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Some Of The Best Answers From Latest Asked Questions

ping: Temporary failure in name resolution

I've faced the exactly same problem but I've fixed it with another approache.

Using Ubuntu 18.04, first disable systemd-resolved service.

sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service

Stop the service

sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved.service

Then, remove the link to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf in /etc/resolv.conf

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf

Add a manually created resolv.conf in /etc/

sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf

Add your prefered DNS server there


I've tested this with success.

FlutterError: Unable to load asset

Well in case you have changed everything in the indentation part as told and checked for the typo errors but still get an error then you should do this simple which worked for me and it seems this is overlooked by almost everyone

even if you have correct spacing after the assets: you still might be doinbg this one thing wrong

keep the indentation in this order

flutter: <2_spaces>assets: <no_space>- assets/images/image.png

thus it should look like this

  - assets/images/image.png

Pandas Merging 101

In this answer, I will consider practical examples.

The first one, is of pandas.concat.

The second one, of merging dataframes from the index of one and the column of another one.

1. pandas.concat

Considering the following DataFrames with the same column names:

Preco2018 with size (8784, 5)

DataFrame 1

Preco 2019 with size (8760, 5)

DataFrame 2

That have the same column names.

You can combine them using pandas.concat, by simply

import pandas as pd

frames = [Preco2018, Preco2019]

df_merged = pd.concat(frames)

Which results in a DataFrame with the following size (17544, 5)

DataFrame result of the combination of two dataframes

If you want to visualize, it ends up working like this

How concat works


2. Merge by Column and Index

In this part, I will consider a specific case: If one wants to merge the index of one dataframe and the column of another dataframe.

Let's say one has the dataframe Geo with 54 columns, being one of the columns the Date Data, which is of type datetime64[ns].

enter image description here

And the dataframe Price that has one column with the price and the index corresponds to the dates

enter image description here

In this specific case, to merge them, one uses pd.merge

merged = pd.merge(Price, Geo, left_index=True, right_on='Data')

Which results in the following dataframe

enter image description here

What does double question mark (??) operator mean in PHP

It's the "null coalescing operator", added in php 7.0. The definition of how it works is:

It returns its first operand if it exists and is not NULL; otherwise it returns its second operand.

So it's actually just isset() in a handy operator.

Those two are equivalent1:

$foo = $bar ?? 'something';
$foo = isset($bar) ? $bar : 'something';


In the list of new PHP7 features:

And original RFC

EDIT: As this answer gets a lot of views, little clarification:

1There is a difference: In case of ??, the first expression is evaluated only once, as opposed to ? :, where the expression is first evaluated in the condition section, then the second time in the "answer" section.

ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=3.1.1 and <3.2.0 but 3.2.1 was found instead

ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=3.4.0 and <3.6.0 but 3.6.3 was found instead.

For this error you can also define a version range:

yarn add typescript@">=3.4.0 <3.6.0" --save-dev --save-exact

or for npm

npm install typescript@">=3.4.0 <3.6.0" --save-dev --save-exact

After installing the correct typescript version:

  1. Delete node_modules folder
  2. Run yarn install or npm install
  3. Compile and cross your fingers xD

internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582 throw err

Replace your file name in package.json ({"npm": <your server code file name>.js}) with that file where your server code is running (it should be app.js, main.js, start.js, server.js, or whatever you picked up).

Why do I keep getting Delete 'cr' [prettier/prettier]?

Try this. It works for me:

yarn run lint --fix


npm run lint -- --fix

How to post query parameters with Axios?

In my case, the API responded with a CORS error. I instead formatted the query parameters into query string. It successfully posted data and also avoided the CORS issue.

        var data = {};

        const params = new URLSearchParams({
          contact: this.ContactPerson,
          phoneNumber: this.PhoneNumber,
          email: this.Email

        const url =
          "" +

          .post(url, data, {
            headers: {
              aaid: this.ID,
              token: this.Token
          .then(res => {
            this.Info = JSON.parse(;
          .catch(err => {

Numpy, multiply array with scalar

You can multiply numpy arrays by scalars and it just works.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.array([1, 2, 3]) * 2
array([2, 4, 6])
>>> np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) * 2
array([[ 2,  4,  6],
       [ 8, 10, 12]])

This is also a very fast and efficient operation. With your example:

>>> a_1 = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> a_2 = np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
>>> b = 2.0
>>> a_1 * b
array([2., 4., 6.])
>>> a_2 * b
array([[2., 4.],
       [6., 8.]])

How to use componentWillMount() in React Hooks?

It might be clear for most, but have in mind that a function called inside the function component's body, acts as a beforeRender. This doesn't answer the question of running code on ComponentWillMount (before the first render) but since it is related and might help others I'm leaving it here.

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0)
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('after render')

  const iterate = () => {
    setCounter(prevCounter => prevCounter+1)

  const beforeRender = () => {
    console.log('before render')


  return (
      <button onClick={iterate}>Re-render</button>

export default MyComponent

Why is 2 * (i * i) faster than 2 * i * i in Java?

More of an addendum. I did repro the experiment using the latest Java 8 JVM from IBM:

java version "1.8.0_191"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (IBM build 1.8.0_191-b12 26_Oct_2018_18_45 Mac OS X x64(SR5 FP25))
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)

And this shows very similar results:

0.374653912 s
n = 119860736
0.447778698 s
n = 119860736

(second results using 2 * i * i).

Interestingly enough, when running on the same machine, but using Oracle Java:

Java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)

results are on average a bit slower:

0.414331815 s
n = 119860736
0.491430656 s
n = 119860736

Long story short: even the minor version number of HotSpot matter here, as subtle differences within the JIT implementation can have notable effects.

How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect?

For really simple prop comparison you can use useEffect to easily check to see if a prop has updated.

const myComponent = ({ prop }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    ---Do stuffhere----
  }, [prop])

useEffect will then only run your code if the prop changes.

React Hook Warnings for async function in useEffect: useEffect function must return a cleanup function or nothing

For other readers, the error can come from the fact that there is no brackets wrapping the async function:

Considering the async function initData

  async function initData() {

This code will lead to your error:

  useEffect(() => initData(), []);

But this one, won't:

  useEffect(() => { initData(); }, []);

(Notice the brackets around initData()

This version of Android Studio cannot open this project, please retry with Android Studio 3.4 or newer

This issue is caused due to use of newer version of gradle in the project. There are two options to resolve this:

Option 1: Change gradle/wrapper/ file


Change project level gradle build.gradle file


Option 2: Update your Android Studio to newer version. (Highly recommended)

origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy in Angular7

I Tried adding the below statement on my API on the express server and it worked with Angular8.

app.use((req, res, next) => {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET , PUT , POST , DELETE");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, x-requested-with");
    next(); // Important

Understanding esModuleInterop in tsconfig file

esModuleInterop generates the helpers outlined in the docs. Looking at the generated code, we can see exactly what these do:

import React from 'react'
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var react_1 = __importDefault(require("react"));

__importDefault: If the module is not an es module then what is returned by require becomes the default. This means that if you use default import on a commonjs module, the whole module is actually the default.

