Programs & Examples On #Pooling

How to predict input image using trained model in Keras?

keras predict_classes (docs) outputs A numpy array of class predictions. Which in your model case, the index of neuron of highest activation from your last(softmax) layer. [[0]] means that your model predicted that your test data is class 0. (usually you will be passing multiple image, and the result will look like [[0], [1], [1], [0]] )

You must convert your actual label (e.g. 'cancer', 'not cancer') into binary encoding (0 for 'cancer', 1 for 'not cancer') for binary classification. Then you will interpret your sequence output of [[0]] as having class label 'cancer'

Why plt.imshow() doesn't display the image?

plt.imshow displays the image on the axes, but if you need to display multiple images you use show() to finish the figure. The next example shows two figures:

import numpy as np
from keras.datasets import mnist
(X_train,y_train),(X_test,y_test) = mnist.load_data()
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

In Google Colab, if you comment out the show() method from previous example just a single image will display (the later one connected with X_train[1]).

Here is the content from the help:*args, **kw)
        Display a figure.
        When running in ipython with its pylab mode, display all
        figures and return to the ipython prompt.

        In non-interactive mode, display all figures and block until
        the figures have been closed; in interactive mode it has no
        effect unless figures were created prior to a change from
        non-interactive to interactive mode (not recommended).  In
        that case it displays the figures but does not block.

        A single experimental keyword argument, *block*, may be
        set to True or False to override the blocking behavior
        described above.

plt.imshow(X, cmap=None, norm=None, aspect=None, interpolation=None, alpha=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, origin=None, extent=None, shape=None, filternorm=1, filterrad=4.0, imlim=None, resample=None, url=None, hold=None, data=None, **kwargs)
        Display an image on the axes.

X : array_like, shape (n, m) or (n, m, 3) or (n, m, 4)
    Display the image in `X` to current axes.  `X` may be an
    array or a PIL image. If `X` is an array, it
    can have the following shapes and types:

    - MxN -- values to be mapped (float or int)
    - MxNx3 -- RGB (float or uint8)
    - MxNx4 -- RGBA (float or uint8)

    The value for each component of MxNx3 and MxNx4 float arrays
    should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0. MxN arrays are mapped
    to colors based on the `norm` (mapping scalar to scalar)
    and the `cmap` (mapping the normed scalar to a color).

Model summary in pytorch

Yes, you can get exact Keras representation, using pytorch-summary package.

Example for VGG16

from torchvision import models
from torchsummary import summary

vgg = models.vgg16()
summary(vgg, (3, 224, 224))

        Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
            Conv2d-1         [-1, 64, 224, 224]           1,792
              ReLU-2         [-1, 64, 224, 224]               0
            Conv2d-3         [-1, 64, 224, 224]          36,928
              ReLU-4         [-1, 64, 224, 224]               0
         MaxPool2d-5         [-1, 64, 112, 112]               0
            Conv2d-6        [-1, 128, 112, 112]          73,856
              ReLU-7        [-1, 128, 112, 112]               0
            Conv2d-8        [-1, 128, 112, 112]         147,584
              ReLU-9        [-1, 128, 112, 112]               0
        MaxPool2d-10          [-1, 128, 56, 56]               0
           Conv2d-11          [-1, 256, 56, 56]         295,168
             ReLU-12          [-1, 256, 56, 56]               0
           Conv2d-13          [-1, 256, 56, 56]         590,080
             ReLU-14          [-1, 256, 56, 56]               0
           Conv2d-15          [-1, 256, 56, 56]         590,080
             ReLU-16          [-1, 256, 56, 56]               0
        MaxPool2d-17          [-1, 256, 28, 28]               0
           Conv2d-18          [-1, 512, 28, 28]       1,180,160
             ReLU-19          [-1, 512, 28, 28]               0
           Conv2d-20          [-1, 512, 28, 28]       2,359,808
             ReLU-21          [-1, 512, 28, 28]               0
           Conv2d-22          [-1, 512, 28, 28]       2,359,808
             ReLU-23          [-1, 512, 28, 28]               0
        MaxPool2d-24          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
           Conv2d-25          [-1, 512, 14, 14]       2,359,808
             ReLU-26          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
           Conv2d-27          [-1, 512, 14, 14]       2,359,808
             ReLU-28          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
           Conv2d-29          [-1, 512, 14, 14]       2,359,808
             ReLU-30          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
        MaxPool2d-31            [-1, 512, 7, 7]               0
           Linear-32                 [-1, 4096]     102,764,544
             ReLU-33                 [-1, 4096]               0
          Dropout-34                 [-1, 4096]               0
           Linear-35                 [-1, 4096]      16,781,312
             ReLU-36                 [-1, 4096]               0
          Dropout-37                 [-1, 4096]               0
           Linear-38                 [-1, 1000]       4,097,000
Total params: 138,357,544
Trainable params: 138,357,544
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.57
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 218.59
Params size (MB): 527.79
Estimated Total Size (MB): 746.96

Why binary_crossentropy and categorical_crossentropy give different performances for the same problem?

a simple example under a multi-class setting to illustrate

suppose you have 4 classes (onehot encoded) and below is just one prediction

true_label = [0,1,0,0] predicted_label = [0,0,1,0]

when using categorical_crossentropy, the accuracy is just 0 , it only cares about if you get the concerned class right.

however when using binary_crossentropy, the accuracy is calculated for all classes, it would be 50% for this prediction. and the final result will be the mean of the individual accuracies for both cases.

it is recommended to use categorical_crossentropy for multi-class(classes are mutually exclusive) problem but binary_crossentropy for multi-label problem.

Keras, How to get the output of each layer?


One simple way is to create a new Model that will output the layers that you are interested in:

from keras.models import Model

model = ...  # include here your original model

layer_name = 'my_layer'
intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=model.input,
intermediate_output = intermediate_layer_model.predict(data)

Alternatively, you can build a Keras function that will return the output of a certain layer given a certain input, for example:

from keras import backend as K

# with a Sequential model
get_3rd_layer_output = K.function([model.layers[0].input],
layer_output = get_3rd_layer_output([x])[0]

How do I install Keras and Theano in Anaconda Python on Windows?

install by this command given below conda install -c conda-forge keras

this is error "CondaError: Cannot link a source that does not exist" ive get in win 10. for your error put this command in your command line.

conda update conda

this work for me .

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

In my case my problem was that I was using an older version of NetBeans. The Maven repository removed an http reference, but the embedded Maven in Netbeans had that http reference hard-coded. I was really confused at first because my pom.xml referenced the proper

Fixing it was pretty simple. I downloaded the latest zip archive of Maven from the following location and extracted it to my machine:

Within Netbeans at Tools -> Options -> Java -> Maven on the "Execution" section I set "Maven Home" to the newly extracted zip file location.

Now I could build my project....

Spring boot - Not a managed type

You can use @EntityScan annotation and provide your entity package for scanning all your jpa entities. You can use this annotation on your base application class where you have used @SpringBootApplication annotation.

e.g. @EntityScan("com.test.springboot.demo.entity")

Problems using Maven and SSL behind proxy

After creating the keystore mentioned by @Andy. In Eclipse, i added the jvm args and it worked.

enter image description here

enter image description here

node.js + mysql connection pooling

i always use connection.relase(); after pool.getconnetion like

pool.getConnection(function (err, connection) {
        if (!err)
            console.log('*** Mysql Connection established with ', config.database, ' and connected as id ' + connection.threadId);
            email =
            connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?', [email],
                function (err, rows) {
                    if (!err)
                        if (rows.length == 1)
                            if (bcrypt.compareSync(req.body.password, rows[0].password))
                                var alldata = rows;
                                var userid = rows[0].id;
                                var tokendata = (receivedValues, userid);
                                var token = jwt.sign(receivedValues, config.secret, {
                                    expiresIn: 1440 * 60 * 30 // expires in 1440 minutes
                                console.log("*** Authorised User");
                                    "code": 200,
                                    "status": "Success",
                                    "token": token,
                                    "userData": alldata,
                                    "message": "Authorised User!"
                      'url=', URL.url, 'Responce=', 'User Signin, username',, 'User Id=', rows[0].id);
                                console.log("*** Redirecting: Unauthorised User");
                                res.json({"code": 200, "status": "Fail", "message": "Unauthorised User!"});
                                logger.error('*** Redirecting: Unauthorised User');
                            console.error("*** Redirecting: No User found with provided name");
                                "code": 200,
                                "status": "Error",
                                "message": "No User found with provided name"
                            logger.error('url=', URL.url, 'No User found with provided name');
                        console.log("*** Redirecting: Error for selecting user");
                        res.json({"code": 200, "status": "Error", "message": "Error for selecting user"});
                        logger.error('url=', URL.url, 'Error for selecting user',;
            connection.on('error', function (err) {
                console.log('*** Redirecting: Error Creating User...');
                res.json({"code": 200, "status": "Error", "message": "Error Checking Username Duplicate"});

Thread pooling in C++11

Something like this might help (taken from a working app).

#include <memory>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>

struct thread_pool {
  typedef std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> asio_worker;

  thread_pool(int threads) :service(), service_worker(new asio_worker::element_type(service)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < threads; ++i) {
      auto worker = [this] { return; };
      grp.add_thread(new boost::thread(worker));

  template<class F>
  void enqueue(F f) {;

  ~thread_pool() {

  boost::asio::io_service service;
  asio_worker service_worker;
  boost::thread_group grp;

You can use it like this:

thread_pool pool(2);

pool.enqueue([] {
  std::cout << "Hello from Task 1\n";

pool.enqueue([] {
  std::cout << "Hello from Task 2\n";

Keep in mind that reinventing an efficient asynchronous queuing mechanism is not trivial.

Boost::asio::io_service is a very efficient implementation, or actually is a collection of platform-specific wrappers (e.g. it wraps I/O completion ports on Windows).

The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.Mvc'

View and check the reference paths in your csproj.

I had removed references to System.Web.Mvc (and others) and readded them to a custom path. C:\Project\OurWebReferences

However, after doing this, the reference path in the still csproj did not change. WAS

<Reference Include="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

Changed to manually

<Reference Include="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

Paths are an example only.

org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'customerService' is defined

You will have to annotate your service with @Service since you have said I am using annotations for mapping

How to create a oracle sql script spool file

In order to execute a spool file in plsql Go to File->New->command window -> paste your code-> execute. Got to the directory and u will find the file.

Unable to begin a distributed transaction

My last adventure with MSDTC and this error today turned out to be a DNS issue. You're on the right track asking if the machines are on the same domain, EBarr. Terrific list for this issue, by the way!

My situation: I needed a server in a child domain to be able to run distributed transactions against a server in the parent domain through a firewall. I've used linked servers quite a bit over the years, so I had all the usual settings in SQL for a linked server and in MSDTC that Ian documented so nicely above. I set up MSDTC with a range of TCP ports (5000-5200) to use on both servers, and arranged for a firewall hole between the boxes for ports 1433 and 5000-5200. That should have worked. The linked server tested OK and I could query the remote SQL server via the linked server nicely, but I couldn't get it to allow a distributed transaction. I could even see a connection on the QA server from the DEV server, but something wasn't making the trip back.

I could PING the DEV server from QA using a FQDN like: PING

I could not PING the DEV server with just the machine name: PING DEVSQL

The DEVSQL server was supposed to be a member of both domains, but the name wasn't resolving in the parent domain's DNS... something had happened to the machine account for DEVSQL in the parent domain. Once we added DEVSQL to the DNS for the parent domain, and "PING DEVSQL" worked from the remote QA server, this issue was resolved for us.

I hope this helps!

How to fix: "No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname" error when using pools?

From what i have observed there might be two reasons for this Exception to occur: (1)Your Driver name is not spelled Correctly. (2)Driver hasn't been Associated Properly with the Java Project Steps to follow in Eclipse: (1)Create a new Java Project. (2)copy The connector Jar file (3)Right Click on the Java project and paste it there. (4)Right click on the Java project -> Properties ->Java Build Path - >libraries-> Add Jar ->choose ur project(select the jar file from dropdown) and click ok.

Configure hibernate to connect to database via JNDI Datasource

Tomcat-7 JNDI configuration:


  1. Open the server.xml in the tomcat-dir/conf
  2. Add below <Resource> tag with your DB details inside <GlobalNamingResources>
<Resource name="jdbc/mydb"
  1. Save the server.xml file
  2. Open the context.xml in the tomcat-dir/conf
  3. Add the below <ResourceLink> inside the <Context> tag.
<ResourceLink name="jdbc/mydb" 
              type="javax.sql.DataSource" />
  1. Save the context.xml
  2. Open the hibernate-cfg.xml file and add and remove below properties.
<property name="connection.datasource">java:comp/env/jdbc/mydb</property>

<!--<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb</property> -->
<!--<property name="connection.username">root</property> -->
<!--<property name="connection.password"></property> -->
  1. Save the file and put latest .WAR file in tomcat.
  2. Restart the tomcat. the DB connection will work.

Is this very likely to create a memory leak in Tomcat?

The message is actually pretty clear: something creates a ThreadLocal with value of type org.apache.axis.MessageContext - this is a great hint. It most likely means that Apache Axis framework forgot/failed to cleanup after itself. The same problem occurred for instance in Logback. You shouldn't bother much, but reporting a bug to Axis team might be a good idea.

Tomcat reports this error because the ThreadLocals are created per HTTP worker threads. Your application is undeployed but HTTP threads remain - and these ThreadLocals as well. This may lead to memory leaks (org.apache.axis.MessageContext can't be unloaded) and some issues when these threads are reused in the future.

For details see:

Efficient SQL test query or validation query that will work across all (or most) databases

For tests using select count(*), it should be more efficient to use select count(1) because * can cause it to read all the column data.

Entity Framework and Connection Pooling

According to Daniel Simmons:

Create a new ObjectContext instance in a Using statement for each service method so that it is disposed of before the method returns. This step is critical for scalability of your service. It makes sure that database connections are not kept open across service calls and that temporary state used by a particular operation is garbage collected when that operation is over. The Entity Framework automatically caches metadata and other information it needs in the app domain, and ADO.NET pools database connections, so re-creating the context each time is a quick operation.

This is from his comprehensive article here:

I believe this advice extends to HTTP requests, so would be valid for ASP.NET. A stateful, fat-client application such as a WPF application might be the only case for a "shared" context.

Switch role after connecting to database

--create a user that you want to use the database as:

create role neil;

--create the user for the web server to connect as:

create role webgui noinherit login password 's3cr3t';

--let webgui set role to neil:

grant neil to webgui; --this looks backwards but is correct.

webgui is now in the neil group, so webgui can call set role neil . However, webgui did not inherit neil's permissions.

Later, login as webgui:

psql -d some_database -U webgui
(enter s3cr3t as password)

set role neil;

webgui does not need superuser permission for this.

You want to set role at the beginning of a database session and reset it at the end of the session. In a web app, this corresponds to getting a connection from your database connection pool and releasing it, respectively. Here's an example using Tomcat's connection pool and Spring Security:

public class SetRoleJdbcInterceptor extends JdbcInterceptor {

    public void reset(ConnectionPool connectionPool, PooledConnection pooledConnection) {

        Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();

        if(authentication != null) {
            try {

                  use OWASP's ESAPI to encode the username to avoid SQL Injection. Can't use parameters with SET ROLE. Need to write PG codec.

