Programs & Examples On #Spock

Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. The highly expressive specification language makes it easy to create and maintain the code.

Entity Framework Timeouts

This is what I've fund out. Maybe it will help to someone:

So here we go:

If You use LINQ with EF looking for some exact elements contained in the list like this:

await context.MyObject1.Include("MyObject2").Where(t => IdList.Contains(t.MyObjectId)).ToListAsync();

everything is going fine until IdList contains more than one Id.

The “timeout” problem comes out if the list contains just one Id. To resolve the issue use if condition to check number of ids in IdList.


if (IdList.Count == 1)
    result = await entities. MyObject1.Include("MyObject2").Where(t => IdList.FirstOrDefault()==t. MyObjectId).ToListAsync();
    result = await entities. MyObject1.Include("MyObject2").Where(t => IdList.Contains(t. MyObjectId)).ToListAsync();


Simply try to use Sql Profiler and check the Select statement generated by Entity frameeork. …

Sql Server return the value of identity column after insert statement

send an output parameter like

@newId int output

at the end use

    select @newId = Scope_Identity() 

     return @newId 

Dead simple example of using Multiprocessing Queue, Pool and Locking

The best solution for your problem is to utilize a Pool. Using Queues and having a separate "queue feeding" functionality is probably overkill.

Here's a slightly rearranged version of your program, this time with only 2 processes coralled in a Pool. I believe it's the easiest way to go, with minimal changes to original code:

import multiprocessing
import time

data = (
    ['a', '2'], ['b', '4'], ['c', '6'], ['d', '8'],
    ['e', '1'], ['f', '3'], ['g', '5'], ['h', '7']

def mp_worker((inputs, the_time)):
    print " Processs %s\tWaiting %s seconds" % (inputs, the_time)
    print " Process %s\tDONE" % inputs

def mp_handler():
    p = multiprocessing.Pool(2), data)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Note that mp_worker() function now accepts a single argument (a tuple of the two previous arguments) because the map() function chunks up your input data into sublists, each sublist given as a single argument to your worker function.


Processs a  Waiting 2 seconds
Processs b  Waiting 4 seconds
Process a   DONE
Processs c  Waiting 6 seconds
Process b   DONE
Processs d  Waiting 8 seconds
Process c   DONE
Processs e  Waiting 1 seconds
Process e   DONE
Processs f  Waiting 3 seconds
Process d   DONE
Processs g  Waiting 5 seconds
Process f   DONE
Processs h  Waiting 7 seconds
Process g   DONE
Process h   DONE

Edit as per @Thales comment below:

If you want "a lock for each pool limit" so that your processes run in tandem pairs, ala:

A waiting B waiting | A done , B done | C waiting , D waiting | C done, D done | ...

then change the handler function to launch pools (of 2 processes) for each pair of data:

def mp_handler():
    subdata = zip(data[0::2], data[1::2])
    for task1, task2 in subdata:
        p = multiprocessing.Pool(2), (task1, task2))

Now your output is:

 Processs a Waiting 2 seconds
 Processs b Waiting 4 seconds
 Process a  DONE
 Process b  DONE
 Processs c Waiting 6 seconds
 Processs d Waiting 8 seconds
 Process c  DONE
 Process d  DONE
 Processs e Waiting 1 seconds
 Processs f Waiting 3 seconds
 Process e  DONE
 Process f  DONE
 Processs g Waiting 5 seconds
 Processs h Waiting 7 seconds
 Process g  DONE
 Process h  DONE

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies

I've experienced similar problems with my ASP.NET Core projects. What happens is that the .config file in the bin/debug-folder is generated with this:

    <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

If I manually change the second bindingRedirect to this it works:

<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Not sure why this happens.

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 with .Net Core SDK 1.0.0-preview2-1-003177.

What is the difference between and localhost

Well, the most likely difference is that you still have to do an actual lookup of localhost somewhere.

If you use, then (intelligent) software will just turn that directly into an IP address and use it. Some implementations of gethostbyname will detect the dotted format (and presumably the equivalent IPv6 format) and not do a lookup at all.

Otherwise, the name has to be resolved. And there's no guarantee that your hosts file will actually be used for that resolution (first, or at all) so localhost may become a totally different IP address.

By that I mean that, on some systems, a local hosts file can be bypassed. The host.conf file controls this on Linux (and many other Unices).

Unable to install Maven on Windows: "JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory"

I had the same issue and none of the above answers fixed it for me because my env variables were all set. I had just reinstalled my Java.

What worked was to

  1. go to the C:\path\to\apache-maven-3.0.4\bin and open the mvn.bat file.
  2. Find the line that looks like this @SET JAVA_HOME=C:\progra~1\java\jdk1.7.0_03
  3. Correct it to the right path

I don't know if this is Windows specific, but it might help someone!

inner join in linq to entities

You can find a whole bunch of Linq examples in visual studio. Just select Help -> Samples, and then unzip the Linq samples.

Open the linq samples solution and open the LinqSamples.cs of the SampleQueries project.

The answer you are looking for is in method Linq14:

int[] numbersA = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 };
int[] numbersB = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 };

var pairs =
   from a in numbersA
   from b in numbersB
   where a < b
   select new {a, b};

AngularJS : ng-model binding not updating when changed with jQuery

Just use:


instead of:


Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?



While the rules in C++03 about when you need typename and template are largely reasonable, there is one annoying disadvantage of its formulation

template<typename T>
struct A {
  typedef int result_type;

  void f() {
    // error, "this" is dependent, "template" keyword needed

    // OK

    // error, "A<T>" is dependent, "typename" keyword needed
    A<T>::result_type n1;

    // OK
    result_type n2; 

  template<typename U>
  void g();

As can be seen, we need the disambiguation keyword even if the compiler could perfectly figure out itself that A::result_type can only be int (and is hence a type), and this->g can only be the member template g declared later (even if A is explicitly specialized somewhere, that would not affect the code within that template, so its meaning cannot be affected by a later specialization of A!).

Current instantiation

To improve the situation, in C++11 the language tracks when a type refers to the enclosing template. To know that, the type must have been formed by using a certain form of name, which is its own name (in the above, A, A<T>, ::A<T>). A type referenced by such a name is known to be the current instantiation. There may be multiple types that are all the current instantiation if the type from which the name is formed is a member/nested class (then, A::NestedClass and A are both current instantiations).

Based on this notion, the language says that CurrentInstantiation::Foo, Foo and CurrentInstantiationTyped->Foo (such as A *a = this; a->Foo) are all member of the current instantiation if they are found to be members of a class that is the current instantiation or one of its non-dependent base classes (by just doing the name lookup immediately).

The keywords typename and template are now not required anymore if the qualifier is a member of the current instantiation. A keypoint here to remember is that A<T> is still a type-dependent name (after all T is also type dependent). But A<T>::result_type is known to be a type - the compiler will "magically" look into this kind of dependent types to figure this out.

struct B {
  typedef int result_type;

template<typename T>
struct C { }; // could be specialized!

template<typename T>
struct D : B, C<T> {
  void f() {
    // OK, member of current instantiation!
    // A::result_type is not dependent: int
    D::result_type r1;

    // error, not a member of the current instantiation
    D::questionable_type r2;

    // OK for now - relying on C<T> to provide it
    // But not a member of the current instantiation
    typename D::questionable_type r3;        

That's impressive, but can we do better? The language even goes further and requires that an implementation again looks up D::result_type when instantiating D::f (even if it found its meaning already at definition time). When now the lookup result differs or results in ambiguity, the program is ill-formed and a diagnostic must be given. Imagine what happens if we defined C like this

struct C<int> {
  typedef bool result_type;
  typedef int questionable_type;

A compiler is required to catch the error when instantiating D<int>::f. So you get the best of the two worlds: "Delayed" lookup protecting you if you could get in trouble with dependent base classes, and also "Immediate" lookup that frees you from typename and template.

Unknown specializations

In the code of D, the name typename D::questionable_type is not a member of the current instantiation. Instead the language marks it as a member of an unknown specialization. In particular, this is always the case when you are doing DependentTypeName::Foo or DependentTypedName->Foo and either the dependent type is not the current instantiation (in which case the compiler can give up and say "we will look later what Foo is) or it is the current instantiation and the name was not found in it or its non-dependent base classes and there are also dependent base classes.

Imagine what happens if we had a member function h within the above defined A class template

void h() {
  typename A<T>::questionable_type x;

In C++03, the language allowed to catch this error because there could never be a valid way to instantiate A<T>::h (whatever argument you give to T). In C++11, the language now has a further check to give more reason for compilers to implement this rule. Since A has no dependent base classes, and A declares no member questionable_type, the name A<T>::questionable_type is neither a member of the current instantiation nor a member of an unknown specialization. In that case, there should be no way that that code could validly compile at instantiation time, so the language forbids a name where the qualifier is the current instantiation to be neither a member of an unknown specialization nor a member of the current instantiation (however, this violation is still not required to be diagnosed).

Examples and trivia

You can try this knowledge on this answer and see whether the above definitions make sense for you on a real-world example (they are repeated slightly less detailed in that answer).

The C++11 rules make the following valid C++03 code ill-formed (which was not intended by the C++ committee, but will probably not be fixed)

struct B { void f(); };
struct A : virtual B { void f(); };

template<typename T>
struct C : virtual B, T {
  void g() { this->f(); }

int main() { 
  C<A> c; c.g(); 

This valid C++03 code would bind this->f to A::f at instantiation time and everything is fine. C++11 however immediately binds it to B::f and requires a double-check when instantiating, checking whether the lookup still matches. However when instantiating C<A>::g, the Dominance Rule applies and lookup will find A::f instead.

How to find out what character key is pressed?

document.onkeypress = function(event){

Injecting @Autowired private field during testing

The accepted answer (use MockitoJUnitRunner and @InjectMocks) is great. But if you want something a little more lightweight (no special JUnit runner), and less "magical" (more transparent) especially for occasional use, you could just set the private fields directly using introspection.

If you use Spring, you already have a utility class for this : org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils

The use is quite straightforward :

ReflectionTestUtils.setField(myLauncher, "myService", myService);

The first argument is your target bean, the second is the name of the (usually private) field, and the last is the value to inject.

If you don't use Spring, it is quite trivial to implement such a utility method. Here is the code I used before I found this Spring class :

public static void setPrivateField(Object target, String fieldName, Object value){
            Field privateField = target.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
            privateField.set(target, value);
        }catch(Exception e){
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

What is the equivalent of Select Case in Access SQL?

You could do below:

iif ( OpeningBalance>=0 And OpeningBalance<=500 , 20, 

                  iif ( OpeningBalance>=5001 And OpeningBalance<=10000 , 30, 

                       iif ( OpeningBalance>=10001 And OpeningBalance<=20000 , 40, 

50 ) ) ) as commission
from table

Parse JSON with R

For the record, rjson and RJSONIO do change the file type, but they don't really parse per se. For instance, I receive ugly MongoDB data in JSON format, convert it with rjson or RJSONIO, then use unlist and tons of manual correction to actually parse it into a usable matrix.

REST API error return good practices

So at first I was tempted to return my application error with 200 OK and a specific XML payload (ie. Pay us more and you'll get the storage you need!) but I stopped to think about it and it seems to soapy (/shrug in horror).

I wouldn't return a 200 unless there really was nothing wrong with the request. From RFC2616, 200 means "the request has succeeded."

If the client's storage quota has been exceeded (for whatever reason), I'd return a 403 (Forbidden):

The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.

This tells the client that the request was OK, but that it failed (something a 200 doesn't do). This also gives you the opportunity to explain the problem (and its solution) in the response body.

What other specific error conditions did you have in mind?

Warning: Use the 'defaultValue' or 'value' props on <select> instead of setting 'selected' on <option>

In an instance where you want to set a placeholder and not have a default value be selected, you can use this option.

      <select defaultValue={'DEFAULT'} >
        <option value="DEFAULT" disabled>Choose a salutation ...</option>
        <option value="1">Mr</option>
        <option value="2">Mrs</option>
        <option value="3">Ms</option>
        <option value="4">Miss</option>
        <option value="5">Dr</option>

Here the user is forced to pick an option!


If this is a controlled component

In this case unfortunately you will have to use both defaultValue and value violating React a bit. This is because react by semantics does not allow setting a disabled value as active.

 function TheSelectComponent(props){
     let currentValue = props.curentValue || "DEFAULT";
      <select value={currentValue} defaultValue={'DEFAULT'} onChange={props.onChange}>
        <option value="DEFAULT" disabled>Choose a salutation ...</option>
        <option value="1">Mr</option>
        <option value="2">Mrs</option>
        <option value="3">Ms</option>
        <option value="4">Miss</option>
        <option value="5">Dr</option>

Char to int conversion in C

As others have suggested, but wrapped in a function:

int char_to_digit(char c) {
    return c - '0';

Now just use the function. If, down the line, you decide to use a different method, you just need to change the implementation (performance, charset differences, whatever), you wont need to change the callers.

This version assumes that c contains a char which represents a digit. You can check that before calling the function, using ctype.h's isdigit function.


For a start the first select has 6 columns and the second has 4 columns. Perhaps make both have the same number of columns (adding nulls?).

Plotting time-series with Date labels on x-axis

1) Since the times are dates be sure to use "Date" class, not "POSIXct" or "POSIXlt". See R News 4/1 for advice and try this where Lines is defined in the Note at the end. No packages are used here.

dm <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
dm$Date <- as.Date(dm$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(Visits ~ Date, dm, xaxt = "n", type = "l")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

The use of text = Lines is just to keep the example self-contained and in reality it would be replaced with something like "myfile.dat" . (continued after image)


2) Since this is a time series you may wish to use a time series representation giving slightly simpler code:


z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
plot(z, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, dm$Date, format(dm$Date, "%b %d"), cex.axis = .7)

Depending on what you want the plot to look like it may be sufficient just to use plot(Visits ~ Date, dm) in the first case or plot(z) in the second case suppressing the axis command entirely. It could also be done using xyplot.zoo


or autoplot.zoo:



Lines <- "Date            Visits
11/1/2010   696537
11/2/2010   718748
11/3/2010   799355
11/4/2010   805800
11/5/2010   701262
11/6/2010   531579
11/7/2010   690068
11/8/2010   756947
11/9/2010   718757
11/10/2010  701768
11/11/2010  820113
11/12/2010  645259"

How do I use ROW_NUMBER()?