__importStar is best described in this PR:

TypeScript treats a namespace import (i.e. import * as foo from "foo") as equivalent to const foo = require("foo"). Things are simple here, but they don't work out if the primary object being imported is a primitive or a value with call/construct signatures. ECMAScript basically says a namespace record is a plain object.

Babel first requires in the module, and checks for a property named __esModule. If __esModule is set to true, then the behavior is the same as that of TypeScript, but otherwise, it synthesizes a namespace record where:

  1. All properties are plucked off of the require'd module and made available as named imports.
  2. The originally require'd module is made available as a default import.

So we get this:

// ts
import * as React from 'react'

// emitted js
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
    result["default"] = mod;
    return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var React = __importStar(require("react"));

allowSyntheticDefaultImports is the companion to all of this, setting this to false will not change the emitted helpers (both of them will still look the same). But it will raise a typescript error if you are using default import for a commonjs module. So this import React from 'react' will raise the error Module '".../node_modules/@types/react/index"' has no default export. if allowSyntheticDefaultImports is false.

Why am I getting Unknown error in line 1 of pom.xml?

I was getting same error in Version 3. It worked after upgrading STS to latest version: 4.5.1.RELEASE. No change in code or configuration in latest STS was required.

How to fix ReferenceError: primordials is not defined in node

Use following commands to install node v11.15.0 and gulp v3.9.1:

npm install -g n

sudo n 11.15.0

npm install gulp@^3.9.1
npm install 
npm rebuild node-sass

Will solve this issue:

ReferenceError: primordials is not defined in node

How to fix 'Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False' for imdb.load_data() function?

This issue is still up on keras git. I hope it gets solved as soon as possible. Until then, try downgrading your numpy version to 1.16.2. It seems to solve the problem.

!pip install numpy==1.16.1
import numpy as np

This version of numpy has the default value of allow_pickle as True.

What is the incentive for curl to release the library for free?

I'm Daniel Stenberg.

I made curl

I founded the curl project back in 1998, I wrote the initial curl version and I created libcurl. I've written more than half of all the 24,000 commits done in the source code repository up to this point in time. I'm still the lead developer of the project. To a large extent, curl is my baby.

I shipped the first version of curl as open source since I wanted to "give back" to the open source world that had given me so much code already. I had used so much open source and I wanted to be as cool as the other open source authors.

Thanks to it being open source, literally thousands of people have been able to help us out over the years and have improved the products, the documentation. the web site and just about every other detail around the project. curl and libcurl would never have become the products that they are today were they not open source. The list of contributors now surpass 1900 names and currently the list grows with a few hundred names per year.

Thanks to curl and libcurl being open source and liberally licensed, they were immediately adopted in numerous products and soon shipped by operating systems and Linux distributions everywhere thus getting a reach beyond imagination.

Thanks to them being "everywhere", available and liberally licensed they got adopted and used everywhere and by everyone. It created a defacto transfer library standard.

At an estimated six billion installations world wide, we can safely say that curl is the most widely used internet transfer library in the world. It simply would not have gone there had it not been open source. curl runs in billions of mobile phones, a billion Windows 10 installations, in a half a billion games and several hundred million TVs - and more.

Should I have released it with proprietary license instead and charged users for it? It never occured to me, and it wouldn't have worked because I would never had managed to create this kind of stellar project on my own. And projects and companies wouldn't have used it.

Why do I still work on curl?

Now, why do I and my fellow curl developers still continue to develop curl and give it away for free to the world?

  1. I can't speak for my fellow project team members. We all participate in this for our own reasons.
  2. I think it's still the right thing to do. I'm proud of what we've accomplished and I truly want to make the world a better place and I think curl does its little part in this.
  3. There are still bugs to fix and features to add!
  4. curl is free but my time is not. I still have a job and someone still has to pay someone for me to get paid every month so that I can put food on the table for my family. I charge customers and companies to help them with curl. You too can get my help for a fee, which then indirectly helps making sure that curl continues to evolve, remain free and the kick-ass product it is.
  5. curl was my spare time project for twenty years before I started working with it full time. I've had great jobs and worked on awesome projects. I've been in a position of luxury where I could continue to work on curl on my spare time and keep shipping a quality product for free. My work on curl has given me friends, boosted my career and taken me to places I would not have been at otherwise.
  6. I would not do it differently if I could back and do it again.

Am I proud of what we've done?

Yes. So insanely much.

But I'm not satisfied with this and I'm not just leaning back, happy with what we've done. I keep working on curl every single day, to improve, to fix bugs, to add features and to make sure curl keeps being the number one file transfer solution for the world even going forward.

We do mistakes along the way. We make the wrong decisions and sometimes we implement things in crazy ways. But to win in the end and to conquer the world is about patience and endurance and constantly going back and reconsidering previous decisions and correcting previous mistakes. To continuously iterate, polish off rough edges and gradually improve over time.

Never give in. Never stop. Fix bugs. Add features. Iterate. To the end of time.

For real?

Yeah. For real.

Do I ever get tired? Is it ever done?

Sure I get tired at times. Working on something every day for over twenty years isn't a paved downhill road. Sometimes there are obstacles. During times things are rough. Occasionally people are just as ugly and annoying as people can be.

But curl is my life's project and I have patience. I have thick skin and I don't give up easily. The tough times pass and most days are awesome. I get to hang out with awesome people and the reward is knowing that my code helps driving the Internet revolution everywhere is an ego boost above normal.

curl will never be "done" and so far I think work on curl is pretty much the most fun I can imagine. Yes, I still think so even after twenty years in the driver's seat. And as long as I think it's fun I intend to keep at it.

Module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'

I used google colab to run my models and everything was perfect untill i used inline tesorboard. With tensorboard inline, I had the same issue of "Module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'".

It was able to run training when rebuild and reinstall the model using folder) after initialising tensorboard.

React Hook "useState" is called in function "app" which is neither a React function component or a custom React Hook function

The solution, as Yuki already pointed, is to capitalize the component name. It's important to note that not only the "default" App component needs to be capitalized, but all components:

const Person = () => {return ...};

export default Person;

This is due to eslint-plugin-react-hooks package, specifically isComponentName() function inside RulesOfHooks.js script.

Official explanation from Hooks FAQs:

We provide an ESLint plugin that enforces rules of Hooks to avoid bugs. It assumes that any function starting with ”use” and a capital letter right after it is a Hook. We recognize this heuristic isn’t perfect and there may be some false positives, but without an ecosystem-wide convention there is just no way to make Hooks work well — and longer names will discourage people from either adopting Hooks or following the convention.