                  Or use a whitelist-map approach
                String username = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForSQL(MY_CODEC, authentication.getName());

                Statement statement = pooledConnection.getConnection().createStatement();
                statement.execute("set role \"" + username + "\"");
            } catch(SQLException exp){
                throw new RuntimeException(exp);

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {

            Statement statement = ((Connection)proxy).createStatement();
            statement.execute("reset role");

        return super.invoke(proxy, method, args);

System.Timers.Timer vs System.Threading.Timer

One important difference not mentioned above which might catch you out is that System.Timers.Timer silently swallows exceptions, whereas System.Threading.Timer doesn't.

For example:

var timer = new System.Timers.Timer { AutoReset = false };
timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) =>
    var z = 0;
    var i = 1 / z;


var timer = new System.Threading.Timer(x =>
    var z = 0;
    var i = 1 / z;
}, null, 0, Timeout.Infinite);

Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0

I was having trouble with DBCP when the connections times out so I trialled c3p0. I was going to release this to production but then started performance testing. I found that c3p0 performed terribly. I couldn't configure it to perform well at all. I found it twice as slow as DBCP.

I then tried the Tomcat connection pooling.

This was twice as fast as c3p0 and fixed other issues I was having with DBCP. I spent a lot of time investigating and testing the 3 pools. My advice if you are deploying to Tomcat is to use the new Tomcat JDBC pool.

SQL Server: Query fast, but slow from procedure

This may sound silly and seems obvious from the name SessionGUID, but is the column a uniqueidentifier on Report_Opener? If not, you may want to try casting it to the correct type and give it a shot or declare your variable to the correct type.

The plan created as part of the sproc may work unintuitively and do an internal cast on a large table.

Insert Update trigger how to determine if insert or update

A potential problem with the two solutions offered is that, depending on how they are written, an update query may update zero records and an insert query may insert zero records. In these cases, the Inserted and Deleted recordsets will be empty. In many cases, if both the Inserted and Deleted recordsets are empty you might just want to exit the trigger without doing anything.

Best way to "negate" an instanceof

ok just my two cents, use a is string method:

public static boolean isString(Object thing) {
    return thing instanceof String;

public void someMethod(Object thing){
    if (!isString(thing)) {
        return null;
    log.debug("my thing is valid");

How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?

When it comes to the main script it's as simple as:


From the Node.js documentation:


An array containing the command line arguments. The first element will be 'node', the second element will be the path to the JavaScript file. The next elements will be any additional command line arguments.

If you need to know the path of a module file then use __filename.

What's the C++ version of Java's ArrayList

A couple of additional points re use of vector here.

Unlike ArrayList and Array in Java, you don't need to do anything special to treat a vector as an array - the underlying storage in C++ is guaranteed to be contiguous and efficiently indexable.

Unlike ArrayList, a vector can efficiently hold primitive types without encapsulation as a full-fledged object.

When removing items from a vector, be aware that the items above the removed item have to be moved down to preserve contiguous storage. This can get expensive for large containers.

Make sure if you store complex objects in the vector that their copy constructor and assignment operators are efficient. Under the covers, C++ STL uses these during container housekeeping.

Advice about reserve()ing storage upfront (ie. at vector construction or initialilzation time) to minimize memory reallocation on later extension carries over from Java to C++.

Skip first couple of lines while reading lines in Python file

If you don't want to read the whole file into memory at once, you can use a few tricks:

With next(iterator) you can advance to the next line:

with open("filename.txt") as f:
     for line in f:

Of course, this is slighly ugly, so itertools has a better way of doing this:

from itertools import islice

with open("filename.txt") as f:
    # start at line 17 and never stop (None), until the end
    for line in islice(f, 17, None):

Fill background color left to right CSS

If you are like me and need to change color of text itself also while in the same time filling the background color check my solution.

Steps to create:

  1. Have two text, one is static colored in color on hover, and the other one in default state color which you will be moving on hover
  2. On hover move wrapper of the not static one text while in the same time move inner text of that wrapper to the opposite direction.
  3. Make sure to add overflow hidden where needed

Good thing about this solution:

  • Support IE9, uses only transform
  • Button (or element you are applying animation) is fluid in width, so no fixed values are being used here

Not so good thing about this solution:

  • A really messy markup, could be solved by using pseudo elements and att(data)?
  • There is some small glitch in animation when having more then one button next to each other, maybe it could be easily solved but I didn't take much time to investigate yet.

Check the pen --->

<button class="btn btn--animation-from-right">
  <span class="btn__text-static">Cover left</span>
  <div class="btn__text-dynamic">
    <span class="btn__text-dynamic-inner">Cover left</span>

.btn {
  padding: 10px 20px;
  position: relative;

  border: 2px solid #222;
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #222;
  position: relative;

  overflow: hidden;
  cursor: pointer;

  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-family: monospace;
  letter-spacing: -1px;

  [class^="btn__text"] {
    font-size: 24px;

  .btn__text-dynamic-inner {    
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

    position: absolute;
    z-index: 2;

    transition: all ease 0.5s;

  .btn__text-dynamic {
    background-color: #fff;
    color: #222;

    overflow: hidden;

  &:hover {
    .btn__text-dynamic {
      transform: translateX(-100%);
    .btn__text-dynamic-inner {
      transform: translateX(100%);

.btn--animation-from-right {
    &:hover {
    .btn__text-dynamic {
      transform: translateX(100%);
    .btn__text-dynamic-inner {
      transform: translateX(-100%);

You can remove .btn--animation-from-right modifier if you want to animate to the left.

Stop and Start a service via batch or cmd file?

Sometimes you can find the stop does not work..

My SQlServer sometimes does this. Using the following commandline kills it. If you really really need your script to kill stuff that doesn't stop. I would have it do this as a last resort

taskkill /pid [pid number] /f

Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect()

If you are using Microsoft Drivers 3.1, 3.0, and 2.0. Please check your PHP version already install with IIS.

Use this script to check the php version:

<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>


If you have installed PHP Manager in IIS using web platform Installer you can check the version from it.

If you are using new PHP version (5.6) please download Drivers from here

For PHP version Lower than 5.6 - please download Drivers from here

  • PHP Driver version 3.1 requires PHP 5.4.32, or PHP 5.5.16, or later.
  • PHP Driver version 3.0 requires PHP 5.3.0 or later. If possible, use PHP 5.3.6, or later.
  • PHP Driver version 2.0 driver works with PHP 5.2.4 or later, but not with PHP 5.4. If possible, use PHP 5.2.13, or later.

Then use the PHP Manager to add that downloaded drivers into php config file.You can do it as shown below (browse the files and press OK). Then Restart the IIS Server

enter image description here

If this method not work please change the php version and try to run your php script. enter image description here

Tip:Change the php version to lower and try to understand what happened.then you can download relevant drivers.


Try cast (columnName as unsigned)

unsigned is positive value only

If you want to include negative value, then cast (columnName as signed),
The difference between sign (negative include) and unsigned (twice the size of sign, but non-negative)

SPA best practices for authentication and session management

This question has been addressed, in a slightly different form, at length, here:

RESTful Authentication

But this addresses it from the server-side. Let's look at this from the client-side. Before we do that, though, there's an important prelude:

Javascript Crypto is Hopeless

Matasano's article on this is famous, but the lessons contained therein are pretty important:

To summarize:

  • A man-in-the-middle attack can trivially replace your crypto code with <script> function hash_algorithm(password){ lol_nope_send_it_to_me_instead(password); }</script>
  • A man-in-the-middle attack is trivial against a page that serves any resource over a non-SSL connection.
  • Once you have SSL, you're using real crypto anyways.

And to add a corollary of my own:

  • A successful XSS attack can result in an attacker executing code on your client's browser, even if you're using SSL - so even if you've got every hatch battened down, your browser crypto can still fail if your attacker finds a way to execute any javascript code on someone else's browser.

This renders a lot of RESTful authentication schemes impossible or silly if you're intending to use a JavaScript client. Let's look!

HTTP Basic Auth

First and foremost, HTTP Basic Auth. The simplest of schemes: simply pass a name and password with every request.

This, of course, absolutely requires SSL, because you're passing a Base64 (reversibly) encoded name and password with every request. Anybody listening on the line could extract username and password trivially. Most of the "Basic Auth is insecure" arguments come from a place of "Basic Auth over HTTP" which is an awful idea.

The browser provides baked-in HTTP Basic Auth support, but it is ugly as sin and you probably shouldn't use it for your app. The alternative, though, is to stash username and password in JavaScript.

This is the most RESTful solution. The server requires no knowledge of state whatsoever and authenticates every individual interaction with the user. Some REST enthusiasts (mostly strawmen) insist that maintaining any sort of state is heresy and will froth at the mouth if you think of any other authentication method. There are theoretical benefits to this sort of standards-compliance - it's supported by Apache out of the box - you could store your objects as files in folders protected by .htaccess files if your heart desired!

The problem? You are caching on the client-side a username and password. This gives a better crack at it - even the most basic of XSS vulnerabilities could result in the client beaming his username and password to an evil server. You could try to alleviate this risk by hashing and salting the password, but remember: JavaScript Crypto is Hopeless. You could alleviate this risk by leaving it up to the Browser's Basic Auth support, but.. ugly as sin, as mentioned earlier.

HTTP Digest Auth

Is Digest authentication possible with jQuery?

A more "secure" auth, this is a request/response hash challenge. Except JavaScript Crypto is Hopeless, so it only works over SSL and you still have to cache the username and password on the client side, making it more complicated than HTTP Basic Auth but no more secure.

Query Authentication with Additional Signature Parameters.

Another more "secure" auth, where you encrypt your parameters with nonce and timing data (to protect against repeat and timing attacks) and send the. One of the best examples of this is the OAuth 1.0 protocol, which is, as far as I know, a pretty stonking way to implement authentication on a REST server.

Oh, but there aren't any OAuth 1.0 clients for JavaScript. Why?

JavaScript Crypto is Hopeless, remember. JavaScript can't participate in OAuth 1.0 without SSL, and you still have to store the client's username and password locally - which puts this in the same category as Digest Auth - it's more complicated than HTTP Basic Auth but it's no more secure.


The user sends a username and password, and in exchange gets a token that can be used to authenticate requests.

This is marginally more secure than HTTP Basic Auth, because as soon as the username/password transaction is complete you can discard the sensitive data. It's also less RESTful, as tokens constitute "state" and make the server implementation more complicated.

SSL Still

The rub though, is that you still have to send that initial username and password to get a token. Sensitive information still touches your compromisable JavaScript.

To protect your user's credentials, you still need to keep attackers out of your JavaScript, and you still need to send a username and password over the wire. SSL Required.

Token Expiry

It's common to enforce token policies like "hey, when this token has been around too long, discard it and make the user authenticate again." or "I'm pretty sure that the only IP address allowed to use this token is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX". Many of these policies are pretty good ideas.


However, using a token Without SSL is still vulnerable to an attack called 'sidejacking':

The attacker doesn't get your user's credentials, but they can still pretend to be your user, which can be pretty bad.

tl;dr: Sending unencrypted tokens over the wire means that attackers can easily nab those tokens and pretend to be your user. FireSheep is a program that makes this very easy.

A Separate, More Secure Zone

The larger the application that you're running, the harder it is to absolutely ensure that they won't be able to inject some code that changes how you process sensitive data. Do you absolutely trust your CDN? Your advertisers? Your own code base?

Common for credit card details and less common for username and password - some implementers keep 'sensitive data entry' on a separate page from the rest of their application, a page that can be tightly controlled and locked down as best as possible, preferably one that is difficult to phish users with.

Cookie (just means Token)

It is possible (and common) to put the authentication token in a cookie. This doesn't change any of the properties of auth with the token, it's more of a convenience thing. All of the previous arguments still apply.

Session (still just means Token)

Session Auth is just Token authentication, but with a few differences that make it seem like a slightly different thing:

  • Users start with an unauthenticated token.
  • The backend maintains a 'state' object that is tied to a user's token.
  • The token is provided in a cookie.
  • The application environment abstracts the details away from you.

Aside from that, though, it's no different from Token Auth, really.

This wanders even further from a RESTful implementation - with state objects you're going further and further down the path of plain ol' RPC on a stateful server.

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 looks at the problem of "How does Software A give Software B access to User X's data without Software B having access to User X's login credentials."

The implementation is very much just a standard way for a user to get a token, and then for a third party service to go "yep, this user and this token match, and you can get some of their data from us now."

Fundamentally, though, OAuth 2.0 is just a token protocol. It exhibits the same properties as other token protocols - you still need SSL to protect those tokens - it just changes up how those tokens are generated.

There are two ways that OAuth 2.0 can help you:

  • Providing Authentication/Information to Others
  • Getting Authentication/Information from Others

But when it comes down to it, you're just... using tokens.

Back to your question

So, the question that you're asking is "should I store my token in a cookie and have my environment's automatic session management take care of the details, or should I store my token in Javascript and handle those details myself?"

And the answer is: do whatever makes you happy.

The thing about automatic session management, though, is that there's a lot of magic happening behind the scenes for you. Often it's nicer to be in control of those details yourself.

I am 21 so SSL is yes

The other answer is: Use https for everything or brigands will steal your users' passwords and tokens.

Test method is inconclusive: Test wasn't run. Error?

I faced this problem in vs 2017 update 3 with Resharper Ultimate 2017.2

Restart vs or restart machine can't help.

I resolved the problem by clearing the Cache as follows:

    Resharper ->options-> Environment ->click the button 'Clear caches'


There is a button "error" (I find in Resharper 2018) in the upper right corner of the test window.

If you click the error button, it shows an error message that may help in resolving the problem.

To track the root of the problem, run Visual Studio in log mode. In vs 2017, Run the command:

      devenv /ReSharper.LogFile C:\temp\log\test_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose

Run the test.

Review the log file test_log.txt and search for 'error' in the file.

The log file is a great help to find the error that you can resolve or you can send the issue with the log file to the technical support team of Resharper.

Chain-calling parent initialisers in python

You can simply write :

class A(object):

    def __init__(self):
        print "Initialiser A was called"

class B(A):

    def __init__(self):
        # A.__init__(self,<parameters>) if you want to call with parameters
        print "Initialiser B was called"

class C(B):

    def __init__(self):
        # A.__init__(self) # if you want to call most super class...
        print "Initialiser C was called"

Get parent directory of running script

I Hope this will help you.

echo getcwd().'<br>'; // getcwd() will return current working directory
echo dirname(getcwd(),1).'<br>';
echo dirname(getcwd(),2).'<br>';
echo dirname(getcwd(),3).'<br>';

Output :


MS SQL Date Only Without Time

If you're using SQL Server 2008 it has this built in now, see this in books online


How to define Singleton in TypeScript

Here is yet another way to do it with a more conventional javascript approach using an IFFE:

module App.Counter {
    export var Instance = (() => {
        var i = 0;
        return {
            increment: (): void => {
            getCount: (): number => {
                return i;

module App {
    export function countStuff() {


View a demo

Can "git pull --all" update all my local branches?

The script from @larsmans, a bit improved:


set -x
CURRENT=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
git fetch --all
for branch in "$@"; do
  if ["$branch" -ne "$CURRENT"]; then
    git checkout "$branch" || exit 1
    git rebase "origin/$branch" || exit 1
git checkout "$CURRENT" || exit 1
git rebase "origin/$CURRENT" || exit 1

This, after it finishes, leaves working copy checked out from the same branch as it was before the script was called.

