program Files\Eclipse\eclipse-java-mars-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins" location and copy com.beust.jcommander_1.72.0.jar and org.testng_6.14.2.r20180216145.jar file to created folder (lib).

Note : Files are testng.jar and jcommander.jar

  1. Now Launch CMD, and navigate to your project directory and then type :
    Java -cp C:\Users\User123\TestNG\lib*;C:\Users\User123\TestNG\bin org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

That's it !
Let me know if you have any more concerns.

Loading and parsing a JSON file with multiple JSON objects

That is ill-formatted. You have one JSON object per line, but they are not contained in a larger data structure (ie an array). You'll either need to reformat it so that it begins with [ and ends with ] with a comma at the end of each line, or parse it line by line as separate dictionaries.

How can I change the Bootstrap default font family using font from Google?

First of all, you can't import fonts to CSS that way.

You can add this code in HTML head:

<link href=',300,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

or to import it in CSS file like this:

@import url(",300,700");

Then, in your css, you can edit the body's font-family:

body {
  font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif !important;

Error in contrasts when defining a linear model in R

From my experience ten minutes ago this situation can happen where there are more than one category but with a lot of NAs. Taking the Kaggle Houseprice Dataset as example, if you loaded data and run a simple regression,

train.df = read.csv('train.csv')
lm1 = lm(SalePrice ~ ., data = train.df)

you will get same error. I also tried testing the number of levels of each factor, but none of them says it has less than 2 levels.

cols = colnames(train.df)
for (col in cols){
    cat(col, ' has ', length(levels(train.df[[col]])), '\n')

So after a long time I used summary(train.df) to see details of each col, and removed some, and it finally worked:

train.df = subset(train.df, select=-c(Id, PoolQC,Fence, MiscFeature, Alley, Utilities))
lm1 = lm(SalePrice ~ ., data = train.df)

and removing any one of them the regression fails to run again with same error (which I have tested myself).

And above attributes generally have 1400+ NAs and 10 useful values, so you might want to remove these garbage attributes, even they have 3 or 4 levels. I guess a function counting how many NAs in each column will help.

How to set a CMake option() at command line

An additional option is to go to your build folder and use the command ccmake .

This is like the GUI but terminal based. This obviously won't help with an installation script but at least it can be run without a UI.

The one warning I have is it won't let you generate sometimes when you have warnings. if that is the case, exit the interface and call cmake .

How to run only one unit test class using Gradle

Run a single test called MyTest:

./gradlew app:testDebug --tests=com.example.MyTest

Using AND/OR in if else PHP statement

i think i am having a bit of confusion here. :) But seems no one else have ..

Are you asking which one to use in this scenario? If Yes then And is the correct answer.

If you are asking about how the operators are working, then

In php both AND, && and OR, || will work in the same way. If you are new in programming and php is one of your first languages them i suggest using AND and OR, because it increases readability and reduces confusion when you check back. But if you are familiar with any other languages already then you might already have familiarized the && and || operators.

Setup a Git server with msysgit on Windows

I just wanted to add my experiences with the PATH setup that Steve and timc mentions above: I got permission problems using shell tools (like mv and cp) having Git's shell executables first in the path.

Appending them after the existing PATH instead this solved my problems. Example:

GITPATH='/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin' GITCOREPATH='/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/libexec/git-core' PATH=${PATH}:${GITPATH}:${GITCOREPATH}

I guess CopSSH doesn't go along well with all of msysgit's shell executables...

Convert Unicode data to int in python

int(limit) returns the value converted into an integer, and doesn't change it in place as you call the function (which is what you are expecting it to).

Do this instead:

limit = int(limit)

Or when definiting limit:

if 'limit' in user_data :
    limit = int(user_data['limit'])

How does MySQL CASE work?

CASE is more like a switch statement. It has two syntaxes you can use. The first lets you use any compare statements you want:

    WHEN user_role = 'Manager' then 4
    WHEN user_name = 'Tom' then 27
    WHEN columnA <> columnB then 99
    ELSE -1 --unknown

The second style is for when you are only examining one value, and is a little more succinct:

CASE user_role
    WHEN 'Manager' then 4
    WHEN 'Part Time' then 7
    ELSE -1 --unknown

In jQuery, what's the best way of formatting a number to 2 decimal places?

If you're doing this to several fields, or doing it quite often, then perhaps a plugin is the answer.
Here's the beginnings of a jQuery plugin that formats the value of a field to two decimal places.
It is triggered by the onchange event of the field. You may want something different.