For the first question, why not just use?


to get the count.

And for the second question, the primary key of the row is what should be used to identify a particular row. Don't try and use the row number for that.

If you returned Row_Number() in your main query,

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by Id) AS RowNumber, Field1, Field2, Field3

Then when you want to go 5 rows back then you can take the current row number and use the following query to determine the row with currentrow -5

     FROM User ) us 
WHERE Row = CurrentRow - 5   

How can I use std::maps with user-defined types as key?

You need to define operator < for the Class1.

Map needs to compare the values using operator < and hence you need to provide the same when user defined class are used as key.

class Class1
    Class1(int id);

    bool operator <(const Class1& rhs) const
        return id <;
    int id;

Converting dictionary to JSON

json.dumps() returns the JSON string representation of the python dict. See the docs

You can't do r['rating'] because r is a string, not a dict anymore

Perhaps you meant something like

r = {'is_claimed': 'True', 'rating': 3.5}
json = json.dumps(r) # note i gave it a different name

Selenium C# WebDriver: Wait until element is present

WebDriverWait won't take effect.

var driver = new FirefoxDriver(
    new FirefoxOptions().PageLoadStrategy = PageLoadStrategy.Eager
new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))
    .Until(d => d.FindElement(By.Id("xxx"))); // A tag that close to the end

This would immediately throw an exception once the page was "interactive". I don't know why, but the timeout acts as if it does not exist.

Perhaps SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers works, but I didn't try. It's official, but it was split out into another NuGet package. You can refer to C# Selenium 'ExpectedConditions is obsolete'.

I use FindElements and check Count == 0. If true, use await Task.Delay. It's really not quite efficient.

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?

A global Mutex is not only to ensure to have only one instance of an application. I personally prefer using Microsoft.VisualBasic to ensure single instance application like described in What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application? (Dale Ragan answer)... I found that's easier to pass arguments received on new application startup to the initial single instance application.

But regarding some previous code in this thread, I would prefer to not create a Mutex each time I want to have a lock on it. It could be fine for a single instance application but in other usage it appears to me has overkill.

That's why I suggest this implementation instead:


static MutexGlobal _globalMutex = null;
static MutexGlobal GlobalMutexAccessEMTP
        if (_globalMutex == null)
            _globalMutex = new MutexGlobal();
        return _globalMutex;

using (GlobalMutexAccessEMTP.GetAwaiter())

Mutex Global Wrapper:

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading;

namespace HQ.Util.General.Threading
    public class MutexGlobal : IDisposable
        // ************************************************************************
        public string Name { get; private set; }
        internal Mutex Mutex { get; private set; }
        public int DefaultTimeOut { get; set; }
        public Func<int, bool> FuncTimeOutRetry { get; set; }

        // ************************************************************************
        public static MutexGlobal GetApplicationMutex(int defaultTimeOut = Timeout.Infinite)
            return new MutexGlobal(defaultTimeOut, ((GuidAttribute)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), false).GetValue(0)).Value);

        // ************************************************************************
        public MutexGlobal(int defaultTimeOut = Timeout.Infinite, string specificName = null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(specificName))
                    Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    Name = specificName;

                Name = string.Format("Global\\{{{0}}}", Name);

                DefaultTimeOut = defaultTimeOut;

                FuncTimeOutRetry = DefaultFuncTimeOutRetry;

                var allowEveryoneRule = new MutexAccessRule(new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null), MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow);
                var securitySettings = new MutexSecurity();

                Mutex = new Mutex(false, Name, out bool createdNew, securitySettings);

                if (Mutex == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Unable to create mutex: {Name}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Log.Instance.AddEntry(Log.LogType.LogException, $"Unable to create Mutex: {Name}", ex);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOut"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MutexGlobalAwaiter GetAwaiter(int timeOut)
            return new MutexGlobalAwaiter(this, timeOut);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOut"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MutexGlobalAwaiter GetAwaiter()
            return new MutexGlobalAwaiter(this, DefaultTimeOut);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This method could either throw any user specific exception or return 
        /// true to retry. Otherwise, retruning false will let the thread continue
        /// and you should verify the state of MutexGlobalAwaiter.HasTimedOut to 
        /// take proper action depending on timeout or not. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOutUsed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DefaultFuncTimeOutRetry(int timeOutUsed)
            // throw new TimeoutException($"Mutex {Name} timed out {timeOutUsed}.");

            Log.Log.Instance.AddEntry(Log.LogType.LogWarning, $"Mutex {Name} timeout: {timeOutUsed}.");
            return true; // retry

        // ************************************************************************
        public void Dispose()
            if (Mutex != null)

        // ************************************************************************



using System;

namespace HQ.Util.General.Threading
    public class MutexGlobalAwaiter : IDisposable
        MutexGlobal _mutexGlobal = null;

        public bool HasTimedOut { get; set; } = false;

        internal MutexGlobalAwaiter(MutexGlobal mutexEx, int timeOut)
            _mutexGlobal = mutexEx;

                HasTimedOut = !_mutexGlobal.Mutex.WaitOne(timeOut, false);
                if (! HasTimedOut) // Signal received
            } while (_mutexGlobal.FuncTimeOutRetry(timeOut));

        #region IDisposable Support
        private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)

                // TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below.
                // TODO: set large fields to null.

                disposedValue = true;
        // TODO: override a finalizer only if Dispose(bool disposing) above has code to free unmanaged resources.
        // ~MutexExAwaiter()
        // {
        //   // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
        //   Dispose(false);
        // }

        // This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
        public void Dispose()
            // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
            // TODO: uncomment the following line if the finalizer is overridden above.
            // GC.SuppressFinalize(this);

Split by comma and strip whitespace in Python

Split using a regular expression. Note I made the case more general with leading spaces. The list comprehension is to remove the null strings at the front and back.

>>> import re
>>> string = "  blah, lots  ,  of ,  spaces, here "
>>> pattern = re.compile("^\s+|\s*,\s*|\s+$")
>>> print([x for x in pattern.split(string) if x])
['blah', 'lots', 'of', 'spaces', 'here']

This works even if ^\s+ doesn't match:

>>> string = "foo,   bar  "
>>> print([x for x in pattern.split(string) if x])
['foo', 'bar']

Here's why you need ^\s+:

>>> pattern = re.compile("\s*,\s*|\s+$")
>>> print([x for x in pattern.split(string) if x])
['  blah', 'lots', 'of', 'spaces', 'here']

See the leading spaces in blah?

Clarification: above uses the Python 3 interpreter, but results are the same in Python 2.

Programmatically switching between tabs within Swift

Just to update, following iOS 13, we now have SceneDelegates. So one might choose to put the desired tab selection in SceneDelegate.swift as follows:

class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func scene(_ scene: UIScene, 
               willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, 
               options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {

        guard let _ = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }

        if let tabBarController = self.window!.rootViewController as? UITabBarController {
            tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1


Java Error opening registry key

I followed multiple answers from above and got my issue resolved.


Javac was on 13 from jdk but java was using 1.8 from jre so java threw incompatible runtime error


  1. Under Control Panel -> Programs: I uninstalled 1.8 (named Java 8 runtime) and DID NOT touch the other one (named Java (TM) SE Development Kit 13)

  2. Deleted java.exe, javac.exe and javawc.exe files from: a. C:\Windows\system32 b. C:\Windows\SysWOW64 c. C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath

  3. The environment variable JDK_HOME was pointing to 13 but JAVA_HOME was pointing to 1.8 so i pointed JAVA_HOME to also use 13 which was C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.1

  4. There was a Path variable under both User variables and system variables sections. For the one in user variables section, i added the string %JDK_HOME% - which translated automatically to the physical path. For the one under system variables, I deleted the path C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath and added C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.1\bin

All good now! Thanks to all the people who answered, you rock!

Difference between char* and const char*?

char* is a mutable pointer to a mutable character/string.

const char* is a mutable pointer to an immutable character/string. You cannot change the contents of the location(s) this pointer points to. Also, compilers are required to give error messages when you try to do so. For the same reason, conversion from const char * to char* is deprecated.

char* const is an immutable pointer (it cannot point to any other location) but the contents of location at which it points are mutable.

const char* const is an immutable pointer to an immutable character/string.

How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?

  1. Create a new project..
  2. Right Click on your project..
  3. Select Build path --> Configure Build Path
  4. Under source tab choose link source, your .java files containing folder..

I am suggesting this since none of the methods that you tried have worked ---FYI

Use jquery click to handle anchor onClick()

You are assigning an onclick event inside an function. That means once the function has executed once, the second onclick event is assigned to the element as well.

Either assign the function onclick or use jquery click().

There's no need to have both

findViewByID returns null

My fix was to just clean the project.

How do I open phone settings when a button is clicked?

Using @vivek's hint I develop an utils class based on Swift 3, hope you appreciate!

import Foundation
import UIKit

public enum PreferenceType: String {

    case about = "General&path=About"
    case accessibility = "General&path=ACCESSIBILITY"
    case airplaneMode = "AIRPLANE_MODE"
    case autolock = "General&path=AUTOLOCK"
    case cellularUsage = "General&path=USAGE/CELLULAR_USAGE"
    case brightness = "Brightness"
    case bluetooth = "Bluetooth"
    case dateAndTime = "General&path=DATE_AND_TIME"
    case facetime = "FACETIME"
    case general = "General"
    case keyboard = "General&path=Keyboard"
    case castle = "CASTLE"
    case storageAndBackup = "CASTLE&path=STORAGE_AND_BACKUP"
    case international = "General&path=INTERNATIONAL"
    case locationServices = "LOCATION_SERVICES"
    case accountSettings = "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS"
    case music = "MUSIC"
    case equalizer = "MUSIC&path=EQ"
    case volumeLimit = "MUSIC&path=VolumeLimit"
    case network = "General&path=Network"
    case nikePlusIPod = "NIKE_PLUS_IPOD"
    case notes = "NOTES"
    case notificationsId = "NOTIFICATIONS_ID"
    case phone = "Phone"
    case photos = "Photos"
    case managedConfigurationList = "General&path=ManagedConfigurationList"
    case reset = "General&path=Reset"
    case ringtone = "Sounds&path=Ringtone"
    case safari = "Safari"
    case assistant = "General&path=Assistant"
    case sounds = "Sounds"
    case softwareUpdateLink = "General&path=SOFTWARE_UPDATE_LINK"
    case store = "STORE"
    case twitter = "TWITTER"
    case facebook = "FACEBOOK"
    case usage = "General&path=USAGE"
    case video = "VIDEO"
    case vpn = "General&path=Network/VPN"
    case wallpaper = "Wallpaper"
    case wifi = "WIFI"
    case tethering = "INTERNET_TETHERING"
    case blocked = "Phone&path=Blocked"
    case doNotDisturb = "DO_NOT_DISTURB"


enum PreferenceExplorerError: Error {
    case notFound(String)

open class PreferencesExplorer {

    // MARK: - Class properties -

    static private let preferencePath = "App-Prefs:root"

    // MARK: - Class methods -

    static func open(_ preferenceType: PreferenceType) throws {
        let appPath = "\(PreferencesExplorer.preferencePath)=\(preferenceType.rawValue)"
        if let url = URL(string: appPath) {
            if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
      , options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
            } else {
        } else {
            throw PreferenceExplorerError.notFound(appPath)


This is very helpful since that API's will change for sure and you can refactor once and very fast!

How can I customize the tab-to-space conversion factor?

I'm running version 1.21, but I think this may apply to earlier versions as well.

Take a look at the bottom right-hand side of the screen. You should see something that says Spaces or Tab-Size.

Mine shows spaces, →

Enter image description here

  1. Click on the Spaces (or Tab-Size)
  2. Choose Indent Using Spaces or Indent using Tabs
  3. Select the amount of spaces or tabs you like.

This only works per document, not project-wide. If you want to apply it project-wide, you need to also add "editor.detectIndentation": false to your user settings.

iOS - Build fails with CocoaPods cannot find header files

I've found that including the library as a pod install directly helps dynamic libraries. For example, for Firebase:

pod 'RNFirebase', :path => 'path/to/node_modules/react-native-firebase/ios'

Or for ASLogger:

pod 'ASLogger', :path => 'path/to/node_modules/aslogger/ios' // path to header files

Changing or hardcoding HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS did not help me. If the error ever recurs, it's not necessary to rm -rf node_modules nor delete the pod file etc, I found it useful to clear the cache.

For react-native, I run

    rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-native-packager-cache-*
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-bundler-cache-*
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-* 
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* 
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/haste-*
    rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"
    npm start -- --reset-cache

For Xcode I remove folders in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

How to stop event bubbling on checkbox click

Here's a trick that worked for me:

handleClick = e => {
    if ( === e.currentTarget) {
        // do something
    } else {
        // do something else

Explanation: I attached handleClick to a backdrop of a modal window, but it also fired on every click inside of a modal window (because it was IN the backdrop div). So I added the condition ( === e.currentTarget), which is only fulfilled when a backdrop is clicked.

here-document gives 'unexpected end of file' error

Note one can also get this error if you do this;

while read line; do
  echo $line
done << somefile

Because << somefile should read < somefile in this case.

Reset AutoIncrement in SQL Server after Delete

You do not want to do this in general. Reseed can create data integrity problems. It is really only for use on development systems where you are wiping out all test data and starting over. It should not be used on a production system in case all related records have not been deleted (not every table that should be in a foreign key relationship is!). You can create a mess doing this and especially if you mean to do it on a regular basis after every delete. It is a bad idea to worry about gaps in you identity field values.