The git pull version:


set -x
CURRENT=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
git fetch --all
for branch in "$@"; do
  if ["$branch" -ne "$CURRENT"]; then
    git checkout "$branch" || exit 1
    git pull || exit 1
git checkout "$CURRENT" || exit 1
git pull || exit 1

SVN Commit failed, access forbidden

I had a similar issue in Mac where svn was picking mac login as user name and I was getting error as

svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://repo:8443/svn/proj/trunk'
svn: E175013: Access to '/svn/proj/trunk' forbidden

I used the --username along with svn command to pass the correct username which helped me. Alternatively, you can delete ~/.subversion/auth file, after which svn will prompt you for username.

Oracle PL Sql Developer cannot find my tnsnames.ora file

If you are certain your tnsnames.ora file is correct (eg by testing the connection with the Oracle Net Config Assistant, or logging in successfully with SQLplus), and you are able to open the PLSQL Developer application, but you still can't connect to the database in PLSQL Developer, then follow these steps:

  1. In PLSQL Developer (version 11.0) go to Help/Support Info

  2. Click the TNS Names tab. If the path in PLSQL Developer is wrong it will be blank (no tns file found) or incorrect (wrong tns file in use)

  3. On the Info tab scroll down to the TNS File entry and to see the path for the tns file PLSQL Developer is using. Very likely this is wrong.

  4. To correct the path:

    • open a command prompt
    • navigate to the PLSQL Developer directory in Program Files
    • enter this command:

      plsqldev.exe TNS_ADMIN=c:\your\tns\directory\path\here

    *path is to the directory containing your tnsnames.ora file - for me this is: c:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin

  5. A new PLSQL Developer UI will open and you should be able to connect.

  6. Make sure you have a Windows environment variable TNS_ADMIN set to the same path

    • On Windows 7 you go to Start, Control Panel, System, Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables to view/add/update environment variables

How to convert from Hex to ASCII in JavaScript?

For completeness sake the reverse function:

function a2hex(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i ++) {
    var hex = Number(str.charCodeAt(i)).toString(16);
  return arr.join('');
a2hex('2460'); //returns 32343630

What does $(function() {} ); do?

This is a shortcut for $(document).ready(), which is executed when the browser has finished loading the page (meaning here, "when the DOM is available"). See If you are trying to call example() before the browser has finished loading the page, it may not work.

Pass PDO prepared statement to variables

Instead of using ->bindParam() you can pass the data only at the time of ->execute():

$data = [   ':item_name' => $_POST['item_name'],   ':item_type' => $_POST['item_type'],   ':item_price' => $_POST['item_price'],   ':item_description' => $_POST['item_description'],   ':image_location' => 'images/'.$_FILES['file']['name'],   ':status' => 0,   ':id' => 0, ];  $stmt->execute($data); 

In this way you would know exactly what values are going to be sent.

How to convert a string to character array in c (or) how to extract a single char form string?

In C, there's no (real, distinct type of) strings. Every C "string" is an array of chars, zero terminated.

Therefore, to extract a character c at index i from string your_string, just use

char c = your_string[i];

Index is base 0 (first character is your_string[0], second is your_string[1]...).

Making Enter key on an HTML form submit instead of activating button

Try this, if enter key was pressed you can capture it like this for example, I developed an answer the other day html button specify selected, see if this helps.

Specify the forms name as for example yourFormName then you should be able to submit the form without having focus on the form.

document.onkeypress = keyPress;

function keyPress(e){
  var x = e || window.event;
  var key = (x.keyCode || x.which);
  if(key == 13 || key == 3){
   //  myFunc1();

ASP.Net MVC: Calling a method from a view

You can implement a static formatting method or an HTML helper, then use this syntaxe :

@using class_of_method_namespace
// HTML page here

or in case of HTML Helper


UPDATE if exists else INSERT in SQL Server 2008

Many people will suggest you use MERGE, but I caution you against it. By default, it doesn't protect you from concurrency and race conditions any more than multiple statements, but it does introduce other dangers:

Even with this "simpler" syntax available, I still prefer this approach (error handling omitted for brevity):

UPDATE dbo.table SET ... WHERE PK = @PK;
  INSERT dbo.table(PK, ...) SELECT @PK, ...;

A lot of folks will suggest this way:

  UPDATE ...
  INSERT ...

But all this accomplishes is ensuring you may need to read the table twice to locate the row(s) to be updated. In the first sample, you will only ever need to locate the row(s) once. (In both cases, if no rows are found from the initial read, an insert occurs.)

Others will suggest this way:

  INSERT ...
  IF ERROR_NUMBER() = 2627
    UPDATE ...

However, this is problematic if for no other reason than letting SQL Server catch exceptions that you could have prevented in the first place is much more expensive, except in the rare scenario where almost every insert fails. I prove as much here:

Not sure what you think you gain by having a single statement; I don't think you gain anything. MERGE is a single statement but it still has to really perform multiple operations anyway - even though it makes you think it doesn't.

CSS Box Shadow - Top and Bottom Only

I've played around with it and I think I have a solution. The following example shows how to set Box-Shadow so that it will only show a shadow for the inset top and bottom of an element.

Legend: insetOption leftPosition topPosition blurStrength spreadStrength color

The key to accomplishing this is to set the blur value to <= the negative of the spread value (ex. inset 0px 5px -?px 5px #000; the blur value should be -5 and lower) and to also keep the blur value > 0 when subtracted from the primary positioning value (ex. using the example from above, the blur value should be -9 and up, thus giving us an optimal value for the the blur to be between -5 and -9).


.styleName {   
/* for IE 8 and lower */
background-color:#888; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow(color=#FFFFCC, offX=0, offY=0, positive=true);  

/* for IE 9 */ 
box-shadow: inset 0px 2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7), inset 0px -2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7); 

/* for webkit browsers */ 
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7), inset 0px -2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7); 

/* for firefox 3.6+ */
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7), inset 0px -2px -2px 2px rgba(255,255,204,0.7);   

Convert MFC CString to integer

The canonical solution is to use the C++ Standard Library for the conversion. Depending on the desired return type, the following conversion functions are available: std::stoi, std::stol, or std::stoll (or their unsigned counterparts std::stoul, std::stoull).

The implementation is fairly straight forward:

int ToInt( const CString& str ) {
    return std::stoi( { str.GetString(), static_cast<size_t>( str.GetLength() ) } );

long ToLong( const CString& str ) {
    return std::stol( { str.GetString(), static_cast<size_t>( str.GetLength() ) } );

long long ToLongLong( const CString& str ) {
    return std::stoll( { str.GetString(), static_cast<size_t>( str.GetLength() ) } );

unsigned long ToULong( const CString& str ) {
    return std::stoul( { str.GetString(), static_cast<size_t>( str.GetLength() ) } );

unsigned long long ToULongLong( const CString& str ) {
    return std::stoull( { str.GetString(), static_cast<size_t>( str.GetLength() ) } );

All of these implementations report errors through exceptions (std::invalid_argument if no conversion could be performed, std::out_of_range if the converted value would fall out of the range of the result type). Constructing the temporary std::[w]string can also throw.

The implementations can be used for both Unicode as well as MBCS projects.

What is the difference between the | and || or operators?

Just like the & and && operator, the double Operator is a "short-circuit" operator.

For example:

if(condition1 || condition2 || condition3)

If condition1 is true, condition 2 and 3 will NOT be checked.

if(condition1 | condition2 | condition3)

This will check conditions 2 and 3, even if 1 is already true. As your conditions can be quite expensive functions, you can get a good performance boost by using them.

There is one big caveat, NullReferences or similar problems. For example:

if(class != null && class.someVar < 20)

If class is null, the if-statement will stop after class != null is false. If you only use &, it will try to check class.someVar and you get a nice NullReferenceException. With the Or-Operator that may not be that much of a trap as it's unlikely that you trigger something bad, but it's something to keep in mind.

No one ever uses the single & or | operators though, unless you have a design where each condition is a function that HAS to be executed. Sounds like a design smell, but sometimes (rarely) it's a clean way to do stuff. The & operator does "run these 3 functions, and if one of them returns false, execute the else block", while the | does "only run the else block if none return false" - can be useful, but as said, often it's a design smell.

There is a Second use of the | and & operator though: Bitwise Operations.

How do I show a message in the foreach loop?

You are looking to see if a single value is in an array. Use in_array.

However note that case is important, as are any leading or trailing spaces. Use var_dump to find out the length of the strings too, and see if they fit.

Create nice column output in python

For lazy people

that are using Python 3.* and Pandas/Geopandas; universal simple in-class approach (for 'normal' script just remove self):

Function colorize:

    def colorize(self,s,color):
        s = color+str(s)+"\033[0m"
        return s


print('{0:<23} {1:>24} {2:>26} {3:>26} {4:>11} {5:>11}'.format('Road name','Classification','Function','Form of road','Length','Distance') )

and then data from Pandas/Geopandas dataframe:

            for index, row in clipped.iterrows():
                rdName      = self.colorize(row['name1'],"\033[32m")
                rdClass     = self.colorize(row['roadClassification'],"\033[93m")
                rdFunction  = self.colorize(row['roadFunction'],"\033[33m")
                rdForm      = self.colorize(row['formOfWay'],"\033[94m")
                rdLength    = self.colorize(row['length'],"\033[97m")
                rdDistance  = self.colorize(row['distance'],"\033[96m")
                print('{0:<30} {1:>35} {2:>35} {3:>35} {4:>20} {5:>20}'.format(rdName,rdClass,rdFunction,rdForm,rdLength,rdDistance) )

Meaning of {0:<30} {1:>35} {2:>35} {3:>35} {4:>20} {5:>20}:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -> columns, there are 6 in total in this case

30, 35, 20 -> width of column (note that you'll have to add length of \033[96m - this for Python is a string as well), just experiment :)

>, < -> justify: right, left (there is = for filling with zeros as well)

If you want to distinct e.g. max value, you'll have to switch to special Pandas style function, but suppose that's far enough to present data on terminal window.


enter image description here

Can the Android layout folder contain subfolders?

While all the proposals for multiple resource sets may work, the problem is that the current logic for the Android Studio Gradle plug-in will not update the resource files after they have changed for nested resource sets. The current implementation attempts to check the resource directories using startsWith(), so a directory structure that is nested (i.e. src/main/res/layout/layouts and src/main/res/layout/layouts_category2) will choose src/main/res/layout/layouts consistently and never actually update the changes. The end result is that you have to rebuild/clean the project each time.

I submitted a patch at to try to help resolve things.

Converting BigDecimal to Integer


Use one of these for universal conversion needs

//Java 7 or below
bigDecimal.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).intValueExact()
//Java 8    


The answer depends on what the requirements are and how you answer these question.

  • Will the BigDecimal potentially have a non-zero fractional part?
  • Will the BigDecimal potentially not fit into the Integer range?
  • Would you like non-zero fractional parts rounded or truncated?
  • How would you like non-zero fractional parts rounded?

If you answered no to the first 2 questions, you could just use BigDecimal.intValueExact() as others have suggested and let it blow up when something unexpected happens.

If you are not absolutely 100% confident about question number 2, then intValue() is always the wrong answer.

Making it better

Let's use the following assumptions based on the other answers.

  • We are okay with losing precision and truncating the value because that's what intValueExact() and auto-boxing do
  • We want an exception thrown when the BigDecimal is larger than the Integer range because anything else would be crazy unless you have a very specific need for the wrap around that happens when you drop the high-order bits.

Given those params, intValueExact() throws an exception when we don't want it to if our fractional part is non-zero. On the other hand, intValue() doesn't throw an exception when it should if our BigDecimal is too large.

To get the best of both worlds, round off the BigDecimal first, then convert. This also has the benefit of giving you more control over the rounding process.

Spock Groovy Test

void 'test BigDecimal rounding'() {
    BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1.99)
    BigDecimal hugeDecimal = new BigDecimal(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1.99)
    BigDecimal reallyHuge = new BigDecimal("10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
    String decimalAsBigIntString = decimal.toBigInteger().toString()
    String hugeDecimalAsBigIntString = hugeDecimal.toBigInteger().toString()
    String reallyHugeAsBigIntString = reallyHuge.toBigInteger().toString()

    expect: 'decimals that can be truncated within Integer range to do so without exception'
    //GOOD: Truncates without exception
    '' + decimal.intValue() == decimalAsBigIntString
    //BAD: Throws ArithmeticException 'Non-zero decimal digits' because we lose information
    // decimal.intValueExact() == decimalAsBigIntString
    //GOOD: Truncates without exception
    '' + decimal.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).intValueExact() == decimalAsBigIntString

    and: 'truncated decimal that cannot be truncated within Integer range throw conversionOverflow exception'
    //BAD: hugeDecimal.intValue() is -2147483648 instead of 2147483648
    //'' + hugeDecimal.intValue() == hugeDecimalAsBigIntString
    //BAD: Throws ArithmeticException 'Non-zero decimal digits' because we lose information
    //'' + hugeDecimal.intValueExact() == hugeDecimalAsBigIntString
    //GOOD: Throws conversionOverflow ArithmeticException because to large
    //'' + hugeDecimal.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).intValueExact() == hugeDecimalAsBigIntString

    and: 'truncated decimal that cannot be truncated within Integer range throw conversionOverflow exception'
    //BAD: hugeDecimal.intValue() is 0
    //'' + reallyHuge.intValue() == reallyHugeAsBigIntString
    //GOOD: Throws conversionOverflow ArithmeticException because to large
    //'' + reallyHuge.intValueExact() == reallyHugeAsBigIntString
    //GOOD: Throws conversionOverflow ArithmeticException because to large
    //'' + reallyHuge.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).intValueExact() == reallyHugeAsBigIntString

    and: 'if using Java 8, BigInteger has intValueExact() just like BigDecimal'
    //decimal.toBigInteger().intValueExact() == decimal.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).intValueExact()

Joining three tables using MySQL

For normalize form

select as 'Manager', as 'Staff'
from employee e1 
left join manage m on m.mid =
left join employee e2 on m.eid =

powershell 2.0 try catch how to access the exception

Try something like this:

try {
    $w = New-Object net.WebClient
    $d = $w.downloadString('http://foo')
catch [Net.WebException] {
    Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString()

The exception is in the $_ variable. You might explore $_ like this:

try {
    $w = New-Object net.WebClient
    $d = $w.downloadString('http://foo')
catch [Net.WebException] {
    $_ | fl * -Force

I think it will give you all the info you need.

My rule: if there is some data that is not displayed, try to use -force.

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

I've gotten very good results from the java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation approach mentioned in another answer. For good examples of its use, see the entry, Instrumentation Memory Counter from the JavaSpecialists' Newsletter and the java.sizeOf library on SourceForge.

converting list to json format - quick and easy way

You could return the value using return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objName); And send it to the front end

Jackson with JSON: Unrecognized field, not marked as ignorable

According to the doc you can ignore selected fields or all uknown fields:

 // to prevent specified fields from being serialized or deserialized
 // (i.e. not include in JSON output; or being set even if they were included)
 @JsonIgnoreProperties({ "internalId", "secretKey" })

 // To ignore any unknown properties in JSON input without exception:

How do you do relative time in Rails?

Another approach is to unload some logic from the backend and maek the browser do the job by using Javascript plugins such as:

jQuery time ago or its Rails Gem adaptation

How to get all count of mongoose model?