<script type="text/javascript">

    // mini jQuery plugin that formats to two decimal places
    (function($) {
        $.fn.currencyFormat = function() {
            this.each( function( i ) {
                $(this).change( function( e ){
                    if( isNaN( parseFloat( this.value ) ) ) return;
                    this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);
            return this; //for chaining
    })( jQuery );

    // apply the currencyFormat behaviour to elements with 'currency' as their class
    $( function() {

<input type="text" name="one" class="currency"><br>
<input type="text" name="two" class="currency">

Pass element ID to Javascript function

Check this:,

you should change in jsfiddle on top-left to No-wrap in <head>

Your code looks good and it will work inside a normal page. In jsfiddle your function was being defined inside a load handler and thus is in a different scope. By changing to No-wrap you have it in the global scope and can use it as you wanted.

Use a URL to link to a Google map with a marker on it

This format works, but it doesn't seem to be an official way of doing so,-92.54324

Also you may want to take a look at this. They have a few answers and seem to indicate that this is the new method:

Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

Cryptography deals with numbers and strings. Basically every digital thing in the entire universe are numbers. When I say numbers, its 0 & 1. You know what they are, binary. The images you see on screen, the music that you listen through your earphone, everything are binaries. But our ears and eyes will not understand binaries right? Only brain could understand that, and even if it could understand binaries, it can’t enjoy binaries. So we convert the binaries to human understandable formats such as mp3,jpg,etc. Let’s term the process as Encoding. It’s two way process and can be easily decoded back to its original form.


Hashing is another cryptography technique in which a data once converted to some other form can never be recovered back. In Layman’s term, there is no process called de-hashing. There are many hash functions to do the job such as sha-512, md5 and so on.

If the original value cannot be recovered, then where do we use this? Passwords! When you set up a password for your mobile or PC, a hash of your password is created and stored in a secure place. When you make a login attempt next time, the entered string is again hashed with the same algorithm (hash function) and the output is matched with the stored value. If it’s the same, you get logged in. Otherwise you are thrown out.

Credits: wikimedia By applying hash to the password, we can ensure that an attacker will never get our password even if he steal the stored password file. The attacker will have the hash of the password. He can probably find a list of most commonly used passwords and apply sha-512 to each of it and compare it with the value in his hand. It is called the dictionary attack. But how long would he do this? If your password is random enough, do you think this method of cracking would work? All the passwords in the databases of Facebook, Google and Amazon are hashed, or at least they are supposed to be hashed.

Then there is Encryption

Encryption lies in between hashing and encoding. Encoding is a two way process and should not be used to provide security. Encryption is also a two way process, but original data can be retrieved if and only if the encryption key is known. If you don’t know how encryption works, don’t worry, we will discuss the basics here. That would be enough to understand the basics of SSL. So, there are two types of Encryption namely Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption.

Symmetric Key Encryption

I am trying to keep things as simple as I could. So, let’s understand the symmetric encryption by means of a shift algorithm. This algorithm is used to encrypt alphabets by shifting the letters to either left or right. Let’s take a string CRYPTO and consider a number +3. Then, the encrypted format of CRYPTO will be FUBSWR. That means each letter is shifted to right by 3 places. Here, the word CRYPTO is called Plaintext, the output FUBSWR is called the Ciphertext, the value +3 is called the Encryption key (symmetric key) and the whole process is a cipher. This is one of the oldest and basic symmetric key encryption algorithm and its first usage was reported during the time of Julius Caesar. So, it was named after him and it is the famous Caesar Cipher. Anyone who knows the encryption key and can apply the reverse of Caesar’s algorithm and retrieve the original Plaintext. Hence it is called a Symmetric Encryption.

Asymmetric Key Encryption

We know that, in Symmetric encryption same key is used for both encryption and decryption. Once that key is stolen, all the data is gone. That’s a huge risk and we need more complex technique. In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman first published the concept of Asymmetric encryption and the algorithm was known as Diffie–Hellman key exchange. Then in 1978, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman of MIT published the RSA algorithm. These can be considered as the foundation of Asymmetric cryptography.

As compared to Symmetric encryption, in Asymmetric encryption, there will be two keys instead of one. One is called the Public key, and the other one is the Private key. Theoretically, during initiation we can generate the Public-Private key pair to our machine. Private key should be kept in a safe place and it should never be shared with anyone. Public key, as the name indicates, can be shared with anyone who wish to send encrypted text to you. Now, those who have your public key can encrypt the secret data with it. If the key pair were generated using RSA algorithm, then they should use the same algorithm while encrypting the data. Usually the algorithm will be specified in the public key. The encrypted data can only be decrypted with the private key which is owned by you.