How to fix missing dependency warning when using useEffect React Hook?

This article is a good primer on fetching data with hooks:

Essentially, include the fetch function definition inside useEffect:

useEffect(() => {
  const fetchBusinesses = () => {
    return fetch("theUrl"...
      // ...your fetch implementation

}, []);

React Native Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached

If you have any experience with Expo (React Native), you would know that restarting the computer if always on the table. So if it's a local situation, which happened unexpectedly, and it's not production or anything, I suggest to first RESTART YOUR COMPUTER, bcos that's what solved it for me.

How to update core-js to core-js@3 dependency?


npm i core-js

Modular standard library for JavaScript. Includes polyfills for ECMAScript up to 2019: promises, symbols, collections, iterators, typed arrays, many other features, ECMAScript proposals, some cross-platform WHATWG / W3C features and proposals like URL. You can load only required features or use it without global namespace pollution.


Is it possible to install Xcode 10.2 on High Sierra (10.13.6)?

None of the above helped for me.

I was able to install Mojave using this link here: This patch worked beautifully and without a hitch

Proof: here's Mojave running on my (unsupported) 2011 Mac-mini

Unable to load script.Make sure you are either running a Metro server or that your bundle '' is packaged correctly for release

This is caused whenever the android device cannot reach the metro server. If the above doesn't work, check to see that your android device doesn't have a proxy configured. (Settings > Proxy > No Proxy).

"E: Unable to locate package python-pip" on Ubuntu 18.04

Try following command sequence on Ubuntu terminal:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'core-js/es6'

The imports have changed for core-js version 3.0.1 - for example

import 'core-js/es6/array'; and import 'core-js/es7/array';

can now be provided simply by the following

import 'core-js/es/array';

if you would prefer not to bring in the whole of core-js

Updating Anaconda fails: Environment Not Writable Error

I had installed anaconda via the system installer on OS X in the past, which created a ~/.conda/environments.txt owned by root. Conda could not modify this file, hence the error.

To fix this issue, I changed the ownership of that directory and file to my username:

sudo chown -R $USER ~/.conda

How to set value to form control in Reactive Forms in Angular

Use patchValue() method which helps to update even subset of controls.

  this.editqueForm.patchValue({user: this.question.user, questioning: this.question.questioning})

From Angular docs setValue() method:

Error When strict checks fail, such as setting the value of a control that doesn't exist or if you excluding the value of a control.

In your case, object missing options and questionType control value so setValue() will fail to update.

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

Many advise you to remove the package-lock.json or the yarn.lock. This is clearly a bad idea!

I am using Yarn and I was able to correct this problem by removing only the caniuse-db and caniuse-lite entries in my yarn.lock and doing a yarn.

It is not necessary to break the main function of the lockfile by deleting it.

Uncaught Invariant Violation: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop

You must link an event in your onClick. Additionally, the click function must receive the event. See the example

export default function Component(props) {

    function clickEvent (event, variable){

    return (
                onClick={e => clickEvent(e, 10)}

error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65

For me it caused by installing react-native-vector-icons and linking by running the react-native link react-native-vector-icons command.

I just unlinked the react-native-vector-icons by following commands

  1. react-native unlink react-native-vector-icons
  2. cd ios
  3. pod install
  4. cd ..
  5. react-native run-ios

As I already installed an other icon library.

session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 74 error with ChromeDriver Chrome using Selenium

This solution worked for me

  1. Make sure you're using R 3.5.3 or greater
  2. driver <- rsDriver(browser=c("chrome"), chromever="73.0.3683.68")

The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD. Laravel

I had a similiar problem and the only solution was rebooting vagrant which I use as dev enviroment. Beside that, not a single artisan and composer command didn't help.

Tensorflow 2.0 - AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'Session'

Using Anaconda + Spyder (Python 3.7)


import tensorflow as tf
valor1 = tf.constant(2)
valor2 = tf.constant(3)
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()
with sess:


import tensorflow as tf
valor1 = tf.constant(2)
valor2 = tf.constant(3)
Tensor("Const_8:0", shape=(), dtype=int32)
Out[18]: tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor

Tensor("add_4:0", shape=(), dtype=int32)

sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()

with sess:

react hooks useEffect() cleanup for only componentWillUnmount?

function LegoComponent() {

  const [lego, setLegos] = React.useState([])

  React.useEffect(() => {
    let isSubscribed = true
    fetchLegos().then( legos=> {
      if (isSubscribed) {
    return () => isSubscribed = false
  }, []);

  return (
    {> <li>{lego}</li>)}

In the code above, the fetchLegos function returns a promise. We can “cancel” the promise by having a conditional in the scope of useEffect, preventing the app from setting state after the component has unmounted.

Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.

Jupyter Notebook not saving: '_xsrf' argument missing from post

The easiest way I found is this:

Just open another (non-running, existing) notebook on the same kernel, and the issue is magically gone; you can again save the notebooks that were previously showing the _xsrf error.

If you have already closed the Jupyter home page, you can find a link to it on the terminal from which Jupyter was started.

How to use callback with useState hook in react

function Parent() {_x000D_
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");_x000D_
  getChildChange = getChildChange.bind(this);_x000D_
  function getChildChange(value) {_x000D_
  return <div> {Name} :_x000D_
    <Child getChildChange={getChildChange} ></Child>_x000D_
function Child(props) {_x000D_
  const [Name, setName] = useState("");_x000D_
  handleChange = handleChange.bind(this);_x000D_
  collectState = collectState.bind(this);_x000D_
  function handleChange(ele) {_x000D_
  function collectState() {_x000D_
    return Name;_x000D_
   useEffect(() => {_x000D_
  return (<div>_x000D_
    <input onChange={handleChange} value={Name}></input>_x000D_

useEffect act as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, so after updating state it will work

How can I solve the error 'TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'?

With the release of TypeScript 3.7, optional chaining (the ? operator) is now officially available.

As such, you can simplify your expression to the following:

const data = change?.after?.data();

You may read more about it from that version's release notes, which cover other interesting features released on that version.

Run the following to install the latest stable release of TypeScript.

npm install typescript

That being said, Optional Chaining can be used alongside Nullish Coalescing to provide a fallback value when dealing with null or undefined values

const data = change?.after?.data() ?? someOtherData();

Cannot edit in read-only editor VS Code

  1. Go to File > Preference > Settings then
  2. type: run code and scroll down until you see code-runner: Run in terminal, There will be multiple options called "code-runner". In that you can find the option mentioned below.
  3. just check "Whether to run code in integrated terminal" and
  4. restart vscode.

For Mac users, it is Code > Preference > Settings.

Why am I seeing net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED errors after upgrading to Cordova Android 8?