Using mongoose.js you can count documents,

  • count all
const count = await Schema.countDocuments();
  • count specific
const count = await Schema.countDocuments({ key: value });

How to make war file in Eclipse

File -> Export -> Web -> WAR file

OR in Kepler follow as shown below :

enter image description here

IntelliJ show JavaDocs tooltip on mouse over

A note for Android Studio (2.3.3 at least) users, because this page came up for my google search "android studio hover javadoc", and android studio is based on Intellij:

See File->Settings->Editor->General: "show quick documentation on mouse moves", rather than File->Settings->Editor->General->Code Completion "Autopopup documentation in (ms) for explicitly invoked completion" and "Autopopup in (ms)", which has been previously talked about.

Create database from command line

createdb -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -U $PGUSER $PGDB

How to use onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState()?

  • onSaveInstanceState() is a method used to store data before pausing the activity.

Description : Hook allowing a view to generate a representation of its internal state that can later be used to create a new instance with that same state. This state should only contain information that is not persistent or can not be reconstructed later. For example, you will never store your current position on screen because that will be computed again when a new instance of the view is placed in its view hierarchy.

  • onRestoreInstanceState() is method used to retrieve that data back.

Description : This method is called after onStart() when the activity is being re-initialized from a previously saved state, given here in savedInstanceState. Most implementations will simply use onCreate(Bundle) to restore their state, but it is sometimes convenient to do it here after all of the initialization has been done or to allow subclasses to decide whether to use your default implementation. The default implementation of this method performs a restore of any view state that had previously been frozen by onSaveInstanceState(Bundle).

Consider this example here:
You app has 3 edit boxes where user was putting in some info , but he gets a call so if you didn't use the above methods what all he entered will be lost.
So always save the current data in onPause() method of Activity as a bundle & in onResume() method call the onRestoreInstanceState() method .

Please see :

How to use onSavedInstanceState example please

assign value using linq

using Linq would be:

 listOfCompany.Where(c=> == 1).FirstOrDefault().Name = "Whatever Name";


This can be simplified to be...

 listOfCompany.FirstOrDefault(c=> == 1).Name = "Whatever Name";


For multiple items (condition is met by multiple items):

 listOfCompany.Where(c=> == 1).ToList().ForEach(cc => cc.Name = "Whatever Name");

Having the output of a console application in Visual Studio instead of the console

You have three possibilities to do this, but it's not trivial. The main idea of all IDEs is that all of them are the parents of the child (debug) processes. In this case, it is possible to manipulate with standard input, output and error handler. So IDEs start child applications and redirect out into the internal output window. I know about one more possibility, but it will come in future

  1. You could implement your own debug engine for Visual Studio. Debug Engine control starting and debugging for application. Examples for this you could find how to do this on (Visual Studio Debug engine)
  2. Redirect form application using duplication of std handler for c++ or use Console.SetOut(TextWriter) for c#. If you need to print into the output window you need to use Visual Studio extension SDK. Example of the second variant you could find on Github.
  3. Start application that uses System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (for printing into output) and than it will start child application. On starting a child, you need to redirect stdout into parent with pipes. You could find an example on MSDN. But I think this is not the best way.

Serializing/deserializing with memory stream

BinaryFormatter may produce invalid output in some specific cases. For example it will omit unpaired surrogate characters. It may also have problems with values of interface types. Read this documentation page including community content.

If you find your error to be persistent you may want to consider using XML serializer like DataContractSerializer or XmlSerializer.

Test if element is present using Selenium WebDriver?

To find a particular Element is present or not, we have to use findElements() method instead of findElement()..

int i=driver.findElements(By.xpath(".......")).size();
System.out.println("Element is not present");
System.out.println("Element is present");

this is worked for me.. suggest me if i am wrong..

Multiline strings in VB.NET

Available in Visual Basic 14 as part of Visual Studio 2015

But not yet supported by R#. The good news is they will be supported soon! Please vote on Youtrack to notify JetBrains you need them also.

Python: Get the first character of the first string in a list?

Indexing in python starting from 0. You wrote [1:] this would not return you a first char in any case - this will return you a rest(except first char) of string.

If you have the following structure:

mylist = ['base', 'sample', 'test']

And want to get fist char for the first one string(item):

>>> b

If all first chars:

[x[0] for x in myList]
>>> ['b', 's', 't']    

If you have a text:

text = 'base sample test'
>>> b

Mosaic Grid gallery with dynamic sized images

I think you can try "Google Grid Gallery", it based on aforementioned Masonry with some additions, like styles and viewer.

How to start new activity on button click

    Intent in = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),SecondaryScreen.class);    

    This is an explicit intent to start secondscreen activity.

How to declare Global Variables in Excel VBA to be visible across the Workbook

Your question is: are these not modules capable of declaring variables at global scope?

Answer: YES, they are "capable"

The only point is that references to global variables in ThisWorkbook or a Sheet module have to be fully qualified (i.e., referred to as ThisWorkbook.Global1, e.g.) References to global variables in a standard module have to be fully qualified only in case of ambiguity (e.g., if there is more than one standard module defining a variable with name Global1, and you mean to use it in a third module).

For instance, place in Sheet1 code

Public glob_sh1 As String

Sub test_sh1()
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

place in ThisWorkbook code

Public glob_this As String

Sub test_this()
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

and in a Standard Module code

Public glob_mod As String

Sub test_mod()
    glob_mod = "glob_mod"
    ThisWorkbook.glob_this = "glob_this"
    Sheet1.glob_sh1 = "glob_sh1"
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

All three subs work fine.

PS1: This answer is based essentially on info from here. It is much worth reading (from the great Chip Pearson).

PS2: Your line Debug.Print ("Hello") will give you the compile error Invalid outside procedure.

PS3: You could (partly) check your code with Debug -> Compile VBAProject in the VB editor. All compile errors will pop.

PS4: Check also Put Excel-VBA code in module or sheet?.

PS5: You might be not able to declare a global variable in, say, Sheet1, and use it in code from other workbook (reading; I did not test this point, so this issue is yet to be confirmed as such). But you do not mean to do that in your example, anyway.

PS6: There are several cases that lead to ambiguity in case of not fully qualifying global variables. You may tinker a little to find them. They are compile errors.

Error: package or namespace load failed for ggplot2 and for data.table

when you see

Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation? (Yes/no/cancel)

answer no

Remove table row after clicking table row delete button

As @gaurang171 mentioned, we can use .closest() which will return the first ancestor, or the closest to our delete button, and use .remove() to remove it.

This is how we can implement it using jQuery click event instead of using JavaScript onclick.


<table id="myTable">
  <th width="30%" style="color:red;">ID</th>
  <th width="25%" style="color:red;">Name</th>
  <th width="25%" style="color:red;">Age</th>
  <th width="1%"></th>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-001</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Ben</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">25</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-002</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Anderson</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">47</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-003</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Rocky</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">32</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>

  <td width="30%" style="color:red;">SSS-004</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">Lee</td>
  <td width="25%" style="color:red;">15</td>
  <td><button type='button' class='btnDelete'>x</button></td>



Try in JSFiddle: click here.

How to close a thread from within?

How about sys.exit() from the module sys.

If sys.exit() is executed from within a thread it will close that thread only.

This answer here talks about that: Why does sys.exit() not exit when called inside a thread in Python?

ASP.Net MVC - Read File from HttpPostedFileBase without save

byte[] data; using(Stream inputStream=file.InputStream) { MemoryStream memoryStream = inputStream as MemoryStream; if (memoryStream == null) { memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); inputStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); } data = memoryStream.ToArray(); }

How do I get an Excel range using row and column numbers in VSTO / C#?

Facing the same problem I found the quickest solution was to actually scan the rows of the cells I wished to sort, determine the last row with a non-blank element and then select and sort on that grouping.

    Dim lastrow As Integer
lastrow = 0
For r = 3 To 120
   If Cells(r, 2) = "" Then
        Dim rng As Range
        Set rng = Range(Cells(3, 2), Cells(r - 1, 2 + 6))
        rng.Sort Key1:=Range("h3"), order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlGuess, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
        r = 205
    End If
Next r

Empty set literal?

Just to extend the accepted answer:

From version 2.7 and 3.1 python has got set literal {} in form of usage {1,2,3}, but {} itself still used for empty dict.

Python 2.7 (first line is invalid in Python <2.7)

>>> {1,2,3}.__class__
<type 'set'>
>>> {}.__class__
<type 'dict'>

Python 3.x

>>> {1,2,3}.__class__
<class 'set'>
>>> {}.__class__
<class 'dict'>

More here:

Returning multiple values from a C++ function

It's entirely dependent upon the actual function and the meaning of the multiple values, and their sizes:

  • If they're related as in your fraction example, then I'd go with a struct or class instance.
  • If they're not really related and can't be grouped into a class/struct then perhaps you should refactor your method into two.
  • Depending upon the in-memory size of the values you're returning, you may want to return a pointer to a class instance or struct, or use reference parameters.

PHP Multidimensional Array Searching (Find key by specific value)

For the next visitor coming along: use the recursive array walk; it visits every "leaf" in the multidimensional array. Here's for inspiration:

function getMDArrayValueByKey($a, $k) {
    $r = [];
    array_walk_recursive ($a, 
                          function ($item, $key) use ($k, &$r) {if ($key == $k) $r[] = $item;}
    return $r;

Mongoose, Select a specific field with find

The _id field is always present unless you explicitly exclude it. Do so using the - syntax:

exports.someValue = function(req, res, next) {
    //query with mongoose
    var query = dbSchemas.SomeValue.find({}).select('name -_id');

    query.exec(function (err, someValue) {
        if (err) return next(err);

Or explicitly via an object:

exports.someValue = function(req, res, next) {
    //query with mongoose
    var query = dbSchemas.SomeValue.find({}).select({ "name": 1, "_id": 0});

    query.exec(function (err, someValue) {
        if (err) return next(err);

Chaining multiple filter() in Django, is this a bug?

Saw this in a comment and I thought it was the simplest explanation.

filter(A, B) is the AND filter(A).filter(B) is OR

formGroup expects a FormGroup instance

There are a few issues in your code

  • <div [formGroup]="form"> outside of a <form> tag
  • <form [formGroup]="form"> but the name of the property containing the FormGroup is loginForm therefore it should be <form [formGroup]="loginForm">
  • [formControlName]="dob" which passes the value of the property dob which doesn't exist. What you need is to pass the string dob like [formControlName]="'dob'" or simpler formControlName="dob"

Plunker example

Excel compare two columns and highlight duplicates

Don't wana do soo much work guyss.. Just Press Ctr and select Colum one and Press Ctr and select colum two. Then click conditional formatting -> Highlight Cell Rules -> Equel To.

and thats it. your done. :)

Chrome refuses to execute an AJAX script due to wrong MIME type

if application is hosted on IIS, make sure Static Content is installed. Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off > Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Common HTTP Features > Static Content.

I faced this problem when trying to run an existing application on a new IIS 10.0 installation

Can a Byte[] Array be written to a file in C#?

Yep, why not?

fs.Write(myByteArray, 0, myByteArray.Length);

How do you dynamically add elements to a ListView on Android?

Code for file.

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    ListView listview;
    Button Addbutton;
    EditText GetValue;
    String[] ListElements = new String[] {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        listview = (ListView) findViewById(;
        Addbutton = (Button) findViewById(;
        GetValue = (EditText) findViewById(;

        final List < String > ListElementsArrayList = new ArrayList < String >

        final ArrayAdapter < String > adapter = new ArrayAdapter < String >
            (MainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,


        Addbutton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {


Code for activity_main.xml layout file.

    .com.MainActivity" >

    android:text="ADD Values to listview" />

    android:hint="Add elements listView" />

    android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" >



enter image description here

C# "No suitable method found to override." -- but there is one

I ran into this issue only to discover a disconnect in one of my library objects. For some reason the project was copying the dll from the old path and not from my development path with the changes. Keep an eye on what dll's are being copied when you compile.

Android Studio: Unable to start the daemon process

I was getting this same issue, and none of the other answers here helped my particular case.

It turned out to be because my Android Studio project was defaulting to use JDK 8.

Changing this, in the project settings, to point at a JDK 7 installation fixed this for me.

How to generate Class Diagram (UML) on Android Studio (IntelliJ Idea)

You can use the simple program StarUML. The trial version is unlimited and can do almost anything.

Onced installed you can use it to generate great number of uml digrams just by pasting the source code. Class diagram is just one type of it. (It understands not only Java language but C#, C++ and other)

P.S. The program is great for drawing architectural diagrams before you start to code the program.

Succeeded installing but could not start apache 2.4 on my windows 7 system

if you are using windows os and believe that skype is not the suspect, then you might want to check the task manager and check the "Show processes from all users" and make sure that there is NO entry for httpd.exe. Otherwise, end its process. That solves my problem.

Postgres DB Size Command

Yes, there is a command to find the size of a database in Postgres. It's the following:

SELECT pg_database.datname as "database_name", pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) AS size_in_mb FROM pg_database ORDER by size_in_mb DESC;

Suppress command line output

mysqldump doesn't work with: >nul 2>&1
Instead use: 2> nul
This suppress the stderr message: "Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure"

R : how to simply repeat a command?

It's not clear whether you're asking this because you are new to programming, but if that's the case then you should probably read this article on loops and indeed read some basic materials on programming.

If you already know about control structures and you want the R-specific implementation details then there are dozens of tutorials around, such as this one. The other answer uses replicate and colMeans, which is idiomatic when writing in R and probably blazing fast as well, which is important if you want 10,000 iterations.

However, one more general and (for beginners) straightforward way to approach problems of this sort would be to use a for loop.

> for (ii in 1:5) { + print(ii) + } [1] 1 [1] 2 [1] 3 [1] 4 [1] 5 > 

So in your case, if you just wanted to print the mean of your Tandem object 5 times:

for (ii in 1:5) {     Tandem <- sample(OUT, size = 815, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)     TandemMean <- mean(Tandem)     print(TandemMean) } 

As mentioned above, replicate is a more natural way to deal with this specific problem using R. Either way, if you want to store the results - which is surely the case - you'll need to start thinking about data structures like vectors and lists. Once you store something you'll need to be able to access it to use it in future, so a little knowledge is vital.

set.seed(1234) OUT <- runif(100000, 1, 2) tandem <- list() for (ii in 1:10000) {     tandem[[ii]] <- mean(sample(OUT, size = 815, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)) }  tandem[1] tandem[100] tandem[20:25] 

...creates this output:

> set.seed(1234) > OUT <- runif(100000, 1, 2) > tandem <- list() > for (ii in 1:10000) { +     tandem[[ii]] <- mean(sample(OUT, size = 815, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)) + } >  > tandem[1] [[1]] [1] 1.511923  > tandem[100] [[1]] [1] 1.496777  > tandem[20:25] [[1]] [1] 1.500669  [[2]] [1] 1.487552  [[3]] [1] 1.503409  [[4]] [1] 1.501362  [[5]] [1] 1.499728  [[6]] [1] 1.492798  >  

PHP - get base64 img string decode and save as jpg (resulting empty image )

Decode and save image as PNG

header('content-type: image/png');


        $ret = fopen($fullurl, 'r', true, $context);
        $contents = stream_get_contents($ret);
        $base64 = 'data:image/PNG;base64,' . base64_encode($contents);
        echo "<img src=$base64 />" ;


onMeasure custom view explanation

actually, your answer is not complete as the values also depend on the wrapping container. In case of relative or linear layouts, the values behave like this:

  • EXACTLY match_parent is EXACTLY + size of the parent
  • AT_MOST wrap_content results in an AT_MOST MeasureSpec
  • UNSPECIFIED never triggered

In case of an horizontal scroll view, your code will work.