Code for printf function in C

Here's the GNU version of printf... you can see it passing in stdout to vfprintf:

__printf (const char *format, ...)
   va_list arg;
   int done;

   va_start (arg, format);
   done = vfprintf (stdout, format, arg);
   va_end (arg);

   return done;

See here.

Here's a link to vfprintf... all the formatting 'magic' happens here.

The only thing that's truly 'different' about these functions is that they use varargs to get at arguments in a variable length argument list. Other than that, they're just traditional C. (This is in contrast to Pascal's printf equivalent, which is implemented with specific support in the compiler... at least it was back in the day.)

Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined

Sounds like it might be a realative uri. I ran into this problem when doing cross-browser Silverlight; on my blog I mentioned a workaround: pass a "context" uri as the first parameter.

If the uri is realtive, the context uri is used to create a full uri. If the uri is absolute, then the context uri is ignored.

EDIT: You need a "scheme" in the uri, e.g., "ftp://" or "http://"

Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment

I just read the Javadoc 1.5 reference here, and only the code with <and > must be enclosed inside {@code ...}. Here a simple example:

 * Bla bla bla, for example:
 * <pre>
 * void X() {
 *    List{@code <String>} a = ...;
 *    ...
 * }
 * </pre>
 * @param ...
 * @return ...
 .... your code then goes here ...

Android: How to enable/disable option menu item on button click?

If visible menu


If hide menu


JavaScript for handling Tab Key press

You should be able to do this with the keyup event. To be specific, should point at the selected element and will give you the href-value of that element. See mdn for more information.

The following code is jQuery, but apart from the boilerplate code, the rest is the same in pure javascript. This is a keyup handler that is bound to every link tag.

$('a').on( 'keyup', function( e ) {
    if( e.which == 9 ) {
        console.log( );
} );


How to use font-family lato?

Download it from here and extract LatoOFL.rar then go to TTF and open this font-face-generator click at Choose File choose font which you want to use and click at generate then download it and then go html file open it and you see the code like this

@font-face {
        font-family: "Lato Black";
        src: url('698242188-Lato-Bla.eot');
        src: url('698242188-Lato-Bla.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('698242188-Lato-Bla.svg#Lato Black') format('svg'),
        url('698242188-Lato-Bla.woff') format('woff'),
        url('698242188-Lato-Bla.ttf') format('truetype');
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;
    font-family: "Lato Black";
    direction: ltr;

change the src code and give the url where your this font directory placed, now you can use it at your website...

If you don't want to download it use this

<link type='text/css' href=',700' />

strcpy() error in Visual studio 2012

A quick fix is to add the _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS definition to your project's settings

Right-click your C++ and chose the "Properties" item to get to the properties window.

Now follow and expand to, "Configuration Properties"->"C/C++"->"Preprocessor"->"Preprocessor definitions".

In the "Preprocessor definitions" add


but it would be a good idea to add


as to inherit predefined definitions

IMHO & for the most part this is a good approach.

Check if an excel cell exists on another worksheet in a column - and return the contents of a different column

You can use following formulas.

For Excel 2007 or later:


For Excel 2003:

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D3,List!A:A, 0)), "No Match", VLOOKUP(D3,List!A:C,3,FALSE))

Note, that

  • I'm using List!A:C in VLOOKUP and returns value from column ? 3
  • I'm using 4th argument for VLOOKUP equals to FALSE, in that case VLOOKUP will only find an exact match, and the values in the first column of List!A:C do not need to be sorted (opposite to case when you're using TRUE).

How to create a md5 hash of a string in C?

All of the existing answers use the deprecated MD5Init(), MD5Update(), and MD5Final().

Instead, use EVP_DigestInit_ex(), EVP_DigestUpdate(), and EVP_DigestFinal_ex(), e.g.

// example.c
// gcc example.c -lssl -lcrypto -o example

#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void bytes2md5(const char *data, int len, char *md5buf) {
  // Based on
  EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
  const EVP_MD *md = EVP_md5();
  unsigned char md_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
  unsigned int md_len, i;
  EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, md, NULL);
  EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, data, len);
  EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, md_value, &md_len);
  for (i = 0; i < md_len; i++) {
    snprintf(&(md5buf[i * 2]), 16 * 2, "%02x", md_value[i]);

int main(void) {
  const char *hello = "hello";
  char md5[33]; // 32 characters + null terminator
  bytes2md5(hello, strlen(hello), md5);
  printf("%s\n", md5);

Sending Windows key using SendKeys

SetForegroundWindow( /* window to gain focus */ );
SendKeys.SendWait("^{ESC}"); // ^{ESC} is code for ctrl + esc which mimics the windows key.

How to Delete Session Cookie?

you can do this by setting the date of expiry to yesterday.

My new set of posts about cookies in JavaScript could help you.

Can an Android App connect directly to an online mysql database

you can definitely make such application, you need to make http conection to the database, by calling a php script which will in response run specific queries according to your project, and generated the result in the form of xml, or json formate , whihc can be displayed on your android application!. for complete tutorial on how to connect android application to mysql i would recommend to check out this tutorila

CSS: create white glow around image

@tamir; you cna do it with css3 property.

-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 5px #f2e1f2;
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 5px #f2e1f2;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 5px #f2e1f2; 

check the fiddle & your can generate from here

If you need it to work in older versions of IE, you can use CSS3 PIE to emulate the box-shadow in those browsers & you can use filter as kyle said like this

filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Glow(color='red', Strength='5')

you can generate your filter from here

Make a bucket public in Amazon S3

Amazon provides a policy generator tool:

After that, you can enter the policy requirements for the bucket on the AWS console:

Fastest way to convert an iterator to a list

@Robino was suggesting to add some tests which make sense, so here is a simple benchmark between 3 possible ways (maybe the most used ones) to convert an iterator to a list:

  1. by type constructor


  1. by unpacking


  1. using list comprehension

[e for e in my_iterator]

I have been using simple_bechmark library

from simple_benchmark import BenchmarkBuilder
from heapq import nsmallest

b = BenchmarkBuilder()

def convert_by_type_constructor(size):

def convert_by_list_comprehension(size):
    [e for e in iter(range(size))]

def convert_by_unpacking(size):

@b.add_arguments('Convert an iterator to a list')
def argument_provider():
    for exp in range(2, 22):
        size = 2**exp
        yield size, size

r =

enter image description here

As you can see there is very hard to make a difference between conversion by the constructor and conversion by unpacking, conversion by list comprehension is the “slowest” approach.

I have been testing also across different Python versions (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9) by using the following simple script:

import argparse
import timeit

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Test convert iterator to list')
    '--size', help='The number of elements from iterator')

args = parser.parse_args()

size = int(args.size)
repeat_number = 10000

# do not wait too much if the size is too big
if size > 10000:
    repeat_number = 100

def test_convert_by_type_constructor():

def test_convert_by_list_comprehension():
    [e for e in iter(range(size))]

def test_convert_by_unpacking():

def get_avg_time_in_ms(func):
    avg_time = timeit.timeit(func, number=repeat_number) * 1000 / repeat_number
    return round(avg_time, 6)

funcs = [test_convert_by_type_constructor,
         test_convert_by_unpacking, test_convert_by_list_comprehension]

print(*map(get_avg_time_in_ms, funcs))

The script will be executed via a subprocess from a Jupyter Notebook (or a script), the size parameter will be passed through command-line arguments and the script results will be taken from standard output.

from subprocess import PIPE, run

import pandas

simple_data = {'constructor': [], 'unpacking': [], 'comprehension': [],
        'size': [], 'python version': []}

size_test = 100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000
for version in ['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9']:
    print('test for python', version)
    for size in size_test:
        command = [f'python{version}', '', f'--size={size}']
        result = run(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
        constructor, unpacking,  comprehension = result.stdout.split()
        simple_data['python version'].append(version)

df_ = pandas.DataFrame(simple_data)

enter image description here

You can get my full notebook from here.

In most of the cases, in my tests, unpacking shows to be faster, but the difference is so small that the results may change from a run to the other. Again, the comprehension approach is the slowest, in fact, the other 2 methods are up to ~ 60% faster.

socket.error:[errno 99] cannot assign requested address and namespace in python

This error will also appear if you try to connect to an exposed port from within a Docker container, when nothing is actively serving the port.

On a host where nothing is listening/bound to that port you'd get a No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it error instead when making a request to a local URL that is not served, eg: localhost:5000. However, if you start a container that binds to the port, but there is no server running inside of it actually serving the port, any requests to that port on localhost will result in:

  • [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address (if called from within the container), or
  • [Errno 0] Error (if called from outside of the container).

You can reproduce this error and the behaviour described above as follows:

Start a dummy container (note: this will pull the python image if not found locally):

docker run --name serv1 -p 5000:5000 -dit python

Then for [Errno 0] Error enter a Python console on host, while for [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address access a Python console on the container by calling:

docker exec -it -u 0 serv1 python

And then in either case call:

import urllib.request

I concluded with treating either of these errors as equivalent to No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it rather than trying to fix their cause - although please advise if that's a bad idea.

I've spent over a day figuring this one out, given that all resources and answers I could find on the [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address point in the direction of binding to an occupied port, connecting to an invalid IP, sysctl conflicts, docker network issues, TIME_WAIT being incorrect, and many more things. Therefore I wanted to leave this answer here, despite not being a direct answer to the question at hand, given that it can be a common cause for the error described in this question.

When do items in HTML5 local storage expire?

// Functions
function removeHtmlStorage(name) {

function setHtmlStorage(name, value, expires) {

    if (expires==undefined || expires=='null') { var expires = 3600; } // default: 1h

    var date = new Date();
    var schedule = Math.round((date.setSeconds(date.getSeconds()+expires))/1000);

    localStorage.setItem(name, value);
    localStorage.setItem(name+'_time', schedule);

function statusHtmlStorage(name) {

    var date = new Date();
    var current = Math.round(+date/1000);

    // Get Schedule
    var stored_time = localStorage.getItem(name+'_time');
    if (stored_time==undefined || stored_time=='null') { var stored_time = 0; }

    // Expired
    if (stored_time < current) {

        // Remove

        return 0;

    } else {

        return 1;

// Status
var cache_status = statusHtmlStorage('cache_name');

// Has Data
if (cache_status == 1) {

    // Get Cache
    var data = localStorage.getItem('cache_name');

// Expired or Empty Cache
} else {

    // Get Data
    var data = 'Pay in cash :)';

    // Set Cache (30 seconds)
    if (cache) { setHtmlStorage('cache_name', data, 30); }


npm install doesn't create node_modules directory

my problem was to copy the whole source files contains .idea directory and my webstorm terminal commands were run on the original directory of the source
I delete the .idea directory and it worked fine

How to check Spark Version

Addition to @Binary Nerd

If you are using Spark, use the following to get the Spark version:

spark-submit --version


Login to the Cloudera Manager and goto Hosts page then run inspect hosts in cluster

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE"

Run package declaration and body separately.

What is the difference between require and require-dev sections in composer.json?

Note the require-dev (root-only) !

which means that the require-dev section is only valid when your package is the root of the entire project. I.e. if you run composer update from your package folder.

If you develop a plugin for some main project, that has it's own composer.json, then your require-dev section will be completely ignored! If you need your developement dependencies, you have to move your require-dev to composer.json in main project.

Can't use System.Windows.Forms

To add the reference to "System.Windows.Forms", it seems to be a little different for Visual Studio Community 2017.

1) Go to solution explorer and select references

enter image description here

2) Right-click and select Add references enter image description here

3) In Assemblies, check System.Windows.Forms and press ok

enter image description here

4) That's it.

Configuration Error: <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"> ASP.NET MVC3

How are you running the application? Are you just hitting the website or are you building and running from within Visual Studio? If you are building and running you may want to tell it to use the local IIS web server. This would make sure it is using the App Pool you have set up to run with v4.0/integrated.

I am guessing that it is using the Visual Studio Development Server when running. This server is probably trying to run with the 2.0 framework. This then causes your error to be thrown.

Edit: To note, I normally just build my website application and then I attach to process w3wp when I want to debug. I do not use the publishing tool. Of course this means my local working directory is within the web root.

Find if value in column A contains value from column B?

You can try this. :) simple solution!


Check the current number of connections to MongoDb

Also some more details on the connections with: db.currentOp(true)

Taken from:

Can you get the column names from a SqlDataReader?

Already mentioned. Just a LINQ answer:

var columns = reader.GetSchemaTable().Rows
                                     .Select(r => (string)r["ColumnName"])


var columns = Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount)

The second one is cleaner and much faster. Even if you cache GetSchemaTable in the first approach, the querying is going to be very slow.

string.IsNullOrEmpty(string) vs. string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string)

string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) - if you'd like to check string value has been provided

string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) - basically this is already a sort of business logic implementation (i.e. why " " is bad, but something like "~~" is good).

My advice - do not mix business logic with technical checks. So, for example, string.IsNullOrEmpty is the best to use at the beginning of methods to check their input parameters.

How to format JSON in notepad++

Always google so you can locate the latest package for both NPP and NPP Plugins.

I googled "notepad++ 64bit". Downloaded the free latest version at Notepad++ (64-bit) - Free download and software. Installed notepad++ by double-click on npp.?.?.?.Installer.x64.exe, installed the .exe to default Windows 64bit path which is, "C:\Program Files".

Then, I googled "notepad++ 64 json viewer plug". Knowing SourceForge.Net is a renowned download site, downloaded JSToolNpp [email protected]. I unzipped and copied JSMinNPP.dll to notePad++ root dir.

I loaded my newly installed notepad++ 64bit. I went to Settings and selected [import plug-in]. I pointed to the location of JSMinNPP.dll and clicked open.

I reloaded notepad++, went to PlugIns menu. To format one-line json string to multi-line json doc, I clicked JSTool->JSFormat or reverse multi-line json doc to one-line json string by JSTool->JSMin (json-Minified)!

All items are in this picture.

Is if(document.getElementById('something')!=null) identical to if(document.getElementById('something'))?

A reference to an element will never look "falsy", so leaving off the explicit null check is safe.