Source: SSL/TLS for dummies part 1 : Ciphersuite, Hashing,Encryption | WST (

Different names of JSON property during serialization and deserialization

You can write a serialize class to do that:

public class Symbol

     private String symbol;

     private String name;

     public String getSymbol() {
        return symbol;
    public void setSymbol(String symbol) {
        this.symbol = symbol;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
public class SymbolJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Symbol> {

    public void serialize(Symbol symbol, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

        jgen.writeStringField("symbol", symbol.getSymbol());
         //Changed name to full_name as the field name of Json string
        jgen.writeStringField("full_name", symbol.getName());

            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

            SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
            module.addSerializer(Symbol.class, new SymbolJsonSerializer());

            //only convert non-null field, option...

            String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(symbolList);

Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()

solution is easy:


 mask = (50  < df['heart rate'] < 101 &
            140 < df['systolic blood pressure'] < 160 &
            90  < df['dyastolic blood pressure'] < 100 &
            35  < df['temperature'] < 39 &
            11  < df['respiratory rate'] < 19 &
            95  < df['pulse oximetry'] < 100
            , "excellent", "critical")


mask = ((50  < df['heart rate'] < 101) &
        (140 < df['systolic blood pressure'] < 160) &
        (90  < df['dyastolic blood pressure'] < 100) &
        (35  < df['temperature'] < 39) &
        (11  < df['respiratory rate'] < 19) &
        (95  < df['pulse oximetry'] < 100)
        , "excellent", "critical")

Get current AUTO_INCREMENT value for any table

If column is autoincremented in sql server then to see the current autoincremented value, and if you want to edit that value for that column use the following query.

-- to get current value
select ident_current('Table_Name')

-- to update current value
dbcc checkident ('[Table_Name]',reseed,"Your Value")

Pad with leading zeros

An integer value is a mathematical representation of a number and is ignorant of leading zeroes.

You can get a string with leading zeroes like this:


Differences between key, superkey, minimal superkey, candidate key and primary key

Primary key is a subset of super key. Which is uniquely define and other field are depend on it. In a table their can be just one primary key and rest sub set are candidate key or alternate keys.

Visual Studio: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file

For me the problem was a wrong include directory. I have no idea why this caused the error with the seemingly missing lib as the include directory only contains the header files. And the library directory had the correct path set.

jQuery plugin returning "Cannot read property of undefined"

I had same problem with 'parallax' plugin. I changed jQuery librery version to *jquery-1.6.4* from *jquery-1.10.2*. And error cleared.

"std::endl" vs "\n"

The varying line-ending characters don't matter, assuming the file is open in text mode, which is what you get unless you ask for binary. The compiled program will write out the correct thing for the system compiled for.

The only difference is that std::endl flushes the output buffer, and '\n' doesn't. If you don't want the buffer flushed frequently, use '\n'. If you do (for example, if you want to get all the output, and the program is unstable), use std::endl.

C++ Singleton design pattern

You could avoid memory allocation. There are many variants, all having problems in case of multithreading environment.

I prefer this kind of implementation (actually, it is not correctly said I prefer, because I avoid singletons as much as possible):

class Singleton

   static Singleton& instance()
      static Singleton INSTANCE;
      return INSTANCE;

It has no dynamic memory allocation.

Directing print output to a .txt file

Another method without having to update your Python code at all, would be to redirect via the console.

Basically, have your Python script print() as usual, then call the script from the command line and use command line redirection. Like this:

$ python ./ > output.txt

Your output.txt file will now contain all output from your Python script.

To address the comment; for Windows, change the forward-slash to a backslash.
(i.e. .\

Padding between ActionBar's home icon and title

I had a similar issue but with spacing between the up and the custom app icon/logo in the action bar. Dushyanth's solution of setting padding programatically worked for me (setting padding on app/logo icon). I tried to find either or (ActionBarSherlock only, as this ensures backwards compatibility), and it seems to work across 2.3-4.3 devices I've tested on.

Java URLConnection Timeout

You can set timeouts for all connections made from the jvm by changing the following System-properties:

System.setProperty("", "10000");
System.setProperty("", "10000");

Every connection will time out after 10 seconds.