How can I add 1 day to current date?

int days = 1;
var newDate = new Date( + days*24*60*60*1000);


var days = 2;_x000D_
var newDate = new Date(*24*60*60*1000);_x000D_
document.write('Today: <em>');_x000D_
document.write(new Date());_x000D_
document.write('</em><br/> New: <strong>');_x000D_

Prevent direct access to a php include file

1: Checking the count of included files

if( count(get_included_files()) == ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>='))?1:0) )
    exit('Restricted Access');

Logic: PHP exits if the minimum include count isn't met. Note that prior to PHP5, the base page is not considered an include.

2: Defining and verifying a global constant

// In the base page (directly accessed):
define('_DEFVAR', 1);

// In the include files (where direct access isn't permitted):
defined('_DEFVAR') or exit('Restricted Access');

Logic: If the constant isn't defined, then the execution didn't start from the base page, and PHP would stop executing.

Note that for the sake of portability across upgrades and future changes, making this authentication method modular would significantly reduce the coding overhead as the changes won't need to be hard-coded to every single file.

// Put the code in a separate file instead, say 'checkdefined.php':
defined('_DEFVAR') or exit('Restricted Access');

// Replace the same code in the include files with:

This way additional code can be added to checkdefined.php for logging and analytical purposes, as well as for generating appropriate responses.

Credit where credit is due: The brilliant idea of portability came from this answer.

3: Remote address authorisation

// Call the include from the base page(directly accessed):
$includeData = file_get_contents("");

// In the include files (where direct access isn't permitted):
$src = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Get the source address
$auth = authoriseIP($src); // Authorisation algorithm
if( !$auth ) exit('Restricted Access');

The drawback with this method is isolated execution, unless a session-token provided with the internal request. Verify via the loop-back address in case of a single server configuration, or an address white-list for a multi-server or load-balanced server infrastructure.

4: Token authorisation

Similar to the previous method, one can use GET or POST to pass an authorization token to the include file:

if($key!="serv97602"){header("Location: ".$dart);exit();}

A very messy method, but also perhaps the most secure and versatile at the same time, when used in the right way.

5: Webserver specific configuration

Most servers allow you to assign permissions for individual files or directories. You could place all your includes in such restricted directories, and have the server configured to deny them.

For example in APACHE, the configuration is stored in the .htaccess file. Tutorial here.

Note however that server-specific configurations are not recommended by me because they are bad for portability across different web-servers. In cases like Content Management Systems where the deny-algorithm is complex or the list of denied directories is rather big, it might only make reconfiguration sessions rather gruesome. In the end it's best to handle this in code.

6: Placing includes in a secure directory OUTSIDE the site root

Least preferred because of access limitations in server environments, but a rather powerful method if you have access to the file-system.

//Your secure dir path based on server file-system


  • The user cannot request any file outside the htdocs folder as the links would be outside the scope of the website's address system.
  • The php server accesses the file-system natively, and hence can access files on a computer just like how a normal program with required privileges can.
  • By placing the include files in this directory, you can ensure that the php server gets to access them, while hotlinking is denied to the user.
  • Even if the webserver's filesystem access configuration wasn't done properly, this method would prevent those files from becoming public accidentally.

Please excuse my unorthodox coding conventions. Any feedback is appreciated.

Using `window.location.hash.includes` throws “Object doesn't support property or method 'includes'” in IE11

IE11 does implement String.prototype.includes so why not using the official Polyfill?

  if (!String.prototype.includes) {
    String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) {
      if (typeof start !== 'number') {
        start = 0;

      if (start + search.length > this.length) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1;

Source: polyfill source

bash string equality

There's no difference, == is a synonym for = (for the C/C++ people, I assume). See here, for example.

You could double-check just to be really sure or just for your interest by looking at the bash source code, should be somewhere in the parsing code there, but I couldn't find it straightaway.

Use .htaccess to redirect HTTP to HTTPs

I found all solutions listed on this Q&A did not work for me, unfortunately. What did work was:

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]

# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
RewriteRule ^wp-admin$ wp-admin/ [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$
RewriteRule ^/?$ "https\:\/\/www\.example\.com\/" [R=301,L]
# End Wordpress

Note, the above Wordpress rules are for Wordpress in multi user network mode. If your Wordpress is in single site mode, you would use:

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$
RewriteRule ^/?$ "https\:\/\/www\.example\.com\/" [R=301,L]
# End Wordpress

Android device does not show up in adb list

I have an Android LG G4 and the only thing that worked for me was to install the Software Update and Repair tool from my device. Steps:

  • Plug device into usb
  • Make sure developer options are enabled and usb debugging is checked (see elsewhere in thread or google for instructions)
  • Select usb connection type "Software installation":

enter image description here

  • An installation wizard should come up on the computer.
  • At some point during the installation you will see on your phone a prompt that asks "Trust this computer?" with an RSA token/fingerprint. After you say yes the device should be recognized by ADB and you can finish the wizard.

Pointer arithmetic for void pointer in C

Void pointers can point to any memory chunk. Hence the compiler does not know how many bytes to increment/decrement when we attempt pointer arithmetic on a void pointer. Therefore void pointers must be first typecast to a known type before they can be involved in any pointer arithmetic.

void *p = malloc(sizeof(char)*10);
p++; //compiler does how many where to pint the pointer after this increment operation

char * c = (char *)p;
c++;  // compiler will increment the c by 1, since size of char is 1 byte.

Adding external library into Qt Creator project

The error you mean is due to missing additional include path. Try adding it with: INCLUDEPATH += C:\path\to\include\files\ Hope it works. Regards.

How to get JSON object from Razor Model object in javascript

In ASP.NET Core the IJsonHelper.Serialize() returns IHtmlContent so you don't need to wrap it with a call to Html.Raw().

It should be as simple as:

  var json = @Json.Serialize(Model.CollegeInformationlist);

How to remove the Flutter debug banner?

There is also another way for removing the "debug" banner from the flutter app. Now after new release there is no "debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false," code line in main .dart file. So I think these methods are effective:

  1. If you are using VS Code, then install "Dart DevTools" from extensions. After installation, you can easily find "Dart DevTools" text icon at the bottom of the VS Code. When you click on that text icon, a link will be open in google chrome. From that link page, you can easily remove the banner by just tapping on the banner icon as shown in this screenshot.

NOTE:-- Dart DevTools is a dart language debugger extension in VS Code

  1. If Dart DevTools is already installed in your VS Code, then you can directly open the google chrome and open this URL = " ZZZZZ/?hide=debugger&port=XXXXX"

NOTE:-- In this link replace "XXXXX" by 5 digit port-id (on which your flutter app is running) which will vary whenever you use "flutter run" command and replace "ZZZZZ" by your global(unchangeable) 5 digit debugger-id

NOTE:-- these dart dev tools are only for "Google Chrome Browser"

Python equivalent to 'hold on' in Matlab

Just call at the end:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for i in np.arange(1,5):
    z = 68 + 4 * np.random.randn(50)
    zm = np.cumsum(z) / range(1,len(z)+1)

n = np.arange(1,51)
su = 68 + 4 / np.sqrt(n)
sl = 68 - 4 / np.sqrt(n)


Connecting PostgreSQL 9.2.1 with Hibernate

This is the hibernate.cfg.xml file to connect postgresql 9.5 and this is help to you basic configuration.

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

  ~ Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
  ~ License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
  ~ See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration SYSTEM
        <!-- Database connection settings -->
        <property name="connection.driver_class">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
        <property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/hibernatedb</property>
        <property name="connection.username">postgres</property>
        <property name="connection.password">password</property>

        <!-- JDBC connection pool (use the built-in) -->
        <property name="connection.pool_size">1</property>

        <!-- SQL dialect -->
        <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property>

        <!-- Enable Hibernate's automatic session context management -->
        <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>

        <!-- Disable the second-level cache  -->
        <property name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.internal.NoCacheProvider</property>

        <!-- Echo all executed SQL to stdout -->
        <property name="show_sql">true</property>

        <!-- Drop and re-create the database schema on startup -->
        <property name="">create</property>
        <mapping class="com.waseem.UserDetails"/>

Make sure File Location should be under src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml

Java generating non-repeating random numbers

A simple algorithm that gives you random numbers without duplicates can be found in the book Programming Pearls p. 127.

Attention: The resulting array contains the numbers in order! If you want them in random order, you have to shuffle the array, either with Fisher–Yates shuffle or by using a List and call Collections.shuffle().

The benefit of this algorithm is that you do not need to create an array with all the possible numbers and the runtime complexity is still linear O(n).

public static int[] sampleRandomNumbersWithoutRepetition(int start, int end, int count) {
    Random rng = new Random();

    int[] result = new int[count];
    int cur = 0;
    int remaining = end - start;
    for (int i = start; i < end && count > 0; i++) {
        double probability = rng.nextDouble();
        if (probability < ((double) count) / (double) remaining) {
            result[cur++] = i;
    return result;

Adding an arbitrary line to a matplotlib plot in ipython notebook

Matplolib now allows for 'annotation lines' as the OP was seeking. The annotate() function allows several forms of connecting paths and a headless and tailess arrow, i.e., a simple line, is one of them.

            xy=(0.2, 0.2), xycoords='data',
            xytext=(0.8, 0.8), textcoords='data',
                      connectionstyle="arc3, rad=0"),

In the documentation it says you can draw only an arrow with an empty string as the first argument.

From the OP's example:

%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.arange(1, 101)
y = 20 + 3 * x + np.random.normal(0, 60, 100)
plt.plot(x, y, "o")

# draw vertical line from (70,100) to (70, 250)
              xy=(70, 100), xycoords='data',
              xytext=(70, 250), textcoords='data',

# draw diagonal line from (70, 90) to (90, 200)
              xy=(70, 90), xycoords='data',
              xytext=(90, 200), textcoords='data',

Example inline image

Just as in the approach in gcalmettes's answer, you can choose the color, line width, line style, etc..

Here is an alteration to a portion of the code that would make one of the two example lines red, wider, and not 100% opaque.

# draw vertical line from (70,100) to (70, 250)
              xy=(70, 100), xycoords='data',
              xytext=(70, 250), textcoords='data',
                              edgecolor = "red",

You can also add curve to the connecting line by adjusting the connectionstyle.

how to customise input field width in bootstrap 3

You can use these classes





for input fields and replace input with btn for buttons.

Check this documentation

This will change only height of the element, to reduce the width you have to use grid system classes like col-xs-* col-md-* col-lg-*.

Example col-md-3. See doc here

How do I get user IP address in django?

here is a short one liner to accomplish this:

request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')).split(',')[0].strip()

What does CultureInfo.InvariantCulture mean?

Not all cultures use the same format for dates and decimal / currency values.

This will matter for you when you are converting input values (read) that are stored as strings to DateTime, float, double or decimal. It will also matter if you try to format the aforementioned data types to strings (write) for display or storage.

If you know what specific culture that your dates and decimal / currency values will be in ahead of time, you can use that specific CultureInfo property (i.e. CultureInfo("en-GB")). For example if you expect a user input.

The CultureInfo.InvariantCulture property is used if you are formatting or parsing a string that should be parseable by a piece of software independent of the user's local settings.

The default value is CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture so the default CultureInfo is depending on the executing OS's settings. This is why you should always make sure the culture info fits your intention (see Martin's answer for a good guideline).

Detect change to selected date with bootstrap-datepicker

Here is my code for that:

$('#date-daily').datepicker().on('changeDate', function(e) {

Just uncomment the one you prefer. The first option changes the value of other input element. The second one alerts the date with datepicker default format. The third one alerts the date with your own custom format. The last option outputs to log (default format date).

It's your choice to use the , e.dates (for múltiple date input) or e.format(...).

here some more info

Copy a table from one database to another in Postgres

Using psql, on linux host that have connectivity to both servers

( export PGPASSWORD=password1 
  psql -U user1 -h host1 database1 \
  -c "copy (select field1,field2 from table1) to stdout with csv" ) \
( export PGPASSWORD=password2 
  psql -U user2 -h host2 database2 \ 
   -c "copy table2 (field1, field2) from stdin csv" )

How to see which flags -march=native will activate?

It should be (-### is similar to -v):

echo | gcc -### -E - -march=native 

To show the "real" native flags for gcc.

You can make them appear more "clearly" with a command:

gcc -### -E - -march=native 2>&1 | sed -r '/cc1/!d;s/(")|(^.* - )//g'

and you can get rid of flags with -mno-* with:

gcc -### -E - -march=native 2>&1 | sed -r '/cc1/!d;s/(")|(^.* - )|( -mno-[^\ ]+)//g'

How to playback MKV video in web browser?

HTML5 and the VLC web plugin were a no go for me but I was able to get this work using the following setup:

DivX Web Player (NPAPI browsers only)

AC3 Audio Decoder

And here is the HTML:

<embed id="divxplayer" type="video/divx" width="1024" height="768" 
src ="path_to_file" autoPlay=\"true\" 

The DivX player seems to allow for a much wider array of video and audio options than the native HTML5, so far I am very impressed by it.

Return from lambda forEach() in java

The return there is returning from the lambda expression rather than from the containing method. Instead of forEach you need to filter the stream: -> player.getName().contains(name))

Here filter restricts the stream to those items that match the predicate, and findFirst then returns an Optional with the first matching entry.

This looks less efficient than the for-loop approach, but in fact findFirst() can short-circuit - it doesn't generate the entire filtered stream and then extract one element from it, rather it filters only as many elements as it needs to in order to find the first matching one. You could also use findAny() instead of findFirst() if you don't necessarily care about getting the first matching player from the (ordered) stream but simply any matching item. This allows for better efficiency when there's parallelism involved.

Nested Recycler view height doesn't wrap its content

An alternative to extend LayoutManager can be just set the size of the view manually.

Number of items per row height (if all the items have the same height and the separator is included on the row)

LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) mListView.getLayoutParams();
params.height = mAdapter.getItemCount() * getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.row_height);

Is still a workaround, but for basic cases it works.

Spring Boot application can't resolve the org.springframework.boot package

It's not necessary to remove relative path. Just change the version parent of springframework boot. The following version 2.1.2 works successfully.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>






how to increase the limit for max.print in R

Use the options command, e.g. options(max.print=1000000).

See ?options:

 ‘max.print’: integer, defaulting to ‘99999’.  ‘print’ or ‘show’
      methods can make use of this option, to limit the amount of
      information that is printed, to something in the order of
      (and typically slightly less than) ‘max.print’ _entries_.

CSS no text wrap

Use the css property overflow . For example:

    width : 100px;

The overflow property can have one of many values like ( hidden , scroll , visible ) .. you can als control the overflow in one direction only using overflow-x or overflow-y.

I hope this helps.

get unique machine id

Maybe the easiest way is. Get the DeviceId Nuget package

And use it like

string deviceId = new DeviceIdBuilder()

You can personalize the info used to generate the ID

Github Project

Nesting CSS classes

I do not believe this is possible. You could add class1 to all elements which also have class2. If this is not practical to do manually, you could do it automatically with JavaScript (fairly easy to do with jQuery).

Android : Capturing HTTP Requests with non-rooted android device

You can use fiddler as webdebugger

Fiddler is a debugging tool from telerik software, which helps you to intercept every request that is initiated from your machine.