Javascript will treat references to some values in a boolean context as false: undefined, null, numeric zero and NaN, and empty strings. But what getElementById returns will either be an element reference, or null. Thus if the element is in the DOM, the return value will be an object reference, and all object references are true in an if () test. If the element is not in the DOM, the return value would be null, and null is always false in an if () test.

It's harmless to include the comparison, but personally I prefer to keep out bits of code that don't do anything because I figure every time my finger hits the keyboard I might be introducing a bug :)

Note that those using jQuery should not do this:

if ($('#something')) { /* ... */ }

because the jQuery function will always return something "truthy" — even if no element is found, jQuery returns an object reference. Instead:

if ($('#something').length) { /* ... */ }

edit — as to checking the value of an element, no, you can't do that at the same time as you're checking for the existence of the element itself directly with DOM methods. Again, most frameworks make that relatively simple and clean, as others have noted in their answers.

Why so red? IntelliJ seems to think every declaration/method cannot be found/resolved

Check that you have a proper JVM SDK setting in IntelliJ Properties. If invalidate-cache-and-restart isn't enough, check that your are using the proper JVM SDK, such as Java 1.7.

Look in: Preferences -> IDE Settings -> Scala -> JVM SDK

Or right click your project -> Open Module Settings -> Project Settings -> Project -> Project SDK -> (Set to Java 1.7)

Open Module Settings -> Platform Settings -> SDKs -> (Ensure that there is a Java 1.7, otherwise you'll need to add it)

If you've made a change, then it's probably best to re-run Invalidate Cache & Restart.

How to align absolutely positioned element to center?

Have you tried using?:

margin-left:-[half the width] /* As pointed out on the comments by Chetan Sastry */

Not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a try...

Minor edit: Added the margin-left part, as pointed out on the comments by Chetan...

Using Service to run background and create notification

The question is relatively old, but I hope this post still might be relevant for others.

TL;DR: use AlarmManager to schedule a task, use IntentService, see the sample code here;

What this test-application(and instruction) is about:

Simple helloworld app, which sends you notification every 2 hours. Clicking on notification - opens secondary Activity in the app; deleting notification tracks.

When should you use it:

Once you need to run some task on a scheduled basis. My own case: once a day, I want to fetch new content from server, compose a notification based on the content I got and show it to user.

What to do:

  1. First, let's create 2 activities: MainActivity, which starts notification-service and NotificationActivity, which will be started by clicking notification:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
            android:text="Start Sending Notifications Every 2 Hours!" />

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        public void onSendNotificationsButtonClick(View view) {

    and NotificationActivity is any random activity you can come up with. NB! Don't forget to add both activities into AndroidManifest.

  2. Then let's create WakefulBroadcastReceiver broadcast receiver, I called NotificationEventReceiver in code above.

    Here, we'll set up AlarmManager to fire PendingIntent every 2 hours (or with any other frequency), and specify the handled actions for this intent in onReceive() method. In our case - wakefully start IntentService, which we'll specify in the later steps. This IntentService would generate notifications for us.

    Also, this receiver would contain some helper-methods like creating PendintIntents, which we'll use later

    NB1! As I'm using WakefulBroadcastReceiver, I need to add extra-permission into my manifest: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

    NB2! I use it wakeful version of broadcast receiver, as I want to ensure, that the device does not go back to sleep during my IntentService's operation. In the hello-world it's not that important (we have no long-running operation in our service, but imagine, if you have to fetch some relatively huge files from server during this operation). Read more about Device Awake here.

    public class NotificationEventReceiver extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver {
        private static final int NOTIFICATIONS_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS = 2;
        public static void setupAlarm(Context context) {
            AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
            PendingIntent alarmIntent = getStartPendingIntent(context);
                    getTriggerAt(new Date()),
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String action = intent.getAction();
            Intent serviceIntent = null;
            if (ACTION_START_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE.equals(action)) {
                Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onReceive from alarm, starting notification service");
                serviceIntent = NotificationIntentService.createIntentStartNotificationService(context);
            } else if (ACTION_DELETE_NOTIFICATION.equals(action)) {
                Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onReceive delete notification action, starting notification service to handle delete");
                serviceIntent = NotificationIntentService.createIntentDeleteNotification(context);
            if (serviceIntent != null) {
                startWakefulService(context, serviceIntent);
        private static long getTriggerAt(Date now) {
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            //calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, NOTIFICATIONS_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS);
            return calendar.getTimeInMillis();
        private static PendingIntent getStartPendingIntent(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationEventReceiver.class);
            return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
        public static PendingIntent getDeleteIntent(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationEventReceiver.class);
            return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
  3. Now let's create an IntentService to actually create notifications.

    There, we specify onHandleIntent() which is responses on NotificationEventReceiver's intent we passed in startWakefulService method.

    If it's Delete action - we can log it to our analytics, for example. If it's Start notification intent - then by using NotificationCompat.Builder we're composing new notification and showing it by NotificationManager.notify. While composing notification, we are also setting pending intents for click and remove actions. Fairly Easy.

    public class NotificationIntentService extends IntentService {
        private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1;
        private static final String ACTION_START = "ACTION_START";
        private static final String ACTION_DELETE = "ACTION_DELETE";
        public NotificationIntentService() {
        public static Intent createIntentStartNotificationService(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationIntentService.class);
            return intent;
        public static Intent createIntentDeleteNotification(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationIntentService.class);
            return intent;
        protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
            Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onHandleIntent, started handling a notification event");
            try {
                String action = intent.getAction();
                if (ACTION_START.equals(action)) {
                if (ACTION_DELETE.equals(action)) {
            } finally {
        private void processDeleteNotification(Intent intent) {
            // Log something?
        private void processStartNotification() {
            // Do something. For example, fetch fresh data from backend to create a rich notification?
            final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
            builder.setContentTitle("Scheduled Notification")
                    .setContentText("This notification has been triggered by Notification Service")
            PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this,
                    new Intent(this, NotificationActivity.class),
            final NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
  4. Almost done. Now I also add broadcast receiver for BOOT_COMPLETED, TIMEZONE_CHANGED, and TIME_SET events to re-setup my AlarmManager, once device has been rebooted or timezone has changed (For example, user flown from USA to Europe and you don't want notification to pop up in the middle of the night, but was sticky to the local time :-) ).

    public final class NotificationServiceStarterReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
  5. We need to also register all our services, broadcast receivers in AndroidManifest:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android=""
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
            <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                android:exported="false" />
            <receiver android:name=".broadcast_receivers.NotificationEventReceiver" />
            <receiver android:name=".broadcast_receivers.NotificationServiceStarterReceiver">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIME_SET" />

That's it!

The source code for this project you can find here. I hope, you will find this post helpful.

How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

To expand on Kevin's answer.

    private bool CustomViewExists(string viewName)
        using (SalesPad.Data.DataConnection dc = yourconnection)
            System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(String.Format(@"IF EXISTS(select * FROM sys.views where name = '{0}')
                Select 1
                Select 0", viewName));
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            return Convert.ToBoolean(dc.ExecuteScalar(cmd));

How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?

Everyone is talking about how to escape ' in a '-quoted string literal. There's a much bigger issue here: single-quoted string literals aren't valid JSON. JSON is based on JavaScript, but it's not the same thing. If you're writing an object literal inside JavaScript code, fine; if you actually need JSON, you need to use ".

With double-quoted strings, you won't need to escape the '. (And if you did want a literal " in the string, you'd use \".)

Display a table/list data dynamically in MVC3/Razor from a JsonResult?

The normal way of doing it is:

  • You get the users from the database in controller.
  • You send a collection of users to the View
  • In the view to loop the list of users building the list.

You don't need a JsonResult or jQuery for this.

How to get detailed list of connections to database in sql server 2005?

As @Hutch pointed out, one of the major limitations of sp_who2 is that it does not take any parameters so you cannot sort or filter it by default. You can save the results into a temp table, but then the you have to declare all the types ahead of time (and remember to DROP TABLE).

Instead, you can just go directly to the source on master.dbo.sysprocesses

I've constructed this to output almost exactly the same thing that sp_who2 generates, except that you can easily add ORDER BY and WHERE clauses to get meaningful output.

SELECT  spid,
        loginame [Login],
        blocked BlkBy, DBName, 
        cmd Command,
        cpu CPUTime,
        physical_io DiskIO,
        last_batch LastBatch,
        [program_name] ProgramName   
FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses sp 
JOIN master.dbo.sysdatabases sd ON sp.dbid = sd.dbid
ORDER BY spid 

Formatting PowerShell Get-Date inside string

You can use the -f operator

$a = "{0:D}" -f (get-date)
$a = "{0:dddd}" -f (get-date)

Spécificator    Type                                Example (with [datetime]::now)
d   Short date                                        26/09/2002
D   Long date                                       jeudi 26 septembre 2002
t   Short Hour                                      16:49
T   Long Hour                                       16:49:31
f   Date and hour                                   jeudi 26 septembre 2002 16:50
F   Long Date and hour                              jeudi 26 septembre 2002 16:50:51
g   Default Date                                    26/09/2002 16:52
G   Long default Date and hour                      26/09/2009 16:52:12
M   Month Symbol                                    26 septembre
r   Date string RFC1123                             Sat, 26 Sep 2009 16:54:50 GMT
s   Sortable string date                            2009-09-26T16:55:58
u   Sortable string date universal local hour       2009-09-26 16:56:49Z
U   Sortable string date universal GMT hour         samedi 26 septembre 2009 14:57:22 (oups)
Y   Year symbol                                     septembre 2002

Spécificator    Type                       Example      Output Example
dd              Jour                       {0:dd}       10
ddd             Name of the day            {0:ddd}      Jeu.
dddd            Complet name of the day    {0:dddd}     Jeudi
f, ff, …        Fractions of seconds       {0:fff}      932
gg, …           position                   {0:gg}       ap. J.-C.
hh              Hour two digits            {0:hh}       10
HH              Hour two digits (24 hours) {0:HH}       22
mm              Minuts 00-59               {0:mm}       38
MM              Month 01-12                {0:MM}       12
MMM             Month shortcut             {0:MMM}      Sep.
MMMM            complet name of the month  {0:MMMM}     Septembre
ss              Seconds 00-59              {0:ss}       46
tt              AM or PM                   {0:tt}       ““
yy              Years, 2 digits            {0:yy}       02
yyyy            Years                      {0:yyyy}     2002
zz              Time zone, 2 digits        {0:zz}       +02
zzz             Complete Time zone         {0:zzz}      +02:00
:               Separator                  {0:hh:mm:ss}     10:43:20
/               Separator                  {0:dd/MM/yyyy}   10/12/2002

<embed> vs. <object>

Embed is not a standard tag, though object is. Here's an article that looks like it will help you, since it seems the situation is not so simple. An example for PDF is included.

Assign command output to variable in batch file

A method has already been devised, however this way you don't need a temp file.

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('command') do set output=%%i

However, I'm sure this has its own exceptions and limitations.

Scroll to bottom of div with Vue.js

I had the same need in my app (with complex nested components structure) and I unfortunately did not succeed to make it work.

Finally I used vue-scrollto that works fine !

Select all from table with Laravel and Eloquent

You simply call


//example usage.
$posts = Blog::all();

$posts->each(function($post) // foreach($posts as $post) { }
    //do something

from anywhere in your application.

Reading the documentation will help a lot.

Is there a concise way to iterate over a stream with indices in Java 8?

One possible way is to index each element on the flow:

AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
  .map(e->new Object() { String n=e; public i=index.getAndIncrement(); })
  .filter(o->o.n.length()<=o.i) // or do whatever you want with pairs...
  .forEach(o->System.out.println("idx:"+o.i+" nam:"+o.n));

Using an anonymous class along a stream is not well-used while being very useful.

Grep characters before and after match?

3 characters before and 4 characters after

$> echo "some123_string_and_another" | grep -o -P '.{0,3}string.{0,4}'

Convert this string to datetime

The Problem is with your code formatting,

inorder to use strtotime() You should replace '06/Oct/2011:19:00:02' with 06/10/2011 19:00:02 and date('d/M/Y:H:i:s', $date); with date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);. Note the spaces in between.

So the final code looks like this

$s = '06/10/2011 19:00:02';
$date = strtotime($s);
echo date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);

How to add an object to an array

On alternativ answer is this.

if you have and array like this: var contacts = [bob, mary];

and you want to put another array in this array, you can do that in this way:

Declare the function constructor

function add (firstName,lastName,email,phoneNumber) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName; = email;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;

make the object from the function:

var add1 = new add("Alba","Fas","[email protected]","[098] 654365364");

and add the object in to the array:

contacts[contacts.length] = add1;

Detect HTTP or HTTPS then force HTTPS in JavaScript

I like the answers for this question. But to be creative, I would like to share one more way:

<script>if (document.URL.substring(0,5) == "http:") window.location.replace('https:' + document.URL.substring(5));</script>

Unable to get spring boot to automatically create database schema

I had same problem and solved it with only this add:


How to make an introduction page with Doxygen

Have a look at the mainpage command.

Also, have a look this answer to another thread: How to include custom files in Doxygen. It states that there are three extensions which doxygen classes as additional documentation files: .dox, .txt and .doc. Files with these extensions do not appear in the file index but can be used to include additional information into your final documentation - very useful for documentation that is necessary but that is not really appropriate to include with your source code (for example, an FAQ)

So I would recommend having a mainpage.dox (or similarly named) file in your project directory to introduce you SDK. Note that inside this file you need to put one or more C/C++ style comment blocks.

How to manage exceptions thrown in filters in Spring?

After reading through different methods suggested in the above answers, I decided to handle the authentication exceptions by using a custom filter. I was able to handle the response status and codes using an error response class using the following method.