Following solution worked for me-

goto resources/android/xml/network_security_config.xml Change it to-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true">localhost</domain>
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"> be adjusted)</domain>

The iOS Simulator deployment targets is set to 7.0, but the range of supported deployment target version for this platform is 8.0 to 12.1

in my case i have used both npm install and yarn install that is why i got this issue so to solve this i have removed package-lock.json and node_modules and then i did

yarn install
cd ios
pod install

it worked for me

Push method in React Hooks (useState)?

Most recommended method is using wrapper function and spread operator together. For example, if you have initialized a state called name like this,

const [names, setNames] = useState([])

You can push to this array like this,

setNames(names => [...names, newName])

Hope that helps.

How to Install pip for python 3.7 on Ubuntu 18?

I installed pip3 using

python3.7 -m pip install pip

But upon using pip3 to install other dependencies, it was using python3.6.
You can check the by typing pip3 --version

Hence, I used pip3 like this (stated in one of the above answers):

python3.7 -m pip install <module>

or use it like this:

python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

I made a bash alias for later use in ~/.bashrc file as alias pip3='python3.7 -m pip'. If you use alias, don't forget to source ~/.bashrc after making the changes and saving it.

Flutter Countdown Timer

Little late to the party but why don't you guys try animation.No I am not telling you to manage animation controllers and disposing them off and all that stuff.theres a built-in widget for that called TweenAnimationBuilder.You can animate between values of any type,heres an example with a Duration class

              duration: Duration(minutes: 3),
              tween: Tween(begin: Duration(minutes: 3), end:,
              onEnd: () {
                print('Timer ended');
              builder: (BuildContext context, Duration value, Widget child) {
              final minutes = value.inMinutes;
              final seconds = value.inSeconds % 60;
              return Padding(
                     padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 5),
                     child: Text('$minutes:$seconds',
                            style: TextStyle(
                            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                            fontSize: 30)));

and You also get onEnd call back which notifies you when the animation completes;

here's the output

Python: 'ModuleNotFoundError' when trying to import module from imported package

For me when I created a file and saved it as python file, I was getting this error during importing. I had to create a filename with the type ".py" , like and then save it as a python file. post trying to import the file worked for me.

Typescript: Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'

Had the same issue.

I find out that react-scrips add "strict": true to tsconfig.json.

After I removed it everything works great.


Need to warn that changing this property means that you:

not being warned about potential run-time errors anymore.

as been pointed out by PaulG in comments! Thank you :)

Use "strict": false only if you fully understand what it affects!

Typescript: Type X is missing the following properties from type Y length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more. [2740]

You have forgotten to mark the getProducts return type as an array. In your getProducts it says that it will return a single product. So change it to this:

public getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> {
    return this.http.get<Product[]>(`api/products/v1/`);

How do I prevent Conda from activating the base environment by default?

The answer depends a little bit on the version of conda that you have installed. For versions of conda >= 4.4, it should be enough to deactivate the conda environment after the initialization, so add

conda deactivate

right underneath

# <<< conda initialize <<<

Gradle: Could not determine java version from '11.0.2'

To put long answer short, upgrade your gradlew using the system gradle tool. Note that the below upgrade works even if your system gradle version is < 5.

gradle wrapper --gradle-version=5.1.1

"Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted" error really helped me. What had done is open SDK Manager and download any new SDK Platform (dont worry it wont affect your desired api level).

Because with downlaoding any SDK Platforms(API level), you should accept licences. That's the trick worked for me.

OpenCV TypeError: Expected cv::UMat for argument 'src' - What is this?

Some dtype are not supported by specific OpenCV functions. For example inputs of dtype np.uint32 create this error. Try to convert the input to a supported dtype (e.g. np.int32 or np.float32)

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?

I upgraded to PHP 7.3, and None of these worked for me before I used,

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/composer && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/composer

It's just the version dependency. PHP 7.3

and composer update worked like a charm!

Maven dependencies are failing with a 501 error

I have the same issue, but I use GitLab instead of Jenkins. The steps I had to do to get over the issue:

  1. My project is in GitLab so it uses the .yml file which points to a Docker image I have to do continuous integration, and the image it uses has the http://maven URLs. So I changed that to https://maven.
  2. That same Dockerfile image had an older version of Maven 3.0.1 that gave me issues just overnight. I updated the Dockerfile to get the latest version 3.6.3
  3. I then deployed that image to my online repository, and updated my Maven project ymlfile to use that new image.
  4. And lastly, I updated my main projects POM file to reference https://maven... instead of http://maven

I realize that is more specific to my setup. But without doing all of the steps above I would still continue to get this error message Return code is: 501 , ReasonPhrase:HTTPS Required

IntelliJ: Error:java: error: release version 5 not supported

You only have to add these two lines in your pom.xml. After that, your problem will be gone.


Replace specific text with a redacted version using Python

You can do it using named-entity recognition (NER). It's fairly simple and there are out-of-the-shelf tools out there to do it, such as spaCy.

NER is an NLP task where a neural network (or other method) is trained to detect certain entities, such as names, places, dates and organizations.


Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!
I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.


NER with spacy

Just be aware that this is not 100%!

Here are a little snippet for you to try out:

import spacy

phrases = ['Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!', 'I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.']
nlp = spacy.load('en')
for phrase in phrases:
   doc = nlp(phrase)
   replaced = ""
   for token in doc:
      if token in doc.ents:
         replaced+="XXXX "
         replaced+=token.text+" "

Read more here:

You could, instead of replacing with XXXX, replace based on the entity type, like:

if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
   replaced += "<PERSON> "


import re, random

personames = ["Jack", "Mike", "Bob", "Dylan"]

phrase = re.replace("<PERSON>", random.choice(personames), phrase)

Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

This happens because $cOTLdata is not null but the index 'char_data' does not exist. Previous versions of PHP may have been less strict on such mistakes and silently swallowed the error / notice while 7.4 does not do this anymore.

To check whether the index exists or not you can use isset():


Which means the line should look something like this:

$len = isset($cOTLdata['char_data']) ? count($cOTLdata['char_data']) : 0;

Note I switched the then and else cases of the ternary operator since === null is essentially what isset already does (but in the positive case).

Template not provided using create-react-app

  1. npm install -g create-react-app in your pc
  2. create react project again with npx create-react-app my-app

Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated

It's really simple to fix the issue, however keep in mind that you should fork and commit your changes for each library you are using in their repositories to help others as well.

Let's say you have something like this in your code:

$str = "test";

since PHP 7.4 curly braces method to get individual characters inside a string has been deprecated, so change the above syntax into this:

$str = "test";

Fixing the code in the question will look something like this:

public function getRecordID(string $zoneID, string $type = '', string $name = ''): string
    $records = $this->listRecords($zoneID, $type, $name);
    if (isset($records->result[0]->id)) {
        return $records->result[0]->id;
    return false;

Visual Studio Code PHP Intelephense Keep Showing Not Necessary Error

Intelephense 1.3 added undefined type, function, constant, class constant, method, and property diagnostics, where previously in 1.2 there was only undefined variable diagnostics.