Setting 'defaultReadTimeout' is not needed, but shown as an example if you need to control reading.

how to execute a scp command with the user name and password in one line

Using sshpass works best. To just include your password in scp use the ' ':

scp user1:'password' /var/www/dev/

How to map atan2() to degrees 0-360

A formula to have the range of values from 0 to 360 degrees.

f(x,y)=180-90*(1+sign(x))* (1-sign(y^2))-45*(2+sign(x))*sign(y)


Convert string to number field

Within Crystal, you can do it by creating a formula that uses the ToNumber function. It might be a good idea to code for the possibility that the field might include non-numeric data - like so:

If NumericText ({field}) then ToNumber ({field}) else 0

Alternatively, you might find it easier to convert the field's datatype within the query used in the report.

What is the GAC in .NET?

Centralized DLL library.

Oracle Sql get only month and year in date datatype

Easiest solution is to create the column using the correct data type: DATE

For example:

  1. Create table:

    create table test_date (mydate date);

  2. Insert row:

    insert into test_date values (to_date('01-01-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'));

To get the month and year, do as follows:

select to_char(mydate, 'MM-YYYY') from test_date;

Your result will be as follows: 01-2011

Another cool function to use is "EXTRACT"

select extract(year from mydate) from test_date;

This will return: 2011

How to add 10 days to current time in Rails

Try this on Ruby. It will return a new date/time the specified number of days in the future

Export javascript data to CSV file without server interaction

See adeneo's answer, but to make this work in Excel in all countries you should add "SEP=," to the first line of the file. This will set the standard separator in Excel and will not show up in the actual document

var csvString = "SEP=, \n" + csvRows.join("\r\n");

two divs the same line, one dynamic width, one fixed

@Yijie; Check the link maybe that's you want



<div id="parent">_x000D_
  <div class="left">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</div>_x000D_
  <div class="right">fixed</div>_x000D_

jQuery each loop in table row

Just a recommendation:

I'd recommend using the DOM table implementation, it's very straight forward and easy to use, you really don't need jQuery for this task.

var table = document.getElementById('tblOne');

var rowLength = table.rows.length;

for(var i=0; i<rowLength; i+=1){
  var row = table.rows[i];

  //your code goes here, looping over every row.
  //cells are accessed as easy

  var cellLength = row.cells.length;
  for(var y=0; y<cellLength; y+=1){
    var cell = row.cells[y];

    //do something with every cell here

PivotTable's Report Filter using "greater than"

After some research I finally got a VBA code to show the filter value in another cell:

Dim bRepresentAsRange As Boolean, bRangeBroken As Boolean
Dim sSelection As String
Dim tbl As Variant
bRepresentAsRange = False
bRangeBroker = False

With Worksheets("Forecast").PivotTables("ForecastbyDivision")
            ReDim tbl(.PageFields("Probability").PivotItems.Count)
            For Each fld In .PivotFields("Probability").PivotItems

                If fld.Visible Then
                    tbl(n) = fld.Name
                    sSelection = sSelection & fld.Name & ","
                    n = n + 1
                    bRepresentAsRange = True
                    If bRepresentAsRange Then
                        bRepresentAsRange = False
                        bRangeBroken = True
                    End If
                End If

            Next fld

            If Not bRangeBroken Then
                Worksheets("Forecast").Range("ProbSelection") = " >= " & tbl(0)
                Worksheets("Forecast").Range("ProbSelection") = Left(sSelection, Len(sSelection) - 1)
            End If

        End With

Unable to start Service Intent

I hope I can help someone with this info as well: I moved my service class into another package and I fixed the references. The project was perfectly fine, BUT the service class could not be found by the activity.

By watching the log in logcat I noticed the warning about the issue: the activity could not find the service class, but the funny thing was that the package was incorrect, it contained a "/" char. The compiler was looking for


instead of


I moved the service class out from the package and back in and everything worked just fine.

How can I pass POST parameters in a URL?

This could work if the PHP script generates a form for each entry with hidden fields and the href uses JavaScript to post the form.

Mocking Extension Methods with Moq

I have used a Wrapper to get around this problem. Create a wrapper object and pass your mocked method.

See Mocking Static Methods for Unit Testing by Paul Irwin, it has nice examples.

How can I switch themes in Visual Studio 2012

Tools--> Options-->General-->Color Theme

error running apache after xampp install server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

I was getting this error when trying to start Apache, there is no error with Apache. It's an dependency error on windows 8 - probably the same for 7. Just right click and run as Admin :)

If you're still getting an error check your Antivirus/Firewall is not blocking Xampp or port 443.