I created a custom filter and modified my security config by using the addFilterAfter method and added after the CorsFilter class.

public class AuthFilter implements Filter {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    //Cast the servlet request and response to HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
    HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
    HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;

    // Grab the exception from the request attribute
    Exception exception = (Exception) request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception");
    //Set response content type to application/json

    //check if exception is not null and determine the instance of the exception to further manipulate the status codes and messages of your exception
    if(exception!=null && exception instanceof AuthorizationParameterNotFoundException){
        ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(exception.getMessage(),"Authetication Failed!");
        PrintWriter writer = httpServletResponse.getWriter();
    // If exception instance cannot be determined, then throw a nice exception and desired response code.
    else if(exception!=null){
            ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(exception.getMessage(),"Authetication Failed!");
            PrintWriter writer = httpServletResponse.getWriter();
        else {
        // proceed with the initial request if no exception is thrown.

public String convertObjectToJson(Object object) throws JsonProcessingException {
    if (object == null) {
        return null;
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    return mapper.writeValueAsString(object);

SecurityConfig class

    public class JwtSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    AuthFilter authenticationFilter;
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        http.addFilterAfter(authenticationFilter, CorsFilter.class).csrf().disable()
                .cors(); //........
        return http;

ErrorResponse class

public class ErrorResponse  {
private final String message;
private final String description;

public ErrorResponse(String description, String message) {
    this.message = message;
    this.description = description;

public String getMessage() {
    return message;

public String getDescription() {
    return description;

How to press/click the button using Selenium if the button does not have the Id?

use the text and value attributes instead of the id


similarly for Next.

create table with sequence.nextval in oracle

I for myself prefer Lukas Edger's solution.

But you might want to know there is also a function SYS_GUID which can be applied as a default value to a column and generate unique ids.

you can read more about pros and cons here

find filenames NOT ending in specific extensions on Unix?

find  /data1/batch/source/export   -type f -not  -name "*.dll" -not -name "*.exe"

Can I execute a function after setState is finished updating?

render will be called every time you setState to re-render the component if there are changes. If you move your call to drawGrid there rather than calling it in your update* methods, you shouldn't have a problem.

If that doesn't work for you, there is also an overload of setState that takes a callback as a second parameter. You should be able to take advantage of that as a last resort.

Convert pandas.Series from dtype object to float, and errors to nans

Use pd.to_numeric with errors='coerce'

# Setup
s = pd.Series(['1', '2', '3', '4', '.'])

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    .
dtype: object

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce')

0    1.0
1    2.0
2    3.0
3    4.0
4    NaN
dtype: float64

If you need the NaNs filled in, use Series.fillna.

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce').fillna(0, downcast='infer')

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    0
dtype: float64

Note, downcast='infer' will attempt to downcast floats to integers where possible. Remove the argument if you don't want that.

From v0.24+, pandas introduces a Nullable Integer type, which allows integers to coexist with NaNs. If you have integers in your column, you can use

# '0.24.1'

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce').astype('Int32')

0      1
1      2
2      3
3      4
4    NaN
dtype: Int32

There are other options to choose from as well, read the docs for more.

Extension for DataFrames

If you need to extend this to DataFrames, you will need to apply it to each row. You can do this using DataFrame.apply.

# Setup.
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'A' : np.random.choice(10, 5), 
    'C' : np.random.choice(10, 5), 
    'B' : ['1', '###', '...', 50, '234'], 
    'D' : ['23', '1', '...', '268', '$$']}

   A    B  C    D
0  5    1  9   23
1  0  ###  3    1
2  3  ...  5  ...
3  3   50  2  268
4  7  234  4   $$


A     int64
B    object
C     int64
D    object
dtype: object

df2 = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN


A      int64
B    float64
C      int64
D    float64
dtype: object

You can also do this with DataFrame.transform; although my tests indicate this is marginally slower:

df.transform(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN

If you have many columns (numeric; non-numeric), you can make this a little more performant by applying pd.to_numeric on the non-numeric columns only.


A    False
B     True
C    False
D     True
dtype: bool

cols = df.columns[df.dtypes.eq(object)]
# Actually, `cols` can be any list of columns you need to convert.
# Index(['B', 'D'], dtype='object')

df[cols] = df[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# Alternatively,
# for c in cols:
#     df[c] = pd.to_numeric(df[c], errors='coerce')


   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN

Applying pd.to_numeric along the columns (i.e., axis=0, the default) should be slightly faster for long DataFrames.

Html.HiddenFor value property not getting set

Keep in mind the second parameter to @Html.HiddenFor will only be used to set the value when it can't find route or model data matching the field. Darin is correct, use view model.

Address already in use: JVM_Bind java

I was having this problem too. For me, I couldn't start/stop openfire (it said it was stopped, but everything was still running)

sudo /etc/init.d/openfire stop
sudo /etc/init.d/openfire start

Also, restarting apache did not help either

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

The errors were inside:

Error creating server listener on port 5269: Address already in use
Error creating server listener on port 5222: Address already in use

The way I fixed this, I had to actually turn off the server inside the admin area for my host.

JPA mapping: "QuerySyntaxException: foobar is not mapped..."

JPQL mostly is case-insensitive. One of the things that is case-sensitive is Java entity names. Change your query to:

"SELECT r FROM FooBar r"

How can I compare time in SQL Server?

I don't love relying on storage internals (that datetime is a float with whole number = day and fractional = time), but I do the same thing as the answer Jhonny D. Cano. This is the way all of the db devs I know do it. Definitely do not convert to string. If you must avoid processing as float/int, then the best option is to pull out hour/minute/second/milliseconds with DatePart()

"The page has expired due to inactivity" - Laravel 5.5

I change permission to storage and error was gone. It seemed lack of permission was the issue.

sudo chmod -R 775 storage/

How to update gradle in android studio?

Step 1 (Use default gradle wrapper)

File?Settings?Build, Execution, Deployment?Build Tools?Gradle?Use default Gradle wrapper (recommended)

Android studio settings Gradle wrapper

Step 2 (Select desired gradle version)

File?Project Structure?Project

Android Studio project structure

The following table shows compatibility between Android plugin for Gradle and Gradle:

Compatibility table

Latest stable versions you can use with Android Studio 4.1.1 (November 2020):

Android Gradle Plugin version: 4.1.1
Gradle version: 6.5

Official links

How can I order a List<string>?

ListaServizi = ListaServizi.OrderBy(q => q).ToList();

Measuring function execution time in R

You can use MATLAB-style tic-toc functions, if you prefer. See this other SO question

Stopwatch function in R

How to change TextBox's Background color?

It is txtName.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

one can also use txtName.BackColor = Color.Aqua; which is the same as txtName.BackColor = System.Color.Aqua;

Only Problem with System.color is that it does not contain a definition for some basic colors especially white, which is important cause usually textboxes are white;

Implement paging (skip / take) functionality with this query

You can use nested query for pagination as follow:

Paging from 4 Row to 8 Row where CustomerId is primary key.

SELECT Top 5 * FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Germany' AND CustomerId Not in (SELECT Top 3 CustomerID FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Germany' order by city) 
order by city;

In R, dealing with Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class numeric

The error happens because of you are trying to map a numeric vector to data in geom_errorbar: GVW[1:64,3]. ggplot only works with data.frame.

In general, you shouldn't subset inside ggplot calls. You are doing so because your standard errors are stored in four separate objects. Add them to your original data.frame and you will be able to plot everything in one call.

Here with a dplyr solution to summarise the data and compute the standard error beforehand.

d <- GVW %>% group_by(Genotype,variable) %>%
    summarise(mean = mean(value),se = sd(value) / sqrt(n()))

ggplot(d, aes(x = variable, y = mean, fill = Genotype)) + 
  geom_bar(position = position_dodge(), stat = "identity", 
      colour="black", size=.3) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - se, ymax = mean + se), 
      size=.3, width=.2, position=position_dodge(.9)) +
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Weight [g]") +
  scale_fill_hue(name = "Genotype", breaks = c("KO", "WT"), 
      labels = c("Knock-out", "Wild type")) +
  ggtitle("Effect of genotype on weight-gain") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0:20*4) +

How to allow <input type="file"> to accept only image files?

i know i'm late but this might help. you can add specific type of image or other file type and do validation in your code :

<input style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 5px;" type="file" accept="image/x-png,image/jpeg,application/pdf" (change)="handleFileInput($event,'creditRatingFile')" name="creditRatingFile" id="creditRatingFile">

      handleFileInput(event) {
    const file =[0];
    if (file.size > 2097152) {
        throw err;
    } else if (
      file.type !== "application/pdf"  &&
      file.type !== "application/wps-office.pdf"   && 
      file.type !== 'application/pdf'  && file.type !== 'image/jpg'  && file.type !== 'image/jpeg'  && file.type !== "image/png"
    ) {
throw err;
    } else {
        console.log('file valid')

Angular.js directive dynamic templateURL

I had the same problem and I solved in a slightly different way from the others. I am using angular 1.4.4.

In my case, I have a shell template that creates a CSS Bootstrap panel:

<div class="class-container panel panel-info">
    <div class="panel-heading">
        <h3 class="panel-title">{{title}} </h3>
    <div class="panel-body">
        <sp-panel-body panelbodytpl="{{panelbodytpl}}"></sp-panel-body>

I want to include panel body templates depending on the route.

    .directive('spPanelBody', ['$compile', function($compile){
        return {
            restrict        : 'E',
            scope : true,
            link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
       = angular.fromJson(;
                element.append($compile('<ng-include src="\'' + scope.panelbodytpl + '\'"></ng-include>')(scope));

I then have the following template included when the route is #/students:

<div class="students-wrapper">
    <div ng-controller="StudentsIndexController as studentCtrl" class="row">
        <div ng-repeat="student in studentCtrl.students" class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3">
            title="{{student.firstName}} {{student.middleName}} {{student.lastName}}"

The panel-body.html template as follows:

Date of Birth: {{data.dob * 1000 | date : 'dd MMM yyyy'}}

Sample data in the case someone wants to have a go:

var student = {
    'id'            : 1,
    'firstName'     : 'John',
    'middleName'    : '',
    'lastName'      : 'Smith',
    'dob'           : 1130799600,
    'current-class' : 5

Define global constants

Updated for Angular 4+

Now we can simply use environments file which angular provide default if your project is generated via angular-cli.

for example

In your environments folder create following files


and each file can hold related code changes such as:


    export const environment = {
         production: true,
         apiHost: '',
         CONSUMER_KEY: 'someReallyStupidTextWhichWeHumansCantRead', 
         codes: [ 'AB', 'AC', 'XYZ' ],

    export const environment = {
         production: false,
         apiHost: '',
         CONSUMER_KEY : 'someReallyStupidTextWhichWeHumansCantRead', 
         codes: [ 'AB', 'AC', 'XYZ' ],

    export const environment = {
         production: false,
         apiHost: '',
         CONSUMER_KEY : 'someReallyStupidTextWhichWeHumansCantRead', 
         codes: [ 'AB', 'AC', 'XYZ' ],

Use-case in application

You can import environments into any file such as services clientUtilServices.ts

import {environment} from '../../environments/environment';

getHostURL(): string {
    return environment.apiHost;

Use-case in build

Open your angular cli file .angular-cli.json and inside "apps": [{...}] add following code

        "environments": {
            "dev": "environments/environment.ts",
            "prod": "environments/",
            "qa": "environments/",

If you want to build for production, run ng build --env=prod it will read configuration from , same way you can do it for qa or dev

## Older answer

I have been doing something like below, in my provider:

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';

export class ConstantService {


constructor() {
    this.API_ENDPOINT = '';
    this.CONSUMER_KEY = 'someReallyStupidTextWhichWeHumansCantRead'

Then i have access to all Constant data at anywhere

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http} from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

import {ConstantService} from  './constant-service'; //This is my Constant Service

export class ImagesService {
    constructor(public http: Http, public ConstantService: ConstantService) {
    console.log('Hello ImagesService Provider');


callSomeService() {

    console.log("API_ENDPOINT: ",this.ConstantService.API_ENDPOINT);
    console.log("CONSUMER_KEY: ",this.ConstantService.CONSUMER_KEY);
    var url = this.ConstantService.API_ENDPOINT;
    return this.http.get(url)

What does <value optimized out> mean in gdb?

You need to turn off the compiler optimisation.

If you are interested in a particular variable in gdb, you can delare the variable as "volatile" and recompile the code. This will make the compiler turn off compiler optimization for that variable.

volatile int quantity = 0;

Best way to check if an PowerShell Object exist?

Incase you you're like me and you landed here trying to find a way to tell if your PowerShell variable is this particular flavor of non-existent:

COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used.

Then here's some code that worked for me:

function Count-RCW([__ComObject]$ComObj){
   try{$iuk = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetIUnknownForObject($ComObj)}
   catch{return 0}
   return [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Release($iuk)-1

example usage:

if((Count-RCW $ExcelApp) -gt 0){[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FinalReleaseComObject($ExcelApp)}

mashed together from other peoples' better answers:

and some other cool things to know:

What are .dex files in Android?

dex file is a file that is executed on the Dalvik VM.

Dalvik VM includes several features for performance optimization, verification, and monitoring, one of which is Dalvik Executable (DEX).

Java source code is compiled by the Java compiler into .class files. Then the dx (dexer) tool, part of the Android SDK processes the .class files into a file format called DEX that contains Dalvik byte code. The dx tool eliminates all the redundant information that is present in the classes. In DEX all the classes of the application are packed into one file. The following table provides comparison between code sizes for JVM jar files and the files processed by the dex tool.

The table compares code sizes for system libraries, web browser applications, and a general purpose application (alarm clock app). In all cases dex tool reduced size of the code by more than 50%.

enter image description here

In standard Java environments each class in Java code results in one .class file. That means, if the Java source code file has one public class and two anonymous classes, let’s say for event handling, then the java compiler will create total three .class files.

The compilation step is same on the Android platform, thus resulting in multiple .class files. But after .class files are generated, the “dx” tool is used to convert all .class files into a single .dex, or Dalvik Executable, file. It is the .dex file that is executed on the Dalvik VM. The .dex file has been optimized for memory usage and the design is primarily driven by sharing of data.