Some frameworks are written in a way that provide convenient shortcuts for the user but make it difficult for static analysis engines to discover symbols that are available at runtime.

Stub generators like help fill the gap here and using this with Laravel will take care of many of the false diagnostics by providing concrete definitions of symbols that can be easily discovered.

Still, PHP is a very flexible language and there may be other instances of false undefined symbols depending on how code is written. For this reason, since 1.3.3, intelephense has config options to enable/disable each category of undefined symbol to suit the workspace and coding style.

These options are: intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedTypes intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedFunctions intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedConstants intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedClassConstants intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedMethods intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedProperties intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedVariables

Setting all of these to false except intelephense.diagnostics.undefinedVariables will give version 1.2 behaviour. See the VSCode settings UI and search for intelephense.

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib

I was able to solve this by upgrading Python 3 via brew

brew upgrade python@3

What does 'x packages are looking for funding' mean when running `npm install`?

You can skip fund using:

npm install --no-fund YOUR PACKAGE NAME

For example :

npm install --no-fund core-js

@angular/material/index.d.ts' is not a module

Accepted Answer is correct, but it didn't fully work for me. I had to delete the package.lock file, re-run "npm install", and then close and reopen my visual studio. Hope this helps someone

Upgrade to python 3.8 using conda

Now that the new anaconda individual edition 2020 distribution is out, the procedure that follows is working:

Update conda in your base env:

conda update conda

Create a new environment for Python 3.8, specifying anaconda for the full distribution specification, not just the minimal environment:

conda create -n py38 python=3.8 anaconda

Activate the new environment:

conda activate py38

python --version
Python 3.8.1

Number of packages installed: 303

Or you can do:

conda create -n py38 anaconda=2020.02 python=3.8

--> UPDATE: Finally, Anaconda3-2020.07 is out with core Python 3.8.3

You can download Anaconda with Python 3.8 from

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

  1. I had the same problem when I started to used babel... But later, I had a solution... I haven't had the problem anymore so far... Currently, Node v12.14.1, "@babel/node": "^7.8.4", I use babel-node and nodemon to execute (node is fine as well..)
  2. package.json: "start": "nodemon --exec babel-node server.js "debug": "babel-node debug server.js" !!note: server.js is my entry file, you can use yours.
  3. launch.json When you debug, you also need to config your launch.json file "runtimeExecutable": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/babel-node" !!note: plus runtimeExecutable into the configuration.
  4. Of course, with babel-node, you also normally need and edit another file, such as babel.config.js/.babelrc file

SameSite warning Chrome 77

If you are testing on localhost and you have no control of the response headers, you can disable it with a chrome flag.

Visit the url and disable it: chrome://flags/#same-site-by-default-cookies SameSite by default cookies screenshot

I need to disable it because Chrome Canary just started enforcing this rule as of approximately V 82.0.4078.2 and now it's not setting these cookies.

Note: I only turn this flag on in Chrome Canary that I use for development. It's best not to turn the flag on for everyday Chrome browsing for the same reasons that google is introducing it.

What's the net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR about?

I'm not convinced this was the issue but through cPanel I'd noticed the PHP version was on 5.6 and changing it to 7.3 seemed to fix it. This was for a WordPress site. I noticed I could access images and generic PHP files but loading WordPress itself caused the error.

"Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module" when importing ECMAScript 6

The error is triggered because the file you're linking to in your HTML file is the unbundled version of the file. To get the full bundled version you'll have to install it with npm:

npm install --save milsymbol

This downloads the full package to your node_modules folder.

You can then access the standalone minified JavaScript file at node_modules/milsymbol/dist/milsymbol.js

You can do this in any directory, and then just copy the below file to your /src directory.

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

I'm also in a "trial and error" for that, but this answer from Google Chrome Labs' Github helped me a little. I defined it into my main file and it worked - well, for only one third-party domain. Still making tests, but I'm eager to update this answer with a better solution :)

EDIT: I'm using PHP 7.4 now, and this syntax is working good (Sept 2020):

$cookie_options = array(
  'expires' => time() + 60*60*24*30,
  'path' => '/',
  'domain' => '', // leading dot for compatibility or use subdomain
  'secure' => true, // or false
  'httponly' => false, // or false
  'samesite' => 'None' // None || Lax || Strict

setcookie('cors-cookie', 'my-site-cookie', $cookie_options);

If you have PHP 7.2 or lower (as Robert's answered below):

setcookie('key', 'value', time()+(7*24*3600), "/; SameSite=None; Secure");

If your host is already updated to PHP 7.3, you can use (thanks to Mahn's comment):

setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', [
  'expires' => time()+(7*24*3600,
  'path' => '/',
  'domain' => '',
  'samesite' => 'None',
  'secure' => true,
  'httponly' => true

Another thing you can try to check the cookies, is to enable the flag below, which—in their own words—"will add console warning messages for every single cookie potentially affected by this change":


See the whole code at:, they have the code for same-site-cookies too.

Has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 57.0)

I have run into this issue When I recently upgraded my IntelliJ version to 2020.3. I had to disable a plugin to solve this issue. The name of the plugin is Thrift Support.

Steps to disable the plugin is following:

  1. Open the Preferences of IntelliJ. You can do so by clicking on Command + , in mac.
  2. Navigate to plugins.
  3. Search for the Thrift Support plugin in the search window. Click on the tick box icon to deselect it.
  4. Click on the Apply icon.
  5. See this image for reference Disable_Thrift_support_plugin

For more detail please refer to this link java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError 2020.3 version intellij. I found this comment in the above link which has worked for me.

bin zhao commented 31 Dec 2020 08:00 @Lejia Chen @Tobias Schulmann Workflow My IDEA3.X didn't installed Erlang plugin, I disabled Thrift Support 1.4.0 and it worked. Both IDEA 3.0 and 3.1 have the same problem.

How to resolve the error on 'react-native start'

I had the same problem I altered the E:\NodeJS\ReactNativeApp\ExpoTest\node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js in my project


var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

this worked perfectly for me

Why powershell does not run Angular commands?

Remove ng.ps1 from the directory C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\npm\ then try clearing the npm cache at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\

Server Discovery And Monitoring engine is deprecated

if you used typescript add config to the MongoOptions

const MongoOptions: MongoClientOptions = {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  useUnifiedTopology: true,

      const client = await MongoClient.connect(url, MongoOptions);

if you not used typescript  
const MongoOptions= {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  useUnifiedTopology: true,

A failure occurred while executing

You may get an error like this when trying to build an app that uses a VectorDrawable for an Adaptive Icon. And your XML file contains "android:fillColor" with a <gradient> block:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<vector xmlns:android=""

        android:pathData="M1,1 H99 V99 H1Z"
        <aapt:attr name="android:fillColor">
                android:type="linear" />

Gradient fill colors are commonly used in Adaptive Icons, such as in the tutorials here, here and here.