SQL statement to select all rows from previous day

Well, its easier to cast the datetime column to date and than compare.

   dateadd(day,0, convert(date, getdate(), 105)) 

Drop default constraint on a column in TSQL

I would suggest:

DECLARE @sqlStatement nvarchar(MAX),
        @tableName nvarchar(50) = 'TripEvent',
        @columnName nvarchar(50) = 'CreatedDate';

SELECT                  @sqlStatement = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @tableName + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + + ';'
        FROM            sys.default_constraints AS dc
            LEFT JOIN   sys.columns AS sc
                ON      (dc.parent_column_id = sc.column_id)
        WHERE           dc.parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(@tableName)
        AND         type_desc = 'DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT'
        AND = @columnName
PRINT'   ['+@tableName+']:'+@@SERVERNAME+'.'+DB_NAME()+'@'+CONVERT(VarChar, GETDATE(), 127)+';  '+@sqlStatement;
IF(LEN(@sqlStatement)>0)EXEC sp_executesql @sqlStatement

PHP & localStorage;

localStorage is something that is kept on the client side. There is no data transmitted to the server side.

You can only get the data with JavaScript and you can send it to the server side with Ajax.

Visual Studio SignTool.exe Not Found

Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.1

Right click on Project, select properties and Un-Check the sign on option in teh project save and re-built.

This has fixed issue for me.

How to show full column content in a Spark Dataframe?

Below code would help to view all rows without truncation in each column, False)

Multiple file-extensions searchPattern for System.IO.Directory.GetFiles

A more efficient way of getting files with the extensions ".aspx" and ".ascx" that avoids querying the file system several times and avoids returning a lot of undesired files, is to pre-filter the files by using an approximate search pattern and to refine the result afterwards:

var filteredFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.as?x")
    .Select(f => f.ToLowerInvariant())
    .Where(f => f.EndsWith("px") || f.EndsWith("cx"))

Convert list to array in Java

This is works. Kind of.

public static Object[] toArray(List<?> a) {
    Object[] arr = new Object[a.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        arr[i] = a.get(i);
    return arr;

Then the main method.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>() {{
    Object[] arr = toArray(list);

How do I format XML in Notepad++?

Try TextFX ? TextFX Html Tidy ? Tidy: reindent XML

If you can't try with Eclipse, do right button, source, and correct indent.

MySQL "Or" Condition

Wrap your AND logic in parenthesis, like this:

mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Drinks WHERE email='$Email' AND (date='$Date_Today' OR date='$Date_Yesterday' OR date='$Date_TwoDaysAgo' OR date='$Date_ThreeDaysAgo' OR date='$Date_FourDaysAgo' OR date='$Date_FiveDaysAgo' OR date='$Date_SixDaysAgo' OR date='$Date_SevenDaysAgo')");

Task.Run with Parameter(s)?

Use variable capture to "pass in" parameters.

var x = rawData;
Task.Run(() =>
    // Do something with 'x'

You also could use rawData directly but you must be careful, if you change the value of rawData outside of a task (for example a iterator in a for loop) it will also change the value inside of the task.

Bash command to sum a column of numbers

Using existing file:

paste -sd+ infile | bc

Using stdin:

<cmd> | paste -sd+ | bc

Edit: With some paste implementations you need to be more explicit when reading from stdin:

<cmd> | paste -sd+ - | bc

How to make a div with a circular shape?



div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    background: red;



adding and removing classes in angularJs using ng-click

I used Zack Argyle's suggestion above to get this, which I find very elegant:


.active {
    background-position: 0 -46px !important;


<button ng-click="satisfaction = 'VeryHappy'" ng-class="{active:satisfaction == 'VeryHappy'}">
    <img src="images/VeryHappy.png" style="height:24px;" />
<button ng-click="satisfaction = 'Happy'" ng-class="{active:satisfaction == 'Happy'}">
    <img src="images/Happy.png" style="height:24px;" />
<button ng-click="satisfaction = 'Indifferent'" ng-class="{active:satisfaction == 'Indifferent'}">
    <img src="images/Indifferent.png" style="height:24px;" />
<button ng-click="satisfaction = 'Unhappy'" ng-class="{active:satisfaction == 'Unhappy'}">
    <img src="images/Unhappy.png" style="height:24px;" />
<button ng-click="satisfaction = 'VeryUnhappy'" ng-class="{active:satisfaction == 'VeryUnhappy'}">
    <img src="images/VeryUnhappy.png" style="height:24px;" />

Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android

METHOD 1 ( Recommanded )

Library YouTubeExtractor

Add into your gradle file

 allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "" }

And dependencies

 compile 'com.github.Commit451.YouTubeExtractor:youtubeextractor:2.1.0'

Add this small code and you done. Demo HERE

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final String YOUTUBE_ID = "ea4-5mrpGfE";

    private final YouTubeExtractor mExtractor = YouTubeExtractor.create();

    private Callback<YouTubeExtractionResult> mExtractionCallback = new Callback<YouTubeExtractionResult>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<YouTubeExtractionResult> call, Response<YouTubeExtractionResult> response) {

        public void onFailure(Call<YouTubeExtractionResult> call, Throwable t) {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//        For android youtube extractor library  com.github.Commit451.YouTubeExtractor:youtubeextractor:2.1.0'


    private void onError(Throwable t) {
        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "It failed to extract. So sad", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    private void bindVideoResult(YouTubeExtractionResult result) {

//        Here you can get download url link
        Log.d("OnSuccess", "Got a result with the best url: " + result.getBestAvailableQualityVideoUri());

        Toast.makeText(this, "result : " + result.getSd360VideoUri(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

You can get download link in bindVideoResult() method.


Using this library android-youtubeExtractor

Add into gradle file

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

compile 'com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT'

Here is the code for getting download url.

       String youtubeLink = "";

    YouTubeUriExtractor ytEx = new YouTubeUriExtractor(this) {
        public void onUrisAvailable(String videoId, String videoTitle, SparseArray<YtFile> ytFiles) {
            if (ytFiles != null) {
                int itag = 22;
// Here you can get download url
                String downloadUrl = ytFiles.get(itag).getUrl();


make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop

Your makefile should ideally be named makefile, not make. Note that you can call your makefile anything you like, but as you found, you then need the -f option with make to specify the name of the makefile. Using the default name of makefile just makes life easier.

Encrypt and Decrypt in Java

You may want to use the jasypt library (Java Simplified Encryption), which is quite easy to use. ( Also, it's recommended to check against the encrypted password rather than decrypting the encrypted password )

To use jasypt, if you're using maven, you can include jasypt into your pom.xml file as follows:


And then to encrypt the password, you can use StrongPasswordEncryptor

public static String encryptPassword(String inputPassword) {
    StrongPasswordEncryptor encryptor = new StrongPasswordEncryptor();
    return encryptor.encryptPassword(inputPassword);

Note: the encrypted password is different every time you call encryptPassword but the checkPassword method can still check that the unencrypted password still matches each of the encrypted passwords.

And to check the unencrypted password against the encrypted password, you can use the checkPassword method:

public static boolean checkPassword(String inputPassword, String encryptedStoredPassword) {
    StrongPasswordEncryptor encryptor = new StrongPasswordEncryptor();
    return encryptor.checkPassword(inputPassword, encryptedStoredPassword);

The page below provides detailed information on the complexities involved in creating safe encrypted passwords.

Tomcat Server Error - Port 8080 already in use

All I had to do was to change the port numbers. enter image description here

  1. Open Eclipse

  2. Go to Servers panel

  3. Right click on Tomcat Server select Open, Overview window will appear.

  4. Open the Portstab. You will get the following:

    • Tomcat adminport

    • HTTP/1.1

    • AJP/1.3

  5. I changed the port number of HTTP/1.1 (i.e. to 8081)

  6. You might have to also change the port of Tomcat adminport (i.e. to 8006) and of AJP/1.3 (i.e. to 8010).

  7. Access your app in the browser at http://localhost:8081/...

PHP shorthand for isset()?

Update for PHP 7 (thanks shock_gone_wild)

PHP 7 introduces the so called null coalescing operator which simplifies the below statements to:

$var = $var ?? "default";

Before PHP 7

No, there is no special operator or special syntax for this. However, you could use the ternary operator:

$var = isset($var) ? $var : "default";

Or like this:

isset($var) ?: $var = 'default';

get name of a variable or parameter

What you are passing to GETNAME is the value of myInput, not the definition of myInput itself. The only way to do that is with a lambda expression, for example:

var nameofVar = GETNAME(() => myInput);

and indeed there are examples of that available. However! This reeks of doing something very wrong. I would propose you rethink why you need this. It is almost certainly not a good way of doing it, and forces various overheads (the capture class instance, and the expression tree). Also, it impacts the compiler: without this the compiler might actually have chosen to remove that variable completely (just using the stack without a formal local).

Sequence Permission in Oracle

Just another bit. in some case i found no result on all_tab_privs! i found it indeed on dba_tab_privs. I think so that this last table is better to check for any grant available on an object (in case of impact analysis). The statement becomes:

    select * from dba_tab_privs where table_name = 'sequence_name';

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Apache\htdocs\test.php on line 2

Uncomment the line extension=php_mysql.dll in your "php.ini" file and restart Apache.

Additionally, "libmysql.dll" file must be available to Apache, i.e., it must be either in available in Windows systems PATH or in Apache working directory.

See more about installing MySQL extension in manual.

P.S. I would advise to consider MySQL extension as deprecated and to use MySQLi or even PDO for working with databases (I prefer PDO).

Get bitcoin historical data

Actually, you CAN get the whole Bitcoin trades history from Bitcoincharts in CSV format here :

it is updated twice a day for active exchanges, and there is a few dead exchanges, too.

EDIT: Since there are no column headers in the CSVs, here's what they are : column 1) the trade's timestamp, column 2) the price, column 3) the volume of the trade

Add image in pdf using jspdf

This worked for me in Angular 2:

var img = new Image()
img.src = 'assets/sample.png'
pdf.addImage(img, 'png', 10, 78, 12, 15)

jsPDF version 1.5.3

assets directory is in src directory of the Angular project root

How to obtain image size using standard Python class (without using external library)?

Here's a way to get dimensions of a png file without needing a third-party module. From

import struct

def get_image_info(data):
    if is_png(data):
        w, h = struct.unpack('>LL', data[16:24])
        width = int(w)
        height = int(h)
        raise Exception('not a png image')
    return width, height

def is_png(data):
    return (data[:8] == '\211PNG\r\n\032\n'and (data[12:16] == 'IHDR'))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('foo.png', 'rb') as f:
        data =

    print is_png(data)
    print get_image_info(data)

When you run this, it will return:

(x, y)

And another example that includes handling of JPEGs as well:

Disable time in bootstrap date time picker

This is for: Eonasdan's Bootstrap Datetimepicker

First of all I would provide an id attribute for the <input> and then initialize the datetimepicker directly for that <input> (and not for the parent container):

<div class="container">
  <input data-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="text" id="datetimepicker"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
    // Bootstrap DateTimePicker v3
      pickTime: false
    // Bootstrap DateTimePicker v4
      format: 'DD/MM/YYYY'

For v3: Contrary to Ck Maurya's answer:

  • pickDate: false will disable the date and only allow to pick a time
  • pickTime: false will disable the time and only allow to pick a date (which is what you want).

For v4: Bootstrap Datetimepicker now uses the format to determine if a time-component is present. If no time component is present, it won't let you choose a time (and hide the clock icon).

Commit history on remote repository

You can easily get the log of the remote server. Here's how:

(1) If using git via ssh - then just login to the remote server using your git login and password-- and chdir the remote folder where your repository exists- and run the "git log" command inside your repository on the remote server.

(2) If using git via Unix's standard login protocol- then just telnet to your remote server and do a git log there.

Hope this helps.

how to create insert new nodes in JsonNode?

I've recently found even more interesting way to create any ValueNode or ContainerNode (Jackson v2.3).

ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();

How to create a DateTime equal to 15 minutes ago?

I have provide two methods for doing so for minutes as well as for years and hours if you want to see more examples:

import datetime
print( - datetime.timedelta(minutes = 15))
print( + datetime.timedelta(minutes = -15))
print(datetime.timedelta(hours = 5))
print( + datetime.timedelta(days = 3))
print( + datetime.timedelta(days = -9))
print( - datetime.timedelta(days = 9))

I get the following results:

2016-06-03 16:04:03.706615
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706622
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706642
2016-06-06 16:04:03.706665
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706676
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706687

How can I align text in columns using Console.WriteLine?

Try this


where the first number inside the curly brackets is the index and the second is the alignment. The sign of the second number indicates if the string should be left or right aligned. Use negative numbers for left alignment.

Or look at

Two divs side by side - Fluid display

Try a system like this instead:

.container {_x000D_
  width: 80%;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  background: aqua;_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
.one {_x000D_
  width: 15%;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
.two {_x000D_
  margin-left: 15%;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  background: black;_x000D_
<section class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="one"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="two"></div>_x000D_

You only need to float one div if you use margin-left on the other equal to the first div's width. This will work no matter what the zoom and will not have sub-pixel problems.

How to keep the local file or the remote file during merge using Git and the command line?

This approach seems more straightforward, avoiding the need to individually select each file:

# keep remote files
git merge --strategy-option theirs
# keep local files
git merge --strategy-option ours


# keep remote files
git pull -Xtheirs
# keep local files
git pull -Xours

Copied directly from: Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

List Highest Correlation Pairs from a Large Correlation Matrix in Pandas?

I was trying some of the solutions here but then I actually came up with my own one. I hope this might be useful for the next one so I share it here:

def sort_correlation_matrix(correlation_matrix):
    cor = correlation_matrix.abs()
    top_col = cor[cor.columns[0]][1:]
    top_col = top_col.sort_values(ascending=False)
    ordered_columns = [cor.columns[0]] + top_col.index.tolist()
    return correlation_matrix[ordered_columns].reindex(ordered_columns)

The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it

Oddly enough, the issue for me was I was trying to open 2012 SQL Server Integration Services on SSMS 2008 R2. When I opened the same in SSMS 2012, it connected right away.

How to initialize log4j properly?

If we are using apache commons logging wrapper on top of log4j, then we need to have both the jars available in classpath. Also, and should be available in classpath.

We can also pass implementation class and name as JAVA_OPTS either using -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=<logging implementation class name> -Dlog4j.configuration=<file:location of file>. Same can be done via setting JAVA_OPTS in case of app/web server.

It will help to externalize properties which can be changed in deployment.

select count(*) from select

You're missing a FROM and you need to give the subquery an alias.

  SELECT DISTINCT a.my_id, a.last_name, a.first_name, b.temp_val
   FROM dbo.Table_A AS a 
   INNER JOIN dbo.Table_B AS b 
   ON a.a_id = b.a_id
) AS subquery;

How to make an array of arrays in Java


String[][] arrays = new String[5][];

How can I change the font-size of a select option?

Add a CSS class to the <option> tag to style it:

Currently WebKit browsers don't support this behavior, as it's undefined by the spec. Take a look at this: How to style a select tag's option element?