Run C++ in command prompt - Windows

Open cmd and go In Directory where file is saved. Then, For compile, g++ FileName. cpp Or gcc FileName. cpp

For Run, FileName. exe

This Is For Compile & Run Program.

Make sure, gcc compiler installed in PC or Laptop. And also path variable must be set.

Can you have multiple $(document).ready(function(){ ... }); sections?

Yes it is possible to have multiple $(document).ready() calls. However, I don't think you can know in which way they will be executed. (source)

how to empty recyclebin through command prompt?

You can use a powershell script (this works for users with folder redirection as well to not have their recycle bins take up server storage space)

$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$RecBin = $Shell.Namespace(0xA)
$RecBin.Items() | %{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false}

The above script is taken from here.

If you have windows 10 and powershell 5 there is the Clear-RecycleBin commandlet.

To use Clear-RecycleBin inside PowerShell without confirmation, you can use Clear-RecycleBin -Force. Official documentation can be found here

Add zero-padding to a string

You can use PadLeft

var newString = Your_String.PadLeft(4, '0');

how to display a javascript var in html body

Use document.write().

  <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
    var number = 123;_x000D_
      the value for number is:_x000D_
      <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_

nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option:

Delete and Reset the prefix

$ npm config delete prefix 
$ npm config set prefix $NVM_DIR/versions/node/v6.11.1

Note: Change the version number with the one indicated in the error message.

nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to "/usr/local" Run "npm config delete prefix" or "nvm use --delete-prefix v6.11.1 --silent" to unset it.

Credits to @gabfiocchi on Github - "You need to overwrite nvm prefix"

What is the meaning of the prefix N in T-SQL statements and when should I use it?

1. Performance:

Assume your where clause is like this:


If the NAME column is of any type other than nvarchar or nchar, then you should not specify the N prefix. However, if the NAME column is of type nvarchar or nchar, then if you do not specify the N prefix, then 'JON' is treated as non-unicode. This means the data type of NAME column and string 'JON' are different and so SQL Server implicitly converts one operand’s type to the other. If the SQL Server converts the literal’s type to the column’s type then there is no issue, but if it does the other way then performance will get hurt because the column's index (if available) wont be used.

2. Character set:

If the column is of type nvarchar or nchar, then always use the prefix N while specifying the character string in the WHERE criteria/UPDATE/INSERT clause. If you do not do this and one of the characters in your string is unicode (like international characters - example - a) then it will fail or suffer data corruption.

How to use a ViewBag to create a dropdownlist?

You cannot used the Helper @Html.DropdownListFor, because the first parameter was not correct, change your helper to:

@Html.DropDownList("accountid", new SelectList(ViewBag.Accounts, "AccountID", "AccountName"))

@Html.DropDownListFor receive in the first parameters a lambda expression in all overloads and is used to create strongly typed dropdowns.

Here's the documentation

If your View it's strongly typed to some Model you may change your code using a helper to created a strongly typed dropdownlist, something like

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.accountId, new SelectList(ViewBag.Accounts, "AccountID", "AccountName"))

What is let-* in Angular 2 templates?

The Angular microsyntax lets you configure a directive in a compact, friendly string. The microsyntax parser translates that string into attributes on the <ng-template>. The let keyword declares a template input variable that you reference within the template.

How to horizontally center an element

Center a div in a div

.outer {_x000D_
  display: -webkit-flex;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  //-webkit-justify-content: center;       _x000D_
  //justify-content: center;_x000D_
  //align-items: center;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-color: lightgrey;_x000D_
.inner {_x000D_
  background-color: cornflowerblue;_x000D_
  padding: 2rem;_x000D_
  margin: auto;  _x000D_
  //align-self: center;      _x000D_
<div class="outer">  _x000D_
  <div class="inner">Foo foo</div>_x000D_

IndentationError expected an indented block

This error also occurs if you have a block with no statements in it

For example:

def my_function():
    for i in range(1,10):

def say_hello():
    return "hello"

Notice that the for block is empty. You can use the pass statement if you want to test the remaining code in the module.

Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness

If the thing you want to compare is performance of file copying, then for the channel test you should do this instead:

final FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(src);
final FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(dest);
final FileChannel inChannel = inputStream.getChannel();
final FileChannel outChannel = outputStream.getChannel();
inChannel.transferTo(0, inChannel.size(), outChannel);

This won't be slower than buffering yourself from one channel to the other, and will potentially be massively faster. According to the Javadocs:

Many operating systems can transfer bytes directly from the filesystem cache to the target channel without actually copying them.

Resource leak: 'in' is never closed

Because you don't close your Scanner


How to set DialogFragment's width and height?

This will work perfectly.

public void onResume() {
    Window window = getDialog().getWindow();
    if(window == null) return;
    WindowManager.LayoutParams params = window.getAttributes();
    params.width = 400;
    params.height = 400;

Altering a column to be nullable

In PostgresQL it is:


How to download Google Play Services in an Android emulator?

Go to . Scroll down to the "Installing Google Play Services" section. Step by step walk through there.

Directly plagarized from xamarin here so I don't get dinged for linking and not including solution. Posting this as I found the hit in stack before I found the solution that worked across the board on the xamarin page.

  1. Start the Xamarin Android Player and run one of the supplied images, the following assumes you have started the KitKat Nexus 4 image. Download the proper Google Play Services .zip file from . Make sure to download the image appropriate for your version of Android.
  2. Drag the .zip file onto the running emulator and drop it to install the component, here we show it on Mac OS X, but the same mechanism is used in Windows. You will get a prompt to install the package onto the emulator which indicates the image will be restarted
  3. Once it restarts, you will get a notification that installation is completed, and the image will now have Google Maps, Google+ and support for the Google Play store. Note that some things do not work correctly and you may get a few errors from some of the services, but you can safely dismiss these and continue the instructions.
  4. Next, you will need to associate a Google account so that you can update the services using the Google Play store. It should prompt you for this, but if it does not, you can go into the Google Settings and add a new account. Once you've added the account, you can then update the Google apps by opening the Google Play store application and going into settings from the side bar menu.
  5. Select Settings and then scroll down to the Build Version number information and double-tap on it until it tells you it is either up-to-date, or that it will download and install a new version.
  6. Power off the device (press and hold the power button in the toolbar on the right) and restart it. Once it restarts, it should indicate that it needs to update the Google Play services, tapping the notification will open the Google Play Store and install the latest version

Now you can run applications that depend on Google Maps in the Xamarin Android Player.

counting number of directories in a specific directory

If you only have directories in the folder and no files this does it:

ls | wc -l

how to play video from url

Try this:

String LINK = "type_here_the_link";
VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
MediaController mc = new MediaController(this);
Uri video = Uri.parse(LINK);

Center image in table td in CSS

Center a div inside td using margin, the trick is to make the div width same as image width.

    <div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 130px">
          <img src="me.jpg" alt="me" style="width: 130px" />

How do I use setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)?

Depending on the libc release it could be needed to set both SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT socket options as explained in socket(7) documentation :

   SO_REUSEPORT (since Linux 3.9)
          Permits multiple AF_INET or AF_INET6 sockets to be bound to an
          identical socket address.  This option must be set on each
          socket (including the first socket) prior to calling bind(2)
          on the socket.  To prevent port hijacking, all of the
          processes binding to the same address must have the same
          effective UID.  This option can be employed with both TCP and
          UDP sockets.

As this socket option appears with kernel 3.9 and raspberry use 3.12.x, it will be needed to set SO_REUSEPORT.

You can set theses two options before calling bind like this :

    int reuse = 1;
    if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&reuse, sizeof(reuse)) < 0)
        perror("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed");

    if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const char*)&reuse, sizeof(reuse)) < 0) 
        perror("setsockopt(SO_REUSEPORT) failed");

Global javascript variable inside document.ready

declare this

var intro;

outside of $(document).ready() because, $(document).ready() will hide your variable from global scope.


var intro;

$(document).ready(function() {
    if ($('.intro_check').is(':checked')) {
        intro = true;
        $('.intro').wrap('<div class="disabled"></div>');
        if(this.checked) {
            intro = false;
        } else {
            intro = true;
            if($('.intro').exists()) {
            } else {
                $('.intro').wrap('<div class="disabled"></div>');

According to @Zakaria comment

Another way:

window.intro = undefined;

$(document).ready(function() {
    if ($('.intro_check').is(':checked')) {
        window.intro = true;
        $('.intro').wrap('<div class="disabled"></div>');
        if(this.checked) {
            window.intro = false;
        } else {
            window.intro = true;
            if($('.intro').exists()) {
            } else {
                $('.intro').wrap('<div class="disabled"></div>');



outside of DOM ready function (currently you've) will log undefined, but within DOM ready it will give you true/ false.

Your outer console.log execute before DOM ready execute, because DOM ready execute after all resource appeared to DOM i.e after DOM is prepared, so I think you'll always get absurd result.

According to comment of @W0rldart

I need to use it outside of DOM ready function

You can use following approach:

var intro = undefined;

$(document).ready(function() {
    if ($('.intro_check').is(':checked')) {
        intro = true;
        $('.intro').wrap('<div class="disabled"></div>');
    $('.intro_check').change(function() {
        if (this.checked) {
            intro = true;
        } else {
            intro = false;


function introCheck() {

After change the value of intro I called a function that will fire with new value of intro.

Good tool to visualise database schema?

How about the SQuirreL SQL Client? As mentioned in another SO question, this programs has the capability to generate a simple ER diagram.

"TypeError: (Integer) is not JSON serializable" when serializing JSON in Python?

Alternatively you can convert your object into a dataframe first:

df = pd.DataFrame(obj)

and then save this dataframe in a json file:


Hope this helps

Write to .txt file?

FILE *f = fopen("file.txt", "w");
if (f == NULL)
    printf("Error opening file!\n");

/* print some text */
const char *text = "Write this to the file";
fprintf(f, "Some text: %s\n", text);

/* print integers and floats */
int i = 1;
float py = 3.1415927;
fprintf(f, "Integer: %d, float: %f\n", i, py);

/* printing single chatacters */
char c = 'A';
fprintf(f, "A character: %c\n", c);


Powershell equivalent of bash ampersand (&) for forking/running background processes

Seems that the script block passed to Start-Job is not executed with the same current directory as the Start-Job command, so make sure to specify fully qualified path if needed.

For example:

Start-Job { C:\absolute\path\to\command.exe --afileparameter C:\absolute\path\to\file.txt }

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

In my case, I'm not able to access mysql and after 3 days research, I have got a solution. This is perfect solution because I have searched /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock and I did not find the folder. You can run on putty the commands listed below.

sudo mkdir /var/run/mysqld/
sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/log/mysql
sudo mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

You will save your valuable time.

Best way to get hostname with php

I am running PHP version 5.4 on shared hosting and both of these both successfully return the same results:



How to select the first element of a set with JSTL?

You can use the EL 3.0 Stream API.


Be careful! The EL 3.0 Stream API was finalized before the Java 8 Stream API and it is different than that. They can't sunc both apis because it will break the backward compatibility.

Compress files while reading data from STDIN

Yes, gzip will let you do this. If you simply run gzip > foo.gz, it will compress STDIN to the file foo.gz. You can also pipe data into it, like some_command | gzip > foo.gz.

How to fix git error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS

Try to disable your IPV6 for that and disable after. I think this is your problem.

Rails: How do I create a default value for attributes in Rails activerecord's model?

As I see it, there are two problems that need addressing when needing a default value.

  1. You need the value present when a new object is initialized. Using after_initialize is not suitable because, as stated, it will be called during calls to #find which will lead to a performance hit.
  2. You need to persist the default value when saved

Here is my solution:

# the reader providers a default if nil
# but this wont work when saved
def status
  read_attribute(:status) || "P"

# so, define a before_validation callback
before_validation :set_defaults
def set_defaults
  # if a non-default status has been assigned, it will remain
  # if no value has been assigned, the reader will return the default and assign it
  # this keeps the default logic DRY
  status = status

I'd love to know why people think of this approach.

No notification sound when sending notification from firebase in android

With HTTP v1 API it is different



       "body":"Very good news",
       "title":"Good news"
          "body":"Very good news",
          "title":"Good news",

Bootstrap 3 grid with no gap

The more powerful (and 100% fluid) Bootstrap 3 grid now comes in 3 sizes. Tiny (for smartphones .col-), Small (for tablets .col-sm-) and Large (for laptops/desktops .col-lg-*). The 3 grid sizes enable you to control grid behavior on different devices (desktop, tablet, smartphone, etc..).

Unlike 2.x, Bootstrap 3 does not provide a fixed (pixel-based) grid. While a fixed-width layout can still be acheived using a simple custom wrapper, there is now only one percentage-based (fluid) grid. The .container and .row classes are now fluid by default, so don't use .row-fluid or .container-fluid anymore in your 3.x markup.


When is the @JsonProperty property used and what is it used for?

As addition to other answers, @JsonProperty annotation is really important if you use the @JsonCreator annotation in classes which do not have a no-arg constructor.

public class ClassToSerialize {

    public enum MyEnum {

    public String stringValue = "ABCD";
    public MyEnum myEnum;

    public ClassToSerialize(MyEnum myEnum) {
        this.myEnum = myEnum;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        ClassToSerialize classToSerialize = new ClassToSerialize(MyEnum.FIRST);
        String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(classToSerialize);
        ClassToSerialize deserialized = mapper.readValue(jsonString, ClassToSerialize.class);
        System.out.println("StringValue: " + deserialized.stringValue);
        System.out.println("MyEnum: " + deserialized.myEnum);

In this example the only constructor is marked as @JsonCreator, therefore Jackson will use this constructor to create the instance. But the output is like:

Serialized: {"stringValue":"ABCD","myEnum":"FIRST"}

Exception in thread "main" com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Can not construct instance of ClassToSerialize$MyEnum from String value 'stringValue': value not one of declared Enum instance names: [FIRST, SECOND, THIRD]

But after the addition of the @JsonProperty annotation in the constructor:

public ClassToSerialize(@JsonProperty("myEnum") MyEnum myEnum) {
    this.myEnum = myEnum;

The deserialization is successful:

Serialized: {"myEnum":"FIRST","stringValue":"ABCD"}

StringValue: ABCD


How to get the last element of an array in Ruby?