Even though the layout preview works fine, when you build the app, you will see an error like this:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'.
> A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade
   > Error while processing Project/app/src/main/res/drawable/icon_with_gradient.xml : null

(More info shown when the gradle build is run with --stack-trace flag):

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

The solution is to move the file icon_with_gradient.xml to drawable-v24/icon_with_gradient.xml or drawable-v26/icon_with_gradient.xml. It's because gradient fills are only supported in API 24 (Android 7) and above. More info here: VectorDrawable: Invalid drawable tag gradient

error: This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above

Delete node_module directory and run below in command line

rm -rf node_modules
rm package-lock.json yarn.lock
npm cache clear --force
npm install

If still not working, try below

npm install webpack --save

Unable to allocate array with shape and data type

Sometimes, this error pops up because of the kernel has reached its limit. Try to restart the kernel redo the necessary steps.

How to fix error "ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python." when trying to install django-heroku using pip

You need to add the package containing the executable pg_config.

A prior answer should have details you need: pg_config executable not found

How to prevent Google Colab from disconnecting?

The javascript below works for me. Credits to

function ColabReconnect() {
    var dialog = document.querySelector("colab-dialog.yes-no-dialog");
    var dialogTitle = dialog && dialog.querySelector("div.content-area>h2");
    if (dialogTitle && dialogTitle.innerText == "Runtime disconnected") {
    } else {
        console.log("ColabReconnect is in service.");
timerId = setInterval(ColabReconnect, 60000);

In the Colab notebook, click on Ctrl + Shift + the i key simultaneously. Copy and paste the script into the prompt line. Then hit Enter before closing the editor.

By doing so, the function will check every 60 seconds to see if the onscreen connection dialog is shown, and if it is, the function would then click the ok button automatically for you.

Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index

When we do something like this obj[key] Typescript can't know for sure if that key exists in that object. What I did:

Object.entries(data).forEach(item => {
    formData.append(item[0], item[1]);

dotnet ef not found in .NET Core 3

Run PowerShell or command prompt as Administrator and run below command.

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 3.1.3

"Permission Denied" trying to run Python on Windows 10

I experienced the same issue, but in addition to Python being blocked, all programs in the Scripts folder were too. The other answers about aliases, path and winpty didn't help.

I finally found that it was my antivirus (Avast) which decided overnight for some reason to just block all compiled python scripts for some reason.

The fix is fortunately easy: simply whitelist the whole Python directory. See here for a full explanation.

Adding Git-Bash to the new Windows Terminal

Another item to note - in settings.json I discovered if you don't use "commandline": "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe"

and instead use: "commandline": "C:/Program Files/Git/git-bash.exe"

the Git shell will open up in an independent window outside of Windows Terminal instead of on a tab - which is not the desired behavior. In addition, the tab in Windows Terminal that opens will also need to be closed manually as it will display process exited information - [process exited with code 3221225786] etc.

Might save someone some headache

Angular @ViewChild() error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1

In Angular 8 , ViewChild takes 2 parameters:

Try like this:

@ViewChild('nameInput', { static: false }) nameInputRef: ElementRef;


{ static: false }

If you set static false, the child component ALWAYS gets initialized after the view initialization in time for the ngAfterViewInit/ngAfterContentInit callback functions.

{ static: true}

If you set static true, the child component initialization will take place at the view initialization at ngOnInit

By default you can use { static: false }. If you are creating a dynamic view and want to use the template reference variable, then you should use { static: true}

For more info, you can read this article

Working Demo

In the demo, we will scroll to a div using template reference variable.

 @ViewChild("scrollDiv", { static: true }) scrollTo: ElementRef;

With { static: true }, we can use this.scrollTo.nativeElement in ngOnInit, but with { static: false }, this.scrollTo will be undefined in ngOnInit , so we can access in only in ngAfterViewInit

Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

If all the above doesn't work, especially if having big size dependency (like my case), both building and loading were taking a minimum of 15 seconds, so it seems the delay gave a false message "Invalid hook call." So what you can do is give some time to ensure the build is completed before testing.

"UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure." when plotting figure with pyplot on Pycharm

I too had this issue in PyCharm. This issue is because you don't have tkinter module in your machine.

To install follow the steps given below (select your appropriate os)

For ubuntu users

 sudo apt-get install python-tk


 sudo apt-get install python3-tk

For Centos users

 sudo yum install python-tkinter


 sudo yum install python3-tkinter

For Windows, use pip to install tk

After installing tkinter restart your Pycharm and run your code, it will work

Typescript: No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ "A": string; }

This will eliminate the error and is type safe:

this.DNATranscriber[character as keyof typeof DNATranscriber]

Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'

Just found this answer from another link,

npm uninstall @angular-devkit/build-angular
npm install @angular-devkit/[email protected]

Is it possible to opt-out of dark mode on iOS 13?

Actually I just wrote some code that will allow you to globally opt out of dark mode in code without having to putz with every single viw controller in your application. This can probably be refined to opt out on a class by class basis by managing a list of classes. For me, what I want is for my users to see if they like the dark mode interface for my app, and if they don't like it, they can turn it off. This will allow them to continue using dark mode for the rest of their applications.

User choice is good (Ahem, looking at you Apple, this is how you should have implemented it).

So how this works is that it's just a category of UIViewController. When it loads it replaces the native viewDidLoad method with one that will check a global flag to see if dark mode is disabled for everything or not.

Because it is triggered on UIViewController loading it should automatically start up and disable dark mode by default. If this is not what you want, then you need to get in there somewhere early and set the flag, or else just set the default flag.

I haven't yet written anything to respond to the user turning the flag on or off. So this is basically example code. If we want the user to interact with this, all the view controllers will need to reload. I don't know how to do that offhand but probably sending some notification is going to do the trick. So right now, this global on/off for dark mode is only going to work at startup or restart of the app.

Now, it's not just enough to try to turn off dark mode in every single MFING viewController in your huge app. If you're using color assets you are completely boned. We for 10+ years have understood immutable objects to be immutable. Colors you get from the color asset catalog say they are UIColor but they are dynamic (mutable) colors and will change underneath you as the system changes from dark to light mode. That is supposed to be a feature. But of course there is no master toggle to ask these things to stop making this change (as far as I know right now, maybe someone can improve this).

So the solution is in two parts:

  1. a public category on UIViewController that gives some utility and convenience methods... for instance I don't think apple has thought about the fact that some of us mix in web code into our apps. As such we have stylesheets that need to be toggled based on dark or light mode. Thus, you either need to build some kind of a dynamic stylesheet object (which would be good) or just ask what the current state is (bad but easy).