JSON post to Spring Controller

You need to include the getters and setters for all the fields that have been defined in the model Test class --

public class Test implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1764970284520387975L;

    public String name;

    public Test() {


    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;


Sending HTTP Post request with SOAP action using org.apache.http

Here is the example i have tried and it is working for me:

Create the XML file SoapRequestFile.xml

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem="">

And here the code in java:


import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath;
import io.restassured.path.xml.XmlPath;
            public void getMethod() throws Exception  {
                //wsdl file :
                File soapRequestFile = new File(".\\SOAPRequest\\SoapRequestFile.xml");

                CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault(); //create client
                HttpPost request = new HttpPost(""); //Create the request
                request.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); //adding header
                request.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(new FileInputStream(soapRequestFile)));
                CloseableHttpResponse response =  client.execute(request);//Execute the command

                int statusCode=response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();//Get the status code and assert
                System.out.println("Status code: " +statusCode );
                Assert.assertEquals(200, statusCode);

                String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(),"UTF-8");//Getting the Response body

                XmlPath jsXpath= new XmlPath(responseString);//Converting string into xml path to assert
                String rate=jsXpath.getString("GetConversionRateResult");
                System.out.println("rate returned is: " +  rate);


How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?

Please use as PendingIntent while showing notification than it will be resolved.

PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

Add PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT as last field.

jQuery add blank option to top of list and make selected to existing dropdown

Solution native Javascript :

document.getElementById("theSelectId").insertBefore(new Option('', ''), document.getElementById("theSelectId").firstChild);

example :

Referencing a string in a string array resource with xml

In short: I don't think you can, but there seems to be a workaround:.

If you take a look into the Android Resource here:

You see than under the array section (string array, at least), the "RESOURCE REFERENCE" (as you get from an XML) does not specify a way to address the individual items. You can even try in your XML to use "@array/yourarrayhere". I know that in design time you will get the first item. But that is of no practical use if you want to use, let's say... the second, of course.

HOWEVER, there is a trick you can do. See here:

Referencing an XML string in an XML Array (Android)

You can "cheat" (not really) the array definition by addressing independent strings INSIDE the definition of the array. For example, in your strings.xml:

<string name="earth">Earth</string>
<string name="moon">Moon</string>

<string-array name="system">

By using this, you can use "@string/earth" and "@string/moon" normally in your "android:text" and "android:title" XML fields, and yet you won't lose the ability to use the array definition for whatever purposes you intended in the first place.

Seems to work here on my Eclipse. Why don't you try and tell us if it works? :-)

Best data type for storing currency values in a MySQL database

Something like Decimal(19,4) usually works pretty well in most cases. You can adjust the scale and precision to fit the needs of the numbers you need to store. Even in SQL Server, I tend not to use "money" as it's non-standard.

How to check if command line tools is installed


Below are a few extra steps on a fresh Mac that some people might need. This adds a little to @jnovack's excellent answer.

Update: A few other notes when setting this up:

Make sure your admin user has a password. A blank password won't work when trying to enable a root user.

System Preferences > Users and Groups > (select user) > Change password

Then to enable root, run dsenableroot in a terminal:

$ dsenableroot
username = mac_admin_user
user password:
root password:
verify root password:

dsenableroot:: ***Successfully enabled root user.

Type in the admin user's password, then the new enabled root password twice.

Next type:

sudo gcc


sudo make

It will respond with something like the following:

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.


You have not agreed to the Xcode license agreements. You must agree to 
both license agreements below in order to use Xcode.

Press enter when it prompts to show you the license agreement.

Hit the Enter key to view the license agreements at 



Press q to exit the license agreement view.

By typing 'agree' you are agreeing to the terms of the software license 
agreements. Type 'print' to print them or anything else to cancel, 
[agree, print, cancel]

Type agree. And then it will end with:

clang: error: no input files 

Which basically means that you didn't give make or gcc any input files.

Here is what the check looked like:

$ xcode-select -p


With Mavericks, it is a little different now.

When the tools were NOT found, this is what the command pkgutil command returned:

$ pkgutil
No receipt for '' found at '/'.

To install the command line tools, this works nicely from the Terminal, with a nice gui and everything.

$ xcode-select --install

When they were found, this is what the pkgutil command returned:

$ pkgutil
volume: /
location: /
install-time: 1384149984

This command returned the same before and after the install.

$ pkgutil
No receipt for '' found at '/'.

Also I had the component for the CLT selected and installed in xcode's downloads section before, but it seems like it didn't make it to the terminal...

Hope that helps.

Transform only one axis to log10 scale with ggplot2

I had a similar problem and this scale worked for me like a charm:

breaks = 10**(1:10)
scale_y_log10(breaks = breaks, labels = comma(breaks))

as you want the intermediate levels, too (10^3.5), you need to tweak the formatting:

breaks = 10**(1:10 * 0.5)
m <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(y = price, x = color)) + geom_boxplot()
m + scale_y_log10(breaks = breaks, labels = comma(breaks, digits = 1))

After executing::

enter image description here

Bad File Descriptor with Linux Socket write() Bad File Descriptor C

The value you have passed as the file descriptor is not valid. It is either negative or does not represent a currently open file or socket.

So you have either closed the socket before calling write() or you have corrupted the value of 'sockfd' somewhere in your code.

It would be useful to trace all calls to close(), and the value of 'sockfd' prior to the write() calls.

Your technique of only printing error messages in debug mode seems to me complete madness, and in any case calling another function between a system call and perror() is invalid, as it may disturb the value of errno. Indeed it may have done so in this case, and the real underlying error may be different.

How to get next/previous record in MySQL?

Here is my answer. I pick up an idea from 'Decent Dabbler' and add the part that is checking if id is between min(id) and max(id). Here is the part for creating my table.

UserID int NOT NULL auto_increment,
UserName varchar(45),
UserNameID varchar(45),


Next step is creating a stored procedure that is responsible for getting the previous id.

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `printPreviousIDbySelectedIDUser`(
IN ID int,
IN search_name varchar(45)
SELECT CONCAT(ns.UserID) AS 'Previous ID' from Users ns
 where ns.UserName=search_name AND ns.UserID IN (select min(ns.UserID) from Users ns where ns.UserID > ID 
 union select max(ns.UserID) from Users ns where  ns.UserID < ID) LIMIT 1 ;

The first method is good if the indexes are sorted, but if they are not. For example, if you have indexes: 1,2,7 and you need to get index number 2 in this way much better to use another approach.

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `getPreviousUserID`(
IN ID int,
IN search_name varchar(45)
SELECT CONCAT(ns.UserID) AS 'Previous ID' from Users ns
  WHERE ns.UserName=search_name AND  ns.UserID < ID   ORDER BY ns.UserID DESC LIMIT 1;

Android Studio: “Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'” if project is created on drive C:

add this in module's build.gradle.

    aaptOptions.cruncherEnabled = false
    aaptOptions.useNewCruncher = false

Formatting a Date String in React Native

function getParsedDate(date){
  date = String(date).split(' ');
  var days = String(date[0]).split('-');
  var hours = String(date[1]).split(':');
  return [parseInt(days[0]), parseInt(days[1])-1, parseInt(days[2]), parseInt(hours[0]), parseInt(hours[1]), parseInt(hours[2])];
var date = new Date(...getParsedDate('2016-01-04 10:34:23'));

Because of the variances in parsing of date strings, it is recommended to always manually parse strings as results are inconsistent, especially across different ECMAScript implementations where strings like "2015-10-12 12:00:00" may be parsed to as NaN, UTC or local timezone.

... as described in the resource:

Configure cron job to run every 15 minutes on Jenkins

Your syntax is slightly wrong. Say:

*/15 * * * * command
  |--> `*/15` would imply every 15 minutes.

* indicates that the cron expression matches for all values of the field.

/ describes increments of ranges.

How to switch Python versions in Terminal?

If you have python various versions of python installed,you can launch any of them using pythonx.x.x where x.x.x represents your versions.

How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

Method 1 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = (/true/i).test(stringValue) //returns true

Method 2 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = (stringValue =="true");   //returns true

Method 3 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = JSON.parse(stringValue);   //returns true

Method 4 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = stringValue.toLowerCase() == 'true'; //returns true

Method 5 :

var stringValue = "true";
var boolValue = getBoolean(stringValue); //returns true
function getBoolean(value){
        case true:
        case "true":
        case 1:
        case "1":
        case "on":
        case "yes":
            return true;
            return false;


HTML 5 Favicon - Support?

The answers provided (at the time of this post) are link only answers so I thought I would summarize the links into an answer and what I will be using.

When working to create Cross Browser Favicons (including touch icons) there are several things to consider.

The first (of course) is Internet Explorer. IE does not support PNG favicons until version 11. So our first line is a conditional comment for favicons in IE 9 and below:

<!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico"><![endif]-->

To cover the uses of the icon create it at 32x32 pixels. Notice the rel="shortcut icon" for IE to recognize the icon it needs the word shortcut which is not standard. Also we wrap the .ico favicon in a IE conditional comment because Chrome and Safari will use the .ico file if it is present, despite other options available, not what we would like.

The above covers IE up to IE 9. IE 11 accepts PNG favicons, however, IE 10 does not. Also IE 10 does not read conditional comments thus IE 10 won't show a favicon. With IE 11 and Edge available I don't see IE 10 in widespread use, so I ignore this browser.

For the rest of the browsers we are going to use the standard way to cite a favicon:

<link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.png">

This icon should be 196x196 pixels in size to cover all devices that may use this icon.

To cover touch icons on mobile devices we are going to use Apple's proprietary way to cite a touch icon:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">

Using rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" will not apply the reflective shine when bookmarked on iOS. To have iOS apply the shine use rel="apple-touch-icon". This icon should be sized to 180x180 pixels as that is the current size recommend by Apple for the latest iPhones and iPads. I have read Blackberry will also use rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed".

As a note: Chrome for Android states:

The apple-touch-* are deprecated, and will be supported only for a short time. (Written as of beta for m31 of Chrome).

Custom Tiles for IE 11+ on Windows 8.1+

IE 11+ on Windows 8.1+ does offer a way to create pinned tiles for your site.

Microsoft recommends creating a few tiles at the following size:

Small: 128 x 128

Medium: 270 x 270

Wide: 558 x 270

Large: 558 x 558

These should be transparent images as we will define a color background next.

Once these images are created you should create an xml file called browserconfig.xml with the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <square70x70logo src="images/smalltile.png"/>
      <square150x150logo src="images/mediumtile.png"/>
      <wide310x150logo src="images/widetile.png"/>
      <square310x310logo src="images/largetile.png"/>

Save this xml file in the root of your site. When a site is pinned IE will look for this file. If you want to name the xml file something different or have it in a different location add this meta tag to the head:

<meta name="msapplication-config" content="path-to-browserconfig/custom-name.xml" />

For additional information on IE 11+ custom tiles and using the XML file visit Microsoft's website.

Putting it all together:

To put it all together the above code would look like this:

<!-- For IE 9 and below. ICO should be 32x32 pixels in size -->
<!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico"><![endif]-->

<!-- Touch Icons - iOS and Android 2.1+ 180x180 pixels in size. --> 
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">

<!-- Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE 11+ and Opera. 196x196 pixels in size. -->
<link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.png">

Windows Phone Live Tiles

If a user is using a Windows Phone they can pin a website to the start screen of their phone. Unfortunately, when they do this it displays a screenshot of your phone, not a favicon (not even the MS specific code referenced above). To make a "Live Tile" for Windows Phone Users for your website one must use the following code:

Here are detailed instructions from Microsoft but here is a synopsis:

Step 1

Create a square image for your website, to support hi-res screens create it at 768x768 pixels in size.

Step 2

Add a hidden overlay of this image. Here is example code from Microsoft:

<div id="TileOverlay" onclick="ToggleTileOverlay()" style='background-color: Highlight; height: 100%; width: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: fixed; color: black; visibility: hidden'>
  <img src="customtile.png" width="320" height="320" />
  <div style='margin-top: 40px'>
     Add text/graphic asking user to pin to start using the menu...

Step 3

You then can add thew following line to add a pin to start link:

<a href="javascript:ToggleTileOverlay()">Pin this site to your start screen</a>

Microsoft recommends that you detect windows phone and only show that link to those users since it won't work for other users.

Step 4

Next you add some JS to toggle the overlay visibility

function ToggleTileOverlay() {
 var newVisibility =     (document.getElementById('TileOverlay').style.visibility == 'visible') ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
 document.getElementById('TileOverlay').style.visibility =    newVisibility;

Note on Sizes

I am using one size as every browser will scale down the image as necessary. I could add more HTML to specify multiple sizes if desired for those with a lower bandwidth but I am already compressing the PNG files heavily using TinyPNG and I find this unnecessary for my purposes. Also, according to philippe_b's answer Chrome and Firefox have bugs that cause the browser to load all sizes of icons. Using one large icon may be better than multiple smaller ones because of this.

Further Reading

For those who would like more details see the links below:

What is Java Servlet?

You just got the answer for a normally servlet. However, I want to share you about something about Servlet 3.0

What is first a Servlet?

A servlet is a Web component that is managed by a container and generates dynamic content. Servlets are Java classes that are compiled to byte code that can be loaded dynamically into and run by a Java technology-enabled Web server or Servlet container.

Servlet 3.0 is an update to the existing Servlet 2.5 specification. Servlet 3.0 required API of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6. Servlet 3.0 is focussed on extensibility and web framework pluggability. Servlet 3.0 bring you up some extensions such as Ease of Development (EoD), Pluggability, Async Support and Security Enhancements

Ease of Development

You can declare Servlets, Filter, Listeners, Init Params, and almost everything can be configured by using annotations


You can create a sub-project or a module with a web-fragment.xml. It means that it allows to implement pluggable functional requirements independently.

Async Support

Servlet 3.0 provides the ability of asynchronous processing, for example: Waiting for a resource to become available, Generating response asynchronously.

Security Enhancements

Support for the authenticate, login and logout servlet security methods

I found it from Java Servlet Tutorial

Add a tooltip to a div

A CSS3-only solution could be:


div[id^="tooltip"]:after {content: attr(data-title); background: #e5e5e5; position: absolute; top: -10px; left:  0; right: 0; z-index: 1000;}


<div style="background: yellow;">
    <div id="tooltip-1" data-title="Tooltip Text" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; background: pink;">
        <input type="text" />

You could then create a tooltip-2 div the same way... you can of course also use the title attribute instead of data attribute.

why numpy.ndarray is object is not callable in my simple for python loop

Sometimes, when a function name and a variable name to which the return of the function is stored are same, the error is shown. Just happened to me.

Read an Excel file directly from a R script

library(RODBC) <- "file.xls" <- "Sheet Name"

## Connect to Excel File Pull and Format Data
excel.connect <- odbcConnectExcel(
dat <- sqlFetch(excel.connect,, na.strings=c("","-"))

Personally, I like RODBC and can recommend it.

How do I run PHP code when a user clicks on a link?

Well you said without redirecting. Well its a javascript code:

<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" onclick="function()">Whatever!</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
function confirm_delete() {
    var delete_confirmed=confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this file?");

    if (delete_confirmed==true) {
       // the php code :) can't expose mine ^_^
    } else { 
       // this one returns the user if he/she clicks no :)
       document.location.href = 'whatever.php';

give it a try :) hope you like it

"Data too long for column" - why?

If your source data is larger than your target field and you just want to cut off any extra characters, but you don't want to turn off strict mode or change the target field's size, then just cut the data down to the size you need with LEFT(field_name,size).

(..., LEFT('There is some text here',30),...), (..., LEFT('There is some more text over here',30),...);

I used "30" as an example of your target field's size.