One other way, using the splat operator:

*a, last = [1, 3, 4, 5]

a: [1, 3, 4]
last: 5

How to add a button to UINavigationBar?

swift 3

    let cancelBarButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Cancel", style: .done, target: self, action: #selector(cancelPressed(_:)))
    cancelBarButton.setTitleTextAttributes( [NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.cancelBarButtonFont(),
                                                          NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.white], for: .normal)
    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = cancelBarButton

    func cancelPressed(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem ) {
        self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

How to insert TIMESTAMP into my MySQL table?

The DEFAULT value of a column in MySql is used only if it isn't provided a value for that column. So if you

INSERT INTO contactinfo (name, email, subject, date, comments)
VALUES ('$name', '$email', '$subject', '', '$comments')

You are not using the DEFAULT value for the column date, but you are providing an empty string, so you get an error, because you can't store an empty string in a DATETIME column. The same thing apply if you use NULL, because again NULL is a value. However, if you remove the column from the list of the column you are inserting, MySql will use the DEFAULT value specified for that column (or the data type default one)

Easy way to write contents of a Java InputStream to an OutputStream

you can use this method

public static void copyStream(InputStream is, OutputStream os)
     final int buffer_size=1024;
         byte[] bytes=new byte[buffer_size];
           int, 0, buffer_size);
           os.write(bytes, 0, count);
     catch(Exception ex){}

Vertically and horizontally centering text in circle in CSS (like iphone notification badge)

Interesting question! While there are plenty of guides on horizontally and vertically centering a div, an authoritative treatment of the subject where the centered div is of an unpredetermined width is conspicuously absent.

Let's apply some basic constraints:

  • No Javascript
  • No mangling of the display property to table-cell, which is of questionable support status

Given this, my entry into the fray is the use of the inline-block display property to horizontally center the span within an absolutely positioned div of predetermined height, vertically centered within the parent container in the traditional top: 50%; margin-top: -123px fashion.

Markup: div > div > span


body > div { position: relative; height: XYZ; width: XYZ; }
div > div { 
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  height: 30px;
  margin-top: -15px; 
  text-align: center;}
div > span { display: inline-block; }


An alternate solution that doesn't require extraneous markups but that very likely produces more problems than it solves is to use the line-height property. Don't do this. But it is included here as an academic note:

How to determine whether a year is a leap year?

As a one-liner function:

def is_leap_year(year):
    """Determine whether a year is a leap year."""

    return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0)

It's similar to the Mark's answer, but short circuits at the first test (note the parenthesis).

Alternatively, you can use the standard library's calendar.isleap, which has exactly the same implementation:

from calendar import isleap

Programmatically set the initial view controller using Storyboards

Thanks modified this as follows in AppDelegate:

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) ->     Bool {
//Some code to check value of pins

if pins! == "Verified"{
        self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
        let mainStoryboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "HomePage", bundle: nil)
        let exampleViewController: UINavigationController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("SBHP") as! UINavigationController

        self.window?.rootViewController = exampleViewController

        self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
        let mainStoryboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
        let exampleViewController: UINavigationController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("SBUser") as! UINavigationController

        self.window?.rootViewController = exampleViewController


Android LinearLayout : Add border with shadow around a LinearLayout

okay, i know this is way too late. but i had the same requirement. i solved like this

1.First create a xml file (example: border_shadow.xml) in "drawable" folder and copy the below code into it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android=""
android:shape="rectangle" >

        <!-- set the shadow color here -->
            android:color="#7000" />

        <!-- setting the thickness of shadow (positive value will give shadow on that side) -->

            android:top="-1dp" />

        <corners android:radius="3dp" />

<!-- Background -->

        <solid android:color="#fff" />
        <corners android:radius="3dp" />
</item> on the layout where you want the shadow(example: LinearLayout) add this in android:background


and that worked for me.

How do I create a multiline Python string with inline variables?

f-strings, also called “formatted string literals,” are string literals that have an f at the beginning; and curly braces containing expressions that will be replaced with their values.

f-strings are evaluated at runtime.

So your code can be re-written as:

I will {string1} there
I will go {string2}

And this will evaluate to:

I will go there
I will go now

You can learn more about it here.

How do I output an ISO 8601 formatted string in JavaScript?

I was able to get below output with very less code.

var ps = new Date('2010-04-02T14:12:07')  ;
ps = ps.toDateString() + " " + ps.getHours() + ":"+ ps.getMinutes() + " hrs";


Fri Apr 02 2010 19:42 hrs

"git pull" or "git merge" between master and development branches

This workflow works best for me:

git checkout -b develop

...make some changes...

...notice master has been updated...

...commit changes to develop...

git checkout master
git pull

...bring those changes back into develop...

git checkout develop
git rebase master

...make some more changes...

...commit them to develop...

...merge them into master...

git checkout master
git pull
git merge develop

Bootstrap 3 collapse accordion: collapse all works but then cannot expand all while maintaining data-parent

The best and tested solution is to put the following small snippet which will collapse the accordion tab which is already open when you load. In my case the last sixth tab was open so I made it collapsed on page load.


Can I run a 64-bit VMware image on a 32-bit machine?

VMware does not allow you to run a 64-bit guest on a 32-bit host. You just have to read the documentation to find this out.

If you really want to do this, you can use QEMU, and I recommend a Linux host, but it's going to be very slow (I really mean slow).

Send a ping to each IP on a subnet

Broadcast ping:

$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.104 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.058 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.135 ms (DUP!)

(Add a -b option on Linux)

How to change line color in EditText

i think the best way is by theme:

<style name="MyEditTextTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
        <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/black</item>
        <item name="colorControlActivated">@color/action_blue</item>
        <item name="colorControlHighlight">@color/action_blue</item>

<style name="AddressBookStyle" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
     <item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
     <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
     <item name="android:textSize">13sp</item>
     <item name="android:theme">@style/MyEditTextTheme</item>


How to get the input from the Tkinter Text Widget?

To get Tkinter input from the text box, you must add a few more attributes to the normal .get() function. If we have a text box myText_Box, then this is the method for retrieving its input.

def retrieve_input():
    input = self.myText_Box.get("1.0",END)

The first part, "1.0" means that the input should be read from line one, character zero (ie: the very first character). END is an imported constant which is set to the string "end". The END part means to read until the end of the text box is reached. The only issue with this is that it actually adds a newline to our input. So, in order to fix it we should change END to end-1c(Thanks Bryan Oakley) The -1c deletes 1 character, while -2c would mean delete two characters, and so on.

def retrieve_input():
    input = self.myText_Box.get("1.0",'end-1c')

Installing SetupTools on 64-bit Windows

You can find 64bit installers for a lot of libs here:

No server in Eclipse; trying to install Tomcat

For future poeple who have the same problem: Try to add server tab from eclipse menu, if it doesnt work, then go do @Tomasz Bartnik solution above, and retry the following again:

  1. Go to WIndow > Show view > Other

    enter image description here

  2. search for servers, select it and press OK

    enter image description here

It will then be added to your tabs

Warning: mysqli_select_db() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\

mysqli_select_db() should have 2 parameters, the connection link and the database name -

mysqli_select_db($con, 'phpcadet') or die(mysqli_error($con));

Using mysqli_error in the die statement will tell you exactly what is wrong as opposed to a generic error message.

In WPF, what are the differences between the x:Name and Name attributes?

There really is only one name in XAML, the x:Name. A framework, such as WPF, can optionally map one of its properties to XAML's x:Name by using the RuntimeNamePropertyAttribute on the class that designates one of the classes properties as mapping to the x:Name attribute of XAML.

The reason this was done was to allow for frameworks that already have a concept of "Name" at runtime, such as WPF. In WPF, for example, FrameworkElement introduces a Name property.

In general, a class does not need to store the name for x:Name to be useable. All x:Name means to XAML is generate a field to store the value in the code behind class. What the runtime does with that mapping is framework dependent.

So, why are there two ways to do the same thing? The simple answer is because there are two concepts mapped onto one property. WPF wants the name of an element preserved at runtime (which is usable through Bind, among other things) and XAML needs to know what elements you want to be accessible by fields in the code behind class. WPF ties these two together by marking the Name property as an alias of x:Name.

In the future, XAML will have more uses for x:Name, such as allowing you to set properties by referring to other objects by name, but in 3.5 and prior, it is only used to create fields.

Whether you should use one or the other is really a style question, not a technical one. I will leave that to others for a recommendation.

See also AutomationProperties.Name VS x:Name, AutomationProperties.Name is used by accessibility tools and some testing tools.

Spark - SELECT WHERE or filtering?

As Yaron mentioned, there isn't any difference between where and filter.

filter is an overloaded method that takes a column or string argument. The performance is the same, regardless of the syntax you use.

filter overloaded method

We can use explain() to see that all the different filtering syntaxes generate the same Physical Plan. Suppose you have a dataset with person_name and person_country columns. All of the following code snippets will return the same Physical Plan below:

df.where("person_country = 'Cuba'").explain()
df.where($"person_country" === "Cuba").explain()
df.where('person_country === "Cuba").explain()
df.filter("person_country = 'Cuba'").explain()

These all return this Physical Plan:

== Physical Plan ==
*(1) Project [person_name#152, person_country#153]
+- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(person_country#153) && (person_country#153 = Cuba))
   +- *(1) FileScan csv [person_name#152,person_country#153] Batched: false, Format: CSV, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/matthewpowers/Documents/code/my_apps/mungingdata/spark2/src/test/re..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(person_country), EqualTo(person_country,Cuba)], ReadSchema: struct<person_name:string,person_country:string>

The syntax doesn't change how filters are executed under the hood, but the file format / database that a query is executed on does. Spark will execute the same query differently on Postgres (predicate pushdown filtering is supported), Parquet (column pruning), and CSV files. See here for more details.

git error: failed to push some refs to remote

In my case the problem was that (strangely) there was no branch called master. I took the repository from Github.

SQL Server returns error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'." in Windows application

FWIW, in our case a (PHP) website running on IIS was showing this message on attempting to connect to a database.

The resolution was to edit the Anonymous Authentication on that website to use the Application pool identity (and we set the application pool entry up to use a service account designed for that website).

How to compute precision, recall, accuracy and f1-score for the multiclass case with scikit learn?

First of all it's a little bit harder using just counting analysis to tell if your data is unbalanced or not. For example: 1 in 1000 positive observation is just a noise, error or a breakthrough in science? You never know.
So it's always better to use all your available knowledge and choice its status with all wise.

Okay, what if it's really unbalanced?
Once again — look to your data. Sometimes you can find one or two observation multiplied by hundred times. Sometimes it's useful to create this fake one-class-observations.
If all the data is clean next step is to use class weights in prediction model.

So what about multiclass metrics?
In my experience none of your metrics is usually used. There are two main reasons.
First: it's always better to work with probabilities than with solid prediction (because how else could you separate models with 0.9 and 0.6 prediction if they both give you the same class?)
And second: it's much easier to compare your prediction models and build new ones depending on only one good metric.
From my experience I could recommend logloss or MSE (or just mean squared error).

How to fix sklearn warnings?
Just simply (as yangjie noticed) overwrite average parameter with one of these values: 'micro' (calculate metrics globally), 'macro' (calculate metrics for each label) or 'weighted' (same as macro but with auto weights).

f1_score(y_test, prediction, average='weighted')

All your Warnings came after calling metrics functions with default average value 'binary' which is inappropriate for multiclass prediction.
Good luck and have fun with machine learning!

I found another answerer recommendation to switch to regression approaches (e.g. SVR) with which I cannot agree. As far as I remember there is no even such a thing as multiclass regression. Yes there is multilabel regression which is far different and yes it's possible in some cases switch between regression and classification (if classes somehow sorted) but it pretty rare.

What I would recommend (in scope of scikit-learn) is to try another very powerful classification tools: gradient boosting, random forest (my favorite), KNeighbors and many more.

After that you can calculate arithmetic or geometric mean between predictions and most of the time you'll get even better result.

final_prediction = (KNNprediction * RFprediction) ** 0.5

Super-simple example of C# observer/observable with delegates

I've tied together a couple of the great examples above (thank you as always to Mr. Skeet and Mr. Karlsen) to include a couple of different Observables and utilized an interface to keep track of them in the Observer and allowed the Observer to to "observe" any number of Observables via an internal list:

namespace ObservablePattern
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    internal static class Program
        private static void Main()
            var observable = new Observable();
            var anotherObservable = new AnotherObservable();

            using (IObserver observer = new Observer(observable))


    internal interface IObservable
        event EventHandler SomethingHappened;

    internal sealed class Observable : IObservable
        public event EventHandler SomethingHappened;

        public void DoSomething()
            var handler = this.SomethingHappened;

            Console.WriteLine("About to do something.");
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

    internal sealed class AnotherObservable : IObservable
        public event EventHandler SomethingHappened;

        public void DoSomething()
            var handler = this.SomethingHappened;

            Console.WriteLine("About to do something different.");
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

    internal interface IObserver : IDisposable
        void Add(IObservable observable);

        void Remove(IObservable observable);

    internal sealed class Observer : IObserver
        private readonly Lazy<IList<IObservable>> observables =
            new Lazy<IList<IObservable>>(() => new List<IObservable>());

        public Observer()

        public Observer(IObservable observable) : this()

        public void Add(IObservable observable)
            if (observable == null)

            lock (this.observables)
                observable.SomethingHappened += HandleEvent;

        public void Remove(IObservable observable)
            if (observable == null)

            lock (this.observables)
                observable.SomethingHappened -= HandleEvent;

        public void Dispose()
            for (var i = this.observables.Value.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

        private static void HandleEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
            Console.WriteLine("Something happened to " + sender);

How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?

Just read this great .Net DI container comparison blog by Philip Mat.