  2. this category when it loads will replace the viewDidLoad method of the UIViewController class and intercept calls. I don't know if that breaks app store rules. If it does, there are other ways around that probably but you can consider it a proof of concept. You can for instance make one subclass of all the main view controller types and make all of your own view controllers inherit from those, and then you can use the DarkMode category idea and call into it to force opt out all of your view controllers. It is uglier but it is not going to break any rules. I prefer using the runtime because that's what the runtime was made to do. So in my version you just add the category, you set a global variable on the category for whether or not you want it to block dark mode, and it will do it.

  3. You are not out of the woods yet, as mentioned, the other problem is UIColor basically doing whatever the hell it wants. So even if your view controllers are blocking dark mode UIColor doesn't know where or how you're using it so can't adapt. As a result you can fetch it correctly but then it's going to revert on you at some point in the future. Maybe soon maybe later. So the way around that is by allocating it twice using a CGColor and turning it into a static color. This means if your user goes back and re-enables dark mode on your settings page (the idea here is to make this work so that the user has control over your app over and above the rest of the system), all of those static colors need replacing. So far this is left for someone else to solve. The easy ass way to do it is to make a default that you're opting out of dark mode, divide by zero to crash the app since you can't exit it and tell the user to just restart it. That probably violates app store guidelines as well but it's an idea.

The UIColor category doesn't need to be exposed, it just works calling colorNamed: ... if you didn't tell the DarkMode ViewController class to block dark mode, it will work perfectly nicely as expected. Trying to make something elegant instead of the standard apple sphaghetti code which is going to mean you're going to have to modify most of your app if you want to programatically opt out of dark mode or toggle it. Now I don't know if there is a better way of programatically altering the Info.plist to turn off dark mode as needed. As far as my understanding goes that's a compile time feature and after that you're boned.

So here is the code you need. Should be drop in and just use the one method to set the UI Style or set the default in the code. You are free to use, modify, do whatever you want with this for any purpose and no warranty is given and I don't know if it will pass the app store. Improvements very welcome.

Fair warning I don't use ARC or any other handholding methods.

////// H file

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIViewController(DarkMode)

// if you want to globally opt out of dark mode you call these before any view controllers load
// at the moment they will only take effect for future loaded view controllers, rather than currently
// loaded view controllers

// we are doing it like this so you don't have to fill your code with @availables() when you include this
typedef enum {
} QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle;

// the opposite condition is light interface mode
+ (void)setOverrideUserInterfaceMode:(QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)override;
+ (QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)overrideUserInterfaceMode;

// utility methods
// this will tell you if any particular view controller is operating in dark mode
- (BOOL)isUsingDarkInterfaceStyle;
// this will tell you if any particular view controller is operating in light mode mode
- (BOOL)isUsingLightInterfaceStyle;

// this is called automatically during all view controller loads to enforce a single style
- (void)tryToOverrideUserInterfaceStyle;


////// M file

//  QDarkMode.m

#import "UIViewController+DarkMode.h"
#import "q-runtime.h"

@implementation UIViewController(DarkMode)

typedef void (*void_method_imp_t) (id self, SEL cmd);
static void_method_imp_t _nativeViewDidLoad = NULL;
// we can't @available here because we're not in a method context
static long _override = -1;

+ (void)load;
#define DEFAULT_UI_STYLE UIUserInterfaceStyleLight
    // we won't mess around with anything that is not iOS 13 dark mode capable
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
        // default setting is to override into light style
        _override = DEFAULT_UI_STYLE;
         This doesn't work...
        NSUserDefaults *d = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults;
        [d setObject:@"Light" forKey:@"UIUserInterfaceStyle"];
        id uiStyle = [d objectForKey:@"UIUserInterfaceStyle"];
        if (!_nativeViewDidLoad) {
            Class targetClass = UIViewController.class;
            SEL targetSelector = @selector(viewDidLoad);
            SEL replacementSelector = @selector(_overrideModeViewDidLoad);
            _nativeViewDidLoad = (void_method_imp_t)QMethodImplementationForSEL(targetClass,targetSelector);
            QInstanceMethodOverrideFromClass(targetClass, targetSelector, targetClass, replacementSelector);

// we do it like this because it's not going to be set often, and it will be tested often
// so we can cache the value that we want to hand to the OS
+ (void)setOverrideUserInterfaceMode:(QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)style;
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)){
        switch(style) {
            case QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleLight: {
                _override = UIUserInterfaceStyleLight;
            } break;
            case QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleDark: {
                _override = UIUserInterfaceStyleDark;
            } break;
                /* FALLTHROUGH - more modes can go here*/
            case QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified: {
                _override = UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified;
            } break;
+ (QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)overrideUserInterfaceMode;
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)){
        switch(_override) {
            case UIUserInterfaceStyleLight: {
                return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleLight;
            } break;
            case UIUserInterfaceStyleDark: {
                return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleDark;
            } break;
                /* FALLTHROUGH */
            case UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified: {
                return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified;
            } break;
    } else {
        // we can't override anything below iOS 12
        return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified;

- (BOOL)isUsingDarkInterfaceStyle;
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
        if (self.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == UIUserInterfaceStyleDark){
            return YES;
    return NO;

- (BOOL)isUsingLightInterfaceStyle;
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
        if (self.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == UIUserInterfaceStyleLight){
            return YES;
        // if it's unspecified we should probably assume light mode, esp. iOS 12
    return YES;

- (void)tryToOverrideUserInterfaceStyle;
    // we have to check again or the compile will bitch
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
        [self setOverrideUserInterfaceStyle:(UIUserInterfaceStyle)_override];

// this method will be called via the viewDidLoad chain as we will patch it into the
// UIViewController class
- (void)_overrideModeViewDidLoad;
    if (_nativeViewDidLoad) {
    [self tryToOverrideUserInterfaceStyle];


// keep this in the same file, hidden away as it needs to switch on the global ... yeah global variables, I know, but viewDidLoad and colorNamed: are going to get called a ton and already it's adding some inefficiency to an already inefficient system ... you can change if you want to make it a class variable. 