In some of my code, it's easy to get the target field's size and do this. But if your code makes that hard, then go with one of the other answers.

jQuery: go to URL with target="_blank"

If you want to create the popup window through jQuery then you'll need to use a plugin. This one seems like it will do what you want:

Alternately, you can always use JavaScript's function.

Note that with either approach, the new window must be opened in response to user input/action (so for instance, a click on a link or button). Otherwise the browser's popup blocker will just block the popup.

convert month from name to number

With PHP 5.4, you can turn Matthew's answer into a one-liner:

$date = sprintf('%d-%d-01', $year, date_parse('may')['month']);

Update Top 1 record in table sql server

WITH UpdateList_view AS (
  SELECT TOP 1  * from TX_Master_PCBA 
  WHERE SERIAL_NO IN ('0500030309') 

update UpdateList_view 
set TIMESTAMP2 = '2013-12-12 15:40:31.593'

Change some value inside the List<T>

You could use a projection with a statement lambda, but the original foreach loop is more readable and is editing the list in place rather than creating a new list.

var result = list.Select(i => 
      if (i.Name == "height") i.Value = 30;
      return i; 

Extension Method

public static IEnumerable<MyClass> SetHeights(
    this IEnumerable<MyClass> source, int value)
    foreach (var item in source)
       if (item.Name == "height")
           item.Value = value;

       yield return item;

var result = list.SetHeights(30).ToList();

Java string split with "." (dot)

This is because . is a reserved character in regular expression, representing any character. Instead, we should use the following statement:

String extensionRemoved = filename.split("\\.")[0];

How do I get the collection of Model State Errors in ASP.NET MVC?

Got this from BrockAllen's answer that worked for me, it displays the keys that have errors:

    var errors =
    from item in ModelState
    where item.Value.Errors.Count > 0
    select item.Key;
    var keys = errors.ToArray();


What's the difference between JavaScript and JScript?

According to this article:

  • JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape Communications designed for developing client and server Internet applications. Netscape Navigator is designed to interpret JavaScript embedded into Web pages. JavaScript is independent of Sun Microsystem's Java language.

  • Microsoft JScript is an open implementation of Netscape's JavaScript. JScript is a high-performance scripting language designed to create active online content for the World Wide Web. JScript allows developers to link and automate a wide variety of objects in Web pages, including ActiveX controls and Java programs. Microsoft Internet Explorer is designed to interpret JScript embedded into Web pages.

Show Image View from file path?

String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+ "/Images/test.jpg";

File imgFile = new File(path);
   Bitmap myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imgFile.getAbsolutePath());
   ImageView imageView=(ImageView)findViewById(;

getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() are deprecated on insecure origins

It's only for test, you can do it in google chrome: navigate to: chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure then you'll see: enter image description here Type address you want to allow, then enable and relaunch your browser.

Multiple returns from a function

The answer that's given the green tick above is actually incorrect. You can return multiple values in PHP, if you return an array. See the following code for an example:


function small_numbers()
    return array (0, 1, 2);

list ($zero, $one, $two) = small_numbers();

This code is actually copied from the following page on PHP's website: I've also used the same sort of code many times myself, so can confirm that it's good and that it works.

Multi column forms with fieldsets

There are a couple of things that need to be adjusted in your layout:

  1. You are nesting col elements within form-group elements. This should be the other way around (the form-group should be within the col-sm-xx element).

  2. You should always use a row div for each new "row" in your design. In your case, you would need at least 5 rows (Username, Password and co, Title/First/Last name, email, Language). Otherwise, your problematic .col-sm-12 is still on the same row with the above 3 .col-sm-4 resulting in a total of columns greater than 12, and causing the overlap problem.

Here is a fixed demo.

And an excerpt of what the problematic section HTML should become:

    <legend>Personal Information</legend>
    <div class='row'>
        <div class='col-sm-4'>    
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for="user_title">Title</label>
                <input class="form-control" id="user_title" name="user[title]" size="30" type="text" />
        <div class='col-sm-4'>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for="user_firstname">First name</label>
                <input class="form-control" id="user_firstname" name="user[firstname]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />
        <div class='col-sm-4'>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for="user_lastname">Last name</label>
                <input class="form-control" id="user_lastname" name="user[lastname]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />
    <div class='row'>
        <div class='col-sm-12'>
            <div class='form-group'>

                <label for="user_email">Email</label>
                <input class="form-control required email" id="user_email" name="user[email]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />

How can I check the current status of the GPS receiver?

Well, putting together every working approach will result in this (also dealing with deprecated GpsStatus.Listener):

private GnssStatus.Callback mGnssStatusCallback;
@Deprecated private GpsStatus.Listener mStatusListener;
private LocationManager mLocationManager;

public void onCreate() {
    mLocationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);

    mLocationManager = (LocationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    if (checkPermission()) {
       mLocationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, GPS_UPDATE_INTERVAL, MIN_DISTANCE, this);

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        mGnssStatusCallback = new GnssStatus.Callback() {
            public void onSatelliteStatusChanged(GnssStatus status) {

            public void onFirstFix(int ttffMillis) {

    } else {
        mStatusListener = new GpsStatus.Listener() {
            public void onGpsStatusChanged(int event) {
                switch (event) {
                    case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS:
                    case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX:
                        // Do something.

private void gpsFixAcquired() {
    // Do something.
    isGPSFix = true;

private void satelliteStatusChanged() {
    if (mLastLocation != null)
        isGPSFix = (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastLocationMillis) < (GPS_UPDATE_INTERVAL * 2);

    if (isGPSFix) { // A fix has been acquired.
        // Do something.
    } else { // The fix has been lost.
        // Do something.

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    if (location == null) return;

    mLastLocationMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

    mLastLocation = location;

public void onStatusChanged(String s, int i, Bundle bundle) {


public void onProviderEnabled(String s) {


public void onProviderDisabled(String s) {


Note: this answer is a combination of the answers above.

Equivalent of varchar(max) in MySQL?

Mysql Converting column from VARCHAR to TEXT when under limit size!!!

mysql> CREATE TABLE varchars1(ch3 varchar(6),ch1 varchar(3),ch varchar(4000000))
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

| Level | Code | Message                                     |
| Note  | 1246 | Converting column 'ch' from VARCHAR to TEXT |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


How do I remove  from the beginning of a file?

  1. Copy the text of your filename.css file.
  2. Close your css file.
  3. Rename it filename2.css to avoid a filename clash.
  4. In MS Notepad or Wordpad, create a new file.
  5. Paste the text into it.
  6. Save it as filename.css, selecting UTF-8 from the encoding options.
  7. Upload filename.css.


select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and tbl_name = 'TableName' and sql like '%ColumnName%'

Logic: sql column in sqlite_master contains table definition, so it certainly contains string with column name.

As you are searching for a sub-string, it has its obvious limitations. So I would suggest to use even more restrictive sub-string in ColumnName, for example something like this (subject to testing as '`' character is not always there):

select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and tbl_name = 'MyTable' and sql like '%`MyColumn` TEXT%'

How to replace a string in an existing file in Perl?

Anything wrong with a one-liner?

$ perl -pi.bak -e 's/blue/red/g' *_classification.dat


  • -p processes, then prints <> line by line
  • -i activates in-place editing. Files are backed up using the .bak extension
  • The regex substitution acts on the implicit variable, which are the contents of the file, line-by-line

What does HTTP/1.1 302 mean exactly?

From Wikipedia:

The HTTP response status code 302 Found is the most common way of performing a redirection. It is an example of industrial practice contradicting the standard.

Using Razor within JavaScript

There is also one more option than @: and <text></text>.

Using <script> block itself.

When you need to do large chunks of JavaScript depending on Razor code, you can do it like this:

@if(Utils.FeatureEnabled("Feature")) {
        // If this feature is enabled

    // Other JavaScript code

Pros of this manner is that it doesn't mix JavaScript and Razor too much, because mixing them a lot will cause readability issues eventually. Also large text blocks are not very readable either.

Javascript - How to show escape characters in a string?

JavaScript uses the \ (backslash) as an escape characters for:

  • \' single quote
  • \" double quote
  • \ backslash
  • \n new line
  • \r carriage return
  • \t tab
  • \b backspace
  • \f form feed
  • \v vertical tab (IE < 9 treats '\v' as 'v' instead of a vertical tab ('\x0B'). If cross-browser compatibility is a concern, use \x0B instead of \v.)
  • \0 null character (U+0000 NULL) (only if the next character is not a decimal digit; else it’s an octal escape sequence)

Note that the \v and \0 escapes are not allowed in JSON strings.

How does Go update third-party packages?

To specify versions, or commits:

go get -u [email protected]

go get -u otherpackage@git-sha


The import org.junit cannot be resolved

Seem to Junit jar file is not in path also make sure you are using jdk1.5 or above.

Does SVG support embedding of bitmap images?

I posted a fiddle here, showing data, remote and local images embedded in SVG, inside an HTML page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>SVG embedded bitmaps in HTML</title>







    <h1>SVG embedded bitmaps in HTML</h1>
    <p>The trick appears to be ensuring the image has the correct width and height atttributes</p>

    <h2>Example 1: Embedded data</h2>
    <svg id="example1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
        <image x="0" y="0" width="5" height="5" xlink:href=""/>

    <h2>Example 2: Remote image</h2>
    <svg id="example2" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
        <image x="0" y="0" width="275" height="95" xlink:href="" />

    <h2>Example 3: Local image</h2>
    <svg id="example3" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
        <image x="0" y="0" width="136" height="23" xlink:href="/img/logo.png" />


Best way to get child nodes

Don't let white space fool you. Just test this in a console browser.

Use native javascript. Here is and example with two 'ul' sets with the same class. You don't need to have your 'ul' list all in one line to avoid white space just use your array count to jump over white space.

How to get around white space with querySelector() then childNodes[] js fiddle link:

var y = document.querySelector('.list');
var myNode = y.childNodes[11].style.backgroundColor='red';

<ul class="list">

<ul class="list">

How to reference a file for variables using Bash?

in Bash, to source some command's output, instead of a file:

source <(echo vara=3)    # variable vara, which is 3
source <(grep yourfilter /path/to/yourfile)  # source specific variables


Get clicked element using jQuery on event?

A simple way is to pass the data attribute to your HTML tag.


<div data-id='tagid' class="clickElem"></div>

$(document).on("click",".appDetails", function () {
   var clickedBtnID = $(this).attr('data');
   alert('you clicked on button #' + clickedBtnID);

Configuring so that pip install can work from github

Clone target repository same way like you cloning any other project:

git clone [email protected]:myuser/foo.git

Then install it in develop mode:

cd foo
pip install -e .

You can change anything you wan't and every code using foo package will use modified code.

There 2 benefits ot this solution:

  1. You can install package in your home projects directory.
  2. Package includes .git dir, so it's regular Git repository. You can push to your fork right away.

GlobalConfiguration.Configure() not present after Web API 2 and .NET 4.5.1 migration

this resolved this issue by adding namespace to Global.asax.cs file.

using System.Web.Http;

this resolved the issue.

Is it better to use NOT or <> when comparing values?

The second example would be the one to go with, not just for readability, but because of the fact that in the first example, If NOT value1 would return a boolean value to be compared against value2. IOW, you need to rewrite that example as

If NOT (value1 = value2)

which just makes the use of the NOT keyword pointless.

Hibernate error: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save():

For hibernate it is important to know that your object WILL have an id, when you want to persist/save it. Thus, make sure that

    private String U_id;

will have a value, by the time you are going to persist your object. You can do that with the @GeneratedValue annotation or by assigning a value manually.

In the case you need or want to assign your id's manually (and that's what the above error is actually about), I would prefer passing the values for the fields to your constructor, at least for U_id, e.g.

  public Role (String U_id) { ... }

This ensures that your object has an id, by the time you have instantiated it. I don't know what your use case is and how your application behaves in concurrency, however, in some cases this is not recommended. You need to ensure that your id is unique.

Further note: Hibernate will still require a default constructor, as stated in the hibernate documentation. In order to prevent you (and maybe other programmers if you're designing an api) of instantiations of Role using the default constructor, just declare it as private.

Disable hover effects on mobile browsers

Hello person from the future, you probably want to use the pointer and/or hover media query. The handheld media query was deprecated.

/* device is using a mouse or similar */
@media (pointer: fine) {
  a:hover {
    background: red;

Sequelize.js delete query?

I have used sequelize.js, node.js and transaction in belowcode and added proper error handling if it doesn't find data it will throw error that no data found with that id

deleteMyModel: async (req, res) => {

    sequelize.sequelize.transaction(async (t1) => {

        if (! {
            return res.status(500).send(error.MANDATORY_FIELDS);

        let feature = await sequelize.MyModel.findOne({
            where: {

        if (feature) {
            let feature = await sequelize.MyModel.destroy({
                where: {

            let result = error.OK;
   = MyModel;
            return res.status(200).send(result);

        } else {
            return res.status(404).send(error.DATA_NOT_FOUND);
    }).catch(function (err) {
        return res.status(500).send(error.SERVER_ERROR);

Why is my CSS bundling not working with a bin deployed MVC4 app?

To add useful information to the conversation, I came across 404 errors for my bundles in the deployment (it was fine in the local dev environment).

For the bundle names, I including version numbers like such:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquerymobile.1.4.3").Include(

On a whim, I removed all the dots and all was working magically again:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquerymobile143").Include(

Hope that helps someone save some time and frustration.

Select multiple columns using Entity Framework

Indeed, the compiler doesn't know how to convert this anonymous type (the new { x.ServerName, x.ProcessID, x.Username } part) to a PInfo object.

var dataset = entities.processlists
    .Where(x => x.environmentID == environmentid && x.ProcessName == processname && x.RemoteIP == remoteip && x.CommandLine == commandlinepart)
    .Select(x => new { x.ServerName, x.ProcessID, x.Username }).ToList();

This gives you a list of objects (of anonymous type) you can use afterwards, but you can't return that or pass that to another method.

If your PInfo object has the right properties, it can be like this :

var dataset = entities.processlists
    .Where(x => x.environmentID == environmentid && x.ProcessName == processname && x.RemoteIP == remoteip && x.CommandLine == commandlinepart)
    .Select(x => new PInfo 
                      ServerName = x.ServerName, 
                      ProcessID = x.ProcessID, 
                      UserName = x.Username 

Assuming that PInfo has at least those three properties.

Both query allow you to fetch only the wanted columns, but using an existing type (like in the second query) allows you to send this data to other parts of your app.

Get an array of list element contents in jQuery

And in clean javascript:

var texts = [], lis = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
for(var i=0, im=lis.length; im>i; i++)


What's the difference between "Write-Host", "Write-Output", or "[console]::WriteLine"?

Apart from what Andy mentioned, there is another difference which could be important - write-host directly writes to the host and return nothing, meaning that you can't redirect the output, e.g., to a file.

---- script a.ps1 ----
write-host "hello"

Now run in PowerShell:

PS> .\a.ps1 > someFile.txt
PS> type someFile.txt

As seen, you can't redirect them into a file. This maybe surprising for someone who are not careful.

But if switched to use write-output instead, you'll get redirection working as expected.

Jquery post, response in new window

Accepted answer doesn't work with "use strict" as the "with" statement throws an error. So instead:

$.post(url, function (data) {
    var w ='about:blank', 'windowname');

Also, make sure 'windowname' doesn't have any spaces in it because that will fail in IE :)