He does some thorough performance comparison tests on;

He recommends Autofac as it is small, fast, and easy to use ... I agree. It appears that Unity and Ninject are the slowest in his tests.

What is the difference between %g and %f in C?

They are both examples of floating point input/output.

%g and %G are simplifiers of the scientific notation floats %e and %E.

%g will take a number that could be represented as %f (a simple float or double) or %e (scientific notation) and return it as the shorter of the two.

The output of your print statement will depend on the value of sum.

Writing a dictionary to a text file?

First of all you are opening file in read mode and trying to write into it. Consult - IO modes python

Secondly, you can only write a string to a file. If you want to write a dictionary object, you either need to convert it into string or serialize it.

import json

# as requested in comment
exDict = {'exDict': exDict}

with open('file.txt', 'w') as file:
     file.write(json.dumps(exDict)) # use `json.loads` to do the reverse

In case of serialization

import cPickle as pickle

with open('file.txt', 'w') as file:
     file.write(pickle.dumps(exDict)) # use `pickle.loads` to do the reverse

For python 3.x pickle package import would be different

import _pickle as pickle

SQL Server: Database stuck in "Restoring" state

I figured out why.

If the client who issued the RESTORE DATABASE command disconnects during the restore, the restore will be stuck.

It's odd that the server, when told to restore a database by a client connection, will not finish the restore unless the client stays connected the entire time.

How can I remove all my changes in my SVN working directory?

svn revert -R .
svn cleanup . --remove-unversioned

How do I loop through or enumerate a JavaScript object?

    var p =[{"username":"ordermanageadmin","user_id":"2","resource_id":"Magento_Sales::actions"},_x000D_
for(var value in p) {_x000D_
    for (var key in value) {_x000D_
        if (p.hasOwnProperty(key)) {_x000D_
            console.log(key + " -> " + p[key]);_x000D_

Parse JSON file using GSON

Imo, the best way to parse your JSON response with GSON would be creating classes that "match" your response and then use Gson.fromJson() method.
For example:

class Response {
    Map<String, App> descriptor;
    // standard getters & setters...

class App {
  String name;
  int age;
  String[] messages;
  // standard getters & setters...

Then just use:

Gson gson = new Gson();
Response response = gson.fromJson(yourJson, Response.class);

Where yourJson can be a String, any Reader, a JsonReader or a JsonElement.

Finally, if you want to access any particular field, you just have to do:

String name = response.getDescriptor().get("app3").getName();

You can always parse the JSON manually as suggested in other answers, but personally I think this approach is clearer, more maintainable in long term and it fits better with the whole idea of JSON.

Hide div by default and show it on click with bootstrap

Just add water style="display:none"; to the <div>

Fiddles I say:


function toggler(divId) {
    $("#" + divId).toggle();

Preferred to have a CSS Class .hidden

.hidden {

Go test string contains substring

Use the function Contains from the strings package.

import (
strings.Contains("something", "some") // true

how to configure hibernate config file for sql server

Keep the jar files under web-inf lib incase you included jar and it is not able to identify .

It worked in my case where everything was ok but it was not able to load the driver class.

Run react-native on android emulator

You can also try use "doctor" command. It will fix most cases.

npx @react-native-community/cli doctor

How can I convert a datetime object to milliseconds since epoch (unix time) in Python?

In Python 3.3, added new method timestamp:

import datetime
seconds_since_epoch =

Your question stated that you needed milliseconds, which you can get like this:

milliseconds_since_epoch = * 1000

If you use timestamp on a naive datetime object, then it assumed that it is in the local timezone. Use timezone-aware datetime objects if this is not what you intend to happen.

push object into array

You have to create an object. Assign the values to the object. Then push it into the array:

var nietos = [];
var obj = {};
obj["01"] = nieto.label;
obj["02"] = nieto.value;

TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while trying to exponentially fit data

Non-numpy functions like math.abs() or math.log10() don't play nicely with numpy arrays. Just replace the line raising an error with:

m = np.log10(np.abs(x))

Apart from that the np.polyfit() call will not work because it is missing a parameter (and you are not assigning the result for further use anyway).

In PHP, how do you change the key of an array element?

If you want to replace several keys at once (preserving order):

 * Rename keys of an array
 * @param array $array (asoc)
 * @param array $replacement_keys (indexed)
 * @return array
function rename_keys($array, $replacement_keys)  {
      return array_combine($replacement_keys, array_values($array));


$myarr = array("a" => 22, "b" => 144, "c" => 43);
$newkeys = array("x","y","z");
print_r(rename_keys($myarr, $newkeys));
//must return: array("x" => 22, "y" => 144, "z" => 43);

How can I convert a string with dot and comma into a float in Python

Better solution for different currency formats:

def text_currency_to_float(text):
  t = text
  dot_pos = t.rfind('.')
  comma_pos = t.rfind(',')
  if comma_pos > dot_pos:
    t = t.replace(".", "")
    t = t.replace(",", ".")
    t = t.replace(",", "")


Jquery to open Bootstrap v3 modal of remote url'load-url'); won't work
use dataset.loadUrl

$('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
    var loadurl = e.relatedTarget.dataset.loadUrl;

Angular error: "Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'"

enter image description hereI tried all the thing that are mentioned above, but still it is not working.

but finally I found the issue in Angular site.Try to import formModule in module.ts thats it. enter image description here

How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js?

Use require('child_process').exec instead of spawn for a more specific error message!

for example:

var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var commandStr = 'java -jar something.jar';

exec(commandStr, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
  if(error || stderr) console.log(error || stderr);
  else console.log(stdout);

Center the content inside a column in Bootstrap 4

.row>.col, .row>[class^=col-] {_x000D_
    padding-top: .75rem;_x000D_
    padding-bottom: .75rem;_x000D_
    background-color: rgba(86,61,124,.15);_x000D_
    border: 1px solid rgba(86,61,124,.2);_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="row justify-content-md-center">_x000D_
    <div class="col col-lg-2">_x000D_
      1 of 3_x000D_
    <div class="col col-lg-2">_x000D_
      1 of 2_x000D_
    <div class="col col-lg-2">_x000D_
      3 of 3_x000D_

Set HTTP header for one request

Try this, perhaps it works ;)

.factory('authInterceptor', function($location, $q, $window) {

return {
    request: function(config) {
      config.headers = config.headers || {};

      config.headers.Authorization = 'xxxx-xxxx';

      return config;

.config(function($httpProvider) {

And make sure your back end works too, try this. I'm using RESTful CodeIgniter.

class App extends REST_Controller {
    var $authorization = null;

    public function __construct()
        header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-API-KEY, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Access-Control-Request-Method, Authorization");
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE");
        if ( "OPTIONS" === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) {

            $this->response(null, 400);    

        $this->authorization = $this->input->get_request_header('Authorization');


OnChange event using React JS for drop down

The change event is triggered on the <select> element, not the <option> element. However, that's not the only problem. The way you defined the change function won't cause a rerender of the component. It seems like you might not have fully grasped the concept of React yet, so maybe "Thinking in React" helps.

You have to store the selected value as state and update the state when the value changes. Updating the state will trigger a rerender of the component.

var MySelect = React.createClass({
     getInitialState: function() {
         return {
             value: 'select'
     change: function(event){
     render: function(){
               <select id="lang" onChange={this.change} value={this.state.value}>
                  <option value="select">Select</option>
                  <option value="Java">Java</option>
                  <option value="C++">C++</option>

React.render(<MySelect />, document.body);

Also note that <p> elements don't have a value attribute. React/JSX simply replicates the well-known HTML syntax, it doesn't introduce custom attributes (with the exception of key and ref). If you want the selected value to be the content of the <p> element then simply put inside of it, like you would do with any static content.

Learn more about event handling, state and form controls:

PHP/MySQL insert row then get 'id'

Try this... it worked for me!

$sql = "INSERT INTO tablename (row_name) VALUES('$row_value')";
    if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
    $last_id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);
    $msg1 = "New record created successfully. Last inserted ID is: " . $last_id;
} else {
    $msg_error = "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($conn);

How can you search Google Programmatically Java API

Some facts:

  1. Google offers a public search webservice API which returns JSON: Documentation here

  2. Java offers and to fire and handle HTTP requests.

  3. JSON can in Java be converted to a fullworthy Javabean object using an arbitrary Java JSON API. One of the best is Google Gson.

Now do the math:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String google = "";
    String search = "stackoverflow";
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    URL url = new URL(google + URLEncoder.encode(search, charset));
    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), charset);
    GoogleResults results = new Gson().fromJson(reader, GoogleResults.class);
    // Show title and URL of 1st result.

With this Javabean class representing the most important JSON data as returned by Google (it actually returns more data, but it's left up to you as an exercise to expand this Javabean code accordingly):

public class GoogleResults {

    private ResponseData responseData;
    public ResponseData getResponseData() { return responseData; }
    public void setResponseData(ResponseData responseData) { this.responseData = responseData; }
    public String toString() { return "ResponseData[" + responseData + "]"; }

    static class ResponseData {
        private List<Result> results;
        public List<Result> getResults() { return results; }
        public void setResults(List<Result> results) { this.results = results; }
        public String toString() { return "Results[" + results + "]"; }

    static class Result {
        private String url;
        private String title;
        public String getUrl() { return url; }
        public String getTitle() { return title; }
        public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; }
        public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; }
        public String toString() { return "Result[url:" + url +",title:" + title + "]"; }


###See also:

Update since November 2010 (2 months after the above answer), the public search webservice has become deprecated (and the last day on which the service was offered was September 29, 2014). Your best bet is now querying directly along with a honest user agent and then parse the result using a HTML parser. If you omit the user agent, then you get a 403 back. If you're lying in the user agent and simulate a web browser (e.g. Chrome or Firefox), then you get a way much larger HTML response back which is a waste of bandwidth and performance.

Here's a kickoff example using Jsoup as HTML parser:

String google = "";
String search = "stackoverflow";
String charset = "UTF-8";
String userAgent = "ExampleBot 1.0 (+"; // Change this to your company's name and bot homepage!

Elements links = Jsoup.connect(google + URLEncoder.encode(search, charset)).userAgent(userAgent).get().select(".g>.r>a");

for (Element link : links) {
    String title = link.text();
    String url = link.absUrl("href"); // Google returns URLs in format "<url>&sa=U&ei=<someKey>".
    url = URLDecoder.decode(url.substring(url.indexOf('=') + 1, url.indexOf('&')), "UTF-8");
    if (!url.startsWith("http")) {
        continue; // Ads/news/etc.
    System.out.println("Title: " + title);
    System.out.println("URL: " + url);

How does Junit @Rule work?

Rules are used to add additional functionality which applies to all tests within a test class, but in a more generic way.

For instance, ExternalResource executes code before and after a test method, without having to use @Before and @After. Using an ExternalResource rather than @Before and @After gives opportunities for better code reuse; the same rule can be used from two different test classes.

The design was based upon: Interceptors in JUnit

For more information see JUnit wiki : Rules.

How to call window.alert("message"); from C#?

It's a bit hard to give a definitive answer without a bit more information, but one usual way is to register a startup script:

catch(ApplicationException ex){
  Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),"ErrorAlert","alert('Some text here - maybe ex.Message');",true);

"&" meaning after variable type

The & means that the function accepts the address (or reference) to a variable, instead of the value of the variable.

For example, note the difference between this:

void af(int& g)

int main()
    int g = 123;
    cout << g;
    cout << g;
    return 0;

And this (without the &):

void af(int g)

int main()
    int g = 123;
    cout << g;
    cout << g;
    return 0;

Detect network connection type on Android

@Emil's answer above is brilliant.

Small addition: We should ideally use TelephonyManager to detect network types. So the above should instead read:

 * Check if there is fast connectivity
 * @param context
 * @return
public static boolean isConnectedFast(Context context){
    ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo info = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
    TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    return (info != null && info.isConnected() && Connectivity.isConnectionFast(info.getType(), tm.getNetworkType()));

How to fetch Java version using single line command in Linux

You can use --version and in that case it's not required to redirect to stdout

java --version | head -1 | cut -f2 -d' '

From java help

-version      print product version to the error stream and exit
--version     print product version to the output stream and exit

Retrieve the commit log for a specific line in a file?

I don't believe there's anything built-in for this. It's made tricky by the fact that it's rare for a single line to change several times without the rest of the file changing substantially too, so you'll tend to end up with the line numbers changing a lot.

If you're lucky enough that the line always has some identifying characteristic, e.g. an assignment to a variable whose name never changed, you could use the regex choice for git blame -L. For example:

git blame -L '/variable_name *= */',+1

But this only finds the first match for that regex, so if you don't have a good way of matching the line, it's not too helpful.

You could hack something up, I suppose. I don't have time to write out code just now, but... something along these lines. Run git blame -n -L $n,$n $file. The first field is the previous commit touched, and the second field is the line number in that commit, since it could've changed. Grab those, and run git blame -n $n,$n $commit^ $file, i.e. the same thing starting from the commit before the last time the file was changed.

(Note that this will fail you if the last commit that changed the line was a merge commit. The primary way this could happen if the line was changed as part of a merge conflict resolution.)

Edit: I happened across this mailing list post from March 2011 today, which mentions that tig and git gui have a feature that will help you do this. It looks like the feature has been considered, but not finished, for git itself.

Adding and using header (HTTP) in nginx

You can use upstream headers (named starting with $http_) and additional custom headers. For example:

add_header X-Upstream-01 $http_x_upstream_01;
add_header X-Hdr-01  txt01;

next, go to console and make request with user's header:

curl -H "X-Upstream-01: HEADER1" -I http://localhost:11443/

the response contains X-Hdr-01, seted by server and X-Upstream-01, seted by client:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.8.0
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 23:54:30 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
Connection: keep-alive
X-Hdr-01: txt01
X-Upstream-01: HEADER1

How do you divide each element in a list by an int?

The idiomatic way would be to use list comprehension:

myList = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90]
myInt = 10
newList = [x / myInt for x in myList]

or, if you need to maintain the reference to the original list:

myList[:] = [x / myInt for x in myList]