// this is necessary because UIColor will also check the current trait collection when using asset catalogs
// so we need to repair colorNamed: and possibly other methods
@interface UIColor(DarkMode)

@implementation UIColor (DarkMode)

typedef UIColor *(*color_method_imp_t) (id self, SEL cmd, NSString *name);
static color_method_imp_t _nativeColorNamed = NULL;
+ (void)load;
    // we won't mess around with anything that is not iOS 13 dark mode capable
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
        // default setting is to override into light style
        if (!_nativeColorNamed) {
            // we need to call it once to force the color assets to load
            Class targetClass = UIColor.class;
            SEL targetSelector = @selector(colorNamed:);
            SEL replacementSelector = @selector(_overrideColorNamed:);
            _nativeColorNamed = (color_method_imp_t)QClassMethodImplementationForSEL(targetClass,targetSelector);
            QClassMethodOverrideFromClass(targetClass, targetSelector, targetClass, replacementSelector);

// basically the colors you get
// out of colorNamed: are dynamic colors... as the system traits change underneath you, the UIColor object you
// have will also change since we can't force override the system traits all we can do is force the UIColor
// that's requested to be allocated out of the trait collection, and then stripped of the dynamic info
// unfortunately that means that all colors throughout the app will be static and that is either a bug or
// a good thing since they won't respond to the system going in and out of dark mode
+ (UIColor *)_overrideColorNamed:(NSString *)string;
    UIColor *value = nil;
    if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
        value = _nativeColorNamed(self,@selector(colorNamed:),string);
        if (_override != UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified) {
            // the value we have is a dynamic color... we need to resolve against a chosen trait collection
            UITraitCollection *tc = [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithUserInterfaceStyle:_override];
            value = [value resolvedColorWithTraitCollection:tc];
    } else {
        // this is unreachable code since the method won't get patched in below iOS 13, so this
        // is left blank on purpose
    return value;

There is a set of utility functions that this uses for doing method swapping. Separate file. This is standard stuff though and you can find similar code anywhere.

// q-runtime.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import <stdatomic.h>

// returns the method implementation for the selector
extern IMP
QMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector);

// as above but gets class method
extern IMP
QClassMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector);

extern BOOL
QClassMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
                              Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector);

extern BOOL
QInstanceMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
                                 Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector);

// q-runtime.m

static BOOL
_QMethodOverride(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector, Method original, Method replacement)
    BOOL flag = NO;
    IMP imp = method_getImplementation(replacement);
    // we need something to work with
    if (replacement) {
        // if something was sitting on the SEL already
        if (original) {
            flag = method_setImplementation(original, imp) ? YES : NO;
            // if we're swapping, use this
            //method_exchangeImplementations(om, rm);
        } else {
            // not sure this works with class methods...
            // if it's not there we want to add it
            flag = YES;
            const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding(replacement);
            XLog_FB(red,black,@"Not sure this works...");
    return flag;

QInstanceMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
                                 Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector)
    BOOL flag = NO;
    if (targetClass && replacementClass) {
        Method om = class_getInstanceMethod(targetClass,targetSelector);
        Method rm = class_getInstanceMethod(replacementClass,replacementSelector);
        flag = _QMethodOverride(targetClass,targetSelector,om,rm);
    return flag;

QClassMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
                              Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector)
    BOOL flag = NO;
    if (targetClass && replacementClass) {
        Method om = class_getClassMethod(targetClass,targetSelector);
        Method rm = class_getClassMethod(replacementClass,replacementSelector);
        flag = _QMethodOverride(targetClass,targetSelector,om,rm);
    return flag;

QMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector)
    Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(aClass,aSelector);
    if (method) {
        return method_getImplementation(method);
    } else {
        return NULL;

QClassMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector)
    Method method = class_getClassMethod(aClass,aSelector);
    if (method) {
        return method_getImplementation(method);
    } else {
        return NULL;

I'm copying and pasting this out of a couple of files since the q-runtime.h is my reusable library and this is just a part of it. If something doesn't compile let me know.

Make a VStack fill the width of the screen in SwiftUI

Try using the .frame modifier with the following options:

.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .topLeading)
struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Text("Hello World").font(.title)
        }.frame(minWidth: 0,
                maxWidth: .infinity,
                minHeight: 0,
                maxHeight: .infinity,
                alignment: .topLeading

This is described as being a flexible frame (see the documentation), which will stretch to fill the whole screen, and when it has extra space it will center its contents inside of it.

Access blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check

CORS headers should be sent from the server. If you use PHP it will be like this:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: your-host');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: your-methods like POST,GET');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type or other');
header('Content-Type: application/json');

SwiftUI - How do I change the background color of a View?

like this

struct ContentView : View {
    @State var fullName: String = "yushuyi"
    var body: some View {        

Presenting modal in iOS 13 fullscreen

let Obj = MtViewController()
Obj.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
self.present(Obj, animated: true, completion: nil)

// if you want to disable swipe to dismiss on it, add line

Obj.isModalInPresentation = true

Check Apple Document for More info.

How to style components using makeStyles and still have lifecycle methods in Material UI?

Hi instead of using hook API, you should use Higher-order component API as mentioned here

I'll modify the example in the documentation to suit your need for class component

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';

const styles = theme => ({
  root: {
    background: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)',
    border: 0,
    borderRadius: 3,
    boxShadow: '0 3px 5px 2px rgba(255, 105, 135, .3)',
    color: 'white',
    height: 48,
    padding: '0 30px',

class HigherOrderComponentUsageExample extends React.Component {
    const { classes } = this.props;
    return (
      <Button className={classes.root}>This component is passed to an HOC</Button>

HigherOrderComponentUsageExample.propTypes = {
  classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default withStyles(styles)(HigherOrderComponentUsageExample);

Errors: Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'

Everyone is focusing on downgrading @angular-devkit/build-angular version to X, or upgrading @angular/cli version to Y or latest.

However, Please do not blindly suggest an X or Y or latest as answers. (Though usually, downgrading devkit should be better because upgrading CLI is a breaking change)

The correct version to choose, always depends on your Angular (angular-cli) version.

Angular CLI v8.3.19 -> 0.803.19
Angular CLI v8.3.17 -> 0.803.17
Angular CLI v7.3.8 -> 0.13.8
Angular CLI v6-lts -> 0.8.9

For other specific versions, visit: Find your CLI version, and in some tags, they do mention the corresponding versions for @angular-devkit/** packages.

Note: If you want to upgrade your CLI version, you should first consider upgrading to latest of your major version, do not simply jump to the next major version.

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension

I resolved this by clearing App Data.

Cypress documentation admits that App Data can get corrupted:

Cypress maintains some local application data in order to save user preferences and more quickly start up. Sometimes this data can become corrupted. You may fix an issue you have by clearing this app data.

  1. Open Cypress via cypress open
  2. Go to File -> View App Data
  3. This will take you to the directory in your file system where your App Data is stored. If you cannot open Cypress, search your file system for a directory named cy whose content should look something like this:


  1. Delete everything in the cy folder
  2. Close Cypress and open it up again


SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81

Chrome version is updating everyday so you need use exact chromedriver version according chrome version in this website you can download chromedrivers

error NG6002: Appears in the NgModule.imports of AppModule, but could not be resolved to an NgModule class

Restarting your server may not work always. I have got this error when I imported MatFormFieldModule.

In app.module.ts, I have imported MatFormField instead of MatFormFieldModule which lead to this error.

Now change it and restart the server, Hope this answer helps you.