Asynchronous method call in Python?

Something like:

import threading

thr = threading.Thread(target=foo, args=(), kwargs={})
thr.start() # Will run "foo"
thr.is_alive() # Will return whether foo is running currently
thr.join() # Will wait till "foo" is done

See the documentation at for more details.

How to declare variable and use it in the same Oracle SQL script?

The question is about to use a variable in a script means to me it will be used in SQL*Plus.

The problem is you missed the quotes and Oracle can not parse the value to number.

SQL> DEFINE num = 2018
SQL> SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual;
old   1: SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual
new   1: SELECT 2018 AS your_num FROM dual


Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

This sample is works fine because of automatic type conversion (or whatever it is called).

If you check by typing DEFINE in SQL*Plus, it will shows that num variable is CHAR.

DEFINE NUM             = "2018" (CHAR)

It is not a problem in this case, because Oracle can deal with parsing string to number if it would be a valid number.

When the string can not parse to number, than Oracle can not deal with it.

SQL> DEFINE num = 'Doh'
SQL> SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual;
old   1: SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual
new   1: SELECT Doh AS your_num FROM dual
SELECT Doh AS your_num FROM dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "DOH": invalid identifier

With a quote, so do not force Oracle to parse to number, will be fine:

17:31:00 SQL> SELECT '&num' AS your_num FROM dual;
old   1: SELECT '&num' AS your_num FROM dual
new   1: SELECT 'Doh' AS your_num FROM dual


So, to answer the original question, it should be do like this sample:

SQL> DEFINE stupidvar = 'X'
SQL> SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || '&stupidvar'
  2  FROM dual
  3  WHERE dummy = '&stupidvar';
old   1: SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || '&stupidvar'
new   1: SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || 'X'
old   3: WHERE dummy = '&stupidvar'
new   3: WHERE dummy = 'X'

print stupidvar:X

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

There is an other way to store variable in SQL*Plus by using Query Column Value.

The COL[UMN] has new_value option to store value from query by field name.

SQL> COLUMN stupid_column_name new_value stupid_var noprint
SQL> SELECT dummy || '.log' AS stupid_column_name
  2  FROM dual;

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
SQL> SPOOL &stupid_var.
SQL> SELECT '&stupid_var' FROM DUAL;
old   1: SELECT '&stupid_var' FROM DUAL
new   1: SELECT 'X.log' FROM DUAL


Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

As you can see, X.log value was set into the stupid_var variable, so we can find a X.log file in the current directory has some log in it.

Set initially selected item in Select list in Angular2

You can achieve the same using

<select [ngModel]="object">
  <option *ngFor="let object of objects;let i= index;" [value]="object.value" selected="i==0">{{}}</option>

Is there any way to wait for AJAX response and halt execution?

use async:false attribute along with url and data. this will help to execute ajax call immediately and u can fetch and use data from server.

function functABC(){
        url: 'myPage.php',
        data: {id: id},
        success: function(data) {
            return data;

How to construct a relative path in Java from two absolute paths (or URLs)?

It's a little roundabout, but why not use URI? It has a relativize method which does all the necessary checks for you.

String path = "/var/data/stuff/xyz.dat";
String base = "/var/data";
String relative = new File(base).toURI().relativize(new File(path).toURI()).getPath();
// relative == "stuff/xyz.dat"

Please note that for file path there's java.nio.file.Path#relativize since Java 1.7, as pointed out by @Jirka Meluzin in the other answer.

jquery .on() method with load event

Refer to

It says

In all browsers, the load, scroll, and error events (e.g., on an <img> element) do not bubble. In Internet Explorer 8 and lower, the paste and reset events do not bubble. Such events are not supported for use with delegation, but they can be used when the event handler is directly attached to the element generating the event.

If you want to do something when a new input box is added then you can simply write the code after appending it.

        // Your code can be here

And if you want the same code execute when the first input box within the document is loaded then you can write a function and call it in both places i.e. $('#add').click and document's ready event

Creating a "Hello World" WebSocket example


Since you are using WebSocket, spender is correct. After recieving the initial data from the WebSocket, you need to send the handshake message from the C# server before any further information can flow.

HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
WebSocket-Origin: example
WebSocket-Protocol: 13

Something along those lines.

You can do some more research into how WebSocket works on w3 or google.

Links and Resources

Here is a protocol specifcation:

List of working examples: